#like damnit the music was nice why would you do that
angryborzois · 4 months
infuriating feelig when your teachers music taste doesnt match yours
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tododeku-or-bust · 6 months
could you elaborate a bit on that post abt (not) wearing headphones in public/playing your phone out loud? i was under the idea that it was nice to not play stuff aloud bc ppl might have migraines or be sound avoidant, but didn't realize i might just be seeing it from a white perspective, and id love to learn more
All right! First, check this link out: Xochitl does a far more eloquent job of explaining the idea than I would:
I assume that you're specifically honing in on my tag about the "white right of comfort".
Okay, so here's the thing. You're allowed to find public noise annoying. I too, find public TikToks and music annoying! And if you have migraines and such, I can understand how it would be impolite and inconvenient.
But what you're NOT allowed to do, is feel entitled to the public and prioritizing your OWN comfort in it over everyone else to the point of DEMANDING that it conforms to you or it's "bad". Especially when there are things you as an individual can do to prevent this discomfort.
While this gross sense of entitlement is very first world American in nature, it is extremely White American in nature because white Americans actually have the social power to enforce what they believe is the "right" thing based on their own standards.
For many cultures around the world and for many people of color, noise in the community is a GOOD thing. It's part of being a community. I feel safer if the people around me feel safe enough to be outside, to exist and to be, visibly in public.
And you got to understand, while many white people think they're genuinely in the right for believing that being loud on public transit or in the public is worth enforcing as a "bad" thing, people of color have literally already been killed for it. A Black teenager was shot in the face for playing music that a white man didn't like. A Black mentally ill man was murdered in front of EVERYBODY on a train because he was having a mental breakdown. This sort of policing ALREADY HAPPENS to us. Hell, even white gays with any sense of community should be aware of how queer gatherings would be shut down for "noise" (when in reality it was bc it was homophobia).
And now people want me to empathize that YOU'RE oppressed by... noise? On Public Transit?? IN PUBLIC?? Kiss my ass lmao.
I've been on trains where a man was legit growling at me like he wanted me dead. Another i saw Teens high on crack. Another where people beg and people sleep and people listen to music. And you know what I did? I turned my OWN music up and went on my way. Because at the end of the day, the only person I control is me!
And if people were REALLY concerned about others welfare, they would COMMUNICATE. no one is willing to say "hey, I have a headache, do you mind-" bc they're afraid of the rejection, so it's easier to demand "well EVERYONE SHOULD BE LIKE ME". Mhm. Learn to confront your issues. But you're not "unsafe" bc music. You're just annoyed, and you'll get over it.
In summary it really gives me "I can give you something to cry about" energy. Bc y'all swear y'all don't understand the existence of an HOA but here yall are replicating the same Karen behaviors, and y'all don't even realize (or maybe even care) how racist you sound. But why would you lmao, that makes you uncomfortable! And damnit, you have a right to comfort!!
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juniperskye · 6 months
Why are you in my head?
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you are soulmates. The legend of soulmates is that you start to hear one another’s thoughts around age 16 – not all the time, but when you’re feeling a strong emotion. It simply flows out of you and into the other, the legend also states that the closer you are, the more you can hear them. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** I did also use some of the dialogue
Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts. (mind you, they are essentially hearing both sets of thoughts)
Eddie Munson x Fem Sunshine! Reader (Soulmate AU)
Fluff - Part 2 Part 3 Part 4** Part 5
Word count: 1364
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, explicit language, let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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You had known all about soulmates, your mom had told you bedtime stories about soulmates and how she and your dad met throughout your entire childhood. They had been hearing one another’s thoughts for quite a while before your dad saved your mom from being run over by a biker as she stepped off the curb. She’d tell you how when their eyes met she could hear him thinking about how beautiful her eyes were and he heard her thinking about how handsome he was. You have hoped and dreamed of meeting your soulmate since you were four years old.
You had a soulmate, that much you knew. You had been hearing his thoughts for the last few years, they were few and far between which frustrated you. Your mom had explained it just meant he wasn’t close by, which sucked. You were hoping that the distance would decrease, given your family’s plans to move.
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Hawkins, Indiana wasn’t exactly a town that people were flocking to…but here you were. Your mom had been offered a job at their hospital there as the supervising nurse and your parents had decided it was too good an offer to pass up. Your dad had contacted the local police department to see if they had any openings, to which they asked for a letter of recommendation and pretty much offered him the job.
Things were working out well for your parents. You hadn’t really been sure about the move. Your soulmate’s thoughts had been pretty quiet the last few days but, a part of you knew it was because your anxiety of this move was clearly drowning out his thoughts.
The car finally came to a stop, and you glance up for the first time since you’d gotten in the car that morning, too focused on the music playing from your Walkman and rereading The Hobbit, again. You looked up to see a modest home in a cookie cutter neighborhood, you were grateful for your parents and their ability to provide you with the things you need, but some days you wished your family wasn’t so…average.
“Sweetie, why don’t you head in and pick your room?” Your mom suggested.
“Really? I get to choose?” You asked.
“You have your pick, other than the master bedroom. You and I will organize the remaining rooms.” Your mom explained.
Damnit, if I could just get the chords right.
You quickly jogged up to the door, letting yourself in. You made your way upstairs first, checking out the two small bedrooms up there that were situated opposite the master bedroom, separated by a full bathroom. While both rooms were nice, they didn’t give you nearly enough room to “express your creative freedom” as your mom had encouraged. On the main level there was a kitchen, dining room, sitting room, powder room, and living room. There had been a door leading under the stairs, you were pleased to see it led down into a fully finished basement that had a full bathroom.
“MOMMMMM! I chose my room!” You called as you ran up the stairs.
There we go.
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*Eddie’s POV*
Hell yeah! This is fucking perfect!
The thoughts had rung out like an alarm in his head. Her thoughts had never been this loud and clear. What had changed?
She better let me make the basement my room!
Had she finally moved? He had been hearing all her nervous thoughts about packing up and moving across the country. She must be closer now if her thoughts were coming in like this now.
YES! YES! YES! Now…how to decorate?
He smiled to himself. She seems sweet based off what he knows. He had asked Wayne about soulmates when he was growing up. He’d asked questions like “why can’t I just think of my address, so she could find me?” and Wayne had explained that it didn’t work like that. Thoughts were passed back and forth at moments it was needed – in times of excitement, or when we needed comfort, or to vent. There was some sort of neurological algorithm as to what thoughts were sent when.
*End Eddie’s POV*
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You had started unpacking pretty much the second your parents agreed to let you make the basement your room. Your dad had even agreed to take you to the hardware store to pick up paint this weekend.
“You’ll start at the high school on Monday. The principal confirmed that he received your transcripts and all your credit hours transferred, so you’re right on track.” Your dad explained.
“Oh, awesome! Did he happen to send my schedule or anything so I could familiarize myself with it beforehand?” You asked.
Oh fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck! I am so late. O’Donnell is gonna kill me!
Your hand flew to your head, the volume of his thoughts brought forth a pounding in your head. They had never been this loud before.
“Bug? You okay?” Your dad looked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m okay! Just a headache. Too many thoughts in there I guess.” You chuckled lowly.
“Honey, was it his thought?” Your mom questioned.
You hadn’t told your parents much about your soulmate, only that you had been able to hear him and that he was, in fact, a him.  They had also been aware that you hadn’t been able to hear him lately – that was when your mom explained that your thought can sometimes drown out theirs.
“Yeah, it was and uh, I don’t know, I guess it was kinda loud.” You shrugged.
“How loud?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t know, loud enough to give me a headache. It was like he was in the room with me.” You looked at your parents, a knowing grin making its way onto each of their faces. “What?”
“Nothing bug. Let’s go see if your principle sent that schedule over.” Your dad wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side.
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Monday morning had come way too soon, though you’d had an incredibly productive weekend. Your room was painted and decorated, you’d finished rereading The Hobbit and had begun rereading Pet Cemetery, you’d also memorized your class schedule.
Your dad dropped you off at school, he also told you he was planning to go and check out a car for you after his shift – that had left you pretty excited.
Finally! My own car!
The day was dragging on pretty slowly…truthfully you were ready for lunch.
Then Vecna will make a surprise return.
What the hell?
This campaign is going to be epic!
His thoughts had come and gone like this since you’d arrived in Hawkins. Just back and forth with random tidbits that left you more confused than anything.
The bell ringing had been your saving grace. It was finally time for lunch, and now you were feeling anxious again…where were you meant to sit?
You looked around and before you could take a step, a voice stopped you dead in your tracks.
Here we fucking go.
“We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But as long as you're into band or science ...or parties or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets...”
God he’s hot.
“It's forced conforming. That's what's...killing the kids!”
Kids were either laughing at his outburst or calling him horrible names, but you just stood there. Could this really be him? This super-hot guy who just caused an entire scene in the cafeteria.
“Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run like hell outta here…This year is different. This year is my year.”
He took a step back and bumped right into you, but before you could fall to the ground, he grabbed your arm and pulled you up and against his chest.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
You both let out a quiet chuckle.
All at once, colors were brighter, smells were sweeter, touches were softer. Everything came together in that moment; you couldn’t believe it. Here he was.
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Why I cuss (affectionately) at my deities, sometimes, and why it's important to me
I'm having some feelings tonight, so here have another "Frog is rambling again" post. This one's about Loki, because they seem intent on speedrunning teaching me shit. Seriously it's been like three weeks.
I wasn't prepared for what working with Loki actually looks like. /pos
Because what that actually looks like, apparently, is sitting watching a comedy anime and getting the distinct vibe that it has a sense of humor that Loki enjoys. And then realizing that's because Loki is actively hanging around... watching fuckin' anime with me. Why the hell would Loki want to watch a dumb comedy anime with the funny little guy he works with?
Seeing a post about watching comedy as a devotional act to Loki later felt intentional, so I ended up deciding to do just that.
Thing is, I grew up exposed to the idea that God is an all-powerful being who deserves nothing less than the best and humans are the scum of the earth. I'm only now seeing that it's been damaging my relationship with my deities. I'm afraid to just chat with them 'too casually.' I apologize if I feel like I said something that's too disrespectful. I've apologized to Loki multiple times because he pulled some shit and my response was "god damnit Loki" or "you motherfucker."
And then they remind me that I call my mom the same thing, and she laughs. It's the same with my friends. All because it's not insulting, or disrespectful, it's a sign of affection. I would never say that and mean it; they know that, so it's funny. It's playful.
Amongst many other things, Loki is teaching me that joy is to be valued. This world tells us that it's dumb, childish, or any other assortment of negative descriptors- and that it has no place in spirituality. Certainly no place in the presence of a god- and that's fucking sad. I think Loki is sad about it too. I think Loki's fucking pissed, actually. How dare we be made to feel shame for what makes us happy. The gods deserve to partake in our joy and our fun just as much as they deserve to be part of our sorrow and fear.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to think that hanging out with some fucker who's scrolling through memes and blasting music might just be a nice change of pace for them.
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sweetheartedbylust · 27 days
HIHIIII I LOVE YOUR WORK SOSOSOSOSO MUCH AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHENEVER YOU POST!! I was lowkey just wondering if you could write a fanfic about both Nikki and Tommy in their police officer uniforms like the ones they wore in the Ratt mv?? And maybe add the fact that both of them have a breeding kink .. 🤭🤭🤭
“Officer sixx and officer Lee” Nikki sixx and Tommy Lee x reader NSFW
Alright hoes welcome back, y’all already mf know. And thank youuu!! Love you guys.
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It was late, maybe a little too late. Besides that your friends Nikki and Tommy were playing “dress up” in the next room with there police officer outfits from a music video they shot a few days ago
“No dumbass we are not playing with the hand cuffs” you heard Nikki say to Tommy who was laughing his ass off in the corner .
Why did you decide to be roommates with them again?
“God damnit” you said as you got up from your bed to go tell them to quiet the fuck down.
“Alright guys..quiet the hell down. I’m trying to relax” . As the two black haired men looked up from whatever they were doing. “And where the hell were you ?” Tommy said as by now, they hadn’t seen you since about 10, by now it almost 1 in the morning.
“In my room..trying to relax”, “oh relax.we’re just playing around. You know..keep up that mouth and we’ll arrest you. Right tom?” Nikki said with a grin looking over at him
“Yeah..but I mean if you want that-“ as you quickly replied . “I mean..I don’t really think I’m doing anything wrong. Besides telling you fuckin’ idiots to quiet down. Plus y’all ain’t gonna do shit” you said with a laugh , leaning on the side of the door frame.
