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shanastoryteller · 9 days ago
it is so unbelievably, exceedingly obvious to me that part of s4 sam's determination to kill lilith is rooted in the question of could he have killed lilith? could he have really saved his brother from hell?
did he choose his moral high ground over his brother's life?
and if he did it, how can he ever bring himself to do that again? how could he make that same mistake twice?
of course he drinks the demon blood. how it even a question?
before, he abstained. he refused to become a monster. he thought his worst nightmare was becoming something dean would have to kill
then his brother went to hell for him and he realized his real worst nightmare
dean is gone and it's his fault - is it his fault? there's only one way to know for sure. which is to find out if he'd been capable of killing lilith if he'd just listened to ruby from the beginning
then he does kill lilith and frees lucifer and starts the apocalypse and okay, that's bad, but his first wash of horror has nothing to do with that
it's because it's true. he could have saved his brother
and he didn't
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montanabohemian · 2 years ago
honestly, the people bitching about an objectively insane episode of wwdits are SO BORING. it's just a silly little comedy about some idiot vampires that live together and commit atrocities in new york. like what is so difficult to comprehend about that.
of course lazslo would create horrifying animal lab experiments that can talk that guillermo has to take care of.
of course nandor and colin are besties.
of course nadja makes 50 dunkin runs for a crazy lady.
it's just a weird show that is outrageous and funny and sometimes carries an emotional wallop. it's not fucking rocket science.
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lorillee · 2 months ago
nerve of some people is crazy though like who do you think you are... stay in YOUR lane sir........................?
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riphimopen · 4 months ago
and everybodys going to ignore the fact that Burt Reynolds and peter macnicol fucked in Heat 1986 ok............................ so i see who my real friends are
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year ago
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how hard does moge work though bc damn
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thisiswhymp3 · 2 years ago
the hades from this tour has me acting in behaviours and ways.
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josephtrohman · 2 years ago
the big reveal:
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i know this person could genuinely be just having an off day. but buddy it’s IN THE POST!!!!!!
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at nearing 11,000 notes i’ve finally received i think what may be the worst comment in the tags on my post. everything else pales in comparison genuinely. worse than all the petekey comments, or the comments that imply patrick writes the lyrics, or the comments telling me i should add just one yesterday, or the comment i got about “not user josephtrohman pretending to not know fall out boy’s names.” oh yall just u wait
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bellaxgiornata · 8 months ago
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Neighbors [Chapter 3]
Pairing: Frank Castle x Fem!Reader Word Count: 5.5k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+; contains friends to lovers, violence, fluff, eventual smut, angst
a/n: Things are starting to happen in this chapter, in more ways than one... Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mycobrakai1972 @stilllivindue2spite @luvr-bunnyy @pone21 @sleepysleepymom @urlocalgeek @buckysvinyl @ragamuffin285 @lollulroofl @hazallem @hellooooooooooooooo @kezibear @dorothleah @juskonutoh @dreamtofus @capswife @lemon-world1 @marvelbros-oneshots
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Rubbing one hand across your eyes, you tried to wipe the sleep from them as you pushed yourself upright in bed. The morning sunlight streamed into the room from around the corner of your blinds while the sound of early morning birdsong filtered in past your window. As you groggily felt consciousness returning to you, you found yourself thankful that it was finally the weekend and you'd gotten the much-needed opportunity to sleep in after yet another long week. You'd certainly needed the rest.
Gradually waking, you noticed a faint weight dipping the mattress beside your leg, the feel of it catching your attention. Hand falling away from your face and back to your side, your gaze landed down on Penny. She was standing with her chin resting on your bed as she stood beside it, her tail wagging excitedly as her blue eyes stared up at you. The moment your eyes met hers, her head tilted a bit to the side as her ears perked up. Briefly her tail paused its movements before it began again seconds later with even more enthusiasm than before.
“Yeah, yeah,” you murmured, reaching a hand out to gently pat her head. “You're hungry and you want to go out. I know, I'm getting up.”
As you began to push the sheets off of yourself, Penny removed her head from the mattress before happily trotting over to the bedroom door.  She paused in the threshold before impatiently staring back at you. Sluggishly, you tossed your legs over the side of the bed and rose to your feet, loosing a loud yawn as you did. Penny let out an irritated bark as she watched you stand there covering a hand over your mouth.
“Give me a minute,” you grumbled at her, shuffling over to your dresser. “I need a bra before we head downstairs.”
As you pulled the drawer to your dresser open, grabbing a bra to quickly throw on, you heard Penny let out one of her usual dissatisfied grumbles. You grinned at the sound, shaking your head as you closed the drawer.
“You know,” you told her as you began to shift your shirt around in order to slip the bra on, “we can't all wake up with the same level of energy as you. Some of us don't spend our days sleeping in cozy beds and watching the squirrels outside.” Readjusting your shirt once you'd secured your bra on yourself, your eyes landed back on Penny still impatiently standing in the doorway. “ Some of us have jobs and responsibilities to deal with which are draining,” you continued. “And on occasion those things make us forget to check the mail–which is what I need to do this morning. And why I unfortunately need a bra,” you said, muttering the last part to yourself.
Penny let out a dismissive bark at you the moment you'd finished dressing. You shot her a flat look, watching as she sent you a signature dramatic roll of her head before she bolted out of your bedroom and straight down the stairs in a rush. You figured she’d most likely stopped at the bottom of them in your living room like she did every morning as she continued to impatiently wait for you. 
With a sigh you made your way out of the bedroom and down the stairs after her, grateful you at least slept better last night than you had the previous night when Lily had stayed over and had woken from a nightmare. Despite the better night of sleep, though, you admittedly still weren't much of a morning person. 
After drowsily descending the stairs, taking your time much to Penny’s sheer chagrin, you watched as she darted off once more the moment you reached the last step. Still trying to fully wake, you began to trudge your way after her through the living room and over towards your kitchen. 
Entering the room, you were met with the sight of the warm, golden sunlight cascading its way past the glass of your sliding door. The morning light coated your kitchen table and the small kitchen island, drawing forth a contented, sleepy smile on your face. This duplex never ceased to feel like a cozy home to you ever since you'd moved in years ago. It was something you'd always loved about living here.
You spotted Penny sitting exactly where you’d expected her to be–directly in front of her food bowl and staring expectantly back at you. Her expressive eyes showed her clear frustration at how long it was taking you to finally feed her, something that warranted a roll of your own eyes in return.
