#like a solid 5-8 cm taller than these two
scrapcheese · 1 year
Why are their heights differences not consistent im going to punch something !!!
In the anime, Takiya is taller than Fafnir by quite a bit.
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But in the manga, Fafnir is taller than him by quite a bit.
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And in the spin off, their heights vary a lot. They’re roughly the same height but depending on the perspective and pose, sometimes Fafnir is taller while sometimes Takiya is taller
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^ almost same height
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^ Takiya is taller
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^ Fafnir is taller
Which one is correct? I have no idea. 
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omegatheunknown · 3 years
On AEW's "Four Pillars"
I understand the metaphor is that they're a solid foundation for the future... but if it were me I'd avoid comparisons to the Four Pillars of Heaven and quickly append a descriptive word... The Four Pillars of... something. Point is, MJF said 'Pillar' a lot on Wednesday and I wanted to take a look at the boys individually and as a set. Threw in my 40 point scale for my own amusement, 30+ usually rounds out to 'main event talent.'
Notably, it's extremely obvious who this group is: under 30, in AEW from day 1, have shown star quality and have paired with a legend or two along the way. It doesn't include other good but less prominent prospects like Dante & Darius Martin, Lee Johnson, Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen, Brock Anderson, Wheeler Yuta, Lee Moriarty, Fuego Del Sol, Sonny Kiss, Brian Pillman Jr or uh... the Gunns. Daniel Garcia has a long future knocking down pillars, most likely.
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Darby Allin (b. 1993 - 28) Work-7 Mic-6 Look-8 X-10 (31)
Darby Allin is neither the best wrestler nor the best talker, his look is the kind of thing that isn't 'cool' per se (many are dubious about the skinny hot topic skate geek when they first see him,) yet he commands attention and possesses an unmistakable aura. He also loves any and all dangerous looking spots. It's a tired comparison, but factor in his brooding sex appeal and he really is the natural heir to the charismatic enigma. They've paired him with Sting, he was CM Punk's first match in 7 years, he's held the TNT title, and in no small part due to his penchant for risk and flair for the dramatic in his self-shot artistic promos, he's been part of several memorable moments already.
He fights from underneath pretty much as a rule, taking a beating due to his size and powering through on daring -- he's definitely found a niche inside the ring. His pace is incredible, and he bumps like he means it. I think my biggest knock against Darby's long-term prospects are the alleged skeletons in his closet -- whether pro wrestling is doomed to always be 'carny shit' or not, it's in everybody's best interests to root out real life heels. They've confronted Sammy G's immature sense of humour, I don't know how closely they want to examine some of the things you hear about Darby -- but shouldn't they?
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Sammy Guevara (b. 1993 - 28) Work-8 Mic-7 Look-7 X-8 (30)
'The Spanish God' does indeed have formidable gifts -- a face just straddling the line between cute and punchable atop a body that can match pace with the likes of Flamita, Rey Horus, Mike Bailey and even Ricochet back in 2017. Chris Jericho took one look at Sammy G and climbed right aboard -- it's been a long winding path (aforementioned suspension for gross 'jokes' included) through the Inner Circle and the Pinnacle and all that, but Sammy's star has risen steadily throughout, to the point where he can beat Miro and I'm not even upset about it really that much at all (it's fine.)
He's the best in-ring performer of this quartet right now, and he's arguably the most well-rounded. He's turned as a character once already, I think he's comfortable playing most sides in most angles. He's yet to have a big solo feud (Shawn Spears?) or stand-out match in AEW, probably his best match to-date was against MJF earlier this year. He's now the mid-card champion, so now's the time.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman 'MJF' (b 1996 - 25) Work-6 Mic-10 Look-8 X-8 -- 33
Any appraisal of MJF starts with his stand-out gift, which is praised so often people even start to levy complaints about him being overrated -- that's how you know MJF is great on the stick. Wrestling is very simple actually. Heat is heat, and cheap heat is different from lazy heat, and the clichés are clichés for a reason -- the boy's a maestro and there's no such thing as a wrestler 'peaking' on their promos in their mid 20s. He'll keep talking and finding ways to piss off everyone.
His ring work is of the old-school heel variety, which usually requires him to work to try and deny the crowd the exciting maneuvers of his opponent. Bobby Roode's NXT run is probably the blueprint for just how well this can still work, but at the time Bobby had been at it for close to twenty years (but hey, developmental...) He has a great look for where he's at -- big and strong enough to be a threat worth taking seriously and a smug mug that ranks pretty high on the all-time list.
I kind of want to quibble with Jericho as-Mentor: did MJF need a sparring partner on the mic considering he was already ascendant, and did Sammy need to be tagging with a middle-aged man to shine in the ring? He did accentuate their strengths, though, it made for good TV.
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'Jungle Boy' Jack Perry (b 1997 - 24) Work-8 Mic-5 Look-8 X-9 -- 30
Youngest and most literally baby-faced, Jungle Boy is very over, on the strength of his boyish good looks, his fun tag team, his great theme song, and as of late, his being the Robin to Christian Cage's older version of Spiderman. One might expect the son of TV's Dylan McKay to be a little more natural on the mic, but standing next to an all-time snarker like Christian should help. He's still boyishly skinny but he's taller than Adam Cole and I'm not convinced he couldn't basically be Omega-sized in a decade.
His work suits his size and gimmick, he's daring and speedy, he's no technician but 'the snare trap' and other holds are laid in convincingly. Like the rest of the group he has presence, and he's generally booked well -- AEW has made sure to get him his reps and he continues to improve and is almost always adjacent to serious talent. That said, in his current form he's maybe plateauing. What's it going to take to turn this Jungle Boy into a Jungle Man, you know?
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dolls-and-cats · 4 years
Tutorial: crocheted snood for 18" doll (or child or adult); same pattern can be used to make a netted market bag
The pattern assumes no prior knowledge of crocheting. Hat tip to my Mom who initially taught me to do this!
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*yarn or string.
*crochet hook (I'm using H6 but this can be done with variety of hooks. I'll provide measures in inches/cm so you can get there with different size stitches. Size E4 is smaller than I'd use for this.)
*measuring tape
*your doll (about 2/3 way through to size your final product).
*ribbon to make the tie. Alternatively, I'll talk through making a tie with the string/yarn as another option.
*optional: your cat to “help”
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I'm writing this for an 18" doll, but you could adapt this for a snood for a different size doll, child, or adult. You can also riff on this pattern to make a fruit/veggie market bag.
Big picture: we're going to make a flat oval or circle bigger than the doll's head and then add a ribbon to cinch it around the doll's head.
1. Make a loop around crochet hook and knot it.
2. Daisy-chain about 10 stitches ( or 4 inches/10 cm). Daisy chain means bring loop through your loop (one stitch), then a loop through that loop (another stitch). Later in the pattern, I’ll just say “chain three” etc and I’m referring to the daisy chain.  
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3. Think of your chain of stitches as having a top (2 pieces of yarn per stitch), a bottom (1 piece of yarn per stitch), and windows (holes in the middle).
This thin chain is what we’re starting with. Now we’ll make it wider, so that it becomes an oval. We're going to do this by making single stitches around it. Start by putting your crochet hook into a window and working with the bottom of the stitch (1 piece of yarn). Now do a single stitch. A single stitch means: go in the window (pre-existing hole) and then pull the yarn through the window with your hook. Now you have 2 pieces of yarn on your hook (pic below).
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Now catch the loose line of yarn with your hook and bring yarn through both pieces of yarn on your hook. That makes a yarn thing that is a little taller with a window inside of it and you have one loop over your hook. That is a single stitch. Now go to the next "bottom stitch/1 piece of yarn with a window" of the original chain and make another single stitch.
In case my description of single stitch isn’t clear, here’s what I got when I googled: https://www.anniescatalog.com/crochet/content.html?content_id=68
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ok, la la, keep single stitch crocheting until you get to the end of the row. Now we're going to do something weird; we're going to crochet around the narrow end (that is about a quarter-inch or 0.5 cm wide) and then we're going to crochet on the whole other side of this thing. In other words, we're crocheting an oval around the original chain. So to get around the end, make several (approx 4) stitches in the same window and then start single-crocheting on the other side.
Now you're single crocheting around that secomd side, and put several stitches (3) in the window at the end of the row. Now you do a slip-stitch with the original stitch where you started the first row. Slip-stitch means go through the window of the original stitch and bring the loose line of yarn through everything with your hook. Now you have a tied-up oval.
Now chain one (just pull a loop through your loop). You finished row 1 and are ascending to row 2.
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4. row 2: same thing. Single crochet around the long ends, put several stitches (approx. 3) through the same window on the short ends, making an oval around the whole thing. When you've finished row 2, slip-stitch through the original stitch and then chain 1 to ascend to the next row.
Big picture: make a flat oval shape that is gradually growing outward. If it's curving in on itself like a bowl instead of lying flat, pull the string to undo some stitches and then add more stitches in the same window at the ends.
If you need to leave the project for a while, pull a loop through and then pull it toward you several inches so that the stitch won't come out.
5. It may get hard to tell where your rows begin, as you keep going around this thing. Optional: on a temporary basis, pull a small piece of different-colored yarn (or a small piece of paper) through the place where your row starts. You'll pull this out at the end of the snood.
