#like everything comes naturally with that guy...
parisoonic · 23 hours
How the hell do you manage to superimpose the hilariously exagerated proportions of the tf2 mercs into a cohesive 2d style? I always struggle SO much with like, the way the mercs' models have huge hands, the way they have relatively low-poly definition on things like arms, shoulders, and legs... and Especially the way like, the models are kinda janky when you pose them for art purposes- when using movement tools, things like armpits and seams between body parts get all deformed... Which makes the study of form and silhouette rather difficult.
I assume that a lot of your ability to translate the concept of the mercs from their original mediums into your own works of art comes to you quite naturally- through experience you have with drawing and art style stuff, as well as through intuition. I was simply wondering if I could poke at your mind and get some insight into your process, any thoughts you have about the proportions and silhouettes of the mercs, any quirks you've found while drawing the mercs, or simply what you enjoy drawing about them. Like, don't be afraid to infodump about something just because you think people wouldn't find it interesting- I am here, I am sitting, and I am listening- if you so choose to speak.
I am utterly fascinated and enraptured by the more behind-the-scenes aspect of art. The mundane things that come second nature to great artists yet seem so revolutionary to less experienced artists.
I love your work, I look forward to seeing more of it, and I hope you have a nice day :]
Sorry for the late reply! I've been a little…stuck on how to answer this but that's mainly because to me, drawing is composed of SO many different little skills - you have form, anatomy, shape language, silhouette, appeal, rhythm, acting and posing…not to mention everything AFTER your raw draughtmanship like line style, rendering and colour theory. Trying to distill a multiude of small skills into some pithy advice is overwhelming to my brain. So I'll take the invitation to ramble instead :))
I don't think I have any new or revolutionary insight into the tf2 guys specifically - more I'm using them as work horses to excercise general silhouette/posing/shape-language and further my skills when it comes to drawing characters!
I do agree though the proportions are rather silly when you stop and think about them realistically…they can be kinda tricky if you follow their 'actual' proportions. what looks great individually was maybe never meant to be directly compared (ie: Heavy's hand size against Spy's lol). It would've been funny if the TV show exsisted and we had more content to review…would the animators have had rules like Spy and Heavy can never shake hands? Would they cheated the proportions for shots? Or would they have said WHATVER it's gonna look weird and embraced it? (Like Kingpin in Spiderverse lol)
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Paul Lasaine for 'Into the Spiderverse' This is AWESOME. But it's also one of the silliest designs I've ever seen comitted to screen. The varied scales of the characters work because of the unifying treatment (lighting, rendering, consistant hand anatomy, consistant cxlothing fold treatment etc) and because they are sort of proportional within themselves. A common manta is that hands should be about as large as a characters face....which they all are here!
Human brains are very flexible and forgiving though. It's totally fine for you to put a character with huge hands and head next to a teeny tiny character! Vanellope and Ralph from Wreck-It Ralph look grand next to each other! And in that film you even have varying levels of stylisation sitting against each other (unified by the look dev treatment of the shaders and lighting). I think as long as the chracter is proportional within themselves it sort of works out. IE: a general rule is that a hand should be as large as the face so…you can have some large arse hands as long as their placed on a body with a big arse head. Unifying characters with the same treatment (ie: lineart brush, colouring style will also help them look cohesive next to each other :) )
I don't actually reference the 3D models/animations very much at all and instead draw their proportions based on my tastes for stylisation following their general vibes/silhouette profiles. I don't stick THAT close to their in-game looks and there are artists who do that are so so so much better than me (Creedei and Flapjack come to mind). I'm not amazing at body-type differentation and TBH they're all wearing chunky clothes all the time so I usually draw the guys as one-of-three body shapes: Heavy is the uniquely wide guy; Sniper/Scout/Spy are all tall and slim and Demo/Soldier/Medic/Engie have a little more of the generic 'hero' bodytype with varying tallness and broadness of the shoulders
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Something like this! You can vary all these individual elements in terms of size, thickness, taper amount etc to create different characters. If you ARE going to reference the 3d works though you'll need to apply some anatomy knowledge to overcome the weird shoulders, armpits and knees which desperately need blendshapes to correct the 3D volumes and approach it a little more like an animation supervisor. There's a reason why you see in making-ofs and art-ofs character designers, character leads or animation supes doing drawovers of the models. These are character models that have had great effort put into their 'base' silhouette but it still needs to be reinforced in every frame for maximum appeal.
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Shiyoon Kim for 'Raya' This sort of thing will occur at multiple stages during the animation process. Shiyoon Kim's notes are post final model but pre-animation. Most likely for internal rig tests, exploring what blend shapes and alt shapes are needed for the rigs etc. If your production has time, this will continue all the way to final anim. IF! But it's interesting to see how he emphasises the shapes and enhances the character acting of the 3d model.
As for 'mundane things' - I wouldn't say they're second nature! (If that makes you feel better!) I have to actively really persue certain advice and try to figure out how to best apply it. This can sometimes involve redrawing and redrawing an element of the drawing until I've grasped the nettle of whatever I'm after or…..until I get frustrated and either delete the drawing or just call it done lol
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Here, I'm looking for a really specific flow of the head that sells both the acting and a subtle head tilt. I'm also trying to apply the general mantra regarding faces that converging lines (set by the eyebrows and mouth) are more appealing than parallel. It's tough! I also tend to use a drawing I've already done as a template/reference on the page too. Oh! This page is an amazing example of why I'm not an animator or storyboarder…consistancy? Who is she? 💅
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Converging lines (that form tapered shapes) are always more appealing than parallel. Using this logic you can loft the facial features across converging lines to create dynamic appealing espressions. Combining this with anatomy, perspective and rotation is the tough part though. I'm still learning o7
The things I probably think about MOST are always flats vs curves, simple vs complex and general line of action/flow...and then eliminting tangents. Each of these can be a dedicated visual-essay on their own - hence my stumbling as to answer your question. Anyhow, not sure if it's ever come up on this blog but I looove dinosaurs :)) so i'm using a wee piece to demostrate these ideas! (but also to demostrate these concepts apply to everything from humans characters to animals, props and background design)
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Okay, I'm getting self-aware that this is getting really long :') I have a wee tutorial tag for my blog if anyone wants to comb through my garbled art-thoughts. Learning, studying, repetition and practice will always be the greatest teachers! I'm glad you like my art- thank you so much for the lovely comments - I feel like such a noob still and not qualified to give people advice but we're in it together learning! High-five! 🙌
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beatrixstonehill2 · 2 days
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For Alice, it was like her worst nightmare was coming to life. As a trans girl who socially transitioned in grade school and was on blockers by junior high, she knew she was very privileged. She effortlessly sounded like a girl, her cock was tiny, only two inches fully erect, her balls were shriveled and useless, the size of marbles. She was put on a high dose of estrogen and by the age of nineteen had a very enviable set of natural breasts, which seemed to just keep growing, which she adored, feeling like a character out of some breast expansion Hentai. She tried to act like she was shy and self-conscious about being so big breasted, but secretly she hoped they'd never stop get bigger.
Still, in the back of her mind she always wondered what would happen if she forgot her estrogen one too many times. What if her body grew intolerant of it, or her balls suddenly grew and produced more T than her estrogen could counteract. She had frequent nightmares about waking up to discover a huge set of male genitalia between her legs, throbbing, impossible to hide. In her dreams she would suffer from chronic premature ejaculation and have no way of controlling when she came. She'd do everything in her power to hide her cock but whenever her friends or coworkers were nearby she'd get an embarrassing erection, which they would insist on checking out, marveling at it, saying things like, "Alice, you never told us you were a boy!" or "I never would've guessed you're a dude, Alice!" And it would usually end with her cock letting out a ridiculous amount of cum, not unlike the futanari hentai girls and their various expanding parts she often pleasured herself to.
Suddenly, a few months shy of turning twenty, Alice's nightmares became a reality. She lived with two of her best friends, a couple consisting of two trans guys, named Rob and Dan. They both seemed to adore Alice and were friends for ages before deciding to live together, bonding over many things, including dealing with an unwieldy pair of huge breasts. Shortly after moving in, Alice noticed her cock was getting hard out of nowhere, she almost never got unexpected erections. Soon her balls were noticeably bigger. Her erections became harder to hide, as a girly girl who enjoyed wearing dresses and skirts (no underwear or bras, of course), these growing, more frequent erections were becoming impossible to hide. She'd get hard on public transportation or while in the department store shopping. Soon she noticed her cock was getting hard when she looked at other girls. Especially girls with big breasts or fat asses.
Her desires got more carnal as her cock grew to over ten inches. She'd suddenly have to find a place to jerk off to alleviate her urges if she saw a really pretty girl. Pregnant girls started driving her nuts, too. She loved clothes shopping at cute department stores and would frequently find herself in line with or picking out clothes next to a group of college girls in tiny shorts and crop tops, their bellies full to the brim with triplets or quadruplets, they'd be giggling, joking about how big they're getting, how fun it is to constantly be pregnant, their asses and thighs super plump, their breasts oversized as hers, staining their tops with milk. Alice would immediately become erect, sometimes the girls would notice and gasp, or smirk in a turned on way, about to approach Alice, but Alice would drop everything and run off, finding a private spot to jerk off. She'd leave huge loads of cum she couldn't even believe, her cock would shoot rope after rope, fifteen or twenty in a row, her balls, now as big as her fists would throb and ache, always ready with more cum, forcing her cock to get erect just minutes or even seconds after letting out what felt like a liter of cum.