“Oh yeah?” Nikki said coming over towards you. His gloved hand slamming against the side of the wall. As Tommy stood back watching. Being bored and maybe a little intrigued you decided to see how far you could take it
“Yeah..nothing” and with that Nikki came over and took you by your waist to the bed. “Now why didn’t you tell us you wanted this before huh?” He teased running his gloved fingers over your tits ..your nipples already getting hard . “I know..probably was too scared” Tommy said coming over next too him.
“Was not” you said clapping back at the both of them. That definitely wasn’t the case..was it?. It didn’t matter. What did matter, was how good Nikki’s lips felt on your neck. Since by now you were being pinned down by them both
“ oh you were..” Nikki snickered coming up from your tits. Throwing your tee across the room. “I bet she loves all the damn attention don’t you Nikki?” Tommy said as his gloved hands ran their way across your shorts. “Mhm..weren’t you sweetheart?” Nikki said taking his hands and wrapping them around your neck.
“I..I don’t know” you said. Your voice already giving up. As they both smiled. Hands still teasing you all over. “ tell us why you were being a little bitch and then we’ll treat you nice and fuck you good” Nikki said. His fingers playing with your shorts.
“You know I do some work at night..and it’s hard to focus when all I hear is you both fucking around in the next room” as they laughed.
“Oh come on..we both know that your work is fucking ur needy pussy” Nikki lowly said as you layed there. Almost speechless.
“Don’t think we don’t hear you” Tommy said trying his best to sit in a way that didn’t expose his boner. “Fuck it” Nikki suddenly said as he quickly ripped off your shorts and got your panties off. Basically leaving you fully exposed
As you figured you would probably have to swallow your pride tonight anyway. You almost knew what was gonna come out of their mouths next .
“If you want us to fuck you nice and good, you’re gonna have to say it.” Tommy said as they both sat above you. “Can you..please fuck me” you said. Maybe coming out a little needier than expected and with that. They both finally gave in.
Nikki taking Tommy’s cuffs off of his suit and taking ur hands with them. As by now Tommy was down by your pussy. Talking up to Nikki about how wet you were by now.
“Good slut..mhm give in to it” Nikki said as he was above you watching you fall apart from Tommy who was eating you out. “Keep going. Be good for us” Tommy said as he came up for a minute and then went back down.
“Let’s see how fucking needy you really are..” Nikki said as he came down near Tommy to slide two of his fingers into your pussy. It was torture, but it was so damn good.
“All from us treating you like this? All wet from us. While I finger this little hole. Fuckin’ whore” Nikki said as Tommy tongue still continued its assault on ur pussy
“ no thoughts, you can’t form anything but those pretty moans coming out of your mouth” Nikki said as you were growing more and more desperate for a cock in you.
“Please..can you please fuck me. Fill me up” you said as it was becoming too much. “Alright..” Tommy said as he came up from your pussy and Nikki’s fingers were removed from you.
“C’mere..pretty whore” Nikki said putting you under him again as Tommy took his dick out of his pants and Nikki was beginning to take off his belt and undo his as well.
“You want our cum in you baby? I bet you do. I bet you have a kink for that. Wanting us to fill you up” Nikki said as he positioned himself in between your legs. By now Tommy was sitting beside you,
“Suck it baby..suck my dick like a good girl” as you took what you could your hand and got him in your mouth. As little by little you got Tommy’s dick in your mouth as he head leaned back . And with that you felt Nikki slide into you.
“Nikki!..fuck” you whined in between Tommy letting you breathe. “Go ahead sweetheart, just give in..whose whore are you?” He said as you felt his dick pressing against your walls, thrusting himself in you harder.
“Yours..” you said breathlessly. “Say it again.. address us by name baby” he said with a groan. “I’m Nikki and Tommy’s whore..I am”
“Good girl” they both said almost seconds apart. “Deeper..take us both deeper baby” Tommy said thrusting his dick deeper down your throat.
“This pussy was fuckin’ aching to be fucked..to be filled. You want that baby? You want me to fill you with my babies huh..yeah I know” Nikki said as his hands came up and played with your tits.
“And me to cum..all in this pretty little throat” Tommy said as he kept letting himself be brought to his high. “Or maybe.. you want both of our loads in you. All in your tight little hole”
“You like this don’t you.. me fucking you like a perfect little fleshlight. Keep fucking taking me. In and out.” Nikki groaned as he felt his orgasm coming. You couldn’t even catch a breath. It felt so good. It was making up for all the nights where you ached for things like this.
“I’m gonna fucking cum..shit.” Tommy groaned as he pulled out of your mouth and started to stroke himself . As Nikki was not far behind him.
“I’m gonna cum..you’re gonna make me cum in this little pussy . You want that huh?. For us to breed you. I know you do. You can cum too baby. Let it out” Nikki said as you finally felt the feeling in your core release. And with that Nikki’s cum coated your walls. And Tommy’s was all over your chest.
“Don’t waste it..” Tommy said as he got some of his cum on his fingers and slipped it inside you. “Good pretty girl, all filled up” Nikki said as he undid the cuffs. you layed on the bed with both of them beside you. All exasperated and relieved and probably confused.
But you know.. at least they didn’t arrest you.
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monimccoythings · 2 months
Hello, Neighbor (C!Wolverine x reader)
I'm so sorry, as much as I adore Hugh Jackman the second I saw that Wolverine something inside me broke and I went feral. I needed to do this. I just love mutual pinning. I'm not specifying which Wolverine because it's a small spoiler (not entirely plot relevant!) but I think we all know who I'm talking about.
Slight NSFW themes, nothing big
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X- You usually find him working on his motorbike in the garage below your shitty apartment complex, a cigar in his mouth, and dressed in a thin white tank top that clung to his sweaty and impossibly muscled body like a second skin.
X-Not gonna lie, since the very first moment you laid eyes on your new neighbor you have had the hots for him. Who wouldn't??
X-He was the quiet type. Reserved, with a permanent scowl that seemed to drive away anyone who crossed his path. You understood, maybe he valued his privacy. But that didn't mean you weren't going to be as kind as you could everytime you two met.
X-Easier said than done. It was hard to form a coherent thought let alone two sentences when he was in front of you in a leather jacket whose seams were about to burst from the inmense pressure his bulging biceps were submitting them.
X-You saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards at your antics. Gosh, now he must think you're an idiot. Why wouldn't earth swallow you up once and for all and end your misery??
X-Still, no matter how much you embarrassed yourself you still came for more. Even if it left your heart nearly bursting out of your chest and your insides twisted in knots. It was all worth it just to see his frown loosen.
X-One day, he even dared to show a small smile. And you, being the current monarch of kindness and stupidity, thought it would be a great idea to tell mr. 'dark and broody' that he had a nice smile. He immediately tensed and mumbled some excuse to quickly retreat to his apartment, leaving you alone in a hall that stank of mold and booze.
X- As you dejectedly made your way towards the apartment, you mentally kicked yourself for stepping over his limits. Who were you kidding? That man could have a supermodel every night if he wanted to, of course he wouldn't have any interest in you. He was just being polite. And now you have ruined it. Way to go, Y/N.
X- Fuck. Shit. God fucking damnit. What was that? One compliment and he already turns into a fucking lovesick mutt. He needed a fucking drink.
X- The cold bitter taste of the beer, helped cool the burning fire inside him. He shouldn't have allowed it to go that far. Not with you.
X- He could argue that he barely knew you at all and he had to be careful, but he would be a lying bastard, wouldn't he?
X- When he saw you for the first time, absentmindedly looking through your mail, the animal inside him riled against the bars of his cage, demanding to consume you and possess you. It was overwhelming.
X- He had memorized everything about you: your routine, the music you liked based on what his sensitive ears heard, the way the corner of your eyes crumpled when you smiled, your scent, the sound of your voice, your dressing patterns...
X- He knew each time you went out and each time you brought a man with you. He hated every single one of them, he watched from afar with clenched fists and foam in the corners of his mouth, and desired nothing more than to rip those men to shreds with his claws.
X- He knew when you touched yourself, how poignant and musky your scent became, nearly driving him insane. How husky and soft your voice sounded when you moaned. Sometimes he found himself wishing it was his name you were calling in short breaths, sometimes he wished he was the one making you sigh in pleasure.
X- He was a dangerous man, unstable, full of rage and trauma, with many enemies who would do anything to get back at him. And besides, he was still hurting over Jean, he doubted he could open his heart to anybody else that wasn't that redhead. It was better this way.
X- So he vented his frustrations in alcohol, one night stands and bar fights. Claws unfolding when the treacherous thought of your delicate face came to mind. He had given you thousands of reasons to turn away from him, like the others.
X- Yet, there you were... Always with a smile, always with a nice word for him. If only you knew what he was, what he did, would you run away from him?
X- He couldn't afford this. This couldn't be for him, the closer you got the more dangerous it would be. This itch inside him that wouldn't let you go entirely was urging him to go across the hall and pound on your door until there were no more barriers between you two.
X-However, he knew, that the second he set foot on that corridor, all of his self control and restrain would be thrown out of the window. Even so, he still opened the door of his apartment.
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@steddieangstyaugust Day 5 - Music Monday: Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want – The Smiths
i’m challenging myself to keep all these at either 127 or 1,270 words each, see day one for more of an explanation! this one is part two to this!
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Steve watches Eddie slump out the front door with a jingle. He jumps off the curb in front of the store and hops into his van, starting it up and heading off down the road without a glance back toward the store.
He also didn’t glance up at Robin, not even seeming to notice that she was trying to get his attention on her way to the door. First with a wave, then a call to him, finally standing herself on the curb just to watch him go when he doesn’t answer.
“What’s with Doofus?” She says when she comes inside, jerking a thumb over her shoulder towards where Eddie’s van disappeared to.
“Dunno, he’s just being weird as usual.”
Robin gives him a look, “I don't know, Dingus, he looked….”
Steve glances up from his pile of returns when she doesn’t finish her thought.
“He looked…?”
“The first thing I thought of was ‘broken down’, but that’s not the right word...”
Her words twist his stomach into knots, “Why would he look broken?”
“Not..” she huffs, “He looked…defeated! That’s the one, he looked defeated. Like, super sad and also angry, but also like he knew he couldn’t do anything about…whatever it was you did to him…What’d you do to him, Steve?” she asks, only half-faking her exasperated concern.
“What’d I—I didn’t do anything to him! This girl came in and he zoned out completely when I showed him her number.”
“You got a girl’s number? Nice job, Dingus!”
“Thanks.” he grins.
“But go back to Eddie, why would he ‘zone out’ when you told him you got her number?”
“Beats me,” Steve shrugs, going back to his stack. “He just said that he thought he knew her— oh my god, do you think that was an ex of his??”
“Not at all.” Robin answers immediately, resolute as ever.
Steve blinks at her. “Wow. Okay, you seem really sure. What, are blondes not his type.”
Her eyes flick upward off his face momentarily. “Nope, don’t think blondes do it for him.”
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“Munson! Eddie! I know you’re in there, damnit!”
He hears Robin out near the front door, but doesn’t move from his bed. Just sniffs, and wipes his eyes again. The skin of his eyelids are getting raw.
She grumbles, and he can hear her stomp down the porch to the side door just outside his own.
“Eddie, I can hear you wallowing.”
“No you can’t!” his voice comes out thick with the last of his tears, which is odd since it’s been at least six hours since his eyes stopped actually leaking tears.
“Open up, Doofus.”
He doesn’t want her to come in. He doesn’t want anyone to come in.
“It’s unlocked, Birdie.”
Eddie hears the door scuff open in its frame, but doesn’t bother to look over.
“Well shit, look at that. Why didn’t I try that?” Robin mumbles to herself, shoving the door back into place.
She appears in his doorway, arms crossed across her chest.
He watches her examine him for a moment, then looks away.
“C’mon Doofus, let's get you cleaned up, huh?”
Eddie lets her sit him up on his bed, hunching forward with his legs crossed and arms holding his own chest together. Why does this hurt so bad? It wasn’t even real.
Robin sits behind him, poking one of her boney knees into the small of his back.
She reaches forward and sweeps his hair back from his face, raking her fingers through one side, then the other, slowly detangling it with her fingers at first, before he points out where his hairbrush had been abandoned this morning. 
This morning? Was it really only this morning?
“Why did you come here?” He croaks out.
“No, I mean..” he huffs, “How’d you know I’d be…”
“Hurtling into despair?”
That makes him chuckle, though it comes out as nothing more than a slightly stronger puff of air through his nose. “Yeah. That.”
She’s quiet for a moment, so he adds on, “Steve told you I was being weird, didn’t he?”
