#like after the current chapter I’m writing idk what happens after that
evansbby · 4 months
I feel like your bias towards Ari makes feel like I already know who reader is gonna end up with 😭
I’m here for the ride so even if you told me with certainty what was gonna happen- I’d still read but I’m just throwing my prediction out there lol
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randomyuu · 1 year
the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
My guy Vox once again graced us with lovely Goyuu fanfics, and the way it follows you home, the stories i never told, made me go FERAL.
Time travel? Two Gojou Satorus? Double affection for our sunshine Yuuji? Yuuji sandwich? What feels like possible continuation of (you'll whisper, serpent tongue) what you fear you have become???
I need to stop indulging my imagination too much. I should’ve been content with writing long-ass comments but noooooo, my brain goes “you gotta draw it”. DAMMIT VOX, YOU AND YOUR DELICIOUS WRITINGS HHHHHH
So… usually I should’ve picked a favourite scene that is within my drawing capability, but I just… love all three chapters??? So I made a questionable time investment? I can’t stop??? Help???
This is probably the most ambitious fanart project I’ve ever done so far. Fair enough, considering I might combust if I keep these welled-up emotions inside from reading Vox’s Goyuu fics. Fuck.
Fic info:
Title: the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
Author: @voxofthevoid
Pairing: YuuGoGo. Future!Yuuji, Future!Gojou, Teen!Gojou
(idk why I laugh writing YuuGoGo. I’m beyond help)
Currently, it is 3 chapters out of 8. And it’s gonna be NSFW chapter 4 onwards, so don’t forget to read the tags first, folks!
The drawings are under Read More, because I have lots of thoughts surrounding each chapter and drawings. It’ll be hella long if I didn’t hide it here. It was a mess down there. A combination of hours before, during, and after I read said fic. I’d say good luck finding the art among the sea of jumbled words but… you’ll find them easily. Don’t worry about it haha
SPOILERS FOR ALL 3 CHAPTERS! I highly recommend reading those first before diving into these drawings!
Also for the comics, read from right to left please!
From here on, I will be referring to the Future!Gojou as Gojou and the teenage one as Satoru.
Overall, drawing all these is fun! Really fun! This project pushed me quite hard, forcing me to test my limit (because I rarely draw this much back to back). Since this is a combination of drawings and comics, the coloring style will not be consistent. In a way, I want to try some brushes I never get to use, as well as try out my new graphic tablet. Drawing these got me giggling because I was finally able to let loose during line art. It's much easier to do so, and sometimes I just get to reread the fic and giggle to myself for the nth time.
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Whooo. Whooooooooo—
Ok, ok, the premise is just that good. It intrigued me, fascinated me, and I just… oomph. I cannot refuse a Time Travel Yuuji Sandwich. Sign me up.
Honestly, there are two scenes that are just… a bit too clear in my mind when reading this chapter. That would be the one I drew above, and the other is when Yaga called Gojou to come outside of the class. I love, loooove how Vox wrote Satoru’s POV. And when Yuuji fucking giggles?
I lost it.
Can you imagine, drawing Yuuji grins, with shiny stuff, maybe some sunlight, just purely happy and indulging Gojou?
Help me, for I am drowning in my love and adoration for Yuuji.
Page 2 is an experiment on using harsh black as shading (kind of?). I really enjoyed colouring Yuuji, and drawing those buffalo skulls! I wish I can grasp the concept of contrast a bit better tho :v
This is probably the only chapter where I picture still images instead of comic panels. A bit like those cool chapter covers in mangas. The one I really, really want to draw is the scene with Satoru on the table. Can’t pass the opportunity to highlight Satoru being a brat, albeit a really cool brat.
Cool idea drawing always proves to be a challenge, because of course my artistic skill just so happens to be below the requirement. Thank you, Sketchfab, for the chair and desk’s perspective otherwise I’m screwed lmao
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The second scene that I want to draw the most is this:
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Gojou is one step away from climbing Yuuji. Also, I have a bit of a problem picturing a man pouting that makes him look crazy instead, so please have Gojou pouting adorably instead. Because, as Yuuji said (with love), Gojou is (also) a brat.
This is possibly my favorite art in this project, after Yuuji's in Chapter 1 page 2. It's clean because I don't have to draw background, and I was having a fun time drawing Yuuji. And Gojou's squishy cheek as well.
Oh, actually, there is a “manga” scene in this chapter. It’s when Yuuji said, “I love Satoru.”
I just—
AAAAAHHHHH YUUJIIIIIII YOU AND VOX ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME. That secure relationship between Yuuji and Gojou? Satoru’s description of how Yuuji’s smile could blot out the sun??? Not me screaming 💀 I also see bits of hints of possible co-dependency, though I could be reading those wrong, but either way I’m good. Secure and possessive relationships are fun to consume hhhhhh
But yeah. There are too many wholesome Yuuji smiles in this fic, and I… I am not confident enough to draw genuine happiness. It’s too much for me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
For this chapter, another reason why I chose these two scenes is just because I want to try and draw cover-worthy pictures of Yuuji and Satoru, and Yuuji and Gojou (cough)
We start the chapter with Nanamin. Ah, Nanamin. I forgot what his teen self looked like and was surprised to see his design again lmao
I want to draw Yuuji and Nanami scene because… I just want to, I guess. I have never drawn him before (Yaga as well) so that's an interesting challenge. I got two ideas on how I want to draw it. One is a bit painting-esque, and the other one is like another chapter cover. In the end, I chose the cover one because I want to emphasise the difference between teen!Nanami and the Nanami from Yuuji’s original timeline, and how the watch feels like a connection between the same (yet not) person. It’s a bittersweet feeling? In a way?
I’m not really good at explaining my intention ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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I love Yuuji’s answer to Nanami's question.
A Yuuji SandwichTM scene.
And oh B O I do I love it. Have I told you I like every chapter? I probably have. But this one? Satoru’s curiosity, Yuuji’s on-brand self-deprecation, and Gojou come strolling down to show more of Yuuji to his mini-self. I want to draw this whole scene, from Gojou finding them, feeding Yuuji snacks, bitch-slapping Satoru into the backroom, to Yuuji growling. Them trying to hide a boner from Yuuji’s growl got me cackling so hard I LOVE IT 😭
I love it all. Please love Yuuji in my stead, Satoru and Satonyan :3
Oh! Also! 40-finger Yuuji sounds really, really cool! I’ll be happy with whatever Vox will give us in future chapters, but 40-finger Yuuji… possible scene with this timeline’s Sukuna… my god. The action! The drama! The bloodshed! One can only hope.
However, as much as I love that whole scene, it’s still too much for me :”) I’m still not yet confident in delivering the humour and action. Also my already-long drawing plan had my brain groaning in protest so I can’t push my luck :'D
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When Gojou said "He looks sweet, but he's a bit of a beast", I kept picturing Yuuji staring innocently, but there was an edge to his look. As if the moment Satoru looks away, he will pounce. But in the end I just stick with innocent-looking Yuuji because I accidentally drew his eyes that way and I want to keep it in lol
Since Satoru points out how soft and cuddly Yuuji is, I also want to draw soft Yuuji :v
And the last one… is the last scene. For some reason, I read that both Gojou and Satoru share Yuuji’s lap and was having a frustrating yet fun time figuring out how it’s… physically possible, without having their butts on the ground because they both are not small at all. As I lined the art, I reread it again and… perhaps I read it wrong? Satoru is beside Yuuji, and not on his lap? So yeah, this one might be the least accurate, but hey, at least you can view it as a crack drawing or something :v
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Have I told you I love this fic?
…I probably have.
Have an amazing week (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
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whipped price is the best price!! i read countryside again earlier on while ao3 was down and it soooo good literally tempted to read it again before i go to sleep tbh looooool but food for thought because i literally think of price and sunshine!reader before i go to sleep but what if (and idk if this is cliche but i am going to be a cliche for this cause why not)
but what ifffff price goes off to the toilet for a week and while he’s gone he leaves sunshine!reader at the bar to get drinks (yes at marissa’s place) anyway sunshine is at the barrr and some random dude comes up and starts to hit on her and she’s like nah dude i’m good thanks and he still hits on her and even marissa is like ‘seriously back off’ and then after a bit price comes out and sees and starts puffing his chest a bit cause ? who da fuck is that flirting with his women?! and the others see him storming over and try to brace themselves for the wrath of price on this muppet flirting with his girl and that’s all i have rn butttt if you wanna continue it then please do
TLTR; price gets jealous of another guy hitting on his girl and i am wondering if you’d be down to finish it off cause you’d do a wayyy better job then me 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
A/N: Thank you s much love. This definitely took I turn, not gonna lie, but I still like it, hope it's alright<3
Dark and Stormy
Summary; When another guy hits on you, Price gets protective. One thing leads to another and you find yourself in a vastly unfamiliar situation with Price that Ghost helps manoeuvre.
Pairing: Cpt. John Price x reader (sunshine!universe)
Rating: Mature
Word; 4.3k
Warnings; PTSD, mental health discussion, protective!Price, implied age-gap
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
The intention of tonight was a quiet night out. Or, as calm as it gets when there's football on the telly. It also was when Johnny entertained a conversation with you rather than watching the game, as disinterested in the sport as they come compared to the others. And yes, even when a team scored, the evening was peaceful. 
But then two things happened. John excused himself to the toilet while you headed to the bar, wanting a drink and something to chew on. It was a few minutes before half-time and you knew there would be a wave of people flocking towards where Marissa, at the moment, stood unoccupied, her arms crossed over her chest, eyes drifting over the crowd with an amused look. As you stepped up to the counter, that gaze settled upon you.
"Ain't it fascinating they can be this invested?" Marissa was as uninterested in football as Johnny, yet both possessed a good understanding of the game and the current season. Both your friend and the Scotsman unwillingly so, regarding the bar broadcasts relevant games on weekends and, apparently, it was a common topic not only off but on base amongst the men.
You shrugged in return. "Each to their own". 
"I guess", she huffed, pushing away from the counter she'd been leaning against. With two short steps, she stood in front of you. "Wanna get something?"
"You already know what I want", you replied, to which she put a hand on her chest, an exaggerated expression morphing her features as her mouth dropped open.
"To come and keep me company, you shouldn't have", Marissa flicked her hand, making you chuckle.
"If it makes you pay for my drink, sure", you wink at her.
"Dream on, missy", Marissa chuckles as she goes to prepare the beverage, but she stops in her track suddenly, eyes shifting away from you.
"I can pay for your drink, gorgeous". You jump slightly at the voice close to you. With a swivel of your head, you instantly locate the blonde man who'd crept up behind you.
"No, thank you", you reply with a polite smile, turning towards Marissa again, trying to make it obvious you turned his efforts down.
"Didn't sound like that a second ago". Your brows furrow, sending the blonde a look over your shoulder.
"Joke between friends", you reply curtly, motioning between yourself and Marissa.
"Well, she can't keep you company all night, can she?" He smiled, leaning on the bar beside you with his elbow. "But I can". He must've thought the wink accompanying his sentence was meant to lighten your mood. If anything, it made you cringe inwardly and take a step away from him.
"Got my boyfriend for that". You looked forwards, locking eyes with Marissa. She met you with an expression you didn't need words to understand.
You saw a movement in your peripheral. Glancing at the man, you spot him turning his head left and right, looking behind him. "Don't see him around. You're not lying to me now, are you?"
You didn't look at him as he faced you, only following Marissa as she propped one of her hands on her hip, a low muttered 'Jesus' passing under he breath.
 "Her man shouldn't need to be attached to her hip for you to understand what a no means", Marissa remarks. You send her a thankful look as her eyes momentarily shift to you.
"He should if having a girl this peng otherwise people will bother her all the time".
"Like you?" You finally turn towards him, arms crossed over your chest.
His brows are furrow, setting his features in a hard stare. "What did you say?"
You want to roll your eyes. But honestly, how the man's voice fell so drastically from the flirty tone made you hesitant. Yeah, you were bordering between annoyed and cautious now. "I'm saying I'm not interested in and you're making me uncomfortable".
"But I've done nothing wrong", he claimed.
"You may interpret that way, but I feel differently, so please", you motioned towards some other tables, asking the man to leave you be.
"I can stay here to have a drink if I want to", he states, turning to Marissa, making no move to listen to your desire for him to give you space. "I'll have a dark ale".
"I won't serve you", she declares.
"You can't decide that", he points at your friend, who cocks her head.
"I can. I own this place".
"Bull-fuckin-shit you do. What poor old grandpa did you rob this place from? Shouldn't even be surprised you took his life-work from him". Your mouth dropped open. Marissa's face hardened.
"Believe what you want because this is my pub and no one here will serve you". The man opened his mouth, about to continue the argument, when someone interrupted him.
"You can't get a clearer no from either of them, mate". Your eyes instantly find John upon his voice. He's standing behind the man looking at Marissa, then you, only for his eyes to meet the blonde's as he turns his head to see who's talking to him. 
"I didn't talk to you, now did I, old man?"
"Maybe not, but you didn't show any signs of human decency and respect to her". John motions to Marissa. "Neither did you care when she straightforwardly said she didn't enjoy your advances", he nods towards you.
Understanding that John caught his behaviour towards the two of you, the blonde suddenly switched up.
