#like gravity falls is my literal other favorite show
Never know if I want to stick to just being a South Park account or expand my horizon to other fandoms too
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
So truly as his song proclaimed, on one sunny day (A heat index of literally 97 degrees and climbing) I once again met with our old friend Bill Cipher by purchasing The Book of Bill.
And I gotta say.
It was like a WAVE of nostalgia.
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I had forgotten how GOOD and WITTY Gravity falls had been. Not to mention the book in itself is SMART. We as a community were ENTHRALLED with the evil tortilla chip-an absurd thing to vote Tumblr's most sexy man 2013-and the book knew that and was like 'here is more of the chip man.' Like obviously there's codes and treats and what have youse for the smarter folks. But just the energy of the whole book, the fake ADS, the amazing design work, the missing pages, GATSBY, the LORE Bill gives that fills in so many blanks for us while callously poking more holes with a pencil at the same time. You read it perpetually bouncing back and forth questioning how reliable a narrator Bill is and more importantly, how much of it do you REALLY want to believe in?
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It's a narrative that explores Bill as a person-at least how Bill Perceives it and with missing journal pages from Ford, how FORD perceived Bill.
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The whole book in itself is a BREAK UP story, between a Man and the Monster who he unknowingly let into his life. A monster that pushes him to the brink, that makes the possession trope EXCITING AND NEW to me as he is horribly aware and actively communicating with the monster who is actively threatening his very LIFE if not given obedience and compliance. And it's not one sided yelling into the void convos-they can actually communicate and it makes the disregard so much more terrifying. It both makes you empathize with our favorite villain while not cheapening it so much to redeem him.
Reading this book validates the mania we see Ford with when we get the flash back episode of the Portal Incident. The sick sort of Paranoia that he's developed because every waking moment of his life has been ruined by someone he let in, trusted and opened up to.
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The Book of Bill doesn't pull punches. There are parts in this book that go from 'comical horror' that jacks it up to 'Jesus fucking christ'
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The Book of Bill does what the original show was not allowed to do-which is go further with how DAMAGING a relationship Ford had with Bill. How it was an addiction, feeding off each other. Ford in finally having someone who could in essence-REFLECT his own intellect back at him and Bill, a creature that demanded an audience to be witnessed by constantly.
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Regardless, this was a FASINATING read. 110/10 totally work the trip in the 97 degree heat I made to 3 towns over JUST to get the Barnes and Noble EXCLUSIVE Copy that will now sit very proudly on my shelf. Go Buy it, Go Read it, It is WORTH it.
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lorryicious · 1 month
do you perhaps have any more Loretta/Bill content I’m VERY curious about their dynamic now 👁️👁️
I HAVE. SO MUCH. CONTENT. Loretta has been an oc I have had for YEARS so I absolutely have SO much stuff on her! Shes definitely my favorite oc alongside Jack, my other gravity falls oc. The short of it is they are forced to work together out of inconvenience by the Axolotl.. The most recent development has been the change in Lorettas ability revolving her sight because I thought it would be so cool if Loretta had the same/similar kind of mutation to Bill. It didn't change much to her character, just another reason why they ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time (time police events. I seriously need to write fanfic of the whole story LMAO)
Their dynamic is SO FUN. They bicker ALL the time and usually are yapping about something. They live together, so I think they argue over the smallest things. When they first ended up needing to work together, Bill was not thrilled AT ALL. He was VERY closed off. Loretta, not knowing this creature at all, just decided to let him do his own thing. It's only after an event where Loretta protects Bill when he's at his weakest that Bill realizes Loretta is harmless and that it wouldn't hurt to try to get some enjoyment out of her company. That turns into an actual friendship, which turns into Bill finding out Loretta is like him. Through this, they open up and become closer because of their similar identities. They just ended up on different paths because of their own mutations AUGH. Bill wanted more, when in comparison Loretta was content with what her world was already like.
Loretta is a demon hunter. She takes bounties from individuals around town to get rid of weirdness. She naturally has a knack for attracting it, so the job is perfect for her. Bill helps her with her bounties; in exchange, Loretta lets Bill drain her energy so he can regain his physical form. I have a whole animatic on my tiktok that shows how the possession works-
They are silly. They fight over what to watch on the tv, they karaoke and drink together, it takes AGES for Bill to actually open up to Loretta, Whenever they decide to share the bed (even though Bill doesn't sleep) he kicks off Lorreta off of it anyway just to frustrate her, they do makeup together, They drive up to one of the hills in gravity falls via Loretta's motorcycle and watch the sunset together. Love them. I have SO many thoughts on their dynamic, but they are there for each other, and despite all their issues, they love each other. They NEVER say it to each other because Bill is deathly scared of that word.
They are an oc x canon ship so they are together as partners TECHNICALLY. Still, I also think they are so messed up via the canon story that an ACTUAL domestic relationship dynamic just doesn't work for the two. Plus, Bill needs help understanding labels and Loretta doesn't need them. Plus there's the Jack situation...Which is a WHOLE OTHER RANT. JACK. AUGH. The love triangle (literally) goes insane. In my happy au they are a polycule asf.
Literally ask ANY questions about them, I might even draw something up if its a fun scenario you guys send,,, I LOVE THAT PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN THE OCS BECAUSE !!!! I HAVE SO MUCH CONTENT FOR THEM.
Some of this is older art but it still works <33 and I STILL LOVE IT
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This one I did recently-
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Great side effect for being able to see outside your plane of reality AND being intertwined to a demon, you get to relive HIS trauma TOO!! (imagine how horrifying that was when Loretta told Bill the dreams shes been having) (double note: Bill played it off like they were random when he was FREAKING OUT ON THE INSIDE)
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
I was laying down to sleep when I was suddenly possessed with a powerful urge to rant about one of my favorite things about Gravity Falls that I have literally never heard anyone else talk about and I feel like I have a unique perspective on:
I love that Gravity Falls allows tweens to be as chaotic and vibrant as they actually are.
As an aspiring middle school teacher, I spend a lot of time around tweens. It’s a special age and while I can easily understand why a lot of people would rather avoid kids in those years, I absolutely adore them. Middle schoolers are very invested in the idea of “coolness” but the secret is that being “cool” really just means being loved and accepted.
