#im in the torture labyrinth aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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justicerikai · 11 months ago
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #92 Their relationship
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
It’s tough being a man… is the title of a Japanese film series where the actor Kiyoshi Atsumi plays the role of the beloved “Tora-san”, a kind-hearted vagabond who is always unlucky in love. This is what Fumiya refers to when he goes like “Ah! Tora-san!”. Wikipedia article here.
Nakagami: ……..
Nakagami: (I lost everything.)
Nakagami: (I haven’t achieved anything once again, have I.)
Nakagami: (This is the world of a normie, huh…)
Nakagami: (And right as I was about to give it all up)
(Phone rining)
Nakagami: (I received a phone call from my former subordinate.) 
Torahime: “Sensei, where do you think I am now?”
Torahime: “I’m inside the Charisma House.”
Nakagami: !?
Nakagami: (Cha…charisma…)
Nakagami: (That’s right, it’s all this country- No, all that I have.)
Nakagami: (This is a critical moment.)
Nakagami: (Stick your beliefs…! Nakagami Soemon!)
Nakagami: Nicely done, conceal your identity and remain there.
Nakagami: You’ll be contacted by me in due time concerning the next plan of action.
Torahime: I’m glad… I believe you're in the right, Sensei. 
Torahime: I’ll be reporting on every single detail regarding them and how they’re doing.
Torahime: Leave the Charisma Observation to this very Torahime!
Nakagami: Yes, I entrust it to you.
Nakagami: (Is what we had spoken about, however…)
(Sounds of things falling over, getting broken and being smashed)
(Sarukawa and Terra beefing with each other)
(Amahiko chasing after Ohse)
Amahiko: Ohse-saaaaan!!!
(Fumiya nonchalantly riding his moped inside)
Iori: EEEH!? Fumiya-san why are you riding your bike inside the house!?
Fumiya: I can’t? Why?
Rikai: Obviously you can’t! STOOOP!!
(Everyone throwing a fuss over Fumiya’s moped)
Everyone: WAAAAAAAAH….!!!
Nakagami: “Hello? What’s wrong Torajirou-kun. Is something happening?”
Nakagami: “Hello? Helloooooo!”
Torahime: What is this…. Is this something that’s actually happening in reality…?
Iori: Watch out!
Torahime: Eh?
(The seven of them riding the moped and charging full speed ahead)
(Torahime laying down on the sofa)
Torahime: Uuughhh….
Iori: Are you okay?
Rikai: I’m truly sorry. This is how it’s usually like in our home…
Torahime: (Eeeh~... What kinda household is this…)
Iori: We let him get hurt again, Rikai-kun
Iori: Should we let him stay a little while longer until he gets better?
Rikai: ….
Torahime: (That’s right! Considering the job that Sensei left in my hands, this actually works out in my favor.)
Torahime: (It’s a convenient excuse to stay another night here.)
Torahime: (As long as I don’t reveal my identity I can make it work, I am the assistant of the great Nakagami sensei after all!)
Torahime: (Not a chance that this crazy bunch can find out the truth!)
Terra: Hey, you dropped your phone
Torahima: (Aaaah! Crap!)
Terra: You were talking to someone, right, everything ok?
Torahime: (He saw me! Crap!!!)
Torahime: ….! Ah, no…! It’s just…!
Sarukawa: Haah? Why aren’tcha spitting it out
Terra: Shady
Iori: The person you were talking to… could it be…
Torahime: (Hyeh!)
Iori: Your girlfriend?
Torahime: Eh?
Iori & Terra: KYAAAAA!!!!
Iori: He’s shaking! It’s so gotta be OMG!
Terra: He was talking to his lover!
Fumiya: What’s this what’s this
Amahiko: What happened
Iori: Like, listen here, this guy was talking to his girlfriend on the phone!
Rikai: G-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend!?
Torahime: …Eh, you’re wrong. It’s not that. You’re mistaken, I don’t have one. 
(Everyone gripping Torahime while firing off questions)
Torahime: Wah, ouch ouch ouch!
