#like he didn't even let me leave my final until he checked my answers. pointed out my mistakes. checked then again. and then let me go
zentriii · 1 month
i had to email my prof abt something like half an hour ago or so and i already thought he was the best ever but he just replied?? on a sunday night??? best. prof. ever.
3 notes · View notes
charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Monaco v
unem masterlist
5 Dias De Prueba (5-day trial)
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and Charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
word count: 7.6k - not proofread.
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April 2023
"Do you wanna come to the next race? I can get you tickets, you can be my guest."
His words replayed in my head like a broken record. Why would I be interested into going to the race in the first place?
As I opened the door of my apartment I was greeted by the smell of something sweet.
I checked the time on my watch. 9:45 pm.
"Isn't it late to be baking Naughty Brownies?" I called from the entrance. I heard a small "Oh no" from Mateo and a "Busted" from Steph.
I heard Mateo's footsteps around the kitchen, "Tia you have to hide me."
"Okay, okay."
As I entered the kitchen, I saw one of the floor cabinets a little open. Steph had a smile on her face.
"Why is Mati awake?" I asked her. I heard a small gasp coming from the cabinet.
"Awake? He's not awake. He's in his bed with Percy." Steph answered, holding her laugh. Just as she said that Percy walked into the kitchen wagging his tail. I petted his face and he licked my hand, then he walked to the slightly open cabinet and stuck his head inside.
Mateo tried to push him away with his tiny hands. "Go away, you're gonna get me caught." He said in a serious tone, the Rottweiler started to lick him as well. In the end, the cabinet door opened, leaving Mateo in full display.
"Oh, Mati. I didn't know that was your new bed. Should've told me before I bought you that big bed you have." I said as I brought the brownie to my lips. Steph loves having slutty brownies before bed, but ever since Mateo was born, we had to change the name to naughty brownies.
He stayed quiet for a second, his green eyes started to gloss. "Am I in trouble?"
He is so cute, I wanted to laugh for a second. "No, mi amor. Come out so you can have a piece and go to bed."
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When my mom was alive, she used to say 'When in doubt, leave your destiny in the hands of a coin, flip it and carry on' and while usually I would do it, sometimes I wish she was here to tell me what to do.
Heads - I go to the GP
Tails - I stay
I was never good at flipping coins. All the time I flip it and let it drop to the floor. So that is what I did. I didn’t dare to look down, at least not until the coin stopped circling around the floor.
I picked up the coin. This is my destiny and so be it.
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The next day I decided to meet up with Charles, to tell him my answer.
I expect our meeting to be short and easy, so I told him to meet me at a parking lot. It sounds very sketchy now that I think about it.
I saw his car once I got into the parking, I tried to open the door but it was locked - which made sense - I knocked on his window and when he finally saw me he unlocked the door and I got in.
Europeans kiss both cheeks to say hi, and in my culture, we do it just once. But I am not in my country and I do not want to say hi to Charles, let alone kiss me. So when his body approached mine to greet me with kisses I stopped him. His body was close enough that I smelled his perfume. It smelled like a drug... very addicting to the point I wanted t smell more.
"Sorry," he murmured. "It's a habit." he tried to explain.
"Yeah, whatever." I responded. "This is what's going to happen. We are not co-parenting. Mateo is my son, so you don't get a say here. If you really say that you are ready to be a man and be responsible and be a father, that's fine, but you have to prove it. I will decide when is the right time to tell my son you're his father," I saw his Adam's apple go up a bit as if he was nervous.
"His name is Mateo?" he asked.
"Yes," I said.
"With one T?" My heart stopped for a second. The last time we spoke, he told me he saw a kid in the car, but he never said he met Mateo or even spoke with him to the point he knows his name is with one t.
"How did you know-?"
"Is it really?" his voice was higher this time. "I met him. At the bookstore. And I- I- I felt this connection the moment I saw him, and I asked his name and he said 'Mateo with one T'" His smile is so wide that I wondered for a second if his cheeks hurt.
I stared at him. I don't know if I should curse him out, or simply get out of the car and forget this meeting ever happen, because how dare he say he felt a 'connection'. He's full of shit. "Don't ever say that again. Especially not in front of me. You don't have a connection, you don't know him. I don't know which god or angel is on your side to the point that you found us and you even talked to him. I'm nice enough to actually give you a second chance, but I have my limits, so you better be careful with the things you say."
I took my phone out and opened the Calendar app. "Today is the 19th and most likely you have to be in Baku on the 25th. So you have five days you can spend with Mateo, with me present, of course. If you want to spend time with him, that is."
"Yes! Sorry, yes. Of course." He nodded. "Is it possible to have a dinner with my family? I want my family to know you and Mateo. They don't... they don't really know about any of this,"
"Your family doesn't know about us?" Us meaning Mateo and me, not Charles and I. He shaked his head. "I wouldn't be too worried about your family. If I were you, I would be more concerned about how the public would react to this. The truth will come out sooner or later, and God knows what they are going to say."
His face was blank. He knew I was right, or maybe he was thinking that I would release the information to the public. "I'll protect him. No matter what."
I wanted to say a sarcastic comment but I didn't want to. At least just for today. I saw the way his eyes became a bit red when I told him he doesn't have a connection with Mateo.
He cleared his throat a bit and then he looked me in the eyes. Oh, his big green eyes. "I just want to thank you, for giving me a chance. I will prove to you that I am worthy of you and Mateo." Why is he talking this way?
I texted him the address of my apartment, once it got sent I said, "That's my address, be there at 9:30"
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Thursday 20th - Charles' POV
Am I early? Will she be mad that I am early? I stand in front of her door, debating whether I should knock or come back in thirty minutes. Just as I was about to leave the door open.
"Okay, Mati, see you later!" The woman said as she stepped out, she turned around and faced me. "Oh," she looked at her watch and said, "shouldn't you be here in thirty minutes?"
"Yeah, um I wasn't- um I was going to come back in a bit," I said.
"There's no point, you are already here so I might as well let you in. Just go inside and wait, and whatever you do, don't open the curtains." She opened the door again and pushed me inside.
The inside of her apartment was nice, but it makes me wonder how she can afford the place if she only works at a bookstore. I got into the kitchen first, it has an open area that leads to the living room. The tv was on showing a cartoon of what it looked to be a blue cat. On the kitchen counter, I saw what looked to be a tiramisu. I tried to be strong but I am weak when it comes to a good tiramisu.
I quickly found what I needed, a knife, a spoon, and a plate. I don't think Y/n would notice if it just take one tiny little piece. I got ready to cut and I heard someone say.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I looked up and saw him. Mateo. He was beautiful. He made his way toward one of the couches shaped like an L and sat there. "My mami is very protective over her tirmisu and only lets me eat the tirmisu," he said as he mispronounced the name of the dessert, he then looked at me. "You're the guy from the store."
"You remember me?" I asked hopefully.
"I remember you are the guy from the store," he said like it was the most obvious thing.
"Do you remember my name?"
He was quiet for a second. "No, should I?"
His comment did make me sad for a second but then he let out the biggest gap and came running towards me, he put his arms up. "Lift me up,"
My heart is beating so fast, I lifted him up and secured him in my arms. Up close I could see the freckles on his nose, he looks a lot like me. He looked around the kitchen and then he pointed to the microwave. "Take me there. Go, go." Once I did what he asked, he opened the door of the microwave, and inside was a plate of brownies. He took two pieces out and closed the door. "Okay, put me down. Down" He started to squirm in my arms. Once I put him down on the floor, he looked at the brownies in his hands and gave me the smallest piece. "Thank you for the help" He then ran back to the couch to sit down. In front of him was a coffee table, there was paper and crayons all over it.
"Where's your mommy?" I asked him.
"Probably with Percy," he said, without pulling his eyes away from the TV. Who's Percy?
"Do you wanna see my drawing? My mami says I'm the next Picasso," he left the brownie on one side of the table and got one of the papers. I walked to the couch and saw the paper. It was a big house, 4 figure sticks and a small black figure with four legs. "This is Mami," he pointed at the tall figure stick, "This is my tia Steph," he pointed at the second tall figure stick, probably the woman that let me in, "This is me and my brother," he pointed at the two small figure sticks. Brother? He has a brother? "And this is my dog, and this is my new house, but they are building it right now so we live here."
"This is really good Mateo," I complimented him, but my thought are on the brother he mentioned.
"I know, you can have it. I'll sign it for you. Mami says I have to sign all my art so people know I made it," he explained as he grabbed the black crayon.
"Your mom is a smart woman,"
"How do you know mami?" he asked. "If you are the bad man that wants to take me away from mami I won't let you have the drawing. I don't like bad people that want to hurt mami."
"I'm not bad, I promise. I'm a nice person."
"Okay!" He wrote his name on the paper and then grabbed his brownie. "Are you my papi?" he looked at me.
"What?" my eyes widen.
"Yes. Are you my papi? If you're not bad, and you know my mom, then are you my daddy?"
How is this four-year-old so smart and how do I even respond to that? Before I could say anything, someone interrupted me. "Mati! Come here so I can put sunscreen on your pretty face." He got off the couch and went running into the hallway.
I grabbed the paper and stared at it. Did she have another child with someone else after me?
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Y/n's POV
Mateo came running into the bathroom and the first thing he did was rub his face against Percy and give him kisses. "No, Mateo no beses al perro, mi amor. Ahora te tengo que lavar la cara otra vez." (No, Mateo, don't kiss the god, my love. Now I have to wash your face again.)
"Percy es tan tierno que solo le quiero dar besitos, mami" (Percy is so cute that I only want to give him kisses)
"Well you are cute too and you don't see me giving you kisses all do time," I said as I washed his face.
"You do give me kisses Mommy." he laughed.
"Alright, that's enough. I'm going to put sunscreen on you." I put sunscreen on my three fingers. "Where do we put sunscreen?"
"On the faceeeee" he said. "On the neeeeeck, y en las orejaaaas" (in the ears) I laughed at the way he explained it. Once I was done putting on the sunscreen, we both walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.
I started to open the curtains.
"Mami this man tried to eat your tirmisu" Mateo said. I turned around and saw Charles sitting on my couch with a brownie on his lips, just frozen, like when Mateo gets caught doing something he shouldn't.
As he was chewing, he said, "I um- I was, Wow these brownies are good. I didn't eat your tiramisu."
"So you eat my brownies instead?" I asked.
"NO no, no. Mateo gave me one."
That wasn't surprising. "Who is he?" Mateo asked.
"He is a friend," I said. "He is going away soon so he's going to hang out with us for some days. Do you like that?"
"Okay! Then he has to meet Percy!" he ran off to the hallway again. I looked at Charles.
He looked like he wanted to tell me a lot of stuff, and ask me a bunch of questions.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Um, maybe like 10 minutes? Your friend let me in and then Mateo got me the brownie and this drawing," he showed me the paper. It was all of us, the house, Steph and I, my two babies, and my dog. "You look really pretty, by the way. Your boyfriend must be very lucky," Boyfriend? "I thought you only had Mateo, you didn't mention having a second child," he murmured the last part as he ate the last piece of the brownie. He thinks...
Before I could answer, Mateo came running back, "Look! This is my little dog, Percy!" Little is an understatement since Percy is a four-year-old Rottweiler. When the dog came into the living room, Charles got up and backed away.
"Mateo, I don't think Charles likes Percy." I told him.
"Why not?" he looked at Charles while his lips quivered.
"No, no. I love Percy! Percy is a good boy!" I know he wouldn't dare to pet the dog.
"Mati, grab your bag, we have to go." As he walked back to his room, Charles said.
"Did you name your dog Percy as in Perceval?"
"Don't flatter yourself, I named him after a book character."
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At the end of the day, Mateo was tired. Reasonable. He was very entertained by all of the stuff the museum had to offer. But one moment kept replaying in my head.
My phone went off, remaining me to reapply sunscreen on Mateo, as I was applying some on his face I saw Charles, and how his face was a bit red.
"Do you not wear sunscreen?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "Only when I'm on the beach," he responded.
I gasped, and for a moment my mother self kicked in, "Charles, your face is red. Jesus, come here," Once he got close to me, I put the sunscreen on three of his fingers so he could apply it himself. He rubbed the sunscreen on his hands and started to rub it on his face.
"Acaso eres un animal?" (Are you an animal?) I told him as I stopped him from doing more damage to his skin. "You can't rub your face like that," I explained as I spread the sunscreen on his face, "You put on your face, on your neck y en las orejas," (and the ears) I murmured. Once I was done, I realized what I did and how close we were to each other.
“Is he going to meet Jules?” Mateo came out of nowhere. 
We visit Jules every week, I was planning to visit him once the day was over with Charles. 
“Who’s Jules?” Charles asked. 
“He’s my brother!” 
I looked at Charles for a second. He has no idea he’s one step closer to the truth, at least a part of it. 
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Friday 21st
I had everything ready for the visit to Jules. I prepared some sandwiches and fruit to eat. The favorite snacks for Mateo and Percy. 
I loaded everything into the car, Mateo was in his baby seat with the window rolled down and I was waiting outside the car for Charles to appear. For being a Formula One driver, he is very late right now. 
“Well, I guess he’s not going to come. Maybe next time.” I told my son and his face deflated, I, on the other hand, am very happy, but that didn’t last long because Mateo pointed and something behind me. 
“He’s here!” I turned around and saw Charles with a visible line of sweat on his forehead. 
“Sorry, I’m late,” he said. 
“Don’t make it a habit,” I responded. I opened the passenger seat and said, “Get in.” He approached the door and I placed my hand on his chest to stop him. “Wasn’t talking to you,” I smirked, he looked down and saw Percy get into the seat. “You go in the back,” 
He didn’t say anything and simply did what I said. 
The drive wasn’t bad, Charles got to find out more stuff about Mateo. I, on the other hand, became more nervous the more we got closer to our destination. 
Once we got to our destination, confusion was obvious on Charles’ face. 
“Why are we-” 
“To see Jules,” I responded as I got out of the car, Charles following suit. 
I went to the back of the car and open the truck, I gave Charles the picnic basket. I opened the back seat door and took Mateo out of the car seat and set him down. I opened the passenger seat and got Percy out of the car. With my left hand, I was holding Mateo’s hand and with my right hand, I had the dog’s leash. I locked the car and we began walking. 
Charles hasn’t said anything yet, maybe he’s confused or maybe he’s just trying to process. After walking for an eternity, even though it was like seven minutes, Mateo let go of my hand and ran to our spot. I took Percy out of the leash and he went to be next to Mateo. 
As I was walking I turned around and saw Charles stuck to the floor. 
“Are you coming?” I asked, “I need the blanket that’s on the basket so we can sit down,” I continued walking. 
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Charles’ POV
Jules Alexander Y/L/N 
6th November 2018
Loved Son and Brother. 
Ahora eres una estrella mas en el cielo (now you are one more star in the sky) 
Y/n didn’t have a boyfriend or a son with someone else. She had twins and she lost one. I had twins and I lost one. I didn’t know it was possible for my heart to break even more. 
I left her alone during this horrible time. 
“Look, Jules! We brought a friend. His name is Sharls,” Mateo said excitedly to the tombstone. “We got you floweeeers, and we have shanweches to eat,” he explained. Y/n was busy setting up the blanket and taking everything out of the basket. I didn’t dare to speak, if I did I would start crying. How much has this woman handled? 
“Mi principe, porque no vas tu y Percy a jugar un ratito while Charles and I talk for a moment, okay?” (My prince, why don’t you and Percy go play for a bit) Y/n said. The kid nodded and ran with Percy somewhere a bit far but still close enough so we can see them. 
I sat down next to her, still not able to speak. “Jules was the second one to come out,” she said. “There were some complications when I gave birth to him. He passed away thirty minutes after being born. He was only alive for thirty minutes and I wasn’t even able to hold him. Originally Mateo was supposed to be Mateo Agustin, but then Jules died so I changed his name to Mateo Alexander Jules. Alexander Agustin Y/L/N was my father,” She explained. 
“And Jules?” I dared to ask, my voice breaking. 
“I may not know much about you, or your family, but I know about Jules Bianchi,” she said. “I got Percy two months later. Percy was born on the same day. I thought it was a sign,” 
“What about your family?” I asked her. 
She laughed humorlessly, “This is my family. Steph, my son, and my dog. My parents died in a car accident, then I came to Monaco to start again. Getting knocked up wasn’t part of the plan, especially when the father can die the same way my parents did. I wasn’t expecting you to be an asshole either,” 
With tears in my eyes, I said, “I am so sorry. I-” 
“Yeah, me too” 
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Y/N’s POV 
After he calmed down, I called Mateo back so we can eat. Everything was great until Charles asked me a question.
“Do you guys want to go on my boat tomorrow? Spend the day at sea?” I stopped eating and Mateo gasped loudly. 
“Can we, mami?!” 
One thing about me is that I am utterly terrified of the ocean. “No,” I said as I continued eating. 
“Mami, please, please. I’ll be good, I promise,” 
“I’m not going to be able to go with you baby,” I said.
“Why not?” he asked. 
I looked at Charles, who also had concern in his eyes. “Well, mommy has this fear of the ocean, and she doesn’t feel well, so she has to stay,” I tried to explain to him. 
I looked at Charles, who also had concern in his eyes. “Well, Mommy has this fear of the ocean, and she doesn’t feel well, so she has to stay,” I tried to explain to him. I could tell Charles wanted to say something but he didn’t dare. “If Charles promises to take great great GREAT care of you, then you can go with him,” 
“Sharls! Take care of me so I can go!” Mateo yelled excitedly. 
“Yes! Okay! Yes, I promise,” he assured me. 
On the way back to the car, I pulled Charles aside and told him. “I am trusting you with my life. Don’t fuck this up.” 
“I won’t. I promise,” 
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“Was I stupid to trust Charles into taking care of Mateo?” I asked Steph.
“No, girl. You did the right thing. He’s going to be responsable of Mateo sooner or later,” I didn’t want to admit that she was right. 
I looked at the list I made for Charles so he can take care of Mateo. There’s only three things to follow. 
i - mateo will complain about the weather no matter what
ii - he doesn’t like sodas but loves orange and cherry juices, loves chicken but hates seafood. 
iii -  don’t forget to reapply his sunscreen, don’t loose the bottle. 
