#like how is it so important that it controls you and stops you from enjoying life with another person i don’t get it
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themareverine · 2 days ago
Hi!! For your valentines day event I was hoping to get a drabble with Charlie Kenton or Leopold! You pick! I'm leaving this totally up to you and PG-13 is okay, I'm 23 and use she/her pronouns o7
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— Renaissance
Leopold Mountbatten x fem!reader
tags: fluff, some backstory added in for context, reader is an ex-girlfriend of Stuart's, Kate x Stuart mentions, definitely some blue balling of a kiss.
a/n: this definitely got away from me, honey! I haven't ever played with Leopold, and it was so much fun! This was quite the challenge. I've kinda been in a writing funk the last few days, so I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, but, please enjoy it anyway, if you can!
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They don’t lie about the city that never sleeps. 
It doesn’t, not truly. Sunlight may exit left and give way to starlight, but the city’s blood never stops pumping in its concrete veins. Forever time starved and anorexic in the thrumming life of a big city, there’s never enough of the twenty-four seven left.
The clock always spins out of control, there’s always a redline, nothing is ever on time but somehow, also, never truly late. 
Anonymous faces are millions among millions, rubbing elbows and fighting to look away all while never really accomplishing the task – one is truly nameless in a neverending current, without really even having to be anyone at all. 
New York is a Goliath that breathes unlike any other giant of its kind, and she didn’t really realize how right Hollywood got it until her sneakers had scuffed Jamaica Station’s dirty pavement three weeks ago, feet throbbing as her calf muscles all but lacerated from bone.
Still, the chill of spring cutting through her clothes kissed her in the early mornings, watching the fingers of skyscrapers reaching from the earth into flat, gray sky.
It had taken an hour tracking her luggage, fighting the hive of bodies at JFK on a Friday – that crushing feeling of being packed into open air like a sardine had her head spinning, buildings and street signs blurring together like watercolors. 
Veins of taxi-yellow had conquered her dreams the first night she’d dreamed, curled under comfortable blankets in her college best friend’s apartment — she’d lost a cab to a local, who’d all but shoved her off the curb with nothing so much as a by-your-leave. 
Cabs mocked her, public transportation chuckled and would shake its head, if possible, at the naive little lamb behind her eyes, taking in the wilds of the urban jungle all too much of the first time. 
Her first day alone in the city, Stuart had warned her not to venture far from the apartment without escort – his vacation from his mad scientist work didn’t start until the weekend. “We’ll go out and you can get your first taste of the city, just you wait — but stay here. Bart needs the company anyway,” he’d offered nothing else, naturally. Stuart never had felt a need to share important details. 
Simply just thrust the half-abandoned coffee in his Back to the Future mug into her hand as she took up the doorway to his room, speaking around the pencil between his teeth as he wrangled into a jacket.  
And Bart was quiet enough, sure. She liked dogs — her parents had four of them at the farm, coupled with the flocks of geese and chicken, horses and the odd smattering of dairy cows laying around the lazy sunlight of spring. 
They’d all but donned black in grief when she announced she would be taking time in New York to see Stuart, the man she was supposed to be married to, if heaven allowed. 
Overwhelmed at the prospect of their progeny returning to the only man who had ever bothered to date her romantically, they’d deflated as soon as the evidence became irreconcilable — Stuart’s girlfriend, Kate, would be only a phone call away if she needed anything. 
Her mother had gasped so audibly it could be heard from the team currently bunking at the International Space Station. 
But where Bart was good company she could handle, Stuart’s unexplained roommate — Leo, no, Leopold right? –  was not.
Very much unexplained, actually, his presence in her ex’s apartment.
Stranger things certainly happened within the lines of New York City, she knew. And Stuart hadn’t felt it necessary to share this information with her the first night in.
What a guy. 
She’d almost felt her heart eviscerating into atoms when she’d padded out of Stuart’s room in socks, a too-big Batman T-shirt and sleeping shorts — thank God she's opened to sleep clothed. Looking like hell warmed over and in desperate need of caffeine, to boot.
Stuart didn’t possess a mirror in his room, and a passing glance by the TV offered somewhat of a reflection that confirmed she’d slept like the dead. Hair similar to something from the 80s, wilding in every direction – hadn’t even bothered.
Why would she? This was Stuart’s apartment, he confirmed he lived alone. Or, well — had. Past tense. 
Last night’s booze from Stuart’s tragic supply of in-apartment food still lingered in the back of her mouth, threatened to make a reappearance when Leopold had just  stood up from the couch in the living space, stretching long arms over his head in a catlike, very-much-there stretch. 
Stars aligned and her anatomy reborn in places you don’t confess, in the blink of an eye. As he’d come about sharply on his foot, wide eyed and milk white with surprise, as if she were the unexpected intrusion into Stuart’s little apartment. 
Three weeks ago she’d thrown War and Peace at the Duke of Albany’s head, all but threatening decapitation. An offense that, in Leopold’s time, surely, would have her head rolling. 
She believed him, of course. Why would he lie about time travel? Why would Stuart have scientific evidence and K-Mart photographs, all for lies? Stuart didn’t even like K-Mart.
He could barely carry on a conversation with the same barista he’d been getting coffee from for three years. 
It wasn't unthinkable, time travel. God himself had parted seas, held the sun in place for Joshua. Time travel was not beyond the realm of the Almighty, reasons aside.
How and why didn’t really matter, not in the blip of a grand scheme of a person’s life — Leopold had stumbled into the modern age for a reason, bless him. For what, who was to know? 
Divisions of her were grateful, three weeks into the arrangement, to not be the only one in the city not from here. To have company that understood the shock and awe of new wonders, of a city with it’s own voice.
Leopold was as naive and innocent to this world as she was to New York, a combination she found riveting and more thrilling than she’d admit in therapy. A renaissance man in an era that had forgotten renaissance. 
What a trip. “Lost in your thoughts again, hm?” 
Jarred by the light brush of Leopold’s hand against the back of her own as they cut through the bodies clogging  the afternoon sidewalk, she tucks a little closer to his side. Rests a stabilizing hand on his arm, trying not to knock into those waiting at the crosswalk. 
Often during these last three weeks, she got so lost thinking not only about Leopold’s situation, but him — how he takes up more space than God, but not in an aggressive way. A smile as bright and lovely as any Monet, that races the sun.
How his otherworldly charm cracks like a whip when he wants it to but isn’t cutting or belittling to those without — and the way he moves. Regal and alive in a way that’s as raw and natural as the world beneath her feet. 
He’s more alive than any man she’d ever known, so otherworldly. 
Reading a thousand fantasy manuscripts in her nine-to-five had ruined her for most men in the world, the idea so far away in between pages font choice. Nobody of Leopold’s caliber existed outside of fiction, she’d stake her life on it. The upper echelon was an understatement—people just didn’t dare dream about men like him.
A prince charming on a white horse— minus the horse and the Cinderella-esque backdrop. 
“Yeah, just a little,” her spine straightens a little more as his hand comes to linger at the low of her back, a sort of medieval courtesy that’s only ever written about. It sparks low embers in the fire of her gut as they cross the street with the others, she nods towards the subway stairs cutting down into the earth,  “Sorry, just—thinking. We’re going this way, I think,” puffing out a breath, “if my sense of direction is right.”  
He hums quietly, taking to her left to allow her access to the stair’s rail, “You possess more of a head for direction than any other woman I’ve had the pleasure to know,” he chuckles, his elbow extending politely, the nod of his chin gesturing for her to loop her arm through his.
“I trust you implicitly in this, my dear.” 
My dear.
Her heart kicks like a mule against her ribs.
“Such blind faith you have, Leo,” her nose scrunches, and she dips her gaze to her feet lest he notice the pop of color on her cheeks, “Could be leading us to Timbuktu for all you know—I’ve never been to New York. You probably know this city better than me, my lord.” 
His chest rumbles with a low, pleasant chuckle that’s almost growling.
“A venture to Timbuktu does not sound so unpleasant, such company considered."
His smile is genuine, nearly flawless—wrinkles around his eyes deepen with the effort as he leans in to whisper in her ear, “And—do be careful about such flattery, my lady. I’m prone to blushing under the attentions of the fairer sex.”  
Heat pouncing into the pit of her stomach, she swallows the gaps that threaten to knock her back teeth.
For all of a few seconds she expects to be speechless, but his endlessly charming wink produced a wry little smile of her own. 
“Is that right?” Elbowing him gently in the ribs, she giggles, “You don’t strike me as the type to blush, Leo,” brushing a curl behind her ear, “especially not with the ladies—not with all that suave charm. I still can’t believe you’re not married in your world,”
It's a topic she’d been hesitant to address, but he’d assured her he didn’t mind discussion the affairs of marriage over the course of their quick and blossoming companionship.
“But I understand. To give your heart away is a divine act. To love, well — that’s selfless. And hard.” 
He nods, once. Firmly. Too firmly for a man of his stature.
“Indeed. If I recall my uncle’s frustrations properly, ‘tis one of my many fiercely tiresome flaws, I’m afraid,” the venom behind his words is contained, but on a blade’s edge. Wlilling to fly at any moment.
The muscle in his jaw ticks with effort, “And to love is to be selfless, certainly, though in some cases it demands more of us than we think we can bear.” 
Weighty shadows behind his eyes shoves her into silent corners. 
Her arm slides through his proffered one like it’s the easiest thing in the world, more at home at his side than she’s ever felt. Leopold leads her down the stairs graciously, hand over hers on his arm in a sort of protection she’d only ever seen depicted in period films.
The landing comes up quickly, and he guides her a little closer to his side in the crowd, until her hip brushes his. And how the fibers of her jacket kiss the little pull of Stuart’s leather jacket draped across his frame may as well topple mountains in her soul.
The maw of the subway track looms beyond them, dark and ominous, more dungeon-esque than she’d ever imagined.
People pile in. Open air shrinks around them rapidly, forcing her to a snug against Leopold’s side that, by all counts, is far too intimate for her conservative liking.
He doesn’t seem to mind, however, too busy watching people and eyeballing for the train. She can feel the thrum of his heart from here, the bite of aftershave he’d borrowed from Stuart so alive on his skin it may as well reach out to smack her. 
His hand firms over hers still looped through his arm, the rumble of an engine in the darkness signaling the arrival of their train.
“Extraordinary,” he shakes his head, marveled as the subway comes up quickly in a burst of light and steel. It pulls to a sharp stop as the doors pop open with a static hiss, and Leopold is frozen in an airy, almost fond, wonder. 
“Whoever would have thought, beneath this very city. Boggling, simply wondrous.”  
Taking her arm, he tugs her forward into the car not at all unlike an eager child. A sweeping gaze down the length of the car and Leopold decides they will stand, reaching above his head for the standing bar.
His chest opens to a broad that empties her mouth of any and all moisture as she collects her breathing, straightens the line of her long jacket. 
She situates her purse when Leopold’s arm gently slips around her shoulders, drawing her into his chest beneath his arm. His smile down at her is soft, a tender gaze considering the features of her face as she shyly peers up at him through her lashes.
Here against his ribs, she can feel the throb of his heart, how his lungs fill with breath and empty steadily, like the rising of the sun. 
And he’s so beautiful, so everything she’d only ever wrote about in diaries and film and poetry she’d never showed the world. 
His warmth intoxicates her blood, she’s keening beneath his quiet shadow — she can’t breathe properly when his gaze drops from her eyes to her mouth.
It’s that Hollywood moment everyone talks about, but few ever experience, and her skin explodes with chill when he manages to pull in a sharp little inhale that straightens his spine, squares back his shoulders. 
Gnawing on the inside of her cheek, her toes curl within her sneakers — it’s almost surely that moment. Her brain laps with the thought of kissing him, wondering how he’d taste; experiencing for the first time how a kiss could shatter the very glass ceiling of the known universe. 
At one point in her life, she’d never imagined kissing anyone but Stuart—the man her parents loved like a son. How long ago that felt, almost as if it were another lifetime, on another planet. 
She can’t fathom how, in any time, he’d be the right man when the right man stands right in front of her. 
His arm around her shoulders shifts to gently skip his thumb along her arm, tenderly. “Do you know you are beautiful thing?”
A small smile forms around the words when her eyes snap up, breathlessly, and Leopold drops his hand from the standing bar above them to tip her chin up with tender fingers, “I have seen many women in my time, but few so fiercely beautiful,” his eyes hold hers, and she can’t help but notice he swallows a little breath.
“Stuart is a foolish man, letting you slip away if he truly once possessed you as his own. Unimaginable.” 
Tears well behind her lashes, his warmth pounding at walls around her heart. The way he looks at her, his eyes soft and so deeply honest, rattles her places she can’t quite identify. It’s like ripping open heavy curtains to a darkened room deprived of sunlight, flinching at pervasive light. Hurts, but in a good way—like removing a thorn. 
And there are thorns to remove, many of them — Stuart had contributed little to what the world has done. 
Looking away, she goes to step out from beneath his arm. Leopold retaliates, pressing her closer, his arm firm along her shoulders. Unyielding, like a sentinel pillar.
Wanting to rest a hand on his chest, she pulls it away as if he is a furnace — the heavy throb of his heart beneath her hand is all too hot, all too intimate, to fathom. 
His brow lifts, curiously, “It would please me if you’d allow me to kiss you,” with all seriousness he graces her with title, breath shallow and even.
He edges her a little closer, and almost mindlessly, she lifts on her toes to meet his angle.
“I’ve wanted to do so since the first moment I heard you say my name.” His lower lip rolls in, tempted, “Say my name. Speak it, and I’ll be yours.” 
It escapes her, suddenly, how many times she’s said his name in the last three weeks — but it doesn’t matter. Now it takes on an entirely new meaning, a weight that threatens to change the small universe between them.
Only able to be reborn beneath his gaze, she feels her chest swelling with warm pride—with a riotous joy that rattles her all the way down. 
Never had she imagined hearing such words, such love. In seconds, she’s Aphrodite, lost to the ages in the weight of his gaze, adrift in his words. Who even spoke like that, anymore? Nobody, she knows — nobody here, nobody like you. It only could be the words of a man out of time, a man in renaissance.  
Weighing the weight of his name on her tongue, she swallows how wrong the short of Leo feels, now.
He can never be Leo again — Leo was a man shacking up with her ex boyfriend in New York City, starry eyed and funny in his innocence. A friend, someone she could enjoy talking to. 
He no longer existed. Leopold took his place, burying any boyish fantasy between them.
He was a man, standing like the sun, extending to her a sort of thing only ever envisioned. Where Leo was a boyish wonder, Leopold was a man of purpose, driven. Powerful. Man enough to bend the very boughs of time and space. 
Her lips form around the syllables and consonants of his name. And it tastes so good, a sweet thing that she’ll dine on with every breath God decides to lend.
How many times does she say his name to make him hers? A hundred? A thousand?
Uncountable lifetimes of him would never be enough. 
So she says it again, again, again and again. 
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shownusfool · 2 months ago
see i always struggle with my sexuality but thats because i genuinely believe its possible for anyone to fall in love with anyone regardless of sex/gender and because it’s possible to do that it’s also possible to sleep with a person regardless of sex/gender if you love them. but apparently that’s not how sexuality works and i just don’t understand that. like idk what i am but its not straight ig.
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whirlybirbs · 6 months ago
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— CAN'T WE BE SEVENTEEN? ; shoto todoroki ; 焦凍
summary: he's loved you since he was seventeen. pairing: f!reader x pro hero!shoto ; reader was a 1-A student tags: mutual pining, heavy make-out, thinly veiled sugar daddy shoto, reader does not go pro, touya might be a dick but he's a hero now, shoto is bad at feelings wordcount: 5.6k a/n: i do not fucking know what came over me, enjoy your food my little todorokinas. yes the title is what you think it is. no i will not elaborate.
You never did go pro.
Truthfully, you thought there would be more pushback when, in your senior year, you announced your plan to pursue a degree in early childhood education with a focus on non-conforming quirk development. 
The War changed a lot. It changed you, your classmates, and the world. But, through it all one thing stuck with you:
What if someone helped Tenko Shimura?
How different would his life have been? How different would history have spun? 
You graduated at the top of your class and joined the faculty at Chiba Prefectural Preparatory School for Quirk Specialties two years ago. 
Chiba Prep was opened eight years ago in response to a societal cry for more infrastructure around what was dubbed "non-conforming quirks": a nice way to say quirks that can injure, maim, or kill. Maybe even all three on a bad day. Some parents still see their child being labeled as a non-conforming quirk user in the national database as akin to social suicide. 
You see it differently.
Your quirk allows you to manipulate emotions — anger, sadness, betrayal, love, hatred. If you can feel it, you can sink it into another's psyche deep enough to drive them to act. You can even imbue things with feelings. For example, a cup of warm milk can transform into more than just a simple comfort, now it can hold the feeling of home and safety, or even exhaustion strong enough to put even the biggest foe to rest. 
You could easily use your quirk with nefarious intent. 
You could steep hatred in someone's bone so deep it drives them to harm themselves. You could sew fury so solid into someone's mind it drives them to violence. 
Just a touch and you can control others with something so intrinsically personal it only exists within themselves: their feelings.
What makes you any different from little Asuke, a shy little girl with a quirk that allows her to see people's greatest fears, and then manifest and control them? You're convinced she can use this for good, if only with practice. In your mind, her future is bright and glimmering. Perhaps she will become a therapist, focusing on exposure therapy? Or, maybe the most prolific horror novelist in their time? 
Or, bright and sunny Tao — a transplant whose parents sought out Chiba Prep's specialized education — whose heteromorphic quirk makes his bodily fluids, namely saliva, eat through nearly anything but his own biologics. A sneeze is quickly the most dangerous thing in the world for the cheery, lizard-bodied class clown. 
He's just a boy given a quirk that needs more care. 
He isn't a villain-in-training. 
None of them are.
It's important to teach them that young — and as their teacher for Year 3 of their elementary schooling, you aim to hammer that in as much as possible. They deserve to feel normal. To feel loved and supported. They aren't scary, they're children. 
So, you take it upon yourself to insist on pushing for privileges like field trips. There aren't many public spaces that welcome the classes of Chiba Prep with open arms. Over the years, there have been plenty of incidents. But, a day trip into the city to visit Tokyo's Hall of Heroes is green-lit with bubbling excitement from both faculty, the children, and their parents. 
You usually keep your history as a graduated member of Class 1-A quiet. 
After all, you never did go pro.
And even still, Shoto Todoroki never stopped thinking about you.
He remembers that weekend everyone moved back in for their last year before graduation. He remembers you smiling at him, and helping him drag up a duffel of luggage from the common room to his dorm. You made a joke about how you're sure he got taller over the summer, and how his hair is longer now. You said you liked it. 
It was the beginning of the end, then.
His crush was a silent, smothering thing. It made it hard to think. Shoto had enough on his plate thanks to Touya's acceptance into the Villain Rehabilitation Program and his father's insistence on staving off retirement. Not to mention his parent's divorce — no matter how amicable, it was still a separation. Add on training, tests, studying, finals, and j-term classes... And a desperate, writhing, burning crush on the nicest girl in class? 
Touya's elbow digs into Shoto's side.
It drags him back to reality — to the stifled quiet of the historical Hall of Heroes. 
Suddenly, the doors to the wing squeak open, and a tour guide ushers in the elementary school class. The buzzing excitement and wonder are visible on each of their faces as the attendant — one of the HoH's lead tour guides — excitedly explains the newest, in-progress addition to the Hall:
Endeavor's wing. 
There's a whisper of awe that ripples through the children as their teacher and co-teacher follow, and as the class moves through the large, open space. They're staring up eagerly at the gilded statue in the center of the room. It's larger than life and intimidating. Years ago, Shoto might have had to fight the odd tremble in his knees at the reminder it brings: to be small in his father's shadow again. But, things are different now. 
Very different.
Touya scoffs. "I thought this wing wasn't open to the public yet."
"They're just children," Shoto hums, turning his back on the gaggle across the way to inspect the large mural winding along the back end of the installation, "I'm sure it's—"
"Oh, ho, no way!"
Shoto quirks his brow at his brother's outburst. His elbow digs into Shoto's ribs again. 
"Ain't that the pretty girl you never got the balls to ask out your senior year?" comes the rasped drawl of his older brother's voice. Touya is clearly amused, his white hair hanging in his eyes as he leans forward to squint, "She is cute, Sho'—"
"Shut up," Shoto grits, turning his head over his shoulder; he tries to bite back the flurry of nerves that ignite in his gut, "Stop talking."
It is you.
You look... good. 
You're crouched by a small, timid girl in the back of the crowd. Your hand is in hers, and you're pointing upwards at the large paneled screens replaying Endeavor's most historic fights. You're explaining something to her, your knees bent as you squat. You look... the same. As if in the six years since they graduated, you sat still in time. 
For a second, it's like he's seventeen again.
It's his senior year, and he's stuck at the corner of the gym's edge with a half-empty glass of punch in his hand. The lights are low, and there's slow music playing. His tie feels too tight. Bakugo keeps telling him to 'ask her to dance already', and Kirishima is considering bashing his head through the wall. Even Midorya is trying to persuade Shoto. 
"It's prom, man! C'mon, this could be your last chance—"
Touya is about to be a real pain in the ass — his favorite pastime — and make some comment about your ass, but when he turns to lob the one-liner at his baby brother, Shoto's gone.
Shoto is on the move.
The crescendo of gasps draws your attention first.
Then, the cry of "WOAH, IT'S SHOTO!" leaves you dumbfounded. The rippling murmur of excitement bleeds into the children as their eyes — and the eyes of the tour guide — widen at the sight of the approaching Pro Hero. 
Shoto Todoroki.
He looks... good. 
Really good.
He's a bit older, and a bit more filled out than when you were both teenagers. You can see the strength in his arms and shoulders — it's a distant echo of his father's physique, though Shoto is so much more elegant and much... prettier. He's always been.
