#like babe i just saw this exact thing get brought up in the LAST fight
my fav part of hunter x hunter so far is how every single fight immediately turns into ‘wait this is….actually a battle of mental stamina……to see who can endure…..’
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lyssismagical · 3 years
72 w Parkner pls 🥺
just some bb fluff between the Keener-Parker-Stark family uwu
“I'll see you in a few hours, babe,” Morgan says, leaning up to kiss her partner. “I love you.”
Saylor smiles and gently pushes a strand of hair behind Morgan’s ear. “I love you too. Have fun. Tell them I said hi.”
Morgan and Saylor have been together for three years now, having met in Morgan’s third year of college, studying to become a teacher. Saylor’s in med school.
They live together in New York, only a few hours’ drive away from Stark Towers where Harley and Peter live.
She hasn’t had a day off between school and her job as a teaching assistant, not to mention having just gotten a puppy with Saylor who needs constant attention and care.
The drive to Stark Industries is a little boring, traffic a little heavier than usual on a Saturday morning. She feels a little bad about not spending the weekend with her partner who’s also rarely free, but she also hasn’t made the trip to see her family in quite a while.
Harley and Peter are sitting at the breakfast bar, knees touching and Harley’s laughing bright and loud at something Peter must’ve said. They both look tired, despite the weekend beginning, but she knows the business has been under some heat lately.
Peter’s up, out of his seat as soon as he sees her, pulling her into a warm hug. “I’ve missed you, bug. How are you? How’s Saylor? How’s school?”
“Let her breathe, darling,” Harley says, leaning over his husband to ruffle Morgan’s hair. “You want a coffee?”
“Yes, please, traffic was awful.”
Harley smiles and heads off towards the kitchen, leaving Peter to fuss over Morgan.
“You look tired, have you been sleeping alright?”
“Peter, I’m fine, I promise. I’m twenty-four, you don’t need to worry about me like I’m still fourteen.”
He sighs wearily, it’s obvious it hasn’t exactly been an easy week for him. “I know. But you’ll always be my little bug.”
“I’m good, really, Peter. I’m happy.”
Harley returns, pressing an old Iron Man mug into her hands. “How’s Saylor? I miss that kid.”
“They’re good… Busy, that’s for sure. Med school, the internship at the hospital, taking care of Nova. We’ve both been busy, but they’re happy. They’ve got the weekend off to just play with Nova and rest.”
Peter goes to respond, but his phone ringing cuts him off. “Sorry, I should probably… Hello?”
Harley sighs, leading Morgan to the living room. “It’s been complicated lately.”
“I heard, is everything okay?”
“One of our rival companies, they’re fighting dirty and it’s putting a lot of pressure on us. We’ve already lost a few employees, as well as some investors because of them. But we’re making progress and it’ll all blow over soon enough.”
Morgan nods, pulling her knees up to her chest on the couch, tucking herself into the warmth. It’s the same old couch that Tony bought decades ago, there’s a few photographs of her here when she must’ve been two to four years old, her dad holding her in his lap. On one hand, she knows why they haven’t bothered to replace it, every memory of Tony is important to all three of them and seems almost wrong to get rid of anything that belonged to him. But on the other hand, it really is just a couch. An old, worn-leather couch, with rips in the seams and stains along the back.
“Peter looks exhausted,” she says, watching carefully as Harley’s face shifts into worried sadness.
“He is. You know how he gets when it comes to anything surrounding your dad.”
Peter slips into the room, rubbing a hand down his face. “I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry to cut this short, but PR needs one of us downstairs.”
“I’ll get it,” Harley offers, already bringing himself to his feet.
“No, it’s okay. You took the last one. I’ll go, sort this out, I’ll hopefully be back within an hour or two. I’ll bring takeout for lunch, sound good?”
Harley sighs and Morgan knows she makes the exact same expression as he does whenever Saylor picks up extra hours at the hospital or stays up all night to study.
She’s never really known the two of them apart, she was too young to remember them before they got together, way back when they were eighteen and nineteen. They’ve been together ever since, bar the one time in college where they split up for nearly four months, long-distance having become too much for them.
She’s never known Harley without the permanent wrinkle between his brows from the constant worry of dating a selfless superhero. She’s never known Peter without the messy curls, having given up gel and product when Harley convinced him he looked better without it.
When she was young, she always worried that she’d never find love the way her parents did, the way she saw Harley and Peter, so unconditional, so pure, so endless. She worried she wouldn’t find the person who was clearly meant to be her other half like Peter is for Harley and Harley is for Peter.
But then she met Saylor.
“Bye, bug, I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
She hugs Peter goodbye, settling back into the cushions beside Harley.
“How did you know you were going to be with Peter forever?” Morgan asks. She adores the way Harley’s expression goes gentle and nostalgic and loving.
“Peter likes to say that he knew when we met, that very first time, at the cabin. But I don’t think it was ever quite that simple, you know? I knew I loved him when we were in college and he was in Massachusetts while I was in California, and I woke up one day, and found Peter in my dorm room. He’d flown all the way out, on his long weekend, just to spend time with me. He was sitting next to me, reading the book I had to write an essay on so he’d be able to me. It was so simple, so easy, and it was clear, in that moment, that I could do that forever. Wake up next to him, live in simple domesticity with him.”
“And you wanted to do that forever?”
She knows that moment with Saylor, too. They had come home from a long day at school and a long evening at the hospital, and they had picked up her favourite meal for dinner on the way home. They had curled up on the couch together, eaten dinner, and watched a movie, and smiled when Morgan had ranted about the antagonist of the film.
“For as long as he’d have me.”
“And you’ve never once gone back on that?”
Harley shrugs, eyes far away. “I fucked up in college, I nearly ruined the best thing I’d ever had, and that’s the biggest regret I’ll have to carry with me. That’s the only regret I’ll ever have about our relationship, is hurting him and losing four months with him.”
“I think I want to ask Saylor to marry me,” Morgan says. She’s certain about that, but god is she ever nervous. “I love them more than anything.”
“I know.” Harley nudges her with his shoulder. “Every time you talk about them, you get that same look that I see on Peter’s face constantly. And that- that’s a lot. I see it on Saylor’s face too, when they talk about you.”
“You do?”
Harley’s smile widens. “I do. It’s clear how much that kid loves you. And if you’re even a fraction as sure as I was when I proposed, then you should go for it.”
“How did you do it?”
“It’s about as dramatic as you’d expect from us. He was-” Harley stops, swallows visibly. “He was dying. He’d been hurt while on a mission and I was there, I was holding him and he was- he was dying. Bucky had to physically restrain me while Sam got him to help… It was the most scared I’d ever been.”
“He was okay, though.”
“Yeah, somehow he always is. He was in that goddamn hospital bed and he was so high on pain killers and I just, I asked him to marry me.”
“That simple?”
“That simple.”
Morgan laughs a little. “And he said yes?”
“He did. He said yes. And when he was released from the hospital, he laughed so hard he cried because he couldn’t believe that’s how I asked him.”
And god does Morgan ever want that with Saylor. She loves her partner like crazy, loves them to the moon and back, she never wants to go another day without them, she doesn’t want to spend another second without being able to call her partner, her fiancé.
“I want to marry Saylor,” she says again.
Harley grins. “I’m proud of you.”
“For being in love?”
“For being unapologetically you and going after what you want.”
Morgan leans into Harley, his arm coming up to wrap around her shoulders. “You think they’ll say yes?”
“No question about it, kid.”
“If they do…” She trails off nervously. “Would you and Peter walk me down the aisle?”
Harley presses a kiss to her temple. “We would love to. And I’m sure we could have Nova trained to be a ring bearer in no time.”
Morgan laughs at the thought of her clumsy, bouncy little puppy trying to do anything with finesse.
Peter returns with lunch a little while later.
As soon as he walks in, he drops the bags down on the table and says, “I want a baby.”
“What?” Harley lets out a little surprised laugh and Morgan bursts into giggles at the absurdity.
“Quinn brought her baby in for the meeting because she couldn’t get a babysitter in time,” Peter explains, pouting childishly. “And I want one.”
Harley shakes his head, more dumbfounded than disagreeing. “You want a baby.”
“I want a baby,” he repeats. “I want a little tiny thing with ten fingers and ten toes and a beating heart.”
Morgan laughs again, walking up to hug Peter. “God, I missed how absolutely crazy you are.”
“Okay, darling, how about you eat some food and we’ll talk some more later?”
It’s not a no and Peter grins triumphantly.
“When did you know that you wanted to be with Harley forever?” Morgan asks before she can stop herself.
Peter’s smile widens and he looks to Harley with the softest, most lovestruck eyes she’s ever seen. “I was fifteen.”
“Fifteen? You were seventeen when we met.”
Peter slides a hand over Harley’s shoulder, tucking himself into his husband’s side. “I was fifteen and I was here with Tony. Right here, actually. We were having a lab night and he mentioned something about a potato gun kid. And I asked him to tell me about you. About dumbass Harley Keener who didn’t know when to stop, who was talkative and loud and sarcastic and annoying. Harley who helped save Tony’s life. And I thought, wow, if anybody would know what it feels like to be me, it’d be Harley.”
“I googled you later that day and I scrolled through your mom’s entire facebook, wondering just who was special enough to stay in Tony’s head for so long, so fresh. I told Ned, I said to him, I’m gonna meet this kid and I’m going to marry him one day because who else is worthy of my love than somebody who could save Tony Stark’s life.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not! It’s all true. Ask Ned, he’ll tell you.”
Harley rolls his eyes in pure adoration. “You never told me that.”
“I was embarrassed and then it didn’t seem relevant anymore.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to learning things about you, Parker.”
Peter grins up at him. “Like how I want to have a baby?”
“You two would be amazing dads,” Morgan says, almost shyly. That part of their relationship isn’t talked about very much, how they might as well have raised Morgan, filled in the spot that her dad left when she was so young. “Any kid would be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, bug,” Peter murmurs.
“If you take tomorrow off, we’ll start researching, alright?” Harley bargains. A day off is hard to come by with Peter, but with an ultimatum like that, Peter can’t possibly say no.
Peter kisses him in response.
April Parker is the flower girl at Saylor and Morgan’s wedding that fall.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina @spideyspeaches @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @misskirkstark @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester @emo-girl10 @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment @joyful-soul-collector @genderfluid-and-confuzled @fallenstar07 @gyurolls @sdottkrames @you-did-it-sir @not-today-thx @fandomstuffff
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
We’ll See About That (Elijah x Klaus x Reader)
Requested by anon. I wrote this two times cause my laptop decided to be an asshole and wouldn’t let me post it. Enjoy
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(Y/n) was raised by her parents and the small pack of werewolves they belonged a few miles away from New Orleans. However she wasn’t a child brought to life as a result of a happy marriage, her mother married her father because of an arranged marriage, so s he fell in love with a warlock while being stuck at a toxic marriage. When (y/n) was born everything became worse, her father started to suspect and her mother took her stuff and (y/n) in the middle of the night and left, she was only 11 but she was thrilled to leave everything behind.
However, she never cared for the whole werewolf thing nor cared if she was a witch, she was spiritual yes, meditating and cleansing her house, having different type of tarot decks and aligning her chakra was something that brought her peace, but going in further was like dipping your fingers in the honey jar and expecting your hands to not get sticky.
(Y/n) studied abroad, once again leaving everything behind and making her own memories and decisions as a young adult. She knew that to “active” the wolf gene meant you have to kill somebody and she never had that intention, one night though when a man decided to follow her home and attack her, she lost control and had to not only deal with activating the curse but also dealing with the police and finding a way to keep her criminal record clean.
As graduation rolled around (y/n) decided to go back to the U.S.A, New Orleans to be exact. She could never go back to the pack her dad belong, she hadn’t talked to him in years and she doubted he would want to help,so her mother told her that a lot of different people have their home in New Orleans, so she decided to try her luck there.
“A pretty woman like you alone? It must be my birthday”
It was (y/n)’s first night in New Orleans, so she decided to go and have a drink, maybe get an idea or two on how to find someone that is willing to help her. She was sitting peacefully drinking her cocktail when a tipsy and absolute douche approached her. 
“Well go find a cake, cause I for sure ain’t giving you any”
“Too bad, i’m sure your icing taste great”
Her facial expression showed how disgusted she was by the vulgar comment, she was about to answer a man when she saw a man nudge the annoying creep and take her hand in his.
“My sincere apologies for keeping you waiting love, you look beautiful”
He brought her hand up to his lips and looked at her right in the eyes, the wink he gave her made her understand what his plan was at. She smiled brightly at the kind stranger
“No worries babe, let me introduce you to this absolute creep that tried to hit on me”
“Oh how amusing. Listen mate, you have two options, one is to keep going at this and force me into take actions that will make me your worst nightmare, second is go on with your night while your arms are still attached to your body. Choice is yours”
He didn’t even say anything, he just looked down and left, (y/n) could see his already fragile ego crumble right in front of her. She started laughing, finding the entire situation cut out of a comedy.
“Thank you so much, let me buy you a drink”
“I think it goes the other way around love”
“It’s the 21st century, also you deserve one for scaring him to death. I’m (y/n) by the way”
“Klaus, pleasure to officially meet you”
They ended up talking and drinking for hours on end, the conversation flowed effortlessly making them feel comfortable with each other. Klaus walked (y/n) home at the wee hours of the morning, oh how beautiful she looked as the first streaks of sunlight caressed her face. They hugged and made a promise to see each other again
(y/n) slept until 3 p.m and woke up to her stomach demanding food after the back to back drinks she had last night with her new friend. She did her morning routine and decided into putting on a yellow sundress and placed her hair up into a quick updo, last was her moisturizer and sun screen, to protect her skin but also give her a nice glow and she was ready to hit the streets.
She got distracted by a very talented musician that played on the side of the road when she bumped into a mans back. As Elijah turned around all he saw was light, he couldn’t really put it into words but the woman that was standing right there looked like she was surrounded by the holy light and angels. 
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking at where I was going”
If sirens every existed, she was one of them. Her voice sounded like little singing bells and those eyes, her gaze could stop the devil. He was so astonished by her beauty that he didn’t realized the human like fairy had stopped talking, making him look like he was mute.
“It’s alright dear, no need to worry”
“I got distracted, I am usually very aware of my surroundings”
“I understand, this town is full of distractions. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Elijah”
“Ohhh YOU are Elijah”
(Y/n) remembered the name from last night. Klaus had mentioned how him and his brother Elijah with his sister Rebekah came back to town. Of course Elijah was not aware of that conversation
“Your brother Klaus, I met him yesterday when he came to my rescue. I’m new here so he kept me company”
“What a kind and rare thing for my brother to do”
Of course Klaus would put his best foot forward when he meets a girl, well at least she was not hurt by him nor by anyone, such a shame for a miracle like her to get harmed. Regardless of that, Elijah got an incredible idea
“Well since my brother made a friend-which never really happens- I like to say that they are my friends as well, so would you accept my offer and accompany at our home for dinner tomorrow?”