“Am I missing anything else?” I asked. Steph took the note and read it. 
“Why don’t you just send it on a text? What if he looses the paper?” She asked. 
“If he doesn’t loose the paper then he’s not going to loose my child,” I responded. 
“Fair enough. I think you got it all cover. That’s pretty much it - I mean, I thought the whole point was for him to get to know Mateo on his own. Why are you making him a list?” Why am I making him a list? 
I crumbled the paper into a ball and thew it at her. “I have to get Mati ready to bath. I’ll be back,” I got up from the chair. 
“Wait! I forgot to tell you, a cute guy passed by the bookstore, asking about you,” she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “His name is Arthuuuuur," I know who she was talking about. "I gave him your phone number. I told him you are free tomorrow so you guys can go on a date,” she giggled. 
I rolled my eyes and left the living room and went to the bathroom to get the water running. “Mateo,” I yelled, “time to take a shower,” I approached his room, once I opened the door, I saw him playing with his toys, “Come on, little guy. Gotta get you nice and clean for tomorrow,” I waited for him to get up and grabbed his hand. 
Mateo is not the best singer, he’s just a kid, but he likes to sing in the shower. Once I was done with his shower, I wrapped him in a towel and carry him to his room, while I was getting his pijama ready, he started to jump on his bed. 
“Mami, I have a question,” he said. 
“Yes?” I asked. 
“Is Sharls my daddy?” I stopped for a second and looked at him. 
“Why do you ask that, love?”
“Well, he looks like me,” I laughed at his explanation. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“So just because he looks like you, you think he’s your daddy?” 
“Well…” he stopped jumping and his gaze fell on the floor. It looked as if the hamster in his brain was turning the wheel. “Where is my daddy?” 
I sighed. Do I lie? Do I tell the truth? Am I ready for my kid to know the reality of what happen?
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I texted Charles a little but after my shower. 
To CL: He knows. 
I heard a pin instantly. I thought it was Charles texting back but instead it was an unknown number, my eyes widen once reading the message.
From +377 3847502839: hey, this is Arthur. i hope this isn’t weird, i asked for your number to one of the girls from the store. i heard you’re free tomorrow and i want to invite you to some coffee. 
From +377 3847501839: if that’s okay with you of course. 
I added his phone on my contacts and replied “Not weird at all. I’d like to have coffee with you” I smiled a bit. 
From Arthur Cute Guy: great! see you tomorrow then ;) 
To say Mateo was excited was an underestimate, he was thrilled to spend the day with Charles. Once he got home, Mateo jumped into his arms and I think I saw his eyes tear up a bit. 
“Well,” I cleared my throat. Charles put Mateo on the floor, to pay attention to me. “I have his bag ready with towel and clothes,” I passed him his bad, which he was quick to put on his shoulder. “Have fun, and please, please don’t forget to put sunscreen on him every two hours. It’s in the front pocket of the bag. He can only use that sunscreen so for the love of god don’t lose it,” 
“I won’t.” he said. 
“Okay,” I let a long breath out, “Well, have fun,”
Mateo was tugging Charles by the arm, “Come on Sharls we have so much to talk!” I closed the door behind then and ran to my bedroom to get ready for my date. 
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“Thank you for meeting me here,” Arthur greeted me with two kisses. “I haven’t been able to get you off my mind,” 
“That’s very bold of you to say,” I giggled. I looked at the menu, “Have you been to this Cafe?”
“A few times, they have good pastries,” he said. 
“Do they have a good tiramisu?” I asked as I looked at him, I feel like I have seen him before, like if I met him before our first encounter. He reminds me of someone, but who? 
“It’s good, but it’s not the best,” he told me, “I heard this popular restaurant L’Incantato,” I perked up at the name, “has the best tiramisu.” 
Curiosity got the best of me, “Have you tried it?” 
He made a disappointed face, “I wish. You would think that just because there’s three restaurants in Monaco that there would be any availability in any of them but no, it’s always packed. I can never get a reservation. I wanted to take my mom for her birthday last year but couldn’t get a seat, unfortunately.” 
I know the restaurant is always busy, and I felt a bit sad to hear he couldn’t take his mother to eat there. He’s very sweet. “Well, next time you go there. Tell them I sent you,” I winked at him. 
“What, why?” he asked. 
“You thought I would just own a bookstore? I also own all three L’Incatato restaurants,” I smiled, his eyes got so big I was wondering if they would come out of the sockets. 
“No way!” he laughed, “What are the odds?” I shrugged. “What else do I need to know about you?” he smiled. 
“Let’s get coffee first,” I said.
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Charles’ POV
Everything was quiet. 
All I could hear was the sound of the waves. 
I felt at piece. 
The piece was interrupted by the alarm going off from my phone. I turned it off and looked at Mateo, “Sunscreen time,” I said. He got up from his chair and walked to me. I looked around me but I couldn’t find the sunscreen anywhere. Where did I put it? “I can’t find the sunscreen,”
“Oh-oh,” he said. 
“I think I have another sunscreen around, wait here,” I got up from my chair and looked into one of the compartments of the yacht until I found one sunscreen, I went back to Mateo and opened the cap. 
“I don’t use that sunscreen,” 
“I can’t find your sunscreen so we have to use this one,” I explained. I put some on my fingers and applied it into his face, gently. 
“It smells funny,” he giggled. I did as well. 
As I blended the sunscreen into his face I said, “What do you think your maman is doing?” 
“What’s maman?” he asked. 
I laughed a bit, “your mom,” 
“Oh!” he shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably on her date.” I stopped for a second. “Hey, why did you stop?”
“Your mom is on a date?” I asked. 
“Mmhm,” he nodded. “I heard Tia Steph talking about it. My mom sounded very excited,” 
Y/n is on a date? “And do you know who he is?” he nodded. “Who is he?” 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. 
I smiled for a bit but I was so confused. “What- but you just-” 
“My face feels funny,” he scratched his cheek, “its itchy and burning,” my smile started to fade. 
His face was becoming very red. I have to call Y/n 
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Y/N’s POV 
“So let’s see if I understand,” Arthur said. “You own a bookstore,” he counted with his finger and I nodded, “You own one of the most successful restaurants in Monaco,” 
“And Italy,” I added 
“And Italy!” he said, adding a finger to his count. “You are a bestseller author,” I nodded. “Your parents were also authors and they were like the Stephen King of murder mystery books,” 
“Wow,” he let out, “Simply wow. You amaze me.” I laughed. “No no, truly. You are incredible. You are too perfect,” 
“Oh no! I am far from perfect. I also have a son,” I said slowly. “His name is Mateo. He likes to said Mateo with one T after the daycare wrote it with two T’s” I laughed a bit. “He’s very special to me.” Arthur had an intense look on his face, like paying attention to all the words I am saying. As if whatever I was saying matter to him. “You would like him, he’s very smart for his age. 
“He sounds amazing, just like you,” he smiled. 
“Here,” I pulled up my phone. “Let me show you a picture,” just as I was about to show him one of the newest picture I took of him, eating the naughty brownies, I got an incoming call from Charles. “Sorry, I have to take this call,” I apologized. 
“No, no. Go ahead,” 
I thanked him and answered the phone, “Hello Cha-”
“Y/N something is Mateo on his face,” 
“What? What’s going on?” 
“I don't know! His face is all red and he says it’s itching. He’s crying and I don’t know what to do, please” In the background I could hear Mateo crying. My heart broken a little, I knew what was happening. 
“Wash his face and keep him under the sade if possible, bring him to me now. This play date is over,” I hung up the phone and looked at Arthur, there was concern in his face. 
“Is everything okay?” 
“I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea for my kid to spend time with his father, and now he got an allergic reaction, I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to get going,” he felt bad having to leave like that. 
“Don’t apologize, I understand. I might not know the entire situation but from what you just said, it sounds like the father of your kid is a bad father,” he said. 
“Thank you for understanding,” I didn’t deny what he said because I don’t really know how Charles is as a father. 
“Please let me know how your kid is doing and if you need to talk, I’m just one phonecall away,” we said our goodbyes and I rushed to my car to get to my apartment. Once I got there, I got the aloe vera out of the freezer and got the aquaphor ready. Once I cut and slided the aloe vera, I put it was in the freezer. 
A little over an hour, Charles got home with Mateo in his arms, who was still crying, and the backpack I gave him on his shoulders.
Once he saw me he yelled, “Mamiiiii” he extended his arms towards me. 
“Ven aqui, mi amor, (come here, my love)” I carried him in my arms to the kitchen and sat him on the kitchen counter, I took out the aloe vera from the fridge and said, “This is going to make you feel better, okay?” he nodded as he scratched his eye with his fist, I pulled his hand out immediately. “You can’t do that Mateo. Youre gonna make it worse.” I put the aloe vera all over his face. 
“Why would he do that?” he asked. “I thought you loved me,” he looked at something behind me. I turned around and saw Charles standing behind us, bewildered after what Mateo said. He was only wearing his swimsuit, but none of that really matter now. He had the most sad face I have every seen. “But you don’t love me, that’s why you left me! You are mean! You are a mean dad! I hate you and I don’t wanna see you again!” he yelled. 
“Mateo, calm down, let’s get you in the shower. You need to rest.” I carried him in my arms again. Before I got out of the I turned to Charles and lipped a small ‘wait here’ 
I gave Mateo a quick bath under cold water, put his pijamas on and applied the aquaphor and aloe vera on his face, I brough one of the fans close to his face. 
“Are you okay now?” I asked him. 
His green eyes were red from crying. “Mami, am I going to be okay? Am i gonna die?” 
“No, mi amor. You are just having a reaction, nothing bad. You’re going to be okay in a few day,” I reassure him. “Now I need you to sleep. I’ll be checking up on you.” he nodded and closed his eyes. 
I got out of the room and saw Charles pacing back and forth. “He’s fine,” I said, my voice made him stop and look at me, “What happened to the sunscreen I gave you?” 
“I lost it, so I put another instead.” He took out the sunscreen out of Mateo’s bag. 
I took the sunscreen in my hands and examined the product. “You put a chemical sunscreen on his face,” I looked at him. “Mateo has extreme sensitive skin, he can’t use this type of sunscreen.” 
His eyes widen after that, “Why didn’t you tell me that?! I should’ve known that!” 
“Charles, I gave you one rule, just one. It was so simple. ‘Don’t lose the sunscreen’ that’s all.” I looked at the sunscreen again. “For fucks sake Charles, this sunscreen is expired too!” I threw the sunscreen at him, “Are you out of your mind? What is wrong with you?” I sighed. “Just… Go home,” I told him. 
“Go!” he looked at me in the eyes and I knew he regretted everything that happened today. He nodded and left the apartment. 
I let myself drop on the couch, and fell asleep there. When I woke up, it was dark outside and Steph has just got home, I told hereverything that happened. 
“Mati said a lot of bad stuff to him, I thought Charles was going to cry on the spot,” I told her. 
“This kind of stuff could’ve happen to anyone, it’s nobody’s fault,” she said. Although I wanted to believe her I though that maybe I should’ve told him about Mateo’s situation. “I’m going to check on Mateo, you go to rest.” 
I got up from the couch, and stretched a bit. “Thank you, Steph.” I gave her a tight-lipped smile and made my way to my room. 
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Monday’s are always difficult with Mateo. He never wants to get up, and just wants to keep sleeping. 
“Mateo you are not going to school,” I said as I tried to drag him out of bed, “I just need to face your face and then you can go back to sleep!” 
“I’m not going to school?” He got up and and started jumping on the bed, “Yes! Yes! That means I can hang out with Sharls more! Yes! Yes! Ye-” he stopped jumping and started at the wall. He gasped and covered his mouth with both of his hands, he turned to look at me. His eyes were less puffy and started to peel but his face was still red. 
I got in front of him and pulled his hands away from his mouth. His lips started to quiver. He hugged me so fast and so tight I always fell back “Mami I was so mean to him. I told him I hate him but I don’t hate him, and now I’ll never see him again,” he was crying so hard on my neck. I pulled him away from me and dried his tears. 
“Mateo I cannot have you crying right now, it’s not gonna be good for your face.” I pulled his hair out of his face, “Charles is busy today,” I lied, but I don’t think I’m ready to see him yet after yesterday, “But we can call him later on and you can talk to him and tell him you didn’t mean what you said, okay?” Mateo nodded, more calmed this time. “Okay, let’s go wash your face,” 
I love spending my days with Mateo, when we are just hanging out in the couch and we cuddle and he falls asleep in my arms. It reminds me when he was a tiny baby. 
We are cuddling on the big couch while watching Doraemon, a cartoon I saw while growing up. I heard Mateo murmur something I didn’t quite understand. 
“What did you say baby?” 
“I said you are my mommy and I love you so much,” he looked at me. 
“Yes baby I know,” I giggled. 
Mateo sat on the couch. “No mami, you have to say it baaack,” 
“Say what back?” I laughed. 
“You have to say that you love me too!” He pushed me a bit, he got on top of me and gave kisses. 
“No Mateo, your face!” I laughed now. “Okay, okay. Fine I love you!” He stopped and smiled. 
I was very tempted to text Charles and let him know about Mateo. I looked at the time, 6:32pm. I think that’s a good time to call him. 
“Mateo do you wanna call Charles now?” I asked him. He looked down at his lap and then at me again. I could tell he was being shy now. “I’ll be there with you,” I told him, this time he nodded. I put my phone out and press the phone button, I looked for his name and press call, at the second ring he answered. 
“How’s Mateo? Is he okay?” I could clearly hear the concern in his voice. 
“Mateo is fine, he’s getting better,” I looked at my son for a second, “He actually wants to talk to you, I’m going to put you on speaker, hold on.” I moved the phone out of my face and put the call on speaker, I moved the phone towards my son. 
“Hi Sharls…” his voice was small. 
“Hello Mateo, your maman says you are doing better,” 
At the other line, Charles let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take good care of you. I never wanted to hurt you”
Mateo’s lip started to tremble, “I didn’t mean the stuff I said to you yesterday. I was very mean, I’m sorry,” 
“I forgive you, Mati,” 
“No, you can’t call me that, only mommy calls me that,” he was quick to say. 
“Mateo!” I said. 
“Okay, you can call me Mati,” Charles laughed through the phone. 
“Y/n, can I talk to you?” I pulled the phone back and told Mateo to get the cream and aloe vera to apply it to his face again, after he left the living to get the stuff I took the phone out of speaker. 
“Is it okay to still have the dinner with my family tomorrow?” Tomorrow is the last day. The day next day Charles is leaving to go to the Baku GP. 
“Yes, I thought that’s what we agreed on. How many are you guys?” 
“Ehh… It’s me, my mum and my two brothers,” he said. 
“Okay, you can be here around seven or eight,” I told him. 
“Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow, say goodnight to Mateo for me,” 
“Alright, bye.” I hang up. 
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I got everything ready, I got catering from the restaurant. I have the table ready. 
Steph came out with Mateo next to her, once she saw me, she stopped walking and covered Mateo’s ears. 
“Girl, you look so hot,” I was wearing a black satin dress and low shoes. 
“Really? I think it’s too much, I have to go change.” Just as I took one step, I heard a knock on the door. 
“No can do, ma’am. You have guests outside.” She let go of Mateo and pushed me towards the door. “Now be a nice hostess and open the door,” after she said that, she made her way into the kitchen. 
I took a deep breath, fixed my dress a bit, and then opened the door, but this wasn’t exactly who I expected to see on the other side. 
“Y/n?” she asked. 
“Maman?” Charles asked. 
“Maman?!” I asked. 
“Y/n?” Charles asked again. 
“Charles, you’re…” Pascale started. She looked at me, and then at Charles. She knows the truth about everything. I feel my eyes burning. What the actual fuck is going on? Can this get any worse? A little far back, I could hear the voice of two guys speaking French. 
“Y/n, you know my mom?” Charles asked. I think I’m going to puke. 
Before I could answer, the two guys got behind Charles, still talking in within themselves. Is that…? 
“Arthur?!” The blond guy turned his face so fast. I was wrong, it can and it did get worse. I felt my whole body start to shake. I want to run far far away from this dinner, I want to floor to open a hole and swallow me whole.
“Y/N?” Seeing Arthur next to Charles, I could see the resemblance. The dimples, the smile. His face went pale and his eyes looked at me and then his brother. What are the odds? This can’t be right. 
Everyone was in some sort of shock, except for the other guy. He was just confused. He pushed Arthur behind and got in between Pascale and Charles. “I’m Lorenzo, very nice to meet,” He greeted me with two kisses on the cheek. 
“Yeah…” I managed to say. “Same…” 
What the fuck do I do now? 
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Author's Note - Please please read.
AHHHHHHHH I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter. This is the longest chapter I have written so far. This chapter has been so intense for me to write because of how long it is. It has taken me two and a half weeks to write. I would really appreciate to know what you guys thought of the chapter.
I love writing, I love the idea of Una Noche En Monaco a lot, and I really wish I could update more frequent. You guys are so lovely with the messages you sent me. Your comments, your praises and your support on this story is what makes me want to continue to write, truly. I mean the absolute world to me and I want to thank you guys for that. You guys are the best!
I have so many ideas for new stories of Charles that I wish I could be able to tell you. Like the royal!Charles x low class!reader, royal!Charles x royal! reader, Charles x Ferrari driver! reader, and two more that I can't even say.
If you guys let me vent for a bit, these past few weeks have been a bit of a struggle for me because I am not having that much work at my main job because we work with school and if there's no school, then there's no money, and my second job doesn't have events available to work. So I'm kinda jobless which is really really bad because I have tons of bills to pay and Miami is freaking expensive. All of this is freaking me out a bit and I just can't wait for school to start again so I can have work 😭😭
On better news, I have 736 followers! That is a lot! Like if I had one dollar for each follower I have, I would have 736 dollars?! That's a lot! I can't belie the amount of love you guys have given UNEM, you guys are the goat and I am sending a big kiss to each one of you! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I'm also thinking about creating a discord group so I could let you guys know about future projects, let you know whenever I update and all that jazz. The reason behind it is that tagging can be messy and Tumblr doesn't let me tag more than 50 people, and some tag don't even work? But I know the people are there because I see their likes and comments. So it's confusing. So pls let me know what you think about the discord.
