#like how long have i been on reddit??? since i was like 14 probably
wewontbesleeping · 4 days
remember on reddit how mad people used to get when someone would call a funny image a "meme"? that is an IMAGE MACRO. not a MEME.
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strawberrystar7 · 3 months
When the Miraculous fandom complains about Chloé’s redemption Arc
Have you guys noticed that everytime someone complains about Chloé and her redemption Arc they always bring Thomas Astruc and his immaturity up? It’s always the same pattern. People hating on Thomas Astruc, calling him “Asstruc” or saying he hates on a fictional character or saying how he holds a grudge over a childhood bully of his. Or they will say anything after Season 2 is not canon simply because they don’t like it. Some of these people are adults complaining about the immaturity of a grown man.
But what they never notice is that they’re being just as immature. Seriously they remind me of Lila Rossi holding a grudge against Ladybug for 9 months straight because Ladybug called Lila out for lying infront of Adrien. Yes it was uncalled for and Ladybug should have pulled Lila aside (granted Lila would have probably exploded even if Ladybug had talked to Lila in private because Lila is unhinged but whatever) but holding a grudge over something for such a long time to the point where you want them to die? Like… Lila literally asked Oni-Chan (akumatized Kagami) to kill Ladybug. I’ve seen people wishing Astruc would die. These people are literally just like Lila in that regard. Immature and holding grudges over a ridiculous amount of time. They’re like Lila holding a grudge against Thomas Astruc for not giving Chloé a redemption arc. Like come on. It’s been years since the redemption arc thing… can y’ll just stop? It’s annoying and won’t happen regardless of how much you complain about it.
It’s like watching toddlers fighting. If you want to complain about Thomas Astruc being immature, don’t be immature about it yourself. You’re just being a hypocrite.
The immaturity doesn’t just come in regards to Chloé’s redemption arc and Thomas Astruc tho. I’ve also seen it from other Miraculous fans regarding to topics that had nothing to do with Chloé. Like someone insulting me and calling me a 6 year old because I said Marinette and Adrien are in Middle School and 14 years old throughout Seasons 1 to 5 and not in High School or 16/17. And when I came with actual quotes from episodes they suddenly went silent. I mean I can be immature too but I usually apologize when I realize I’m being mean or something. But some fans take it to the extreme.
It’s the worst on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit actually. People like this probably exist on Tumblr too but the discussions I’ve had on Tumblr were rather civil, even when we had opposing opinions. Social Media platforms have become a hell hole regardless of the platform. People nowadays just want to fight.
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welcometololaland · 7 months
Hi, how many WIPs are you currently working on? Would you like to tell more about it?
hello anon 💜 first up, i noticed you sent this to a few people and i just want to say thank you on behalf of everyone for getting behind writers and asking about their projects! that's really sweet of you and i know most people love talking about their writing so i'm sure you made a lot of people happy with this initiative :) using the anon function for good!
storytime but i have really been struggling with writing the last couple of months, mostly because i've been crazy busy with work (actually performing weirdly well but fuck capitalism) and social stuff. it's finally starting to quiet down - i think next weekend is the first weekend with free time since christmas, so i'm super keen to just...chill. maybe then i can actually work on writing!
as for wips...i have many but only a couple i'm actively working on right now.
Eurotrip (aka. When in Rome) - RWRB. i really wanted to finish this before may, but it's going super slow. I'm currently writing chapter 8 or 17, and my aim is to write at least 10 (but probably more like 14) chapters prior to posting. i'm really proud of myself for not giving up on this one because it's a mammoth and i started writing it in...2021 :/ but there's still a long way to go. i have art by @stardisnight to go with it, so that gives me precious motivation. also, the timeline of this fic vaguely resembles a lone star season right now so i need to work that out before i post.
Call Me (By My Name) - Lone Star. a co-write with @rmd-writes, it's just chugging along but as per usual we put no expectations on ourselves so there is no real timeline for completion.
10 Things I Hate About You AU (aka. Not Now But Soon) - Lone Star. i keep thinking about this and not writing it, but every now and then i get a strike of inspiration and go back and add to the doc. i actually DNF'd this ages ago, but i keep going back to it, so hopefully it gets done before the new season airs.
The Ring In 2.0 - Lone Star. calling this a wip because technically i have about 3k in the doc, but i swore myself off starting this before eurotrip is finished. i'm chomping at the bit though, the original ring-in was one of the easiest fics for me to write because it's so silly and fun and the chat with @dustratcentral is everything to me.
A Random Idea I Got From A Writing Prompt and I Pitched to @celeritas2997 - Lone Star. okay. hear me out. it could be short. 10k MAX. i have time for this. i promise. it's an austin au with a super stupid premise and i just. think. it. would. be. funny!!!! let me live. take me back to the ring in days where i didn't have any expectations of myself.
(other projects currently on the back-burner until inspiration rears her beautiful head again - product placement (tiktok 2.0 - LS), crossover, reddit au (LS), cause of action (TGM)).
thank you for asking 💜 and yeah, i take requests on any of these so tell me what you think everyone and don't hold back lmao
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everythingbap · 6 months
Bang Yongguk Reddit AMA Part 1
A/N: translations may have inaccuracies. Part 2 here!
Hey guys! This is BANG YONGGUK, back again for another round of AMA with you 💪
I’m off to my world tour, BANG YONGGUK ‘III’ THE US TOUR 2024 very soon.
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Ask me anything, and I’ll try my best to answer all of your questions!
Don’t forget to grab your tickets for our tour if you're in the US!
04/05 BROOKLYN🎟️ https://livemu.sc/4a0bdrG
04/07 LOUISVILLE🎟️ https://bit.ly/49TB9VU
04/09 CHICAGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/432IrV6
04/12 ORLANDO🎟️ https://bit.ly/48Di5Kx
04/14 DALLAS🎟️ https://livemu.sc/3wxC5AT
04/17 HOUSTON🎟️ https://bit.ly/3T6x2yS
04/19 PHOENIX🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TlTNQL
04/21 LAS VEGAS🎟️ https://bit.ly/4c2SmhG
04/23 SACRAMENTO🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TmZYnM
04/26 SAN DIEGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/431DPyE
04/28 LOS ANGELES🎟️ https://bit.ly/3V9LCZr
Meet & Greet🎟️ https://mmt.fans/bwkW
Also, stay tuned for my latest album, [3], releasing March 31st!
I’m always active on socials. Follow me to stay tuned for cool performances and more music!
Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/bangstergram/]
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/BAP_Bangyongguk]
Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@bangyg]
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I've been a fan of you since you've been in B.A.P, and I have been supporting you ever since! Congratulations on having another world tour, I wish I could see you perform live one day though. I have a few questions though.
1- How fun was it to produce and create your upcoming album? 2- Do you have any advice for getting through the day when things are stressful? 3- Are there any songs from your career that you wish you could've went back and remade?
Thank you so much for being a part of my life and thank you for your hard work. I hope your upcoming world tour goes well!
BYG: 크레에이티브 디렉터로 다시 복귀할 수 있어서 이번 앨범은 과정은 힘들었지만 즐거웠던 것 같아요. 스트레스는 내가 무시하는 것 중 하나야. 가만히 명상해보자. 리메이크 가능하다면 내 첫 정규앨범 BANGYONGGUK을 리믹스해서 LP로 만들고 싶네. I think it was hard but fun to be back as creative director for this album. Stress is among the things I ignore. Let's try and meditate. If a remake were possible, I'd like to remix my first album BANGYONGGUK and make it into an LP.
BABY: Hiiiii! Could you please sing Going Crazy or 4:AM at your tour? I know it’s difficult the second one, but how do you feel about it now?
BYG: 아마 감정적으로는 힘들겠지만 4:44를 부를수 있을 것 같아요. It's probably hard emotionally, but I think I could sing AM 4:44.
BABY: 오빠 행복하세요? ❤️ Oppa, are you happy? ❤️
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BABY: Hello Yongguk!! Who are your favorite artists at the moment? Do you have any recommendations?
And do you plan on doing a Latam tour?
BYG: 몇 년째 계획만 되고 있네. 나 언제 시작할 수 있을까? I've only been planning for years. When can I start?
BABY: 꼭 해보고 싶었고 지금까지 해볼 수 없었던 일이 있을까용? Is there something you really wanted to do until now but couldn't?
BYG: 언제까지 가능할지 모르지만 아직까진 나는 항상 100% 노력했어요. I don't know how long something is possible, but so far I've always tried 100%.
BABY: And you have great fingernails, how do you take care of them??? My nails are terrible 😭
BYG: 손톱을 사랑해주세요. Please love your fingernails.
BABY: Hi! I've been a BABY since 2012 and I've loved listening to your solo music, I'm so excited for the new album!
What's your favorite part of touring? Is there anything that's hard about it?
BYG: 도시마다 색 다른 분위기를 느끼는 걸 좋아해요. 몸은 힘들지만 무대 위에서 여러분을 만날때 그걸 잊어버리는 것 같네요. I like feeling the different atmospheres of each city. It's tiring, but when I meet you all on stage, it seems I forget about that.
BABY: hi yongguk!! i've been a fan of B.A.P since debut and i honestly think B.A.P in Melbourne (2016) was the best concert i've ever been to!! it was my first as well :)
i'd like to ask, are there any scents that u're attached to? i.e. hold sentimental value or something that just improves your mood 😊
good luck w ur tour !!
BYG: 응 나는 바디로션과 향수 냄새를 오랫동안 바꾸지 않았는데 이건 집착에 일부인가 봐. Yeah, I haven't changed the scent of my body lotion and perfume in a long time, but it must be part of an obsession.
BABY: Hello Yongguk!
What song of yours do you find most difficult to perform? (Physically and/or emotionally).
I hope you have a great tour ♥️
BYG: AM 4:44
BABY: Hi Yongguk, your music has helped me a lot through tough times. Thank you for being you and for sharing your lovely self with the world through your music! 💫❤️‍🔥
I just want to ask, what advice would you give to other aspiring artists and musicians?
BYG: 스스로에게 계속 도전하세요. 누군가의 조언 보다 스스로의 목소리에 귀 기울이세요. 예술은 A.I가 대체할 수 없을 거라고 생각해. 널 알아봐 줄 1명의 팬만 있다면 성공한 거야. 힘내고 사랑하자. Keep challening yourself. Listen to your own voice instead of someone else's advice. I don't think AI can replace art. If you have even just one fan who recognizes you, you're a success. Let's cheer up and love each other.
BABY: What is your favourite Emoji you like best?
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BABY: 미국에 가기전에 한국에서 마지막 식사로 뭐 먹을까여?ㅋㅋㅋ What should I eat for my last meal in Korea before I go to the U.S.? Hehe
BYG: 라면? Ramyeon?
BABY: If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you choose?
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BABY: Yongguk! What’s your comfort tv show? <3
BYG: 날 위한 쇼는 내가 직접 만들어야할것 같아. 나 잘 알잖아요? I think I have to make a show for myself. You know me well, right?
BABY: hello Yongguk!! i wish you the best for your tour! i was wondering if you had any future collabs planned 👀 ty!