For a second, you're seventeen again.
It's your senior year, and you're sprawled across Momo Yaoyorozu's bed.
They had finally wrangled out of you who your crush was: something they hadn't been able to do in all their years as classmates.
There's a sticky, Miss Midnight-themed face mask clinging to your expression as you try to flip through the large magazine in your hands as nonchalantly as possible. Mina's voice, as she paints Ochaco's nails a bright pink on the floor, is sweet and saccharine as she looks up at you.
"I think you and Shoto would be, like, the cutest couple ever." 
You're still crouched when the tour guide nervously — like she was caught doing something naughty — introduces The Pro Hero Shoto to the already-aware crowd of elementary school students and their teachers. It's like igniting a match; the uproar of excitement leaves you laughing as three of your boys push forward to bombard him with questions about his quirk. 
Asuke is smiling shyly, now. That's a small win. She's intrigued by the appearance of a real hero, not the "scary statues" — and her big, fat tears stopped rolling the moment you laid a gentle hand on her to quell her anxiety over the new environment with a push of comfort through your quirk. She unhooks her pinkie finger from yours as you guide her towards your co-teacher. 
"Boys," you call with a crisp air of authority as you stand and lead Asuke toward the bulk of the field trip group, "What have we learned about personal space?"
"It's fine, really, Insight," comes Shoto's voice; as warm and placid as you remember. 
"Insight?" mutters your co-teacher at the presumed hero-name; a look of confusion plasters itself on her face, and her big, feline ears perk up. She leans in to whisper in a way that borders on conspiratory, "Do you two know one another?"
"Old classmates," you confirm, not daring to get into the finer details.
Shoto's attention is entirely rooted in the way you manage the kids. There's something beautiful about the ease with which you handle the bouquet of students; you quell the excitement into a manageable decibel like it's as easy as breathing. 
"Shoto," you start as you gesture to him, "Has a very special quirk — Toyamai, he has ice like you. And, fire like Tojiro. He can regulate his temperature. Can anyone tell me what that means?"
There's a wave of hands shooting up, a few me, me, me's rise from the gaggle. 
You're using him as a teaching moment.
Shoto's smile is soft.
You nod at Ogomi, excitedly nodding as the reserved child speaks up. Normally, he hates public speaking. But, recently, he's started working with the speech pathologist during lunch. The boy bounces a little as he answers. "He doesn't g-get too hot, or too c-cold."
"Exactly! Isn't that cool?" you grin at the lazy attempt at a pun, "This is why it's important to learn about our quirks as much as we can!"
Touya thinks this whole thing is just too cute. 
You're different than he remembers — but, granted, things were sorta different last time he saw you. He was a little too busy tryna kill his old man and lil' Shoto. He's different now, too. A changed man! A real licensed hero. Support items and all. 
He hangs back. 
He... I mean, he is a jack-ass but he isn't gonna ruin this for Shoto. 
...It's kinda cute.
Just about as cute as Fuyumi said it was. 
Apparently, Shoto had opened up to her and Natsuo about his feelings after graduation — about how he regretted not doing anything about it. Fuyumi then told their mum, who then off-handedly mentioned it to Touya... and well Touya dug in because, duh, he is a whore for good gossip. He might be the family's black sheep, but Shoto is the glue that binds. 
And he deserves to be happy.
Your co-teacher is ushering the kids to the next installation — a viewing of All Might's Legacy, a new documentary following the retired pro's teaching career. It will be a good wind down for them, in comfy seats and the dark. It's hardly the sort of content an elementary school student would find riveting, but it is All Might. And they love him.
You hang back. 
Shoto's heart is hammering in his chest.
"Hi," you greet back, closing the door to the theater and stepping forward as you weave your arms around you, "Long time no see."
"Yea," Shoto breathes, his hands in his pockets as he meets you halfway across the museum's marble floors, "I... I see you're teaching."
His eyes are as pretty as they were back then. Slate grey and piercing turquoise. "I'm in my second year," you confirm softly, fiddling with the material of your sweater, "Congrats to your old man."
You gesture up at the statue, then wave around to the rest of the installation.
Shoto inhales, then nods; he's staring at your face, blissfully realizing you're just the way you were all those years ago. Kind. "I'll pass it along."
"How's he handling it?" you ask, your eyes raking across his expression and trying not to stick to the sharp slope of his jaw, or the bob of his Adam's apple, "Retirement, I mean."
"He's happy, I think. Touya and I are working together and... things are...  good."
Last month, Endeavor finally retired. He cited his age, and his dedication to passing his legacy to his two sons: Shoto and Touya. Shoto has planted himself firmly within the Top Ten in the last year or so, and shockingly, Touya isn't far behind. People love an underdog's redemption story, you suppose. 
And the underdog in question can read a room. 
This is getting a little too sexually tense for even him.
"Heeeeey, girl," he rasps out, staggering backward with a thumb over his shoulder, "Nice t' see ya. I'll let you two catch up, yea? I'm gonna go pop my head into the theater, see how the kids are handling the snooze fest on screen—"
You jump.
How long has he even been there?
"Hi, D— Touya," you strain, wincing a little; the rehab'd villain doesn't seem to mind.
"Hi, teach'. That cool with you?" he asks, wobbling his thumb and quirking a pierced eyebrow; it's comical, like he's trying to disarm you with humor, "Don't want you thinkin' I'm corrupting your youths—"
"It's fine," you breathe, ignoring the sting of age-old mistrust. You know better. Shoto wouldn't be here, with him, if Touya Todoroki hadn't changed. Endeavor wouldn't be entrusting his legacy to the ex-League of Villain member if he didn't believe in his capacity for good, "Just don't be disruptive."
Casting judgment on someone whose life was nearly destroyed by his own non-conforming quirk would go against everything you taught the kids anyway.
"Touya's whole thing is being disruptive," Shoto grits as his oldest brother slips silently through the doors, "I apologize for him—"
"No," you wave him off, laughing a little, "Don't. It's... nice to see you two together."
Shoto's expression is soft as he wanders a little closer. "It took time — and a lot of therapy — but we've all managed to come out the other side."
"That's great to hear, Shoto," you breathe, your eyes flitting across his face, "I'm really happy for you."
There's a long silence, then — and you can't help but ignore the roil of butterflies in your stomach. The eye contact is heavy with some unspoken thing, and both of your tongues are weighted by secrets-never-turned-confessions. 
It's like finally this dance you've been doing around one another for years breaks — and the two of you throw caution to the wind at the exact same moment. 
"Would you like to—"
"Are you free—"
Hesitant, slow grins bloom on both your faces.
"Dinner?" is all he manages after a sweet moment of soaking up your soft smile, "If you're available...?"
You make yourself available.
Yaoyorozu almost dies when you call her that night — winded from tearing through your entire wardrobe. You explained you had nothing to wear a-and you needed something nice, and you only have an hour to get ready, because Todoroki — yes, stop screaming, Todoroki — is picking you up at 8pm.
Little bro is nervous. Touya can tell. 
From his spot on the sofa, the white-haired ex-degenerate scoffs. Natsuo is digging around for some cufflinks in Shoto's dresser.
"Seriously, Sho'? A suit?" 
"It's a nice restaurant," his brother says tightly, adjusting the collar of the black button-down, "I booked the upstairs dining room for privacy." 
"Who the hell told you t' do that?" Touya quirks a skeptical brow.
"Father was the one who suggested it."
"...That old dog." 
Natsuo rolls his eyes at the exchange before throwing his hands as he emerges from the closet. "Do you have any links that aren't emblazoned with U.A. High School's crest?"
The ones in Natsuo's hands have his graduation year on them.
Shoto winces.
"Want me to ask dear ol' dog of a dad?" Touya snarks from the corner, his posture becoming less and less upright as he scrolls on his phone.
"Already did," comes the soft voice of Fuyumi; she's smiling, padding into Shoto's room with a velvet box, "He offered up his nicest pair. He also says not to screw it up with Insight. He likes her."
Of course, he likes her. You worked under Endeavor for a brief work-study period during your third year. Shoto remembers hearing grumbled praise over dinner one night about your talent for de-escalation.
"You told him who I was seeing?" Shoto asks incredulously, taking the box and working the cufflinks on. He's starting to feel exasperated.
Fuyumi nods, popping down beside Touya. 
"He asked. I'm not gonna lie to him."
"Did y' tell ma?" Touya rasps, peeking up over his phone to inspect Shoto's outfit. Not half bad, honestly. He looks good in all black. A man after his own heart, "M'sure she's gonna be real excited—"
"Yes," Shoto grumbles, "I called her earlier—"
"Chiba Prep is a really good school, y'know," Natsuo buts in as he tries to find a tie that matches Shoto's outfit. Ultimately, though, the middle brother decides against it and tosses the options over his shoulder, "They're, like, on the leading edge for quirk therapies."
"Hey, nerd? Quiet down. The big kids are gossiping," Touya shirks, turning back to Shoto, "What did mum say?" 
"She wants me to call her after—"
"One, you're gonna call mum the morning after," Touya raises a finger, "Because if you don't get laid, I'll be so fuckin' disap—"
Fuyumi slaps Touya's chest. He lets out a pained yelp at the solid smack.
"Uh, ow," he rubs his sternum. "An' two, take a deep breath. You look like you're gonna shit yourself. Those are my pants and they're expensive."
Shoto lets out a long breath. 
Fuyumi's smile is sweet like honey. "Aw, Sho'! It's gonna go great. You two have known each other for such a long time, and catching up is going to be amazing. Just be yourself! Confident and kind—"
"—Hold the door open for her, and pull her chair out," Natsuo adds as he adjusts Shoto's collar for him, "Car door, too—"
It's Touya's turn. He's dead serious. "—And do not chicken out on kissing her at the end of the night. I swear to god."
Easier said than done.
You never did go pro.
Those years of hardened battle instincts have lost their edge. You try to remind yourself this is just Shoto, not The Shoto — but you're a little lost in the whole celebrity of it all when he picks you up in a very nice, sporty little car with ENDVRplates. 
You answer the door and he forgets how to breathe.
He has flowers for you. They're blue and blooming and beautiful. 
Fuyumi's contribution. 
You settled then you were going to kiss him at the end of the night.
The restaurant is... nice. Really nice. The sort of nice you could never aspire to experience on your teacher's salary. Even the valet is a concept that has your head spinning. But, Shoto handles it all with cool ease. The entire time, his hand is settled on your lower back. 
It feels like you've been lit on fire.
You're glad Momo was able to create a dress fitting for the occasion. It's sleek and black. Comfortable, too. Not much can be said for your heels on that front, but it's fine. 
Somehow, Shoto managed to book the entire upper floor of this place in all its glimmering glory — it's just the two of you alone in a sea of tables. 
The waiter is pouring you a glass of the chef's suggested pairing of sake.
You thank him, smile, and take a sip as Shoto unbuttons his suit jacket and watches you. 
For a second, you're seventeen again.
Sero and Kirishima were always in cahoots when it came to parties back then — somehow, between the two of them, they always managed to smuggle enough booze onto campus to obliterate any semblance of promised sobriety from even the most stoic members of 1-A. 
You remember one night, after a lot of hounding, you finally gave in and joined a few of your classmates on the back lawn for a few drinks. 
A few beers turned into a cup or two of wine, and then another big gulp of whatever deranged jungle juice concoction Kaminiari managed to cook up. It tasted terrible, but you were too drunk to really care. Shoto was no better. He was nursing his fourth drink of the night — a rarity he was even drinking at all — and seemed completely fine with the way your arms brushed as the two of you sat close in the grass. 
He was always so nervous around you. Now, he just seemed... happy. 
"I can't believe there is only one week left until graduation."
Graduation day was the last time you saw him. 
Until this morning, that is. 
You smile into your drink. 
"What?" you ask when his eyes never leave your face.
His fingers twitch towards his own glass. Shoto blinks, then rolls his jaw. He was caught staring. He clears his throat, looking a bit shy. "Nothing."
"Nothing?" you press playfully, cocking your head to the side.
"You..." he starts, then bawks. You're stunning, and it's making it hard to even think straight. He thought these feelings might have mellowed out over the years but seeing you again has just reignited everything. He feels like a hormonal teenager again, "You look beautiful."
Your expression falters into something lovesick. You chew your lip. "You're not so bad yourself, Todoroki."
He manages a half-smile. "Touya had me worried the suit was a bit much."
The idea of Touya offering him advice on his outfit strikes a chord in your heart. It makes you smile even bigger than before. "Well, you can tell Touya that I like it. A lot."
You rake your eyes up and down him. On purpose.
He notices.
Shoto's face feels hot. 
He tries to shake the bone-deep want that has swept his entire body up in its grip, but it's difficult when every single word out of your mouth reminds him just how in love he was with you back in school. You explain, excitedly, why you chose to teach at Chiba Prefectural Prep and catch him up on where you've been living since graduating. He's pleased to learn you're still in the area, living in the city, and decidedly in love with the commute to the school. 
Shoto's always been a good listener — but you can see how much he's changed when he begins to speak about his career. He seems so much more sure of himself than he was all those years ago. It wasn't that he was... unsure... but, no. He was shy. Quiet.
Now, less so. 
It's adorable. 
Dinner comes and goes with conversation over sushi that is far too good for you to even process. It's easy talking to him. It was easy talking to Shoto back, then, too but... Things are different. You're both different. Not in a bad way, but in a way that feels like coming home. 
While you both wait outside for the valet, Shoto shrugs his jacket off and puts it over your shoulders without a single word. Suddenly, you're cradled in a warmth that's very Shoto — his cologne clings to the collar and you bury yourself a little deeper into it. 
Shyly, you step closer and steal his hand. It's calloused and warm. He laced his fingers with yours as if practiced. You bite back a grin. You give his hand a little squeeze when you spot the car coming around the corner.
His silence is calming — and he squeezes your hand back. When you look up at him, you realize he's already looking at you. 
His face is close. It's so... intimate. Very. Nearly better than a kiss. 
But, you've wanted to kiss Shoto Todoroki since you were seventeen. 
The valet driver interrupts the moment with a respectful call of Shoto's name and offers the keys with a shake of the hand. With a little bit of hesitancy, Shoto remembers the thing Natsuo said — the car door, too — and moves around the passenger side to open the door for you. 
It's sweet.
Really sweet. 
The car ride back to your apartment is punctuated with easy conversation — you ask him about Bakugo and Midorya, and you're pleased to hear they're both doing well. He asks about Momo, and if you still keep in touch with Mina and Ochaco. He smiles to himself when you admit you did call Momo for help with an outfit. 
"She did a beautiful job," Shoto breathes, a palm moving from the gear shift to brush over the dress' fabric on your thigh.
His hand settles there. 
Your stomach does a flip. 
You chew your lip, swallow down a sudden burst of nerves, and let your hand rest over his. You squeeze it. Shoto tries to focus on the road. His gaze drifts for a moment at a red light, his heterochromatic eyes dancing across your figure. 
Keep it together. 
He isn't seventeen.
He's twenty-five. He's a Professional Hero. One of the Top Ten in all of Japan. He's more than capable of keeping it together in the face of physical touch from the woman he's dreamed about for years. 
Green light.
His hand is still on your thigh when he pulls up to your apartment. 
The touch is relinquished in favor of putting the sports car in park. 
It makes your chest ache.
Shoto swallows thickly.
Do not chicken out on kissing her at the end of the night.
He'll never forgive himself. But, admittedly, he's bad at this. He's not good at reading body language, or even knowing himself enough to realize he looks mildly terrified as you blink up at him in the passenger's seat. His heart is hammering a mile a minute.
What if you don't want to kiss him?
When would he even kiss you? Now? Or at the door?
Why does he feel like he's going to die?
"This was really... Shoto, are you okay?" you ask as you unbuckle your seatbelt; you pause, your brows knitting tightly. 
"What?" he asks, blinking back to the present moment. The look of fear disappears, "Sorry. Yes. I'm fine."
You're working his jacket off your shoulders, gently leaning to fold it neatly in your lap. Your voice dips low, into something playful. "You didn't look fine..."
"I—" Shoto clamps his mouth shut as he leans an elbow on the center console, "Sorry. I suppose I'm just nervous."
"Nervous?" you grin, a little giggle punctuating your words as you wriggle in the red, leather seat, "Why?"
Your expression makes his expression crack. He ducks his head as he huffs out a laugh. You continue to egg him on via expression alone. "I... Stop it."
"Stop what?" you push some more, your back pressed to the door as you face him in the car, "You're the one being weird—"
"I'm not being weird—"
"Then what's wrong, Shoto?" you tease in a sing-song voice.
"I'm nervous because I want to kiss you."
His words are punctuated by a slow look that takes in every inch of your face. Butterfly wings kiss your stomach walls. And your knees. You feel a little tremble in your chest. 
It feels like someone has sucker punched you square in the sternum. Shoto's no better. He isn't entirely sure what the expression on your face means. Is that... good? Are you happy?
Your voice is a little quieter now. You duck your head and fiddle with his suit jacket as you lean back against the seat, a little closer now. 
"You don't need to be."
Shoto's breath catches at that.
So, he makes his move.
His hand comes first — his calloused palm settles nicely against your face, his thumb brushing your cheekbone as his pointer finger brushes the underside of your jaw. Shoto is slow. Methodical. It's like he's trying to ground himself in the moment. 
Truth be told, he thinks he might be blacking out.
Your eyes flit up his wrist — a dark leather band around his wrist with an expensive watch face, a dark dress shirt with glimmering cufflinks, strong arms and a broad chest, and you can see the dip of his collarbone where the top two buttons of his shirt remain undone. 
He looks so damn handsome with his sharp jaw, pretty eyes, and his trademark white and crimson hair. Even his scar is beautiful. 
The touch pulls you in like he's got his own personal orbit.  
Your elbows are braced along the center console, your eyes flicking across his face as his fingers continue to brush along the soft expanse of your cheek. You wring your fingers together. 
Then, his eyes stick to your lips.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispers, his breath fanning across your face. 
You never did go pro.
But, Shoto did. 
It shows. 
Because, at this moment, all you can do is nod feebly before you're swept into the sort of kiss people go to war for. It's the sort of kiss that sticks to your ribs, that feels like warm, fresh food. It's the sort of kiss that would drive you to the brink, that would make you nod and agree sure, let's get married and have three kids, let's name one after your father, and paint the house blue like your mother's favorite flower—
His mouth is eager, but not in an overbearing way. It's gentle. Slow. As if he needs to remind himself this is real and not some midnight fiction that leaves him aching and alone. Shoto reminds himself to be tepid, pliable, and easy, which is easier said than done when somewhere deep inside of him there's a seventeen-year-old screaming in victory. 
It's better than anything he could have ever imagined. 
And then you whimper. 
It's a sound tied between bliss and relief and it's muttered against his mouth as you lean in and let your fingers brush the fabric of his dress shirt. The tips of your fingers brush his abdomen and he flexes, the feeling foreign and warm. It warrants his other hand to drift to your face and you break for a breath; he doesn't care that there's lipstick smeared across his mouth. He's kissing you again — this time a little bit more feverish, a little bit more aching. 
You melt against him, this time your hands trembling to grip his wrists.
He needs to slow down.
He is not having sex with you in his father's car.
That's shameless.
He needs to slow down.
He has to, or he'll lose himself in this and he refuses to fuck this up. 
Shoto's breath is ragged when he finally peels himself away, his lip parted and eyes half-lidded. His grip on your face is still so soft, so gentle. It's very him. 
You're glad you didn't do this when you were seventeen.
It would have permanently altered your brain chemistry, you're sure of it. How could you ever kiss someone else again after that? 
He's rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You swallow, and try to level out your breathing. It's hard when he's still so close, when he's so... perfect. 
"I've wanted to do that," he murmurs against your cheek, "Since our last year at Yuei."
A well-kissed smile breaks across your face. You reel back, your nose wrinkling as you shake your head in disbelief. Shoto is smiling. A real smile. The sort that's so rare you can count on one hand the amount of times you've ever seen it in person. 
"Are you serious?"
"Very," he says, chastely pressing another to your other cheek as he leans back.
"Me too," you admit shyly, "Can we... do it again sometime?"
Shoto's eyes widen incrementally. Then, his smile eases back onto his face. 
"Are you free this weekend?"
"I can be," you reply easily with a honeyed look, "And I will be. For you."
"I get off patrol on Saturday around seven," he explains before asking timidly, "We could... do dinner again?"
"Works for me," you breathe as you move for the handle of the car door, "After all, I never went Pro. Weekends are free."
Shoto scoffs. 
Then, as you open the door and swing a leg out:
"Oh, and tell Touya I thought the suit sexy."
Shoto's laugh is dry. You leave his jacket on the seat and scurry into your apartment with a lovesick wave. He swears he sees the silhouette of a familiar ponytail greet you at the door, but he doesn't dwell on it. He waits until you're inside and the lights to the front door are shut off.
Then it hits him. He has another date with you this weekend. 
Not so seventeen anymore, Shoto Todoroki. 
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luludeluluramblings · 4 months ago
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Neglected!Pregnant!Reader x Yandere!Bat Family Part Two
Part One ☁️ Part Three ☁️
A/N: I was genuinely thinking this wouldn’t be as liked as it was. I kinda wanna take my time with it and slow it down. Focus on the Yandere aspect, and the little blurbs to go along with it. But, I hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Pregnancy, mild yandere themes (blink and you’ll miss it)
It wasn’t like you had unintentionally forgotten to mention the apartment search to Stephanie. Mom brain can make you a silly forgetful goose.
Besides, other things had popped up that were much more important. Like, finding out the bean’s gender and finding yourself some actual maternity pants. Or, trying not to pass out. The waves of exhaustion that hit you were surprising. You had hit you second trimester and were supposed to start feeling better, the Doctor said.
But, apparently every pregnancy was different.