“Oh you don’t have to, it’s fine”
“I insist, since you are new here someone should show you hospitality”
(Y/n) couldn’t really keep up with this whole thing, two handsome brothers coming to her aid and wanting to bring her over for dinner, it was almost too good to be true. She would dumb if she didn’t accept
“Fine, but i’ll warn you I have a big appetite”
As Elijah informed his brother of the interaction he had with (y/n) and the invitation he gave her for dinner the brothers started to sharpen their knives. Both of them requesting specific dishes from the chef they hired, arguing over what wine goes best and what music should they play or if there’s going to be music.
The hours passed and (y/n) stood outside their door. Klaus was the one to greet her first, he was stunned when he saw her. Her hair was down and curly, she wore a satin maxi dress with a plunging neckline and a slit on the side that showed her right leg.
“You really outdid yourself love, you look ravishing”
“Why thank you Klaus, you look amazing in this suit as well”
Klaus had chosen a formal attire for the evening, a black suited he had tailored back in the 20s, you could never go wrong with a classic.Klaus offered her his arm and she linked hers with his, walking in the house that looked like it was cut out of a fairytale.
“(y/n) you arrived, I must say that you are breathtaking”
“Thank you Elijah, you look very handsome as well, do you sleep with a suit on?”
Klaus took the opportunity and pulled a chair back for (y/n), helping her and then took his seat as well.
The night passed beautifully,(y/n) felt so pampered and the brothers felt euphoric by being at her good graces, they also spend the entire night keeping mental notes on who (y/n) smiled more, who’s joked she laughed, what compliments she gave, what foods she liked and most importantly who she talked to more. As the night came to an end (y/n) insisted into taking her car, besides two glasses of wine were nothing compared to the tons of alcohol she consumed when she was in college.
“Thank you for everything tonight, it was truly amazing”
“Of course love, with a guest like you anything else would have been an embarrassment, right brother?”
“Yes that’s quite right Klaus, we hope to see you again then”
“For sure, I wouldn’t pass on tasting that delicious food again”
She hugged both of them and then they saw her disappearing into the night, leaving them both with the sweet taste of happiness that they got to dine with such a magical being, they had to agree that (y/n) was the most peaceful and calming human being they have met.
“Well brother, I am happy you bravely put on a fight but I think I’ll take it from here”
“We’ll see about that Niklaus” 
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
in another life
part one
"We have a bit of a situation," is what greets him when Stiles takes the call. Mason sounds winded on the other side. "Are you almost in town?"
His eyebrows shot up, "I'm perfectly well driving in the snow, Mason. Thank you for asking."
He rolls his eyes, "Thirty minutes tops. You guys are making me feel warm, huh." Stiles disconnects the call and almost regrets his decision to come home early for Christmas, but it's too late to turn back now.
He parks outside of Scott's house - the official pack headquarters even if Scott himself has not returned from college yet. He promises to arrive in four days while Lydia has scheduled a flight for next week. Malia is stuck with papers and can't fly until the 23rd. For now, Stiles is responsible for the pack until Scott returns - he resents that. He should've gone home first and changed into comfortable clothes, but Liam has rung him up, frantic, two more times after Mason's call. They won't tell what the problem is. Stiles figures if it were a life-and-death thing, they wouldn't delay information. They are vying for the drama is what's going on.
Melissa opens the front door and beams when she sees him. She opens her arms wide for a hug, "Hey! Looking good, Stiles. FBI been taking care of you?"
Before he can reply, Liam appears from behind Melissa. "Stiles!" his face looks so harried, splotches of red appearing. "Sorry to interrupt, but you really have to see this."
Liam hurries back without checking if Stiles follows, but he scrambles after him with an apologetic smile to Melissa. The beta leads him upstairs to Scott's old room. From the hallway, Stiles can already hear two voices talking, sifting out of the open door.
"No, you look. I don't know why you guys took me here or why you seem so wary about me. But, Jesus Christ, for the hundredth time, I don't know you."
Stiles frowns, confused. One of the voices belong to Mason, the other-
He stops short by the doorframe, startled at the unexpected sight of Theo Raeken sitting by the foot of Scott's bed. 
They haven't seen the guy since Gerard's plan to start a war between the supernaturals in Beacon Hills and the residents -and the subsequent flop. He left town less than a month after Tamora Monroe and her hunter lackey's escaped. They haven't heard from him since, and that had been two years ago.
Theo looks almost the same when Stiles last saw him. His hair is long, fringe falling to his eyes, and he has the same stocky build. His face scrunches in annoyance and impatience, and that's also not new. The only difference probably is his five o'clock shadow, reminding Stiles that he has also grown since then. He has always been clean-shaven.
Theo catches sight of Stiles by the doorway and his expression shifts to that of relief. "Oh, thank god, Stiles." He gets to his feet and crosses their small distance in two strides. Without preamble, Theo takes Stiles into his arms, clutching him firmly, as he buries his face in Stiles's neck.
Stiles is too stunned to push him away -and he should because there could be a dagger poised to pierce his guts any second now- but even Liam and Mason freeze in their spots. Liam snaps from his daze, and his eyes begin to glow yellow in a warning. Theo leans back and takes Stiles's face between his hands, ignoring the low growl coming from Liam. What's even more baffling is that he smiles. Theo Raeken smiles - not smirks, or frowns, or grimaces, but smiles. "You're here."
Mason finds his voice, "Wait. I thought you had amnesia and didn't know any of us?"
Liam retracts his claws and fangs when Theo turns back to them, seemingly unarmed. The beta scoffs, watching the way the chimera presses himself close to Stiles. For his part, Stiles is still recovering from the onslaught of uncharacteristic behavior from Theo and his blatant cluelessness of what's going on. It looks like the snow has given Stiles brain freeze from the long drive because he's only gawking instead of asking questions. The FBI should not hear about this. 
"Of course, he forgets all of us, but not Stiles," Liam crosses his arms, a little bit of condescension dripping in his tone. "The ghost riders took him and basically erased him from existence, and Theo still remembered him, anyway."
Theo looks lost, trying to follow Liam's words, "Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?"
"Hm," Liam curls his lips. "Those were even your exact words before."
"Okay," Stiles says, having enough of this. He steps away from Theo, raising both his hands in a gesture of stop. He fixes his gaze between Liam and Mason. "What is going on?"
"I've been trying to ask the same thing," Theo interjects, scowling at Mason and Liam. "But they hardly speak to me and refuse to let me go."
Liam exhales, sounding exasperated. "He woke up in the hospital," he starts, ignoring Theo. "making a scene, insisting he shouldn't be in California, and that he was just in New York seconds ago."
"Liam's dad recognized him," Mason offers. "So he told Melissa who called us. Then, we collected Theo and brought him here."
Liam shakes his head, eyes on Theo. "But he keeps saying he doesn't know us, or even Scott."
"I don't," Theo steps forward again and tugs at Stiles's clothed arm. "Let's just leave, babe-"
Stiles promptly plants his feet to the floor and halts Theo, blinking rapidly. "Wait, wait, wait," he withdraws his arms and puts his hands in between them to establish distance. Theo has been evading Stiles's personal space like friends would, but Stiles draws the line at endearments. They're not friends, and he isn't a babe. "What did you call me?"
Theo frowns at him, a hurt look crossing his features. "Babe," he answers like it's not a questionable thing at all. "I called you babe."
"Wow," Liam scoffs, blinking in disbelief. "Not only are you amnesiac. You've also apparently gone mad."
Theo turns to Liam, getting a more violent shade of red in the face. He would've stepped towards him in a challenge had Stiles not intercepted him with a hand to his chest. Stiles is surprised that Theo even concedes. There's only a slight force in his touch that a chimera with superstrength like Theo can strike with no problem.
"I'll tell you what's crazy," Theo grounds his teeth, nose flaring at Liam. "I don't know what the fuck is going on or who the hell you two are. I don't know how I'm here. Some kind of-" he delays, struggling, and then spits out, "magic plucked me from New York, and put me on the other side of the goddamn State. I thought I was dreaming, but the nurses keep claiming to sedate me." his hands gesture back and forth at the two. "Then you strangers keep coming at me, saying my name like we knew each other, telling me I live in a car - I don't, okay? I have a fucking apartment in Manhattan. I live with my boyfriend, and Stiles and I were having a stupid snow fight when I lost consciousness and woke up in that damn hospital. That's what crazy is!"
Silence follows Theo's outburst. Stiles can feel Liam and Mason's eyes -and even Melissa's from where she's standing outside the room- on him. He only gapes at Theo's flushed face and heaving chest.
"Did you just call me your boyfriend?"
Theo transfers his eyes on him, looking gutted. "Of course, I did." His expression quickly morphs to worry, "Has something happened to you, too?" then his face falls in dread when he asks, realizing the situation. "You don't remember me?"
It sounds like Theo’s remembering the wrong things, but Stiles's only response is to stare. What's happening is too bizarre for his exhausted mind to process. He's glad that there's no maiming involved with this little reunion with an old nemesis, but he doesn't know what to do with all the touching and intent looking and the sudden selective amnesia.
Theo looks crestfallen for an awkward while before his face lights up again. "We have to call Tara. She-"
"Tara?" Stiles echoes loudly, rearing back and cutting him off in shock. "Your sister?"
He beams, nodding his head. "Good. You remember her. That's progress, I think."
Stiles blurts out before he can think to stop himself, "You think she's alive?"
Theo pauses. His smile slowly flattens out, until he frowns, eyes reflecting a little bit of alarm at the crass question. "Why wouldn't she be?"
And yeah, Stiles doesn't have enough brain cells to start explaining that.
Theo's confusion has to straighten out as soon as possible.
title from: The One That Got Away by Katy Perry
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justsassysworld · 4 years
Grief Makes Bad Decisions
Grief Makes Bad (Or Maybe Not So Bad) Decisions
Beetlejuice x f!Reader
Word Count: 1823
“Gertrude, Eustace, I’m home!” you call, entering your house. 
You're roommates are a lovely, but incredibly odd couple. They're ridiculously sweet, horribly in love, and over a hundred years dead. 
Over a hundred and twenty years ago, they were killed by some random intruder, leaving them unable to move on from the place of their murder. 
You were beyond freaked out the first time you saw them, the day after you moved into their old home. Apparently, most people don't see ghosts, but you are a strange and unusual type person. It took awhile to see past their bloody and gruesome appearances, but you've grown so used to them now that you don't even notice their bloody clothes and bullet wounds anymore. 
A sense of wrongness overtakes you as you notice an envelope on an end table. It’s addressed to you.
Darling Y/N, 
It has been lovely these past six months. You’re such a sweet girl who has been so good to us. We hope you will look back on your time with us with fondness, but our time has come.
We were obligated to spend one hundred and twenty five years in our home. Today marks the end of our purgatorial sentence. We had wanted to prepare you for our departure, but the exact date slipped our mind, and was upon us before we could act.
I am truly sorry we are unable to give a proper goodbye, and wish you nothing but happiness for your future. We will always appreciate the loving care and consideration you have shown us. 
Wishing you a joyous and love filled life, 
Eustace and Gertrude Mayford
Tears prickling your eyes, a sob wrenches from your chest. You hadn’t known them long, but you were closer to them than anyone.
The next few hours fly by as you process the loss. You find yourself seated on the couch, a glass of wine in one hand, an old flyer in the other.
You’d come across it less than a week after moving in. it was for something called a “bio-exorcist.” When you showed it to Gertrude, she rolled her eyes.
“He’s a conman. After he was caught tormenting a couple who had just died and the family that moved in after them, he was forbidden any contact with the living world for twenty years,” she looked quite annoyed, obviously not liking the man. “The sentence ended a few years ago and he’s been nothing but a nuisance ever since.”
Both Eustace and her had warned you off summoning him, even for fun, multiple times, but you’re feeling lonely, and the tiniest bit inebriated, and you need to talk to someone who might understand, at least someone who knows about the spirit world.
Steeling yourself, and sending an apology to your departed friends, you say, “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,” as quickly as possible.
Seconds roll by, leaving you disappointed. Out of nowhere, the couch shudders and quakes, making you hold on for dear life. Your eyes squeeze shut until the ride comes to an end.
A maniacal laugh and a hand on your leg has your eyes snapping an eye open. You let out a startled scream, jumping up from your spot, wanting to get some space between you and the...man?
“Who-who the hell are you?” you stutter, logic refusing to make itself known.
He gives you a huge grin, mossy teeth glittering in the low light, “I’m the ghost with the most, babe.”
“So, you’re Beet-” you’re cut off, physically unable to finish.
Eyes wide, you take in his satisfied smirk and his wagging finger, letting you know he’s responsible. “Uh uh uh, babes. We won’t be using that name again tonight.”
You bolt up, pacing the floor. Experimentally, you try to speak, “So,” you sigh in relief. “You’re the...person the Mayfords warned me about? I was expecting someone scarier.”
“Scarier?” he looks at you like you’ve got two heads.
“Well, yeah,” you say, beyond blunt. Nerves making you lose all tact. “I mean, you’re hardly intimidating. You’re not that much taller than me, you’ve got a bit of a gut, and honestly, you’re more gross than scary.”
Your pacing is brought to a sudden halt by a shockingly strong pair of hands. He pushes until you’re pressed against a wall, his arms bracket your head, trapping you. Something odd grips your wrists and ankles, spreading you out before him.
You’re suddenly horribly aware of your lack of clothes, in just your pajamas, a paper thin tank top and tiny pair of shorts. His hands still by your head, he gives you a long look over, his gaze almost tactile.
Except it’s not just his gaze that’s touching you, he seems to have grown a third arm out of his chest, which is running down your body, from just south of your breasts to just north of your shorts.
“Well now, babes,’ he growls in your ear. “I could do anything I want to you, there ain’t a thing you can do to stop me. You still think you I’m not intimidating?”
Swallowing hard, you decide to press your luck. “Intimidating? Not really. Dominant and sexy? Fuck yeah.”
 A coy smile crosses your lips as his jaw drops. As what you said sinks in, an evil grin splits his face.
“Oh, babycakes,” his lips are a hair's breadth from yours. “Game on.” His mouth crashes against yours; lips, teeth, and tongues battling for control.
Your fight is half hearted at best, wanting him to be in charge. Out of nowhere you’re released, falling into his waiting arms. He carries you to the couch, placing you how he wants you, naked at crouch level, clothes melting away.