BYG: 여름에 새로운 프로젝트를 기획하고 있네? I have plans for a new project in summer?
BABY: Hi! Thank you for doing an AMA! Do you do anything special to take care of your voice while you tour?
BYG: 아마 투어가 시작되면 열심히 뜨거운 차를 마셔야 할꺼야. I should probably drink a lot of hot tea when my tour starts.
BABY: What is something on your bucket list?
BYG: 여름에 알게 될 거예요. You'll find out in summer.
BABY: What superpower would you love to have?
BYG: 시공간을 조종하고 싶네요. I want to manipulate time and space.
BABY: yongguk, you’ve been my biggest inspiration for the longest time who is your inspiration in music or do you just go with your own vibe these days?
BYG: 최근에는 월드투어가 큰 영감을 줬던 것 같네요? I think the world tour has been a big inspiration lately?
BABY: 안녕 방용국 오빠 ! Hello Bang Yongguk-oppa !
Do you have any plans in the future to film another documentary like "Something to Talk About?"
It would be interesting to see your progression as a person and as an artist since 2019!
감사합니다! 💚 Thank you! 💚
BYG: 새로운 다큐멘터리를 보게 된다면 아마 3-4년은 걸릴 거예요. I think it will probably take around 3-4 years to see a new documentary.
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Excited for your tour. What's one song you always look forward to performing on stage?
BYG: 5번트랙 Track number 5
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Are there any new genres of music you would like to try or have tried and really liked?
BYG: 이번 앨범 재미있었어. 나오면 꼭 들어봐요. This album was fun. Take listen right when it comes out.
BABY: Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm excited for your new album. You're an amazing artist who deserves the world. Also, I can't wait to see you in Sacramento <3. Thank you for touring.
Question: Which song is your favorite out of all the songs you've released?
I miss you 💚
BYG: 2 이후라면 이번 앨범이 될 것 같아요. If it's after 2, I think it'll be this album.
BABY: Hi!!! What song are you excited to perform on your tour?
BYG: 새 앨범 모든 노래를 부를 예정이야. I'm going to sing all the songs from my new album.
BABY: Hello greetings from Mexico. There is a small possibility of having a concert of yours this year in Latin America.
BYG: Movimiento는 라틴 아메리카 투어를 위해 작업한 곡 입니다. Movimiento is a song I worked on for Latin America.
BABY: hiii, i'm really curious about what's your favorite moment while you're producing a new song or overall a new ep/album? i love you and i'm really excited bc '3' :)
BYG: 발매 직전! Right before the release!
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BABY: Hi Yongguk! Love you loads! How has making music and composing melodies changed since writing and composing for a group to being solo? Would you say it's harder?
BYG: 그룹보다 혼자 부르는 곡을 만드는 게 더 쉽네요. 생각보다 그룹 음악은 오랜 시간 그 노래를 부를 친구들을 위해 고민해야 할 시간이 필요하니까. It's easier to make songs I sing alone than with a group. I need to worry about the songs that my friends will sing for a long time.
BABY: Can you recommend a “new ramen“ to try? (Not shin) 😄
BYG: 진 Jin
BABY: There is EP 2, and now EP 3. Where is EP 1?
Is there anything to keep you motivated to work & be productive? 
BYG: 1은 제 자신을 의미합니다 1 means myself
BABY: Hello Yongguk! I hope you are having a good day! Since you are Starting a new tour soon! I had some questions that i would love to ask you from last tour if its possible!
1- When you were in Lisbon, what did you liked the most? Would you go back if it was possible? 2- What is the most memorable memory of the "Colors of Bang" Tour?
BYG: 포르투갈 와인은 특별하다. 그리고 너희들 정말 열정적이었어. 다시 만나고 싶네요. Portuguese wine is special. And you all were very passionate. I want to meet you again.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! Thank you for doing this AMA! My question for you is:
Do you have any regrets in your career? What would you change if you could start all over again?
I've been a fan of you and B.A.P since debut! Stay healthy and happy! Love you lots! 💚
BYG: 지금까지 해온 모든일들은 내 자신을 위한 특별한 순간들이였어요. 절대 후회하지 않아요. Everything I've done has been a special moment for myself. I never regret it.
BABY: Will come to Canada? Please, please come to Toronto!!!!!
BYG: 내 계획 중에 캐나다도 다시 방문해야 할 곳이에요. Canada is one of the places I need to plan to visit again.
BABY: i have such a strong memory of the day “no mercy” came out & watching the MV at university. i also went straight from my college graduation to go see B.A.P in concert😂 thank you for bringing me so many great memories over the years! i hope you’re doing well🙂
is there any song that when you listen, reminds you of a specific time in your life - good or bad?
BYG: 요즘 봄이 오니까 Carnival 앨범 생각 많이 나네요 These days with spring coming, I think about our album Carnival a lot
BABY: 이번 앨범이 내 최애앨범 될 것 같음…😍 I think this album will be my favorite...😍
BYG: 음악적으로 나도 그런 것 같아. Musically speaking, I would agree.
BABY: Hi king💚👑~~ As a Tunisian🇹🇳 Baby, I want to ask if you consider adding "North Africa" to your world tour list in the future! And yes love you and good luck for "3" I can't wait for it 🥹💚🔥
BYG: 모로코는 내 촬영지 후보 중 하나였어. 공연으로 북아프리카는 꼭 방문해보고 싶네요. Morocco was one of the candidates for a shooting site. I really want to visit North Africa for a performance.
BABY: I remember you once asked us if we prefer "The old BANG YONGGUK" or "Today's BANG YONGGUK". Does this have something to do with your comeback? Maybe a change of your music style ? What was your inspiration this time?
BYG: 내가 싫어하던 것들을 이번 앨범에 다 해본 것 같아. I think for this album I tried out everything I used to dislike.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I’ve been a fan for quite a few years now, I hope everything is well with you and I wish you luck on your tour 🫶🏻
My question is, what is one song that is on repeat for you right now?
BYG: 새 앨범 노래들인데 가사가 잘 안 외워지네. 가사를 내가 쓰더라도 그건 다른 문제네요. When it's songs from a new album, the lyrics won't get in [my head] well. If I write the lyrics myself, it's a different matter.
BABY: How do you decide who to feature in your songs?
BYG: 그들의 음악을 오랫동안 듣고 어울리는 새 곡을 만들기 위해 노력하는 것 같아요. I think I listen to their music for a long time and try to make a song that fits them.
BABY: How did you feel when you were filming for NUMB? I'm afraid of heights. Seeing you near the edge of the cliff scared me 😅 I think NUMB will be my favorite ❤️
BYG: 그곳은 numb라는 노래를 위한 최적의 장소였어. That place was the best location for the song numb.
BABY: How many songs from BYG III album will you be singing for the tour?
BYG: 모두 All of them
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colleybri · 4 months
Answer the questions and tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @mosylufanfic :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’m relatively unusual here, I think, in that whilst I’ve been writing it since my teens I have had a good twenty year break up until a few months ago. Years ago, I just started writing it for my own pleasure - certainly no internet or easy ways to share it back then. More recently, I can attribute my return to one thing and one thing only: my love of the series Andor. An obsession that came out of nowhere in September 2023 when I watched it for the first time and it resonated with me in a way nothing has come close to in quite some time. After several months of writing various analyses of it I felt the urge to get creative.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Not many - most recently, Andor - obviously - and with the obvious overlap of Rogue One. Going back: I started out on E.T. (early teens then so that will date me accordingly :) ) - moving on to Aliens, The Silence of the Lambs and The X Files. Some novels then too: Narnia and Clive Barker, notably.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
As above, really. I’m in my mid 50s now - which I imagine makes me one of the older ones here. I dabbled most recently in the late 90s, with The Phantom Menace slashfics that were hugely popular back then - one of my friends was a superb writer (her stories were considerably better than the film itself ) and absolutely churned them out on whatever forums were around. They were a wholly new thing to me and I hadn’t even seen the film, but I dabbled a bit anyway :)
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more at the moment, but I’m gradually trying to catch up with the reading. I missed Andor when it was first released and therefore the glut of fics from that time. But I’m getting to know the writers I really like and rediscover my own interests, genre speaking, along the way.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
It’s really hard to compare as I haven’t got much left hanging around from my earlier years, but I would say that with several decades of teaching Lit under my belt now I do care a lot more about characterisation than I ever used to. It used to be all about the plot. I’m finding myself very drawn to subtext-heavy dialogue, internal monologues, drabbles and even poetry - the last being something I never thought I’d touch with a barge pole. I’m not saying I’m any good, just that I enjoy the challenge. That’s the main thing, in fact. These days I’m happy to embrace a challenge rather than shy from it. 
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
That would be what human flesh tastes like. For a Silence of the Lambs fic, obviously. The answer is apparently “pork crossed with beef” so I guess a genuine ragu lasagne would scratch that particular itch if anyone’s curious. 
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
At the moment, as I’m pretty much starting from scratch and trying to find readers, absolutely anything. Probably excluding ‘don’t give up the day job’. 
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Probably the cannibalism thing. Though that’s no doubt more mainstream nowadays…. I haven’t even looked at all the Hannibal (tv series) fics out there. 
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Anything long - the longest thing I ever completed was a 250 page novel but I was 14 at the time and haven’t come close since. Haven’t the stamina these days. Same with reading – I prefer one shots.
10. What is the easiest type?
Missing scenes or scene commentaries - not so much easy as such but probably my favourite forms, so they come relatively easily once I really put my mind to them. I find analytical essays the easiest of all, if I know the text well, but that’s no doubt a teacher-thing. I’ve made myself a regular feature on the Reddit Andor sub, probably to the chagrin of some :)
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Looking at other answers to this one, I’m a bit perplexed. I have an elderly iMac and write on that. Hell, I used to do everything in long hand. Thank God I learned to touch-type. I guess I use Googledocs when forced to use my laptop. I’m fortunate to be semi-retired, so I generally find the time.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Something longer, I guess. Hard to tell. I was and am intimidated by Smutfics, but had a go at a challenge recently and was quite pleased with the result. Not something I’ll be writing often though - not the main event, anyway. Love the buildups, and there’s some really great erotica out there, but I do get pretty stuck using the same vocabulary if I’m not careful. I’ve done a few humorous variations and quite liked those too. I’m British, lived in Bath for many years so like to imagine Austen’s ironic take on sex scenes quite a bit. 
13. What made you choose your username?
Nothing very deep - it’s to do with where I live. I’m a keen birder and Colley is an old West Country (England) word for a blackbird. 
Apologies in advance for tagging you - I’m sure some or all of you have been ‘done’ already! I don’t know a huge range of writers yet and I’m new to Tumblr and Discord. Absolute social media dinosaur as I am. 
Tagging @beladonna02, @ceruleanphoenix7, @faceofpoe, @jake-and-amy-are-married, @vadercat
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klein3ngl · 7 months
Hello :D do you have any p1 Dude headcanons?
hi hi.
oh boy, I thought I had a few, but after I sat down to write them just realized I might have a bit too much more than what I’ve expected, haha.