"Oh, come on, it's alright, ain't it, love?" He turns to face you, concerning you're the closest to him. Your nose scrunch at the pet name. In your mind, it was only reserved for John. That the man dared to use it despite how he's been acting made a revolting sensation grow in your stomach. "You don't mind me, right?" He raises his arm, attempting to put it around your shoulders in a manner of goodwill. But, you move out of his reach, not desiring to be touched by this man.
And, even if you hadn't moved, the blonde would never have reached you concerning how John acted swiftly. He'd grabbed his shoulder, a gentle pull making him take a few steps back to give you space. When the blonde stumbled slightly from the reasonable action, you understood the man wasn't entirely sober, quite far from it. Noticing the same thing, John placed himself between you and the man rather than standing by your side.
A look of disbelief crosses the blonde's features before he turns sour. "You looking to scrap?" 
"No". John stands straight, using his full height to his advantage. He wasn't only taller but broader than the other man, and you barely saw anything of him if you didn't glance around John's frame. All those things together would've been enough for most to back off, but not this guy. 
"Then piss off", the blonde spat, clearly thinking the liquid courage he'd gotten was enough to stand up to John, oblivious to his disadvantage. And that was only physical. With John's experience, you didn't doubt who'd be victorious in a possible fight. "I'm just trying to get a drink".
John scoffed, glancing back at you. You knew his easy attitude was for your sake, the way his hand sneaked backwards in search of yours reinforcing that as he faced forwards again. 
"It sounded like you tried chattin' up my girl and then insulted her friend. And when both made clear your presence wasn't welcomed, you can't respect them enough to leave. If you didn't notice that it's time to head home". John motions towards the exit with a small jut of his chin as he finally drops what you hope is the hint that will make the blonde scurry away. 
The man did catch it, his eyes flickering to you and then down to see your enlaced hands behind John's back. But you also recognised something else. Hurt fucking pride.
"Don't come and order me around", he scoffs, chest puffing.
"Only givin' you advice". John was serious. You gather that much despite not seeing his face. His voice had dropped a notch, his sentence more straightforward than previously. "Better off takin' it".
"Or what? You gonna force me, don't think ya would even land a hit", the blonde scoffed in return, swaying as he made a show of moving his head as if dodging punches. 
Something changed in the air then. John cocked his head, chuckling. An uneasy sensation rolls through your body upon the sound. It was nothing joyful in it. It was stern, hard edges digging into his smooth and raspy voice.
You know John is SAS, a soldier through and through. He's violent, but not violent. He can separate work from... this. What you feared, however, is that what he deals with professionally is calculated. Everything is planned, counted and weighed until agreed on something remotely executable. Initial planning left little to chance. That much you knew with your sparse knowledge of the military. 
The blonde staring at John now was nothing of this. He was uncalculated, impulsive. He could do something stupid in seconds. You trusted John, not the man.
"Don't buy into his crap, please, John". You step up alongside him, gently shifting out of your enlaced hands to hold his arm, trying to divert his attention. 
He doesn't look at you, eyes remaining locked with the man opposite him. "I won't". 
"Ain't no fucking way to talk to me". You send the man a disgusted look.
"I talk however I want to you if you can't understand what a fucking no means", you spit back. 
One of his brows cock and he steps forwards, hand raising. He doesn't come much further as John copies him. He steps out of your touch, one hand pushing forcefully enough against the guy's chest that he needs to catch himself at one of the stools.
"If you just were about to hit her-". Each syllable of the words is gritted through John's teeth as he speaks slowly. "-don't think about doin' it again". You hear the threat in his voice, the brush of 'test it, I dare you'.
Your throat constricts. And alarm of a situation spiralling out of control blaring in your body. You shoot Marissa a worried look and she knows what you can't say.
"I've had enough of this". Marissa firmly puts her hand down on the metal counter closest to her. Her action is followed by the rattling sound of glasses. John reacts in milliseconds, eyes snapping towards her. The blonde's attention follows a few seconds later. "You are not welcomed here anymore. Get out", she points at the blonde before motioning towards the door, her brown eyes darker than you've seen them in a long time.
"Or what?"
"I call the fuckin cops on you". She threatens, a sneer working itself into twisting her features. 
The man is probably about to defy her and argue when a shadow suddenly positions itself at your side. 
You feel dwarfed, standing so close to the new presence and John. But rather than shrinking in on yourself. You silently thank the gods it isn't an unwelcomed someone.
"You heard her". You look up at Ghost when he speaks. As always, his eyes were the sole feature peeking through his skull baklava. And right now, they bore into the blonde. "Get out". He didn't hesitate to grab the excess fabric of the jacket covering the man's shoulder. 
"Take it easy, mate". The blonde almost whines as Ghost pulls him away from your group and forces him to walk ahead while he follows him to the exit. Even the man understood he'd met more than his match.
You don't hesitate to step around John to face him as soon as the man is gone. You immediately notice his lips set in an aggravated purse and how he must run a pointed tongue over his teeth. His head is turned, a hard stare boring into the man staggering away with Ghost's palm planted firmly between his shoulder blades. 
"Hey". John's eyes finally met yours. They're dark, blue soladites gazing back at you. Something is brewing in them, something volatile. "Are you alright?"
John doesn't answer. Instead, his jaw only works, repeatedly tensing, making the muscle in his temple visible. It looks like he's chewing his words but can't spit them out.
You glance towards Ghost, who just pushed the man out of the pub, caring little about what he does with himself once out of the space. 
Your eyes fall back to John as you sigh in relief. He still looks tense, and in an attempt to wordlessly tell him the situation is under control, you smile. But... you don't get a similar action in return. You got none, in fact. Something feels off. As if the situation is still spiralling despite the source of conflict gone. Your brows furrow, trying to snap him out of whatever resentment he can't seem to let go of by enlacing your fingers. Although, when your fingertips brush his, he flinches. 
Taken aback by how his hand jerks away from yours and he moves back, you whisper his name. "John?"
Your hand hang in the air, staring at him. He's still looking at you. Even so, his gaze feels far-away. Now you're seriously worried. 
"Not your fault". For being such a big man, Ghost moves quick and silently. Upon his sudden appearance by your side again, you turn to him.
"What?" His brown eyes lock with yours briefly before quickly falling on John again. He shakes his head once, not explaining something he must know.
"Marissa". You look at your friend when Ghost directs his attention on her. Even she's watching the situation with wide eyes, unfamiliarity written clearly over her features. "Have a secluded space?" 
"I-uh, you can take my office". Your friend supplies the only private space within the pub's walls. Ghost nods, turning and stepping closer to John.
"Price". The masked man earns the attention of John when he settles on the juncture between his shoulder and neck. Your mouth had opened, wanting to speak up about what just happened to you but stop yourself when no reaction to the touch comes. "Get a move on. To the back". 
And he does. Like a soldier, John turns and heads to the doors leading to the backroom. Stunned, you follow him with your eyes.
"You should come". Ghost directs with a quick look over his shoulder just as he follows John. You do as he says with a quick look at Marissa. She tries to give you a calm expression and a gentle smile, but it's impossible after your interaction with the blonde man and this sudden turn of events. Your jaw clenches as you hurry to keep up with the two men.
One of Marissa's coworkers emerges from the backroom just as you near it. Instinctually she holds the door open for the two men to pass through after she's stepped into the main room. You offer her a 'just getting some things for Marissa' to ease her confusion. Thankfully, you know her and she replies 'alright' just as your friend calls for her. Probably to not linger about to keep it as free of people as possible concerning Ghost's request.
You press your lips together when the doors close, cutting off much of the pub's natural racket, walking briskly behind John and Ghost. Something gnaws in your chest as you look at the latter. Neither he seems relaxed.
Your arms wind around your stomach, silently stepping into Marissa's office, staying almost pressed against the door once your close it by leaning into it.
"Price", Ghost's voice makes John turn. "Your head's elsewhere". He continues. He doesn't sound cold, but he speaks evenly. 
For being a masked man, you would describe Ghost as someone who usually has an expressive voice. But his current tone sounds matter-of-factual. Fuck. You gnaw your lip, fingers digging into your sides, eyes jumping between them.
"You ain't there". Ghost's words make your eyes flitter from John to him and stay there for a few moments. You only see parts of his face concerning how he's still facing John more than you. "You're back home, at the pub. There's nothin' to overthink, nothin' to deal with, nothin' more happenin'. You hear me?"
John nods. But the large man only shakes his head in return. "Answer me, Captain".
"Hear ya, L.T.". John's voice is low and gritty as he grunts the reply.
Ghost nods curtly, a swift tip of his chin. "It's all in your head. Get it back on your shoulders", he continues, letting his sentence hang in the air rather than filling the silence with anything else. 
Though you don't understand the interaction fully, you're starting to grasp what's going on in the stillness. You watch John closely as he crosses his arms over his chest and inhales slowly, holding his breath before exhaling. He repeats the action over and over.
"That cunt ain't here to bother you or your sweetheart, neither is anyone else, so at ease". Ghost angles his body, your eyes landing upon his profile. He motions to you with his hand, bringing a set of eyes to you. Yet, they're not brown, but blue.
Upon John's attention, you shift, shuffling on your feet, but don't avert your eyes. The look from before is still there, though it doesn't feel as intense. And then, slowly, it melts. It's nothing grand, not a sudden shift, no jerk of realisation. But the forced labour breathing John focused on eases into something natural, making his shoulders drop and the look in his eyes change. He feels present. As if he's actually looking at you now. A gentleness fills his eyes. They warm up.
Then, John's eyes flutter close, his head notching forwards. One of his hands settles by his temple, massaging the sensitive point before travelling to the bridge of his nose, pinching the highest point as a deep furrow sets his brows close to his fingers.
"You good?" Ghost asks, his voice milder than before.
"I'm good", John responds on a exhale. He takes a step backwards to partly sit on the desk behind him. He shifts his fingers so his thumb massages the skin between his eyebrows.
Meanwhile, Ghost turns, walking towards you. You only look at him once he stops beside you.
"Should I do something?" You whisper to the tall man. You felt helpless during this ordeal and still not exactly sure what happened even though you now had a guess. Ghost only cocks his head, hand stilling on the door-handle as he looks at you.
"Just be there for him", is all he says, swinging the door open.
He nods goodbye as he exits, not overstaying the moment after he apparently isn't needed anymore.
Your eyes fall on John when the door closes again. He looks tired, standing in a similar position as before. Only his hand had shifted to cover his eyes, the span of his brows covered by his index finger and thumb.
"John?" You try to soften your voice to hide your concern. 
His hand drops, blue eyes finding yours. His mouth is in a thin line, corners slightly downturned. Your heart cracks a bit at his discouraged look.
Your feet move on their own, bringing you to him. As soon as you're within range, he drops his arms, opening them wide for you to step into. It's seamless how you reach around John's shoulders, one hand coming to the back of his head, moving him towards your neck while his arms wind tight around your waist, pulling you close as he haunches forward to burrow his face against your throat.
The silence is only filled with your breaths. Yours blowing into the air at the side of John's head, his exhales puffing against your skin. Your eyes are shut harshly as your fingers repeatedly card through his hair and continue down his neck until your fingertips glide over his last cervical vertebrate.
It's gradual, but you feel John the tension leaving his body. He relaxes against you, not feeling as stiff with his hold. His arms loosen, sliding lower towards your hips where his hand squeeze the plusher flesh. Your thumb circles his shoulder and you turn your head to the side, kissing the side of his head. In return, he kisses the skin over your collarbone.
There's a tug-of-war inside you. Should I? Shouldn't I? In the end, you decide to try.
"If you're comfortable in telling me, what happened?" The words brush against John's head, your breath disturbing some strands of his hair.
He sighs deeply and you hold your breath for a few seconds. "Got triggered". So...PTSD, then? Or was it something you never fucking heard of? Your mind raced.
As if able to read your thoughts, John finally leans away. You don't let your hand fall from the back of his head, continuing to card through the strands of hair at his nape as he looks at you, head bowed to be levelled with your face.
"Doesn't happen much at all". John begins, clenching his jaw before continuing. "But triggers can... it feels like a misplaced adrenalin rush with overwhelming emotions and racing thoughts".
You nod, biting your lip. Brows furrowing, you search for the right words, carefully choosing what to say. "Was it something that guy said that did it?"
"Don't know, can't recall what hit the wrong cord", John said with a shake of his head.
"You sound jealous". You try a different approach in a lighter tone, rapping your fingers against his neck with a soft smile.
"Maybe protective", John shrugs, chuckling awkwardly. Even so, the tightness in the corner of his mouth eases. His gaze flickers away, moving back and forth, staring into nothing for a few seconds. When his gaze trails back, his eyes are a bit clearer, apparently having uncovered something to answer your question better. "Think it was when he raised his hand". 
The reminder that the man had thought about doing something physically to you resurfaced on your frontal lobe. As the moment replayed, you could understand why it was triggering, perhaps not to the extent and with the interconnections John obviously had towards the action.
"Got angry, worried, the feeling resembling something from...", John trails off, but you don't need him to explicitly say it. You're not there. Ghost's sentence echoes in your mind. "Should probably work on that, m'sorry". 
This man. You shut your eyes, turning your head away. You try to will the wetness you felt away, but when you open your eyes, you still need to tilt your head back and forth a few times to not let any tears fall before you look back at John, eyes noticeably glassy even so. 