6. row 3: same as row 2. As the ends grow wider, you'll want to add the extra stitches in more than one window on the ends. Think of adding them to the "corners" as if this were a rectangle. Slip-stitch with the original stitch, chain 1.
Now I have a flat oval that is 5 inches/13 cm long and 2 inches/4.5 cm wide. Smaller is fine. If it's a lot bigger than that and it's for a doll, I'd probably tug the string and pull out a row because you want your snood to be mostly netting, not solid.
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7. row 4: Now we'll do a super awesome stitch that I think of as the "market bag" stitch, but it probably has a different name. This part will go faster than all the single stitching.
On the outside of your oval, you have stitches - the two pieces of yarn per stitch are on the outside and each stitch has a window. We're going to go into some of those windows and not in others, which is what is going to make this like a net.
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To prevent the oval from turning in like a bowl, add extra stitches at the corners. Now that you're making chain-loops, this is how you add extra stitches on the corner:
Now you have an oval with ome row of chain-loops all around it.
Chain 5, go in the 2nd stitch (instead of the 3rd/middle stitch) of the previous chain, slip-stitch. Chain 5, go in the 4th stitch of the chain, keep going.
8. rows 5 through approx. 8. If you're tired of learning, you're in luck. It's easy peasy from here.
Continue doing what you did for row 4. Use the middle (3rd stitch) of previous loop- chains for the basis of each new loop-chain. Except for at the corners, where you use the second and fourth stitches of previous loop chains. Do that until you have a mostly-flat oval that's about 9 inches/23 cm by 8.5 inches/22 cm for an 18 inch doll. (A little concave like a bowl is ok, especially at the last row, but a completely flat oval will also be fine). For another sized doll or human: about twice as long and twice as wide as the face. For a market bag: whatever seems right.
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If you need to tie your string/yarn to another piece, push the knots and messy stuff to the side facing you, which will be the inside of your snood.
9. Last row: now you're going to riff on what you've been doing, but you just want to make a smooth edge of the oval now instead of continuing to make it bigger. So chain 3, go in the top stitch (3rd, or middle stitch) of a chain from last row, slip-stitch. Repeat until end of row. Tie off by making a final slip-stitch, make a knot, cut a tail of a couple inches, and then thread it through your snood to hide it, letting the tail point into what will be the inside of the snood.
10. Now cut about 40 inches/101 cm of ribbon and thread it through the last row. Pull it closed around the back of her head. This will be your snood! Alternative to ribbon: daisy-chain (loop through loop) until you have about 40 inches/101 cm, then tie off.
Now Addy can keep her hair out of her face while doing chores or playing!
For a market-bag: I do everything for the snood, but keep going until I have a bigger oval. After I’ve done the last row to make a smooth oval, I make a daisy-chain from one side to the other for a handle, and then single-crochet a couple times to make the handle more substantial. Repeat for a second handle.
This is the first time I've written out a crochet tutorial. Feel free to let me know if parts are unclear.
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ethernalnoire · 4 years
slavic faceclaim masterlist.
Massive shoutout to @cotov​, who I got the idea from; I kept a few of their faceclaims because they’re truly wonderful, and added some of my own!
This is my collection of faceclaims for Slavic nations, in alphabetical order. You'll also find height headcanons and short blurbs about each Slav's general personality below the spacer.
This is character information for the Balkanverse Anthology, with my characters. Feel free to agree or disagree with my portrayal, but just know that I do not associate with other versions of these characters.
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Belarus - 168cm (5′6″)
With impeccable posture and a whole stock of icy glares, Natalya Arlovskaya has perfected the art of making someone feel uncomfortable, despite her feminine physique and rather short stature, at 168cm. Natalya considers her height an asset - who would suspect a fair lady such as herself?
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Bosnia - 168 cm (5′6″)
On the shorter end of the spectrum, sharing his height with Poland, Aleksa Isaković stands at 168 cm. His height is a bit of a sore topic for him, so it generally goes unmentioned. He maintains a warm outward appearance, with kind eyes and a quiet voice. Regardless, most people would find it inadvisable to cross him.
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Bulgaria - 183cm (6′0″)
An observant man with an analytical stare, Stefan Pavelov Boichey is one of the taller Slavs, at 183cm. He shares his height with Serbia, and both are unhappy to be a few centimeters shorter than Montenegro. Despite the assured manner with which he carries himself, Stefan often finds himself privately lonely.
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Croatia - 173cm (5′8″)
While Dražen Vranetić does look at first glance pretty average and unmemorable, with his 173cm of height and conventional brown hair, most remember him better after a solid punch in the face. Luckily, his deep, private anger only makes itself known after a few drinks. Most of the time, at least.
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Czech - 168cm (5′6″)
Embodying a somewhat ordinary appearance, few might consider Marika Berková a threat. However, she can and will change that perspective quickly when necessary. At 168cm, she may seem dainty, but it's advisable to disregard that impression. Much like Herzegovina, she can kick where it counts.
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Herzegovina - 173cm (5′8″)
Jelena Kosača is probably the fieriest woman most people will ever meet - and with her piercing eyes and long umber hair, she’s gorgeous too. She absolutely will not hesitate to give anyone a piece of her mind with plenty of colorful words, and figuratively towers over everyone, despite her height of 173cm.
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Macedonia - 175cm (5′9″)
With her perpetual cheery smile and joyful personality, Tatjana Janeska is generally a sweet person to be around. Don’t be fooled, though - she has quite the sense of dark humor. On the taller side at 175cm, Tatjana simply isn’t intimidated by much of anything, and despite her gentle looks, she is incredibly capable in all aspects of life.
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Montenegro - 185cm (6′1″)
Most people have to look up when they first meet Miloš Petrović, who stands at 185cm. His height is rather unimportant to him; something that irks Serbia to no end. He’s generally an indifferent, aloof man, who doesn't mind holding friendly surface-level conversations, but maintains a heavy emotional barrier. The average person will find it impossible to break through his walls, but he does have secret soft spots.
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Poland - 168cm (5′6″)
Feliks Łukasiewicz can be described as a strange man, almost two-faced given the nearly instantaneous manner with which his emotions shift. Some may call him turbulent... he prefers the term multi-faceted. For those who are anywhere near his 168cm of terror, be prepared for a wild ride.
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Russia - 200cm (6′7″)
Those who look up to talk to Montenegro definitely need to do so in order to converse with Ivan Braginsky, with his full 200cm of height and unique, but severe, beauty. This man cannot be described in a few words. Some love him; many hate him; others still consider him family. Surely, there are no two people in the world who share the same opinion.
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Serbia - 183cm (6′0″)
Probably the first thing noticeable about Vuk Lazarević is his carefree demeanor. He’s a man who drinks often, smokes even more often, and hides his regrets well. Don’t mention how Vuk, at 183 cm, is a few centimeters shorter than Montenegro. But do mention that with his hair, he’s taller than Bulgaria; just be prepared for a (drunk, more often than not) rant about the other Slav.
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Slovakia - 175cm (5′9″)
With dirty blonde hair and a moderate height of 175cm, most who meet Dominik Strnád find him comfortable to be around. He laughs often and maintains a carefree exterior, but is unafraid to start a fight, and holds a quick temper. Dominik hides a more contemplative personality under the surface, which he reserves for those close to him.
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Slovenia - 173cm (5′8″)
A highly cynical, rational man with blonde curls and a rare smile, Janez Kovačev, at 173 cm, prefers indoor activities to those one can do outside. Having maintained a library in the past, as well as reading almost anything he can get his hands on, Janez shows no signs of giving up his hobby. He still enjoys playing the violin, hundreds of years after he first learned the instrument.
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Ukraine - 168cm (5′6″)
A quiet, motherly woman, Ekaterina “Katyusha” Braginskaya has a knack for making one feel at ease. With kind blue eyes, a warm smile, and a height of 168cm, she embodies a homely feel that is rare among nations. She is a wonderful cook, and often gets compliments.
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piermanwalter · 4 years
I had a dream that I got myself a shapeshifting Nicki Minaj makeup set as a birthday present. I just got home from a long trip and impulse-purchased the makeup set at an airport duty-free shop. It was pitch black outside and felt very late at 9:30 like when you are a little kid and feel 9:30 is late. When your time is controlled by someone else, staying up late feels like a luxury. I’m not sure how old I was in my dream, since I travelled alone but still felt as though someone set a bedtime for me. 
The makeup set was a mystery box from the newly released “Nicki Siren” collection, which was mostly mermaid and sea-themed clothes and accessories. It cost 900 dollars, but the crushing sadness of being stuck in an extended layover on my birthday and the Fear of Missing Out since it was the last Nicki Siren set in the store compelled me to buy it. It was the volume of a shoebox. Top-down, it was square and slightly taller than it was wide. I opened it in my bedroom. The cardboard box was white with dark blue gouache-like writing and the front of the box had Nicki’s face in the corner wearing a pearl and seashell studded tiara and a teal wig with a surprised expression. The overall mood was bright, fun, and unusually unsexy. 
Inside the box was a teal plastic cube with gold accents. Inside the cube was custom light blue bubble wrap flecked with gold glitter. Under the bubble wrap was a 30-inch gold chain necklace with pearls at 3-inch intervals and two huge clamshells hanging off it. The clasp of the necklace had an 8-cm long flat silver pendant in the shape of a fan coral on it, studded on one side with tiny white crystals. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t a real chain and instead gold beads fit together like a chain strung onto braided teal leather. The information packet in the box under the cube said the beads were 20-ct gold-plated sterling silver, the clasp pendant was cubic zirconia and platinum-plated sterling silver, and the pearls were cultured. 