POSTAL 1 DUDE; headcanons
first of all! some headcanons make reference of how he was before the first game, so trying to apply them to the guy who’s terrified, sitting on the floor while hugging his gun would be pretty useless
also, if instead of a hyphen there’s a star it’s to address DID in Dude (I don’t have DID myself and I’m not close to somebody who has DID, all I know is from research I’ve done myself, so if there’s something wrong please tell me.
if you’re not into the DID idea just ignore the stars.
anyway, here we go:
— Before what happened in 1997 I think he was still a disaster, but a bit more functional.
I’m not gonna dig a lot into how he was while growing up, but he’s an only child that comes from a christian yet dysfunctional family, so after he finally had enough saved money and the legal age he moved to another city (not Paradise) to start again and never looked back, probably with a bit of help coming from Uncle Dave, the only family member that cared about him.
★ P2’s been with him since he was a kid/pre-teen. P1 doesn’t really knows who or what P2 is and at first is pretty much afraid, thinking he’s a demon of some kind. But after a while and seeing how he stands up for him (when he’s unable to defend himself, make friends, etc) and he’s not really trying to harm him he relaxes for a bit.
— He’s always been pretty much a loner, but not to the point to isolate himself completely. He had a tiny group of friends who were also as “weird” as he was who were also into the alternative/goth subculture. Those were probably the best years of his life.
But still, following the last point, I also think he’s one of those people that when they feel bad they isolate themselves for some time and then come back like nothing happened. It usually worked, until it didn’t.
— I have no idea of where I readed I don’t know if it was the Wiki, TV Tropes, in a reddit comment or somewhere else but I think that during the development of “Postal” the Postal Dude was around 27 years old. I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ll go with that.
And, to add some more flavor, I don’t remember if it was Tumblr or Reddit, but somebody had the headcanon that the 14 of November, the day the first game begins, it’s also the Postal Dude’s birthday.
I can’t remember who had such a good idea but I love it way too much, I love angst with all my heart so now it’s my headcanon too.
(if I see the original headcanon again I’ll give credits to the person)
— [ tw // mentions of drugs ] Definitely smokes both cigarettes and weed, but the last one just from time to time. Has tried acid or mushrooms but rather stick to weed.
He hasn’t done crack or anything too heavy, not before 1997.
— He has little to no idea of how to cook. He can do some basic stuff to survive, and he has tried following a recipe in the past, but it’s definitely not his best . Not like he enjoys it either.
— His body: pretty tall. He has a bit of a complex with his height, finding clothes of his size can be complicated and it’s a bit awkward too.
His body is a bit built (he does some work out because of the idea that somebody can attack him at any moment is enough to make him try to learn some self defense alone in his room). Compared to P2 he's has more corporal mass, but not as much as P3 would have. He's an in between. Not skinny but not fat either.
He’s also pretty pale. Not because he can’t get tanned or anything, but because he would rather go out when the sun is already setting or during night or, in general, prefers to stay at his house.
In general he’s one of those people you see on the street and catch your attention: it’s not always that you see a really tall guy with long ginger hair.
— He doesn’t cut his hair because he likes how it looks on him but also because he’s too lazy (and anxious) to go to a hairdresser. He sometimes cuts it himself, and since he has no idea there have been times it ends up disastrous, but since I think his hair is a bit wavy it doesn’t look really bad.
He also doesn’t maintains it really well, he only uses shampoo and, maybe, one of those 3 in one bottles and that’s all. If it’s really cold he dries it with the hairdryer, but rarely does so.
— His handwriting is HORRIBLE. Not like if it’s like hieroglyphics, you can read it, but it’s just really ugly (the diary/war journal entries is how he writes, but since he was pretty stressed and scared it’s a bit more agitated). Also makes too much pressure, not to the point of ripping of the paper but you can feel it on the other face of the sheet surface if you brush it with your hand.
Likes to write for himself, it’s therapeutic and the best way to cope, the less harmful to himself too.
— Following the last point he also likes to make some doodles, especially when bored. Nothing too serious though, the typical thing you do when you’re in class bored and you only have a pen in hand and a paper. You’ll see plenty of them that decorate his notes and diaries. They’re a bit chaotic, his traces being a bit messy.
— If he was accepted in RWS he might have some knowledge about the videogame industry or related. Not sure of what, probably graduated in some studies about it. Maybe a programmer? I dunno.
— Definitely neurodivergent. Either autistic or ADHD. Or both.
His main interests being weapons, movies and videogames. Predilect genres? Terror and horror. He’s not much of a reader though.
On a side note, easily overwhelmed with people he’s not close with touching him (or in general, he’s not opposed to it but would rather if the other person asked for permission) and large crowds, and the main reason he wears he started wearing sunglasses it’s because sensitivity to bright lights.
Still, he’s undiagnosed so he has no clue why he’s like that and why can’t he be normal, sometimes thinking he’s a bit dramatic. His group of friends also had other neurodivergent people who he could rely on so he didn’t feel that bad after all.
— He hated going to clubs for that same reason, even the more alt ones. Too much noise and people. He probably went there because of his friends and enjoyed it for a little while, but would’ve rather been doing anything else.
★ P2 liked it more than him, so when they made plans with their friends he was the one who was in control most part of the time.
— He’s the kind of person that I think would listen to pretty much everything, but definitely his favorite genre is hard rock and metal and its sub-genres: goth metal, black metal, grunge, industrial, you name it. Maybe nu metal it’s not really his thing.
Still, he jams pretty much everything so you could catch him singing a Spicegirls song and he would deny it with his life.
★ It’s in fact P2 who prefers nu metal and wouldn’t care what he’s listening to. Would probably tease P1 about it though.
P2: “You’re listening to Madonna? I thought you didn’t liked pop”
P1: “...shut it”
p2: “Whatever you say edgelord… "LIKE A VIRGIN JUST, LIKE THE VERY FIRST TIME- ♪"”
— He’s bisexual, but still in the closet and pretty deep in there. He has done a few things with other guys but nothing too serious or further than making out probably. Partly because he has some internalized homophobia from the family he comes from (in himself! would never judge or care is one of his close ones was in the queer community) and because generally he sucks at dating.
★ Again, P2 is more open about it than him, and probably the one who had those interactions with other guys, but since P1 was not really uncomfortable with the subject he never went too far.
P2 tried to talk to him about it, but P1 just refuses.
— Also, how did I forgot to mention this? Religious trauma.
Now, he has a weird relationship with his christianity and beliefs, his morals, and how he views himself since he was teached to be a good christian, and he kinda wants to be good at the eyes of God, but at the same time he’s into too many stuff his parents told him they were satanic and bad. He has mixed emotions about it, it’s like he wants to let it go, but he’s unable to do so.
To him the cross he carries around his neck is not for the aesthetic, but he’s not because he’s a good christian either. And when he’s feeling at his worst? It’s like a dog collar, reminding him how all the trauma his family beliefs have harmed him, but at the same time he cannot let it go for some reason. It’s like an abusive relationship both with himself and with his religion, if he even believes in it. It’s complicated to understand? He’s just as confused as you are.
Maybe the problem it’s not the religion itself, maybe it was his family and now because of them he can’t really feel comfortable praying (even if he sometimes finds himself doing so on the nights of rough days) or having a normal relationship with his christianity. Whatever it is, he’s traumatized.
★ And P2 doesn't helps either. He just does not cares about it and when he sees P1 having a breakdown about it, knowing how hard the subject is for him, just prefers to not to get involved, because, anyways, what can he do to help him? He just does not know either, it’s something he has to resolve himself. He cannot help him in everything.
P1 sometimes has called P2 a demon during his attacks, and even if he just ignores it it’s true that it can get annoying after all the times he has tried to help him, and every time they had a fight about it P1 ended up worse, so P2 decided to not get involved any more time for that too.
— I think he’s both shy and introverted, but don’t misinterpret me; not shy in a cute bean who gets all nervous and blushy. No. More in the staring at the person like if he was a deer in front of the lights of a car type of shyness, trying not to get too nervous, and after a few seconds he responds to whatever that person said or asked, hoping it wasn’t too cringy or awkward. He usually gets like that when he’s interested in a person (doesn’t matter if it’s platonic or romantic) and doesn’t want them to get weirded out by him
More introverted than shy, that’s for sure.
— If he’s having a good day his neutral face just looks tired, in his worst I doubt anybody would be able to get to see him because in those days he locks himself in his house and refuses to go out, but if it’s the case (probably the clerk of a shop because he ran out of food) it’s a mix of anger and fear (mainly due paranoia and hallucinations, trying to put and angry face to make the others don’t bother him).
— He could be INFJ (Ni Fe Ti Se) or INTJ (Ni Te Fi Se). If that was the case I think it would be due to Se grip.
I could go more into details because I really enjoy MBTI and see how its functions work on fictional characters.
★ Not the same as P2 of course, but that's a story for another day.
— Pretty much stoic, but on the inside? A mess of emotions he does not know how to untangle correctly. He can get emotional when he’s alone, but that’s a part nobody would ever see of him. He’s not going to let anybody see him in such a vulnerable and weak state.
— Now, returning to the main point. I could really go into details of what or why I think it could have happened for him to literally go postal, but I think the main point is that he moved to Paradise trying to escape from his life. And you may ask “but you said those were the happiest years of his life!” yep, completely, but there can be a few things that alone could have been bad but tolerable, but too many of them make them unbearable: maybe he distanced himself from his friends, had to move somewhere cheaper because of money, his mental health going downhill, etc.
The thing is, he moved to Paradise, and it was probably his worst mistake.
Uncle Dave lived there, that’s why he chose that city, but even with that he had almost no contact with him besides the first few days? He was on his own, alone again.
— Ironically, I think he actually worked for a post office. It’s the only job he could find.
— Both his physical and mental state got way worse. He’s never been a really healthy person, but still tried to take care of himself at least a bit. Going out only when heavily necessary and, after a while, not even going to work anymore. That's when he really ran out of money and got the terrifying letter: he got evicted of his “safe place”. Was his house even a safe place at this point? He couldn’t feel safe anywhere anymore.
He could have called Uncle Dave, but at this point? He was just so disconnected with reality he didn’t know what to do.
★ P2 saw him fall and had no idea of what to do at this point. He was tired of trying to help him so he just ignored. P1 felt so bad that, even if he find P2 annoying at times it was the last thing he needed, the last familiar thing he had disappeared hurts him to the core.
— [ tw // mentions of self-harm ] Even if writing in his journal really helped him to calm down during bad days it doesn’t mean he didn’t do other more harmful things to himself when he was at his worst. Before moving to Paradise he handled it better, he was able to tone it down pretty much since he moved from his parent’s house, but after everything got so overwhelming again? He doesn’t know any better. And the worst part of it? Finds it both comforting and thinks that he deserves all this suffering. For everything. For moving away from his parents, maybe they were right after all. For being a bad christian, God, if he hasn’t done it already, would probably turn his back the day he has to pass Heaven's gates. For after being so happy and having friends and thinking he was getting better and how he throwed all out the windows. It’s all his fault, and he knows it, but he can’t bring himself to do anything, not even therapy, and cannot call his friends. Nothing. The world’s still going on without him. He just feels like when he was a kid, but worse.