She woke up one morning, a bit dizzy. "Not again...." she moaned, panting, checking under her comforter. Her cock was impossible to hide, the size of her forearm, swollen and erect, her balls were as big as grapefruits, her scrotum was red from the heat and ache coming from her balls. The head of her cock, pink as her puffy nipples, the size of an apple, lay in a pool of cum, clearly more than one ejaculation's worth. It was genuinely a pool, an inch thick, spread out all the way to the foot of her bed. "What am I going to do?" Alice whined, her cock getting erect again already.
"We have some idea," Rob said, he and Dan in the doorway, both naked.
"Oh no! Guys, I'm sorry, please don't get mad but it happened again!"
Dan smiled, a blonde with a growing bob of hair, tanned, like a cis girl with a bit of stubble, JJ-Cup breasts perky and proud. "Don't fret, darling. It's OK, we know you can't help it."
Rob stepped forward, hands behind his back. With a brunette pixie cut and a set of swollen HH-cup breasts, a hairy pussy that caught Alice's eye, making her quite erect. "Soooo, you know you talk in your sleep, right?"
"What, I do?" Alice said, in a panic.
"Yep...." Dan said. "You moan and squeal in your pretty girly voice about having a huge cock and cumming in front of sorority girls. You mumble about how sexy they are..... little pervert."
Rob nodded. "It's true. And we pull back your covers only to see your tiny two-inch cock erect as can be, almost like it wants to get bigger."
"You guys.... did this to me?" Alice said.
"Guilty! Since you're so into big tits.... we thought maybe we ought to start a polycule."
"Ummmm...... are you sure you want to sleep in the same bed as me? Look at this mess." Alice pushed aside her very sticky comforter, revealing the huge pool of cum.
"That's..... just delicious," Dan licked his lips, looking and even sounding like a cis girl with really big breasts, rubbing his hairy pussy.
"We kind of stopped taking testosterone," Rob said. "I guess you can call us Robin and Dana now." She giggled, fondling her hairy pussy as well.
Alice gasped gently, her cock fully erect, pulsing, standing up though she tried to push it down. "Oh fuck..... what did you do to me?"
Dana giggled, bouncing her big tits for Alice. "We gave you our T, silly! Since we don't need it, so happy you let us do your estrogen injections.... How very trusting of you!"
"You guys..... are detransitioning me?"
Robin shook her head. "No, just giving your body a nice push toward masculinity. We stopped taking T months ago, we've just been guy-moding so you'd be none the wiser. Now we're both just a pair of horny, big breasted girls who want for nothing more than to serve your huge cock."
Dana smiled. "And don't worry, we balanced your estrogen and testosterone, kinda like t-girls who go on Rocket. It's like a whole DIY thing for trans girls who want a huge cock, but we didn't get everything right.... your voice is starting to crack and I think I see stubble...."
Alice touched her face. "Are you sure? Oh fuck..... Am I going to have to be a boy now?"
Robin sat next to Alice. "That's up to you, we'll love you whether you want to live as a guy or one of your huge breasted Futanari girls you stroked that tiny cock to."
"You guys saw me do that?"
Dana set next to Alice on the other side, reaching for her cock, tugging on it. "Yes, sweetheart. We know deep down you want to fuck lots of girls and be a stud, nothing wrong with that. You can still wear cute dresses and huge tits and be a horny stud with a monster cock."
"Fuuuuckkkk......" Alice rolled back her eyes as Robin put her hand on Alice's cock as well. Her cock pathetically, almost instantly, shot another dozen ropes of thick, milky cum. "Sorry....."
"Don't apologize," Robin said, still stroking her. "Dana and I are just going to have to do a better job being slaves to this monster cock. You need practice being a horny stud.... wanna knock us up?"
"Knock you up? Are you guys sure?"
Dana giggled. "I bet this huge cock would fill us with quadruplets first try, no problem. Come on, Alice, stop wasting all that cum, from now on it needs to either go in our holes, or our bellies, OK?"
Robin started kissing Alice's neck. "You're going to stretch and destroy our poor pussies, get us ready to push out dozens and dozens of kids for you."
Alice bit her lip. "You guys..... I can't wait...."
"For what, my love?" Dana asked, kissing down to one of her breasts, sucking on it.
"To walk you two around town with dog collars and chain leashes, topless, in tiny skirts barefoot, your hands bound behind your back..... your bellies so full of my kids you stumble and waddle and struggle to keep up on your walks as I show you off....."
Robin smiled big. "Sounds like a dream come true, Master....."
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captain-joongz · 3 days
I'm sorry for bothering you... I really want you to write something. If it bothers you and you feel bad, just ignore it. The reader is in a long-term relationship with Soobin and a mature relationship. A nice meeting at home, a very slow sexual relationship and a marriage proposal in bed.
I really can't get this plot out of my mind
hello baby, it's not bothering me at all~ i'd love to write that for you! soft Soobin is so sweet and no matter how much i try to seem like a badass, deep down i'm a romantic and a sucker for proposals and weddings hehe so i enjoyed writing this piece too !
here you go, and i hope you enjoy yourself <3
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warnings: unprotected sex, but otherwise not much, they're just so disgustingly sweet
word count: 1.8k
"You're late." Despite the words leaving your mouth the second you opened the door to Soobin, there was still an amused smile on your face. The man chuckled and leaned in to give you a chaste peck on the lips before bending down to take his shoes off.
"Sorry, baby, blame Beomgyu for it," he laughed and as soon as his feet were free he launched over to pull you into a tight hug.
"Beomgyu? Why him?" "I don't know, everything's his fault somehow." You didn't even have the time to laugh before Soobin was eagerly pulling you deeper into the flat, the excitement rolling off of him in waves.
"Come on, baby, let's have a nice evening together," he announced into the quiet space, "I've got a nice surprise for you later." You laughed again, but ultimately followed after him.
"I swear to god Soob, if you pull out male edible thongs again, I'm going to spend our third anniversary digging your shallow grave and getting rid of the evidence." All you got in response was his raised eyebrow and jokingly disapproving look before you both stepped into the kitched and the prepared view came into sight.
You spend the afternoon cooking and baking, preparing a nice dinner for you two, so you could spend the time in the privacy of your shared flat. Not that you were against restaurants, but both of you sometimes prefered the peace and quiet your home offered you. Not to mention that you were terrible homebodies and loved the idea of spending your birthdays and anniversaries eating ice cream in pyjamas and playing Mario Kart.
The table was set for the two of you, decorated with lit candles and flowers, the pie you baked already prepared on a nice plate while the steaks were kept on the stove to preserve the heat.
"Hurry up baby, we have a lot to do today," Soobin urged you again, pulling you to the stove to to assist you while plating and somehow hoping he'd be able to hurry you along.
You noted his sudden eagerness, and it warmed your heart knowing your boyfriend was this excited about this milestone with you, and you couldn't help yourself and stole a few kisses off of the man whining for you to come to the table and eat.
Normally you could chalk this up to his hunger, but even during the duration of the dinner Soobin was strangely squirmy, his cheeks red and eyes blown wide with unexplainable elation. It was so stinking cute.
The anticipation was rolling off of him in waves, and he was just so chattery and joyful, it was enough to push happy tears into your eyes when the realisation that you've already been together for three years hit you. You had a feeling this was going to be one of the best anniversaries you guys would have together.
Like that the dinner flew by in a blink of an eye, the conversation flowing naturally and you both laughing the evening away and basking in your affection, spending the evening together channelling your love for one another.
Soobin insisted on cleaning up, and the strange excitement made itself known again as you watched his tall lanky figure flail around in the kitchen while you laughed at him and sipped on your wine.
But now it was time to move to the living room - because that's where the you two usually moved, to play or to watch something or to just settle down on the couch and talk.
As you started spreading the blankets on the sofa, fluffing up the pillows and moving the pie to the little table there, suddenly there was an over-grown excited puppy hanging off of your back.
"Binnie, I need to move so that we can sit down," you chided him softly, patting his arms wrapped around waist, but he seemed to have a different idea.
Feeling the light kisses on your neck, you giggled at the man lightly, playfully trying to push him away.
"Nu-uh mister, behave," you tried to worm out of his hold, but all you managed to do was turn around so now you were facing the man. He only smirked at you, before he gently kissed you again.
There was nothing easier than letting the man kiss you, the soft flow of your passion slowly clouding your mind when he didn't let up and instead pushed you closer together.
"Baby," was all he whispered and you knew it was useless trying to fight against him. Not that you wanted to anyway. Instead you looped your own hands around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.
You were stumbling through the halls tangled together like a duo of horny teenagers, romantic evening by the TV long forgotten the moment Soobin got his hands on you.
And it did make sense this was where you would end up with how eager he was that evening - and you enjoyed that, so much.
And that night was so special. Soobin was a versatile lover - he could be playful, he could be mean. That night he was so soft and gentle, laying you down on the bed and covering you with his body, hands softly caressing up your body as he kissed down your neck.
You wore a nice black dress, legs exposed for his big hands to grab at, and Soobin seemed to appreciate that.
