#Her dragon form is literally the biggest out of all of them and i know the joke is that its reflected in her bust size but come on
scrapcheese · 1 year
Why are their heights differences not consistent im going to punch something !!!
In the anime, Takiya is taller than Fafnir by quite a bit.
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But in the manga, Fafnir is taller than him by quite a bit.
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And in the spin off, their heights vary a lot. They’re roughly the same height but depending on the perspective and pose, sometimes Fafnir is taller while sometimes Takiya is taller
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^ almost same height
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^ Takiya is taller
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^ Fafnir is taller
Which one is correct? I have no idea. 
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
Aang is great because almost every ship you can put him in instantly becomes top-tier.
Kataang- they literally make me cry every single time I think of them. Their love story is wonderful and genuinely heartwarming. It symbolises healing and peace for both of them and the literal world. He showed her the world and he's her biggest supporter and she always defends him and they find solace in each other because they understand what it's like to be the last of their respective kind. And they're each other's hope and just... ahhh. They're so much more than the vanilla hero gets the girl ship people paint it as. Haters stay mad or smth.
Zukaang- the symbolism? They're the actual Ying and Yang of the show! The Rozin parallels? Them standing in a vortex of rainbow fire as two dragons (the blue one like Aang's tatoos facing zuko and the other one, red like Zuko's general colour scheme facing Aang) forming a heart shape around them? Zuko was literally searching for Aang and found his redemption in Aang and Aang made him a better person and Aang is literally the only person who genuinely experienced Fire Nation culture before the war and he clearly values it and he's helping Zuko bring peace to the world and the nation...
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Taang- The og tomboy x soft boy dynamic. He's literally the person that helped her free herself from her parents and Air is the element of freedom? And she teaches him when to stand firm like the Earth? And I love when they do synchronised earthbending it's so satisfying and they work so well together. Toph having lost her face in one of Aang's nightmares is also a nice parallel to Ummi and Kuruk. (One caveat though: i hate taang being used as a "get Aang out of the way" side ship to Zutara)
Sokaang- they kinda come out of left field for me but the more I think about them the more obsessed I become. It's all about a teenage boy who has been forced into a role that demanded way too much of him finally learning to trust and rely on others. It's about Sokka finally living out the childhood that he was forced to grow out of. Sokka also has such a cute bond with Momo and more importantly, Appa, Aang's animal soulmate. The fics write themselves.
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Sukaang- ok, I know Suki and Aang barely interacted in the show but like Hear me out.Suki is so connected to one of Aang's past lives. And she saved Appa, which would totally bond her and Aang (genuinely distressed that this was never discussed in canon). And they both value a sense of community so much, and Aang was one of the people who inspired Suki to leave Kyoshi to help others. Plus, there could be some amazing Rangshi parallels if Suki became Aang's bodyguard instead of Zuko's, which could be very plausible.
Azulaang- I adore this ship because I genuinely think Aang could really help Azula find her redemption. Hell, he was so nice to her in The Search and she literally killed him. Plus I've already laughed about how it would absolutely kill Ozai. The mental crisis Azula would go through due to fallingin love with Aang would be hilarious, and also the guilt over everything she's done, as Aang's kindness makes her realsie she was on the wrong side this whole time. He's one of the only people who can beat her at her prime and he doesn't seem to fear her at all, which is rare for her. Aang could give her the unconditional love she so desperately craves and needs.
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Maiaang- genuinely adorable to me. Other than the obvious grumpy x sunshine trope, Maiaang has a lot of potential. Mai seems to genuinely like Aang in the comics, which is really cute. I also think Aang would be able to help Mai express her more positive emotions, other than just anger. Also something about the girl who was forced to remain silent and passive her whole life learning to finally let go and allow herself to just live with the help of probably one of the most active and expressive characters of the show has me by the throat. Plus, he got along great with her lil bro!
Tyaang- They're so similar and cute and bubbly! They'd have tons of fun together and I just know Ty Lee would teach Aang some gymnastics and he really enjoy it! I think he can also find Ty Lee's chiblocking very cool, since it is essentially a great way to deal with a conflict without causing permanent damage. Very airbendery. Speaking of which, Ty Lee is also very airbendry herself. I can genuinely see her finding herself in Air Nomad culture and be excited to help revive it.
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Onjaang- i just find this ship so funny because imagine being a random schoolgirl in the fire nation and not only rizzing up a demigod but rizzing that demigod up successfully. This ship can also go so many ways depending on On Ji's reaction to that random cute guy who threw a cool dance party is actually the Avatar, so it's certainly interesting.
Yuaang- the ultimate cinnamon roll x cinnamon roll ship. But more than that, there's of course the Yue becoming the Moon Spirit and Aang getting lowkey possessed by the grieving Ocean Spirit. There's Yue appearing when Aang needed her most, while he's stranded in the middle of the ocean and helping him. They both understand sacrifice and responsibility, and maybe they could comfort each other through it. Also Aang being the bridge between the spirit worlds and Yue being a Spirit could lead to a very interesting romance, depending on how much the Avatar could interact with the Moon Spirit.
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Jetaang- ok, Aang was just as infatuated with Jet as Katara was, right? And I think Aang was heavily affected by Jet's actions and behaviour. Also Aang really not wanting to hurt Jet while fighting him (twice!) was really cute. And Aang helping Jet snap out of the Dai Li brainwashing could be a really cool ship moment the more you think anout it.
Teoaang- Honestly their little one sided rivalry at the beginning of the episode was really cute. And I think there could be some interesting symbolism between them. Aang symbolising the old and Teo symbolising the new. They compliment each other like that. Teo comforting Aang by showing him that the critters of the temple are still alive and well is also sweet. And Aang admitting that Teo has the spirit of an airbender is so sweet.
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Kuzaang- they're adorable. I loved the comic about them. Aang calling Kuzon "Hotman" is really funny. Aang helping Kuzon make a bigger flame with airbending is also really sweet. I especially like this ship in combination with Zukaang. It's such tasty symbolism.
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Aang may just be the most shippable charater of this franchise, argue with the wall. He's so filled with love I have no choice but to multiship.
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This fandom is actually so horrible when it comes to the multiple abuse victims in the series, because most of them are viscerally hated by the fandom for really stupid shit.
Winter is constantly labeled as a toxic abuser and like. I can understand not liking how he treated Moon, or any of the jade winglet in early arc 2 for that matter. What I do not understand is people ignoring that he is actively bettering himself just so they can keep hating him, or even just ignoring why he's like that to begin with. He's not mean because he likes being a jackass, he's mean because he's been taught that showing any care for other dragons, ESPECIALLY dragons of other tribes, is considered weak. It's something he has been trying to fix, but people would rather just keep calling him an abuser than acknowledge he is changing
Peril gets called an insane psychopath who doesn't deserve love which, first of all that's GOTTA be some form of ableism. Second of all, no fucking shit she is the way she is, the dragon who raised her manipulated her to believe she's a monster who will never be loved by other dragons. No fucking shit she got attached to the one dragon her age that showed her kindness, she thought that wasn't possible!! Also another case of the fandom chooses to ignore her healing just so they have a reason to keep hating her. "She's toxic and obsessed with Clay!!" It literally says in the god damn book she's so used to having a dragon to control her, and she is actively trying to stamp that habit out, why do we keep ignoring this
Boa is by far the worst victim of this because the fandom treats like scum of the earth not because of who she is, but because of one fucking decision she made. A decision she made in a state of panic. A decision she made because fuck, why SHOULD dragons have such power that can be used for evil so easily? Boa's entire EXISTENCE is an example of a dragon misusing their magic, why are we surprised she thinks the world is better off without it? She's not a bitch who thinks she knows better than everyone else, she's a terrified abuse victim who genuinely believed animus magic would bring the destruction of dragonkind. And look. I get the decision to remove animus magic was a stupid one. But can we please just acknowledge Tui was the one who made that stupid decision instead of pretending Boa is this awful person and the worst character in the series. Because she isn't. She's not an asshole. She's not a bitch. She made one bad decision and the fandom acts like she's satan incarnate
Im sure there may be more examples, these are just the biggest that come to mind
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : top holiday in your opinion?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Hi Christmas!