Stephanie, on the other hand, had started spending more and more time with you. Which was nice. The way you two were bonding over your experiences was kind of grounding. The little tips she gave were also kinda helpful. She tended to mother-hen you, though. Getting really strict about eating the cold cut sandwiches and your caffeine intake.
The lack of caffeine definitely didn’t help your irritably. Which you were struggling to control. You kept your snappy attitude to yourself as best you could, but sometimes the other’s in the house would do something that would make you glare at them. Alfred and Cassandra had definitely caught on that something was up. You showed the most restraint around them when it came to controlling your emotions. Stephanie was supportive as well.
But, Jason eventually had the absolute audacity to eat your fried cornbread one day. A recipe you had learned from your Momma’s Momma before she died. He left not a single crumb when you found him in the kitchen with a content look.
When you found the empty food container in the sink, you could feel your blood still.
“Did you eat my cornbread, Jason?” You had cooly asked, still looking at the empty container.
He had the further audacity to seem so nonchalant about it, “Yeah, it was good. You should make some more some time.”
“You ate my motherfuckin’ cornbread and you wanna telll me to make some more?” You were about take the empty container from the sink and chucked it at his stupid head.
“Watch the language, princess. It’s not that big a—“ Before he could finish, the restraint was gone and you were throwing the empty contain at him. Some of the dirty water splashing on him.
“What the hell? What gives?”
“You. Ate. My. Fuckin’. Cornbread. Do you know how much I was looking forward to that? And, you just fuckin’ ate it with a damn care?”
“Look, chill.” Jason is more baffled by your sudden behavior than anything to give you his usual temper. Normally you’re more mellow. Just letting them ignore you with ease. Hell, you used to seem scared of him.
“No, I will not fuckin’ chill. You ain’t ask, you just took it, you son of a bitch!” Honestly, you’re about to throw another dirty plastic container at him when Alfred walks in. Seeing the rage on your face and Jason sitting at the counter without care.
“Master Jason, I believe Master Dick requires your presence.” Alfred says with a masterfully controlled tone. You can’t tell if he’s lying or not, and, assumedly, neither can Jason because he gets up to leave.
Jason gives you a glare as he walks out of the kitchen. But, there is a hint of confusion in his gaze that you ignore in favor of trying not to cry over fucking cornbread of all things.
With a huff you go to pick up the empty container, only for Alfred to stop you.
“I believe you shouldn’t be straining yourself so much in your condition, my dear.” He picks it up for you before giving you a very pointed look. His eyes drifting towards the bump you have hidden underneath your oversized hoodie.
Instantly, guilt floods you. You hadn’t tell Alfred about the baby, despite him being your pillar of support in the manor. It makes tears actually spill over your lashes, and it cause you to feel even more frustrated that you can’t contain your emotions anymore.
“How long have you known?”
“I’ve had reason to suspect, but you yourself have just confirmed my suspicions, my dear.” The way Alfred’s single eyebrow raises makes to want to laugh on top of crying.
“Besides, I’ve noticed an unusual increase in the consumption of hot sauce and ice cream in this house. And, bowls containing the remains of the unholy concoction in the sink at the odd hours of the night.” But, the way he gives you a gentle and understanding smile makes a little choking noise escape you.
Thankfully, he lets you bury yourself in his chest as the tears start flowing. Willfully letting you ruin his freshly pressed clothes with your tears and snot. You can feel his hand rubbing your back like he was consoling a child, and you definitely felt like a child in that moment. A broken and pathetic child.
“I’m sorry” You mumble. The two words an apology for a million things. The tears, the recent volatility, the secrets, the way you’ve seemed to have lost control.
“You are forgiven, my dear. You are forgiven.”
Jason had stormed into the cave, fully knowing Alfred had lied about Dick needing him when he saw him training with Damian and Steph. The sound of their soft grunts, punches, and kicks echoing a bit off the cave walls
“Alright, I’m just gonna say it. What’s the princesses’ deal? Little brat just threw Tupperware at me.” That got everyone’s interest and amusement.
“Are you sure you didn’t deserve it?” Tim quipped from the BatComputer with a grin. Typing away on another case.
“Shut it, Timbo. That’s not the point. She’s acting off.” He huffed as he moved towards one of the seats in the cave. Haphazardly throwing himself into the chair and leaning back with his legs spread.
“Maybe she’s finally coming out of her shell?” Duke suggested without looking over at him. Too focused on his gear. Checking over the material for any tears since the time he’d been on patrol.
Once again, the idea makes Jason scoff and further lean back in his seat.
“She’s literally been living here for years and now she wants to finally grow a spine? Not buying it. Something’s going on.”
“You sound like Bruce.” Dick immediately points out with a raised brow and a wiry grin. Him and the other two moving back over towards the rest of the caves current occupants. Sweat currently on their brows and forms.
“Fuck you, dickhead.”
Dick playful stumbles at the insult, clutching his chest. “Hurtful.”
“I don’t understand why you’re so concerned. Aren’t you always antagonizing her?” Tim points out mildly curious, but most of his attention is directed towards the giant screen in front of him.
“Not the point.”
“This conversation is pointless.” Damian mutters, taking a drink of water with a bored look on his face.
“Isn’t she your sister, Damian? You used to go on and on about being the blood son. Shouldn’t you care about your blood sister?” Tim goads him, never one to let Damian forget his old bratty behavior.
“Half-sister. She’s just a mistake.” He scoffs.
“Damian, knock it off.” Stephanie says with a sharp tone and a even sharper look.
That stuns everyone.
“Steph?” Dick says in… not concern, but bafflement.
“Excuse me, Brown?” Damian’s hackles rising. It was rare for him and Stephanie to go at it. But, not exactly unheard of.
“Just, knock it off, Damian.” She bluntly stated. Not allowing the argument to go any further before she’s whipping the sweat from her face and walking towards the cave’s stair. “Jason, where was she?”
He eyes her for a moment, slight suspicion on his blank face.
“In the kitchen with Alfred.”
“I’m going to go check on her.”
They’re quiet as her feet briskly climb the stairs.
“How much do you want to bet Steph knows what’s going on and isn’t tell us?” Tim breaks the silence with a curious look.
“I’m not taking that bet. But, I think you have a point, Jason.” Dick says, acknowledging his earlier suspicions.
“You have any ideas, Cass?”
“… Something is going on. Not sure what.”
“Guess we have a little princess mystery on our hands.” Jason snarks. Content on being validated, but mind now wondering.
“Might be interesting.” Tim replies with a shrug of his shoulders. “Oh, hey, Damian, just got a space transmission from Conner. Jon and him will be back in a few days and will probably stop by the manor.”
“Jon is tolerable, but must Conner come here as well.”
“Hey, he’s my best friend. Chill out.”
A/N: Smalltown!Meta!Reader Part 8 has surpassed 4000 words and I’m still not done. And, I cut it in half. I’m really focusing on more dialogue, cause it’s starting to be kinda fun!
A/N: I will get to my asks. Eventually. I mean it, I cleaned it out and then y’all doubled it! I’ll get to it! One day!
A/N: The BatFam tags are lighting up y’all! We are blessed, we are fed!
@bunbunboysworld @ellaprime7 @bad4amficideas @victoria1676
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void-my-warranty · 8 months ago
Ghost Holds You Under (18+)
Pairing: Simon Riley/Fem Reader/Johnny MacTavish Content Warnings: Sex as self harm (thoughts of), oral (f-receiving), light dom/sub play, finger sucking, PIV sex, overstimulation, she/her reader Word Count: 4.2k
Service Dog Johnny Part 14 (full part list here)
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Simon gets a quick smile from you when you come back inside. It’s sweet, with no teeth, and a little scrunch of your nose to really sell it. Hopefully it doesn’t look too much like a grimace. 
You can do this. Just don’t allow yourself to have any unnecessary feelings or needs for the rest of the day — and definitely no more mental breakdowns — and things will be fine. You need some distance from yourself, is all. Simon’s already made a plate for you, so now you just need to sit down and eat, and wait for things to be okay again. 
The guys aren’t really bantering with each other like they should, but you’re probably just reading into things that aren’t there, as usual. You take a bite of eggs, and squeeze Johnny’s knee under the table when he chooses the seat beside you, to let him know you’re not mad at him. He didn’t do anything wrong, really. It’s just you who’s broken.
He may have kissed away the worst of it, but there’s still something aching inside you for no reason, hurting when it shouldn’t. It’s stupid that you’re feeling like this, feeling so lonely even though there are two people here for you now. How is that not enough? Simon’s even given you an extra person for attention, and that’s still not enough for you? 
You need a distraction. You can’t seem to push this hurt away on your own, so you need to replace it with something else. You want to get fucked.
Okay, maybe that’s not entirely accurate. The truth is, you want to get used. You’re not even that horny anymore, you just need to feel like you’re desired and important and useful for something. You have a body, you have holes. You’re conveniently here, and incredibly willing at the moment, so there’s no reason why you can’t have this. 
It’ll be easy, because you don’t even care if you get to cum – you just need to get pounded into the mattress until you feel like an object, until it hurts. Maybe then, this feeling will finally go away. If you turn yourself into merely a thing, if you’re the one hurting yourself, then at least you’re to blame for it. It’s more controlled that way, when the pain starts and stops with you. It’ll allow you to avoid your feelings a little longer.
You’re set on it by the time the three of you filter into the living room. This is how it always goes, anyway. This is when you fuck. No one will mind if you ask for it extra rough, or zone out, or don’t seem to care about your own pleasure. It’ll be fine. It’ll get you through, and that’s what’s important. That’s what’s necessary.
“Putting me in a coma with those pancakes,” Simon grumbles, as if you personally forced him to eat so many. He’s sprawled himself out on the thick rug on the floor, hand curved lazily across his stomach. 
“Good, you need more sleep,” you reply automatically, turning the TV to some quiet background music.
Johnny joins him on the floor, toeing his shoes off and groaning in satisfaction when he gets to stretch out. He glances at you for a second, then reaches his arm up to slide his fingers along the hem of his friend’s sleeve. 
“No touching,” Simon grunts, smacking the hand away. 
Rolling his eyes, Johnny just wriggles his upper body across the carpet until he can reach your leg, wrapping his hand around your ankle. 
‘Touching?’ His eyes seem to say, blinking innocently at you from the floor. 
And really, how can you say no to that?
You snag a throw blanket on your way to join him, to keep you both warm while you fuck. The floor sex you’ve had in the past wasn’t exactly enjoyable, but that’s okay, because enjoying it isn’t the point. Maybe you’ll get some nice rug burns.
But the moment you settle on your side and tuck your face into Johnny’s chest, things feel different. He wraps you up so tight you can barely breathe, pressed like that into his clean, nice-smelling body while he makes a happy rumble. 
It feels unreasonably good to be held. It has you closing your eyes and wrapping your arm around his back to keep him tightly against you. Yes, this is right. This is what you were hungry for.
Johnny waits for you to be the one to release him, before he unlocks his arms a little. His chest moves against your cheek with a long exhale, and then he presses his mouth to your ear to whisper, “What do you need?”
Fuck. What do you need? You can tell him anything right now, and Simon won’t hear it. You can tell him to fuck you any way you want. Now is your chance. 
But instead, inexplicably, you hesitate. You tip your face up to look into his eyes for a moment, and really take in what you see there. He’s tired, first of all. He was in Europe yesterday, and you can tell he still hasn’t recovered, not really. You’ve actually never seen Johnny this tired, but he’s still willing to help you. He’s still offering himself. 
And in a way, you would have to exploit him, in order to get to that feeling of being used. That sort of activity doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and maybe the act of hurting yourself would hurt him, too. Johnny has never been anything but nice to you, and suddenly you realize you can’t do that to him, no matter how much pain resides in your chest. You don’t want to.
“I’m… feeling tired,” you lie. “Let’s take a nap.”
“Sure? I’ll eat you out first if you’re willing.”
His eyes are so honest, it makes you even more certain that you can’t trust yourself with sex right now. “I’m sure.”
There’s this heavy wash of peace that comes over you, when Johnny gives you a little smile and closes his eyes. His arm is still wrapped around your waist, so you hide your face in his shirt and try to rest, try to give yourself more time to recover. Your hand wanders into his hair, stroking your fingers through that fluffy softness in a way that’s meant to soothe both of you. It feels nice on your fingers, and it feels nice in your heart. 
You don’t look over Johnny’s shoulder at Simon, even though you’re curious, because you can’t handle anything more than yourself at the moment. In a roundabout sort of way, being selfish right now and not worrying about anyone else might be what’s best for everybody. There’s only so much you can give. 
You must be more tired than you realized, because you fall asleep with Johnny under that fuzzy blanket. 
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The sensation of being lifted is what wakes you up later, and you must have slept for some time because your limbs are like concrete blocks. Still half asleep, you get hugged chest-to-chest against a large body and transported a few steps, with the hand on the back of your head encouraging you to rest your cheek on his shoulder. You know it’s Simon, because it’s the same way he carries you to bed sometimes. 
“Y’kay?” you ask groggily, not bothering to open your eyes as he settles down to the couch. 
“Mhmm.” He tucks your knees around his hips, adjusting so gravity keeps you on him like a blanket. “Go back to sleep.”
You make a happy sound and wrap yourself around him a little, soaking in the slow, strong thump of his heart against your chest. 
Did he sleep? Surely he did. He needed it as much as Johnny did, and he’s had an emotionally draining morning. But the fact that he can tolerate contact with you now probably means he’s finished napping. 
You don’t even notice your fingers fidgeting on his shoulder until they get enveloped in his. 
“Ready to talk about it?” he asks quietly, as if he’s trying not to wake up Johnny. 
No, not at all, not in a million years. You open your mouth to say that there’s nothing to talk about— But… that would be a lie, and he knows it.
 Different excuses race through your head, ways to delay this worst, most horrible conversation you never want to have. You fight with yourself, knowing you really do need him to shoulder some of this weight in your heart, but feeling like the worst person in the world to even voice it. This isn’t the day he needs anything extra to deal with. You’re the untraumatized one, you shouldn’t ask for anything at all from him today. 
“It’s… hard,” you finally admit.
“I can start.”
You want to be brave. You want to tell him no, that you’ll be a big girl and express how you feel, since you’re the one acting all hurt about it. But you’re not sure where to even begin. You’re not sure what it is you actually feel, after spending all morning carefully repressing it. 
“I did it wrong,” he tells you in the silence, stroking his hand over your hair. 
“No, no I did. Shouldn’t have done it without Johnny here, should have made sure— I rushed it, I think. And I hurt you.”
“It’s okay,” you whisper, trying to ignore the ache at the top of your throat. That large hand continues to pet your hair, down to the back of your neck. 
He makes a thoughtful noise. “You know what you’re always telling me? That I don’t have to do this? That’s what you need to hear now. I don’t have to do it, if it doesn’t work for us.”
For us. God, you never thought you’d be in this position, to be the one standing in the way of his forward progress. But that is what you’ve always told him – there’s no moral weight attached to trying or not trying. Your relationship isn’t dependent on sex. 
There’s so much you know you need to say, but it hurts to get it out. Literally, it feels like you’re dying, that the exact same survival instinct that prevents you from jumping off a cliff is now locking up your lungs, telling you it’s suicide to voice your feelings. It’ll make him hate you, it’ll ruin everything. He’ll act like he understands, but then he’ll keep this conversation wadded up in a little ball of resentment, and it’ll lead to your breakup in a year. 
“It’s alright,” he tells you, apparently picking up on your anxiety. “You can say it, it’ll be okay.”
His arms tighten like he’s holding you steady, but really he’s just holding you under. He’s creating this heavy silence and making you say it, even though you’re not ready to die. It’s going to hurt.
“I don’t know how—“ your voice stops in your throat, so you swallow and start again. “Usually I can sort of handle it when you get closed off, but I couldn’t today. It made me feel… kind of worthless.”
His chest expands underneath you in a deep breath that you can’t interpret. You definitely just said the wrong thing. You should have been more supportive, and told him that just having Johnny around would have fixed it, but… you know it wouldn’t. You don’t want Johnny caring for you after you fuck your boyfriend. You want the man who loves you, you want this. 
“I was okay,” you continue in a worried rush. “The whole thing was good, it was just, you know, the afterwards that was hard. I know you tried, and it wasn’t easy, and I feel stupid that it wasn’t enough for me.”
“Shh, none of that.” He squeezes you up in his arms and pushes his face onto your hair. “I didn’t think about the after, and I should have done.” 
“Just getting something like this,” you indicate the two of you, “would help. But I know talking is hard after stuff like that, so I’m not sure how it would work.”
“Alright.” He kisses your temple, with the little prickly sensation of his upper lip.
“Baby,” you breathe, tipping your chin up for a better kiss. “I’m so proud of you, you know. Thank you for showing me that part of you. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“Wasn’t any worse than seeing you hide. I don’t care what you think I need, you ought to yell at me before you do that.”
Your mouth pops open to argue that you’d never yell at him, but isn’t that basically what you did to Johnny? And for no good reason, too. He came all the way here to take care of you, and you took out your frustrations on him, instead of being an adult and letting your actual boyfriend know what you were feeling. 
“Okay,” you mumble, because he’s right.
“Now, then.” His hands slide down to your hips, fingertips dipping just under the band of your leggings. “What’s going on in here?”
It’s an effort not to wiggle upwards slightly and coax his fingers down. “Um, the usual. Horny, and making it everyone’s problem.”
“Darling, that’s my favorite problem.”
You make an amused noise into his neck and try to ignore his hand now sliding up your lower back, under your shirt. “How… was it?” you ask impulsively. “For you, I mean. Was it… good, earlier?”
He lets out an incredulous huff. “For me?” Then his head turns, and you could almost swear he’s peeking over to check if Johnny is still asleep. “For me,” he continues as quiet as he can, right next to your ear, “It was so good that I couldn’t last a fucking minute inside you, you precious thing.”
“Ahh, yeah…” you reply lamely, stifling your smile. 
Simon fiddles with your bra strap. “Was dreaming about you, before I woke up. A nice one, with those little yellow knickers you wear sometimes to torture me.”
Oh, the ones you’re currently wearing. You laugh quietly into his shoulder. “I didn't realize you had favorites.”
“You’re enough of a danger as it is, don’t need the extra munitions.”
“Well, I enjoyed it too. This morning, I mean. Maybe not in like, a sexual way—“
“...Which is the whole fucking point,” he gripes.
“—Which is not the only way to enjoy sex,” you insist. “By the way, did you know you’re fucking massive?”
You internally roll your eyes at his automatic, matter-of-fact reply, and start to lift your head. “I need to go pee.”
Your boyfriend groans like you’ve just ruined his entire day, and instead of letting you up, he cages you in tight with his arms. “I’m too comfortable for that.”
“You’re the one who gave me that big old glass of water at breakfast,” you accuse.
“You’re dehydrated.”
“You’re going to get peed on!”
“Christ, you two,” comes Johnny’s irritated voice from the floor. “Kiss already.”
Simon finally releases you, and after clambering off the couch you lean down and give him a quick smooch. 
“Morning, Johnny.” You ruffle his hair on your way past. 
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It’s nice to get a little freshening-up time. You brush your teeth again and wash your face, and it’s almost like the worst parts of the day never happened. It’s well into the afternoon at this point, and honestly the nap was a good idea. Just getting that mental reset was exactly what you needed.
Your reflection stares back at you in the mirror, with freshly moisturized skin and slightly tired eyes, and you have this unexpected wave of compassion for yourself. You’re only human. You had a big day, and a significant conversation, and you made it through the hard parts. Things are going to be okay now, because you chose right. You’ve poured yourself into people who actually deserve to have you, and it will all work out somehow in the end. 
Johnny’s still on the floor when you return, hands tucked behind his head and chatting with Simon about something. “Hey,” he says by way of greeting, his eyes wandering a little down your body, “saved you a seat.”
You’re a little confused by what he means at first, but then you notice him tapping his mouth with two fingers. You laugh good naturedly at the joke, shoving at Simon’s knee so he’ll give you a spot to sit.
“The fuck you laughing for?” Johnny complains, reaching out to grab your ankle and tug it in his direction.
“Wait, are you serious?”
He cocks his eyebrows. “I’ll beg if you want.”
You quickly glance at Simon, who just inclines his head towards Johnny. “Go on.”
Oh, god. Okay. “You better not be fucking with me,” you warn Johnny, reaching back to unhook your bra under your shirt. “I’m going to cry if you do.”
He makes a negatory kind of noise, tugging at the bottom of your leggings like he wants them off as soon as possible. Is he really okay eating you out after you fucked Simon? You’ve been with people who wouldn’t even kiss you after a blowjob.
He’ll ask, if it’s important to him. Just stop thinking for once.
Simon gets up to turn up the thermostat while you finish peeling off your clothes. You leave your socks on, and your shirt, because you’ll be cold otherwise. But it feels so scandalous to be otherwise naked that you find yourself hurrying down to the floor, like it’ll be less embarrassing once you’re getting touched.  
“Come on, give it to me,” Johnny insists, when you start to just lay down beside him. He manhandles you up over his chest until you’re a few inches from his mouth, trying to figure out the best way to give him your pussy without smothering him or looking stupid in the process. 
Johnny’s looking up at you with a light of challenge in his eyes. “Don’t go shy on me.”
“Oh, Johnny.” You sigh, walking your knees a little farther forward, to line yourself up. “You’re the best.”
“Mhmm.” He lets you hover there for a moment, wandering his hand down the front of your pussy to push your folds apart, and then tilting his chin up to kiss your clit. “Making me work for it, or are you going to come down here?”
Only Johnny could make suffocating him with your pussy sound like the kindly thing to do. 
He rewards you for it, though. He opens his mouth and gives you something wet and teasing, and you give him a long, grateful moan for his efforts. Oh yeah, this is nice. This is actually, surprisingly relaxing and comfortable. All you have to do is sit here, and your pussy gets played with by this warm, clever mouth. You don’t have to think at all.