Every gesture was full of slow passion - the way his hands gently slid the dress straps of your shoulders, his mouth following in its footsteps and loving on your collarbones, the way he so perfectly fit between your thighs, wrapping your legs around his hips while he gently rolled into you, making both of your breaths hitch.
You had your hands tangled into his soft brownish hair and they bobbed together with the movements of his lazy wet kisses. Pushing your dress out of the way he put attention to your breasts, nipping the skin gently and sucking onto your nipples.
You found yourself writhing under him, back arched and pleas for more spilling out of your mouth, the small undulations of his hips driving you crazy and stoking your lust.
Before you knew it, you were both naked, tangled together naked skin on naked skin. You could taste the sweat on Soobin's lips as he rolled his hips into you slowly, savouring every moment. The look in his eyes spoke of intense love merging with lust, soaking the whole atmosphere with pure adoration.
It was beautiful.
He always knew how to please you so well, hitting you just right. Your moans pitched higher as you clenched on him, and the man himself stuttered, groans spilling out. You haven't made love like this in a long time, drowning in each other in affection, bodies moulding together, hands grabbing onto any piece of skin avalaible.
"I love you, baby," Soobin grunted out, hips stuttering. He was arching over you, drops of sweat rolling down his cheeks. His eyes were glassy and honest, everything spilling out of them.
You grabbed his cheeks and brought him closer to kiss again, tongues sliding together much like your bodies did, rhythm building as your climax neared.
"Love you, Soob," you cried out, "love you so much!"
He was desperately holding onto your thighs, hips smoothly thrusting into you, cock throbbing where it was pushed as far as it go and you clenched on him.
Everything burst and spiralled out of control, the pleasure overflowing and you both came, your body sucking his in deeper as you cried and moaned, the waves of ecstasy pulling you under the sweet blanket of buzzing pleasure. Soobin was moaning sweetly over you, riding out his own orgasm.
Once the high wore off, he plopped down next to you, immediately gathering you into his arms and pressing your sweaty overheating bodies together. You wanted to joke around and swatt him away, but the moment was so tender you let him smush you together while you were catching your breaths.
Calming down you started to feel a little cold now, but you indulge Soobin who was nervously shifting around next to you while playing with your hand.
With a big sigh he suddenly sat up and moved from the bed. You thought nothing of it, expecting him to just go to the bathroom and come back to clean you up, but then he was back next to you, pressing himself into your side.
You laughed at him gently and reached over to play with his hair, but Soobin was giving you the famed big eyed bunny look, worrying his lip between his teeth.
"This isn't exactly how I wanted to do this, but... I think it's perfect either way," he whispered into your neck and you made a confused sound.
"What are you talking about?" you asked, and then there was a little black jewellery box sitting on your naked stomach.
Everything froze that moment, even Soobin felt like he wasn't breathing while you took it in. The insane mix of emotions storming through you was making you speechless, hesitant but happy tears slowly swelling up in your eyes.
"Soobin..." you whispered, gently grasping the little box, "is this what I think it is?" His hands were back to caressing your sides, now warming you up after you cooled down so rapidly.
"Just open it," his voice barely audible, the nerves swallowing it all up. He was trying hard to stay still, but you could feel how tense he was.
Opening it, there was the most beautiful ring sitting there, one just like you wanted.
"I asked your bestie, she helped me choose," Soobin breathed with breathless chuckle into your shoulder, "Y/N... would you marry me?"
The chuckle that tumbled out of your mouth was wet with the backed up tears. "Of course I'll marry you, you dummy," you cried, tearing the ring out of the box and putting it on, angling your hand so you could admire it, before you turned to your now fiance and attacked his face with kisses.
It took a long time before you calmed down between all the breathless kisses and giggles and tears, settling down into the bed still tangled into an embrace that neither of you would break anytime soon.
You were too pumped and excited to fall asleep, and you could feel Soobin gently sniffling into your neck, the happiness pouring off of him in waves as his hands grabbed onto you and refused to let go, while you couldn't stop looking at and admiring your new ring.
And you know what? You were right.
This was the best anniversary you two had, and it would be for a while.
"Oh my god!" you suddenly exclaimed, tensing up. Soobin's head shot up from your shoulder, looking alarmed.
"What? Is something wrong?"
"I forgot to cover up the pie, it's gonna get dry." Soobin gave me a single look before bursting out laughing and pulling me back into bed.
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divider by @cafekitsune
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tac-the-unseen · 2 days
OUAGH the last one gave me the idea of a musician reader x slasher
If I were to suggest a specific genre maybe they’re into rock because. Yeah.
Could you do something with that?
Slashers x Musician Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•Plays it off but thinks it cool as hell
•He did play the piano for a very short time in his childhood, but the ward made him very rusty 
•Will happily watch any concerts you put on for him
•Will Secretly watch you if you don't 
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•They both immediately pitch in a song request 
•They bring up the fact that you play an instrument to win arguments with people 
•Will eventually find a way to break your instrument 
•They will be very apologetic about it 
•attempts to replace it 
Thomas Hewitt:
•very interested 
•He's curious by nature, he wants to know everything he can about it 
•Your instrument is the most expensive thing in the house 
•daydreams about being able to play a song for you, one day
•until then, he'll try to figure it out himself 
Bubba Sawyer:
•Tries to sing along when you play
•he also dances but always ends up knocking stuff over
•Will sit in front of the door so her brothers can't get in while you're playing
•They constantly complain about the racket 
•Chop-top will occasionally sit in while you play 
Bo Sinclair:
•immediately shows you his acoustic 
•brags about how he can out play you
•loses miserably because he only practiced for a couple months 
•mad about it
•polishes its case whenever he comes around to it 
Vincent Sinclair:
•romanticizes it by thinking about how you're two different types of artists 
•Sketches you playing your instrument 
•Sheepishly asks you to pose
•makes a mini wax sculpture of your instrument 
•He get super giddy if you play a song for him
Lester Sinclair:
•extremely impressed 
•He's always thought of being able to play an instrument as a high class/rich person activity 
•Falls asleep while you play, Not because you're boring, But because he finds it soothing 
•will find out how to care for your instrument so he can help repair any damages it might face
Billy Lenz:
•probably was the reason He zeroed in on you in the first place 
•fines it incredibly alluring and wanted you to play all the time 
•Will find a way to get his grubby hands on your instrument 
•Will eventually break it but not feel sorry 
•(Not So) patiently waits for you to get it fixed
Brahms Heelshire:
•He can play the piano and just uses it as another excuse to hang out with you 
•looks up songs to properly make a duet with you 
•whenever conversations died down or get a little stale, he whips out the instrument card 
•whether you did or didn't know how to play an instrument he's going to romanticize it anyway 
Hannibal Lecter:
•insists on making some kind of duet with you, and whether or not your instruments align with each other 
•buy stuff to make for your instrument is a mint condition 
•’humbly’ braggs about your talent at his dinner parties 
•Will make you food associated with your instrument(s) (look that up, it's a real thing because of course it is)
Will Graham:
•Like to watch you play whatever it is you play
•He's never really had any interest in instruments, But he starts listening to videos featuring your instrument. 
•Casually asks Hannibal facts about your instrument 
•makes you a little charm related to your instrument to put on your keychain 
•Has flashbacks to the guy with his throat turned into a Cello 
The Lost Boys:
•They all at some point have picked up an instrument 
•David can play the Piano, Organ, violin, and guitar
•Dwayne can play the Hand drums, flute, and Bass guitar
•Paul can play the clarinet, electric guitar, French horn, and marimba 
•Marko can play the Drums, Harp, Cello, and viola
•They have all genuinely considered starting a band 
•No matter what you play, you'll fit in
Thanks for reading <3
I went for a more neutral tone with this fic. Because I don't want to write 16 other fanfics about specific music genres ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠🎀)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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viasdreams · 8 hours
Nightwalker ཐི❤︎ཋྀ ~ ok throat goat!!
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the plan was simple: channel his inner chenle to make yn dislike him.
hyuck knew that if he were to be himself, yn would instantly fall head over heels for him, just like any other woman would.
acting like chenle should, in theory, make him off-putting and unlikeable, thus keeping yn away from him.
it was going to be a difficult feat for a smooth guy like him, but he needed to push away all his charisma and charm for mark's sake.
the first two hours of his shift consisted of hyuck planning out what he was going to say while kun was trying to train him and then subsequently getting scolded for messing up.
"no that goes in the romance section, not young adult. remember to read the barcode donghyuck."
"right, right, my bad."
"it's ok man, you'll get the hang of it eventually" kun said, flashing him a sympathetic look from the other side of the bookcase.
they sorted books in silence for a while, hyuck slowly getting the system down when the bell on the door chimed.
kun turned towards the door but hyuck didn't have to look to know who just walked in.
he recognized your scent the second the door cracked open.
usually, all the different smells of people blended together, creating a sort of dull aroma. but your scent was unique. it was stronger than all the others, overtaking the bland stench as it flooded his nostrils.
you smelled naturally sweet, like honey if it was cultivated by the hardest working bees in the most productive hive, using the prettiest flowers, on the most perfect spring day.
all he could do was stare at you wide-eyed as kun stood to greet you.
"hi are you yn?"
"yes i am, its nice to meet you!"
kun extended his hand but quickly stopped when he saw the white bandages wrapped around your right hand.
"oh i didn't see that, my bad." he awkwardly studdered.