What an interesting name. I don't think many people on this service actually use something that creative. I, for one, just really enjoy having eggs so I'm called scrambled eggs. Though, sometimes the doctor tells me to go easy on them since the cholesterol in the yellows of eggs is HEINOUS for my blood tests. So, alas, I am coping through naming myself all things eggs.
I love Ada Wong. She's my beloved, and if I say I'm her second biggest fan, no one can say they're her first because I am her day ONE you hear me? DAY ONE. I AM HER DAY ONE— okay, I'm sure you're not convinced, but a person can dream. Come on. I've literally already read glhf <3 on ao3 so I'd say we're pretty neck to neck. Also, that fan event and the sticker? Thank you. Going into my phone case like right now.
As for her helicopter shoot, what Ada stan DOESN'T feel some way about it? I, for one, went manic when it came out. It was so bad I was begging for her signature on my magazine and yelled a little when she signed it. No, don't rob me. I live in an apartment with my friend and NO it's not an option to climb to the 17th floor.
History about me... I wonder? I don't do much. Well, a little bit like you, I model a little on the side as well, but only because I'm nepotism-ing my way into the industry through connections. I'm not interested in it as a full-time job, but it's kind of nice being on set and watching how it all goes down. Maybe I'll become a manager? But that's too much work. Honestly, I'd rather just be some weird form of sugar baby except not to an old man and to the people who are trying to get me into the industry. I'd love to just be their bestie who shows the bts of everything. That sounds FUN.
Hm, to speed-answer your questions, my favorite way of having eggs is actually in a nice cheesy omelet or an egg benedict, my favorite holiday (call me biased bc of my bsf) is the dragon boat festival only because those sticky rice zongzi are actually the chinese's greatest gift to man, and I write in my freetime (don't ask what. I know a degen when I see one, and YOU my friend, are no different from me).
Now, to ask you a couple of questions back. What's your favorite way to have eggs? Your fav holiday? Surely it's Christmas? All jokes, of course. How about some life updates? We can be like... besties, except not besties because we don't even know what the other person looks like and for all I know you could be some 60-year-old man who's faking everything through the letter. Just kidding! I'm not lying, so I'm sure you're not either.
I'm attaching a small Ada print I found on my table while digging for pens to write back to you. I hope you like it. I think it's signed by her? But I'm not sure. I think I had her sign two that time... or something. I don't remember.
hope to hear back ? scrambled eggs
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You finish the letter and sign, print slipped in as Ada steps out from the shower, towel around her neck as she raises a brow.
"Oh, is that the model penpal service?"
"Yeah." You seal the letter and write in the PO box, humming. "Did you ever use it?"
"No. I only know it because Wesker insisted that I know that the penpal service wasn't actually for finding friends, but getting to know who else in the company shares a passion for the same things. I have you, so I don't need to worry much."
"MARRY ME!" You sob, crying into your hands as Ada rolls her eyes.
"I'm your roommate. Also, that contract you signed as a small-time model prohibits dating."
"I said marry me, not date me." You raise a brow. "Also, I made them scrap that part since I wasn't planning on becoming famous. My contract has a lot more leeway compared to yours."
"I know." Ada sits at her vanity, plugging her hairdryer in as you step behind her, helping her out. "It's a shame you didn't want to become famous."
"There's no point in being famous unless it's for the money. What of that do I need to care about if you're legally obligated to provide for me?"
"Really sucks to be best friends with you." She rolls her eyes, pulling out her phone. "Did you update that chapter yet?"
"No, I was going to update it after your hair."
"What did you write about this time?"
"I'm not telling you because I gotta lock myself in my room when I post it."
"You didn't even ask me any questions this time around." She huffs.
"Mainly because I was gonna write angst again and you hate it when I do that."
"God, you're insufferable."
"Thanks, love you too."
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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andreadesantis3806 · 3 months
The fact that Rhaenyra was right in her restraint to try and not send the dragons to war. ''When dragons flew to war, everything burned.'' She is right. We saw this episode as a clear proof, soldiers and bannermen will fight, lose, fight, fall upon swords, fire canyons all day but the moment a dragon or two appears, they are no friends or foes, they become one whole collateral damage and the battle ground is nothing compared to the now actual battle happening ove there heads. Dragon fire does not distinguish between friends or foes; it just...burns. The soldiers below; mere mortals can do nothing but get drenched in the rain of blood showering from the sky as Sunfyre and Meleys grapple at each other, cannot do anthing but move away as far as they can from the jets of flames, cannot do anything but panic and run as Meleys throws Vhagar down on the ground; the humongous form of the biggest dragon in the known world squishing everyone and everything like a boulder thrown atop a bed of flowers, They cannot do anything but run and scamper out of the way as Vhagar hauls hereslf up bounding across the field to fly up, her wing talons and feet squishing people like ants. They cannot do anythign but watch as Meleys crashes on a castle and completely destroys the side of it.
That is why restraint is a very necessary element when it comes to a war involving dragons, as Condal said. Impulsiveness or just pure unadulterated fury on dragon back has consequences that ripple through the entire Realm. But they are Targaryens. Their blood runs hot like the flames of their dragons, they are restless and chaotic. They know restraint, but not necessarily knows how to do so.
Also another thing, if they make the Hull brothers sired from Corlys, how are they dragon riders? Corlys is a Velaryon, wheraes Laenor was half-Targaryen so it makes sense to have them hail from Laenor despite his preferences. But dunno, there might be some targaryen ancestry in Corlys' line, as Targaryens and Velaryons are often known to mingle most than other houses, idk.
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animeyanderetalker · 2 months
How would you personally rank the seven main Dragon Slayers from lowest to highest yandere potential?
I really hope I got all the Dragon Slayers who you referred to as Main right. From lowest to highest:
Wendy Marvell: Simply because she is not only the youngest of the 7 Main Dragon Slayers featured in the series but also because she has arguably the most rational and mature Exceed in Carla who she values not only as a good friend but also listens to. Carla has been with Wendy for years and always keeps an eye on her and lectures her if it comes down to it.
Natsu Dragneel: He’d be quite oblivious if he were to go Yandere for someone but I think because Natsu is pretty social and was blessed enough to grow up in the Fairy Tail guild where he always had support and friends even when his childhood friend Lisanna supposedly died. Happy isn’t the brightest Exceed and would surely support his crush in any shape or form but on the other hand there really are enough people who could talk or smack sense into him if it boils down to it.
Gajeel Redfox: Gajeel initially belonged to another guild who was on the more evil side but ever since having been taken in from the Fairy Tail guild I feel like he has embraced virtues the friendship and loyalty a whole lot better. He’s still more on a wild and impulsive side and that may lead to him developing an obsession over someone quicker than people like Natsu yet he still has a pretty good voice of reasoning in Panther Lily.
Laxus Dreyar: Laxus is similar to Gajeel as he was introduced as an antagonist in the earlier run of Fairy Tail but the reason why I would put him higher is because he strikes me as more of a loner. He has neither an Exceed nor does he seem like someone who would share his worries as easily with others, even his own Thunder God Tribe. So his feelings may simply escalate because he just lets them simmer for way too long beneath the surface without talking it out with someone.
Sting Eutcliffe: The Sabertooth Guild has become a better place since Sting became guild master but that hasn’t always been the case. The tradition under its previous master was that the winner gets it all and the loser deserves nothing and even if Sting is fundamentally not a bad person that mindset has partially rubbed off on him. Sting is a boisterous and prideful young man who knows that he’s handsome and strong and his Exceed Lector is unfortunately his biggest cheerleader who would encourage an obsession.
