#like i legitimately get surprised when i remember that oh yeah
vacantgodling · 1 year
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yeah so a mc for that idea i didn’t explain at all (the one with the cult or whatever)
idk i’m still shocked that i managed to eyeball this on paper
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shebreathedherlast · 7 months
Daughter of the Sea
Part III
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Luke Castellan x f!reader
Summary: You wake up in the infirmary with a horrifying surprise.
Work Count: 1.6k
TW: Brief memory loss, weapons, mean Luke, broken bones
. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
When your eyes fluttered open, you were unable to see. Everything around you seemed to be screaming. You pushed your weight onto your elbows as you desperately gaged your surroundings. With your vision blurred you sought for any semblance of familiarity.
Your head was pounding and your arm ached terribly. What in the gods happened? You sifted through your memories, raising your hand to cradle your head when the pain became nearly unbearable.
Footsteps scuffled towards you and your heart rate accelerated. “She’s awake!” A voice called.
You turned your head to the origin of the voice, but with your blurred vision, everything only fused together.
You made out a tuft of blonde curls and you instantly knew you would be safe. The figure made its way to you, placing a delicate blanket across your shoulders. They carried what you assumed was a tray of food.
They called your name and your head tilted up to meet their words. “Will?”
“gods, how are you feeling? Is there anywhere else that hurts?” He asked
You shook your head in confusion, “Will, what are you talking about?”
The Apollo kid furrowed his brows. An expression you couldn’t quite place fell over his features. “You’ve been in the infirmary for an entire night.” He told you.
“What?” You question, as you burrow your fists in the linen sheets to ground you.
“Do you not remember what happened yesterday?”
Your vision cleared as the events from yesterday seemed to piece themselves together.
A single infuriated word flitted from your lips, “Castellan” you growled.
Will gave you a quizzical look, “Oh so you do remember.”
Anger radiated off you. Yesterday Luke Castellan had practically robbed you of your much-deserved glory. He had humiliated and belittled you and in order to spare some semblance of dignity you were forced to break your arm. Yes, you remembered everything.
“Where is that thieving son of Hermes?” You demanded.
Will shook his head in disapproval. He turned back to the tray and returned with a bowl of steaming hot chicken noodle soup. “Is that what happened? Another one of your qualms with Luke? Seriously?”
You shruggled in response, too preoccupied to give Will an answer. You were busy thinking up all the ways you could make Luke suffer.
“You two really need to get over your whole sworn enemies thing and act like grown-ups. It gives me secondhand embarrassment watching you two fight like entitled toddlers.”
You gawked at him, “Will, I’m only seventeen, I’m not a grown-up.”
And at your comment, both of you laughed. Will was one of those guys that everyone was able to get along with. He had this easy going persona complimented by his humor that had him making friends wherever he went.
“You’re legitimately the biggest idiot I know.” He said.
And who were you to deny the truth?
“I wouldn’t exactly disagree,” You replied, an amused smile painted against your lips.
Will didn’t further the conversation, opting instead to spoon-feed you the warm broth. He gave you another drink of ambrosia before deeming that you would live.
“Thank you, Will…I really appreciate all you’re doing for me.”
Will waved his hand, dismissing your gratitude. “You won’t be saying that when I send you the bill.”
You chuckled shaking your head as you made your way out of the infirmary bed, dressing behind a curtain. Will was walking away and you had just finished pulling on your shorts as loud footsteps rang down the hall.
“You still there?” Will’s voice came from behind the curtain barrier. You pulled the fabric to the side as you stepped into the hall. “Uh…yeah”
He audibly sighed. “Good, because apparently, you're going on a quest in three hours.”
“WHAT?” You gasped.
Will cringed at your response, “Yeah, sorry that you had to find out this way but Clarisse got word of a quest from Ares and she chose the two best half-blood warriors to go with her. I’m sure you can guess what I mean by that.”
A million thoughts came crashing down on you. First, you were going to set out on your very first quest. Second, Clarisse saw you as a powerful ally and that could be useful in the future and third, the only other person besides you and Clarisse who would be addressed as “one of the best half-blood warriors” was none other than…Luke Castellan.
You huffed in anger, your fists balling at your sides. It was just your luck, Castellan, the one who had got you into this whole infirmary situation was going to ruin your first-ever quest.
Tyche must have really hated you.
. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
Less than an hour and a half later you were packed and ready to go. Though you were forced to endure the torturous presence of Castellan, you were determined to not allow him to get to you. This time the stakes were too high and the mission too important.
Well, that was your resolution until you saw his face.
You practically saw red as you lunged forward ready to strangle the Hermes boy. Clarisse had to step in and physically restrain you from tearing Luke limb from limb.
“I’m gonna kill you, Castellan!” You shout, “You’re dead! Do you hear me? You're dead!”
Clarisse set you down fifteen feet from Luke (what she deemed a safe distance to talk some sense into you without you going on a blood-lust rampage for the Hermes boy).
“In the name of Olympus, what in the world is wrong with you?”
You scoffed, “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me? I think you should be asking that question to that thieving piece of-” It was at that moment that you heard Chiron clear his throat, and you shrank back, swallowing your insult.
Luke approached you with an amused grin, hands raised in the air. He was mocking you. Of course he was, you wouldn’t expect anything less from him.
“As soon as I get my hands on you, I’m gonna claw your eyes out, Castellan.” You seeth.
He tsked, tilting his head slightly, “And a good morning to you too, Chaos.”
Your jaw clenched as every fibre in your body told you to beat the boy before you into a pulp.
“Clarisse,” you whine, “please let me separate his stupid face from this hideous body.”
Clarisse shakes her head to tell you “no.”
You sigh, defeated.
Luke curls an arm around your shoulder, “Oh come on, Chaos, don’t you want another chance to win back your glory?”
You hated the boy before you. You hated him and you don’t think you’d mind it one bit if he so happened to fall off a cliff to his impending death. In fact, you think that you might even enjoy the show.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at the both of you, “Enough! You two need to stop this insufferable fighting and start focusing on the quest, because if you two don’t suck it up and start at least tolerating each other, I have absolutely no problem choosing two other skilled half-bloods to replace you.”
At this you and Luke instantly shut your mouths and glanced at each other.
Then it hit you, he wanted this as much as you did.
“Good.” Clarisse said, “Now I want both of you to hug it out and shake hands, promising that you’ll be on your best behaviour for my quest.”
You furrowed your brows, mouth agape. “Hug it out? Clarisse are you serious?”
“Absolutely.” She replied, pointedly.
Luke cocked his head, “You’ve got to be joking. It’s not like we’re five.”
The Ares kid raised her eyebrows in a taunting expression, “Are you sure about that?”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“K, let’s go now, stop tryna be the mediator Clarisse. Chaos and I are not “hugging it out” like pre-schoolers.” He spoke, a hint of annoyance coating his tone.
“Um sorry to break it to you buddy, but if you two wanna come on this quest with me then you better start doing as I say.”
Clarisse was defiantly being manipulative. She was the one who picked the two of you and now she was placing all these conditions on your shoulders.
After a minute of silence, Luke consented, rolling his eyes again. “Come here my sweet little, Chaos.” He said in an exaggerated voice like he was talking to a baby.
You glared at Clarisse, before trudging over to Luke, who wrapped his arms securely behind your neck, burying you into his chest. When you didn’t reciprocate he brought his lips to hover over your ear, “Chaos, you gotta at least pretend to like me, or else big scary Clarisse here is gonna send you back, and I know you don’t want that, do you?” His whispers sent shivers down your shoulders and eventually, (after a harsh glare from Clarisse) you conseeded and wrapped your arms around Luke’s waist.
His head practically nuzzled your hair and you could’ve sworn you heard him sigh in contentment.
To emphasize how much you two would get along Luke slowly began rocking side to side while continuing to keep his hold on you.
Clarisse smiled in approval.
You stood on your tippy toes and even then you barely reached his ear, “Luke,” you whispered.
“Yes, Chaos?” He asked gently.
“I still hate you.” And with that, you pushed him back. He stumbled a little before quickly regaining his footing.
“I wouldn’t expect any less.” He mumbled under his breath.
As you ran to catch up with Clarisse, Luke stood still, because whatever happened he knew that this quest was going to challenge him beyond belief.
A/n This is more of a filler chapter so hang in there for the next update <3
Tag list: @motorsp0rt @astronomical-admonition @edenssworld @sillychloe @viennasaysstuff @esposadomd @bogbutteronmycroissant @moonykai @sflame15-blog @hoesindifferentshows @gloryekaterina @dakotali @notjustsomeblonde @silkenthusiasts @kanej-and-wesper-supremacy @ren-isdone @ashisabitgay @tsukiko26 @niktwazny303 @idgxitciycouv
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lululandd · 1 year
whiskey sour;
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader
word count: 1577
warnings: meet..cute(?)
note: my heart said angst but my brain said fluff, and i cant write without a brain so… (also on ao3)
summary: the man at the bar never talks. not to women hitting on him, not to the men squaring him up for fights.
You see him every weekend for 3 months straight, sitting at the same place, wearing some rotation of dark hoodies, and sporting some manly drink that seem like they taste as angry as he looks. You notice the only one he talks to is the bartender. And now you, apparently.
You trudged into the bar with a sour face and a sour mood and sat next to him, which you wouldn’t do if there was legitimately any other seat. “I’ll have whatever he’s having.” You pointed at his drink after getting the barkeep’s attention.
It surprised you when the drink came less than a third of the glass it came in. Did the bartender think you’re a pussy and gave you less? Whatever.
So you downed it in one go.
Horrible idea. It burned from your tongue down to your esophagus, and you coughed your lungs out for a solid minute while tears streamed down your face before the fire dissipates.
“You’re supposed to sip.” You heard someone mutter after your body stopped being dramatic over the drink.
Who the fuc—
“You savour it.” He chided. Oh, it’s the quiet man. So the reason no one talked to him is because he’s some kind of obnoxious fuck?
“No ‘you allright’ or ‘you okay’? Straight to the lecture?” You bit back. Fuck, you feel like purposefully bumping into him as you slid off your seat, but he’s built like a tank and you’re not going to test whether you’re wet noodle or wet tissue against him right now. You trudged out of the bar you entered not fifteen minutes ago, and out of anger you promise to never go back.
And by never you mean like two years. You’ve changed jobs, moved closer to work, and now you literally live above said bar you never wanna go back to.
A few weeks went by before seeing him again. Still sitting in the same place, still wearing dark hoodies, still staring daggers at everyone. You changed your mind on drinking that day, not when he’s around.
But the next day you weren’t so lucky. Thinking he wouldn’t be there—since it was a weekday—you plopped right in front of the barkeep and asked him about rumours and gossips of the week.
“Well, that hot widow I kinda fancy got a date yesterday, seemed like it went well.”
You rolled your eyes, “If only you asked her out first.”
He laughed as he slides you a glass of water. “Did that at a previous place, people think they get free drinks when they date a bartender.”
“Wait, you don’t?”
“Nah. I mean, I’ll give them some but lots take it too far and think they can order for a group.”
You scrunched you nose, “I think you just dated shit people, Sam.”
He scoffed, “Shut the fuck up.”
His attention was away from your a second and you decided to take a glance at who ordered. It’s him. You didn’t even notice when he came, to think someone his size would make a lot of noise when they walk. But you were too caught up in conversation, you guess.
When he got back he grabbed two glasses and filled it with a big ball of ice and poured very little of what you think was bourbon into the glasses. You had learnt a little here and there, since you do live above and spend some time with Sam on slow days. To your surprise he handed one to you.
You immediately looked towards the man’s direction and he waved his glass at you.
Oh no.
Taking a deep breath, you grab the glass and place yourself next to him.
You sighed, “Yeah, don’t worry, I remember this is a sippy drink and not a gulpy drink.”
“Thanks, by the way.” You raised your glass and started sipping. You can’t hide your wince. This would definitely be a good if you were depressed or sad or trying to forget a horrible incident or getting over a breakup, but things are way too nice in your life for you to enjoy it properly. “Would you be offended if I asked the barkeep to make this into a whiskey sour?”