"Don't apologise". You finally say. "It isn't your fault that guy acted like a cunt. Compared to him, you never wanted to escalate the situation even though you were the one who had the right".
"But-" You cock your head after he cuts himself short, giving him space to continue the conversation at his own pace. John releases a slow breath and speaks again. "It shouldn't have triggered me". You purse your lips at the way he says it. He sounds so frustrated with himself.
"Don't know too much about it", you admit, neither of you labelling what the obvious it was. "But you soldiers can't pick and choose what does or doesn't".
"Wouldn't that be a dream", he sighs.
"Maybe you should work on it. If you want to. Not the protective part, I mean... I appreciate that, I like that I can trust you having my back". You lick your lips, biting the lower one for a second as your brows furrow. "But, maybe the other part?"
It brought a sigh from John. "Guess... I haven't left the last deployment behind entirely despite being cleared on the med-evaluations". It wasn't a yes, but it was an acknowledgement. 
"I-I know we haven't talked much about what you do in detail. But, if you want to, you know? Talk. I'll listen". John looks at you, blue eyes widening.
"I-", he began. "I need to think about it". You nod, not pressing him, understanding that he needs time. 
Rather than continuing the conversation, you lean forwards, pressing your lips against his forehead. You feel his eyes flutter close, his lashes brushing your lower face as he leans into the touch, so you only part to mumble an 'okay' before planting another kiss between his brows. 
You graze your lips over his face in soft presses until you reach his mouth. Hovering there, your hand slip to his cheek. Your fingers brush along the line of his beard, feeling the softness of his skin and the brown hairs. You hover there, waiting until John initiates the kiss.
It's sweet, soft. A gentle tilt of heads in opposite directions as you merely connect the plush pillows of your lips together. It holds so many emotions for something that is so surface-level.
"Want to go home? Escape the crowd?" You whisper against his lips when you part.
John hums, leaning away so his gaze meets yours the second you open your eyes. "If you don't mind".
"Would never mind if that's what you need". You smile at John, running your thumb along his cheek. He sighs, an appreciative smile spreading.
"Can I drive?"
You remember what he said the night you first met, how helpful those drives could be for him. "If you want to, yes". 
"Thank you". John pecks your lip. 
You smile at him. "No need".
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milkpup · 9 months
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。⋆ʚ♡ like father, like son
›› chapter 2 ›› nsfw 18+ ongoing multi-chapter fic!
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›› toji fushiguro x reader ›› megumi fushiguro x reader ›› toji x reader x megumi (mfm) ›› 18+ f!reader ›› started: 12/6/23 : updated: 1/29/24 : status: ongoing
‹𝟹 summary: You and Megumi are best friends. You've known eachother for almost your whole life. His home has become your second home. As time passes and life happens, Megumi slowly develops feelings for you, even though he's unaware of it. To complicate things further, you're now living with him and his father, who has also taken a liking to you.
‹𝟹 fandom: jjk, jujutsu kaisen
‹𝟹 genres / warnings: au - no powers, college au, power imbalance, pseudo-incest (they both want y/n, nothing w/ eachother), dubious consent
‹𝟹 tags: good cop bad cop, fluff, smut, angst, toji has a big dick, dilf toji, toji is his own warning, toji tries to be a good parent, toji is an asshole, toji is trying okay?, daddy dom toji, daddy kink, porn with feelings, porn with plot, friends to lovers, spit / spitting, spit kink, spit as lube, breeding, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, double vaginal pen, double pen, anal, making out, making love, love triangles, praise kink, degradation, light masochism, light sadism, emotional sex, cuckolding, jealousy, jealousy kink, smoking, smoking kink, emotional manipulation, manipulation, polyamory?, father and son share you, protective megumi fushiguro, megumi needs a hug, megumi has a big dick, aged up characters, dead dove: do not eat, finger sucking, large cock, cum swallowing, blow jobs, first time blow jobs, under desk blow jobs, fingerfucking, face sitting, face riding, 69, mutual masturbation, threesome mfm, lots of smut, loss of virginity
‹𝟹 notes: formatting next chapter for tumblr! there are currently 4 posted on ao3. i have the 5th in the works! it gets spicy!
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Chapter 2: Intimacy and Exposure
By mid afternoon, you and Megumi are both exhausted with your full course load. You both major in biology, no emphasis right now. Megumi loves animals, so he will probably pursue something veterinary later. As for you, you’re undecided. You chose biology because it’s very general and broad, and also so you could be with Megumi more. You would never tell him that, though. You just say “idk maybe some science-y crap” and shrug it off.
You weren’t able to get lunch, so you both decide to visit a coffee shop after your last class of the day. A snack and some caffeine would help get you through for a while until you decide what you want to eat that night.
Megumi orders his usual black cold brew and muffin. The barista asks how to spell his name, and giggles? Is she flirting with him?
“That’s a cute name…” She says as she writes it down on his cup. “And for you…?” She barely glances at you.
You’re not sure how you feel in that moment. Was she flirting with Gumi? Am I jealous? Why is my heart racing?
“Oh I’ll just get an iced black tea and a banana bread please.” You try to not show your emotions while speaking. You’re not sure why you feel this way though.
You hope and pray to whoever is out there, any deity listening, that Megumi would not see you blushing and jealous.
You think you’re in the clear, he didn’t notice. He drives you home and you scroll your phone, acting like everything is normal. In reality, you’re shaking.
Sitting around the table, you both have your laptops and books out in front of you. It’s been a couple hours of studying, and you’re ready to take a break.
“Gumi, can we take a break and watch something? If I read the word bacteria one more time I’m going to go insane.” You tell him more than ask, already getting up out of your seat. You’re yawning, walking straight towards your bedroom, not even bothering to wait up for him. You already know he will follow.
Your room is hyperfeminine, plushies everywhere, cute shit everywhere. But you also have a mix of other stuff, like your consoles and gaming setup (that Megumi helped you get), a bass guitar that you’ve barely touched, piles of books you haven’t sorted yet.
You turn the tv on, hopping onto your bed. Megumi follows and lies next to you. You’re already aware of his presence and he isn’t even touching you.
“What do you wanna watch, Gumi?” You ask as you scroll through different apps.
“Whatever you want, you have better taste in movies and shows.” He doesn’t really care, he just savors the opportunity to be close to you. He lies behind you, almost touching but not quite. He’s close enough to feel the tickle of your hair. He feels weird thinking that your hair smells nice.
You choose some random comedy show, not caring to pay any attention. You just wanted a chance to rest and turn your brain off for a while.
Megumi moves a little close, resting his hand on the side of your abdomen. This isn’t the first time you’ve been close to Megumi, you both used to cuddle under the same blanket on cold nights or huddle under one when playing games as kids. But for some reason, now it feels different. Maybe it’s because you’re hyperaware? It has to be that, right?
Your heart beats faster, your skin feeling warm to the touch with every movement he makes. Does he notice? Is he aware of these things too? Am I overthinking things?
An hour passes by, but it feels like an eternity. You’re so hyperaware that every second feels like 20 minutes have passed. He hasn’t done more than gently caress the side of your body. He doesn’t seem to be making any advances. So why is this so painful to endure? Why does a simple touch make your body feel hot, with something pooling in between your legs?
Megumi is aware. You think he isn’t, but he can tell. Your breathing is irregular, your pulse is uneven, your skin is hot. He notices, and it drives him insane. But he’s respectful, he wouldn’t try anything. You are basically siblings with how long you’ve known eachother and lived together.
It’s getting hard to breathe. Even the lightest touch sends jolts through your body. You turn around to meet his gaze, with a look he’s never seen before. Your face is red, you’re struggling to breathe, while looking into his eyes like you know his secret. He’s flushing too, starting to sweat, feeling heat spread through his body. Your eyes are intoxicating to Megumi.
He looks at your eyes, then your panting lips, and back to your eyes again. He’s thinking of everything he wants to do to you, he doesn’t care if it’s wrong.
He touches your cheek, caressing you gently. Your breath hitches as he’s so close to you. He runs his fingers down your neck, before he pushes you to your back. It’s not forceful by any means, but mostly surprising.
He’s on top of you, pinning your arms to your pink bedsheets as he leans down towards you.
“Y/N…” he breathlessly speaks, “tell me if you want me to stop, okay?”
You definitely do not want it to stop. You’re staring up at him with your doe eyes, unable to control your breathing. He leans in closer, his face not even an inch away from yours.
His lips crash into yours. You’re surprised, you didn’t think he would be so intense, and this good at kissing. He’s biting your lip, trying to elicit little yelps and mewls from you. He’s kissing you so roughly, forcing his tongue inside your mouth. Megumi is still on top of you, pressing his body against yours.
You can feel his heartbeat, his hot skin, his bulge against your body. You don’t know why, but you lift your hips and legs up a bit to angle yourself better against his body. Feeling him so close, pressing into you was making you feel almost drunk.
He releases one of his hands from pinning yours so he can caress your cheek a bit more. His hand travels down your neck again, moving towards your chest, before eventually resting at the bottom hem of your shirt.
He’s giving you sloppy kisses, before he momentarily stops to ask you a question. “Y/N, can I?” he asks while gentle tugging on your shirt.
You giggle. He’s too damn cute. You nod your head yes and he releases your other hand.
You pull your shirt above your head, leaving your bralette on.
He looks down at your flushed frame, no longer hidden behind some random band t-shirt. The moment you take your shirt off, he’s harder than ever before. You feel him poking into you a bit.
He kisses you with more passion this time, grinding his bulge into your clothed cunt. He’s grunting and making little moans in between kisses.
He lifts his head a bit to look at you and moves his hand over your bralette. He admires the intricate lace detail, thinking it suits you perfectly. He licks his lips. You know he wants to desperately feel what’s under, but you decide to tease him a bit.
You wrap your legs around his waist, forcing your bodies to be even closer. He grunts a bit, looking at you. You smirk and pull his head back down to make out with you.
You’re grinding against him with fervor, unrelenting and unforgiving. The feeling of him rubbing against you is oh so good, and extremely hot.
He moves his hand towards the waistband of your shorts. “May I, Y/N?” You think it’s sweet that he asked. You decide to reward him a bit.
You roll him over and push him against the mattress. You quickly get up and pull your shorts off, leaving your panties on. You take your bralette off. He’s watching you like a starved dog, savoring every second of this.
You pull his sweatpants off, leaving only his boxers on. He’s looking at you, with wide eyes, excited and surprised.
You straddle his waist, sitting on top of him. You grind against him, eliciting sounds of pleasure from his lips. You lean towards him, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, before leaving a trail down his neck. You suck on his skin, giving him small and faint lovebites. He looks so cute.
You have a suddenly devious idea. “Megumi, can I try something?”
He instantly nods yes; he wants you to do anything and everything with him.
“Lay down then, please. I want to try something I saw online once….” You say as you move towards his head. You’re hovering above him now. He’s directly at eyelevel with your clothed pussy, and he feels his boxers get tighter the closer you get.
“Let me know if you need me to stop, please <3.” You hum as you pull your panties aside and lower yourself onto his face.
He can feel your drenched cunt against his mouth and instinctually starts getting at it. Licking and sucking like it was his last supper. Megumi couldn’t really breathe, but he didn’t care. He could die right now and have no regrets. He would die a happy man.
You moan as he’s sucking and flicking between your folds. The noises you make drive him even more insane, he thinks he could cum right then with how much of a turn on it is.
You lift yourself up, giving him a moment to catch his breath as you look down at him. He’s staring up at you with the eyes of an animal.
You sit back down, and he continues once more. Sucking on your clit, savoring the taste of your essence, and basically fucking the air. He’s straining against his boxers now, desperate for any touch or release.
You have another idea. You lift yourself back up and turn around, your cunt still in front of his face. You lean down towards his straining cock. You push your cunt back down on his face, and like a good boy, he continues again.
“Fuck Megumi…” You whimper out as you push against his tongue. You move your hand over his boxers, palming his cock. You notice he’s quite big and you’re a little scared.
You release his cock from his underwear and it springs up. Megumi grunts under your touch. You stroke his cock a bit, slowly. That’s not your objective however.
You lift up once more as you move to spit on top of his cock. Megumi moans again, feeling the sensation of your spit covering the head of his cock.
You sloppily kiss the tip, earning a moan and a few curses from Megumi. “Fuck… Y/N.”
You move forward to suck the tip, before letting it come out with an audible pop sound. “You have hands too, Megumi…”
Your pussy is still in front of him, and he gently moves his hand to brush over your clit, circling it. You moan as you take him back into your mouth again. You’re desperately hoping this feels good, it’s your first time doing any of it.
Megumi pushes his index finger in, noticing how wet and tight your cunt already is. He’s salivating at the thought of when he can fuck your tight hole, but he’s content with just learning your body for now. Everytime he pumps his finger in and out, he hears your sweet, angelic voice.
The way you respond to his touch is music to your ears. Your mewls and whimpers drive him crazy enough already.
You take his cock back in your mouth, trying to push more in as he fucks you with his finger. He adds another of his slender fingers inside, feeling how he’s stretching you already. You moan around his cock, and this turns Megumi on more.
He moves to push you against the bed again, pushing your body down gently. He never breaks contact with your cunt, as he starts to fingerfuck you even harder. He’s watching you squirm and moan under his touch, and he can’t get enough of it.