Erik: The whole plot with Cubellios is the main reason why I think he would be deserving of being ranked as high as he does. If Erik embraces someone in his heart he is dedicated to that person which we saw already when he lost Cubellios so it is very easily imaginable that he’d develop obsessive tendencies over his darling.
Rogue Cheney: There’s literally the canon confirmation that Rogue has a dark personality and an entire arc centered around his future version who succumbed to the dark side because of the death of Frosch. Rogue is normally quiet and calm yet he would definitely fall victim to dark urges if he should fall in love with someone deeply and they would end up being in grave danger as this would be the trigger to awake his shadow.
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Small facts about each of the divine warriors:
Irene: She cannot cook in anyway shape or form and even when offered she refuses to learn. She will only eat food raw and all of the other Divine Warriors just serve her first before they start making their food, unless Menphia and Shad are dealing with a high bout of animalistic instincts. (being a meif'wa and hell hound respectively)
Irene was not a modest woman or had any form of personal boundaries. Like, she would walk around topless without a care in the world and if she was ever cold at night, she would never just put on more clothes but instead join a tent or sleeping bag with another warrior. Shortest of the Divine Warriors.
Shad: He is the warmest man ever, unfortunately he leans on the end of "Your skin is literally leaving first degree burns" than nice space heater. He also smells like wet dog whenever he gets wet, before his skin eventually evaporates it. Due to how water reacts to his skin, he does take dust baths like a chinchilla. Full on rolling around in sand and then claiming he is clean.
After turning full evil, he decided to continue his bloodline for the sole purpose of pissing Irene off. He met a woman one day and was like "Hey, I am not gonna be a parent to this kid, I just want to do this to piss off my ex." and the woman just looked at the large demon man and said bet. The woman then met her wife and they became the first matriarchs of Falconclaw. Tallest of the Divine Warriors.
Enki: While not necessarily having the most stable form, he is the lankiest and physically weakest of the Divine Warriors. He used bows and magic, he was never going to be the most muscular. The only times he was ever considered "strong" was when he choked a man out after stabbing them in the back. Certainly a wizard and not a fighter.
Enki was the most strategic of the Divine Warriors as well, mostly due to the fact that he hoards knowledge like a dragon hoard gold. He 100% info dumps in every conversation, like you see a cool bug, he knows everything about that bug. The kid that rants about dinosaurs at the playground. 3rd shortest of the Divine Warriors. Shorter than Shad, Esmund, and Menphia but taller than Kul'Zak and Irene.
Menphia: This woman will take a nap anywhere, the moment she is not fighting or training she is in the softest spot in the the sun. Imagine trying to talk diplomacy and one of the divine warriors is asleep on the table. It's not short napes either, full cat naps.
This womans is so cut, like one would imagine that a woman who is part cat is soft but noooo. This woman has abs and shoulders for daaaaaaaays and don't get me started on her thighs. Crushing a watermelon is the least she could do. The 3rd tallest of the divine warriors.
Esmund: Before being a Divine Warrior, he was a human lumberjack from a small farming village. A very large lumberjack but not a king or knight that some would present him as. He was a small farm boy who saw a hot latina goddess and decided to say follow her to the end of the earth.
While not being the tallest of the Divine Warriors, he is the biggest. Look up "bear" in a dictionary and it is this man, broad, hairy, and thick. He is also the perfect cuddling temp which created a lot of "Poor Farm Boy Panic" whenever Irene would share a tent with him. (I think he was like, 6'8-6'9, Shad being 7ft)
Kul'Zak: He had a peg leg after saving Esmund from a Leviathan but he made sure to never hold it against the man, he already suffered from survivors guilt. He rather enjoys the leg, it allows him to spin while playing the fiddle much easier. Losing the leg proved to be more beneficial because when sirens walk on land it feels like their feet are walking on hot coals and sharp glass but with one less foot it was less bad. (Think original my little mermaid.)
While being the 2nd shortest of the Divine Warriors, he was also the technical largest, not that it was really known. He was a creature of the ocean and chose to explore land. What he looked like in the ocean was much longer and larger, over twice the height of Shad with his tail being a beautiful mix of blue, cyan, green, and emerald. Goes full mermaid, though difficult to switch to this form after losing the leg.
I feel like his mermaid tail should be lacking a fin or something, or be otherwise impaired. Just to have the ‘lost a leg’ experience in the water too.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
You know what would be cool for a Halloween theme? Maybe have something where the Lego Monkie Kid gang and with Ao Bing from Nezha (2019), discuss and debate what horror movie scenarios they would and would not survive. Movies I can think of: Smile, A Quiet Place, Get Out, Chucky, Bird Box, It, The Institute, The Exorcist, Saw, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Halloween, The Ring,  Pet Semetary, The Shining, Scream, Valak in the Nun, SCP-096, The Rake, Cartoon Cat, Mirrors, Five Nights At Freddies, Slender, Mandela Catalogue, The Demogorgon in Stranger Things,
And maybe some horror supernatural folklore / mythological creatures or some scary cryptids.
Sun Wukong: def claims that he could survive *all* of the horror bad guys. Freddy Kruger might pose an issue, but then he just doesn't sleep. Thinks the Hellraiser cenobites seem kinda cool to hang out with - wonders if he has something like the Lament Configuration Box in his treasure hoard. He def wants to see which between him, SCP-096, and 682 could win in a fight.
SWK, sinks to the bottom of Crystal Lake: "Hey bud, can't swim good either?" Jason Voorhees: ???
Macaque: doesn't care about whether or not he'd survive an encounter, cus his shadow powers and combat experience immediately puts him at an advantage above a lot of threats. Hunters becomes the hunted. Monsters that manipulate sound or space like Sirenhead or the Cenobites would freak him tf out though.
MK: argues that he could probably survive the human threats/slashers and smaller monsters; but mind-warpers like Pennywise (that spider form Ew) would pose him a big problem. Without his powers though, I think he'd be most afraid of a Saw-situation where he has to make really tough permanent decisions. Also the temptation to watch The Ring video would be so great.
Mei: "I turn dragon-mode and samadhi fire their butt! Boom! Done! No more evil doll!" Would give creatures like certain SCPs some credit tho. Her biggest obstacle would be things like the Bird Box or IT monsters who tap into a persons fears, and characters like Jason who seem invunerable.
Red Son: "I'd survive, duh. Literally on fire." Horror comedy makes him chortle with delight. Even when it's wholely inappropriate. Gives the most logical answers to each horror scenario.
MK: "Hellraiser?" Red: "Wouldn't open the box. I've already seen Hell." MK: "Five Nights at Freddys?" Red: "Bullclone death match against the posessed animatronics." MK: "Ok fair, that sounds amazing. The Ring?" Red: "Who watches untagged videos in this day and age?" Mei: "Ok smart guy how about this; Friday the 13th. You vs Jason." Red: "Easy. Don't go to New Jersey." Mei and MK: *annoyed sigh*
Tang: snorts at the thought of living through a horror movie scenario. He has weak ankles and can't fight physically like at all. In a ghost/supernatural horror scenario like with the Cenobites, Pazuzu, Sadako, or Valac; he might actually win cus of his Golden Cicada powers. Panics at the first encounter and accidentally exorcises all the demon/ghost threats.
Sadako/Ringu girl: *crawls out of tv* Tang, eating popcorn: "Pigsy! The TV is leaking!"
Pigsy: doesn't like modern horror movies much. The kind that grosses him out the most though are cannibals/evil cooks. Thats against chef's code right there! Would personally want to whack every member of the Sawyer/Leatherface family with his rake. Would see the "no good punks" from Scream and immediately knock them out with a frying pan. Admits that he'd be useless in a legit slasher scenario since he's a chubby older guy and; "those guys are always like the third person killed."