“You're not a typical dog,” you muttered, walking over to the dog food container and unscrewing the lid. “You know that, right? You're too smart. It's not normal.”
Penny didn't respond to you this time, too focused on watching you scoop food from the container. You poured it into her bowl and watched as she immediately and eagerly began to devour it the moment you were out of her way. After closing up the container of dog food, you grabbed her water bowl and brought it over to your sink to empty out and refill. By the time you'd finished and brought it back to set down for her, she'd already inhaled her breakfast. You watched as she got a fast drink of water before stepping over towards your sliding door and letting out a demanding bark, droplets of water dripping off of her muzzle.
“Alright, alright,” you told her as you made your way towards her. “I get it, you’ve got a very busy morning.”
One hand grabbing onto her collar, your other unlocked the sliding door and pulled it open. You led her outside a few steps before bending down and grabbing the lead which you kept staked further into the ground on your side of the yard. Crouching down, you clipped the lead onto her collar before staring her straight in her blue eyes with a look meant to show her you meant business.
“No shenanigans this morning or I'm withholding treats,” you warned her. “You hear me? I'm not in the mood for running around the neighborhood today. I want my coffee.”
Penny stood there staring at you in return, her tail wagging innocently back and forth. But you weren’t fooled by her act as you caught the mischievous glint in her eyes. Your own eyes narrowed back at her before you gradually straightened up, taking a step back towards your sliding door.
“I mean it,” you told her. “I'll withhold those peanut butter cookies Lily and I made for you. Don't test me, Pen.”
Without another word, you turned and headed back inside, closing the door after yourself. You maneuvered around your little kitchen island and over towards your espresso machine, turning it on and letting it begin to heat up. Covering another yawn with your hand, you shuffled out of your kitchen and through your living room once more. 
You stopped in front of your entry closet, swinging the door open and quickly slipping your feet into a pair of shoes. Yesterday you'd been far too busy to remember to grab your mail from the mailbox, just as you'd told Penny. You'd only remembered late last night when you were brushing your teeth before bed, and at that point you didn't feel like heading all the way back outside in the dark to grab it. 
Stepping out your front door, you wrapped your arms around your chest to shield yourself against the brisk early morning spring air. Heading down the length of your driveway in a hurry, you reached your mailbox and opened it. Sticking your hand inside, you were surprised when you pulled out a decent stack of mail. As you began to make your way back up the driveway to your front door, your eyes slowly began to scan the top envelope of the stack. 
Stepping back inside your place, you closed the front door after yourself before walking over to your entryway closet that you’d left open. Kicking out of your shoes, you flipped to the next envelope in your hand, frowning when you saw it was a bill. With a sigh you closed your closet door, turning and making your way back to the kitchen. Still distracted by the mail in your hands, you visibly startled and almost tossed the stack of envelopes to the floor when two loud knocks came from your back door. 
Eyes flying upwards as you paused in the space between your kitchen and living room, you were shocked to see your new neighbor, Frank, standing there with a faint smile on his face. He sent you a small wave with one hand, but your eyes quickly dropped down and spotted that his right hand was holding onto Penny's collar. Your dog was standing there with her tail lowered, a guilty look on her always-so-expressive face. The sight was comical despite you feeling rather confused at the unexpected view of the pair of them.
Brows knitting together as you curiously eyed them, you made your way through the kitchen, absently tossing the stack of mail in your hand onto your small island as you passed it. When you reached the sliding door, you quickly opened it and stepped out of Penny's way as she shamefully slipped inside past you. You shot her a quizzical glance before focusing back on Frank.
“Sorry to bother you this morning,” he began, his smile turning to one of amusement as he spoke. “Just thought you might like to know I caught that one–” he raised a hand, pointing a finger at Penny behind you, “–trying to crawl out beneath the fence out back. Somehow got outta her collar, too.”
Glancing back over your shoulder, you shot Penny an exasperated look. “Penny!” you scolded her. “What had I just finished saying to you this morning? Not cool!”
Penny dropped down to the floor of the kitchen with a faint grumble, resting her chin over her paws as she shot you her sad puppy eyes. You shook your head at her before returning your attention to Frank when you heard him continue.
“Hope you don't mind that I caught her and brought her back,” he said. “I just saw her from my kitchen window. Figured you didn't want her gettin’ out.”
You waved a dismissive hand immediately at him, shaking your head quickly. “I absolutely don't mind at all,” you assured him. “You honestly just saved my morning. Seriously, thank you. She's been a little escape artist ever since I brought her home. I have no idea how she keeps slipping her collar and getting out of that damn backyard, though. I mean it’s fenced in .”
“There's a dip in the ground by those bushes out there near the far corner of the fence,” Frank told you, gesturing a thumb over his shoulder. “Caught her tryin’ to squeeze herself under it. But I didn’t see how she got outta her collar.”
Turning to look over your shoulder at Penny once more, you raised your brows at your dog. At least she had the audacity to look guilty this time, burying her muzzle into her paws as she averted her gaze.
“I told you no more shenanigans today,” you warned her. Returning your attention back to a grinning Frank, you sent him another grateful smile. “Thank you again. Really. You didn't have to grab her but I appreciate it. I'll try to find something to at least block that part of the fence with this weekend. Maybe that’ll stop her from at least getting out of the yard.”
“‘S'no problem,” Frank said with a shrug, taking a step backwards on your patio. “Just glad she didn't get loose and have somethin’ happen to her.”
Chewing your lip as you eyed him, you briefly wondered if it would be weird to invite him inside for a minute. Especially after the fact that he’d just saved you a whole hell of a lot of trouble this morning. And you certainly refused to think there was any other reason as to why you suddenly wanted to chat with him besides that.
“Hey, I uh, was about to make a latte,” you began, the offer spilling out of you before you could stop it. “Would you like one? As like a sort of thank you?”
Frank's weight shifted back and forth between his feet as he stood on your back patio, his smile morphing into something almost sheepish before his gaze dropped down to his feet. You watched him curiously as one of his hands rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don't wanna put you out,” he replied. “Really wasn’t any trouble.”
“You’re not putting me out at all,” you assured him. “Like I said, you just saved my morning. If you hadn't caught this little furry fugitive here I'd have been out running around all morning searching the whole neighborhood for her myself. And I really didn’t feel like doing that.”