★ And here’s where he appears: the Other Dude (to me not the same as P3). He’s shows him his most intrusive thoughts, those who make him feel sick. OD slowly persuaded him to do horrible things not to himself, but the others. He’s twisted and manipulated everything, every little hope he had. P1 confused P2 with OD at this point, and was the one who made P1 get out of his house after a really long time, but with a gun in his hand, ready to kill everybody who made him feel so miserable and worthless. At this point he’s just gone.
At first, ironically, P2 tried to get in the middle of it, a bit confused of what or who OD was. Why he was so similar to himself? How long has he been there? But even OD persuaded him at some point.
Both P1 and P2 were tired of the way they were living and feeling. So why not change it?
I’m not sure who’s the one who got out of the house ready to cause a massacre, if P1, P2 or OD, but the thing is they all agreed at some point.
— I know this is going to be a bit weird, but I don’t think the whole game stages are real? It sounds weird, but let me explain: you really think a guy who has been locked inside his house for so long, having horrible hallucinations, almost no sleep (and if he had any, probably full of nightmares), not taking care of himself is really going to go too far? It does not matter how many weapons he may carry, it’s practically impossible.
Maybe the first 2 or 3 stages, but not much more before the police/militars/whoever it was got him at some point. The others only happened in his head, his mind going ahead of him, overthinking, and lately, his guilt getting over him.
By this I’m not saying he’s less of a horrible person, he did what he did and it’s sickening, it does not matter how bad he was feeling, killing people who have nothing to do with you and your problems is not the answer. Even if they were the cause, it’s not the solution.
— Leaving aside that all the “Postal” games are usually a parodies of real life and black humor (asides from the first game and “Postal Redux”) and taking it for something more serious, I don’t think “Postal Dude” it’s the name of the Postal Dude.
It was a nickname given both by the survivors of the massacre and the media.
— Also, after what he did he was everywhere. In the newspapers, in the TV, in the radio. That’s how Uncle Dave and the group of friends he had back in the city he lived before found out. But how could he? He was such a nice, quiet guy… he wouldn’t hurt a fly!
His group of friends, who since he moved without saying anything, didn’t pick up their calls and in general ignored them and decided it was for the best to just let it be.
Uncle Dave, on the other side he was worried. What the hell happened during all those years they were separated? It couldn’t be something he decided overnight, there had to be something more, right?
— He got his hair shaved at the asylum. After that he didn’t had it that long in his whole life.
— He got locked in the asylum, and being locked in there, alone again with his thoughts, it was dead of him. Metaphorically speaking.
★ P1 went dormant, refusing to think of what he has done, or at least accepted to do. He couldn't take all that blame, it was impossible. Every time he remembers it he wants to puke. He now really want to be dead. There’s no way he can redeem himself from that, God definitely has abandoned him. OD also disappeared. He just provoked all of this and now what? He accomplished what he wanted, where is he? He bring out the worst part of P1, was he trying to corrupt him and breaking him was not in the plan or was the plan breaking him from the start?
Whatever it was left P2 alone, also feeling guilty of what he has done. He does not feel as bad as P1 but he also cannot feel happy as OD probably feels. What they’ve done it’s horrible, but how OD manipulated them to do it? Even worse. Even for P2 whose morality is more gray-ish than P1s.
He hates it, he’s locked in there with the hallucinations and barely speaks to P1 because he’s completely broken and refuses to do so. Now it’s the other way around. He’s growing resentful to him too for that, they’re both cupid, can he at least make him some company? Like he did when P1 was a child too? It’s unfair.
He has something clear though: if OD ever shows his ass again he will NOT let get on him like he did. And even if he’s annoyed at P1, not even him.
— After some time Uncle Dave brings himself to visit him. At first it was so grim. Dude felt so horrible for his actions he couldn’t bring himself to even look at him, but after some more visits, therapy and meds he started to light up a really tiny bit. It was something.
★ It was not really him, P1 was pretty much not wanting to know anything from the external world, it was P2 who decided to take the lead. P1 didn’t wanted to live anymore? Fine, he would take his chance then. To live the life he never could since he’s always been on P1 mind, rarely being the one in control.
Maybe he was pretending, or maybe he genuinely wanted to get better, but the thing was: he wanted to get out of there, if there was a chance to do so, he would try it. At first do what the workers said, and if that didn’t work he would escape. He does not care. He wants to try to live.
okay I got a bit too carried away- I’m sorry-
hope you liked them! I’m not really skilled nor do I have practice when it comes to creating headcanons about characters even if I have a few ideas.
I’m thinking about posting a few more in a future,, but school work is killing me-
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
hey so not too long ago, i saw a post from rz twitter that said that during the first loop where subaru meets otto, when subaru met the witch cultists and were chanting something to subaru before they left, that these cultists left because some outsider (who's therefore an enemy to their witch and its prophecy) was nearby. And the tweet said how that "nearby outsider" was actually otto who stayed behind because he was worried that subaru, (whom he met only as a customer in that loop and otto had already fulfilled his job) would succumb to danger. And despite frufoo's warnings, it's heavily implied that otto had in fact died in that loop waiting for subaru to come back. And the replies were saying that it's common knowledge?
First of all, is that true? I can see how one would come to the conclusion that the cultists left because otto, an outsider, was nearby. But i haven't seen proof of the implication that otto died from that loop. Secondly, with this perhaps being true, does that confirm that any loop in which otto was nearby and subaru is in danger, that otto risked his life for him? Some ppl say "but the whale incident!" But like you said way earlier, otto came back to him after pushing him off, and it's implied that he died trying to save subaru. There's no loop i can recall otto leaving him to the dust, even when he doesn't know who subaru is. And thirdly, Otto get some self-preservation skills, you barely knew the guy and already risk your life for him. What the fuck.
HAH anon your ask intrigued me so much i immediately went to the anime to try and confirm this. and bc the anime is the closest bit of info i got wjdndn i dont have arc 3 ln or access to arc 3 wn (i do not understand japanese either, sadly) but!! while the anime doesnt explicitly confirm otto died in that first loop his character debuted in, i think its definitely a possibility that he died to the witch cult there. (if anyone knows the lore on this for sure though feel free to add?? yeah)
also regarding about whether this is common knowledge or not—id argue its kind of not, at least in certain circles, bc im gonna be completely real i had to double check the anime to see how well i remembered it bc its 1. been a while since i’ve watched season 1 in full and 2. when i was looking at it on my first watch i was focused more so on what the hell was happening to subaru, rem, emilia camp rather than otto, who at the time seems like just some random guy who wont appear ever again. but also maybe im a little too used to people misinterpreting rezero over on reddit ajfbdnd bc some people STILL completely forget that otto went back after pushing subaru off the wagon. and some people still forget ottos died for subaru even though its super obvious in arc 4?? so i dont think ottos involvement with subaru across loops is really common knowledge? or at the very least its not common for Certain portions of the rezero fandom bc i see ottos whole fixation on subaru gets glossed over at times. but i do genuinely think moments like the first loop with otto are probably easy to sort of miss if youre not paying attention. but also again i might be a little bit brainwashed by rezero redditors misreading things bc the amount of people that forget otto went back for subaru in the white whale loop made me doubt my own memory of that scene to the point where i rewatched it in the anime just to be sure wkdndnd. i dont really see any english rezero people talk about this loop in particular too unless theyre referring to you know, rem arlam and emilia camp dying. but anyway moving on for now…
alright!! lets go over this scene i suppose. the anime doesnt go into like. Specifics, like how the tweets you mention do anon, but it does have some interesting stuff.
in the anime, the first loop with otto happens in episode 14 to about the beginning of 15, but the focus is of course more so on subaru, rem, arlam, etc, bc rem left for the mansion and subarus trying to get there quickly so he pays otto to do that. otto takes the time to warn him before they even set off, not only for his own sake but also for subarus:
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but you know, bc ottos desperate for money bc hes in debt, he takes up the job. but once otto and subaru actually get to the road leading up to arlam and the mansion, otto stops bc frufoo’s frightened and shes warning them of danger—
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but subaru being subaru jumps off anyway and leaves. he says this quickly before he goes:
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otto replies by trying to call out to him desperately as he runs away:
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your point about ottos self preservation is super interesting anon because otto DOES have self preservation skills. he almost kind of prides himself on it, sometimes—as a merchant, especially from a merchant family, hes been raised to treasure it. to go for things that work in his favor. especially with his bad luck fucking him over too. and he can be slightly morally ambiguous at times, so he is Very aware of self preservation and staying out of trouble. but at the same time, leaving behind innocents does kind of weigh on him bc. well hes still human. that and the further into rezero you get, the more clear it is that ottos self preservation skills just get thrown out the window the moment he sees subaru. like otto takes a significant amount of time on screen to complain about danger or trouble hes found himself in, or go on and on about how the moment he sees danger, hes just gonna turn around and run—but its just COMPLETE AND TOTAL BULLSHIT SOMETIMES. he has plenty of chances Every Time to turn around and run and the moment subaru enters the picture, he doesnt take it. the only exception to this was him leaving subaru in greed if, but thats because he saw that subaru didnt give a shit about him and even then. he made that choice FOR subaru’s sake too, bc he recognizes that greed if subaru is just gonna micromanage everything and deal with it on his own. otto knows he’d just be another burden to subaru, so he leaves to lessen the load.
main route otto though? yeah youre absolutely right his self preservation is way beyond dead at this point. his self preservation is absolutely gone when it comes to subaru. this first loop is an example of it—while of course ottos you know treating subaru like a stranger bc thats what they are, he goes out of his way to warn subaru repeatedly. at first it looks like its mostly just for his own benefit bc hes Also in danger here, but then he says that he cant just accept taking subarus money and items. he talked about how hed accept subarus payment just a few minutes before this?? and we know in retrospect that he desperately NEEDS money bc hes in debt??? and subarus giving him an out right now to just leave and not look back but he still hesitates and frantically tries calling after subaru??? he has EVERYTHING to gain from just taking the money and subarus things and just leaving, but we dont actually see him leave on screen.
and then right after this, we cut to subaru running to arlam. of course, the witch cult stops him, and in the anime, all they do is circle him, then bow (to foreshadow how the witch cult + petelgeuse think that hes one of them, im assuming), and then they disappear without saying a single word.
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its interesting to note though that when they leave, they run towards the direction subaru just came from. which is where otto was.