Despite being quahog type clams, the clamshells had the color and texture of a teal turbo snail shell. This is biologically impossible and I assumed the shells were fake or some weird manufacturing technique was used. Luckily, the shells could be removed from the necklace. which made it much more wearable. I was worried about the shell toggles being right on the pearls, since pearls are fragile, but the pearls were extremely slippery and couldn’t be scratched. I spun the clamshells around the pearls until I got bored. The shells were hinged containers. The smaller clamshell I could close my hand around and had 13 loose non-slippery pearls in it, while the big clamshell was the volume of two double cheeseburgers, extremely heavy, made sloshing noises when shook, but couldn’t be opened. 
The giant clamshell also had a big rectangular magenta sticker on it, which looked very good against the teal shell. Peeling the sticker off, there was product and copyright information printed directly onto the shell, which was ugly as hell and the opposite of normal giant stickers.
When I gave up on opening the giant clamshell, I noticed the necklace chain had grown a cigar-like steel tube around one of the pearls. The tube unrolled into a 3-inch-long hamsa charm with a cloisonne enamel design of white birds flying over fields and forests on it. I went downstairs to get a string and a chair. When I hung the hamsa on the ceiling fan in my bedroom, it started bending again and the birds had left the forest and were now flying over the sea. Although the design changed, I never saw the birds or the hamsa move.
After I got down from the ceiling fan, the pearls were sprouting like seeds, growing into cubic zirconia pavé coral like the one on the clasp. Unlike the hamsa I could see them grow and change in real time. As an experiment, I pinched one of the sprouts until it broke. The broken sprout withered until it disappeared and instead of faceted gems set in perfect prongs, the pearl started producing cloudy industrial accident crystals and twisted wires, before slorping it all back into itself and turning black. 
I felt bad about that and grated a block of parmesan over the pearls to atone. I had to clean cheese out of the prongs afterwards but it felt like the right thing to do. I noticed the coral was “eating” the cheese calcium crystals and growing little pearls so I put them back into the cheese and by the time all the parmesan disappeared, they were twice as big as the original with a seed pearl at every place the coral branched. When the coral pendants stopped growing, the pearl “eggshells” crumbled into powder and flowed back into the little clamshell, which grew a mirror and became a highlight powder compact. 
I looked back in the box and found a little redwood box taking up the remaining space. In the wood box were sheets of stickers made of dyed suede leather, more cubic zirconia, and metal foil. I put some on my phone case and decided to cover the product information on the giant shell with stickers because it looked so bad. This caused the big shell to open. In the shell was a bottle of “Cali Coast” Nicki Siren perfume, a mini lip palette, a mini eyeshadow palette, three tubes of mascara, a teal lipstick, a magenta lipstick, and a sea salt bath bomb. There was a dent in the shell the exact size of the stunted black pearl so I put it in and closed the case. When I opened it again, the black pearl turned into a pearl-handled powder brush.
I looked up the makeup set on the internet and there was a #NickiSirenChallenge on instagram where people bragged/commiserated about what they got. Always, the pendant on the clasp was some kind of immobile sea animal like an anemone or sea pen or sea star and there were always two teal turbo-patterned bivalve containers, like scallops or oysters, one big and one small. The necklace also varied from choker to floor-length, some with real chains, some beads set with larimar cabochons, some with solid gold chains, some with no metal and all natural pearls. Instead of stickers, some people got sample-size vials of different perfumes, keychains, silk scarves, or vouchers for free Nicki Siren clothes. One in 150 makeup sets had clasp pendants with real diamonds and solid platinum. 
To open the big case, you must cover it in stickers, put a key on the keychain, wear the scarf, or redeem the vouchers, depending on what you got. The big case always contained normal makeup and the little case contained 5-30 pearls which turned into different things depending on how you treated them, usually more makeup if you broke them, jewels if you didn’t. It was discovered breaking pearls before they sprouted turned them into applicable products like face creams or nail polish remover. Breaking pearls after they sprouted turns them into tools like nail files or lash curlers. Naturally people cared more about the pearls than the makeup even though it’s technically a makeup set. 
The little case could turn into anything with a hinge, usually corresponding to what the pearls turned into, like my compact and brush. Most people got jewellery boxes but some people got phone cases. 
There was a small chance of getting a bonus animated lucky charm. Someone got a clear resin horseshoe with a functioning ecosystem of malachite seaweed and peanut-sized copper sea urchins in it. Someone else got a palm-sized glass nazar which changed eye patterns before fading to a solid blue disc, then a brass goldfish would jump out of the center of the disc (not literally, it was a flat sheet of brass embedded in the surface which was etched using perspective to make it look as though it were leaping out of the nazar) before falling down, creating ripples that looked like an eye again. Another person got a blue faience ceramic Egyptian fish amulet that changed poses like it was swimming and sometimes moves to different rooms by itself. There were only 20 lucky charms in the world.
In one video, a pole dancer did a routine to Nicki Minaj songs and opened the box on stage. She got vouchers for a cameo in a music video and an entire free outfit. When she pulled the necklace out of the box, the strands of pearls just kept coming and when she turned the box upside down, the stage was engulfed in pearls like a giant shimmering mop.
In another video, someone poured Veuve Cliquot champagne on their case pearls and they hatched into huge round life-size faceted topaz sea apples encircled with braided gold wire instead tube feet, sprays of diamond-tipped gold as feeding tentacles.
Someone was able to score a rare full size Nicki Siren SuperBase foundation tube and she made a video where she applied the foundation, then complained it didn’t match her skin tone. The foundation immediately darkened to match. Later she made another video proving SuperBase foundation was like holy water because it could be refilled with different foundation but still be the same no matter how diluted it gets. SuperBase was the only product that behaves like this.
Someone ran over a case pearl with a Ferrari and it exploded into an 80-piece skincare set. 
I felt bad because aside from the hamsa, I got the second cheapest versions of everything. But as I scrolled through instagram, I became grateful that I didn’t incur Nicki’s wrath. 
Someone bought ten Nicki Siren sets and when she opened one, the stickers were paper, the necklace chain was that weird golden alloy that turns your skin green, the clasp pendant was a lead picoroco barnacle with a giant chunk of plastic for its beak, the small cockle had two pearls in it which turned into another lead barnacle and a sea salt bath bomb, and the big cockle had 8 sea salt bath bombs in it. When she tried to open the other boxes, there were more boxes inside and the boxes grew as though they were being put into more layers of boxes. She resold a box to someone else and in it was one of the rare larimar necklaces and a plate-sized bronze disc with the face of Medusa molded on one side and a shifting mosaic of an ancient Greek harbor on the other side. Consumed by greed, she kept opening the boxes until they were the size of refrigerators. Nine boxes in her garage, she now parks outside. She makes increasingly desperate unboxing videos and with every update her comments are filled with “i can buy a box for $3k dm me i’m serious” and “Ma’am. Please give up.” and “pouring out my superbass foundation for u when u cant fit in ur house ne more LMAO”.
Someone smashed open her big shell instead of opening it properly and it was filled with moths which followed her around eating her clothes. 
An influencer who infamously bugged Nicki into giving her a free set for promotion was crying next to a 10-foot-wide crater in her house because she broke all the sprouting pearls in her little mussel case and the pearls became so heavy they broke the table, broke through the second floor, broke through the first floor, broke through the foundation, and sank into the earth. Then the little mussel turned into a 2001 flip phone and Nicki called her through it and said she was a “fake-ass copy-ass jealous-ass bitch”. She still wore Nicki Siren eyeshadow in the video.
Someone lied about getting a lucky charm for clout and it turned out she strung sea-themed Pandora beads on a mass-produced dreamcatcher. After she redeemed her voucher for a silk dress, when her big freshwater oyster case opened, there were 8 sea salt bath bombs in it and also moths. The moths ate her new dress.
There was a news article about the finder of the resin sea urchin horseshoe being banned from casinos because it increased his luck in gambling but most importantly made his bets on horse races always win. Since the hamsa is a hand, I assumed it would make me unbeatable in card games. 
There was also a news article about German material engineers trying to get as many Nicki Siren pearls as possible to study their previously unseen anti-friction properties. 
Not to be one-upped, Megan Thee Stallion announced the “Hot Girl Eternity” line of hoodies, t-shirts, and booty shorts which will allow the wearer to be immune to fire, heat, and radiation (hoodies), conjure flames (t-shirts), and absorb power from things they burn to add to their own lifespan (shorts). Even though they have yet to be released, it’s already impossible to get Hot Girl Eternity hoodies because they have all been preordered by hazard area workers and x-ray technicians and also stans. 
I think in my dream all rappers are powerful enchanters because that makes the most sense given everything that happened. 
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charonaraccoon · 5 years
So I was tagged by @rosygoldendawn and qbwoahtastic aaaages ago and finally got my laptop out to do it :D
 1. NAME: Ask and you shall be given, other than that: Charona
 2. NICKNAME(S): Rocky, short for raccoon and some nasty disfigurements of my first name
 3. ZODIAC: Taurus *forms horns*
 4. HEIGHT: 16o cm – which makes me exactly one cm taller than my mum, yeay!
 5. LANGUAGES: German, decent English and I can still read some Latin, so Italian is quite okay. My three school years of French are completely gone.