You bite your lip, looking at him with fluttering lashes. “Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Juice.”
“Fuck yeah there is,” he purrs, fingers digging in your hair. “I want you to play with your pretty little pussy while I use your mouth as my own personal cock sleeve.” 
You wrinkle your nose, about to remark on that comment, when he opens his pants, pulling out his cock. Tilting your head, you take it in.
It’s as pale as the rest of him, around average length, but really fucking girthy, perfect for sex, but it was going to be hell on your jaw. You’re up for the challenge.
Starting to lean forward, you’re surprised when he stops you. “Uh uh uh, I’m captain of this cruise.”
He pulls you up to kiss just under his belly button, before having you kiss your way to and down his shaft. At the head, he commands, “Lick it.”
You do, treating it like your favorite lollipop. Feeling mischievous, you manage to give it one quick suck before he pulls you away. “Naughty girl.”
He gives you a wink that you return.
The tease lasts much longer than you would have thought, his stamina shocking you. He reminds you that you’re supposed to be providing him with some visual stimulus, so you run your hand down to your aching clit.
Jas you start to pleasure yourself, he lets you take him in your mouth, slowly. Stroking in and out, more of a tease than anything. Every time you try to take him deeper, he pulls back or pulls you away.
You’re starting to get frustrated, when he starts to thrust, slow and easy, allowing you to get used to his girth.
“Two inside, babes,” he pants, confusing you until you realize what he wants.
Hand slipping lower, you slip your middle and ring fingers into your pussy, surprised at just how wet you are. Using your palm to keep pressure on your clit, you keep pace with him the best you can. As you both grow closer, your breathing turns into pants, moans, and groans.
“Cum for me,” he commands, a growl deepening his voice. “Cum all over your hand.”
Unable to resist, you do, thrashing and screaming around his thick pulsing cock. This triggers his own orgasm, sending a spray of surprisingly pleasant, viscous cum. You swallow every drop.
You try to lean back, but he stops you, flipping you over the back of the couch.
His hands caress your ass, occasionally dropping sharp slaps, making you gasp. One hand slips to feel just how wet you are.
“What a dirty girl.”
You feel his breath against your heated flesh, seconds before a ridiculously long tongue buries itself deep inside your core. It wiggles and worms, finding every crevice, every pleasurable nook you never knew you had. Trying to move, wanting more, he holds you tight, keeping you right where he wants you. Using his tongue and fingers he draws two more explosive climaxes from deep inside.
He then repositions you. Laying on your back, you catch your breath as he settles between your spread thighs.
You whimper, “BJ, I’m too sensitive.”
His grin is less than reassuring. He drapes himself over you, planting another lingering kiss on your lips, cock brushing against your screaming clit. “Good,” he growls, “I want you cummin’ all over my dick.” 
You try to jerk away, body refusing anymore pleasure, but Beetlejuice is having none of it. He pins your arms above your head, starting to thrust into you. Grinding and twisting, he’s buried deep. Against your wishes, your legs wrap around his hips, drawing him tighter.
Nibbling your neck, he sets a breakneck pace. A blinding light over takes you as another screaming orgasm tears through you, then another, and another. 
Finally, when it feels like you’re about to pass out, you feel his cum spurt deep inside, hearing him growl low as his teeth sink in your shoulder.
Minutes pass, or hours, or maybe even days, as you regain your senses. You’re surprised to find yourself in your bed, even more to realize it’s not your body pillow you’re cuddling, but an actual body.
Looking up as much as your sore muscles will allow, anger shoots through you.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Hey, babes,” he grins down at you, cigar in one hand, glass of wine in the other. “Mornin’”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
A minute passes, “Well?”
“I told you, ‘Yes,’ answering your question.” The glimmer in his eyes telling you he knows what you want, and he’s enjoying your frustration.
Taking a deep breath, you grind out, “Is there a reason you’re smoking a cigar in my very much non-smoking home? Also, what possessed you to pour yourself the last glass of my fifty dollar wine?”
He just gives you a shit eating grin, refusing to answer.
Shaking your head and sighing, you drop your head back on his chest, lacking the energy to argue.
“Goodnight, BJ.”
“Goodnight, roomie.”
 You’re just about to drift back off, when your eyes snap open, “Roomie!?”
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: If you still write for Wally (TV show) could I please request some angst-to-fluff involving his powers and how they affect his relationship with the reader?
Warning: angst, fluff, swearing
A/N: Heading to my friend’s house for a week so I probably won’t be quite as active. Hella excited though!!
Also, like, if you like Barry Allen, I kinda just finished Book two of a series about him on Wattpad. If anyone is interested let me know I’ll send ya over in the right direction lol! 
Word Count: 1.6k
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Wally West was sometimes a handful and a half.
He was stubborn, wanted things his way, and he was always willing to risk more than what he had. You had seen it in him while racing, through university, and even more so when he had gotten his speed. Wally liked to live his life on the edge. You? Well, it was more of a hidden corner where no one could see you.
It was pure coincidence that you had found each other. You ended up together for a project at your university and an instant connection happened. The two of you were different, very different and yet you only got excited at the thrill of his life. The racing, the danger he put himself in, you couldn't get enough of it.
So, when Wally asked you on a date how could you say no? He brought you into his world wind of a life, and even more so when he discovered his father and sister.
You were with him through the death of his mother, his move in with his father, and the life of having The Flash in his life. Wally lived a crazy life, and you were happy to be part of it. He was thankful for being with you through everything. There was no one he would have rather had by his side than you.
You supported him with everything, particularly when he had been ever so disappointed that Jesse had gotten speed and he hadn't. Wally was devastated by the news. He wanted powers so bad and when his best friend got them and he didn't, it ruined him. Wally had lulled around your home for weeks.
You spent day in and day out with him, trying to make sure that at the end of the day that he still had hope for his future. Wally appreciated everything you did for him, promising that one day he would have the strength to return the favour. It didn't matter whether he did or not, Wally was your everything.
He was the person that encouraged you to be better, to find a better path than he did. He wanted you to succeed in every single one of your dreams and was always there to help you when you felt yourself waver. Together, there was nothing that the two of you couldn't accomplish.
When Alchemy came around, promising powers to all those who had them in Flashpoint, Wally had gotten excited. This was his chance to finally get his speed - and he had gotten it. Wally became Kid Flash, the hero he dreamed of being for so long. You were happy for him, at first.
He spent all of his time in the lab. Controlling his speed, learning everything that the Flash knew about it. He was incredible and you were so proud of him for being able to achieve his dreams. How could you be mad at someone that was wanting to learn how to save lives? Truth was, you couldn't.
Wally used his speed at every chance he got, but with Barry busy and unable to train him, he took more risks than you liked to see. At first, they were nothing - using his speed to save someone from a car, keeping the people safe and never putting himself in harms way. But when Aliens invaded and he took it upon himself to go out and fight his brainwashed friends? That was your last straw.
The second that Wally had gotten back on his feet, you had finally lost it at him.
Iris, Joe, they saw the rage on your face. These past few weeks you had been holding you tongue, but you couldn't anymore. Wally getting his speed had put a major strain on your relationship. He spent all of his free time at STAR Labs and even missed classes to be there.
The only time that you ever got to see him anymore was when he crawled into your shared bed while you were half asleep. It was as if Wally had completely forgotten about you. He was consumed by his speed and all he ever wanted to do was become as good as Barry. As much as you supported him, you couldn't handle missing him anymore.
What was going to happen when he did get his training? Missions? Fighting meta's? You already missed him so much you weren't sure if you could do this any longer. As much as you hated the though of putting this on him, it was getting to the point that it was either you or being Kid Flash.
You already knew what he was going to pick if you told him.
"That is it, Wally!" You yelled. Wally sat on the edge of the medical bed that he had just previously woken up from. The room was cleared of all your friends, but you were sure at least one of them was lurking around to listen in. Wally watched your shoes pace back and forth, his head hung low.
He never noticed that you had become more tense, or that every time he left racing off you were holding your breath, petrified that he wasn’t going to make it back. He didn’t know just how worried you had become for him. 
"I have been with you through everything! Your family, your racing, the crazy meta encounters! Not once did I ever question myself being with you, or your love for me. I never doubted that you would be able to keep yourself safe because I know that you can, but this?! What the hell were you thinking?"
Wally opened his mouth to speak, but closed it the second he met your eyes. There was a fire behind them. Anger coursed through your entire body and only worsened as you remember Oliver carrying in your unconscious boyfriend. The heart break you had when you thought that he was down for good nearly tore you apart.
"You're obsessed with this speed! You think that the second that you got it that you're the exact same as Barry. You're not! You don't have the practice that he has, you can't just run into fights thinking you're invincible! You could have been killed, Wally," your voice cracked during your last sentence.
Wally pushed himself off the bed and brought you into his arms. He held you as you sobbed at the thought of losing him, tears welling up in his own eyes. He didn't think that you would be so upset, he had never seen you like this before. You were right, he was so consumed by his speed that he didn't realize how distant you had been.
Getting his speed put a split in your relationship. He wished that it hadn't taken him this long to realize what had been going on. Guilt consumed him - he was the reason that you were upset. There was no one else to blame here, he had done it all on his own.
"I'm sorry," Wally whispered. He kissed the top of your head and pulled away just enough that he could look into your eyes. Eyes that held so much sadness and fear, all because of him. He never wanted this. You were right, he was obsessed and it took him far too long to realize. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been this caught up with my powers. You're right, I took it too far."
"I worry about you, Wally," you confessed. "Barry goes against a lot of things, hell he's going against aliens right now. I don't want to see you get hurt, not after we know what can happen to those who try to fight. But... I understand that you need to. I know that you can't just sit around anymore."
"I know you don't like it," Wally trailed off. As much as you loved the thrill of his life in the beginning, the more you cared for him, the more you worried. Wally lived for the thrill, you hated it about him after growing to love him. You wanted him safe with you. "I'm meant to be doing this, I'm meant to be Kid Flash."
"I know you are, babe," You assured him. "I'm never going to be the one to stop you from it. I just... seeing you in danger or, or hurt like you were today... it's hard. It's not something that I ever want to get used to. I like it when you're safe - cozy in our bed and worrying about our ridiculous classes."
"They are pretty ridiculous aren't they?" Wally joked. You lightly smacked his chest - however you knew that he hadn't only focused on that small bit of your spiel. Wally half smiled before leaning down to kiss you. "I'm sorry for making you worry, but thank you for understanding. I need you now more than ever."
He was going to do better, be better. Wally needed to learn the balance between his hero life and his civilian life. Nothing was more important than his love for you. When it came down to it, he could live a life without being Kid Flash, he had for a long time. But a life without you? He wasn't sure if he could ever manage that.
You were the one to keep him grounded so many times. Barry had Iris, and Wally had you. He couldn't do this without you, he knew he couldn't. Losing you would break him more than anything else in this world could.
Wally leaned down to kiss you once more. His palm was against your cheek to keep you close to him. Yours over his heart, knowing that it was fully yours. Thought times were tough - more often than not - he would always be the one to catch you when you fell. 
"I told you before, Wally West, I'm with you through everything."
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lupin-for-president · 4 years
“Behind The Shelves” Pt. 2
(A Wolfstar College AU)
Days passed, the air got cooler, and eventually a week had come and gone since the library incident.
I don’t know what I was expecting, Remus thought, It was stupid of me to think he was actually interested.
He tugged at his jacket collar as he walked across the college quad, trying to shield his neck from the cold breeze that was blowing through. His eyes were glued to the book in his hands, trying to finish just this one chapter as he was on his way to his final class of the day.
He should’ve been looking where he was going —that much he can admit— but that still didn’t stop the growl that sounded from his throat when a running body slammed into him, causing him to drop the book he was holding.
“Shit, let me get that for you,” the stranger said.
Remus ignored the voice and bent down to grab the discarded literature when he noticed a tan hand, rings littering the fingers, reaching out at the same time. His eyes slowly lifted up to the owner of the hand and he was suddenly completely awestruck.
“Sirius?” Remus asked, hardly above a whisper.
The boy in question looked up, Remus’ book in hand, wearing a hardened expression. This face was much different than the one he had seen just a week ago, he had seemed to lack that playful vigor from before. The tan boy was quick to cover it up, though, letting a smirk spread across his full lips.
“Remus, babe,” Sirius answered, handing the book over, “Lovely to see you again.”
Remus rolled his eyes at the sudden pet name, but was honestly doing his best to fight of the blush it was causing to rush to his cheeks. He slowly rose to his feet, clutching the book close to his chest.
“Yeah, lovely,” he said curtly.
“I would apologize for bumping into you like that, but in all honesty I am not at all sorry since it means I get to look at that pretty face of yours,” Sirius smiled smoothly, running a hand through his hair.
Remus was mesmerized with the way the light wind made it blow around his face ever so slightly, falling into those shining silver eyes. He wanted to reach out and touch it himself, feel it run between his fingers.
“So, are you just coming from a class?” Remus asked, completely ignoring the other boy’s flirtatious remark.
“Yeah, actually,” Sirius smiled, raising up his hands, the palms of which were dotted with different shades of paint, “Just came from Figurtive Painting, got to stare at a naked girl for an hour and a half. What a sight she was.”
“Oh,” was all Remus could push out.
Had he read the situation wrong? Was the flirting and invitations on dates all just some joke? Or maybe even just in his imagination altogether?
Was Sirius not actually interested in boys?
Why should you care, you turned him down, he internally scolded himself.
“But you know,” Sirius sang out, snapping Remus out of his trance, “I have a project coming up, a painting due. The assignment is Desire; we’re supposed to paint what our heart longs for. Would you fancy being my muse?”
Once again, the remark caught Remus off guard, causing his eyes to widen slightly. He tried to find any sense of falsehood and teasing in Sirius’ eyes, but there was none. It almost looked like he was genuinely asking.
“Sorry, you’ll have to find someone else,” he declined.
Sirius wasn’t surprised by the statement, if anything he had been expecting it. If he were being honest he had only brought up the proposition in hopes of seeing that faint blush spread across Remus’ freckled nose. And Sirius was kind of a fan of the little game of cat and mouse Remus was making them play.
Hell, he’s gonna drive me mad, Sirius thought.
“You wound me, Remus” he gasped dramatically, the corners of his mouth tugging up devilishly, “As if I could ever find someone else that would be acceptable by my standards.”
Remus scoffed, turning his eyes away from the boy. “You’re making me late for class,” he stated bluntly, though a smile was playing at his lips.
“My apologies,” Sirius drawled out, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, “However can I make it up to you?”