Also I saw my notes app the other day and remember the bulletpoint draft for UNEM and this whole series was going to be COMPLETELY different from what is it lmaoo, should I show it to you guys? 👀
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @tinydancerjj @reidsworld @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith @diasnohibng187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @livsans @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @yesshewrites1 @AmsOffTrack @fandomxs1 @ludmisorella @japanesekel @leclercsbae @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird @celestialams @dreamcarsound @bhiees @empathypostsf1 @marauderlover22 @zendayabelova @lord_leclerc @itsmesofia @sebbybucky12 @notleclerc @dicaprio-leo @starkeyellow  @spngi @karina-v20 @mskeisha69 @prrttyposts @vex-et-soleil @dessxoxsworld @thesurielscheesecake @btwimmel  @67-angelofthelordme-67 @buckleyverse @mickslover @formula1-bichyslut16 @allgaslynobrakess @Rossy1080 @staris23 @CelestialCharles @glitterf1 @f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63 @buckystwilight @Alionova @btwimmel @thebluegoddess
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yangbbokari · 1 year
Skz making a bet on you Hyung line pt.2
Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader
Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU
Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities. I think that abt it
Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them
A.N: Not proof read at all and this is the hyung line pt.2 to the previous one. Maknae Line pt.2 is coming soon
Parts: Hyung Line Pt.1 Maknae Line
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BANG CHAN He didn't even notice you were gone until his call ended. Going around the house, he called your name multiple times. When he got no reply, he assumed you went on a grocery trip. So, he took his time to shower, get dressed and get ready for bed. Before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep.
Chan hated waking up cold. You weren't there beside him. He'd gotten used to always holding you through out these 7 years. He grabbed his phone off the night stand and checked the time. It was already 6:57 in the morning. Not hearing from you at all left him with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
So he immediately dialed your number. It rang once. Then twice. Then three times. You never let it ring more than two times so why weren't you answering? Finally, it went to voicemail. He called a couple more times just for all of them to go to voicemail. He started panicking. It was unusual of you to not pick up his calls unless something went wrong. One more time, just calling you one more time to make sure.
You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing uncontrollably. Rubbing your droopy eyes, you took your phone and answered it. “Hello?” You groggily said.
“Y-y/n? Where are you? Why weren’t you picking up my calls!? Hello? Y/n?”
The moment you hear his voice, the sleepiness left your body. You stayed silent because you were sure that you’d burst into anger and most likely tears if you tried to talk to him.
“Y/n? Why aren’t you answering me? I-I-I’m worried… Please just say something. You’re scaring me…”
You sat up in bed, holding the phone close to your ear. After clearing your throat you finally answered him.
“What do you want?” You were right. You were a little too irritated the moment you started talking to him.
“What do I want…? What do you mean!? I’m worried sick right now because you weren’t picking up my calls and you didn’t even come home last night. You could’ve at least texted me something, y/n. Don’t just leave me guessing of all the possibilities that could’ve happened to you!” He was practically yelling into the phone at this point and it only made you angrier.
“Well, I’m sorry I’m not being the toy who sees you as their protector and is so incredibly annoying that you can’t say it to her and instead to your fucking friends!”
Chan was speechless for a few minutes before speaking up again. “What..?” He said almost breathlessly.
“I heard that phone call you were on.” You began sniffling and the tears began to fall. “You said that you had fun… fun playing with my feelings and making me believe that you were my protector an-an-and how annoying I was…” You could hear him sighing on the other end and you began to think that he was going to agree with you but he didn’t.
“No… no, Baby, you got it all wrong. I-I shouldn’t have worded it like that.” He sighed once more. “I was talking about when I pranked you earlier this week. When I pretended that I was dead when you tried to wake me up. And then you began crying telling me how much you loved me.”
As he told you about it, you began to remember. Why were you so stupid? You began grabbing your things and walking to the shared apartment, all while listening to his explanation.
“Now there’s nothing I can say about the annoying part. But I did say that because—. Wait, you didn’t hear me tell him— never mind. What I’m saying is that I started the sentence like that because I was saying that it just made me realize all the more how much I loved you no matter how hard it got between us. Because I know these small fights we have between each other and how mad we can get and how petty the arguments are. I just love you so much and the way you cried over me broke my heart. You’re everything I could ever possibly ask for and I’m just so gra—”
He turned his head and saw you standing in the doorway of the bedroom looking an absolute mess. He hadn’t heard when you came in since he was so busy talking to you.
“When’d you get here..?” Chan stood up and made his way over to you to make sure you were alright as he checked around your body. He had tears in his eyes. You couldn’t help but stare at your boyfriend’s face in awe.
“I-I-I-I thought you didn’t love me and I got scared. S-so I left but now everything is making sense and I feel so stupid. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have—”
Chan took you into his arms, muffling your words. “Don’t say that. You have every right to think that way especially from what you heard. But don’t worry. I love you more than words can express.” The two of you cried into the comfort of each others arms and you’ve never felt better.
After tears were dried and things were dealt, Chan looked at you curiously. It made you a bit flustered. “Wh-why are you staring at me like that. Want to take your words back now?”
“No! I’m just wondering… how’d you get here so fast?”
“I-I-I was at my friend’s apartment. It’s a floor above us.”
He took you into his arms once again, chuckling. “God, I want to marry you.” All you could do was blush. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE MINHO The next day, Minho ran up to you and swung an arm around your neck. You were quick to push it off. He frowned and made a little pouting face.
"What's wrong? Why did you leave without me last night?"
You quickly answered each of his questions. Not wanting to be in his presence much longer. "Nothing. Something came up." You rushed past him and to class. Finals were just around the corner and you didn't have time to be dealing with someone like him.
This was your last year of school. You didn’t want the unwanted drama. You’ve sailed through school as a well-natured person, favored by the teacher’s. You didn’t want to ruin your reputation now.
But it wasn’t as easy as you thought. Minho would continue to bug you in each and every class. No matter what you were doing he was there. Constantly pushing him away wasn’t working and ignoring him CLEARLY wasn’t working. So you resulted to the only thing you had left, confrontation.
Without second thought, you went straight to him after school and kicked him in the shin.
“Ow! Who the fuck!” He quickly turned around to face you as his demeanor slowly changed. “O-oh, y/n… It’s you.” He sounded kind of disappointed if you were being completely honest.
“What did you do that for, Sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes and stormed off. Leaving him to chase after you.
"Woah, woah, woah, hey..." He grabbed you by the wrist and spun you around. "What's the matter?"
He was the most disgusting human being on this planet and you didn't want anything to do with it. It made you extremely irrtated and you didn't want to be there. If anything, his act he was putting up was probably all a part of that sick and disgusting, "joke," as they called it.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow."
That was all you said before finally getting in your car and driving home. You hated that you were such a pushover. You hated that no one coud truly accept you for you. You hated that you were so stupid. You hated that you were so blind. You hated yourself.
You pondered over the entire weekend. Highschool's almost over. It didn't matter now. But to you, it did matter. You weren't going to just let people treat you like trash anymore. You knew just what to do.
On Monday, you came in as a fresh new person. Both physical wise and mental wise. You weren't gonna let people fuck with you anymore. You spent the whole weekend researching on makeup. You already knew lots about fashion. Your closet was already filled with fashionable items, you just weren't sure when to wear them.
With some accents to your school uniform, you looked perfect. Now the problem was the makeup. This wasn't your forte. You've never really used makeup so it was a struggle. But with enough practice, it was almost perfect. Even though it was a struggle, your makeup came out just fine.
When walking in, you could feel the eyes that followed you. It made you super uncomfortable. Maybe you did your makeup wrong and looked like a clown instead of what you intended. Your anxiety quickly built up and you ran for the bathroom. On the way there, you bumped into a wall. Well, a body rather.
The boy gently pushed your body off of his and you were quite dissapointed with the boy you were faced with. It was Minho.
"Woah... miss, are you okay? You should watch where you're going. You're too pretty to be hurt. Are you new here?"
All you could do was scoff. People were staring because you all of a sudden looked beautiful in other's eyes. Even Minho couldn't recognize you.
"It's me, Dipshit."
You rolled your eyes and kicked him in his balls before leaving the scene. That was the best feeling in your life. Two less problems to deal with. Minho and the judgement of society. Fuck the rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEO CHANGBIN You kept crying throughout the night. It shouldn't hurt this much but you couldn't help the tears from falling. At about 9pm, Changbin knocked on the door.
"Y/n..? I know you're upset with me but please come eat dinner. Please?"
When you didn't reply, you could hear him sigh. It's not that you didn't want to talk to him and that you were ignoring him. It was just that you weren't sure if your mental state could handle that right now. You didn't want to just lash out at him.
There was some clinking and clanking in the kitchen before you heard the front door shut. It made you want to cry even harder. But you were sure that any other girl would do better for him. Than the one who currently had her back against the door as she cried.
You slowly got up and opened the door to see if he really left. It kind of broke your heart but what else could you really do in this situation? You made your way to the couch and sat down, holding your knees close to your chest. The tears were unstoppable and kept coming. It wasn't like you wanted them to, it's just you didn't know how to stop them.
As you were drowning in you sorrows, you heard the front door open. Immediately, your head shot up only to see Changbin standing there with a guilty look and a bouquet of flowers. He stood there frozen in his place.
"Baby, why are you still u-"
"Where were you?" You interceded.
Taking a quick glance between you and the door, he pointed towards it.
"I figured that you'd need space so I went out. Then I realized that you might think something bad about it. Like I'm leaving you or something. So I went to grab some gifts and come back home. So that I can beg you to take me back if you decided to break up with me. If you didn't take me back then I wo-"
At this point, Chanbin was just rambling on and on. You could see how sorry he was and it made you feel like you were a fool. So you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his frame. You cried into his chest not knowing what else you could do.
Changbin was a little to stunned to move or speak for a minute. But he slowly embraced you after setting the roses down.
"Baby... I thought you'd be mad at me." He cautiously stated.
Your lower lip quivered as you replied to him. "I-I am! But just a little bit. I'd rather have you by my side than lose you forever over something silly. Plus it happened in the past and you told me yourself. S-so I guess it makes it a better..."
And at that, Changbin holds you even tighter and lets out a sigh of relief. "I thought I would lose you forever over a mistake, in the past, I made. Thank you for forgiving me." He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. But you shook your head.
"No, thank you for loving me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HWANG HYUNJIN After running for a while, you slowed down and began walking. You went to the Han River and took a seat on one of the benches. Checking your phone, to see the battery life was out and decided to take the time to relax. A lot had already been going on in your life. You had just found out that your mother was sick and you didn't want to tell Hyunjin because that would make him worry. You got reprimanded at work for getting an order wrong. Nearly fired because you "didn't know how to do your job right."
It was a stressful day and you just hoped that movie night would make it better. Except it didn't. It made it worse.
Having to find out from Jisung instead of Hyunjin himself really hurt. You knew that Hyunjin would tell you when he was ready. But, you couldn't shake off the feeling that he never liked you, let alone love you, to begin with.
You also knew that Hyunjin loved you and you were just overthinking. But were you? The river was peaceful as is and you didn't want to face reality right now so that's where you stayed.
It wasn't until nearly midnight, did you return home. Upon entering your apartment, you were met with a very distraught Hyunjin. He looked freaked out about something. But as soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms, tightly. He sobbed out onto your shoulder as he said, "thank you," over and over again.
"H-hyunnie..? What's wrong?" You ask worriedly. Yes, you were upset. But seeing him like this did something to you.
"I thought- I thought that something happened to you. You weren't picking up your calls or replying to my messages so I told the boys and other friends we both knew to contact you too, figuring you didn't want to talk to me of all people. B-but then they all said they couldn't reach you either. So I came to your apartment and when you weren't here I got absolutely terrified. What if you didn't make it home? What if you got hurt. What if you got KIDNAPPED!? And that would all happen because I was too stupid to admit the truth. Because I made you angry. Because I made the one person I promised not to hurt, hurt so badly. A-a-a-a-an-and-"
He was terribly hyperventilating at this point so you grabbed his face and kissed him. He immediately softened into the kiss. His breathing got slower and his body began to slump.
You slowly pulled away and gazed into his eyes as you started consoling him.
"Hyunnie... my phone died and I stayed by the Han River. I did not get hurt or kidnapped as you can see. Since, I'm standing right in front of you right now. If anything did happen, I would never let you blame yourself because it wouldn't be your fault. Besides, I love you and I wouldn't want you to live with that."
His teary eyes looked into yours as his lips formed a soft pout. "You still love me?"
"Of course I do. Even if you made a bet on me."
It made him cry even more at the fact that you still had this much trust in him.
"I love you too."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @123rinu @pgnwook @mixtape-racha @hannieslovebot @lolareadsimagines @garrixer-06 @bandolls @chansbabygirlsstuff @camilagonzalex @mariteez @beccaskz @kibs-and-bits @kaitchan
@lynlyndoll @bangchansslut6 @hanniemylovelyquokka @changbinsjuicybiceps @xx-twalia-xx @bangchansprettygf @lvlnijiro @totallynotlyntv @htnw004 @shecheatedwithme @jiisungllvr @neteyamsmate4life @yoongles2025 @cosniffee @gdaymates @iilliess @tadashisdisaster sry if I missed u on the taglist
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A Song of Ice & Shadow
Part 5
You can read chapters one, two, three, and four here.
A/N: Not @ me pulling an all nighter to finish a protocol for uni and submitting it at 6 in the morning just 10 minutes before the deadline. Then proceeding to edit this chapter. This series in ruining my future, because all I did in the last two weeks is write 20 chapters! instead of the four protocols that I should've written on time. Anyways, enough about me. Y/n is fighting everyone in this chapter and saying hurtful things along the way.
Summary: Tension rises as Y/n only makes things harder for everyone around her. After moving into the Town House, she is attacked by the King’s soldiers.
Warnings: angst, slight violence, blood.
Word Count: 4.1 K.
Coming to check on Elain, much to Y/n’s surprise, she was not in her room. She paced towards the room where Nesta usually sat, only to hear her telling someone to get out. When she arrived she found Nesta and Feyre by the door and Elain and Lucien sitting in the room.
“I told you to keep him away from her” Y/n glared at Feyre, her voice tight with frustration.
“I came for a book” Lucien stated, trying to sound nonchalant.
“You don’t fool me, you one-eyed bastard. Get out!” she kept her voice steady, though a storm was building within her. 
“She needs fresh air. Get her out of this house” he advised, and although he was right, Y/n barked “do not tell us what my sister needs. You don’t even know her”. In a moment of intense anger, a faint spark danced across her fingertips, the sensation lost amidst the turmoil of her emotions. She clenched her fists tightly, extinguishing the spark, the potential within her remaining hidden.
Feyre had come this morning to apologize for the previous night, but upon being seen in the same room as Elain and Lucien, it only made things worse.
“Y/n, I-”.
“Save it” she gave her sister a glare before storming out.
With no one around, Y/n felt cooped up and could not leave even if she wanted to. She decided to explore the rest of the house. Reaching the library, she felt something tighten around her chest. She was greeted by Clotho who wrote on a paper offering to assist her. She didn't even know why she was here, but then an idea came to her. She wrote back  “do you have books about the anatomy and strong and weak points of the Fae?”.
“You want to learn about your body?”.
“Something like that”.
Clotho signaled one of the priestesses who led Y/n to the aisle about Fae anatomy a couple of floors below. She started reading out of curiosity but got sucked in. The tightening of her chest returned and she finally put the book down. She looked around, but no priestesses were in sight. She walked around the library when she saw a dark pit below. Something was drawing her closer, and she decided to investigate. She heard a faint voice ask “who walks here?”.
“Hello. Is there anyone here?”. No answer. She resumed her descent.
“Who dares disrupt my sleep?” the voice was louder.
“I-I did not know there was anyone here. I’m Y/n”.
“Ah, the one who’d been lost. I see you’ve been found”.
“What does that even mean? Who are you?”.
“You mean to say, what am I?”.
“You’re not Fae? Wh- where are you? How is it possible that your voice is everywhere?” Y/n was now going down carefully, as the lights began to fade.
“Fae?” the voice laughed “I’m much older, girl-”.
“Y/n, what in the Mother’s name are you doing here?” Cassian grabbed her wrist and led her upstairs.
“What the hell, prick? Let go of me!” but Cassian did not release her until they were in the upper part of the library, where it was safe.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” this was the first time she’s seen Cassian angry. His wings flared slightly, a sign of his agitation.
“What has gotten into you?”
“What has gotten into you?” he repeated “how can you just go down there? Do you know what lies beneath the library?”.
“No, I do not. No one has told me anything. In fact, this is the first time I’ve been to the library”.
“You stupid fool”.
“Mind your tongue, General”.
“Why did you even go down there?”.
“Because- I- I don’t know. Something was calling to me. I had this strange feeling and it led me there” she explained.
“If it ever calls to you again, do not answer. Do not go down there, do you understand me?”.
“I do not take orders from you, General. I’m not one of your soldiers that you can command”.
“Mother above, Y/n. Will you just listen for once?” Cassian sighed. He’d never dealth with such a stubborn and infuriating woman before.
“What is down there?”.
“A creature you do not want to face, trust me. Please, just stay away. I’m not commanding, I’m asking”.
“Alright, whatever. How did you even know I was here?”.
“I stayed behind to guard the city and you and Elain-”
“I don’t need guarding”.
“I know. When I came to the house, you weren’t there, so I had to check. When I got to the library, Clotho told me you were here. I did not think you’d do such a stupid thing, but when I came to find you you weren’t there. Only the book you were reading. Why are you studying our anatomy?”.
“I need to know everything about my enemies in order to defeat them”.
“Do you plan on killing me?” he chuckled.
“If you keep annoying me”.
“You’re lucky that I found you. You could have died”.
“Am I supposed to thank you? You don’t know that. Maybe whatever is down there just wanted to chat” she shrugged.
“Since when do you see the best in people?”.
“I don’t, but it is not a person, is it?”.
“Let’s just get out of here” he rolled his eyes.
“Where is everyone?”.
