loveleedreamer · 7 days
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This is the first small tword fic I’ve decided to post, and it’s on my ao3 account called aceyspacey- hope you like it
Klaus sat back on the couch after the festivities of Luthor's bachelor party. He took a swig from his flask before shutting his eyes for a cat nap. Just before he could drift off to sleep, Viktor makes a beeline for the couch from behind and launches himself over.
"Ya know man you really should hydrate now, properly" he says handing him a bottled water from the hotel's vending machine. It was ice cold with condensation dripping down it. Viktor held it front of his brother willing for him to take it. Klaus squeaks in surprise though, making the smaller brother raise an eyebrow at him.
"Vee- that water's co-ho-ld, don't hold right above me like tha-hat!"
"What are you talking about dude?" Viktor asks- still holding the bottle above Klaus.
Klaus screeches again, drunkenly batting Viktor's arm away from him. "The water's drippy and it's too-hoo cold"
"Oh I see, so it tickles you huh?" Viktor asks with mischief on his mind, slowly bringing the bottle down to Klaus's torso.
Klaus screeches as loud as a hawk as the freezing bottle is placed on his belly. As always, his shirt is much too small for him so every tickle spot is super exposed. Viktor sits beside him, giggling along with his helpless brother.
"Dude is there anything that doesn't tickle you?" Victor says, swinging his leg over Klaus to sit on his lap.
"Hee-ehehehe ahahaha- Vee don't you dare-arre"
“Where did calling me Vee come from? Are you so drunk you forgot my new name?” Viktor busts out laughing at this realization. He rubs his hands on the freezing water bottle and promptly sticks his fingers into Klaus’s underarms. Klaus lets out another screech, followed by a stream of squeaky giggles. “IT’S VIKTOR BRUH”
“Oh-hohono Viktor, get off me you little dickhead!” Klaus yells, pushing his brother over.
“Hehe aww Klaus, even your insults are affirming” Viktor says dramatically with his hand on his chest, “Gosh I love you.”
Viktor pulls himself into Klaus’s lap again to hug his taller brother tight. Klaus gladly obliges. "I love you too little bro, you know I need some revenge though, right?"
"He-hey what?" Viktor replies before melting into giggles at his taller brother's hand.
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loveleedreamer · 5 months
Tickling as flirtatious. Tickling as silly, goofy time. Tickling as reward. Tickling as lesson learned. Tickling as "you're safe with me". Tickling as comfort. Tickling as connection. Tickling as pleasure. Tickling as language.
Tickling as love.
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loveleedreamer · 1 year
Show: Supergirl Summary: You’re the youngest of the Danvers sisters, and, as of one month ago, Supergirl’s partner; a speedster. You got into an accident, and it ended in a lot of things being said and done, but it all works itself out in the end, right? Warnings: None :)
AN: This is my first fic! I adore the Danvers sisters and feel like they would absolutely be the kind of siblings to do this. I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 1396
You groaned as you rolled onto your side, blinking against the harsh light of the DEO med lab. You tried to sit up, but were immediately met by four hands pushing on your shoulders until you were lying back down, scowling up at the concerned faces of your sisters.
“I’m fine,” you grumbled, shaking their hands off of you. “I just need some rest – away from fluorescent lights. I heal fast – speedster now, remember?” “Oh, we remember, Y/N, we watched you launch yourself off a building and then burst into flames in midair. You’re staying here until you’re fixed.” Alex sounded angry, and you didn’t really blame her. You knew what you’d done was stupid, but right now you were tired, and in pain, and not in the mood to fight with your eldest sister.
So what you probably shouldn’t have done was give her the finger.
“Are you serious, Y/N?” Real mature,” Alex scoffed. You could see Kara’s face scrunch up, internally cursing you as she stepped between you and Alex. “Alright, calm down. Y/N, Alex is just trying to help. We were really scared that you weren’t going to make it.” Kara spoke softly, and as your eyes adjusted to the light, you could see the tension and fear in her expression. You paused, then, reluctantly, said, “I’m sorry. But can we please get this over and done with?”
You hated the med lab.
Alex nodded curtly, not saying anything as she stepped away from Kara and around to your other side. She busied herself with needles and vials as Kara took your hand, squeezing it gently. No one said anything as Alex ran her tests, double checked your vitals, and then finally cleared you.
You couldn’t get out of there fast enough, using the remaining powers you had to get back to Kara’s apartment as fast as possible. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but at about 6pm you were woken by Kara knocking on your door. “Time to get up, Y/N.” You groaned, throwing a pillow at your sister – missing her by a mile – and rolling over. “I’m tired.” You heard Kara chuckle, then felt the mattress shift as she sat down on the end of the bed. “I know. Being a superhero has that effect.” “I don’t like it. I wanna go back.” “1 month in and you already wanna go back? Oh, dear.” You rolled your eyes, finally sitting up and looking your sister in the eyes. “I didn’t mean it. It’s fun. Don’t bench me.” Kara mirrored your eye roll, taking your hands and pulling you to your feet. “How about you don’t get killed?”
