#like mature pls
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erenfox · 2 days ago
was on yt, saw a cool short by a lesser known youtuber dedicated to alexandra daddario as annabeth, liked it cuz the edit was kinda fire.
open the comments to see just 5 comments, all of them deadass hating on her by saying "bLoNdE mY aSs" and "eWw tHeReS oNly pjo bOoKs nD sHoW" and im like... why.
why are you here on yt hating on some unknown editor just trying to appreciate an actress and her portrayal of a FICTIONAL character. i get it, everyone's going crazy over the show, but like cmon man these movies are over a decade old, why do we still have to hate on them 😭
not saying they were accurate but what's the point of being so petty you gotta take time out of your day to hate on the acting of an actress of a decade old movie who's portraying a fictional character??? if you don't like it then just move on, it's not that hard 💀🙏
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eg1rlb4thw4t3r · 8 months ago
when they make the sunshine character act like a literal child or a full on dumbass:
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joongdunking · 2 months ago
Joong getting babied is one of my favourite thing 🥹💛
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I just know Joong had the best time that day! He just had to turn up on set looking cute and handsome while getting babied by his favourite P'Dunk! 🥹💛💛🤏
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mo-ok · 1 year ago
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Theres something special about polearms that I cant quite put my finger on
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enden-k · 1 year ago
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tragedy that occurred just now, in 3 acts
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choccy-milky · 7 months ago
Their kids are so cute omg i'm gonna dir of adorableness
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lewis: then die LMFAOO NO BUT FRR THANK UU IM GLAD U THINK SO🥹🥹💖💖💖all the love for them (esp lewis) gave me the idea to draw him deflecting all the attention so ty for giving me the excuse to post it....we luv our aloof distant boi🥰
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its funny bc i was JUST talking about this recently, but i dont like pet names at all BAHAH, hence why seb and clora dont call each other anything, not even nicknames.... seb calls her the light/princess/a bird sometimes as playful and teasing jokes, but doesnt actually address her like that. and clora always calls sebastian by his full name as well, bc i was basing her dialogue/my writing off the game dialogue...bc for as close as anne and ominis are to seb, both of THEM call him sebastian in full, so maybe it was a victorian thing that nicknames werent really common? plus clora's so proper that it just feels like its in her personality to always call seb "sebastian"... i feel like if she ever DID call him "seb" he'd do a double take and be like ...HUH? who are you???......are you polyjuiced? LMAO. i do imagine seb calling clora "love" when they get older tho (not in hogwarts) bc i like how simple it is, and imagining him saying stuff like 'careful, love' makes me🫠🫠🫠🫠
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aw TYY💖💖 honestly i didnt give the victorian setting TOO much thought, other than making clora more modest/not used to wearing trousers etc. like the actual victorian courting process was that youd ALWAYS be chaperoned by at least 1 other person and you wouldnt be able to kiss or anything, so the fact that our mcs are in a co-ed school with free reign already ruins that, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. a lot of it you can just wave off with the excuse that wizard society is more advanced than muggle society, which is true anyway LOL. i just kept the parts that i thought were fun/made it feel victorian ENOUGH but got rid of the stuff that was too annoying (one big example being the amount of clothing they wear....i said it in the notes for one of my chapters, but i wasnt about to make seb go through like 5 different layers just to touch cloras titty LMFAO) and no i didnt have 1 specific website i used, id just google "blank in victorian times" and look through all the articles and resources i could on that subject, and take little bits of it. SO YEA i wouldnt worry about it too much, just take what you want if you think it could enrich your story, and leave stuff out if its annoying to deal with BHAHA. and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!💖💖
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BAHAHA yeah sebs bark was defs bigger than his bite when it came to actually having kids/getting clora pregnant LOL. he defs loves the pregnancy part, but i feel like seeing her go through the actual labour was super hard on him/made him feel guilty bc he hates to see her in pain, let alone bc of HIM. not to mention that i imagine he would still work even once they have kids, so to leave clora with like 6 kids by herself isnt something he would have wanted to do LOL. once both lewis and celeste are in hogwarts tho i actually imagine seb and clora still doing curse breaking as well (albeit less dangerous jobs/not as far away) BUT YES having a third kid that looks like seb and is sassy like anne would be SO CUTEEE...a happy accident is a good idea too, tho i kinda like the idea of it being cloras idea.....like, she gets baby fever again now that the kids are kinda growing up and sebs like no i dont wanna put u through that again... but obvs seb wouldnt be able to resist if clora was begging seb to put a baby in her LMFAOOO its already as good as done at that point😇😇 AND THANK YOU, and im glad you liked it!!!🥹💖💖💖
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@the-kcm-muggleborn AWWW ur right thats so pretty.....ty for showing me!!🥹and im glad it make you think of clora...SHE WOULD APPROVE OF THESE STUDIES👌⭐🌙
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0rczy · 2 months ago
HEy Vat7k fandom, you guys have any Nuru or Yong centric fics? I love Yong to bits, he's always been my fav from the entire story but it's either he's handled as a side character or baby-ified. I've seen other media writing 12 year olds way better than how he's often interpreted (from what I've seen/read so far anyways).
