#like how do you call an actual arab racist just because i said not all arabs are dark skinned
hello7soone · 1 year
lord i hate twitter
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Afrolatino Jason needs to be written not as a black Jason but Jason as a black character.Jason within canon already has all the qualities for a good black character except acttually being of african heritage and this is where the problems with fanon potrayals come in because they change him too much and at the same time,don't actually employ blackness into him as anything but an aesthetic or quirk
As an afrolatino and afrolatina(genderfluid and bigender)who started reading comics due to starting to selfship with Jason because i watched Utrh,it hurts but also makes me so fucking angry that these people have the audacity to act like they're doing it out of love for Jason when they don't even love him enough to respect his personality,coping mechanisms and relathionships because they only care about how hot he is and that's all that was needed to ruin his entire character in fan content for years and years and years,all because they can't handle unconventional characters despite their self-proclaimed freakiness.Adding 'Snowbunny' to your list of fetishes you have for Jason isn't representation and you've all treated him worse than DC ever has and yeah,i'm including Ditf
Stop taking Duke from Jason and Jason from Duke-Stop taking EVERYTHING from Duke to give it your ugly ass white boys Jason would hate anyway.Stop hypermasculinizing and oversexualizing him.Stop making him stupid and uncultured.Stop making him a fucking misogynist and animalistic.Stop forcing him to be best friends with Roy and Tim when he's never liked them that much and he never will and it makes sense with his character.Stop just slapping melanin onto him and calling it black character design.Stop being fake or just don't headcanon him as black-latino at all because it's not your call to begin with and my nonblack and white afrolatino Jason hc'ing friends started seeing him that way because i told them why i did and they thought it made sense and wanted to be supportive too and a racist ass of an ex-friend immediately jumped to 'Um but he's got anger issues and violent tendencies so ion know :/' without even hearing me out first when I'M the one who's actually a nigga and she did/said tons of microaggressions i didn't pick up on and started whining about me being 'mean' and 'innapropriate' for getting her ass post-realization and making a slave master joke at her expense for speaking over me on purpose
This is exactly what i mean cause that's how Y'ALL react to being called out on YOUR microaggressions towards Jason,both the afrolatino interpretation and canon compliant Jason with your ableist stereotyping and harmful anti-recovery headcanons(see the hypermasculinizing and oversexualizition i mentioned for both of those),and Duke and Cass too although she is nonblack she's worth mentioning since i brought Snowbunnies which are rooted in racialized misogyny and y'all need to stop feminizing and infantalizing her.She's a canon tomboy and she grown too and more 'unhinged' as y'all put it than Jason is textually and him and Duke are either equally chaotic or Duke is even more chaos.Back to reactions,nobody says jackshit about the 'Jason fucked Talia' jokes when that scene was csa,incest and anti-arab propaganda all in one or 'Jason grew up to date his brothers exes' that's deadass just child grooming that ALSO relies on thee most misogynoiristic incarnation of Kory ever and the constant gender essentialism and ableist termology thrown at Jason that he CANONICALLY defies and even expresses to be against.But when black Batfam fandom members get mean about the Duke exclusion and Cass' too out of poc solidarity,suddenly we need to chill and stop making things that deep and learn to curate to curate our experience
No.YOU need to curate your experience.Find the story you want instead of gentrifying the Batfam and grooming minors into it.Duke is a Batboy,a Robin and a Batkid so he's part of Batfam lore.Duke is Jason's favorite brother so he's a part of Jason's story and black solidarity is essential to writing a black character.Which is what afrolatino Jason is SUPPOSED to be and if additional Bats are needed,then it should be black ones like Duke.Afrolatino Jason HAS to be a black character.He needs Duke.He needs black Outlaws.He needs to love woc in general but especially black women.He needs to defy male expectations,not live up to them.He needs connections to his black roots,including his apperance
Jason Todd needs to be a black character,not just a mischaracterized mess that dosen't appreciate him and what makes irl black people see him the same as us.Afrolatino Jason was made by us,FOR us and you have no place headcanoning him that way if you aren't going to do it like we do.Afrolatino Jason is not your fetish and canon Jason dosen't wanna be seen as one to begin with.PUT SOME RESPECT TO HIS NAME!!!!!!!!
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odinsblog · 4 months
Saying israel isnt related to judaism is antisemitc, brah. Bar none. Israel is the second word in our most important daily prayer and "next year in jerusalem" our annual call to action during the Zionist holoday of passover where we celebrate going HOME to ISRAEL 😱. if you keep listening to the small majority of self hating, white passing american jews on tumblr you're gonna keep being called antisemitic cause you are.
netanyahu and the right wingers suck. So do the arab colonizers whove refused peace since the un told the muslim occupiers they had to share their atolen land with native and returning diaspora jews
[re: this post]
OMG, anon is this really what you wake up for in the morning?
I want anyone reading this to note that anon had to create a strawman argument to attack me for something that I never said
It’s weak sauce, “brah”
This is how some people have to argue when they cannot actually defend their feeble, misguided, deadass wrong opinions
Show me where I ever said that “Israel isn’t related to Judaism,” and I’ll delete my blog
What I said was, “Jewish people are Jewish whether they're religious Jews who have been to a synagogue, or not. Non-religious, non-observant Jewish people are still Jewish people. Intentionally conflating ‘religious Jews’ with all Jewish people is antisemitic,” and then I said that “conflating Israel with all Jewish people is also antisemitic”
It’s all right there in the post, “brah”
And how tf are “Arab colonizers” and Muslims “occupying” a place where they’ve been living since forever? Do you think that Native Americans are also occupiers??
Please stop talking
You’re embarrassing yourself
Arab peoples are Semitic, as are Jewish people. Jon Stewart once touched upon this extremely salient point, and I haven’t forgotten about it ever since. BTW, he wasn’t on Tumblr when he said this (and neither was Seth Rogan), but EYE definitely brought it to tumblr
And I think it’s cute that you think I care what Zionists call me. Like, I haven’t ever been called antisemitic, but it wouldn’t carry much weight coming from Islamophobic, racist zealots who routinely call other Jewish people antisemites just because they disagree with them—the bulk of the students protesting at Columbia University are Jewish (many with direct ties to Israel, or descendants of Holocaust survivors), but I guess somehow their voices aren’t supposed to count, because they don’t agree with YOUR fuckery?
Please STFU and don’t bother me again
But just for added clarity: This is not a “religious” war, this is about ethnic cleansing, illegal settlements and land grabs that Israel has been doing nonstop and continuously since 1948
In conclusion, anon you are full of shit and about to get blocked if you continue with dropping this bullshit in my inbox, because I refuse to debate every rando with a keyboard and an internet connection—maybe try Discord or find a subreddit for r/assholes?
But before I go, I’ll leave this video (the transcript is in the original post)
and a link to this post, where people who actually know what they’re talking about explain it far better than I ever could.
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hussyknee · 11 months
Israel is fucking abhorrent but how can you think the solution is supporting Putin—who is also engaging in genocide right now?? I followed you here because of your support for Ukranian bloggers against disinformation, saying the west is gonna “make you” support another genocidal maniac and that you’re down with other people who’ve been cheering just that and other genocides on now is horrible. What the fuck.
You cannot trust people who are cool with one genocide to seriously oppose others! That’s true of anti-tankie pro-Israel types too! Get a grip!
At first I was baffled by this because I was ripping into a Tankie just yesterday for their moral posturing over Palestine because the same people have no problem erasing and denying the rest of the Global South's genocides when it suits them. I haven't forgotten Ukraine and never will.
Then I realized this was about my infuriated post about liberals harrassing people to vote for Biden while we're watching the extent of not just his own administration's but the entire Western political establishment's utter moral depravity and commitment to genocide. I said I now will support not just Hamas but also Houthis and Hezbollah and literally any motherfucker who will do something to help Gaza, even Putin, even though I'll probably want to kill myself for having to support another genocider.
I was going to talk to you about betrayal, in the context of your country's treatment of Black and brown students, and talk about how every fuckstick with a Ukrainian flag pinned to their bio, nearly all white Europeans, are out defending Israel's rights underneath videos of dead and maimed and screaming Palestinian children. I've started reacting viscerally to the very sight of your flag did you know that??
I wanted to ask you to contrast the West's mobilization and outcry for you, with the way they're funding and manufacturing consent for Israel cutting off all food, water and electricity for two million people in a concentration camp while carpet bombing them for a solid month. To imagine the level of concerted dehumanization, repression, persecution, and psychological brutalism they're subjecting Arabs and Muslims to, and by extension the rest of the Global South. To understand that within one month far more Gazans have been murdered than you have lost in 20. That they no longer have water or anything to eat, and Israel is still bombing as many fishing boats and solar panels and food stores still remaining so that they are now slowly dying of dehydration, starvation and sepsis. And that none of the governments have any intention of so much as calling a "humanitarian pause" let alone a ceasefire while raising money for "humanitarian aid" they won't send. THAT HALF OF GAZA MIGHT WELL DIE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND SO FAR THE ONLY PEOPLE HELPING FIGHT ISRAEL ARE HAMAS'S ALLIES.