“Megumi… Aah!!” His touch is relentless. He wants to hear every sound you can possibly make. He finger fucks you harder, feelings your walls clamp around his fingers. He uses his other hand to rub circles around your clit. You’re nearing your climax, and he’s eager to see all of it.
You’re drunk in the pleasure that is Megumi’s skilled fingers. He brings you to the edge, watching as pleasure washes over your entire body. He pulls his fingers out and licks them clean, wanting to savor your juices all while never breaking eye contact with you.
Your chest is heaving, but you want to make this man feel good too. You roll over and crawl across the bed towards him. He sits atop the bed once more, spreading his legs open and smirking.
The way you’re crawling towards him is incredibly hot. He knows what you’re about to do.
You make your way to his cock, spitting on it once more and stroking it a bit. You know you can’t fit all of this beast, but you want to try your hardest.
You look up at him as you take his cock into your mouth. You make it about halfway before you feel at your limit.
“Y/N, you’re taking me so well. You’re such a good girl,” he praises you as you drool over his cock. He gently grabs your hair, not tugging but mostly just applying pressure.
Your pussy drips again at the praise as you continue to go up and down. You’re finding a rhythm to breathe and still go at a decent pace. Using your hands also helps, and whenever you fondle his balls, Megumi’s eyes roll back into his head a bit.
“Y/N.. I’m close..” He says as he bucks his hips against your mouth. “Please.. don’t stop..”
You suck harder and moan against his cock. You don’t particularly like the idea of cum in your mouth, but for Megumi, you would do it.
He covers the back of your throat with his cum, and groans as you empty his balls like an expert. “Y/N… fuck…”
You pull back up, trying to not show how displeased you are with the taste of cum.
“That was… fuck…” He lets out an exhausted sigh. “Fucking… amazing…”
You’re laying down together again, not even caring to get dressed again. The studying can wait for later, for now you want to relish this moment.
You’re not sure what this means between you two, but you’re still happy that it happened. You yawn as he snuggles around you as the big spoon, surrounding by the same fuzzy blanket and cute plushies.
He thinks it’s so cute how tired you get after that. He lays there as you fall asleep before him, memorizing and tracing every detail of your body.
Toji comes home not long after Megumi finally passes out. He doesn’t see food on the table, and goes to check your room. He sees you and Megumi, asleep under your fuzzy pink comforter.
‹𝟹 notes: i will have the next chapter posted here asap :D feedback is always appreciated! ao3 has all the chapters so far!
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(・ω・)つ divider creds to @/cafekitsune and @/eloquentreverie
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httpscomexe · 13 days
Ensnared 5
Summary: Your leg is fucked, but so are you. (This is probably the last chapter, might pick it back up, idk)
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Yandere!Logan Howlett x PlusSize!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of past injury with some description, anxiety and stress, mentions of medicine, aggressive dog, manipulation, some yandere aspects, violence, knives, attempted knife play, blood, pv,  (Individual warnings per chapter) (Logan is an official warning as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you)
Tags: @sammyluvsfics
Word Count: 2838 (Find all chapters here)
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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Your leg was healing well, considering the crushed bones, enormous scars, and bloody bandages that had to be replaced at least once a day.
It hurt like fucking shit.
You were constantly stressed. The pain in your leg was unbearable when you weren’t either taking pain medications or in a deep sleep after taking sleeping medicine. Then there was also Logan. He was sweet to you, so you didn’t understand why your body rejected him so much. You suppose it was because you naturally couldn’t be attracted to the man that kidnapped you, murdered someone you knew, and then acted like everything was okay.
The bear trap was your fault, you should’ve stopped when he said it was unsafe.
Spilled hot coffee on yourself? You weren’t paying attention.
It was also your fault that the mailman died. Even though it was his three claws that stabbed into the man's throat. But you shouldn’t have whispered ‘help.’
Everything bad that happened, it all led back to you.
And no, there weren’t any twisted mind tricks, or shit manipulation tricks that were making you believe it was truly your fault. It was just literally your fault.
Everything that happened that was bad could’ve been stopped if you were just more careful, but it was hard to be careful when you were walking on eggshells in front of this man. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you, but even if he did, say… backhand you, it would be your fault for provoking him. And that wasn’t easy.
A bark comes from beside you on the couch. The pitch black german shephard was staring at your sandwich, that was the only time Logan ever defended you, because the dog was trained to watch you, and bite you if you’re being an ass.
“Shut up dog.” He didn’t even bother giving the dog a name. He’s settled for calling him ‘dog.’ But the boy still listens, stepping off the couch and moving to lie down in his dog bed upon hearing Logan's angered voice. “You need to teach that dog to respect you.”
“You’re the one that trained him to kill me.”
“No, I trained him to keep you inside and hurt you only if you managed to get out.” He explained for the 5th time this week, you could tell he was starting to get annoyed.
“Well he bit me the other day…”
“Because you raised your voice at me.”
“You were being mean!” Your voice squeaks, and you turn around to face him in the kitchen. He was wearing his white beater and thick jeans, the teddy bear socks you ordered for him were on his feet, keeping him warm.
Was it wrong to admit you still loved and cared for him?
But you did. When you had felt his feet on your thighs a few weeks ago because he was using you as a footrest as you two watched Bambi, his feet were absolutely freezing. “Holy shit dude, did you just come inside after walking in the snow barefoot?” You had pushed his feet off your lap, and he eventually let you search online for some socks. It took some convincing, but he eventually ordered the fluffy teddy bear socks. And now he wouldn’t stop wearing them.
You were just happy he was warm.
“Whatever.” You mumble after he doesn’t answer you, but he walks over to sit next to you on the couch. You still had a pillow placed on your lap which you’ve been cuddling all day and night, the word ‘home’ written on it in bold brown letters, making it pretty homey honestly.
“Whatever?” He groans as he sits down.
“What’re you groaning about old man?” You lean forward slightly, and he chuckles, your powers picking up the vibration in his chest which makes you feel fuzzy.
He was so sweet to you when he was in a good mood.
“Come here puppy.” He pats his lap, and you quickly move forward, tossing your pillow to the side to cuddle into him like an actual dog.
The way he wants you to.
You were the puppy, and he was the owner. He told you, followed by your smart ass biting him at every chance you got. He was honestly lucky you still had enough decency to not shit and piss on the floor out of spite.
But for some reason, you grew on him.
“Good girl…” He whispers, holding you close against his chest, not tight, as he wanted you to be comfortable.
He was always warm, especially his feet. It always brought a sense of happiness and comfort to you, even after you two fought.
You look down at the dog, he’s resting already, snores coming from his nose. But you know he’s still watching your every move somehow.
“Are you okay?” You nod, leaning further against him, seeking the most warmth you could as his hand moves under your shirt to start rubbing circles on your back, something he’s learned that you love, considering it makes your face redden.
“I have a question…” You mumble against his chest, part of you hoping he didn’t hear you.
“What’s the question?” You’re quiet for a moment, debating how to ask it.
“Promise you won’t get mad at me?”
“If you think I’m going to be mad, then I’m probably gonna be mad. Ask it.”
“What do you plan on doing with me…?” Your voice shakes slightly, and you begin to pick at your skin nervously when he doesn’t answer. Gently, he sits you up, making it so you look into his eyes. Your faces are just inches apart.
“Are you scared?” He asks, his voice quiet like he’s speaking to a horrified child.
You nod.
You hated to admit it. But you were scared.
He scoffs, shaking his head slightly at your movement. “Why would you be scared of me?” He grins, his hands cupping your cheeks, making you look even chubbier. “I love you, my angel… I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you…” He finishes his sentence with a kiss. His lips feel like poison against yours. “I love you.” He says again, his forehead pressed against yours. “Say it back. Say you love me.” He demands, grip tightening.
“I love you too… Logan.” You say his name with venom laced around every word like a snake choking their next meal. Then you had an idea. “Can I please get some water?” A smirk grows on your face, and you rock your hips slightly against him, biting your bottom lip. You’ve never been a seductress, but the growing tent in his pants tells you you’re doing good.
“Of course baby, go ahead.” He lets go of you, and you slowly stand, making sure to make nice sways of your hips as you move into the kitchen, reaching up and grabbing a glass, which you fill with water from the sink.
Your plan was simple. Though you weren’t too sure how it would play out.
You hear light feet behind you, the dog was going to sleep for the night. That makes you worry less. Looking in the reflection of the microwave, you could see Logan was looking away, so you quickly reach over, stealing a knife out of the knife block, shoving the blade into the back of your panties, making sure not to cut yourself, leaving the handle sticking out.
You take a deep breath, and begin to walk back over to Logan who was now facing the TV, both of his arms draped over the back of the couch. His eyes find you, smiling above your glass of water as you take a sip, your devilish eyes on him.
“That’s a different look.” He sits up slightly, but you keep him down by straddling his lap. “Am I finally winning-?” Your lips attach to his, the glass still in your right hand while your left hand gently grabs his jaw.
“You want me Logan?” You whisper, the sound making his hips jerk up against you, and his hands move to your hips. You had to move before he found the knife. His lips quirk into a smile, then he suddenly flips you over onto your back, the blade of the knife cutting your skin slightly, causing your hips to jerk upwards against him, a moan coming from his lips as they attach to the skin of your neck, his body still grinding against yours.
You try to reach behind your back, but it’s almost impossible to lift your body with his fucking boulder of a body lying on top of you.
“Are you lying on something?” His fists move to the sides of your head, then he leans on his forearms, giving you enough room to lift your back up, reach behind your back…
“Logan…” You whisper his name, the smile on your lips gone.
“Yes love?” He sounded so innocent.
“I fucking hate you.” You chuckle a little, then in the blink of an eye, the silver of the kitchen knife disappears in the side of his neck, a gurgle coming from his throat as he looks down at you in confusion, his face reddening and his mouth hanging open slightly before he collapses on top of you. SHIT. He was fucking heavy. It was like an elephant decided to take a nap on your chest. “Shit, get off!” You shout, struggling to move him, having to use your entire body as you manage to slip out from under him, making him fall onto the floor with a loud thump, the knife still sticking out of his throat as you quickly run into his room, grabbing a jacket and his truck keys before darting back out.
And your stomach turns.
He’s standing there. Perfectly fine.
He stands in front of your exit, his fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife, and he yanks the blade out, blood only gushing from his neck for a moment before you watch as the wound closes in just a few seconds. It takes a moment to realise he’s looking at you now, his key ring around your pinky finger as you stare at him in fear.
“No… Logan- Just hear me out-” You stutter as he approaches you, picking up the knife he threw to the floor as his walking becomes faster, backing you against a wall.
“What the fuck was-”
“I’m into knife play…” You spit it out as if it was a true confession. No, you weren’t into it. Or at least you’ve never tried it.
“You’re into knife play?” You nod your head. “Yea I knew that wouldn’t kill you.”
He stares at you for a long moment before speaking again.
“Well that’s good to know. Get in the bed.” He demands, taking a step back so you could manoeuvre into the bedroom. “Come on, clothes off.”
“Clothes. Off.” He repeats, pointing towards the bed with the kitchen knife, and you finally listen. You watch from the bed as he lodges the knife between the crack of the door and the wall, pulling the door slightly to see if it could budge, and it doesn’t. “Knife play, huh?” He checks, moving to the bed and pulling your legs closer until they are hanging over the bed, and he settles himself between them. “Sounds fun.” He tells you, then suddenly reaches into the bedside draw, pulling out a pocket knife, flipping it to reveal a sharp blade. “Let me just make sure it’s sharp enough.” He grunts, lifting your arm, drawing the edge of the blade just barely over your forearm, and it easily leaves a paper like cut, making you wince. “Perfect.” He grabs the back of your thighs, and throws you further onto the bed, quickly crawling between your legs, the knife positioned on your stomach, keeping you still.
“Shut up you fucking liar.” He growls, pushing his lips onto yours as he uses the knife to pull your panties aside, flipping the tool to rub your clit with the handle.
“No, I said shut the fuck up.” He stops, and his eyes stare into yours.
Now you have a decision.
Let the asshole hurt you, and possibly walk away without getting fucked.
Or give into your desires.
The option wasn’t hard to decide.
“Sorry… daddy…” You moan, rocking your hips slightly, searching for some friction.
If you were going to be stuck here, you might as well enjoy it. But you weren’t too sure he would ever get over the knife kink after he was done with you.
“Daddy, hm?” He smirks, and you feel his body because less tense, less angry as he lies on top of you. “Stay still angel.” He tells you, putting the knife to the side for a moment as he pulls his shirt over his head, and your eyes stare at his body. It was like looking into a bag of freshly baked Hawaiian rolls. You might’ve made it a joke about wanting to bite him before. Being his ‘puppy,’ but now you really wanted to bite him. To taste him between your teeth.
Savour him.
“Mm… Please Logan…” You moan his name. You weren’t sure what had come over you, but now you wouldn’t be able to resist him. You need him.
“Begging too, I like it…” He reaches down, unbuttoning his jeans and removing his belt, tossing the belt to the side before tugging down his jeans slightly, and pulling out his cock, red and angry, already leaking precum. You wanted to just wrap your lips around him, feel him and taste him in your mouth, take him deep down in your throat. “Should see the ways your eyes are growing… Now you definitely look like a fucking puppy.” His lips attach to your throat, biting the lobe of your ear and tugging slightly as his hand rests on your waist, his other arm on the bed, being careful not to crush you this time.