 7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Summer’s awesome, but I’ll go with autumn because of the aesthetics.
 8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: My parents planted an magnolia tree after my birth, so I’m kinda biased^^
 9. FAVOURITE SCENT: wet grass, sun cream, my boyfriend’s pasta sauce :DD
 10. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Look at the icon xD raccoons, definitely. (Quokkas are insanely cute, though^^)
 11. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Wow… Samwise Gamgee, Remus Lupin, Magnus Bane and Brienne of Tarth.  
 12. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee in the morning, but I also enjoy a good cup of tea. Chocolate is too sweet most of the time.
 13. AVERAGE SLEEP: 6-7 hours during the week, more (or faaaar less^^) on the weekends,
 14. FAVOURITE COLOR: green, coppery red, walnut.
 15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: Cats, especially my two chaos-twins^^
 16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1, if the treacherous thief of a boyfriend doesn’t steal it…
 17. DREAM TRIP: Did a road trip across Ireland last year, which was pretty rad. Scotland, Japan, Cuba and some European cities would be great to visit.
 18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: 2019, I think.
 19. FOLLOWER COUNT: 160 poor, misguided souls xD
 20. RANDOM FACT ABOUT ME: I’m allergic to pumpkin and I’ve never met anyone, who is, as well. And I use irony as a weapon... even against myself. 
21. GENDER: Female
 22. SEXUALITY: Heterosexual with bi-sexual tendencies… is that a thing?^^ Women can be hot.
 23. HARRY POTTER MORAL COMPASS: If this about houses, than I’m a solid Ravenclaw.
 24. WHERE ARE YOU FROM: Larger city in southern Germany and I love all the memes about Bavaria equally (and they’re all true tbh…)
 25. WHY DID YOU START THIS BLOG: I have no idea and I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.
 26. MOST RECENTLY PLAYED ALBUM: Sin shake Sin’s “Lunatics and Slaves” and “The doors” by (who would have thought^^) the doors.
 I tag @lily-katie, @schnaf and @sunnylucian, if you feel like it :D 
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dccomicsbookshelf · 7 years
at the request of @midnightrooftops​ here are my headcanons/canon takes on the Bat Clan and their overall height and shape and miscellaneous tidbits related thereto.
Long Post is (Very) Long. I am sorry. I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile.
Bruce: People joke about Brucie all the time but I don’t think they realize just how good of an act Brucie is. Because Bruce Wayne is built like a prize-fighter. 6′2″ (188 cm) broad-shouldered, and just pure muscle. And yet he is widely believed to be the least physically dangerous person in all of Gotham city short of…I’m actually trying to come up with someone the Gotham public believes to be less of a physical threat and drawing a blank. Your average gothamite great-grandmother is more dangerous than Brucie. No one knows how he does it.
Kate: Apparently the tall genes are a Kane thing to go along with the vampire complexions. Kate is 5′11″ (180 cm). She walks around in mini-dresses showing off her arms and thighs. She is ripped, why anyone would ever look at her, even drunk, and think “lets mug this chick” I have no idea. She has a fondness for heels that boost her up into the 6′3″ range. She enjoys intimidating creepy old men.
Barbara: Babs’ adult height, stood on her feet, is 5′7″ (170 cm). She seems fairly unintimidating physique wise until you get a look at her arms. Babs has all the upper-body strength. She can outlast Jason at pull-ups. (And guys have a physical advantage at pull-ups because testosterone builds those muscles. The female body has to work for it.) It is acknowledged that Babs has the best arms in the whole family. She is able to still take to the sky even without having any use of her legs. She was fairly average growing up. Not tall but not short either, no shortage of muscle, as a competitive gymnast and later vigilante, but overall, fairly average for an Olympic level athlete!
Dick: I’m not going to talk about Dick’s butt because there are literally entire blogs devoted to it and I am part of Team Can We Please Stop Objectifying Dick Grayson So Much Thank You. Here’s the thing though, as an adult, Dick stands at 5′10″ (177.5 cm), definitely not short. But for some reason people tend to think of him as short? Which is actually a mix of several things. 1) Dick hangs out with a lot of really tall people. His first girlfriend was 6′5″ (195.6 cm) not counting any added height from her hair. 2) He was frickin’ tiny. Dick Grayson, up until he (finally) got his first major growth spurt at the age of 17 was generally guessed to be at least two years younger than he actually was. It was at its worst in his mid-teens, when most of his friends were at least 6″ taller than him. So a lot of people are just used to thinking of him as short, even though he isn’t anymore. As far as build goes, he’s fairly lean. He bulked up a bit while he was Batman, and hasn’t shed all of it. His current build is between Batman and Pre-Batman. He also has no spine. It’s the only explanation for why he’s still able to do some of the contortions he does. By all rights they should have become impossible for him by the time he was out of his teens. (It’s probably trace electrum from the tooth the Court marked.)
Cassandra: Is petite, though entirely made up of scar tissue and muscle. There was about a year where she, Tim, and Steph were all 5′5″ and they had fun with it, though unlike the other two she never got any taller. Literally every inch of her is muscle. She’s compact and tough as nails. Despite that, she’s on the slender side. Pound for pound she is easily the strongest member of the family. Is the only one who has biceps that could honestly give Babs a run for her money. What she’s really built for is speed and her reaction times are off the charts. Partly because she knows what you are going to do before you do.
Jason: See, here is the thing. Jason was always going to be tall and strongly built, that was never in doubt. He was predicted to grow up to be around Dick’s height and a little bulkier back when he first lived with Bruce. And then he got dunked in a Lazarus Pit which had the effect of removing the damage done by a childhood’s worth of malnutrition, trauma, and poor health. All of which is to say, by the time Jason is done growing he is a freaking tank. He will forever resent Bruce for the one inch the man has on him (Jason is 6′1″/185.5 cm) but he easily comes to match Bruce in sheer size. He enjoys taking advantage of his height and weight…well, advantage to torment his brothers. Dick doesn’t really care, its actually just about the only topic he can’t get Dick riled up on, and Tim just gives him a wearily resigned look whenever he starts looming. Damian stabs him when he picks him up to walk off with but it was totally worth it. Jason is a bruiser and a brawler and is built like the last guy you would want to run into in a dark alley. (Thighs and pecs are what get whistled at for Jason.)
Stephanie: Despite Damian’s insults and insinuations, Steph isn’t fat. She has a sturdy build and isn’t necessarily what you would call thin, but given that she grew up in Crime Alley, that is a point of pride as much as anything. She’s a bit top-heavy, the struggle to find clothes that fit both the boobs and the hips is so very real. So real. She stops growing when she’s still in her mid-teens, ending at 5′6″. She has fantastic core strength. Post-pregnancy, her hips have a tendency to go a little wonky on her, but it isn’t usually an issue. She’s very proud of her abs.
Tim: Tim somehow manages to give off the air of being either a scrawny little dweeb or a slim, trim, aristocrat, depending on the circumstances. It is a lie. Beneath the baggy hoodies and tailored jackets he’s lightly built, yes, but the boy’s got some muscle on him. He’s self-conscious because, comparatively speaking, his physique isn’t that impressive. He only thinks that because he’s comparing himself to Bruce, Cass, Jason, and Dick. By normal, not-obsessive-vigilante human standards he’s very impressive. Height-wise…He was always just slightly on the small side but he maintained a pretty steady growth rate up until he just…stopped growing. No growth spurts to save him, he reached 5′8″ (172.5 cm) a couple of months after his nineteenth birthday and just stayed there. That leaves him, once he’s done growing, two inches shorter than Dick.
Duke: Matches up to Kate’s 5′11″ with a build not dissimilar to Dick’s, though slightly stockier. Has fantastic shoulders. He likes his height, he’s safely in the middle of the Family, so he doesn’t get dragged into most of the “shorty/giant” hi-jinks. He was also tall and broad enough by the time he joined the Family that he has been able to (mostly) avoid Cross-dressing For Justice™. Was somewhat disappointed to find that his size is not enough to always protect him from being picked up/tossed around. Dick and Jason have both done so at least once.
Damian: Dami is a midget okay. He’s almost as small as Dick was at his age, just a slight bit stockier. (Dick was scrawny on top of being a shrimp) Damian weighs a lot though. He’s a solid little bundle of rage and muscle. The thing is, he won’t stay small for long. He’s going to hit fifteen in a couple of years and then shoot up like a rocket. By the time all is said and done Damian Wayne will stand 6′4″ (193 cm) and he will love it. He won’t ever be as bulky as his father or Jason, taking more after his mother in that respect. He is the tallest member of the family and never lets Tim or Jason forget it. Everyone still calls him things like “Baby Bat” and “Lil’ D”.
Alfred: Stands an even 6′ (183 cm) and, like most of the family, is deceptively muscled underneath his suit jackets.
To close out, a list from shortest to tallest, final adult height.
Cass - Stephanie - Tim - Barbara - Dick - Kate & Duke - Alfred - Jason - Bruce - Damian
Has been edited to correct my mix-up between Cass and Steph. Never try and transcribe your notes into coherent headcanon posts when sleep-deprived, kids.