Sandy: doesn't like horror thank you very much! Too many nice characters and animals die in those films for his taste. Although he would attempt to reason/redeem some horrors, he would not hesistate to destroy threats that have no sense of reason. He would also try to adopt and rehabilitate any "evil animal" type of monster.
Demogorgon: *snapping and snarling* Sandy: "Aww! He's just a scared little guy!"
Nezha: just got introduced to horror media, and he likes the ones with physical threats in them. He doesn't fear death/getting hurt as much since he's mostly made of regenerating lotus roots. Also his fire abilities would def give him a boost over most human and monster threats. Would see "cosmic parasites" like Pennywise and Cartoon Cat as his main targets. As for ghosts/demons? He doesn't even care.
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Freddy Kruger, looking around Nezha's mind: "Damn b*tch. You live like this?"
Ao Bing: just got here. So he's freaked out by the lightest of horror movie threats. Chucky, the Gremlins, the Leprechaun, all make him shriek. Ironically has the most useful power; his ice immobilizes a lot of the human/monster threats. Probably knows enough magic to counteract/repel most ghosts or demons. With bigger threats? Dragon form. Nezha probably makes the arguement for Bing since he underestimates himself.
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godsgamefreak · 25 days
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After 1354 saves and just over 60 hours, I finally finished my Dragon Age II re-play, the first of its kind since the game came out 13 years ago. I toyed with it for a bit longer, I know I bought the Mark of the Assassin DLC and I think I even finished it, but I barely remembered it. But not a single proper playthrough in 13 years.
In that time DA2 of course got ripped apart by the media for the glaring issues of developing a massive RPG in 16-18 months, like the re-used assets (particularly in dungeons) but I had remembered enjoying it well enough as I played. Though, I also had issues with a lot of the Companions at the time too.
After being quite soured in my playthrough of Inquisition a few years later, I had fully dropped the series, with little to no interest in anything it was doing (granted it wasn't a lot, with Veilguard only just recently being properly announced) outside of the animated series on Netflix which was neat. But with Veilguard around the corner, and over 10 years of life under my belt, I thought... why not give it another try, see what's different?
Turns out both not much and also a fair bit. The not much was how much I enjoyed it - while certain mechanics don't work the way I'd like or aren't communicated as well (I'm very sad I couldn't truly be a proper tank, since enemy threat was constantly all over the place) I still had FUN with it. Since I remembered being meh on a lot of the Companions, I made sure to keep a particular eye on them this time around and I came to realize I understood them all a lot more this time around.
Merrill held a conviction, though a dangerous one, and while commendable to hold to it despite understanding the dangers... was completely blind to so much more. A great comparison to Anders, who was so much WORSE than I remembered, finally coming to a head if you question him during his Act 3 companion quest. I literally had to get up out of my chair in anger when he tries to threaten your friendship over his cause ("trust me even though I lied to you" like fuck off man).
Fenris was still overly grumpy about so much, but the reasoning is still solid, and it was nice to see him loosen up a little here and there. Agreeing to drop the mage freedom topic with Isabela and deflecting with a game of "guess my undergarments colour" was wonderful. Speaking of Isabela, I'm definitely older and care less about her darker side than I did as a "young and pure paladin" of 20 years old. I even romanced her, due in part to a similarity to one of my wife's OC's. Her romance story ends so sweet too, and her story is quite interesting. I wish the game had more time to expand on both Fenris and Isabela's stories and personal growth.
Varric and Aveline are still great, I love how they individually check in on Hawke through the game. They feel like the closest friends you have, in that they check on you just as much as you check on them, with no other major goals taking up their time and attention. Though the Aveline vs Isabela lines feel like they get a little too catty, there was one scene of them laughing over a drink once that made me happy to see they could get along.
My biggest regret is that Bethany is so absent from Act 2 and most of Act 3, not even making an on-screen appearance over your mother's death - the quest of which still hits pretty hard, though I didn't fully realize it until afterwards.
All in all, it was wonderful to re-play it, re-experience it, and play it in its complete form start-to-finish, and did exactly what I hoped: re-ignited my desire to care about this dark fantasy world, and make me excited to play Inquisition again. This time with less faffing about, more paying attention, and spending more time with Companions (and other major characters). I barely remember what happened in the game, so it's almost like finishing a re-play of DA2 before the big new game comes out. I hope I really find something I missed in my first DAI playthrough that makes me love it after hating it for 10 years.
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WIP Questionnaire ±2
I was tagged by @rjcopeseethemald! I haven't done one of these in a while and really enjoyed the questions here, so I decided I'd give it a go for my wip: Wings of Faith!
Original from @illarian-rambling.
If you want to know more about Wings of Faith, check out my post here!
RULES: 1. Answer as few or as many of the following questions as you’d like! 2. In passing the tag along to others, you can add one question of your own, or replace an existing question.
This art is a bit old but it's the last time I've drawn everyone all together haha
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1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
Surprisingly enough, Emmie (a main character, but not the protagonist) is the first part of my wip that I created (See the red girl on the top left). She was the protagonist of the very first book I wrote in fifth grade, and I wanted to pay homage to that work by including her. However, she's changed a LOT since then (even her name!), and the only remaining carry-over is the red streak in her hair.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Intro song: "Run to the Devil" by Dragonwyck or "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. Outro song: "It Will Come Back" or "Francesca" by Hozier Instrumental: "Dragonlord Placidusax" from the Elden Ring Soundtrack or "Danse Macabre" by The Oh Hellos
3. Who are your favorite characters you’ve made? Why?
Andrew, my protagonist, is by far my favorite character. Writing from the POV of an incredibly sensitive, incredibly traumatized person (who feels things very deeply), while outwardly projecting a cruel and defensive facade is... *chef's kiss* Otherwise, I'd have to say Emmie. She is a very layered and multifaceted character with an incredibly important role to play in the story, and her kindness is refreshing amid a mostly hardened cast of characters.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Six of Crows fans
Dante's Inferno fans who don't mind me bending the lore a bit
Fellow ex-Catholics
Fans of Hozier's "Unreal Unearth" album
Supernatural fans into the "corrupted angel x man struggling for redemption" dynamic
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Keeping the facts straight. This has been a 10+ year project and sometimes I forget the revisions I've made, and accidentally cut out important details...
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Yes! Rimfaxe is a wraith, aka a shapeshifting shadow monster that takes the form of the things he's killed and eaten. (See the top left of the art above!) Emmie stole him from the government and now he's basically her kid.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
They mostly walk (or fly on Rimfaxe)! Because Hell has a ceiling, the authorities restrict car transport to government officials ONLY to keep down emissions.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
A giant, chapter-long fight scene that I've been working on for a literal year. It's TORTURE. Can't explain much else because of spoilers haha.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
The main romance is an mlm enemies-to-friends-to-lovers angel x demon pairing! (Angel x demon pairings where they're both assholes>>>>>) Also I feel like there's been a void in lore-focused media dealing with angels and demons, and I'm hoping Wings of Faith will fill that void!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
That I get it done after 10+ years... and that people will like it :')
11. (Added by rjcopeseethemald) What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this wip?
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Inferno by Dante Alighieri
Hozier's "Unreal Unearth" album
Adding a Question 12: Is there a part of your wip you wish that you could change, but it's too late to go back now?
I don't want to bother anyone by tagging them directly, so I tag anyone who sees this post and wants to do it! Blanks below.
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you’ve made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this WIP?
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livefreeforfun · 6 months
My Sparking Zero Roster Prediction
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At the time of writing this, we are mere HOURS away from a new gameplay reveal for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero being released to the public. It’s going to be 13 minutes long, meaning we’ll most likely be seeing a plethora of new characters, so I wanted to share my personal predictions on who the roster will contain and some of my reasoning behind these choices. I started making this roster a while ago but only finished it a couple days ago, I got a little lazy… If they were in a previous game, I likely won’t talk about them, but there are some exceptions to this. That being said, I wanna tackle probably some of the biggest questions first:
That’s a lot of OG characters!