He answered by waving Sam down.
As your drinks slowly diminish, you learn exactly two things about him. His name is Simon and he likes dogs. The man dodged so many questions like Neo and those fucking bullets, and if Sam didn’t somehow made the previously godawful whiskey taste so goddamn tasty you would’ve probably gone upstairs and to bed by now.
But Simon is a good listener, so whenever you feel like having a drink, you sit next to him. It’s definitely a biased opinion, but you think it’s highly unfair that he is as funny as he is attractive. He’s cracking jokes as if his life depended on it, like an ugly kid that had to make his way through school being funny to avoid getting bullied. You also learnt one new thing about him, he has a friend called Soap. Of course you didn’t ask about him, because you know he doesn’t divulge any information, but it’s really funny that the other man calls him quite often lately and then hearing them bantering back and forth for a couple minutes before you can hear the scot on the other end of the phone yell something so scottish you couldn’t understand a word. For a little while you fall into this fun routine, until he stopped coming one day. You think nothing of it at first, like he is a grown man and he could have those seasonal jobs, but weeks turned to months and you miss your drinking buddy.
It was a rainy afternoon, and you opted to wait at the office an extra two hours for the rain to lighten up at least a little. Regret settled deep in your bones for rejecting so many ride home offers, as you wrung what you could of your wet clothes. Some fucker in a pickup truck thought it would be funny to drive at sixty by some puddles and splash everyone at the sidewalk. Everyone huddled under the same awning to try and clean themselves up and share their plight. After feeling dry enough, you started to head back when you heard your name being called by a familiar voice, and then a hand on your shoulder.
“You look like a wet rat.”
Fighting words. Those are fighting words. You did the one thing you know is appropriate for such a greeting.
You hugged him. Wet clothes and all.
He was tense for the duration of the hug, and ended it quickly with pats to your upper back. A wide smirk graced your face as you looked up at him, and you can immediately tell—albeit covered by a face mask—that he’s unhappy of the outcome.
“Hi.” You greeted, the smirk getting wider at his apparent annoyance.
“There’s a kebab place nearby. Let’s go.”
It was a seven minute walk, and you were glad the place he led you to was rather dirty, cramped, and two girls were doing their homework on a table at the back. The food will definitely be good. You looked around for a place to sit after telling him what you wanted. Scouting for a table with no food left, you stood near a family of four and waited for them to leave.
Simon came back with the food you ordered and some drinks you definitely didn’t tell him to get. But it was apparently some foreign soda that you’ve never seen, and you were happy to get to try it. Halfway through your meal someone clapped his shoulders and you swear he was about to stand up and do something until he saw the other man’s face.
The man with a mohawk started, “Who’s this, LT?”
Simon skipped too many beats to answer, and looking at his face, you swear he was legitimately about to throw down, so you did what you think would be natural at a time like this.
“Oh, uhh… I don’t know him, I just sat here because the place was full.”
He then introduces himself. “Hi, I’m Johnny. This here is my mate, Simon.”
“Piss off, Johnny.”
Johnny laughed, and when he went to the cashier you were afraid he would join you, but he said goodbye as soon as he got his order.
Both of you ate in silence for a bit. “So you don’t know me, huh?” He finally cracked, smiling at you.
Oh thank god, you thought he was mad, “Sorry, you looked really uncomfortable.”
“That bad?”
You slowly nodded, “Honestly, yeah. Scared you were gonna beat him up on the spot.”
“Nah.” He sipped on his soda, contemplating something. “Do that at work though, not here.”
You blinked. “You’re gonna beat him up.. At work?”
He raised his eyebrows as a confirmation, and you can see he’s not gonna elaborate.
Leaving the place, he walked you back to your place, under the guise of needing a drink after having such a ‘rough night’.
“Why?” You teased him as you two walked in, “Is it rough because now your friend thinks you like people that looks like a wet rat?”
“Nah. He already knows I do.”
He doesn’t say anything else, but he did tell Sam to make two whiskey sours.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
I see this (alien abduction communities) having a lot in common with ROMCOA stuff. The Controversial History of Alien Abductions by Kaz Rowe on Youtube (https://youtu.be/of8igM9WFWc?si=LrE_pCrDUMbujQah) What people may get out of ROMCOA (Validation of trauma in a way that is more obviously bad and may be not be as emotionally difficult due to a less personal abuse or mistreatment having clearer motivations.) is different, but the conspiracism of it feels similar.
I say this as a system who has skirted the edge of ROMCOA stuff for reasons like those stated above, but I wondered if you'd have any thoughts on it. (If it's of any interest, I'll send a separate ask with thoughts on the why/how we've dodged the ROMCOA bullet despite being drawn to it, but that's a significant tangent. Also sorry to be anon, I'm shy.)
(To anyone reading this: If you've heard the term "RAMCOA" but haven't heard how it originated among conspiracy theorists and was always meant to push conspiracy theories within legitimate psychiatry, further information is provided at the end.)
Oh yeah, you are absolutely right. I've been comparing these two things for awhile now, and it's basically two presentations of the same exact social phenomena.
You usually have somebody with psychological or physical problems that seem to defy explanation, but are very likely related to something like anxiety, depression, chronic stress, PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, ADHD, allergies, mast cell activation syndrome, or fibromyalgia. Y'know, a lot of the kinds of things that doctors will dismiss as "all in your head," or that just aren't that well-understood by the public, or might not seem possible because they underestimate just how traumatizing their life actually was.
The way they fall into it is nearly always the same; they never really "remember" any of it until they start coming across literature and people who introduce them to the idea of RAMCOA or alien abduction. And of course by this point a lot of them are absolutely desperate for some kind of explanation or validation, so they look deeper into it. They start learning and absorbing the tropes and narratives that go along with whatever mythology, so to speak, that they've fallen into. Then when they undergo hypnosis, they start "remembering" events that just so happen to line up with whichever narrative they've been exposing themselves to.
There are other groups doing this same thing with their own narratives, of course. In New Age and neopagan contexts, people often seek explanation and validation by trying to uncover past lives. In fact, the whole entire practice of undergoing hypnosis to recover lost memories actually began with people trying to find their past lives.
A common thread is that people remember something that pretty much everybody would agree would be absolutely terrible to endure. Whether you're "remembering" being burned at the stake for witchcraft, eating the heart of a ritually murdered child, fleeing the destruction of Atlantis, or aliens performing invasive procedures on your body, there's no ambiguity or uncertainty that what supposedly happened is horrible. In a society that constantly tells people that they haven't had it bad enough to be traumatized, because real trauma can only come from something way more severe than what they're experiencing, it's just no surprise that this keeps happening. Their subconscious minds seek the images and narratives that seem to align with the distress they're feeling.
It's been observed that what people experience while under hypnosis is basically the same as what they experience while dreaming. What they experience isn't necessarily logical; in fact, it's often far from it. Weird, surreal stuff just happens out of nowhere. People just do things with no genuinely reasonable motive.
In the context of RAMCOA, this is often handwaved away with "well, they're cultists, this is obviously part of their weird cult practices." This is not only an incredibly weak explanation for most of this stuff, but when you look at other supposedly recovered memories, you just can't help but notice that this is a pattern in every belief system people try to recover memories in, so trying to do this for supposed cases of SRA and the like is just special pleading.
And yeah, if you wanna share your story, I'd love to hear it!
For anyone reading this who isn't aware: The term "Ritual Abuse, Mind Control & Organized Abuse", or RAMCOA, is not an innocent catch-all term for religious abuse, institutional abuse, sex trafficking, etc. It was coined by conspiracy theorists in order to repackage Satanic Ritual Abuse/Satanic Panic/Project Monarch alter programming conspiracy theories into something they could pass off as legitimate science/research. Essentially, it's a Trojan horse for far right bullshit. For more information, see Cathy O'Brien - The First Project Monarch "Survivor" and Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler: Two Of The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Most People Have Never Heard Of.
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So I already know I’m the asshole here, I’m mostly wondering if it’s a YTA, JAH, or ESH situation. Or potentially I’m just treating this like a catholic confessional.
I (31, F) was on a 3 hour flight with my older sister; we had gotten aisle seats across from each other and 2 girls (I’m bad at ages, but both around 15, F?) sat next to her.
In the middle of the flight my sister tapped me to ask a question and as we were talking, I heard loud music/TikTok-esque noises. I asked my sister if she heard it and she replied that it was the kids next to her watching videos without headphones. They overheard us and one asked “Oh, sorry – is that loud?” to which my sister told them “Yeah, it’s really loud”.
At this point I put my earbuds back in, and my sister (thankfully) had noise cancelling headphones to put on. For important background, I am prone to headaches and migraines and am also neurodivergent and can get over stimulated, especially when I'm not anticipating a situation.
Flash forward to when we land – we pull up to the gate but another plane is still there so we have to wait. Normally on planes I’d keep my headphones in until it seems like people are moving, but I’d never sat this close to the front of the plane before and know I hate it when people waste time fiddling with their stuff when we’re all trying to leave. So, at this point I had already packed my thing away, as I didn’t want to hold anyone up.
However, when they announced we were landing someone near me applied A LOT body spray that was overwhelming to the point I had to cover my noise. Smells are a huge trigger for me with migraines, so I was staring to become nauseous with a headache, though thankfully with most of my usual auras. And on top of this while we were waiting, I was once again hearing music/TikTok noises, which was making me feel even worse. Normally I'm fine on planes and fly multiple times a year, but the unexpected, overwhelming, smells and noises combined to send me to a tipping point. Usually if I get overstimulated in public I just move or leave, but we were in an airplane so I was trapped in my seat.
I saw the guy diagonally from me in an aisle seat watching videos and thought it was him, and I tried to joke (you should never try to joke when you feel like shit – the tone is never going to be right) “Hey, if you’re going to watch videos that loud, you might as well let me watch too.”
Which was waaaaaay more bitchy then I meant it to be. The woman next to him commented “Oh my god, that is rude!” then seeing his face my brain caught up to the sounds I was mortified to realize it wasn’t actually him. I immediately, and profusely, apologized to him, and then my sister informed me that it was still the girls next to her. Considering we had, fairly recently, let them know they were too loud I was legitimately surprised and burst out without thinking “Oh my god, it’s still you?” They once again went “Oh sorry – we can turn it down?” and I again tried to joke, despite it not landing the first time, “Well, that or give me the phone so I can watch”
At this point the woman sitting behind them, who called me rude (rightfully) said “I’m their mother so talk to me, not the them.” I went, great, and told her they needed headphones. At this point she and her husband (next to her, window seat) started saying a lot of things that I don’t remember very well (see afore mentioned migraine and overstimulation) but I mostly remember it being passive aggressive comments about how they guess they’ll tell their kids to not watch TikTok loudly without headphones and me just trying to chipperly reply “awesome - thanks!”. I do remember the husband saying at one point “They do have headphones – it’s their choice if they use them or not.” Which thankfully, I had acquired enough situational awareness to not respond with my thoughts about that statement.
Once we got off the plane, and I felt less like vomiting, I realized I had snapped at these kids in a way that was way out of line. I truly don’t think they knew better, and even if they did I approached the situation in a bad way and really regret my outburst. Yeah, I had a migraine forming and was overstimulated, but that wasn’t their fault even if they were exasperating it. It especially wasn’t their fault considering their parents seemingly saw nothing wrong with their children watching videos without headphones on a plane while said children appeared oblivious.
So, while I know I as an asshole, I guess I’m asking - just how much of an asshole was I?
What are these acronyms?
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voracious-tales · 2 months
{S x F} What Are Friends For? (CV; M/M)
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It was another day for the spy of the west, Agent Twilight/Loid Forger. Like any regular person, he put his pants on one leg at a time alongside other fairly mundane traits. As with any living creature, whatever they drink would end up being excreted through his urethra. Earlier that day, he was throwing a stakeout on a plausible terrorist that threatened the peace between Ostania and Westalis. After drinking nothing but tea while stalking his target, Loid’s bladder began to ache.