I was going to ask you to imagine why, under these circumstances, I might now feel slightly more appreciative of the same people who protested the US's military support for Ukraine now getting themselves bodily thrown out of Congress hearings protesting the US sending Israel billions more for their bombs and weapons.
But you know what? I don't actually want to ask you for any of that. Because I want nothing to do with this level of selfish, self-involved, entitled, white sociopathy.
My care and compassion for oppressed and suffering human beings are not contingent on their moral behaviour. I'm always going to care about Ukraine even if every single one of you turn out be the same kind of racist colonial cunt that's migrated to Israel. Despite everything I'm still deeply sad that any hope of the US divesting from Israel might have to come at the expense of their support for y'all as well, although as of now them divesting from Israel is far less likely than y'all ever losing out. And I'm not a fucking idiot, I know exactly what kind of self-interested imperialist bootlickers Tankies are.
But understand that Black and brown people owe you nothing. We are intimately familiar with the fact that we're barely human to any of you white chucklefucks, irrespective of region or religion or ethnicity. And still the vast majority of us don't want you to lose your homes and families, because our moral compasses and humanity have always outstripped yours.
Get off my blog and go fuck yourself.
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The "there's nothing wrong with Biden" camp really needs to quit asking me to source my disataste for the guy, because every time I do, I learn something else about him that I like even less.
I learned when it happened that Biden scapegoated southern migrants in his final State of the Union of his first term, despite previously and currently running against the guy who's entire campaign started with calling hispanic people criminals. Despite his entire electoral strategy being "I know I suck but I'm not this guy", his current plan of action is to be as much like that guy as he possibly can. That's bad enough. Calling mexican people (or, let's face it, every brown-skinned person in the US who doesn't look like any other racialized people, because they get the same shit even if they aren't mexican) "dangerous illegals" and promising to shut down the southern border if Congress lets him, after working on Trump's border wall for him is bad enough for the genocide guy. To know that there was a widow for a racially motivated attack, brought there to serve as a reminder for the increase in racialized violence against this community in the wake of the president who's entire major foci of racism was targeted to this community, present in the audience as he said this, is even worse. To then learn that he brushed it off when pressed with a "well he shouldn't have been here anyway" just pisses me off further.
I knew Biden didn't close thr migrant concentration camps. Bad enough. I was demanded a source. When I provided one from "russian- biased" Al Jazeera, and thus it couldn't be trusted by liberals, I found Reuters. Then I learned he sold them to private prisons, so that he could claim he was closing private prisons because he promised it on the campaign trail. Literally scrubbed the name, let the profiteers keep profiting, and labelled it closed. That is Trump filing off the serial numbers levels of bullshit and he did it.
As a trans-enby of color, I don't think it's acceptable to shelter a racist just because he gave a tepid shrug in regards to whether or not I should be consumed for protein. That isn't enough to justify the harm this man has explicitly sent the way of racialized peoples. Ues, for the sake of argument here, I am ignoring what his policing policies have done for black people and what his zionism has done for arab people. He's gonna flip on the LGBTQ community, I have zero doubt at this point. He did it to hispanic peoples, and he campaigned on standing up for them. Now he's campaigning on.. well he's camapigning on nothing really. But the queer community, and I suppose the asian community, is about all that's left for him to flip on now isn't it?
I am appalled that neoliberalism has shit the bed this badly and infuriated that then its adherents have the audacity to try and weaponize part of my identity to justify the bastard explicitly trying to kill another part of my identity as any way acceptable. And no, "other guy is gonna be worse" isn't an excuse anymore either. You chose this man. You didn't have to. But you were too cowardly to challenge the status quo and your perceived comfort, because you didn't realize how bad it truly was out here for the people whom neoliberalism has worked tirelessly to make invisible to you. You could've voted for someone else in the primaries. You could have given us someone else. You could have motivated your white friends to actually engage with the political process even a little bit and move them into voting for what they keep claiming to want (even if they don't vote that way). You chose not to. You chose instead, to bully people who have hard-line prinicples on human rights they won't cross just because some ancient white guy feels entitled to playing big boy power-broker. I said it when I voted for the bastard in 2020 that "it doesn't even feel like he wants thos position. It feels like he's campaiging because he expects to get it, like some office suckup wandering late onto a meeting because they figure the promotion is a lock for them." Political fatalism masquerading as "maturity".
Vote for this man or don't. I do not care at this point. If you do, I do not consider you an ally to be trusted. You're in a comfy enough position to feel that there's "no good reason" for marginalized peoples to reject this man, when other guy is "so much worse"? Go on babe enjoy your time, just know you're showing a true face you might not be aware of. Biden feels entitled to power even if he has to kill thousands of children and be a smug prick when called out on it to do so, and the liberals gave it to him, showing their ass the entire time. Revealing their actual contempt for progress and human-rights. Embarassing.
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strawberrytalia · 11 months
talia is your top 5 dc characters!?!? how iconic!! i actually stared following you recently because I ran into a really old talia post by you (and like your name (watch it would be so embarrassing if you "starberrytaila" was a reference to something other than talia in her pink outfits)). talia is also a character that just came out of nowhere for me. i got into dc/ batfam for dick, and i fell in love with his relationship with damian. after reading a bit more stuff i realized that jason speaks to me more, and i was just gonna leave it at that. bUT THEN TALIA HAPPENED????? i just get so emotional over characters who grew up in not the best environment having the biggest heart possible and their love and loyalty being the reason why they do things. to have the courage to be kind when they were specifically taught/ or raised otherwise. SEEING CHARACTERS BEING THE PEOPLE THEY WANT TO BE, SHOWING THAT THEYRE MORE THAN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE AROUND THEM I JUST *gnaws at the bars of my enclosure* man i miss "heart on her sleeve" talia.
i know you said you don't wanna get too much into your thoughts on talia (I know we can be very protective of her) but what are your favorite things about her (that's not exactly thoughts right? its just a list)
also for the other characters you gush about would you be willing to do a reading list or reblog the reading list you're following. i'm trying to expand out of the batfam (I feel like in this scenario the grass is greener on the other side). I've been thinking of either the flashfam, arrowfam or wonderfam, but seeing you post about the lanterns makes me wanna start reading them too
Omg yes!!!!! Talia has always been one of my favorite DC characters!! Back in 2019-2020, I like devoted all my time to reading her preboot appearances!! LMAOOOOO dw the name strawberrytalia is a Talia reference!! 😭 My old icon was a pink Talia one lol, and then I changed it because it felt too misleading since I don’t really post about her anymore.
And the reason is because there’s this really big contradiction when it comes to Talia and characterizing her. Yes, I go by preboot Talia who was a much more complex and sympathetic character and I hate what Morrison did to her. But if I want to accept Damian, then I have to acknowledge Talia as a shitty mother and that doesn’t sit right either because this woman didn’t even want kids lmao. So to avoid everything that makes my head hurt and all the pretty abominable takes here, I don’t post about her often. I think the last time I did was calling out her fans who call her Chinese rep instead of Arab rep.
No but I 100% agree with you!!!!!! Talia is very dear to me, and honestly for a personal reason, I associate her with happier, easier memories in my life and when I read all her comics. She really is for the people who have been forced to make due with their circumstances. She is so loving, and I love that similarly to Bruce, loving too deeply is one of her biggest flaws. I really loved her Lexcorps era, and I feel like she’s such a versatile character that has the potential to be a really interesting view of nature vs nurture, and I also think Damian has this potential but they’re both misused by DC. I also love her personality because honestly she’s really enjoyable in that same dramatic flair kind of way that people praise Jason for, but like Talia was the og!!!!! She has a place in my heart for sure, which is also why I avoid her tag lol because I also can’t help but feel really sad and take it personally when people hate on her. And this isn’t me saying Talia is 100% perfect or good, but I just don’t subscribe to what racist writers portray her as.
I love the Talia who saved Bruce’s life multiple times, who defied her father even if she was caught in a loop when it came to him and the League, I love how well-read she is, I LOVE how passionate and short-tempered she can be, I love that she’s both extremely selfless and selfish in the worst way possible sometimes, to her own detriment. I really love how in a lot of ways, she did subvert the dragon lady trope when she was written at her best, peak time in terms of characterization.
ALSO EEEEEEE I love that you’re looking for recs!!!! That makes me so happy!!! I’m gonna add a read more now because this part might get a little long lol!
OMG okay so I used to be a hardcore bat stan for a couple of years, so I’m speaking from personal experience when I say:
The Batfam -> Arrowfam pipeline is REALLLL
And it’s because the two families are similar in the sense that they are the only non metahuman majority, the families that pretty much carry weapons and intellect and that’s it. So therefore many of the elements and dynamics you may like in the bats are there in the arrows, enhanced even!