"no its totally fine, don't worry about it." you asured him, holding your injured hand to your chest.
hyucks eyes immediately locked on the small red stain showing through the covering, his mouth staring to salivate.
realizing what was happening, he aggressively slapped his cheeks to stop his growing thirst, drawing the attention of his coworkers.
"donghyuck are you alright?" kun questioned.
hyuck fervently nodded in response, eyes still trained on your hand.
"anyways, im going to grab some paperwork for you from the office real quick. feel free to look around in the meantime." kun smiled as he headed toward the back of the store.
hyuck tried to look busy sorting the books, keeping his head down to hopefully deter you from coming over. he was for sure putting everything in the wrong place but that was of no importance to him at the moment.
despite his efforts, you immediately walked to the shelf he was at.
"you're donghyuck right? we met the other day when i came in for an application."
he slowly turned to face you, readying himself to be a complete ass, but as he opened his mouth to speak, he felt his tongue graze against two very sharp fangs.
"i-" , he slammed both hands over his mouth, "i'm donghyuck."
you stared back at him, caught off guard by his actions.
"um so what made you want to work at a bookstore? personally, i just really needed a job but i would imagine other people that work here probably like reading or something."
"yeah i-", his mind was blank, all other thoughts covered by the notion of drinking your blood again, "i book."
"you what? sorry i missed that because your hands are covering," you waved your hands over your lower face, "your mouth."
hyuck's eyes followed your hand as it moved, quickly darting back and forth. you caught this, furrowing your eyebrows in further confusion.
being this close to you had only caused his thirst to grow tenfold. he knew that if he were to open his mouth again, his fangs would once more find their way into the soft flesh of your palm.
so instead of talking, he turned around and sped walked into the office.
"kun, i don't feel good and if i don't go home right now im going to spew chunks all over the sci-fi section." he faked heaved into his still cupped hands to really sell his act.
"oh um yeah sure go home. text me tomorrow if you're still feeling bad and i'll cover your shift." kun replied, slowly backing up to get out of hyuck's potential splash zone.
"thanks man!" hyuck yelled as he raced to the door, avoiding your puzzled gaze as he passed.
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previous ~ masterlist ~ next
a/n: sorry for not updating this for a literal year (5 days), wont happen again guys !!
taglist: @miyawwn @nanaxwi @mystverse @mmoonlee @chenlesfavorite @dudekiss3r @honeynanamin @nctjunie @nneteyamss @iamsimplyasimp @roseangelxfuma @haechsworld @kirbrary @hyuck-me @catpjimin @toyoongg @sthwaaberry @kim-seungmins-gf @sunghoonsgfreal @sunflowerhae @galacticnct @slayhaechan @multifandomania @jasluvsjae @injunnie-lemon
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looking for a new audio drama?
If you like weird philosophical sci-fi and cyborgs, and hate AI and capitalism, check out Clockwork Bird!! it's the first show I ever made so it's a bit rough around the edges but it's an exploration about the rights of the dead, the limits of science, and the nature of personhood. it's all told through scattered 'found footage' recordings as listened to by Shelly Croft as she looks for her missing journalist girlfriend, Alice, who disappeared whilst she was investigating the welfare of Robin Jaeger, the posterchild for advanced synthetic limbs who may be more, and less, than he seems.
Clockwork Bird as 30 episodes, each 10-25 minutes long.
If you like spooky stories with a lot of heart, long series with lots of moving parts and character arcs, check out Spirit Box Radio! This show has a ton of original music and an accordian cast which grows as the show goes on, topping out at about 27 VAs. Sam Enfield is the happy-go-lucky host of Spirit Box Radio's Enlightenment Segment in the absence of its previous host, but something fishy is going on, and Sam's actually at the centre of a plot with apocalyptic stakes. SBR is a show about grief, storytelling, and what happens when a people pleaser has potentially unlimited magical powers. Find it @spiritboxradio.
Spirit Box Radio has 93 episodes, each 15-30 minutes long, with season finales that are up to 50 minutes long.
Do you like vampires? Gay vampires? Gay vampires that suck (blood. and other, uh, things)? Not Quite Dead may be the show for you. Join Alfie, a former A&E nurse who's knee deep in horrors because of his boyfriend, Casper, who is a vampire. Cas is missing with no indication of when he will return, but without his blood, Alfie is going to die. As time runs out, Alfie records everything he can remember about the months leading up to this moment. This show is gory and horny. Season Two has a tiny blonde guy who sounds French but who is older than the concept of France. This love story bites, viciously, multiple times, for fun and profit. Find it at @notquitedeadpod.
Not Quite Dead has 40 episodes, each 20-40 minutes long. The final season will be out in 2025.
Are you into mysteries and characters who eat hot chip and lie? Do you enjoy listening to shows as they air? Are you a person who likes to have conspiracy-board-level theories about the media you engage with? My new show, Remnants, might be just up your alley. Remnants follows the Apprentice as he learns how to read the objects that come to the First and Last Place. He's watched over by Sir, but Sir isn't much help. Thier purpose is strange and confusing, and the more remnants the Apprentice reads, the more he wonders at what the meaning of it all is, and if there might be some connection he's been missing... Find it at @remnantspod.
Remnants S1 will have 30 episodes of about 30 minutes. S1 started airing in July, and will finish in March 2025.
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hwnglx · 2 days
i actually liked his energy a lot, it was quite clear and direct. hope it's a nice read!
eunseok's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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shuffled song: anchor by novo amor
+ eunseok is incredibly strong. he knows and understands the power of hard work, and is not the type to back down from a challenge. he's the type to work quietly but immensely hard, especially if he's assigned with a task. he's amazing at fiercely concentrating and zoning on what he needs to do, and doesn't allow any circumstances to stand in the way of him getting done what needs to be done. in my minds eye, i kept seeing him and the riize members in the practice room together while he was clapping his hands and saying ”정신 차려 얘들아!” which translates to “lets concentrate, guys!” he very much gives me second leader vibes. who just displays this rock and source of stability for the rest of the group. the capricorn moon energy is strong for him.
his energy is also very self-sacrificing and unselfish. he's a person blessed with a good connection to his inner voice and intuition, very emotionally intelligent guy. this results in him naturally attuning himself and his actions to the various needs of the people he's surrounded with; just a lot of focus and value on team harmony. he doesn't put his own desires above anyone, and understands the benefit of adapting himself to the group, for the sake of smooth teamwork.
another quality adding to this pronounced selflessness in eunseok, is his ability to put his own negative emotions aside for the sake of other people. this is something i've observed and heard about capricorn moons; they can often give off this stoic and phlegmatic vibe, where it seems like nothing truly affects them.. however, this isn't due to them not actually having any feelings, but moreso because they put responsibility and stability over their own emotions. meaning, they don't always allow themselves to really dive into their emotions, because they feel this innate responsibility to become a source of stability for others, which makes them suck their own tears in and remain calm.
eunseok does have his moments of disappointment, regret, insecurity; but instead of crying it out, he can have the habit of rationalising it. let's say the group is in a moment of despair and most members are heavily caught up in emotion; it's highly likely for eunseok to be the guy with a dry face, trying to comfort his members and get them to calm down. i can even see him being a source of support to the leader sungchan, who strikes me as much more emotionally out there.
it's interesting because on the one hand, he can be very headstrong and determined in his actions, but on the other hand he can also approach situations with this calm patience, when needed. he's just very adaptable, and not someone who gets knocked out of his flow easily. it's like, he doesn't mind life coming at him because he knows he can handle everything with his calm and composed attitude.
having that said, eunseok still isn't an easy or defenceless guy. if the need to speak up presents itself in a situation, he will be ready to defend himself and hold his ground no doubt about it. again, there seems to be an abundance of inner strength and resilience in him, which also showcases itself in his excellent ability to remain determined, driven, perseverant and persistent. he stands by his opinions, isn't gullible or easily swayed, and knows how to push through challenges in a powerful manner.
- so, eunseok is impressingly mature, and gives me this vibe of someone who had to grow up quite fast. maybe that's the reason why he's the type of person to burden himself with responsibilities not everyone expects from him. to explain, riize are still very much like the page of pentacles here. at the beginning of their journey, still trying to find their way, inevitably inexperienced and slightly awkward or insecure in some areas still, but very ambitious and eager to develop in their journey. that's completely normal. however, eunseok is already putting the weight of having to be like the emperor on top of him, because he again, feels like he needs to be a stable existence for the group or the people around him. this desire of helping and being the mature person, comes to him very naturally; so much so, that he just isn't the type to allow himself to be vulnerable and insecure sometimes. he always feels the need to step up and be the strong guy, and can dismiss a lot of his own troubles or concerns due to this.
the moon afterwards is telling me, he just hides and buries many of his own fears and worries inside of him, and can tend to disguise them behind a strong demeanour. he can be very hard on himself and not allow himself to break at any given moment, which makes it even more frustrating for his mind if he ever gets to a point of mental anguish. there's also this sense of.. “if i ever have a problem, that is my burden to deal with, and not anyone else's weight to carry” he doesn't like the thought of anyone holding the weight of his own emotions, so he can be very dismissive of his insecurities.
he can not only be hard on himself, but also quite strict with the people around him. he just keeps giving me this father-like energy, where he wants to keep guiding and leading people. i can however sense him potentially having difficulty controlling his tone of voice once he gets into a disagreement, and just wording himself in a way which can be kinda rigid and hurtful. he can can come off controlling, overly strict and harsh, in a way that could potentially bruise people of more sensitive nature, or bother people who easily feel constricted by people like that. his actual intentions are good, but he can put himself into a position where they could be easily misunderstood.
it does seem as though he himself is aware of this habit of his, because he's very introspective and reflects on his actions. yet he can get avoidant at times, and might have problems being honest about his faults. although inside he knows he was wrong, he puts himself in a position where he could be blamed for not wanting to own up to his wrongdoings. i do think ego and pride plays a role here too, since i can see a dilemma between his values of holding himself accountable, but also wanting to avoid the bruise to the ego, that could be caused from potentially admitting his mistake.