You don’t even notice that your eyes have drifted closed, until you feel the disturbance in the air, someone coming to stand in front of you. You peel your eyes open and watch Simon crouch down, as close to eye level as he can get, studying your content expression. Then he drops his gaze and follows the path of his own finger, lifting the hem of your shirt up your stomach until you can feel the touch of chill air on your exposed breasts. 
“Baby,” you whisper, struggling to stay still when the weight of his eyes feels like they're plowing a path through your belly. Also, Johnny’s got your clit in his mouth and it’s distracting. 
Simon looks casually back towards your face. “Hmm?”
Ohhh, fucker. You know that look, and that tone. He’s going to mess you up. 
“Do you want me to take my shirt off?” you offer.
“You’ll be cold.”
“Yeah,” you agree breathlessly. It’s a small price to pay to get to that possessive gleam in his eyes.
“Hmm.” He drapes your shirt so that it rests on the top of your breasts, just shy of falling back down, as long as you stay still. So you’re kind of stuck there now, knowing that if you lean forward or move around at all, it’ll spoil his view of your tits. 
“Johnny,” you gasp, jerking your hand off your thigh, but then realizing your shirt will fall if you grab onto Johnny’s hair like you want. He’s doing something with his mouth that’s pulling your soul out your pussy, and it’s right on the edge of too much, too soon. 
“Shh,” Simon soothes, placing two fingertips to your lips. “You’re alright.”
You’re not exactly sure what he wants you to do with those fingers, but when he doesn’t take them away, you decide to just go for it. You part your lips and let him push his fingers inside, resting them on the front of your tongue. 
“Do you like that?” He asks you softly. 
You blink in affirmation, closing your lips and making sure he doesn’t feel teeth. 
“How deep do you like it, sweet girl?”
Oh, that’s not fair. Your shirt finally slips down your breasts when you twitch a little, focused on the heat in his eyes. He replaces the hem without even looking, lingering his eyes on where his fingers disappear into your mouth. “Show me.”
Your shirt is going to fall again if you lean forward, so you just take hold of his hand and push his fingers farther into your mouth, right on the edge of your gag reflex. 
Simon lets out a long, delicious sound, the kind you’d make if you fell into a soft bed after a long day of traveling. “How’d you get so pretty, hmm?”
It’s definitely a rhetorical question, with his knuckles pressed to the roof of your mouth like this, but you don’t mind. Your aching clit is getting sucked, and your man’s thick fingers are in your mouth, and he’s calling you pretty. He can ask you anything he wants, you don’t mind one bit. 
Does he… like this? This is just for you, surely. He knows you like it when he talks to you like this, so he’s just playing along with your favorite game. Right?
It’s strange, the different ways he relates to you. The man crying in bed with you this morning was Simon Riley, but this is also Simon Riley. One was operating from a place of uncertainty, and the other seems content to play with you in a way that allows him to maintain control of himself. You wonder vaguely if they’ll ever meet in the middle. 
You have to swallow around his fingers so you won’t start drooling, and for some reason Johnny decides that’s the perfect time to play with your nipple. 
Simon smiles at the noise you make, the way your teeth graze his fingers while you endure that hot wave of pleasure. 
Goddammit. You were just starting to get a grip on yourself again, and now you have to devote all your attention towards not embarrassing yourself with too many throat noises while you obey. 
Your eyes start to water a little, but you don’t care. You allow your shirt to fall so you can shove your mouth deeper onto his fingers, fighting that instinct to gag, just to show him that you can take it. If he ever wanted to switch his fingers out for something better, you’d be so willing.
A flash of something crosses Simon’s face, and his fingers twitch on your tongue. You can’t tell if it’s good or bad, but it has him breathing heavily through his nose for a second, as his eyes drop down to your mouth. 
His fingers are coated in your spit when he eases them out, and wraps his hand around your chin instead. “Cold?”
“No,” you practically groan, dropping your hand down to Johnny’s hair and fighting the urge to grind your clit against his tongue. You’re very wet, and far too empty, but not cold. 
“What do you reckon, Johnny?”
The man between your legs unglues himself from your pussy, and if Simon were letting you look down, you know he’d be catching his breath down there with that stupid grin on his face. 
“Could go for another lie down, maybe. I’m loused.”
Thankfully, they don’t make you wait. They make you go facedown on the bed, messing up the perfectly tucked blanket in your fingers, the first time you cum. 
“Ahh, sweet thing,” Johnny pants into your neck. “That was easy, wasn’t it?”
He makes you work for them after that, fighting your own body’s sensitivity while you shudder and spasm around him, getting more overstimulated after every orgasm. You lose track of Simon, give up your grasp on reality and just hold onto the feeling of Johnny’s fingers worming themselves under your belly to find your clit, and his voice, low in your ear, calling you baby.
Next Part
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Dividers by the-aesthetics-shop
Chronological Read-Through Path
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anantaru · 7 months ago
what about friends w benefits w aventurine but he's actually in love or something idkk im just love with ur writing♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
・✶ 。 synopsis — aventurine and you have sworn that your special relationship would never cross the most important line <3
warnings — fwb, spooning position, big dick aventurine is in love, fem! reader <3
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aventurine lays behind you as his nose silently forges a road up your neck and behind your ear for his lips to swiftly follow— for once, he controls himself and leisurely drapes one arm around your waist, pressing your back against his cold chest.
you cannot see it, yet his eyes glint with that familiar mix of curiosity and, well, something else— something deeper that he never voiced nor actually planned to voice at all.
since your arrangement had been clear from the start;
friends with benefits, point blank, in fact, it helped the both of you let go of much needed steam every now and then— it's perfect, truly, if feelings aren't involved that is.
yet here it began, because every time you were together there was an unspoken tension on his part, a feeling he couldn't quite place.
he strokes over your waist now, his touch lingering way longer than necessary as he slowly lined himself up with your heat, "you feel a little tense," he whispers, voice soft, heart beating.
as he inserts his tip, his fingers trail down your bare back, sending a multitude of shivers across your skin as you immediately lean back into his touch, craving the comfort and the thrill— the somewhat exciting thought of being intimate with a man like aventurine himself yet keeping it hidden from outsiders, even from your own emotions.
as his hands roamed over your body, exploring familiar territory, you felt the practiced ease of your routine and just how well he knew you by now— not only that, but your body.
ugh, when he preaches his cock through you for the very first time this time you moan out instantly, it makes him groan too, you know, even louder when you gets breathless from the pressure building in your stomach.
far away from your sight, there was always an underlying tenderness in his actions, a carefulness that contradicted the casual nature of your relationship, "e-enjoying yourself?" he drawls, his voice low.
if he could only tell you just how beautiful you are without making it sound weird.
you grind back as he squeezed your ass, hard, against his palm— that's more like it, that's how you like it and how your special friendship should be like, aventurine knows, he needs to know.
you grind against his pelvis, circling your hips, fucking back into him without pattern and turning into an embarrassing mess of moans and whimpers.
you whine, trying to escape the hot curl and fluttering in your chest, "always with you, you know t-that."
and yeah, that's something he loves to hear— next to pressing and thrusting into your cunt until he feels your slick slither down his shaft and oh? having his fingers on your clit too? making you feel so good.
aventurine cannot stop himself anymore, with hunger he rolls and rubs his fingers harder against your clit, faster, ignoring the twinge in his wrist as you began to mercilessly shake against his chest, circling your hips and squeezing him with your hole.
it's so filthy, having his spit coat and mark you up while his thick cock snapped you open in each and every thrust of his— and you always knew it'll hurt a little whenever he twitches within your walls, he must hurt with a size like that, in fact, just looking at him and you'd immediately know he's packed down there.
in spite of fact something behind your sight happens— because you see, his gaze softens for a moment, and there it was, a flicker of something he always tries to hide— a deep, unspoken affection that fuck, damn it, he was in love, aventurine fucking loved you.
he began to kiss your neck more furiously, kiss, suck and bite it— then go slower again, messily lap and add enough saliva on your skin so it'd glow even through the shadowed bedroom as to savor this very moment.
sheer unawareness covers the deepest truths— while love, lust and passion, all formed to dust in order to keep your friendship going for as long as he was able to would not resort in any problems.
no trouble, correct? if only you knew how it has been killing him inside.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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rainydetectiveglitter · 19 days ago
Where You Feel Restricted & How to Overcome It
Saturn in the Houses
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Saturn doesn't hand out anything for free. It rules discipline, restriction, and life’s hardest lessons. Wherever Saturn sits in your chart, you feel blocked, delayed, or like you have to work twice as hard to get what comes easily to others.
But Saturn’s lessons aren’t about punishment—they’re about mastery. If you push through the struggle, this is where you build unshakable strength.
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Saturn in the 1st House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You feel like you carry a heavy burden from birth. Maybe you grew up too fast, always feeling responsible, mature, or serious. Self-doubt is constant—you judge yourself harshly and struggle with confidence.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: You are meant to develop unshakable self-respect. Confidence won’t come overnight, but every time you take yourself seriously and trust your worth, you get stronger. Stop seeking outside validation. You don’t need anyone’s approval to exist.
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Saturn in the 2nd House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You struggle with self-worth, financial stability, and feeling "enough." Maybe money never feels secure, or you work tirelessly without ever feeling like you deserve success. Even if you HAVE money, you might feel guilty spending it.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Self-worth isn’t built on external validation. You must learn that you are valuable, even when you’re not producing, earning, or "proving" yourself. Money is a tool, not a prison—build a stable foundation, but don’t let fear control you.
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Saturn in the 3rd House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You struggle with expressing yourself. Maybe you felt unheard as a child, doubted your intelligence, or have trouble voicing your needs. Learning might feel like an uphill battle.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Structure your thoughts, find your voice, and trust your mind. Stop holding back out of fear of sounding "stupid"—your wisdom is earned, and when you speak, people listen.
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Saturn in the 4th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Home and family were cold, distant, or burdened with responsibility. You might feel emotionally guarded, disconnected, or like you had to raise yourself.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: You must build your own safe space. This might mean cutting toxic family ties, redefining what “home” means, or learning to trust emotional support. Healing your inner child is key.
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Saturn in the 5th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Fun feels like a waste of time. You struggle to let go, be playful, or enjoy yourself without guilt. Maybe you fear looking foolish or feel blocked creatively.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Joy is NOT a luxury—it’s necessary. Give yourself permission to create without perfection, love without fear, and enjoy life without guilt. Play is productive.
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Saturn in the 6th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You feel trapped by responsibilities. Work and daily routines are exhausting. You might battle perfectionism, burnout, or chronic health issues.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Balance is survival. You don’t have to "earn" rest—your body and mind need it. Productivity is important, but so is sustainability. Pace yourself.
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Saturn in the 7th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Relationships are heavy. You may fear commitment, attract karmic partners, or feel alone even when with someone. Trust doesn’t come easily.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Love takes TIME. You’re not meant for surface-level relationships—you need something real. Learn to set boundaries, take commitment seriously, and trust that the right people will stay.
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Saturn in the 8th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You fear loss, change, and vulnerability. The idea of fully trusting someone (emotionally, financially, or sexually) terrifies you. Money may come with struggles (especially shared finances or inheritance).
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Death, loss, and change are inevitable. Instead of resisting transformation, lean into it. The more you embrace life’s cycles, the more powerful you become.
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Saturn in the 9th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Faith and belief systems feel rigid or blocked. You may struggle with dogma, feeling disconnected from purpose, or fearing the unknown.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Knowledge is freedom. Keep learning, exploring, and questioning. Your wisdom isn’t found in blind faith—it’s built through experience.
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Saturn in the 10th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Success feels slow and exhausting. You might struggle with imposter syndrome, career setbacks, or heavy expectations.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: You are meant to build something lasting. Your success won’t be instant, but when it comes, it will be unshakable. Play the long game.
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Saturn in the 11th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: Fitting in feels impossible. You may struggle with friendships, feel like an outsider, or attract older/serious social circles.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: You are NOT meant to blend in. You attract deep, meaningful connections—quality over quantity. Find people who truly align with your values.
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Saturn in the 12th House ⛓️
💀 The Restriction: You feel trapped in your mind. Fears, anxieties, or self-sabotaging patterns keep you stuck. You might struggle with isolation or spiritual confusion.
⚔️ How to Overcome It: Your mind is a battlefield—but you CAN win. Healing, spirituality, and self-reflection are your tools. Learn to master your subconscious, and you’ll find deep inner power.
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baldudiable · 3 months ago
random astrology observations
pisces / 12th house suns often have a hard time knowing who they are. these placements often look at other sources to discover the true nature of their being. they end up adopting the same habits or interests as people they admire because they don’t know where theirs lie. pisces & the 12th house are associated with neptune, the planet that dissolves everything it touches. the sun is the ego, or what you believe you are. when these energies collide, it’s hard knowing who you are and what you want to do with your life. this can be both a blessing and a curse; it makes you open to all kinds of experiences, and allows you to be freed from the need to control outcomes. but it can also lead you to lose yourself and waste time that you could've applied to certain aspirations, and ending up not accomplishing anything worthwhile. if you have any of these placements, it's important that you do some soul searching and find out what it is that you want to do & become.
gemini is ruled by mercury, planet of knowledge and communication. leo is the sun, constantly showering the world with its light. natives with both of these placements in their charts love talking about themselves & their interests. leo is fixed, meaning it’s more likely to go deep into their interests than mutable & unstable gemini. combine the two and you get an expert in any kind of medium. these guys are real yappers though; once they are comfortable and start talking, it's near impossible to get them to stop.
it is true what they say about leo venus. these people love showering their love interest with affection and admiration. they will let the whole world know about how they feel for them. their lovers are an extension of themselves in a way, which makes them super proud and showy. what is also true is that they expect the same in return. like libra venus, they love being in love. so much so that they stay in unhealthy and unsatisfying dynamics because they need to feel love for someone, and desperately want that love given back to them.
pisces placements are very clumsy. it’s a water and neptune-ruled sign, which makes them ungrounded and kinda foggy in a way. obstacles seem to just appear out of nowhere for these placements. they are always bumping into walls or people, holding things too lightly and consequently dropping them. aries placements are pretty destructive in that sense too. they are always breaking things without intending to. which makes sense since they are ruled by mars, the great warrior. 
aries men enjoy partaking in physical fights or at least watching other people fight. many men with this placement enjoy sports like MMA or wrestling. either they are actively engaged in their practice or are very interested in them. aries is martian, which gives these people a kind of violence to them. fighting or watching other people fight helps them release the destructive anger they feel inside. 
virgo suns are surprisingly forgetful. since they’re given this collected and organized stereotype in astrology, you’d expect them to always remember about important things. but these people always seem to lose their belongings, not answer their texts and forget about their loved ones' birthdays. they are so focused on their work or responsibilities that they end up forgetting about the things that actually matter. 
libra placements are actually very self-centered. yes, libra is the sign of relationships. yes, it is about balance. but it’s on the same polarity as aries, which means that they share similarities. they have the potential to be as self-obsessed and selfish as their counterpart. in this lifetime, they are learning what it means to cooperate and include others in their life. likewise, aries placements can be relationship-oriented and generous with their possessions. their purpose involves learning to share the self without sacrificing it in the favor of others.
scorpio mars' anger can be explosive and honestly, quite surprising. these natives usually keep it under wraps for long until it's just too powerful for them to contain. as they grow, they learn to tame their anger, as they know how destructive it can be. they also hate not having control over their emotions. unlike aries mars, scorpio mars believes that getting involved in fighting means that you have lost power over yourself and handed it over to the other person. 
taurus mars embodies the lazy stereotype more than any other taurus placement. mars is energy. taurus is slow and enjoys comfort most of all. this detrimental mars doesn't like having to do things that require any physical effort. good luck trying to rush them or get them to go somewhere far. they might give in eventually, but you can be sure that they will complain the whole time about it.
a lack of earth in a chart makes it difficult for you to orient yourself. even if you've been to a certain place countless times, it's still hard for you to know which directions you have to take to go there.
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dwaekkicidal · 6 months ago
"Heats" with Puppy!Seungmin
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: Day 4 of my Bboki-Dwae collab with @bbokicidal <3
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: ~800
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader, lots of marking (bites+hickeys), spanking, rough sex mentions, light(?) manhandling, breeding, some cumplay, like 1 overstim mention, i mightve missed one
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: wish i could have made this longer but i've been so busy :((
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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❥ Jealous. Jealous. Jealous. J e a l o u s.
❥ These mating season fits tend to get him very aggressive and standoffish. To everyone.
❥ One simple glance at you from any person in the vicinity will send him into a fit of rage. But, thankfully for you, he doesn’t act on this in public! That’s saved for the bedroom, where you’re held down in his favorite position- downward doggy, for hours at a time.
❥ Does not care about any excuses anybody has to give. The second he notices that somebody is too close to you or even “looking at you for too long”, you’re getting dragged home to be shown your place
❥ Expect to be absolutely covered in bite marks and hickeys, ones that he “tries” to keep in spots where they won’t be seen. But, let's be real... We all know he gets a hard-on and a huge ego boost when they’re in obvious places and you just so happen to be out in public
❥ Looooves to leave deep bite marks on your neck and shoulders (some may or may not even have little holes from where his sharp canines dig into your skin hehe)
❥ He loses his mind when he sees these marks on your tummy and thighs from the prior night, him having completely forgotten that he even left them. Obviously, nobody will see them. But knowing that you’re fully marked up in the “most important” areas will get him instantly ready to go again
❥ Usually will be very apologetic about the bites that have wounds from his teeth but, if he’s particularly aggravated, he will start doing it on purpose.
❥ He gets real mean when he’s like that; a deep frown on his face and a low growl bubbling up in his throat as he pins you to the bed and berates you over things you had no control over. You both know that, but that won’t stop him from using it to fuck you nice and rough. And it surely won’t stop you from enjoying each and every time his hips slam into yours.
❥ Has such an obnoxious knot!!!!! You can’t tell if it’s all in your head, but when he’s extra cranky and giving in to his instincts to breed you, his knot feels like it's double the size.
❥ And he’s always so mean about it :( he’s a little shit and likes to tug his hips away from yours right after his knot fully expands, testing the limits of how far it will actually plug you (spoiler: it does not come out)
❥ If he’s rather eager, his knot can last up to half an hour. Which, may or may not be to your demise, usually ends in him reaching over into your nightstand, grabbing his favorite toy so he can overstimulate you out of boredom while you cockwarm him <3
❥ Breeds you until your stomach hurts from the number of times he’s came deep inside <3 Tells you that it better take or else he’ll just have to fuck you over and over and over again, which leads to you drooling from overstimulation and dripping cum all over the sheets
❥ Surprisingly he’s not one to get upset about you “wasting” his seed. In fact, it’s the only mess that he actually likes.
❥ To the point where he will pull out after knotting you just to sit there, tapping his dick on your messy folds with a big dopey smile on his face
❥ Absolutely loves the wet plap noises your cunt makes when he slaps his cock against you. So much so that it’s subconscious as he keeps himself occupied during downtime, usually the few minutes you get between rounds before he’s re-entering you, ready to breed you again and again.
❥ Is big on wrapping a hand around your neck, be it on your nape or on the front of your neck, and holding you down. It lets him force you to take everything he has to give while limiting how much you wiggle around
❥ Pairs this with stinging slaps to your ass cheeks, and a comment about how you’re his and how nobody else will ever have you like this, in order to get your pretty pussy even wetter around him
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“I should fuck a litter into you. Then maybe people will stop fucking looking at what’s mine.”
“You’re gonna be such a hot mother for my pups. Shit- Gonna keep you nice and full of my offspring.”
“Stop fucking moving, I need to mark you.”
“Take this fucking knot, puppy. Yeah? Fuck yeah~”
“Such a pretty pussy. All nice n’ messy from my cum.” As he rubs his tip through your folds, sometimes poking your clit to watch you shake ><
“I have to keep us entertained until my knot goes down, so you’ll let me play with you a bit- right, Jagi?”
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@valkyriexo @lunearta @jabmastersupriseee @rylea08
@yaorzu-blog @amararosesblog @jiminssluttyminx @clemissleepy
@miss-daisy04 @kittyxnoa @dwaekkiiracha @bubblerizz
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wholoveseggs · 17 days ago
heyyyyy girllll, ik that you already wrote a series about a professor and student, but could you pleaseeeee make a one shot with a virgin reader🥹🥹🥹
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
{Elijah Mikaelson x f!vampire!Reader} Newly turned and overwhelmed, one hunger refuses to be ignored. You need guidance, and who better to teach you than Elijah Mikaelson?
♡♡ You didn't specify what kind of teacher.... so I took some creative libertiessss (DON'T BANG YOUR TEACHERS, OKAY?? NOT A WISE THING TO DO(EXCEPT IF THEY ARE A MIKAELSON))~ ♡♡
5k words {whoops} - Warnings: smuutttt, vampire!reader, virgin!reader, first time, a brief Hayley cameo, blood drinking, riding, reader knows what she wants, Elijah talking you through it, teaching, oral sex (f!receiving), feeding during sex, possessive but tender Elijah && a pet name...
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"So, you're just going to waltz in and ask him?" Hayley asked, shocked at how blunt you were being.
"Well, yeah," you replied nonchalantly. "How else am I supposed to do it?"
"I don't know," she said, "maybe try being more subtle?"
Hayley looked at you like you'd lost your mind, but you just shrugged, unbothered. The constant hum of your heightened emotions had been driving you insane for days. Hunger, anger, lust. Mostly lust. And no matter how much you tried to control it, you couldn’t shake the gnawing, primal need clawing at you from the inside out.
"Subtlety is overrated," you said, crossing your arms. "I don’t think Elijah would appreciate me batting my lashes and giggling like a schoolgirl. He values directness."
"Yeah, but there's direct, and then there's direct," Hayley shot back, looking equally horrified and intrigued. "I mean, do you even know if he's into you?"