Remus watched intently as Sirius lit up the bud, placing it gently between his teeth. He thought for a moment, pondered over some ideas, before finally deciding what he would like.
“I have closing shift again tonight, you can bring me by some chocolate.”
“Chocolate, eh?” Sirius chuckled, taking a long drag, “If I knew that was the way to your heart I would have gotten you some a week ago.”
Remus rolled his eyes and nodded at the cigarette in Sirius’ hand. “That’s against school policy, ya know. Smoking on campus is against the rules.”
The tan boy simply laughed, twirling the stick between his fingers gracefully. His eyes never left Remus’ as he blew a light puff of smoke out of the corner of his mouth.
“Sorry, Sir.”
Those two words were enough to make Remus’ face flush in an instant, his heart skipping a beat inside of his chest.
Had it been anyone else saying those words, they would have been meaningless. It was the fact that Sirius had said them —and they way he said it— that caused him to become flustered. It was just embarrassing how much of an affect this boy had on him, really.
He quickly turned away, taking the first step in the direction of his last class.
“Yeah, well, just put it out,” he grumbled as he took his leave, not even sparing the other a parting glance.
Sirius chuckled as he watched him go, his eyes maybe drifting down Remus’ backside just once —or twice— before finally landing on the back of his head. His feet started dragging backwards and he put out the cigarette on a nearby trash can before throwing it in.
“See you tonight!” Sirius called after him.
Oh, he loved that look on Remus’ face, absolutely desired it. The completely flustered and caught of guard stare, how his hazel eyes would shoot wide open. He wanted to see it more often.
He hadn’t stopped thinking about Remus ever since that day in the library. James even threatened to kick him out of their dorm because he wouldn’t shut up about it. He swore up and down that it was love at first sight, and he was going to make Remus fall in love with him, too.
Soon it became time for Remus’ shift and he actually found himself getting jittery when he though of Sirius stopping by. He knew he shouldn’t look too far into it, but he just couldn’t help it when he had went so long without having experienced something like this.
Every time the door jingled he would snap his head up to see who it was, each time being a little too disappointed when it wasn’t who he wanted it to be. Until around seven, when in through the door walked none other than the charming and dashing Sirius.
Remus did his best to fight off a smile, but the best he could manage was a slightly crooked grin. He tried not to stare when he saw Sirius tugging off his leather jacket as he made his way up to Remus’ counter.
“One order of chocolate here for delivery, babe,” Sirius smiled widely, sliding the box across the counter top.
Remus wasn’t sure how, but Sirius had managed to get the exact brand and flavor that was his all time favorite. He stared down at the chocolates for a moment before grabbing them and placing them next to his phone and keys.
“Don’t call me babe,” Remus said, “And I didn’t actually expect you to get me these.”
“Anything for you,” the other cooed, leaning on his elbows over the counter, “Can I get a thank you kiss?”
Remus huffed and placed a hand over Sirius’ lips, tilting his head. Sirius looked a little confused at first, but didn’t even make an attempt to move away.
“In your dreams.”
Sirius smirked against Remus’ hand, wrapping his slim fingers around the pale boy’s wrist and pulling it away just enough so that he could speak.
“Oh, we do way more than kiss in my dreams, babe,” he teased, leaning even closer, “C’mon don’t be scared, I don’t bite.”
Remus cleared his throat, yanking his hand out of Sirius’ grasp and grabbing his clipboard. When his eyes met Sirius’ again, there was a playful glint in them, almost mischievous.
“I do.”
For the first time since Sirius had met him, Remus made him speechless. A hot blush rose to his face as he watched the sandy haired boy walk away, almost swearing that he saw a smirk tugging at those chapped lips.
He had pegged Remus as the innocent type, I mean, he checked all the boxes —quiet, work focused, easily flustered— but just those two words threw that entire analogy out the window.
It only made Sirius want him more.
Sirius followed after him, watching with close eyes as Remus would mark things off on his clipboard. Sometimes he would lean against the shelves and Remus would shoo him out of the way if he were blocking a book he needed to see. Sirius wanted to know everything about him, especially now that Remus had just took their little game to a whole new level.
“So, babe, when’s our date?”
“Pardon?” Remus asked, not even attempting to debunk the pet name this time.
“I brought you chocolate, I think that means I get a date,” Sirius smiled, taking steps up to Remus, “You can decline again, but I’m not going to stop asking until you say yes.”
Somehow, Remus knew he wasn’t kidding.
The dark headed boy was only inches from him now, looking directly into his eyes. If his goal was to drive Remus absolutely mad from the proximity, then he was doing a damn good job. Remus sighed, turning his eyes back to the clipboard in his hands and walking down the aisle.
“I told you before, I don’t do dates,” Remus said bluntly.
Sirius felt his heart sink for a moment as he followed, but only until Remus paused and turned around to face him.
“But, I wouldn’t mind a study session. Whether you need to work on anything or not, I have a big test coming up in a few days.”
Sirius was confused for a moment, he wasn’t sure what Remus was trying to imply. He knew there was no way in hell this genius looking boy could be asking for help from him.
“I’m off tomorrow, but I plan on coming here to study since my roommate is always snogging some random girl in our dorm. You can accompany me if you like, but if you distract me too much—”
“Me? Distracting? Never,” Sirius cut him off, flashing him an innocent smile.
“Whatever,” Remus mumbled, turning around to hide the smile on his face, “I’ll be here at five, I plan on studying for a while so you don’t have to stay the entire time.”
“Alright, it’s a date.”
A date.
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Remus really liked the sound of that.
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buckys-other-punk · 4 years
Don’t You Dare Say Goodbye
Summary: Being together for what feels like a lifetime, comes crumbling down on you and Bucky. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: ANGST (i mean look at the title), bleeding, cussing, death, fight scene and Endgame spoilers? (i feel like we’ve all seen it by now)
Word Count: 1K (a lil short but woo sadness!)
Prompt: “I will protect you with my life.”
A/N: This is the first Endgame fic I wrote because I pretend like it didn’t happen. I feel like this was a bit cliche (but fuck it). Thank you @stuckonjbbarnes for letting me join your Angst vs Fluff writing challenge. Also small thanks to my babes @thorfanficwriter​​ and @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ for helping me decide how to attack people with angst lol. Lemme know what y’all think of this (feedback is very much appreciated). If you wanna be tagged in my future works shot me a message and I’ll happily add you! Please ignore the minor mistakes in this lol.
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Fighting in a battlefield with aliens didn’t seem like the craziest thing when you first joined the avengers. You fought aliens before and even robots for god's sake, but this time seemed different. Everything had changed after Thanos’ snap five years ago. Everyone was trying to find their way back to ‘normalcy’ but you couldn’t bring yourself to what was done. Your best friend sacrificed herself to help your team make everything right. She wanted you to be happy again. She hated seeing you not act like your normal self. Natasha knew that you needed to be with the one you loved the most. 
Prior to the snap you fought alongside Steve in Berlin, when he and Tony had their little argument. Though when you had to fight against your best friend, with the help of Clint, both of you were trying to go a bit easy for one another. You and Nat were practically sisters when you first joined the team, the two of you glued to the hip. Each of you knew the consequences when you had to choose sides, but it didn’t matter because the two of you knew that in the end you both would still be best friends.
When you sided with team Cap you grew close with Bucky. He told you some stories about when he and Steve were younger. It was nice to hear about how they defended each other back in the day and how their friendship reminded you of yours and Nat’s. Slowly the two of you began to have feelings for one another and if Nat was with you she would have teased you hard, but Clint was there to do the job. You and Bucky shared more and more things about your past, interests, dislikes and etc. 
Sam was the first to actually do something because he was so annoyed with the two of you constantly flirting with one another. He actually went out of his way to make dinner reservations for the two of you. While Bucky was peeved about what Sam did, he was very grateful. For what felt like ages in that fancy restaurant you and Bucky felt complete. You both felt like you were the only people in the world. No universe. You couldn’t even describe how you both were feeling at that exact moment, but you knew that you both were meant for each other.
Now here you were killing aliens left and right with your trusty dual ended glaive, which could be taken apart and turned into two combat blades. You were getting tired of fighting these stupid things. When you felt like you had lost hope and that Thanos had won again, you heard Steve yell something behind you. Pulling out of your blades from the dead alien you turned around. You saw all these portals and many people come out of them charging towards the aliens you were fighting. You first saw Sam fly right out passing Steve and you from above. Your heart was racing, your friends were back. That must mean.
You ran past people fighting off Thanos’ crew. You needed to find him. You held both your blades conjoining them back to your glaive. you fought past aliens and rushed over trying to find him. You pass Wakandan soldiers and those who practiced the magic or the mystic arts like that man Tony talked about when he went to Titan to fight Thanos. So many things were happening around you and you honestly didn’t know when or if you’ll find him. Then that’s when you looked eyes with the man you have been looking for. The man you wished wasn’t dusted by the mad titan. The man you knew you were gonna marry if things didn’t go to shit.
“Bucky” you gasped, staring at him with tears in your eyes. It was like your prayers had been answered. You both ran towards each other like something out of a romantic movie scene. Both of you rushing over to finally be together after being apart for what felt like eternity. The two of you weaved around the people who were fighting trying to get closer and closer. Just when you both were a few feet apart you felt like you were getting slower and Bucky seemed like he was still far from you. 
You began to feel lightheaded and you knew for sure you were slowing down. Looking down, as you could feel your combat suit getting wet. Bringing your hand to the spot and lifting it up to examine it you saw crimson liquid. You looked back up to where Bucky was then you fell to the ground. 
“Y/N!” he yelled, running as fast as he could to get to you dodging everything and everyone. Right when he got to you he fell to his knees pulling you onto his lap. 
“Hey doll, you’re gonna be just fine.” he smiled at you as he brushed the stray hairs out of your face looking down at your wound. You smiled at him with tears in your eyes knowing that his comment wasn’t true. You knew that whatever wounded you  had no way of recovery.
“I missed you so much Bucky.” you said with tears now falling. You raised your hand to caress his cheek wiping away the tears that escaped his eyes.
“I missed you too, but you’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna get you out of here and get you back in shape ok.” he cried looking into your eyes.
“Baby, I don’t think I’ll make it.” you whispered as he held you closer.
“No, you will.” he exclaimed. “Remember I promised I would take you to Coney Island where we would ride all the rides and have different types of fair foods.” he smiled recalling the thought. You nodded yes in response. “We were supposed to go on the ferris wheel and that’s where I would propose to you.” he sobbed reaching in his pocket and pulling out a ring. You were crying at the thought. “And your response would be you teasing me about how cheesy a proposal on a ferris wheel is.” he chuckled.
“You know me so well Bucky.” you sniffled and you brought your hand up to the ring. He slid it down your finger and held your hand. Looking back up to your face he saw you were growing paler and paler by the minute. He didn’t care about the entire fight scene that was happening before the two of you. All he cared about was you. He finally got back. He can finally hold you in his arms again, but this isn’t how he wanted it to be. 
“Doll, stay with me. Don’t close those beautiful eyes.” he cried. You were slowly blinking and tried your best to stay conscious for what little time you had left. You needed to be there for one last time with Bucky.
“Bucky, you need to promise me that you help Steve and the others fight Thanos. You need to promise me that you will help everyone.” you began crying.
“Doll.” Bucky said, trying hush you.
“No, Bucky. Promise me that nobody dies when I go because I can’t part with the idea of another member of my team dying.” you sobbed staring at his blue eyes.
Shaking his head he said, “If you die now, then I die too. I will kill myself to stay with you.” Placing his hand on your cheek wiping your tears away. You shook your head as you weakly leaned into his touch.
“Bucky, stop.” you said as your voice began to shake. Your eyes watering as you squeezed his hand. 
“I will protect you with my life.” Bucky whispered as he placed his forehead on yours closing his eyes.
“No, baby. I need you to keep everyone safe, please. Do this for me. I don’t know how long I have left, but I know that everything will be fine. I’ll be ok because Nat is waiting for me. She’ll be looking after me until we meet again.” you whispered as you could feel all your energy and pain slip away. 
Bucky leaned back to stare at you. “No doll, don’t you dare say goodbye. Y/N! I LOVE YOU PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” he sobbed as he watched you getting physically weaker.
“I love you, Bucky.” you shed a tear as you said your final breath. Bucky stared down at your lifeless body, held you closer and tighter as he cried harder.
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A/N: Sad right? Did I make you cry? because I did when I wrote this. Man I love writing angst it brings me joy...god it sounds like i have no heart. Anyways please lemme know what you think of this sadness! 
Crackhead Tags: @kitkatd7 @mr-skyline-r34 @chaoticpete @cheeky-foxx @msgreenverse @babygurlbarnes @hermionesalvatore84
Forever Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @aquabrie @amour-quinn @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @princess76179 @anbrax5553 @sebtheromanianprince @hailmary-yramliah​ @miraclesoflove​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @fandomsandxfiles​
^lemme know if you wanna be added (or removed) to my tags^
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Sorry for all the request but I just came up with another one for angel. Where y’all are doing a gender reveal party with his family and urs and also the M.C also but your toddler will help u Pop the balloon??
*Never apologize for requesting Daddy Angel 😂. Anyways here it is and I hope you like it! I had a little fun with this one if you can’t tell haha. Like always I hope you enjoy and let me know what y’all think ☺️*
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Fluff and a little steamy
You laughed along with your sister and mother as you watched your son running around your backyard engaging in a squirt gun fight with his father and a few of his many tios.
Angel had a devilish look in his eye as he made his way towards you, squirt gun locked and loaded. You gave him a look as in ‘don’t you dare’ but he had no intentions of abandoning his mission.
Your son looked between his father and you. Sensing what was about to happen he quickly ran in front of you holding his arms out as wide as he could in hopes of shielding you.
You smiled down at the boy and rubbed his hair as Angel smiled too, proud of his little guy for defending his mama.
He taught him well.
Still his gun was ready to shoot and someone had to take it. He aimed at the tiny chest of your boy drenching the middle of his shirt with water.
Your son squealed at the burst of cold water but still stood firm. He gave his father a glare with which Angel responded by putting his hands up in surrender and setting the gun on the ground, laughing.
“Don’t worry Mama I’ll always protect you,” he said, triumphantly as he turned to face you.
“My very own little hero,” you cooed, heart melting from the sweet little being you and Angel had created together. You rubbed your swollen bump, happy to be expanding your family by one more.
You bent over and scooped your little man into your arms and onto your hip. Resting his head on your shoulder he rubbed your belly with a huge grin on his face.
“Daddy told me we always protect our queen and mi hermano pequeño” he said proudly having fulfilled his duty, still rubbing over your bump with his tiny hand.
“Really now?”
