#like donttouchtheneednoggle is
sneakyboymerlin · 2 years
The main source I’ve reblogged perelyan gifs from over the years turned out to be a vile, racist piece of shit, which means that I’m just gonna make my own perelyan gifs from now on. Gotta be careful about who you interact with ig…
Anyways, if you have any scenes or parallels or whatnot that you want giffed, I’m happy to do it.
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Things I've worked out so far for my Merlin Soulmate AU:
Soulmates and soulmarks are their own subset of magic, and one that Uther can not eradicate, because everyone is born with soulmates
So he does the next best thing and makes it practically illegal to find one's soulmate, mandating the use of gloves and long-sleeves around anyone that is not immediately blood related (soul bonds are solidified through touch)
(Except in the cases where he found someone with a soul mark that moved (a sign that their soulmate was born with magic) in which he would force a parade of citizens to come touch until he finds them. (Very rarely does he find them in this way))
Uther repeals most of the laws surrounding soulmates that ensure their rights. Such as the law that protected bonded soulmates (soulmates who have solidified their bond through touch) from having to testify against each other. In fact, under the new laws he made, if someone refused to testify against their soulmate, both/all would be assumed guilty of the crime in question and punished accordingly
Uther, being very classist and viewing common folk as inferior, also passes a law nulifying marriages between noble and common born soulmates, and outlawing any future marriages of the kind. So people that had been noble for decades were stripped of their title and standing and forced to return to their lives from before (in many instances this part was not strictly enforced, and it caused a lot of outrage when a noble spouse DID abide by this and shun their common born soulmate that had been their partner.)
Uther also repeals a law that allowed nobles to lend their noble status to their platonic soulmates, suddenly making GENERATIONS of nobility commonfolk.
This causes resentment from these nobles, as well as their friends. Sorcerers are not the only ones trying to kill Uther in this au, he wrongs just about everyone.
The only reason he continues to stay in power is because he's so brutal and he fosters a strong inner circle with similar views as his (or so he thinks in some cases)
Uther only had one soulmate and it was Ygraine. However, Ygraine had another soulmate and it was Nimeuh.
Nimeuh tried very hard to dissuade Ygraine from agreeing to the enchantment that lead to her giving birth to Arthur, and it was Ygraine that had to persuade Nimeuh into agreeing to even do it, as Nimeuh knew the risks and did not want to risk losing a part of her soul
She does anyway, despite her every effort
Uther makes it illegal to talk to others about their soulmates or soul marks or to show them to anyone.
Now even before Uther's bullshit, it wasn't polite to just ask, or to ask to see someone's marks (unless that mark was your own, then it was fine, lots of people wanted to know what the representation of their soul looked like)
But this made it so the generation(s) raised following the purge had next to no knowledge of soulmates (Same as with magic) or what made them "evil"
Well, they're magic. Measures of destiny, pieces of ones soul displayed on the skin of the people most important in one's life. And when a piece of one's soul dies, it's agony.
It was no secret that Queen Ygraine was King Uther's soulmate.
In the years of and following the Purge, those particularly bold and angry would whisper, "His entire soul died with her."
Everyone's soulmarks are as follows:
Merlin's is a fluttering blue butterfly
Arthur's is a gleaming golden crown
Gwen's is a forge bucket filled with lavender
Morgana's is a crescent moon with a bright star rotating around the bottom tip (thank you to @clotpoleofcamelot for the idea!)
Percival's is an acorn that is beginning to take root (thank you to @jgvfhl for the idea!)
Leon's is an owl in flight holding an arrow in its talons (I'm not entirely sold on this one, so if anyone has other suggestions, I'm open to it)
Gwaine’s is an oak with his necklace's symbol carved into the trunk (thank you to @donttouchtheneednoggle for the symbol idea!)
Lancelot's is a sword crossed diagonally over a shield with the crest of a winged beast
And Elyan's is a forge hammer circled by chainmail links (thank you again to @donttouchtheneednoggle for the idea!)
Arthur, Elyan, Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot, Leon, Merlin, and Percival are all soulmates with each other. Gwen also has a soulmate in Morgana, and Merlin has a soulmate in Freya
(Merlin's soulmark for Freya does not start moving until she is cursed, and Merlin asks Gaius what it means. He has a crisis when he finds out, as he puts together that Arthur and Gwen (and Lancelot, but thats not an issue) must know that Merlin was born with magic.)
