#like blue lock was fun
nappingmoon · 2 months
I see why everyone loves this
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emmie-writes-stuff · 6 months
I love reading both the fan scans and the official versions of the manga, because the comparison is really fun for me
And we get to see funny things like how unhinged they can both be compared to each other
Like, this one is from chapter 8 I believe and it’s my favourite comparison, and I’m so sad we didn’t get this in the anime because it would’ve been so fucking funny
This one is the scan
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And this one is from my physical copy of the manga
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This series is so unhinged and absolutely batshit bonkers and I LIVE for the chaos and hilarity of it all
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fuwashuwarin · 4 months
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had to get this out of my system pew pew
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sappho-rose · 2 months
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"The world doesn't know me yet."
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alirienn · 11 months
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yrdnzz · 1 year
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BAROU SHOEI, king of the field AND karaoke
reference image cred to horikoshi kohei
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
Private Tour
Tsukishima x fem reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 2,1 k
About: Musuem guide Tsukki- idk, he's kinda cute, kinda flirty and mean, and kinda awkward. He's Tsukki~
A/n: The way I looked up actual information about that museum and Sendai city- no way I'm LEARNING THINGS BY WRITING A FANFIC WHAT THE HECK-
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"I can show you around, Miss."
You look up at the very first time you've been hearing English words ever since you started walking around in the Sendai City Museum.
A surprisingly tall, blonde guy looks down at you- a pair of stylish glasses sitting on his nose, as well as a slightly arrogant look on his face if you’re being honest with yourself. A look at his name tag reveals that his name is "Tsukishima" and after looking at him dumbfounded for a few moments, he bites the inside of his cheek, exceeding a mixture of annoyance and regret. "Do you not speak English, Miss?"
You blink a few times before you finally nod, feeling embarrassed by how long you have been staring at him. "Uhm- yes I do."
"You've been walking around aimlessly for quite some time. Our security guard put you on the "watch" list, but I figured you simply don't speak Japanese and don't understand the structure of this museum."
You stare at him again, impressed by his flawless pronunciation- and after realizing what he just said, you keep on staring but with heated cheeks.
"Oh... I didn't want to cause problems. I don't speak Japanese, you're correct. I'll take a leave then." You nod and slightly bow, appreciating that he deemed you as "not suspicious enough to get her kicked out by the security guards, but still weird enough to politely kick her out myself". You quickly turn on your heels, avoiding to look at the very security guard that probably put you on the "suspicious" list, as well as that blonde museum guide that apparently wants to get you out of there as well.
"Wait, wait- I didn't mean it like that-" a few big strides form the tall man, and he has already caught up to you, extending his long arm to stop you before he quickly steps in front of you.
You stop abruptly, confused by his effort to catch up to you and the deep irritated frown on his face. "It's fine. You don't need to apologize." You reassuringly smile and lift your palms to show him that it's really fine, it’s not his fault after all, but he bites the inside of his cheek once again. A habit?
"I meant the offer. I can show you around."
It's your time to frown now at his sudden persistence-
You look at him intensely for the first time, trying to figure out his intentions at this point. The sleeves of his white dress shirt are rolled up, and his upper arms seem surprisingly muscular- he generally makes a very fit impression to you. His blonde hair is curled, slightly falling down onto his forehead, and even though it should look messy like this, it's rather cute and handsome on him. He looks really intelligent- probably the combined effect of the intense look in his pretty brown eyes and his position as a museum guide. He's actually very attractive-
"Please." He adds after a few seconds, the word coming heavily from his lips, and you’re somehow convinced that he's genuine with his offer.
"Um... okay. If you insist. But if you're just being polite, there is no need too. I've already seen most of the exhibit, I don't mind leaving now."
He nods after your words and slightly bows, his face looking a bit more relaxed now that you've accepted his offer. "Follow me."
His arm rests behind your back, almost touching you for a second to guide you the way towards the entrance. " My name is Tsukishima Kei. We'll start in chronological order of the exhibit, it's easier for you to get into the topic that way."
"How do you know my age?" You ask him dumbfounded, simply following this man wherever he leads you. "The security guard checked your ID when you entered."
The way he nonchalantly states it makes you stunned for a few seconds, but you're quick to recover from it. "What's your age then? And your birthday?"
He rolls his eyes at your words, but you don't feel real annoyance from him. "Why should I tell you that?"