Frank’s head rose up slightly, his eyes focusing on you from beneath his lashes. You could see the way he was contemplating your offer, his lips visibly twisting in thought. Eventually he gave you a brief nod, a smile growing wide across his mouth as his hand dropped back to his side. 
He certainly looked pretty damn good when he smiled like that.
“Alright, if I’m not botherin’ you,” he conceded.
You slid your back door open wider, waving him inside with a hand. “Absolutely not. Come on in.”
Frank stepped into your kitchen, his hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans as he did. You closed the door after him before gesturing to your kitchen table.
“You can sit,” you told him. “Make yourself comfortable. It'll just be a minute.”
“Alright,” he said.
As you made your way around the small island of your kitchen and over towards your espresso machine, Frank pulled out a chair at your table. You heard him settle down into it, something stirring nervously in your stomach as he did. You couldn't recall the last time a man was here in your kitchen while you made him a morning coffee.
That's not what this is , you quickly reminded yourself. It’s just a thank you.
Beginning to grind a fresh batch of coffee beans into the basket of the portafilter, the soft whirring noise filling your kitchen, you focused on making Frank a latte. But by the time you were tamping the grounds down, you distinctly heard the sound of Penny rising up onto her feet, her nails clicking along the floor. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw her make her way over to Frank with her ears somewhat lowered in something like apology. You rolled your eyes at your dog, shaking your head and grinning as she padded her way over to Frank.
“Think she's trying to make amends with you,” you told Frank, focusing back on the machine before you. Locking the portafilter in place, you reached up into the nearby cabinet and grabbed a mug. “Now she's going to give you the sad puppy face as an apology, but I can assure you she's not done trying to cause trouble. It’s just too much in her nature.”
Frank chuckled, the warm sound only growing your smile as you began extracting the shot of espresso into the mug. Turning around, you rested your back against the counter and watched as Frank's large hands affectionately scratched at Penny's ears. Her eyes were partially closed in delight, her tongue half hanging out of her mouth as her tail wagged ecstatically back and forth. She looked like she was in heaven, and honestly, you almost couldn’t blame her.
“Don't worry,” Frank said, his eyes focusing on you, his large hands still petting Penny, “I don’t fool easy.”
“Good,” you said, laughing lightly. “Because that's exactly what she expects.”
As the espresso finished pouring out into the mug behind you, you tried to ignore the warmth in your chest as you watched Frank. He looked so content sitting there at your table, the morning light casting a soft, warm glow over his face as he pet Penny who was happily soaking up the attention. It wasn't just Lily that he was apparently good with, which only had you biting your lip, admiring the curve of the smile on his mouth and the way his gray sleeved shirt clung to the muscles on his chest.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head and forced those thoughts straight out of your mind. Spinning back around towards your espresso machine when you heard the extraction end, you mentally chastised yourself. You shouldn't be standing here thinking about your neighbor like that, especially not when you barely knew him. 
“So,” you began, removing the mug and working on emptying the used puck from the portafilter into your garbage beside the counter, “how are you liking your first week here? I mean, I know it's not the most exciting place to live, but are you settling in alright?”
“Yeah,” Frank answered from behind you. “Been doing just fine. Got a job lined up already. Startin’ on Monday.”
“Oh?” you mused, heading back over to the kitchen counter and readying the frothing pitcher with milk next. “That was fast. You’ve barely been here more than a few days.”
“Apparently that Elite Construction Company was hiring,” he told you. “They had a few open positions and I have past experience workin’ in construction myself. Everything kinda just…worked out.”
As you held the pitcher in place under the steamer wand, the familiar, soft hissing noise of the milk being frothed filled your kitchen. Glancing back over your shoulder at where Frank sat, your brows rose up onto your forehead. 
“Elite Construction?” you asked. “My brother works there, too. I'm sure you'll end up meeting him since he’s always pulling as many hours as he can there. He seems to like it.”
“Good to know,” Frank said with a nod.
“So besides that,” you continued, “I take it the town has been treating you well so far?”
“Yeah, I've been settling in fine,” he continued with a shrug. “Nothin’ too exciting going on ‘round here, but that's what I was hoping for. Somewhere quiet. Calm.”
“Ahh yes, well you came to the right boring little town,” you said with a laugh, turning back around and shutting off the steamer. “Nothing ever really happens in Elmdale. Think our biggest event is a yearly summer block party downtown.” You tapped the pitcher on your counter lightly twice before beginning to gently pour out the frothed milk into the mug for Frank, perfectly drawing a rosetta across the surface. “It's basically just an excuse for The Crooked Antler and Half Moon to sell more beer to everyone. Except instead of sitting inside in the musty old bar, everyone sits outside all day eating burgers and listening to whatever bands they can pull together.”
Carrying the full mug in your hand, you made your way around your kitchen island and over towards Frank at the table. You set the latte down on the table in front of him, suddenly feeling a little nervous. You knew the two times that you'd seen him come into Common Grounds he'd only ordered a black coffee. What if he thought your lattes were terrible?
“Hopefully you like it,” you said, gesturing to the mug. “It's the same roast we use for lattes at the shop and I added just a little vanilla–you don't seem like a guy who enjoys overly sweet coffee.”
One of his dark brows rose up onto his forehead, the corner of his lip twitching upwards. His head cocked to the side as he eyed you.
“Why’s that?” he asked.
“Because you order your coffee black,” you told him. “And not something with tons of milk or various syrup flavors in it. So I imagine you can appreciate the taste of a good roast.”
“Hmm,” he hummed out.
One of his large hands finally left Penny’s head from where it rested along his thick thigh. Anxiously you stood there, chewing the inside of your cheek as you watched him grab the handle of the mug and raise it halfway to his mouth. He paused though, his eyes narrowing for a moment as he inspected the delicate design sitting on the top of his coffee. You nearly stopped breathing when he wordlessly drew the cup the rest of the way to his mouth and took a sip, eagerly watching his face.
Frank looked taken aback for a moment, swallowing the coffee down before lowering the mug and staring almost incredulously at it. Nerves melting away, a triumphant smile slipped across your lips. He liked it, you could tell.
“This is good,” he told you, his brown eyes flying up to meet yours, his brows drawing lightly together. “Never ordered a latte before. This how they always taste?”