Torahime: I’m injured!!! Wait! AAA!! AAAAAAA!!
Torahime: (What the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
Fumiya: Ah, right, we haven’t asked for your name yet
Rikai: That’s true. I’m so sorry, we were all over the place. 
Amahiko: What is your name? 
Torahime: My name’s Tora-
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Tora? What is it
Torahime: (Crap, real name would be bad.)
Torahime: To, Tora… Tora….
The six of them: !?
Torahime: It’s Torajirou!
The six of them: TORAJIROU!?
Fumiya: Hm, where have I heard it before…
Torahime: (EEEH!? Don’t tell me he knows!? Did he seriously already hear it somewhere!?
Fumiya: Gotta be Tora-san
Torahime: Ueh?
Fumiya: Torajirou’s like the same name as vagabond Tora-san, right!
The six of them: OOOOOH!!! TORAJIROU!!!!!!!
(All of them jostle Torahime)
Torahime: Ah, it hurts, ouch! Wa-wait! AAAA! AAAAAAAAA!!!
Torahime: (Seriously what the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
(Sound of a plastic bag)
Rikai: Ah, Ohse-kun, come over here, you haven’t greeted him yet, right?
(Ohse tries to run away)
Rikai: No running away now
(Rikai takes off the bag from Ohse’s head)
Ohse: !!
Rikai: Okay, now make proper eye contact with him.
Ohse: Ni…nice to meet you, I’m a shitty sore loser.
Terra: C’mon
Ohse: I’m Minato, sorry for polluting your vision. 
Torahime: …Ah, yeah
Ohse: Eh?
Terra: ? What’s wrong, Ghost-kun
Ohse: …..
Torahime: Aaaaaaaah then that’s enough for me, sorry everyone gonna rest up real nice in my room
Iori: Eh? Are you okay?
Torahime: Absolutely not okay!
The six of them: Ooooh, you sure you can do this? Don’t force yourself please
Torahime: Phew…
Ohse: ….
Terra: Anyway, let’s start prepping
Rikai: Preparing? For what?
Terra: For the Halloween party!
Fumiya: Yeah, the costume contest
Terra: Yep! Everyone’s joining, right?
Rikai: Do we really have to do this?
Terra: Of course we do~ It’s fun~ Well, Terra-kun’s gonna win no matter what though, ehehe☆
Amahiko: Terra-san, what will your outfit be this year?
Terra: A princess!
Amahiko: Waow
Fumiya: Wonder what I should wear
Sarukawa: Be a prisoner
Fumiya: Why
Amahiko: Amahiko won't cut any corners
Amahiko: A new performance that I wasn’t able to show at the Sexy Cup, do look forward to it!
Iori: You’re disqualified.
Amahiko: EEEH!?
Rikai: What kind of costume will you do, Iori-san?
Iori: Slave
Rikai: EEEH!?
Fumiya: You, Ohse?
Ohse: It’s a secret
Fumiya: Wah, seems like you got something dreadful up your sleeve
Ohse: Fufufu
Amahiko: Rikai-san, and you?
Rikai: This is referred to as cosplay right… How embarrassing…
Terra: What about Sarukawa-kun?
Sarukawa: Ain’t gonna do it, stupid! Halloween my ass, shit’s lame
Terra: Everyone’s participating!
Sarukawa: I won’t
Terra: You totally will!
Fumiya: Hmmm, but making a costume’s hard. What to do
Iori: Fumiya-san! Leave it to me!
Terra: Ah, that’s off the table, no helping others.
Iori: Eeeh~
Fumiya: Then, if it’s not from anyone here, can I get help from somewhere else?
Terra: Hm, in that case, sure.
(Fumiya leaving)
Fumiya: Alrighty
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Ah, that’s what he meant! That’s not fair, dude!
Rikai: Fumiya-san!
Torahime: ……I’m kind of seriously exhausted… I should rest a bit
The seven of them: Tora-saaaaaaan!
Torahime: ?