“And that it’s my job as the big brother to help teach him all the things Daddy taught me.” His smile grew showing off the little dimples in his cheeks.
“Hey are you telling Mami all my secrets,” Angel teased as he came up behind you wrapping his arm around you and his children, one hand on your bump the other on the back of your toddler, chin resting on your shoulder.
“I told you to stop telling him it’s a boy, he’s gonna be so disappointed if when we pop the balloon the confetti comes out pink.” You chastised him softly as your little boy hummed to his little sibling in your belly.
“Well he’s not gonna be disappointed because it’s a boy,” he said confidently, “Trust me, mi dulce.” He kissed the side of your head, “But speaking of you ready to find out you're having a little brother?” Angel addressed your son, scooping him into his arms.
“Or sister,” you reminded, shooting Angel a glare as he rolled his eyes.
“Alright everybody shut up!” Angel called out to the crowd, consisting of both your families, “It’s time for the big reveal!”
Everyone gathered around as your sister brought the big black balloon with question marks all over it out and handed you the small pin.
“You said I get to do it right?” Your little boy exclaimed excitedly wiggling in his father’s arms.
The crowd laughed at the little one's excitement and you smiled over at your husband.
“Yes baby, but be careful and you let Papi help you.” You passed the pin to Angel who carefully helped your son with it.
You stepped up behind them so that everyone had a good view and said to the crowd and your son, “Okay on the count of three,” you covered his ears so the noise wouldn’t bother him too much as the crowd began the countdown.
“One. Two,”
Blue confetti came flying out everywhere and landing on the grass all around you. Your son squealed in excitement and wrapped his arms tightly around Angel, as Angel looked at you with the biggest smile on his face. He pulled you close and kissed you before setting his son down and kissing the top of your stomach.
However happy your little family was not everyone else seemed to share the the joy in the crowd. There was an audible groan of disappointment from the many patched members.
By the end of the party most everyone had gone home, some of the members of the club stayed back to help clean up after the joyous event.
You were lounging in a chair, hands resting protectively over your belly as you watched Angel and your father having a hushed discussion, your father patting him on the shoulder before heading home as well with your mother.
Then you watched as EZ came up to Angel and begrudgingly handed over a large stack of cash, before making his way over to you.
“What’s that all about?” You asked your brother in law, eyebrow raised.
“We had a bet going within the club, about the gender.” He explained, “Angel won. Fuck he was right about your first one and then always going on and on about how this one was also a boy. I just really wanted him to be wrong.”
You laughed, you knew exactly what he was talking about. Almost since the moment you two found out you were expecting again he was constantly going on about how he was sure it was another boy.
That night you tucked your son into bed kissing him on the forehead. Shutting the door all but a crack you walked out into your kitchen pressing your hands into your lower back to relieve some of the pain from being on your feet most of the day.
“Come sit,” Angel said, patting his lap as he sat at the table, two piles of money stacked neatly in front of him.
You strolled over to him and settled down into his open arms across his lap sideways. His hands instinctively found their way to your ever growing bump as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your comforting scent.
“So EZ told me you had a bet going about the gender of our child,” you smiled as he hummed into your neck as his response.
You glanced over to the two piles set out before you and pointed to the much smaller pile, “So I’m guessing this one’s your cut, and that one's mine?” You finished by pointing to the larger pile.
“Actually that one's your Dad’s,” he said tapping the smaller pile with his index finger.
“But he couldn’t be a part of the bet, he’s the one who-”
He smiled as he watched your face, seeing the exact moment when everything fell into place in your mind.
“No! Angel Ignacio Reyes, you didn’t!?” You scolded looking him in the eyes to see if he was for real, “I just know it’s a boy, it’s just a feeling, mi dulce. Father’s intuition,” you mocked him.
“I really did think he was a boy, I just needed the proof for my plan to be solid.”
You gave him ‘that’ look and he went on to explain further.
“It took a bit of convincing, your Dad’s a tough negotiator,” he added, “But even without his cut there’s still enough for that new tv I was talking to you about. And of course that was another stipulation, that he can come over and watch all the games here.”
You were going to have to have a little talk with your father the next time you saw him.
“The plan was foolproof baby,” he continued relaying the details of his great scheme, “All I needed to do was annoy EZ enough for him to come up with the idea of the bet all on his own and then with enough of my gushing about how right I am and annoying all the other guys it wasn't long before they were all betting against me. It was like taking candy from a baby.” He grinned at you.
“They underestimated me. I’m more than just a pretty face, mi amor.”
“That you are.” You stood from his lap opening the cupboard and pouring yourself a glass of water from the sink.
“Just think of it (Y/N). The flatscreen will look so great on the wall,” he turned in his chair sideways so he was looking at you again, “And you are gonna be able to see every detail. The games are gonna look fucking amazing, and (Y/S/N)’s movies are gonna be so bright and colorful he’s gonna love it! And it’s a spectacular model for gaming.”
You stared him down drinking your water as he gave you his sales pitch, which had so far been rather unconvincing.
He smirked at you as he licked his lips, “And maybe we can even make a few movies of our own, have a private viewing.”
You almost choked on your water, almost, but kept your cool exterior.
Setting your glass down you swayed over to him. He ran his hands over your bump and then behind you to rest on the small of your back as he brought you down straddling him.
Running your hands up and down his chest you whispered, “How about we make one now?” You teased, biting your lip.
He groaned already growing hard beneath you. Smirking you leaned in kissing him feverishly as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth while you started grinding your hips against his.
Fuck you knew exactly how to mess with him.
You broke your kiss smiling sweetly. His eyes had darkened and he was ready to pick you up and carry you straight to the bedroom.
“Not so fast, baby.” You removed yourself from his lap and for a second he thought he was gonna get to take you right here and now.
Until you reached over onto the table taking the two piles of money he had counted and stacked so neatly into your hands.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“Oh just consider this my inconvenience fee.” You gave him another sweet smile.
“Come on querida. Of course I was gonna share, we could get that new mixer you’ve been wanting too.”
“Oh I will be getting that new mixer,” leaning in you kissed his forehead, “Goodnight Angel.” With that you left him and made your way down the hallway counting your money.
“Can we at least talk about getting the tv?” He called out.
“Goodnight Angel,” you sang again as you turned around blowing him one last kiss before disappearing into the bedroom.
He shook his head and chuckled to himself, you would be getting your mixer and much to his and your father’s dismay you would not be getting that new flat screen tv.
Tagging: @cind-in-real-life
Everything Taglist: @jad3djay @fairygardenss
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bb-tings · 4 years
campfires & kegs
rudy pankow  
requested by: @ampanonyg
summary: y/n and rudy go on their annual camping trip and meet up with their friends. 
taglist: @ampanonyg @ims0golden @jjsmentalpolaroids @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @jjmbanks @maybanksbaby @1-800-jjslut @simpforstarkey @jellyfishbeansontoast @ilovejjmaybank​ @royalpogue
(i have people who have requested to be on the taglist and then i have some friends who i would like nice criticism from, but if you want off i completely understand.)
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        The couple was so excited when they finally pulled up to the campgrounds. The time for their annual camping trip had finally come around and they couldn’t wait. When they hopped out of the car and looked around to see a few of their friends that they had made from the many camping trips in the past, the pair’s smiles grew even wider. They knew that if their camp buddies were around too then there would be a campfire party that night. 
        Rudy and Y/n began getting everything out of the car and setting the tent up. Y/n swat at the mosquitoes that attacked her skin, trying to get to the red substance beneath. As much as she loved these trips with her boyfriend, she was over the little bugs as soon as they arrived on the camping grounds. She turned to Rudy who was getting things out of the car. 
“Roo, did you get the OFF,” Y/n questioned her blonde boyfriend as they put their things inside the tent. 
“No...was I supposed to?” When she didn’t respond he turned around to see her standing with her hands on her hips with an emotionless look. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Rudy, did you at least get the bag of snacks that we packed?”
         When the blonde didn’t respond she let out a frustrated sigh and walked away from him to put the blankets and sheets on the air mattress they had brought. Rudy felt really guilty, he knew that he could be really absent-minded at times. But he was just so eager to camp with his gorgeous girlfriend that everything else just escaped his brain.
        Rudy walked into the tent and pulled the blanket away from Y/n, throwing it on the bed. He grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the tent and he sat on the bench in their camp area. Rudy reached out and pulled her hips towards him, and wrapped his arms around her. Y/n’s hands landed on the blonde’s shoulders. She then slowly made her way to the back of his neck and played with his hair. 
        “I’m sorry.” Y/n heard his words, but she avoided his eyes. She had long forgiven him, but she liked it when Rudy fought for her. In any way, whether he was fighting someone else or fighting himself, as he was doing now. She kept her eyes locked on his lips. When Rudy noticed that he launched forward and gave her a quick peck. Returning to his original position=, he noticed the small smile on her face and her wide eyes. 
“What was that for?”
“I felt like you were assaulting me with your eyes. So I put a stop to it,” the young actor responded with a smirk. 
“Oh. I was assaulting you, was I? I’m sorry, am I making you feel uncomfortable? ‘Cause I’ll leave.” She sported a big smile as she tried to pull away from the boy, but let out a squeal when he tugged her to stand in between his knees again.
“Nah, I’m not uncomfortable. I’m good. But I am really sorry for being so forgetful.” He looked up at the girl with sad blue eyes and poked his bottom lip out for effect. 
“I know baby,” Y/n let out a sigh. “But now we have to add bug spray and snacks to the list of things we need from Walmart. This was supposed to be a cheap trip, remember!.” The girl made a silly angry face and made her voice deeper. 
‘It’s alright baby. I think my bank account can take a hit of about $40 dollars. I don’t know if you know this but I’m a famous actor. I work for Netflix.” the boy smirked up at the girl. 
“Yeah, I remember. You never let me forget,” Y/n started to pull away from Rudy and grabbed his keys from his pocket. “Come on, Mr. Big Shot, Walmart waits for nobody.”
“Alright, wait for me in the car. I’m gonna go tell Luke and Annie to watch our stuff.”
        Y/n watched as he walked the 10 foot distance between their tent and the biggest RV on the grounds. Anne Johnson and her husband, Luke Johnson, were the famous when it came to the specific campgrounds. They had been there the first time the pair had gone camping. The four of them hit it off immediately, being the same age but somehow all in different stages of their lives. 
        The married couple was known for their campfire parties they threw. Renting out the biggest camp spot, they would buy 2 keggers, find logs, build a fire, play music, and then drive around on their 4 wheeler, inviting everyone on the campgrounds. Just strangers, hanging out by a fire, listening to music, and having the time of their lives. 
        When Rudy mentioned their much-needed trip to Walmart, the couple didn’t hesitate to agree to watch their stuff. When Rudy said bye and turned around walking back to his car, Y/n saw Annie and Luke waving towards her. She smiled a big small and waved back, excited for the inevitable drinks the group would share later that night. 
“Tonights gonna be so fun baby.”
“Rudy we don’t need 3 packs of hotdogs, we’re here for 3 nights. Not a week,” Y/n scolded her boyfriend. 
“Well, last time we ran out of food. And you know I get hangry,” the boy pouted next to his girlfriend as they made their way to check out. 
“Well, that’s because last time, somebody forgot to pack the right stuff, and instead packed the year-old weenies. OH and trust me, I know.” 
“You still love me though,” Rudy smiled as he wrapped his arms around the girl as she tried to put the groceries on the conveyor belt. “Unfortunately.”
        Y/n allowed her jaw to drop as she stared unbelievingly at her boyfriend. They had left the store and drove back to the camp. Rudy then walked over to help Luke build the fire, while Y/n helped Annie make some fruity alcoholic beverages inside the RV. They had been there for about 3 hours now, and to say the pair was slightly drunk would be an understatement.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Roo,” Y/n looked towards her boyfriend as he looked genuinely confused. “That bitch was all over you.” 
        When the words left her mouth, she heard Annie and some other people they had met throughout their night, start laughing. She wished the girls had been at the grocery store with them, knowing that they would have been on her side, had they seen the girl, who apparently had a death wish, giving Rudy sexual glances. 
“Babe, she was doing her job,” Rudy slurred as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, smothering the girl with his hoodie-clad chest. 
“Yeah, while simultaneously giving you bedroom eyes.”
        “Ok! Before this turns into a full out brawl, Luke is about to get his guitar out. It’s c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g time,” as Annie spelled out the famous lyrics from SpongeBob, Y/n pulled Rudy towards the benches around the orange and red flames. She made sure to grab the spots right next to the young boy with the guitar, wanting to get the best experience. 
        While Luke and Annie were talking around getting suggestions and requests for music, Y/n snuggled her way into Rudy. She was sitting beside him with her legs thrown over his through. 
        When Rudy turned his head to the left, Y/n took the time to kiss his neck. When her lips made contact with his smooth, freckled skin, she felt Rudy tense and squeeze her knee harder. “What’s wrong, bubba,” she questioned innocently.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to sit through this if you keep doing that.”
“What are you talking about Roo? I’m not doing anything wrong-”
“Alright! Kid rock it is!” Luke yelled to everyone and started playing his guitar.
Rudy looked at his girlfriend and glared into her eyes. “We’ll finish later.”
“And we were trying different things, and we were smoking funny things!” 
When Y/n loudly sang the next lyrics she made eye contact with Rudy. “Making love out by the lake to our favorite song.”
        She felt bad for everybody who wasn’t there. Strangers sitting around a fire, roasting marshmallows and hotdogs, getting drunk, singing their lungs out. This was her favorite thing to do with Rudy. Before he met him, she had never gone camping but she was glad that he brought her along with that one year, because now she couldn’t think of another place she would rather be or other people she would rather be within that exact moment. 
Rudy picked up their last bags and waved goodbye to the Johnsons. He stuffed the bags in the backseat of the car, knowing that if he opened the trunk things would fall out, and then hopped into the driver’s seat. He looked towards Y/n to make sure she had all her electronics and chargers for the drive home and saw the sad look she was sporting. 
“What’s wrong baby?”
“I don’t wanna leave,” she responded with a pout. To this, the blonde boy let out a chuckle. He put his hand on the shoulder of her seat and looked behind him as he backed out of the spot, onto the main road. 
“I know baby, but there’s always next year,” he suggested this as he shifted into drive, then grabbed Y/n’s hand and placed a kiss on it. 
“That’s so far away, though.”
“Well, then you better start counting.” 
“Ugh! I’m taking a nap,” Y/n reached down between her seat and the door and relaxed as the chair slowly started to incline, while simultaneously letting out a yawn. 
“Ok baby. Dream of me.”
“I won’t.”