You shrugged before turning and making your way back to your espresso machine. “Not necessarily,” you answered him, beginning to start the process over in order to make your own drink. “Depends where you go. What roasts you use. Type of milk. Amount of sweetener. Though that is how I prefer my lattes–a good dark roast, freshly made, with only a dash of sweetener. Extracted properly, the coffee itself does all the work.”
“Huh,” Frank mused behind you. “Take it you really like your coffee then.”
You paused your tamping of the portafilter, shooting Frank a grin over your shoulder. “Well yeah, that’s sort of why I opened a coffee shop,” you half-joked. “Maybe it’s a silly passion,” you continued, focusing back on making your drink, “but I think starting your day off with a good cup of coffee–or tea, if that’s what someone prefers–can make a world of difference. Maybe even turn someone’s day around.”
Continuing to work on your coffee, you remained distracted for the next couple of minutes. But it was impossible to forget about Frank’s presence behind you as you worked, the hair on the back of your neck standing up as if you could somehow tell when his eyes were on you. 
“So no little shadow following you around today?” Frank asked, breaking the silence.
“You mean Lily?” you questioned back, pouring the frothed milk into your own coffee mug. “My niece? Probably not today, no. Jaime usually has Saturdays and Sundays off, though sometimes he’ll take a late shift at The Crooked Antler on a weekend to make some extra cash.”
“It’s nice that you help your brother out like that,” he replied. 
“Yeah, well,” you began, carrying your coffee over towards the kitchen table and taking a seat beside Frank, “I couldn’t possibly leave him and Lily hanging. That’s just not me.”
Frank sat forward in his chair, both of his hands coming to wrap around his half-finished coffee. “Mother not in the picture? If you don’t mind me asking’.”
Swallowing down the sip of coffee, you shrugged a shoulder as you lowered your own cup back to the table. “Whole town already knows the story,” you answered. “Not really a secret. Lily’s mother had her issues, though I think Jaime was always secretly hoping the pregnancy would’ve helped her grow out of them. Take responsibility. She lasted maybe three weeks after Lily was born before she took off though.” Your eyes dropped down to your coffee mug, distinctly remembering the early morning call from your brother. “She’d just said she couldn’t do it. Didn’t want to be a mom and just…left. He’s never heard from her since.”
“That right?” Frank mused. “Shit, don’t know how someone could just take off on their own kid like that.”
“I’m right there with you,” you agreed, glancing back up at him with a sad smile on your lips. “Some people just aren’t cut out to be parents, I guess. Which is a shame for Lily, really. She’s asked about her mom now that she’s older and it’s heartbreaking to try to explain to a four year old that she’s just gone. I can’t even imagine how much that must hurt her.”
“She’s got you, though,” Frank pointed out.
“I do my best,” you admitted, drawing your mug back up to your lips, “but I’m not able to make up for what she’s really missing.”
Something flashed across Frank’s eyes at your words, an emotion you briefly caught flicker past them before his focus dropped down to the coffee mug in front of himself. His fingers began to nervously fidget with his mug, his expression suddenly difficult to read as his fingers tapped against the ceramic. For a moment you remembered last night how he’d mentioned having a daughter in the past tense and you wondered if that’s where his own thoughts had taken him now. To a family he was missing.
“So what about you?” he asked, his expression abruptly shifting back to something masked and neutral as he met your eyes again. “Always taking care of your niece and helping out your brother. There someone you got lookin’ out for you?”
The question had caught you off guard and you quickly tried to hide your surprise. Had he just asked you if you were seeing someone? Was that what he’d done? Nervously you cleared your throat, ducking your head and trying to fight the flush from rising to your cheeks. That had certainly been an unexpected question.
“Uh, well, no,” you admitted awkwardly. “Don’t exactly have time for, well, that. And there aren’t exactly a lot of prime options here in Elmdale, either. Not unless you like your man hitting up a bar blowing through his paycheck every night at seven.”
“Take it you say that from experience?” he asked.
Releasing a humorless laugh, you nodded. “Yeah, you could say that,” you told him. “Not a lot of real winners to choose from here, I’ll be honest. And it’s not like I’ve got time to make dating a priority right now. But it’s–it’s fine. The shop and Lily keep me busy.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him raise his coffee mug to his mouth, drinking more of it down. Biting your lip, you shyly looked back up at him, contemplating the curious question of your own that was dancing on your tongue. Surely asking him in return after he’d brought up the topic wasn’t out of line, was it? It was a normal thing to ask someone you were getting to know, wasn’t it?
“What about you?” you blurted out before you could change your mind. “I know you mentioned having a daughter?”
Frank’s eyes met yours, his throat visibly bobbing as he swallowed the mouthful of his coffee down. Gradually he lowered the mug back to your table without a word, a crease forming between his brow. That sad, hard to decipher expression was on his face again, though this time it looked raw and painful. He looked more vulnerable than he’d appeared to you in any other interaction you’d had with him yet, even the one with Lily late last night when he’d first mentioned having a daughter. You immediately felt regretful for bringing anything up.
“I’m sorry,” you immediately began, shaking your head. “You don’t have to answer that. I don’t mean to pry.”
“‘S’alright,” he murmured. “I was married for a while. Had two kids, a daughter and a son.” He paused, a faraway look forming in his eyes as he spoke, his attention suddenly shifting to a spot just over your shoulder. “Loved them more than anything. Truly were the brightest parts of my life, but…one day they were just taken from me.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” you breathed out. “I–I can’t even imagine.”
  His eyes fell down towards your table, his lips thinning out along his face. “Wasn’t your fault,” he muttered. “Can’t exactly change the past now, neither. But…I miss them. Every day. Your niece though,” he continued softly, his sad gaze raising up to hold your own, “she reminds me a lot of my daughter when she was that age. Lisa was her name.”
A sad smile ghosted across your lips at his words. “She likes you,” you found yourself admitting. “Lily, I mean.”
Frank huffed out an amused breath, nodding lightly. “I like her, too. Definitely a spirited kid. Your brother is gonna have his hands full with her.”
You laughed lightly, nodding in agreement. “I tell him that all the time,” you said. “She’s stubborn and outgoing and cannot be persuaded when she gets something in her head. I can already picture her as a teenager. But she’s got a big heart.”