It’s less of a weird transition when you’re expanding genres, and another thing that helped was that the arrows are super entertaining!! They all have really strong, out there personalities, a lot of depth, and stories that touch on various political topics. The family element is also a lot more present 😭🫶 They’re not perfect, but they would def kill for each other
Ah!! But tbh I’ve started not trusting detailed reading lists because the ones I’ve followed tended to let me down a bit 😭 A lot of comics listed didn’t even have the character in them, let alone any valuable moments :(
So I think it might be better to start off with 2-3 really good, really well-loved works, and see if it’s a fit, and then maybe the reading lists will work!!
1. Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters is super short but it sets up really important events, has the best Ollie characterization, and is pivotal for DinahOllie imo
2. Green Arrow: Quiver. This is heavy on Mia’s introduction, and it’s very much loved by Arrow fans and it’s pr much the only good part of GA 2001. This is the first 10-12 issues of GA 2001 I believe. Sets up family dynamics!
3. Green Arrow Rebirth. I was debating on between this and GA Vol 2, arguably the best arrow iteration, but I decided Rebirth is a better place to start for beginners. Not the best characterization, but it sets up the dynamics and it has Emi!!!!
I would recommend GA Vol 2 because it is really good!! But it’s a pretty loaded run because Ollie…um dies lol and is gone, so Connor steps up and takes the mantle of GA. I’d save this for after you read the beginner ones. Also optional is GA/Black Canary which isn’t HORRIBLE, but it has a lot of weird writing inconsistency and behavior that comes out of nowhere.
For the Flashfam, I’m admittedly following a Bart reading list and going off recs from people I asked here!! The Bart reading list is a lot more legit than the ones I complained about, and I can def rb it!
I started with The Flash 1987 #92 and I’m still working my way through the run!! It’s a lot more enjoyable than I expected! Wally and Linda are fun, and Bart’s story is so interesting. I haven’t gotten to the part with Max yet but every Bart fan I know loves their relationship.
I’m a beginner to the Wonderfam still myself, but I’m planning to read Trial of the Amazons story, and then Nubia’s books, and then some of Diana’s best recs. They are sooooo fun, I’m really enjoying the Wonderfam a lot.
ALSO I might get side eyes for this but honestly I never paid attention to the Wonders or Diana because I always thought she was so boring and uptight when she’s with the League. Then I read The Witching Hour and JLD 2018 and I fell in love with her 😭 I saw her in such a different light omg.
Wonder Girl 2021 is also a really good place to start because YARAAAA <333 It’s super short too, only about 7 issues!
Trial of the Amazons story reading guide:
1. Trial of the Amazons #1
2. Nubia and the Amazons #6
3. WW 2016 #785
4. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #1
5. WW 2016 #786
6. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #2
7. Trial of the Amazons #2
Now for Green Lantern recs…that is HARD because it’s a bit of an acquired taste lol
Okay let’s get this out of the way because this is like the only definite yes I have: FAR SECTOR ‼️ ITS SUCH A GOOD STORY AND JO IS AMAZING!!!!
Other than that…. uhhh Green Lantern: Blackest Night was one of the stories that got me REALLY into the lore and the electromagnetic spectrum (whatever it’s called lmao) it’s also a pretty fun introduction to the characters, esp Hal, Carol, Sinestro, the other Lantern corps leaders.
After that I moved onto GL 2011 except I skipped Venditti’s part lmao, and honestly this era isn’t even good, it’s just fucking insane. Wild shit happens and it’s like kind of funny.
I would definitely recommend GL Vol 3, but specifically the Emerald Twilight arc and everything to do with Kyle (he was actually the iconic GL up until they brought back Hal)
I admittedly haven’t finished the major readings for Simon and Jess yet, but I think GL Rebirth is promising for them (as in: you might like it)
There are a few others but again I don’t wanna make this overwhelming. I’m gonna go back and condense it into a smaller, more concise list soon but again…GL recs are hard 😭 they’re not very good LMAOOO
But yeah!!! If you’re looking for hero family dynamics outside of bats, the Arrows are really fun and interesting. The Wonderfam has super fascinating lore and a really good cast too. The Flashfam is my least knowledgeable sphere, but their stories and concepts are so cool and they’re very fun to keep up with. And the Lanterns are so <333 I still love them
I hope this response helps in some way!!!! I’m so happy I got this ask, it’s so sweet!!! 🫶
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Hi, sorry about yesterday, I don’t mean that Americans don’t hold onto their heritage and such taught that America was a Melting Pot of multiple cultures and we do our own twists
But I’m trying to figure out why white Americans never develop a pan Europe thing.
I think the back to back of dealing European issues with the war worlds created a culture shocks for Americans
Never read a ww2 American biography yet, but did many American soldiers go like this
“My fellow European cousins! How are you…wait your that short? Your culture does what? You eat THAT?! Oh….man this feel weird..”
Obviously not all Americans didn’t have a clue what Europe was like. But imagine a working class American when airplanes were basically a an elite thing going to Europe back then?
Now I’m saying this because African Americans fetishization of Africa. Tbh I’m going to say this for another anon as Netflix Cleo documentary pointed out that African Americans keep stealing other cultures like Egypt because “duh it from Africa” without context
My false Eden idea going to play a role
No worries, no need to apologize we do tend to Americanize things even the things we brought with us, Sketti and Meatballs is a American dish so is chop suey in much the same way that chicken tikka masala is a national British dish, that was fun watching people lose their shit over. I want some now too.
Oh schoolhouse rock, bet there's people that would call this racist now. No cultural sharing alowed.
But I’m trying to figure out why white Americans never develop a pan Europe thing.
Few reasons for that I think, big one being we came here by choice to put it bluntly,
Another may have to do with the volumes of information we have and have had for a long time about the various countries and regions in Europe where as Africa was mostly split up between the desert and not the desert, learned some German history in High School but did you learn about Chad or Kenya. That's a thing that's getting better too.
We also have to consider the ramifications if something like that started up, look at the hoteps and then change everything to white european and see what image pops into your head, since they do exist they're just treated like pariahs because it's all hateful nonsense.
Never read a ww2 American biography yet, but did many American soldiers go like this “My fellow European cousins! How are you…wait your that short? Your culture does what? You eat THAT?! Oh….man this feel weird..”
Probably a few, probably didn't bring out too much of the odd cuisine for the troops coming through, likely didn't have much to offer after all.
Audrey Hepburn told the story of when her town was liberated, American soldier gave her some chocolate which was worth its weight in gold to her at the time, then they set up a projector and watched a movie in the town square I believe, GI's brought in supplies food and such, oh and iirc she said it was a war movie they put on, but nobody was worried.
So likely not a whole lot of that going on, WWI maybe since everything was on lines with the trenches.
Obviously not all Americans didn’t have a clue what Europe was like. But imagine a working class American when airplanes were basically a an elite thing going to Europe back then? Now I’m saying this because African Americans fetishization of Africa. Tbh I’m going to say this for another anon as Netflix Cleo documentary pointed out that African Americans keep stealing other cultures like Egypt because “duh it from Africa” without context My false Eden idea going to play a role
We had books and stories but no doubt the farmboys that got drafted had no clue on a bunch of it, ya flying was a big expensive deal not a standard thing to have done.
I'll never understand how the whole claiming of north africa got going, I mean if they actually believe it you'd think they'd scream and yell about Arabs being colonizers, which they are, but the we wuz crowd seems to give them a pass in my experience for some reason.
Being a Pan European, would just get you called a white supremacist that or a supporter of the EU, both terrible things to be called in my book.
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fester-jester · 2 years
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I purposely left out this person's name, but this clown's behavior and opinion is absolute trash and not at all okay that it needs to be called out. I will firstly admit that I am not too knowledgeable with the source matter (book and movie), only second-hand.
But I will still call this out because of how fucking disgusting this behavior is.
If you're not familiar with the situation, a character in this awful movie/book called Purple Hearts at one point yells out this, "And hunting down some goddamn Arabs!". This movie is also another military propaganda movie since they tried to be buddy-buddy with the "good" locals later.
Horrible right?
Well there are clowns like this one ^ that deem this line "not racist enough" to be worth all this "drama". It's not that big of a deal! There are more awful, vile things said and put out into this world to be paid attention too! Why are y'all so stuck on this 🙄. Go after more bad things being put out there. After all this is just how some people are :)))))))))))
A sad 'reality' as you well
SINCERELY fuck off that stupid shit
I'm sorry, but does that mean it's not then worth being talked about? Worth being stopped? What is actual considered too far? What is too "racist"?
The fact that you deem 'Arab' lives being threatened and taken away a 'throwaway' line, that's not so bad, is fucking vile. When did their lives being stolen, murdered, become so acceptable? Why is this not as bad as more racist lines? Because it's normalized??? Do you not see how fucking foul that is to be normalized??????