“He didn’t have to, Doofus, you walked right past me on your way out of the store.”
“But he did say that you were ‘being weird, as usual’.” She says as she finishes brushing out the tangles in his hair. She then starts fiddling with it, tugging the strands this way and that. “He asked me if maybe you were interested in that girl and when I said ‘Not at all.’ he was all ‘What, are blondes not his type?’.”
That makes Eddie laugh for real, though it still comes out sounding strained.
She finishes with whatever it is she’s doing with his hair before either of them says anything else. With it all pulled back, he can feel the dampness of the strands pulled back at his temples.
“I uh.. kinda zoned out for a minute after she left. And you know how..imaginative I can be.” She knows about his preferences, and he hers, so he knows that she knows (or can guess at the very least) where his mind went. “I didn’t mean to take it as far as I did, I just got kinda…” Swept up? Enamored? “...Lost.”
He hunches in on himself again. How could he be so stupid? And why is he even letting it affect him so much? “It’s so stupid…I’m so stupid.”
Robin is quiet for a couple more moments. “Where’d you go?”
“He took me on a date..” He says, voice teetering on another fucking sob. “We came back here…he was so sweet.
“And then, like an idiot, I suggested he take that blonde chick on the same date.”
He shakes his head, squeezing himself and his eyes shut once more before he stands. First atop his mattress, then hopping down from it opposite from where Robin is still sitting. “It doesn’t matter,”
The hoodie on the floor at the end of his bed grabs his attention. Pulling it on, he shuffles around the foot of the mattress and passes her, his head poking out under the hood as he steps out of his bedroom for the first time since getting home that morning.
The old bedframe squeaks with the loss of Robin’s weight, the floors creaking under it instead as she follows.
“D’ya want anything? Mac n’ cheese, maybe?”
“Sure, sounds good.”
Eddie nods from his spot half inside the fridge, pulling out the butter and shutting the door behind him.
Robin stays quiet as he works, crossing the threshold between kitchen and living room to rummage through their tapes.
“You gotta have some normal music around here somewhere, Munson.”
Eddie scoffs, “All my music is normal music, Birdie.”
She grumbles again, then shuffles away back down the hall. Must be going to the bathroom or something.
She comes back not long after the macaroni starts to boil.
He hears the plastic-on-plastic sound of her fiddling with a tape, maybe she found one she wanted to listen to after all.
“Find something y’wanna try, Bobs?”
“Yeah; not sure what it is, but it was the tape in the boombox back in your room.”
Eddie hums, probably his Dio tape.
Robin shifts, the stool creaks when she gets off it.
No, can’t be Dio, that was a couple tapes ago now…
The tape clicks into place.
Oh no.
“Rob, wait—!”
“So please please please, let me get what I want…”
Robin’s mouth is agape.
“....S’not what it sounds like.”
“The Smiths, Eddie? Really?”
“I was in my feelings, okay?! Let me live!”
She grins, “Oh you’ve got it bad, Munson.”
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OOOOHHH what's gonna happen neexxxt??
this has been added as a chap 2 on ao3 as well!
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imoncloud7 · 2 months
part 4;
prev. | m.list | next
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written portion at the end!!
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"god fuckin' damnit." yn sighed as she put her phone down. she was currently in her last lecture of the day, contemplating how she got into this mess. and how all of her friends suddenly knew oikawa tooru. and how he found her twitter and followed it.
yn had met matsukawa issei in their last term during their first year of school, and while they were not too close, they did have one thing in common. they loved to go out. their drunk escapades slowly began to include mattsun's not-boyfriend-but-boyfriend makki, and they all slowly began to get a bit closer.
being that all of their friends were intertwined, it would be a matter of time before they all figured out what was going on between oikawa and yn. their hookups have surprisingly pre-dated all of yn's friendships in college, which have been difficult to come by. being from another country and also an introvert were really big roadblocks.
oikawa never seemed to care about that though. the first night they met, during their first term in their first year, he had approached her at some sort of welcome party an older student was throwing. yn had quickly figured out that he was a chronic flirter, but had enough alcohol in her system to go home with him. which ended up happening every weekend of the first year, and now second year as well. it was nice for yn to have physical contact, as that was hard to come by now having broken up with her ex and being that she had close to no friends in japan. it was a distraction, something that satisfied her needs with no feelings.
these days however, now that he knows more than just her first name and how to please her, it's too complicated. and wildly uncomfortable.
flashback: 1st term, 1st year
"smoking's not a good look on such a pretty face like yours" yn heard behind her on the balcony. the inside was stuffy and the music felt like it was eating her eardrums alive, so she had made her way outside for some peace and quiet. only for it to be disturbed.
"oh yeah? and who are you to have an opinion on that?" the girl looked over her shoulder to see who was behind her. she was met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes and windswept hair to match.
oikawa thinks his heart may have stopped when she turned to look at him. he had seen her inside and thought she was pretty, sure, but out here was a different story. the moonlight caused her e/c eyes to glow, and her hair seemed so much softer out here. his eyes widened a bit and he choked on his words a bit before responding.
"im oikawa. oikawa tooru. and sorry, truthfully i couldn't think of another way to approach you." he walked up towards the edge of the balcony, taking his place to her right. she took a long drag before offering it towards him wordlessly.
"no thanks, i'm an athlete i can't really do that stuff."
"but you're at a party, clearly intoxicated. i wonder what your coach would think of that." she shot back.
"touche. you never told me your name." he chuckled in his response.
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the "smokings not a good look on you" line was actually used on me
i was at a club in singapore and an old man (maybe like 50-60 yrs old) literally started talking to me while i had a cig in my hand like go away u creep im 20
he texted me on whatsapp later abt that like mind ur business
idk why i gave him my number tbh i just wanted to see if hed buy me drinks
anyways i love matsukawa issei (whats new)
little flashback moment to when their whole affair started!!
either the next chapter or the next two chapters shi may go down
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
TPC: Seungkwan's and Jeonghan's friend swap Pt. 2
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Full series
Pairing: Jeonghan x afab!reader
Genre: smut, mature themes
Word count: 2.7k
tags: mentions of alcohol, brief mention of substance in a drink, bathroom sex, dom!jeonghan, mirror sex, fingering, standing back shots, praise kink, one night stand, a different kind of awkward
Summary: Seungkwan likes Jeonghan's friend while Jeonghan is more than willing to be the perfect distraction to entertain Seungkwan's friend. Looks like they're switching besties for the night.
tag list @iwouldbangchan @1uvlywon @just-here-to-read-01
Jeonghan sees you several meters away from him getting inching closer to the beat of the music. He observes the shape of your lips, to the curve of your cheek, until his eyes automatically lock with your eyes that bore into his. Any attention was good attention, he’d say.
“I have to talk to you, excuse me,” your fingers wrap around his wrist, tugging at a direction he’d blindly follow, but he doesn’t forget to wave his friend goodbye in his departure. They look at him in amused confusion, having them wave back unconcerned.
“Okay, ow. What is it?” He asks with feigned disdain.
“Oh, just…” your eyes trail over, Seungkwan finally makes his move, pretending to look cool while leaning up against the kitchen counter with a drink in hand. It’s visibly awkward but endearing, and the person he pursues doesn’t seem to mind his company. You’re reminded to respond when Jeonghan takes over your view, bending his neck to meet your eyes again. “Just what?”
“I, uh. Distracting you?”
“Why, so you can put something in my drink?”
Your eyebrows meet down the center, “Of course not, god, how dark.”
“Then, what is it,” he patiently waits for an answer, charmed by your startled expression that smooths over into one thought, as if only deciding now to find an excuse. You clear your throat, slightly shift from his gaze and open your mouth, thinking to spew the first thing that comes to mind. “S-sex.”
“Sex?” He ponders amused. “What? Are you proposing we have sex right now?”
Damnit. Not the brain. Another body part of yours did the speaking.
You scoff. “Please—“
“Well, since you’re asking so nicely—“
“Socializing.” Your eyes look over his shoulder, seeing Seungkwan laugh at something they say, bringing a smile to your eyes. “I came over just to talk, came to you for a drink since you always know where they are.”
He side grins, mischief taking up his face. “Follow me.”
You weren’t normally quick to follow the word of Yoon Jeonghan–you have heard he was all kinds of unhinged–but you were being a good friend. An amazing friend. A friend of Seungkwan would take several shots of vodka, tequila, or both just to prove how good of a friend they are. You’d throw them back like water because who can ignore a person who knows to have a good time? Jeonghan couldn’t. This would surely be a good distraction. 
They’d talk Jeonghan up, and do some light flirting to make sure Seungkwan and the person he likes could get alone time (although Seungkwan’s already sneaked out of the party an hour ago). One light brush against his arm would do the trick, maybe followed by soft whispers to his ears, saying ramblings of a person who’s had enough alcohol would say.
They would also sneak in some brief liplock with Jeonghan to really seal in that deal. You have his mouth over your lips in some hidden bathroom, tugging on his collar as you're sat over the sink counter. His skin is flushed against yours, clearly enjoying himself, and in every momentary part of your lips you can feel the heat of his chuckles against your cheeks.
What were you doing again?
You forget your purpose tonight with his hand up your thigh, his lips falling to your neck–sucking the skin you only realize of late was so sensitive it’d cry if it had eye sockets–and his bulging erection pressing into the area right where your throbbing core would be. You murmur words of encouragement in his ear, the bitter taste of Smirnoff on your tongue mixing with the sweet taste of Jeonghan’s lips. He grunts in return, muffling himself as he bites down. “S-shit. I want this.”
He levels his gaze back to you, searching for the same desire in your eyes that he was feeling in him. “Do you want me, Yn? I won’t fuck you until you tell me you do.”
How far has this gone already?
You were only supposed to ‘distract’ the man, and although you actively were–he hadn’t thought to mention the friend he brought once tonight–maybe you were going a bit far. At this point of the night, you’ve got enough alcohol in you to say the shit you want but have complete control over your body. You were far from a lightweight. You could’ve stopped at any point in time. You should’ve stopped now–
“I, Y/n of clear and mind, solemnly swear that I want you, Yoon Jeonghan, to fuck me in this restroom. Is that clear enough for y–”
He wastes no time, pinning your arms against the mirror, smashing his lips against yours, and pushing his tongue through the gap of your mouth. You feel his chest heave, his hips roll, and his digits around your wrists wrap only tighter. A moan breaks out of your mouth and soon his hands leave to trap it, finding their way up your neck and up your hair. Your knees bend, pushing him closer, having you dangerously close to the edge. One wrong move and you go down with him.
Jeonghan is quick to notice, taking him only a second to tug your shorts off, adjusting you on the cool marble surface, and feeling the warmth of your arousal now drenching his fingers. He swallows in your breath, literally taking them away, and holds you by the waist as he parts your folds and drags a finger along the slit. You slightly shudder, the slightest touch of his raises goosebumps on your arms and you’re embarrassed at how quickly you fold.
He chuckles when he hears your gasp, narrowing his eyes back at you. “What? Never had someone touch your pussy before?”
The truth was a lot of men didn’t. In your experience, the ones you’ve been with were always more focused on self-gratification, rather than pleasing their partner. The ratio of either of you or them cumming was drastic, so close to making you give up hookups entirely.
You simply shake your head, watching as his gaze shifts to the glistening of your entrance before his fingers swallow up inside and he breathes in your whimpers with a proud grin. You press kisses against his lips in desperate bursts, urging him to do more than tease you. Your hips thrust against his digits, hand clutching the back of his head and fingering through his soft dark locks.
“Jeonghan,” you clench around him, squirming, “S-stop, fucking around. Just give it to me.”
“You’re so impatient,” His voice drops an octave, and the hair on the back of your neck stands, “Beg for it.”
“You’re the worst,” you squeak.
“Say it. Say how badly you want my cock inside you. I’ll give it to you.”
You already admitted to him you wanted him to fuck you, what more did he want?
You put on your best begging face—not like you had to try since you were already dying to have him inside you—you blink at him, pouting your lips, taking sharp breaths as he fucks his fingers in you deeper. You take your voice up a pitch, your whines coming too easily, and you roam your hand over his body, inching closer and closer to the tent built in his pants. “I want you inside me, Jeonghan.”
“I want you to fuck me.” You persist.
“You can do better than that.”
“I need your cock inside me. I’m dying to have you fuck me with your cock,” your nails graze over the top button, already unclasping the hold of his pants to cup over his bulge, feeling it take up the whole surface of your palms. “Give it to me.”
Jeonghan twitches at your touch, hooking his fingers inside your pussy only to slam it at a ferocious speed his last run, your hand holding his clothed private in a balled fist. “Fuck.”