A silence settled in your kitchen among the pair of you. You couldn’t help but study Frank out of the corner of your eye, observing the quiet sadness that seemed to be emanating from him now. A sadness that hadn’t been quite so noticeable when he first showed up. You wished you knew what to say or do to comfort him, but anything that came to your mind felt vastly inappropriate, so instead you awkwardly chewed your lip, staring at your coffee mug.
“I should probably head back,” he eventually said. “I’m sure you’ve got things to do today and I’ve got a few errands to run myself.”
Clearing your throat, you tried to ignore the disappointment that fell into your gut. Though you knew he was right, realistically he couldn’t stay here and chat with you all morning, even if you had found yourself oddly enjoying his company.
“Right, of course,” you told him.
“Thank you for the coffee,” he said, sliding the chair back and rising up to his feet. “Maybe I’ll have to order something different at your shop next time.”
“I’d be happy to see you back there,” you told him, immediately cringing internally at how that had come out as you also rose to your feet. “Because there’s uh, certainly plenty to choose from to order.”
Frank shot you a polite smile as he made his way around your table and back over to the sliding door. You followed a few feet behind, awkwardly wrapping your arms across your chest as you watched him pull the door open.
“Thanks again for catching Penny,” you said. 
“Wasn’t a problem,” he assured you, stepping out onto your patio. “But if you need a hand tryin’ to fix something up to block that side of the fence, you just let me know, alright? I’m sure I can probably come up with somethin’ if you need help.”
“I will most certainly keep that in mind, thank you,” you replied with a smile.
Frank gave you a curt nod before he slid your door shut, and then he turned and made his way back next door to his side of the duplex. Silently you watched him, your eyes trailing over the broad muscles of his shoulders and back as he walked. Though you could still see the tension in him as he moved, the weight of what you now knew as grief just noticeable in his steps.
When he was out of sight you turned, releasing a sigh as you spotted Penny laying on the floor near the chair Frank had been sitting in. You shot her a pointed look, eyes narrowing.
“You need to relax on the escaping thing, girl,” you told her. “I don’t have time to deal with that, alright?”
You were about to head back over to your cup of coffee and finish it until your eyes landed on the stack of mail you’d tossed onto your small island counter. Making your way back over to the stack, you continued rifling through the envelopes, sorting out bills and junk mail alike. Though your hands eventually came upon a slip of paper folded in half that wasn't even inside an envelope. It appeared as if someone had just slid it in between the stack of mail in your mailbox. 
Curiously you picked up the sheet of paper, setting aside the other few unopened envelopes on your counter as you unfolded it. You were surprised to see a single line of typed text at the top of the page. Though as your eyes scanned the short sentence over multiple times, trying to make sense of it, a cold trickle of fear shot itself through your veins.
You owe me.
With sweat dampening your hands, you crumpled the sheet up into a ball, your heart beating a little faster as you stepped over to the garbage beside your counter. Tossing the paper away, you attempted to swallow down the lump forming in your throat as you stood rooted to the spot staring at the garbage can. 
That had to have been just some weird neighborhood prank, right? Something a teenager was just slipping inside people’s mailboxes because they thought it would be funny? There couldn’t possibly be anything more behind it than that. Because who else would’ve sent you a message like that?
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shradsmanifestt · 8 months ago
Ok what if it doesn't happen? and what? What's gonna go wrong? I mean if you believe it won't happen and then stay in that state then what's the matter? I mean you already don't have it so do you have to lose at this point? Like seriously.
It not happening isn't a choice. It has no other choice but to manifest if you accepted that it's already yours. I'm not talking about half assed manifesting, or constant wavering with bouts of where is it? why isn't it here yet, NOPE.
I mean do you really think, at this point that your 3d has any power? But to reflect your inner world. C'mon why do you think that you're 3d is not budging?? Cause you clearly believe in what you see and think that that's true!! I mean like c'mon you're crying over your 3d because hellooooooooooooooo you are crying over the 3d which is what you believe is true. You want to change things? Change your mind. Accept what you want as yours and then come talk to me. Tell me how you did it. How you fucking manifest everything you want in your life by merely accepting the fact that it is done and it is yours rn. Just accept the fact that manifestation is instant. It was yours the minute what you wanted and if it hasn't reflected yet is because you're not letting it!!!
You are the fucking BLOCKKKKKK. You are the reason why you don't have it. Get out of your own fucking way and give yourself what you want. That's all you had to do. Just do it. You are the reason why it isn't yours. I COULDN'T BE MORE CLEAR, ALLOW YOURSELF TO HAVE IT BEFORE SECOND GUESSING IT. JUST LET YOURSELF HAVE IT.
You've got this!
Also thankou soooo much for the love you've given me. I started this blog like a few months ago but the response you've given me was mindblowing. I appreciate you all!
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onskepa · 1 year ago
Good day or maybe it's night for yah? Could I request a male kiri x human reader? Like the Sully kids have heard about a friend of spiders but have never met them until Lo'ak, tuk and (m)kiri see this bright beaming girl making Spider laughing his ass off all the while laughing with him? Now Kiri's intrigued and maybe a bit infatuated but all around curious to get to know this bright girl who apparently has an infatuation and deep love for books with good stories in them.
Hellooooooooooooooo~!! Okie so since kiri is a boy in this, his name will be Atok, following my little theory that kiri is short for Atokirina, the seeds of Eywa. SO I hope you enjoy this one~!!
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You would think you know a person well enough, that you know the ins and outs of a place that you literally grew up in. Only then you learn that there is something you missed completely, Something that shapes your perspective entirely but in a good way. 
Well that is what happened with Atok, his good and best friend spider, who would often mention someone from time to time. Someone of their age, a ‘jokester’ or something of what word. Spider would say something along the lines of “txasnunu would love this” or “txasunu would make a far better pun”. Txasnunu this txasnunu that, just who is she?
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“C’mon you two, be serious for once” Atok says rather in an annoyed way, his dear siblings just can't seem to be still. “We are serious! We met her and she is the funniest!” Tuk shouts as if that would prove her point. Widening her arms in a silly way, trying her best to convince atok. 
“They should be here…” Lo’ak looks around looking for the familiar path spider and the other person took. Atok rolls his eyes but follows, making sure lo’ak or tuk don't get into any form of trouble. But as they continued down a certain path, Atok heard spider’s familiar laughter, but also an unknown one too. So it seems spider wasn't alone. 