You walked into the living room with her, yawning, but you slowed when you saw Alex sitting on the couch, unsure of where they stood. Upon seeing you, Alex sighed, patting the cushions next to her. You sat down tentatively, Kara on your other side. “Alex, I’m –” Before you could get anymore out, your eldest sister pulled you into a tight hug, one arms around your waist and the other pulling your head to her shoulder. You tensed for a moment, then relaxed, closing your eyes as you leaned into Alex, relieved that your fight was in the past. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, you hear me?” Alex said, her voice muffled. You just nodded. You broke apart, leaning back into the cushions.
After a moment’s silence, you heard Alex speak. “Were you about to apologise to me before, Y/N?” You held back a grin, and shook your head firmly. “Nope.” “I could’ve sworn you said, ‘Alex, I’m’ before I hugged you.” Alex was smirking slightly. “I was gonna say hungry. Alex, I’m hungry.” The oldest sister grinned, turning and making eye contact with Kara over your head. “Nah, I don’t believe you.” Before you could say anything else, both sisters had your arms pinned out against the couch, one hand across your wrists and the other posed over each side. You immediately yelled out, struggling against them. “No! Don’t even think about it!”
“We haven’t been able to do this in a while, Alex,” Kara mused, running her index finger up your side, grinning as you flinched and obviously tried to hold back a smile. “I know, right? The little speedster keeps slipping away,” Alex replied, lightly spidering her fingers over your hip. You spluttered, trying to cover it up with a cough as you pushed against your sisters’ grip – but right now, you’re far weaker than they are, and had no chance. “I guess we gotta make the most of it,” Kara said, an evil look in her eye as she slowly crept her fingers up your side. You squeaked, knowing it was pointless to try and hide your smile anymore. “Just – just get it over with,” you mumbled, and your sisters grinned, wasting no time.
Even though you knew it was coming, you still felt caught off-guard when you felt Alex kneading your hips and Kara squeezing your sides. You fell into laughter much quicker than you would’ve liked, much to your sisters’ amusement. “Jesus, I think she’s even more ticklish since she became a speedster,” Alex chuckled, letting go off your wrist so she can properly tickle you. You tried to bat her away, but your attempts were weakening as Alex sat on your legs, forcing you to lie back into Kara’s lap as the eldest began to dance her fingers across your stomach, smirking as you yelped. Kara had easy access to your sides from behind, and she trailed her fingers along them at a quickening pace. You dissolved into giggles, squirming under their touches.
“You – you guys suck!” you managed to get out, squealing as Alex found your ribs. “A mouth like that, and you’re bound to get into some trouble, Y/N. What would you do if a bad guy found out about this little weakness?” Alex teased. “Quite the situation,” Kara added, as she began to flutter her fingers around your ears and neck, making you squirm madly, a small cry escaping your lips as Alex began to pinch your sides again. “Stohohop! I’m gonna die!” you yelped, twisting sharply to the side in an attempt to get away from the exploring fingers of your sisters. However, Kara just took full advantage, easily spinning you so you were on your stomach. “Say you’re sorry,” Alex said, crawling her fingers from your hips up to your sides, the element of surprise sending ticklish shocks through your body and making it ten times worse. “Never!” “I’m sorry, Alex. I’ll never do it again, Alex.” “Shuhuhut up!”
The speed of her fingers increased, and you were reduced to a squealing mess in a matter of moments. Kara slipped off the couch and kneeled down by your waist, unable to stop herself from giggling as she watched Alex work her hands under your stomach, her trapped hands tickling ruthlessly as she smirked. “Alex, the hips were very good for you before, right?” “Very good.” “No – Kara!”
Your laughter jumped a pitch when Kara began to drill into your hips, entirely helpless as your sisters tickled you half to death. Alex was now using one hand to tickle your stomach while the other trailed across your neck and arms, sending you into a fit of giggles. “Say it, Y/N,” Alex cooed. “I – I cahahan’t!” Your sisters slowed their assault, flipping you back onto your back. Alex lightly traced your collarbones while Kara fluttered her fingers up and down your sides.
“I’m – I’m sorry, Alex.” They finally stopped, leaving you to curl up into a giggling ball in the middle of the couch. Kara pulled herself back up to her old position beside you as you sat up, trying (and failing) to look grumpy. “Why so sad? Need us to cheer you up?” Kara teased, wiggling her fingers. You shook your head madly, pushing yourself closer to Alex. The eldest wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and soon Kara joined two, the three sisters pulled together in a messy hug.
“I love you,” you said quietly. “We love you too, Y/N,” Kara said, messing with your hair as Alex pressed a kiss to your temple. The three ended up falling asleep, entangled, mere minutes later, faint smiles gracing all their lips.
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loveleedreamer · 1 year
Slow Down
Summary: Barry’s powers have given him a habit of speeding through things without a second thought. The situation with Cicada forces him to slow down, and he hates it. Nora and Iris show him that there’s nothing wrong with taking things slow.
Anon: Could you do a tickle fic for the Flash where Barry is upset about something, so Nora and Iris straddle him and use raspberries to tickle him?
Spoilers for The Flash Season 4!!!!!!!
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loveleedreamer · 2 years
Lots of fandom fics🥰
Me at midnight
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