Not-so-fun fact: most kids stop drawing in 4th grade because they start comparing themselves to others and worry about their art being “good enough.” That is an utter tragedy. Every kid deserves to feel accepted and loved enough to create.
To me, one of the sweetest experiences I can have is hearing kids talk about what they’re passionate about. Because they are passionate. Stan says that you don’t have to grow up even though you get older and I absolutely love that. Kids have so much excitement about life and I think that’s something adults often lose which is a real shame. There is no better way to live than passionately.
So when I see sweet Mabel being aggressively herself and Dipper being so delighted to talk to his Grunkle Ford about what’s he’s interested in, it absolutely warms my heart. Especially because you KNOW Ford grew up being told that nobody cared about what he had to say or what he was passionate about, so you KNOW he‘ll jump at the chance to let this kiddo know that somebody does care.
And Mabel specifically really gets me. It’s so sad to me that she gets as much hate as she does. She isn’t my favorite character, but she is definitely a kid I would love spending time with. I love how sweet she is whenever she interacts with Fiddleford and I love how much effort she puts into making other people feel loved.
So yeah, I like this show a lot and tweens are wonderful.
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liquid-clear · 16 days
Stanley Pines. My favorite antihero. I love him so much.
We have all seen the concept that being in a relationship with a villain is better than a hero. The hero will sacrifice you to save the world versus the villain who will sacrifice the world to save you.
Sanley Pines decides to do that for his Estranged Brother. He decides to risk the entire dimension so that he could get his brother back. His brother who
Stanley assumed hated him.
Had already not spoken to Stanley for 10 years.
upon speaking to him for the first time in 10 years, tries to send Stanley away permanently.
Stanley will always blame himself for losing in the first place. Even tho both times it was an accident.
And to do so Stanley who
has been considered by everybody, including himself, to be "the dumb twin"
was written off by his high school as a FUTURE FAILURE,
was disowned by his family for his mistake,
spends 30 years learning quantum mechanics, welding, circuitry, and numerous other academic/trade fields to bring his brother home. All things that were originally done by Tech Genius Fiddleford McGucket or GT kid Stanford who still had help from a literal actual God/demon. And STANLEY IS SUCCESSFUL.
Stanley SUCCESSFULY fakes his own death to make sure that nobody questions the disappearance of his brother in order to buy himself enough time to get his brother back. He did this so effectively that his own family bought it.
To be incredibly clear, Stanley does become a traditional hero when he sacrifices himself to save the world. But also, Stanley didn't do it to save the world. He did it to save his family, spesificaly his brother, niece and nephew. And he does it by perfectly impersonating the brother that He hasn't known in 40 years. He impersonates him so well that he TRICKS THE LITERAL ACTUAL DEITY THAT HIS BROTHER HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH. Because as dumb and aloof and unbothered as Stanley Pines tries to appear, he is genuinely one of the smartest and most caring characters in gravity falls. It's just not the book smarts and conventional love that everybody typically looks for. (Stanley censoring himself in front of the kids while also letting them break the law is hilarious and I love him)
This is not to say that Mr mystery did nothing wrong. There are a lot of things that he did wrong and a lot of things that he could have handled better but. That being said he is still my favorite because he is so human and still tries so hard. I don't know, man, there is something super endearing about the amount of effort he puts into his family. He's an incredibly well written character. And listen I understand that 30 years is a long time and if I was Stanford I would be mad but also, but if my supposed screw-up sibling managed to understand and rebuild a portal But I needed help from a literal actual god/demon to create I would be impressed as hell. And Ford only said thank you because he felt obligated to. (Which again is the hero mindset of all sacrifice you to save the world because Ford is sacrificing his relationship with Stanley again to save the world)(and Stanley just wants his brother back so even though Ford doesn't mean the apology Stan still takes it because at least it was said)
I know this comes off anti Ford, which is not how it's intended, I love Ford so much and I'll do a post for him later. (If I remember) I just feel like Stanley is slept on so much for being such a wonderful character. And gahhhhh this show is so good and I love these old men.
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educated-idiot · 2 months
hi little backstory i was really into gravity falls INSANELY when i was in elementary/ middle school, and then the show ended and i kinda went to other things bc of how sad i was when it ended, and bipper was my first favorite character ever, he was my comfort character and i have a lot of memories with him and literally all i drew was him, he’s the reason i am where i am today with things art art wise which is kinda funny, anyways so many years later i am in college now and bc of the book of bill and rewatching the show for the first time in 8 years i have re awoken my love for the show and this character so we are so back baby and i have come full circle and cannot stop drawing this guy especially since i am no longer a beginner artist like i was way back then and i am more experienced!! more art to come!!
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cacowhistle · 3 months
i'm drafting this post two weeks ahead of time. today (the day im posting this) is dipper vs. manliness day for @gravity-falls-daily and since dipper was literally my transmasc awakening i want to talk abt the trans-coding in his writing that was not intentional but that makes him so relatable to me :] his struggles with masculinity are based on alex hirsch's own struggles with masculinity while he was growing up--it's not solely a transgender experience, but it's one that a lot of us can end up relating to, especially when we're around dipper's age in the show!!
dipper vs manliness is very obviously like. yeah. dipper struggles with his masculinity! people look at him and point out his more feminine traits--higher pitched voice, lack of hair in certain places, his enjoyment of traditionally "girly" music... he isnt physically that strong (at least not in the beginning), he can be a little cowardly (i imagine anyone would be, in half the situations he gets into)... these are all things that people look at as distinctly not masculine, even if those traits dont mean anything in regards to gender. and that bothers him! hes upset when people look at him and dont necessarily see his gender the way he wants them to.
its something that resonates w me a lot as a trans man, especially as im pre any medical changes i want to make, so i still get perceived as feminine and whatnot a lot of the time! but the main lesson that dipper learns in dipper vs manliness is that, like. what other people think? that doesnt matter. being a man is whatever you want it to be. and that might be different from what other people want it to be! dipper isnt going to always fit the stereotypical mold of a man, but as long as hes comfortable in his own masculinity, thats what counts! i think it's a really sweet message to send to kids--and it's also one of my favorite "grunkle stan being a good caretaker" moments when he. its not like, comforting, and its not really Advice, but when they talk at the end of the episode? and stan affirms him and tells him he's his own man? good shit.
external validation is good, and its important in a lot of instances and makes the world better and safer for trans people, but really, gender is what you make of it. as long as you are happy with your own gender and presentation, youre good. theres no wrong way to exist as a man or woman or neither or any combination of anything, and i really like the way this episode sells that.