Tuk gasps happily and runs off, same with lo’ak. Atok follows closely, seeing his siblings greet spider and the new face. 
“Atok! Right on time! Come, I guess it's about damn time I introduce to you the scource of my best jokes! Txasunu!” Spider happily announces as he gently shoves his friend in front of atok. 
It was a human girl, standing confidently, her hair looking vibrant in color, her skin complexion complimenting her eyes and her smile. Oh that smile does something to atok. 
“Hi, I'm Txasunu,  you must be Atok. Spider has told me so much about you”
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Atok couldn't help himself but constantly stare at the human girl. There was something about her that just had him be pulled towards her. Was it her captivating smile? Her beautiful eyes? Or the way she laughs? What is it? What is Txasunu that makes Atok so intrigued? 
“You know, a picture can last longer” Txasunu says, suddenly abrupting atok’s blank stare. Blushing a bit, he looks away from the human girl, causing her to giggle in amusement. Hugging her legs, rocking herself back and forth in a playful way, Txasunu looks over at Atok. “Why do you stare so much?” she wonders. 
Atok collected his mind fast, trying to think of an answer. 
“I'm curious” close enough. 
“Curious?” Txasunu repeat. Atok nods. 
“That is ok, I am curious about you too” 
Atok looks over at txasunu, getting a bit closer, “you are?” he asks. And the girl happily nods. “Spider tells me so much about you, how you are more intertwined with nature. Not always chatty, mostly calm and can get easily distracted with anything”. Seems like spider covered the basics, but atok is more than that. 
“How about this, since we are curious about each other, we teach one another?” txasunu suggests. It didn't take much for Atok to agree.
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To say the girl was an odd one. Nothing bad of course. She is definitely way different from spider. While the monkey boy is more outside, can chat with anyone with ease, and enjoys going on adventures. Txasunu was more calm, not quite, and prefers to be in one place or enjoy the simple scenery. 
One thing Atok has come to learn about the human girl was her fascination and love for books. His mother had a few around their marui, but txasunu showed him rows and rows of books. 
“This section is all about plants and animals, that section is about important human figures, and this section is my favorite” txasunu showed atok one day. A room full of books, called a ‘library’. It was a beautiful room. A glass dome above to let natural light inside. Plants here and there to add calmness and tranquility. Matts and pillows around for any seating. This was an ideal place for atok to spend some time away from the noise. 
“I usually come here, hardly anyone comes to the library, but I like it. Often I think of it as my little pandora, away from the noise. Away from any troubles, and to just be…” 
“Be alone…” Atok finishes. 
Txasunu looks over at atok, a new found expression written all over her pretty face. Grabbing his larger hand into hers, she leads him somewhere. “Come on, there is so much I want to share with you”. 
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“Another! Another please” Tuk happily pleaded to txasunu. Lo’ak was there beside his little sister, wanting to hear another joke from txasunu. 
“Ok ok, lets see….” txasunu rubs her forehead, thinking what else is up in her silly mind. Until she snapped her fingers. 
“Ahem! I told spider the other day he had to embrace his mistakes, and guess what? He hugged me!” 
“HEY!” spider shouted, clearly hearing that. But that made lo’ak and tuk laugh at full capacity. 
“You know the other day it was super foggy, tried to catch it, sadly I mist” txasunu continued. This time spider and atok joined in the laughter. 
That was another thing atok has come to like about txasunu. She is never short on jokes, her sense of humor was beyond what atok knows. She might even reign superior to her dad or lo’ak. It surely lifts the spirits and keeps everyone happy. 
“If only eggs were this funny, too bad they crack each other up” 
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“And these are the elves. Magical beings who live a long life, longer than humans and na’vi” txasunu explained to atok one day. In the library, she wanted to show atok the many stories that Earth held in their histories. Stories of fiction, myths and tales. One of them is the different race of elves. And the drawings were very beautiful. 
So far Atok has enjoyed the stories and the looks of fairies and trolls. They all look so similar yet vastly different and how many stories they have. 
Leaning closer, txasunu’s shoulder touching his, atok embraces her warmth and touch. “There are the earth elves, the snow elves, and even light elves. There are so many, good thing there are more books about them” txasunu says. She tries her best to not look up but everytime she does, heat covers her cheeks. Funny thing, it only happens with atok is near. 
Out of nowhere, Atok strokes txasunu’s hair and gently strokes her ear. “Pointy ears wouldn't look so bad on you” he mutters. He pulls her over onto his lap, and brining the book closer. “Tell me more, they seem so interesting” atok pleads. Nodding, txasunu continues. 
“W-well, there is also…” 
The more Atok hears the girls voice, how soothing and comforting she sounds, he can fall asleep. But sleep can wait, he wants to hear her forever if he can. 
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I loved this cute fic! Was fun to write! Until next time! See ya!
txasunu = love greatly, enjoy tremendously
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aretarers · 7 months ago
i didnt end up with time to draw today and its kind of making me feel like a restless caged animal i need to bite something
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 5 months ago
the way you post is so cute for some reason??? like you’re so babygirl tbh
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wackulart · 1 month ago
If you were a sea creature, I'd choose you as my porpoise 😉🐬❤️❤️
Happy Valentine's day! Or whatever Eros is calling it these days. Remember that you are super handsome and cute cause i dont even need to get near the water to get wet when i have someone like you by my side 😎
Anyway find me at the mouth of the cave next to that weird rock formation I showed you that one time.
see you then bye xoxo ~ God of the seas and horses
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doomteensy · 3 months ago
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(i aint making it)
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justicerikai · 11 months ago
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #92 Their relationship
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
It’s tough being a man… is the title of a Japanese film series where the actor Kiyoshi Atsumi plays the role of the beloved “Tora-san”, a kind-hearted vagabond who is always unlucky in love. This is what Fumiya refers to when he goes like “Ah! Tora-san!”. Wikipedia article here.
Nakagami: ……..
Nakagami: (I lost everything.)
Nakagami: (I haven’t achieved anything once again, have I.)
Nakagami: (This is the world of a normie, huh…)
Nakagami: (And right as I was about to give it all up)
(Phone rining)
Nakagami: (I received a phone call from my former subordinate.) 
Torahime: “Sensei, where do you think I am now?”
Torahime: “I’m inside the Charisma House.”
Nakagami: !?
Nakagami: (Cha…charisma…)
Nakagami: (That’s right, it’s all this country- No, all that I have.)