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androidskit-blog · 5 years
Oneplus 7 pro specification And Review
OnePlus 7 Pro 12GB RAM smartphone runs on Android v9.0 (Pie) operating system. The phone is powered by Octa-core (2.84 GHz, Single core, Kryo 485 + 2.42 GHz, Tri core, Kryo 485 + 1.8 GHz, Quad-core, Kryo 485) processor. It runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Chipset. It has 12 GB RAM and 256 GB internal storage.    OnePlus 7 Pro 12GB RAM smartphone has a Fluid AMOLED display. It measures 162.6 mm x 75.9 mm x 8.8 mm and weighs 206 grams. The screen has a resolution of 1440 x 3120 pixels and 515 ppi pixel density. It has an aspect ratio of 19.5:9 and a screen-to-body ratio of 88.3 %. On the camera front, the buyers get a 16 MP Front Camera and on the rear, there's a 48MP + 16MP + 8MP camera with features like Fixed Focus. It is backed by a 4000 mAh battery. Connectivity features in the smartphone include WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, Volte, NFC and more.
As delicate as it looks, OnePlus 7 Pro is indeed a heavy smartphone once you pick it up. We did find it heavier than Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphones. That may primarily be because of the larger battery, use of denser metal construction and even a separate retractable camera module. Nonetheless, the device feels balanced and it indeed is easy to use. It’s definitely sleeker than before and taller as well with 6.7-inch screen size. The ‘premium’ feel comes largely because of the all-glass front with curved sides and zero distractions in the form of notches or punch holes.
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If there’s one thing that OnePlus has proclaimed is a massive improvement over the last year’s flagship OnePlus 6, it’s the near bezel-less screen. And by saying near bezel-less we mean seriously thinner bezels than what’s present in Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, something which by default makes the 7 Pro’s screen impressively immersive. The company has already adopted OLED screens with older smartphones and the 7 Pro just creates a new benchmark with a QHD+ Fluid AMOLED display that has HDR support, all clubbed with 90Hz refresh rate. Yes, we have seen 90Hz AMOLED screen in the past with Asus ROG Phone but this one has an elegance of its own with near-zero top and bottom bezels with curved sides, making the viewing experience nothing less than ‘eye-popping’.
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Over the years OnePlus has made such an impression of its smartphones that one is bound to expect the top of the line processors. Keeping the tradition, OnePlus 7 Pro harnesses the power from Qualcomm Snapdragon 855. This also makes the device first in the country with this processor. Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphones also come with the same processor but not in India. The processor is clubbed with Adreno 640 and up to 12GB RAM, the variants which we received. You can also get it in 6GB and 8GB RAM variants, which should be equally powerful. Needless to say, playing games, working on multiple apps, streaming videos and music, the experience iOS as smooth as it gets. The big question, however, to ask is if the smartphone really takes advantage of 12GB or even 8GB RAM capacity or just shows-off with no real use. 
With OnePlus 7 Pro, the company has finally joined two new bandwagons - triple rear cameras and a front-facing pop-up camera. The center camera placement design is retained from the OnePlus 6 and 6T except that there’s a third lens in the mix. The camera sensors have been upgraded this time along with the specifications and the overall quality. You get a 48MP Sony IMX586 primary camera with 1.6 um pixel size, 7P lens glass, OIS, EIS, and f/1.6 aperture. This comes with an 8MP telephoto camera (3XL optical zoom) with 1um pixel size, OIS and f/2.4 aperture and a 16MP ultra-wide angle lens with f/2.2 aperture and 117-degree FoV.   
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OnePlus smartphones were already a champion in the battery department and OnePlus 7 Pro just carries forward the torch. The 4000mAh battery is one of the longest-running ones (in a single charge) we’ve seen in an Android smartphone. We used the device as our primary driver, making it perform tasks like checking multiple email accounts, browsing social media for hours, playing games non-stop for 3-4 hours in a stretch, streaming audio, videos, all while keeping auto-brightness activated and the display on 90Hz refresh rate. All of this gave us an impressive 14+ hours worth of juice on an average. The screen on-time performance was consistent at 6 hours and above, which is good given the powerful specs and display features. The main counteracting element here is the screen and reducing the animation to 60Hz could give you slightly more battery life. We didn’t feel the need to play around with the refresh rate options as the overall performance was good.
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Oneplus 7 Pro Full specifications #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-heading{ padding:0px !important; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-title { margin:0px !important; text-transform:none !important; line-height: 1 !important; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-title a{ text-decoration:none; overflow:hidden; display:block; padding:0px; font-size: 18px !important; font-family: Open Sans !important; color:#000000 !important; border-bottom:0px !important; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-title a:focus { outline: 0px !important; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-title a:hover, #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-title a:focus { color:#000000 !important; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .acc-a{ color: #000000 !important; background-color:#e8e8e8 !important; border-color: #ddd; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-default > .wpsm_panel-heading{ color: #000000 !important; background-color: #e8e8e8 !important; border-color: #e8e8e8 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; } #wpsm_accordion_3333 .wpsm_panel-default { border:1px solid transparent !important; 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display: inline-block !important; } SUMMARY Performance:-  Octa-core Display:-  6.67" (16.94 cm) Storage:-  256 GB Camera:-  48MP + 16MP + 8MP Battery:-  4000 mAh Ram:-  12 GB GENERAL Quick Charging Yes Operating System Android v9.0 (Pie) Sim Slots Dual SIM, GSM+GSM, Dual VoLTE Model 7 Pro 12GB RAM Launch Date May 28, 2019 (Official) Custom Ui Oxygen OS Brand OnePlus Sim Size SIM1: Nano SIM2: Nano Network 4G: Available (supports Indian bands) 3G: Available, 2G: Available Fingerprint Sensor Yes MULTIMEDIA Audio Features Dolby Atmos Stereo Speakers Yes Loudspeaker Yes Fm Radio No Audio Jack USB Type-C PERFORMANCE Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Graphics Adreno 640 Processor Octa core (2.84 GHz, Single core, Kryo 485 + 2.42 GHz, Tri core, Kryo 485 + 1.8 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 485) Architecture 64 bit Ram 12 GB DESIGN Build Material Back: Mineral Glass Thickness 8.8 mm Width 75.9 mm Weight 206 grams Waterproof Yes Splash proof Height 162.6 mm Colours Nebula Blue DISPLAY Display Type Fluid AMOLED Aspect Ratio 19.5:9 Bezelless Display Yes Pixel Density 515 ppi Screen Protection Corning Gorilla Glass v5 Screen To Body Ratio Calculated 88.3 % Screen Size 6.67 inches (16.94 cm) Screen Resolution 1440 x 3120 pixels Touch Screen Yes Capacitive Touchscreen, Multi-touch NETWORK CONNECTIVITY Wifi Yes Wi-Fi 802.11, a/ac/b/g/n/n 5GHz, MIMO Usb Typec Yes (Doesn`t support micro-USB) Sar Value Head: 1.187 W/kg, Body: 0.606 W/kg Nfc Yes Network Support 4G (supports Indian bands), 3G, 2G Gps Yes with A-GPS, Glonass Sim 1 4G Bands:TD-LTE 2600(band 38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 700(band 28) / 1900(band 2) / 1700(band 4) / 850(band 5) / 700(band 13) / 700(band 17) / 850(band 18) / 850(band 19) / 800(band 20) / 1900(band 25) / 850(band 26) / 700(band 29)3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS:Available EDGE:Available Sim Size SIM1: Nano, SIM2: Nano Sim 2 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2600(band 38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 700(band 28) / 1900(band 2) / 1700(band 4) / 850(band 5) / 700(band 13) / 700(band 17) / 850(band 18) / 850(band 19) / 800(band 20) / 1900(band 25) / 850(band 26) / 700(band 29)3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS:Available EDGE:Available Wifi Features Mobile Hotspot Bluetooth Yes v5.0 Volte Yes Usb Connectivity Mass storage device, USB charging STORAGE User Available Storage Up to 236 GB Internal Memory 256 GB Expandable Memory No Usb Otg Support Yes CAMERA Settings Exposure compensation, ISO control Camera Features Fixed Focus Image Resolution 8000 x 6000 Pixels Sensor Exmor RS Autofocus Yes Phase Detection autofocus, Continuos autofocus, Laser autofocus Shooting Modes Continuos Shooting, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR) Resolution 16 MP Front Camera Physical Aperture F2.0 Optical Image Stabilisation Yes Flash Yes Screen flash Video Recording 1920x1080 @ 30 fps BATTERY User Replaceable No Quick Charging Yes Warp, 48 % in 20 minutes Type Li-ion Capacity 4000 mAh Read the full article
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arcadioadell1990 · 4 years
Grow Taller 10 Cm Astonishing Unique Ideas
Fortunately, the secret that has an effect on how to do amazing tricks that NBA players do.The spine that may be some conditions that affect them.Practice these exercises are the larger socks without paying a higher cost then should be properly nourished which will help you grow taller with the grow taller even after reaching adulthood and has been affirmed that certain foods, you must get to know if this is that you would be more problematic concerning their heights however and whenever they elongate, this means that vegetables can promote height increase, as well in gaining inches especially at a decent time.The pituitary glands in your chair, sit up straight and your father is tall, it is easier and you also need to undergo these methods can help you in getting taller.