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and then subaru keeps continuing on to arlam and the mansion where he finds out that the witch cult Basically wiped everyone out there. episode 15 continues this loop and then quickly ends it bc subaru is having a mental breakdown finding everyones corpses and then he promptly proceeds to die to puck (iirc?) inside the mansion. and thats all the details the anime gives about the ending of this loop. so no clear hint like the white whale loop that otto Died from this, but i think the implication is definitely there if you choose to read into it. (again, im not sure if the ln adds more details to this or not, but iirc the anime doesnt touch on this much.)
its strange that the witch cultists that find subaru just. up and leave in the direction where we Know otto likely is, bc 1. the cultists move Fast and 2. only a couple minutes passed at most, so its likely that otto is Still There, even if he did start trying to leave. even then though, i think its in character for him to still be there and try to wait for subaru. or, at the very least, otto waited there debating with himself on whether he should just leave or not. waiting there satisfies both his self preservation and the guilt he’d feel if he just abandoned subaru—he doesnt go any further to minimize the danger to himself and frufoo, but he doesnt completely leave just in case subaru comes back or if otto decides to move forward and check on subaru or something. but then we see subaru find everyone at arlam and the mansion dead, and we the audience know the surviving witch cultists left in the opposite direction (where otto is) after killing everyone at arlam, so—i think theres a connection there. as in: yeah. if otto was still there, hes probably dead.
additionally, of course later in arc 3 we see that otto gets captured by the witch cult. this time he was captured bc the witch cult caught him hurrying to get to another location for its job offer, so the witch cult captured him to interrogate him on what exactly he was doing iirc?? so in that sense yeah he was caught by the witch cult for being an outsider getting into witch cult territory while they were in the middle of doing shit (and he likely wouldve been killed if ricardo and the others hadnt rescued him) o.O
but yeah thats all the animes got regarding the first loop (aka ottos official debut into the main story as well)!!!
“There's no loop i can recall otto leaving him to the dust, even when he doesn't know who subaru is." also anon youre so right for saying this bc. yeah i cant recall any loops either bc every time otto is there near subaru. hes risking his life for subaru. hes so incredibly ride or die that its concerning. it kind of boggles my mind that some people overfixate on how he pushed subaru out of the wagon in the white whale loop and YEAH that was fucked up, but not only does he feel bad and die trying to go back for subaru later, but when you watch that scene in the anime and think about it from ottos perspective. yeah some guy you just fucking met is yelling at you about how you apparently forgot about some person youve never heard of in your life, hes yelling at you to go back and TOWARDS THE WHITE WHALE when all youre trying to do is save both of your asses, he starts trying to wrestle with you while youre both being hunted down by the whale, and then he starts rambling to himself about how maybe its his fault the white whale is chasing after both of you while you keep hearing the white whales deranged thoughts in your head the whole time bc of your dp??? its a miracle otto didnt push subaru out of that damn wagon sooner and its a miracle otto even decided to go back for subaru after all that T^TT any person in ottos shoes would be RUSHING to push subaru out of that wagon.
but like. once you think about it - yeah Every Time in the main route that ottos been near subaru and theyve gotten into danger? otto actively puts himself at risk for subarus sake. and he doesnt always die or get hurt for it, but we know that he ALWAYS goes out of his way to help subaru. hes been like this since his debut in arc 3, practically, regardless of whether or not he actually died there. bc he still Lingered around and tried to warn subaru not to leave.
so what im saying is that so much of ottos screentime is spent helping subaru in some way.
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anthonybitch666 · 2 years
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“Fan since 2007 here. People have always hated Lynz just because she was with Gerard and they were jealous or frerard shippers. I haven't kept up with the band drama but I guess more recently she has been "cancelled" for defending her pedofile bandmate.. and I also read that MSI has made songs with the N word in them. I haven't looked into that to confirm or deny that. 
People also said she was the one behind a tumblr blog that was ripping on Mikey for divorcing Alicia but I don't think there's any evidence of this. I try to take everything with a grain of salt as all of these accusations could be totally made up by jealous fans. But I do believe that if someone repeatedly has bad things said about them, there is probably some ounce of truth mixed in there. I don't know enough about her to make an opinion tbh. 
But the shit I'm seeing on twitter is really pissing me off. These so called "fans" are pissed that Gerard wore a shirt with her name on it on her birthday. They're asking people to boo whenever he mentions Lynz and whenever he plays Summertime. As someone who has been waiting to see this band live for like 15 years, this enrages me. We finally get our favourite band back and they want us to boo them? Just because one of the guys is married to someone with some controversy? Do they seriously think that because his teenage fans are booing him, he's going to divorce her? We have zero idea of how their marriage is. We have no idea how she really is as a person. She's not only his wife, but the mother of his child. They've been married for 14/15 years... probably longer than some of these fans have been alive. The fact they think they get to voice their opinion on his marriage at all is so entitled and gross to me.”
The question on Reddit was published by Everything MCR
And the comment that I copied (because it was too long to take a screenshot of) was published by asdfghjklasdfghjkkl
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lady-lycany · 11 months
I hate how NNN is basically no fap culture how it’s a sin to jerk off and whatnot, if you’ve seen that twitter post circling around on how it originated on no fap Reddit which is super incel culture ish, but I also have massive problems with both being horny all the time and jerking off all the time… I probably do it 6 times a day at this point and half of it is just out of boredom to feel something… I tried and lasted almost one day but then decided to have “one last one” but then kept moving it by a day… until I gave up and actually also even bought a new sex toy yesterday because my old one is starting to break and am getting it tomorrow 👍 for me it’s also about self control and it looks like I have zero when it comes to being horny lol
I wake up, almost immediately do it; then during the evening, then right after I shower, then as I’m in bed on my phone about to go to sleep, then right before I sleep… it’s a problem and I can’t help it. Also watch a ton of porn but have tried to limit it in the past… probably gonna do that again since that’s the main issue really but problem is I probably have adhd or at least have random intrusive thoughts 24/7 so my mind just completely wanders every single time, even including sex, my head starts playing a freaking random song or gets random thoughts while I have sex…
I’ve mentioned it a few times very privately before but I’m not really able to talk to my friends about this so I’m glad I can at least say it here
Even though I'm very open when it comes to this topic, I definitely understand and relate that you can't really talk to most people about this topic. I'm glad that my best friend and I are pretty fcked up in the same way. Honestly, it barely passes a week where I don't do it at all, and especially in the last 6 months it became a lot more (not masturbation itself, but my mind was dirty, as soon as I woke up, until I went to bed. And now, where I ignore this topic in the daytime and distract myself, I have very weird dreams that include dirty stuff lol). I also have been at a point a while ago, where I tried to gain distance to all this because of religious blabla but I developed such a "fuck it" mindset, that I really don't care about it anymore. I don't have a partner, I never did, I'm almost 24, and while others in my age fuck around I just imagine scenarios or watch porn and do it myself. I mean... why not? It just shouldn't take over my whole fcking personality (as it did in the last couple of weeks lol) So I think this break is really important for my brain to reset. If you do it about 6 times a day, while watching porn, you may or may not also know the struggle that eventually normal "dirty" isn't dirty enough anymore. At least I can say about me that I already saw a lot of weird n wrong stuff, talking about all directions, and right know, I at least have a main kink again, that isn't completely morally questionable lmao. Last year, I also tried to do the full nnn but only managed to stay strong for 14 days. I really wanna do the whole month this time, but the week before my period I lose any self control when it comes to this 😂 So yea... We'll see how far I come this time...
What I've noticed in the last months is, having a dirty mind and imagining stuff is so much more fun to me than actual masturbation. Because if it's over, it's over, u know? But if you don't do it, your mind stays all day long in this hyped up mindset and I have lots of giggles and yea... And the right music for the imagination is like the cherry on top 😆🤌
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
I'm looking for a historical romance book I read in 2006 or a bit earlier
It was suggested I try posting in a couple reddit communities and I did (r/tipofmytongue and r/whatsthatbook), but I want to post about this book here just in case someone knows what I'm talking about.
This book could have been published the year 2006 or in the years prior. I don't think it would've been published before 1991 (most romance books I came across at that time were relatively recent in publication, so I'm betting on it being published between 1999-2006).
This historical romance took place in 18th or 19th century England. The plot was unique for a historical romance - the heroine/female lead was already married to an abusive man. The hero/male lead was a different man than her husband.
I remember a specific scene with the husband and the FL where the husband made the FL hold rose stems with her bare hands, injuring her hands with the rose thorns. Later, as was proper at this historical period in England, she wore gloves, which hid the wounds, and I think the ML noticed she kept her gloves on when she shouldn't have. Later he probably discovered how her husband had abused her.
I can't be certain but I think the husband died toward the end of the story, allowing the FL to be with the ML and they got an HEA. I also think toward the end of the story the FL was kidnapped, and there was a dramatic confrontation in Roman baths. But I can't be 100% certain of that last detail, since I read this story so long ago. I don't remember what the cover may have looked like, unfortunately.
This is one of the earliest romances I must've read as a teenager - I couldn't have been more than 14 or 15 when I read it, and I didn't keep all the books I read back then. Often my mom and I would take books we'd read to a used book store that had a great exchange rate for books, and I wasn't conscientious about recording books I liked back then, probably because I just read so much and didn't think far ahead. I'd love to find this book! I remember enjoying it and these few details have always stuck in my mind, but I had no idea how to search for it.
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blortch · 1 year
Hi it's me again
I didn't plan on replying but then I saw you wrote several paragraphs in response and then so did I and then my phone crashed so here's a shorter version. (future me here: it was not shorter, it was longer and maybe a little more frustrated because I've been working for the last 14 hours on what was supposed to be my day off and I'm tired and I hope it doesn't come off mean spirited.)
I never made any assumptions about how much you watch them and I have no feelings about how you use Tumblr. I don't follow you and we don't know each other, but I hope your year at school goes well.
It comes off like you don't like them anymore because a lot of your criticisms aren't well thought out. They sometimes involve things they've been doing for literally over a decade (the long jokes thing, they did it in BOTW 21 and again way back in 2012 in a HITB) and if anything I think they're just continuing to do what they love doing and they don't care what anyone else thinks about it.
I don't have a problem with your criticisms inherently and I'm glad you feel like the community here is chill, but I also think it's fine if people like me disagree with you without you putting a bunch of words in my mouth. My one sentence about how it comes off like you don't like them didn't *really* warrant three paragraphs made up of stuff I never said nor implied.
The problem I *do* have with your criticisms is they come off as parasocial fan theories a lot and I feel like I'm reading YouTube comments where yet another person has done numerology theorycrafting on why they think THIS is the last RLM video for REAL THIS TIME. Or Reddit dreaming up that Jim and Colin aren't friends because they aren't constantly standing in the same room with each other.
I really think the Zoomers thing is *not serious* and it just makes Mike laugh. They've almost always had an adversarial relationship with their audience and I think he's fully aware that Gen Z is part of it.
And I never said you didn't care. I think you probably care too much. And that is informed by your regular habit of making assumptions about their personal lives (is Colin wearing a hat so important? He's done it before. Sometimes he wears hats. Sometimes he doesn't.) and their emotional and mental states and how that reflects in their videos. You may have issues with fandoms who treat their figures like idols, but you have a tenancy to represent the other side of that coin. I think that's unfair to the RLM crew when they are very clear about *not wanting* people to speculate about their personal lives.
Long jokes can get old, long jokes can be forced or done wrong, or at least be done wrong more frequently, there are Mike-tangents I tolerate better than others, the latest ones I have a hard time in finding them interesting. And this doesn't affect how i feel about the ones I liked and still like of theirs.
Your theory that Mike's Zoomer talk is just another version of earlier jabs he's made at fans since forever I think makes sense.