"Isn't it unfair that you know my birthday and I don't have the chance to know yours?"
He hisses quietly and rubs the back of his head, and you wonder if he already starts to regret talking to you. "September 27. 1996."
"Oh." You nod at his words, actually surprised that he seems so talkative and considerate now. He suddenly stops, and you find yourself standing in a big room that you have passed before. You remember your attempt to read the pretty engraved information on the walls, but quickly giving up when you notice that there were very few words written in English. Is the way you fidgeted with your phone for an eternity and (futilely) used a translator why you were put on the "watch" list?
"Have you heard of Date Masamune?"
You purse your lips to suppress a smile- an embarrassed smile when you recall where you've heard that name before. Tsukishima raises a brow and takes your lack of response as answer.
"You've heard that name. From anime I guess?"
You slowly nod, avoiding looking at him at all cost, but a sudden snort makes you look at him- and you realize that he's laughing. You would be mad at him for making fun of you, but his laugh sounds surprisingly cute and so contrary to the cold persona that he has displayed so far that you don't find it in you to get angry. He regains composure after a few seconds and clears his throat before he turns back to being serious and bored- but the short glimpse at this side of him makes your stomach tingle.
"He actually found the city of Sendai. He was a regional ruler during Japan's Azuchi–Momoyama period and the early Edo period."
"Really? He found this city?" You look at him with raised eyebrows, impressed by the new information.
"He did. However, the Sendai area has been inhabited a very long time before that actually. The story of this city mostly began at around 1600 though."
"With Date Masamune?" you ask, and he nods with a pleased hum. "Correct."
"I would assume that you led me here to show me his battle armor?" you gesture towards the metal suits in front of you, and he nods once again. "Correct again."
"See, I don't need you, I can figure it out on my own." You try to joke to lighten up the mood, and much to your surprise, his lips turn into an amused curl at your words.
"Sure. You want my name tag and show around the next group of visitors?"
"Y/n Tsukishima doesn't sound too bad, does it?" You grin- and freeze when you realize the meaning of your words. He coughs, a slight redness now tainting his pale cheeks, and you quickly avert your gaze.
"I guess it doesn't." Your breath stocks at his words, and now you definitely don't have enough courage to look at him.
"Tell me more about his battle armors. Why are there so many? I can't believe he's worn all of them." You quickly try to turn his attention to something else, and he turns his body towards the exhibition again.
"This is his original battle armor." He gestures towards a black armor with a crescent moon on top. "The design is also used in most anime depictions of him." He side eyes you at the comment but you decide to ignore it, not wanting to tell him that he nailed it. "But some of these armors have only been worn for ceremonies. And the ones in the back are from Toyotomi Hideyoshi." You try to keep your poker face when he drops another familiar name, but he is too smart to not notice how you tensed up for a second.
"I guess you know him too?"
"I uhm... I wouldn't mind learning some historically accurate information about him." You're certain that your cheeks are burning at this point, and you're relieved when he just settles for a small chuckle.
"Don't worry, I'll give you an overview about his life and influence on Japan. I need to make sure that someone who tries to steal my job and my last name knows about Toyotomi Hideyoshi."
"I'm not trying to steal anything here, just to make that clear." You shoot him a burning glare, but he doesn't mind it at all.
"I know at least two security guards who think otherwise."
You look at him blankly, and he returns your gaze with the same blank expression- until you both start laughing.
He has a pleasant laugh and voice- that's what you realize after your conversation with him so far. You're convinced that you could listen to him talking all day- maybe he should voice one of these audio guides?- and you find yourself even more attracted to this man, to his intellect and his wit.
A small group of men suddenly catches your attention though, and you slowly stop laughing- especially when they suddenly gesture towards the two of you-
"Oya oya, what's with that look on his face?"
"I've never seen Tsukishima smile like that- is that his girlfriend?"
"Oyy, Tsukki! You promised us a tour, didn't you?"
"Don't bother the other visitors, Bokuto-san."
You're stunned at the way Tsukishima immediately pales and tries to hide his face- that tall tree of a man with bright blonde hair trying to hide himself with a measly attempt like that?
"Do you know them?" You point towards the group, and he "tsks" and nods finally. "Yes. I didn't expect them so early though."
"Oy Tsukki, will you play with us later? It's been a while, I want to show you my new skills."
"What are you doing here?" Tsukishima's tone significantly changes compared to the way he has been talking to you. No more friendly and polite note, just annoyance and embarrassment.