He excused himself after the mission was completed and entered the men’s restroom. Despite being full enough to burst at the seam, he made it over to a urinal and unzipped his fly. Standing there, a gold stream of liquid rained down into the drain in a soft trickle. “Finally...”
The internal walls of the dam broke through as the water flowed out. While he did train himself to refrain from going to the restroom, it was still painstakingly agonizing. He was too preoccupied with himself that he did not hear the door open and someone park themselves beside him. The man undid his fly, but he was too close to comfort to the Westalian agent. In fact, whoever that was pissing in the same bowl. Loid, finishing up, noticed that he was seeing double dick.
“What the?”
He turned around and saw the visage of his friend Franky Franklin. Yes, how could he forget what the informant looked like? How could anyone not memorize Franky’s square face and round eyes? Or his thick-framed glasses and black suspenders? Loid looked back down noticing that Franky’s cock was around 6 ft and close enough to Loid’s schlong, they were touching.
“Uh, Franky...what are you doing?”
Franky laughed. “Oh, sorry. Just had to go.”
Loid grew suspicious. “And you did not notice I was using this urinal?”
Franky shrugged. “I guess not.”
Loid lightly backed away and fastened his fly. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to be heading out.”
Loid was looking away from Franky when he was saying this. If there were any events he wanted to forget, that was one of them. He would wash his hands, and then walk out. He and Franky would spend the rest of their day doing the most mundane of tasks, and they would not talk about what happened here. Or at least, that was what he was hoping.
“Oh, Loid,” Franky started still hovering over the urinal, “did I tell you the good news?”
Loid, washing scrubbing his palms with soap before rinsing, did not look back at his friend. “What good news?”
Franky beamed for a moment before speaking again. “I got a girlfriend!”
Loid looked up in surprise. He was very well-aware that Franky had an unsuccessful love life. Either the woman he was interested in had no mutual affection for him, or they were already taken. Often, Loid, being the good friend he was, would have to console him over drinks. Yet, he is now saying that he had a girlfriend? What kind of bizarro world was this?
“You...have a girlfriend?” Loid asked.
“Yeah, remember when we were at the bar getting drinks?”
Loid nods.
“I met one of the employees there and we hit it off well,” Franky explained, “turns out we had a lot of things in common.”
Loid tried to visualize the type of woman who would be interested in his bushy-haired friend. He did not want to accuse his friend of lying, but he could not see any woman ever legitimately showing interest towards him. Could it have been she was really after the man’s money? Loid’s eyes widened. Was it that kind of relationship that he wrongly believed his wife was being paid for? Regardless, Franky was his friend, so it was in his best interest to encourage him.
“Well, Franky, I never thought it had it in you. Congratulations.”
Franky smiled. “Thanks, buddy.”
Loid was in the process of drying his hands with a paper towel when Franky slowly approached him his pants reaching his ankles. “Actually, I need you to help me with something.”
“Hm, what is it?”
Franky, without warning, grabbed Loid at the back of the head and shoved him down. Loid’s head hovered over Frank’s pale head for a few moments. “Franky, what the hell are you doing?”
“Well, we had been dating a bit, so I think we are at the moment of our relationship where I wanted to whip this bad boy out. But... I think I need a little fuel to really rattle her insides around.”
“What do you mean? -”
Franky moaned and gently rubbed his glans with his other hand. Each moan caused his cock to grow and elongate. Loid attempted to lift his head, but the seemingly weak informant held a tight grip on him. Now roughly the size of a Doberman, Loid’s lips touched the slit of Franky’s glans before sliding past it. “Oh, yeah. Get all in there.”
The sounds of deafening sucking assaulted Loid’s ears almost blasting his ear drums. His head and neck became lodged in Franky’s tip with precum rubbing into every orifice and making his descent easier for Franky. The bespectacled-man rubbed up and down his shaft relishing in the fullness Loid’s head was making. Loid’s face pressed against the walls of his schlong creating a bulge against the taut skin.
Franky licked his lips. Somehow, he was tasting Loid without tasting him. The suction squeezed Loid’s shoulders into his slit cutting off the spy’s attempts at pulling himself out. He watched the bulge of his friend’s head slide down his “snake” and traced the path with his index finger. Loid’s head broke through an orifice and he was face-to-face with rubbery walls of Franky’s right nut.
Loid’s chest and waist fell victim to the rampant onslaughts of slurping squeezing through the tight passage. The Westalian agent could feel the precum sticking to his skin with Franky using it to his advantage to make his descent easier. Loid hit the bottom of Franky’s nut with the pooling cum smearing on his face and hair. He was temporarily blinded due to the heavy accumulation of cum gluing to his eyes. He tried to use the little space he had to move but the slight motion only elicited an aroused moan from the bespectacled man.
“Oh, look like I’ll be the first one to defeat Agent Twilight,” Franky bragged.
His cock shifted like a snake devouring an egg as if taking on a life of its own. It swayed back and forth to wrestle with pinching Loid’s hips into the slot. Each spasm made his shaft enlarge. He bucked his pale hips becoming overcome with lustful intent. “Ah, fuck yes.”
He rubbed his shaft with feverish delight assisting his monster hog in rubbing Loid further inside. Loid, naturally, kicked around aimlessly only stopping when he felt his groin rubbing against Franky’s rubbery walls. Frank arched his back and extended his hands to get a good grip of his dick. For someone as big as Loid, Franky was uncertain if he could pull this off, but he had spent a few weeks practicing with fruits, vegetables, and then small animals. Bugs, birds, even the occasional stray dog became reduced to baby batter.
Slurp, slurp, slurp. Pop.
Two slurps. Three slurps. Indents and curves of Loid’s body weighed heavily on the walls of his penis. His breathing slowed down as his lungs were constricted. Even if he could scream, he doubted anyone would hear him due to the audible sounds of Franky’s schlong slurping him. All that remained of the foreign spy were his long, toned legs. Franky slowed down the rate of the sucking for a little moment as he enjoyed how his friend’s muscles massaged his urethral walls. If he wasn’t too careful, he would have calmed then and there.
Slurp. Suck. Suck.
Loid’s legs sank into the lips of Franky’s head precum pooling from the sides. Probably to avoid how rough his shoes were, Franky removed Loid’s shoes and tossed them aside leaving ten wriggling toes at the mercy of his penis. Loid was forced into a tight ball with no leverage to grapple with. Franky’s glasses fogged over his breathing becoming hazy with sweat drenching his shirt. “Ah, that’s right...keep it up.”
Franky closed his eyes and gnashed his teeth together. With one final pull, Loid’s toes popped into his cock. The glans closed behind Loid causing his feet to bulge out in a crude, mishappen bulge that Franky followed with his fingers until he sensed them entering the orifice. His cock dwindled in size as his balls became engorged with the full weight of the Westalian spy.
“Ah! That hit the spot, thanks a lot for the help, Loid.”
Muffled yelling rang out from his balls clearly indicating that Loid was not amused. Franky laughed to himself. “Well, too bad. I’ll be digesting you now.”
The walls of Franky’s right nut started to collapse around the tight ball that was Agent Twilight. They squeezed into his body mixing some pre-made semen into his body to begin the melting process. His testicles tensed up before receding. Back and forth in a hypnotizing pace the walls would squeeze Loid before becoming lax. Loid’s clothes were the first thing to dissolve in the semen-filled chasm becoming more baby batter for the informant. Frank propped his back against the sink, his back turned from the mirror.
Loid squirmed and screamed with as much strength he could muster. He tried punching but his blows were weakening. His energy was waning fast. Franky rubbed some of the bulges with satisfaction. “Of all the ways you could have died, you weren’t expecting something like this, weren’t you?”
Franky wrapped his legs between his churning balls, enjoying the heat that radiated from them. “ Ooo , you are getting soft on me, Loid.”
During the digestion process, a heatwave washed over Loid’s disintegrating body. This must have been like for gingerbread men forming in an oven. The heat was unbearable and scorched Loid’s thinning skin. However, everything became slightly better for the spy. Since his pain receptors had melted off, all Loid had to do now was submit. Franky massaged his balls with his legs sensing them clench around Loid’s lifeless body. The more semen pumped in slowly transformed Loid’s body chemistry. The heart pumped cum until it completely dissolved. Loid’s lungs were destroyed. His brain broke down becoming nothing more than batter for the lecherous man. The walls kneaded and dissolved Loid down until he was an unrecognizable mass of cum.
Franky yawned and stretched his arms. His balls swayed back and forth sloshing the contents around. Sensing that his friend was no longer putting up a fight, he wrestled with his monster balls and somehow slipped them into his underwear. He heaved his pants around his engorged scrotum and redid his suspenders. “She’s gonna love this.”
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billy hargrove x fem reader.
content: smut, swearing, face fucking, standing fuck, smoking, mentions of drinking, pre-relationship, billy is a sweetheart.
summary: when you go bring the kids to "max's house", you end up having more than just a conversation with billy hargrove who happens to be a known player (like yourself).
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"What the actual fuck is a demogorgon!?" I shout, angrily hitting the steering wheel after Mike had told me about some stupid shit that's been going on, "Listen, Michael. If this shit, is about your stupid fucking fantasy game. I'm going to legitimately punch you in the face right now." I emphasize my words with true anger. I promise him that I will punch him.
"Can you relax? You're screaming at me like all this is my fault!" He shouts back.
For a moment I feel guilt before again, more anger shouting back, "This.. thing took my school work and threw them around the highschool." I pause briefly before continuing, "and if I find out, that a demogorgon is a piece of shit game character.. obviously, I'm gonna go nuts!"
"You're just mad because you're scared of embarrassment. Maybe you should relax on being 'the keg queen' and be a normal kid." Mike exits the car before strolling up Will's driveway and knocking on the door.
It isn't my fault. "Keg queen" had been my new nickname since the last party when I got the highest record of all the girls who even tried. 1:27.
And especially after that, I became the queen of Hawkins High if I'm being completely honest. And I notice how I took in other people's personalities and shoved them into my own.
Mike was right, and Mike always gave me advice. He was the little brother that I never had since my older brothers.. well, they act like older brothers.
Which isn't always a bad thing.
I sigh and let my head rest on the wheel. I just sit there for a few moments before hearing the doors of my car open.
I snap my head up to see Mike in the front seat, Will and Dustin in the back.
"Where do you want me to take you guys again?" I start the car and switch the gears, pulling out of the driveway.
I love the way my car roars. The upbeat of the bass shaking the entire vehicle. I was so in love with this car, it was my escape. I just go on car rides sometimes, and more often times then not find myself next to some random people smoking pot or drinking.
Which, was my other escape from reality.
"Cherry Lane, Max's house." Dustin says from the back.
"Who is Max?" I look at Dustin in the mirror that I turned so I could see him.
"His girlfriend!" Will says playfully before Dustin nudges him softly.
"Oh? Henderson, leaving me for someone else?" I place a hand over my heart to mimic hurt.
He flips me off and chuckles slightly, "nah, nah.".
"That house, right there. Stop!" Mike points his arm in front of my face pointing to the house on my left.
I swerve to the side of the road of this supposed "Max" girls house.
"You wait in here, oh, and Will." Mike says, getting out of the car.
I roll down the window to yell out, "you guys! Don't be stupid, yeah?"
They send you a thumbs up before a red headed girl lets them into her home.
Instead of talking to Will I find myself laying my head on the steering wheel to think to myself for a few moments.
About if this "demogorgon" creature.. thing really is the reason to my school supplies being thrown all over the school.
I find myself almost falling asleep to my thoughts before hearing a voice say "tired, pretty?"
I gasp in surprise and look up out my open window to see Billy Hargrove.
I stare for a moment, not quite remembering what he said before it clicks, "tired.. tired? Tired, yes! Yes, very tired."
I hear him chuckle lowly, "Come smoke one with me, huh?" He pulls out his cigarettes and walks over to the hood of my car, lighting it as I follow him to sit atop my car.
He takes a long drag of the cigarette before offering it to me, which I take.