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syrupfog · 14 hours
Some part of Law chose Luffy because he thought he didn’t deserve gentleness. 
Of course he LIKES Luffy, maybe even loves him although he’d never admit it out loud. But maybe part of him chose Luffy because he saw the writing on the wall; being with Luffy didn’t mean gentleness.
It means getting dragged like a ragdoll from place to place in those creepy rubbery arms. It means being startled awake by shouting when Luffy wants food or someone sees a ship. It means getting accidentally sucker punched when Luffy’s turned into a human rubber band.
The kisses are… sort of nice, but in the way that they’re passionate; teeth hitting teeth and disgusting amounts of spit and Luffy’s tongue being too invasive in his quest to explore every bit of Law’s mouth. Law’s going to end up with a cracked tooth sooner rather than later.
He’s not PUNISHING himself; Luffy’s GOOD and JOYFUL and LIKES LAW for some unknown reason and Law will take the opportunity for as long as it lasts. But it’s true that, deep down, maybe Law just thought it made sense to be with someone who isn’t… naturally gentle.
After everything he’s done, under Doflamingo and in his quest for revenge, Law just doesn’t feel like he deserves that gentleness. Save those kind souls for people who do deserve it, while Law lives life getting dragged roughly all over an island because Luffy “saw a cool bug”.
All that to say, when Law falls asleep on the Straw Hat’s top deck, overlooking their two crews intermingling while stopped at a supply island, he doesn’t expect to wake up in the middle of a (badly) hushed conversation.
“He likes it when his hair is played with.” 
That’s Shachi’s voice. Who the fuck is he talking about? 
Suddenly there are fingers carding roughly through his fringe (“like this?”) and Law scrunches his face, trying to work up the energy to wake up and yell at everyone.
“NO, you’re gonna wake him up!” That’s Penguin. He’s the only one really good at whispering. “Slow down. Do it like you’re petting the back of a rhinoceros beetle. And scratch a little at the nape of his neck.” 
“Ohhhhh I get it!”
The fingers in his hair soften, turning feathery soft in a way that has Law melting. He realises that while he’d fallen asleep sitting up, he’s leaning over now, supported by someone a little smaller but who runs significantly hotter.
When Luffy’s dull, bitten nails start scratching lightly at the base of his skull, Law involuntarily lets out a sigh, slumping more heavily against Luffy. His body feels like lead, like he couldn’t muster the energy to move if he tried.
“Shishishi you guys were right, he loves this!” 
“Told you! Don’t let Bepo see you up here, though, he gets jealous of Law using anyone else as a pillow.” “
Bear?” Luffy’s scratching behind his ears now. His hair is definitely a mess. “Aw, he’s the best.”
“…Sure, yeah. Actually, we’re going to go distract him. You have fun.” 
“Okay!” Luffy’s not even trying to whisper now but Law can’t find it in him to be mad. “Hey if you see Sanji, tell him to bring up some meat!” 
Law slips in and out of consciousness, brain fuzzy and melting.
The next thing he’s aware of is the cold wind hitting his temple and the sound he’s come to associate with Luffy’s almost-snoring (he snores like a monster on his back, but when he’s sitting up it’s more of a light buzzing).
Struggling to open his eyes, Law sees that the ship is dark save for the emergency lights, and the decks are deserted. All except for himself and Luffy, pressed head-to-head. 
He’s going to have a crick in his neck in the morning, and he’ll need to take out his spine to crack it.
But he still feels the ghost of those fingers in his hair, and when he shifts, Luffy nuzzles his shockingly cold nose against Law’s cheek. 
Maybe, just for one night, Law can have gentleness.
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You should if you haven't already make a second part to your day 10 (b) post, but this time from Joel's pov but still further in the future
i forgot you said 'further in the future', and by the time i realized, a flashback took half of the fic. hope you still enjoy it tho</3 _____
📧 Day 77 -
Characters - Etho/Joel Words - 1,390 Time - 60 mins Content - Farm AU | drinking | Part 1
That new farm-hand was an oddball. He was from the big city with skyscrapers and sleepless traffic, and apparently was set-up with a good enough job that he could pseudo-retire—not that Joel asked, he heard the other helpers gossiping, and Joel wasn't gonna let a chance to learn about that guy pass by like that. However, even with a fancy, rich nest, city-guy ended up at his parents' doorstep with a car practically smoking down the path. And after an afternoon with tea, the guy was 'hired' to help in the farm.
Of course, Joel was tasked to show him around (he had been hangover from the previous' night drinking, though his parents only sighed and waved him off as usual). It had been a while since then, a couple of months even. In a blink, spring was gone and everything began to heat up for summer.
The guy, Etho, stuck around him mostly like a lost child, but Joel noticed that Etho just didn't want to be around the others. In fact, Etho was barely on Joel's circle. Just close enough, but never quite there.
Joel, of course, started to mess with him because of that. A comment here and there, a look or two, a lingering touch while handing him something, standing a little too closely when he talked or explained something, and, well, honestly he was a right menace. He acted proper clingy, which was worth it because he got to see Etho squirming despite being teased about being 'obsessed' with the new guy.
Etho was alright. Tall. White hair he didn't believe was natural. Pale as paper. And despite being lanky, he was building some muscle with all the manual work. Etho had ditched tight, long-sleeves on the second day—Joel had mocked him about it, so maybe that helped, he never asked.
The mask, however, took a lot longer to come off. Joel could hear him heaving and wheezing yet never took the mask off. It was so incredibly stupid at the start.
Absentmindedly, Joel touched his bottom lip, gaze lost in the bucket of potato harvest he was supposed to take somewhere.
His mind drifted quickly, so far from reason and grasp, all too eager to circle a particular memory. His attention, his whole being ran circles around the memory like a herding dog, and he gave in to it.
It had been a warm spring afternoon. Everyone was spent tilling the soil for potato planting, all sweaty and exhausted. Joel had waved goodbye at the helpers, collapsing at the base of an apple tree. The branches were bare from fruit though the leaves had started to come back. His eyes fixed on them, watching the deep blue sky through the leaves and branches, no clouds though. The breeze was so gentle it barely shook anything, but it was enough to cool the sweat from his skin.
A different type of movement flashed in the corner of his eyes, drawing his attention to it. Etho hadn't left yet, instead, he settled atop a barrel, pulling at his shirt to fan himself. His eyes were close, his breathing deep. His skin glistening, brow knit in annoyance, and Joel could almost picture a scowl on his lips.
Joel had a horrible idea.
He knew that it'd be an hour or so until Etho's ride came to pick him up, which had started happening two weeks into his new job. Joel remembered a car, knew Etho mentioned his car at his place, and he knew others had seen it, yet Etho took rides from his friends who always seemed down to chat despite them looking just as tired. Whatever their reason to not go home and crash was beyond Joel, but he enjoyed the cool down of talking to people so it was whatever.
He pressed a cold glass bottle to Etho's face, half on his face half on the mask, absolutely grinning when Etho jumped and was startled to see him there. That happened often too, Joel sneaking up to him and Etho never realizing until he did something. Never got old.
"I– So– Sorry, I don't– drink…"
Joel raised a brow, "I saw you drinking at the bar in town."
Etho grimaced.
"Suit yourself." Joel hummed, placing the bottle down near the barrel. He took the rest of the case back to his spot under the tree, latching the bottle opener under the cap and popping it off. He tossed the cap into the case, bringing the bottle to his lips.
It was much too early in the week to be drinking, but a beer wasn't going to hurt. If Etho joined him, it'd be three each which was better than five on his own. He knew Etho wouldn't tell—Etho would claim he had no idea, that he'd been doing other things; too busy, too preoccupied to notice; everyone knew Etho was lying, but Joel appreciated the effort either way.
The day cooled as time passed by. He'd have to get up and go clean up sooner or later, make dinner and then probably crash—dinner could be sorted if he went over to Jimmy's, though the walk sounded torturous, and after drinking, he wouldn't be in a state to drive.
So Joel sighed, sipped his beer and relaxed.
Three quarters through his beer, as Joel had expected, Etho joined him. Not in front of him, not beside him, rather, Etho sat on his right. Far enough that Joel couldn't see his face and barely his body, but close enough that he could see something.
Sadly, Joel didn't get his five beers. Not even three, because Etho took four before Joel even realized. He had said something, a whine or some snark he couldn't remember, and then Etho had appeared in front of him.
Face red. His mask was gone. Lost somewhere. Joel stared, openly, unashamedly. Etho's eyes were blown with confusion and something else. And a hand, more like fingers, ran down his chest, pinning him against the trunk as he slotted himself between Joel's legs.