If I were to make such ignorant/arrogant statements about any other group/race of people being killed would that be ok?? Would you not call me out?? Why are Arab lives and people like them just another meaningless war tragedy??? What, it's just another day of killing the evil terrorists after all 😎🦅🇺🇸🤪
You get that's it's a "shitty line" to put in a story but is that all that is? Just a shitty line? "It's ok since it's basically normalized. Sad but true", again when did you began to think this was alright? Should they have screamed out a slur? Would that have pushed you to think it went too far? What is enough??? Why can't Arab people being senseless murdered be. enough.
I get your desensitized to the middle east being a place where we kill the evil terrorists and where a bunch of brown/black/other people died/die but I think you VERY much need to sit down and realize how much you've been taught to think this was just another part of life. How much military/american propaganda have genuinely swallowed? Why is this thought normal for you?
Some of you may think I'm being too sensitive about this, or that this is 'stupid and meaningless' but I will ask you the same types of questions I'm asking the op.
Why are their lives just a throwaway line? And why is it such a typical sacrifice that you are unbothered by it?
Genuinely ask yourselves
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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(Discussing le'religion and it's place in politics because armchair communists can't decide on shit)
Admin whose name is also Sarah but imma just call her Arab: Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses.
Me: Y'all always leave out the part where he says the sigh of the oppressed immediately afterwards.
Sarah: Are you saying we should pity religious conservatives like how you pity incels?
Me: Perhaps... But it's more than that. It is the natural state of man to seek God. Sometimes man finds Him, sometimes he doesn't. He'll either cope, seethe, or dilate. As with all things.
Arab: I'm seething. I'm not gonna feel sorry for people who wanna restrict contraceptives and ignore working class...
Me: That's not why people seek religion. That's people groomed into another ism.
Arab: It's religion. Yes. Ideology and religion are interchangeable, but like...
Me: Lemme ask you. What would you do if YOU were God?
Arab: What do you mean?
Me: Like Bruce Almighty. Morgan Freeman says ok Persian cat lady, you're God. Now what?
Arab: Kinda racist.
Sarah: Good question though. I mean obviously I'd do the necessary stuff first. Reverse climate change.
Me: How?
Sarah: Oh wow, you're actually applying some debate pressure on me instead of buttering me up? lol
Me: No I mean I'd like details of what that would entail. I can butter you up afterwards lol
Sarah: lol ok. I mean like... Well for one, repair the ozone layer. The temperature drops back down, uhh... Reconfigure how carbon dioxide operates so we can run on coal and oil without it hurting the planet.
Me: The planet don't give a shit either way. We do. I mean maybe a lot of animals do too... So basically in a roundabout way. You want justice for the living.
Sarah: I suppose.
Arab: That has fuck all to do with justice. You're just using nice words and pretty thought experiments to deflect from the fact that...
Me: So than what would you do Ham-ass?
Arab: Ok that was SUPER RACIST am I gonna have to kick you?
Me: You could just out debate me. Sarah over here is making the world a better place as God. She just solved climate change, made our most monopolized source of energy go green... Go on. Impress me.
Me: Which btw, under the pretext of communism this makes the job ten times worse.
Sarah: How so?
Me: You've just given the bourgeois of coal and oil to produce indefinitely. Assuming they don't fuck it up somehow, now they'll really control the means of production.
Arab: Actually that is true.
Me Bale voice: I'm on the side of justice...
Sarah: Sure you are lol
Arab: Ok fine, I Thanos snap all the rapists off the planet. How's that? Snap, poof, they turn to dust.
Sarah: Based
Me: Is it?
Me: Yeah I mean, by what merit of rape? What you consider to be rape I hope. Not like, reddit...
Arab: I mean rape rape. Not creepy behavior LIKE YOU DO I mean actual assault. I'm being literal, I'm helping women everywhere, bad people gone.
Me: Sure sure... The families of those rapists are gonna be sad doh.
Arab: Oh well.
Me: The sudden departure of so many lives without even a rational explanation, they all just disappeared means more people are gonna become religious too.
Axel: Is this a thought experiment or did you just start a dungeons and dragons campaign and being a dick DM?
Arab: No, he's right. But see... That's why religion especially Christianity sucks. You see a miracle happen before your eyes, so like... Stop making child brides and assaulting women.
Me: Well you're gonna have to make things more abundantly clear for people than. If you just snap your fingers and they disappear, that sounds like a Rapture. Gonna be 4chan rape-cults in your name.
Sarah: Also based.
Arab: Shut up Sarah lol. But ok fine, they scream in agony as they disappear. I make it perfectly clear you do this thing, bad shit gonna happen to you.
Me: And you don't think people will still misinterpret it? Like we know clearly how you defined rape. But reddit does not. More redditors, yaaaay. Now their dumbass hot takes are laws and shit.
Arab: Oh well
Sarah: You suck as a god lol
Arab: YOU SUCK lol
Axel: This is why women can't have power
Both of them: Fuck you Axel
Arab: What would you do smart guy?
Me: I...
Arab: If it involves Sarah I will kick you right now lol
Me: Darn you, ok let me think for a moment lol
Sarah: Based. Arab: Stop saying based. Sarah: Make me
(gets kicked)
Me: Ok that's where I'd start.
Arab: What? Me: Well add her back first.
Arab: She can rejoin, I was just being a bitch lol
Me: Something so innoculous as when someone goes to kick someone from a call or a mod goes to ban someone, a sharp and noticable pain pierces through their head. Enough to notice it's in this particular action.
Arab: That sounds incredibly vague and useless
Axel: So pretty much everything Jim says anyway
Arab: Basically
Me: Y'all think too small. This subtle nudge changes how we interact. Doesn't mean no one would ever moderate, but deep down they'd know it's wrong, it comes with consequences, undoubtedly people would do it anyway. As they do any awful thing.
Axel: Isn't that life now?
Me: It is... And that's why people seek God. Seek to know God, be God. Not huff the opiate of the masses praising God for miracles that cannot be confirmed or denied like Sarah's actions, not a sigh of the oppressed like Arab Sara's where we establish lore, trying to justify to ourselves God's existence. Undoubtedly if Arab Sara's Thanos snap thing was permanent, over centuries what is God's will would just become scientific fact and they'd use efforts and coping to justify how science makes it possible. Nietzsche even said science would replace religion.
Arab: So instead you just choose not to care. Typical liberal
Me: We're all acting in accordance to selfish desires all the time. Deep down nobody can know how we truly feel but ourselves. The pain and joy alike is a mystery, does God regret? Does God celebrate? Can we measure perfection at all in such imperfect conditions? Or can we only determine what's better for our sake?
Sarah: So solipsism.
Arab: Narcissism.
Me: People are inherently irrational agents and do awful and dumb things. The competing interests of our will, our instinct, and our greater good. Three as one trying to operate here and now.
Axel: Yeah, you could interpret Freud's ego, Id, and super-ego as the trinity
Sarah: So is that why Buddhism says to experience ego death? To essentially resurrect it as a new self?
Me: See, now you're getting into Kabalah and Neville Goddard.
Arab: I could've gone my whole life without you ever mentioning that name again lol
Me: Only when the three selves agree can we ever experience goodness.
Sarah: As a rational agent, I do wonder what the implications of some rash decision like ending global warming would ensare
Me: Hence the conflict. The man is conflicted with the spirit.
Axel: Wouldn't the Id be your man as the flesh and impulses of your genetics?
Me: I'll give you that. Id can be man, but the mind is soul. It's how we know ourselves and navigate, but the spirit, the reason we do anything, is above words for the soul or comprehension of the body. Albeit most often your instincts are correct. Your body's top priority is to keep you alive. Whether or not it can guide you to happiness and fulfilment is up for debate. Even if it could, we are not that in-tune.
Arab: Ok but what does any of this have to do with religion making people into magatards?
Me: Everything. Religion isn't getting in touch with God. Rarely do I see someone open up a Bible and say "how does this benefit me"? Typically when that happens, someone is backed into a corner from a life or death experience.
Sarah: That is true.
Arab: Well all this yapping does not justify Christians acting the way they do and imposing their will on others.
Me: You're still not getting it... YOU'RE the Christian.
Arab: Nunh-unh lol
Sarah: Jim literally doing the homer meme in a robe smoking a cigar "everyone is stupid except me..."
Me: Yeth. I mean, you're not stupid either.
Sarah: BULLSHIT I can hear it now. You're thinking in your head "she's a total retard, but she's cute, HEHEHEHEHE I'M DOING MY MR. KRABS VOICE she has no idea I think she's retarded SPONGEBOB AXEL ME BOY you're retarded too..."
(everyone laughs, that actually reels in donations)
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topazadine · 2 months
Some quick and useful tips for writing natural-sounding dialogue
Obviously not legally binding advice, just my opinion, this is what works for me etc etc etc
No more than four lines of text for dialogue. Typically I only do, like, three sentences max.