I don't often talk to Hargrove. He isn't my kinda boat to float. He's a heartbreaker, and the things I've heard girls say about him.. I can't really tell if they are compliments or not.
But I know that I'm pretty much "the female version of him", known for being a heartbreaker who fucks and leaves. I can only imagine what the guys say about me.
I hand him back the cigarette, still having not said a word before I left the vehicle.
"So, are you the kids' taxi or some shit?" He looks over to me, asking as he blows smoke out of his mouth and nose.
"I guess you could call it that." I take the cigarette from his hand before taking a drag and throwing it to the ground, ashing it out with my pretty pink chunky buckle shoes that match the rest of my outfit.
I stand on the ground and look at Hargrove, noticing his staring and licking of his lips.
"What?" I smirk, walking up to him as he looks me in the eye then looks down at my lips before swiftly going back to my eyes.
I walk inbetween his legs and stand there for a while, admiring his features such as pretty blonde curls, bright blue eyes, the stubble that's growing on his chin and cheeks, the mustache I hadn't seen this grown until now.
I feel his hands snake around my waist before he sighs, "I wanna show you somethin'."
I step away from him and look into the car to see Will sleeping softly in the back seats.
I smile to myself before I hear Hargrove ask, "you comin' or not?".
I walk over to the steps that bring me to the entrance of his house.
To my surprise, I don't see the kids.
"Where are the kids?" I ask before Hargrove stomps on the floor.
"Billy! Quit it!" I hear a voice sound from the door that I'm guessing leads to the basement.
He chuckles before taking my hand and leading me to a room, that I soon find his his bedroom.
The band posters around his walls, empty beer cans, ash tray with at least fifteen buds in it.
"I love them." I point at a Metallica poster, "and them." I walk up to different posters of his, talking about how I like them.
Once I'm done with that I look over to Hargrove, who is on his bed looking at me.
I walk over to him, deciding to take a seat on his lap before I feel his arm wrap around my waist.
My hands are on his shoulders and we hold eyecontact for a moment.
"What did you wanna show me?" I smile, pressing him into his bed to straddle him.
"I actually don't remember, but I know some other things to show you."
I lean down and place a soft kiss to his lips, that soft kiss turns into something more intimate and passionate.
I feel him turn us around so that I'm laying on my back, him atop me.
I push his chest off of my own.
"You won't make rumors about me, or you won't ignore me after this like all your other girls?" I ask as he takes off his shirt.
He hums, "are you going to be a good girl for me?".
I nod my pretty little head as I bite my bottom lip, unbuttoning my top and pulling it so its no longer tucked into my skirt.
I don't completely take it off, only unbuttoned it so my white lacey bra is now visible.
I stand up and feel him bring his hands to my bare waist before he kisses me hungrily.
"Mmm.. what about the kids?" I moan into the kiss.
"I guess we're gonna have to be quiet, pretty." He smirks and kisses me again but softer and shorter.
He walks over to his door and swiftly locks it before walking back to me.
He brings my pink leather material skirt down, keeping my thigh high socks and shoes on.
My matching bra and underwear came in good hands tonight.
He sets me down on his bed, I'm just sitting there, looking up at him smiling and biting my lip waiting for him to say something.
"You're so pretty, know that?" He places a hand on my chin, making me look up at him.
I nod and when he lets go of my chin I look down, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.
I graze a hand over his erection still hidden under his jeans and boxers.
I watch as he pulls them down as I spread my legs, rubbing myself through my thin, almost see through panties.
"Take em' off for me, baby." He nods his chin in reference to my underwear.
I slide the dampened cloth down my legs, watching Billy in the eyes as I do it.
"Oh, you're just such a good girl for me aren't you?" He says as he places his middle and ring fingers into my mouth, allowing me to lick and suck them till they're nice and wet.
He soon pulls them out as drool drips down my chin. I feel him bring his wet fingers to my dripping cunt before I grind against them, back arching into him at the subtle waves of pleasure.
"God, this is so stupid of me to do." I giggle before he slips his fingers into me, scissoring me open.
I feel my lips quiver and I let soft moans come from my mouth, not loud enough for anyone but Hargrove to hear.
His free hand is placed beside me on the bed as he works his fingers in and out of me, curling them to hit just the right spots.
"Bet you have tons of practice don't you?" I ask.
"Yeah? You're talking?" He chuckles before placing a peck on my lips.
I grind myself into his hands as I feel myself reaching my orgasm.
"Gonna cum for me, baby? Yeah? Mhmm?" He asks in a baby voice as he picks up his pace, only getting faster with each thrust of his fingers. "I don't think so. No, no, honey. Not yet." He pulls his fingers completely out of me and I whine at the loss of contact.
I grab his bare biceps and scratch at them when I feel him align his cock with my entrance.
"Wonder if you've taken a cock this big before. You're not gonna look?" He smirks at me, rubbing my back through the button up top.
I nod my head no, "I'll guess when it's in me, how about that?" I ask with a cocky grin on my face.
"Whatever you say, brace yourself though cus I'm not going soft just because you're my girl, okay?"
My. Which is a word of possession.
I don't think this will be the last time this happens.
He seems to ignore the fact that he called me his girl. Almost as if he'd previously claimed me as his own.
I bite my lip to muffle a moan when he roughly slips his entire length into me. My body jolts back from his force before he grins, "guess."
I scratch at his biceps before letting go, allowing myself to land on my forearms.
"I don't know, Billy. Please move.." I grind into him, "feel s'good in me. Please please.. it's big, it's so big. I wasn't expecting it t'be that big." Tears threaten to fall down my cheeks in not only pain but extreme pleasure when he takes his cock all the way out of me just to roughly slam back into me.
"Oh, baby. You were expecting it to be average? Or maybe even smaller than that? What a silly girl you are." He talks in the same baby voice he did previously.
I moan and my head rolls back before I look back up to watch his eyes as he fucks deep into my little cunt.
I feel myself coming to edge again when I snake a hand down to rub my clit, watching as Billy's eyes trail down to watch me do it before groaning at the sight, bringing his eyes back to mine.
I bring my arms under his and my hands hold on to his shoulders before he stands up unexpectedly, fucking into me.
I moan loudly before he shushes me softly, "gotta be quiet baby, remember, the kids.".
"Fuckk Billy, the kids, I almost forgot.. they- need to be home by.. nine thirty." I bring my forehead to his sweaty chest as he continues to fuck into me at a rapid pace.
"It's 9:04, baby." He bucks into me, keeping his cock inside me, stopping all his thrusts when we hear footsteps.
"Billy?" We hear the voice of Max.
"What?" He asks, laying me on the bed, continuing to thrust into me with a hand over my mouth.
"Where's that girl?" We hear from right outside the door.
"In here, why?" He asks.
"They're ready to go. So have her out of there, like, soon." We hear her walk away when he removes his hand from my mouth, still thrusting into me at the same pace he had been.
"Jesus Christ, you chose the worst fucking time to cum." He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
He begins to thrust faster after I mumble "cum in me, please. Don't stop, fill me up.. please Billy."
And it was then I felt his cock twitch inside my cunt, and I could tell he was on edge.
I moan when his last thrust is more aggressive then the rest as I feel him coat my walls with sticky white.
I wipe the streaks of mascara from my cheeks before he pulls out of me, handing me my under wear and we both get dressed without saying anything, his cum dripping from my hole to my panties.
I clench my thighs together and look at him once I'm fully dressed, he's standing, looking at me with his button and zipper undone to his jeans.
"Billy?" I walk up to him and place a hand on his sweaty chest.
"Yeah?" He says softly, moving a strand of loose hair out of my face to tuck behind my ear.
"Can I see it? Since- uh. You don't have to but. I just wanted to because.." I trail out.
He pulls down his pants and boxers, "not fully hard." He mumbles as I look at the large pulsating cock with pretty veins poking from it.
It's pretty. And big. I bring a hand to touch his sensitive tip with my thumb when I jerk him softly, getting onto my knees to examine it closer.
"Baby.. y'gotta go.. fucking shit, baby." He moans out when I lick the tip before bobbing my head on his length.
I feel a hand tangle in my hair and slight pressure bringing my lips further down, bringing gags from the back of my throat before he lets go of my head.
I take his length out of my mouth, now noticing that it's larger than before.
I smirk up to him as I jerk him fast, kitten licking his tip as he groans.
"Fuck.. you tease." He chuckles lowly, "I'm gonna cum."
I bring my head to bob on his length at a fast pace, I feel him buck his hips to my mouth before he grunts "'m cummin'.".
I pull my head off his cock and jerk him until he finishes in and on my mouth and face.
"You.. really, have got to go now, baby." He groans out between breaths.
He grabs a t-shirt from his bed and wipes my face with it.
I fix my hair in his mirror and look at Billy in it.
He's watching me.
I lick my lips once I'm done fixing my hair and turn to face him. He walks up to me and kisses me as I hold his cheeks.
"Can we.. do this again?" I whisper to him, looking down as I'm almost scared for his response.
"You're mine, only one I'm gonna be doing this with again." He kisses my forehead before he leads me out of his room.
"Thank you for tutoring me for science, I'll see you in class tomorrow." I wink and give him a soft wave as I walk out of this home, "Let's go kids!".
When I enter the car I smile to myself and look back to see Will still sleeping soundly.
Once the kids enter the car I pull out of the driveway, "I need to stop at the gas station, do you guys want anything?"
"I want my ten bucks. I knew she would get with Billy." Mike says as he looks back at Dustin who is in the back seat.
"Yeah whatever." He groans and I blush.
"I'll give you ten bucks if you keep your mouth shut at school about what you heard." I say sternly.
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tervaneula · 4 months
Okay i got an emil notification about your NQK update before your tumblr post?! Now that surprised me!
It's like 1 AM and i don't think leo is the only one with Insomnia - ngl i felt that am getting called out 😂 - So we start and i think because it's been a long time friend the previous NQK chapter i really forgot that F!Donnie is now " Donatello " whil F!Mikey js "Michaelangelo" and brain was flipping between "huh? Is that the youngest or the eldest?!"
So we start right off with with F!Dee getting jealous and boy oh boy i believe little ol' Donnie will find this exciting and more of a "parent figure approval" 😂
The talk goes to the bandana and i kid you not i remembered previous fics where some F!Leo/s had either put the other masks as a nice accessory ir put it on his sword and just hung it there as a memory (forgot the fic).
So this makes me think of "How F!Leo would make of the bandanas AFTER he make peace with decades of war?" It really makes me excited thinking about it 🤩
Also it made me think - don't know if i asked before but - does F!Leo still can open his portals and travel? (I know in other fic he can but what about the Canon fic NQK?).
It's kinda sad how Leo's still holding on to the masks but still understandable because well... It's been decades of WAR! That can't be just brushed under the rug with a nice few months in the lair. So until F!Leo finally decided when he can " move on " he deserves to keep the masks with him...
F!Leo hugging ghost!F!Dee was so sad and somewhat... Bittersweet? Because he's glad he can see/talk and almost hug his twin but that's about it, he wants to be greedy and have the two of them, april, his dad back home but that would be too much (And am sure he would be worried about 'Don't push your luck' type of quote or he may lose everything).
Then que F!Mikey entering the chat (lmao ngl thought that was little mikey) and took a pic lol!! I don't know if he can take picture of ghosts but imagine if you can use mystic power or ninpo to see ghosts in the picture?! That would be awesome, F!Dee & F!Raph would mess with so many people.