Yep! There’s a lot of space between Piccolo and the Saiyan Saga. and there are not that many characters in the Saiyan Saga, so it makes sense to add some OG rep in between. I’ll be heavily disappointed if they only give us Kid Goku to represent early DB, it’s literally where the franchise started and I hate how little it gets represented in newer games. They seem to be fixing that with Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and Dragon Ball: The Breakers though, so my hopes are high for lots of early DB rep.
No GT/Z Movies?
Yeah, I really don’t think we’ll be getting any of that at launch unfortunately. The roster we got at the end of the rivals trailer seems to be ordered vaguely based on Saga, starting with characters introduced in the kid Goku era like Krillin and Tien in the top left and ending with DBS Broly in the bottom right. With how the already revealed characters are placed, I just can’t see room for them on the base roster.
No Super Hero?
No again, and that’s mostly because the roster seemingly ends at Broly and Bergamo.
With that out of the way, let me give some justification for specific characters being on here, starting with:
I know she’s a weird choice, but she’d be a great fit imo. She was making laser guns as a kid so her attacks could be themed around that, she could fly with a jetpack, maybe she could even have a barrier special move. She has a lot of outfits from that era that could be used as costumes as well. There’s just a lot of potential for her in this game and I think it’d be a shame if she wasn’t here, though I’d 100% understand if she wasn’t.
I don’t have to justify her much, she was in BT3 after all, but I specifically want the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai version of her character instead of the kid design. Her kid design is just… weird, and I think you could do more interesting things with an older version of the character. Super Dragon Ball Z proved she can fit right into a cast on a fighting game perfectly fine using the Bansho Fan, there’s no reason to not be following that formula in the modern era of DB games. This version of the character also appeared in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and Dragon Ball: The Breakers so it’s not impossible. Her alternate costumes could even be her appearances from different eras of Dragon Ball, just put her in the game!!
DBS Bardock and Gine
I shouldn’t have to justify Bardock much, he appeared in DBS Broly so he could absolutely get in and this would be the perfect time to put his Super variation on a fighting game roster. The character I probably have to justify more is Gine and, if I’m being honest, she’s mostly just to fill space on the roster, BUT Fasha probably won’t be in this game and I think having Gine be her spiritual successor on the roster would be cute. Also, they have Great Ape forms because BT3 gave every tailed saiyan a Great Ape form.
Ok he’s absolutely just a slot filler but Vegeta DOES mention having a brother in Super so it’s not impossible??? He also has a Great Ape form for the same reason as Bardock and Gine. You could realistically substitute him with more OG characters though, maybe Launch and Eighter or something. 
Could be literally any Frieza Soldier, I just like him the most. It’s not a Budokai Tenkaichi game without a random Frieza grunt on the roster.
DBS 18 and DBZ 17
“C’mon man, they could totally just be costumes.” True, but this is the Budokai Tenkaichi series we’re talking about here. Not to mention they could absolutely have different movesets from their already existing counterparts on the roster. And it DOES fill out the roster quite nicely.
On top of being one of the more recognizable characters from the T.O.P, he was treated like an absolute menace in the show that, if I recall correctly,  every remaining member of Team U7 had to gang up on to defeat. He’d also be another giant character which we know are returning, and those are fun to have on the roster.
Future Mai
She’s not just a slot filler, she actually did shit in the Future Trunks saga. She helped organize the resistance and even tried to snipe Black with an energy bullet, which would be an awesome ultimate attack. She should ABSOLUTELY be in this game.
Ribrianne/Kakunsa/Roasie and
I started making my list before Kakunsa was revealed, so go me, but my reasoning is that Ribrianne was absolutely going to make it in with how popular she is. She’s even in Xenoverse, so there’s a precedent for her being in games, and you can’t have her without having her teammates in a game like Sparking Zero. Bergamo is confirmed so Basil and Lavendar are here mostly so the whole Trio can be here. 
He’s one of the goofiest characters in DBS and I think would make a great humor-focused character. I’ve seen people want Monaka in the game as a gag character, but gag characters still have to do something in fights and we’ve never seen him do anything in a fight. The point is that he doesn’t fight, so his inclusion wouldn’t make much sense.
Supreme Kai
He’s gonna have a role in Daima, and you could give him some interesting moves based on his power to create things, so he gets a spot.
Babidi and Dr. Gero
Babidi has a really unique playstyle in BT3 where landing his grab drains your energy and powers up his ultimate attack, and I think that’s cool enough for him to take a slot in the Buu Saga that really wasn’t being used. Dr. Gero is on here for the same reason, as there aren’t any other characters on the roster with android energy absorption bulbs on their hands, unless I’m forgetting something about a DBS character I included.
2 Piccolos?? 2 Bergamos??
Giant forms :) Piccolo’s isn’t totally necessary but Bergamo’s 100% is.
No Cabba?
Yeah I- I forgor. Just completely spaced on his existence. But I didn't wanna redo parts of the roster. Realistically DBS 18, Jaco, and Mai or Anilaza would get dropped for him and his forms. Just ignore it just don't think about it :)
2 Kelfas?
Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. They don’t really look that visually distinct from each other on my roster though, so I just wanted to point that out.
No Whis?
I’m a strong advocate that Whis shouldn’t be a playable character in fighting games because part of being an angel is that you aren’t allowed to fight in battles. If he’s on the roster then whatever but I do not want to see him on there.
Vegito Blue in the Buu Saga?
I’m operating under the logic that when DBS Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito, they’d fuse into the same Vegito from the Buu Saga, and if you use the Buu Arc versions of Goku and Vegeta then Vegito Blue wouldn’t be usable. I was also struggling to fill slots in the Buu Saga and putting him there gave me an extra slot for a Super character.
And that’s really everything I can think to talk about. I’m scrambling to get this out at 2 am right now so I may have forgotten to mention something important, but oh well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been as excited for a game as I have been with Sparking Zero. Everything we’ve seen so far looks absolutely fantastic and is building up to make this the best Dragon Ball fighting game ever made in my opinion.
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grayintogreen · 1 year
4k into the finale of Arc Six right now. My vacation last week meant that I got to spoil everyone with two updates in two weeks, but I'm going back to biweekly now or at least something that rhymes with it.
Here's a sneak peek, featuring some delicious echoes of the canon timeline.
Cree excused herself from the conversation about the maximum time it would take to make it to Rumblecusp and what they needed to do in Nicodranas now that they had only days instead of weeks. She wasn't going to sit there and pretend to be okay with it when she had finally accepted that she might have some time to fucking breathe.
Yes, she'd do anything for Jester, but gods it was every fucking minute with these people.
Her people. Well, that was her fault for choosing them.
She stood to the side, waiting patiently for Caleb to finish talking to Lucien and head out the door with Caduceus and Yasha in tow. Judging by the longing look Lucien shot their retreating backs, she could imagine only one thing they were about to be seeking out.
“Is it time?” She asked, just to be certain. Her tail lashed behind her, simultaneously anxious and thrilled.
“Mm. Suppose it is. I think Widogast wanted to wait a bit longer before he had to dig out that much clay again, but it's kind of him to put it high on the docket.“
“That is how Caleb shows his affection. He is a strange wizard.”
“Indeed he is.” Lucien tipped back in his chair because Bluud wasn't around to make him stop, having gone to the back to accept a delivery of new furniture. “You haven't said a word about any of this. Not fond of my new form?”
Ivan Fantine's body was a fine specimen of humanity to the average person, aside from the fact that he had pale blond stubble growing in patchy and his hair was in his face- Lucien hadn't bothered to do anything with either yet. And yet, all Cree saw was the same thing Lucien saw when he looked in the mirror- a man who probably didn't deserve to die like this, but certainly deserved something awful.