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literallyjusttoa · 25 days
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Hey guys! I'm putting out a call for my commissions again for two big reasons: One, Emergencies have caused me to be low on funds when I wasn't expecting it, and that kind of sucks actually. Two, I have a project that I've been dreaming about for years but have actually been able to start working towards in the last couple of months, but to finish it I need to not be living paycheck to paycheck for like a month at the very least, which brings me back to point one :(. I will talk more about the big project under the cut, bc I think it's something you all might really enjoy!
But for now, I will link my commission sheet: Here (It's also my pinned post)
And my new Ko-fi!: Here for if you just want to donate, which would be literally incredible and I would owe you my soul actually.
Ok now for big Project Time!!!
I am in the process of editing and revising my first Youtube video! This has been an on and off dream of mine for like 7 years at this point, but I've finally taken the plunge and gotten to work on a channel. I wanna talk about all sorts of fandoms (including the riordanverse ofc) With videos ranging from plot and character analysis, to trends in fandom culture in general, to fun little ranking videos and speedpaints. All around, I just want the channel to be a fandom hive, where everyone can find something they enjoy.
I already have PNG's created of my sona to use as assets (And I have a sparkly new sona, the one in the pic above!) and I have two finished scripts, with the first one being fully recorded as well! One for my first video, which will be a retrospective on Gravity Falls, and one for a video about the Percy Jackson TV show, the inherent differences between TV and books as mediums, how I think the TV show could improve, and the things I think it got perfectly. I also have a bunch more ideas, such as:
BIG Trials of Apollo video essay, with a focus on how the books and the fandom have effected me over the years.
Ranking all of my favorite characters from all of the media I've been a fan of over the years (This would be over 70 characters)
Explaining the Iliad, but make it funny (with a side of Troy apologia)
Reading Lore Olympus and pointing out how it deviates from myth (the things I'm willing to do for you people /j)
Canon vs. Fanon, where I compare a characters canon characterization with their fanon counterpart and try to figure out how things turned out the way they did.
And more, but I don't want this post to be 5000 words long.
Now here's the big question. As I said in the part above, I'm struggling a bit now money-wise. And I really wanna make this project work, but there's also, you know. Tuition. Rent. Food. Stupid other adult stuff. So if anyone is amenable (and this is totally up to demand, I don't wanna pressure anyone into doing anything!) I was also thinking of maybe making a Patreon. Now, I'd have to do research for this, bc I wanna make sure anyone who signed up would get the right rewards and really get the bang for their buck. I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be much interest in this rn, cuz like, I'm not that big of a blog oof. But if anyone is interested! Here are some of the perks I would definitely be implementing! (sry it's another list)
Early access to videos, and behind the scenes looks at art assets and video creation
the ability to request topics for videos
Patrons names being shown in the videos. And higher tiered patrons getting custom chibis that will be shown in videos as well (and given to the patrons obv)
This ones a bit complicated, but I want to create a cover of a song that has to do with each video to play during their outros. So like, for the gravity falls video, I'm gonna record a quick cover of the Disco Girl song from the show. Only a small section of the song would be in each video, but patrons would get access to the full covers, and be able to request songs to be covered.
Discounts on commissions
A monthly speedpaint that would be exclusive to patreon. Patrons would be able to vote on what the drawing would be.
All of these ideas I'm 100% sure I want to add to a patreon if I make one, but obv there could be more that comes up later. I'm just gauging interest on this idea rn, so let me know if that's something you'd be down to sign up for! Maybe I'm jumping the gun here but I'm just really excited to create and give back to the community and aaahhhhh
Now, no matter what, I'm gonna have this first video out by mid-September at the latest. Because stupid money troubles are not gonna stop me from making this a thing dangit. So look out for that, I'll link the vid here when it releases! But I am just really stressed rn and any support would go a long way towards making this dream come true. And on that note, one more sappy real talk if I am allowed it?
If you've read this far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This community and fandom is truly incredible. My blog is about to reach 5 years old, and I've never seen a group of people so accepting and creative and just fun to be around. You guys have truly changed my life, and I wouldn't have the courage to try for this if I didn't have the support you've given me. I know this is super dramatic for just trying to make a youtube channel, but making a place where I could just talk about all the nerdy and overly specific things I care about and share them with the world is something I've wanted for my whole life. You guys gave me that with this blog, and if this channel works out, it'll be thanks to you, so you'll have given it to me twice. I don't have the words to express how much I love this community and all the incredible people in it. So even if you can't support, just know that being here for however long you have been, whether it's the whole five years or the last two days, has done more than you'll ever know. You guys are the best, thank you for everything <3
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dokk-fukuro · 1 year
please do the 'your relationship' series with chuuya? thank you!!