He lets his pants and underwear pool around his ankles, taking your underwear with him. In a brief sense of clarity, he looks for something and with sheer luck he finds it, staring back at him on top of the toilet tank, remembering how he set it aside when you accompanied him. He reaches out to claim it, tearing it open and rolls its latex material over his hard member. 
You sigh with contentment seeing him stroke his length, worried about how you’ll adjust to his size, and all that worry vanishes when he taps the head at your entrance, swirling it into your wet mess. His hand lands on the small of your back, pulling you against him, and deposits himself inside you. Your eyes lightly flutter, feeling how he stretches you out, “F-fuck…”
“Such a perfect pussy,” he compliments lowly, feeling your walls close around him like perfection, pulsing at the rate of your heartbeat.
His hands reach around your hips, guiding them to buck around his frame, and your legs are now locked around him. You grip the counter and throw your head back, the crown of your head hitting the mirror behind you but you hardly notice as Jeonghan splits you open.
You moan ‘yes’s, drool pooling in your throat. Jeonghan savors them, his thrusts steadily knocking back into you as he squeezes your backside, pressing into you. Your nails can’t help but crawl underneath his shirt and claw up against his back, a growl leaves Jeonghan’s lips. You feel his sweat beneath your palms, his skin burning at contact, and can’t think of a better reason to rip his shirt off. So you do just that, the shirt falls to the ground without a second thought, and in return, Jeonghan rips off the buttons of your blouse.
“You won’t need that anymore,” he laughs and pins your wrists back at the mirror to avoid your protests.
His hips don’t falter, and his mouth claims the skin of your nipples, biting them at the tip between his tongue swirling around your areola. You hard swallow, voice aching in need, so much need, it was crashing on you like a traffic accident. Obscenities flowed like water on your lips and they only get louder when Jeonghan plays against your clit, rubbing on its imperfect spherical shape and you feel as if you’re going to fall.
With all the force in his free arm, he clutches around your waist and rams his hips into you, not changing the fact you could still fall right off this counter but leverages you from doing so. You feel your climax coming close in the face of danger. The thrill of possibly hurting yourself as you were getting railed is a thought that hadn’t occurred to you until this very moment. You’d probably still keep going if your ass did fall on the ground, he was fucking you just that good. 
Your eyes roll back, contorting your lips until they repeat the words “I’m cumming” like a broken record for him to hear. He lands you no response, focused on his own high, but in this case, you didn’t mind.
The sensitivity from having already gotten off simply enhances the sensation of what happens next. Without a word, Jeonghan pulls you down from the counter and has your back towards his chest. Taking in your hair, he forces the cheeks of your face to meet the cold sink counter. Hand clashing against the flesh of your ass before he pokes through, taking you from behind.
“H-holy f-f-fuck…”
You feel his hips come up on your ass like lashings, only this kind of lashing was something you’re more than willing to be accustomed to. 
His pants are loud and clear, feeling you clench around him blissfully as you moan out his name. He tries not to think much of it, it was some meaningless hookup, nothing new. Then again, this was you, a friend of a friend, a common college student like him, but enticingly hot in the fitted clothes you decided to wear tonight. Of course, he’s thought about you once or twice seeing you in passing, wondering what it’s like to fuck you sideways. Even if it's just once. Or twice. Or if he’s lucky, for as long as you let him.
He shakes those thoughts away and places his focus on plowing into you, and you seem to greatly appreciate that.
He takes hands full of your hair, forcing you to look back at yourself. “You see that?”
Choking on your spit, you nod. “Y-yes.”
“What does that fucking look like?”
“It l-looks like you fucking me.”
The smug grin reappears on his face and he pulls harder against your scalp, lips pressing against the smooth of your cheek. “How am I fucking you?”
He playfully bites your cheek, snaking his other hand back to your clit, pinching in his fingertips when he’s not rubbing in. “S-shit.”
“Look at you a fucking mess for me. Can’t even tell me what I'm doing to you. Say it. I give you permission.”
You shut your eyes, tears forming from your overstimulated core, yet pushing back into him. “You’re fucking my pussy so good.”
He hums, shaking his head to move the fallen strands over his eyes, failing. “Say it again.”
“Your cock is fucking my pussy so damn fucking good.” You grit.
You watch him laugh through the reflection, and accelerate his thrusts, the shaky outline of your body the only thing apparent. Gripping the counter for dear life, you feel the sensation once again resurface, having Jeonghan’s climax to follow. Your jaw drops, sounds that could be mistaken for agony makes its escape and you feel your legs tremble under his weight. Jeonghan’s cheek lands on your back, panting out as he lets out his final pumps into the casing, feeling you weak in his embrace.
He pulls out of you, disposing of the condom, and seats you on the covered toilet seat, brushing sweaty strands of hair away from your face. You’re visibly worn out, eyes likely foggy from all the energy he’s sucked out of you, and he internally swells up in pride. “You okay?”
You look at him, eyes widening as if you just realized what happened. His pretty face is all you can see and you think to yourself, what in the hell did you get yourself into? “Yeah, yeah I am. Uh, thanks.”
He lightly grins and pulls up his clothes on the ground, getting them back on his body. “That was fun.”
“Yeah, it was,” You confess, “we should probably keep this to ourselves.”
He expected that. He knew what this was. And pretending to not care was one of his many valuable qualities.
“Get dressed and come back around. Your friend is probably looking for you.”
He leaves you behind, and a bitter taste is left on your tongue, making you wonder why that is. 
That was really awkward, wasn’t it?
You do your best to cover yourself up with your ruined shirt, settling on tying it to your mid-drift, and wait a few minutes before leaving, looking at your phone finally to see the messages left behind. 
Kwanie: You’ll never believe what just happened to me!
Kwanie: hello
Kwanie: Is this revenge for me leaving you behind with jeonghan?
Kwanie: whatever im so happy I DONT EVEN CARE
Kwanie: i just came back, i see jeonghan. Where are you
You rush back to the common area of the house to join the party, seeing Seungkwan with his person of interest chatting up with Jeonghan, who looks relaxed as a man who just fucked you in someone’s personal bathroom can be. With a sheepish grin, you join the party, having Seungkwan meet your eyes in pure joy. He calls out your name and seamlessly you join them, enacting normal party behavior. 
Jeonghan barely bats an eye at you the rest of the night and you feel like you're drowning in your self-deprecating thoughts, thinking the worst. It all felt like a mistake. You definitely went way too far. And now by the looks of Seungkwan’s arm around Jeonghan’s friend, you’ll be seeing Jeonghan a lot more often. All for being a good friend.
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aliypop · 6 months
Return To Sender
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Word Count: 2,155
Writers Note: Meet Cece's new soon-to-be friend Natalya Dyer who's totally not based off of my great friend @sissylittlefeather the Jerry in my life ....
Warning: Sexual content and Language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1968 and Natalya Dyer a divorcee and single mother is tasked to interview Elvis and Cecelia Presley at their humble mansion Graceland about their spicy relationship only to learn more about them as people.
Chapter 2
Memphis August 1968
" I think that's all of it, ma’am." One of the movers said, placing the last box in her home, the biting smell of her cigarette flooding the room as she took a deep breath. Her long dark brown hair was unraveling from its beehive. She sat down. Her son Jericho would be home any minute to tell her about his first day at school. Of course, she knew that if it was one thing a mother needed was mai tai, some music, and a nice relaxing day,
"Damnit. Who's calling me now..." She groaned, walking towards her teal rotary phone, "Natalya Dyer speaking,
" Who's this?" Holding her cigarette in the other hand as she waited for the voice to speak, 
"Nat, how's everything in Memphis." It was her boss, Mrs. Moon, of the juicy gossip magazine Moon and Sun. "It's not California." Natalya smiled, her radio playing softly in the background as she took a deep drag of her cigarette. It wasn't that she didn't like her job. She knew she was destined for great things, like being an author or owning a company. But Natalya might have started considering a new job based on her thoughts about being destined for her boss's words to her, 
"Well, that's great hun. Listen, we want the juicy gossip between Hollywood's greatest couple."
"Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski?" 
"No, Elvis and Cecelia Presley." Natalya knew that the magazine was known as a crummy rumor and sex magazine amongst the stars, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Was there anything to report? "Alright, Mrs. Moon, any leads?"
"Nope, I'm just your messenger today. You've got to do the rest of the work." Although she had been considering a new job, the twinge of curiosity seemed to have won her over, and it looked like she'd be doing the rest of the work to get the scoop on the couple. 
"Mama!! Mama!!!" 
"Well, Tata dear." Mrs. Moon hung up, and as she did, Natalya put all her attention on her blonde-haired blue-eyed son. "Hey, Jer-Bear, how was school!" Natalya asked as he hugged his mother,
 "It was good. I made lots of friends, and I think two of them are related to the Presleys." 
"That's good," Natalya smiled as she then zoned back into what he just said, 
"Why's that honey?"
"Well... One's got blue eyes and dark hair." 
"Every white boy who's got dark hair and blue eyes isn't a-"
"And his last name is Presley, and his sister asked if we could come over tonight for dinner!" Would it be this simple for her to get this job done? She wondered to herself, 
"Did they give you a number?" She asked. Natalya had hoped these kids weren't playing a cruel joke on her son, but then again one could never know for sure. 
"They did!" Jericho smiled, handing her a piece of a cupcake wrapper with writing on it. Although, it was weird, as a journalist. She's handled much worse. Natalya dialed the number as she waited. This couldn't be real, she was calling the house of the world's favorite stars, it had to be a- 
"Hello, Elvis Presley speaking?"
"Prank..." She mumbled. "I-I mean, uh, Hi!, I'm Natalya Dyer, and my son, I believe, befriended your children?" She said, trying to remain calm. She was talking to Elvis! A man whose movies she's watched religiously! A man, who she's had posters of!
"Mhmm, One moment." Elvis looked at his son Jesse as he looked up at his dad, "Did you invite a friend over?" He asked as Jesse nodded,
 "Was I not supposed to..."
"Buddy, you gotta ask me and your mama first." He ruffled up his dark hair, 
"Can he still come over?" Elaine began to bat her eyes as Elvis smiled, bending to his daughter's will, "Oh alright," He winked, "Uh, Mrs. Dyer, ya still there?" 
"Mhmm..." She nodded trying not to scream,
"Could you come by say 4:30? My wife should be home then," Sometimes it did indeed pay to have a kid, Natalya thought, "Of course, we'll leave now." Natalya hung up as Jericho came back down, 
"Can we go!"
"Mhmm!" Bringing her notepad and a pen, she got her keys and her son and took off. Driving down from her house on Audubon to Graceland was beautiful. There were trees and long stretches of land, a beautiful rustic feel that was different from California and different from her messy life. As she was driving down towards the house, she saw a 68 pink Mustang cruise beside her, as she looked over to see who it was. Her eyes caught a glimpse of who she thought was. "Cecelia Presley?" She mumbled but then shrugged. Maybe it wasn't her, and she was getting herself a little too excited. 
"Mama, look!" Jericho pointed towards the gates as he grinned, 
"Holy shit..." Natalya gasped driving toward the driveway, "Excuse me Ms. may I help you." There was a man at the gate with brown shaggy hair and a warm smile,
 "Natalya Dyer," She smiled as Jericho waved at the man, "Come in, E and C are expecting you." Driving up the driveway. She saw a woman with jeans on and her shirt tied standing next to her pink Mustang,
 "El!" Cecelia smiled, "Oh! Hi!" She turned to face,
"Uh... Natalya Dyer." She stuck her hand out as Cecelia stole a glance at her. She was beautiful and built like Sophia Loren, 
"Nice to meet you, and who's this little cutie!"
"JERICHO!!!" Jesse ran out of the house, Jericho hugged his friend as Natalya laughed,
 "My son,"
"Well come on in, can I get you anything to drink?" Cecelia asked as Natalya nodded,
 "Got anything to make a Mai Tai?"
"Rough day?"
"Just moved in today..." Natalya shook her head, She watched as Cecelia made her drink and smiled, 
"Where from?"
"California, though I'm from Tulsa Oklahoma." She mentioned as Cecelia snickered, Natalya didn't find it funny until she remembered whose house she was in. 
"Is there a Mr. Dyer?"
"No...No... I'm going through a messy divorce. It's just my son and I living in Audubon." Natalya shrugged, 
"Say, uh, I don't wanna make things weird, but," 
"You wanna interview Elvis and me?"
"How'd you know?"
"The pen and pad in your pocket." 