(They all march in)
Torahime: Ooh, ooh, woah, what is it? What!?
(Torahime being jostled)
Torahime: Ouch ouch it hurts! I’m still injured! 
Torahime: Wait, this is dangerous! Wah, wah, wah-
(Torahime rolling off the stairs)
(Torahime smashing into the handrails and wall) 
Everyone: TORA-SAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!
Nakagami: Hahaha! Ahahahahaha!
Torahime: “Sensei, this is no laughing matter. It was really awful.”
Nakagami: As expected from the Charisma’s, good that they’re full of energy.
Torahime: “I almost dies three times.”
Nakagami: “Any injuries?”
Torahime: “I’m full of them, my whole body hurts.”
Nakagami: “No, not you, I was asking if the Charisma’s were hurt.”
Torahime: “Eeh!?”
Nakagami: ?
Torahime: “Ah… no… I think they’re fine.”
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: They’re the hope of our country, I’m glad they’re safe.
Torahime: “....That’s… nice…. yes.”
Nakagami: “Did your identity get revealed?”
Torahime: “No worries on that part, other people don’t remember my face at all, so.” 
Nakagami: That said…  we have met them face to face before.
Torahime: “Then Sensei, do you remember what I look like?”
Nakagami: Eh…  
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: My apologies
Torahime: “It’s fine, Sensei! I totally don’t mind at all!”
Torahime: “If anything it’s because of my looks that I have been able to support Sensei as I have been until now!”
Torahime: “I’m happy! It's an honor!”
Torahime: “Don’t worry about how Sensei doesn’t remember the face of the assistant that has been by his side the entire time, because I don’t care either!”
(Torahime crying a little)
Torahime: “Ahahaha, ahahaha…………”
Nakagami: ….You’re a great help. You’re the only one that I can rely on at the moment.
Torahime: “...!”
Torahime: “S-Sensei…! Such words of…!”
Torahime: “Leave it to me. I will do anything for your sake, Sensei.”
Nakagami: Thank you, Torajirou-kun.
Torahime: “It’s Torahime.”
Nakagami & Torahime: ……..
Torahime: “Okay, it’s getting time to hang up. There’s a small matter I have to attend to.” 
Nakagami: Hm? What?
Torahime: “Uh, I don’t really get it myself but, on the night of the 31st everyone’s gonna hold a Halloween party.”
Nakagami: Halloween party!? The Charisma’s will!?
Torahime: “There’s a costume contest too.”
Nakagami: A costume contest!? The Charisma’s will!!!!!!!
Nakagami: H-h-h-h-how is this possible! Tell me all the details!
Nakagami: Who’s gonna wear what? Will everyone join? How long will it take---
Nakagami: Hm? Hello? Torajirou? Hello!!! HELLOOOOOO!!
Nakagami: Just when things were getting good!
Iori: Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: Ah, no, it’s nothing.
Fumiya: Called your girlfriend again?
Torahime: ………….
Iori: Halloween, huh. Wonder what kind of slave I should be.
Fumiya: Who’s gonna take the big prize?
Amahiko: Well, Terra-san is the most likely winner. He’s more fired up than he was before.
Iori: Seriously, Terra-san’s mega earnest Halloween party looks like it’ll be lots of fun.
Fumiya: Don’t lose, Amahiko
Amahiko: Of course, I’ll take ‘em all down
Fumiya & Amahiko: Hahaha
Iori: Well, goodnight
Fumiya & Amahiko: Goodniiiight
Iori: Tora-san, goodnight to you too.
Torahime: Ah, yeah, goodnight.
(Phone ringing)
Terra: …Eh? Again? Geez… Even though you promised… 
Terra: Yes…
Terra: Right, got’cha.
Terra: Yes, I love you too.
Terra: Eh?
Terra: That’s fine, I can meet you, when’s good?
Terra: ….
Terra: Only that day, won’t do…
Terra: No, it’s fine. I’ll manage somehow.
Terra: Yes, I look forward to it, I’ll see you
Terra: On the night of Halloween.
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