Merlin before that point is not aware that his soul mark on his soulmates moves, marking him as a born sorcerer. Should he have known this, since Huneth would know due to her soulmate being Balinor? Yeah, he probably should, but there's a lot Huneth didn't tell Merlin in the show and it might not have occurred to her to tell him, or even that he'd find his soulmates in Camelot.
Morgana's other soulmates are Morgause and Mordred.
Leon, Gwen, and Elyan find out they are soulmates when they are kids. The thing about young kids is that they don't really care a whole lot about rules that they don't understand, rules that no one explained, rules that don't make sense. You cant go swimming and catch frogs in full clothes with gloves! So they don't. And it's just the three of them present when they find out that Leon is soulmates with both Gwen and Elyan
(Gwen has known that she and Elyan are soulmates since she held him for the first time. Siblings that are soulmates are unusual but not unheard of)
They agree not to tell anyone, as they don't want to get in trouble
Leon and Arthur soulbond by accident.
Arthur comes over one day to Leon's estate and Leon, who does not have gloves on as he is in his home, greets Arthur with a hair ruffle without thinking.
This is in front of Leon’s parents and a guard, so there is no covering it up when both boys have the exact same reaction, and Arthur asks what that feeling was
Leon (a teenager at this point, maybe 15-16) is TERRIFIED. He just broke the law in front of several witnesses, and soulbound with the king's son. He's expecting to get executed or banished
Neither of those things happen.
In fact, Uther is not even mad. Leon is well on his way to becoming a skilled and respected knight, and he comes from a loyal noble family going back generations. If anything, Uther sees Leon being Arthur's soulmate as a sign of his loyalty and a garentee he will serve him well (Never let it be said that Uther isn't a hypocrite)
It's not long after this that a young Arthur asks Gaius what it means when a soulmark moves. Gaius stiffens and slowly explains that it means that the soulmate was born with magic. "But I thought magic is evil?" "According to your father, it is illegal, yes." "But I thought soulmates were supposed to have positive lasting impact on your life. Leon does." And Gaius is feeling a mix of emotions, cause if Arthur is implying what he *thinks* he is... "Arthur, do you have a soulmark that moves?" And Arthur nods and shows him the butterfly with the gently flapping wings. Gaius instructs Arthur not to tell or show anyone this, especially Uther, as it could be dangerous not only for his soulmate, but for him as well.
Arthur listens to Gaius and doesn't say a word to anyone, including Leon (if he had, they might have figured out they had all the same soulmates, and Leon could have pointed him towards Gwen and Elyan sooner)
Gwen almost doesn't take the job as Morgana’s servant because TWO of her soulmarks move and her parents warned her and Elyan (who shared most of the same soul marks as her) never to let anyone see, to never talk about it, or it would put both them and their soulmate(s) in danger.
A downside to always having to wear gloves it it makes it rather difficult to dress someone, even if tools had been invented to help with the process. One day Gwen gets frustrated and Morgana tells her to take them off if it would be easier. And Gwen freezes a bit. Because Morgana is the king's ward, and this is a bad idea, she's encouraging her to break the law. But then Morgana takes off her own gloves and wiggles her fingers at Gwen "It's fine, Gwen. No one needs to know. It's a stupid law anyway." And Gwen turns away, heading for the door, and for a second Morgana thinks she's gone too far and is about to apologize when Gwen flips the lock on the door, ensuring it's secure and coming back, removing her gloves as she does so. Morgana grins and promises that nothing that happens before that door gets unlocked will be repeated to anyone.
Morgana holds out her hand for Gwen to shake and after a long moment Gwen takes it. And their marks for each other go warm and and this feeling of *rightness* settles over them both, they've found another piece of their SOUL
This is how Morgana gets confirmation that she has magic, by asking to see her mark on Gwen and realizing what it means that her mark *moves*
I have more that starts moving into what changes and stays the same to canon, but this is already so long that it will have to be another post. If anyone has any clarifying questions, please feel free to ask me!
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tloupride · 22 days
TLOU Queer Fic Recs
Happy Pride! Admin Zoo here, with some of my favourite queer fics, please share your own recs, I'm looking for more to read!