Here we are~
Your Relationship [Chuuya Nakahara]
TW: afab reader, mentioning of female genitals, SMUT, MINORS NDI
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Chuuya as your friend:
At first, he doesn't trust you and is generally quite rude to you, because he remembers how his trust in someone ends. This is why your friendships are very cold at the start;
When Chuuya nevertheless "thaws", you joke together, and you already seem to be not such a bad person to Chuuya. He often asks you for advice, although he says that he does it only to check how right he was in his guesses;
Doesn't show openly, but actually values you very much as a friend, so he doesn't even think of thinking about you as something more;
You share music selections, discussing what you liked the most. At first, Chuuya grimaced when he listened to your playlists, but he secretly kept the ones he liked;
He will never recruit you to work with him for the Port Mafia, because he knows all the risks for you. The organization won't be able to let you go so easily when you have so much knowledge in your head;
Gets annoyed if you joke about his height, but not as much as he looks. However, if you are shorter than him, he will surprisingly not joke back;
Chuuya as your boyfriend:
It is difficult for him to describe his feelings towards you, but somewhere deep inside Nakahara understands that without you his life will be somehow empty;
When falling in love attacked his mind, it was very difficult for Chuuya to accept it as it is. It seemed to him that this was nonsense, and he was not able to love, but the trembling emotions for you turned out to be stronger than him;
When you are alone, Chuuya just can't deny himself the pleasure of snuggling up to you, touching your body, inhaling the scent of your hair. He's too tactile;
He likes it when you walk around the house in one shirt. This sight literally mesmerizes him. If you're shorter than him, he won't mind you wearing his shirt at all;
He's jealous. No. Nakahara is extremely jealous, that's why he always leaves marks on your body. Plus he likes to hear your quiet moans and whimpers;
Quite energetic in bed, but doesn't like to rush so that you both can enjoy each other to the fullest;
You don’t get to spend time together so often that no one is distracting, so when Chuuya tells you on the phone that he is waiting for you under the windows, you take one last look at yourself in the mirror and adjust your burgundy lipstick and leave the house.
Nakahara stands by his motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket and his usual hat. In this form, he already looks as sexy as possible, and the way your gaze lingers on him makes Chuuya chuckle. He knows that he has your eyes on him, so he is completely confident in your relationship. You will never leave him.
"My gravity control can't keep me on my feet when you're around, baby." The redhead bites his lip and grins. Chuuya almost always acts like this with you. Previously, he denied his affection for you, although it was obvious to everyone, even Higuchi, those around him tried to shut her up so that she would be quiet.
It took both of you six months to get used to each other, and how much abuse there was… And how the dishes and the environment remained intact is a big question.
Chuuya gives you flowers and puts a helmet on your head and helps you into the passenger seat. This night is all yours, so Nakahara wants to enjoy you to the fullest.
Already at home, he, pulling off your clothes from your bodies on the way to the bedroom, touches you, caresses your body on the way, greedily sinks his teeth into the open areas of your skin, growling with satisfaction and guttural.
Chuuya wants you here and now, he is tired of waiting for the moment when he can touch you the way he does at the moment. In each of his touches, a mixture of the greedy "You are only mine" and the gentle "I love you."
You don't get to the bedroom. His favorite wine pours over your skin, which he eagerly licks, tongue brushing hard nipples, leaving hickeys and bite marks as you ride his cock and moan his name over and over. Chuuya is too hungry for you.
Working in the Port Mafia has its risks, especially if the enemy knows what to put pressure on, so Nakahara tries to hide you even from his own, which won't last for very long;
If you're working for the Port Mafia, be prepared to be the new duo with him and Chuuya's cold attitude towards you in front of everyone. Although it is already obvious to everyone that Chuuya loves you, therefore, his attempts to pretend that you are just partners look comical from the outside;
Nakahara adores with all his heart when you show everyone around you that he belongs to you. He likes this dominant nature in your character so much that he is almost ready to take you right where you stand;
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banana-pancake5 · 2 months
Meet the artist!
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Hi, my name, here on tumblr, is Moo or M3B! If you would like to know more about myself than hop on under the cut; I’ve stored a couple of facts down there :D
I am a Christian writer and artist, and I’m attempting animation as well! I have lots of shows that I’m very into, but the main ones are TMNT, Snow White with the Red Hair, Project 863, and Gravity Falls (other shows/movies include Haikyu!!, ATLA, Moonknight, Marvel, Studio Ghibli, Steven Universe, over the garden wall, and many more).
The reason my Sona is wearing a Zebra onesie is because the Zebra is the official symbol for Rare Diseases. I have Mitochondrial Disease (I refer to it as Mito), which has effected my life in many ways, though now I’m practically fine which is a wonderful blessing from God, I absolutely love talking about it and will gladly share some of my experiences with anyone who wants to hear! The safety pins on the Onesie are also there because of my experience with Mito, though it’s kind of a long story so I won’t write it all out here. ^-^
I love reading people’s rambles, so if you ever would like to talk about a show, movie, or literally anything, regardless if I’ve heard of it, I’d love to hear in an ask! My asks are also open if you just wanna stop by and say Hi :D
Some fun facts:
- I have three cats, Loki, Sylvie, and Suki <3
- I am 5’ exactly >:D
- my favorite bands are Madilyn Mei and Twenty One Pilots
- besides drawing and writing I also love to cook, bake, and crochet
- I am an ENTP
- I love learning about Psychology :D
- I use all caps and emoticons quite often
- I’m always open to drawing and writing requests, HOWEVER! there’s no promises that I’ll be able to finish it in a decent time frame or at all
I would also like to mention some awesome people I’ve met on this website that you should definitely give a follow:
@bowandbrush @ferniforest @exhaustedwriterartist @jadetheblueartist @peoplepersonoaktree @crowsandturtlesandbatsohmy @cookiedoesart64 @allyheart707 (along with all my other mutuals that I don’t have time to tag!!)
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 115
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Judging by the Cover Card it looks like this chapter is going to be focusing Heavily on the relationship between Kou and mitsuba in this timeline, since the last chapter ended with mitsuba asking for kou to join him in investigating the incident that happened with the Students missing after summoning a spirit AKA Tsukasa, I wonder if this will be like a Scooby doo mystery adventure for these 2 or if it will Entirely focus on them at all like in the Aquarium date a few Chapters back, or heck if we even see any other characters show up like yashiro or hanako, or if This will focus on anything that I had predicted last Chapter, well only 1 way to find out
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Ok 2 things: 1 I'm surprised I Actually remembered who the f#%k this guy was the Minute I saw him since it's been like Chapter 1 when he was 1st introduced and was just there to drive the plot forward, 2 is yashiro in this timeline Still the Same as episode 1, like is She Still the girl that is So desperate for love that she will literally ask anybody if it means even having some sort of a "chance" and that She Never changed Staying the way used to, and 3, TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER YOU TROGLODYTE, The hell you mean if She gives you an "interesting" confession She'll be your TENTH Girlfriend, Sry but she's taken; I'm actually kinda worried that's he's back because when Stuff like this happens, it usually means we're Getting closer to the End, Omg I'm not ready 😰😰
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There ya Go yashiro get the eff away from Him, I'm glad that he got the headbutt treatment she likes to do to Our sweet boy Servers him right, also the fact that she did a freaking somersault and Stuck the landing while getting out of dodge immediately is Just Hilarious 🤣🤣 *sigh* I miss Hanako so much....