Listen in to regular conversations. Note how long people tend to talk for. In a back-and-forth, people generally don't say more than three or four sentences at a time. You'll be surprised at how unnatural it feels for most people to talk for more than a few minutes at a time unless they are specifically prepared for it.
If you want to go really overboard, record a conversation between yourself and someone else, and then go back and time how long both of you took when talking. Assess how many sentences you said at a time (again, it's probably not going to be more than like five maximum).
Watch police interrogation videos! So useful for getting a natural cadence. I especially like Explore With Us over on YouTube because they break down interrogation videos and explain how certain verbal tics, like repeating questions, can show a person's psychological state.
If you don't like police interrogations for whatever reason, look up street interviews. You'll find that people might say something sort of funny maybe, like, once every three videos. Normal people don't generally have witty off-the-cuff responses to everything, even really intelligent people.
Do NOT rely on scripted stuff (movies, plays, etc) to learn how people naturally talk. It doesn't help. It will lead you astray. This also includes scheduled interviews, because people will have prepared a few canned responses to things they assume the interviewer will ask.
If you're writing about someone who is from a different country/culture and you don't happen to have a friend or family member from there, go find tweets from native speakers who are writing in English (ie, a native Arabic speaker writing in English). There's a lot of interest turns of phrase you can find there that can help you translate their writing into English without sounding racist af. I say tweets because those are casual discussions and will give you a better idea of how a bilingual speaker would talk in a general discussion.
Again for writing about people from different cultures, immerse yourself in writing from that culture, especially ones that were translated into English by native speakers. You can get a great sense of flow and natural-sounding language.
People tend to have words that they REALLY like and stick in all the time, they won't use synonyms for that one word. You can turn that one repeated word into a signature as long as you don't overuse it.
A lot of people are far less direct when discussing about uncomfortable topics than you would believe. It's rare to get someone who is willing to unflinchingly address a difficult thing.
When people are talking about challenging things, they tend to ebb and flow with the discussion. They'll address the problem directly, then pull back, then talk about it again.
A lot of people do what I like to call a "reaffirmation" gesture at the end of a difficult conversation. This can be something like discussing a shared interest, making plans to do something together later, or even finding a topic they know they can agree on (like "it looks like it's going to rain soon"). This takes the pressure off both people and subtly reaffirms that they still care about one another.
As an example of what I'm talking about:
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Orrinir doesn't actually say he's going to go, he's just like "oh yeah and we can get those biscuits I like while we're there." Not only is he agreeing, but he's also showing, "hey, I still love you even though we just had this very difficult conversation, look, I'm making plans with you."
You'll find this a lot with men specifically, but women do it too. Just the other day, my mom and I had a tough conversation, and we immediately went into talking about how we want the city to put a dog park in an old abandoned shopping mall. It's a way to avoid discomfort and take the heat level down a little. You probably do it as well without noticing.
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scentedchildnacho · 3 months
I was asked if I was alright so I said the traffick is still really racist and I'm from Wisconsin so no one is as poor as me to see the immediate necessity of immediate trials or potentials executions like saddam Hussein
Jeffrey Dahmer was like a mass murderer they finally told poor criminals they had to tolerate him for prison prestige and they killed him promptly
These types of fascistic consumptions has been around as normative secure ing family wealth from others called inferiors as long as i have been alive so it's like saddam hussein they violate arab normatives
The brake squeak freako weirdos are here so it's like someone slammed an ice pick into one's ear canal if your as poor as me it's very excruciatingly painful and I'm not positive about people who appear mostly cowardly and unable to maintain strict orders
Your a racial inferior to steal the goods of the land from and slowly execute of sedentary process so you will notice as you age that car cruelty wealth group will kill you as soon as you think you can have a retirement
This mustang blew past me with an acceleration sound bomb that gave me heart strain....so I will like people when its like mogadishu and we figure out how to crash it and refuse to open roads
Melissa nelson is a nativist with arizona but she looks really German...its maybe her that goes and does the sound bombs herself.....
Then we have to learn little from her.....so I will like people better when they believe africans were like slaves here
They go clear cut the mountains and blind and deaf people....their disgusting rude people
Nigger lover is the only compromise with the institution strategy they have its just awful
She told me I should pray about it........so I told her I have a priest who revealed to me about prayer that they were wealthy and had elaborate seclusions for its practice .............
So the poor actually do have the one God so if your out there in the battle scream recitations of old testament of what God does to unrepentant sodomites
Tattooes plastic surgery as soon as they can better connect to random object masturbation they do sodomites
Ted Bundy torture with noise tools....needs to blind with light and masturbate off others blocked up to ones quick relaxation sodomites
Floods are more and more common people get a land grab together and nature just tells it to get off her so
More about the weight on the earth instead of pygmy communities in a green belt lady earth had to carry all that moved concrete so
Most jobs are a hit lady front runner you have to be careful around if you don't follow sergeant jobs rules she will call a cop fuck on ya so I don't after many years of homelessness feel I will ever carry the badge of honor of re inclusion in the system it's just to criminalize and turn one into a lyndie england
Poor people do have like a royal war God so you have to learn your recitations or it will make you crazy out here turn you into a rap nobody that appears profound and just swore a lot
The Muslims apparently pray but they did do it out of wealth interest and then the mosque started and the....and I don't have any interest in wealth
I said this to her..........because state id phone man was around looking for a schizophrenic suggestible to put a lot under her name then get treated like a daddy by newly released felons
To some felons schizophrenics want to pay for sexual battery it's a very pornographic thing the institution so they try to get them to put additional things in their name then sedate and rape them and steal things from them
So that's why I was like don't pray everywhere you have no idea what all the perpy people around are or what revenge their on or what all they try to do you should believe in deliverance
Its a schizophrenic some of them like Zelda Fitzgerald have never understood it as an impoverished oppression....its she drug deals and people set her up to have a horrible at things reputation and people find them dead young
You don't know all the people I have had in my life show me it's not normal to have a whole hobby of excess electronics or other stuff it's not normal to replace your phone quickly so
Anyway there a released felon would at least put the phone in his name so
My German instructor just said Russians like that phone state 🆔 man seek God through deep depressions negations stimulate their quest for divinity
So that's why he abuses me for him abusing me will eventually cause him backlash....and he finds Divinity and resources he needs in that like Snowden release to Russia maybe
Because abusing me will allow him punishment collapse and theory change so he may finally be released to Russia
Americans if asked how are you are persistently too bright for correct evaluation and that's that man he steals from me because he thinks their condition is to negatory
Then my truth book just said all smoking is about God so....anyway it's their church and they get to put the sign up and she told me not to worry the God of breast health will win this does not please God
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disco-cola · 10 months
Theres more and more posts some zionist idiots have proudly shared on social media of Israeli pop singers writing messages on missiles, or the one of the Jewish man who has family in Israel and they know about him being pro-Palestine and they sent him a photo of a missile for Gaza that said „fuck u“ like how sick are these people? Also other videos have emerged from this week of another Israeli singer playing for idf soldiers calling Gaza a wh*re and a bitch and shit like that and everyone’s cheering? And the video of the soldier throwing a grenade at a mosque during prayer? And the video of the soldier inside a school they occupied in Gaza wiping away what was on the blackboard and throwing down breaking student certificates then saying kids Arabic lesson is over we‘re starting a new lesson the people of Israel aren’t afraid of a long path gush katif is returning?? Gush katif is the name of former Israeli settlements in Gaza. They keep telling on themselves by posting videos of it. I can by now exactly imagine what their military orders must have sounded like because it’s crystal clear what their true mission is. And idk if they are really just that stupid (again, mistaking a CALENDER for a guard plan was soooo embarrassing) or if they know damn well what they are doing but since no one is stopping them they feel safe to just flaunt it. The evil and sickness of those people is seriously insane. And the fact that the world is still discussing a ceasefire (DISCUSSING like what has to be discussed looking at that civilian d€ath toll that mainly consists of kids?!) while simultaneously blaming all Arabic people and in general everyone who stands with palestine of antisemitism and passing new racist migration and deportation laws amongst all this (at least they did in germany)? What the actual fuck is this? And my mom asked me „why do you even care“ and I feel this is the exact problem too many people still think just because they aren’t Palestinian or muslim or Arabic or Jewish or Israeli they don’t need to care. This exact mindset is gonna get us nowhere.
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seleneprince · 11 months
@thebusylilbee (For some reason I couldn't reblog that reply of yours with this post. Pity)
A following of this beautiful, reflexive reblog:
Wow, you were so expressive, so passionate, so full of rage back there. I would've feel intimidated if you have added a deep, complex explanation of your point between all that messy spit of words..
As much as I would love to give you a full and detailed explanation of why your reasoning is fucking WRONG, I know by the way you wrote your thoughts you're not the type to willingly hear arguments that go against your beliefs and you're firmly set on your own interpretation of reality, so I'll be quick with this and leave you to keep swimming in your ignorance.