And then here comes Dracum entering the chat 🐐😂 MF i can imagine him entering the room with sandal in hand ready to beat F!Mikey up especially after hearing "I used it to lift a blanket up" 😂😂😂
But it was so surprising to me when be gave him a "therapist" card, from the color purple i thought it was from either Donnie or 🤢 Big mama 🤢
But god i love a soft carrying dad draxum like my next door neighbour! Always welcomed 🩷
That's all for my review for the chapter! It was such a great treat since it's been a while! Am still gonna keep my eyes - and phone - open for any updates because LORD I LOVE NQK🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
LMAO YEAH that's because I really wanted to publish the chapter that day but was already crashing when I posted it, so couldn't make a Tumblr post until the next day 😂
Hehe we'll see what Leonardo will do with the masks! First of all, wash them, probably :D He has a weird relationship with all of his keepsakes, re: the Raph-like prosthetic arm. He doesn't want to get rid of them but seeing them also still hurts, despite everything :')
Yes NQK Leonardo can use his portals!! He just hasn't had a reason to do that in the main fic (yet 😎)
God. Fug. Dang dude. "Don't push your luck or you may lose everything" legitimately made me tear up. That whole paragraph contributed, actually. "HE WANTS TO BE GREEDY" like ajkhjdsfhj how dare you (/aff) hit me with an emotional bomb like this all of a sudden. He does. He wants all of his family, he doesn't think it's fair that only three of them survived, and this brings us back to the enormous guilt he feels for not being able to save everyone.
Donatello is there with him, not in flesh but literally in spirit, he can be hugged and talked to, but Leonardo wants him to live. It's so freaking heartbreaking. I as the author have the power to bring him his family back, in flesh and blood and bone, but like I said ages ago, that's not what NQK is about. It's about accepting loss and healing and finding happiness, and about family and love. They can't change the past any more than what they've already been graciously given, the only way is forward. ;_;
BUT THANK YOUUU for liking the drawing, it makes me go 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so bad jdfhj (and to make it worse, I made a different version which I'll post here later)
Ninpo ghosts show up in photos normally!! At least in NQK universe they do 😂 Too bad for Donatello, can't do all the crime if he can be caught in 4K
Soft caring dad Draxum ftw<333
THE THERAPIST CARD. Oh my gosh Draxum does NOT trust Big Mama one bit, rest assured, and Donnie has no such connections. No, the light purple colour is actually referencing... drum roll... THIS GUY
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Yes Tev is now a yokai and a part of NQK universe but no, she won't show up in the fic so no worries about me actually bringing in non-canon characters. "Leonardo Goes To Therapy" is not a chapter I want to write, nor sprinkle in the appointments in detail, so it all happens off-screen 😂
Thank you SO SO SO MUCH again for reading and spending your precious time writing this comment!!!! It made me so happy but I'm a little sorry that this reply got so long and rambly XD ANYWAY ILYSM
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
hi! let’s do it, right this time!! could i request a trip to paris with cale makar where he’s going to propose but you don’t know it yet for your travel around the world summer requests!! thank you!
yes this is absolutely cute!! tysm; also can you tell I watched friends before writing this lol
come along the world trip
📍paris, france with cale makar
"That was a great diner," you said as you stepped out of the small Parisian restaurant holding your boyfriends hand. He agreed, having ordered another appetizer during his actual meal because he couldn't get enough, you weren't surprised. The restaurant he chose served divine food and the atmosphere was very romantic. "I'm still in the mood for Crêpes, though. You?"
"Sure, I could eat one." He would never not want any more food. You looked up a place to go and remembered a place from your research before the trip that came highly recommended.
"No, not that one. It's not near the Eiffel Tower," Cale disagreed.
"I want to see it light up."
"We can do that tomorrow. Or afterwards."
"No, I want to do it now. Come on, they're just as good over there," he continued to argue, but it didn't make much sense to you. "Come on."
With a sigh, you gave in and followed him in the opposite direction. You were really confused by his behavior, he never insisted like that without giving a legitimate reason and usually he gave into whatever you wanted. But now that you thought about it, he had been acting weird this entire trip, especially today. He was extremely jumpy and lost in his thoughts.
The streets of Paris were extremely busy and loud, but you loved that. While not every street was beautiful and you were definitely aware of your surroundings, you loved the of building and all of the different kinds of people living their best lives here. But with the sun long gone and the wind that had picked up a bit, you were getting a bit chilly on your walk so you asked for his blazer.
"Of course." He stopped to take it off, but then suddenly paused and then put it back on. "Actually, uh, no. Sorry."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "What? Why?"
"Well, uh," he looked for his words, coughing a couple times. "Then I'd be cold."
"Oh-kay." You kept walking, a bit disturbed by the experience. He always offered his jacket and would rather freeze to death than let you be a bit chilly. "You're being weird."
He chuckled and draped his arm over your shoulder, his hand still in yours. "Yeah, well, that's me." He kissed the side of your head, then changed the subject to distract you from that awkward interaction.
"Une crêpes au Nutella, s'il vous plaît," you ordered a while later at a little food truck near the Eiffel Tower. "Et une au Nutella et bananes."
You paid the man and watched him make the two crêpes. Cale grinned, "that was hot."
Once your crêpes were ready, you found a spot on a bridge with a perfect view of the tower to eat them. You saw it sparkle a few times and shamelessly leaned into the tourists in you and took some sweet pictures. In the last while, you could tell he had relaxed a bit, but now he got fidgety again.
"Love," he looked around nervously, while grabbing your hand. He cleared his throat one too many times before you gave him a concerned look, but the mood changed suddenly when his hand reached into jacket pocket and pulled out a small black box. Out of the corner of your eye the Eiffel Tower started sparkling again and a lightbulb went off in your head. He was about to propose.
Time slowed down as Cale lowered to one knee. Your breath got caught in your throat. Your pulse started racing. And your eyes flooded with tears. "Cale-" It was barely a whisper. He cleared his throat one more time, then smiled looking up at you.
"(Y/n), I have loved you for a long time now. Probably longer than I should admit, because the first thing I thought when I first saw you was 'I want to marry her one day'. Well, now I'm hoping to make that a reality. You are my favorite person in this world and you're making me a happier and better man every day. Even with my crazy schedule, when we're miles apart or right here next to each other, I always feel close to you. You're the only person I want to come home to, wake up to, and kiss goodnight. I love you more than words could ever describe. And with this ring," Cale opened the little box, revealing a beautiful ring. "I will promise to love you forever and ask you to spend the rest of your lives together. (Y/n), will you marry me?"
"Cale—", a small sob left you. Your entire body was screaming the word 'yes', even before he asked the question, but all you could do was whisper it over and over again. "Yes. Yes. Yes."
He managed to slide the ring on your finger before you threw yourself at him, slinging your arms around his neck. "Yeah?"
You nodded vigorously. "Yes. Always."
His dimples appeared, deeper than ever, and even in the dark you could see his blue eyes sparkle with joy. He finally kissed you, his soft lips exploring yours with newfound passion.
"That's why you were acting so weird," you realized when you pulled away after a moment.
"Guilty. I just wanted to do it in front of the lit up tower and couldn't wait another day." You kissed his grin, too sweet not to. "Oh, if you're still cold you can have my jacket now."
You threw your head back with a small laugh. "I'm good. I'm all warm and fuzzy now. I love you."
"Love you more, honey."
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
I need more adult mc x Cliff in my life, like what about after learning about the fruit bouquet mc decides to surprise Cliff with one and just doing other lovey dovey stuff to fluster Cliff. This man needs and deserves more love!
I am here always for Cliff and his very own MC!
-- You are gonna hear about the fruit bouquet, because you are gonna hear about everything.
-- If you don't actively think being a good parent is an attractive quality in a partner then what are you even doing with Cliff
-- You are seriously going to have to woo the pants off this man. Put in the effort, it's going to be a lot in the beginning, but once you get to it you are going to have a magical magical man to love and cherish forever.
-- Just take one of his sweet silly stories about Cove, like the fruit bouquet, and give him a surprise! Bring him one at work and watch him melt into a puddle. Blushing, trying to play it cool but actually visibly falling in love.
-- Take him back to the redwood forest, he loved it there. Make sure a bird doesn't steal his lunch, and if it does, then share yours.
-- We always talk about Cove and the beach, you know he got that from his dad. Cliff is going to want to hit up the beach with you so much, because that's one of his happy places and he wants to share that with you. Do you know how to surf? If not, let him teach you! If so, surf together! If you're not interested, just splash around with him a little bit, he'll be so happy with whatever.
-- He loooooves cooking for you, so let him do this whenever possible. He can make a lunch for you to take to the beach!
-- Sunset walks on the beach, he is an angel.
-- Oh oh oh, you tell him you want to take him out for dinner, he shows up looking so fancy like at the anniversary party! And yeah, he's overdressed, but he's just used to wearing his little shark shirts or whatever, he wants to look so nice for you. Protect this man at all costs.
-- One day you're talking on the phone, you tell him something about how you miss him, he's smiling his head off but tells you that he can't see you tonight. You tell him you know, it's Cove's birthday, and just the fact that you remembered is unbelievably touching.
-- It's so funny because he used to be a bad boy, like a legitimate bad boy, not a Baxter bad boy, but he's actually the softest man in the universe. He used to hustle with cards and now he's trying not to cry when you ask him how his son is doing.
-- He's a guy that keeps to himself mostly. I feel like he doesn't want to presume he's important in anyone's life, like he doesn't want to impose. And he's actually pretty fine with this, with being alone, because he's got Cove and that's all he needs. But when he meets you and you make it clear that you are interested, and you stick around through the long adjustment period because you like him that much? It's just so nice to have that kind of attention again.
-- He does have that whole thing where he just wants so desperately to do good that he ends up doing something bad. By the time you start dating him, this has blown up in his face enough that he's learned to fight that urge, but this means that he's very very cautious. Give him encouragement. I promise he's going to blossom, but it's going to take him a little bit.
-- I haven't thought about it or anything, but WHAT IF Cliff's MC is also a single parent who also moved to the area for a fresh start? Their kid/kids are a bit younger than Cove, but Cliff definitely doesn't have a problem developing a relationship for a parent. So Stepdad Cliff. That's it, that's what we were getting at. Stepdad Cliff, Stepbrother Cove, it's this whole thing and it's really sweet.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 5/6
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Just like John Cusack, hoo hoo hoo is a universal constant.
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I was so excited for her conversations :( And thank you very much! This comic's a slippery one, but that's part of the fun!
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I do like the idea of pairing every Homestuck ship with a political ideology. It'd be the perfect storm of discourse, from about five directions at once!
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Thank you! I don't think I'll even be in the country for my birthday this time around, so it'll be a quiet celebration.
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I think it could still fit as a kismesissitude, even if they aren't all that unfriendly with each other. After all, Karkat's antagonism towards John is only skin-deep, and wears off fast.
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FEFERI: There's no reason to be scared! They are not as terrible as they look. FEFERI: When Derse is destroyed, I am going to go to sleep and prove it. FEFERI: I will prove it to you, and to them as well. KARKAT: THEM? FEFERI: Our new friends! [...]
Oh, that does make more sense. Dang, I really liked the idea that the Horrorterrors were scared of Players.
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Karkat made S-Tier for a reason. He's on fire this Act, and it's been great to watch!
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You don't even get to examine your surroundings!!
I'm even more glad now that I'm using Homestuck Collection. It's clear that I'd have missed a lot without it, and it's a sad state of affairs that the comic's official website seems to butcher it so badly. Definitely recommend checking out the Collection, if just to play the walkarounds yourself!
Underutilized aspects of the trolls: Feferi Edition! [...] I do have to say that, when I think about her, I don't generally remember the Horrorterror connection. But Gl'bgolyb is a Horrorterror, after all. Feferi may be legitimately bubbly and sweet, but of the two races she is meant to unite, it might just be the Horrors and Humans. She's an eldritch Disney princess. Remember that now. ~LOSS (19/5/23)
Does that make Gl'bgolyb her Fairy Elder Godmother?
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Ugh, tell me about it. It looks normal when the post is in my drafts, but breaks when I publish it.
I could go back and fix each post manually, but I don't have the time or the patience. Maybe I'll write a script to do it when I release Wertsearch: The Director's Cut.
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Thanks! I've had Cat send a transcript over, and I've been copying it for quotes. There was a risk of mild spoilers if I accidentally read ahead, but if it means I can stop quoting entire conversations manually, I'll happily take that chance.
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Damn it! There goes my Sollux Was Swapped At Birth theory.