His hand moves, lifting your waist slightly, and you take the hint. Wrapping your legs around his waist and he hooks his finger in the lace of your panties, pulling and breaking it easily before ripping them off completely and throwing them aside.
He pushes into you without any warning, not wanting to waste another second as his lips never leave your skin. You were slightly jealous, but you couldn’t even voice it, the only sounds that came from your throat were the pleasured moans drawn out by the thrusting of Logan's cock into your cunt, giving you to time to adjust as he ruts into you like a starved dog and you’re in heat. You loved it. It felt amazing. You’ve let plenty of larger men fuck you, but barely even thirty seconds into allowing Logan to fuck you, you already felt brainless. Jumbled words of desire, a few ‘daddy’ies and a couple ‘feels so good,’s all leaving your lips as he slams his hips against yours, his hands eventually gripping your thighs and spreading you further as he moves your legs to rest on his shoulders, you barely even notice the movements. Then he forces himself into you harder, his cock lathering your walls with your juices as he makes you cum, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let him use you like a doll.
A few minutes pass, and you weren’t sure when, you weren’t sure how, but you at some point move to sit on top of him, riding him like you had the energy of a twelve year old boy seeing the lego store in a mall,bouncing and rocking your hips like your job was just to fuck Logan, and his hips also rock against yours, his entire dick balls deep inside of you as you both lather what most would consider the most disgusting kisses all over eachother lips, spit and some tears from your own eyes covering eachothers lips as you both slobbily kiss eachother, his own lips eventually finding one of your nipples as he licks and bites it, your hands moving to his shoulders to keep yourself steady before his body suddenly shifts again, now you’re against the headboard, and he’s rutting into you again, the bed shaking viciously while his mouth smothers yours, and your mouth smother his.
Then his constant thrusting seems to get faster, and you feel your stomach tighten. You’re both close, and he doesn’t let up.
“Where, puppy… Tell me where…” He says with emotion laced in his face. You knew where he wanted you.
“Inside… Please Logan, inside…” He moans, his body rippling slightly and you feel his warmth seep through you, covering your walls in white. He thrusts a few more times before pressing another kiss to your mouth, more of a peck, then he rests his forehead on yours. “Does this mean you’re done with your stupid attitude?” He asks, you shake your head.
“You’ve gotta try harder than that…”
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
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A/N: so I woke up this morning thinking about Dieter & gumdrop—better known as trash panda and trash possum 🥺 I just love how silly they are together and I hope y’all do too!
~word count: 1.9k~ yeah—idk what happened lol
Summary: Dieter almost burns his script in front of the director, you’re at home writing Din Djarin fanfiction on your tumblr account, Oh! And something about Dieter cloning his cock in silicone?
Pairing | dieter bravo x f!reader
Warnings: none, fluff, implied smut (phone sex bby), language, dirty talk, dieter and the reader being a menace together, one mention of drugs, readers nickname is gumdrop/trash possum, reader has no physical descriptions, +18 minors dni!
series masterlist
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When Dieter is away for a new filming project, you end up house sitting for him because there is no one that he trusts more, (outside of his agent) than you, his gumdrop. Plus, he’s secretly hoping that if you spend more time in his home, that you’ll be open to moving in with him. It’s his genius plan that he of course came up with when he was stoned out of his mind.
He didn’t realize that he could just ask you to move in with him. That was far too simple!
So, for the month that Dieter was away filming, you were lounging in his home like a house cat. He called you multiple times a day to check in on you, and because he missed your voice terribly.
“What have you been up to today, gumdrop?” He was hunched over the side of his hotel bed at an awkward angle. It was a terrible day on set. He was used to the director making last minute changes to the scene, tweaking irrelevant details and minor character traits that no one would pay attention to. Dieter, however, was not prepared for his character's redemption arc to be completely fried to bits.
He compared it to what happens to an egg when you crack it on a pan that is too hot, and the whole thing ends up burnt and crusted onto the pan.
He was furious, and instead of just sticking it through, he stormed off set after he threatened to quit the film entirely.
“Hey, Dee!” You chirped enthusiastically through the receiver. “I’m out by the pool, with a fresh glass of homemade iced tea, and I’m finally getting to write the bit where my slow burn lovers are finally going to kiss!”
He felt his lips curving upwards into a lopsided smile at your enthusiasm as he pictured you in your sunglasses, typing away on your laptop, eyes dancing, little giggles slipping past your lips because he knew just how badly you wanted to write this next part.
“I miss you so fucking much, my little trash possum.” He sighed, scraping his hand down his face before he fell back against the comforter. “This is about that tin helmet dude, right? With the little green guy?”
“Oh, Diets, I miss you too, trash panda.” You paused your typing, reaching for your glass of iced tea and took a sip. “Yes, baby. Din Djarin and Grogu. Speaking of, when you come home next month, do you wanna go to Disneyland?”
“Are Din and the reader finally gonna kiss? Shit, is he gonna take his helmet off and break the creed? Please tell me he takes the helmet off!” He felt like one of your fellow dedicated readers on tumblr, anticipating when you would post the next chapter to one of your many prolific series. “Baby, I would absolutely love to go to Disneyland with you when I get home.”
You giggled softly, shaking your head and set your glass back down on the nearby table. “Dee, I can’t spoil it! You know this, baby. You’re just gonna have to wait for the update like everyone else.” You typed in a few more words to add to the current sentence you were working on before saying, “how’s filming going? Shouldn’t you be on set right now, baby?”
“Well, if I were the tin helmet man, I would absolutely take my helmet off and break my creed for you, Meshla. And then after that I would—” he grumbled and rolled over onto his stomach, “I left set because this fucking director is completely trashing the redemption arc that my character is supposed to have! I had all these cool ideas that pretty much have now just been flushed down the toilet, and I may, or may not have threatened to quit.”
“How romantic, Dee. You’d break your creed for me?” Your lips curved downwards into a set frown when he explained to you what happened on set. “Oh, Dieter, I’m so sorry. Why the hell would the director do that? It sounded like before that it was going really well, too.”
“I’d break every creed for you, gumdrop. But yeah, the guy is on fucking crack, I swear. It’s making my job so much more fucking difficult. Y’know, I thought that after winning my first Oscar that people in this bloodsucking industry would actually take me seriously. Guess not, huh? Guess I’m still just a fuckin’ joke in Hollywood’s eyes.” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his ringed thumb and forefinger to suppress his oncoming tears.
“Baby, you are not a joke in Hollywood’s eyes, okay? If you and the director aren’t seeing eye to eye, I think you should give it one last shot to try and meet a middle ground? If he doesn’t budge, then I fully support you in quitting this job. You’re so passionate about your work, Dee. No reason to be pulling teeth just for a paycheck.” You reassured him, setting your laptop off to the side now so you could give your boyfriend your undivided full attention.
“And this is why I fucking love you, gumdrop. You always know how to validate me and talk me down. What the fuck would I do without you?” He stifled a chuckle. “So, I think I’m gonna give myself another hour to be pissed and grouchy about this, and then I’m gonna march my ass back to set, and give this dude a piece of my fucking—”
“Dieter.” You softly warned him.
“Baby, I’m kidding. But I am gonna try and see if he and I can reach a middle ground. And if we can’t, well, guess I’m coming home early, trash possum.”
“As much as I would love to see you sooner, I want this role to work out for you, Dee.”
“Me too, gumdrop.” He scratched at his beard with a sigh, and just when he was about to say more, there was a knock at his door and the familiar chime of his agent's voice. “I’ll call you later, okay? Cause I wanna hear all about the tin man kissing the reader, finally.”
“Okay, baby. Just remember, you’re my Dieter Bravo, and I’m so proud of you.”
“Love you to the moon and back, trash possum. Catcha on the flipside.” He ended the call, tossing his phone to the side and droned out, “You may enter.”
Later in the evening, and you were finalizing the final draft of the chapter, Dieter texted you and told you that the conversation with the director went well, and things were back on track.
Dee! This is great news, baby! I’m so happy for you 💗
Me too! He actually agreed that destroying my character's redemption arc was piss-poor writing, and he’s gonna have a new script ready for me in the morning. Did Din finally kiss the reader?
See what happens when you just communicate? So proud of you, baby. And maaaaybe. I just finished finalizing the chapter and now I just have to post it! 🤭
See, now if I never met you, I probably would have torn the guy a new one and then set the script on fire right in front of him. Y’know, like that scene in the Social Network, where Andrew Garfield’s gf sets the scarf on fire in his trash can? CLASSIC! Anyway, I’m gripping the edge of my seat! I can’t wait to read, gumdrop.
Ohhh! Yeah, that scene is a classic! I’m glad that you didn’t set your script on fire, Dee. I should have the chapter posted within the hour. Oh! And before I forget, when you come home next month…I have a surprise for you x.
Shiiii is it you naked in my bed and touching yourself? Is that the surprise? 🥵
Well that’s part of it! Butttt you’ll just have to wait and see! 😉
Oh, sure, tease me, why don’t ya? Got my cock stupid hard already, you little filthy thing.
Pics or it didn’t happen!
Tell me if Din and the reader kiss, then I’ll send you a pic ;)
You are a little shithead
Tell me something I don’t already know, gumdrop 🥰
Fine. Fine. They kiss! He takes his helmet off, but she doesn’t see his face. She keeps her eyes closed because she doesn’t want him to break his creed for her 🥺
Damn, that just made my heart & my cock ache :( Din is such a romantic! Be still, my foolish heart. Your readers are gonna eat that shit up, babygirl.
Please show me. That clone your willy dildo you got me just isn’t the same. And yeah, he is such a romantic! Just like you 💗
Oh, fuck. Are you using it on yourself right now? Hold on, I’m gonna FaceTime you! I need to see this for myself 😉
I miiight be.
Seconds after sending that text, Dieter FaceTimes you and his freehand is already slowly and gently fisting his cock in your view just as he sees you fucking yourself with the silicone dildo of his cloned cock.
“So pretty, good golly. You take my fake cock so well, gumdrop.”
It’s hours before Dieter’s flight into LAX is expected to arrive. You had just finished moving in all of your belongings from your apartment, including all of your silly little trinkets and knick knacks that you have now displayed on every available surface in his home.
Tiny animal figurines, built lego sets, little trinkets and bobbles and you even went and bought a cabinet to store yours and Dieter’s Funko Pop collection. Little pieces of yourself and your exuberant personality were scattered about the house. You were, in some ways, like a crow; you loved to collect pretty and shiny things.
When Dieter arrived home, bag slung over his shoulder, and under his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the stack of cardboard boxes neatly stacked next to the front door and his heart immediately swelled at the sight.
“Gumdrop?” He called for you, kicking his shoes off on the rainbow doormat next to yours.
He padded further into the house, stopping at the cabinet with your shared Funko Pop collection and into the kitchen where he saw that along the window sill, you had an array of different animal figurines lined up in a row, and the very first two animals were a little ceramic racoon and possum.Then he finally saw you, lounged out by the pool, typing away like a maniac on your laptop.
He dropped his bag to the floor and pulled open the sliding back door to accompany you outside.
You looked up from the screen at the familiar sound, lips curving upwards into a grin that stretched across your entire face. “Dieter!” You said enthusiastically, setting your laptop off to the side and ran over to him, nearly slipping into the pool on your way because you were so excited.
He met you halfway, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you so tightly it felt like the oxygen was being crushed out of your lungs.
“Hey there, my little crow. You moving in or something?” He said teasingly, loosening his grip around you as your arms looped around his neck, “Cause, I was gonna ask you to move in at some point but I just—”
You shushed him with a kiss, molding your lips against his in a warm embrace. “Surprise.” You carded your fingers through his hair, tugging him in closer, “You’re stuck with me now, trash panda.”
He smiled against your lips, kissing you back deeply, giving your ass a playful squeeze as you yelped in surprise, giving him full access to lick into your mouth, “Wouldn’t’ want to have it any other way, trash possum.”
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banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💗
please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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nine-of-diamonds · 1 month
Co-writer Ask Game!!
Favorite part of cowriting?
Knowing that you’re Making Things with someone else is always super fun!! So often while writing alone, I’ll lose motivation to work on smth bc I have no one there to keep me going—but that’s not an issue with a co-writer :D I think there’s also just. a certain comfort in having someone who you feel you can share all your ideas with + bounce jokes off of. Also. The Bits—not even all for fic planning lol. For instance, the weird color thing going on in this post is me riffing off whatever tf Melon’s has going on rn lmfao. What is this rainbow nightmare
Least favorite part of cowriting?
Logging onto the doc to write and seeing Melon’s icon just. Staring at me menacingly. (Bri thankfully does not have a pfp that stares LOL)  asjdklf;sjls;kdj idk—logically I know they’re not like. Judging everything I write but it’s just Weird. *shrug* Really, though, there’s nothing I actively dislike about it lol
How did you meet?
Melon straight up just DM’d me on Tumblr w/ three story ideas asking if I’d be interested in a collab, and I said yes! Bri happened to join the CTHL discord server later on, and after joking about working on a oneshot for the series, joined us in working on the installments we have in progress currently :) It was all very much a stroke of luck that I’m running with for as long as I can lol
What's the brainstorming process like?