"Touche..." She laughed as Cecelia smirked,
 "Mama, can I have a fancy drink too!" Natalya heard a small voice say as she looked down and saw a little girl who looked like Cecelia. "Of course, sweetheart." She made her a mocktail and sent her on her way,
 "That's our daughter Elaine."
"She's beautiful,"
"She's a minute younger than her brother,"
"Cece is that you?"
"In the kitchen!" She shouted back, 
"Is that..."
"Mhmm, in the TV room, " The two walked down as Cecelia led her down the stairs, Elvis had been watching Football, the news, and a game show. He hadn't been wearing anything too spectacular except for his wedding band, but for once he looked like a normal guy,
 "Whatcha watching..." Cecelia asked, her arms around his shoulder as he kissed her hand, "My damn teams losin again." He huffed as she shook her head, 
"What about you how was your day?"
"Stressful, but enough about that..." He kissed her nose as she blushed, "We have a guest, Ms. Dyer,"
"We spoke on the phone," He got up and introduced himself to her, "Lovely home!" She squeaked, 
"She just moved to Audubon Drive today?"
"I used to live there, it's a nice suburb if you don't hang your laundry on a clothesline," He grumbled, 
"Explain's the price for it." she mumbled, "Well don't be a stranger Nat come sit, turn the TV onto whatever you watch!" Elvis smiled and she felt warm inside, like he was a familiar friend, 
"May I interview you two for Moon and Sun Magazine?" Natalya asked as Elvis shrugged,
 "Don't see why not," He responded as Cecelia sat next to him.
"Alright, I warn you... These questions are a bit uh... raunchy cause Moon and Sun, like that kind of thing," 
"Shoot." Elvis winked,
"Alright, uh... What's your favorite time of day t-to," Natalya couldn't believe she was going to ask her two favorite artists this question, but here she was, 
"To what?" Elvis asked, his eyebrow quirking up, he couldn't lie and say he didn't read Moon and Sun magazine, it was one of the many things that kept the spice in his life going. 
"To have sex...", She got quiet as Elvis and Cecelia paused, the couple thinking for a while as Natalya gulped, 
"I-I don't know, Cil and I are like rabbits sometimes ya know." Elvis laughed as Cecelia blushed, "I'd say early mornin, it's something about hearing the birds chirp that makes it romantic." She grinned as Natalya wrote their answers down, 
"I agree." Elvis winked,
 "And why's that?"
"Well, it's when it's just us and the early morning glow on her skin. It makes her look like a goddess." Elvis mentioned as he shrugged, Natalya nodded, she could remember when her husband was romantic like that, "Get as dirty as you want hun," Cecelia poured a glass of Fanta Orange, 
"You sure?"
"You want people to buy this don't'cha," Elvis smirked as Natalya nodded,
"So what was it like the first time you two fucked," Natalya asked as Elvis lit up a cigarillo, "Mind lighting my cig?" She asked as Elvis leaned to light it. 
 "It was bad," Cecelia giggled,
"You said it was good." He playfully glared at her as Natalya watched them, "Well, it was good then, I mean we were 20 and it was on a tour bus, which is hot, but."
"Not romantic," Natalya added as they both nodded, "We were so awkward, Couldn't look him in the eye." Cecelia laughed, 
"I see, I see, so speaking of that how big is it..." Natalya asked as Cecelia smirked, "Now we're talkin," Elvis went red as he coughed, "I'll be outside by the door..." He smiled,
"So... Is the king packing a scepter..." 
"Mhmm... Think a Cola bottle and a quarter," Cecelia smirked, Natayla gasped, 
"And you take all of it..." 
"So... did you like suck it the first time or,"
"Second time, and..."
"It was the best damn head I ever had." He walked back in,
 "Glad to see you're back. Cause, I got a question for you." 
"Did you go muff diving?" She smirked, "I mean it is all the rage now," 
"Course I did," He smirked, "Always do, she got me used to it, "
"I did?" Cecelia blushed, as he winked, Natayla liked the conversation she was stirring, but she wanted to know more, something that wasn't so sexual,
 "Say, tell me about that Christmas Special coming up?" 
"Well, I should let Cece tell you that, I'm just the singer, for singer, but Cece directed it." He gave her praise as he kissed her, "Correction second unit director, Binder directed it, and if I must add, without my help, it would have been shit..." 
"Tell me more," Natalya realized she was interviewing the wrong person really, "I mean as a woman, and of color that had to be tough," She sighed, 
"Well Binders team and my team had a vision, and that vision was Elvis, nothing less nothing more." Cecelia looked at her husband as he kissed her cheek, "Not to mention while taking care of the kids." Elvis chuckled, "But this woman here, is amazin, she won't talk about herself, but I will, My wife put that damn show so ahead on its train tracks all I had to worry about was what location and what outfit, she's a genius she's an icon and she's my hero." He looked into her eyes as Natalya's heart yearned for what they had, "I did nothing except organize and yell action," Cecelia joked, " I mean am I force not to fuck with yeah, but I'm a wife and a mother and-"
"And an amazin artist and songwriter and writer, and guitar player," He turned to Natalya, 
"Man, I wish I had my magazine... I'd cover stories like this you know." 
"Then come up with a business proposal and we'll make it happen." 
"She means it," Elvis winked, 
"You'd do that for me?" Natayla asked, "I mean you two barely know me and-"
"Nat, you're good people, I've never seen our sun that excited unless his grandpa's grillin'"Elvis chuckled, 
"Hey C where's the band-aid's" 
"I'll show you." Natalya looked up and she saw him, the guy from the gate, her brown eyes meeting soft gentle blue ones, 
"Actually, Elvis you wanna come with me..." 
"Hmm?" Cecelia nudged him, he then looked between the two, "Oh... Oh! " He took his wife by the hands as they left, 
"Jerry Schilling..."
"Natalya Dyer." 
Do you think I should make a part 2? LET ME KNOW?
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
Looooong ass vent
TW for: Self hate. Lots of swearing. Use of not nice words. Eating disorders, purging, self harm, suicide, rants, venting, tons of triggers, dissociation, lying, all caps, me whining, me being a bitch, mistreatment, body shaming, hateful stuff, mental illness, all that- like seriously this has more TWs than I can think of. .
I'm a jealous person. I'm sorry, it's true. I'm jealous when other people have art that gets 40, 50, more notes. I get jealous when my friends have better friends than I ever could be. I get jealous of song writers because damnit please I want to make music. I get jealous of others art,voices, bodies. I get so jealous I get mad at nothing over nothing. I get jealous at others art styles, at other success, i get jealous at my own FRIENDS wow I'm awful
I'm selfish. I'm greedy because I can't just- be fucking happy with what i do have. I can't be patient to get better at drawing, better at recording my voice, more freedom. I am never satisfied, I'm a fucking whore for any sort of love and attention and likes and reblogs. You hear me? I'm, a, whore.
And I'm fucking awful because I can't take criticism for shit, I get so fucking unhappy at it and I lie and I say I'm happy to receive it. I lie all the time like this, I'm a dishonest whore, that's worse than a normal whore! I get so bent out of shape!
And I want to make it big in the Tumblr community BUT FUCK IT BECAUSE I NEVER FOCUS ON ONE THING
M so impatient
And when I talk to my friends I-
I forget all that. I calm down, I feel... wanted.
But I'm burdening them. I'm burdening them I'm burdening them I'm I'm fucking selfish and horrible because they give and give and give and I take like a needy selfish greedy whore.
AND I DON'T SHUT UP, I'm sorry I'm sorry I never shut up
...I'm... awful. And... I shouldn't keep posting shit like this, because nobody should have to read my rambling and shit and I'm overreacting and I want to die and
Im useless irl BTW. I've been nothing but a stupid moody bitch the past two weeks, I stay up all night doing nothing and wake up at 5 pm like a useless piece of human shit that should burn in the garbage
I keep forgetting who I am, who is talking too
Im sooooooooo uselessssssssssss
Its fucking because I think my family would be happier if I didn't exist. Because that'd be one less stupid moody bitch that can't do anything and hides in their room all day that they have to deal with
Im lazy I get apathetic I have no motivation to do anything and I don't cry at sad movies like a broken robot and everything about me is wrong
And my father wanted a daughter so fucking badly, but I'm not a girl I'm nothing and he'd be so mad if I ever told him
And BTW I'm literally awful like I've run out of things I'm a jealous whore
M a whore because all tye time I think of stupid sexual stuff and then I feel disgusted I'm disgusting I barely take showers
I'm pathetic btw I never finish anything I start I have so many half assed AUs and drafts and fanfics and art and chores and needs and shit
and I sit in my room all day and play on my phone like a fucking loser. Im also really stupid btw, I don't know half the shit I'm supposed too and I can't spell shit or know history AND I HAVE THE ABILITY TO LEARN BUT IM SUCH A STUPID FUCKING BITCH I NEVER DO ANYTHING
I'm also a hypocrite because I get so snappy and shit with my siblings when they do nothing wrong except be annoying or something but when I feel justified I shouldn't because I'm still a shitty person
I barely reach out to my friends unless they text first, I'm a horrible friend that never listens I'm sorry I'm sorry I never meant to abandon anyone
And I can't take blame or accountability I'm sorry I am shit why do I keep trying to hide behind myself??
Its past 6 am,people are statving and in here venting like a bitch
I never shut up
I Bother people
i sleep in and I'm moody and I demand attention like a whore whose demanding love idfk
I never know anything, I'm rude as hell
Im sorry
and I'm protective over shit nobody cares about, I'm so damn defensive
Im sorry I'm not doing better I'm sorry I'm not improving myself. I'm so mad at myself I have so much anger at myself I direct it at innocent people I'm sorry
Its justified BTW, i deserve hate
I feel like I'm lying abt being a system and artistic and depressed and anxiety like what I'd I just suddenly decided I had them?? I swear I promise I'm not faking I'm not I don't want to lie I want to be good I never meant to hurt anyone BUT I FEEL LIKE IM A FAKING BITCH
I binge food and throw it up, I hide food like a greedy pig just to purge I take others food because I'm so gluttonous and I LIE about it
and I vent and vent and vent and... and I still hate myself
I'm so fucking manipulative because anytime I talk I CSNT STOP IMSGING HOW THE CONVERSATION WILL GO, I CANT STOP TRYONG TO FUCKING GET MY WAY IRL, AHHGHGBTIDDHDH I ALEATS ACT LIKE I KNOW EVERYTHING WHEN I DONT and I purposefully annoy my siblings so they leave thr kitchen so I can binge like a fat pig, I'm a hypocrite too in every aspect. I'm toxic ok im awful
I s/h and then i forget about it so its not even a problem but I whine like it is and I want to do it so badly rn I wanna go deep
AND I RUINED MYSELF WITH UGLY SCATS they're so ugly like me inside and out
And I wanna cry and
and I'm so awful because like I get so... idk, I am. I've done shifty things, I'm a shit person. I act sweet than a condescending little bitch
and sometimes the smallest things set me off
Im jealous of everyone else
Hell I'm fucking jealous of people I've never met, I want so much so badly I'm so greedy and lustful for it and selfish
In... conclusion? The world, would, be, better, without, me
I'm useless, lazy, stupid, jealous, slutty, angry, sad, pitiful, pathetic, fat looking, no good child, moody, stereotypical, ugly, hateful, chatter box, greedy, selfish. Gluttonous, messy, dirty. I'm all the bad stuff
Dont lie, these are facts. I have so much awful in me, the world wpuld be better off without me
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: Mayday Mayhem
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It was always just all too easy, that’s what she thinks to herself any and everytime when it came to this. She was Verosika Fuck-Mothering Mayday and if all the world is a stage, then she pretty much owned it and ruled it with a golden molasses voice and and iron fist as she found herself performing at her latest live concert. Soon as she began to sing and dance, they were like putty in the palm of her hand, all eyes on hers as she secretly worked her succubus magic on the crowd. Her personal posse working their way among the masses To take advantage of the skyrocketing arousal among men and women within the sea of humanity. Having their wicked erotic way as they fed on their energy, relishing the raw lust and sexual desire, for her and her succu-bitches it was a regular all you can eat buffet at her live shows. Oh sure she could stroke her go easy enough with page view counters reaching six plus figure digits with her outrageously porn quality music videos but nothing beat this sensation ever. Her human form shimmering like a mirage between itself her actual succubus form, what most of the crowd saw in their sensual haze as just tricks of the light from the stage and a mix of whatever narcotics and booze they somfolloshly helped themselves to. All the same to her it couldn’t be topped by anything not even her rehab worthy levels of fondness for heavy demonic liquor, as she sung her siren song and danced her sexy bombshell form which was easily showed off her hellbender genetically gifted figure. Her posse making her proud as can be as they mixed and mingled with fans,man and woman alike. It was child’s play with all those hormones and all,a little succubus pheromone magic and her succu-bitches would eat more than well.