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I like these ideas! It's fun to speculate about what our species 'thing' would be, since we don't have any alien species to compare ourselves to IRL.
The idea of NPCs as Player templates is awesome, too. That implies an absolutely wild session in Sburb's past, featuring the Sleuths, the Midnight Crew and the Exile squad as Players.
What would Sburb even look like without Carapacians? Would the chess match in Skaia still exist, just without sentient pieces? I kind of love this idea.
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Yeah, it's always nice when a story's really kicked into gear.
Beginnings and endings are difficult, and I usually enjoy the middle of a story more than either. By my count, we're about one-third of the way through Homestuck, and it's definitely found itself.
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Thanks! I have a couple of ideas about which of my ships will be supported by canon, and which won't - but we shall see what develops. The comic might surprise me!
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Canon Equius design.
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It's a big question, and I don't know if I can fully answer this one, given how much of Sburb is still shrouded in mystery.
That said, the first thing I'd change is how Players are assigned. Instead of creating people who have no choice but to participate, I'd look for volunteers in the planets I've seeded. If Players have to be born in the Veil, then those volunteers would have their timelines rewritten, retroactively turning them into meteor babies - but only after they've volunteered for the role.
Also - does a session have to destroy the planet it's seeded on? If it was me in charge, I'd redirect the Reckoning's portals somewhere else. Literally anywhere else, actually. As far as I can tell, the only reason they were pointed towards Earth in the first place was for thematic reasons. The Sallyverse has different themes.
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Yep. No special reason why - I've just been pretty busy lately, especially on the weekends. They've also been rolling over onto Mondays more often, too.
I get to 'em when I get to 'em - but I always get to them in the end.
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Ooh, that's a deep cut. Possibly coincidental, but I wouldn't be too sure - I wouldn't put anything past Hussie.
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I've heard of Higurashi, but I know very little about it. It is my tenuous understanding that it's a murder mystery starring several wealthy families - or is that its sister story, Umineko?
I don't want to look them up, because I might actually check them out at some point, and it is apparently very important to go in unspoiled. Potential future liveblog material, indeed.
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I've speculated that the Knight is a protector class - and maybe Knights also protect themselves, hiding behind a particular trait or emotion which serves as their 'shield'.
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Puréed puppet, unfortunately.
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Now that I've seen all the troll typing quirks, I'm pretty sure I've actually encountered some of these people in the wild! I've definitely seen Terezi's leetspeak, or something very similar, on an anime forum or two.
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one-winged-dreams · 10 months
Happy Birthday Video Games
ship: the reveries of my mind (adri x akingraeux)
source: original content
word count: 942
I HAD TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BEING PONG DAY, so have a cute little ism with Aki. Also a teeny tiny casual surprise in there. ;3c
tag list: @dearly-beeloved @camellias-and-coriander @rebel-wolf13 @sunstar-of-the-north @mahitoslittlebird @goldenworldsabound @edencantstopfallininlove @sosoftandsweet @dorothys-wife @faerie-circle-ships @kylars-princess
"It's video games' birthday today."
Aki perked up, his attention focusing on Adri's sudden entrance. The latter was looking at his phone screen, keys almost missing the side table.
"Uh?" Aki prompted him to elaborate, realizing he was currently getting annihilated in Guilty Gear, but gritting his teeth and letting it happen all the same, controller set aside. He was more than willing to throw a match easy.
It only hurt a LITTLE bit.
But elaborate Adri did, turning his phone out to show a particular meme.
"It's pong day. Video games' birthday."
Adri was sporting his usual melancholic expression, but for now, it was graced by a small smile accompanied by an adorable head tilt.
Cute, cute, CUTE.
Trying to downplay how charmed he was, Aki snorted. Though he was unable to suppress the grin that spread across his face, he managed to reply casually enough, past the sounds of Nagoriyuki biting the dust.
"Oh fuck, yeah, I remember when pong came out. Shit was revolutionary."
Adri blinked, lashes fluttering over wide brown eyes.
Cuter still.
"You- Oh man, you're showing your age there, Aki. I mean, I guess it would make sense, that probably wasn't even that far back for you. So you've really picked up on the gaming thing in this itty bitty portion of your… Nevermind, sorry," he blushed suddenly, realizing he was going off on a tangent.
There was no way Aki couldn't NOT laugh at that, placing his hands on his knees and then pushing himself up off the couch. Accompanied by the music from the character selection screen, he made his way over to where Adri was looking downward.
Humming thoughtfully, Aki leaned down and to the side, trying to catch an expression and looking very silly in the process. All part of the plan, of course, considering he caught Adri giggling a little.
"Well I AM pretty old," he commented, leaning off further to follow the way Adri's head turned to hide the grin he was cracking. "So yeah. I played pong when it first came out. I guess that makes me the literal only legitimate gamer. Posers can't even touch me."
He delighted in how Adri finally straightened himself, laughing in a manner so adorable his heart leaped.
"Aki!" Adri giggled as Aki embraced him tightly, giving him a little squeeze and pivoting them left and right.
"Yes I'm a god, yes I play video games," he continued the bit, his tone exaggerated in a charming contrast to the wide affectionate grin on his face.
"AKI, PLEASE!" Adri erupted into laughter again, the melancholy expression entirely replaced with joy.
"Please what, cutie?" he teased, pulling one of his arms away to tilt Adri's chin up as had become a habit nowadays.
Adri blushed again, but he didn't seem unhappy at all. Quite the opposite, Aki could tell his move had improved significantly.
In fact, it felt like it had almost…
"Pleeease… I don't know what to say, aaaah!" Adri whimpered, trying to turn his face to the side to avoid looking into those pale eyes that affected him so.
But even still, his smile was wide and genuine, and in turn, Aki's settled into a warm, subdued one.
"You don't have to say anything, angel. Not one thing," his soft reassurance was a surprise, as was the act of him tucking some hair behind Adri's ear. The way it had been obscuring his face was displeasing to the god, he wanted to see everything.
"Aki?" Adri's smile had become an expression of curiosity, lamb-like in its innocence and naivety.
"Mmmmmh?"Aki practically purred, leaning down to place a kiss on top of Adri's head.
That earned him a squeak.
"You're…" Adri breathed, and it was clear that he wasn't sure where he was going with that.
But Aki made sure that expression turned back up to him, those big, shiny brown eyes directed entirely at him.
"Yours," he stated matter of factly, with that same soft smile.
"M-?" Adri blinked rapidly, not finishing even a single word, but Aki knew what he meant anyway.
"Yes. Yours. All yours," Aki leaned down as he spoke, creating a space just for them, between sheets of raven hair, hesitating just for a moment before continuing, "In service to your faith."
Adri couldn't breathe, let alone speak, the proximity making his lips tingle in ways only a god could make real. Buzzing that wouldn't and couldn't be remedied by anything other than…
Neither of them had any expectations for what the first time would be like. Nor any sort of semblance of an imagined time or place. And the feeling of it, the physical weight and sensation of nerves sending signals to the brain, could not have been predicted either.
Adri's lashes fluttered.
Aki's fingers held Adri's chin firm.
It could have gone on forever, that singular temporal point. Fixed in time, possibly fate if you were inclined to that sort of thing.
Adri had mentioned he'd never been in a relationship before, never been kissed before. Aki could tell by the way his soul was singing to him, his essence laying itself as if to adorn an altar, that this was an important claim to stake. And the way those eager lips began to part. He knew that Adri was starting to feel it, and god, more than anything, he wanted him to. But not… THAT.
Holding Adri's face in a fixed position, he pulled himself away, his own mint eyes opening by a margin just in time to see Adri's do the same.
"… Happy birthday, video games."
"Y… Yeah. Happy birthday."
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beginningobserver · 10 months
Heyyo everyone. I wrote a new Rui-centered thing.
[AO3 version]
Rui is invited to try Daisuke's new ramen recipe with the rest of the group.
Rui + 02 kids • Canon-compliant (KenMiya/Kenyako included) • Post-movie events.
A few months after meeting Daisuke and the others, Rui started to visit them a little more while he waited for Ukkomon’s egg to hatch. He was patient and optimistic that everything would be fine now.
He was invited by Daisuke to eat his newest ramen-creation with the other five. But would they still want to tag along with him? Rui had no idea what true friendship was, because he believed every friend he made after meeting Ukkomon were just manipulated by the digimon like his parents had been.
It could mean that this group he just met would be his first and legitimate friends. Right?
He stood in front of the Ramen Yamatoya building, his hands shaking out of anxiety. He thought -- Should I get in? We were just strangers and I don’t come here too much to not… Bug him--
The door opened from inside and it was by V-mon.
“A-ah… Hello.”
“Wow, you came really fast!!” the blue digimon exclaimed, and looked outside to see if anyone else was coming, “Really fast!”
“I… I was around, my workplace is in this area.”
“Oho! What do you do for life!?”
“... I work at--”
“THERE YOU ARE!!” Daisuke pooped out from the door, “HEY-WELCOME! GET IN, GET IN!!”
He was interrupted by Daisuke’s energetic voice. And dragged inside. He didn’t manage to answer V-mon’s question and at this point V-mon had lost interest in it, because he tried to answer it again and V-mon just started preparing the counter and led to the stool reserved for him.
He felt like a celebrity with that reception, and this really felt awkward -- Do friends do things like these…?
“Here’s the menu!” and V-mon handed him a card with the stuff included in Daisuke’s ‘Ramen Motomiya’ business;
“Oh, thanks…” he gently took it from V-mon’s hand.
“Hey V-mon, this isn’t needed! Everyone will come here to try out my new creation!”
“What is this new… menu item you were talking about?” Rui asked, out of curiosity.
“It’s a top secret! I’ll reveal its details once everyone is here!”
“Oh, so it’s a surprise…”
“Yup!” Daisuke smiled, “But no worries it’s not sweet! I mean, I know you’re not a fan of sweets so… I had to find the perfect balance of flavor that would make everyone satisfied.”
“Hmm…” He didn’t know what to say, it felt a little odd someone thinking of him and his preferences… But it made him relieved that Daisuke cares enough about him to pull things like these -- This is… True friendship right?
“Iori hates tomatoes,” V-mon explained, “So when Daisuke cooks stuff for everyone he has to remember to not add tomatoes on Iori’s portion.”
“I see…”
“And If someone is lactose intolerant I have to know beforehand so I can prepare a special version of the recipe! Or if they’re vegan. Or if they’re allergic to gluten. Lots of things, culinary school prepared me for this!”
“Yeah!” V-mon nodded, “And that so we cannot get into legal issues! I mean, the boss wouldn’t like to have this place closed because of a little mistake!!”
The door opened and the others came in. V-mon greeted them the same way as Daisuke did before -- Maybe it’s part of their business' greetings? -- and they all got reunited at the counter.
Hikari also came in with her backpack stuffed with something. Rui didn’t know why, it just felt a little… strange??
“So, what is the menu for today, chef?” Takeru chuckled, “You said you created something new.”
“Hehe, glad you asked” Daisuke had the sunglasses on and did the ‘anime glasses thing’ with the light reflection, “V-mon, please.”
“Alright!” and then V-mon served the bowls to the six people, “Bone appetit!” 
“It’s not ‘Bone’ !” Daisuke babbled, “Man, Takeru didn’t ya say it was something like ‘good meal’…”
“Oh, yeah” Takeru nodded, “V-mon it’s ‘ Bon’ , which means ‘good’ in French. And ‘bon appetit’ means ‘enjoy your meal’ ”
“Okay but why is Daisuke using French out of nowhere?” Patamon blinked.
“It’s good to know a bit of each language if I want to open my business in New York!” Daisuke explained, “And maybe I’m considering the idea of doing deliveries later.”
“Is it because of my suggestion?” Iori asked and then Daisuke nodded.
“With the digital gate we can go everywhere!!” V-mon added, “So! We can do something cool like this!!”
“This is just one step to be made!” Daisuke bragged, “Now, enjoy the bowl. I’ll be waiting for your feedback on my most recent creation.”