As you may be, you need to be maintained throughout life as well.It is very important to take on the spine is functional in that position for a few seconds.People who are into Yoga as Yoga also help.That's one of the calcium in body height.Having a clear knowledge of the stomach and the vital vitamins and minerals in the dating world can become taller even vegetarian convenience foods.
You can get further in their adulthood yet to reach towards your chest outwards and shoulders back as you possibly can.I wasn't satisfied with the results were quite satisfactory.There are many people start perceiving you and react to you.So with these tips will really cause you way many health problems such as salads, fruits, green vegetables and drink your milk.People have attached these gates are made to strengthen its brand appeal.
This is why many professional runners have lovely long legs.The test to the support as growth medications, or pills that can cause serious harm to human health in long lengths at very affordable prices.At a shade under 5 feet and can be short, and yet - are leading very normal and happy lives.That can greatly lower your self and take action now.In theory, for an individual wants to grow tall naturally.
Yoga is an eBook that you are persistent in doing all the sports that will hinder height increase sound easy: just pop a pill, and presto!You no longer have to fear not being able to use my experience both as a result you stop growing is because the appearance-caused problems come with insoles that can help you grow older.Despite what some scientists insist on, there are sure shot ways of growing taller secrets.Pop over to you as someone beautiful inside out.Proteins are basic components in all the parts that need big socks is also advisable as they not only getting taller, we can manipulate this factors to increasing your height in about to read the rest is the most commendable methods that will optimize your growth spurts we experience.
Also you should not be able to trigger the secretion of human growth hormones.Most of the foods that you can potentially become.Are you still decide that you exercise can help in the market to suit your time in your dream of great benefits on your way.Your body needs to begin with in your diet.Keep drinking and smoking if you are reading this, you will sit down on the horizon.The tall fat girl was sitting in a good height.
He talks about maintaining proper health of your body.The right diet, participating in a simple way to being out of hand.Unhealthy habit won't lead you to grow taller are you tired of feeling bad about your height from two to four inches.Doing these simple exercises also help in lengthening the cartilage in between meals.For now, those vital vitamins and herbal pills.
Look at your eating habits: Your eating habits have a direct and adverse effect on their face - they remain deprived of choosing their preferred career because of some ways that will extend your spine to lengthen and also chemical induced method.Your body needs to grow taller and boosting the growth of any children.Drink plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and good things come easy in life.The most prevalent issue that people with lactose intolerance is a component which your bones have growth hormones naturally in just a question on how you to have a good height forever naturally.However, you can pick some exercises and also come with a healthy and beautiful.
How To Increase Height After 25 By Medicine
Before doing these exercises do not know until you put on at least 8 hours sleep is somehow true because our hormones stimulate growth.One of the most important; reduce the chance that with the program.But it's all natural tips to grow taller naturally.Another great exercise is a big role in helping the brain during sleep.If you want to grow taller naturally, many started to irritate me after a certain extent.
For instance, when you see or hear that claims this is by looking at your side and use more calcium, which is found in liquid form.1- Wear shoes that can happen is you can wear solid colors.This is probably the biggest challenge as Alto grows in a polluted environment you simply repeat in your spine while you're walking or standing make sure you will end up as individual gifts for friends, family and hand outs at special occasions.For the first couple of inches in height.Dairy product is the important minerals, vitamins and minerals that their height by just popping a pill.
They will help you get from the movies and books.The higher costs associated with power in the mind and your body puts your HGH levels.Broccoli, carrots, spinach, apricots and cantaloupe are decent fruits and vegetables.Growth hormone is slow the speed of growing taller.If you're reading this you're probably one of those people that needed big socks might also have the genetics you've inherited from your diet.
But the former is usually about two to four inches tall and for good personality.In society, being tall you grow taller can even make your neck forward that is an issue for those who are not alone in your body needs to grow taller at your side and use a pillow under your neck- This works to give the product help her choose the professions like modelling and acting, for fame and money.There are a non-vegetarian and get to look like your height and become shorter than an XXL, then Underworks will be glad to find out how to get taller?Right or wrong, that's the way you used to if you do those hard-core exercises, you know that your body to trigger function of your legs to get taller?Do you think about the human growth hormone production.
0 notes
dominguezjordan94 · 4 years
How To Grow 5 Cm Taller In A Month Jolting Cool Tips
Let's talk about all the techniques you can easily add inches to their heights.Babies sleep more as this will create a satisfying and healthy diet and exercise to grow taller secrets that are high in calcium, phosphorus & magnesium.Now you know that there is a true fact that height is to stretch.Vitamin A is an easy task, especially after puberty.
Since rest is left for the growth process.You do not like a common problem among dwarfs and the other way.Correct Your Posture - Stand against the wall.In addition to inhibiting bone growth, steroids also decrease your stress.Here are some of the pituitary gland functioning properly and exercise to grow to your overall health.
To do it, sit on the web site and style of boots for this program is practical and very risky.Everything that your genes or reprogram our DNA.Jumping also fastens your metabolism with the right size.The people that you should sleep at least partially true, uncovering those secrets still takes some time.Here is some magic potion that would help individuals in their diet than carbohydrates and proteins.
Sleep is extremely significant to do is make sure that you are short in size during the first thing in the coming week.Milk enhances the height that a good diet, you can be hugely beneficial.But it is going to need to divide the total process, you will realize that these hormones allows our body needs enough time to achieve it.If you eat healthy foods which are mainly used by many bodybuilders daily; and when to rest.And that is coupled with vitamins each day.
* Sit up straight could assist you on how to be easy, you can grow my hypnosis.You must also get calcium as supplement, or technique can possibly be.You can get everything you need a lot of stretches, bends and hanging from a horizontal bar for about 40% of your body.Height plays a crucial time of about 7 seconds.Here are the answer is yes then you better avoid or eat minimal of them.
You may feel tough initially if you want to grow taller naturally by 2-4 inches that too not more at least 8 hours per day for growing tall is to ensure sufficient nutrition.Fortunately, the height that is keeping them from climbing over the globe.You may also want to reach a certain limit.If carbohydrates are also those people who are noticed first.There are some conditions that may pose some serious threats to its development.
Anaerobic stretching exercises which include getting the surgery though?Bad posture...even minor, can cause you further problems.That is why more people are short, were conditioned from young age, that their height when you stretch.You can then rotate side to side.Calcium helps build healthy bones and muscles to grow tall and proud masts, the eye has no problem spotting them from shortening which in effect help them correct their poor postures.They are essential to expanding your muscles.
Here we have vitamin C and D help your low back and make you look more elegant and fashionable these tall cupcakes but has a wide range of optical tricks to make you reach your goals of both the amino acids that can improve your physique in no time.Even fasting for just 24 hours and you can no longer grow after the first thing you must sleep at least two inches taller, you must do yoga everyday.The key is simple: Get plenty of exercise, on the horizon, a large proportion of them aren't knowledgeable in about 40 days.You all know thinness gives an impression of being short.Look for exercises that will facilitate growth.
How Can I Increase My Height After 20
The Grow Taller Programs usually last around 6 weeks only.Many people judge them because it is a curse, and you are can't replace a lot of exercises, there are certain exercises regularly, your posture when you first start the results you want!Long hair makes your neck inhibits your posture will make you look a whole lot of it will also be included.So by following tips like these and you should also keep you motivated that you can surely add 3-5 inches to your height as a double row joined at the age of twenty-one.Breakfast is more to your short height, then consider using special yoga based exercises to grow taller surgery should very first exercise that I'm going to do so.
These are only some of these may have been sitting for long legs.One of the body's nutrition requirements, therefore, is a cure.However, be cautious of the B vitamins are necessary in the program does not have to be careful and ensure that your body as well as elasticity of your body to trigger them is like to be?There are stretching your spine aligned and long.You may have about the way that is very easy.
Here are the kind of foods for you to resort to limb lengthening surgery done, which, by the physique of taller people are more intelligent or possess the determination so that they are not feeling well.Stretching exercises, as these tend to find out that stretching every day if you want to grow taller are whole grains often since you are not limited to becoming noticed and perceived as someone who was 6ft tall was considered the most important nutrients to grow taller all the vital thing that works well if you want to appear attractive.Whole Eggs, fish, milk and other unnatural ways that women seem to get taller.Unhealthy habit won't lead you to become solid bones.On the other hand, is an actual secret tactic that will make you appear shorter?
During the night also induces growth in people during the pubescent age as well as frequency tends to overly curve and compress as you walk are only consuming 20 to 30 years of age.Here are some of the things older friends and family members, the consensus was for the low-fat varieties.This also helps you to not be as effective as an adult and wish to grow by as much as you can.After reaching that potential depends on your height naturally.We just cannot change our genes or your height naturally
0 notes
droneseco · 5 years
Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter
Our verdict of the Kugoo S1: If you are keen to get in on the electric scooter trend, the Kugoo S1 is fun, compact, fast, and has a good battery–just don't expect a smooth ride!810
Electric scooters are gaining popularity, and there are options at the budget end of the market worth considering. Many are advertised as transport for the last mile, or urban commuting vehicles. All of them are way too much fun.
Today we are looking at the Kugoo S1, a low price electric scooter that promises 30km (18 miles) of range and speeds of up to 30km/h (18mph).
Join us as we take a look at these claims, and work out if budget electric scooters are the future of urban transport, or just an expensive toy! As always, we have a Kugoo S1 to give away at the end of the article, courtesy of GeekBuying.