Nuru, I haven't even seen any fics where she isn't just. Kinda there. So please if you have any, feel free to share it! I would love to read about these characters specifically
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antianakin · 11 months ago
Me: TBB often represents the clones as unlikable assholes in comparison to the Bad Batch characters.
TBB fans: No they don't! Do you think HOWZER is an unlikable asshole? Hah, check and mate!
Me: Howzer's whole introduction is him being a minor antagonist who sides with the Empire against the Twi'leks right up until the very end. His latest appearance places him in opposition to Crosshair and represents him as being unreasonable in his anger while Crosshair is the victim even though Crosshair is the one who murdered people Howzer cared about and never apologizes for it or even appears remotely remorseful about the pain he caused to Howzer. So while I do not PERSONALLY find Howzer an unlikeable asshole, I don't think the show really works that hard to write him that positively and it DOES place him in opposition to the Bad Batch where they are explicitly represented as better than he is.
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foxships · 4 months ago
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Waking up in Falin's arms..... 🥰
I'm actually pretty happy with how this turned out!!
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isame-allen · 2 months ago
Happy new year y’alls :D
It’s the year of the snake so enjoy snake ink!
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krash-8 · 8 months ago
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romanticatheartt · 10 months ago
Listen... I'm a grown person and I'm not petty... I'm not!!!
But sometimes... JSJDNDNFNF
If sjm announces acotar 5 in May, it means its going to be in E/riel month... and we all know who I think it's going to be the next book...
It's going to be fkn hilarious tbh like- 😭💀
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akkivee · 1 month ago
I know people have complicated feelings about the anime but I'd love if they did a 3rd season to go back in time and explore more of the naughty busters/mad comic dialogue time. I think it could be a lot of fun.
the moment rhyme anima fixes its characterisation issues is the moment something like that would be real cinema like i really enjoyed the nb/mcd flashbacks we got in s2!!!!! but a whole anime where samatoki is written like that again would kill me tbh, esp since i’d want to try and incorporate nb/mcd/kp scenes we’d never seen before into main canon lmao 😭😭😭
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ganeshpnf · 6 months ago
Why do some people refuse admit that book Annabeth and show Annabeth co-exist. Like whats the hate? While I am firmly againts the idea of bad mouthing a child and would not tolerate it a bit , I am also againts the idea of bad mouthing book Annabeth. Like some people refuse to admit she still exists and even the attack the artists that draw her. Its extremely childish and unfair to the artists, throwing away their hard work over a character. And yes, I find bad mouthing a white character racist just like I would a black character, racism goes both ways.
Please be aware of show's canon does not effect the books just like book's can't the show. They are a separate thing and show is an adaptation to the books and alternative.
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laraluu2 · 7 months ago
pls....don't be a sylad1n book...
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deus-ex-mona · 9 months ago
YUKO SONG!!!!!!!
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