From all that load of bullshit and rage filled nonsense you spit out, there was one thing you're absolutely right about it:
"Hamas WOULD not need to exist"
Damn right they don't, their mere existence is a crime. I don't know how many palestinians outside Gaza you've spoken to but I can quote what the ones I came across have said about Hamas, here some examples:
"They're the real monsters. They do nothing to protect us and just keep making everything worse"
"We weren't allowed to leave because they shoot down anyone that tried to flew the country. They don't care about our lives, just our usefulness to them"
"We can't complain, we can't speak up, if they so much sniff someone's dislike towards them...."
It's hard to translate some of them, but you get the picture. Hamas are terrorists, that much is known. They've been also opressing, humiliating, torturing, raping, displacing, robbing and imprisoning people since their creation, but they've done it in a way that only those lucky enough to escape can confess their crimes. The rest are dead. But foolish, uncultured idiots like you don't want to hear that because it's much easier to pin Israel's government as the SOLE villains of this story and buy the propaganda western media is feeding you.
"if ZIONISTS hadn't created a fascist apartheid state called Israel"
Honey, I don't know what the fuck they taught you in History class, but the "fascist apartheid" state you speak of doesn't exist. Israel was created by the United Nations as part of a plan to give both the arabs and the jews their own territory and cease the continued conflicts.
(Fun fact: The Arab League refused this idea because they didn't want the jews to have their own land, and so shortly after proclamation, five Arabs countries joined forces to attack the freshly created Israel state and invade them. Or, using that term some people in this site love, colonize them. Israel fought back, won for some dumb stroke of luck and, as a solemn "fuck you", they also took a 25% more of the territory that have been accorded)
Now, the Israel's government has clearly changed a LOT (speaking in euphemisms ofc) back from the original days where they genuinely just focused on the Israelis and right now there's really nothing good left in that corrupt, self-centred circle of men.
"zionist ideology wasn't RACIST GENOCIDAL AND INHUMANE."
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The origin of the Zionism movement was born as a response to the growing anti-semitism, an actual racist genocidal and inhuman movement, that was happening all around the world. So using those particular adjectives to describe it it's ironic and fucking dumb, because they go against the very reason of its existence.
Now there are various ramifications of Zionism, such as political Zionism, liberal Zionism, religious Zionism, etc. Not all of them good obviously, but the main core of this movement was focused ONLY in protecting the Jews and their culture. I'll never understand how a government that knows the tragedy their fellows suffered even dared to inflict it on other people, but well, guess some humans don't learn from the past.
And last one, the very jewel of your whole commentary:
"You are so fucking stupid, it's incredible that you would fuckign DARE tag your braindead bullshit with a pro-palestine tag when you quite obviously know and understand NOTHING"
I dare to tag "pro palestine" because I'm with them and I'm actually defending their lives, their cause and know where they come from, unlike people like you that speak up all proudly against others and use big words you don't even know the meaning of. If you actually cared about these people, you would have done your research and find out everything about this topic. But you don't, you simply want to show your deep anger for their pain in the same way all influencers and fake activists have been doing since this started. You want to be "part of the trend".
The only one who obviously knows and understand NOTHING about this conflict is YOU, fucking uncultured and ignorant asshole. Everytime I see people like you speak up on this conflict makes my blood boil, because all of you have been blisfully blind while all the atrocities were happening but now the biased social media and tv shows and all these radical anti-semitist political figures are telling you how bad it is, you think it's time to "stand up against the unjustice".
People like you only see the surface of it plus the propaganda they shove in your throats, and not the centuries of dark history and events that have consequently lead up to this. So how about you shut the fuck and let the grown people speak about this matter?
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Damian Wayne with a Muslim S/O
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A/N: When I tell you my heart fluttered writing this. Another thing: I hope there won't be but if I see any hate, you will be blocked. Also @adarksoul098 and @theconfusedpansexualbitch asked me to tag them so I hope you like it!
I headcanon as Damian not following Islam until later in his life
Because his father isn't Muslim
And he grew up in a cult so
He researches about it when he becomes an adult
And he ends up converting
The press have a field day when it becomes public
And suddenly everyone's talking about his violent tendencies and how it relates to terrorism
So, he realizes that if he's gonna be representing Islam, he needs to clean his act up
And he does
Man becomes an actual dream
Definitely goes cold turkey into everything because that's just how Damian is
His family is obviously extremely supportive
Being the unproblematic and anti-racist people that they are
When Damian meets you, it's obvious you're Muslim
Either from your hijab (if you choose to wear one)
Or the fact that when Damian extended his hand for you to shake in greeting (it's a habit) you told him that you didn't feel comfortable touching a man
Totally understood because our boy is a GENTLEMAN
But you end up talking and spending the day together, very modestly and platonically of course
"If you don't mind me asking, you're free to decline, but here's my phone number, if you wish to continue speaking as friends."
Your heart skipped a beat
Because a man who finally respects your boundaries even though others find it unreasonable?
"Thank you, I'd like that."
Being new to Gotham, you're happy that you found another Muslim there
To be fair, it hadn't been too long since Damian had converted
But he was rich and had connections so he knew places where you could get halal meat and halal restaurants
All Muslim friendly places
And he even sponsored many of them
Of course, your relationship with him was extremely platonic
You made sure he knew of your boundaries in the start
And he respected them
You were absolutely great friends
Damian loved your sense of humour
And you thought he was so admirable and confident
Basically, you made a great pair
You both met other Muslims your age and basically got a whole new friend group
You're the only one who calls him by his Arabic name
Damian won't tell you but his heart stutters every time you do
"Hafid, yallah, come on! We're going to be late!"
Damian was more open with you with anyone else he'd ever met
"And then my idiot brother broke the chandelier and nearly broke his neck." Damian told you
"Astaghfirullah! Is he alright? He didn't hit his head or anything?"
"I mean he didn't sustain any injuries, but his mental state is to be determined. What 30-year-old doesn't know a chandelier can’t stand his weight."
You told him about your family too
"And so, during my brother's wedding, my sister-in-law asked for a ring as her mehr. Can you believe it? A ring! I'd ask for a Lamborghini or something." You laughed
Although the more time you spent with Damian, the more you realized that your feelings could go more that platonic
You always got butterflies around him
And it wasn't the same kind of nerves when you were around a man and got uncomfortable
No, it was the type when you wanted to be around him all the time
The kind where you wanted him to see you and talk to you and love you
You were falling hard for Damian Wayne
But you never said anything, afraid to make this awkward
Or even to tempt yourself to do something you didn't want
So, you kept this friendship with him
Little did you know, Damian felt the same way about you
It was weird for him to experience
Because not only were you the first person he had ever fallen in love with
It was also the first time he had fallen for someone solely on their personality
Looking at his father and his brothers, they kept physical relationships with girls they were interested in
But he hadn't touched you once since you both met
So, was it still possible to feel so strongly for you?
His heart said yes
And he wanted to at least try
Because he knew that if you slipped through his fingers, he'd never feel the same about anyone else
So, gathering up his courage, he decided he'd confess all this to you
In Wayne fashion, he made it grand but also private
A candle-lit room and a bouquet of roses
"(Y/N), I think I'm falling in love with you. And I'd like to pursue a relationship romantically."
At the moment you were so overwhelmed
You had no idea what to think or say or anything
You were just so happy that Damian loved you too
And so, without thinking you just said you felt the same way
But you didn't really discuss anything after that
So, you began feeling a little uneasy about everything
What did he mean by pursuing a relationship?
Surely, he didn't mean dating, because you couldn't, or rather wouldn't
He knew that
You had made it clear to him from the start so he knew that dating was out of the question
But marriage was ridiculous
You had only known each other for a couple of months
And you knew he had been raised in Gotham, by Bruce Wayne
You didn't hold any resentment or judgement towards his father
But you just assumed that Damian didn't have the same idea of relationships as you did
So, a day after Damian confessed to you, he finally called and told you to come over immediately as he had a surprise for you
You had decided then, that you'd ask Damian what his intentions were
And if you weren't on the same page, you'd make it clear
Even then, you were kind of excited
Damian's surprises were not to be underestimated
The last time he surprised you, he had like a hundred hijabs imported
All of different colours and materials and patterns
Just because you mentioned it was difficult to find the correct shape
So, you get to the manor and Damian makes you stand in front of his house, telling you to keep your eyes closed
Even though you're wary, you trust him and do just that
Until you hear the sound of a car and he tells you to open your eyes
And there is Damian leaning against a Lamborghini
"You bought another car?!"
And he's dangling the keys in your face
"It's yours."
"What?! Are you crazy? I can't take this?!"
"It's your mehr."
"Excuse me?"
"Marry me. Please."
You could've had a hard attack
The way he was looking at you, so earnestly, he really meant it
Damian Wayne wanted to marry you
This was simultaneously the best and most ridiculous moment in your entire life
It was like something from a book
What was he even talking about?