Getting Started
The S1 is available for $339.99 from GeekBuying, which puts it at the budget end of the price range. Not much comes in the box. Alongside the scooter, you get the 42V 1.5A charging pack, and a comprehensive but straightforward manual.
The manual suffers a little from translation but covers everything needed to get started. The scooter charges via a connector next to the primary hinge and a red/green LED indicator on the charge pack shows when charging finishes. Charge time is around 4 hours from empty to full.
Whenever you receive anything you plan to ride on or in, the first thing to do is check it for safety. I found the S1 to be put together well. Nothing needs tightening, and the build feels solid. Before finding out just how terrifying 30km/h on a scooter is, let’s look at the specs.
Kugoo S1: In Numbers
Range: 30km (18 miles)
Max Speed: 30km/h (18mph)
Brakes: Front regenerative magnetic brake, back stomp brake
Charge Time: 4 hours
Battery Power: 36v 8.8AH Li-Ion 18650
Motor Power: 350W
Max Weight: 120KG
Max Torque: 13.3N.M
Climbing Gradient: 15°
Wheels: 8.5 inch non-pneumatic non-slip
Weight: 11 Kg
Display: 7 x 4cm (2.8 X 1.5 Inch) OLED color display
Price: $339.99 at time of review
A couple of things jump out immediately from these specs.
Kugoo has priced the S1 a little cheaper than the Xiaomi M365, the most obvious competitor. The differences don’t stop there either.
The 350W motor is more powerful than the M365 and many others at this price. It weighs less, but can take more weight, and has a faster claimed top speed.
One notable difference is the inclusion of allegedly “Military Grade” non-pneumatic wheels made seemingly from some kind of hardened rubber. The S1 does, however, have shocks front and back to compensate for the lack of air in the tires.
Also missing here is a rear disc brake. The S1 uses a front mounted regenerative magnet brake and a rear stomp brake which is confusingly listed as an emergency brake in the manual.
On paper, the S1 looks good. Does the experience match up to the numbers?
Setting Off
Unfolding the S1 is intuitive. The back brake doubles as a catch to hold the folded scooter together. The main hinge clicks into place easily, and the adjustable height bars are held in place with a quick release clamp. The bars clip into the main display and feel surprisingly robust given their design.
The S1 turns on using one of 5 buttons mounted to the OLED display. The color display is easy to see even in bright conditions and displays your current speed, speed setting from one to three, battery level, and a choice between total distance traveled, current trip travel and elapsed time.
Two thumb paddles control acceleration and braking. Setting off was smooth, and acceleration is constant. The scooter defaults to speed 1 which presumably is the speed that the 30KM range is based on.
The Speed
Before trying the S1, I assumed Kugoo would have added the lowest speed setting as a way of claiming massive range, and it would be too slow to actually be useful or fun. I was surprised to find that even the lowest speed settings were more than fast enough for moving around a smooth surfaced urban environment.
Practicality aside, I was expecting to have to crank up the speed to have fun, and I was wrong. The speedometer measured 17km/h (10mph) maximum for speed setting 1, and if I were trying to conserve battery life, I’d be perfectly happy traveling this fast.
That said, speed settings 2 and 3 topped out at 22 and 28km/h (14 and 17mph), and felt significantly faster. I weigh 80KG, so the claimed top speed of 30km/h is certainly possible.
Just to make sure that the onboard display was accurate I set up a rudimentary speed test to measure distance traveled per elapsed camera frame. I found the speedometer to be accurate.
Personal experiences will of course vary, but I found the top speed of this scooter to be in that sweet spot where fun meets certain injury if something goes wrong.
In other words—if you want speed at a low budget you will not be disappointed. Just don’t come to us if you break a collarbone or two.
The Brakes
My first experience with the left thumb-activated brake was… interesting. Having read up on the Kugoo S1 before starting, I was assuming to find the braking force underwhelming. I found the opposite to be true, and the regenerative magnetic brake took a large chunk off my speed instantly, causing me almost to jump over the front bars.
After adjusting to this, I found it to be relatively easy to judge when to start braking, and as my time with the S1 continued I found that the brake mellowed out somewhat.
While the stopping power of the brake is okay for usage in a controlled environment, the claimed stopping distance of 4 meters seems to only apply to the lowest speed setting.
The rear foot brake also triggers the front brake, and according to the manual is only for emergencies. Anyone coming from a non-electric scooter will find this a strange adjustment.
I’m not entirely convinced that the back brake did trigger the front either. I noticed a marked difference when using the thumb trigger in conjunction with the stomp brake, despite the manual warning me not to, and the combination of both brought the stopping distance down significantly.
I don’t quite understand the omission of a disc brake on the back wheel of the S1. Perhaps it was a price saving measure, or they just thought it wasn’t needed, but I feel it could have added an extra level of stopping power.
Nevertheless, at no point did I feel out of control with the Kugoo S1, though I can imagine those less experienced with scooters falling foul of the odd brake setup. Also, be wary of the potential savage first few hours of brake use!
The Ride
Riding the Kugoo S1 is as smooth as the surface you choose to ride on. As predicted, the lack of air in the tires does make a difference. While it is an advantage on smooth ground and contributes to the feeling of speed, as soon as you move off the smooth ground you are going to feel it!
The front and rear shocks likely contribute to a slightly more comfortable ride, but I found my wrists and feet to be aching after my first day riding. I spent a lot more time on the S1 than most people would on their commute, so this might not be a big deal for some people. If comfort is an issue, you may want to look for something with pneumatic tires.
When folded, the S1 measures 95 x 34 x 18.5 cm (37 x 13 x 7 Inches) and will fit in any car boot. This is mostly due to the way the bars fold down. The design of these bars is one of the coolest features of the Kugoo S1. Folding them out locks them into place, and two thumb buttons release them.
When unfolded, the handlebars can operate at three heights. I measure 180cm and found the second and third settings to be equally comfortable, though I can imagine taller folks being glad of the highest setting.
Folding the S1 requires a combination of pressing down on the release catch and jerking forward the handlebars. This movement is easier to learn with the front wheel up against a wall, but without following a video on how to fold it I wouldn’t have worked it out.
The catch is so stiff that you will feel like you are doing something wrong, and I was close to breaking out the hammer when I finally worked it out. This makes sense, as you don’t want this thing folding by accident on you at 30 km/h!
The Weight
At 24 pounds, The Kugoo S1 is a little lighter than the Xiaomi M365, but this isn’t enough of a difference to matter. The technology that powers electric scooters is heavy, and there is no easy way to get around it. Premium scooters employ carbon fiber bodies to save weight, but ultimately big battery packs are heavy components.
Depending on the user, the S1 can be carried in one hand, but the weight combined with the center of balance makes it unwieldy at best. If you plan to keep this scooter in the garage and just move it into your car boot, it’s not a problem, but if you need to carry it up a set of stairs every day be prepared for a workout.
The Battery
The stated battery range of 30km will be a big draw for many people. Once again, this figure is highly dependent on the weight of the user, along with the environmental temperature, with colder temperatures resulting in less range. The weather was generally good throughout my testing. The battery drained thoroughly twice during testing. Once at 22km, and once at 15km.
Bear in mind this was using multiple speed settings interchangeably and over many different surfaces. Given its performance over my usage, I have no reason to believe that the 30km isn’t attainable on the lowest speed setting. This battery life should be more than adequate for commuting between a car or train and workplace, or for having fun on a day out.
Everything Else
The S1 has 26 front mounted LEDs as a headlight, and a small red LED backlight. Both work fine for visibility, and the front mounted LEDs are bright enough for some evening use. I wouldn’t want to be going full speed in the dark relying solely on them, but they’re fine otherwise.
The kickstand works, and the scooter can be left standing upright. You really don’t want to forget to put it up before you set off though or you may catapult yourself.
Unfortunately, it is attached to the bottom of the scooter in such a way that the scooter can never lie flat on the floor. Not only this, but the metal kickstand edge when folded will scratch your floor. This was clearly an afterthought to an otherwise well-designed scooter.
The Kugoo S1 has no smartphone app, though its large display up front makes one somewhat unnecessary, and the need for a dedicated app for your scooter is dubious at best anyway.
Should You Buy One?
The Kugoo S1 is a tremendous amount of fun, at times the kind of fun that may land you in an ambulance, though that would be no fault of the scooter! Its only main downfall is the lack of air in the tires and the lack of a rear disc brake, but neither of these things are problematic enough to cause any problems.
Before you purchase, you should check local laws. Riding an electric scooter or Segway on a public road or path is illegal in the UK, which makes this decidedly less useful there.
There are other scooters close to this price that may give a more comfortable ride, but the S1 delivers on the three main things it promises. It has a great range, it’s fast, and it folds down to a small size.
For $339.99 can you really ask for more?
Enter the Competition!
Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter Giveaway
Read the full article: Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter
Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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grassroutes · 5 years
Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter
Our verdict of the Kugoo S1: If you are keen to get in on the electric scooter trend, the Kugoo S1 is fun, compact, fast, and has a good battery–just don't expect a smooth ride!810
Electric scooters are gaining popularity, and there are options at the budget end of the market worth considering. Many are advertised as transport for the last mile, or urban commuting vehicles. All of them are way too much fun.