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Already this is Starting to become one of My favorite chapters omg I love that she's Finally realizing how Stupid she used to be before meeting hanako, always being manipulated into doing things for other people, always asking out people who Never truly even cared for her, always just being the classic "Doormat" shoujo protagonist she was, Glad She's finally realizing how much growth and character development she's had ever since meeting kou and Hanako, God I love this series ^^
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😦😧😨 No way omg no way Did I call it Omg please
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Wait what was it all a Dream omg my Heart Damn it Aidairo why!? 😫
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Ngl this scene hurt, I went completely silent reading this part, and wow just, wow, Seeing hanako's/ Amane's life and what it is/could've been really hurts and yashiro's tears in this Scene just speak louder than any words possible, God This chapter is so Good 😣
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Ok firstly is it me or is My boys rocking the DRIIP, secondly this Show has gotten Way more Darker than when it 1st started, the fact that this Went from being a Show about ghost stories and spooky stuff, with just a tad bit of Dark topics to it, To literally now giving me Straight Gravity falls season 2 vibes is Really telling me a lot, also Kou in this timeline seems to be a lot more experienced when it comes down to being an Exorcist, the way he was just talking and examining the situation shows that He's no longer a Noob when it comes to this sort of thing, and is a lot more trained than he let's on Which pretty awesome
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Bruh this series is Not holding back Anymore whatsoever, this is just Straight TERRIFYING 😅
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Oh yeah that's Totally Not Nightmare fuel at All, Wow when did this Series become so horrifying, Also this is NOT Tsukasa, this is that Mother effing THING, till this day I still don't understand what this thing is and What it wants, all I know is that it's the freaking Hole the Kannagis were being sacrificed to and that the real Tsukasa sacrificed himself to in the Red house, I've always had a thought that Maybe just maybe a bit of him was still in their after the Red house arc and that he was just fighting or switching out from time to time, But from what I'm seeing It looks like the Thing has Taken him over COMPLETELY in this timeline, Tsukasa is Gone, this just a Shell, an empty husk Wearing his face; yep it's official, This is Absolutely One of my favorite Chapters Now, Omg I can't wait ^_^
Also the fact I was right about that the Next chapter was going to be focusing more on Yashiro, Makes me so FREAKING happy ^^ YEAH! I CALLED IT
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seyfertgalaxy · 1 year
Collector rant again :p except im sleep deprived
The fact that the collector knows the draining spell would kill people is so,, out there. but its also so fucked up because he also believes that people, mortals, are like toys. i think this mindset of his started with Belos. because whenever the archivists took the baby titans from collector all those years ago, i dont doubt he tried to get them back since he did that with Luz as well. so he knows, to a degree, that you cant just snap your fingers and have everything be all rainbowy and cheery again.
but then, he met philip. and philip likely explained everything to the collector in order to get what he wanted in a more efficient way. one of those things being grimwalkers! clones.
That's probably when it started. i think after the third or fourth grimwalker, Collector made this connection that mortals are similar to toys you can just break and then "fix." Because it's the same exact person! hey! didn't he just disappear? and now he's back?? good as new? wow!!
and after so many years of this, it's likely ingrained in his mind. he pulls the head off of his doll, and then it's back on. That's his example and his understanding.
He doesn't even see the grimwalkers as people after a while. he calls them "those things" and finds amusement in Belos hurting them and lashing out at them. but at least he has the basic understanding that they're mortals, living beings. and i also think that's why he was so angry with Lilith whenever she called King her nephew. Belos called the grimwalkers his nephews, and then he would hurt them and make them disappear. while, to Collector, he did fix them eventually. It was a cycle. a cycle that he didn't want King to go through because King is the last titan and Collector's "best friend."
and because he couldn't make the other baby titans come back, he probably figured that King was the same way. so he wasn't gonna risk anything with his new friend.
and with mortals, he's shown to be careless and even reckless. in Watching and Dreaming, whenever he's showing Luz, Eda, and King his favorite games, they're all very dangerous. maybe not for him, because he can shift his size and control the games with his power, but to them! to them, its dangerous.
Pacman: he literally "ate" Luz and could have badly injured her.
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Marbles: he was huge and flicking them around! that's harmful. especially whenever King ran underneath Collector's foot to make them fall, that could have ended very differently for King. for example, if the "marble" he was in wasn't very strong, the impact of Collector stepping on it could have busted it open and—you probably get where im going with that.
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jenga: do i even need to explain why this is dangerous? giant blocks. small mortals.
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whenever he figures out that they aren't enjoying his games and they're actually angry with him, because they keep messing them up, he gets upset then gets rid of the games and retreats to go cry alone. its like he didn't even register that these games were hurting them or could even kill them. especially since his intention was to Wow them with these games and be their friend.
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i think they're just "naturally scary." because a few times, their expression and tone is almost contradicting their intentions. for such: asking for grudgy buddies, talking about tag in Kings Tide, and the "Let me show you some of my favorite games" line.
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its a bit of a complicated situation because he needs to be around mortals to improve and grow, but he also doesn't understand anything about them. bit of a personal take here; i didn't like the ending they had for the collector. he'll either be alone, or with some shitty space gods. at least its implied that he visits every so often or holds some contact with King and possibly the others. anyways-
to close this off because i keep getting distracted, he doesn't truly grasp death or the gravity of ANY of his actions. he knows people die, but he also assumes you just fix them and they come back. (that makes me wonder what he thought about the baby titans "disappearing" at first).