"We told you we would come, didn't we, Tsukki?" A tall man with black hair and a lazy grin wraps an arm around Tsukishima and rubs his head, effectively messing with his blonde hair.
"And who is that young lady over here? Your girl?"
"Kuroo-san, you're embarrassing him." Another guy with glasses comes up to the front, quickly followed by a very energetically walking man with broad shoulders and white hair.
"Tsukki, introduce us to your girlfriend!" His smile is almost blinding, but you're too perplex after the sudden commotion to answer him- "We’re leaving." Tsukishima shrugs his shoulder until the tall guy lets him go, and you're stunned when Tsukishima suddenly wraps an arm around your shoulder and guides you a few steps away before he removes his arm quickly.
"I'm sorry for that."
He scratches the back of his head and avoids eye contact when he finally brought you out of their reach, clearly flustered by the unexpected situation he just found himself in. "It's fine." You reassure him and try to stay focused on him, and not on the way the guys started talking about the two of you way too loudly, the words "Tsukki's cute girlfriend" making their way too your ears way too often.
"These are... acquaintances from me. Don't mind them. They are fools sometimes."
"They seem nice actually. You should introduce me someday; you don't want to withhold your girlfriend from your friends after all." You attempt to joke to lighten up the situation, and he quickly glances towards you again, his glasses reflecting the white light from the lamp above when he does so.
"I thought you already had my last name? I feel like we skipped a few steps here."
Your cheeks heat up at his words, and you find yourself lost for a suitable reply, only for him to smile again. "Let's start with step one."
His left hand moves into his back pocket, and he fishes for his phone, handing it to you after quickly unlocking it- and you manage to get a short glimpse of his dinosaur background before he presses the contact button.
"I- Can you-" he bites the inside of his cheek- you start to believe that he's suppressing a hiss with that habit whenever he's irritated or doesn't know what to do- and you quickly save him before his cheek turns bloody at this point.
"I still need to learn more about Hideyoshi. If you promise to be my private guide next time too?" You reach for his phone and he willingly gives it to you, now suddenly lost for words. Tsukishima nods, silently watching you while you type in your number, and you read it three times to make sure it's correct before you hand it back to him.
"Here you go. Will you be here tomorrow too?"
"Yes. I'll be here till 5 pm. You can come whenever; I'll make time for you."
You smile at his words and walk towards the exit, shyly waving at the group of men that are still watching you both, and they happily wave back when they notice you leaving.
"See you tomorrow, Kei."
"See you tomorrow."
You finally turn but you don't miss the smile on his face though when he reads your contact’s name.
"Tsukishima y/n."
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hiorintruther · 1 year
Dragging myself out of inactivity to grossly overanalyse/scream about the chapter 213 Kunigiri stuff coz I’m so mentally unwell and it’s their fault.
First of all, I love how in order to get into the other stratums, players first have to submit a request form. Presumably they’d have to state a reason for going and I doubt “I want to see my friends” would be allowed because some people would end up using it as an excuse to slack off, so I wonder what Chigiri said to get his request accepted? Obviously he was actually coming just to see Kunigami but he probably needed to make up an excuse (either that or Ego/Anri let him through because BLTV really is just football Love Island atp).
Anyway, I love the intro panel for Chigiri in this chapter coz it says SO MUCH about him.
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It’s the hair.
Chigiri barely ever wears his hair up, not even while playing football (and I’ve made my thoughts on that clear in the past so I’ll refrain from any ranting). On the field he’ll have that weird half-braid thing going on, and off the field he usually just wears it loose. One of the only other times we see him with a ponytail is in chapters 150-151, during the 2-week break post U-20 match. I think this shows that Chigiri is putting active effort into his appearance for his visit with Kunigami. He puts his hair up when he wants to make a good impression — in the Shibuya chapters he’s also wearing a rather nice outfit, so he was focussing on his appearance then too. This time around, he’s specifically doing it for Kunigami because he’s unsure about what Kunigami thinks of him after “ghosting” him during the MC match. This is Chigiri going all-out to impress through subtle gestures and small changes that are consciously made and will subconsciously be picked up on.