Joel smirked. That stupid liquid confidence.
"You get under my skin," Etho had mouthed, and Joel couldn't ignore how Etho stared at his lips. Transfixed on them. A reaction with every smile, every twitch, every movement. Joel adored it.
"Hm, what are you gonna do 'bout it, city boy?"
They had kissed them. Etho had crowded all around him, kept him pinned against the trunk, overwhelming his senses and overtaking his mind. His hands had jumped to his neck, on his fabric over his shoulder—holding, grasping into him, pulling him close until their bodies burned together.
Etho had a hand on his hip, the other against the tree, pushing yet never really crashing into Joel. But he kissed with the intention, bruising lips and tasting beer on each other's tongues. They lost breath to each other, lightheaded for all the wrong reasons, ripping gasps and whines and groans from Joel's lips.
Joel had a horrible idea, and he enjoyed every second of it.
Or, well, he enjoyed every second of that afternoon.
Because it never happened again. His parents were off the next week, and work was spread out. Etho was last to leave as always, until Joel offered him to stay certain nights. Etho did, but that was it.
They drank, they bickered. Joel cooked dinner for them, Etho put up with his crap. And… And that was it.
Maybe Etho didn't remember, maybe Etho didn't want to remember.
Joel could live with either. His life wouldn't be over. But he knew Etho looked at him, at every chance, squeezing every last second. Etho lingered, Etho sought him out. They drank together, alone, where no one would see them, and Etho looked at him with that same look—confusion, hunger, both, neither. Etho couldn't make up his mind, suffocating Joel—planting seeds where nothing should've grown.
Hard days at work harvesting, burning up under the summer sun. Joel knew his shirt stuck to his chest, Joel knew his pants were too tight to be comfortable, Joel knew he was practically throwing himself into Etho's life, and yet— And yet—
Before he knew it, the summer sun was gone and the branches were empty again.
Autumn came and went, then it was winter.
uh. lol?
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midnight-mourning · 3 days
1000 kudos/100 Follower Special!
wow so um, there’s a LOT of you now
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THIS???? CRAZY, incredibly appreciated <3 but also wild
anyway, I think that deserves celebrating! So, here’s a couple ideas I came up with for y’all to vote on, with the option of sharing other ideas in the comments, I’ll do the top two and save the others for the next milestone :)
If the 'other' option gets the most/second most votes, I'll do another poll with ideas that people suggested and we'll go from there. You can scroll down and click the read more if you'd like more info on each option! SO, having said all that:
Letting you guys make the call with this one! I have stuff prepped for all of it, just a matter of people voting since this is ME showing my appreciation to YOU. And again, next milestone will have the opportunity for the other choices :)
Also, this isn't just for followers/the moots either! Anyone is welcome to vote and participate if they'd like to 💙💙
Please also feel free to ask questions in the comments if that helps you with voting! Can't wait to see what you guys pick :D
I will expand on each option here for clarity in your decision making:
CS one-shot: I will write a one-shot (3,000-5,000 words prob) based in the CS universe. It will be canon to the fic but will never be mentioned/referenced in the fic itself so stand alone to read. It may be a future scene, may be based somewhere in the current timeline. Open to ideas on the POV and such (though I have some floating around that I can do ;))
Q&A/Ask the Cast: a classic, I know my ask box is open but here's also a clear chance to ask something that you've been really curious about! I won't share spoilers for the story, but everything else is on the table, including stuff about me, writing etc. Just no super personal questions is all! Additionally, you can ask the cast questions and answers will be in character, perhaps with a little doodle as well ^-^
Finished refs/busts for the cast of CS: I'll post the finished versions of the rough sketches I shared a few months ago, along with the remainder of the cast! This includes the rest of the engineering team, the division heads, the glamrocks, and the DCA! I also will include little blurbs for all the characters as well. This will probably happen eventually anyway BUT if you want them sooner rather than later this is you're chance if you're curious :)
Spooky Season one-shot: something halloween-related that again I'm open to ideas for! Would also be about 3,000-5,000 words in length, could be related to CS or not
Writing Requests: similar to the requests I did for reveal day, same rules apply (no nsfw, suggestive is fine, be specific if you want specific) but a little longer in length (500-1000 words)
Doodle requests: I provide you with a little drawing I made with tender love and care (would be lined, colored, shaded, etc.)
A peek into the drafts: I do in fact have a couple other fic ideas floating around in my brain that I simply haven't started so that I don't get bogged down/focus on CS. I would share those and a little bit of concept art
Other: explained above
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thebearme · 18 hours
Here's my Parappa hcs and reimagine ideas for Matt & Paula
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Sunny is a cosmo flower like her mother.
Because of her mother's recent death, her dad Potter became UBER PROTECTIVE. The classic "ur the last thing of her, I have to protect you" you know.
Unrelated thing but idk when I'll ever talk about this guy but Potter HAS to be half object head, the only plant thing apart of him is his hair. idk maybe yall can figure it out... also i think he gave birth to sunny and no i will not elaborate.
Sunny is asexual and intersex but what do you expect, she's a plant.
She got all her arm strength from her dad. All those home military drills really helped.
She's superb at skateboarding but tends to not do so beings she doesn't want to get her dress ruin. But give her time to change, and she'll start shreddin.
Sunny has Bipolar disorder type 1.
Sunny grew up a lil sheltered. She lives in the middle of the woods and only goes into town for groceries! She started going out more and more when she started school for the first time, especially after she got some friends.
I'm taking this headcanon from the fic life in parappa town and expanding it but Sunny is in this plant belief system where you stay loyal to Mothernature and when you die you'll become a part of her. She doesn't eat meat, she gives back to nature and be kind to all Mothernature's creatures.
Sunny take cares and own her mother's "small" farm. She used to give her produce to the community for free, but because of the government finding out about that, she had to put it on pause. She either sells it for big money, or the government will take her land and profit from it them self.
Parappa is his rap name. His name is Pa and his nickname is Pappy.
He's a bagel and hound mix, but has more bagel dog tendencies.
He's hat was bought by his mom before she left.
Parappa's mom divorce her husband after one too many financial crises, just when Parappa was just graduated high school. (explaining the past tense in PtR2) Leaving Pappy with Papa Rappa while she takes care of Pinto herself.
His Mama always encouraged Parappa to reach his dreams as long it wasn't expensive. So after everything, Parappa was more determined than ever to believe in himself and never give up.
Parappa would do anything for Sunny, he would kill Joe Chin even!
After a while working at the videogame shop, Parappa will later work for Master Onion cuz at least he pays him.
Parappa has the n card cuz he's cool like that. im tired of hearing 'who gave him the n card?' well maybe he just born with it. stop judging my dog bro
Parappa's rapping career just recently started. He began rapping his poems by the end of high school, luckily for him his best friend has connections to get him up there.
He grew up with classic 80s-90s rap. Pappy is an oldhead.
Pappy is anti-drug, anti-gun rights and a BIG ACAB. He is a huge believer that 'only community can fix the issues and not some cops that with guns trying to make the problem worst' but if you listen to parappa's album you've probly already saw this coming.
He still an up-and-coming artist, eventho he's known around the town and performed with Club fun's mc twice... he just started selling his first album.
Pappy is pretty smart and could have got into a science major like his dad but choose music instead. His father wept.
Parappa guessed that Katy is lesbian years before she started dating Lammy because the god awful dates she would go on.
Parappa loves frogs, they're his favorite animal.
He has a concentration issue, dude can't stay on track for the life of him. And no he doesn't know he has ADHD.
His ass has maladaptive daydreamer.
Boxy boy was made for Parappa by his dad because of tendency to daydream everywhere and anywhere, he gives him sense.
Pappy has a stuttering and lisp problem, but it adds an interesting element to his raps.
Pappy can NOT keep a secret. He WILL tell Sunny!
He got orange hair
Pj or further known as King Berri is still the same as always, maybe a lil more tired.
He uses king as a stage name so he can have a bit of his fantasy come true.
Eats weed brownie everyday.
Pj now wears a hooding for pure comforter, it like wearing sleepingbag at all times.
Pj seems very comfortable with his life but he really just compliant.
Pj is estranged from his family. They have not talked in years and he doesn't plan on changing that.
Just like everyone, Pj doesn't hate being a dj but just hate working. All the fun he had for his craft was gone a long time ago. But if he still gets paid by his boss MC Mushi and gets his 'stuff' then his fine.
Pj is brutally honest to Parappa like always, someone got to be the straight man in the friendship.
He's the most likely in the friendship to get the other in trouble.
Pj lives in the college housing, particularly in the basement. He just likes it down there. But funny enough, it turns out the house doesn't stay as empty as what the staff said it would be.
He's roommate is Matt. He's not that bad when you get to know him, He's just a bit snobby, know-it-all and WAY to competitive... but chill? Ok he's a Chin but hey, atleast he's better then Joe.
Him and Matt met one rainy day when the power went out and Matt got jumpedscared but the bear in the basement.
Chatty Katty was her nickname back in high school and even in the college campus right now. She gets this nickname not because she talks bad of anyone, honestly the opposite. She talks up everyone she knows! Right after talking up herself.
Katy was a church goer growing up, so no duh she'll know everyone in the community.
Her and Pappy were in the church choir growing up, that's how they met. Later she got introduced Pj in school, the three of them started hanging out after that.