🏳️‍🌈 🩷💜💙 🖤🩶🤍💜 🏳️‍⚧️
Late October, 2022 (Or The Last Time Joel Saw Bill and Frank alive), 5k, T, by Springandastorm, @spr1ngandastorm
Joel and Tess and Bill and Frank hang out and find community in each other. This devastated me in the best way, I have not stopped thinking about it since I read it. Beautiful and bittersweet and hopeful all in one.
trace my fingers across your frozen veneer, 2k, E, by fromthewhales @deervsheadlights
Bi Joel gets pegged by Tess, as he deserves. Like all the best explicit fics, this is a character study and really gets into their relationship. 10/10 no notes.
some sort of private conversation, 2k, M, by fromthewhales. @deervsheadlights
Bi Joel tries to have a hookup on the road but Ellie cannot mind her own business. So in character and hilarious, RIP Joel hope the next time works out better for you.
Eternal Love Bullshit, 3k, T, by @sedumlineare
STOP THE PRESS, ASEXUAL JOEL IS ON THE SCENE. Lovely fic where he bumps into an old friend in Jackson (who's a lesbian!), remembers past community, and it's just so sweet. Neare aced this one.
The Trans Joel Universe, series, 27K, G/T, by @sedumlineare
NEARE THIS GIVES ME LIFE. This series has everything: gender euphoria and mentorship, trans Joel through the years, and nonbinary Ellie! Stunning, lovely, special mention to Took a While But I Don't Mind (How Do I Look Now?) which is full of joy and is named after one of my favourite songs
I know, I know the sirens sound/Just before the walls come down, 2k, M, by @donttouchtheneednoggle
Trans Bill AND Frank!!! Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus. This fic left me in a puddle on the floor. Beautiful, stunning, please read it, it's gorgeous.
making yourself up as you go along, 6k, M, by awenswords, @awens-words
Trans Joel!! Really brilliant fic, I especially love the detail given to his smuggling operation and how that doubles up as a way to get hormones. Him trying to come out to Ellie is a particular highlight.
Different Shades, 773, G, by mandocule, @theydjarin
Ellie asks about Bill and Frank, and she and Joel come out. Really sweet little fic with lesbian Ellie and bi Joel doing their best to be #Vulnerable. One of the first queer TLOU fics I read last year!
mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing, 15k, G, by flannelfeelings, @boopernatural
The happy AU where Joel gets to meet JJ and Ellie, Dina, and Jesse have a polyamorous relationship! We love love, we love community.
Watch Me Bleed, series, 24k, M/E, by Fiachra, @consultingzoologist
Apologies for the self-promo, but writing this changed my life due to the people I met as a result. TLOU but Joel is trans, with an Ellie-centric sequel exploring her queer feelings, and a t4t TessJoel installment (that gets the E rating)
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weakforarwen · 2 years
Before I forget, here are the Arwen fics I've read recently and enjoyed!
In no particular order:
If You Were A Church, I’d Get On My Knees by MerlinMorganEmrys: Smutty one-shot of Arthur appreciating Gwen... carnally, but it's well-written and humorous. I just like reading how much Arthur loves his wife, okay?
In which Gwen doing blacksmithing nearly ends Arthur through sheer bisexual disasterness by donttouchtheneednoggle: I don't get why Gwen wearing pants and doing something "manly" would trigger a man's bisexuality, but, barring that, the fic is quite cute, funny, and very true to character. Arthur is flustered, Gwen is cool and badass, Arwen are in love.
Pomegranate Seeds by Excaliburstark: A very, very short AU. Arwen is a touch dark, but Arthur's devotion to Gwen is the same it's always been. Truly, it's short and sweet and not dark at all.
totally locked up by you by seadeepy: Short and sweet too. I imagine this fic takes place during season 3, post-Queen of Hearts, but, tbh, Gwen's characterization is a mix of seasons 1, 2, and 3. Regardless, I love the idea of Arthur finding excuses to skip practice just to hide underneath an alcove waiting to ambush Gwen with a kiss. Arwen are cute in this fic. I love Gwen's sassiness too.
Home by Edward007NB: Very short and sweet, takes place in season 5. It's domestic, wholesome, and comforting - just Arwen cuddling in bed after a long day of running a kingdom.
the crisp winter afternoon fades among light, delicate snowflakes by kanada: Dunno how to describe it. Gwen's in love, there's a lot of napping and cuddling, Merlin's part of it too. I guess it's slightly OT3 though I didn't see it that way. I don't think Gwen would pull Merlin into bed with her and Arthur, or even take a nap in Arthur's chambers at all, but, still, it's sweet and wholesome. I love how caring Gwen is.