Nakagami: (This is a critical moment.)
Nakagami: (Stick your beliefs…! Nakagami Soemon!)
Nakagami: Nicely done, conceal your identity and remain there.
Nakagami: You’ll be contacted by me in due time concerning the next plan of action.
Torahime: I’m glad… I believe you're in the right, Sensei. 
Torahime: I’ll be reporting on every single detail regarding them and how they’re doing.
Torahime: Leave the Charisma Observation to this very Torahime!
Nakagami: Yes, I entrust it to you.
Nakagami: (Is what we had spoken about, however…)
(Sounds of things falling over, getting broken and being smashed)
(Sarukawa and Terra beefing with each other)
(Amahiko chasing after Ohse)
Amahiko: Ohse-saaaaan!!!
(Fumiya nonchalantly riding his moped inside)
Iori: EEEH!? Fumiya-san why are you riding your bike inside the house!?
Fumiya: I can’t? Why?
Rikai: Obviously you can’t! STOOOP!!
(Everyone throwing a fuss over Fumiya’s moped)
Everyone: WAAAAAAAAH….!!!
Nakagami: “Hello? What’s wrong Torajirou-kun. Is something happening?”
Nakagami: “Hello? Helloooooo!”
Torahime: What is this…. Is this something that’s actually happening in reality…?
Iori: Watch out!
Torahime: Eh?
(The seven of them riding the moped and charging full speed ahead)
(Torahime laying down on the sofa)
Torahime: Uuughhh….
Iori: Are you okay?
Rikai: I’m truly sorry. This is how it’s usually like in our home…
Torahime: (Eeeh~... What kinda household is this…)
Iori: We let him get hurt again, Rikai-kun
Iori: Should we let him stay a little while longer until he gets better?
Rikai: ….
Torahime: (That’s right! Considering the job that Sensei left in my hands, this actually works out in my favor.)
Torahime: (It’s a convenient excuse to stay another night here.)
Torahime: (As long as I don’t reveal my identity I can make it work, I am the assistant of the great Nakagami sensei after all!)
Torahime: (Not a chance that this crazy bunch can find out the truth!)
Terra: Hey, you dropped your phone
Torahima: (Aaaah! Crap!)
Terra: You were talking to someone, right, everything ok?
Torahime: (He saw me! Crap!!!)
Torahime: ….! Ah, no…! It’s just…!
Sarukawa: Haah? Why aren’tcha spitting it out
Terra: Shady
Iori: The person you were talking to… could it be…
Torahime: (Hyeh!)
Iori: Your girlfriend?
Torahime: Eh?
Iori & Terra: KYAAAAA!!!!
Iori: He’s shaking! It’s so gotta be OMG!
Terra: He was talking to his lover!
Fumiya: What’s this what’s this
Amahiko: What happened
Iori: Like, listen here, this guy was talking to his girlfriend on the phone!
Rikai: G-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend!?
Torahime: …Eh, you’re wrong. It’s not that. You’re mistaken, I don’t have one. 
(Everyone gripping Torahime while firing off questions)
Torahime: Wah, ouch ouch ouch!
Torahime: I’m injured!!! Wait! AAA!! AAAAAAA!!
Torahime: (What the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
Fumiya: Ah, right, we haven’t asked for your name yet
Rikai: That’s true. I’m so sorry, we were all over the place. 
Amahiko: What is your name? 
Torahime: My name’s Tora-
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Tora? What is it
Torahime: (Crap, real name would be bad.)
Torahime: To, Tora… Tora….
The six of them: !?
Torahime: It’s Torajirou!
The six of them: TORAJIROU!?
Fumiya: Hm, where have I heard it before…
Torahime: (EEEH!? Don’t tell me he knows!? Did he seriously already hear it somewhere!?
Fumiya: Gotta be Tora-san
Torahime: Ueh?
Fumiya: Torajirou’s like the same name as vagabond Tora-san, right!
The six of them: OOOOOH!!! TORAJIROU!!!!!!!
(All of them jostle Torahime)
Torahime: Ah, it hurts, ouch! Wa-wait! AAAA! AAAAAAAAA!!!
Torahime: (Seriously what the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
(Sound of a plastic bag)
Rikai: Ah, Ohse-kun, come over here, you haven’t greeted him yet, right?
(Ohse tries to run away)
Rikai: No running away now
(Rikai takes off the bag from Ohse’s head)
Ohse: !!
Rikai: Okay, now make proper eye contact with him.
Ohse: Ni…nice to meet you, I’m a shitty sore loser.
Terra: C’mon
Ohse: I’m Minato, sorry for polluting your vision. 
Torahime: …Ah, yeah
Ohse: Eh?
Terra: ? What’s wrong, Ghost-kun
Ohse: …..
Torahime: Aaaaaaaah then that’s enough for me, sorry everyone gonna rest up real nice in my room
Iori: Eh? Are you okay?
Torahime: Absolutely not okay!
The six of them: Ooooh, you sure you can do this? Don’t force yourself please
Torahime: Phew…
Ohse: ….
Terra: Anyway, let’s start prepping
Rikai: Preparing? For what?
Terra: For the Halloween party!
Fumiya: Yeah, the costume contest
Terra: Yep! Everyone’s joining, right?
Rikai: Do we really have to do this?
Terra: Of course we do~ It’s fun~ Well, Terra-kun’s gonna win no matter what though, ehehe☆
Amahiko: Terra-san, what will your outfit be this year?
Terra: A princess!
Amahiko: Waow
Fumiya: Wonder what I should wear
Sarukawa: Be a prisoner
Fumiya: Why
Amahiko: Amahiko won't cut any corners
Amahiko: A new performance that I wasn’t able to show at the Sexy Cup, do look forward to it!
Iori: You’re disqualified.
Amahiko: EEEH!?
Rikai: What kind of costume will you do, Iori-san?
Iori: Slave
Rikai: EEEH!?
Fumiya: You, Ohse?
Ohse: It’s a secret
Fumiya: Wah, seems like you got something dreadful up your sleeve
Ohse: Fufufu
Amahiko: Rikai-san, and you?
Rikai: This is referred to as cosplay right… How embarrassing…
Terra: What about Sarukawa-kun?
Sarukawa: Ain’t gonna do it, stupid! Halloween my ass, shit’s lame
Terra: Everyone’s participating!