“Hewn city. If you agreed to help, you could’ve gone with them”.
“And see more of your kind? From what I heard, they’re even worse than you”.
“Much worse”.
“Then why would I ever want to go there?”.
“Fair point. But what about your powers, don’t you want to learn about them?”.
“You don’t know if I have any”.
“You are Cauldron-made. I-we believe that each of you has powers”.
“Power or no power, I’m not doing anything to help you”.
“Why not? You’d help save everyone”.
“You ask a lot of questions, General”.
“And you answer none”.
“I don’t owe you or anyone an answer”.
“Sorry, I asked… I have to go now, Rhys just informed me of their return. And please don’t go down again”.
“I won’t.  Tell my sister and your brother to come here tomorrow, I have something to discuss with them”.
To Y/n’s surprise, not only Feyre and Rhys were in the living room the next morning, but also Cassian, Azriel and Nesta. 
“Good morning” she greeted Nesta, and Nesta only. “How are your lessons going?” she took a seat next to her sister.
“I’m learning to shield myself. Yesterday was tiring” Nesta informed her.
“I want to go home” Y/n informed Feyre, who was taken aback, much like everyone else in the room.
“What? This is your home now” Feyre said.
“No, this is your home. I want to leave. I want to go back”.
“But you’re not human anymore” Feyre reminded “they won’t accept you there. It’s not safe”.
“I can glamour myself. And I can decide what risks I’m going to take myself”.
“You can’t glamour yourself forever”.
“Why do you care? I have made my decision. I want to leave” she persisted.
“Because you are my sister, and I want what is best for you”.
“And you think this is what’s best for me? To be locked up in here with nothing to do, surrounded by people I don’t like. I’m sorry that your human life was miserable, that you had to hunt for our family’s survival and just because you found a purpose here, just because you fit in, doesn’t mean we all have to. I had a life back then, a good one”.
“No one is locking you up. I told you, you can leave any time you wanted” Rhys reminded.
“How am I supposed to leave if no one is here to take me out? Or am I magically supposed to send a letter that would go wherever you are?”.
“You can call with your mind and I would send whoever is nearest to get you” Rhys explained.
“Nice trick, so you can enter my mind and read my thoughts? I’m not stupid”.
“I would never do such a thing, I give you my word”.
“You and your words that you can’t keep” she huffed.
“Y/n-” Feyre tried to diffuse the situation.
“It’s not safe. Not for you and not for your father. You have to think ab-”.
“Oh, that’s rich, coming from you” her reply came with a huffed chuckle “where was all that talk when you came to us for help? Or did our safety not matter to you when your new family wanted help?  Because from where I stand, everything that happened to us was because of a decision you made” Y/n’s voice grew quiet, almost hesitant, pain and disappointment evident in her tone. Y/n didn’t want to say these words aloud, knowing her sister felt guilty, nonetheless. But bottling up her feelings all this time backfired on her.
“Don’t blame Feyre for what happened to you. If you want someone to blame, blame the King of Hybern, blame me” Rhys defended.
“Oh, I do, and his turn will come. But she played a part in what happened, I begged her to take her business elsewhere... I played a part in what happened” her voice faltered “we all did. And you? You want to know why I hate you? You made a promise that you couldn’t keep. You and your brothers promised to protect my sisters and when they needed that protection, you were all helpless. I should’ve never trusted you or let you anywhere near them and I have no one but myself to blame. I knew of the danger your kind would bring us, but still I allowed it to happen and now my sisters are suffering and Elain lost her fiance. All because of one decision” tears were now filling up in her eyes, but no one dared to speak. They all partly blamed themselves for what happened to the sisters and now with her confession, they know she blamed them too. A reminder that they have failed her and her sisters.
“It’s not your fault. No one blames you” Nesta finally spoke, trying to comfort her older sister. This was the first time she saw her break. She was always composed, didn’t let anything or anyone get to her. A faint smile appeared on Y/n’s face before she wiped away the tear that slipped and composed herself. She wanted to say something but had no energy left in her to argue, so she only nodded.
“You are right, it would put my father in danger. I won’t make that mistake twice” Y/n admitted before silently walking out of the room.
“What’s going on?” Y/n stepped out of her room as she heard noise and movement coming from outside.
“We’re moving to Rhysand’s townhouse” Nesta informed her sister.
“Great! And when was this decision made?” Y/n sighed.
“Yesterday… after you left”.
“I see. Is it because-”.
“Elain needs fresh air and staying here won’t help anyone”.
“Right… Was anyone going to tell me or were they just going to drag me there?”.
“I was sent to inform you, since-”.
“Since I basically told them to piss off”.
“Something like that. Let’s go” Nesta led her sister upstairs where the Illyrians and their other sisters were waiting, in addition to the one-eyed ginger. Azriel was the only one who dared to offer to take Y/n. He was met with sympathetic looks from his brothers and Feyre.
To his surprise, Y/n did not object and took the hand he extended to her. This time she’d be calm and composed. She did not say anything during their flight and neither did he. Knowing how she felt about him-  them, he could not face her, as guilt crept up on him. They were the first to arrive and when they reached the front door, he released his grip from her waist and opened the door. “Where’s my room?” was all she asked. He informed her and she nodded in thanks before leaving for her room.
The next day, a healer called Madja was sent to examine Elain. To see if something was wrong with her, but she found nothing. She informed the sisters that there was nothing wrong with her physically and that she cannot enter her mind, since apparently being Cauldron-made gave them immunity against anyone who tried peeking around in their minds. This made Y/n feel pressure lifted off her, seeing as now neither her sister or Rhys can ever read her mind without permission. Madja suggested that Lucien try, seeing as he was her mate, maybe he could sense something they couldn’t. Although Y/n hated the idea, she agreed for her sister’s sake.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Y/n yelled at Lucien as Elain stood from her seat startled by whatever he did.
“Nothing” he claimed and apologized to Elain. After a while, Nesta walked out of her lesson with Amren and took Elain to the garden, away from Lucien. He informed Feyre that he felt her, but as Y/n thought he could not sense what was wrong. Feyre assured him they could try another day before walking after her sisters to retrieve Nesta for Amren. Lucien was left standing alone with Y/n.
“Don’t even think about getting together with my sister” Y/n warned.
“She’s my mate” he reminded. 
“I’m letting you near my sister, you one-eyed bastard. You have done enough damage. You might be able to fool the others, but you don’t fool me. I know the only reason you’re here is because Elain is your “mate”. If she wasn’t, you wouldn’t have cared, you would’ve stayed with that dumb fuck of a male, his existance is a waste of oxygen. And don’t think I’ll ever forget how when my Feyre was suffering, when your ‘friend’ locked her up, you did nothing. When you tried taking her back by force, after seeing how she suffered. When you stood by while that monster made a deal with the King to use his land to slaughter humans. When my sisters became what they are because of you and your friend’s stupidity. You couldn’t even be a good friend, and let him spiral out of control, let him become the villain that everyone hates. So, over my dead body would I let you have her, but I don't put it past you to kill me to get to her, knowing who you keep company. But at least if you kill me, Elain will see you for who you truly are” Y/n said coldly, only hatred in her eyes.
“I-I’m sorry about wh-”.
“You’re only sorry, because she happens to be your mate. Don’t waste your time with me, I will never forgive you” she walked slowly upstairs, knowing her words will leave a deep scar.
Y/n was on her bed reading, when two High Fae males appeared in her room. From the way they looked, Y/n knew they were the King's soldiers. She promptly jumped out of bed and shouted “Elain, get out of the house now! RUN”.
“Don’t worry, we’re not here for your sister. At least not that one” one of them smirked.
“Stay back!” she warned.
“Or what?” one of them blew out blue Faebane dust at her, rendering her magic, whatever it was useless “you can either come with us willingly and make it easy for everyone or you can try and fight back, but it won’t be fun, at least not for you” one of them laughed as he took his blade out.
“I think you know which one I’m sticking with” she gave them a smile, not letting them see her fear. As one tried to move towards her, she threw the lamp on her bedside table at him and jumped on the bed, hoping to reach the door. The other one was fast enough to yank her back by her braid, throwing her on the floor. “Is that all you’ve got?”.
“I’d say it’s not fair to fight an unarmed woman, but again when is it ever fair?” She managed to kick him in the balls before getting back up on her feet and opening the door. When she reached the stairs, one of them pushed her down, resulting in a few bruises and a sprained ankle, possibly a mild concussion as well, but surprisingly nothing more. She limped to the kitchen, in search of a sharp object she could use. The first thing she saw was a small knife, but it would have to suffice. “What do you think that knife is going to do?” a mocked laugh came from one of them as he slowly walked into the kitchen.
“That depends on your fighting style. It could be the eye, your throat or even land right between your eyes or legs. Who knows?” she shrugged “I’m not going down without a fight. The only way you’re taking me with you is if I’m dead”.
“The king needs you alive, but he said nothing about harming you” one of them lunged forwards but before he could reach her, Azriel ripped his throat with his bare hands, blood splattering all over Y/n’s face and nightgown. Before the other one could react, Azriel threw his blade, Truth-Teller at him, which landed in the middle of his face.
“I had it covered”.
“I’m sure you did. Are you alright?” Azriel scanned Y/n bodies for any injuries.
“I’m fine, but Elain-” she remembered as the adrenaline wore off.
“She’s fine. No one tried to attack her” his hands were on her shoulders, still scanning her.
“I’m fine, Shadowsinger. I just sprained my ankle” she reassured him.
“That is what’s worrying me. You fell down the stairs and only got a sprained ankle”.
“How do you know that I fell? And are you saying you’re disappointed I didn’t break my neck or get worse injuries?”.
“I- that’s not what I meant. Just forget it and I’m sorry about the mess and the blood” he gestured to the blood on her face.
“That’s the least of my worries” she chuckled.
Azriel had just finished getting rid of the bodies, while Y/n sat on the couch with an ice pouch applied to her ankle when Feyre, Nesta, Rhys and Cassian walked through the front door.
“You look like hell” Y/n said to her sisters.
“I could say the same to you” Nesta gestured to the blood still all over her and the messed up braid.
“You should see the other males” Y/n stood up and gave her sister a warm hug “I’m glad you’re alright” she took a step back and shifted her gaze to Feyre “both of you”.
The others arrived and gathered in the living room to plan for any future attacks. They informed Y/N why the King was after them and what had happened to the queen who jumped in the Cauldron after them, but still she couldn’t understand how that would happen, seeing as she went in after Nesta and nothing happened to her.
“Maybe it’s because you went in immediately after Nesta and the Cauldron did not realize she took something from it” Cassian suggested.
“But as I recall, you stayed much longer than Nesta and Elain” Rhys reminded.
“The ravens said that both of you stole something from the Cauldron. What did you take, Y/n?” Feyre asked.
“I don’t know. All I know is when I went under, I was full of rage and hatred and I wanted to destroy the Cauldron. Other than that, I don’t remember”.
Then, they went back to discussing the meeting with the High Lord and who had agreed to come and possible outcomes of the meetings.
“The queen might come” Elain said. They all wondered who she was talking about and she clarified it’s the one with feathers of flames. Everyone was confused except for Azriel, who came to the conclusion that Elain was a seer. They started asking Elain questions about this queen and then debated about going to find out more about her and maybe bring back an army when Lucien volunteered to go.
“I need a bath” Y/n sighed before standing up again and heading towards the stairs. Azriel rushed to help her, but she held out her arm, gesturing she could walk alone.
“I need to send this letter out” Y/n entered the living room, where the inner circle except for Feyre and Mor were sitting. 
“Alright, Az will take you. I have some things to discuss with Amren” Rhys said. Azriel stood from his place and nodded in agreement.
“Where’s Feyre?” she questioned.
“Out with Mor. She’s showing her something”.
Y/n strode towards the door and Azriel followed behind.
“Don’t be late” Cassian quipped and Y/n lifted her hand up, showing him the middle finger before leaving.
“I’m sorry you got stuck with me” Azriel said.
“I suppose it’s alright. It was either you or the General and I’d take you any day over him”.
Azriel snorted “what’s the deal between you two?”.
“He’s a giant prick who loves annoying people”.
Azriel winnowed them out to the dispatch center and waited outside when Y/n hesitantly walked in. She had finally decided to send that letter to her father. She informed him of the war that is to come, of how she and her sister were transformed against their wills and that she now lives with Feyre. But she also lied, telling him she’s happy where she is and that he shouldn’t worry about her. That she’ll come visit him once the war is over.
“Is everything alright?” Azriel asked when she finally came out, a hint of sadness in her eyes.
“Yes, it’s fine. Let’s just go”. With that he wrapped them in the shadows and winnowed out.
“Where are we?” Y/n noticed her surroundings were not something she was familiar with.
“We’re on a mountain”.
“No shit, that I figured”.
“I come here sometimes, when I’m feeling low” he confessed.
“Who says I’m feeling low?”.
“I’m not blind” he gave her a knowing look, his eyes narrowing slightly as if to say I can see right through your lie  “you’ve been like this ever since this morning, especially after delivering that letter”.
“And what am I supposed to do here?” she crossed her arms.
“Take a break. Away from everyone. You can see Velaris from here. It brings me peace whenever I come here. I thought it could do that to you too”.
“I appreciate the thought, but peace is not something I will experience any time soon”.
“Then just take a break for a moment to breathe, unless you prefer going back and enduring Cassian” he joked.
“Fine…so what am I supposed to do exactly? Look down at the city and enjoy the view?”.
“If you want. Whatever makes you feel better” he sat on a rock, his arms crossed.
Y/n stepped towards the edge and looked over for a few minutes before speaking “it’s hard to do anything when you’re sitting behind me watching like a hawk”.
“Would you prefer it if I left? I can give you however much time you need and then come back to get you” he offered.
“No. Just- if you’re going to show me a city, show it to me at night or dawn. Everything looks more enchanting at these times”.
“Duly noted”.
“We can leave now, I feel a bit better”.
Y/n was knitting in the living room, a new hobby she’s picked up, when Amren walked in, informing everyone that Hybern had attacked the Summer Court. The inner circle were discussing strategies and exchanging information about what to do next, when Rhys decided they were going to aid the Summer Court. 
Azriel and Cassian were preparing for war, checking their blades and tapping the siphons atop their hand, spreading their scaled armor across their body. Their expressions cold and devoid of emotions. Although Y/n had seen him- them in their full armor before, she never witnessed them preparing for a fight or a war. The sight of them made her heart skip a beat. Was that worry she felt? She did not know. She stood from her place to say something, but they were gone before she could. Nesta questioned if Mor and Feyre were going to fight and Feyre informed her that they would if needed.
Taglist: @st4r-girl-official @judig92 @5onedirection5 @nayaniasworld @blackgirlmagicforever @stained-glass-eyes0708 @aehllitas-blog @nebarious
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WIBTA to refuse tutoring my nephew even though I'm not sure what he did wrong?
So I (24, F) have been tutoring my nephew/the son of my mum's close friend (10, M) for a couple of weeks now. His mum pays me for the hours I spend teaching him and honestly despite the kid being obviously ADHD I don't really mind him getting constantly distracted because it's clear he still understands what I'm explaining to him, so we had a pretty good relationship up until this point as I was way more understanding of him than any other tutors or even his own mother, although I don't really know him THAT well.
During our tutoring sessions my cat, Pudding (14, F) would usually stay in the same room with us. She likes to stay in the same room as other people but usually doesn't let strangers pet her and will go away if bothered too much. Well, Nephew being distractable as he is would often go up to her to pet her as he would answer a question of mine or just as a thing between answering questions. Strangely enough Pudding did let him do that and didn't seem to be THAT bothered by it, so I too ignored it and just let him do it.
Now, here's the issue: A few days ago after we finished our tutoring session for that day I left the room to wash my hands in the kitchen since we were eating snacks during the session. My house's kitchen is literally DIRECTLY next to the room where we have our tutoring sessions so it couldn't have taken longer than 10-15 seconds from me leaving before I heard a cry from Pudding. "Oh, she must've finally gotten annoyed with Nephew's behaviour, I'll tell him to stop bothering her." I thought to myself as I finished washing my hands, yet before I was even able to make it back to the room I heard a second, much louder meow, the kind of meow a cat only makes if they ACTUALLY get hurt. So now, properly concerned, I round the corner into the room and see Nephew sitting right next to where Pudding is still laying, now with her ears flat and looking at him. He must've seen the confusion on my face because the first thing he said was "We were just playing." to which I blurted out that clearly she was not in the mood to play and walked over to check on her. While doing that, I noticed that there was a blanket slightly covering Pudding's hind legs, so I assumed maybe Nephew accidentally put his weight there without realizing she had her paws there. I VERY GENTLY pulled back the blanket and VERY GENTLY touched her legs to see if they were hurt, and then she BIT me and finally ran away. Of course I don't blame her, and in fact that only strengthened my concern because Pudding is a VERY polite cat, if she's bothered by anything she will just leave and if she bites for play it's always very gentle and doesn't leave a mark, this was not that. Afterwards I couldn't get any useful information out of Nephew as to what exactly he did, he just kept saying that he was petting her and she got annoyed which was clearly not true, so I dropped the subject and just sent him home.
Now it's been a few days since that happening and I've checked on Pudding's legs a few times since then. She doesn't respond to me touching them at all and she doesn't limp or anything so either she didn't get injured, or the legs were never the issue in the first place and me touching her was simply the last straw in that already stressful situation for her. Despite that however, I find myself not wanting to have Nephew over for tutoring anymore as I'm afraid that something like this might happen again when I'm literally gone from the room for less than a minute. It really annoys me that I have absolutely no clue what happened while I was gone, I don't even have a way to know if Nephew did whatever he did intentionally or by accident since him saying they were just "playing" could very well be just his honest perception of the situation, or him lying and being vague on purpose because he knows he did something wrong. The reason why I feel like Nephew might be lying about doing bad things on purpose is because Nephew's family has two cats, so I really feel like he should know better already and be more careful. Another point is the fact that this literally happened the INSTANT I was gone from the room, almost as if he was waiting for me to be gone to do something (as far as I recall I haven't ever left him alone with Pudding before this point), though admittedly that could just be unlucky coincidence. Plus, I find it REALLY hard to believe he'd be able to make Pudding cry like that on accident, I've genuinely NEVER heard her make a sound like that, ever, not even at the vet's. On the other hand however I know that he was failing his math class badly before I started tutoring him and I'm almost certain he'd start to fail again if I stopped helping him. Not only that, I'd have to come up with a lie about being too busy to do tutoring or something else since obviously I can't tell his mother "Hey your son might've done something bad but I'm not really sure and don't really have any proof and can't even tell if it was really intentional or not", since I realize how ridiculous that sounds despite still genuinely feeling incredibly uncomfortable about the whole situation.