“Of course not. I hated Ivan as much as you did.”
“Doubtful.” He let the chair fall back on four legs with a thud. “But that's a problem that's going to be settled once the wizard's back. I meant the other… thing.”
Ah yes. The adult dragon-sized wolf in the room. “I hate it, Lucien. You know I don't like dogs.”
He didn't take offense to it, but his smirk was so infuriating, she almost wished he had lost his temper. “That's the part you hate?”
“I do not doubt you will… avoid problems with the Beast.” That was how June back in the Orders had always described it. The Beast, like it was a separate entity. “But I do worry it will make you even more reckless.” Off his look of quiet frustration, she sighed. “ That is not the same sort of lycanthropy we saw in the Orders.“
”No, and I don't know that it will be useful all the time. I can sort of… feel it a bit.” He pursed his lips. “It's not very bright.“
And Lucien did so value his intelligence. ”It does not strike me as more practical than a blade, no.“
”But still useful, liberating in its own way. You know, maybe Caleb has the right idea, slippin' off into animals like he does.“
That was something coming from Lucien whose biggest fear outside of whatever the Somnovem did to him and being held in bondage was a feeblemind spell. Perhaps there was something liberating in being allowed to let go in a safe environment, knowing you’d be back to yourself in an hour.
Provided you could control it without biting anyone.
However. ”If you wanted to be a mindless animal, you should just let Jester turn you into a cat again.”
“Well, I didn't exactly have much of a choice, did I? Ivan was there and he was ripe.” He flexed his fingers. “Don't suck all the joy out of it. I'm aware there's going to be consequences, but I'm about to be me again. And if I'm me with a bit of a beast to tame, well… That was always true, aye?“
”I suppose it was, aye.“ Perhaps not so literal, but apparently the Raven Queen had a sense of humor and there was no denying she had a hand in this somehow. It felt like she'd hit both of them with consequences for their actions against her while still making certain she could use them.
This was why she preferred the Champion. He was infuriating but at least he was straightforward.
”Do you want me to be there?“ She finally asked. Anything else would just turn them in circles. Lucien was confident in what was done and would hear no more about it until it suddenly became a problem.
”I'd think I'd like everyone there. It's not as much fun if there's hardly anyone around to hear my birth cry.“ He threw his head back and stared at the ceiling, wistfully. ”Veth said it was like a cocoon, eh? That's interesting.“
”Why's that?“
”I always wanted to be a butterfly.“
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3luejam · 5 months
do any of ur sonic ocs have any facts abt them?????
oh I have DOZENS AND DOZENS of them! there might be some that u probably already know but it's ok right?
Aurora the dragon )
-when she was a kid ( after her home got invaded) she was dead TERRIFIED of affection and trust till she turned 11 and met Espio
-she can fly on her sword in a hoverboard style kinda way
-can go super but only for a short period of time since the chaos emerlads are too strong for her since if she stays super for too long she just- 💥💥💥💥💥
-she does have her own form in which she can stay much much longer in but she has to fuse with Ender to do it ( don't ask how it's just magic )
-rlly likes to snatch Espio with her tail for some reason
-is a huge ass mitski fan ( listens to Francis forever, your best American girl and remember my name DAILY)
-too good in math it scares people
-she's inspired by Mizu, vivi and lotus dragon cookie!
-her voice claim is lapis lazuli
Ender the dragon)
-was cursed to be trapped in Aurora's sword for 200 years until she somehow ended up waking him up and releasing him
-he has no idea what affection means since he was never given any of it since his mom died giving birth to him and his father only wanted him to be a samurai so he thought affection was a distraction
-the only dragon in the Otomo clan who mastered mystic magic
-drunk goofy uninvited uncle personality but he can automatically get serious depending on the situation
-always got pushed away from team Chaotix and mostly Espio since they're the only ones who know Aurora's past and how he'd the reason she was degraded by her own people just like how he was when he was present
-his voice claim is ice king from adventure time!
Viper the snake)
-she cares about money WAAYYY much more than jewels
-her bounty is worth for 7 million! that's why Team Chaotix is so desperate to catch her and Team Toxictry
-her wounds are from a rlly intense fire so she's always numb and slightly in pain when someone pokes too hard on her body
-She's vectors ex! she only left him bc she thought he left her when their house burned down
-she was rescued / found by Dr eggman as she then became a soldier for the iron dominion
-because of the fact her family is poor and barely had money till they passed away, she quickly developed a belief that money was survival
-her voice claim is Beidou from genshin!
Widow the spider)
-shes the bride of endless reach's daughter! who is also missing-
-surprisingly can hold a tantrum unless she loses in a fight
-she has no memory of being in the gossamer clan nor her mother due to her memories being wiped
-#1 biggest BabyMetal fan EVER
-she can go spiderman to steal stuff from the air so no trace / fingerprints are left
-her bounty was raised from 1000 to 1 million because of this!
-her and luchino are the only ones that are trusted by viper
-can fly or glide but she has to sligshot herself with her webs
-even after years her mother is still looking for widow even though she doesn't remember her at all
-voice claim is strawberry crepe cookie!
Luchino the scorpion)
-his parents divorced bc when his mom found out his dad was cheating she tore him apart in front of luchino and forced luchino to eat small pieces of his own dad
-he used to be a friend of the Chaotic but left / betrayed(?) them so they would be safe since at that time he still secretly worked for eggman
-his bounty is worth 3 million!
-his poison isnt very strong so he just mostly uses his wolverine looking weapon ( idk what it's actually called lol)
-rlly likes to break sandcastles for fun
-he's gay even though his color palette is literally the aeoace flag
-rlly big 3arleyhuman fan ( holy shit same)
-is strangley talented with playing the bass and guitar but he likes to make the music sound bad to annoy ppl he hates
-he can't go to sleep without remembering what his mom did to him so he just has insomnia
-voice claim is hunter TOH
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dragongirldg · 1 year
Hellooo there how are you
anyways if you want you can use this post to infodump on whatever you want
Info dumping huh? Well then.
I have been the biggest fan of this one ship for as long as I remember. Back in high school, I developed an interest in Homestuck. I obsessed over John Egbert specifically.
As I read fanfiction and looked at fanart, no ship sparked. I didn’t really care. I would read and yeah it’s cute and blah blah blah not my OTP.
Then the worst thing could have happened.
I looked at a crack ship and then I was fxcked. The more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Karkat who? Dave who? Dirk who? Sollex and Eridan who? Literally everyone that’s a common ship WHO?
It didn’t stick with me.
Want to know what stuck?
I had this idea of Calliope getting to John first and then breaking up for one reason or another.
Then Caliborn and John date or live together for other reasons.
Calliope doesn’t really come into the equation anymore or show up in my daydreams.
I don’t why, but I thought it was adorable if John just got bothered by Caliborn at every turn. They’d bother and fight and just it was cute how much they antagonized.
Then I started developing my trans Headcanon and June eventually makes her first appearance without her being June. It’s only recently (late 2022? - 2023) that I heard the name June and went from there.
I would draw and write fanfiction after fanfiction adding and subtracting details.
June stays 8ft tall and Caliborn is slightly shorter by a few feet or inches.
Caliborn gets rid of the half shaved hair look for short curly hair.
I couldn’t stop doodling John all over my school work to the point my science teacher recognized him when I gave her a little quiz. She had a bearded dragon in the classroom and I loved holding them during class :3
(Don’t ask about the things I did in highschool)
I had a ton of ideas and a lot of them were problematic tbh so I’m still curving them out of my head for far better ideas.
No matter what fandom I became a part of John/ June x Caliborn never left me. I didn’t want to really read fics anymore since no one writes my ship.
Does anyone actually do pixies and Crocker and Harley and Egbert family dynamics? Do they ever have them interacting like a big extended family?