Parappa gives the biggest little brother vibe to Katy.
Katy has the vocabulary of a old lady and it's because of the older lady she works with at the diner.
Katy is that friend that went on so many bad dates, tells you about and it makes you think HOW the hell are you still dating men??
She met Lammy after running into each other from the college lecture hall. And she immediately invited her to the milkcan band practice.
Lammy and Katy were a will-they-won't-they thing then they met. Lammy likes Katy but doesn't think she would like her, Katy likes Lammy but doesn't think she's likes women so she continues going for men.
Katy has been going to church less as she goes into college, jobs, dates, band practice and battling the gay thoughts. oooo scary
Katy and Sunny met in middle school, Katy never liked the idea of girls tearing each other down. And Katy was right, Sunny was sweet as she thought.
Katy introduced Sunny to the boys and everyone went nicely, they shared lunch together.
Paula is base off a kit fox, she just put makeup over her facial mark.
She's got abit of rewrite; She's from a new money household but unlike her parents that fell into complete greed, She's still her old self.
Paula is a tomboy at heart and her true love is basketball and women.
She's a business major oooo. AND the captain of the basketball team.
She still beefing with Katy but you know- it's a friendly rivalry. Or at least it becomes one.
Paula has a little crush on Sunny after meeting her but she's very respectful about it and very real told anyone about it... besides Katy... who told Pj... who told Matt... who told Parappa... who told Sunny. But otherwise Paula got turned down rather nicely and took it well.
Matt and Joe are doodles, partially a cockapoo.
He is the younger brother of Joe Chin and makes it his LIFE GOAL to be Parappa's rival.
He bascally bradley for the extremely goofy movie.
Matt has a big gay crush on Pappy but he refuse to admit!
Joe Chin got to inherit the family business without even doing anything and Matt is really mad about that. So he's in school for a business degree and in the frat club for extra bonus points. All to impress his parents and get the family business instead.
Ok not related to Matt hcs but just one thing- I think Joe Chin is a womanizer manipulative creep! That's why Matt is a funny villain while Joe is a flatout villain villain.
There more hcs in the bottom but I didn't feel comfortable putting up with more of the light hearted stuff so...
darker things below, read with caution.
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idlenight · 19 hours
humbly asking you for more info on leo ortiz (if you want to ofc!) because everything i hear about him makes me fall more in love
Humbly (but elaborately) answering!!! I love my son - the fact that i advertised for his death to my GM non-withstanding, ignore that.
Leo Ortiz aka Starbright was my character in a game of Masks: A New Generation that is run by my dear friend @vin-ill. (he doesn't post all that much on here but he's a creative genius and I stand by that as his friend, dm, and player).
For those unfamiliar, Masks is a ttrpg based on the 'Powered by the Apocalypse System' (pbta for short). The main draw is that you play a teenage superhero. You are figuring out who you are, who you want to be, and what others (adults especially) want you to be - and whether you want that too.
the TL;DR about Leo is that he's a hypocrite, he never wanted to be a hero, is deeply self-sacrificing, kind of aloof and a dick but cares so much. And that he loves his brother despite everything.
If you want to long version on Leo's history, then take a peek below.
Leonardo Nathaniel Osborn aka Bryce Brilliant started out as the 'Star' playbook. Playbooks aren't like dnd classes, the idea is that you play an archetype. In this case the concept of the Star was being a Hero Influencer, who has an adoring fanbase.... but also obligations that come with that.
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(above is the first page of the star playbook I had customised with my own art of Leo :D)
Before being a hero, Leo was a child-actor. When he came out of a car accident with light based powers, his mother created the hero persona 'Bryce Brilliant'. She was his manager and being a hero was just another role he played. His half-brother Logan (older) had been jealous and spiteful of this, he wanted powers, he wanted to be a hero.
When teaming up with a couple of other kids to save the day, his mother insisted they become a superhero team (aka the other players). Their team name was the Bryce Brilliants. They even had a Shoe brand sponsorship.
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(first drawing of the entire squad, from left to right: Sam aka Saber, Leo aka Bryce Brilliant, Carey aka Carry, Sky Lee aka Justice)
In the team Leo first learned how to have proper friends teammates, and see being a hero as more than another role to play. Eventually he met Johanna Ortiz, the women he got his powers from.... What you thought they awakened naturally? No his mother bought these powers, she owns the Brilliant name, she owns the right to these powers. Powers that were grafted onto her son.
This is the moment Leo changed playbooks from the Star to the Protege.
The Protege playbook gives the player an NPC who is their mentor, they have a label they embody, and that they deny. (labels are like stats, but they are constantly shifting and are about how you see yourself vs how others see you). If you wanted to play a Robin type character you would probably pick the Protege. This is when he took on the superhero name Starbright.
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(above is a screenshot of the Protege mentor labels, to give you an idea)
Leo moved out of his mother's home mansion, and moved into Johanna's trailer. It was quite the culture shock for the boy who would've unironically have said; "I mean it's one banana michael, what could it cost? ten dollars?".
He didn't get to stay a protege for long, as only a few session after he got uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Posessed.
Long story.
TL;DR: power dampening crystal was ground up and put into the water supply. Mixed with an entity that my GM called a 'Hydra-nt' (hydra creature made of water). So it became somewhat sentient and started serious shit all across the city. I failed a roll so fucking bad my guy got possessed by said goo and booked it into the direction of the Gotham to our Metropolis.
The team finished saving the city before going to the Worst City Imagineable(tm) to stage a Leo themed rescue. I played a character named Dr Lovelace (phd) aka Deckard Lovelace at this time, he was a child genius and earned his PHD when he was like, 12 or smth. He had mechanical limbs. i luv him. He never quite got into a hero persona but i had the name Dr Gizmo ready for him. He was the Brain playbook.
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(some out of context memes from said rescue mission i found looking for smth else. David is me btw, hi.)
The team found Leo, he got exorcised with the power of friendship and this gun i found. (yk i dont remember exactly what happened, i think Carry did smth fucky with some uhhh power dust she had recently accidentally snorted which was absolutely not Deckard's fault. don't look at me)
the TL;DR of all that is that Leo was possessed by something that was aligned to one of the Five Powers That Be in this universe. Specifically he was possessed by the embodiment of the Abyss, emptiness. We ruled that going from Nothing to once again Everything that Leo was before changed his powers (and him) fundamentally. From then on Leo was the Nova, playbook. (also I made a tiktok about Leo not actually being dead at the time - wow did that not age well. not because it sucks, i still think its funny, but because he is kinda dead now)
The Nova playbook is build around the concept of having amazing godly powers, but little control. You could do everything and anything, but at what cost? Leo's powers become more cosmic than simply light based as a result. (smth smth becoming the sun itself, instead of the light it sheds)
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(also HI obligatory new superhero outfit after life changing events 💛💛💛. The jacket used to belong to Johanna 💛💛💛)
A bunch of stuff happened after they got back. Leo changed his name from 'Leonardo Nathaniel Osborn' to 'Leo Ortiz', to officially move away from his birth-mom and align himself with his adoptive one. He broke into prison a little bit to talk and start the healing process with his brother Logan (oh yeah forgot to mention Logan was briefly a villain and Leo got him send to prison). Met a new teammate (an old player returning with a new character). Somehow kept collecting and aligning himself with the OTHER 5 powers that be, which I wasn't even actively trying for yknow. And yknow, fought a religious organisation for a bit.
One that Deckard is totally not responsible for gaining power, nooooo.... Don't look at me. (he just gave their leader a back of magical power dust in exchange for getting information on Leo during the rescue mission ok. it's fine, literally....)
At the climax of that arc, said leader tried to achieve godhood. And using the Nova's 'Moment of Truth', Leo took all of said power inside himself. Completing the 'powers that be' collection in the process, and shooting up far into space where he's become this kind of... shining star.
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The moment of truth is an un-lockable playbook feature, where the player takes brief control of the narrative using the guidance of a written out blurb on the playbook. The above image is the MoT for the Nova playbook.
In his death he has created a new power in the universe - the power of friendship. No im not fucking kidding. The list is now: Potential, Tempest, Abyss, Sublime, Architects, and Leo with the power of friendship (and this gun i found).
Figuring he was too volatile to survive very long, he wrote letters to important people in his life. Letters I actually wrote out and printed, and were handed out during play to Players and NPC alike. They were read aloud and it was all very emotional, tears were shed.
A small excerpt from my favorite letter, written for Leo's brother:
Hi Logan, I love you. We stopped saying that to each other at some point. I can’t recall exactly when, I just knew you stopped saying it back so I did too. You know my friend Fleur? Her mother was pretty fucking bad too, and her older brother took her and ran one day. Sometimes I wish either of us had the courage to do the same when we were kids. I’m glad we kind of got there in the end. I’m sorry we lost so much time. I'm sorry we won’t have any more. (the letter continues here but its too long for this already long post)
Leo holds a very very special place in my heart. And he's like, super fucking dead now, and I wanted that to happen. Biting myself for that, evil bastard who does that to a character ಥ_ಥ.
If you got this far, thank you for reading! I love you 💛💛
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rubindraws · 3 days
i know literally nothing about worldflipper besides your art, but it looks really cool!!! who are your favs? why are they your favs? tell me anything and everything cool about it?