So with all of that out of the way, would I be the asshole for denying him my tutoring services just because I feel uncomfortable about the idea of him possibly hurting my cat on purpose, even when I don't really have any proof that he did it on purpose or would do it again?
What are these acronyms?
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lexirosewrites · 1 month
I keep trying to send you something for SS but it keeps getting reformatted and an error comes up. I'll try to send in multiple parts.
I'm sorry that this took so long to answer, but I was trying to find the best way to post your submission because all three posts came in formatted a bit wonkily and I wanted to make sure everyone could read the full story properly, so I put them all here as text in order to make it easier to follow! Hopefully that works easier than linking all three posts together💛
⬇️ NSFW steddie ficlet below
Here's a little something for Slick Sunday O!S A!E: Steve hasn't gotten off in a while. It's not for lack of desire, he's been woefully single but honestly too busy to do much about it. The issue really has been he hasn't really felt like getting off solo. The few times he's tried lately, mostly when he's in bed for the night, didn't really go anywhere. He'd take his cock in his hand, dip his fingers in his pussy for some slick as lube, determined to rub one out but after a few minutes his erection would flag and he'd just give up and go to sleep.
Until today, where he's finally horny enough that he's SURE he could get off, and he wants to SO badly. unfortunately he's currently at work and he can't go anywhere because it's a busy day, he's by himself and has to man the register.
And technically he needs to walk around and organize things but he's staying put behind the register because he's hard as rock, and his boxers are slick soaked.
He's so embarrassed and he glances at the clock willing the customers to leave. He's panicking during transactions sure they all smell his desire, and even if they can he knows it's socially impolite to point it out. He hopes his blockers are doing a good enough job he needs to switch them out soon.
Finally the store is empty and Steve is about to turn the sign so he can go on his lunch break, finally, and speed on home for a change of underwear and quick crank.
But the front door makes a little digital bells sound, indicating someone else has arrived. nononono go away GO away GO AWAY!!!!!!
Steve glances up to see it's Eddie and he's half relieved and half nervous. Relieved since it's Eddie, whom he’s been crushing on for quite a while, and nervous because he's SURE he won't be able to leave anytime soon since Eddie tends to stick around when he comes to visit Steve at work. He's sure to want Steve to walk around with him and Steve really wouldn't be able to hide behind the counter anymore.
"Hiya Steeeevie! You guys get any new worthwhile flicks?"
"Uh maybe. Check the new releases."
"Haha well yeah I'm going to, just wanted to know if you have any recommendations!"
"Nothing comes to mind, sorry."
"You're sweating, somethings up with you. You alright?"
"Fine, uh. I'm fine AC's been on the fritz. I'll go check the thermostat in the back."
"Ah that sucks. I'll go with you, see if I can tinker with the unit and get it working better!"
"There's no need. someone will come tomorrow."
"Good :Eddie sniffs the air: oh wow. it smells SO nice in here today."
"Oh uh..."
"Wait, it's. It's you. You smell great Steve, wow. I don't usually smell you."
"My uh, blockers must need to be switched out, thanks for letting me know. I'll go in the back real quick and do that" It's a plausible excuse but embarrassing enough he won't be followed.
Steve starts toward the back room determined to reapply his blocker patch and will his erection to flag before he has to face Eddie, again.
"Oh! I'll just wait out here you go replace your patch and I'll get out of your hair soon I promised Wayne a movie night."
Steve, not knowing what to say, rushes into the back.
"Go down, go down. please. Eddie's right outside"
Oh Eddie's right outside?
It's like his cock is mocking him the way it does a desperate little twitch at the thought of Eddie standing outside the door. Beautiful, Eddie with his soft doe eyes, and his cropped top, showing off the trail to what is probably a huge alpha co— Now's not the time for horny thoughts!
"Uh Steve? you alright in there? you've been in there for a little bit?"
What if Eddie was waiting outside the door and thinks he's rubbing one out in here?
Oh no! oh no!
If anything it just makes Steve gush even more.
Imagines Eddie asking if he needs a hand—
"Fine!!! I'm fine!"
But the door handle is turning, and Steve curses the lack of locks.
Steve automatically turns around to wave him off.
They meet eyes and Steve can tell the moment Eddie sees his bulge because Eddie stops short and his eyes bug a bit, and he instinctively sniffs the air around him(This is it! this is when Steve finally dies of embarrassment, he just knows it!!!)
"Oh man you're soaked. Do you have a change of clothes in the car, I could get for you?"
"I don't, l used them when we decided to go swimming last week. I'm just going to go, uh die of embarrassment be right back."
"Don't be embarrassed, you don't need to be. I shouldn't have come in without knocking. I've been there before, pent up and no way to get rid of it, l once popped a boner in the middle of a grocery store. I was terrified the staff would think I was into cauliflower. "
Steve can't help but scoff a little laugh at Eddie's nervous ramblings.
"Cauliflower huh? Would have taken you for more of a cucumber man"
"Well yeah I guess don't want to be too predictable, and that's just low hanging fruit, well, vegetable really. Uh Why am I still standing here? You're sweating so bad, you smell fantastic wow. I'm just putting my foot in my mouth here."
Steve stares at him blushing "You think I smell good?" he giddily asks.
"You smell fucking amazing. And just look at you. You're packing some serious heat there, huh? Um, not to be too forward but wouldyoulikesomehelpwiththatSteve?"
Steve nervously smiles and asks for clarification "slow down a bit. what did you say?" please be what I thought you said!!!!
Eddie gulps but steps forward into Steve's space.
Gulps and takes a deep breath through his nose, his pupils dilating. "I said, would you like some help with that,omega??"
Steve gulps and feels himself start to gush even more, slick trailing down the inside of his thighs, Eddie seems to notice the way he glances down hungrily.
"PLEASE! :Steve clears his throat: I mean. Yes! I would. I really would. Let me lock the front door."
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
"let me take care of you. please?" (sunghoon x reader)
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genre: fluff, angst word count: 1k requested by nonnie ♡
warnings: it's a comfort fic!! reader is in a really bad mental headspace, crying, mentions of anxiety
a/n: a little sappy but still think it came out kinda cute <3 comfort fics have a special place in my heart!! kinda wish i had such hoon for myself sometimes :))
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You struggle to breathe as another sob leaves your tight throat. Face hidden in your hands, you sit with your back leaned on your bed frame.
The couple past days have been difficult for you as the pressure and the overwhelming anxiety have been taking a toll on your well being. You've never been the one to share your problems or struggles with other people, always being too afraid of burdening them with your worries. So for the longest you've been taking care of your mental problems all by yourself and as much as you've always thought you had it under control, you've finally reached your breaking point as today all of the emotions came crashing down on you with a doubled strength.
You didn't contact anyone, leaving your phone laying on the bed on a do not disturb mode. Being too much into your own head space, you never even hear your boyfriend's voice calling out for you as the door of your apartment slams shut. It's the second time that your name leaves his lips that you finally snap out of it and come back to your senses.
With a gasp, you quickly scramble to your feet and rush to the bathroom, closing the door quickly as you hear Sunghoon stepping into your room. God, you can't let him see you in such state. No one's ever seen you at your lowest and you weren't planning on letting it happen any time soon.
"YN?" He asks with confusion, hesitantly knocking at the locked door. You bring your hand up to your lips, trying to muffle the sobs that don't seem to stop any time soon. "Are you okay? You haven't been answering anyone's calls for the entire day."
You wait couple seconds until you're sure your voice won't betray you. "I'm fine. Just wasn't feeling well, sorry."
But Sunghoon knows you better than anyone else. He pays attention to every single detail of you, so he was more than aware that something unsettling has been going on with you lately. He didn't want to be too pushy though, but after all of your friends said they weren't able to reach you since the morning, he had to come and check up on you.
"I can tell that you're crying, my love." His soft words make you go still for a moment. You were so sure you did well with covering up the tremble in your voice. "Will you open the door for me?"
"N-No," you stutter out, suddenly feeling hot from being this close to getting exposed.
"Why?" He asks, voice as calm as ever, even though his heart nearly leaps out of his chest from worry.
You hesitate for a second, realizing that lying to him is pointless right now. You inhale shakily. "Because I don't want you to see me like that."
"Please, open the door, baby," he asks and it's the gentleness of his voice that makes you cave and turn the lock open. The moment that he steps into the bathroom and sees your tear-stained face, he takes you in his arms tightly. Holding you closely to his chest, he wishes he could just take away all of your pain and worries and keep you like this for as long until you feel secure again.
"I'm sorry," you mumble out a watery apology, pressing your face to his chest and soaking his t-shirt nearly instantly. "I just don't know how to handle all of my emotions sometimes."
"Don't apologize for that," he quietly reprimands you, leaning his chin on the top of your head. "Wanna talk about it?"
You shake your head and Sunghoon understands. He hums in acknowledgement and the faint vibrations running through his chest bring solace to your aching heart.
You stand in silence for couple more minutes, relishing in the feeling of his hand stroking your hair and the gentle serie of kisses that he's laid upon your head. Before you even know, your sobs reduce to quiet sniffles and the hysteria that's overwhelmed your mind slowly fades away.
"You should've called me," he whispers after a moment. "I would've tried to help you. It breaks my heart to think that you've been dealing with all of this by yourself."
"I just didn't wanna burden you," you stumble out, pulling away to look at him. "You have enough problems on your mind already."
With a soft smile, Sunghoon lifts his hand up to wipe the tears away from your cheeks, peppering your face with kisses next. Your arms wrap around his middle and you just let him shower you with the affection you've been in a need for throughout the entire day.
After pressing the last kiss right to your tear-swollen lips, he pulls away so that your noses touch, rubbing them together to finally see the smile he adores so much.
"I want you to tell me every single thing that's bugging that precious mind of yours, alright? I'm your boyfriend after all." Noticing the uncertainty glimmering in your eyes, he kisses you again. "I really want to help you, baby. Let me take care of you. Please?"
Seeing the desperate pleading silently writing itself on his face, you finally nod your head and send him a sheepish smile. You push your face back into his chest again, not able to bare the raw emotion in his eyes as he looks down at you.
"Thank you, Hoon," you mumble, tightening your arms around him. "I love you so much."
"I love you even more," he says, finally feeling content for the first time this day. "Wanna go to bed now? It's getting kinda late. We can even watch this stupid cartoon you love so much."
"Haikyuu is not stupid and it's not a cartoon," you glare at him playfully. "Stop pretending like you're not watching every single episode more invested than me."
He huffs out a laugh, flicking your nose gently. "Alright, got me there."
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @venividibitchin @ramenoil @jenjnk
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zablife · 2 months
I keep coming back to “Ask me why I’m like this.” The way he talks to her on the phone, rubbing the handset with his finger. 🥵 “You know I’ll come for you.” 🥰😩 Carrying her everywhere; and the bath! THE 💕🎀BATH🎀💕 Let me tell you it destroyed my existence it was so comforting and hot. Caged in by his thighs?? 🫠 Her face on his chest 😭 Johnny washing her with a loofa!! Could we get an extended bath blurb pretty please? Or a sequel?💕
Babes, you've no idea how happy it made me to read your kind words about Ask Me Why I'm Like This 🥹 Ty for sending this lovely ask! I decided to write a few headcanons about the aftermath of that evening below the cut. I hope you enjoy! (There's so much soft!Johnny here, but I will warn you, there's also a bit of angst so pls don't be upset with me 🙈)
💙 When you're roused in the middle of the night by a nightmare, Johnny comforts you. His warm body presses to yours and suddenly it ignites the desire building inside you. It's a moment he can't forget bc it seems too perfect, you tugging at his hair and sinking your heels against his back to keep him inside you. It's enough to make him forget the precautions he might normally take.
💙 You cling to him until dawn, needing his weight draped over you to remain calm. Somehow it works and you manage to rest for another hour or two after he makes love to you, a pleasant dream painting the inside of your eyelids just before waking.
💙 Even tho you slide beneath his arm as he sleeps and disappear out the front door, Johnny tries not to worry. He finds other ways to keep watch over you when you stop asking for his help directly. He knows everyone in town so if you buy a stick of gum, he hears about it.
💙 In an unlikely turn of events it's what you don't do that causes him to worry the most. When you forget to visit your grandmother or skip the church bake sale, he realizes something bigger is on your mind.
💙 He wasn’t always a regular at the diner where you work, but now he makes a point to go there at lunchtime, asking to be seated in your section to check on you himself. The exhaustion in your eyes and the slight swell of your ankles confirms what he needs to know before he glimpses the strain of your apron strings or the oversize sweater you've donned before the end of September.
💙 "Baby girl, why didn't you come to me?" he asks, unable to hide his concern any longer. Large hand resting on your shoulder, he rubs your aching muscles slowly as he awaits an answer. "This ain't your problem, Johnny," you inform him.
💙 "How do you know? We been together a few times," he says hopefully, thumb stroking your cheek so gently it could make you break down on the spot. You can sense how badly he wants you to be his. If only you'd allow it.
💙 "I don't," you finally admit. "But what if...?" He silences you with a tender kiss, any protest forgotten as he leads you toward the door. “You can't keep this up with a baby inside ya. Need your rest," he grunts decisively.
💙 Johnny takes you back to his to settle you into a more domestic routine, insistent on caring for you from that moment on. You didn't want for anything as he brings you your meals and tends to you with such attentiveness it makes your heart ache.
💙 A month before your child is born you sit resting against him in the porcelain tub upstairs, his strong capable hands massaging your scalp. "Think it's a boy or a girl?" he wonders aloud, lips brushing your shoulder blade with a kiss. You shrug before confessing on a whispered breath. "Just don't want you to be disappointed..."
💙 You go into labor in the early morning hours, Johnny springing from bed before you even have to wake him. His excitement is palpable as he helps you into your shoes and leads you to the car, eyes shining with pride.
💙 He doesn't leave you for a moment in hospital, encouraging you every step of the way. "You can do this, darlin'," he assures you as he presses kisses to your sweaty forehead. And it's thru his unwavering support that you deliver a healthy baby boy.
💙 After you've rested, you awake to find him cradling the child in his arms, tiny blue bundle nearly swallowed by his large biceps. "Never thought I'd get the chance to do this again," he coos quietly to the infant. When he notices you've roused, he places the baby at your side praising, “He's perfect, just like his mama."
💙 As the child opens his eyes for the first time, you can't help but be struck by the clear blue of his irises and it's like a stab of ice to your heart. "What's wrong, darlin'?" Johnny asks. "His eyes...they're so blue, Johnny," you begin to cry and he knows what you're thinking before you say it.
💙 "Lotsa babies got blue eyes, sweetheart," he reasons. "Don't mean they're gonna stay that way," he nods reassuringly. But he can't help the way his mind drifts toward Benny now too. The resemblance undeniable as he feels his breath catch with the bitter realization.
💙 The next day will be even harder when Benny arrives at your bedside unexpectedly with flowers and heartfelt apologies, asking to hold his son.
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writeforfandoms · 8 months
A Lonely Place - 3
Find my Soap masterlist
The last part of this fic, and my last entry for Soap It Up hosted by the amazing @glitterypirateduck
Let's see if you guys can find which prompt I used this chapter.
Discoveries are made, scarves are knit, and somehow things work out.
Warnings: Swearing, Feels, seriously more Feels, bit of anxiety, nameless characters, a familiar face shows up (if you read Gaz's zombie au fic).
Word count: 2.1k
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Days passed easily with them - you helped out in the kitchen, learned how to chop firewood, and met several other members of the little community. 
It was very different from anything you'd experienced before. It really was a community - everybody knew everyone else. It was common to see at least one of the four protectors out and about. 
But you saw the most of Soap. Johnny, he offered, after a few weeks. He was funny, and kind of sweet, and very competent. 
He even showed you how to use the knife to protect yourself. 
It wasn't long until you were missing him when he was gone. Until you debated inviting yourself over to the house. 
But you always talked yourself out of it. 
The weather turned colder, making you glad for the heavy coat you'd picked up, and for the sweater you were finally almost done knitting. 
Somehow (you suspected the MacTavishes), word got out that you could knit. The first request came from a woman a little older than you with two children. 
“Could ye make scarves?” She asked, reaching out without looking to grab the younger of her two children. “Something warm.” 
You shrugged, absently scratching the back of your neck. “Yeah, should be able to,” you agreed, looking between the two. “I've got enough yarn.” 
She grinned at you. “How long?”
You shrugged. “How soon do you need them? I can have them ready in a week, if you're in a rush.” 
“Perfect. What do ye want in return?”
That stumped you, and you shrugged again. “Not sure, really.” 
She harrumphed but nodded. “Ah'll bring ye somethin’ good,” she promised before she strode away, little ones in tow, leaving you blinking after her. 
Well. Guess you'd better get to work on those scarves. 
You pulled out all your remaining yarn, frowning down at the spread on your bed. You already had the yarn set aside to finish your sweater, thankfully. Which left you with a few skeins. Not a huge selection, but you'd make it work.
At least it all felt like wool, rather than synthetics. 
“Runnin’ out?”
You jumped at the question, not having heard Mrs. MacTavish coming. “Oh, uh, yeah. I suppose so.” You shrugged. 
“Hmm.” She leaned a bit to one side to look around you and clucked disapprovingly. But she was bustling off before you could ask, muttering to herself too fast for you to parse what she was saying. 
Leaving you bewildered, blinking after her. 
Then you shrugged and picked out one of the remaining skeins. Fortunately it had already been wound into a ball, so you didn't have to worry about that. 
Without any pattern books or your usual online resources, it would be pretty plain, but it would be a warm scarf at least. 