Typically, we’ll start with a few characters/plotlines we want to include (ex. Scar’s silent grief in CTHL, Gem’s longing for a sense of home, etc.) and then bounce ideas and jokes off each other until we come up with enough to write up a scene by scene outline. It’s always cool to see what the others come up with since they’ll sometimes toss out ideas that would put me out of my comfort zone to write—fun fact: CTHL was the first time I ever wrote Etho, and like. half the CTHL cast tbh
What's the system for writing?
We all just. chuck words at the draft doc when we have free time. Yeah.
Favorite thing you've written together?
You want me to choose a child???? klas;jdflas ugh fine I’ll compromise and give you two (2) children that come to mind first. but know I love all of my children equally :)
The very first descriptions of Meris Hollow in CTHL are near and dear to my heart since I think that was the part for me where it clicked just how well Melon’s and my writing could blend?? I remember splicing together bits of their description with some of mine and realizing I couldn’t tell who’d written what but that it was gorgeous
In chapter 4 of CTHL, the convo between Gem and Grian was mostly freestyled tbh (we knew it was going to take place but not the content in it) but it turned out to be one of my favorite scenes in the fic
What character do you always leave to the other person to write?
Ahahahahaha Keralis does not exist in the Nadia Brain. All his lines are Melon Exclusives
What's a running bit in your writing?
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yeyinde · 11 months
Haha, I also spoil myself intentionally, but for the plot of movies, tv shows, and games I’m not super invested in. If I accidentally spoil myself (especially if I learn a character dies) I’ll cope by telling myself “I don’t know how/when it happened though”
Anyways Major Character Death!!
I’m SO disappointed in them killing off Soap and especially in how they did it! No buildup or anything! To me it was disrespectful to the character and to Neil Ellice. And then the 141 don’t even say anything and it cuts to them spreading his ashes with a simple goodbye! They could have at least made them a little more upset 🥲 also I hate how abruptly the game ended. Makarov gets away, but no mention to that at the end.
I had also initially requested what would become infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) as a way to “cope” with 2009 Soap’s death because it’s always been on the back of my mind for years (weird, I know). But now after playing the new MW3 campaign I look like boo boo the fool because of who went and got killed off 😭 now every time I go back to reread it, it will be painful knowing what’s in store for reader for their current reincarnation of Soap.
Tldr I’m kinda not okay with MW3.
From what I've seen, it feels like they pulled it out of a hat. All names went in, but his (amongst others) came out. And I guess it's safe because he died in the OG, so the backlash can easily be deflected from within their own community when other fans come to their defence over this choice. But idk.
I agree with everything you said. It doesn't make any sense. It's jarring and misplaced, and canonically pointless. I'm not against character death. Grief is a powerful thing. But I just hate when it's so contrived and needless. It was definitely done for shock value over plot/character growth and I think they were trying to re-create the massive storm that happened when OG Soap died because they know they don't have much else going for them. It just massively missed the mark because: a) Price and Gaz had no tangible in-game relationship with Soap the same way Ghost did; and b) what does his death really amount to in the end? Nothing. It feels cobbled together and poorly thought out. It's sad when Portal 2 has better writing than your whole remake combined. Honestly, it's kind of impressive how little thought they put into this. I'm getting flash backs to DGG's Halloween.
If it's any consolation, the mythology I based the reincarnation off of in infinity would essentially just be neverending. An ouroboros. The events would happen much the same way. A knock on the door. Spiral of grief. A bog. A deal. Restart. So, you'd just wake up again and live life until whatever the old you made a deal with decides it's time to collect. You're forever stuck in a loop with your soulmate until you get it right.
The rest is just how I kinda wish it went, but this was getting very long because I have more thoughts on this than I anticipated lmao 😅
Personally, I think it would have been much more interesting if they brought in a new passel of characters and slowly chipped off the main cast in a series of horrible decisions that slowly begin to feel hollow and empty. That leave you, the player, feeling emotionally gutted with each new chapter because the choices previously are absolutely impacting the way they move forward, but they're too deep into their own revenge fantasy to see it until the very end when it's too late. Give me actions have consequences and every choice you make is directly responsible for someone's death. The realities of war. And what happens when you give a group of people the power to play god in countries they know nothing about. It would have matched the gritty tone they tried to go for with the trailers and actually served as an interesting conversation about war and how we tend to deify the military when they're just men with too much power in their hands. Instead, we have a death that means nothing. That arguably happened much too early in the series so the payoff is solely meant for clicks and reaction channels. Pointless.
And Makarov. A Russian Ultra Nationalist. I feel like that title alone says everything for me, and yet. They still somehow managed to give a Russian War Criminal so many wins. I'm just so irritated by it all.
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pokegalla · 2 years
Idk why but i recently got back into UT content again, and x readers are inevitable— been stalking your works lol
Anyways, i am self endulgent and need comfort—
So, requesting just a little something with the Bad Sanses with a reader who is a very dressy and traditionally "girly" person, they love pink, they love poofy Lolita style dresses, they love playing around with fun make up designs and hair styles— but suddenly stopped wearing their usual fun and expressive get up due to someone insulting their behavior and fashion
Hope this isn't too much— love your writing tho! You're very good at it :]
Thank you! And Yo saaaaaame. I actually forgotten Undertale for quite some time and when Deltarune chapter 2 rolled around….well here I am with a whole blog! Now I can’t escape. I’m stuck now. And I’m bringing dat ass down with me- (I’m going to take a break from requests but I still did your request since you asked before I declared the break so I felt it would be unfair if I didn’t Y’know? So I hope you like it!)
Bad Sanses with Girly!Reader who suddenly stops expressing themselves
* They were pretty used to your bright colors and girly outfits. There were times Error would knit some dresses for you. Horror would help brush your hair while Dust styled it. Killer helped with your makeup (those anime cosplays of his helped contribute on this). Nightmare found your actions a bit too cutesy so it leaves him annoyed but he’s also the one who spoils you the most (clothes, makeup, accessories, he splurges once he finds some good stuff he knows you’ll love.)
* Nightmare could sense a lot of negativity in his office one day. He goes to the kitchen to see everyone peeping in from the doorway. They all jump noticing him but pointed out to you: their main cause of worry. There you sat with no trace of your usual attire or energy to match it. In fact your energy matched your current look: tired and gloomy. A complete reverse.
* You refused to tell anyone what happened. It made you feel a bit bad when they tried cheering you up. Killer tried his usual jokes, Horror with his cooking, Dust with his worried stare, even Error was willing to give up some of his precious chocolate to cheer you up. Unfortunately you just didn’t feel up to it. So they go to their last hope: Nightmare.
* Obviously he didn’t want to get involved and was enjoying the negativity but even his team knew he was concerned for your well-being as well. So he manages to talk to you and you finally admit that someone had insulted the way you acted and dressed and now you didn’t feel comfortable. It was obvious that you still wanted to but whatever that person said to you, it really upset you.
* Yo….tell me how everyone just dresses you up in your usual outfit. And they all hang around you suggesting all of you would take a small walk together. A bit terrifying for other strangers to see you heavily guarded but you actually felt safe. The person from before unfortunately spotted you and started talking that shit. The absolute FEAR in their eyes when the murder trio circled in on them. They only scared them off but I doubt they’ll let them go Scott free either (don’t expect seeing them ever again after that….)
* You all go home and they made you promise to tell them next time and that you are amazing just the way you are!
Mini Story Time!!!
Everyone was muttering while you and the Bad Sanses walked down the street. You felt so nervous….all their eyes on you….were they judging you? You felt Horror and Dust hold your hands and Nightmare’s tentacle gently wrap around your waist.
“Calm yourself….there is nothing to be afraid of,” Nightmare said softly, “Take deep breathes.” You did as he told and your nerves became calmer. You felt safe near them….much more comfortable.
“Oh great. That weirdo again,” The voice made you freeze up. Not again….The person that insulted you before approached the group, “Still wearing that crap? You look like a freaking clown. Makes sense when you have the whole circus following you around.” The person laughed along with some friends but went rigid when the murder trio surrounded them. Their friends also froze up.
“Heh….that’s a good one,” Killer said raising a knife to their face, “Since you wanna be a little jokester, why don’t I paint a nice big smile across that face? A proper clown has to make a biiiiiig smile~!”
Horror and Dust teleported behind them, hands on their shoulders. With their glowing eye lights and dark aura was enough to elicit a horrified scream as they ran off, their friends following suit. The skeletons were going to give chase but Nightmare stopped them.
“No need. I believe they have gotten the message. Besides best if we do it….another time. Wouldn’t want to scare our human here,” Nightmare explained.
“Heh….sure thing boss,” Dust said cackling a bit.
“You really didn’t have to….,” You said in a low voice.
But Nightmare heard, “It was absolutely necessary. Can’t let others think it’s ok to mess with our human now would we?”
You sigh but smile sweetly, “Thank you! You guys are the best!”
Error smiled, “There’s our human.”
“Aw you even got glitchy boi here all smiley,” Killer teased.
“Wha-?! S-shut up! Tear stained freak….,” Error grumbled.
You laughed making them all relieved to see you were already feeling much better. They all hugged you (well Error squeezed your hand. His own unique way Y’know?) and showered you with compliments.
“Alright….,” You giggling before hugging them back just as warmly, “Let’s go home.”
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peachdues · 2 months
I feel like I am so afraid of the angst that reader will experience after sleeping with sanemi and him most likely pulling back from her instant after sleeping with her as a reflex to protect her… of course this is only speculation but idk… sanemi please🥲🥲🥲🥲
(I think this is Compass but correct me if I’m wrong!!)
Interesting interesting!! I think there is some angst on either side of the table with regard to that — Sanemi knows things can’t be the same between them after what happened, but his internal struggle over what to do about it is the primary focus of next chapter.
As for Reader’s POV — I realized over the weekend I had none of her take on what happened, so I’m currently working on writing that lmao.
All i’ll say is she knows who and what Sanemi is. What’ll happen next is anyone’s guess
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abbonation · 6 months
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Lost Apprentice, Chapter II: Accidents Happen
Who's at fault if we both started it?
Explicit 18+ content ~2.4k words
A/N: Guys idk how the FUCK to write a plot. Shit's hard asf. Just like Mando's about to be HA! anyway. Let's see how long I can keep this going for, shall we?
CWs: accidental and purposeful voyeurism; male masturbation; female masturbation.
Chapter II: Accidents Happen
After your moment at the bathhouse, things were a little weird, a little off, but you were trying to keep it normal. You’d noticed Mando’s stare lingering on you out of your periphery as you pulled your tank top down over your chest band in the dressing room, you tried not to be excited at that fact.
You always made it a point to wave goodbye to whatever planet you were on when it was time to leave, and each time Mando laughed at you. “Goodbye, Eriadu. I will not be sad to never see you again.”
“Why don’t you go up and get us going and take a break from the helmet. I’ll stay right here, promise.” You hold your pinky up to Mando in offer.
“What’s that?” He points to your pinky stuck out in front of his face.
“It's a pinky promise! You’ve never heard of a pinky promise? Here, look-“ you grab his wrist uncurl his fist, and wrap your small pinky around his larger gloved one.
“Now it’s a pinky promise, I won’t come up and look at you, I’ll stay right here and read my books while you get us out of atmo.”
“..okay..” He shakes his head as he turns to go up the ladder, mumbling to himself. 
You shuck off your big ‘work boots’, as you liked to call them, and settle down on the floor with the book you’d brought to keep yourself busy, and a few short minutes later you’re off the ground, headed towards a hyperspace jump and one step closer to.. well that’s the tough part. One step closer to what? Mando had offered for you to stay with him. Travel with him, work for him? That was another thing, you didn’t have any savings- fuck who did? Not enough to live off of, anyway. 
Maybe you can just pretend like the whole conversation didn’t happen, and that you didn’t see his dripping wet skin or caress his chest while telling him you’d go with him while there was probably a glob of drool dripping out of your mouth. That’s a long shot. 
After about an hour of trying to find a comfortable way to lay on the cold metal floor and read, you hear footsteps above you from the cockpit, Mando descends to the hull, carrying two small ration packs and some wrapped up bread from the inn. 
“Can I join you?” He asks and sits down in front of you anyway, as you smile and nod to motion him down. 
“So,” he begins, handing you the opened and prepared meal and a piece of bread. You sit up and take it from him, wondering when the last time someone took the time to make sure you ate was, despite the fact that it was just a ration.
“Mando- listen, lemme just stop you right there. I didn’t mean to make you feel weird earlier, I’m sorry. The whole thing was weird, I think I was just off from being disconnected for so long and-“
“Stop.” He lays a hand on your forearm. “I’m sorry. I put you on the spot. But I did mean what I said, I’d like for you to become a more permanent part of my life. I don’t want what happened before to impede our friendship.” 
Before. The last time you were close with the Madalorian was a couple years prior to this current extravaganza, and about a full years’ cycle before you met the green baby. He had stopped to re-up on supplies, claiming that he just happened to be near your planet when he decided to stop. You knew he was lying, and this time you were going to make the move, but when you went to his door that night in the small motel in town, you heard a feminine voice from inside. The door cracked open after you had knocked softly, his figure blocked most of the room, but you looked past him to see a twi’lek woman sitting in the corner chair, only a bra covering her top half. 
You had nodded and stepped back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Turning to leave, when his hand grasped your bicep, wait, but it was too late. The jealousy you felt had confirmed you were already in too deep, so you tugged out of his reach and left. 