        When Rudy looked over towards the sleeping girl, he reminded himself how lucky he was. Watching her, he smiled to himself, thinking that she was so cute.  He loved the girl so much and he hoped he got to do just that for as long as she would let him. He just wanted to make her happy, then he too would find his happiness. 
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moostaronce · 4 years
Let’s Get It
Request: an arcade date with Gahyeon 
A/N Okay so in reality I know she’s a grown ass woman now and we are literally the same age but every time I see her all I think about is how much of a baby she is. A savage baby but a baby nonetheless.
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Today is Sunday. The sun is high and the weather is perfect. These are all things that help you indicate that today is date day with your girlfriend Gahyeon. The two of you haven’t been together long but there is just no denying your chemistry. A subtle smile plays on your lips as you grab your keys and put your shoes on before heading out. 
You are both celebrities but were best friends long before things evolved into a different type of relationship. You having a career in acting made it easier for you to go out as a couple as long as you keep your hands to yourself. Even the media always just report you as close friends. However, your fan base and Insomnias are on you like Minji on macarons. 
Deukae’s dorm is fifteen minutes away so it doesn’t take long for an excited Gahyeon to call and check up on your location. You hit the accept call button on your steering wheel and her voice blissfully fills your car and ears.
“Y/N! Are you here yet? Can I come outside?“  Just hearing her excited voice brought you energy. 
“Not yet, come down in 8 minutes and I’ll be there in 10.“ 
When you finally pull up to the dorm she doesn’t even give you the chance to let her know before she’s in your car embracing me.
“I’m so happy to see you! Where to today?“ Her facial features are so full of anticipation that it makes you excited too. Well there is a new arcade that just opened that we haven’t tried yet, if you want to play some games.
As it came out of your mouth you thought it sounded a little lame, but just when you thought it wasn’t possible for her smile to get any brighter she proved you wrong. 
“Let’s go! I wanna whoop you in a whole new location.“ She smirks at you as she buckles up and subtly slides your free hand in her own. 
The whole way there she tells you about how her week and schedules went and you just listen with a small smile. The feeling of both of her hands holding your free hand in her lap like she can’t let it go makes you giddy. It takes all of your power not to just lean over and kiss her because you never know if Dispatch is watching from the bushes.
So instead you just listen to your girlfriend tell you everything she couldn’t while you were apart. 
Soon you pull up to the parking lot and Gahyeon squeals in excitement and squeezes your hand. As your taking your seat belt off you have to convince her to let you go so you can open her door for her. When you come around and open the door she kisses you on the cheek so quick you almost question if it really happened.
Gahyeon smiles up at you and links your arms as you head into the arcade. Surprisingly there aren’t a lot people there yet so you go check out the prizes and ticket amounts while before you go to play. You’re perusing the shelves when Gahyeon squeaks and points at a giant Rilakkuma on the top shelf for an absurd amount of tickets.
You take a moment before you just guide her to play skeeball. Somehow she rolled the ball so aggressively it ended up in your lane and you both died laughing as it actually raised your score tremendously. Gahyeon falls to her knees, maybe laughing the hardest ever in her life. After you help her back up still laughing yourself you pinch her on the nose affectionately as you proceed through the arcade.
You both play your way through nearly every game in the arcade before you take a breather to count your tickets. You’re actually pretty close to being able to afford the grand prize! Gahyeon has to run off to the bathroom, so you play an arm wrestling game in the meantime and you get super invested that you don’t notice a young man around your and Gahyeon’s age watching you. So when he approaches you, you startle a bit.
“Hey, you!“ The boy was directly behind you as you won your 5th game in a row with the body-less arm. 
“Huh, hello?” He could sense the uncertainty in your voice so he took a step back with a warm smile.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t help but notice you and your friend had a lot of tickets. Would you be up for a wager?“
“What kind of wager are we talking?“ You squinted your eyes at the boy with skepticism. All you heard in most of that sentence was that he had been watching you and Gahyeon.
“ I have a lot of tickets too and I’m shooting for that Rilakkuma over there. How about we arm wrestle and winner takes all the tickets. With both of our amounts combined it will be more than enough.“ The boy’s warm smile became a smug, arrogant smirk that you raise your eyebrows at.
“So what your really saying is that you think you can beat me easily and take my tickets.“ You stand up to find that you are actually a bit taller than him with your arms crossed. He visibly gulps a little but refuses to back down.
So the two of you sit at a table and ready yourselves out the corner of your eye you see Gahyeon looking around for you until she spots you. She just looks on confused until a girl runs up to her and starts talking and waving her arms all animated.
With her distracted you fully focus on the young man in front of you. He has this aura of pure arrogance that is slowly but surely working your nerves. So it begins you decide to do best two of three. Within a five minute time frame you beat him twice thus earning all of his tickets and keeping your own.
He hands them all over with his head hanging low and a small apology escaping under his breath.
“What was your deal any way? Are you a collector or something?“
“No, I wanted to get it for my girlfriend since she’s mad at me. We had a fight a few minutes ago and she won’t even look at me now.“ 
You can’t help but feel bad for the guy but you also have a girlfriend to make happy, so you pat him on the back and head towards the award counter. But as you turn around to find Gahyeon you see the guy you just arm wrestled staring longingly at the girl that she is talking to. Must be his girlfriend, he looks so sad.
At that moment you just roll your eyes at yourself because your conscience is screaming at you to help that poor guy. Then you think about Gahyeon and how disappointed she’d be if she knew you chose not to help someone.
With an annoyed sigh at yourself and heavy steps you walk over and hand the poor guy the Rilakkuma.
“Here, you need it more than I do.” The guy’s head springs up and he looks at you in disbelief. 
“Are you for real? You’re just going to give it to me?” 
“Yeah, I have enough tickets left over for something else and honestly, you look pitiful dude.”
 “Thank you! My name is Jaebum by the way, Park Jaebum. Honey is gonna love this, thank you.”
“Y/N. Go get her, man.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he takes off like a rocket towards your girlfriends. So you wander back to the prize counter to find something for Gahyeon. That’s when you see a really big Gudetama plushie that you have the exact amount of tickets for. You have never grabbed something that quickly in your life. 
When you turn to find Gahyeon she’s directly behind you with that cute eye smile you love. She looks so cute that you have to pinch her on her cheek.
“Here Gah, I got you a plushie.” Her eyes shine as you hand it over.”
“I saw what you did and I’m proud of you. That girl said she was a fan so we were talking and then she told me about her fight with her boyfriend. Then I see you handing over the bear to him and now they are all made up.” 
“Well, you know I just wanted to help him out.” You duck your head a little to hide your blush from her while she gushes over you. 
“You’re so cute! I could kiss you right now.” She says the last part in a whisper and it makes you blush even more.
“Um, I better get you home before Bora personally pulls up to drag you back.”
The two of you link arms together as you leave the arcade and get into your car.
“So, did you have fun? We played games for 2 hours straight.” You glance at her as you ask the question.
“So much! We should go again sometime, their games are so much more fun than the old place.”
“Whatever you want, babe”
Silence filled the car so you look over at Gahyeon briefly to see her staring at you with a red face and the surprised Pikachu face. Your eyebrows scrunch up a bit confused and it brings her back to reality.
“Sorry, I’m just not used to hearing you call me babe yet.“ Even without seeing her face, you know she’s embarrassed.
“Should I not?“
“No! No, you can say it as much as you want, whenever you want! I like it a lot.” She squeezes your hand fondly and settle in her seat smiling to herself.
In  a short time the car ride is over and you are in front of Dreamcatcher’s dorm. You put your hazard lights on and walk her up to the door like you usually do, just to make sure she gets in safely. Gahyeon leans her back against the door clutching her plushie tightly to her chest with her signature sweet smile on her face.
The two of you just smile and stare at each other for what feels like hours but is actually only about 2 minutes. When you come back to your senses you kiss her on the cheek and say goodnight.
Before you can even fully turn away to leave, Gahyeon tugs on your hand to get your attention and pouts when you look at her. Then you watch in amusement as her lips transition from a pout to a pucker, indicating that a cheek kiss isn’t going to be enough today. 
You look up and down the hall to make sure nobody sees and give her a quick peck, but before you get too far away she moves a hand to the collar of your shirt to pull you back in for a real kiss. And you stay like that until the door opening behind her startles you back, while Gahyeon pouts again, as she had no intention of breaking that kiss anytime soon.
Who else would open the door with her arms crossed and a “Kiss the Chef” apron on but Kim Bora. Her face is painted with a playful annoyed expression that has you putting your hands up. You’re not really able to back up too much more because Gahyeon still had your collar in her fist, eyes glazed over only looking at you.
Meanwhile the rest of unnie line approach the door to see what’s going on and giggle at the scene before them.
“Y/N, why don’t you stay for dinner? It seems like Gahyeon doesn’t want you to go yet.” Minji smiles at you sweetly like she always does.
“Well I have to go properly park first, if it’s alright with EVERYONE that I stay.“ Gahyeon snaps to attention at this and spins to face her members with a huge puppy dog face.
Yoobin and Yoohyeon shout whatever from deeper in the dorm. Minji, Siyeon, and Han Dong smile and nod, while Bora does her best to avoid the maknae’s gaze. She holds strong until Gahyeon resorts to whining and she can’t resist anymore.
“Fine! But no funny business.” Even while she’s pretending to be annoyed, Bora can’t help but crack a smile before she abruptly turns around “complaining” loudly about how clingy Gahyeon is.
“Well looks like I’ll be back.” Gahyeon grabs you for one more peck before you go to park the car.
“Hurry back!” 
With that you make your way to the car smiling like an idiot knowing you get to spend more time with Gahyeon tonight. Best date day ever!
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OS: The real one
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Pairing: Yahya Abudl Mateen II x Plus sized reader
Warning(s): NSFW 18+only, unprotected sex (wrap it up before you back it up)
Word count:
Picture(s) found on: Pinterest/Google
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“I need to stop this…” you whispered while shaking your head, feeling like an idiot for actually having acted like one. Your eyes were focused on Yahya, your boyfriend of four months. He gave you a disappointed look while shaking his head, the thick tension in the air making it clear that he was angry at you.
“This is an issue we need to discuss, [Y/N]” he said in a sad tone despite his angered emotions. He then joined you on the edge of your bed, his hand gently placed on your thick thigh while his eyes focused on your face. You avoided his intense gaze for a few seconds, feeling tears starting to form in your eyes but quickly blinking them away. Crying wasn’t what you wanted to do right now.
 “Please tell me why you’re behaving this way so I can help you fix it. I won’t judge you, babe. I just need to know why you’re sabotaging our relationship” It was undeniable that Yahya was hurt, but he was more than ready to listen and learn why you had been doing the things you did because it was starting to take an ugly turn on your relationship and neither of you was happy about it.
 You took a deep breath and looked him back in the eyes again, his beautiful dark brown ones making your heart flutter in your chest. You loved this man to pieces, but your ugly past relationships had caught up on you.
 “The reason why I have been self-sabotaging our relationship is because I-…You’re perfect and I feel like I don’t deserve this. Every person I’ve been with has ended up breaking my heart…” the truth was finally out and you felt your heart pound against your ribcage as you knew that you needed to dive deeper into your bad experiences.
 Yahya frowned sadly and took your hand in his, kissing the back of it before letting out a disappointed sigh. He had suspected that you had gone through some shitty things with your ex-partners, so finally getting the confirmation wasn’t too pleasant for him.
 “I’ve dated people I loved so much that I was willing to change for them, take up new habits and make everything go their way. All that succeeded for a little while…but they eventually stopped making an effort in keeping the relationship alive. I had to give my 100% and get nothing in return.
 I spent countless of nights crying myself to sleep because I knew that this would happen. With. Every. Single. Partner. It’s like they all disguised themselves as these perfect angles and the second I agreed to a relationship with them, they removed the façade and revealed that they were just vultures: sucking the love and happiness out of me and leaving me with no energy” you took a deep breath and let your shoulders slump in disappointment.
 “It got to the point where I started to believe that I didn’t deserve true happiness, Yahya. That every single lover I’d meet would find a way to break my heart all over again. It took me a long time to realize that nothing of that is true. That I deserve all the love and happiness in the world just like everyone else.
 But unfortunately, my old habits have come back stronger than ever since I met you. Because I’ve never felt so much love and joy with anyone but you, babe”. Yahya couldn’t help but lean in and sneak a quick kiss from your delicate, soft lips. “I feel the exact same” he confessed while feeling his heart flutter in his chest.
 “You’ve never made me feel worthless, never disrespected me in any way whatsoever and never made me act a fool due to any type of stupid shenanigans. I am terrified because I’m so happy. I keep telling myself that something’s bound to happen that will leave me heartbroken so I started to act out on my feelings” you finished with a shameful sigh.
 Ever since getting with Yahya, he had never failed to deliver the love, affection and security you needed and deserved. He was the first guy to ever really love and appreciate you and wish to plan your future together, no bullshit and broken promises. Seeing that he actually was dead serious about his plans with you, the frustrations of him not treating you shitty started to get to your head. When your frustrations hit the peak, you suddenly were a clingy and jealous mess, demanding Yahya’s location and accusing him of cheating on you when he wouldn’t respond to your text messages (because he was obviously working).
 Today was supposed to be a date night, but Yahya cancelled it when you tried to pick a fight over a dream you had about him. He watched in great pain and confusion how you tried to explain that your dream was a sign that he was bound to do something hurtful to you. When he didn’t react the way, you wanted (or let’s say how your exes did by yelling and gaslighting you), you finally realized that you had taken things too far.
 “[Y/N]” Yahya gently whispered and brought your intertwined hand to his soft lips again, kissing the back of yours while closing his eyes in pain. “I am so sorry for everything you went through. No one should ever go through so much pain to the point where they start believing that it’s what they deserve. No one.
 I can finally see through you and I’m not mad at what you’ve done. I’ve shown you countless of times that I truly love you. I want to marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you [Y/N]. But you have to believe me, my words and actions…”
 You nodded your head in agreement and already believed in your happily ever after with your boyfriend. Now was the time to stop assuming the worst and finally give into the indescribable emotions he made you feel.
 “I’m so sorry for doing the things I did” you apologized and wrapped your arms around Yahya’s neck, feeling at peace in his strong arms. He wrapped his strong arms around your thick waist and nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your delicate scent and immediately feeling like floating on cloud nine.
 “It’s okay, baby. I forgive you”.
 Hearing those words made your heart swell in your chest, the tension quickly vanished from your body while your lover gently picked you up and threw you in the middle of the bed. The air immediately got thicker once you saw him bite his lip while positioning himself in between your spread legs.