It was only two days later that Johnny and Gaz stopped by the house. You'd finished your chores already and had settled comfortably on the couch to try and finish up the first scarf. The door opening caught your attention, and you looked over just as the two tromped inside. 
“There ye are!” Johnny hopped over the back of the couch to drop down near you (though not on top of your yarn, thankfully). “Doin’ alright?” 
“Same as two days ago,” you agreed with a little laugh, shaking your head. “Which is when you last saw me.” 
Johnny pouted, exaggerated and over the top. “Ah cannae even check on my favorite knitter?” 
“I'm the only knitter,” you pointed out dryly, though you were trying to hide your amusement. 
“Tha's beside the point, bonnie.” Johnny grinned at you, reaching over to tug playfully at the end of the scarf. “And what's this, then?” 
“A scarf for one of the kids,” you answered, swatting at his hand but not trying very hard to hit him. “One of the moms asked for her two, so I guess I'm taking commissions now.” 
“Brilliant idea.” He sat up straighter, eyes bright. “Be a big help, too.” 
You snorted. “For these two kids, sure. I'll have enough yarn after that to maybe make a few hats, but that's it.”
He blinked, just once, and then nodded. “Ah see,” he murmured, something calculating in his gaze. “Good thing she asked first then, aye?” 
“I suppose,” you said slowly, eyeing him. You weren't sure you liked that look. “What brought you over, by the way?” 
“Oh, that.” He reclined again, arms spread along the back of the couch. “We'll be goin’ on a supply run. Wanted ta see if there's anything ye need.” 
You shook your head. “No, I've got things, I'm fine.” 
“Ye sure? We find all kinds ‘a things,” he wheedled, leaning a little closer to you. 
You just shrugged, because you couldn't think of anything you needed, except yarn. And that was a long shot. Better to ask for nothing, so you wouldn't be disappointed. “I'm okay.” 
Johnny looked like he wanted to argue more with you, but the back door opened and the other three came in. So he simply sighed through his nose and stood, offering you a hand up. 
Dinner was lively with the two additional people. It helped that Gaz and Johnny played off each other beautifully, keeping the entire table entertained. 
After dinner, Johnny pulled you out front with him while Gaz was still chatting with his parents. 
“Gotta be somethin’ you want,” Johnny wheedled, still holding your hand from when he'd pulled you out the door. You didn't mind, heart fluttering at the gentle press of his thumb against the back of your hand. 
Your lips twisted and you looked down at your linked hands. “It doesn't matter what I want.” 
“Course it does.” Johnny leaned closer, tugging your hand gently to pull you in closer. “Anythin’ ye want, promise ah'll find it for ye.” 
Your lips parted at the sincerity in those blue eyes, mouth going dry at the promise. 
But you didn't have a chance to respond. Gaz stepped out the door and nodded to you. 
That was enough for you to smile and pull back, shielding yourself again. “Stay safe,” you said instead of giving him anything else. “Come back bite-free or I'll be very upset.” 
Far from being deterred, Johnny's head tipped, gaze laser-focused on you. “That what ye want?” He asked softly but no less intense. 
“Yes.” You met his gaze and didn't back down this time, briefly squeezing his hand. 
He nodded decisively, a brilliant smile breaking like sunlight across his face. “See ye in a few days,” he promised. He darted forward to press a kiss to your cheek, warm and fleeting, before he walked away. Gaz grinned at you, eyes warm, before he jogged after Johnny. 
You pressed a hand to your cheek and tried to deny the warmth blossoming in your chest. 
It didn't work.
You spent the next five days thinking about him in between your work. Chopping wood? You wondered where Johnny was, how far they'd traveled. Knitting? You hoped they were staying safe and avoiding the infected as much as possible. 
You couldn't deny that you wanted him to come back safely. You wanted to see him. 
Even if you couldn't yet admit to yourself why.
The fifth night, someone new came over for dinner. She introduced herself as Kyle's partner. (It took you an embarrassingly long time to realize she meant Gaz.) 
The best part was that she brought fresh bread and cookies with her. The cookies were the best you'd tasted, and you told her as much. 
You walked her outside, shivering briefly at the chill in the air. 
“They're fine, you know.” 
“Hmm?” You blinked at her, half-turning to her. 
“I worried the first few times they went out, too.” Her smile was soft and a little embarrassed. “I still worry, honestly. But they take care of each other.”  
You nodded slowly, though you eyed her curiously. “Why are you telling me this?” 
She rolled her eyes at you. “Oh, come on. We both know you're worrying about Johnny.”
“I'm not–! I mean, not that much.” You floundered for a moment, looking away even as your heart stuttered in your chest. 
She clucked her tongue. “Honestly, you're not really fooling anyone,” she chided gently. “You care for him, we can see that much. And he's a good man, he deserves someone to fuss over him.” 
You huffed. “He's sweet,” you muttered, still looking away. “And he's a good friend.” 
She laughed, stepping forward and patting your shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that,” she said with a cheeky grin and a wink. “Get back inside before you freeze. I'll see you soon.” 
“Stay warm,” you replied, stuffing your hands in your pockets and watching her take the first few steps away. Only when you saw her flashlight beam moving steadily away did you go back inside. 
You tossed and turned all night, unable to stop thinking about your conversation with her. Were you really so transparent about your feelings? Your… regard?
Just thinking that made you feel too much like a Victorian novelist. You snorted and rolled over to your other side. 
Clearly, you were not as subtle as you thought. You smothered your groan in your pillow. It was fine. It would be fine. 
It had to be fine. 
You delivered the two completed scarves by midday the next day, taking more fresh bread back with you, with the promise of some kind of sausage to come. 
Idly, you kicked a rock down the dirt road, debating what else you could do. You could make a few more hats - probably one each for the MacTavishes, to make sure they stayed warm enough. Beyond that? You'd have to wait and see. 
“Bonnie!” The cheerful call yanked you from your thoughts, and you blinked a few times as your gaze focused on Johnny. Hole and hale and safe, standing in the doorway. He positively beamed at you as he jogged the distance to you. 
“You're back.” You blinked at him once more, your brain still rebooting a little, even as your heart fluttered and swooped. 
“Aye, safe n’ sound, as promised.” He stopped in front of you, taking one of your hands in his. “Are ye busy?”
“Right now? No.”
“Good.” Johnny wasted no time in pulling you along with him, ignoring your little yelp. You gave in, laughing a little, and let him tug you back to the other house. He chattered the entire walk, telling you about where they'd been, some of the things they'd seen. It was comforting, having him near, holding your hand, talking your ear off. 
You had a brief glimpse of the others in the kitchen, mugs on the table, supplies scattered around in various stages of packing or unpacking. But Johnny didn't give you time to do more than wave with your free hand before he was tugging you up the stairs. 
“Johnny,” you half-protested, laughing a little. “What are you doing?”
“Ye'll see.” He let go of you only to put a hand in front of you. “Closer yer eyes.”
“What?” You blinked at him, startled. 
“Eyes closed.” He wiggled his fingers at your face height. 
With a huff, you gave in, closing your eyes. The door clicked as it opened, and for a moment you stood with no indication of what was going on. 
“Gonna guide ye forward,” Johnny murmured just before one big hand landed on your shoulder, the other taking your hand again. You moved cautiously, hand holding tight to his, uncertain but willing to trust him. But he guided you true - you didn't so much as bump into anything. 
“Okay,” he murmured, keeping hold of your hand. “Open yer eyes.” 
You opened your eyes and gasped. The entire bed was covered in yarn. Skeins, balls, balled remnants, in all colors and sizes. It was more yarn than you'd seen in ages. “This is… incredible.”
“Ah found more, but Price wouldnae let me fill the car with yarn.” Johnny shrugged when you looked at him, his cheeks pink, even as he continued talking. “But is close enough we could get the rest another time, aye?” 
You stared at the yarn for a moment longer, and then turned your gaze to Johnny. He'd brought all of this back. For you. Just for you. 
You tugged your hand free, but only so you could cup his cheeks, cutting off his nervous rambling. You kissed him. 
Johnny made a noise, something startled that you thought of as a squeak. And then he was kissing you back, eager hands cupping the back of your head and your back, pulling you in closer. 
When the two of you parted, neither of you went far, both of your lips shiny.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him, fingers scratching through the longer hairs at the back of his head. “For all of this.” 
Johnny just smiled, bright and besotted and incandescently happy, and kissed you again.
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deathbxnny · 17 days
Alrighty, time for a follow up on my previous request.
So, I'd like to request Baizhi (not "Shinxi" lmao), Jianxin and Chixia in the same scenario as Yangyang and Jinshi, that being with an S/O who is immune to poison. Because it's fun imagining these virtual waifus almost having a heart attack because they think their S/O is gonna die only for them to... not, lol.
Hello there, Anon! Thank you again for clarifying your error, and I'm sorry this took so long to get to. Life hates me, lmao-
Content: Unserious, established relationships, poison consumption, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))
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"Very well... the liquids should be ready for testing." Baizhi hummed whilst gazing down on the many vials in great interest. They had been delivered to her personally to check whether or not they were poisonous/harmful, and you just happened to pass by that day. "Testing? Isn't that going to take a while?" You ask with a frown, remembering that you were supposed to go on a little dinner date right after. But Baizhi just nodded with a sigh.
"I'm afraid so... my apologies, I know you were looking forward to our outing." She said before beginning to prepare the work area and putting on some gloves. Turning away for a moment to grab some testing tubes, she didn't hear you slipping off the chair you were resting in and approaching the table.
"That's fine! I have a quicker way to test these anyway." Baizhi raised a brow at your reply, her head turning to you carefully just in time to see you casually gulp down one of the vials. Her mouth opened, eyes widening to tell you to cut it out... but all you did was shake your head as though you've sipped on some strong liquor before giving her a thumbs up.
"One down, three more to go." She watched you with an unreadable expression, as you easily found out that only three of the four were filled with poison. Writing this down, you handed her the paper with a wide grin. "Well? Our date still stands, let's go."
Baizhi blinked until she just sighed and allowed you to drag her off. She honestly was too tired to even bother asking how the hell you did that... but she hoped that you wouldn't mind her conducting some harmless experiments/studies on your unique condition later...
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You and Chixia were just casually patrolling the area around the city when you bumped into a traveling merchant who was trying to sell you two a mysterious bottle of liquid. You were both 99% sure that it was probably poisoned and tried to wave the man away, yet he didn't stop pestering you.
Sighing in slight annoyance, Chixia crossed her arms with a frown. "Hey now sir! We already said no." She huffed, obviously really irritated with the situation. Giving the man an unimpressed glance, you pointed at the bottle with a tilt of your head.
"If I drink it all in one go, will you leave us alone already?" You asked, as you ignored Chixia's concerned whisper of your name. The merchant had no chance to answer however, when you just snatched the bottle out of his hand, popped the cap off and tilted your head back to drink it all down just as you said you would. Chixia and the merchant were flabbergasted, practically frozen in surprise before the girl finally grabbed your arm in panic. "Hey! What the-" "-Oh... this actually tastes pretty good... You're still getting arrested for attempting to poison us, though." You threw the now empty bottle back to the man who just barely caught it. You should've dropped dead seconds ago and yet, you still stood there as unimpressed as you did before.
"How... what?" Chixia asked, practically speechless, before she let out a sudden laugh at the absurdity of the situation and called for backup to take the defeated man away. "When were you going to tell me that you were able to do THAT?" She was rather excited about this new thing she learned about you and definitely wanted to know every small detail on your way back home.
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You and Jianxin were meditating somewhere in the mountains together. It was perhaps a rather odd way to have a date, but it fit your girlfriends vision of what a relaxing day should be like. With that said, she eventually handed you a bowl filled with an unfamiliar liquid. You glanced at it curiously, the urge to drink it, making you hold it up to your face in wonder.
Closing her eyes with a wide content smile, she sighed in relief. "This is truly a good way to end the day! Now, this liquid is there to help us relax further and tap into our inner world -" As she spoke, she didn't hear the sound of slow sipping in the background. "In order to do so, however, we have to hold out this bowl of water mixed in with poisonous flowers and recite a prayer." The silence was deafening when you chuckled awkwardly.
"... so uhm... You're not supposed to drink it?" "... Huh?" Cracking an eye open, Jianxin felt her soul leave her body when you casually held out the now empty bowl to her with a sheepish smile. She didn't know what was worse at that moment. The empty bowl that she worked hard on preparing or the fact that you just drank something that could absolutely kill you in a couple of minutes?
"Hey, Hey, don't worry, I won't die from this-" You quickly waved away her concerns before putting down the bowl next to her still full one. "Sorry, I should've waited for you to finish, haha..." The silence stretched on until Jianxin held her chin in thought. "Hm... maybe this is a sign from the spirits..." You chuckled again, alot more relaxed this time, as you were glad to know that she just brushed over that instead of questioning it too much for now...
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Wednesday x Kitsune!Reader
Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|Part Five|Part Six|Part Seven
Eugene waves at you as you slid down the stair railing with your pack. Your smirk was wide as you land on the carpet with a muted thud.
"Eugene! You ready for the hunt?"
The boy nods as you both make your way towards Ophelia Hall. "Yes! I have everything we need. Snacks, extra batteries, some bug jars, just in case." He says with a wiggle of his eyebrow.
You let out a laugh, only to stop right in your tracks as the sight of Wednesday in a beautiful gothic dress steals your breath away. But the confusion set in when you register the fact that Tyler was next to her. In a tuxedo. You were too baffled to say anything, so Eugene piped up.
"Wednesday, what's going on?"
You shake yourself out of your reverie and spoke up as well. "Yeah, what happened to staking out the cave?" You couldn't look Wednesday in the eyes for fear of getting drawn in again. "I broke plans to join you on this."
Wednesday didn't answer. Her eyes just flitted awkwardly from side to side, uncomfortable in the situation. You and Eugene both took that as a sign. The bee boy looks at you dejectedly.
"I guess we'll have to check out the woods on our own."
"Don't! It's dangerous. Stand down."
Your arms cross. "You don't think we can handle it?"
"We'll all go tomorrow night. Understood?"
With that, she turns and walks away with her date. The burning feeling within you builds up as you glare at the duo's backs. Eugene just pats your back, drawing your attention to him.
"Let's go anyway. We'll show her how capable we are."
Your head shakes in reply. "Sorry, Eug. I don't feel like it anymore." Your eyes didn't move, even when Wednesday and Tyler disappeared from eyesight. "I think I'm gonna put my original plans back on the docket."
Finally, you turn to look at your friend.
"Rest for tonight. We'll hit the woods tomorrow, with or without Wednesday."
You walk away, getting ready for the Rave'N.
Your eyes burned slightly at the bright whites and blues of your surroundings. Wandering around, you weave through the crowd, greeting friends as you pass them. Soon enough, you're joined by your dancer friends. The group huddles together, debating on when to execute their plan. Before you could make a decision, you see your crush on the dance floor.
The movements caught your attention and suddenly, along with some others, you were staring. She seemed so unbothered by anyone else. The unnatural dance moves seemed to inspire you.
"I know when we should do this. Irina, go talk to the DJ. Everyone have their ribbons?" When everyone nods you give them a smirk. "Just like we practiced, guys."
The dance continues on. Wednesday and Tyler dance close until you suddenly pop up between the two.
"Having fun, lovebirds?" You blurt out with a wicked grin. Wednesday balks at you.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"I told you. I broke plans to hang out with you. My plans are here."
"What plan? Pestering me? You do that regardless."
Your grin goes wider. "That's just a plus."
You whirl around Wednesday to stand behind her. Before she could move, she felt something tightened around her neck. The touch of fabric slide away, revealing a black ribbon in your hands. Backing away, you tie the ends of the ribbon together and wrap the loop around your wrists, binding them together.
With a record scratch, the song playing ends abruptly, only to have another start. Vocalizations begin as you continue your path backwards, eyes never leaving Wednesday. From other points in the crowd, your friends join you, wrists also bound, jerking them around at the last two beats of each measure.
The performance begins.
You and four others drop to your knees as the lyrics begin and you all start to pulse your chests, as if your hearts were trying to burst out. It's clear now that it's a choreographed dance as the crowd circles you to watch. Before long, you're back up on your feet, alternating between jerking moves and smooth transitions. Your eyes land on Wednesday's as you remove the ribbon around your wrists with your teeth and toss it to her before going full out on the dance.
The goth couldn't take her eyes off of you. The way you spun and whipped around with ease as you worked the crowd was fascinating. At the second chorus, the other dancers circled you while you knelt, she could see how heavily you were breathing. But it still wasn't a moment's rest. You were still performing as your eyes pierced through hers. When your solo came, the others dropped to the floor, hidden by the fog. Only their hands and legs were seen as they did their floor choreography.
Then the bridge to the final chorus began. Instrumental with the same vocalizations that happened in the beginning. All the dancers broke from the group, weaving in and out of the members of the crowd. You, on the other hand, inched over towards Wednesday with stuttered steps. Suddenly, you surged towards her and grabbed her wrist. You bring her hand to your neck. Her fingers reflexively curl around your throat as your fox eyes and fangs make their appearance to her for the first time. You stare into her eyes as the bridge ends.
"Deo mangchyeojwo" you say alongside the song before jumping back and finishing the dance at the last chorus.
The room erupts in applause as you hit the final pose, holding it to revel in the cheers. It wasn't until you felt a drop on your face that you dropped your pose. Looking up, more drops fell, leaving red streaks on your face. The sprinkler systems had been triggered, raining red on everyone.
Cheers turn into screams as people begin to scramble away, slipping and sliding as they try to escape the 'Carrie' recreation scene. Only you and Wednesday seem to be unbothered. Your attention turned to Wednesday when you hear her scoff.
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood." She looks over at you. "It's paint."
You let out a soft laugh, your anger and jealousy ebbed for the moment, especially after the dance. "I'll getcha pigs' blood and redo this whole thing."
You and Wednesday ended up in the eye of the storm. Chaos reigned around you while you had just a moment to see the goth's lips quirk up ever so slightly at your words.
The sudden hit of a vision burst that bubble.
Worried that she may fall, you moved closer to Wednesday, but she recovered quickly with wide, worried eyes. She grabs your arms to steady herself before rushing an explanation.
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger."