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like this scene here: he didn't understand that Luz was dead until later on. whenever he says "she's really gone". he also tells Eda(and King)that he doesn't want anyone else to go missing and that he's sorry for everything. "Missing", not Dead. because he doesn't understand yet.
and he likely still doesn't understand what happened because Luz came back in a completely different form/look, much like how the grimwalkers did. dissappearing but coming back later on with a slightly altered appearance. but i think he has some sort of idea of death still since he couldn't "fix" Luz and was heavily reminding himself of the archivists
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Ok so can I rant a bit? You know that pretty cure reviewer AzenZone right? he's been around since 2011 and has done reviews for Kamen rider, Ojamajo Doremi, Symphogear and other shows but he's most known for his reviews on Pretty Cure.
Anyways I used to watch him for a while, I got into his reviews during KiraKira's run as there was no way for me to legally watch the seasons so he was the main channel I turned to for my Pretty Cure content and was a fan for a while. I think I stopped watching his stuff during Tropical Rouge's run as I wasn't a big fan of that season so I stopped watching him and picked up again the following year for Delicious Party and holy shit...that guy is REALLY negative.
Look there's nothing wrong with not liking a particular season my least favorites are Tropical Rouge and Happiness charge, we all have our own options but the more I watched his DP reviews it felt like I was watching a smear campaign for the season especially towards Yui. The guy's hate for her is on the same level as a fruits baskets fans' hate towards Akito and mind you Akito is a literal abuser. The guy legality acts like Yui destroyed his prized Kamen Rider collection.
I kind of realized that this wasn't the first he's acted like this towards a season he gave Kira Kira and Star Twinkle the same treatment during their run time. He treated them like they were the worst seasons to come out of the series and half the time it seems like he doesn't even like pretty cure half the time he even dropped Wonderful (which is a blessing ngl) only doing shorts because there was no physical combat against the animals and because he doesn't like Iroha and Komugi.
Now there's nothing wrong preferring the Cat-duo over the Dog-duo but he disregards the two and said that "the fact that Yuki was the one that suggested they do a four person role call rather then either one of the dog pair really highlights how much these two have become an after thought" the whole point of Yuki suggesting they do the role call is showing her growth from not wanting to work with the Dog-Duo to her learning how to work with others that aren't Mayu. He just complete dismisses them because he doesn't like them and prefers Yuki and Mayu.
Also I think he's made a few sex jokes about Sora and Mashiro which is gross they're canonically 14 years old. Called Tubasa gay for the way he reacted to a fan letter...the letter was written by a preschooler. And was just weird when it came to Ageha.
But that aside I think his main issue when it comes to Pretty Cure is that if a season doesn't go in the direction he wants it to he calls it a "bad season" and writes it off. At the end of the day Pretty Cure is a show catered to little kids. I'm not saying that just because it's a kids show it has to be dumbed down for them as you can have really great story telling look at Sophia the first, Heartcatch, the Moomins, Craig of the Creek, Gravity Falls and the Curious George movies.
Anyways please don't send hate to the guy, like I said we're all entitled to our own opinions. I just don't agree with his and that's fine
Anyways thanks for coming to my rant. I hope he doesn't cover Princess Orchestra but knowing him he probably will
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
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here’s some wholesome Dew art because he deserves to be happy :3 (also his sweater is supposed to look like colorful firework explosions)
now here i go getting all sentimental under the read more…
first off, thanks @mottinthemainpot and @toyybox for requesting New Years art because i wouldn’t have drawn this otherwise!! it was fun and i love how colorful it turned out :D
also here’s the version without the background
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anyway, i have to say that making this blog was one of the biggest highlights of my year. i did so many things that i thought i’d never do! like show my writing to people, post oc stuff… make actual friends. seriously, just creating something that makes other people happy is what i’ve always wanted to do, and i did it! writing and drawing are my favorite hobbies and i’m so so happy that i’m making other people happy by doing what i love more than anything.
i know TLLR may not matter all that much to other people, but it had a huge impact on my life. it caused me to start sharing my stories instead of keeping them in my head, it caused me to come out of my shell and actually talk to people online, and make so many amazing friends that i never would have met otherwise. it made it easier for me to be myself and interact with people, instead of hiding or being too shy like i’ve been doing my whole life. i used to be soo scared of talking to people online, because i thought nobody would like me or i’d be too awkward. but all of your amazing support made me able to do that, made me able to express myself and find a friend group that i can relate to and who likes me for me. that’s something i’ve always wanted, so thank you all!!
ever since i was 12, it was my dream to make something- a series and characters- that inspired others and made people happy (aka the same impact that Gravity Falls had on me). i know TLLR isn’t much, and it’s not super popular or anything, but i’m so unbelievably happy that i created something that makes people excited to read and think about and make art for. i’m so happy i created something that inspires people and makes people happy (even just a little bit). that is honestly all i’ve ever wanted and it makes me excited for all the amazing things i’ll do in the future.
to all of you invested in my silly little story, THANK YOU!!!! without any of your support or kind messages or reactions or art, i literally wouldn’t have made it this far. i remember the first ask i ever got (you know who you are :)) and i just wanna talk about how that affected me. because holy shit, back then, that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about something i made. i can’t even describe how happy i was when i first read it, like it literally made my entire month. it made me realize that i’m capable of making something that makes people happy. and to everyone who has ever left nice messages about my series, thank you so much again!! because wow, it’s just so surreal that people like my creations. thank you
this is super rambly and completely unplanned, but yeah i just wanted to say thanks for the amazing past few months. i’m so happy i joined this community, everyone here is so nice and it’s led me to make amazing things. even if you don’t read TLLR (i recommend it ehehehe /nf), thanks for following me and supporting me with my art. drawing all those tllr drawings definitely made me improve a lot (this year was also a huge year for my art in general. i’m so proud of myself for how much i’ve improved with my art).