 A soft moan escaped your lips while you quickly tugged at your shirt before pulling it over your head and tossing it on to the floor. Your lover did the same with his, your arousal gathering in between your legs the second your eyes landed on his toned upper body. The tight muscles flexing while he then quickly moved to his own shorts and yanked them off.
 “Gosh do I want you, [Y/N]” Yahya groaned when you slipped out of your sweatpants and underwear and then palmed his hard length through his boxer briefs. Feeling him twitching in your hand made you let out a soft moan, “Then have me”.
 That was all the confirmation your boyfriend needed before he leaned down and placed his hand on either side of your head. The warmth his beautiful body was radiating onto you had your stomach in delicate knots. Feeling him so close and heavy on top of you was pure heaven.
 “Look at me” Yahya groaned while removing his boxer briefs with one hand before placing his throbbing thickness at your already drenched entrance. “Please” you begged and grinded your hips upwards, dying to feel him buried deep inside you.
 The actor chuckled deeply and then teased your swollen and sensitive clit with the head of his length, the intense feeling leaving you a shuddering mess while you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and dug your nails into his skin.
 “Yahya…” you whimpered while staring deeply into his eyes, not knowing for how long you’d be able to handle the delicate teasing.
 “[Y/N]” he growled as he looked down and saw that his whole length was covering in your arousal, that being a magnificent look.
 Without a further word, he surprised you by slowly sinking into you with one, deep thrust. “Oh!” you cried out and clenched your eyes shut, your inner walls being stretched deliciously. “Oh, baby” Yahya murmured before placing his head in the crook of your neck, a shiver running down his spine as you felt heavenly wrapped around him.
 He gave you a good minute to get used to his impressive and throbbing thickness, the tender kisses he left up and down your neck being a beautiful distraction before you felt ready for some friction.
 “Move” you gently spoke, making him lift his head and smile down at you. His bright smile made you copy his action while his hips slowly started to move against you, his strokes deep and steady.
 The room was quickly filled with your loud love sounds, the delicate sensations of having your boyfriend buried deep inside you leaving you breathless and shaking. The two of only stopped staring at each other to share some passionate, French kisses or when the pleasure become too much, you had to clench your eyes shut and let it wash over you.
 “Baby!” you moaned out loud and arched your back, your eyes shut and your legs shaking. Yahya’s throbbing length had just hit your weak spot and that immediately triggered the delicious knot to form in the pit of your stomach.
 He felt your inner walls tense up around his length and he had to clench his hands into fists, trying his best not to cum right now in that moment. “I-I’m close” he growled before staring down at your beautiful face that was covered in a light layer of sweat.
 He leaned down and captured your soft lips in a kiss so intense that it made your toes curl while the knot in your stomach only got tighter. You had no energy left to make a sound, just kiss the love of your life with the last strength in your body before feeling your orgasm wash over you.
 “Ah…” you whimpered in a high note, the earth shattering waves of ecstasy washing over your body, your inner walls clenching themselves around Yahya’s now twitching length. A weak moan left his lips before he also was thrown over the blissful edge, his whole body shaking while he released himself deep inside you.
 Yahya fell on top of you, his heavy weight being welcomed by you. Loud panting filled the room while you slowly felt your bodies recover from the breathtaking highs. He still was buried inside you, but you didn’t mind that at all. The moment still felt intimate and beautiful.
 “I love you so much, [Y/N]. You’re my person” your boyfriend whispered in the crook of your neck; his arms now wrapped around your thick waist. “I love you too, my person” you whispered back happily, feeling his heartbeat slowly sync with yours while you slowly fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l @koizorahana l l @harleycativy l @itik-angsa l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @enigmaticaphrodite l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @earthtocynthia l @lafayettes-baguettes-1 l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86 l @foureyedsiopao l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @oliviajmarvel l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @dedebebe13 l @challaxkillmonger l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace l @killmonsgyal l @lokislilcaribbeanprincess l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @queenxchallaxkillamonger l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath l @supernaturaltrashy l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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oscars-wifeyyy · 5 years
Chapter 9 (The Innocent)
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The next morning, Elizabeth walked into the kitchen to see her mother in there cooking breakfast for the two of them. Her phone went off in her hand so she lifted it to her face and saw the text from Olivia asking if she wanted to hang out today at Ruby’s so she immediately accepted, telling her that she was gonna start baking there anyway for the quince. Leticia turned around and set the made food on the island, motioning for the girl to eat.
“Good morning, mija,” Leticia grinned, “now tell me about the hot cholo that dropped you off last night,”
“Ma!” Elizabeth blushed, “his name is Oscar Diaz. Leader of the Santos. Older brother of Cesar. 22 years old. My boyfriend and why aren’t you mad? It is against the law and I promise I will do anything you ask of,”
“Have him over for dinner tonight at 8. I’m not mad because you do the right thing and if this is the one thing you do for you and only you then go for it. I have a few requests though,” Leticia said.
“Ok. shoot,” Elizabeth grinned.
“No sex until you’re legal and don’t throw it all your hard work away, mi amor,” Leticia put a hand on the cheek of her offspring.
“Of course, ma,” Elizabeth smiled, “I’m gonna go over to Ruby’s to hang out with Olivia and start the baking for her quince and hang out with her,”
“Ok, but be here by 7:30 so you can get ready,” Leticia laid a kiss on her cheek then grabbed her finished plate of breakfast.
Elizabeth nodded, running to her room to change into jeans and a shirt. Once she was finished and out of the house, she picked her phone up and called Oscar. He answered within 3 rings.
“Hola, babe,” Oscar’s voice rang.
“Oscar, my mom wants to meet you tonight so come at 8pm. Don’t be late and please come,” Elizabeth begged.
“Ok, but I gotta warn you. I’m not good with parents,” Oscar said, nervous.
“Oh what would give that away? The teardrop? The tattoos?” Elizabeth asked sarcastically.
“Shut up,” Oscar laughed, “this is serio, mamita. This is tu madre, not a hyna,”
“Sweetheart, you’ll be fine. I gotta go ‘cause I just got to Ruby’s, but all you gotta do is show up in pants and a shirt with manners. Are you coming to Olivia’s quinces?”
“No,” Oscar scoffed at the thought and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t scoff or roll your eyes, sir,”
“How did you know I rolled my eyes?” Oscar turned to see if she was near.
“I heard it. Come to the party, por favor,”
“Maybe,” Oscar said, “now go to Ruby’s,”
Elizabeth hung up after bidding their byes and went inside the house, “hola, Martinez family and Olivia! I am here to start the baking of the goods,”
“Hola, mija,” Geny called from the kitchen, “you can start on the baked goods now,”
“Yes, ma’am,” Elizabeth saluted to the woman, “I’m gonna say hey to Ruby and Olivia first,” Elizabeth walked into the room to see Ruby with two types of makeup, “yes, sister! Do you, huntyyy!”
“Shut up, Eli! It’s fierce vs chic,” Ruby rolled his eyes.
“Definitely chic. It’s a quince not a drag show,” Elizabeth reasoned.
“Yes, thank you!” Ruby looked at his phone, “I gotta go. Jamal needs me for some reason,”
“Adios, hermosa,” Elizabeth laughed before turning to Olivia, “wanna help with baking these things?”
“Let’s do it!” Olivia smiled.
The two walked out to the kitchen and took the ingredients out to make all the baked goods for the quince. By the end of it, the two teenagers were covered in flour and other dry ingredients because they were involved in an impromptu food fight. Elizabeth’s phone dinged, indicating a text had come through, so she grabbed it to see a text from Monse so she put her thumb on the home button to see it unlock on the messages. Her eyes had widened at the message from her best friend.
“Your man is making Cesar kill LaTrelle! Jamal, Ruby, and I are trying to find the RollerWorld money to get Cesar to run,”
The sophomore quickly excused herself to call Oscar. She rushed to the backyard and pressed the call button next to Oscar’s contact name, holding it up to her ear. A few rings came and went until he picked up and answered.
“Hey, princesa,” Oscar said, smoothly.
“What the fuck am I hearing? Are you trying to get Cesar to kill LaTrelle?!” Elizabeth had whisper-yelled at her boyfriend.
“It has to be done. If he doesn’t then he’s gonna get got,” Oscar said.
“Then you do it for him. Oscar, he can’t do it!” Elizabeth stressed out, “Cesar is an emotional kid. They went to school together and played Pop Warner together too,”
“He needs to learn and this is how I’m gonna teach him,” Oscar had become stubborn.
“This definitely isn’t the right way, but he ain’t my little brother. Just please think about what I said,” Elizabeth sighed, “dinner is at 8, remember?”
“sí, señorita. See you tonight,” Oscar hung up.
Elizabeth walked back inside, putting on a fake smile to assure everyone that everything was ok even though it was all falling apart. Everything was done and ready for tomorrow by 6pm so she decided to hang out with Olivia for a little bit so her mind could be elsewhere. Olivia then looked like she had a question and decided if she should ask or not.
“Why do you like Spooky?” Olivia looked at her innocently, “he has done bad stuff and you’re the epitome of innocence,”
Elizabeth shrugged, “he’s different. I don’t know how to describe it. Spooky is someone that I know will be there for me. He is the one of the most loyal men I have ever met that is determined to do whatever he needs to, to a certain degree, to get what he wants. He reminds me of my dad and my dad is a good man,” Elizabeth looked at her phone to see the time say 7, “well, I gotta go home. See you later, Olivia,”
“See you later, Eli. I think it’s sweet that you and Oscar are together. You guys do make a cute couple,” Olivia smiled at her friend.
“Thank you,” Elizabeth walked out of the doors and to her house, making it at 7:15pm, “hey, mama. I’m home,”
“Hola, mija. Get ready! Go shower and do your things. Your man can’t see your ass look that busted,” Leticia laughed from the kitchen.
“MA!” Elizabeth laughed, “that’s mean, but you’re right. I stink and I need to look good before he sees me without makeup,”
Elizabeth ran to her room, grabbed her underwear, jeans, halter top, and a flannel, moving to the bathroom to take a shower. She turned the water on to wait for the water to heat up, proceeding to take her clothes off and jumped into the shower, adjusting the temperature to a comfortable temperature before washing her hair and her body. After 30 minutes, she was done, dried, and dressed for the dinner. Coincidentally, she arrived at the kitchen at the same time that Oscar came to the door and knocked, announcing his arrival. Elizabeth took a deep breath and opened the door with a huge smile on her face, moving out of the way to let him in.
“Ma, Oscar is here!” Elizabeth yelled to the kitchen.
“Sit him down! Food is gonna be ready in a few minutes. When you’re done sitting him, come back here and help,”
Oscar held Elizabeth back and walked to the kitchen to help her mother which made Elizabeth’s heart swell at Oscar’s actions. He was making an effort and that was all she was asking for. She could hear the two conversing, but couldn’t make out the words. The two walked to the dining room, Oscar held the main dish while Leticia brought in the salad and rice. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and joy, feeling Leticia’s approval of himself, Oscar had relaxed more as the night progressed to the point where he felt comfortable to take ahold of Elizabeth’s hand on top of the table. Meanwhile, Monse, Jamal, and Ruby were arguing about the credibility of RollerWorld.
However, as the night went on Elizabeth had felt a sadness creep up on her at the thought that her father wasn’t here to interrogate Oscar or make him work for his approval. It had become to the point where she had to excuse herself from the table and go into her room to cry a few tears and go back out. Leticia saw Elizabeth walk into her room and sighed, looking at Oscar.
“Look I got some rules that are similar to Elizabeth’s, maybe even the exact same. I know you like her because I see it in your eyes whenever you look at her. Go see what’s wrong with her while I clean this up,” Leticia smiled at Oscar, sadly.
Oscar stood up and walked to Elizabeth’s room only to hear her soft sobs so he barged in and looked at her with sorrow, “what happened, baby?”
“My dad just isn’t here to do what fathers’ usually do because he’s stuck at the hospital tonight,” Elizabeth sniffled, “I just miss him and wish he was here to meet you and make you work for his approval,”
“Mamita, everything will be fine. Just you watch,” Oscar held Elizabeth in his arms to provide her comfort.
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chocoships · 4 years
Egoshiptober day 2: Shared item
Pairing: Antihero, no au (or at the very least domestic)
Summary: Anti is slowly going mad because of boredom but thankfully Jackie is there to fix it.
Anti was walking aimlessly through the house, bored out of his mind. The sound of his footsteps was the only sound resonating in the house. There was nothing for him to do, everything that he could think of to occupy his time seemed unappealing too. He wasn’t in the mood for chaos, his regular targets for such urges were all out of reach anyway, but he wasn’t feeling up for his more reasonable hobbies either. Crochet and puppet making was fine, but without a creative drive or the right mindset behind it, it could be more of a frustrating chore than anything else.
A scowl was fixed on the face of the glitch as he stopped by a window, staring outside. The weather seemed to also reflect his mood, or at the very least influence it. The sky was an apathetic shade of grey, completely uniform with no nuance and stretched far beyond the horizon. A constant drizzle had also accompanied the depressing grey sight for the entire day, bringing with it an uncomfortable breeze of wet coldness in the air. 
Couldn’t it have stormed instead? 
Anti would have greatly preferred hearing the incessant drum of the rain, thrown against the windows and roof with such force it resembled more of a waterfall, accompanied by deafening thunder and strobing flashes of lights in the distance. This, or anything else really, would be far more better than the current forecast, which was only good for creating an endless amount of boredom for the glitch.
Anti walked away with an irritated huff. This day so far had been greatly underwhelming; he needed something to do quick or he’d most likely go mad. He continued on with his directionless pacing, restlessness slowly morphing into frustration with each crawling minute. But, as the glitch passed in front of the living room, it all came to a stop. He stood frozen in place, his scowl mostly lessened. Anti carefully backtracked his few last steps, right up until his head could peek through the doorframe of the open room. His gaze immediately zeroed in on the thing that had seized his attention.
He didn’t know how he could’ve missed it this entire time but there, laying on the couch with his eyes closed, was Jackie. 
His toned arms rested behind his head, acting like a makeshift pillow that wouldn’t interfere with the headphones he currently wore. That might explain why Jackie looked so peaceful, probably resting in a good compromise between sleep and wakefulness, even though the increasing sound of Anti’s wandering had echoed all over the house.
The sight alone brought a small smile to Anti’s lips, breaking his irritated frown for the first time today. A few minutes passed where he only stared at the slow rhythmic rising and falling of Jackie’s chest as he breathed. The hero looked so serene, so comfortable, and most importantly: irresistibly enticing. He was wearing one of his oversized hoodies, one that Anti had stolen and smugly worn in front of him numerous times, and in this exact moment he didn’t want anything more than to be enveloped in that warm softness.