Royal Wedding Night by Anonymous: This is pure smut. I don't think Arthur had any sexual experience before Gwen, but if you ignore how unrealistic it is, it's hot.
Sunlit Kisses by LiGi: This is my favorite on this list! It's post-season 3, pre-season 4, and very true to canon - both Arwen and Arthur and Gwen's individual characterizations are excellent: Arthur's a romantic, so Arwen go on a picnic, they're sickeningly in love and adorable, and Arthur is simultaneously not smooth and super smooth. It's a perfect continuation of the Queen of Hearts picnic, told from Gwen's pov.
show you how a real queen behaves by turquoisetumult: Gwen's worried about becoming Queen, Arthur's distracted by her beauty and can't understand her doubts - but he eventually gets it and gives Gwen the pep talk she's given him many times before. It's cute and funny, and I like that they discussed Gwen becoming Queen since the show never thought to.
That's it for now! Honestly, they're all very short, so you can read them in minutes!
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It was VERY hard to choose just one fic to ask about but I struggled through ... and have picked two 😌
Firstly seeing as it was top of my to read list and I’ve literally JUST read it can we have happy, not whole and 2, 4 and 11
and secondly forget me not with 2, 3 and one of your choosing please 😌🥰💙
u can indeed my dear will 😌🥺🥰😍💙
2: What scene did you first put down?
Hnnngh you are asking me to remember things will 😩 p sure the
They found their friend wandering the edge of the forest with a large stick, whacking trees with a refreshingly ugly expression on his face (during the day Leon was rarely angry, though often exasperated). “Whole,” he was muttering disgustedly under his breath. “That’s right, fucking broken aren’t I.”
Part was one of the first bits but nowhere near the entire scene its me were talking about i dont write in linear order and it was months ago🤣
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Hmmm honestly i think "You don't make me whole" :') el unapologetically rejecting all that damaging bullshit without being harsh or discounting his love for his partner
11: What do you like best about this fic?
How it turned out it really it began life as a bit of a vague snippet born out of figuring i couldn't have leon getting aro therapy without el exploring his feelings too not just hopping into full on sappy romance nd WEDDINGS in particular with no external or internal conflict
2: What scene did you first put down?
It miiight have been the outfits description did i build this whole fic as an excuse for that maybe 😅
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
speaking of 🙈
Her dress was simple: strapless and softest blush white, just the faintest shade of pink; caught at the waist by a pale gold ribbon before falling with a slight flare down to her gold sandals, their small heel bringing her only a small amount of extra height. The simplicity was deceptive though; with her dazzling smile and warm brown skin, it gave the ethereal impression that she was draped in the first tinges of sunrise.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
That it has a plot kind of?😅 and Development and all those things stories are supposed to have the only one of mine i can think of like that that i finished is The Blacksmith, the Rogue and the Stranger 😂
send me a fic and questions!
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devil-of-books · 2 years
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I posted 240 times in 2022
56 posts created (23%)
184 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 164 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#save - 13 posts
#geraskier - 10 posts
#merthur - 9 posts
#oh my god - 9 posts
#bbc merlin - 9 posts
#rwrb - 7 posts
#geralt of rivia - 6 posts
#jaskier - 6 posts
#incorrect witcher quotes - 6 posts
#heartstopper - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#because they’re kids and it’s amazing how they’re learning and all and i don’t want to be an asshole that ruins their lives and their
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jaskier: Everyone’s all “follow your dreams” and “be the change you want to see in the world” but when I do it “oh no it’s illegal!” Allow me to be an artist, damn you
Geralt: You burnt the tavern down
Jaskier: Yes, but I did it beautifully ✨
339 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
~modern au~ Jaskier, strumming his lute and singing to the tune of “Firework”: 🎵 Do you ever feel / like you’re really mad / Really fucking mad 🎵
Geralt, freezing: oh no
Lambert, laughing: Looks like you messed up, what’d you do? Geralt, sweating, as Jaskier makes Direct Eye ContactTM: oh no
466 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Geralt, sharpening his sword:
Jaskier, sneaking up on him from behind and jumping onto him and hugging him: HII
Geralt, who definitely sensed His Bard but didn’t want to stop him because he secretly likes it: *grunts*
718 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Jaskier (in a modern au I guess?) drunk: Why are there couch potatoes … but not potato couches????