Kiki had rounded herself up enough meatheads for a gangbang, leading that herd of bulls somewhere nice and cozy for them to enjoy her petite sexy frame. Milky that ever so kinky shortstack of course bagged herself a real prize with some behemoth muscle tank. Who looked like he really wanted to rock that delicious little booty of hers, while the horny kinky couple of Coco and Apple had found themselves a pair of guys and their girlfriends that were quite a couple of lookers which more than ensured a good time for all. Verosika herself of course knew she would be able to have more than her of the litter but what would she even be in the mood for? A gangbang or a threesome perhaps? Until she noticed something out of the corner of her eyes as she saw….him, again? Seriously why the hell did that guy somehow draw in her attention? It boggles her mind ever since she planned out this concert at Satan City, Tex had some plans with his girlfriend and it wasn’t like he could cancel them just to play roadie and security like usual. After all Bee wasn’t someone You changed plans so of course it just took a little succubus magic to get the mayor to provide some local 50 for some protection. Just a couple of badges to keep the rowdier horn dogs at bay and look the other way in exchange for a few sexual favours. And for some infernal reason that pencil pushing political bureaucrat only provided one!! And he was as runty as that imp that worked for her self destructive pain the ass clown ex!! Some five foot little bald shorty who looked like the sort of dweeb meatheads in highschool roughed up for lunch money before shoving them into lockers. But somehow he was doing a more than alright job and…christ he wasn’t showing it much but the amount of arousal energy coming off of him was delicious!! It made the succubus popstar’s thighs become wet and sticky with arousal as she could smell and taste it. It was like the sweetest candy she had ever eaten and fuck did she want more…
But damnit what was it about this guy? He was just some runt who could pass off as a generic face in the crowd and yet he was giving off enough sexual energy to make her feel like a bitch in heat. She hadn’t felt this horny since that time she peeped on that aforementioned shorty imp and his wife going at it like a couple of rabbits, Christ that had been a major round of voyeurism that had made her want to join in. But the succubus diva knew she had to do something about this itch sooner or later and the best means of sorting out was to confront the source of her problem and nip it in the bud. If this…Krillin was his name? She thinks so as she recalled but yeah this Krillin guy was the cause of her libido going haywire so it was only natural he be made to settle it the only way a guy like him should. Finishing her set as she called for intermission, leaving the crowd to vent their horny urges brought about her sex demon charisma and let her posse enjoy their Funtime with their chosen prey. Dropping the mic as she strode over to Krillin, who was looking pretty sharp in the black security shirt and jeans as she grabbed him by the collar, shocking and confusing him. “Uhm ms.Mayday something wrong? You seem kind of frustrated….” He enquired as Verosika didn’t answer, throwing him into her dressing room as she shut and and locked the door behind her. Turning to glare at the compact dude who had managed to stumble and fall into sitting on the couch as he was naturally a little confused and concerned. “Seriously I dunno if I’d done or said anything to offend but…” his words hit a pause mid sentence as the currently in human disguise succubus ditched her coat,her dark skinned face both scary to behold yet so so sensual in its beauty. It kind of reminded him of his wife in all her scary sexy glory whenever she got that look that made it clear she was horny and down to fuck.
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Before he knew it, where once there stood a dark skinned blonde pink highlighted hot piece of ass now stood a version of her that was like sex ooh legs right out of hell itself. Her thicc and curvy bombshell form now rocking a wild waterfall mane of Snow White hair with a reddish hued pink body and sinister,sensual glowing yellow eyes. Her mouth spread in a leering grin of sharp shark like teeth, her bat style wings unfurling, horns gleaming and inverted heart shape tipped tail swaying as sh stalked with a predatory manner towards the compact officer. Making him gulp as she unzipped the back of her dress and let it fall right off of her sexy self, letting it pool on the floor as her heels clicked and clicked. Flicking her tongue snake like as she rests a hand atop his head, taking delight in his reaction  to her naked demonic body in all its sexiness.Purring sensually as she replied. “Not anything you did wrong little man...but really something more you could do for me...do it right and well...scratch my back? And I scratch yours...” Her sharp teeth gleaming as she pressed her tits up close against his pecks, making him plant his head between the cleavage as her free hand trailed down along the buttons of his uniform shirt. Undoing them and prying them as she peeled his shirt off, exposiing quite the physique as her fingertips and palms ran along those sculpted muscles. Her purr deepening as she came to the crotch of his pants and cupped it to get a feel of the prize contained within. Quirking a brow as she blinked at least 3 times as she gave it a bit of a squeeze and caress. Eyes widening slightly and silently gasping as she could pick up a hint of the length snd girth. Krillin shuddered and moaned all the while unable to do much else but let the sensual succubus have her way as she felt him up. No doubt having a hard time trying to determine if this was for real as she got off of his lap and grasped the waistband of his pants and boxers. Tugging them down in one go down to his knees when she felt something suddenly smack her with an uppercut.
Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she turned to see a sight that made her widen her eyes and drop her jaw. Mouth salivating but outdone by the raw,sloppy gushing of her pussy. Nectar flowing down on the floor into a growing puddle as it rained with arousal. ‘‘No fucking way…” she pretty much said to herself as she beheld the biggest cock she��d ever seen in her life. It’s raw length and girth a status of its owner’s no doubt potent virlity, as it twitched and pulsed with desire. She’d not seen hellhounds and incubus with half this size and in terms of imps, there was sweet little married sweetheart who worked for her ex’s killer for hire firm. And this thing was some major heavy competition, that was for sure, as she grasped and began to stroke that shaft. Slow and steady at first but her pace increasing as a generous dose of ore flowed forth. Her fingers and palms becoming slick as she lubed up that cock, soon planting her lips on it as she proceeded to assault it from tip to base with licks and kisses. Marking it with kiss marks even on balls as she was proceeding to conduct fellatio, bobbing her head away as she felt her jaw practically unhinge and dislocate itself. She had experience with big cocks before but this guy was in a class and league all of his own as she practically suffocated herself to deepthroat him. Neck swelling with the bulge of his length and girth as his groans were music to her ears. Her oral magic as her tongue wrapped and constricted around his dick wearing down any hesitation and resistance in his end as she found him grasping her horns, muscles flexing and then suddenly, he began! Hips pumping and thrusting as the pop star succubus found her shortstack security for hire delivering her a vigorous facefuck.
And oh how she was loving it,as glowing pink hesrts began to form in her eyes from the experience. It was always often too easy to be the top in her encounters. To dominate and arouse any easy stud or lay she set her sights on. But this little man wasn’t some doormat sun,oh no this was an absolute unit of a man right here. His heavy balls smacking her chin as it swung with the momentum of his pistoning. Practically using her like some sort of onahole for his pleasure, her mouth feeling a preview of what ehr oussy woild no doubt come to experience and relish, drool spluttering as her hands slithered down along her curvy sexy form right down to her sloppy,wet pussy. Fingers plunging as she shamelessly played with herself. Her slit being probed and prodded as she was soon radiating an aura of glowing pink hearts her succubus pheromones flooding the room as it filled with a violet and pink tinted lighting of sorts. As if her very arousal was flooding the room like  a gas, with the intent of further turning the little man on. Which had a domino affect as like a gas it began to flow and pour into the vents of the building hosting her concert. If she had t worked this venue over enough before hand, this was like having the volume dialled up which of course served to make things plenty more fun for her entourage of course as they were busy with their own fun times. Which would in turn make their own sexy demon pheromones go off like time bombs, turning this venue into s pornographic ground zero.
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Kiki had been certainly  milking her gangbang like clockwork but her delight turned to ecstasy. Her tight little bubble butt bouncing as she rode one guy whole another jackhammered her ass. A third holding her horns as he facefucked her while she had a cock in each hand. Others waiting around for their turn as they vigorously stroked and jerked off, awaiting their turn as the room they occupied filled with grunts and moans. Milky meanwhile found herself in heaven as her big muscle tank she singled out for herself was giving it to her fast,deep and hard. Her arms wrapped around his his powerful shoulders as his hands grasped and squeezed her meaty shortstack booty, making her bounce and ride on his own quite generous lengthy fuckrod. Tongue dancing with his in a sloppy kiss as she found herself falling white deep in love. A rare one in a hundred sort of thing for a succubus like herself but seems it was a lucky day for her today. And she felt like she had just hit the jackpot and won a goddamn lottery. Coco and Apple meantime had themselves quite a time with the two pairs they picked up, having themselves a wild time of swinging and partner swapping. Either riding or sitting on one of the two dudes’ cocks or faces while their girlfriends had the opposite,making out with the sexy cuties shamelessly with lusty abandon. All through the venue was an orgy throughout with 5 succubus worth of sexual pheromones flowing like a fog machine and further intensifying the wave of sexual pleasure throughout, like a warped pornographic feedback loop. If this concert had been televised, there was no doubt the censors world be testing their hair out and concerned parents feeling absolutely scandalised at such debauchery to even be occurring on screens. And this was all just during the concert intermission!! If anyone had enough sense and control of faculties right now, there was no doubt they’d streaming and posting about this on social media, making for a trending field day. But all anyone would have after this no doubt is hazy memories, like some far off one off dream they had that they could scarcely recall. It would ensure this concert would go down in history with a bit of infamy and notoriety to the ever ongoing legend of Verosika Mayday.
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Naturally this erotic feedback loop of pheromonal ectasy was making its way back to the source herself who had gone and taken things to the next level. If there was certainly an equivalent to Heaven or what could pass for it for a succubus like herself, there was no doubt she’d found it and had achieved a sexual nirvana. The snowhaired succu-bitch making out with Krillin, their tongues mashing together in a sloppy open air dance as she straddled his lap. Fat pink/crimson booty bouncing and clapping with the thunderous rhythm of a bongo drum as he pumped and thurst into her hot,wet slit. Stretching those inner walls as the fleshy tunnel of muscles squeezed and massaged his shaft with a passionate embrace before she grabbed his head, making him rub and motorboat in between the valley of her cleavage. It was natural for a sex demon like herself to get horny but she’d never felt like a bitch in heat before except for that Moxxie guy. This chromedome was more than proving he not only had the size but knew damn well how to use it!! Gasping with delight as she found the short king getting up from his seat on the couch, hands grabbing a firm hold of her booty as he kissed and licked along her neck. Verosika feeling the stream of continuous orgasms hit her one after the other, long snake like tongue sticking out like an animal as her face bore an ahegao expression in response to Krillin commencing with this stunning vertical fuck. Tail wagging,her wingspan spreading as she soon found herself pinned up against the wall. Legs wrapping around the compact stud’s waist as she caressed his muscles,feeling them flex as the angle and trajectory of their postion deepened the reach and depth of his penetration. Her stomach bulging from the absolute unit that was his length and girth, those glorious heavy balls of his smacking the outer rim of her netherlips as her juices splashed and rained down on the floor with every impact to add to the growing puddle. And to think, this stallion hadn’t yet blown his load, her anticipation for that moment as high a skyrocket as her level of arousal right now. It made her all the more eager to want that hot,sweet white cream of his all the more as she threw her head to let out a deepthroated howl of raw orgasmic desire, her tail curling to make a cute little heart shape to it as she didn’t want this ride to end. Not yet anyway when it was clear they’d just gotten started.
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Oh indeed that was certainly the case as the succubus and her comapct security for hire commenced with proceeding through a kama sutra’s worth of positions. Her ass,her mouth and her pussy getting hammered, pounded and pumped with inches upon inches of that meaty piece of sexual heaven. The dressing room getting trashed and wrecked harder than any hotel room the diva had stayed at when she used to go on a booze fuelled bender. She was drunk and high on sexual ecstasy and she wasn’t anting this ride to end at all. Ass up in the air as she laid on her hands and knees on the floor, brain going numb with pleasure as he mounted atop her,hammering into her ass with abandon before they transitioned naturally to going at it doggy style, the saucy pop star adding a few naughty barks for good measure. That is when she wasn’t howling and calling for the short king to go faster,deeper and harder. At one point she wondered if she was even calling for him to knock her up and give her some of his babies, who knows whar was even coming out of her dirty mouth at this point?!! Mating press, amazon press, hell the diva found herself performing a standing 69, looking to make herself gorge and suffocate on that bitchbreaking cock, Krillin finding his body decorated and marked with kiss marks baring her distinctive shade of lipstick. The lack of windows in the dressing room making it impossible to determine how much time had been passing and just how long they’d been going at it. Not that it mattered or they cared when the pleasure was all that mattered. Before soon Verosika felt it,the sweet glorious moment when he not only came, but came together with her. A full on sexual Atom Bomb going right off as they shared a simultaneous climax,the orgasmic wave causing orgy within the entire venue to come down with them and ride the crashing tidal wave of pleasure. All within the vicinity blacking out into a sweet slumber as they basked in the warmth of the afterglow, Verosika softly snoozing as she laid on the remains of the couch with Krillin laying atop. Holding him in her embrace as their loins stayed connected, her pussy oozing with the excess of his virile,potent baby batter. The succubitch all the while thinking to herself. ‘Now that,right there, was a itch scratched.....fucking,A....’