With a nod you bolt out alongside the girl, hoping to the gods that you two will make it in time.
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a-killer-obsession · 4 months
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 21 - Talk
Maybe things don't always have to hurt, it's about time you had that talk.
WC: ~3.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
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The night after running from Killer's room fucking sucked. He still wasn't at dinner that evening but you didn't stay for long anyway, you didn't have much of an appetite. The others were thankful that you'd at least tried, even if it hadn't worked. You showered and went to bed early, mostly because Heat was on night watch and you had both hoped you could fall asleep before he had to leave. It was helpful for him to get a little sleep as well before he had to go. Unfortunately though you woke up when he left, and try as you might you simply couldn't get back to sleep.
Finally around three in the morning you caved and decided to go do something else. You thought maybe you might just join Heat for the watch, until you spotted Kid's workshop light on. It wasn't super unusual for him to be burning the midnight oil, but 3am seemed late even by his standards. Normally you wouldn't even consider going to him, but since you'd woken up in the infirmary he'd been so much softer with you, and you started to feel like there was a real friendship forming there. Maybe he needed someone, you thought, while Killer was ‘unavailable’. Maybe he was lonely, even.
You knocked on the door, not sure if he would even answer. He opened it with his devil fruit, not looking up from whatever he was working on at his desk. You'd only been in here once, when he gave you the bracelet, so you still had the same curiosity, peering around the room to observe everything that it contained. You noticed now the red velvet couch that sat up against the far wall, you weren't sure if it was new or if you just hadn't noticed it last time.
“What's up Heat, something wrong?” he asked without turning around. Ah, he must have thought Heat had something to report, since he was on watch.
“I, um... sorry maybe I should just go,” you said nervously, turning to leave.
“No, wait!” He closed the door with his fruit as he swivelled on his stool, “Stay, please.” Your heart ached for him, he really did sound lonely.
“Okay, I'll stay,” you forced a smile for him and sat on the couch, “you're up late” you pointed out.
“Couldn't sleep,” he sighed, “you?”
“I can't seem to get to sleep these days without someone holding me,” you admitted, kicking a small screw on the floor, “it's too hard to shut my brain off. Usually Heat stays with me, but he's on watch”
“I get it,” he fiddled with something on his table but he wasn't really paying attention to it, “do you… want me to hold you? I know you're maybe still scared of me but we can just stay here if it makes you more comfortable, you can sleep on the couch if you want, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep any time soon anyway”
You thought about his proposal for a minute before giving him a shy nod. He stood and strode to the couch, sitting on the other end so his metal arm hung over the side, and opened his other arm out for you. You slid in nervously, wrapping an arm around his waist and nuzzling in to get comfortable. He was so warm and wide, with a soft layer of fat that covered his muscles and made him nice to cuddle up with. You got the sense he didn't do this often though, and he let out a little sigh when you gave him a gentle squeeze, his arm starting to stroke your back soothingly. There was nothing sexual about this, but it was a sweet, tender moment you didn't expect from someone with such a rough exterior. The Kid Pirates always found ways to surprise you.
“For the record, I don't think I'm scared of you anymore,” you whispered as you got comfortable. There really was no fear in you right now, you felt perfectly safe with Kid in this moment, “I know we got off on the wrong foot given my history with authority figures, but you've never actually done anything to hurt me, it just took some time for me to realise that. Nobody in charge of me ever actually cared about me before, but I know now that you do. I feel safe here”
“I'm glad,” he let out a breath that sounded like relief, “a captain should always make you feel safe. This is your home, you shouldn't ever be scared in it”
“I'm sorry about Killer,” you sighed, “I tried to talk to him but I ended up blowing up like I always do”
“He'll come right,” Kid stroked your back softly, “thank you for trying though. Get some sleep girlie, I ain't going anywhere”
You hummed softly in response and closed your eyes, listening to Kid's rhythmic heartbeat as it lulled you into a much needed sleep.
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A few hours later, driven by his curiosity after seeing you enter the workshop, Heat snuck in quietly after being relieved from his watch. You and Kid were both deep asleep, snoring softly. Kid was still sitting upright, his head lolled back and resting against the back of the couch, and you had slid down, now using his thick thigh as a pillow. It warmed his heart to see the two of you together after worrying that you'd never be able to feel safe with Kid. He took Kid's coat from where it sat discarded on the floor and laid it over you like a blanket, before turning the light off and leaving you both to sleep.
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You were woken by the soft whispers of a conversation you weren't a part of, your tired head heavy against Kid's leg, his flesh hand on your back over the top of what seemed like a thick, fluffy blanket. One of the voices was his, the other a soft baritone coming from your level. You realised Killer was here, sitting on the floor with his head resting on Kid's other knee while they talked quietly so as not to wake you. Judging by the unmuffled quality of his voice you guessed he wasn't wearing his mask.
“This isn't your fault Kil, you need to stop blaming yourself,” Kid whispered.
“I know I hurt her so badly though,” Killer sighed, “nobody else can be blamed for that”
“You were just doing what you thought was right,” Kid replied, “you're not well, and I know how you think, you just didn't want to burden her. You couldn't have known how deep your feelings both ran”
“I want to get better though,” Killer whispered, “I want to be good for her. But I don't know if she'll ever forgive me”
Killer's eyes suddenly widened and his head shot up, spooking Kid, as his haki alerted him to the fact you were awake. You blinked at him sleepily, then reached out a hand to touch his unmasked face tenderly. The frightened look in his eyes faded a little at your touch but he still looked nervous.
“Kid, can you give us some space?” You asked as you sat up on the couch. He gave Killer a reassuring pat on the back before standing up and quietly leaving. He didn't need to be asked twice, he wanted nothing more than for the two of you to finally talk. Killer looked like he was about to bolt so you calmly pat the space Kid had left on the couch, indicating for him to come sit next to you. He did so hesitantly, and you moved the blanket, that you now realised was Kid's coat, so it covered both of you as you shuffled in to rest your head against his chest. It was partially because you were a little cold with the absence of Kid's warmth and wanted him to hold you, but also partially because it'd be harder for him to flee if you were on him. He was tense at first, but noticeably relaxed when you wrapped an arm around his waist and gave him a little reassuring squeeze.
“Are you feeling any better?” You asked him with a little yawn.
“Uh, yeah,” he mumbled, trying to decide if this was some sort of trick, or if maybe he was dreaming, “thanks for bringing the meds”
“Mmm,” you replied, nuzzling in to him sleepily, “I think its time we have that talk”
Killer sighed but put a arm around you as the other ran through his hair. It was noticeably tidier than last night, and he smelled like he'd recently showered, all good signs in your books. “I'm not sure what to say,” he admitted.
“Its okay, neither did I,” you replied, “but I thought long and hard about it, and I had good talks with Kid and Heat after I woke up, and I think I understand now. I think you're right, we're not good for each other. But that doesn't mean we can't be”
“I don't think I'm following,” he sighed.
“We're sick, Kil,” you explained, “not just you, both of us. I went through a lot, not just the last few weeks, but my whole life. I thought I wasn't capable of ever feeling happy till I came here, I even told Heat once that I didn't think I was capable of love, but you proved that wrong for me. But, especially after recent events, I'm not ready to be in a relationship, I'm not ready to open up fully and make myself vulnerable by bareing it all, and I think that's maybe how you feel as well. But that doesn't mean I don't want to. I know you regret how things ended on the island, but I understand how you feel and why you made that choice at the time. I thought when we got home that I could just ignore it, I thought it was just a crush and I'd get past it, because I didn't think I was capable of feeling more. But no matter how much I ignore it, the feeling doesn't go away. It's like a grass seed, digging deeper and deeper, and I feel like its going to kill me if I don't say something”
You sat up to look him directly in the eye. His icy blues were flicking between yours with uncertainty, waiting for you to finish explaining. “I love you, Kil, I know that now. It's not just some puppy love crush, I love you. But I'm not ready to open up right now. I want to, I really do, I just need some time. And I think you do too, I think maybe we're both hurting ourselves and each other like this because neither of us thought the other would be willing to wait, neither of us thought ourselves worth waiting for. But I am willing, Kil. I'll wait forever if I have to. I just need to know that you'll wait for me too”
Killer looked like he was about to cry as he nervously nodded. “I love you too, and I'll wait as long as it takes, please keep waiting for me. I want to get better, I really do. I'm taking the meds now, I'm following Mohawk's advise, I'm trying, I really am”
“I know baby,” you stroked his cheek and wiped a stray tear that had fallen, “I'm going to talk to Mohawk and ask him for meds as well, I want to get better too. Right now, this is enough for me. Just being close to you, and knowing that you're healing. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, we're going to get better, together”
“Can I kiss you?” He asked shyly. His eyes flicked between yours and your lips.
“Just this once,” you said, “I don't want to risk things getting out of hand until we know we're both in the right headspace for it”
He nodded and leaned towards you, pressing a gentle, loving kiss to your mouth. You sighed into the kiss and pressed back, the two of you staying like that for a few minutes, just quietly pressing soft kisses and rubbing your noses together, till you finally pulled away.
“I missed you,” you mumbled into his chest as you nuzzled back into it. “If this is going to work though you have to accept that I'm in a really delicate place right now, so Heat has been staying with me to help me sleep. There's nothing between us though, just friendship, just like last night with Kid, I'm sure walking in on me sleeping on him can't have been nice for you”
“He explained,” Killer replied, “I was more surprised than anything that he was being so soft with you. He usually only treats me like that”
“Kid is soft with you?” You couldn't help but snort, “I find that hard to believe. Then again, I have only recently discovered this more tender side of him”
“He's the only one who can handle me when I'm having a manic episode,” Killer explained, “he holds me through them”
“The relationship you guys have his so sweet,” you mused.
“We've known each other since we were kids,” Killer explained, “I basically raised him, neither of us had our parents around. He's been with me since well before my first breakdown, he made me the mask to try and reduce them”
“I see,” you mused, “so it's your fault hes such a shithead”
“Oi,” Killer half laughed, “we didn't have a great childhood but I did what I could”
“Jokes aside, he's a good man, and I'm sure that's your doing,” you replied, “you're both good men. I'm glad to have met you”
“I'm glad the two of you are getting along now,” Killer hummed, “he said you told him you feel safe now”
“Cos I do,” you smiled, “this is my home. I thought maybe you guys had abandoned me when it took so long to come get me but Wire explained why you had to wait”
“I'm really sorry we weren't there sooner,” he sighed.
“It's okay, I had your sash to keep me company,” you hummed, “and to be honest, the kiss was what kept me going. I think I would have given up a lot earlier if I didn't have the hope that you loved me”
Killer sighed and pulled you closer, almost into his lap, so he could wrap both arms around you. You burried your heads in each other's shoulders as he breathed you in. “I'm sorry for running when you woke up, I just got so scared”
“You weren't in a good headspace Killer, it's okay,” you said softly, “it's all in the past now. And for the record, it wasn't your fault I couldn't breathe, I had a broken rib and not enough painkillers”
“Oh,” Killer cursed himself for his over reaction.
“Mohawk has me on some good stuff now, so its okay,” you gave him a reassuring squeeze, “everything is healing well, I'll be back to normal in a few weeks”
“And what about… your mental health?” He tried to phrase it in a way that wouldn't trigger you, “Have you talked to anyone about what happened? Did you want to talk?”
“I'm okay Kil,” you smiled, “well, I mean to be honest I've been having some dark thoughts lately, but it's not exactly new for me. I've been having them since I was a kid. But that's why I'm gonna ask Mohawk for help. I never had any metric for what it feels like to be happy, so it was definitely a lot scarier and more traumatic this time compared to before I joined the crew. But at least now I know that I'm safe and I'm held and I have people around me who care. It sucked, but I'm gonna be okay I think. It's not as hopeless as it used to be, I have people to live for now”
Killer sniffed and you realised he was crying. “Aw, Kil, do you want to talk?” You held his face and wiped his tears with your thumbs.
“No, I'm okay,” he sniffed and smiled at you, “I'm just so glad that we found you”
“Hey, there's that smile I love,” you smiled back at him. You expected him to pull away at the mention of his smile like he had on the island, but instead the smile widened, which only made you beam more. “You're so beautiful Killer, I hope I can help you learn that for yourself”
“You're already helping,” he sniffed.
“Speaking of learning, I think you should teach me to read again,” you cuddled back into him, sliding on to his lap to sit across it so you could wrap your arms around him better and rest your head against his chest. “Don't get me wrong, I want Heat to keep teaching me too, but it wouldn't hurt to have twice the lessons, I feel like I'm really getting somewhere with them”
“I'd like that,” he rested his chin on the top of your head, “I missed you so much”
“I missed you too, Kil,” you hummed, “we should go get breakfast though, I'm not the only one that missed you”
“Ah, you're probably right,” he sighed, “okay, let's go then. But I want more cuddles later”
“Deal,” you smiled as you stood and offered him a hand to pull him up.
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The tension in the air noticeably lifted as you approached the breakfast table, the other commanders all visibly perking up as they noticed Killer in tow behind you. Some of them hadn't seen him all week, and relief washed over the group. Heat squeezed your hand under the table as you sat, unbelievably thankful that your talk last night had gotten Killer out of his room after all, and you gave him a sincere smile in response. Moods were much improved with the return of the first mate, and everyone made enthusiastic conversation around you. No longer afraid of looking at him, you caught Killer watching you, and gave him a cheerful smile in response, tapping his leg with your foot under the table. He gave a huff in reply, but you could tell he was smiling under the mask.
“What's the plan now then, cap?” You hummed.
“Well that depends, Mohawk, how's her recovery looking?” He replied, pointing a knife at the doctor before shovelling eggs into his mouth.
“Her rib was already healing when she got back, and the rest of her wounds are also healing well now that she's free of infection,” he was waving his fork in your direction to indicate to you as he spoke, “best guess is she'll be fighting shape in another week”
“Good,” Kid huffed, “Double tells me we'll be hitting a resupply island in a couple of days, after that I'd like to explore one of the islands Killer and Yin retrieved a map for. It looks like it may have been used as a halfway point for marines to stash weapons and supplies, it's not on any of our maps but we have a matching eternal pose for it. Could be an easy win. Double thinks probably only the marines know about the island, so they won't be expecting us, might not even be guarding it”
“How far off from the resupply island is it?” Wire asked.
“Hard to be exact,” Kid replied, egg flying out of his mouth and hitting your mask as he spoke. You huffed in annoyance and saw Killer's shoulders move in silent laughter, he was the only one who had noticed as you wiped the egg indignantly from your visor. “He's been watching the pose to see how it shifts as we move, so he has a pretty good guess on where it is. He estimated three days from the resupply, but he couldn't give me an exact”
While Kid was talking you noticed his almost full tankard of beer and decided to play a prank in response to the literal egg on your face. You nodded your head at Killer, getting his attention, before gesturing it towards the tankard. When you were sure he was watching you made most of the beer invisible, making it look almost empty. He looked back at you, shaking his head very slightly, warning you it was a bad idea. You nodded back, a mischievous smirk on your face as you pushed your chair away from the table just a little, in preparation to flee.
“I'll get started on the resupply list then,” Heat added, “I think we're low on bullets after the marine base, the last island didn't have a great black market”
“The books are looking good though,” Wire noted, “we got plenty of sellable loot from the base, we shouldn't have need for a raid for a while”
“Good, good,” Kid hummed as he picked up his tankard. You watched with bated breath as he looked inside, a confused frown on his face, before tipping it almost upside-down to get the last drops left, just as you had planned. Immediately he was soaked with beer, and you broke into a fit of giggles, fleeing before he could put two and two together. He roared behind you as you ran, the rest of the commanders bursting into laughter as they realised what had happened. Later he'd finally catch you, and you'd be forced to clean the toilet in his room as punishment, but it was worth it in your mind.
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xerith-42 · 7 months
The second turning point
@cinnamontoastcroonch I hope you're happy.
I've been taking a critical eye to every episode of Minecraft Diaries as I rewatch it. And I mean writing upwards of entire essays about single episodes. As you saw with episode 65. Part of why I've been doing this is to see where things truly went wrong with this show. The early episodes were better than I remembered, but I know for a fact there was an entire falling apart that happened between the utter quality that is an episode like say episode 58, and well... Season 3.
Obviously episode 65 was the turning point, but that was just the inciting incident. All the problems in MCD ultimately come down to the love triangle and how poorly it was handled. And the next major step was in episode 77. Episode 77 is an episode that is mostly spent on minimal character interactions at the wolf tribe after the gang finally gets back there with Logan and everyone else. Aphmau spends most of the episode building a boat, and then getting distracted from building her boat.
Until she decides to go check on the Nether Portal. It's broken, like when she last saw it, but Laurance is standing in front of it. I need to emphasize something. Up until this point, we've gotten very few conversations where Laurance brings up being a Shadow Knight. He usually diverts these conversations, or they get diverted by others, so we've gotten very few personal insights into a Shadow Knights existence. This is one of the first real times that we get a deeper look at how this condition has effected Laurance.
And y'know what? I'm just gonna give you a quote from my video essay on this. A nice little teaser. As a treat :)
His mind has sort of been rewired to put himself before others, even if he’s naturally a very selfless person. Which is a real slap in the face when you remember most Shadow Knights are guards, who are encouraged to be selfless. His heart still loves dearly and he is still the same selfless fool who threw his life away to save Aphmau, but his mind is telling him to be more selfish, take what he wants without regard for others. Laurance is actively fighting these thoughts all the time, but he worries that one day he might give in and… He says he never wants his heart to forget Aphmau, even if his mind tells him otherwise.
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This. This hurts me. It's quality Laurance content. It's a great moment of Laurance proving one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses. How emotionally vulnerable he is. It makes him easy to hurt. It means he'll actually express it. He's struggled to talk about being a Shadow Knight, but now he's able to.
Imagine if episode 65 let him see the fear of killing Aphmau before this.
And just as Laurance says that absolutely heartbreaking line, GUESS WHO HAS TO MOSEY HIS SORRY ASS INTO THE ROOM?! Garroth just waltzs in there and interrupts this incredibly private conversation that he just happened to be listening to. Now, I will say, there is a way to justify this that I will accept, but I know without a doubt the writers didn't intend this.