I think you have a point that although I try to discourage too much speculation about their personal lives, the second step I do after criticizing their choices in what they present publicly in their channel is to look for motive which certainly falls into speculating about their personal selves.
More generally, I think it can even be said that I do try a bit too hard in finding motive behind people's actions, I did so for your ask and I do so for RLMstuff because I see it as part of the whole game. I've seen certain behavior before so I connect the dots from there and assume RLM are doing of the sort, or I project stuff of mine onto them. I think this subjectivity of course comes with my claims and I've said before that because of it I don't like treating my own opinion as anything like "objective", "the absolute best" or even reasonable to make. I try to use language that hints towards this but probably more often than not I omit the "to me personally it came off like... [example:] Mike's just an asshole". and instead say the easily misunderstood shorter version "I think Mike's an asshole" or even "Mike's an asshole."
A lot of the times it's for the sake of discussion. There's nothing much I could say about an anon ask about a theory concerning Colin's hat that I never would've considered otherwise so I make up whatever on the spot to keep up the conversation.
You're explaining to me how you made an observation that I read too much into, where I assumed that you wrote me an ask in the vein of "why are you doing this when you could just. not". But like I just explained I took the ask as an excuse for me to just blab about. I apologize if it felt to you like I was putting words in your mouth but anon asks aren't conversations, I see them more as the template of a post because I approach them with the knowledge that there's no way for me to know who you are or what your intentions are with certainty, so any claim I make in response is inevitably going to be full of assumptions or not be the specific answer you wanted.
Anyway, I hope you get your well-deserved rest, 14 hours of work sound horrible
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klavierpanda · 1 year
🍁 - When did you first realize you were queer?
🔥 - How has the way you think about yourself changed since you realized you were queer?
💛 - Who or what made you realize you were queer?
☀️ - Is there anyone who helped you accept that you were queer? If so, who?
🌱 - How would your younger self act if your current self told them they were queer?
🍀 - What thoughts or emotions that didn’t make sense to your past self make sense now that you know you’re queer?
🫐 - Are there ways you wish you could present yourself differently, but can’t?
🔮 - What Was the Moment you Realized you were Queer?
🍁 - I was 13/14 and I was doing some research about queer stuff to be a better ally and came across a bunch of acespec terminology and resonated a lot with demisexual then
🔥 - I don't much changed back then but much more changed when I am nonbinary and aro because both realisations have helped me realise I don't have to be what people expect me to be, I can just be and do things that make me happy :))
💛 - So genderwise it was learning how to be a better ally to my nonbinary friend that made me go "oh wait this sounds like me". As for being aro, I was questioning for weeks but then joked to a friend that I'd rather go on a date with the Schrödinger equation than a person and then I was like, damn I'm aro hahah
🌱 Relieved probably. Like, I was often bullied as a child (autism innit /lh) but it would have been nice to know that there are people out there who are also seen as weird and embrace it. It's the reason my queerness is tied to my autism
🍀 - A big one is "I don't really feel like I fit in with boys or girls but I guess I'm a boy because im definitely not a girl ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯".
🫐 - I'd really like to try some make up. If you've ever seen some of the picrews I make I will sometimes have cool/cute make up on but alas I know fuckall about make up and I can't experiment because that would probably involve coming out to my parents (again. They forgot the first time)
🔮 - I guess that's kinda answered in the first question but the first time I properly embraced it was when I joined some queer communities on Reddit not long after the pandemic started.
Thanks for the ask!!
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cyraniadebergerac · 2 years
Another random Sonic Movie Thought
Of course, it could only be an utter coincidence. Still, it seems that there has to be something intentional about giving the Polish last name of Wachowski when Dr. Ivo (meant to be backwards Ovi for egg, but could also could be seen as a variation of Ivan, the nearby Russian version of John) Robotnik's last name already has it's origins from Poland, since the name is literally the polish word for worker while also having 'Robot' within it (similar to how mechanicals use to be the term for common workmen as in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream).
At the very least, it helps contrast them more. Whoever were Robotnik's birth parents, they would seem to have wanted to maintain a tight grip on their heritage while Tom Wachowski's family has either been around long enough that they don't consider themselves different from other Americans, they don't struggle too hard with holding onto the past, or his parents were newly immigrated and didn't want Tom to stand out anymore than he did with the last name (how many would bet that no one ever would bully Ton over a last name like Wachowski?). In the end, definitely helps the Robetnik's uniqueness vs. Tom's 'mediocrity' dynamic.
But what if it was also a subtle hint to some other connection? We know that if Shadow's being brought back, most likely that'll also mean Dr. Gerald Robotnik and his granddaughter Maria will be back in the picture. Gerald's connection with Ivo is direct, also being his grandfather. But the connection with Maria has more wiggle room. Usually, he's her cousin. In this universe though, he grew up an orphan, a lot like is simplied with Tails. It could also potentially be the case in other Eggman versions, but it's not been explicitly there in the cases I know, so we'll say that the orphan origin is unique here. Meaning there's a reason for him being an orphan, potentially related to how the status quo has changed.
Other fans on reddit estimated that he's probably around 48-50 years old at least. If that's the case, there's a good chance for him to be Maria's little brother this time around, born shortly before or right after her death, which was then followed shortly afterwards by his parents' deaths and his grandfather's death so that he only knew himself as an orphan. That in and of itself would be an interesting connection for Robotnik to find out about and seems highly likely. But what if we took this idea a step further?
Gerald and Maria basically spent their last years on the ARK in the games. If the same holds true in the movies, then that leaves baby Eggman in an interesting position. Maria's parents don't seem to figure into things at all, meaning they're likely out of the picture for one reason or another. An infant also typically is not supposed to be out in space. Gerald would already be pushing things to have Maria up there, even if Commander Walters ends up also to have been up there during that time. Eggman though would need someone to actually raise him. And who better than an older sibling, for the sake of the theory, a sister between 14-16 when everything goes down. Who then gets separated from Ivo in the aftermath as part of the coverup in case the two siblings work together to expose everything. She tries to find her brother, likely after aging out of the system. Ends up meeting Mr. Wachowski, potentially bonding over a shared heritage, falling in love, marrying, then having Tom Wachowski. Who then may or may not have traces of Maria in how he looks that could cause Shadow pause when confronting him.
Too crazy a theory? Or potentially possible? At the very least, it could be hilarious for Robotnik turn out to be Tom's biological uncle and/or for Shadow to start inexplicably doing all he can to make sure Tom in particular doesn't die while still trying to destroy the rest of the world. Perhaps Tom or his mother would be the one's helping Shadow gain back what he really promised Maria instead of vengeance.
At the very least, it'd tie into the theme of family.
(Then there could also be the utterly tragic scene of Tom's mother being ecstatic to finally see her little brother again, only for Eggman to push her back, yelling about if she'd wanted him she should have been there. He didn't need any family. Especially not family like her.)
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A non-OP fan’s (slashy/romantic)take on Buggy and Shanks’ relationship
Disclaimer: I’m not a One Piece fan by any stretch so I don’t follow the manga or anime but I’ve seen clips of it here and there on the internet, and got intrigued by the one and only Buggy and his relationship with Shanks. I’ve been thinking a lot about them recently and reading a lot of fics/reddit theories so here’s my take. I’ll most definitely miss stuff so actual fans please jump in and correct me/add things!
Warning: My interpretation is that there is some romantic undertones to their relationship. If you don’t agree with this please don’t read! Thanks :D
1. Shanks and Buggy grew up together on the same ship. Some have suggested that they were only 1 when they were picked up by Roger’s crew, although the youngest we’ve seen them tgt was when they were 9 years old. Regardless, they probably didn’t have much of a chance to form long lasting friendships with other children outside the ship, so their peer group consisted only of each other, and that’s crazy. 
2. I feel like these circumstances would’ve led to a form of closeness that supersedes modern friendship. Some have described their bond as a brotherhood, and many have stated that they love each other.
3. However, I feel like brotherly love doesn’t fully explain their dynamic(in the anime version of their Marineford reunion). While it explains why Shanks took care of Buggy when on the Oro Jackson despite their squabbles, why he invited Buggy to go with him after Roger’s execution, and why he seemed quite happy to see Buggy at Marineford aged 39, it doesn’t quite explain why his first instinct there was to make a fool of Buggy, only to brush it off as a whim afterwards. And it most certainly doesn’t explain the most SUS thing about that interaction, which was Shanks’ facial expression and tone of voice. There’s just something very sus about that in particular because it doesn’t feel brotherly, but more like flirtatious teasing??? which Buggy is totally confused by btw.
4. I watched the Japanese version of their reunion. During most of it one of Shanks’ eyebrows was slightly raised in a sort of mischievous way, and just before he walks off he says ‘I know, so don’t be angry.’ in a tone that’s borderline flirtatious???? Does Shanks know that he can placate Buggy with flirtatious teasing?? In that case I wouldn’t call this brotherly love anymore. Does that mean he’s done that in the past and it’s worked???????
5. Perhaps these are artistic liberties that the animators and voice actors have taken, but I assume this is also approved by Oda? Maybe this is a trap for yaoi fangirls and I’ve fallen into it lmao I am not sure how this works - someone more well versed in the mechanics of this please chip in :D In any case, we’ll see where this takes us:
6. There’s 2 things to address here: the trickery, and the borderline playful flirting that happened towards the end. Firstly, the trickery: there’s a power dynamic here and Shanks is the one on top. He’s thinking about how to stop the war, Luffy, and probably other bigger things. When he sees Buggy he probably felt a lot of things then but because of the circumstance, he decides to use him as a way to get something done. 
7. It was a funny interaction, and I’m going to over-analyse it. When Buggy refused to help Shanks with the strawhat, it’s interesting that the latter decided to trick him with the false promise of a treasure map, rather than to just say sth along the lines of ‘why not help for old times’ sake’ etc. Perhaps he thinks that Buggy would be too prideful to be swayed by those types of arguments. But perhaps this is where Shanks miscalculated, and why Buggy was so offended lol just a while ago Buggy had helped Luffy because he had been touched by his innocence and resemblance to young Shanks, and here Shanks is basically saying that even after all these years he still thinks Buggy is below matters of the heart. 
8. Shanks probably also thinks he can trick Buggy into doing things for him without incurring any real consequence. It’s almost like the ‘I’m just going to say this first and then deal with his reaction later’ type mentality. Let’s face it, what can Buggy do? Fighting is out of the question: the disparity in their power levels seems too large for this to be a concern for Shanks, and Buggy is highly averse to fighting battles that he knows he can’t win. Cutting ties? Well, that’s been done: Buggy rejected Shanks’ offer to join his crew years ago, and they haven’t really met since, so the worst has already happened. Shanks has had years to get over that.
9. Perhaps over time Shanks has become more focused than his easy smiles let on. Ironically, Buggy was the one to criticise Shanks for being soft hearted when they were younger, but ultimately it is Buggy who tears up at the sight of Luffy’s innocence and decides to fight alongside him in Impel Down, and it is him that calls out Shanks’ name in the middle of the battlefield, seemingly without a care for their surroundings or consequences, just to be taken advantage of by the other.