Geralt: alright you’ve had enough to drink.
~a few days later~ Geralt, thrusting a couch carved out of a potato at Jaskier: here. your potato couch.
910 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jaskier: Are you alright?
Geralt: My eyes are sweating.
Jaskier: … you’re crying?
Geralt: They. Are. Sweating.
Jaskier: Would you like a hug? To cool them down?
Geralt: … yes please
995 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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themerlinlibrary · 2 years
Favourites Friday (Oct 2022) – Rated G
TML Favourites Friday round-up! October 2022 round 1
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 1: Rated for General Audiences!
About Time by rosewatergold G, 55k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era, Time-Travel
Under False Pretenses by lordvoldemortsnipple G, 10k, Merlin/Arthur Modern AU
Nothing Gonna Break My Stride by paxaq G, 1.5k, Merlin/Arthur Modern AU
A Cloud and a Stork by ImperialMint G, 5.6k, Merlin/Arthur (?)
All You Knead is Love by messandahalf G, 6.8k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era
Secret Whistle by thenerdyindividual G, 6k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era
I See You by blue_claw7 G, 4.4k, Gen; Gwen&Merlin Canon Era
Last Night on Earth by nextstopparis G, 4.3k, Gen; Elyan&Gwaine&Percival Canon Era
Sir Gwaine and the Strangely Flammable Sock by sirwilliamofdeira G, 1.2k, Gwaine/Lancelot/Merlin Canon Era (?)
Good Fortune by platonic_boner G, 11k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era
A Kiss To Remember by clotpolesonly G, 3k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era, episode tag: s4e6 "A Servant of Two Masters"
Unexpected at Tesco by donttouchtheneednoggle G, 1.7k, Gen; Leon&Merlin Modern Era
Day by Day by VioletBlue G, 2.9k, Merlin/Arthur Canon AU
Heartbreak, Secret Friends, and Stupid Doodles by i_know_its_0ver G, 35k, Merlin/Arthur Modern University AU
to be loved and to be in love. by bellamyblakru G, 2.1k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era
A masterlist of all round-ups can be found here.
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
Since I (Zaharya) am running FF alone, it is not always possible for me to have the round-up list up immediately – please be patient.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! Again, I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord.
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nextstopparis · 3 years
3 9 20 29 for arwaine? (I'm the weakest link :))
JKNDXWKJX I KNEW MY CYBERBULLYING DAYS WOULD COME TO HAUNT ME but its not like it worked anyway</3 rip. THANK YOU!!! ive been missing gwart (ALSO THIS GOT SO LONG IM SO SORRY):
3. Most common argument?
probably some really stupid shit like. who the better swordsman is. and then they keep trying to find out but BOTH OF THEM KEEP CHEATING. or hm. if its modern times then it'd be like. even dumber. gwaine would make it his lifes mission to (make arthur rip his hair out) convince arthur that like. canada is fake. or that the sun is a planet. OR OH MY GOD YOU KNOW WHAT? THERES THIS ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY THING called last thursdayism or something?? where one believes EVERYTHING was created last thursday, like memories and monuments and history and stuff and there is NO WAY TO DISPROVE IT TECHNICALLY so gwaine would keep bringing it up. arthur goes red in the face every time and needs to leave the room to calm himself down.
9. Who worries the most?
omg arthur. that mother hen r u kidding??? worrying is like half of his dna lmfao. esp. bc gwaines you know, heh. A LIL chaotic (only a tiny bit though. obviously). so he gets in impossible situations like ALL THE TIME so arthur has to have like. contingency plan after contingency plan on all the diff ways to 1)keep gwaine out of trouble or 2)how to get gwaine out of it bc 1 didnt work out (and it usually doesnt bc gwaine's ~snazy~ like that and works around 1). also he would worry abt the little things too like. he forces gwaine to wear his hair in a bun during training bc the suns too hot and also bc it keeps getting in his face. (this isnt to say gwaine doesn't worry tho bc he'd be the one to drag arthur away from reports and stuff so that they could hve some fun sword fighting since its both of their favourite activities).