If I had the urge, I’d write my AU ideas more. (I’m kinda stuck at the moment, work burns me out to much and too often that I don’t have motivation to get through the one? Shot I have)
I am going to attempt to redraw this political romance fancomic I drew a long time ago to update it with my newest version of John/ June. That means she will be June. If I could find the notebooks I had.
With my inability to write I’m stuck with lackluster chapters and get nothing done. I need some form of energy boost for my creativity. It’s at an all time low at the moment, being used for other fandoms.
Like this Transformers AU that got me in a chokehold.
Optimom AU (I have a whole blog on it if you want to send asks and stuff)
Optimus becomes the mother of Soundwave, Sari, and Bumblebee. The seeker teens think of Optimus as their mother and there are like 9 of them. Not to mention the others that kind of sees Optimus as a mother figure.
Basically Found Family Trope :3
It’s more complicated than that and I have several fanfics and fanart (which is now found in the Blog)
The messy Age thing with Sari, it’s because I plan of having her die at some point (trauma) and I can’t in good conscience do that to a 3-5 year old (it’s by electrocution).
Yeah it’s messed up, but the world of Transformers is equally if not more messed up and morally grey :3
At least Ariel (Black Arachnia) and Sari get to become extensions of Unicron and Primus!
Sentinel redemption and Ultra Magnus retiring to become Optimus’ father.
There’s a lot to the AU I’m not going in to in this post but yeah!!! That’s it!!!
Honestly I could go on, but then the post will never end.
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anoras · 11 months
alone, mistake, and wound for tegan :3
not-so-nice oc asks
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
By sleeping around lol. She really doesn't deal with loneliness well at all; she's not used to being alone, she's always had someone by her side. First, it was her twin brother, Emyr, who was her constant companion and confidante from the moment he was born, and then when she left home, she at least had her bear, Svir, for company. It was a lot harder for her then, though, and she turned to sex as a way to relieve some of the loneliness. With the moderate level of fame she accrued, she definitely didn't want for partners, but there was always the underlying feeling of solitude, of loneliness that couldn't be satisfied with just the physical. She's also more likely to fall to impulsivity when she's alone. While she's capable of being her own voice of reason, she'll often let the perceived urgency of a situation override her common sense.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Dealing with Vecna :) Literally the biggest and worst mistake she's ever made - particularly because she got out of it what she wanted! She killed the dragon, she saved people; how could that have been a mistake? Even though she cannot totally bring herself to regret the choice, she knows how stupid she was to deal with him, and to think she could outsmart the Lich God himself. By the end of the game timeline she's managed to break her curse and remove Vecna's influence over her, though in her heart of hearts she knows she'll never be truly free of him.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
She was severely injured about two years prior to the game events, during a fight against a dragon. It got one of its claws in her in its death throes and tore her belly open; the only reason she survived was because she had a little healing magic of her own that held her over until she could get help. Her wounds, like that one, are primarily physical. While she has regrets and she has her loneliness, she spent her formative years in a loving, supportive family, and she truly hasn't gone through a lot of emotional and mental trauma. She's very matter of fact about wounds; she's hurt, she fixes it, she moves on. When she was first out on her own, she couldn't afford to waste time (in her mind) on convalescing, so she'll still often force herself to power through injuries - to her detriment. I imagine that's something she does during the game events, until her companions catch on and force her to take a break.
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blueberry-mufffinz · 8 days
Okay Actually Wait Before I COntinue Okay So I Like. For One Dont Think Too Hard About The World Around Them Bc I Know Its Roblox But Also Me N My Friend Just Made Shit Up On The Spot Second I Really Like These Guys But Idk If Theyre Like. Cringe Or Whatever So Uh. If They Are Block Me Or Smthn I Guess Sorry Man Anyways This Bouta Be A Long Ass Post So Literally Everything Undercut
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Okay So. Gite, Along With Their Counterpart Who I'll Take About Later, Originally Was Just. An Outfit I Made Using A Bunch Of Items I Had On Hand. Then My Friend Had Me Turn Them Into An OC Which Is Actually What Started This Entire Thing And Goodness Gracious Do I Have A Lot Of Little Guys Now>
Maasssivee Fucking Yapper. Does Not Stop Yapping Worlds Biggest Yapper
Theyre Very Headstrong And Also A Littleee Tiny Bit Obnoxious Man Oh Man I Sure Do Wonder Why(Yapper)
Gite Plays Whatever (Roblox)Games Reck Plays, Originally Played Obbies
Poor Understanding Of Personal Space, Also Thinks Reck Should Be More Friendly And Talk To People
Uses Sarcasm Somewhat Often But It Always Sounds Friendly Or Passive Aggressive
Cannot Fly With Their Wings
This Guy Dont Rlly Got Much Lore So I Wont Like Make A Dedicated Lore Second For Him But, Okay This Is Where The Like Worldbuilding Gets Confusing But Bare With Me Here Okay, Gite And Reck Are Counterparts Because They Were Like. Spawned(??) At The Same Time In Cribs Next To Each Other. As Those Little. Pill Baby Things Life In Paradise Style Yeah
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Same Thing With Gite Reck Was Originally An Outfit Then Turned Into An OC I Honestly Dont Rlly Like His Wings But Aint No Way Im Buying New Ones When I. Actually Buy The Outfit Because Genuinely I Only Own Gite's Outfit Out Of All These OCs
Far More Introverted(???) Than Gite, Doesnt Yap Nearly As Much More Of A Listener
Pretty Calm And Chill Guy Honestly, Just Vibin'
Listens To Music Literally Whenever Possible, I Would Say 24/7 But Not 24/7 Because Gite Exists
Plays A Lot Of Tycoons Usually, But Also Sometimes Jumps Around To Try And Avoid Gite(Gite Keeps Finding Them)
Also I Think Reck Has That Retail Worker Tiredness Like In General I Think Reck Works Retail
Thinks Gite Needs To Back The Fuck Off And Learn Some Personal Space
Very Firm With Their Boundries. If Theyre Unhappy Or Uncomfortable With The Things Youre Doing Theyll Let You Know.