You paused, considering. Elijah was your mentor; your teacher when it came to all things vampire. He was always so composed, so controlled, but there was something in the way he looked at you. He was always assessing, always holding himself back. You'd caught him staring once or twice when he thought you weren’t looking. And there was that one time he murmured something in that low, velvety voice of his about lust being a difficult thing for new vampires to control…
"I think he is," you said simply.
"Okay, but what if he says no?" Hayley pressed.
You smirked, enjoying her mild jealousy. "Then I’ll go take an ice bath and reevaluate my choices."
Hayley groaned, rubbing her temples. "This is the most unhinged plan I’ve ever heard. And I've lived in this house with Klaus."
"Wish me luck," you said with a wink before striding down the hall toward Elijah’s study.
Your hands clenched at your sides as you stopped outside his door, suddenly hyper aware of how fast your heart was racing. Vampire senses made everything feel more. More intense, more overwhelming. But there was no turning back now. You wanted this. No. You needed this.
Taking a breath, you knocked once before pushing the door open.
Elijah sat at his desk, a glass of bourbon in one hand, an old book in the other. He barely glanced up as he said, “I take it this is a social visit?”
You stepped inside, shutting the door behind you. “No, it’s not... well... actually...”
Finally, his dark eyes lifted to meet yours, curiosity flickering across his face. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You exhaled sharply and walked toward him, each step deliberate. "I want you to teach me something new... Something important."
His brow arched. "What is it that you think you're lacking in your education?"
You stopped in front of his desk, trying not to focus on the way his shirt clung to his toned chest. "I don't need any more history lessons, or lectures on self-control. I know all of that."
"Oh really? You've been a vampire for less than a month, and already you know everything I could possibly teach you?" he asked, an amused smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
"Not everything," you said, leaning forward to brace yourself on his desk. "I still have lots to learn and there's one lesson I'm hoping you can teach me, and I'd like you to start right now."
His eyes narrowed, darting to your lips for a brief moment before snapping back to yours. "And what, pray tell, might that be?"
You swallowed, nerves clashing with the hunger and lust burning inside you. Then, with as much confidence as you could muster, you blurted it out.
"I want you to teach me how to have sex."
For the first time since you had met him, Elijah Mikaelson actually looked stunned. The glass in his hand halted halfway to his lips, eyes widening fractionally before his expression resumed its usual cool facade. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"I beg your pardon?"
You bit your lip, cheeks flushing as you replayed the words in your head, suddenly embarrassed. But no, you had decided, you would be direct.
"Before I was turned... I, uh, I didn't get a chance to, you know, lose my virginity. So, I don't know what I'm doing... And I'm worried if I just pick up a random guy, I might kill him..." You spoke quickly, already regretting opening your mouth. What was wrong with you?
"Are you propositioning me, my dear?"
Something like warm amusement flickered in his eyes, and you relaxed a little, straightening. You expected pity, the way Hayley had looked at you. Judgment. Anything but the glint in Elijah's eyes as they slowly raked down your body, gaze sharpening with interest as it darkened.
A giddy flutter rose in your chest, and you licked your lips.
Silence fell over the room as Elijah set his drink down and stood, walking slowly toward you, his eyes never leaving yours. When he finally stopped, his chest was nearly brushing yours, the proximity making your head spin.
"Tell me, why have you chosen me for this particular lesson?" he murmured, fingers reaching up to trace the line of your jaw.
A jolt of heat ran through you, and you tried to remember how to speak. "Well, you're, uh, a noble gentleman... I trust you."
He chuckled. "I try my best. But are you sure that's the only reason?"
"Um..." You trailed off, his fingers slipping under your chin and tilting your head up to meet his gaze.
"Be honest, angel,"
"Because..." you said, a blush creeping across your cheeks. Angel? He just called you angel.
"Because... I think about you, all the time," you admitted. "Ever since I became a vampire. It's like every feeling is dialed up to eleven. Except my desire. It's a thousand times worse than that, and I can't make it stop. It's torture. And I know it's inappropriate, but..."
"It's not," Elijah interjected, his fingers sliding down the length of your throat. "We can't help what we want, can we?"
You shook your head.
"What is it that you want, my little vampire?"
You swallowed, your eyes flickering to his lips. "I want to kiss you."
His lips curved into a smirk, and then his mouth was on yours, firm but gentle. His lips moved slowly, expertly, and your entire body flooded with warmth, your legs suddenly unsteady. He felt so good. Smelled so good.
Your arms went around his neck, pulling him closer. You had kissed boys before, but it was nothing like this. This was an out-of-body experience, like the whole world was melting away and there was only the two of you.
He moved away far too soon, and a small sound of protest left your lips.
"So eager," he said, tipping your chin up to look at him. "Is that all you want? A kiss?"
You shook your head, a small, embarrassed laugh escaping. "No."
He smiled, his hands moving down your waist to your hips, gripping lightly, pulling you flush against him. "Our bodies have an enhanced awareness of what they want, what they need." He paused, pressing a kiss to the column of your throat, then, so quietly it was almost inaudible,  "Humans have sex drives, but ours..."
"Are stronger," you finished in a raspy voice. "More Intense."
Elijah hummed. "Very."
"So, you'll teach me then?"
He chuckled softly, lifting his head to capture your lips in another slow, deep kiss. "Teaching isn't the word I would use,"
A blush spread from your chest to your cheeks. You nodded, wanting more than anything for him to tumble you into bed and show you all the things his thousand years had taught him. He was patient, though, and the way he was kissing you now was driving you mad.
He lifted you effortlessly, and you let out a soft gasp. Before you could blink, you were in his bedroom, him pressing your back into the mattress, his hands everywhere. His lips trailed down the column of your throat, tongue darting out to taste the soft skin.Your hands curling into his chest, nails digging through the fabric of his shirt.
"Don't rip my shirt," he murmured against your neck, and you giggled.
"You will be," he said, pulling back to give you a dark smile.
A thrill of anticipation ran through you, and you pushed him onto his back, climbing onto his lap, the heat between your legs throbbing with need. Your lips crashed together again, more frantic this time, more desperate. Teeth clashed, biting, nibbling, sucking. All the while, a heady ache grew between your thighs, and when he cupped your ass, pulling your hips flush against his, you could feel his own primal need straining against his trousers.
You moaned into his mouth, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, needing more. "Please, Elijah," you murmured, sighing at the soft kisses he began to trail along your throat. "I need you."
"Patience, angel,"
With a frustrated groan, you slumped against him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. His scent surrounded you. Aftershave, musk, something distinctly masculine and earthy. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment. Then you heard it, his blood, pumping steadily beneath his skin, calling to you. You wanted to sink your fangs into him, taste his hot blood coursing over your tongue.
You felt your vampire nature take over, veins protruding beneath your eyes, fangs extending. Instinct urged you forward, pressing soft kisses to his neck before nuzzling his warm skin, hunger gnawing inside your bones.
He chuckled at the gentle, kitten-like kisses you pressed to his neck, your fangs scratching his skin. He pulled your head away, urging your eyes to meet his as a glimmer of amusement danced in his. "So bloodthirsty,"
"C'mon, please." you whined, leaning in and kissing him deeply, trying to press your core against his bulge. You grunted, bucking your hips, starting a rhythm. Fuck he smelled so good, he felt so good, every fiber of your being yearning for his touch.
Your fangs brushed against his lower lip, drawing blood. He hissed, kissing you harder. His fingers tightened against the back of your head as he angled your face to give himself more access. You mewled as your hands clung to his chest, feeling his cock stiff against your stomach was doing terrible things to you.
"Look at me."
You obeyed instantly, his compulsion bringing you to a screeching halt. You whimpered, panting and needy. As his bloody lip healed, a single drop trickled down his chin, and you shivered, licking your lips as you followed the droplet's path with your eyes.
"Relax," he cooed, smirking as he wiped it away. "Don't you worry. I'm going to give you exactly what you want. But," he added in a darker tone, "only when I say."
Swallowing hard, you nodded, bracing your hands against his shoulders. "Okay,"
"Good girl,"
A rush of arousal shot through you at the praise, and a needy whine escaped your lips.
He smirked. "Oh, you like that? Being told what a good girl you are?"
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak, and his smirk widened. 
"Take your clothes off for me," he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
You quickly scrambled off his lap, flushed with heat as you stripped, pulling your dress over your head, watching Elijah watch you. His eyes tracked your every move, drinking you in as your bra came off. Then, with your shaky fingers, you hooked your thumbs under your panties, slowly peeling them down your thighs. Finally, you stood in front of him, naked, exposed, trembling, heart pounding in your ears.
"My, you're even lovelier than I'd imagined,"
You ached to feel him, craving more, more, more. A spark flashed in his gaze. You wanted him. Everything about this felt right. Every part of him wanted you too. His restraint was nothing but a mask, all for your benefit. You knew that once he lost his control, he would not be the patient and kind teacher you knew so well. Underneath that carefully crafted image was a beast, a creature of immense power, a force to be reckoned with.
"What's wrong, my dear?"
His voice pulled you from your thoughts, your eyes flitting up to his. A faint smirk played on his lips as his hand slid to your hip, dragging you closer. "Can't remember how to speak?"
You shook your head, unable to form a coherent thought.
"That's alright," he said, kissing his way down the side of your neck. “tell me if it gets too overwhelming,”
You nodded, inhaling sharply as your bare skin brushed his, your hands flat against his broad chest. His lips found yours again, deepening the kiss as his tongue parted your lips. Something was happening to you, this unfamiliar feeling. You could tell something big was building inside, a need, and Elijah was unravelling it, unraveling you.
He chuckled against your lips as he cupped your face, slowly pulling back just enough to gaze at you with those deep, brown eyes of his. He took your hand and sat you down at the edge of the bed.
"Don't be shy," he whispered. "It's just me."
You gulped. Just Elijah. Sure. How reassuring.
The room felt like it was spinning around you, but as you looked at him, everything steadied. He took a step back, unbuttoning his collar slowly. You wanted him. You could barely stop yourself from reaching for his belt, your hunger overriding every thought and impulse. You mustered all the self-control Elijah had taught you, forcing yourself to sit still as your thighs clenched together, the urge to relieve yourself building and building.
Elijah tilted his head, enjoying how desperate you were becoming, a slow smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as his shirt came undone. He tossed the article of clothing on the ground.
Your eyes drifted over his bare chest, his nice arms and toned torso. A breath escaped you when your eyes moved down to see the defined outline of his cock against the material of his slacks. He was big, so big, so thick, so—
Your face went hot. A jolt of reality hitting you, everything felt so much, all at once. The hunger for his touch, for his taste. The way he smelled so fucking good. Everything was amplified, your every sense alive and thrumming. You bit your lip and watched as his slacks hit the ground and he stepped out of them, your mouth practically salivating.
Elijah was fucking stunning, and all yours.
He smiled and placed one of his knees on the edge of the bed. The movement made it bounce ever so slightly, and your eyes widened, your mouth opened, but the only sound you could manage was a squeak.
He reached for you, pulling you close and capturing your lips in his again. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to surrendered to him, letting yourself feel him, really feel him.
"This is going to feel very intense for you," he murmured in the small space between your mouths, "your emotions and needs heightened. All your senses are in overdrive."
A sigh left you as you opened your eyes again to meet his, dark and full of promises you never dreamed of before. His eyes, they made you tremble, they were so warm, so intense. And when they dropped to your mouth, the heat pooling between your thighs intensified tenfold.
"Don't feed until I say so, you understand?" He pulled back slightly, tilting his head and giving you a warning look, making sure he had your complete attention.
You swallowed and nodded. "I won't,"
"Good girl," he hummed before dipping down to kiss your lips.
His kiss was more possessive, his touch more demanding. Elijah pushed you back into the bed, your hair sprawling around you as he kissed you senseless. His lips left yours and kissed down your jawline, down your neck, to the swell of your breasts. You moaned when you felt his hot, wet mouth close around your nipple, your body thrumming when he nipped your flesh between his teeth, giving the other the same treatment.
The throbbing was intense and so damn good. His mouth was magic as he kissed a path down your stomach, making you feel like your entire being was ablaze, your desire burning deep. You writhed, his lips curling into a smile against your skin. He could probably hear how hard your heart was pounding. He was driving you mad with need.
"Please, Elijah," you breathed, squirming beneath him as his mouth continued to work over you, down your abdomen.
A deep, husky chuckle rumbled in his chest as his lips pressed to the sensitive skin on your inner thighs, teasing, tantalizing you with each featherlight kiss. Your breathing picked up, his mouth so close to where you wanted him. Both of your hands tangled in his dark hair, nerves and anticipation waring in your mind.
His hands came up, parting your knees slowly. He hooked your legs over his broad shoulders, widening his tongue and lapping you from your core to your clit, giving the tiny bud a teasing swirl of his tongue. The moan you let out was low and full of lust, a kind of lust you'd never felt before. Magnified, overwhelming, intoxicating.
"Relax, angel," His lips brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves with each word, making your heart jump to your throat, making it almost hard to breathe.
Your hips rolled forward, pushing you against his lips, seeking more pressure, more friction. You felt so wanton, so desperate, so needy. You felt him smile against your core as his mouth engulfed you, his tongue swirling and sucking as he slowly pressed his middle finger inside you.
Your whole body stiffened and clenched around him as your mouth fell open. A string of low and soft curses fell from your lips, and your back arched against his bed as he pumped his finger in and out.
"Elijah, oh, oh fuck," your voice broke as another moan escaped you when his tongue lapped at your clit. He curled his finger up inside you, sending a ripple of heat straight up your spine.
You tipped over the edge instantly, a white-hot heat engulfing you. You came in waves, your eyes clenched shut as your head fell back into the plush comforter beneath you. Elijah didn't stop his movements, working you through your climax and beyond until your hips stilled, and your breathing leveled out.
You felt so spent, but the ache inside you only deepened, intensified. You knew what you really needed to quench the fire, you knew that Elijah was the only one who could give you that. Your fangs itched, throbbing behind your gums, ready to come out when the moment was right.
Elijah sat up, wiping his mouth and looking pleased with himself as he looked down at your naked form beneath him. You bit your lip, heat creeping into your cheeks as you smiled at him.
"That was..." you trailed off, unable to form the proper words to describe what the fuck you had just experienced.
Elijah grinned as he dipped back down and pressed a long and loving kiss to your lips. He pulled you closer as you deepened the kiss. He kissed you so sweetly and softly, his hands resting on your lower back and his tongue slowly mapping out your mouth. You hummed into his kiss as you ran your fingers down his toned back, pulling him close.
"Now, my sweet angel," Elijah murmured, tilting your face up so his dark eyes locked with yours. "Are you ready for your final lesson?"
"Yes, Elijah," you whispered, your lips brushing against his. “Please,”
Elijah took one of your legs and wrapped it around him as his cock nudged your core. He was teasing you, moving the tip up and down your slit, making your entire body quiver as he kissed down your neck, finding a spot just behind your ear and nibbling gently.
He continued this pattern, your whines becoming needy and pathetic. Elijah's smirk pressed to your skin as his fangs nipped at your shoulder. Your head rolled back, giving him more room as he suckled on your pulse point.
"Such a good student for me, always listening, always eager." He said between nips. "Are you going to keep being my good girl?"
A strangled yes fell from your lips as Elijah nudged at your entrance. You whined and panted, trying to wiggle your hips and get him to sink his cock inside you, but he only chuckled and gripped your hips, pinning you to the bed as he nuzzled your neck.
"Let's not be impatient," he whispered, the low and possessive tone in his voice made a shiver roll down your spine. "There's so much I have yet to teach you, darling."
Elijah pressed his hips forward, and you felt the tip of him press against your entrance. He moved his face away from your neck as he pressed into you.
Your hands clung to him as you braced for it, this thing, this big, scary thing you never experienced, was suddenly happening. “It's okay," he hummed, "just breathe, angel,"
Your face felt warm as you looked at him and took a deep breath. He leaned forward, kissing your lips lovingly as his hands squeezed your hips, pulling you closer, sinking deeper.
His thrusts were slow, languid, intense. Elijah held himself up on his forearms, caging you as he looked down at you. Your mouth parted as your eyes locked with his. His slow and teasing rhythm had you trembling beneath him.
"My sweet little vampire," he purred, a deep sound in the back of his throat. "So good for me."
The words of praise were too much, the sight of Elijah above you, the feeling of him inside you. Your nails raked down his back, digging into his skin, needing him closer, wanting more, desperate to consume it all. 
A sudden vampiric urge took over, and you pushed on his chest with all your strength, he chuckled and sat back, letting you take the lead with a smirk on his face. In one swift move you were straddling his lap, sinking back down onto his cock and making both of you moan.
You were running on pure instinct as you began to move your hips, trying to find the right rhythm. He cupped your ass in his hands, his thumbs stroked your skin gently as you bounced up and down on his lap.
"Like this, angel," he said softly, repositioning your knees as you gripped his shoulders. "Here," he pulled one hand away from your ass to show you the correct motion to roll your hips with, guiding you until your movements matched his instructions.
"A fast learner in all things," He purred as a grin formed on your face, making him smile in return. You kept the movement of your hips steady, trying to control the bloodlust in your peripherals. 
Your hips slowed and you leaned forward to kiss along his neck, your fangs extending, and a new feeling came over you. A hunger that couldn't be filled by blood or sex. This hunger needed both, primally, simultaneously. And it had a target.
You felt him grip you a little tighter as your hips rocked a little faster. The bed began to creak softly beneath you as you increased your rhythm, his head rolled back with a soft moan. The sound only spurred you on.
Elijah gripped the back of your head and pulled you up for a kiss. He moaned into your mouth when you swirled your hips. The movement caused your clit to rub against him, giving you that delicious friction you so badly needed.
The wild hunger was taking over, obscene bloodlust. Clouding all reasoning. Your fangs ached with a painful desire to bite him, sink into him, take his blood.
"Elijah," you murmured between kisses. You couldn't wait any longer. Your eyes were black, your fangs extended, veins dancing under your eyes, and Elijah chuckled at the look. "Elijah, can I—"
He kissed you harder, his grip on your hips tightening. "Take what you need, angel,"
A growl came from the back of your throat, and your lips went straight to his neck. The moment you sunk your fangs in his skin, he moaned deeply, making your clench around him.
Time seemed to fall away as you tasted Elijah's blood. It was rich and sweet, nothing like anything you'd ever tasted before. It felt like you were in some sort of haze, unable to stop yourself from bouncing and moaning in Elijah's lap as you fed on him. Blinded by pure and unadulterated pleasure.
It was heaven, pure and simple, the taste of him. A moan rumbled from the depths of his chest, and you felt the reverberation of his groan through his neck.
You were drunk off his blood, high off his touch. Everything about him was intoxicating. The sounds, the taste, the feeling, the sin of it all.
"Don't stop," he groaned. "Fuck, don't stop."
You couldn't even if you tried. You would never disobey an order from him. Your hips were moving at an almost inhuman pace, the taste of his blood only adding fuel to the fire inside. He was all yours, and you were his. Blood, sex, breath, skin, all intermingling. You felt his hand come up and tangle into your hair, holding you to his neck as his other hand moved to the small of your back, adjusting your rhythm to an inhuman level.
"Just like that, angel, fuck," his voice was a strangled whisper, his head rolled back as a loud, throaty groan left him.
The way his body stiffened, the way he moaned, and the way his hips snapped up into yours, his cock thrusting deep into you had you seeing stars. You were coming, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
It was all too much. His blood, his cum, the feeling of him deep inside you, the taste of him on your lips, the scent of him everywhere. Everything exploded at once. White hot fire rolled over and under your skin, like you were being consumed by napalm. 
He moaned deeply as you rode out your orgasms, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping you firmly pressed against his chest. You panted, trying to catch your breath as his mouth found yours, he bit down on your lip, your own blood flooding his mouth, mingling with the taste of his. Completing the connection, blood mixing, becoming one. 
You were panting, breathless, sated. But the need wasn't gone. The hunger lingered. The desire remained. You didn't think it would ever be fully quenched.
Elijah pressed a few gentle kisses to your lips before he laid down, bringing you with him. He shifted so that his softening cock slipped out of you and cradled you in his arms, kissing the top of your head as the two of you lay there in silence, catching your breath.
Your body felt exhausted and sore, but so fucking good, too. Your head was swimming as Elijah looked at you with a tender, loving gaze, a hint of pride lingering in the brown eyes that studied you. You felt your face grow hot under his scrutiny, feeling self-conscious from how intensely he was watching you.
Elijah’s fingers traced idle circles against your back, his breath warm against your temple. "You’re thinking too much, angel," he murmured, amusement laced in his voice.
You hesitated, then sighed. "I just... I don’t know what this means to you." The words felt clumsy now, uncertain in a way you hadn’t been when you had marched into his study and asked him to ruin you.
Elijah hummed, tilting his head like he was considering something. "Curious," he mused. "You certainly weren’t so hesitant when you strolled into my study and propositioned me like one might ask for a book recommendation."
The heat that bloomed across your cheeks was now traveling down your neck. "That was different."
"Was it?" He chuckled, low and indulgent. "You seemed quite certain then. So impatient, so eager. So hopelessly distracted during our lessons. Tell me, was it always lust muddling your focus, or was it just me?"
You groaned, burying your face in his chest. "I regret everything."
"No, you don’t," he countered, the smug grin evident in his voice. "But tell me, angel, why the sudden uncertainty?"
You bit your lip, the vulnerability creeping back in. "I don’t know if this was just... a lesson for you. That this is just casual,"
Elijah stilled for half a second. Just long enough for doubt to gnaw at you. Before he tipped your chin up, his eyes were dark but soft. "You are a rarity," he began, voice like silk. "Fascinating, infuriating. Bold enough to challenge me, reckless enough to walk into my study and ask the unthinkable. Do you know how long it has been since someone has surprised me?"