You had hidden in the bowels of the museum you worked at when he tried to find you the next day, although he surely could’ve and probably did locate you. Thankfully he got the message you didn’t want to be talk. As for the Twi, you thought she was an off-worlder as well, the connection they shared you wanted no part of. And that was that, until he had showed up with the child and put you back at square one.
You take a bite while you think. 
“I’d like that too, but I’m not moving in here ‘cause it’s pretty cramped, no offense.” You smirk up at him as you chew, trying to keep things light.
“No, not moving in. But your knowledge of historical sites has proved useful once, I don’t doubt I’ll need your help again on my journey to finding Grogu.”
“Grogu. That’s his name?”
“Yes, he told a friend through her mind when we first met.” 
Surprisingly your ear perks more at the reference of a ‘her’ than the telepathic communication. 
“Who? .. and how?” You add the last bit mostly to cover your tracks.
“Her name is Ahsoka Tano, another powerful Jedi.” He looks up at you and tilts his head.
“Jedi, I’ve heard that word before. They believe in the force, right?”
“Yes, I don’t know much about the whole thing, but either way they’re training him to use it, and I need him to know, well- that’s beside the point. I just need to see him, is all.” He switches his bread to the other hand. “And you, you might be able to help me with that.”
“I’d be glad to, Mando.” You feel a little guilt for finishing your meal before he’s even gotten to take a bite of his, “Want me to leave so you can eat?” 
“Uhm, no, I can just.. well you could turn around if you wanted.” 
You nod and grab your book and turn towards the wall, trying to busy yourself as you hear his helmet lift up from his chin. 
“How long until Navarro?” 
“Only a few more hours.” He says through a bite. 
The exchange with Greef Karga went as well as you thought it might. Slightly freighting people, made less so by the presence of Mando, and his few words made you have to be more talkative than usual to make up for his lack of social skills, which Greef seemed to enjoy. He asked your name, your planet, yada, yada, as the Mandalorian sat stoically across the curved booth from you, adding nothing.
The sun was setting as you boarded the Crest, lucky for your circadian rhythm. You watched as Mando calculated the coordinates for the hyperspace jump to your home planet system before heading down into the hull, where your pull out cot awaited you. 
Mando pushed the panel that turned off the lights in the hull, crawled into his small space and closed the door, so you assumed that meant goodnight. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered into the empty, quiet ship. Save for the lights of the random equipment on the walls, it was completely dark, the white noise of hyperspace flooding your ears. You turn towards the wall and hug your pillow, trying to fall asleep. Just one more night of this, you tell yourself, but it’s fucking hard to fall asleep in places that aren’t your own comfy bed, and you feel like there hasn’t been one descent nights sleep since nearly a month ago. Now that you’re so close to being home again all you can think about is your own bed, holo screen … a fucking toilet and real shower. 
You’re close to convincing your brain to fall asleep when you hear a tiny rhythmic squeaking. You slightly sit up and turn over, looking for the source in the dark. Maybe it’s just the ladder or something? You turn back over and try to get comfortable again. Your eyelids are just starting to get heavy.
Louder now.
It’s louder, and you’re definitely back to full consciousness. You sit all the way up and rub your eyes when you hear the quiet groan. Like a ton of bricks in your stomach, the realization of what you’re hearing hits you, and you can’t find the nerve to pretend you’re not. 
You focus in on the sound, turning your head towards Mando’s bunk, the squeaking sounds like his bed shifting, but there’s no way he has someone in there.
You silently put one hand down on the floor, then the other, pulling your legs behind you and crawl closer to the door, stopping each time the sounds pause, you’re about five feet away when you begin to pick up some words.
“Fuck, baby yes- fuck me.” Mando’s unfiltered voice penetrates your ears and you swallow, arousal sharp in the pit of your belly. “That’s right, little hole’s so tight for my cock.” He moans and you turn to sit, leaning on the outer wall of his bunk, ear turned towards the door. You imagine him laying on the small cot, sheets balled up underneath him while he fucks his blankets, and you nearly ruin it all by throwing your head back when your fingertips brush over your pubes. 
“Ohh, oh my god yes, fuck that thick ass.” 
Your mouth drops open and you swirl the head of your clit around, reaching your other hand down through the leg of your shorts to circle your entrance. 
He picks up the pace, heavy breathing now added to the crescendo of sound, and you start with two fingers, giving yourself something to clench on. 
“You like this little cunt being filled? Huh baby? You like using me?” You bite down on the collar of your tank to keep from making sound. Shamelessly fucking yourself and swirling your wet clit to the beat of his hips smacking against his bed.
“Yes, fuck I’m gonna– yes give it to me baby,” he groans deep, pushing harder than before, he’s close you can tell from the scraping of his bed against the wall. 
His voice alone gets you to the edge and you wish you were inside that little room with him, feeling him working so hard to please you for real. He sounds fucking desperate, you grind your pussy up into the flat of your palm, getting close to orgasm. 
“You gonna come for me sweetness? Gonna let me feel it? Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna come baby, please come for me please-” and you do, squeaking out a tiny moan as you fall over the edge, convulsing around your fingers, and rubbing your clit until sound comes back into your ears and your eyes roll back our from inside your skull.
You realize all too slowly what just transpired, what you just did, and speed crawl back to your cot when you hear labored groaning from inside Mando’s bunk. Barely making it in time to cover yourself back up, you pretend to be asleep when his door slides up to open, and dim light floods the hull. You track his footsteps as best you can, hearing him walk over to the laundry bin, and back to his bed.
You lay there in silence, that “fuck, fuck, fuck“ swimming through your head. What now? Goddammit this is not good. It feels like hours pass as you lay there, willing yourself to fall asleep but only being able to replay the event.
The next morning it’s like it never happened. Except it fucking did. He might not know it, but it did, and now you’re sitting in the co-pilot's seat gnawing on a stale piece of bread and trying to determine just how loud that ‘tiny’ squeak was. You’re nearly doing fucking physics sitting there trying to rationalize what happened when the crest drops out of hyperspace, jolting you both sharply and making you drop your bread.
“Sorry,” you kneel down to crawl under the console to grab it, and when you turn around his pilot's chair is swiveled to face you. 
“You okay?” The vocoder seems colder this morning, somehow. Just a little bit less enticing.
“Yep, just uh, eager to be home I guess.” You sit up into a squat as you move to get back into the chair. 
“You sleep good last night?” There it is. A confirmation. You glance up at him, and back down at your sad excuse for a breakfast. 
“Sure did. I’m excited for my own bed though.” Play it cool. 
“I’m sorry the bed is so uncomfortable.” the ship is starting its landing protocol, and you’re almost to the finish line. 
You stand to make for the ladder where your bags are perched by the hatch.
“It’s not, Mando, it’s not- it’s perfectly. Uhm, it was perfectly fine… for my needs” You pretend to check over the place, making sure you have everything when you touch ground, his boots land on the metal floor of the ship and he turns. 
“Your needs?” When you turn around to face him, he’s crowding you up against the wall next to your things, you don’t want to push the control panel to open the latch preemptively so you scoot towards the crates beside you. Backed into a corner now.
He stands before you, and even in your fucking boots he’s bigger than you. He has one hand on each side of your head, and he bends the helmet down so that the chin is resting right beside your left ear. His dick is hard in his pants where it rubs against your belly, “What are your.. needs Sarad’ika?”
It’s like someone flips a switch in you and you swallow looking up into the hull, past his helmet, your hands grip at the fabric of your pants- palms sweating and hot. Heat rises up to your cheeks, all within an instant, you clear your throat to try and answer when an alarm starts to go off, piercing into the thick air around you both.
It sounds close, and it is, when Mando nearly jumps away from you, his hand flying down to his side pocket to grab the tracking fob, “Motherfucker- shit-” he turns and snatches his pulse rifle, and punches the control panel. Leaving you in the corner, feeling like a small stone statue next to your bags, mouth agape.
“We will finish this,” he sticks his pinky out at you and descends the ramp, running off into town.
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signed-sapphire · 4 months
Hiiiiii! 😁 Hope you're doing well! You know how you helped me with rewriting "Welcome to Rosas"? Well, it turned out so well, that I'd like to ask for your help again, this time with " This Wish"!
I've already finished and posted Chapter 2 last week, so now I'm currently setting up Chapter 3. AND ITS GONNA HAVE STAR!! ⭐ Its going to be the last test chapter before I ask on how readers feel about it so far.
So the way the structure is going to go is that it starts with the evil royals attempting to grab the a star from the sky and start to become a looming threat on the Hamlet. Then it would transition into a dream sequence for Asha. When she wakes, she finds that Sabino has gotten really sick ever since he lost his wish. So when she has the singing moment, she's basically venting and fed up feeling powerless and trapped. Wanting to do more for him and her people, she wishes on a star in the heat of the moment. Not long after the song ends, Star comes down, in a rather reckless way. 😅
Let me know what you suggest to do! 😉
Ooh, Rascal! I forgot for most people, “This Wish” happens near the beginning lol. The song happens near the third act of TFS, almost didn’t realize that other people didn’t change that lol
Of course I’ll help! You’re writing so fast, wow (and yay! Star is coming soon! Little glowing rocket of energy)
I like how you’re going back to that one deleted scene where the royal couple attempts to pull a star from the sky. What would the dream sequence for Asha be? That situation?
Did she connect Sabino losing his wish to his illness?
Anyways. Under a cut bc it’s pretty long!
Maybe something like “they promised that they would set us free, give our wishes to them and they’d be safe. So naive, little did I know, that they had lied, that the truth was so far off” or something idk but change the “isn’t truth supposed to set you free” since your Asha wasn’t gullible
I think the “when I speak” part could be kept, maybe tweaked a bit, up until the “look up at the stars to guide me”
I think the “throw caution to every warning sign” should be changed. I get what it’s trying to mean, but it’s not the smoothest
Some phrases that may fit are “grow a spine” or “something divine” or even “take this as a sign”
I think the “I never knew I needed room to grow” should change since it seems sort of conceited with everyone except TFS!Asha. Only because for her, it tracks
Maybe add something about her saba? How she’s raised her and why he’s important to her?
“All these years, my saba cared for me, kept me safe, from vicious royalty. But now, it’s my turn to be, the shield for them all, protect my family!”
If you change that part, maybe also change the “past dipping my toes in” as well
“And I’ve got reservations and hesitations on where I should even begin, but I’m past staying and hiding, and now it’s time to fight and win!”
Also, the end beat should be a belt imo. Give me that “Part of Your World” callback, you know? Idk the setting of the song, but if it’s at the Wishing Tree, the events could similarly follow the movie with the bright light and crash if needed
Hope this helped! Please let me know if you need anything else!
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arielstruggles · 1 year
Pairing: Javier P x reader
Summary: After spending quite an enjoyable night, things go sideways. Who knows what is gonna happen next :)
Word count: 2.5 k
Warnings: smut (+18), finger fucking, semi public sex, age gap (no mention of it tho), slight dirty talk, slight edging, third person pov idk what else to add honestly.
A/N: I don't know if anyone reads this tbh but if you are thank you so much for bearing with me. I'm pretty new to this whole fic writing thing so i don't consider my works as good but i'm trying to get better. This took a while to write and it is shorter than i wanted to write but at least i manage to finish it. Anyway hope you enjoy! here is the link of chapter one if anyone is interested.
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She wakes up after a couple of hours later. Thinking about the current situation of their relationship. The emptiness of bed greets her, the bed is empty except for her. shame, guilt and anger cripples. But before moving to any conclusion, she decides to check the other rooms out, just in case he was in the kitchen or the living room. Deep down, she knows. She knows that he is just the same, left her and didn’t even say anything. Well, it was just a one night stand i guess, she thinks but can’t help with the suffocating pain. She checks the kitchen, the living room even the bathroom. He’s gone.
Even though it was years ago, they had a passionate relationship. Yet it was not the best relationship out there. It was flawed from the beginning. She checks out her phone, just in case he left any messages. None. How pathetic i am she mutters. How could i be so naive to return to this country after all these years and expected him to be better? Well, why did he come back when he heard that i’m here? It is still dark outside. Tears form at the corner of her eyes but she brushes them away, he does not even worth a single drop of tear. Her thoughts are exact opposite of the prior. Up until that night, she was seeing everything through the lens of love.
Her biggest mistake was that she sugarcoated their memories and assumed Javier was the best boyfriend out there. Yes, she made mistakes as well and the break up was mutual but the reason why they broken up was how much of an asshole Javier was. They had great memories together but problems were overpowering. She missed him so much that created a fucking different persona in her head. When it is in the past, even the most anguishing pain seems as if it was impeccable. She always remembered the times they were laughing, kissing, tangled in bedsheets. But their two years of on and off relationship was more than that. The tears, shoutings…Javier was a caring and loving partner when he wanted to be one. But he was not the best in long term relationships, he was committed yes but it took a while to reach a point for them to build that. Now he was gone, again. The pain is unbearable.
 She feels like someone is ripping her heart apart. She laughs for a second, it feels weird, after ten years, he broke my heart in our first encounter, she thinks. She gets back to her bed and lays down; it is around 5 in the morning. She thought that they’d be spending the weekend together or maybe even get back together. But he does not even wait till the morning. He leaves the second she falls asleep. Tears roll down on her cheeks, she can’t help it and she drifts off.