ALSO WRITING!!! my writing has definitely improved thanks to tllr. before this, i just wrote for fun about my other ocs and never showed ANYONE. it wasn’t in chronological order and i didn’t care much for mistakes or perfect grammar or anything. don’t get me wrong, i love the other stuff i wrote for myself, but tllr is by far the best in my opinion. it challenged me to write something not only for myself, but something other people would read. it put me out of my comfort zone at first, when i posted the first chapter. my writing has improved so much because of that and i’m so fucking excited for what i’ll be able to accomplish in the future.
oh yeah! thanks to the whump community for inspiring me to post my stuff in the first place! tllr specifically is something very important and personal to me, but something that i’m able to share with other people so easily. tllr isn’t just mine anymore, it’s everyone’s who’s ever read it (don’t take that too literally)
anyway, i know i’m forgetting something but yeah i just wanted to say thanks!! you are all so amazing! i’m not gonna tag all of the friends i made but you all know who you are, thank you!!! 2023 was amazing for me and i’m so excited for what 2024 will bring (besides me literally graduating high school this year)! big things are coming up with tllr too, new characters, twists and turns, crazy stuff. i’m so fucking excited
OH YEAH! i usually don’t make new year’s resolutions but this year i definitely want to draw more of my friends/mutuals’ characters. all of you are so creative and drawing art for other people is something i realized i love to do!!
i don’t know how to end this, it got longer than i planned loll. thank you all for the amazing year!! thanks for all the support!! :DDD
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Preliminary Round: Poll Runner's Choice
Ok, so this poll is gonna be a bit different. I picked six of my favorite submissions that didn't get in to put in this poll. Vote for who you would like to be in the main bracket the most, and the top three duos will be added to the bracket. So, without further ado...
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Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Toothless(top left) vs Tsukioka Tsumugi and Takatou Tasuku(top right) vs Xingqiu and Chongyun(middle left) vs Rose Lalonde and Dave Strider(middle right) vs Mabel and Dipper Pines(bottom left) vs Lio Fotia and Galo Thymos(bottom right)
Propaganda for Hiccup and Toothless: "They literally read each others minds, they're so in sync, they trust each other so much"
Propaganda for Tsumugi and Tasuku: "they're childhood friends who started acting together in school! acting requires lots of trust in your fellow co-stars like for example if they mess up or forget a line you need to be able to cover for them and keep the show going. after years of acting they're very much in sync able to match each other's energy onstage during a performance. even the player character (default name: izumi) notes in her narration that these two have a special connection onstage that no one else in their theatre company has bc of their years of acting together <3"
Propaganda for Xingqiu and Chongyun: "They have several matching design elements that balance each other out, with Xingqiu being associated with dark blue and black while Chongyun is associated with light blue and white. Chongyun uses the ice element, while Xingqiu uses the water element, which makes them formidable (or at least troublesome, since they freeze the enemies constantly) in a team together in game. They're commonly seen or mentioned together, and while Chongyun occasionally complains about Xingqiu's pranks, they get along well enough that an entire section of Chongyun's character story (in his profile) is dedicated to his friendship with Xingqiu, and vice versa with Xingqiu's story. Chongyun is a very earnest and genuine person, while Xingqiu is a bit wily and a prankster - despite this, Chongyun trusts him over and over again, despite the trouble that Xingqiu's pranks often cause for him. sorry for submitting genshin and writing a whole wall of text lol"
Propaganda for Rose and Dave: "I'm bad explanations, but the short of it is that even though they're both very cagey people and try not to be themselves, they see through each other's façade."
Propaganda for Mabel and Dipper: "They're the bestest siblings ever. They're twins and have such a wonderful beautiful relationship. Their relationship so important for the show as a whole and Gravity Falls wouldn't be what it is if not for them. They're the reason why I strive to be a good sibling to my own brother. I've been obsessed with this show and them for so many years. They're my favourite and I love them so so much."
Propaganda for Lio and Galo: "First, the obvious- they literally co-pilot a mech during the movie, and them being in sync is required for it to function: the more they understand each other, the better they fight. Also, they're very effective foils: The ice-cold arsonist and the burning-hot firefighter, who are also (as close to canonically as Studio Trigger can get) in gay love."
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moonlight12086 · 30 days
Master Post
Welcome to my vlog!
If you are new to my vlog, welcome!! Here I will say some things about myself, what I like, my fandoms, etc!!
About me
You can call me Moon or Moonie, either way is fine!
I'm a minor!!
~>I'm from Colombia 🐱🇨🇴
I usually use a translator because it makes it easier for me to write in English, but that doesn't mean I don't understand English 😸
Pronouns: she/her
I like to draw and have fun!
My favorite colors are purple (forever), light blue and black.
My favorite food is pizza!!
My favorite animals are cats, otters, raccoons and dogs!
My birthday is March 30th!!
I don't have a favorite flower, but the one I like the most is the tulip.
My other accounts!!
These are my other social networks where I post things!
Yt: Starmoon125
TT: Moon_12086
Please note that I can upload different things on my social media, so please forgive me if my content is not as consistent or does not have the same content as on the other accounts!
There may be exclusive things on the accounts that are only uploaded on those sides, either on TT or Yt!
I also have to mention that I have a Wattpad but this account is only in Spanish at the moment, but I'll leave it here anyway.
Wattpad: Moon12086
Main languages:
Spanish and English
I could write everything in Spanish and English in all my posts but I think it would be difficult to maintain.
What are my fandoms?
I'm in so many fandoms that I've lost count, but I'll name a few.
Smg4 (mainly)
Nerd and Jock
Gravity Falls
Alecchi (a Spanish-language YouTuber)
Jack stauber
Chikn Nugget
Sunshine Paradise
The last Of Us
Lego (The lego movies)
The Truman show
And many more....!
I am very neutral with the ships and I think I am a multishipper, So all ships here are welcome as long as they are not proshipper, Mapprides, and yk
I'm not much of a hashtag user but the only one I usually use at the moment is the one from Moonie's Fanarts or at least where it appears, which is
#moonie fanart
Edit: Now I also use these Hashtags for Moonie and Hishira's questions section!!
#Ask Moonie
#Moonie Do
Questions Section!