You swallowed hard, and he smiled. "That is why I call you angel," he murmured, pressing a slow, lingering kiss to your forehead. "Because I look at you and I see heaven."
Your chest ached at the weight of his words. He had called you angel from the moment he agreed to this. He had looked at you with something unreadable, something reverent, like he was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.
Elijah was right; this was a lesson for you, but not the one either of you had expected. It wasn't about control, or restraint, or blood. It was a lesson in trust, in opening your heart, and it was the last thing either of you had thought to expect.
And as Elijah leaned down and kissed you again, his hands gentle and possessive and loving all at once, you knew it was the beginning of something wonderful.
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retrosabers · 1 month ago
𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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*relationship hcs written with fem!reader in mind*
contains: a little bit of everything. some relationship fluff, a bit of angst (mentions of death and past trauma), very flirty and filthy logan, 18+ CONTENT AT THE BOTTOM. MINORS DNI (body worship, praise kink, pain kink, dirty talk to the nines.)
word count: 1.5k
a/n: not me posting something for the first time in a) over a month and b) in 2025 😍😍
it’s been ROUGH in the brain and writing department for me, and this is the best i could come up with right now. i hope i can get back in my real groove soon, i miss writing real bad.
in the mean time, please enjoy my wolvie brain dump. feel free to share any of your own personal hcs in the comments or reblogs!!
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he’s secret tea drinker. always drinks coffee (no cream no sugar; nasty ass) in the morning but also drinks tea at night. though nothing can fully calm him down in the evening, the tea does relax him in some capacity, and logan takes whatever reprieve he can get. plus it was one of the first things you started doing together, so it’s become a part of his routine he can’t be without.
typically the first person up, and the last person in bed. you’d think logan wouldn’t be a morning person, but he’s surprisingly at ease in the early hours. as relaxed as someone like him could get, anyways.
likes to read a lot. he was in complete awe of the mansion’s library the first time he saw it. will often sneak in when no one’s around and read for an hour or two by the window if he’s got the time. when you discover he’s a secret bookworm, you start to leave a book on his desk that you think he’ll enjoy every once in a while. it’s a small gesture logan holds very near and dear to his heart.
can’t remember people’s birthdays or important dates to save his life BUT can recall something minor in a fleeting conversation from a long time ago. also remembers very random useless facts that have actually come in handy on more than one occasion.
if and when logan sleeps, he snores. so. fucking. LOUD, to the point where it can wake people up depending on how close quarters are. he denies it constantly.
likes to make sure his deodorant and cologne have the same general scent (i just know he smells like a sexy ass manly man URGH).
a lot of people hc him as a history professor but i have a hot take: gym teacher logan. not in the typical “let’s run laps and play dodgeball” way, but in the sense that he teaches the kids how to control and utilize their mutations to their advantage (with help from the rest of the xmen of course), and maybe even some light sparring to practice self defense. i personally just don’t see the history teacher thing working out because i fear he would subconsciously be reliving a LOT of trauma.
gets really anxious whenever someone is sick or injured. he’s been gravely reminded before that not everyone is indestructible like he is, and it scares him to see others get hurt in any capacity, because he’s terrified of losing them. the first time you get seriously wounded on a mission? logan damn near wears his boots down to the sole from pacing back and forth outside the medbay so much. he can’t eat, he can’t sleep, he can’t focus on anything other than you. time stops for him; and won’t resume until he’s certain you’re going to be okay.
legitimately purrs like a cat if you scratch his head just the right way. he will once again deny this until the end of time, but with less resistance and a much more flushed complexion.
“whatever,” he mumbles into your stomach, while guiding your nails back to his scalp.
hates ANY music made after the year 2000, but anything before that he’s pretty keen on. he’s got his preferences for sure (a little country, some rock, and maybe a bit of bluegrass), but isn’t above admitting that a pop tune is a little catchy from time to time.
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you better not even THINK about ever opening a door for yourself ever again because if you do he’s taking personal offense to it.
he may be a slut in the sheets but he’s a near perfect gentlemen in the streets. i’m talking walking on the outside of the sidewalk at all times, always helping you out of the car even if you don’t need it, carrying your jacket or shoes after a night out, making sure you’re obscured from view if you need to adjust a revealing top; any chivalrous boyfriend thing you can think of, and he’s done it. with suaveness, might i add.
“here honey, gimme that, i got it.”
“hold on a second sweetheart, your strap’s all twisted.”
the definition of “you fell first but he fell harder.”
makes it a point to take you on a “real date” outside the mansion once or twice a month because he knows how much you enjoy getting dressed up for different occasions. whether that be dinner, dancing (yes, if you beg hard enough he’ll go dancing with you), and maybe even a trip to the museum or planetarium.
both the big and little spoon, it depends on the day, but he’s an insane cuddler either way. a human teddy bear for you and only you. this? he won’t deny, not for a second. and he’ll tell anyone who cares to tease him about it to fuck off.
always touching you in some capacity. a gentle caress on the back of your neck, or cold palms sliding underneath your sweater, logan has no qualms about being a bit handsy.
“if your girl looked like this, you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off her either.”
his favorite (and yours too secretly) is a hand in the back pocket of your jeans. there’s something equally sweet and sultry about it that makes your stomach flutter every time. a slightly possessive gesture, that when coupled with a cocky smirk and a shameless squeeze, never fails to drive you wild.
you thought he was a worry wart about your safety before you were dating? it amplifies by a million when you’re together, almost to the point of annoyance because he’s adamant on not letting you out of his sight. eventually after a few arguments and a scolding from charles, you remind him that you’re perfectly capable of handling things on your own, and yes, sometimes he does need to look out for you, just in case.
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handsy logan = body worship logan. this man will make it his life mission to appreciate every single inch of your body. he doesn’t care if you’re tangled in between sheets for hours on end. you’re not leaving the bed until you know just how much he’s smitten with every part of you.
pain kink king who will cum significantly faster if you break skin with your nails raking down arms or back. gets an immediate hard on when you slap him in the middle of a dangerously intense argument, and implores you to do it again in a dark, lust driven tone.
to make up for the fact that you can’t mark your territory, with logan’s regenerative capabilities and all, he goes above and beyond to mark his. this man leaves hickies everywhere, and i mean everywhere. your hip bones, your navel, damn near the entirety of your sternum, your neck essentially a human canvas that he gladly paints in brilliant hues of lavender.
he may be a man of few words with most, but with you? logan can never shut the fuck up about how good you make him feel.
“look at you. doin’ so good for me honey.” “y’feel like fuckin’ heaven, you know that?” “my perfect girl. made just for me.”
cannot handle when you return the favor. immediately shoves his flushed face into whatever part of your body he can find and picks up the pace. praise is another surefire way to get logan to blow his load in record time. he thinks it’s a little embarrassing but you think it’s SO HOT.
loves a good tummy bulge OOP who said that
really enjoys sex in the shower or bath. there’s an additional layer of intimacy with it that makes logan particularly warm in the chest. will often suggest round two in the bathroom so he not only has the pleasure of ruining you again, but helping gently put you back together with a tenderness reserved only for you.
the ceo of teasing. loves to watch you get all flustered and squirmy so you best believe he’s teasing the fuck out of you any chance he gets. logan’s got wandering hands and a filthy mouth and that he uses to his advantage both in and out of the bedroom.
“what if i bent you over this desk, right here right now, hm? would you like that?”
“your skirt’s real pretty baby. think it would look a lot better on the floor of my room.”
“been thinkin’ about you all day. gonna let me fuck you real good later?”
aftercare is a learning curve. he’s not completely careless the first time you have sex, but he’s not as caring and attentive as he knows he probably should be. logan was used to quick one night stands, not getting intimate with someone he had romantic feelings for. once he realizes how in-deep he is with you, he takes the time to learn the ins and outs of true aftercare.
* for more smut headcanons, check out my logan nsfw alphabet here*
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thanks for reading! <3
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logansbaby · 6 days ago
DIET PEPSI | Logan Howlett
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❥ summary: stuck in a place of unspoken desires and longing, the limousine drives only further ignite the spark between logan howlett and you. months of built up lust, feelings, and emotions bubble over when you take control.
word count: 8.1k
pairings: old man logan howlett x fem!reader
content warnings: 18+ content MDNI, masturbation, messy kissing + spitting, oral (f receiving), begging, dry humping, pussy pronouns bc i said so, unprotected p in v, gagging?, car sex, pet names (baby, honey, princess), logan being logan
❥ a/n: this is a repost from my old account but please enjoy anyway! this was inspired by diet pepsi by addison rae <3 ive said it before but reading this back, i need to be sedated omg
— ⋆˚୨♡୧⋆。˚⋆
TENSION simmers in the air of the limousine as two people engage in a silent staring contest through the rearview mirror. The cool air blasting from the air vents does little to dismantle the heat bubbling in the small space.
Though nonchalance is painted on your face, a darker, seductive glint glimmers in your eyes, a challenge settling within them. You tilt your head, tongue slipping out to glisten your lips with saliva.
There's no shame evident in your gaze; your body is thrumming with pure, hot need and you could cry out with how bad you need the man in the driver's seat.
Logan isn't faring much better— fists gripping the steering wheel so tight that his healing knuckles turn white, a frown etching deep in his features. He’s desperate to hold onto the tiny sliver of control he has left, mind working to come up with anything to keep him away from giving into this.
This thing between you both started the minute you settled in the backseat of his limousine all those months ago and the unspoken desire has only grown since then.
It’s like there’s something tethering you to him— it’s why you keep coming back to him, calling for his car services despite the fact that your car has long since been fixed. You find yourself craving him, though you haven’t even had a taste.
You won’t give in first, though. As much as you’ve wanted to climb over the seat and suck his cock right then and there as he drives, you’ve held back, just barely.
Logan is a man of very few words and he prefers actions to voicing his feelings. He’s shown you he’s softened to you in the way he hums as you ramble on each car ride. He’s shown it in the way he shows up when you both know you don’t need his help anymore. He doesn’t say it, but you know he wants you as much as you want him, and you’ve been waiting for him to finally give in, to make you his.
As soon as you sat down tonight, fresh from the club, you knew something was bound to happen, especially with the way Logan’s been eying you the entire drive.
Which, it’s important to note that your destination leads to nowhere, you just crave to be as close as possible.
You lean back against the seat, eyes speaking a thousand words as they meet his once more. God, he’s so handsome. His pretty hazel eyes, the slope of his nose, the salt and pepper stubble across his cheeks. Oh, how you want to feel the burn against your—
“Stop that.” Logan’s grunt snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Stop what?” You go for innocence but really, your tone is saturated in want, lust coating each syllable.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what, Logan?” You’re challenging him, and though you can’t see it from the backseat, his dress pants get considerably tighter at the defiant, bratty tone of your voice. “I’m not doing anything.”
“Bullshit,” He counters, eyes flickering to yours and you choose then to bite down on your glossy lips. His knuckles flex with the urge to release the claws piercing beneath his skin; is he crazy for being jealous that he’s not the one biting into the plush skin? “You’re staring at me like you want me to fuck you.”
Heat spreads from your chest to your cheeks at his bluntness. It’s completely correct, but the dirty truth makes you flush, and your panties dampen at the thought.
“It’s not gonna happen, baby.” His tone is confident, sure and it pisses you off. “It’s not, so knock it off.”
You roll your eyes, turning to stare out the window. You’re not sure when it started raining, but the water droplets hit the glass pane harshly with the momentum. The pitter patter of water should distract you from Logan, but it just sends you further spiraling.
How dare he deny your feelings and then call you baby?
Blah, blah, blah! His reasons for keeping you apart are pathetic. You could care less for the years he has on you— you’re a grown woman, and fully capable of deciding what you want. You don’t care what kind of a man he was before he met you; your feelings for him defeat any sense of logic your mind might muster.
You remember how it felt the first time you saw him; wild, untamed butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach the moment Logan’s eyes met yours. You remember how your name sounded on his lips, a rough voice rendering chills across your skin.
That day had been a shitty one, everything had seemed to go wrong. Even more so when your car broke down and your then boyfriend refused to pick you up, instead sending you a link to a limousine service. You were sure nothing would get better from that point on.
But when you sat down in his car, Logan’s presence made you feel safe, and you wracked your brain as to why a stranger made you feel so comfortable, more than anyone had in a while.
Evidently, you kept calling the limo service (if you silently praised your ex for leading you to Logan, no one had to know).
You remember how you began looking forward to seeing him. You remember how talking with him, telling him about whatever, felt normal. You remember how being in the vicinity of him felt like taking a breath of crisp, cool air after months of no oxygen.
Logan’s picked you up from the bar, carried you to your apartment door when you were too drunk to do so yourself. Logan has veered off course when your stomach audibly rumbled during a drive to work. He even grabbed you a milkshake from your favorite retro diner when you told him how you dumped your ex.
He’s been there in every way that counts— he’s close, but not close enough.
Somewhere along the way, you’ve become love sick, reduced to a yearning mess each time you see him, each time only furthering your feelings. All you want is for Logan to accept this thing and let you in, let you ease his troubles and care.
And, you might also want is Logan’s dick deep inside you, his strong body hovering over yours as he fucks you dirty, hard, and rough.
But, details.
“Whatever, Logan.” Huffing, your eyes roll to further showcase your opinion. You shift in your seat, crossing your legs and the action causes the tiny, black dress to slip further up your thighs.
And because Logan has a staring problem where you’re concerned, he sees the roll of your eyes, the expanse of thigh that’s showing. Whenever you’re like this, so unashamed of your need for him, it makes him want to let go of any morals and throw your legs over his shoulders and devour you, lick up the slick he smells. He’d like to finally shut your mouth up, finally stop those bratty comments from pouring out as he fills you up.
Instead, he stays quiet and focuses on the empty road ahead. He can do this, resist your hazy eyes and luscious lips long enough until he gets you to your destination. The radio is switched on then, some pop song filtering through the vehicle in an attempt to lessen the thick, sexual strain permeating the air.
Though, that little action seems to unravel any sense of control over the situation.
His indifference annoys you; here you are, adorned in a black, lacy dress that does nothing to cover your thighs and grips your body deliciously. You even turned down an attractive man at the club in favor of having Logan pick you up; just the thought of him made you immune to another’s charm.
How embarrassing are you? Staying loyal to a man that has decided the course of your relationship without input from you. You would’ve walked away if it were any other person, but you’ve also seen the way he eyes you each time you get inside his car, seen the way his fingers go white as he grips the steering wheel, seen the way his cock goes hard at the sight of you.
And that’s when you decide you’re sick of this. Sick of Logan denying you both mind altering pleasure, sick of him pushing you away, sick of him deciding what’s best for you when you can make your own decisions.
A noisy clink! resounds as you unbuckle your seatbelt, and move toward the front of the car. You feel the prickling gaze on the side of your face as you fit yourself onto the console, hand reaching to turn off the radio knob. You let your fingertips barely graze Logan’s arm as you do so, and you’d think he’s unfazed had you not been so close to see the shudder rack through him, to hear the gruff inhale that has a shaky lilt.
In the corner of your eye, you see his mouth part, but before he can scold you, you remove yourself and land back against the cushion. If you’re going to do this, you want his entire attention on you, not on some shitty song filtering through the radio station.
You adjust yourself, wiggling until you’re comfortable. Parting your thighs, you feel your confidence soar as you note how Logan’s eyes track your movements.
The dress is bunched up around the tops of your thighs and with the way your legs are open, stretched enough that your ankles lean against the opposite sides of the leather, your lacy thong is on display.
One hand trails down to the spot between your legs, where you’re slick and wet with want. You don’t touch yourself right away, instead petting the supple skin of your inner thighs. The other hand moves to caress your breasts as they threaten to spill from the confines of the dress. You sigh, a shiver racketing through you as nimble fingers brush your most sensitive spots with a mere graze.
“What are you—“ Logan starts, but you cut him off because you’re sick of him taking charge of everything.
“Shut up, Logan.” You’re trying to sound stern but with the way you’re softly petting your nipples through the fabric, it’s more breathy than authoritative.
“Fuck,” Logan spits out, trying really hard to not crash but it’s proving to be a bit impossible with the way he can see you teasing yourself. What’s worse is the fact that the intoxicating scent of your pussy is assaulting his senses. He feels high on your smell, on the way he watches through the mirror as you pinch your chest. “Fuck.”
“You know…” You start, but it’s interrupted by a sudden inhale as you finally touch your tender clit through the thin material, pads rubbing softly until that familiar, hot feeling fills your stomach. “I wish I stayed at the club a little longer.”
“Is that right?” If your eyes were open, you’d see how unhinged and feral the man looks. The skin of his knuckles split open as his claws peak out.
A whimper rings loud into Logan’s ears and fuck, that angelic noise will haunt him for the rest of his fucking life. His eyes snap back to see you slowly rolling your hips into your hands, fingers playing with your clit lazily.
“Mhmm, I shouldn’t have called you. Not when you constantly ignore me.” You whine, spreading your legs further apart, feeling a rush you’ve never felt before warm your entire body at the show you’re putting on. “You pretend there’s nothing here, you pretend you don’t want me, and it pisses me off.”
He’s trying so incredibly hard to force the words ‘knock it off and cover yourself up’ out, but he can’t.
He can’t when it’s the furthest thing from what he actually wants. He can faintly see the wet spot on your underwear, and he wants to scream at you to remove the material all together— he’s that desperate to see your puffy, pretty cunt glisten in all its glory.
“I don’t ignore you, baby.” It’s grunted out, the pain of his claws only aiding in his desire as his cock grows uncomfortably stiff in his pants. “But I can’t give you what you want.”
Another roll of your eyes sends a shiver down Logan’s aching back. Oh, if you don’t knock it off, he’s going to make you cry as he fucks your mouth until you’re a mess.
Happy thoughts… Logan thinks, calm thoughts.
“There was this guy in the club.” By the tiny smirk on your lips, he knows he shouldn’t take the bait. He knows you’re trying to push him, trying to get him to let go and take what you both desire. He knows he shouldn’t fall for it.
Too bad hes never been good at listening.
The lethal, cold trill of his voice has your eyes flying open and you have the audacity to fucking moan. You’re usually not this… bold? Perhaps Logan just turns you into a feral, needy thing.
“Yeah, he was cute too!” You hum, bubbles of laughter tumbling from bitten lips at the way Logan stares at you, how he gives you a warning look. “He offered to by me a drink, said he wanted to dance.”
“He’s a dick.”
“No, he said I’m pretty.”
“You are pretty.” It’s angry, the way he forces it out, not because it’s untrue, but because the idea of another man trying to make a move on you, his girl, sends anger boiling beneath his skin.
“He was nice, I don’t know why I bothered to turn him down.” It’s through a moan, the way the words are murmured because your fingers are now rubbing circles over your sex in a way that has your hips jolting, legs shaking, and lips shiny with spit.
“He’s an asshole, only wants one thing from you.”
“I don’t care, what if I want only one thing from him too?”
“Careful.” He practically growls, the limousine swerving slightly before he gets control over the wheel again.
He’s not sure when you’ve become so fucking obscene, but he aches to bend you over the hood of the car and teach you a lesson. He’s so overwhelmed with the turn of events, of how so many feelings swirl around beneath his ribcage.
He knows he’s been pushing you away, ignoring whatever spark you have, but fuck? The knowledge you can slip away from him at any moment makes him feel agonized.
“Jealous?” You taunt, the material of your underwear darker with the slick pooling there and you both know Logan can see it.
“I gave him my number, you know.” It's spoken so nonchalantly that a snarl threatens to escape deep from Logan’s throat. “He said to call if I need anything…”
“Watch it,” it’s calmly muttered, but Logan’s anything but. He’s torn between actually focusing on the road and watching your fingers roll your clit in the rear view mirror. That, and anger rolls off him in thick, daunting waves at a man he doesn’t even know.
You’ve got him wrapped around your pretty finger and he’s a fool to think anything else. He’s a fool to think he’s been successful in the suppression of his feelings.
“Maybe I should call him,” You suggest, your hand slipping beneath the sodden mesh and finally touching your clit properly. “He was hot.”
Logan’s so wrapped up in your euphoric face and honeyed voice that he’s struggling to remember why he’s riled up.
“Stop tryna piss me off. You’re gonna regret it.” He’s stern, but you just smile and slip the pads of your fingers down to swipe up the arousal pooling at your hole, your whiny pants making his spine go rigid.
“I’m not doing anything, Logan.”
“Bullshit. Whatever you think you’re doing, it’s not gonna work. This can’t happen.”
He’s trying so hard to convince himself as much as you. His words anger you though, because the furrow of your brow deepens and you huff.
“You don’t want me?” You challenge, and you stare him down as your fingers retreat from your cunt. You lift your hand up to your mouth, never once looking away as you stick them past your lips and suck.
Your body jolts when the car swerves wildly, but instead of fear, blistering lust fills you and heats your cheeks. Logan looks so incredibly distraught with how your lips wrap around your fingers, a soft ‘hmmm’ falling from you at the taste of desire blooming across your tastebuds.
“Shit, princess. ‘Course I want you. You don’t know how bad I need you.”
“Please.” You cry out and fuck, you could kill him. Your fingers part from your wandering tongue, traveling down the path of your curves to find your pussy. “Please, please—“
“Logan!” You’re so overwhelmed with your blatant need for the man that actual tears pool across your lashes.
“And why the fuck not?”
“Don’t give me attitude.” He commands and you must be sick because the stern, finality of his tone has your hole clenching around nothing. “You know why.”
“—oh my god, Logan. Not this again, the ‘I’m too old for you’ excuse is bullshit! I couldn’t care less, I want you to fuck me.”
You’re so forthright that he can’t be blamed with how his stomach churns with intense hunger.
“Way too old for you, baby. You deserve so much more, more than I can give you.”
Logan seems to forget that as much as he’s come to know you, you’ve also picked up on his own habits. So, you know he’s full of shit by the twitch of his hands on the wheel, the tightening of his lips, the way he’s staring at you like a man starved.