(There’s also Kunigami’s canonical thing for the napes of necks (egoist Bible) to take into account which… listen we have no proof that Chigiri is aware of it but we also don’t have any proof that he’s not. Who’s to say he didn’t choose this hairstyle specifically because he knows it shows off his nape, which is usually kept hidden under his hair? He’s already a bit of a flirt after that “such an insensitive hero” comment back during the Second Selection. It isn’t impossible.)
Next, the iconic “keep an eye on me” line.
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First off, Nomura really decided to make Chigiri look that pretty when he said this. Boy looks absolutely gorgeous. I’m aroace but I would’ve folded. Kunigami is stronger than me.
Second off, I like how this shows Chigiri being attentive towards Kunigami. When they first reunited, it did come across a bit like Chigiri was being dismissive of what Kunigami went through in the Wildcard, saying that he’d treat Kunigami as exactly the same person he was before (although it’s arguably understandable since they’d only just met again and Chigiri has no idea what happened in the Wildcard). Now though, it’s clear he’s observed the change Kunigami went through and a) wants to make amends for his previous comments, and b) still wants to be with Kunigami. While there’s never a direct apology given, it’s clear he doesn’t think of Kunigami the same way he did before the Mc match and wants to make amends. Honestly, idk if a direct apology would’ve been a nice addition or would’ve just made Kunigami feel worse — Chigiri is a proud person and Kunigami doesn’t want pity, so this less direct approach was probably the best way to go about things.
Thirdly, when Chigiri says “from now on, I’m gonna be keeping an eye on you”, it’s not just a promise to acknowledge Kunigami’s skills as a footballer. It’s also a subtle way of saying “you’re not getting rid of me. I’m staying right here”. Adding to that the “so, you better keep an eye on me too, got it?”, it’s both a declaration that Kunigami shouldn’t underestimate Chigiri and a “you’re gonna be seeing a lot of me so get used to it”. (Side note: Isagi’s face on this page is so fucking funny to me he’s just like “yeaaaaaah, these bitches gay. Good for them” lmao.)
Last thing I’ll scream about is this:
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Obviously Chigiri is specifically using “Rensuke” as a little jab at Kunigami to get him riled up. Chigiri is just like that when it comes to teasing. Still, it’s nice to know that he feels comfortable enough around Kunigami to say something like this without Kunigami getting angry or making things awkward between them. We’ve seen Bachira do this with Isagi too during the Barcha match, so that’s nice little bachisagi parallel. At the very least, Chigiri is showing that he wants their friendship to continue and is going to continue to treat Kunigami as a close friend, no matter how much Kunigami might try to push him away.
Conclusion to my ramblings: Chigiri is putting in the work and I respect him for it. Kunigami is in a bad place rn and what he needs is someone as stubborn as Chigiri to see him through. Chigiri knows what it feels like to feel depressed and push everyone else away because it happened to him too. He thought for a time that everything was over for him. No doubt he’s recognising those things in Kunigami and wants to help him out, especially since the two of them had grown pretty close before being separated.
Kunigiri has my whole heart!!!
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pinkinsect · 4 months
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all of their pictures together look like this nowadays
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luxrayz64 · 7 months
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do u ever in your mind have a vision so beautiful you mourn that it doesnt exist and then remember that u can draw. anyway heres the glass coffin scene if they were pikmin
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truegoist · 2 years
nagi hates it when you get up in the morning and leave him all alone, whether it be for work or for breakfast.
he misses your warmth beside him in the bed, the loneliness making it impossible for him to go back to sleep peacefully
that’s why he now resorts to more underhanded methods, such as laying directly on top of you
he likes nuzzling into you and burying his head in your hair while leaving you to suffocate under his weight
oh you need air? just stop breathing. That’s the least you can do for your beloved
and yes, even if it may get fairly annoying(especially when you need to go to toilet) having the warmth of him surrounding you is quite nice and the way his hand knead your body reminds you of a cat
so maybe you’ll sleep in. Just this once
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ssomepersonn · 1 year
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On the road again 🎶
Fanart for the first chapter of my lovely bud arsons fic Low Tide
(unshaded and no bg versions under the cut)
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saetoshi · 2 years
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you’re a fool.
the thought crosses your mind multiple times as you climb down your window.
“don’t fall.” isagi calls out from below you, an amused grin on his face. you roll your eyes.
you shush him. “i won’t, dumbass.”
he clicks his tongue, pout quickly replacing his grin. he looks back up at your struggling form.
he squints, quickly licking his lips. a mischievous smile blooms on his face. “hurry up.”