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
miss rey is having a sick day and she's gonna spend it sending you kny modern au christmas thoughts 😌 working in this goddamn elementary school has gotten me into the spirit for the first time in years and i need to embrace this while it lasts.
growing up sanemi never really got anything big for christmas, over the course of november he mostly necessities like new shoes when his old ones didn't fit anymore or a winter jacket and then on actual christmas day maybe a dvd or something handmade. it got a little better once he was old enough to do parttime jobs but even then he used most of his earnings to get something nice for his siblings. when it came to sanemi money was always tight and he was okay with that if it meant genya or the others could get something out of it. and when he got older and his friend group started to give each other christmas presents, the first time they'd come up to him like "we got you something" he'd be like "... why would you do that 🤨" - literally the second kanae hears that he never really got nice christmas presents you KNOW she's dedicating eight months of the year to plan something for him and it makes him cry every single time.
with tengen it's the same thing but sort of in the other direction. got everything he never wanted for christmas every year which was annoying and draining and just felt so detached and performative. the first time makio hands him a box with self made cookies and says "i'm sorry, i would've bought you something but i didn't find anything you'd like" he almost proposes on the spot because it just feels so great to have people actually put thought into their gifts for him and not just grab the shiniest looking thing from a shelf. (not that he doesn't love getting shiny things but only if it's a shiny thing that the person picked specifically because they thought he'd like it)
obanai is the grinch for exactly however long it takes him to discover that mitsuri loves christmas more than anything. once he's a bit more open to the idea he also discovers that it's actually fun to exchange gifts and spend time together during the holidays (who can blame him, he never had that prior to going to university) and he gets really into it. people are always surprised by his great gift giving skills but it really pays off to sit in the corner and listen in on conversations quietly, he really picks up on a lot of wishes that way and when december rolls around he just knows what everyone wants or needs. on their first christmas together mitsuri gives him a little scarf she made and says "so kaburamaru doesn't get sick" and obanai decides right then and there that christmas is his favorite holiday of the year. (ONLY christmas eve and christmas day though and ONLY for exchanging gifts and spending time together, all the blinking lights and santa merch and mariah carey can go to hell)
tanjiro is always all over the place during christmas time because there's just so much to do and so much to take care of and oh son of a monkey i have to go gift shopping and oh fudge what am i gonna cook and fiddlesticks i forgot to put the tree up and GOD FUCKING DAMNIT INOSUKE STOP EATING THE ADVENT WREATH - it's a lot. so on actual christmas day he's usually exhausted and his friends have to tie him to his seat so he doesn't continue to run around and try to do everything for everyone. he still loves it tho, he's always participating in social projects around that time as well and getting gifts for homeless people, children in poverty and volunteering to dress up and collect kids' wish lists in hospitals etc.
sabito on the other hand grew to despise christmas because of his job at the elementary school. it's just too much. all the music and all the glitter and the all the christmas shows he has to attend (and organize!), the baking and crafting and reading christmas stories and looking out so children don't burn themselves with the candles and putting up that dusty old tinsel that makes his eyes water and pretending that santa is real, christmas is the bane of his existence. of course he gets his loved ones some gifts and maybe goes out to eat with them but once that's done he immediately goes home and sleeps through til new year's eve. everybody knows not to say merry christmas until sabito has left because one time they all said it when they met up during the holidays and when they got to sabito he went "if i have to say that one more time i'm gonna kill each and every one of you and then myself" and now they just do it when he's not around.
that's all the thoughts i have for now, sorry for barging in with this long ass ask like that 💀 stay hydrated, i send you a fluffy blanket and a kiss on the forehead but with a mask so you don't catch my cough :3
Oh Rey! *hugs and brings all the healing vibes and tissues* I'm sorry you got sick; something about this season just brings all the germs! And lets go getting into the spirit of things! :D
IJKRKJERJEJKRJ AHHHHHHH THESE ARE FREAKING DELIGHTFUL! Sanemi prioritizing his siblings and necessities is such a canon thing he'd do; and Kanae making it her life's mission to give him a good christmas is so KJEJJREKJREJ She's the queen of gifting- she knows everyone's taste and preferences and while it takes a while to get any info out of him, she'll find him something special. He's always so touched by it and makes it a point to do the same for her- saving up to get her one of those nice hair ornaments or dedicating any free time he has to making her something from scratch. He is a jack of no trades, but the effort is there and seeing her genuinely love it is the best gift to him.
Oh my god YES! I feel like Tengen doesn't really like christmas all that much? Mainly like you said, gifts always felt draining and preformative and also, despite growing up in a large family, maybe it didn't feel like a loving home? (Going a little into his canon background there) Like- his family held christmas parties every year but gifts were more like bragging rights over their guests vs actual care and thoughtfulness. Christmas with the girls is so much more special to him cause everything feels like they really thought of one another. (Also Tengen liking shiny things makes me laugh- he's like a crow ajerkjajekraejrj)
KLJERKJLEJKLRJKERJ OBANAI HELP! Grinch 363 days a year- the last two it fades away, especially with Mitsuri. He's a gift giving god; rivaling Kanae with his observation skills and such. You know he's always dressing Kaburamaru in his little scarf during the colder months- even when it starts to get a little worn down. (Mitsuri makes it her new tradition to make him a scarf every year after that.) They'd be the couple sneaking kisses under the mistletoe throughout the party.
TANJIRO YES! He's a little busy bee running about during December; baking treats and keeping Inosuke off the advent wreath (that's freaking hilarious oh my god) and volunteering and just- all of it! Christmas rolls around and he's so tired he can't even keep his eyes open for a good few hours into the day. It's his little reward for working so hard; a nice break on the big day ajerjaejarj
Sabito hating christmas is a whole mood akjekjrakjejkrajkerja He might have liked it at one point, but after working at an elementary school and being overdosed with the holiday spirit he is so burned out jareajreajjaerjkeajr (NOT HIM QUOTING ROSE KLJWJRKEJRJEJR) Of course he's gonna keep the vibes up for the children and his love ones but when the day is done he's hibernating with a heated blanket ajkaerjae
Just to add on:
Akaza wins ugly christmas sweater every year; he has so many cause he unironically thinks they're cute (and they keep him nice and toasty during the cold months). He gets matching ones for his favorite/only nephew Rui; they take pictures every year and have a whole album dedicated to it.
Douma is a pro figure skater without the pro part; good luck keeping him off the ice this season, especially if you put on "Theme of King JJ"; he also sings christmas songs non-stop and while he has a nice voice and can carry a tune, there comes a time when someone's about to shout "STOP SINGING ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS, IT'S FREAKING JANUARY!"
Zenitsu is absolutely the one to plan a trip to a warmer part of the world during winter; he cannot stand the cold whatsoever and saves up every year to escape for a week or two. If it happens to fall during Christmas, he facetimes everyone with a drink in hand on the beach wearing pineapple sunglasses he bought at the souvenir shop like the absolute tourist he is.
Thank you for sharing these, Rey! They are absolutely delightful! :3
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vinxwatches · 1 year
the bad batch season 2
really liked season one, trough probably too much because i headcanon Omega as trans.
Omega is badass now? cool.
Cid is damn manipulative... by having a valid point.
the call for adventure of the season: help people. they are good people, helping when the opportunity arises, seems like they'll be making the step to looking for places to help.
i just realized something i really like in this over clone wars: people can't die. don't get me wrong, it was neat, but it also meant you wouldn't get to know the cast. in this the cast is an actual cast.
oh, that's one fucking cliffhanger, strong opening.
stop being stupid, you can't run on a broken leg... i mean you can, but you shouldn't.
they were hunted by Wilco... the name sound familiar, but my memory for names is ass. also he's dead now, so not that it really matters. i literally caught it on his death grunt.
i do like the message, but i wonder where they'll be going with it.
Crosshair episode? also cody again, probably about to die too.
there's always something neat about a sniper just sniping overly well.
maybe not, maybe cody is able to leave and live. more likely not. the only reasonable way to achieve that is by linking up with Rex or task force 99. and i don't recall him being with Rex in rebels.
well damn, he went awol. hope we'll see him again.
i love a good race, especially layed out well, and it was. good episode
ok i'll admit it my gay hart is losing it over phee, worried she'll turn out to be the villain, or at least not trustworthy.
pre jedi stuff. how will not force users make it trough here. also they're going big with the music.
i was sure it would be a kibar cristal (lightsabre core). oh, it's big.
so i really did recognise him... HOW?!
the message of the show seems to me "people need their people". now this isn't a bad message, but is easily malformed.
ah, so wookies are argonians.
"don't stand where i'm flamethrowing"
i really like where she moved. how she seems to have grown... it's probably going to get her killed isn't it? ep 7 btw.
i love the leitmotifs.
damnit two parter? i need to prepare, not need to watch part two... oh well.
Echo's role is always the most questionable to me, but here they really found a role for him.
fuck he's such a politician. (yes that is obviously an insult)
feels fitting for Echo, the old squad reuniting... yet also we know this isn't where he ends up. after all i watched rebels.
hello purple hair, should i know you already?
and it's given proper weight, nice.
tech is autistic isn't he? because my god can he be almost stereotypically oblivious. damn growth for tech. also yea you'll always lose against water.
oh, this really just is the neurodivergent episode... and i think it's handled pretty well. episode 9. Techs and Omega's conversation around 22 minutes is very good.
nope purple hair is not someone we know, and definitely doesn't have cool feather hair.
ugly and disabled means evil... not a fan.
the workers suffer while and to increase the profit of the company? what a new story, good thing such things never happen in the real world /s. if only the solutions were ever more realistic. revealing the truth never changed anything. but obviously disney doesn't want to tell that.
a broken space dropping out of hyperdrive?
oh shit, they're continuing with what i thought was a dropped plotpoint. but why though? what do they plan to do with this plot now?
Rex? doesn't look like him, but certain talks like him. and i don't just mean same voice. i mean how and what he says. ep 12
oh, is this the deserting episode? they have been building it up.
in case it wasn't obvious enough the empire was evil and a bunch of dicks.
welcome to cold, the cruellest, slowest killer. the cruellest part may be the hope. there's nothing you'll survive better then cold, because while it kills you it also preserves you. you can hope to make it, until the moment you die. and the people who find your body will feel that same hope until your corpse is warmed up. it's a blessing too, for you'll survive it more often then drowning, but the hope is cruel.
damn that ending though.
are they planning to split to group up further? i mean probably the right decision, but not healthy for the series i think. they are making this play too idyllic, like 80% sure it'll either be destroyed or secretly evil. the only reason i'd say maybe not is because they seemed to have put too much afford into the assets to throw it all away. of all the enemies to throw at the it, this is one of the most mundane and with that cool. especially in it's accuracy.
also did they hint at this ship before? i didn't notice it but i'm notoriously bind to this type of ship. or did they introduce it in this episode.
that ship sure looks like the ghost.
"i suggest i you proceed before i come to my senses"
two things i still really like: Wrecker is allowed to be afraid of heights and it's not a flaw. a hinderance and a weakness, sure. but everyone has those. it's not something that's wrong with him that must be changed. Omega is trusted with important tasks and is competent. she's not just a tag along kid, she's an actual member of the team with useful skills like any of them.
there's going to be more then one team working here, that'll be a problem. called it, and called it... fuck. this season won't end in a successful rescue. they better be getting a season 3.
on no. i see the solution, Tech does too. please don't. yet you must. fuck. come on, it's too early in the episode for a mayor character death. right? unless the rest of the episode it to come to terms with the loss. i'm wrong... right? i mean... the start of the episode did set it up, but, like.. no?
this feels like an episode where they all die... but that can't be. they have an unresolved plot. whatsit fuck face needs omege, she needs to be captured and then rescued. that's how those plots go. everyone can't die, not yet at least, the plot demands it... right?
ok... they "salvaged" him. that has to mean he's alive... right? fuck i already know a friend of mine would call out my hopium.
another female clone? the fuck? also how can you be here? do what you do? that just doesn't make sense? trying to improve the system from the inside? that won't work with the empire, and if you were a mole you'd be a shit one. they're really hoping they'll get another season.