Wah, I'm glad it's fun to see art for it! There's a lot I can talk about for the series...for me, it's mainly that this game kept me a lot of company while working, ahaha. True to the name it's about World Hopping - namely about connecting worlds, meeting people from the different worlds, and learning about why the worlds are the way they are (alongside the nature of the goddess who watched over them, the origin dragon, and so on). Since the game EoS, they pulled together an ending for chapter 12 and they did a very good job of wrapping things up with a satisfying ending.
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There's also a LOT of characters i like (it is a gacha game after all!) but Yukariko and Shouta are the ones I draw the most...so I can talk about them!
Sho's known the protag for a bit, and has a complicated relationship with him at first - ultimately, he gets jealous of the things his friend can do, thinks he's going to be left behind, and has terrible communication skills to boot. Teenage friendships are messy! Eventually, he comes around, and later on becomes friends with the effective 'antagonistic force' (in a way) - bro literally turns the final chapter around by reminding him that he's supposed to help im 'pick up girls' with him.
Yukariko mistakes Shouta as someone who helped her when she was young, and her views on how love should go has her believe that Sho's the one for her. She's overly kind around him, gets jealous when others spend too much time with him...but when she eventually learns that Sho isn't the same guy, her worldview is crushed. She later comes around though, and the two decide to start again as friends and work up from there. This actually gets explored more in the JP-only beach alt, and it's very sweet by the end.
(also, Yukariko's bows are in fact meant to match his hairclips, and the two have the same sunglasses in their beach alts, too.)
There's a lot of other characters in this game - anything with Qualia City is fun - and going over all my faves would leave me here all day BUT thank you for the interest :0
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crazylittlejester · 3 days
Hey hey hey you should talk about your blorbos
I’ve talked a lot about Wars today I think so I’ll yap about Time because he is ALSO my special guy and I like yapping
(All of this is gonna be my headcanons/interpretations/how I write him, also my bad for spelling mistakes or if this is incoherent)
I feel like Time is a very complicated character who isn’t either the perfect stoic leader nor the crazy little gremlin, but something perfectly in between. I don’t think leading comes naturally to him at all, he’s doing an okay job, I mean no one’s died so far /j and his age and life experience makes him more likely to be listened to and respected, but I don’t think he’s perfect leader material. He’s a bit awkward and unsure, and yeah he’s got just as much information as the rest of ‘em do so he’s not really at an advantage. I wouldn’t say he’s COMPLETELY in over his head but I’m sure he’s had more than a few moments where he’s had to pinch the bridge of his nose and ask himself how on earth he wound up in this position. He’s not TRYING to be the group dad, but some of the younger ones kinda view him that way because he really does care about them all and he’s a safe person to go to
I’ve definitely yapped about this before but I hc he definitely gets overstimulated by the others sometimes. Him vs Wind and their polar opposite sensory issues is a fun thing to mess with in writing because I know Wind is the kid who struggles to sit still and everything is going so so fast for him all the time, it’s all very go go go go go and when he’s moving and yapping at light speed past Time who’s going through the mental equivalent of realizing the wheels on your bike are going faster than the pedals and you need to break or you’ll crash, it doesn’t end very well. Time is autistic to me, and while I think he’s higher support needs than say, Warriors, because he was a bit quiet and weird as a kid he just kinda got written off as odd and different and in HIS mind he thinks society overwhelms him so much because he grew up in the woods where any time he got overstimulated he could just walk off and get some space. Nature is comforting to him it helps him calm down so he can regulate himself again so if you stuck him in a city for long periods of time he wouldn’t do too hot. Also with him being autistic I think his facial expressions and voice can be quite flat at times. It takes more EXTREME emotions before you can see/hear them from him
I also hc that since he was a growing kid putting those masks on all the time and changing his body around so much it SERIOUSLY took a toll on him and his body is fairly loosely held together. He has a lot of chronic pain and very easily dislocates his hips and shoulders
ALSO I DUNNO WHAT THE ACTUAL THING WITH HIS EYE IS, BUT I HC HIS WHITE EYE IS GLASS. It’s not just that he can’t see out of it, it ain’t there. And the scar on his face is pretty deep and makes it difficult at times to move that side
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129 for 🪞:
He asks Angie about it. 
He helps her carry Dove from the hospital out to the parking garage and to her car. She’s fast asleep by this point. Buck feels a little bad about it. She’ll wake up in the car and he’ll be gone and he won’t have said goodbye. Then he remembers she doesn’t even know him. It probably doesn’t matter. Buck places the crocodile on her lap and tries not to feel bad about it. 
“Hey,” he says to Angie after she shuts the passenger seat door. “Why did the staff keep calling her Baby Girl Florek?”
Angie, a kind woman in her late thirties with big hooped earrings, frowns. “Because that’s her legal name.”
“What?” Buck asks. “What kind of name is that?”
“It’s not a name at all,” Angie explains. She sighs. “That’s what happens when a biological parent leaves without officially giving them one. It’s actually a kind of insane story.”
Buck raises a curious eyebrow. He shouldn’t be nosy, but he wants to hear. 
“She was born prematurely,” Angie explains. “Abandoned in the hospital when it was clear she had lung and heart damage from the circumstances of her birth. The nurses in the NICU called her little dove because she made cooing noises rather than crying. That’s where she got the name.”
“Oh my god,” Buck exhales. He feels like he’s going to be sick. 
“Probably one of the craziest stories I’ve heard since I started,” Angie says. “I don’t like to judge, but… Her birth mother flushed her down the toilet of her apartment building. Wait, maybe you heard about it? Firefighters had to cut her out of a pipe.”
Buck’s body goes cold. It couldn’t be…
“Did you hear about it?” Angie asks, noticing his expression. 
Buck nods stiffly. “Uh, early January of 2018? Like, right after New Years?”
Angie thinks. “Her birthdate is listed as January 3rd, 2018.”
Buck swallows heavily. “Yeah, I… I was there.”
“What?” Angie gapes. “You were?”
“Yeah,” Buck rasps in affirmation. “I… I was only four months on the job. I carried her down the stairs and I… I held her…I…”
He already held her. He held her before today. 
Buck looks at the girl in the car, through the lightly tinted windows. He can barely make out her face. 
He held her, and he carried her, and he promised she’d be okay. And then they took her to the hospital, and he wasn’t allowed to go beyond the glass doors. He wasn’t allowed to check up on her. And… And she was abandoned. She was sick and had no one. No one even loved her enough to name her. No one has since. 
Buck’s eyes start to sting. His throat feels tight 
“What an insane coincidence,” Angie says. “Oh my god.”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. “A coincidence.” 
Dove becomes a sort of splinter in his thumb. Well, not Dove, specifically. But her story. The truth of her. What she means for one of those very first big, important calls in his memory of a firefighter. 
Everything about it seems so sour now. So awful. Like he’s done something wrong, even though he never meant to. He just did his job. 
He tries to go about life normally, and he can. But he can’t stop thinking about her. She’s stuck in his brain, unmovable. This is nothing new for him. He has always been one to fixate. Grasp with an iron grip. But because of that splinter, the grip aches. And he doesn’t know how to relieve that hurt. 
He tells the team. Of course, Hen and Chim remember that day well. 
“The day you nearly lost your job,” Hen says.
“That would come next shift,” Chim adds. 
“Man, I can’t believe that kid was the Pipe Baby,” Eddie, who has heard the story several times, says. 
“You can’t call her Pipe Baby,” Buck scolds. “That’s awful. You know her name is Dove. Kind of.”
“Like the soap?” Chim asks. 
“No, man, like the bird,” Eddie corrects. “You really need to take the girls on a hike. Go see some nature.”
Chim scowls at him.
“Guys!” Buck snaps at them, redirecting the attention back to him. “This is serious!”
Hen rests a soothing hand on his shoulder. “It’s hard, what some of these kids go through. I know.”
“No one has ever given her a name, Hen,” Buck says. “We saved that kid and then what? Nobody ever wanted to give her a family?”
“Buck, we can’t be responsible for what happens to every kid that we save after we’re done saving them,” Chim says, tone turning serious. “You know that.”
“I know,” Buck sighs. “I do. I just can’t shake the feeling that someone needs to do something for this little girl.”
“Someone, huh?” Hen replies. “A whole lot of people need someone to help them. Someone needs to step up and do it, or it never gets done.”
Buck blinks. She’s right of course. It’s easy to say that about any problem in the world. If someone doesn’t take ownership and commit to making a difference, who will? And Dove needs help. A home. Someone to adopt her and give her a real name. Buck can help with that. He will just have to find someone to do it. Surely there is someone out there in the world looking for a cute, sweet little kid to complete their family.
Should be a breeze.
“You’re right, Hen,” Buck nods confidently. 
He doesn’t say anything more about it that day. 
He calls Angie after his shift. He doesn’t exactly have her number, but her work phone is easy enough to find online. 
She answers after so many rings that Buck is almost ready to give up.
“Yes?” She says a little sharply. “God, I mean hello. Sorry! This is Angie Hughes. It’s been a day, I’m sorry!”
“Hey, it’s okay!” Buck answers. “Sorry, is now a good time?”
“Uh, well, no? Who is this?”
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conceptofjoy · 12 days
also may or may not be still thinking about stridersprite. they calmed down after a sprite-splosion scare but did the next best thing and split internally. for various reasons that neither of them quite understand, bro is dave's age semi permanently
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