“shut your mouth, isagi.” you snap, a small yelp leaves your mouth when your hand slips for a second.
you look down at him, brows raising when you see his outstretched arms. he blinks at you, quickly retracting his arms back to his sides.
“i won’t fall.” you reassure him. that’s still not enough to convince him (or you.)
“just,” he sighs, “be careful.”
it doesn’t take you that long to reach the ground (a lie, you spent about four minutes stuck in the same spot shaking like a leaf.)
you yawn. “where are we going?”
isagi glances at you, eyes darting away from yours as soon as he meets them. you’d swear you see a hint of red dusting his ears, but it’s too dark outside to tell.
“somewhere not too far from here.”
“are we walking there?” you rub your eyes.
his silence is enough of an answer.
you groan. “i’m going back to bed.”
isagi panics, grabbing your hand before you can turn back.
“it’s not far!”
you glare at him. he smiles sheepishly. (he hasn’t let go of your hand.)
“it better not be.” you click your tongue, “i didn’t just almost break my bones climbing down my window for a midnight stroll.”
he squeezes your hand. “i promise it’ll be worth it.”
“fine,” you offer a small smile, squeezing his hand back. “lead the way.”
he beams at you, quickly tugging you along with him.
“so,” he starts, “i found this place while i was jogging the other day.”
“oh?” you yawn.
“it’s got the nicest view ever,” he hums, “it’s my second favorite view.”
you rub your eyes, “what’s the first?”
you feel his grip on your hand loosen for a second before he regains his composure.
he turns to glance at you, “‘m not telling.”
he keeps walking, you squint at the back of his head. (you swear you could slightly make out a soft flush to his ears, but you’re not sure.)
“why not?”
“i’m entitled to my secrets.”
you raise a brow, “you can keep a secret?”
there’s a pause. “shut up.”
he speeds up his pace. you copy him.
“we’re almost there,” he stifles a yawn.
“we better be.” you tease, “i’m getting pretty tired of all this walking.”
he laughs, pointing at a small hill near you. “it’s right there.”
“you’re making me walk up a hill?” you playfully gasp, “you’re really killing me here, isagi.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
(you end up reaching the top before he does.)
“so?” he gestures around you. “what do you think?”
“it’s alright, i guess.” you hum.
isagi playfully swats your arm. you laugh.
you look around, a soft smile blooming on your lips, “i bet the sunrise looks real pretty from here.”
“yeah,” he sounds breathless, “it does.”
you turn to look at him, eyes widening when you realize he’s staring at you. you stare back at him. (the way he’s looking at you makes you feel fuzzy. you hope he feels the same.)
“we should come here,” he breathes out, “you know, to make sure it’s pretty.”
“yeah,” you smile, “i’d like that.”
you’re not sure how long you both stand there staring at each other. (it feels like forever, yet it’s still not enough.)
“we should head back.” you whisper.
isagi blinks. “right.”
“my mom’s gonna kill us if she realizes i’m not home.” you say.
isagi’s eyes widen, seemingly having processed your words. “right!”
he takes your hand in his, quickly ushering you into a sprint as you head back to your place.
you’re surprised at how quickly you got back home. (your lungs feel like they’re about to collapse from how fast you ran, but you pay it no mind.)
“you good?”
you blearily blink at isagi. “huh?”
he laughs in amusement when he notices the state you’re in. “i asked if you were good.”
you take a couple of deep breaths. “‘m perfectly fine.”
he gives you a look. you wave him off.
“thanks,” you breathe out.
he looks at you in confusion, “why?”
you beam at him, “for taking me to see your second favorite view.”
he gives you a gentle smile. “you’re welcome.”
you smile at each other for a couple of seconds before panic settles into your bones at the thought of your parents finding both of you outside your window.
“now,” you shakily sigh, looking at isagi, “how do i get back up?”
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bloodbonesandmarrow · 2 months
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we do bones, motherfucker
Gideon- @bawdyknocker
Harrowhark- me
Photographer- @FXDandy (various platforms, not on tumblr)
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detco-hell · 1 year
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she summed up the series quite nicely, yes
[movie 12 - Full Score of Fear]
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animentality · 26 days
I really disliked Isagi for most of the NEL arc, but even I have to admit as an Isagi hater.
This move looks fucking cool and was kind of iconic, I fear.
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Isagi, you piss me off, but even I have to admit.
the aura here... is insane.
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