And one thing, I'm going to open a question section for Moonie and Hishira :D
Questions for Moonie and Hishira
If you want to ask Moonie questions you should put: "Ask Moonie", and if it's a challenge or something, it would be: "Moonie Do"
Same for Hishira: "Ask Hishira" or for some challenge or something like that "Hishira Do"
All sections will have their Hashtag:
Moonie: Hishira:
#Moonie Do #Hishira Do
#Ask Moonie #Ask Hishira
Question for me!! (Moon)
If you want to ask me questions from now on and not Moonie or Hishira, just put the question or whatever without anything, so I'll understand that it's directed at me :3
Ask box
What I accept in my question box is:
Art request
Any questions, as long as they are not asking for my most personal information
Any topic you want to talk about or tell me!!
I can receive fanarts or any drawing!!
What I do not accept:
Art NSFW request (wth, i'm a minor)
Art request proship
At the moment I don't know what else to add but if I have something I will edit it.
MAPs, pedophiles, proshippers, groomers, racists, homophobes/transphobes, misogynists, nsfw accounts.
My ocs!!
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[Now it's time to introduce you to Moonie! Moon or Moonie is my oc, it's which one represents me, so here it is for whatever (I hope they don't take that so literally)]
[It has its kitten version and its human version, so, I don't know, just watch it 😔]
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[Hello again! Here I present Hishira, a new Oc, here I tell you a little about her :3]
[She is another influencer in the world of Smg4]
[Her best friend is Moonie]
[Her idol is Smg4]
[Hates..., well, I can't say much for now, it starts with M...]
(everything in "[ ]" is from my Oc's original post, so you don't have to search for the original post!)
Spanish version down here! /Versión en español aquí abajo!
Master Post
(No sé cómo se dice en español 😔)
Bienvenid@ a mi vlog!
Si eres nuevo en mi vlog, bienvenido!! Aquí diré algunas cosas sobre mí, lo que me gusta, mis fandoms, etc.!!
Sobre mí
Puedes llamarme Moon o Moonie, cualquiera de las dos está bien!
Soy menor de edad!!
~>Soy de Colombia 🐱🇨🇴
Usualmente suelo usar traductor para hablar en inglés pero eso no significa que no entienda el inglés 😸
Pronombres: Ella/La
Me gusta dibujar y divertirme
Mis colores favoritos son el morado (por siempre JAKAJA), el celeste y el negro
Mi comida favorita es la pizza
Mis animales favoritos son el gato, la nutria, el mapache y el perro!!1!
Mi cumpleaños es el 30 de marzo
No tengo una flor favorita pero la que más me gusta es el tulipán!
Mis otras cuentas
Acá están otras de mis redes sociales para que vayan y miren! Hay contenido exclusivo de vez en cuando,.no suelo ser muy activa o muy lineal en el contenido que subo en cada uno, perdón por eso!
Yt: StarMoon125
TT: Moon_12086
También tengo una cuenta de Wattpad pero solo tengo una historia en español, talvez en un futuro la traduzca al inglés!
Wattpad: Moon12086
Idiomas principales
Español e inglés
Podría escribir cada post en español e inglés pero sería mucho trabajo para mantener eso 😔
¿Cuáles son mis fandoms?
Uy no, estoy en bastantes fandoms que ya perdí la cuenta JAKJAJA, pero mencionaré algunos (mencionaré algunos más de la comunidad hispano hablante :3, estará encerrados en este "[ ]" paréntesis)
Smg4 (principalmente)
Nerd and Jock
>[Cuki Kuin]
>[Miko's trash can]
Gravity Falls
Jack stauber
Chikn Nugget
Sunshine paradise
The last Of us
Lego (las películas)
The Truman show
Y muchos más...!
Yo soy muy neutral con los ships y creo que soy multishiper, entonces todos los ships son bienvenidos aquí!, siempre y cuando no sea proship, Mappride, pedófilo, etc
No soy mucho de utilizar hastags pero en único que suelo utilizar por el momento es el de los Fanarts de Moonie o mínimo dónde aparece, el cual es
#moonie fanart
Edit:¡Ahora también uso estos Hashtags para la sección de preguntas de Moonie y Hishira!
#Ask Moonie
#Moonie Do
#Ask Hishira
#Hishira Do
Sección de preguntas!
Y una cosa, voy a abrir una sección de preguntas para Moonie y Hishira :D
Preguntas para Moonie y Hishira P Si quieres hacerle preguntas a Moonie debes poner: "Ask Moonie", y si es un desafío o algo así, sería: "Moonie Do"
Lo mismo para Hishira: "Ask Hishira" o para algún desafío o algo así "Hishira Do"
Todas las secciones tendrán su Hashtag:
Moonie Hishira
#Moonie Do #Hishira Do
#Ask Moonie #Ask Hishira
Preguntas para mi (Moon)
Si quieren hacerme preguntas de ahora en adelante y no a Moonie o Hishira, solo pongan la pregunta o lo que sea sin nada, así entenderé que va dirigido a mí :3
Caja de preguntas
Lo que si permito en mi caja de preguntas:
Pedidos de arte
Cualquier pregunta, mientras no sea sobre mi información personal
Cualquier tema que quieras hablar o contarme!
Puedo recibir fanarts y dibujos!
Lo que no permito en mi caja de preguntas
Pedidos de arte NSFW (soy menor, que les pasa)
Pedidos de arte proshipper
Talvez me falte uno que otro pero por el momento son esos, si me falta alguno lo pondré aquí
MAP, pedófilos, proshippers, groomers, racistas, homófobos/transfóbicos, misóginos, cuentas nsfw.
Mi Oc!!
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[Ahora es momento de presentarles a Moonie! Moon o Moonie es mi oc, es cual me representa, así que aquí está para lo que sea (espero que no lo tomen tan literalmente)]
[Tiene su versión gatita y su versión humana, así que, no sé, solo mírala 😔]
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[Hola de nuevo! Aquí les presento a Hishira, una nueva Oc, aquí les cuento un poco sobre ella :3]
[Ella es otra influencer en el mundo de Smg4]
[Su mejor amiga es Moonie]
[Su ídolo es Smg4]
[Odia a..., bueno, no puedo decir mucho por ahora, empieza con M...]
(Todo lo que está entre "[ ]" es de la publicación original de mi Oc, por lo que no tienes que buscar la publicación original).
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