If it had been anyone else, you would've said no without hesitation
But there was just something about the way he was looking at you
As if his heart was laid bare and was vulnerable all for you
"I'll ask your parents, I'll do it the right way, but I need to know that this is what you want too."
Your heart pounded in your chest before you smiled brightly and said yes
He did the whole nine yards when it came to impressing your parents
To say they were happy about your union was an understatement
They were happy that you found a distinguished and competent man who loved you and respected you
Now that your romantic feelings were declared though, you weren't allowed to meet each other without a chaperone
Which, even though you knew he understood, bothered Damian
And, with your consent, he ended up preponing the wedding
You met his family
And even though they didn't completely understand why you had to get married
Except Alfred, Alfred loved you from the start
Damian was going to be the first in the family to get married
Dick had been engaged longer than the both of you had known each other
So, you could understand why they were so on the fence with this
They were extremely supportive
Everyone knew that Damian was the last person who would be manipulated and forced into something too early
They trusted his judgement and accepted you into the family pretty quickly
The night after your wedding was the first time Damian kissed you
And it was like the world could have imploded from the energy between you
Even after getting married, you still take your relationship slowly
Not because of any obligations or stigma
Just because your heart would literally not be able to function
And ever the respectful and understanding husband, Damian was on board
Long story short, you and Damian have a romance that could kill me
Sweetest, most innocent and healthy relationship
Forever Taglist:
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that poc ask reminded me, i was doing research on all of the characters backgrounds and was so shocked at how the writers were able to make characters who were chinese, creole, cafre/moroccan, arab/north african, malian, vietnamese, japanese, jewish, native american, black, and so many more im probably missing so BORING. im black, and dont get me wrong i hate in your face representation, but you can tell thomas just throws all these nationalities and ethnicities in as if theyre extra points he can earn. you cant know that any of the characters are so diverse unless you go onto the wiki or you rummage through his tweets. i take great pride in my culture so its just annoying he takes pride in having such a diverse cast but that means nothing if you dont do anything with it.
I don’t want to act like I’m the authority on this, but my personal theory is that Astruc wants the show to be easily digestible for viewers despite also claiming his cast is so diverse to gain attention. Remember when he actually said something along the lines of “I’m not racist, some of my main characters are people of color!” when someone (albeit very rudely) accused him of being racist?
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This theory of mine is kind of backed up with the idea that despite basing some of the heroes and Akumas on folklore, Astruc’s team really seem doesn’t do a lot of research on culture from other countries.
Oni-Chan is a good example. Aside from an admittedly decent character design, her powers don’t really match up with the Oni seen in Japanese mythology other than Oni-Gokko (tag, only the person who is “it” is called an Oni), but that’s really stretching it. She doesn’t use a club for a weapon, she doesn’t use any sorcery or elemental powers. She basically has the same powers as Lady Wifi. Thematically, Oni-Chan is closer to the Namahage, people who dress up in Oni costumes and threaten to kidnap children if they don't behave, similarly to what she was doing by hunting down Lila.
You really could have done a lot more with this concept, like if the Lucky Charm of the episode was something related to beans (a common practice in Japan during the Setsubun festival to bring in good fortune at the start of Spring), or peaches (a reference to the Momotaro fairy tale, where the titular Oni-fighting hero was born from a giant peach).
There’s also Weredad, an Akuma who just has a fairy tale motif despite it not really lining up with Tom’s character. I get that they were already going to have a baker-themed Akuma later on (even though that Akuma is also a waste of potential with his powers), but I just don’t get why they throw in so many fairy tale cliches in with this Akuma like the single rose or the damsel in distress role Marinette plays. What if instead, he was based off the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk? It’s just a mess of an Akuma concept
If you want to see an example of a show having fun with the concept of fairy tales, I’d check out Episodes 34 and 35 of Kamen Rider Ghost. You’ll get a little lost as it’s right as the series’ final arc is starting (and that’s not getting into a really creepy scene in Episode 34), but once you get to Episode 35, it becomes an absolute blast.
And then there’s Anansi, one of the worst Akumas of the series from a conceptual standpoint. Anansi in African folklore is a trickster by definition. The reason we have stories today according to African folklore is because Anansi managed to capture four extremely dangerous creatures for the Sky God Nyame (he tied Onini the Python to a palm tree branch, trapped the Mmoboro Hornets in a gourd, lured Osebo the Leopard into a pit, and got Mmoatia the Fairy stuck to a doll covered in gum tree sap), who traded his stories to Anansi in response. Even then, his wife Aso gave him a lot of advice on how to trap these creatures, and is sadly forgotten in modern interpretations of Anansi. As a result, since Nyame gave all of his stories to Anansi, every story told today is by definition, a “Spider Story”.
Anansi in the show... is the complete opposite. She’s a dumb brute who has to be told where the Miraculous are, and the closest thing she does to any trickery is trapping Alya and Cat Noir in one of her webs. It makes you wonder why Nora even adopted the title of Anansi in her boxing career in the first place. 
Why base an Akuma off someone known for deception and trickery and make them a complete idiot? For the love of God, you had a template to base this Akuma on because Static Shock had an episode all about a superhero themed after Anansi! Sure, a later episode with the character took a few liberties when discussing the folktale, but it’s still more accurate than what Miraculous Ladybug did.
To me, it just reinforces my belief that the only reason Astruc has characters of several ethnicities in his show is for social brownie points. If he actually cared about diversity or introducing folklore to children, he and his team would actually do their research on properly representing various cultures.
I’m just saying, when a PBS Kids cartoon with a talking moon as the main character does a better job at teaching children about various cultures in every episode than your show that only talks about other cultures in a handful of episodes, your writers might need to rethink the way they do their research.
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shyestofhearts · 3 years
Hi Shy~
Sooo, I have this headcanon that Damian is like this wonderful child prodigy genius. Like, super smart. So smart, that when Bruce tries to enroll him in Gotham academy, they tell him that Damian has tests for college level. Which, Damian just rolls his eyes at, because duh. After discussing it with professionals and yada yada, Damian gets enrolled into college. He’s like, twelve-ish. He is STILL bored in class, and knows most of the information they are trying to teach. His advisor is so sweet and invested into Damian though. And observant. After noticing Damian lack of enthusiasm, he asks Damian what the problem. Nothing interests him, none of his classes.this advisor is an old timer, in my opinion, and has seen so many kids pushed to do things they never wanted to do, and decides he can’t let that happen with Damian. So the Advisor pulls out every department, every major, and goes through it with Damian. After a few hours, because it takes a while to convince Damian that it is alright to do anything he wants, Damian has his majors narrowed down to a few things. Art and pre-med. Damian’s advisor suggests he visit a few of the clubs on campus to really get a feel of what he wants. Thing is, even after going to the students’ art club gallery and one of the pre-med club meetings, neither really speak to him. It’s a Saturday night, and he’s alone on campus. Damian is about to call Alfred, when a student from Damian’s organic chemistry class spots him.
“Damian!” Jace, a slightly round student with soft curly hair smiles at Damian. “Are you here for the show?”
“Show?” Damian scowls?
“Yeah, the fashion show. This year’s theme is sustainability,” Jace smiles. They one of the few people who never ogled at Damian for being a Wayne or looked down on him for his age. They are just genuinely nice, and Damian knows that.
“I didn’t know we had a fashion show,”
“Really? I swear I thought I mentioned it,” Jace says, surprised. Jace may have mentioned that, but Damian probably was zoned out during the time.“Tickets are $15, if you wanna come”
“Oh,” Damian frowns, “I used all the money I brought with me for the art gallery and lunch earlier,” He says, cursing internally for not bringing more cash with him.
“If you want to go, I’ll cover you.” Jace smiles, “Think of it as payment for help on our last exam” Damian would usually say no, but Jace is just so nice,
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah! Besides,” Jace smiles, turning towards the stadium, “I have a feeling you’re going to love it”
And Damian did love it. The designs were amazing, some more haute couture while others were casual, and each designer explained how their designs involved sustainability. Some were statement pieces, designed to address political issues, others were just to demonstrate that sustainability could still be cute, and while others highlighted affordability and sustainability.
Damian wanted to do this. Running through his head were endless possibilities. Perhaps he can enlist the help of Poison Ivy to create a vegan leather that was also bullet resistant, or…
The next Monday he is waiting for his advisor at 7 in the morning, because he spent the rest of the weekend coming up with ideas, sketches, creating a portfolio, and practicing hypothetical arguments as to why Damian should go into fashion. At 7:15 his advisor sees him, and can tell by the light in Damian’s eyes, determination on his face, and the way he’s clutching his sketchbook, Damian has found it.
“I want into the fashion program!” Damian all but bursts, unconsciously on his tippy toes in excitement.