A bit of cuddling with his Jackie might be what he needed all along to save him from this restless boredom that buzzed under his skin. 
But if Anti was known for something it wouldn’t be for his reasonable choices in how to approach any given situation. 
Jackie was brought out of his almost, but not quite, asleep state when a sudden weight seated itself on top of his legs. He opened one bleary eye with a low questioning hum, a tired smile forming on his face as the sight of Anti’s face came into focus. The glitch was perched atop of him, staring with something in his eyes that Jackie’s weary mind couldn’t fully grasp.
“Heyyy gorgeous,” Jackie slurred while he yawned, “what’re you doing?”
Instead of answering, Anti stayed silent as he slid his hands under the hero’s hoodie. Jackie couldn’t help the tired giggle that escaped him when the featherlight fingers brushed across his skin.
“You’re really warm, you know that?” Anti stated, relishing in the overabundant warmth that radiated from the man under him. Jackie raised an eyebrow at this, but other than that didn’t seem to be very concerned about the oddity of Anti’s behavior.
“Thanks? But for real, what are you doing?”
“Nothing much, really,” Anti sighed, glancing toward the window for a short second before staring back into Jackie’s curious eyes. “Today just honestly sucks ass, so I’ve decided to tap out and make it your problem instead,” He purred, a look of pure mischief fixed on his face.
“Uh? What’s that supp-” Jackie barely had the time to ask what Anti meant. He was abruptly interrupted mid-word when fabric was suddenly shoved in his face and his partner’s weight shifted from his thighs to his chest. Weak protests tumbled out of him as Anti shimmied his way into his already oversized hoodie.
“Wait, babe, stop! You’re going to stretch out the fabric!” 
“Well too bad, you should’ve known better than to lounge defenseless in plain sight!” Anti’s muffled voice replied. Jackie could feel his warm breath climbing up his skin, leaving behind a faint tickling sensation.
“This-” Anti exclaimed, his head popping out of the hole right next to Jackie’s, “-is our hoodie now!” His hair was a mess, sticking in all directions and probably loaded with static electricity, but Anti had a smug grin stuck on his face nonetheless. Jackie rolled his eyes as the glitch settled down against him, but an undeniable fondness was clear in them. They were now lying chest to chest. Anti slid his arms to rest under his shoulder blades while the hero positioned his atop the glitch’s lower back. Jackie knew how to recognize a losing battle when he saw one, once Anti decides to get comfortable there’s no use in fighting back, so he might as well get comfy too.
“You know, if you wanted to cuddle you could have just said so. I could’ve brought a blanket or something instead of ruining my hoodie,” Jackie said, no real animosity or resentment present in his tone, only a light teasing.
“Oh shush, it was already big on you. What difference will a size or two make?” Anti nuzzled his face into the crook of Jackie’s neck, taking in the comforting warmth and scent that he’d grown to love. “A blanket wouldn’t have been the same anyway. I like being close to you like this,”
“You also like being a bastard, though,” Jackie mumbled into the glitch’s hair, his eyes slowly falling shut as his previous drowsiness came back to him. Anti’s weight on top of him seemed to lull him further into it.
Anti chuckled against his boyfriend’s neck, relishing in the small shiver that it elicited from him. “Oh yeah, that too for sure. But it’s part of my charm, isn’t it?”
A low hum coming from Jackie was the only response that he received before the house slipped back into silence, content instead of restless like before.
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April 16, 2021
“Budddyyy!” I thought you would never reply. But I woke up you reacted to my message and replied with a GIF. I wanted to keep the conversation going but I didn’t want to push it. I just remember how fun it was to spend time with you. I started reading this self help book for angry men. Specifically for angry men. Preface palang babe shiitt. Preface palang akong ako na. Everything he described what an angry man is. It me. Apparently anger comes in different shapes and colors. I manifest many types, I’m a melting pot of different kinds of angry men. May test din siya to score how problematic my anger is. So I scored moderate lang naman hahaha. But still... This book speaks to me on so many levels. And I’m learning alot about myself. I’m kinda scared. I’m scared of my own demons. I’m scared na altho it may seem like I’m on the path to being a better man baka matalo nanaman ako. I never realized na being in a relationship with me is like walking on eggshells. I always thought na I was that kind of boyfriend na you could tell things. Shitttt I was so wrong. I also realized that part of why I became so angry and rageful was because I didn’t know how to deal with situations and emotions. While my Dad never really left us He still missed out the majority of my teenage life. And the only memory of my childhood when he was there was him being mad, angry and rageful. I’m sure there were good moments. Pero I remember a little. pero lahat ng away, lahat ng sigawan naalala ko. Sabi ko sa sarili ko I would never be like that. I don’t blame him. He’s just another victim of trauma. My dad grew up without a father figure, No one really taught him how to act and be a man but the streets. And the streets are violent. You know my Dad, He grew to be a calm and collected man that he is right now. And baka Tita Annie played a huge role in that development. Rosie, Siguro I never talked about this topic in depth kasi I was afraid. I kept pretending na its not there, na wala akong issue about that past. Those were some dark days. I was a shy and timid child. You wouldn’t believe how I always hid behind my mother’s back. Since last night I kept on tracing and tracing when and where did I become so full of rage. I realized I had these issues na way way back. I think after magseparate si mama at dad. But that rage was only targeted to myself. And then highschool came. I always tell you stories about how vicious and unhumane bullying was in the school where I came from. Anger and rage where deemed necessary to survive that place. Again bihira ko lang makasama si Daddy nun. And when kasama ko siya we bond, we go places. I never really saw him deal with a problem. From where I grew up Anger deals with the problem. 2nd half of my highschool life I was already engulfed with rage. We would start fights with other schools. And being in an all boys class. Na filled with angry boys na kapareho ko we glorified our rage. We were proud about it. Imagine nambabato kami ng barya sa mga taga ibang school just for the sake of feeding our rage. We would destroy school property just for the heck of it. And no one ever told me na that was wrong. Yung mga kuya kuyahan ko sa buhay would laugh about the stories. They would be proud na “Gago” din ako katulad nila. When I went to college. Nalayo nako sa society na kinalakihan ko. I would be surprised na there are actual men na who are genuinely nice. “What a bunch of pussies.” Yan yung reaction ko when I was with my highschool friend na taga UST din. Pero eventually naging kaibigan ko sila. And I somehow naglessen yung fire of anger ko inside. SOMEHOW hahaha. I had a lot of circles of friends. And one of that circle is the Patts circle of friends. Balik tayo sa Parañaque sis. A bunch of angry men almost weekly may rambol, may gulo, labasan ng kutsilyo, batuhan. While luckily bihira ako maging part ng gulo na yun. I was still brought up in that kind of life. Those were my puberty years and yung mga taon na yun dun ko binubuo yung sarili ko. It shapes who you are. I was surrounded by anger and rage my whole life. Not until nung may work na ko nabawasan na yung interaction ko with some people. Cut ties even. I became more calm and collected. When you met me in Arsenal. Believe me when I tell you na that’s the real me. You would notice na I get hotheaded with other people minsan pero lumalamig agad kasi you make me calm hahaha. Parang beauty and the beast. And I’ve read sa book na sometimes there is smooth sailing for angry men. Yung arsenal era natin was actually smooth sailing for me. I loved my job, Perfect girlfriend, and everything was doing actually fine. I thought to myself. Shiiitt I’m getting better na. I’m not getting angry at all. Pero kasi sa situation was good. I still had no idea how to deal with emotions. And mapapansin mo may mga topics ako na iniiwasan pag usapan. Kasi yung nga wala akong idea how to deal with the emotion attached to that topic. Ayoko din na pinopost mo yung mga sweetum messages ko sayo kasi naawkward ako na pinapakita mo sa iba yung “Weak” side ko. (Angry man symptom). So eventually I stopped doing those. pero not intentionally ha. Parang iniisip ko kasi na parang pang mahinang lalaki yung ganun. parang softboi. Hello. if you are reading this sorry ang haba. hahaha wala naman kasi akong ibang makwentuhan but anyway tuloy ko na to. And siguro napansin mo din na may mga emotions talaga ako na iniiwasan Rosie, sometimes alam ko na nafefeel mo na ininvalidate kita. pero ako. ako pala talaga. iniiwasan ko yung emotion... Nung time na galit sakin si andre, si ray, at kung sino pa. Again I was surrounded with anger. Bumalik yung rage ko. slowly and slowly I was being engulfed by it again. and since di ko nga alam paano siya ihandle I turned back into being this monster. I can’t even imagine how hard it was for you to be in a relationship with me. And yung subconsciously na pag doubt ko sayo. Was still a symptom of anger. Nakalagay sa libro na parang galit din ako sa sarili ko so somehow yung doubts ko sayo nanggagaling sa idea na may mas better man pa kesa sakin. I’m scared Rosie, natatakot ako na dahil sa issues ko mawala ka sakin ng tuluyan. I’m scared. I don’t want to lose you. Sabi ko sayo dati I believe na parang hindi kita kailangan pero gusto ko nandyan ka. I don’t remember the exact words. Another symptom of an angry man. Needing someone to be there for you is a sign of weakness. Kaya we tend to not acknowledge it... Shittt. Having a clearer view of what’s wrong with me I realized that I needed you. I need you. I want you and I need you. Not to be dependent on you but I just need your support on this. I’ve read this term “Interdependence” I think it a wonderful thing to have in a relationship. If.. we were to get back together. One more chance sana. Mahal na mahal kita. Shet ang haba. babasahin mo pa ba kaya to hanggang dulo. hahaha.
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fortheboyzzz · 5 years
Always Be My Hero
Kara x Male Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Could you do a little story where Kara finds out male!Reader is her hero partner, please? Maybe she finds him passed out and peeks under his mask.
A/N: H/N = your hero name.
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You and your girlfriend, Kara, made a great team, but neither of you knew just how true that how true that was. As far as you knew the other was concerned, you guys were just Y/N and Kara, but little did you know you guys were also H/N and Supergirl, a kickass duo.
You two were out fighting one of Cadmus' lastest victims turned test subjects, and boy was he stronger than you expected, too bad you had to find out the hard way. Kara was down and he was going straight for her, you manage to intervene and charge at him but that didn't do anything because with one with blow you were sent flying against a building. Then rest was black, last thing you remembered was Kara calling out your name.
After watching the hit you took, Kara quickly got back on her feet and this time around was able to beat the bad guy.
She then immediately rushed over to you, shaking your body a bit in order to wake up, but you were unresponsive. Kara by herself for a second, thinking about what to do next, before deciding to take a peek under your mask to see if identifying you would help her help you, and what she saw surprised her.
"Y/N..." she whispered.
. . .
When you finally came to, you found yourself on the couch at Kara's apartment. You rubbed your eyes and glanced down at yourself. You were covered up with a blanket and noticed that you were changed out of your suit into a t-shirt and and pair of boxers which made you panic once you remembered what happened.
You sat up, but stopped when you felt your head aching. "Ow." you mumbled, wincing.
"Y/N. You're awake." Kara said before breaking away from the coffee in progress and rushing over to you side, ice pack in one hand.
You took the ice pack and put it to the back of your head. You were quite, all you could think about was how you got here and if Kara saw you in your suit.
"Er-- Supergirl told me you got mugged outside of the bar last night, and she brought you here."
"Oh, yeah-- right." you agreed, after slowly catching onto the lie.
Kara gently ran her fingers through your hair, her face soft as she looked at you. "How's your head?"
"Hurts." you groggily said, wincing slightly at the pain. "Is there any aspirin?"
"I'll check in the bathroom." she said.
She got up and made her way to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment after grabbing the bottle and closing the cabinet door. Keeping Supergirl a secret was one thing, but now that she learned yours, she was conflicted.
Kara returned to the living and gave you the bottle then went into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water as you dumped a couple tablets in your hand.
"Here." she said, handing you the glass as she sat down on the edge of the couch with you.
"Thanks." you popped the aspirin in your mouth and washing it down. You laid back down, your head resting on the ice pack. "What time is it? I should probably get ready for work."
Kara rubbed your arm. "No, you should rest. I'll tell James, he'll understand."
You placed a hand on hers, letting your eyes rest for a second. "It's fine. It's just a headache."
"Y/N. You got mugged."
"I'm more durable than I look."
"I'm sure you're right." she said, huffing a small laugh. She knew it was true. "But you should really still get some rest."
"Fine," you said, "but only because you're cute." You then booped her nose and she smiled.
"Okay, I have to leave." She said, before getting up and grabbing her things, and kissed you on the cheek. Just as Kara was heading to the door, she paused the n let out a sigh and turned around, biting her lip a bit. "Um, actually, Y/N. I lied."
At that, you propped yourself the best you could on your elbows to listen.
"I know you're H/N." She knew she could of gotten away with not saying anything, but she couldn't keep it in.
You stayed silent, not knowing how to respond in the moment.
"Supergirl told me about what really happened."
You sat up more with a sigh, swinging your legs over the edge. "Kara, I can explain."
"I'm not mad." Her words seemed to surprise the both of you, the reason for her response being a little more selfish. A part of her wanted to be mad about the lies, she was doing the exact same thing as you. "I mean, sure, being lied to sucks a little, but I get it."
You could tell that she was just wanted to be polite from the way she pressed her lips together and became quite at the end. You stood and walked over to her. "Look, I was going to plan on telling you, okay? I just… wanted to figure out how to do it at the right time." You caressed her cheek, "I'll understand if you're mad at me for keeping a secret like this."
"I'm not mad. I'm just... Worried." she exasperated, trying to the right word.
"I know what I do seems risky, but it's just one blow to the head. Trust me, it's going to take a lot more than that to kill me."
"But what about next time?"
"Babe, relax. Besides, it's not like I'm doing all this solo, I have Supergirl."
"You can't always count on Supergirl to--"
"Whoa. And here I thought you were the number one Supergirl supporter." you teased in hopes of her calming down a little. You had no idea why she was acting so weird about this.
Kara took a deep breath, "I am, but you know some of the stuff I--she's gotten herself into. I just don't want anything to happen to you."
"And I don't want anything to happen to you either." You cupped her cheeks. "Trust me, if I could just protect you I would, but I can't just be your hero, it's not fair to everyone else."
She smiled softly at your touch and placed her hands on yours. "Y/N, you know H/N or not, you'll always be my hero."
You smiled back at her. "Forgive me?"
"I think I can do that."
"Thanks." You kissed her forehead, then glanced at the time. "Okay, you should definitely get to work now."
"Right!" She said, realizing the time before breaking away from you, but went back to give you a quick peck. "Love you."
"Love you too." you said back as watched her rush out the door.
Tags: @xiaolinweretiger @eliotsbambimargo
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