10. Some may say I’m making Shanks sound a bit evil, and that perhaps all of this happened subconsciously. Maybe the sentiment behind tricking Buggy is half a funny way to greet his old comrade, and half a sign that he still remembers a lot about him and on top of that trusts him with his hat.
11. While I agree with the fact that Shanks basically does not have any true malice towards Buggy, I can’t ignore the power dynamic between them. The trickery was funny only to Shanks, not to Buggy, but I think this dynamic fits perfectly with Shanks’ role as the Emperor and Buggy’s as the Clown.  
12. Alas, Emperors maintain an indestructible reputation, and Clowns make themselves look bad for laughs. So mb Buggy is just fulfilling that role for Shanks in the story. After all, Shanks is portrayed as a flawless man: he is selfless, ambitious, righteous, protects the weak, stops wars and has never lost a battle in his life. On the other hand, Buggy is portrayed in the complete opposite manner: he is self-serving, duplicitous, scummy, money-loving and lazy. 
13. It’s kind of sad that Buggy was basically born into(afaik his nose is natural) this role though and is forced to make the most out of it.
14. Secondly, the playful flirtatiousness(I keep using this word because I feel like that’s the vibe he gave off at the end of one of the clips I saw lmao): Shanks is not really treating Buggy as an adult in his own right, but acts as if Buggy is a child(or capricious lover??) that has to be coaxed into doing the right thing. That’s also borderline disrespectful, but it could just be a matter of them having been apart for such a long time that Shanks automatically defaulted to their old, childish ways because he hadn’t really had the chance to get to know Buggy as an adult.
15. But then this begs the question of what exactly is the nature of their relationship? Brotherly love doesn’t fit with the flirting, so perhaps it’s a different kind of love? Some possible reasons for why Shanks would ever be flirtatious could be 1. there’s some romantic elements to their relationship in the past that he’s taking advantage of now e.g. maybe Buggy was attracted to him and he is taking advantage of it? or 2. it’s a new thing he’s trying because he thinks it’s funny and Buggy would be too confused to keep retorting so it’s a fun way to end the conversation and at the same time to plant a seed in the clown that might make him follow Shanks later? (Buggy did immediately think about doing that lololol) Is this Shanks’ way of getting Buggy to come back to him lmao without explicitly asking loooool 
16. Judging by Buggy’s reaction it seems like number 2 is more likely but this is all anime-only afaik
17. All in all, I feel like Buggy is a special person to Shanks and vice versa, and even though Buggy is just one element of a much bigger picture for Shanks (whereas for Buggy, Shanks seems to have a much bigger presence in his mind), the fact that they spent their childhood only having each other as peers enabled them to form a deep mutual trust and closeness that didn’t seem to have dampened after twenty odd years of separation.
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malaismere · 3 years
Campaign 3 Predictions - Compiled
So, as a fan of compiling statistics, I've been keeping track of race/class predictions for campaign 3 for the past...at least a year, from tumblr, reddit, and twitter. with EXU over, and my spreadsheet hitting 400 (?!), I figured I'd share the fandom's current predictions
Human (30), Dwarf (29), Elf, Shifter (11), Half-Elf (10)
Cleric (103), Bloodhunter (63), Wizard (50), Fighter (49), Druid (46)
Lycan bloodhunter (41), Forge cleric (26), War cleric (16), Eldritch Knight fighter, Bladesinger wizard (14)
Elf (16), Genasi, Tiefling (14), Dwarf (13), Dragonborn (11)
Paladin (112), Rogue (53), Fighter (43), Cleric (40), Warlock (37)
Eldritch Knight fighter, Glory paladin (14), Artillerist and Armorer artificer, Battlemaster Fighter (8)
Dwarf (25), Halfling (18), Tiefling (13), Elf (12), Warforged (11)
Druid (77), Cleric (72), Bard (71), Fighter (59)
Stars druid (16), Dreams druid (10), Eloquence bard (8), Alchemist artificer, Whispers bard, Twilight cleric (7)
Dwarf (34), Kobold (24), Goliath (17), Warforged (15), Kenku (13)
Sorcerer (106), Cleric (98), Druid (63), Wizard (47)
Wild Magic sorcerer (61), Wild Soul barbarian (14), Twilight cleric (8), Life and Forge cleric, Wildfire druid, Divination wizard (7)
Elf (21), Human, Tabaxi (19), Genasi (15), Gnome, Aasimar (10)
Barbarian (75), Sorcerer (74), Bard (64), Warlock (60)
Wild Soul barbarian (14), Wild Magic sorcerer (12), Glamour bard (10), Shadow monk (9)
Warforged (16), Elf, Changeling (14), Gnome, Genasi, Tabaxi (8)
Sorcerer (68), Rogue (65), Warlock (55), Bard (45), Wizard (43)
Aberrant Mind sorcerer (18), Whispers bard, Phantom rogue, Soulknife rogue (11), Mastermind rogue, Clockwork sorcerer (9)
Elf (26), Human (18), Tiefling (17), Half-Elf (12), Dwarf (11)
Rogue (95), Bard (91), Monk (43), Ranger (41), Warlock (38)
Swashbuckler rogue (21), Glamour bard (13), Mercy monk (9), Drunken monk, Wild Magic sorcerer (8)
I also (although less consistently) collected continent/setting predictions. Marquet was the top (49), then Issylra (29) and the Shattered Teeth (22). For non-continent settings, some form of Spelljammer was the top (19), followed by the Age of Arcanum (17), and Planescape/Planehopping (15). Underdark, Ravenloft, Blightshore, and a return to Tal'Dorei were also suggested multiple times.
Much longer and rambly discussion (and my own predictions) under the break.
Top predicted races were Dwarf, Elf, and Human (~100). Dwarf and Elf haven't been played before, so that tracks, and I don't think it's out there to assume we'll get at least one human again. Also, post the whole thing with Essek and long rests, people really started jumping on Elves (which, fair). Warforged, Dragonborn, Tabaxi, Genasi, Tieflings, and Changelings all are pretty prominent (~50).
Of the races not yet established as existing in Exandria, Warforged and Changeling were the most popular (Warforged now dubiously canon post-Aeor, and Changelings dubiously canon with the LoVM bartender), followed by Shifters, Leonin, Kalashtar, Fairies, Grung, Ravnica races (Loxodon, Simic Hybrid, Vedalken), Van Richten's Races (Dhampir, Reborn, Hexblood). Locathah and the other Feywild/Strixhaven races are the only officially published races at 0 suggestions. The lowest previously seen race is Gobins at 2, one of which was for Sam again, and the lowest PHB race was Half-Orc at 17.
Class wise, Sorcerer was actually the most predicted class (which kind of tracks, as it's the one that hasn't shown up even as multiclass), followed by Cleric (generally assumed as compulsory), Paladin (only as a multiclass), and Rogue (also assumed as compulsory, but way less so. Not surprisingly, Bloodhunter, Ranger, and Artificer were the lowest.
Wild Magic Sorcerer was far and away the most suggested subclass, the only one to break 50, although it hasn't hit 100 quite yet (I think it will by the time the final characters are announced though). EK Fighter, Lycan Blooodhunter, Forge Cleric, Swashbuckler Rogue, Wild Soul Barbarian, Stars Druid, Glamour Bard, Bladesinger Wizard, Eloquence Bard, and Echo Knight Fighter are the other top subclasses.
Every official subclass has been suggested except for Berserker Barbarian, Grave Cleric, and Transmutation Wizard (previously played), Battlerager Barbarian and Banneret/Purple Dragon Knight (SCAG subclasses, which are widely unpopular), and the dubiously-official Planeshift subclasses. Open Seas Paladin is the only Matt homebrew to not be suggested at least once. For dead UA, Satire Bard, Brute Fighter, Giant Soul and Stone Sorcerer, and Raven Queen Warlock have all been suggested, usually only once, although many of the suggestions were collected while classes were in UA for Tasha's, Van Richten's, and Fizban's which is technically still UA but announced so...
With Travis, the predictions bounce between two main ideas - a melee spellcaster (Forge/War/Tempest cleric, Bladesinger/War wizard), or going back to a melee class (Bloodhunter, Fighter) but with a bit more mechanical interest (Lycan, EK/Echo/Rune/Battlemaster). I think those are both solid predictions, and while I really, really doubt we'll see a Lycan bloodhunter or a Forge cleric, I think the general vibe is probably spot on.
My own prediction is one of the more out there, but still in line with the general thinking - Artillerist Artificer. Travis is definitely a very tactical player, and it would be cool to see him get a turret for the battlefield, plus all the general utility/versatility of the artificer. Alternatively, I really could see a rogue, although more like what Mastermind or Inquisitive is trying for as opposed to how they actually turned out, if that makes sense.
Race wise, the top guesses are fairly plain, outside of shifter (which is mostly tied into the "werewolf" vibe). None of them would shock me, but I don't have any predictions.
I think that everyone's right on the money with Marisha as a paladin. Her next character being high charisma seems spot on, and I think moving to a half-caster also tracks. EK/Echo/Rune/Psi fighters would also fit, although they don't lean towards high charisma, or a warlock, maybe a more melee one.
Rogue seems unlikely purely due to the fact she's played one before, kind of. Matt and Marisha have both talked some, but her first game wasn't Vox Machina, but a previous game Matt had run where she'd played an assassin. You can do non-assassiny rogues, but still.
(Other fun facts about this game because it's wild: apparently the session she sat in on before playing involved half the party getting eaten by ghouls. the party joined up with another half-tpk'd party (marisha and the replacement characters) to get the raven queen to bring their dead friends back, and a fate-touched rogue swore service to the Raven Queen in order to bring the last party member back.)
My prediction for Marisha is also paladin, although I don't have any thoughts on the subclass, with genie warlock as a second because they are fun. No real thoughts on race other than I too would love to see tiefling Marisha.
Most people are going with a support caster for Liam, which I totally buy. Caleb definitely leaned towards support caster, even if he usually did end up played as DPS. Druid has taken the top given the polymorph->wildshape vibe, although it's still very yclose with Bard and Cleric. Suggestions for fighter dropped after EXU, and while Liam does play a lot of fighters, I doubt we'll see it for C3.
Honestly, Liam is the one I have no predictions for outside of 'support caster'. I'd lean away from Cleric and towards Druid or Bard, but it's hard to say. I also think Artificer deserves to be in the running, as it seems like something Liam would really enjoy, but also...might not want to go Int-caster to Int-caster. My only real thought on race is that I want to see whether Marisha and Liam choose the same again.
Top guesses for Sam is, far and away, Wild Magic Sorcerer. This was also the top guess for C2. I do not think Sam will play a Wild Magic Sorcerer. In general, though, the vibe is going back to fullcaster - Sorcerer, Cleric, Druid, Wizard. I think full caster is probably right.
Sam is so hard to predict because it isn't what he'd choose, but what Liam chose for him. I think it's either something really standard or something really out there, and since I can't guess the really out there, I'll go for the standard - Elf Wizard or Dwarf Cleric, leaning towards Dwarf Cleric, due to the support class and the fact that Sam's mentioned never playing a religious character.