“You know what? Fine, that’s fine. I’ll just call Nate and—“
“Who?” The lethal note in his words should scare you, but it just sends another wave of slick to kiss your thighs.
“Nate! The guy from the club,” you say, one hand reaching for the phone hidden in your purse, and the other rubbing circles on your neglected clit.
“I told you, the guy sounds like a dick. The fuck kind of name is that?” Logan’s patience is running out and you both know it, the string tearing further with each tug you give. His eyes widen when you wiggle the phone in his eyeline.“Don’t you fuckin’ dare.”
“Why? At least he was willing to fuck me.”
And, oh.
You’re not sure what causes you to say that, but the atmosphere turns tense, filling with anticipation, something dark and dangerous enough that chills run across your skin.
It’s silent. Astonishingly silent as Logan tears his gaze from you, his eyes only forward now. You don’t back down; you know you’re driving the man crazy and it feels fucking good.
Without tearing your eyes from him, you hit the call button.
The sound of the phone dialing has Logan snapping. The car tires screech loudly as Logan slams on the breaks, yanking the wheel to pull of to the side of the road.
Your hands fly out to catch yourself from the swift, jerky motion. A sense of accomplishment bubbles inside your chest as Logan shuts the car off, his body frantic and hurried before he’s out the driver's door.
You’re jittery with nerves, despite the fact you were just rubbing your clit like a madwoman in front of him. You were tempting him, sure. But now that he’s finally snapped, you’re nervous.
You gasp as chilly air hits you in the face when the back door opens. In an instant, he’s in the back with you, slamming the door shut. His presence is so intimidating and powerful that you shiver, arousal licking at your spine as he crowds into your space.
He glares at you, and just as about you’re about to speak, a rough, large hand grips your chin tightly. He squeezes your cheeks, thumb pulling at your bottom lip. His other hand yanks the phone from your fingers and chucks the device in the front seat.
“So fucking stubborn and bratty, always fucking pushing me. Never stop talking, do you?”
“I’ll have you kno—“
Logan slams his mouth onto yours then, effectively shutting you the fuck up.
It’s like fireworks are set off in your stomach, a trickle of mind numbing pleasure tingling every inch of you. You’ve imagined this moment for months, wondered how it’d feel, but nothing your imagination conjured up could ever compare to the real thing.
Logan’s kisses are passionate, eager. He lifts your entire body into his lap in one, quick motion. The causal display of his sheer strength causes your body to melt into him. Your choked gasp is swallowed by his lips, his tongue licking at yours and oh, the warm wetness of it sends a wave of flutters straight to your cunt.
His mouth is harsh, the scruff of his beard scratching at your chin with a tasteful burn. His rough hand leaves your thigh to snake into your hair, wrapping the around his fingers until a messy ponytail forms. Without warning, he tugs firmly to pull you from his mouth.
He watches as your eyes fly open, as a string of saliva connects from his lips to yours. He feels pride thrum within his chest as you try to lean in immediately, chasing the taste of him, his kiss, his tongue.
Logan doesn’t allow you though, yanking at your hair to keep you in place.
“Not speaking now, are you?” Logan grunts out, tugging your head back so he can lick a hot, wet stripe up the expanse of your neck. He sucks at the skin there, hips threatening to thrust up at the moans spilling from your open mouth. “Finally found a way to keep you fuckin’ quiet.”
“Logan—“ you start, mind cloudy with the overwhelming feeling of his wet mouth on your skin, but he just smashes his lips on yours again.
And holy fuck, the way he’s kissing you, like he’s been starved of a meal and you’re the only one to satiate the hunger, like he can’t get enough of your taste, has your panties growing even wetter. You snake your arms around Logan’s neck tightly, hips swiveling down in his lap so you can rub yourself over his bulge.
Your moan tangles with the surprised groan from Logan when your center grinds down on his cock, the feeling indescribable, utterly intoxicating and above all— right.
His hand releases your hair in favor of grabbing handfuls of your ass and squeezing, guiding your hips as he licks at the roof of your mouth.
It’s almost embarrassing how riled up you are with just kissing and humping, but you can’t be blamed, not really. Not with the way Logan’s dragging your cunt along his hard cock as he sucks your tongue— it’s so fucking good that his pants are wet with your wetness, even through your panties.
When you finally pull back, its with his bottom lip tucked between your teeth, enticing a hiss from the man as you bite down. You lose your hands in his messy hair, tugging until his eyes open and fuck— his pupils are huge, dark with need for you.
Cradling his cheeks, you lick at his lip, soothing the sting your teeth left. You startle as Logan thrusts up in reaction, the head of him tapping your clit, and despite the barriers between you, it feels fucking amazing.
Logan catches your lips in a messy, slick embrace. There’s no gentleness, only pure sensuality leading his bruising kisses. You get so wrapped up in the pleasure of Logan’s mouth on yours, his cock rutting into your clothed center so delectably that time is lost.
When you push Logan’s face away, it’s because your lungs burn with the need for oxygen.
Logan’s unfazed, lips moving down your throat and leaving wet kisses across your neck. You’re sucking in oxygen desperately, hands shaky as they stroke up and down Logan’s back.
“Fuck, I can smell you.” He mutters against your collarbone, rough hands roaming all over your body, as if he needs to memorize the feel of you.
You’re a fucking mess— hands wrappped tightly around the back of his neck, leaving scratches that stay for longer than they would’ve decades prior, and you’re still rolling your hips in his lap, trying and failing to ease the ache in your cunt. It only further intensifies the achy throbbing with each grind of restless hips.
“Smells so fuckin’ sweet. Gonna let me have a taste, baby?”
“Yes! Please, Logan, please.” You’re far too gone, too drunk on the feel of his lips on your skin to care how pathetic you sound.
You lean back, grabbing Logan’s face to meet yours, sighing softly as your wet lips melt together once more. He groans, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair, tugging hard as he turns your head any way he pleases, using you.
You’re not sure how much time passes as Logan devours your mouth, it could be mere minutes or hours, but you’ve been too tangled up in his to care. What you do know is that you feel as though you’re going to explode if you don’t relieve the pressure in your abdomen soon.
You’re whining, pawing at Logan’s chest and rubbing your wetness on the pant of his thigh, trying to get the man to touch you moremoremore.
But Logan’s too occupied with sucking on your tongue and biting your bottom lip meanly. He uses the grip he has on your hair to keep you there, rendered useless as he messily kisses you breatheless.
“Logan, Logan, Logan.” You moan and even though it’s mumbled into his own lips, he hears you all the same.
“Need you. Please.”
And then, it’s like Logan’s realizing the current situation— you, a whimpering mess and rubbing your cunt along his lap as your spit soaked lips mesh with his own in a delicious, salacious embrace. You, who he knows he can’t afford to lose, and if he continues touching you, you’ll fade away like everything else good in his life.
He pushes your face back, but makes no move to remove your weight from his body. A frown settles over your blissed out features, dread replacing the butterflies fluttering about inside you.
“You don’t want this.” He’s refusing to look at you, his hazel eyes blown out with pleasure wondering around the interior of the limousine as if he hasn’t seen it before, despite owning the vehicle.
“I do. I want this. I want you.” You cradle his bearded face in your hands, thumbs caressing the prickly grays scattered across his cheeks. “I do.”
“No, baby. You don’t, you deserve so much better—“
His words are lost in the air as you connect your swollen lips with his. You bully your tongue inside, swiping along his, sighing when his hips buck up at your boldness. The action has his cock rutting your covered clit in such an angle that you could probably come.
“Can’t you feel how badly I want you?” You whisper, peppering sweet kisses along his cheeks, nose, eyelids. Staring into his eyes, so muddled with conflict and something sweeter, you kiss him properly.
“Shit,” he groans into your mouth, tongues dancing in a pace that has you dizzy, whimpering for mouth as your lace covered mound ruts at his thigh. “Can’t, baby. You deserve someone better, not some old fucking man who’s done more harm than good.”
“I don’t need better, I need you.” You emphasize the point by grabbing his hand and shoving them down your panties.
A symphony of your shared moans ricochets through the small space; you, at the feel of his rough, thick fingers finally touching your slit. Logan because the feel of your sweet, sweet arousal soaking your cunt slippery has him losing it.
He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to find any excuse as to why he should push you away when kissing you, touching you feels this fucking good. Even as his brain works, his fingers tease your fluttering hole and collect your wetness, dragging it to your clit.
“See? I need you, please. Logan, please.”
You stare up at him, eyes wide with so many things that cause his heart to pump faster and his cock to jerk.
He seals his fate then and there— Logan’s sick and tired of all the bad in his life, and he doesn’t know much, but what he does know is that you make him feel like he can breathe again, like he’s fated for something other than drowning in whiskey. And he’s sick of denying himself of you.
“Fuck it.” He mutters, eyes on your lips before melting into you, lips meshing together wetly.
Your moan is loud and sweet, hands leaving his face in favor of gripping his shoulders, nails digging into the crisp white of the fabric there.
He pulls back, ignoring the need washing over him at the mewl falling from you at the sudden removal of him.
“Shh, baby.” He soothes, a large hand finding purchase on your chin, his fingers teasing your lips and rubbing the saliva there. “Open up.”
The quickness at which you obey him makes him want to fuck you full of his cock then, but he just barely restrains. Your lips are parted, tongue peaking out and waiting— the picture you paint will be a reoccurring dream.
Logan leans over you before spitting onto your tongue, watching as the saliva glistens on your mouth. You gasp, the act so incredibly dirty and carnal that you shiver in his lap.
“Swallow.” He commands, squeezing your cheeks together, nearly getting lost in the dazed, euphoric look in your eyes. And you do, because you’d do anything Logan asked. ”Atta girl.”
A sob nearly escapes you at that, because fuck, you’re so turned on beyond belief and you’re sure you’ll burst into tears if Logan doesn’t fuck you soon.
Almost like he can read your mind, he moves you around until your back hits the cool, chilly leather of the seat. He settles himself on the floor of the limousine before you, ignoring the aches he feels stinging his lower back.
Logan runs his hands along your legs slowly, teasingly as he presses a kiss on your upper thigh.
“Been dreaming of this pussy for so long.” He starts, leaning until your mound is warm with his breath. You’re trembling, suspense sizzling hot in your stomach as you wait for him to do something. “Everytime you get in the car, I can smell you. And everytime, I want to fucking eat you out.”
“Logan, please.”
And seeing you, someone who’s so unabashedly beautiful and talkative be reduced to a withering mess, has a grin threatening to grace his face.
“I got you, baby. Gonna take care of you.”
And he does.
Logan presses a soft, barely there kiss to your lace covered slit before licking a slow, warm path from your hole to your aching clit.
“Oh my god!” You cry out, thighs trying and failing to clench closed as Logan’s hands keep them spread open. He groans at your taste, the little hint of something addictive, so entirely you.
He grabs each thigh and wraps them around his neck before pulling the sodden material aside with his thumb to finally expose your pussy to him.
And at the sight of your cunt glistening with slick, with unsuppressed desire, makes him fucking lose it.
“She’s so wet, fucking dripping everywhere,” groans, and it takes your muddled brain a second before realizing he’s talking about your pussy.
A moan falls from you, deep from your chest and full of need and hunger as Logan’s tongue swirls over your slit, dipping into your dripping hole. He’s messy with it, completely driven by a primal urge to completely devour you in the most intimate sense. His movements are rash, his appetite stronger than anything else.
Logan leans back a bit, eyes flickering to yours to ensure you’re focused on him before he spits directly onto your pussy.
A gasp sounds, your chest heaving at the warmth of his saliva coating your center, and it’s so dirty, so insanely hot that more slick seeps from you.
Logan leans back, ignoring your whine as he uses his thumbs to spread your pussy wide open, your sex bare to him. Its obscene, the way he stares at the mixture of saliva and slick glistening your slit. It’s hot, your cunt crying for him and clenching around nothing as your hips try to buck at his mouth.
Logan laps it all up, tongue flat as he greedily eats you out. And you’re losing it— not only is his tongue fucking you, going as deep as he can, but Logan’s nose is bumping against your clit with each thrust of his mouth. Warmth swarms in your stomach, your thighs shake with a promise of an orgasm in the distance.
“Feels so good!” You manage, your hips thrusting up into his face.
You were right, the beard feels fucking amazing rubbing mean and unforgiving against the sensitive skin of your thighs.
“Tastes so good, the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” Logan moans, switching his tongue with two fingers. His cock hardens even more with the way your cunt swallows his fingers right away, your warm, velvet walls squeezing around them.
That familiar burn swelters in your pelvis, pure heat sizzling through your veins and for a moment, you forget to breathe. It gets worse when Logan suddenly wraps his swollen lips around your tender clit and sucks.
The pleasure of it all is so sudden that it smothers you entirely— your back arching off the leather, your pussy convulsing as Logan’s fingers and tongue work you to an orgasm quicker than you ever have before.
“Logan, oh, please!” You pant, hands tugging the graying tufts of hair, and you’re unsure if you’re trying to push him impossibly closer and away at the same time.
He only releases his suction on your clit when tears prickle your eyes, when you shake on his fingers from the stimulation of it all. He gently places kisses along your sweaty thigh, hands stroking your calves as you struggle to breathe.
“That’s it, honey. I got you.”
“Come here,” is all you have the strength to muster, needing his lips on yours instead of your trembling thighs.
Logan obliges, because if you asked him to get you the moon, he’d do his damn hardest to get it.
“Hi,” you whisper once he’s level with you, body slotted between your limp one. Your arms move without your knowledge and wrap around his nape.
“Hi, baby.”
It’s then you see how insane he looks— his chin, lips, and the tip of his nose is soaked with you. His eyes are wild, hazy with need and his hair is arrayed from wandering fingers. He looks so incredibly handsome right now, in your arms, covered in you that you can’t be blamed for the little moan that escapes.
You tug him close, lips locking in a newly familiar kiss. The taste of you envelopes over your tongue as you lick along his mouth, a satisfied hum vibrating from your lips to his.
What starts as a sweet, lazy kiss turns heated quickly, and though you’ve just come, your sex aches to be filled. Its a mess of tongues and saliva, teeth clashing as your lips interlock and wrap around one another.
Your hands begin to unbutton his shirt, marveling at the feel of muscle that’s revealed with each pop of a button. You shrug the fabric off and grab at his shoulders, nails digging into the skin and trailing down to the middle of his back.
“Fuck!” Logan groans, biting your bottom lip as you scratch at him.
Instead of responding, you push at his chest until he falls into the seat opposite of yours before throwing yourself in his lap again. You’re crazed, an unsatisfied hunger clinging to every inch of you and threatening to overtake your senses.
“Such a fuckin’ brat.” He’s taunting you, but with the way his dick jolts as you yank your dress off, you know you’ve got him right where you want him.
You gaze at him, guiding his hands from your hips to your chest, urging him to take off your bra.
Logan’s too impatient to actually remove the fabric though, because he simply pulls at the cups until they give way to the pressure and your breasts are on display.
“So fuckin’ pretty.” He groans, leaning down and taking a pebbled nipple between his lips. You whine as he suckles, his fingers rubbing and pulling your other nipple. He switches his attention to your other nipple and desire pools in your stomach, heat tingles across your skin, and you can’t wait any longer.
With quick hands, you work to undo his buckle before yanking down his boxers and dress pants in one motion. Logan’s released your chest in favor of watching you nearly drool at his cock.
He’s huge. The tip is flushed, red and swollen and dripping pearly bubbles. His shaft is thick with veins leading down to a patch of short, curled hair. Even in the dim light of the limousine, you note how the vein on his lower stomach connects to the ones decorating his cock. Fuck, you suddenly want to feel the heaviness of him on your tongue. You’d ignore your own needs to choke on the entirety of him. You crave his taste, his come, and—
“Next time, baby.” Logan startles you from your filthy thoughts, and you actually whine at his words. “As much as I’d like to fuck your pretty mouth, I need to be inside you.”
And despite the fact that the man has eaten you out and stolen an orgasm tonight, you flush with warmth.
Logan finds you amusing, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock and yanking you until your hole is kissing his tip. Your hips move forward, and a whole body shiver wracks through you when your clit brushes his shaft.
“C’mon, princess. Show me how bad you want it.” He emphasizes his taunt with a squeeze of your waist, his lips brushing yours. “Not so cocky now, huh?”
Oh, you’re gonna make sure he’s as desperate as you are.
With a glare, you push his hand away and wrap yours around his cock, guiding it to your wet, slick hole. Logan merely raises an eyebrow as your other hand grips his shoulder to lift yourself up enough. Without warning, you sink down onto the the tip of him, nails digging into his shoulder at the overwhelming feeling bubbling over you.
“Fuck,” Logan growls, head leaning forward onto your shoulder as you squeeze around him purposefully, cunt sucking him down bit by bit as you lower yourself, only stopping when he fills you to the brim.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” You huff, a grin on your flushed face as you repeat his previous words back at him.
Logan doesn’t respond, to focused on not coming immediately— you’re so fucking tight, so wet and warm that he’s struggling.
The stretch is painful, but not unpleasant as you adjust to his size. When the burn fades away and instead comes a delicious thrum, you unleash.
You lift your hips up, enticing a broken moan from Logan as you move up and slam back down in slow, articulated motions.
“Feel so good, baby. So good.”
“Yeah?” You say, hands creeping into his hair to pull each time his tip brushes that spot inside you.
“Yeah.” The kiss he presses to your cheek makes your heart flutter, an act so pure in the midst it all.
You continue your torturous pace, pride warming your chest when Logan’s hands tighten on your hips, urging you to go faster.
You could go faster, but you like the way Logan looks like he’s struggling to sunk in oxygen each time his cock fills your cunt.
You catch his mouth in an open, wet kiss. He grunts, and before you can even think, Logan moves his hips upwards and you fucking whine.
Suddenly, Logan’s stripped you of control and thrusts his cock deep inside you in quick, harsh movements. You’re fucking dripping, desire slicking your thighs and Logan’s. He feels so good and he’s so deep and he’s holding you in place so you have no choice but to take it, take the assaulting pace he’s set.
“Shit,” Logan grits out, arms tightly wrapped around your midsection as he fucks you from below. “Such a mess, aren’t you?”
You’re so overcome with euphoria, so deeply gone in the waves of pleasure, that you can only nod. Each time he’s fucks up into you, his pubic bone brushes your puffy, throbbing clit in a delicious graze that has tears gathering at your lash line.
“This is what you wanted? For me to fuck you dumb?” He mutters between clenched teeth, his hips moving in a deadly way now. “You wanted to be fucking full of me, huh?”
“Yes!” You mewl, mouth falling onto his as your tongues messily swirl around, moans and groans mixing with the wet kisses.
The pressure building in your abdomen is almost too much, teasing you each time his cock slams inside. Despite being as close as physically possible, you ache to be closer.
You stop Logan, lifting yourself off him with a hiss. The sudden absence of him leaves you feeling uncomfortably empty and unconsciously, your hole clenches as wetness drips from you and onto the leather seats.
“What’s wro—“ you cut him off by pushing him until he’s laying back on the long seat. Once he’s settled down, with sweat glistening his chest, you climb shakily back onto his lap.
Sighs of relief echo through the air as your cunt sucks him down and a filthy squelch sounds. With him like this, he’s somehow deeper. You’re so incredibly full and it feels incredible.
The tingling, sweltering sensation in your cunt has you grinding across his lap, the base of his cock rubbing your clit delicately.
“Fuck. Doin so good for me.” Logan bends an arm behind his head so he can watch the way your eyes roll back with each grind, the way your tits jostle with each thrust and hump. “That’s it, baby.”
His praise has you finding a delicious, intoxicating rhythm as you lift up and down, up and down. The ridges and veins of his shaft kiss your walls and your thighs tremble with the feeling. Your hands reach back and grip your asscheeks to pull them apart further, needing his cock to go even deeper.
Logan is enamored by the sight before him— his pretty girl desperately splitting her cunt onto his cock, eyes rolling back with spit-slicked lips resembling an ‘o’.
His hand wraps around your throat tightly, pulling you down until your chest is flush against his. The action has you clumsy, arms swinging out to grip whatever is nearest to steady yourself. He places both hands across your ass and lifts you like you weigh nothing, mimicking your previous thrusts with more force, more speed.
A harmony of ‘uh, uh’s’ filter in his ears as Logan uses you and fucks you down onto his cock. You’re a whining mess, latching onto him tightly as his hips start to thrust upwards as his hands slam your hips back down in tandem.
He wishes that he had his phone close because seeing you like this is a picture he wants to capture forever.
“C’mon, baby. Can feel how close you are.” He grits out between thrusts. One hand leaves your ass to cradle your slackened jaw, gripping tight enough as he forces your eyes on his.
Logan pushes his thumb past your lips and a deep moan falls from him when you suck at him immediately. With your gaze never leaving his, you mimic a blowjob as you suck and swirl your tongue along his thumb.
“Mine.” Logan grunts, his digit pressing down onto your tongue. He feels a sick sense of pleasure envelope him as you gag at the pressure, eyes glittering with unshed tears. “My fuckin’ girl.”
You nod instantly, a sweet, gooey feeling spreading across your chest at his words, his voice. You pathetically grind down as Logan fucks upward, spit glistening your lips and his thumb as you messily suck on him.
An overbearing urge to get you to climax surges within him, and he sighs mockingly when you moan as his thumb slips from the confines of your pretty mouth. With a new vigor, Logan fucks you harder, faster, dirtier. He slips a hand between your sweaty bodies and when his fingers swirl over your clit, you explode.
The roughness of his hips, the precision of his fingertips on your clit, and the intensity of the moment catches up with you and you’re coming abruptly. It’s intense, the way a maddening bliss coats your entire body and soul. It leaves you breathless and dizzy as your eyes prickle with spots along your vision.
You’re moaning, words unintelligible against the warmth of Logan’s chest, and your cunt squeezes around him in sharp, sporadic pulses.