Sarukawa: I won’t
Terra: You totally will!
Fumiya: Hmmm, but making a costume’s hard. What to do
Iori: Fumiya-san! Leave it to me!
Terra: Ah, that’s off the table, no helping others.
Iori: Eeeh~
Fumiya: Then, if it’s not from anyone here, can I get help from somewhere else?
Terra: Hm, in that case, sure.
(Fumiya leaving)
Fumiya: Alrighty
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Ah, that’s what he meant! That’s not fair, dude!
Rikai: Fumiya-san!
Torahime: ……I’m kind of seriously exhausted… I should rest a bit
The seven of them: Tora-saaaaaaan!
Torahime: ?
(They all march in)
Torahime: Ooh, ooh, woah, what is it? What!?
(Torahime being jostled)
Torahime: Ouch ouch it hurts! I’m still injured! 
Torahime: Wait, this is dangerous! Wah, wah, wah-
(Torahime rolling off the stairs)
(Torahime smashing into the handrails and wall) 
Everyone: TORA-SAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!
Nakagami: Hahaha! Ahahahahaha!
Torahime: “Sensei, this is no laughing matter. It was really awful.”
Nakagami: As expected from the Charisma’s, good that they’re full of energy.
Torahime: “I almost dies three times.”
Nakagami: “Any injuries?”
Torahime: “I’m full of them, my whole body hurts.”
Nakagami: “No, not you, I was asking if the Charisma’s were hurt.”
Torahime: “Eeh!?”
Nakagami: ?
Torahime: “Ah… no… I think they’re fine.”
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: They’re the hope of our country, I’m glad they’re safe.
Torahime: “....That’s… nice…. yes.”
Nakagami: “Did your identity get revealed?”
Torahime: “No worries on that part, other people don’t remember my face at all, so.” 
Nakagami: That said…  we have met them face to face before.
Torahime: “Then Sensei, do you remember what I look like?”
Nakagami: Eh…  
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: My apologies
Torahime: “It’s fine, Sensei! I totally don’t mind at all!”
Torahime: “If anything it’s because of my looks that I have been able to support Sensei as I have been until now!”
Torahime: “I’m happy! It's an honor!”
Torahime: “Don’t worry about how Sensei doesn’t remember the face of the assistant that has been by his side the entire time, because I don’t care either!”
(Torahime crying a little)
Torahime: “Ahahaha, ahahaha…………”
Nakagami: ….You’re a great help. You’re the only one that I can rely on at the moment.
Torahime: “...!”
Torahime: “S-Sensei…! Such words of…!”
Torahime: “Leave it to me. I will do anything for your sake, Sensei.”
Nakagami: Thank you, Torajirou-kun.
Torahime: “It’s Torahime.”
Nakagami & Torahime: ……..
Torahime: “Okay, it’s getting time to hang up. There’s a small matter I have to attend to.” 
Nakagami: Hm? What?
Torahime: “Uh, I don’t really get it myself but, on the night of the 31st everyone’s gonna hold a Halloween party.”
Nakagami: Halloween party!? The Charisma’s will!?
Torahime: “There’s a costume contest too.”
Nakagami: A costume contest!? The Charisma’s will!!!!!!!
Nakagami: H-h-h-h-how is this possible! Tell me all the details!
Nakagami: Who’s gonna wear what? Will everyone join? How long will it take---
Nakagami: Hm? Hello? Torajirou? Hello!!! HELLOOOOOO!!
Nakagami: Just when things were getting good!
Iori: Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: Ah, no, it’s nothing.
Fumiya: Called your girlfriend again?
Torahime: ………….
Iori: Halloween, huh. Wonder what kind of slave I should be.
Fumiya: Who’s gonna take the big prize?
Amahiko: Well, Terra-san is the most likely winner. He’s more fired up than he was before.
Iori: Seriously, Terra-san’s mega earnest Halloween party looks like it’ll be lots of fun.
Fumiya: Don’t lose, Amahiko
Amahiko: Of course, I’ll take ‘em all down
Fumiya & Amahiko: Hahaha
Iori: Well, goodnight
Fumiya & Amahiko: Goodniiiight
Iori: Tora-san, goodnight to you too.
Torahime: Ah, yeah, goodnight.
(Phone ringing)
Terra: …Eh? Again? Geez… Even though you promised… 
Terra: Yes…
Terra: Right, got’cha.
Terra: Yes, I love you too.
Terra: Eh?
Terra: That’s fine, I can meet you, when’s good?
Terra: ….
Terra: Only that day, won’t do…
Terra: No, it’s fine. I’ll manage somehow.
Terra: Yes, I look forward to it, I’ll see you
Terra: On the night of Halloween.
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saturnine-saturneight · 5 months ago
Marion Somoza Fuente 😍
I'm in love, please tell me everything you can about her, I'm especially curious how she pops out both in Reburial and Decay.
Also : when I'll see her again ???
Thank you for your interest in her Gioia 💕
Facts about her:
Marion is a gamer and plays a lot of WoW in universes where it exists
She sustains herself off energy drinks and takeout and doesn't sleep a lot
Her favorite colors are lime green and reddish pink
She's a maximalist in fashion and interior design both, and loves cat motifs and things shaped like other things
Her relationship with her father is incredibly strained and often central to her character
Her mother died when she was 7
She has trust issues and sulks or lashes out when people are nice to her, she isn't used to it
Even though she views herself as unlikeable, she's actually one of my best-liked characters when it comes to people reading my stuff. She has a lot of love interests in roleplay.
She's a brilliant tactician, but her achilles heel is her lack of teamwork and trust in others. She tries to pull the strings from the shadows wherever possible.
She is usually either a hacker, a witch, or something else that requires being shady and having a lot of expertise. Frequently, she hunts monsters.
She figured out that she's trans when she was 13 or 14, and it's a major reason why things fell apart with her father.
He's also a bastard in general, apart from the transphobia.
Why she pops up in both stories:
These are alternate universe versions of her! I have an ensemble cast of characters that I draw from for each story, and her character archetype is needed in both Reburial and Particle Decay 😊 She isn't going to remember anything about either story. Think of her as a commedia dell'arte character.
When you'll see her again:
At the end of PD chapter 3! Soon, very soon. In Reburial, it'll be a little longer. T minus 3 chapters, whenever I get back to writing those.
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