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
i think their friends are ECSTATIC (bc they r in LOVE and also theres just so much teasing material and like. they were tired of them dancing around each other u know) and also equally fucking ANNOYED bc they are both annoying but HOLY SHIT together???? goodness give me a break. all that "im better with a sword" "no i am" "no youre not" "yes i-" like goodness. give them a BREAK!! did u see how fucking annoyed merlin was in 3.12? thats what its like. all the time. but also theyre the annoying couple that are disgustingly adorable and just. everything is so all over the place. but its fun. and cute. but annoying. but charming?
uther tries Not to think about it and gwaine's sister keeps teaming up with arthur and tells him stupid baby gwaine stories. in retribution, morgana helps gwaine push his "last thursdayism" or whatever agenda. at least everyone can say theyre never bored??
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
this is rlly hard bc gwarts my feel good ship:(((( hm. i dont think either would ever truly believe/know how much the other loved them tbh. like i think arthur would be in constant awe of it/never really know why he deserves it and would always be really scared of doing One wrong thing bc he thinks its so fragile that one thing would end it all. gwaine, likewise, i think would always hve that low self worth quietly eating away at him. like. what if someone better comes along or what if he gets bored of me or whatever. like i do think the other would always somehow ease those fears (unintentionally bc GOD FORBID THEY TALK ABT FEELINGS) but you know. the brain can b a real bitch.
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lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
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He frowns on others, but he smiles on me.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Cenci
requested by @donttouchtheneednoggle (mercelot + p.192)
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mumble-muse · 2 years
buddy i NEED the photo evidence 🦘
Please enjoy some ominous looking roos from my walk home last night 🦘
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vectorfrankenstein · 3 years
ty for the tag @gwen-cheers-me-up! 💕
what the fandom thinks of you generator 
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asdfgh fair 
no-pressure tagging @kingdowager​ @gayfirebender @donttouchtheneednoggle​ @ealdorcottagecore @dragonlord-emrys​ 
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 3 years
was listening to the waitress soundtrack again and id just like to say that “she used to be mine” is such a fucking gwen song post morgana’s enchantment and now that ive realised it i cant stop crying so i guess you guys have to suffer with me
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what's nexttttt in death and destiny 👀
Ahhh! Okay, so immediate immediate future is we meet Mithian's siblings Essi and Richard. Then right after that we get the Camelot Gang traveling to Nemeth for Leon and Mithian's wedding. This will feature a conversation between Rodor and Leon and everyone meeting Mithian's siblings. So that's what's next! Now I just need to write it!
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fudgetunblr · 3 years
This is my "I love my mutuals" post of 2021
This year started out as one of the worst years of my life, and I am ending it in a much better place. That is due in part to my incredible mutuals <3 I could probably write some individual thank you notes to every single person for making my year better, but I'll spare you all that sappines. Posts like these are stressful, because I know I'll miss tagging someone, but I hope I won't, and if I do I'm really, really sorry. Anyways, I love ya'll and I really appreciate your presence on my dash :)
@binarystarkillers @himbomcconnell @jovalencia @jorgecrespo @hidden-joy @dreashappyworld @lit-beyond-measure @alexiaugustin @yourtokentrophywife @eriiees @sundaymorningisgone @kieumy @thefabulousfab-3 @manatheren @ancientgreekvampire @yellenabelovas @norangensaft @lilacpotter @gaydickensianpickpockets @mein-tag-ist-deine-daemmerung @70slesbian @judeswarpaint @forwardiscalling @donttouchtheneednoggle
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xviruserrorx · 3 years
I felt like this needed to be said...
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@donttouchtheneednoggle @botanicallyinclinednerd @lit-beyond-measure
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Heyyy lovely 💜 1, 5 & 11 for Selfish?? <3
Hiiiii 🥰😍💛💛💛💛
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Mostly that I wanted Gwen to get angry, and it not be about teaching Arthur to be better in some way, which the few times she was allowed to get angry in canon always seemed to be about. I wanted it to be just about her and her getting to unapologetically express her anger without having to make it smaller or more palatable or educational for Arthur. And just Rage the more i thought about 5x03 :')
5: What part was hardest to write?
hmmm i think this is one of the rare few i wrote all in one go so i think it was relatively easy? i guess the hardest thing was writing gwen demanding arthur recognise his father was bad without it seeming too unfair when arthur has such a complicated relationship with him but COME ON enough is enough :')
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The above things really and the fact it doesn't just get resolved in a neat pretty ending which inevitably involves gwen forgiving him and smushing her feelings down which she shouldn't have to do.
send me a fic and questions!
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