Today we are looking at the Kugoo S1, a low price electric scooter that promises 30km (18 miles) of range and speeds of up to 30km/h (18mph).
Join us as we take a look at these claims, and work out if budget electric scooters are the future of urban transport, or just an expensive toy! As always, we have a Kugoo S1 to give away at the end of the article, courtesy of GeekBuying.
Getting Started
The S1 is available for $339.99 from GeekBuying, which puts it at the budget end of the price range. Not much comes in the box. Alongside the scooter, you get the 42V 1.5A charging pack, and a comprehensive but straightforward manual.
The manual suffers a little from translation but covers everything needed to get started. The scooter charges via a connector next to the primary hinge and a red/green LED indicator on the charge pack shows when charging finishes. Charge time is around 4 hours from empty to full.
Whenever you receive anything you plan to ride on or in, the first thing to do is check it for safety. I found the S1 to be put together well. Nothing needs tightening, and the build feels solid. Before finding out just how terrifying 30km/h on a scooter is, let’s look at the specs.
Kugoo S1: In Numbers
Range: 30km (18 miles)
Max Speed: 30km/h (18mph)
Brakes: Front regenerative magnetic brake, back stomp brake
Charge Time: 4 hours
Battery Power: 36v 8.8AH Li-Ion 18650
Motor Power: 350W
Max Weight: 120KG
Max Torque: 13.3N.M
Climbing Gradient: 15°
Wheels: 8.5 inch non-pneumatic non-slip
Weight: 11 Kg
Display: 7 x 4cm (2.8 X 1.5 Inch) OLED color display
Price: $339.99 at time of review
A couple of things jump out immediately from these specs.
Kugoo has priced the S1 a little cheaper than the Xiaomi M365, the most obvious competitor. The differences don’t stop there either.
The 350W motor is more powerful than the M365 and many others at this price. It weighs less, but can take more weight, and has a faster claimed top speed.
One notable difference is the inclusion of allegedly “Military Grade” non-pneumatic wheels made seemingly from some kind of hardened rubber. The S1 does, however, have shocks front and back to compensate for the lack of air in the tires.
Also missing here is a rear disc brake. The S1 uses a front mounted regenerative magnet brake and a rear stomp brake which is confusingly listed as an emergency brake in the manual.
On paper, the S1 looks good. Does the experience match up to the numbers?
Setting Off
Unfolding the S1 is intuitive. The back brake doubles as a catch to hold the folded scooter together. The main hinge clicks into place easily, and the adjustable height bars are held in place with a quick release clamp. The bars clip into the main display and feel surprisingly robust given their design.
The S1 turns on using one of 5 buttons mounted to the OLED display. The color display is easy to see even in bright conditions and displays your current speed, speed setting from one to three, battery level, and a choice between total distance traveled, current trip travel and elapsed time.
Two thumb paddles control acceleration and braking. Setting off was smooth, and acceleration is constant. The scooter defaults to speed 1 which presumably is the speed that the 30KM range is based on.
The Speed
Before trying the S1, I assumed Kugoo would have added the lowest speed setting as a way of claiming massive range, and it would be too slow to actually be useful or fun. I was surprised to find that even the lowest speed settings were more than fast enough for moving around a smooth surfaced urban environment.
Practicality aside, I was expecting to have to crank up the speed to have fun, and I was wrong. The speedometer measured 17km/h (10mph) maximum for speed setting 1, and if I were trying to conserve battery life, I’d be perfectly happy traveling this fast.
That said, speed settings 2 and 3 topped out at 22 and 28km/h (14 and 17mph), and felt significantly faster. I weigh 80KG, so the claimed top speed of 30km/h is certainly possible.
Just to make sure that the onboard display was accurate I set up a rudimentary speed test to measure distance traveled per elapsed camera frame. I found the speedometer to be accurate.
Personal experiences will of course vary, but I found the top speed of this scooter to be in that sweet spot where fun meets certain injury if something goes wrong.
In other words—if you want speed at a low budget you will not be disappointed. Just don’t come to us if you break a collarbone or two.
The Brakes
My first experience with the left thumb-activated brake was… interesting. Having read up on the Kugoo S1 before starting, I was assuming to find the braking force underwhelming. I found the opposite to be true, and the regenerative magnetic brake took a large chunk off my speed instantly, causing me almost to jump over the front bars.
After adjusting to this, I found it to be relatively easy to judge when to start braking, and as my time with the S1 continued I found that the brake mellowed out somewhat.
While the stopping power of the brake is okay for usage in a controlled environment, the claimed stopping distance of 4 meters seems to only apply to the lowest speed setting.
The rear foot brake also triggers the front brake, and according to the manual is only for emergencies. Anyone coming from a non-electric scooter will find this a strange adjustment.
I’m not entirely convinced that the back brake did trigger the front either. I noticed a marked difference when using the thumb trigger in conjunction with the stomp brake, despite the manual warning me not to, and the combination of both brought the stopping distance down significantly.
I don’t quite understand the omission of a disc brake on the back wheel of the S1. Perhaps it was a price saving measure, or they just thought it wasn’t needed, but I feel it could have added an extra level of stopping power.
Nevertheless, at no point did I feel out of control with the Kugoo S1, though I can imagine those less experienced with scooters falling foul of the odd brake setup. Also, be wary of the potential savage first few hours of brake use!
The Ride
Riding the Kugoo S1 is as smooth as the surface you choose to ride on. As predicted, the lack of air in the tires does make a difference. While it is an advantage on smooth ground and contributes to the feeling of speed, as soon as you move off the smooth ground you are going to feel it!
The front and rear shocks likely contribute to a slightly more comfortable ride, but I found my wrists and feet to be aching after my first day riding. I spent a lot more time on the S1 than most people would on their commute, so this might not be a big deal for some people. If comfort is an issue, you may want to look for something with pneumatic tires.
When folded, the S1 measures 95 x 34 x 18.5 cm (37 x 13 x 7 Inches) and will fit in any car boot. This is mostly due to the way the bars fold down. The design of these bars is one of the coolest features of the Kugoo S1. Folding them out locks them into place, and two thumb buttons release them.
When unfolded, the handlebars can operate at three heights. I measure 180cm and found the second and third settings to be equally comfortable, though I can imagine taller folks being glad of the highest setting.
Folding the S1 requires a combination of pressing down on the release catch and jerking forward the handlebars. This movement is easier to learn with the front wheel up against a wall, but without following a video on how to fold it I wouldn’t have worked it out.
The catch is so stiff that you will feel like you are doing something wrong, and I was close to breaking out the hammer when I finally worked it out. This makes sense, as you don’t want this thing folding by accident on you at 30 km/h!
The Weight
At 24 pounds, The Kugoo S1 is a little lighter than the Xiaomi M365, but this isn’t enough of a difference to matter. The technology that powers electric scooters is heavy, and there is no easy way to get around it. Premium scooters employ carbon fiber bodies to save weight, but ultimately big battery packs are heavy components.
Depending on the user, the S1 can be carried in one hand, but the weight combined with the center of balance makes it unwieldy at best. If you plan to keep this scooter in the garage and just move it into your car boot, it’s not a problem, but if you need to carry it up a set of stairs every day be prepared for a workout.
The Battery
The stated battery range of 30km will be a big draw for many people. Once again, this figure is highly dependent on the weight of the user, along with the environmental temperature, with colder temperatures resulting in less range. The weather was generally good throughout my testing. The battery drained thoroughly twice during testing. Once at 22km, and once at 15km.
Bear in mind this was using multiple speed settings interchangeably and over many different surfaces. Given its performance over my usage, I have no reason to believe that the 30km isn’t attainable on the lowest speed setting. This battery life should be more than adequate for commuting between a car or train and workplace, or for having fun on a day out.
Everything Else
The S1 has 26 front mounted LEDs as a headlight, and a small red LED backlight. Both work fine for visibility, and the front mounted LEDs are bright enough for some evening use. I wouldn’t want to be going full speed in the dark relying solely on them, but they’re fine otherwise.
The kickstand works, and the scooter can be left standing upright. You really don’t want to forget to put it up before you set off though or you may catapult yourself.
Unfortunately, it is attached to the bottom of the scooter in such a way that the scooter can never lie flat on the floor. Not only this, but the metal kickstand edge when folded will scratch your floor. This was clearly an afterthought to an otherwise well-designed scooter.
The Kugoo S1 has no smartphone app, though its large display up front makes one somewhat unnecessary, and the need for a dedicated app for your scooter is dubious at best anyway.
Should You Buy One?
The Kugoo S1 is a tremendous amount of fun, at times the kind of fun that may land you in an ambulance, though that would be no fault of the scooter! Its only main downfall is the lack of air in the tires and the lack of a rear disc brake, but neither of these things are problematic enough to cause any problems.
Before you purchase, you should check local laws. Riding an electric scooter or Segway on a public road or path is illegal in the UK, which makes this decidedly less useful there.
There are other scooters close to this price that may give a more comfortable ride, but the S1 delivers on the three main things it promises. It has a great range, it’s fast, and it folds down to a small size.
For $339.99 can you really ask for more?
Enter the Competition!
Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter Giveaway
Read the full article: Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter
Fast, Cheap, and Absolutely Terrifying: The Kugoo S1 Electric Scooter posted first on grassroutespage.blogspot.com
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