CAN Fly With Their Wings
Gite&Reck Notes
There's Some Notes That Apply To Both Of Them So Like-
Gite And Reck Like. Dont Like Each Other. They Dont Hate Each Other But They Sure As Hell Dont Like Each Other
Theyve Never Said They Hated Each Other But Sometimes They Call Each Other Annoying
I Think Maybe Perhaps I Havent Decided Honestly That They Become Lovers At. Some Point I Dont Know When
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Okay YEAH I Know Her Name Is A Little Mean But Like. For Context Some Of These Guys Get Names Based On Experience And Like. Itll Make Sense Soon I Swear
Plays A TON Of Dragon Games, Primarily Dragons Life And Dragon Adventures
Floral Is More Like Their "Roleplay" Name So Technically Her Name Is Really Just Dragon Loser, DL For Short Btw, But Dont Worry About It
They Have A Minor Liking For Fishes, But Its Mostly Dragons(But If Something Is Like- A Fantasy Sea Dragon She Goes CRAZY Over That Stuff)
She Incredibly Friendly And Will Just Walk Up To People And Start Talking Which is Probably Why She Thrives In RP Games So Much
Her Name Doesnt Effect Her In The Slightest
Can In Fact See Despite Their Eyes Not Being Visible
The Paint Is Actually Because Their Head Is Constantly Spewing Paint And Its Actually The Reason They Have A Hat On But Yeah Wiping It Away Wont Help With Anything
Chains Are Purely Aesthetic
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This Guy I Made Like Purely As A Rival Of Some Form For My Friend's OC, Who Ill Be Calling F Because Yeah Also Im Shortening SOUL WANDER(yes its capitalized like that every time)'s Name To SW Because There Is No Way Im Typing That Every Single Time
Mysterious Guy, Fairly Quiet And Speaks In Vague Terms. Sometimes Riddles If He Feels Like It
Also He's A Little Smug
Ghostwalker(yes the SFOTH sword) Fanboy If You Couldnt Tell By The Shirt
Fucking HATES F, Like Knife Through A Picture Of Him On A Wall Type Of Hate. Does Not Like That Guy In The Slightest
Drops The Whole Vague Thing When Talking To F For Reasons I Genuinely Have Not Figured Out
Lives Alone And Also Doesnt Friends
And He's Also Poor Barely Paying For His Apartment And Food(I Dont Even Know How He's Making Money Honestly)
Like Genuinely Sleeps In A Corner With A Single Blanket Like I Feel Kinda Bad And He's My OC
Literally He Doesnt Even Care Either We Love Poor Self Preservation/j
Practically Half-Blind Pretty Much Also Taking Off Those Bandages WILL Flashbang Him He's Had Them On For So Long
The Face Shadow Thing Is Some He Can Do Entirely At Will
Used To Own A Cat
Ngl I Forgot To Write This But He Plays SFOTH Primarily And. Yeah Thats It Honestly
Look At That First Guy To Have Actual Thought Out Lore Lets Go Wahoo When SW Was Younger He'd Participate In Like Illegal Fighting Rings Or Whatever To Make Money. Nobody Is Supposed To Die But He Accidentally Kill A Person(Who Is An OC Ill Talk About Later) Once Near When He Started Because He Went To Into A Blind Panic And Punched Them To Death. Uh. Somebody(Also An OC Ill Talk ABout Later) Close To This Person Took Revenge Against SW And Brought A Knife Into The Fight In A Attempt To Blind SW, It??? Half-Worked Because The Sight In His Covered Eye Is Really Blurry(Eye Wasnt Punctured Fully But Got Damaged). This Situation Is Also Indirectly The Cause Of The Whole Vague Thing He Does, Because The Person Who Almost Blinded Him Is Tracking Him Down And Trying To Get Information On Him And SW KNOWS That So He Speaks Very Vague Because He's Paranoid As Fuck. ALSO! He Used To Own A White Cat He Named Spirit But F Stole Spirit When He Was Drunk And Then Kept Her So Now SW Thinks Spirit Is Dead But Actually F Has Her And Renamed Her Sparkle. SW Feels Really Bad For Failing To Care For Spirit, Used To Sacrifice Eating To Feed Her. Anyways Somewhere At Some Point In The Future SW Finally Gets Tracked Down, Cause Its Guarenteed To Happen At Some Point, And Gets Like Entirely Blinded I Drew Art Of Him Actually Ill Put All The Art Of These Guys At The End I Swear Anyways Yeah Gets Fully Blinded And Also One Of His Head Wings Gets Chopped To A Nub Also He Cant Do Whatever The Hell He Was Doing To Make Money Anymore So He's Homeless Again(Forgot To Mention He Was Homeless When Younger) But Its. Significantly More Difficult Now That He's Blind. And Also The Paranoia Is Still There Because He Literally Cant See And Also He Goes Entirely Silent Stops Speaking Completely GOODNESS I YAPPED SORRY!!!
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This Is The Guy Responsible For Almost Blinding, Eventually Fully Blinding, SW. Im Callin Him C:H For Short Because Again Im Not Typing All That Shit Out. I Dont Actually Have A Lot On This Guy or His Brother So Hopefully This Is Shorter Than SW's Section
Him And His Brother Are Aggressive In Nature, Hence The Whole Caution Thing
Barbarically Aggressive
Played Like. A Bunch A Ro:Bio N Shit With His Brother
C:H Watched SW Kill His Brother In The Fighting Ring, Overheard SW Talking About How He Went Into A Blind Panic And Decided "Why Dont I Make Him Actually Blind" So Uh. Yeah. His Plan Is To Catch SW Off-Guard In An Isolated Area Which Is Difficult Because Of SW's Paranoia. Has Sent People To Try And Get Information From SW Or Get Close To SW, So SW's Still Persistent Paranoia Is Valid
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This Is The Guy That SW Accidentally Killed. Callin Him C:R Because Long Ass Name. He's Not A Ghost Or Anythin Btw But If He Was He'd Be Actively Cheering C:H On Also Dont Have Much Information With This Guy Sorry
Yeah He Played Ro:Bio With C:H
And Again Yeah Naturally Aggressive
C:R Is More Sinsterly Aggressive If That Makes Sense
The Toxic Waste On His Head IS Apart Of Him The Barrel Is Not, Barrel For Aesthetic
Toxic Fumes Naturally Eminate From His Mouth, It Doesnt Smell Like Anything But Again It Is Toxic So Mask Holds Filters It Out
He's Immune To It Though So Its Okay
Not Much Lore Honestly But Basically Like. What Happened Is He Got Punched In The Gut Rlly Hard Which Winded Him Or Whatever Like Out Of Breath And Then Punched In The Jaw So Broken Jaw And Then SW Just Kept Punching Him Til He Died He Did Not Expect, What Percieved As, The Dumb Scared Kid To Straight Up Kill Him
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Okay Last One I Swear Anyways Morpho Here Is Based Of Abnormality Dancin' Girl. I Was Listening To The Song And I Had A Vision™ And Went On A Spree Making Them
Okay To Start, I Will Be Using They/Them For Them Because Theyre Good With They/Them Pronouns Yes Thats Fine But Internally They Naturally Refer To Themself With It/Its For Lore Reasons
MASSIVE People Pleaser Like REALLY REALLY Big People Pleaser Its Genuinely Detrimental To Their Mental Health
Also A Social Chameleon To The Extreme, Changes Their Personality The Way They Talk And They Way They Dress Just To Fit In With The People Theyre Talking To
Used To Play A Lot Of Simulators And Tower Defense Games. Especially Tower Defense They Were Pretty Good At Those
Morpho Doesnt Really Know Who They Are Anymore. Theyve Been Changing And People Pleasing For So Long That They Dont Even Know If Theyre A Person, Thinking Of Themself As More Of An Object On On A Stage All Of This Changing Is Literally Like Physically Tearing Them Apart The Switching And Trying To Be Someone Thats A Them They Dont Know Is Physically Destroying Them They Cant Stop Though, Theyre So Tired And Nothing Feels Good Anymore But They Just Cant Stop. Theyre A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Die, Waiting To Scatter Into Thousands Of Blue Butterflies Even Then Their Efforts Will End Up For Nothing. The More They Switch And People Please The More They Fall Apart, And The More They Fall Apart The More People Leave, Which Then Causes Them To Change And People Please Even More And Try Even Harder Which Makes Them Fall Apart More And Its Just A Downwards Spiral Speeding Towards Their Death. Uhh. All Of This Started From A Person(I Might Leave This Person Unknown), Who They Were Really Really Close To And Told Everything To, Ghosting Them Suddenly And Leaving Them For Someone Else
Art Time Yippe Hoorayy
This Is Gonna Go In Order, Also As A Note I Have Not Drawn DL, C:H, C:R, OR Morpho Yet. I Will Ebventually Just. Later.
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This Next One W/ Gite And Reck Is Like A Comic Sortve I Made It Rlly Late At Night And Its A Situation That Will Happen At. Some Point Idk When. Dialogue Is Messy im Bad At Dialogue.
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I Love Making Angst Of My OCs :)) Anyways Gite Yapping
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I Cant Believe I Forgot To Put This Ill Just Put It Here But Reck Does Not Listen To A Word Gite Says A Majority of The Time. Gite Can Say The Most Out Of Pocket Shit Ever And Reck Will Go "Uh Huh Yeah" And Reck Wont Even Notice Until Gite Points It Out
Anyways SW Art Yayayay
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Silly Little Video Of What Happened Heehoo Also Last Frame PNG Bc Yeah
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Also Here's That Blinded SW Drawing I Promised
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Okay Sorry For Yapping Those R All My Guys Wahoo
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