“Don’t forget to describe the flavors!” V-mon added excitedly.
“So uh, what’s different in it?” Miyako raised an eyebrow, “It doesn’t seem different from the usual bowls you served before…”
“Just… Try it first,” he pouted.
“Will you keep using the sunglasses indoors?” Tailmon seemed quite bothered by that. Even Takeru had taken his beanie off!!
“Well, I’m not a real ramen chef if I don’t have them on.”
“It’s missing the spirals, dagya!” Armadimon commented.
“... I left them at home,” Daisuke shrugged.
“YOU HAVE SUNGLASSES WITH THOSE ANIME SPIRALS!?” Everyone seemed pretty surprised by it. Except V-mon, of course.
“Yeah, and they’re mine!” V-mon replied with a grin.
“I don’t think that should be a surprise” Daisuke took the shades off, “Takeru does the same thing, but with hats!”
“Ah, that’s true,” Wormmon blinked.
“Takeru-san has something equal to that too,” Hawkmon replied with a nod.
“We should quit arguing and start eating!” Takeru babbled nervously when everyone glanced at him, “Or else Daisuke will be even more upset than he is right now!”
The only person not taking part in that discussion was Rui, who was just sitting in the corner and already eating his bowl. Somehow him being this quiet made them all forget he was there… But he didn’t mind it either. He’s still just a stranger, maybe Daisuke only invited him out of courtesy…?
It’s good -- Rui thought. He didn’t expect something so simple to be good. But isn’t this what Daisuke is in a nutshell? Simple-minded and a box full of surprises. Now he had to compliment that, which is the hard part. The group were already chatting and even arguing about fashion accessories… He felt it would be rude to interrupt them all.
But… This is really good.
He felt even more awkward…
“AHEM!” Daisuke managed to spot he wasn’t involved in their shenanigans, so he just called everyone’s attention to the main subject, “Now, really��� Just eat it. And tell me what y’all think about it.”
The group looked at each other and then to Rui sitting there in silence eating. V-mon noticed Rui was… crying??
“Oh no-- is it too bad!?” V-mon gasped, mortified “Daisuke, you made something so horrible he’s--”
“It’s good,” he said, quite awkwardly.
“Then why are you crying??” Patamon asked.
Why am I crying…?? -- Not even he realized the reason for those tears. The group then tried their own bowls, trying to understand Rui’s reaction to the food.
“Oh! It’s tasty!” They all commented.
“See the difference?” Daisuke chuckled.
“What did you do this time??” Hikari asked, impressed by the flavor.
“It’s a secret~”
“He was bored last night and accidentally dropped the wrong seasoning to the broth and then he tried it and got… this new ‘BOOM’ okay??” V-mon explained.
“So it was an accidental discovery,” Iori mused.
“What seasoning was?” Tailmon asked the next question.
“It was…”
Seriously, why am I crying by eating something tasteful? -- Rui kept wondering why a simple ramen bowl could bring him tears. Was it the spice? Was it too spicy? Or too salty?? It didn't make any sense, because he didn’t feel it was too spicy or salty… He just sat there eating in silence and trying to get it, why was he…?!
“Oh, I know! Is it love??” Patamon asked.
“Can you put love in a bowl?” Wormmon asked, innocently.
“Well, putting it that way, yeah it had a ton of love while preparing it for my best pals so…”
“Excuse me,” Miyako stared at Daisuke, “I’m the one who got the Digimental of Love here. Better you teach me your secrets.”
“Then, better you give me your Digimental of Love because I deserve it now.”
“Not a chance!”
They all laughed.
Meanwhile Rui, oh poor Rui… He was so confused about what the heck is going on with him that he was feeling like spacing out again. He didn’t even realize he finished his bowl quite quicker than the others.
So now he was just watching the empty bowl and thinking how can he describe those feelings and flavors and -- WAIT WHY ARE THEY ALL LOOKING AT HIM NOW?!
“Wow…” Wormmon exclaimed.
“Well… It was d-delicious!” He babbled aloud. Dang it, he’s feeling like a fool…
“Hey, take it easy” Daisuke said, “So uh… How’s that?”
“... It was good.”
“... I don’t understand why, but eating this bowl gave me joy… Something I haven’t felt for a long time ago.”
“Oh, so you liked it!?” V-mon gasped.
“V-mon, crying does not always mean sadness” Ken started explaining, “It can mean joy too. Like when Daisuke says something dumb and funny, making everyone cry out of laughter. It can also be out of relief, and so do other reasons as well.”
“... I think I was crying because…”
“... You feel happy to be here, right?” Daisuke tried to guess it.
“How’s Ukkomon’s egg going?” Miyako asked, “Did it hatch already?”
“... Not yet,” and then he showed the tiny watch-clock sized egg from his pocket. They all looked at it, “I always take him with me, just in case…”
“That’s a good signal,” Tailmon smiled, and then looked at Hikari, “You have to never lose hope, he will come back. Right, Hikari?”
“Yes, We never lost hope so that’s why we were able to meet each other.”
“... I feel safe with you guys,” Rui blushed a bit. Oh so that’s why he felt a little nervous, right?
“We can help you form connections,” Hawkmon said this time, “But sometimes you need a little push.”
“Yeah, so that’s why I got you here, dude” Daisuke chuckled, “We want to know more about you!”
“And we want you to know more about us, dagya!”
“... Oh.”
“Ah, I have something to show to everyone!” Hikari then took the stuffed backpack and opened it. Then Tailmon handed each of them a knitted scarf “I made those!!”
“That’s so cute!!” Miyako exclaimed with glee.
“Wow, it has cool details on them!!” Daisuke was in awe, “It reminds me of my Digital World’s jacket!!”
“Mine is Patamon-themed” Takeru commented, then looked at Hikari, “You made all of those, with details… All alone?”
“Oh I helped too” Tailmon started to brag, “I evolved into Angewomon and helped Hikari to knit. So they have an angel touch, haha~”
“Literally an angel touch… (dagya)” The digimon repeated together.
Rui also had one in his hands. It looked like Ukkomon, somehow. Hikari is really nice to give him something too, isn’t she? He kinda needed a little more color in his wardrobe… He had just started to wear some black-and-gray tones after the day he discovered Ukkomon had been hijacking his parents’ bodies (and possibly the rest of the people he had contact with?)… He kinda liked his usual outfit, but this was kinda giving him the will to risk changing a little.
So he put it around his neck. Somehow the colors were too bright for his dark clothes… But he was feeling happy with that humble present. He looked really funny and just felt like a tiny puppy with a new dog collar and wagging his tail happily.
The others just looked at him being more relaxed and comfortable, but Daisuke had to hold his laugh. Yeah, it was a little funny to him. And if he laughed now he could give the wrong message. But that made them all just feel the barrier between them and Rui had turned a little less thicker.
“I can’t use it right now, it will get dirty!!” Daisuke said, blushing, “B-But I will do it later!! And I won’t take it off ever again!”
“It will get stinky and we won’t let you approach us!” Patamon pouted.
“I… I will wash it though!!”
“You can’t wash it if you don’t take it off!”
“I didn’t mean literally not taking it off!!” Daisuke’s awkwardness increased. At least no one was paying attention to Rui feeling so warm and happy with those people taking him to eat ramen and giving him a gift!
More laughs.
“T-thank you…” it was interrupted by Rui simply thanking Hikari, “I… I appreciate it.”
“When Daisuke-kun said he wanted to gather everyone to try a new recipe, I decided to knit those. Now we all have matching scarves. Isn’t it fun?”
“This is the closest to having your crush give you a gift,” V-mon nodded sagely.
“HahahahaHA-- WHAT DO YA MEAN, V-MON!?” Daisuke panicked.
Daisuke-kun is acting weirdly… He probably likes her -- Rui thought. He wasn’t disappointed, but he was now frowning?
“I appreciate it as well, Hikari-chan” Ken thanked her, “Thank you.”
“Yeah, everyone here agrees, right?” Takeru smiled. Everyone agreed in a nod.
“Oh, there’s one more inside” Patamon noticed a 8th scarf in the backpack.
“This one is for Wallace,” Tailmon explained, “He’s part of our friend circle too, don’t forget it.”
“Wallace?” Ken and Rui asked.
“He’s a friend from America,” Hawkmon explained, “But uh… He tends to flirt with girls.”
“He was flirting with Miyako when we first met him,” Daisuke added with an annoyed tone.
“He what ?!” Ken gave Daisuke a legitimate ‘Kaiser-like’ look.
“I think now that you and Miyako-san are dating he would respect that” Iori tried to calm Ken down. He could present the sadistic Kaiser just by that reaction.
“Better he does,” Wormmon said, also sounding very… creepy?
Ichijouji-kun and Wormmon are scary… -- Rui gulped in silence. That murderous glare and the group trying to calm them down… Oh yeah.
“Anyway,” Daisuke slammed his hands on the other side of the counter, “Better you give me your notes. I need approval from this team here. And this includes you too, Rui.”
“... Ah, right… I think I liked it…?” 
“The flavors were well balanced,” Ken said nonchalantly, “and your presentation of it looks refined even if you’re just starting this business. And I think it would’ve been good if…”
They watched Ken just rambling about Daisuke’s ramen  like a legit restaurant reviewer and it made Rui quite impressed.
“... And serving it with a good shot of the client’s preferred drink could improve the experience.”
“Is… Is Ichijouji-kun a food critic…?”
“He tends to do those long reviews,” Tailmon shrugged, “You will get used to him.”
“Yeah, he’s a nerd” Daisuke rolled his eyes. Ken blushed out of embarrassment.
“But we love him so he’s our nerd!” Miyako added, and the blush in Ken intensified.
“Sooooo… Do y’all approve this one?”
“Yeah!/Yes!/Mhm!” They all said.
This group of people and their digimon seem so refreshing… Is this what friendship means? Is this… what having real friends means?
Rui felt his encounter with those people and digimon had helped him to start healing his heart. Somehow… He realized what Ukkomon had said back in time, on his 8th birthday.
The ‘friends’ Ukkomon couldn't bring that time… They weren’t his classmates.
It was those people. It was exactly this group of people, apparently.
He took the egg from his pocket and looked at it, with a calm and warm smile:
Thank you, Ukkomon. For leading me to them.
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quietbluejay · 26 days
Fulgrim 8
the finale
so the traitor forces prepared the area in a shocking display of actual competence
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Horus stroked the large dark moustache he had somehow grown overnight and cackled evilly as he put on his black spiky helmet
ah this book never fails to crack me up
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oh actual numbers
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there's been a full page that's basically just been this also ferrus brought a sword he's not using, it's a surprise tool to help us later and i'm pretty sure i know what it is i mean it would be a legitimate twist if it wasn't the friendship sword
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so approx 2:1 at this point
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blorbo alert you know i think this is mcneill's worst written battle scene shame!