Logan’s so close to losing it and you don’t even realize, too busy trying to inhale oxygen into greedy lungs. Huffs tumble from you, but instead of really trying to breathe, you lift your face to pepper wet, open mouthed kisses across his torso and that does it for him.
“Fuck…” Logan moans, gutteral and rough as he slams your hips down onto his cock, his cock painting your walls with come as euphoria encompasses him entirely. “Fuck, baby.”
Your body feels like it’s on fire— clit throbbing with overstimulation as Logan’s cock continues to fill you to the brim with his orgasm. Tears of pleasure have spilled over the apples of your cheeks, the your hair sticking to your sweaty, flushed face.
You continue to gently kiss up his chest and neck before you move to cradle Logan’s face. Eyes fill with astonishment as you take in the way his eyes roll with the aftershocks of his peak. Thumbing at his cheeks, you kiss his lips gently before pressing kisses all along his face. His cheeks, the slope of his nose, his chin, forehead, and even the furrow of his brows.
You don’t even notice Logan staring at you with complete adoration until he removes your hand to kiss your palm.
You smile at him, bashful even with his softening cock is still inside you, stuffing you full of his come.
“C’mere.” He says, pulling you close until your lips melt over one another’s in a sweet, passionate kiss.
With a sudden thought, you pull away and fix him with a stern stare. Unfortunately for you, the furrow of your brows and purse of your lips only causes his heart to beat faster beneath the adamantium ribcage. You just look so pretty right now, sitting atop of him breathless and sweaty, a glaze settled over your irises.
“What's that face for?” His brow is raised and a smile is teasing his swollen lips.
“No more pushing me away, Logan.”
His gaze softens then, reminded of his self sabotage and the way he’s been adamant in keeping you at arms length, despite his yearn for more, his need for you.
“No more pushing you away, baby.” His lips meet yours softly, finality in his tone that eases your worries and wandering thoughts.
You lay your head down in the crook of his neck and hug him, intent to never let him go. Logan’s heart clenches with an emotion he’s not quite yet ready to face, so he presses a kiss to your hairline as his fingers stroke your back.
The atmosphere is no longer tense, but rather peaceful— every single desire has been satiated to the point calmness emerges. Eventually, he knows he’ll have to pull away from you and actually drive you home (and he will be coming inside, he can’t wait to properly fuck you in your bed), but he wants to stay in your embrace a little longer. It’s a blissful moment, and the serenity of it is something he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
“Logan?” You whisper, sleepy as you rub your nose along his neck.
“Yeah, honey.”
“I didn’t give that guy my number.”
And when you say it with a slightly guilty tone, a laugh rumbles deep from his chest. He doesn’t care, because that little white lie led him to finally say ‘fuck it’ and claim you.
The feeling you erupt in his chest is foreign and it scares him shitless— but with the weight of you in his arms, he knows he’ll do anything to keep you.
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natashashill · 2 months ago
desperate times, desperate measures
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pairing: older!agatha x reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ overstimulatuon, handcuffs, spreader bar, blindfold, one pussy spank, strap, shower sex, praise & degradation, aftercare
a/n: this was high key inspired by @lunargrrrl & her work with director!agatha so everyone say thank you
summary: reader sends agatha scandalous pictures and agatha deals with her
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You were needy.
To your defense,you started off bored. However, there was very little that you could do without Agatha. This evolved to your current state of neediness, although you knew Agatha wouldn’t appreciate being disturbed while she worked. You tried to distract yourself, heading out into the pool and letting yourself lounge, but your thoughts quickly centered around Agatha joining you. So you did the next logical thing, you let yourself dry off before sitting on one of the chairs and picking up your phone. You opened up the camera and aligned your body in a way that was more promiscuous than you could claim innocence for, your wet tits on display through your smaller than necessary swimsuit. 
Agatha quickly hearted your message, although she was in the middle of an important meeting. It wasn’t until she got out of her meeting and back in her office that she fully saw what you had sent her, along with a few others that you happened to send. 
She sent you a warning text, advising you against teasing but when have you ever listened to her. So exactly an hour before she was supposed to come home, you send some more pictures except they’re you naked in bed  wrapped in her sheets. Agatha had to place her phone down at that and decided to leave an hour early, hoping to catch you off guard.
And off guard she caught you. Agatha had barely any rules when it came to your dynamic. The first was for you to not disobey her when she instructs you to do something. The second was that you’re not allowed to touch yourself or come without her permission. It was quite a lovely surprise to walk back home and see you spread out in her bed with your hand rubbing frantically at your clit, desperate for an orgasm. She doesn’t move, enjoying your performance as you can barely make yourself come. Eventually, she decided to take some pity on you and make herself known.
“Well look what we have here. My little brat decided to break my rules. For what? You can’t even make yourself cum, how pathetic.”
Your eyes widened as you realized she was standing right in front of you, and you slowly pulled your hand away from your core. She looks down at you while watching you squirm underneath her harsh gaze.
“I’m going to give you a deal since I’m in a forgiving mood. I’m going to leave you here with the vibrator and finish my work, if you take it like the good girl that I know you are, I’ll fuck you with the strap.”
You slowly nod as she rummages through the bedside table drawers, grabbing a vibrator, a handcuffs, a blindfold, a spreader bar, and a dildo. You accept your fate when she goes to bind your hands and feet together leaving you spread out and perfectly out of control for her. She ties the blindfold, and slowly starts placing kisses all the way down your body. She leaves some bites at your inner thighs, her tongue swirling around afterwards to ease the sensation. Her tongue takes one swipe up your dripping core before pulling away. You let out a pitiful moan at that, but she slaps your core in response. 
“Alright baby, I’m going to go do my work now. If you need to stop, call out your safe word otherwise I don’t want to hear anything coming out of your mouth.”
At that, Agatha turns vibrator on high and leaves it angled directly at your clit before tying it to you, so you can’t escape it. Your hips jolt upwards at the sudden intensity, but you can’t escape the feeling.
She chuckles and exits the room. She felt a little bit bad about leaving you alone, but she did have to finish her work. She leaves her door completely open, making sure she can hear everything from the bedroom. She takes the time to respond to her emails, slowly dragging out each one as she keeps an eye on the clock. When she decides you’ve had enough, she first makes her way into the kitchen, bringing back some items that she knows you’ll want after this is over.
Coming back into the bedroom, she can’t take her eyes off of you. Your back is arching off the bed, there’s tears streaming down your face, your pussy is leaking all your juices onto the sheets, and your hands are gripping the bed sheets. Agatha goes to untie the vibrator from you, letting your clit take a break. She goes to put on the stap, an 8 inch dildo that she brings out on very rare occasions. She runs her fingers through your wetness once, before lining up her dildo to your entrance.
“You’re going to take me so well, aren’t you baby? Mommy’s going to fuck your greedy pussy now, since that’s what you were begging for weren’t you. You wanted to cum baby. Aren’t I such a good mommy letting you come so many times, even though you absolutely don’t deserve to.”
You do your best to nod but no words come to your head right now. She chooses this exact moment to start fucking you, and all your thoughts fly out the window.
“No words baby? Did you get so dumb that you can’t speak after a few orgasms? Is that all it takes for your head to go empty?”
She continues pounding into you, and your eyes roll back, your pussy is throbbing with all the stimulation but you never want her to stop fucking you. However, your mommy was never that nice. When your thighs start to shake, she pulls out of you, ignoring your pitiful whines.
“Oh my poor baby, did you want me to keep going? I wasn’t sure because you never said anything. You know good girls need to ask mommy before they cum.”
“I’m sorry mommy. Please let me come, I promise I’ll be good, you’re the best mommy ever.”
She chuckles at that before entering you again, and this time she sets an unforgiving pace. 
“Such a good girl for me, taking me so beautifully. I can’t stop fucking your pussy baby, you’ve got me hooked baby.”
You let out a moan at that, breathing out Agatha’s name while she continues to go deeper inside, claiming all parts of you. 
“Mommy please, I want you so bad. Need you to fill me up please. I just want you.”
She can’t hide her appreciation for that, letting out a moan and fucking you faster, desperate to make you cum. It doesn’t take much longer, and you’re coming again. Agatha fucks you through your orgasming, watching the way you react so keenly. She’s obsessed with you, and she doesn’t know how to stop herself from falling deeper. A whimper from you shakes her out of her thoughts and she delicately pulls out, letting you start to settle down. 
She throws the strap somewhere near the bathroom, choosing to focus on you. She immediately unties you, allowing you to finally move again. What she didn’t expect was for you to wrap your arms around her, enveloping Agatha into a hug. She hugs you just as tight while lowering you back onto the bed, wanting you to take some much needed rest. She quickly turns over to present you with some snacks and water, guiding the straw of the bottle to you, while trying to figure out which of the snacks you find most appealing. She settles for some grapes and goldfish, and feeds them to you while you happily lean against her chest, exhausted after the day’s events. She presses gentle kisses to your face, hoping to show just how much she loves and cares for you. When you’ve had enough, you’re nuzzling closer into her and Agatha just laughs. 
“Not yet baby girl. Let’s go take a shower and I’ll let you sleep all you want.”
You reluctantly follow her into the shower, she gently guides you inside, before stripping herself of her work clothes and joining you. You smile at her when you realize she’s joining you, and she affectionately rubs your cheek with her knuckles. You let your muscles enjoy the hot water, feeling yourself relax. 
You take the opportunity of her being distracted to get on your knees in front of her. You place your hands on her upper thighs and she lets out a moan when she realizes what you’re up to. 
“Such a good girl for me. You make mommy feel so good baby, don’t stop. You’re doing perfectly angel.”
Her praise spurs you on, your tongue eagerly twisting and sucking where she needs you. It doesn't take her long to finish, her hands finding themselves in your hair and you eagerly lap up all her juices, enjoying the way she tastes. 
She pulls you back from her core trying to get you to stop, “That’s enough baby, you did good for mommy. No more honey, mommy’s sensitive.”
You smile up at her before standing again, and pull her in a kiss, to which she eagerly kisses back. She lets you lead the kiss, enjoying how sweet you are, before she pulls away to get you out of the shower. 
She lets you pick out some of her clothes to wear and sits you down in front of the TV while she makes dinner for the two of you.
“Hey sweetheart?”
“Yes mommy?”
“Next time you’re going to show off for me, lose the bikini honey.”
You look up from your plate as she shoots you a wink, and you’re just as desperate for her again.
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tag list: @morbidlcve
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angel-dustspo · 2 months ago
My guide to˚⊹.⋆𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. romanticising life ⋆.ೃ࿔*
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Life is truly the most important gift of all and I feel like too many people don't actually take it seriously enough or are just afraid of what anybody else might say if they choose to live the way they have always wanted to. Wasting the only opportunity to cherish this gift of life that we have been blessed with is the worst thing you could ever do for yourself. Imagine yourself 40 years from now, regretting that you wasted your teenage and adulthood years worrying about your looks, not enjoying good food, not taking care of yourself or being too careful of your budget and never getting the things you truly wanted. That's surely NOT how I'd like to spend my old age, and my ultimate goal is to think back and be happy that I lived my life exactly the way I wanted!
Romanticising life is all about turning every. little. moment. into something that makes YOU happy, no matter what society might think about it. It's a form of self expression that I fondly believe can help you become happy and at peace with your own self.
Here are some ways to romanticise your life:
ׂ╰┈➤ Stop consuming harmful media. Tiktok, for example, is such a bad place for your mental health and is constantly ruining your attention span and productivity, image of self but, most importantly, your HEALTH AND BEAUTY STANDARDS. It is also one of the causes of many mental health problems such as depression, eds, self h@rming or negative addictions, so try and avoid harmful social media as much as possible.
ׂ╰┈➤ Establish a morning and night routine. I promise this will make you feel so productive and in control of your life. Nothing fancy is necessary, just basic hygiene and skincare, having breakfast, maybe reading or journaling to wind down at night.
ׂ╰┈➤ Consistently work out. "Well Lynna how am I supposed to work out if you said to enjoy life??" Enjoying does not mean that you shouldn't take care of your body too. Find what works best for you and what makes you happy, don't jump into the youtube advanced workouts and then complain that you hate moving your body. Yoga and walks are such a good place to start, or 10 minute workouts a few times per week will make such a difference in both your mind and body. With just a bit of discipline and consistency you will start to love working out and move your body and tend to do it out of habit.
ׂ╰┈➤ Take yourself out for coffee or a pastry! Solo dates can be just as fun as normal ones.
ׂ╰┈➤ Spend more time with family and friends. Humans will not be with you forever and enjoying every moment with them is such an important thing in life.
ׂ╰┈➤ Buy pretty pajamas, light a candle, take long bubble baths, do a face mask, listen to calm music, read, paint, express yourself in any way you want.
ׂ╰┈➤ Clean your environment and surround yourself with the colors and furniture that you love.
ׂ╰┈➤ Dress the way you want to, not how everybody expects you to.
ׂ╰┈➤ Always try new things: that yoga class you heard from your friend, a new pastry that looked so good in the shop window, some book you saw online.
ׂ╰┈➤ Be open minded and present in your life. Live in the present and you will become happy with your past and future.
Although aesthetics do play a big part in romanticising, you can do it without spending a lot of money, effort or time. The need of making everything "aesthetic" is just as consuming and bad for you as not doing anything at all.
Learn to enjoy and cherish every little moment and that will bring you on the path of happiness. Please take good care of yourself, good luck on your wellness journey and thank you so much for reading this post!!
Love, L
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kawluv · 11 months ago
What should you learn from your Sun's house? [1-12] Для ру.астро пабликов: указывайте мой тгк @cherrishyoutarot при использовании поста.
Sun in the 1st house: You have to learn how to work in a team. Individualism and independence are wonderful, but do not forget that you are a part of society and interaction with people is inevitable. You need to learn how to listen and hear those around you. Don't resist working in pairs or in a team, it's okay to ask someone for help.
Sun in the 2nd house: You need to learn not to get hung up on finances, to switch attention from the material aspect of life to the lively emotional aspect. Be generous, share resources (but in moderation). Look deep down, not at the surface.
Sun in the 3rd house: The lesson here is that you do not carry information through yourself lightly, but seriously comprehend it and accept it. You should learn to slow down, slow down your mental processes and be more in the moment. When you are in your head a lot and thoughts are constantly spinning thoughtlessly in your head, you need to learn how to stop it and be in the moment.
Sun in the 4th house: People in this position may have a strong attachment to the family, so strong that it can stop their own development. Maybe it's not just a tie to the family, but specifically to comfort and safety. You need to learn not to be afraid to leave your comfort zone, not to get attached to your family so much that you forget about your own growth. Trust the world, the comfort zone may be wider than it is now, the main thing is to go beyond it and get used to a wider range of new things.
Sun in the 5th house: You need to learn how to express your creativity to other people, inspire them and motivate them. Appreciate not only yourself, but also those around you, whether they are friends or like-minded people. Be generous with the people around you and don't judge people for their personalities.
Sun in the 6th house: It may be important for the Sun in the 6th house to let go of control, to understand that people, just like you, are not perfect and this is normal. You need to learn to relax, not to take responsibility for something that is not your problem. Be more patient with other people, do not condemn their flaws and inconsistency with your standards. It's okay to make mistakes.
Sun in the 7th house: As the owner of this placement too, I realized an important thing for myself. You and I need to learn not to lose ourselves in relationships with other people. Attachment is not bad, but you should not focus on your partner / friend and put them at the center of your life. Learn to be alone, do not be afraid of loneliness, but accept it. Enjoy the time spent alone with yourself when you can take care of yourself or just relax. Find your favorite business, hobby and put yourself and your interests at the center of your life.
Sun in the 8th house: You need to take life changes easier. Rethink the situations in your head less, instead accept and let them go. Don't get hung up on getting revenge on someone, just let them go. Letting go and accepting is the way to harmony within. With them comes ease in life. Forgive other people and yourself.
Sun in the 9th house: In this house, the lesson will be tied to being in the state of a "student", not a "teacher". You should accept that you may not know everything in the world and your opinion may also be wrong and that's okay. Learn to listen more, accept more, absorb more. Do not teach people, do not think that you know how it will be better for another person. This is not your responsibility. People have different opinions, worldviews, and your truth may not be the truth for others. Don't impose your point of view.
Sun in the 10th house: Your lesson is not to give yourself completely to work, but to devote time to family, friends, and your hobbies. Learn to relax, remember about regular quality rest. Remember that you don't have to meet someone's expectations and exhaust yourself in order to be valued and loved. Patience and perseverance, of course, surmount every difficulty, but have you tried a long and high-quality sleep? Sun in the 11th house: It is necessary for you to learn to be flexible in communicating with people, to be able to share your feelings, and not to close yourself off from them. Accept that it is possible that you will not always do what you want and will not always be as individual as you would like. We live in a society, we are all connected and similar to each other.
Sun in the 12th house: Dear 12-housers, I understand that it can be hard for you to be down to earth, but you need to do it. Do not drown in your mind, get out of your stagnation and ascetism. Take a look at the world, communicate more with people, trust people. Don't miss the chance to have more joyful moments and experiences! Look beyond the usual, look wider.
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vanesycho · 4 months ago
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rockstar gf!reader x bf!haechan headcanon | m.list
⌕word count:1k
warnings | nsfw, jerking off, dirty talk, eating out.
a/n | I hope you like it baby🤍 @ldh0000
enjoy reading!
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★ He's your number one fan. He never fails to watch every one of your comebacks with a smile on his face and pride. Even though he doesn't show this pride to you most of the time. "Of course you did a good job. You're my girlfriend."
★ He likes to follow your style, he likes to dress the way you dress. Sometimes he doesn't hesitate to ask for your advice and loves to share his leather jacket with you.
★ He loves it when you go on stage with his jewelry. He gives you his own ring even though he knows it won't fit your finger, and when he sees you wearing it as a necklace in the next performance, he completely loses control.
★ Doing his makeup is one of his favorite activities. While you're sitting on his lap, his hand on your waist, he'll occasionally hold himself back from sticking his lips to yours while he examines your entire face. We can say that he completely inherited his obsession with using eyeliner from you and can't stop it now.
★ His social media accounts are full of you. Photos of you on stage, photos of you at home, photos of you working on a song in the studio... And the list goes on, he doesn't forget to write notes under each photo about how much he loves you. I wasn't lying when I said he's your number one fan...
★ It doesn't matter to him whether he's on the backstage or in the crowd, but he likes to shoot you from the front with his camera. Sometimes when you spot him in the crowd and walk up to him and look him in the eye while sing the lyrics, it literally melts him, and you know it very well.
★ He loves playing your guitar. Helping you with the notes while you hum the lyrics is his favorite thing, after a while you may find him getting carried away by your beauty and stop playing the guitar to look at you with admiration.
★ You know he loves singing your songs out loud and you are aware of how beautiful his voice is. So one day when you invite him to sing with you on stage, he looks at you in surprise and tries to make sure you are not joking. But after he accept, he realizes that it was the best decision he ever made. He approaches you when doesn’t care about the crowd, staring lovingly at every detail of your face, and he is captivated by the music and more so by you. When the music ends, he doesn’t forget to give you a small kiss on the lips before leaving the stage to you.
!Nsfw Content!
★ Fucking in backstage and in the studio... It’s a thousand times better than fucking in a bed. Well sometimes you can write inappropriate lyrics in your songs and it can turn Haechan on immediately. He likes to whisper dirty words in your ear while kissing your neck from behind. "I swear you were thinking of me while writing these. Why don't we do it again? I can give you new inspirations." You could almost say that fucking in the backstage has become a tradition. He knows how nervous you are to sing this every time a new song comes out, and he likes to get rid of that nervousness. While your fans are excitedly waiting for you to go on stage, they have no idea that Haechan is eating you out until you relieve your stress. "Just leave yourself to me, you don't have to do anything, baby. But if you really want to, you can help me out at the end of the night as a way to thank me."
★ Sometimes he tells you to sit on his lap while you write the lyrics, so he'll feel better because he'll be close to you. But when your hips are right next to his bulge, you can find him laying you on the table and fucking you. He just can't stay still, and everything you do makes him so much more excited. While you're on his lap, his hand wanders around your leg helplessly, his lips kissing your neck. "I don't think a little break would hurt anyone. Come on, is it more important the song you wrote for your fans or your boyfriend who's been waiting for you for hours with this bulge?"
★ Every time he sees you playing the guitar, he can't stop thinking about your beautiful fingers around his cock. When his eyes are actually on your face, he slowly moves down to see how your fingers move over the strings, and it makes him lean back and completely lose himself in the situation he's in. When you stop playing the guitar, he'll just whine. "Is it over? Please play it one more time. You know that's my favorite song." And fingers? Fingers. At the end of the day, he'll lean his head back and close his eyes while you're jerking him off, and he'll make a huge mess as he finally gets what he's dreamed of. "Oh sorry..I- keep going..Please..I'm still hard, fuck-"
★ He's definitely vocal and he's not afraid to show it. Sometimes it scares you to know that he can reach a higher note than you, but on the other hand, it's something you enjoy. Haechan is a big switch and he can do it both ways very well. When he’s on top he doesn’t hesitate to use his deep voice on you, he loves to tease you and for him listening to your moan with that beautiful voice of yours is the most beautiful melody he’s ever heard. “Yeah, that’s it..Don’t hide your beautiful voice from me, scream and shout as much as you want, I can see you doing it on stage, you can do it for me too, right?”. When he’s on bottom, things don’t change much. He’s still a naughty horny brat and that shows more when he’s on bottom. Sometimes he’ll turn you on before you go on stage and when he leaves you like that you have to sing with that wetness for hours and seeing him excitedly await the punishment he’ll receive from you at the end of the night reminds you of how naughty he is again. “You know I didn’t do this on purpose…I’m sorry baby, are you really going to punish me?” He’s been waiting for this moment for hours.
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