“Okay,” His advisor smiles, ushering him into his office. “Let’s make it happen”
“Just like that?” Damian asks, eyes wide, voice surprisingly small. His advisor smiles at him kindly.
“I’ll do whatever I can to make it happen.”
It takes a bit before Damian can actually get into the program, he has to work on some prerequisites, and also create a better portfolio with samples, but Damian is determined. By the end of the school year, he has been accepted.
Damian doesn’t tell his family, not in the beginning. He actually doesn’t want to tell his friends either, unsure of how they’d react. He is still insecure, and just entering his teen years. He worries about what any or everyone will say. Eventually, though he tells Jon and Colin, swearing them to secrecy. They both are excited for him, asking if he’d design their costumes for them. Damian blushes but says,
“Tt, like you can afford me”
He eventually tells Alfred as well, because he needs help learning how to use a sewing machine, and fast. Sure, he can stitch someone up flawlessly, but sewing machines weren’t part of the League’s lessons. Alfred is in charge of the one at the Manor, so it only makes sense to ask him. Even so, Damian is reluctant. When he does finally ask, he nearly gives himself an attack, worrying about being scolded for not using his “full potential”. Alfred simply squeezes Damian’s shoulder, and agrees with a kind smile. The young Master finally seemed passionate about something besides vigilante work and violence. Alfred would do everything in his power to foster that.
“Just,” Damian looks down, hands clenching into fists at his side, “Do not tell the others. I would prefer this between us,” He looks at Alfred, unsuccessfully trying to hide the vulnerability in his wide emerald eyes. Alfred agrees, for now. On the conditions that Damian would have to tell his father and siblings himself, and not to far in the future either.
Damian impresses everyone with his designs, and people learn he is actually quite adorable when he’s doing something he enjoys. His classmates and professors encourage him to join the fall fashion show, which is covering “multiculturalism and the media”. Damian hesitantly agrees, though he has been making designs since the theme was announced. His room is full of crumbled paper on his floor, designs he deigned not good enough. Many of his designs are heavily influenced by his Arab culture, but he also has some Chinese-influenced designs as well. His statement piece is the hardest to get right. It involves a hijab and beautiful colors, but he just can’t get the right patter. Ripping another page and crumpling it,Damian is too concentrated to realized Tim and Dick have been creeping into his room.
“What’s this Dames?” Dick asks, startling Damian, as he looks at some of the rejected designs. Panic makes Damian defensive as he yells at them to get out, frustration fueling the dread of his family seeing such unsatisfactory work. Tim flinches, shocked by the emotion coming off of Damian, rushing out with a few crumpled papers he snuck from the floor. Damian is literally trying to shove Dick out the door. Dick turns around, because he can hear the panic in his little brother’s voice. In his Robin’ voice. “Damian,” he says softly, easily deflecting Damian. “It’s okay,” he says, wrapping his arms around Damian, reversing the situation. “What’s wrong, why are you reacting like this?” After a few minutes of struggling, Damian gives up. Slowly,he explains the situation, how he’s in the fashion program and the fashion show coming up, all the pressure to do well, the frustration of not having his statement piece yet. Dick listens, his hold turning into a hug. “From what I’ve seen,” Dick says softly, “these are all wonderful designs,Dami. Whatever you end up making will look amazing, if they look anything like your sketches.”
“It’s not enough!” Damian complains, eyes burning, but he refuses to cry. “You don’t understand!” He says, frustrated.
“Then explain it to me, why is this so important?”
“Because it is about me!” Damian’s voice cracks ask he turns away rosiness his eyes harshly. “When I was introduced to the public, as “Bruce Wayne’s biological son”, do you not remember how the newspapers reacted? They didn’t know me, or my mother, but because—because of my skin, the country I was born, I was mistrusted. Scorned. Yeah, maybe I’ve killed people, but that isn’t because of my skin color or my culture or the language I speak. I have this opportunity to speak out against that!” Damian turns to look at Dick, “I’ve tried to become better, to do better. It’s hard and unfair that none of that matters, because guests are invited to galas hosted in the house that I live in, only to make snide racist comments about “nukes” or the desert or bombs whenever Father and you all aren’t around me. How can I be better, when I’m not given the chance because people can’t see past my skin?” Dick wraps Damian into a tight hug, as wetness drips down Damian’s cheeks. “I’ve been here nearly four years—and it still happens” Damian whispers.
“Why didn’t you say anything Dami?”
“What could I say?” Damian whispers back,
“Invites these people because they are important to Wayne Enterprise.” He scoffs. “What could you do, especially if I have no proof?”
“Believe me, Damian,” Dick says seriously, pulling back to look into Damian’s eyes. “Bruce won’t invite anyone who’s racist or derogatory towards his children, back to a gala, let alone do business with him again.” He smiles a hard somewhat vicious smile. “I know because when I was first adopted, he did that for me” Damian’s eyes widen. “And if Bruce can’t defend you, you can bet your brothers will,” Damian looks unsure, but nods. “But I get it now. You’ve always used art to vent and express yourself. This design is something that would allow you to address what the media has done to and said about you.”
“It’s been,” Damian shrugs, looking down, “therapeutic. In a way I never imagined it would be.”
“Well, I think, whatever you end up designing will be amazing,” Dick smiles, and Damian looks up at the sincerity, giving his own smile smile in response. “And I expect an invitation to the fashion show!” He chuckles, causing Damian to blush. “And I bet the whole family would want to come as well,” Damian blushes, looking away once more.
“Tickets are $15 each, and available online,” Damian replies, making Dick belly laugh. “You can invite the others, if you’d like” Damian mumbles.
“Hmm,how ‘bout I invite the siblings while you invite your dad,” Damian grumbles, but agrees. “Great! Now, take a break. One night not designing won’t hurt you.” Dick says, wrapping his arm around Damian’s shoulder. ‘Might do you some good, in fact.”
Things get better after that, because after his talk with Dick, Damian gets an idea for his design. Ziba, a Persian student Damian met in his Literature class, agreed to be his model for his statement piece. She wore her hijab proudly, a solid black color, which helped with the down-to-business look the rest of the outfit screamed. Ziba’s makeup was beautiful, as Damian was putting the last touches on her. They both were quiet, nervous excitement pulsing through them both. Ziba had on white trousers that flared out a bit, to give an almost flowy feel, with black basic vegan leather square pointed toe mule flat accented by a silver buckle. Damian had made the top a cross between a tunic, a blazer, and a cape. It is white, and goes over a plain solid black turtleneck. Printed on both the buttoned blazer tunic top and the trousers are past racist articles written about Damian. In red graffiti styled letters sprayed across the news paper articles are phrases like “Lies” “Warped Perception” “Western POV” “Racist” “I was only 10”. The red paint matches the red lipstick Ziba is wearing.
Damian was nervous with his family in the audience, everyone including Alfred was there. Apparently Superman and Superboy were in attendance too, as civilians of course. Colin was there too. Damian had told his father about the fashion show, and was surprised to see how supportive he was about it. Of course that may have been the shock, as Damian had told him that morning before leaving for school. Bruce blinked, stood up and hugged Damian, before saying he couldn’t wait for the show.
Damian’s set is the last, ask the show is in alphabetical order according to last names. When it’s his turn, all of his model’s line up, and Damian is running around making sure everything is perfect. He hears the speaker introduce his collection, inviting Damian to join him on stage. Damian rushes out, brown cheeks turn red. Together they introduce all seven outfits of the collection one by one, as Damian describes his designs, the material, and the inspiration behind each one. When it get’s to Ziba’s turn, Damian’s nearly choked up. He manages to discuss this piece and it’s significance to him. At the end, Damian received a standing ovation from nearly everyone. Looking over at his family, he has to duck from hiding his flamed cheeks. All his siblings were cheering for him, while Bruce and Dick dab their eyes. Alfred has a proud look on his face, and Damian couldn’t have been happier.
He ends up getting second place, but also his own work room at the Manor. Damian begins selling his work after getting it patented (Tim demanded it), and is surprised when a number of orders are for the galas around Gotham. Dick told Bruce and the others about all the things Damian has been hearing at Galas, and they are justifiably angry. Duke begins chants of “Eat the Rich” every time he hears someone says something problematic about Damian, and that because Tim’s signal on who to take down next.
Damian’s designs become more widely popular as his family starts wearing them, as they love talking about it and how he uses sustainable methods and materials. This earns him big named clients, who start wearing Damian’s designs on the Red Carpet and premiers . Damian also likes to do work for charity, often donating dresses to high schoolers who cannot afford prom dresses or making clothes out of extra material to donate to shelters so people have clothes for job interviews and such.
(He also makes his pets clothes when he’s bored, so it’s normal to see Titus wearing a doggy hoodie with slits in it for his ears)
ANYWAYS, this is my headcanon lol
What do think about it?
Headcanon?? Bestie this a whole ass au!
As for my thoughts-
💳 💥💥 💳 💥💥💥 💳 💥💥💥💥
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