The main vibe for Laura is definitely "DPS" which is understandable. I don't know if I agree with it, but I understand it. Aside from Barbarian, the rest of the vibe is spellcaster - and I don't think we'll see a completely no magic character from her either.
Prediction wise...I understand barbarian, but I'd actually go with Ancestor or Beast over Wild Soul. I could actually see a Bloodhunter from her too, although leaning away from Vex vibes. I think I'd want to go with Wizard, though I'm not certain on that. I would bet Tabaxi but idk, I could see her avoiding that for Travis' sake.
Everyone always names Taliesin as the hardest to predict (he had the lowest count at 354, under even Ashley at 365, to everyone else's ~380/400) but I don't think he's harder to predict than Sam. The thing that makes him hard to predict is that he likes to build characters to fit the party, which he (probably) won't be doing, same as with Molly. The other main thing he tends towards is mechanical complexity in a way that suits his characters.
The main driving influence in the top suggestions is Eldritch Weirdness. Aberrant Sorc, Whispers Bard, Phantom Rogue, Warlock in general. I don't disagree with any of the subclasses, but I really don't think he'd go eldritch for eldritch sake, if for at the very least being...he has always been this weird and it's yet to be a driving force behind any of his characters before. Like the Taliesin-is-an-elder-god thing, I think this is mostly people who don't hang out around occultists. Look, I've had multiple people sell me their actual souls, and you don't see all my characters being warlocks.
That being said, I don't think I disagree with the top classes, just the subclasses. I definitely agree with Sorcerer as a good choice for him, although I'd actually go Clockwork, as I think it has a fuck-with-the-DM vibe. Taliesin is the most heavily suggested for dunamancy subclasses, which wouldn't surprise me, but I think he might avoid on the sole point of not wanting something too tied with the last campaign. A lot of people also name the psionic subclasses, which I'd be more likely to second if they had kept the weird mechanic from the UA, but don't disagree with, excepting my issue with Aberrant Mind.
My out there guess is that he's going to choose a multiclass build. He definitely enjoys playing around with weird builds (Owlbear, he did a non-CR oneshot as a monk/stars druid). On the one hand, a lot of these builds work best for oneshots or starting at higher levels, as they can take a bit of time to come online, but with such a large party, I think it will still function.
(my actual prediction for Taliesin is that his character is weirdly reminiscent of either the aasimar echo knight or the elf blood cleric from the exandria game I'm running.)
Ashley is being predicted as a Dex/Cha build, and I'm totally here for it. Pre-Fearne, I was leaning Ranger, especially Fey Wanderer for a fey build, but post-Fearne, I'm going Rogue, especially Swashbuckler. I agree that seeing a high Cha Ashley would be great, especially to let her be more center-focused than Yasha had been, and swashbucklers are just...really fun. Also, the whole Aeor arc really left me wanting to see Ashley as the go-ahead-and-scout character, just to watch her push buttons.
For continents...I understand why people are guessing Marquet, since it's currently the most explored. I think that if they're going to do Marquet, then Matt will sit down with a cultural consultant. I say will over should, because I won't make any value judgements, but I think it's in line with what Matt and CR would do in that situation.
I can't really tell whether this is a prediction or what I'd like to see (the two are distinct but often difficult to untangle) but I'd actually go with Issylra, and specifically playing up the (at least initial) set up of explorers and adventurers heading out into the wilds. I will also place my bets on them having some sort of more steady home base, and my hopes on that they get an airship. My wildest out there guess is that the plot will move towards either planescape/spelljammer in the upper levels, tying into some of the seeds from the end of C2.
I have seen a handful of people predicting table seating order, which is both very minor and also the thing that I may be most interested in. A while back, someone made a post pointing out that the main romantic relationships were all cross-table, while the strongest platonic relationships were same-table or side by side. Because I am the sort of person that I am, I did statistical analysis on ao3 fics....and it's statistically significant. So I am trying to see whether or not, based purely on C3E1, I'll be able to predict what the top ships for the campaign will be.
This rambling has mostly gotten out of hand because I don't have much opportunity to talk about this, but, you know. If you send me predictions I will give you the current odds gambling style, so that you'd know how much you'd win if you'd place a bet, because I did the tables up as a joke for something else and now I kind of want them to be used for something.
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ayuen · 3 years
Gnostic Chorus - theory time!
Not really, just something that bothered me for a long time. From the first moment I saw this one story it did not left my mind and sometimes new information we get fit... so I decided to have a little fun and write down my own thoughts on it. And since we have little to no information about Kaeya... about that a little later, well, let’s treat it like my little headcannon that may turn out not true but is so fun, so here we go :D
Also some spoliers? about newest Archon quest I guess? it may turn out long, I’m just in a mood for it, so you have been warned. 
So the story starts with this glorious kingdom, established among the heavens:
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Khaenri'ah was like Dain said: 
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He says nothing about them being underground. 
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And well, they didn’t have a god, so these words can be understood differently, like Khaenri'ah being among kingdoms in a heaven in garden of gods.
Next we have this line about a crowned heir, will come back to her later. 
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She was tasked to search for the genesis pearl...(genesis makes me think about creation - so here another idea for a possibility like remember Khemia? maybe she was meant to find it, but somehow forgot who she was? And stayed as a ruler of  Khaenri'ah? well, let’s leave it for another time) from the kingdom of darkness. 
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So lets’ stop here. There is this theory that Teyvat is upside down. 
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Which could mean that what we consider top is actually bottom. So if the lore in the books talks about Khaenri'ah as an underground kingdom maybe it’s just misinformation? Maybe not but if we take into consideration how recent Kaeya’s love poem isn’t without a doubt translatable, truly who can trust in everything that’s written about historical events in the pieces in the game? But if it was in fact turned upside down... also this quest and the theory of a fake sky? From  The Crisis Deepens. This would be too much to write about it, also I read all about it, bc I wasn’t playing the game at the time so yeah, it’s on youtube in any case.
So from newest Archon quest we have this: 
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I know it doesn’t say out right that there is someone above our sibling leading Abyss but whatever Paimon says something, it is relevant so we can take it into consideration. Will come back to it in a moment as well. 
And here comes Childe, Tartaglia, I don’t have him so here a part of his story: (And why did I bring Childe?) Well, first we have his story where it’s said that he learned how to fight from a woman in the abyss:
Story 4
“That 14-year-old boy got lost in the snowy forest.
Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.
There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman...
Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.”
“In those three months, the swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered, and more importantly, nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc from within Ajax's trouble-mongering nature.”
Also a really nice post on reddit about his transformation.
Also there’s another one:
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For those who prefer to see it all in one post. And in the story line our sibling who leads Abyss is Lumine, it does not fit her fighting style. even before coming to Teyvat she was using a sword, so her style wouldn’t change much, even after traveling through every nation. 
So I’m assuming it’s another person who is higher than Lumine in a hierarchy in the Abyss. So remember this Crowned Heir that was supposed to find the Genesis Pearl? What if she did in fact ended up in the Abyss, she believed to be a queen of the darkness.
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Which would also explain why our sibling is not called queen, but princess:
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We don’t know how she may ended up in there, but we also know that The Abyss equals ppl from Khaenri'ah. Than why Dain is against Abyss order? 
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Like who laid this curse upon him? Not Gods I think, so maybe the queen of the abyss? Since abyss mages fear her more than they fear painful interrogation...
Also The Abyss order and Dain are on different sides. Why? We don’t know what happened there for sure. 
There are also theories (also on youtube) about the cycle and the truth of the word. What if the Genesis pearl is just a knowledge of this word? What if this crowned heir figured it out? And decided to destroy Celestia? And forgot about her orgins, forgot Khaenri'ah? What if what Abyss is trying to do have really not much to do with revenge for for destroying  Khaenri'ah but for all the destruction that Celestia did? What if Dain is on other side because he doesn’t need to fight this order? He doesn’t like gods for what happend to Khaenri'ah but we don’t see him rushing to harm them either. But that’s topic for another occasion.
Coming back to this “theory”. 
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The second crowned heir taken on the path where the first have stumbled. 
Here also why I think it’s not about our siblings. We don’t know from where they come from, true. We know they were traveling together, maybe they where searching for something? Maybe they are royals? Now we know nothing about it. We know that:
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I’m not putting the whole exchange here but from this we know that our sibling was not send by someone to find something our sibling failed to do. We don’t know what is this destiny Lumine/Aether talks about.
From the Gnostic Chorus we know this about first crowned heir:
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But as we see in the newest Archon quest, it’s from Aether being on the side of the Abyss because I play Lumine.
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He/Lumine didn’t forget who they are. From this we can see they also searched for their new home, maybe their last one was destroyed too? Maybe that’s why Lumine sides with people from Khaenri'ah? 
But anyway...
Who in the story have a task to do? Who was send with a clear mission we know nothing about? Who is a person about which we actually know less than about Dain? 
Yeah, Kaeya.
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We know his father abandoned him at Down Winery with a mission of being their “Last hope” (I will be not posting pictures here about it, this post is long enough). There is a lot of theories about him being a prince or some royal since theories about Dain being a sword are confirmed (see theories about Alberich) not to mention the names of his talents that led us to this conclusion long ago.
For for sake of this theory let’s say that Kaeya is a prince send to find Genesis Pearl. Wouldn’t it fit that he makes friends with criminals? Who is better for a information network? 
Not to mention, he told the truth to Diluc, if he was a treat wouldn’t he kill him? or at last told about him to others? Diluc was respected at the time, who wouldn’t believe him?
So maybe his goal is not to destroy Mondstat?  
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I always was wondering about this one. What major decision? maybe I’m thinking here too much from experience, maybe it’s not common approach... but his father left him in unknown land, with strangers. With a mission on his shoulders. And Mond gave him a loving family, Crepus, Diluc other ppl who love him, as it is stated on official side of Genshin Impact. 
Why would it be a hard choice to choose between happiness and duty? Like I said maybe it’s not a common approach, but what does some old kingdom mean when you have a found home? Shouldn’t it mean more? Is it really that hard of a choice?
But what if he have someone to save? Someone he cares about? or loves? Who isn’t guilty but lost? 
You probably can tell where I’m going now with it right?
What if he will have to save his sister? Ok, some will say Aether have to save Lumine from Abyss order but does he? Is she kept there against her will? did she forget about him or their goal? or is she just waiting for him so they can really reunite and continue their journey through words?
I know that this messes with my “theory”:
Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail|Genshin Impact
But Dain is against Lumine? He is against the whole Abyss Order, why would be stop us from getting or sister and getting away from Tayvat for good?
The thing that doesn’t fit is that he seems to be talking to Aether here with “You who set foot into this word. Your journey has reached it’s end but one final doorway remains.” And yeah, Aether is travelling, prob the reason why most of NPC call us Traveler instead of using our name. But it can be taken about kaeya as well, if we consider the fact that he come from Khaenri'ah and now he is in Tayvat, which is not considered to be a part of Tayvat. 
Ok, it’s longer than I thought... and I still wanted to put her more but oh well.   
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