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Legal notes from my court-appointed Classic Who watchthrough. This time season 23, The Trial of a Time Lord.
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The Trial of a Time Lord reminds me of Flux in New Who in a lot of ways. Both are shorter seasons that have a unique and more prominent story structure. And idk if it’s the neurodivergent in me or the writer in me (or both), but I really love an interesting and strong story structure that shows itself off, so I really love Trial and Flux in theory. I like some of them in practice too! But oh boy do both stories have their weaknesses, especially in their endings, that could’ve been fixed with some planning and editing and good writing. Though to be fair, both had reasons that accounted for some of their messiness- Trial’s final story saw the death of its author partway through and his first replacement quitting, and Flux was made during the COVID pandemic. So yeah, I have a soft spot for Trial of a Time Lord. Putting the Doctor on trial so they watch videos of his adventures to debate is perhaps a little on the nose on the meta level... but I’m fine with on the nose themes, and it’s a great premise just on its own, so whatever. I’ve heard people say they get sick of the trial scenes and I can’t say I’ve ever agreed. It’s a fun gimmick and there’s not that much of it compared to the rest of the story, it’s just a shame that eventually they stop having anything particularly interesting to say in them. But honestly I’d always be happy to watch some Doctor Who that randomly pauses sometimes to have Six give commentary on how good he’s doing or how much the Time Lords suck.
The Mysterious Planet isn’t the most gripping story ever and goes a bit slow, but honestly it’s a solid start to the series. The introduction to the trial is a great build-up, and the shot of the space station at the start is obviously wonderful. Six and Peri’s relationship being a little softer is nice (though, like most of their soft moments last season, it kinda looks like that character development was down to Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant working hard to deliver the script in a way that makes the characters watchable. I’ll never understand why the writers thought the Tardis team fighting and bullying each other all the time would make for a fun show). Glitz and Dibber are very funny, so are a lot of the Doctor’s interactions with most characters. Setting up the mystery of the sleepers and why the Time Lords want to censor what they found is the sort of story arc Classic Who had never really tried before, and I love it. And its eventual answer of people stealing secrets from Gallifrey itself is a cool payoff. But it does raise the first of many, many questions/holes in the trial plot: why on Earth did the Valeyard choose this story to show as evidence? Out of the history of Doctor Who, he chooses the only one the High Council wanted him to keep secret? Also, I don’t like season 23′s theme music. Maybe it fits the court intrigue better than the action-packed early-80s theme, but damnit I just love that action theme. SO catchy.
Mindwarp is.. a mess! I mean it’s meant to be a mess, but apparently nobody working on it knew exactly what was supposed to be happening in it. And that’s not how you make a deliberate mess! Because it shows, and it means I don’t know what was supposed to be happening either! Specifically, the bits where the Doctor goes evil. Was he acting evil to earn the trust of the bad guys, was he actually evil because of something their machine accidentally did to him, or did the Valeyard edit the footage to make him look evil? Or a combination of those? According to Tardis wiki Colin Baker asked the script editor, the writer, and the producer for the answer, but they all said they didn’t know. How is that even possible. The way the Doctor at the trial says he’s starting to half-remember what had happened makes things even more confusing. So... yeah. The story reminds me a lot of Vengeance of Varos. Obviously it’s by the same author and features the same villain, Sil, who still just doesn’t do it for me. Again story feels like it’s being very meta (even more than the rest of the Trial season) and I’m sure you could make some clever observations about it and the way season 22 plays Six as very unlikable, but again it just doesn’t interest me a lot. It’s a bleak serial without a lot to enjoy watching. Brian Blessed is one of the most fun things in it, but I’d rather he was in another story. Peri’s departure is... well, I guess it’s the right story for an exit as brutal as that. I think I prefer making a happy ending out of it, but being left to marry a random warlord is still pretty rough. Still, if there’s one thing that I love in this story, it’s the Doctor’s reaction to her death. Colin Baker’s acting in that part (and at the start of the next story too) kills me every time, and the moment of silence before his delivery of “you... killed Peri?” is heartwrenching in a way that I love.
First of all, I love any story that follows the structure of A Christmas Carol with past, present, and future, so kudos to the three stories used in the trial as evidence for that. And it’s a very fun way to introduce a new companion. But if the trial was starting to confuse itself a little in Mindwarp, it completely loses its focus in Terror of the Vervoids. Calling the Doctor’s argument in his defence ‘flimsy’ feels like it’s giving him too much credit. He chooses it so he can point at one adventure and say “in this case I was explicitly asked to interfere,” something that has already been made clear isn’t always the case, and something that I’m not sure would even matter in Time Lord law! And why this adventure specifically? Obviously he didn’t see it coming that it would get him saddled with a charge of genocide too. In the next story it looks like the Doctor would’ve genuinely been executed if the Master didn’t intervene, and honestly... it makes the Doctor look like an idiot more than any other time in the show. It’s bad writing lol. Another thing that seemed silly- its made clearer in this one where the Valeyard had tampered with the evidence, but his two edits are wildly different. One of them is writing the Doctor out of a certain scene so it looks like he let Mel investigate something alone- not particularly damning and not very unbelievable either, with the Doctor thoroughly edited out of a certain sequence of events. The second edit is a quick scene where the Doctor sighs in satisfaction while holding an axe and looking at the wreckage of the radio room, which is so absurdly out of nowhere and nonsensical that it makes me laugh every time. The way the Inquisitor is willing to believe it makes her look very gullible, especially when she was quite ready to consider the idea that the Matrix had been tampered with when it was the Valeyard suggesting it, but pooh-poohing the idea as impossible when the Doctor suggests it. Anyway, I can enjoy watching Terror of the Vervoids, and not just because of poking fun at it. Mel’s strong personality matching the Doctor’s makes a nice change after Peri (sorry Peri), and a love a murder mystery so setting up the characters then watching them sneak around and suspect each other is also fun. ...Though that said, I think the mystery gets a little too complicated. There’s a few different parties up to no good who are all facing double-crossing in their own ranks, making things very hard to keep track of, so the trial scenes on top of that is quite a lot of plot that isn’t executed very clearly. Maybe I was just happy for an all-round brighter story after Mindwarp. I think the most interesting character was Travers, the guy who’d met the Doctor before and had both a healthy respect for his ability to root out the truth, and a healthy wariness of the chaos that he causes. Oh, and the scene where the Doctor pauses and rewinds the Matrix to explain how he made a deduction was kinda fun, like a peak into the thought process of the Doctor that might turn up in Moffat’s Doctor Who, if a little rough and smarmy. It’s a peak at the kind of entertaining things that could be done with the trial format. It’s this kind of thing that makes me wish they reused the trial format for another season in modern Who, with better writers who’d actually work together to make a coherent story.
The Ultimate Foe is a lot! Just so much. From the moment the Master turns up, the trial premise that’s been building (and then decaying) for twelve episodes collapses into an absolute shambles. I don’t know why so much of these episodes are set in the Valeyard’s Victorian England-themed Matrix hideaway, or why the Valeyard spends it pretending to be a completely random character he made up. Maybe the funniest moment in the story is when, in the middle of everything, the Keeper of the Matrix runs into the court and announces, with no build up, that the High Council has been deposed by insurrectionists. Are these insurrectionists allies of the Valeyard, the Master, or just random people who have somehow been following the trial and realising just how shit the High Council is? I don’t know, because it isn’t mentioned again until the Inquisitor mentions that she guesses that they’re going to have to elect a new Council. One day I’m going to make a post going through the politics of Gallifrey in Classic Who, because oh boy is it a hell of a mess. Another moment that I always find very funny is the reveal that the Valeyard is the Doctor, which is written and delivered like it’s supposed to be a super casual line from the Master, but the most talented actor in the world couldn’t deliver that line and make it sound casual. Actually, that’s something I could say about a heck of a lot of lines in this story, especially for poor old Mel. Bonnie Langford you tried so hard with the script they gave you, and I respect you for it. Oh also, shout out to the Keeper of the Matrix for looking the Doctor in the face and telling him that no one could possibly get into the Matrix. As if The Deadly Assassin and basically every other Gallifrey story didn’t happen. As if the Master and Goth didn’t have a DIY bootleg Matrix link in their sewer lair. I feel like so much of some Gallifrey stories are Time Lords saying very dramatic things that are demonstrably false, but I guess that’s an empire for you.
I’ve really spent most of this post dunking on The Trial of a Time Lord, but I’ll say again that I always enjoy revisiting it. It’s partly because of the little great moments sprinkled throughout, partly because of nostalgia, and largely because of the fantastic premise that they had to work hard to make such a mess of. It becomes more and more of a disaster as it goes on, and by the time the Valeyard turns to the camera in the Keeper’s clothes and laughs I’ve completely given up caring about questions like “how does that make any sense at all,” but I enjoy the ride every time. They even managed to write Six in a way that isn’t aggressively unlikable and rude all the time! Good for them. As always, it’s a shame that Colin Baker was treated so poorly by the show in so many ways, but I’m grateful he got a chance to play the role with such better scripts in Big Finish (and specifically I’m grateful for Jac Rayner and The Marian Conspiracy for writing the blueprint for Six and Evelyn. I’ll never not stan that audio.)
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Glee Rewatch 1x15, Faberry and good lighting
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Becky deserves a much better haircut, what is this atrocity?
(Are you wondering what's up with this post? Here's an explanation!)
You can see Sue's obsession with Madonna in two ways: the first idea is that it's earnest. She explains it herself: Madonna is an important part of her.
Or you can go the cynical way: "oh. this show is actually popular. we need to sell music and so far we've had quite a few bad numbers for comedy and also a bunch of unremarkable ones. we need to speed up the sales. By the power of Grayskull... Madonna has the power!"
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Quinn seems eager to make fun of Rachel, but she also insists on drawing a lot of hearts... Yeah okay that's it, I'm convinced! Faberry shippers, rejoice! You have one more faithful in your ranks!
I completely forgot how much of a jerk Artie could be! That flashback is harrowing.
The cheerleaders's act is incredible but so outlandish that it becomes ridiculous, as I'm sure is the intended reaction. But I've never actually seen IRL cheerleading; do numbers ever get this complicated and audacious?
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Loving their outfits (+ Rachel and Tina's faces). Those hearts on Mercedes's shirt? Rachel's tartan and green? Puck's effortlessly fitted shirt? Artie's cardigan? Quinn's bright red with blue/purple outfit? Quinn should wear red more often (note from later: oh boy just you wait!), it fits her skintone and hair color really well I think. And Kurt's odd yet charming getup is a beast of its own.
A scene between Sue and Emma! And this time, Emma looks much more submissive and breedable gosh don't make that joke than previous times, where she seemed ready to fight her. Was it because she felt safe with Will, whereas now they're not together anymore so her insecurities are partying big time?
"Mercedes is Black. I'm gay. We make culture." is such a fun line but I'm biased
"Vogue" is one of the multiple covers I added to my playlist after finishing the show and watching a +2hours Youtube video where somebody ranked every Glee performance. It's a strong performance and the clip is absolutely hypnotizing, very satisfying to watch. It just makes sense.
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"Like a Virgin" is also a nice performance and I particularly appreciate the beautiful lighting in the Finn/Santana section. The other two sections are nothing special, but this one? Hypnotizing too. I also like all the couples seem to worship each other's body. It's beautiful to look at. With that said, I find it weird how much importance is given to losing one's virginity. It's very ceremonial in the Gleeverse, apparently! I wouldn't say losing it didn't change anything for me, but it was just... something. It happened. End of story. Finn regrets that it didn't mean anything whereas I rejoyce in the fact that *it doesn't mean anything*.
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Meanwhile Emma keeps on cosplaying Daphne from Scooby-Doo and while it's a very fine color scheme, it perplexes me.
I also added "4 Minutes" to my playlist, but the original version. I think if Blaine had replaced Kurt in this song, it would actually be great!
...Damnit, he's still not here yet. At least Mercedes's performance is good. And visually the choreography is nice.
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This is a gratuitous screencap of Quinn smiling because she's a ray of sunshine.
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Matt's sweat refers to the fact that he only has 48 seconds of screentime left on the show.
Tina absolutely losing her cool when Artie is an asshole to her is one of her finest moments. You go, Tina!
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Don't you love it when the local church choir suddenly sings alongside you?
Overall I think it's one of the best episodes of S1. It's a fun watch!
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