The only way this works is if Garroth is listening to this conversation because he's scared of leaving Aph and Laurance alone in case Laurance decides to just... Kill her. But then he feels bad. But that would probably make him walk away out of guilt.
So yeah this doesn't make sense. For Garroth. At all. Why is he so scared of Laurance and Aphmau literally having one conversation? Well, it's the answer it always is. The love triangle. They've shown before that they are willing to disregard basic logic, only to prove that they know the details of this logic in a later episode. In Episode 65 they disregard Garroth's fears around his family, and then center an entire conversation around it in Episode 68.
But wait, it gets worse. Because Garroth knows for a fact that Aphmau and Laurance having an emotional conversation won't likely lead to any romance.
There were seven weeks in between these episodes!! Idk how long it takes to make an episode of MCD, but I imagine episodes are written in major arcs at a time. How did they forget what happened IN THE LAST MAJOR ARC OF THE SHOW?! Because. Love triangle. Because Jesson don't care about the characters they previously wrote, they care about these characters fulfilling an already existing trope they liked in something before. They don't care how this dynamic might change because of their own characters, just that they go through the motions.
So Garroth interrupts this conversation. Laurance gets snippy and tells Garroth to fess up or else he might "sweep her off her feet first." And that's a red flag for Laurance. Good job writers. And let's be clear, I don't disagree with characters maybe being shitty, as long as it doesn't contradict previous characterization. Like this does.
The writers forgot that Garroth saw Laurance's confession. They forgot that Laurance took rejection on the chin. They forgot that Laurance literally said "I'm just happy to be in your life." Did they forget about Laurance's entire confession?! Do the writers think that went away when he stopped being blind?!
Oh fuck... Did... Did Laurance only accept rejection because he didn't think he was good enough to be with her when he was blind? Is that what they're trying to say? I... I really hope that isn't. And yet I wouldn't be surprised. Just completely and utterly disappointed.
That took a turn I didnt like. I don't know how to end this now.
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mgc02 · 3 months
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Other Motives
Part 2
Yandere Vox x Trans Masc Delivery driver reader
Tw: manipulation, mind control, possibly non consensual kissing at the very least dub con, yandere behavior, toxic relationships
Working for Vox wasn't really that bad. You got paid decent. You were treated well. And you were given a vehicle to do your deliveries
Although it seemed almost like special treatment compared to Vox's other employees. His assistant getting blamed for everything and being forced to run around practically the entire building when not following at Vox's heel. Poor guy
You on the other hand were practically fawned over. Vox constantly checking in to make sure everything was to your liking. Were you getting enough breaks? Did you need anything? Were your coworkers being respectful?
You didn't know why you were being treated differently but you decided against questioning it. Anytime you got to questioning it Vox would look you in the eyes and you'd feel your worries melting away and the rest of the world disappearing around you and then you would completely change your tune
There were a few things that were also odd. Whenever you made a delivery Vox always wanted you to check in with him. But of course that was just his way of making sure you were safe
And he also insisted on having lunch with you whenever possible. But you were sure he was just trying to make you feel welcome... right?
It wasn't until you got kicked out of your apartment that things started to escalate. Your landlord was so sure you were the tenant that stole from him. You insisted you had nothing to do with it. He insisted that you return what you had stolen or pack your bags
Since you literally DID NOT steal from him. You were forced to leave. You showed up to work as you did every day but apparently your boss could tell something was wrong
"Come on. I know that face. You can tell me what's going on" he reassured you. You did have a closer relationship with him than anyone else. So you opened up to him
"I got kicked out of my apartment. My landlord thinks I stole from him. Which I didn't!" You started crying. You had never been homeless before and you were sure being homeless in hell would be ten times worse. He sat down next you and pulled you into a hug
You leaned you head on his shoulder. You felt so safe with him. You felt in that moment that you would do anything for him
"I'll get you one of our employee apartments" he said in a soft caring voice. You looked up at him in shock. "No you don't have to do that. I'll figure something out."
Once again though he looked in your eyes and you felt yourself relax and your resistance towards his help diminish. You felt like you owed him your life
"You will move in to one of our employee apartments. Let me help you" he spoke with his voice making you a bit sleepy. "Ok" you replied. He was right. You were just being stubborn and he was only trying to help
"I wish there something I could do to repay you for everything you've done for me" you wanted to show him how much you appreciated him. But you didn’t have much you could give him
"Your friendship is more than enough" he said finally releasing you from his arms. You thought for a minute. What could you do for him? What could possibly offer him that would be even close to all that he's given you? At this point you would give him anything. Your life, your heart, your soul....
"What if I give you my soul" you offered. You were ready for him to turn down the idea immediately. It almost seemed like he perked up a bit though. But you chopped that up to him just being surprised by your boldness
"I mean... if that's what you really want. I wouldn't take it unless I felt you trusted me with it. You do trust me... right?" He leaned in staring into your eyes. Those damn eyes again. You barely noticed his voice get distorty before you answered with confidence "yes. I trust you. I will give you my soul"
"Then its a deal" he said.
"So do we shake hands?" you asked. He chucked. "I have a better idea" he grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss
Your mind melted and your heart fluttered and you barely registered the glowing electricity in the air and the heavy feeling of a chain around your neck. You sunk into him and he kissed you harder pulling you into him more and more
When you finally pulled away. There was this feeling. This sinking feeling in your gut. You looked at him and saw his eyes. They looked different. They had this hypnotic swirl in them. Suddenly you had memories you didn't before of that same hypnotic eyes wedging their way into your subconscious. The warmth you felt suddenly felt icy cold. Dread filled your entire body from head to toe as if something had been holding it back until now
What did you just do?
Part 3 will be coming
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grapefiesta · 1 year
Don’t you
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a/n: idek I just felt like writing something a bit angsty/dramatic (yes its inspired by the taylor swift song. bad attempt. leave me alone)
You were walking in the halls while staring at your phone, and the next thing you know, you were sent flying backwards by colliding with something or someone. The person reacts instantly, grabbing you by the arms before you can hit the ground.
“You okay?” an oh-so-familiar voice asks. You looked up only to see someone you really didn't want to. It was Miles. You could see that he was already scanning you over to check if you were okay as if to make his own assessment regardless of what you would answer. 
He had broken up with you a week ago, so you were still mad and hurt. He wasn't over you, and neither were you.
Miles watches you. His arms are wrapped around you just to make sure you’re not injured. You stare at him for a moment. Miles sees that he’s still holding you tightly, his hands around your arms, and he realizes he doesn’t want to let you go. You don’t want to move either. And you both know if you don't, you’ll slip up and get hurt again.
You stop staring and scramble out of his grasp when you felt the awkwardness kick in. “Sorry... it’s been a while.”
He looks at you, his smile slowly fading as you pull away. “Um, yeah. It has,” he says. There’s silence for a moment. He clears his throat. “I’m glad you’re okay…” his words are quiet, almost a whispered sigh.
He doesn’t respond. The silence turns into an aching awkwardness between the two of you. Miles opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out until he finally blurts out, “Listen, I’m sorry I broke things off with you. That wasn’t cool of me. I just- I just thought it would be better for you if I’m…” his words trail off as he searches for an excuse. He swallows, then looks up at you. “…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” You hold a hand up. “I really can’t do this.” you try your very best to hold your tears in.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says as his brow furrows with concern. He takes a small step forward with his hands raised. “Hey…” he hesitates for a moment, then continues, “…If you’re still mad at me, I understand. But trust me, I’m hurting, too, alright? That was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I really liked you, you know? A lot.” He bites his lip. “I still do. And you know that I want what’s best for you. So just- just trust me, okay?”
“Breaking my heart was for the best?”
“I did it so you wouldn’t get hurt!” Miles raises his voice, his eyes widening as he realizes his shout. The students around them turn to look at them. He clears his throat, then speaks in a hushed tone. “I-I didn’t want to hurt you. It killed me when I did, but it was worth it if it meant you’d be safe.”
“So you just decided what’s best for me? Okay. Fine. Then don’t you dare tell me you miss me the next time we see each other..” you point a finger at him and keep your voice below a shout, but there was venom laced in it. “You have no idea how I feel. It’s so hard seeing you when I’m still not over you, Miles.” Your hurt turned into anger once again.
He slowly lowers his gaze. “Sorry…” His voice is quiet and his tone is remorseful, but there’s a slight hint of hurt in his tone. “I…” His mind is blank, he doesn’t know what else to say.
You storm off with a scoff, slinging your backpack around your shoulder roughly, angry at him for what he did, but he doesn’t know how to make it up to you.
Miles watches you leave from a distance. His heart sinks as you walk away. He knows he upset you, and he knows you’re still hurting, but he doesn’t know how else he could’ve explained it to you. He wants to call out to you, but he doesn’t know what he would even say. So he just watches as you leave.
You avoided Miles for about four more weeks. The next time you saw Miles was at his father's promotion party. His parents had Invited you since you were close before Miles broke things off with you.
You were talking to Rio when you saw him up there, at your spot, with a girl. “What the fuck?” you blurted out.
Miles spots you next to his mother. He stares at you for a moment before his jaw muscles flex. His lips twist into a frown. He walks over to you, and his expression drops as you stare at him with a harsh look. He sighs, and he realizes that he should probably explain things to you.
“So who’s Blondie?” you raise an eyebrow. “She tough enough to not get hurt?” you ask sarcastically with a scoff.
Miles flinches at your sarcasm. “She’s a friend,” he mutters. “We’re just hanging out. She’s nice, but nothing is going on between us. I know I can’t convince you that we’re just friends.” But there’s something in his expression that tells you he’s not telling the whole truth.
Raising an eyebrow at his expression, you grabbed his arm and pulled him a little closer. “Miles. I really tried to hate you, but it just won’t fucking work, so please.. please don’t lie that she’s just a friend. Please mean it. I don’t want to just leave your dad's party.. he invited me, and it would be rude.”
His eyes drift down to your hand on his arm, and his expression softens as he takes a small step towards you. He lets out a small, nervous sigh. “I’m sorry…,” he says quietly, “But no- it’s not like that…” Suddenly, he’s telling the truth. “I mean, I thought there might be something at first- but I realised that it’d never work. You were always the only one I wanted.” And his hand rests on your cheek, caressing it with his fingertips as his thumb brushes your cheek.
You scoff. “You don’t love me..”
“But I... I do!” His voice is soft and sincere, but there’s a faint crack in it. “You’re so important to me. Even if we broke things off, I need you to know that. I still have feelings for you, I still want the best for you, and you know that- even if you don’t want to believe it.”
“You broke up with me... you don't break up with people you have feelings for.” your voice sounded weak. You hated it. You didn’t want to be this vulnerable.
“I only did what I thought would keep you safe. I- I just didn’t want to be part of the reason that someone could hurt you. But you know what? I don’t care if someone does try to hurt you. I'll keep you safe if it comes to that. I only want you.” Miles’ voice is quiet, and his eyes meet yours, so much emotion behind them. You see the hurt he’s felt these past few weeks. It’s so clear he still feels for you, but he doesn’t know how much he can take of this back and forth.
You cup his cheeks and whisper. “No one knows your identity. I’ll be safe.” you smile a bit. “But don’t you say you love me if you don't want me again.”
His cheeks rest in your hands, his eyes are drawn to your soft gaze. Your words are sincere. He looks right into your eyes and his expression softens as he gives a small smile. “I love you,” he says softly. There’s no hesitation. His voice is firm. “I really do. I missed you so much.” He grabbed both your hands and takes them in his. “Can you… forgive me? Just give me another chance…?”
“Me too. I still do. Never stopped.” you squeezed his hands and nodded as confirmation to his question. "I will."
His heart surges with relief as he gazes down at you. “You mean it?” he asks, and his voice is a lot happier. “You would actually forgive me?” He leans down to you and kisses your cheek softly and gently before pulling away. He looks at you, his heart pounding, waiting to see how you’ll react.
You nod with a smile. “It’s better than crying myself to sleep every time I see you.” you crack a joke to downplay the severity.
Miles smiles at you, and he pulls you in a tight hug, sighing in relief as he holds you close to him. He’s relieved. He’s happy. He’s grateful, and you can feel it in the way he holds you. He leans back, still holding you close, and gives you a small smile. “Did I tell you how much I missed you?” he asks, before kissing you softly on the lips.
You smile into the kiss. “You did.” you roll your eyes with a grin and shove him lightly.
“Well, I still missed you so much. As I said, you’re the only one I want.” He holds your hands gently. 
“I never thought I would be this happy again,” he chuckles softly, then kisses your cheek.
You saw Blondie watching you from the spot she was with Miles just a few moments ago, your spot. “So, who’s the Blondie? She’s been watching us. I mean, I know that she’s just a friend now, but like, what’s her name?” You ask him about the blonde girl he was with earlier.
He blinks, realizing that she’s watching you. 
His gaze shifts over to her and then back to you. “…Her name is Gwen Stacy,” he murmurs. “Don’t ask me to explain. She’s just a good friend.” Miles pauses, his eyes shifting to Gwen for a moment, then to you. “Is she going to be an issue?”
“Nah.” you weren't worried about her. After all, Miles had told you that he thought he liked her but was mistaken.
Miles exhales, relieved, “Good,” he says as if he was worried about that happening. The smile on his face widens as he gazes at you affectionately, a soft blush on his cheeks. “…I really am glad we’re back together.”
“Man, me too,” you grin up at him a bit.
Miles reaches out and hugs you again, resting his head on your forehead for a moment, “I can’t believe I even considered that we wouldn’t be together,” He chuckles softly and moves one of your stray hairs behind your ear. “I guess even heroes can be stupid.” 
“Especially the cute ones, apparently.”
Miles gives a small laugh. “Oh, stop, you’ll make me blush more than I already am,” A faint grin spreads across his face as he pulls you back into his hug.
You both head back to the party, hand in hand, laughing and smiling with each other again, like you were before Miles even broke things off with you, and he couldn’t be happier. He feels an overwhelming sense of relief, but he still can’t help the little pang of guilt that hits him every now and again, reminding him of how he upset you. He hopes that you can fully forgive him.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 11 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 5
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook begs to be the designer again. Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Work Count: 958 (something small since I haven't updated in a while) Warnings: Nothing really just some teasing but that shouldn't be surprising at this point lol a/n: Just wanted to put something out even if it's small since you guys really seem to be liking this story <3 I'll hopefully be coming back with a new chapter soon. You guys are gonna love the next one ;) Read from the beginning
After a long and arduous conversation that Jungkook had clearly planned to have from the beginning disguised by his intention to just "spend time with me" we've finally come to an agreement. 
"So you lured me in here just to ask if you could be my designer for the game again? You could've just asked and not made me feel awkward by your strange request" I say walking out of the library with him following wherever I go. "Well yes, but I also just wanted to spend time with my new friend" he says and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Don't touch me" I say in a monotonous tone that seems to throw him for a loop as he quickly lets go.
"Last time I checked we weren't friends" I say looking down at my clock to see how much time I have left until my last class. "Oh you hurt me with your words babe" he says dramatically placing his hand over his chest. "Also can you quit it with the pet names? They make me feel uncomfortable" I say still looking down at my watch, trying to hide the blush that is most likely starting to form on my cheeks. "Uncomfortable...or flustered?" he says tilting his head down trying to catch my glance. 
"I'm leaving" I say quickly turning towards the building that holds my next class. "Let me walk you to class" he says following me and falling in step when he catches up. "If I let you walk me to class will you stop calling me that?" I ask, keeping my eyes trained on my destination which isn't too far from where we are. "Maybe...but no promises" he says clearly amused with the pout that forms on my lip at his answer. "Whatever" I say under my breath realizing it's probably a lost cause anyway.
"Oh I forgot to ask! Since we're working on the game again I was thinking that maybe we could work on it in my studio" he says clearly hoping I say yes. "Why would we need to work together? You can just send me the files by the deadline agreed upon and do it on our own" I say going to grab the door handle when we finally reach the building but failing as he jumps in to open it for me but I walk in ignoring the gesture. 
"Wouldn't it be more efficient if you were to give me your feedback while you're sitting next to me so we won't have to worry about going back and changing everything later because it didn't meet your standards? I promise it's really nice and it's only a few streets down from campus. I share it with another girl but she keeps to herself for the most part so you won't have to worry about her" he says trying his absolute best to convince me which really makes me question his motives but not enough to care. 
"She's lesbian by the way so you don't have to worry about any of that" he says making excuses that he really shouldn't feel obligated to. "Okay? Not sure why that would concern me" I say and continue on, getting closer to my destination. "I'll think about it. It would be a lot more efficient like you had said but I'm not sure if the setup would prove to be productive for us" I say processing a little out loud. 
"Just swing by after class. I promise I'll have the place sparking clean and you can feel free to rearrange anything you'd like so it'll work out well for the both of us" he says practically begging at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if he would resort to getting down on his knees for me...no! I mean, what? Why would I ever think about something like that? 
Flustered by the mental image that thought had provided me I blurt out the first thing that would pacify the situation. "Yeah...I guess I could stop by" I say after clearing my throat getting rid of any awkwardness in my tone. "Cool, I'll come back after your class and we can go together" he says walking away leaving me chasing after him before he goes. 
"Wait" I say taking hold of his sleeve and making him stop in his tracks. Once I've realized what I've done I quickly let go and look down the hallway back towards my class to make an excuse not to make eye contact. "Just text me the address and I'll meet you there" I say quickly and start to walk back before he grabs my wrist pulling me back leaving me unable to protest since I had done the same to him.
"Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" he asks and brings his hand up to my jaw, guiding my eyes back over to his. "I'm not embarrassed I would just prefer to go on my own that's all. Plus you've wasted so much time on me today so you should just go do something productive. My class doesn't end until 8:30 so I'll come over right after" I say trying to convince him to just let me go on my own. 
He searches my eyes for a while before caressing my cheek and I jump at the feeling not realizing he hadn't moved his hand yet. "See you then pretty" he says leaning in to say it so I'm the only one that can hear. I pull away from him and make my way back over to class quickly before he can see the blush that's flooded my cheeks immediately and I hear him chuckle behind me, happy he got the reaction he wanted. 
What is he doing to me?  
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