He is in his hotel room, thinking about what has happened. He missed her so much but they had different expectations from their lives and he was not ready to go through all that shit that they once had. He tries to justify what he just done, left her once again. When they first met, he never wanted to be in a serious relationship and he made that clear. It was not his fault. Was it? He was happy with his relationship with women. He had informants which most of them were hookers that helped him to get information about cartel and give him a good half an hour. He was so used to have one-night stands that he instantly rejected her love. She had the biggest crush on him, it was impossible to resist his charm. They knew their expectations were different, they were different but they somehow worked things out, till they can’t.
She wakes up after her semi successful sleep attempt. A part of her wants to cry her eyes out but she decides to not to do that. He does not even worth it, she thinks. Lazily heads to the bathroom and washes her face and brushes her teeth then walks to her kitchen and starts the coffee machine to make her morning coffee. “You taste like heaven” his voices echoes, she almost drops the mug in her hand. The way he kisses her. “damn it” she mutters, “get it together girl, he left you again.” She pours the coffee on her mug and sits on the kitchen stool, slowly sipping her coffee. She feels the ghost of his hands roaming around her body. “I’m sick. I must be.”
               Days pass, she does not hear a word from Javier after that night. Sadness leaves its place to a boiling anger. She wants to see him again, but not because she misses her or wants him to fuck her, no. She wants to yell, scream at him. A strong slap across his face would soothe her furry. Though she is in denial, her madness comes from love, it is her love buried inside all that anger. She tried her hardest to not to blame him for their break up ten years ago but with the reoccurring incident -well technically they never talked about their future so he didn’t leave him but still- she starts blaming him. If he was considerate enough, he would call her, if he really missed her, he would find a way. But on the other hand, maybe he wanted her to live a better life, he maybe thought she’d be better without him. She shakes her head, if he was so thoughtful of a man, he would wait till morning to talk, he wouldn’t run out the moment she falls asleep. Her thoughts doesn’t give him a single second of peace. She finds a way to justify him but then finds something else to blame him, it is like a never ending cycle
He is not sure what to do at that point. He wants to talk to her to tell her that it was a good night that they had, in memory of their past. But that was it, he is not sure if they can have a relationship after ten years. He is not sure that if he wants to be in a serious relationship, again. It is tiring, to have someone that you have to care for. To think your actions carefully to not to hurt the person. To have someone that cares and loves you. Even though the idea seems thrilling at first, it is not good when you think on a deeper level.  He decides to pop in at her apartment and have a conversation about their situation because he will have to leave soon. He just came to see her when he heard that she was back in Colombia which he regrets now. He gets ready to leave his hotel room and strolls around the streets before finding the courage to knock on her door. It is pretty late but he knows that she does not sleep around this time. After contemplating for a solid ten minutes, he knocks the door.             
   She reads a book, finally getting over what happened four days ago. Not thinking about him, how their tongue danced against each other’s, how he grabbed her by the waist and yanked to the wall, how toxicating his smell was. Nope she does not think about it at all. She hears a knock and opens the door and he is standing right across her. “You must be joking!” she scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Sweetheart, please I came to talk.” “Do not sweetheart to me, you are nobody! You hear me?! We have nothing to talk. It is done, it was done ten years ago but I was foolish enough to believe that we could work things out!” she does not yell but her words are sharp as a blade. Anger mixed with sadness pours from her tongue like poison. “Be calm for a second for god’s sake! I don’t want to end this bad!” he replies sternly. “I don’t want to end this bad” is all she can hear. He came here to end, he does not want to make things work, she thinks. She wants to cry, sob even. They stand on the doorway for a while, she does not invite him in. Then, instead of letting sadness taking control of her, she pushes him from the doorway. “Get the fuck away from my house. You are not welcomed here. And just because you feel guilty due to your mistakes, I won’t forgive you! you fucked up this relationship.”  Surprised with her sudden push, he feels anger boiling insides his veins. “My mistakes? Are you serious? Look it is obvious that you are not ready to have an adult conversation. I should have guessed it that you would put all the blame on me. Once your thick head realizes that we both fucked up, we can have a proper talk.”  She wants to push his buttons, make him furious. All those feelings accumulated in her makes her bold. “You don’t even know how to talk. You are scared shitless of feeling some emotions that the moment you feel something you run away. that’s why you could never manage to have a proper relationship. You just fool yourself into saying that you need a quick fuck with whores, but in reality, you are just a scared kid trapped into a 43 years old man’s body.” She knows, she stepped a boundary. She knows she hit a nerve, it was her intention from the beginning but when she catches the fury in his eyes, she takes a step back, her hand is on the door handle waiting for the close the door if he tries to do something. But in all honesty, she wants him to do something. “don’t try to play that card again, I never wanted to have a relationship. Remember the nights you came to me crying, begging for my love.”  They don’t hold anything back. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, I didn’t force you to anything! You fucking needed me. You needed my love. You hear. All that façade, it is nothing but a lie Javi. You are so vulnerable to even confess it. The idea of someone leaving you is eating you alive.”
He grabs her by the neck and yanks her to the door. It does not hurt, on the contrary is turns her on. She slightly grins. “This was all you wanted, from the beginning. Isn’t is, you filthy whore?” “You need me to fuck that hole of yours, hm?”  his tone makes her dizzy. “Yes.” He slightly tightens his grip which makes her squirm. She squeezes her legs shut to help herself a little. Javier catches her sneaky action. A chuckle escapes from his pretty lips. “You’re such a thirsty girl. You want me so bad; you need me. Is it true?” she nods, she is more than eager. At that moment she decides to throw her pride out of the window. He kisses him deeply. It is wet, filthy, noisy. She breaks the kiss. “Javi, please let’s get inside. We are literally in the building hall. Somebody can see us; I live in here!” she hisses. He grins, it’s almost a devilish one. “No, sweetheart. Where is the fun in that? We will do one round in here and maybe you can be a good girl; we can move the fun into your bed, or we can continue in this hallway of yours.” He fakes a pout, while words dripping from his lips like honey. His grip on her neck loosens, he slides down his hand in her panties while licking her neck. She tries to contain her moans by biting her lips, grips him by his broad shoulders tightly to not to fall. She feels his finger playing with her clit. She wants so scream his name. He pumps his fingers inside of her hole. She moans loudly. “can’t hold it, sorry.” She murmurs. He chuckles staring her eyes. Her cheeks are slightly flushed. “Don’t be baby girl. It is music to my ears. But your neighbors might not like it as much as I do.” If somebody would see them in that situation, it would be embarrassing to say the least. She always tried her best to look like a good, respectful neighbor. But getting finger fucked by her ex in the hallway is not exactly a respectful thing. His fingers inside her giving the best of pleasures while she watches his face closely. He looks so pretty, flawless even.
They get lost in each other’s eyes until she grabs him from his hair and pulls him to herself and kisses. While she kisses him, he adds a third finger. She moans with the feeling, it is not uncomfortable, just unexpected. “Javi, I’m close.”  “Hold on baby for a while. You can do it, I know it baby girl.”  He fastens his fingers while cooing her the sweetest words. “No, honey, I can’t please.” “You are such a pretty girl; you are doing so good my love. Hold it a little longer, I know you can do it.” She wants to come; she needs to come but his praises are better than anything in this world that she does anything in her power to hold it a little longer. “Look at you, such a perfect whore for me. aren’t you my pretty whore? So wet and welcoming for me.” she moans again, at this point she knows for sure that somebody heard them. His fingers hit the perfect spot. He is lost in the moment. Her warm, wet cunt is all he asks for. “Javi, please.” tears run down on her cheeks. “shh, don’t cry baby. You know we have a long way to go.” He murmurs. “tell me, who do you belong to my love?” he asks. “what the fuck Javi? I’m not a damn object. I don’t belong to anyone.” “hmm, is that so?” he answers and saves his fingers out of her. She whines. “what happened? Any changes in your thoughts?” He chuckles. She rolls her eyes “you’re so stupid.” She chuckles as well. “You. I belong to you.” “mhmm thought so.” He doesn’t lose a second and sticks his fingers inside of her again, pumping them in and out. His thumb toys with her clit. She kisses his neck, bites here and there which sends a shiver down on his spine. His cock is getting harder with each sound she makes. “I want to cum, please.” She whines. This time he lets her. “Okay baby. You’ve been such a good girl, took my fingers really well. You can cum.”  She comes on his fingers. He cleans her cum by licking his fingers. They hear someone from the upper floors opens their door “Is anyone in there?” the neighbor calls out. They can barely hold their giggles. The neighbor gets back inside their home and close the door shut. She whispers “Can’t believe you fucked me in the hallway.” “don’t worry baby, we’ll continue this inside.” He kisses her and she wraps her arms around his neck. He drags her inside and closes the door shut by his feet.
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In regards to Talk Shop Tuesday, what projects are you currently working on?
Thanks for asking! I have a lot, so please bear with me here
Well there’s ofc Trophy; the fic where Zoom wins that no one wanted but me :> I also have a few AUs for that but probably won’t post them because they’re usually just 3 am writing sessions that aren’t very polished.
Got my Coldflash royalty AU where Barry’s the {former ?} prince of a kingdom that had just been overthrown by Eobard Thawne and Len’s the son of a former Royal Guard captain but wants to stay as far away from that legacy as possible. Their paths converge when Len is invited to an event celebrating the new king’s victory where poor Barry, chained beside Thawne’s throne, is used as a sort of trophy. Len doesn’t truly know yet; but his life will never be the same. Whelp— idk why I got all dramatic but that’s the beginning/premise lol
“For every One you didn’t save” is going to be rough for Barry… (I say, as if any of them aren’t. BUT this one is going to be particularly awful for his mental health). Our favorite awful bastard Eobard Thawne will fulfill the whumper role and I think that’s all I need to say. Need to work on this more ngl
“one thing” Mm. Another one with Eobard as The Worst. Honestly I’m not even sure if this would be considered whump— it’s just. Hmm. I tried to rewrite a certain scene in Coex and something happened that I Did Not mean to happen.
Get whumped idiot (placeholder title). Coldflash fic where Barry’s kidnapped as a sort of guest of honor at a fun little party for all the worst criminals in Central City. I really really need to revisit this soon cause it’s been a bit.
Enemy of my Enemyyyyyy we gotta start tormenting Barry next chapter and I WILL— I swear—
Ah yes. The Thawne kidnaps Barry instead of Eddie AU. Instead of using him to get back to his time, Thawne decides to use the blood sample from Farooq and steals Barry’s speed. Well. The process of stealing said speed is estimated to take around a week so Barry’s time is running out fast while the team desperately tries to find him. Will they get to him in time or find Barry just too late? Knowing me, it could go either way :)
Courtesy of @shrinkthisviolet I now have a ‘Savitar kidnaps and impersonates Barry’ AU that is marinating atm but has part of a scene written and an outline in progress.
Lastly, I won’t be talking about it much because I do have some rules to keep myself from spreading too thin; and one of them is only one big project at a time. But I’ve been planning a Hurt/Comfort Flash longfic (estimated 40k; probably more) for a while now. I will be talking about it —after I finish Trophy— because I have been c o o k i n g . It’s what I like to call slow burn whump. It will take a bit to get to the whump but BOY WILL IT BE WORTH IT. And this one is specifically whump aftermath (with some flashbacks to the whump). I literally can’t wait— but first, I must finish Trophy. (I do pick favorites and Trophy is #1 while this is #2)
Talk Shop Tuesday
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slptkns · 2 years
General Info
Beff, 24, She/They
I write for Sleep Token and Ghost! Please, bear in mind, I DO NOT WRITE RPF. This is about the persona they've created, not the actual person behind the mask! I hope that makes sense!
REQUEST STATUS: Currently CLOSED!! Will reopen when I get though some of these current requests!
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*** - Indicates smut
Sleep Token:
[Visitor] - (Vessel x GN!Reader)
After not seeing you for a while, your boyfriend pays you a surprise visit.
[New Roommates] - (Poly!Sleep Token x GN!Reader)
After your old roommate left, you were immediately greeted with four new ones, and the realization that your apartment is not big enough for five people.
[Sick Day] - (Poly!Sleep Token x GN!Reader)
Request - Hello! Can I request a fanfic where the reader has to go to work but is really ill so the eepy guys pretty much cuddle them till they fall asleep n forget about it because they all know they need it and it’s cuddles
[Doodles] - (Poly!Sleep Token x GN!Reader)
Request - I have a fanfic idea ! Poly sleep token x reader where the eepies find out the reader draws and doodles them all a lot (idk how they’d react to it but I love the way you characterise them so I’m interested to see what u come up with)
Smut Prompt Requests (from this list):
***[94/97/147] - (Poly!Sleep Token x AFAB!Reader)
***[Games] - (Copia x Fem!Reader)
Copia doesn't let you play his game with him, until suddenly, he's hit with the idea of the century.
***[Predicament] - (Aether x AFAB!Reader x Dewdrop)
After several instances of being oblivious, you are faced with the fact that Aether and Dewdrop like you. Both of them happen to be going through their rut at the same time, giving you the perfect opportunity to help them.
Consequences (Series)
[Prologue] [Chapter One]
You, a tired witch, make a new friend. One that has big plans for you. Who are you to say no? (Or, you resurrect the other Papa's because Copia politely asked you to.)
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