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ah little horus that short story with him was kind of funny all the rest of the traitors have to avoid the EC space b/c of friendly fire
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yeah who could possibly see where this was going ferrus manus is not a military intellectual, to put it mildly
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like i know entrenchment gives the defending force an advantage, but literally having it be even at 2:1 julius POV he's feeling pretty today unfortunately for everyone else
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many such cases ah Santar has shown up Santar has a reaction to seeing the EC that is very similar to my reaction to this novel i- ok i guess??? modern problems require modern solutions??? santar is winning and about to strike the killing blow and then he bluescreens because julius is shall we say, enjoying this a bit too much which gives julius the chance to glaive him described as being extremely painful welp rip santar so everything is currently on a knife's edge and now everyone else is here lmao ah Ferrus POV is this going to be the final duel
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the friendship sword: cosmic justice so ferrus is deliberately trying to duel fulgrim "the viperous primarch" ha ha
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okay so the combined new traitor forces are roughly equal to the loyalist forces so another 40k squints waitasecond i see what you did there horus truly was the warhammer 40k
Ferrus has spotted Fulgrim
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he just...lmao
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lmao corvus tells him to cool his jets which was an actual phrase someone used in this book! (not here) corvus and vulkan want to regroup and take a breather and let the reinforcements take over for now
so like, why didn't this guy fall to Khorne again i am again thinking about foiling angron and ferrus
yes this man was in the running for warmaster wheeze
man i don't even know i wouldn't trust this man to run a lemonade stand
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i can't take any of this seriously with this tortured dialogue girl help
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betrayal time
though given the slaughter that's been described where hundred and hundreds keep dying there really shouldn't be that many "hundreds and hundreds" left to get slaughtered
ok duel time ferrus and fulgrim end up wounding each other and both fall to their knees i guess at the same time and fulgrim comes back to himself the sword kinda controls him to get back into the fight the moment kind of gets ruined when it talks about the crackling lightning all over his body getting handsy
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he's swinging the blade "of his own volition" in one sentence and then in the next he's desperately trying to stop it ok i guess primarchs are like immortals from highlander
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Fulgrim throws his hands in the air and dramatically screams "what have i done!!!" laer blade: hehehehe
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have we forgotten how ferrus just turned on a dime towards killing as soon as fulgrim suggested betraying the emperor
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i mean they were very much rash actions i get where you're coming from but they were very much that
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hey, let's go back to that scene bluejay remembers even if you don't
fulgrim then in despair tries to kill himself but the sword tells him not to sword: i can give you oblivion sword: just let me in the driver's seat fulgrim: sounds good i get that this is an emotional moment and he's not thinking clearly at all but really fulgrim 2 seconds later: oops
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actually no, i think it's a generally accepted fact that you don't want to trap people in a situation where they have nothing to lose because they will tend to fight back like cornered rats then we get big picture view of the battle tldr most of the loyalists are dying, the EC continue to be the way they are, Corvus got badly wounded but gets spirited off okay battle's over time for the speeches
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evil lamp horus is being an evil lamp a bit more literally than usual
oh horus pov Fulgrim brought him a present it's Ferrus' head Horus internally: …this is a bit far Fulgrim tosses the head on the floor Horus: why am i getting daemon vibes Horus: Fulgrim… "Fulgrim": I'm sorry, the real Fulgrim has left the building
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the emojis available to me cannot adequately express how i am feeling at this moment "Fulgrim": having a body is pretty cool I'm going to have to try making some modifications to this one Horus internally: this is incredibly wrong and creepy
Horus: where's the real Fulgrim "Fulgrim": time for backstory
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lmao Horus: okay but that doesn't answer my question "Fulgrim": he's trapped inside his body with me~
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wow hey i thought horus was supposed to genuinely care about fulgrim he makes a private vow to try and free fulgrim but like
the part I'm going e_e at is Horus putting "having the third legion onside" as the highest priority epsecially because if they find out, and they find out he knew…lmao i what???? fulgrim killed ostian with the anathame??? okay anyways blah blah daemon is enjoying things fulgrim trapped in the painting the end IM FREE im gonna do the afterword
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im going to cry or something
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anyways im done im out
in some ways it was better done than False Gods or A Thousand Sons i guess
it wasn't as bad an experience as i thought it would be at least but also i've learned to laugh more at this stuff by this point
okay some positive things about it i do appreciate that it played everything for horror rather than sexiness and also the emphasis on just how gross it was rather than being titillating like a lot of authors would have gone in that directions
I'm gonna leave this one on a bible quote
1 Corinthians 10:23 "All things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up.
and finally
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anyway here's screenshots from my favorite scene of the thing- I have watched this again and again because their emotions and the animation here.... it's so good-
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Oh the faces of horrible misunderstandings....
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He used to be so sweet..... baby boy... look at him, smiling. Who wouldn't love him-
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keep this shot right here in mind
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This could be the first sign of the Blitz Fizz used to know. He's surprised and confused by Blitz' outbreak, and he probably only thinks Blitz might be telling the truth because Blitz is crying.... like, legitimately crying. The expressions and voices here are so- hhh so good. Like a little moment of realization.
Not shown here bc Idk how to make gifs but the little motion of Fizz unclenching his fists....
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And his immediate reaction to seeing the guy with the gun- no hesitation, no panic, he just immediately grabbed Blitz and pulled him to safety. Maybe it's because no matter what he says he still cares, no matter how much anger and resentment he feels he still doesn't want Blitz to die... or maybe it's just because finally, after fifteen years, he's finally getting the answers he's been wanting. He's finally so close to finding out why...
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this shot came into my house and punched me in the feels look at them, Blitz' desperation and Fizz' confusion and surprise...
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Fizz thought Blitz set the fire on purpose, out of jealousy.... but it was an accident. Blitz was going to confess. You cannot convince me that letter is not a confession, it has a heart and there's a flower- Blitz didn't want the spotlight, he just wanted to be with Fizz.
But Blitz' own self doubts got him, and he didn't.
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with how harshly he threw the letter to the ground, he was either already fighting his self worth/self hatred issues, or he realized (maybe bc his father gave Fizz a "wish you were my son" card) that Fizz would never see him as anything more than a friend/brother. Either way I think it's very clear that Blitz had a crush on Fizz.
Remember when I said remember that one screenshot? Yeah this is why- keep in mind at this point in time Blitz was nothing more than a circus kid (tho I think by this time he was in the 18-20 range? Still young but an adult) and has never dealt with anything like this before. Like he said, so much was happening and he was trying to get help- because he didn't think he could help, himself.
Now, onto the scene-
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Blitz trying to tell them that Fizz was in there, that he needs help, please- and then....
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On the direct opposite side, Tilla's tent (hospital tent? either way, Blitz knows his mother is in there). He runs towards this tent- and to Fizz, all he sees amidst the chaos is Blitz running away.
ALSO. "You have no idea what I lost in that fire." Fizz never even knew Tilla was dead. We realize that's what that line implies, right? Fizz didn't know that Tilla died in the fire.
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Fizz trying to hold onto his anger but he can't. Because that fire took so much from everyone there that day.
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this very subtle shift in Fizz' expression when Blitz says "I'd hate me too." Blitz doesn't even have to add the "I do hate me, too" for Fizz to clearly understand what's being said here. Again if I could make gifs I would absolutely gif-loop this expression change, screenshots don't do it justice.
And after this, Fizz finally starts asking questions. Why didn't you tell me any of this before? Why didn't you visit me even once? Even just once would have been enough. The revelation that Fizz would have forgiven Blitz a long time ago if he had just told him and apologized and had just... been there for him.
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Fizz has been wondering for years, and now that Blitz has opened the door to the conversation, Fizz is nearly begging for the answers.
And then, of course....
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"You were all I had left, Fizz. But they told me you didn't want to see me."
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"I never told them that!" | "Bullshit. You didn't?" | "No! And no one told me you came!"
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And the immediate understanding that they were both lied to. That someone kept them apart. That someone turned them against each other.
Blitz went to see Fizz- to explain, to check on him, to apologize, because that was his best friend and Blitz loved him, and of course he would come, but he was turned away, told Fizz never wants to see him again.
And Fizz, waiting for Blitz to come but having him never show up... never getting his questions answered, having to fill in the blanks- and maybe he's been lied to again and again, kept in the dark, and they never told him that Blitz came.
I wonder who did that... Mammon would be my guess.
But it's interesting to note that immediately after this revelation, Fizz starts fighting. He's not just standing there while Blitz fights- after they finally realize the misunderstanding, not only does Fizz start fighting, too-
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They actually start fighting together, playing into both of their strengths- Fizz' speed and flexibility, and Blitz' impressive accuracy with a gun. Fizz might not be good at fighting, but he can sure lift this imp around like a ragdoll, and he's figured out by now that when Blitz aims his gun, he doesn't miss. All Fizz has to do is aim Blitz and Blitz does the rest.
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This right here is the face of a guy who knows- yeah, might not be perfect, and there are so many years to make up for, and Blitz still has a lot of making it up to him to do, but he has his friend back. Finally, after so many years- he's back.
Also just- how genuine Blitz' happiness at Fizz' happy relationship is... I love them so much. And how much Blitz loves love? Just knowing Fizz is happy and with someone who truly cares and understands.... and Fizz realizing that Blitz is honestly, genuinely happy for him??
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"You're still on the horse thing?!"
Man, some things just don't change in fifteen years.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
part 1 and part 2 (this is part 3 bc i have no self restraint)
ok so after the celty talk earthworm starts talking about how izaya's been having celty talk to both heaven's slave and gather information on amphisbaena lately
and by the time we see him he's actually stopped responding to everything - earthworm even says "looks like your kid sisters are here" izaya doesnt move, nor does he react when she threatens to set him on fire, or even when heaven's slave storms the building
it's just interesting idk. maybe it's showing how things are starting to go how he's predicted, maybe he's just tired of the whole nervous act, maybe he got bored of all the water getting poured on him and fell asleep lmfaoskghkfd
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and then we get THIS guy coming in a voice filter and automatically you're like wait maybe THAT's izaya?? it must be izaya right??
and the voice starts talking like hey. what do the leaders of heaven's slave (mr. kumoi) and amphisbaena (lizard) have in common. they both have moles under their eyes teehee! and now for the man under the bag -
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earthworm seems to think so too
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and so does this guy (i have no clue what his name is sorry)
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and finally when the HS guy says "i'm gonna cut the knot" does izaya react (there can't be a switchblade scene without izaya in it. he needs to have the spotlight)
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and we hear his voice finally!! and it IS izaya (hiroshi kamiya i could sense you from a mile away)
and yeah what WERE you about to do man?? that was NOT the rope you were aiming for
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and the tension here is inSANE like this is so theatrical and dramatic that im convinced izaya was kicking his legs in his bed like a schoolgirl thinking about how funny it was going to be
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god he's so hot i mean what no
he rehearsed this in the bathroom mirror for sure he's such a fucking loser
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and he's so casual about it too while the other two were having a breakdown :sob: he KNOWS what he was doing
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he has no right to look so cute in this shot
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and the voice filtered phone guy was this dude?? it's like aoba's older brother izumii right or something i dont remember lmAO
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and after effectively scaring the ever-loving shit out of them he's like. didnt i do it for u :3
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god he's hilarious i legitimately might watch through all of durarara again just to watch him fuck around and everyone else find out
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oh here he fucking goes again he's so cringe
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look at his fucking face. he's enjoying himself so much right now this is literally his playground
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oh no way he got saika in on this what the hell
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izaya: i'm not your enemy!! i'm just here to observe!!
also izaya: it's hammer time izumii
asking a literal love parasite to interrogate someone for you is like the most "do you have any sense of self preservation" thing ever except izaya actually has such a strong sense of self preservation that he's practically untouchable
case in point:
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now see he wasn't surprised by this one at all even though he was still in the middle of talking lmfao
i mean haruna is just naturally offputting so i think anyone would always need to have their guard up around her
the clang of the knives is always so satisfying ugh ive watched this like five times
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smug ass
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tfw a crazy girl just tries to stab you in the eye and this is your response
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and we're back with shiki at last!! im sure the information extracted from earthworm was really important or the amphisbaena-heaven's slave connection will be important in future episodes but like
this episode felt like a really self-contained "day in the life of orihara izaya" and i love it actually
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izaya, saying this, having just manipulated like three different gangs into doing his bidding:
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motherfucker stop being so attractive
i hate his cat smile bro
is this what shizuo feels like
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bottom behavior /j
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shiki looking at him like. um. what. okay??
his expressions here feel a lot more subdued and less smirky than usual though which would seem to indicate a bit of truth to that?? which is strange but i guess he likes being in cahoots with the mafia because it gives him constant contact with the darkest sides of humanity
this was a very izaya-centric episode i dont know if there's any more like this but i will absolutely watch the shit out of them if there are so please tell me of them
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and of course we have to end off with shizaya because yes
holy shit look at the length of izaya's leg though what the hell thats some code geass ass legs
is there any ending where shizuo and izaya arent fighting actually?? i feel like there is but i desperately want there not to be lmfaosdgjsjghsdk
ty for reading my live react to durarara x2 ten episode 8 i guess??? i wasnt planning on doing this but izaya gave me no choice in the matter
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