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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
AO3 is so crazy with their fundraising I open the website and theyre already $30,000 ahead of a fundraiser I didn’t even know had started
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bullyhunter--69 · 4 years ago
Okay I woke up with Bakugo on my mind like always and honestly....
He would honestly love if you gave him homemade gifts, it shows him that even with how other people see him as insufferable, you see him as worth all of your time and love.
I just wanna give him a hand embroidered pillow that says 'Great Explosion Murder God' that's sprayed with my perfume gosh 🥺🖤
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bullyhunter--69 · 4 years ago
I have been spoiled by something heartbreaking and god I just wish I didn't know anything anymore
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chocomeet · 7 years ago
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Thierry Marchal #Beck accusé de #Harcèlement sexuel au #MJS - #PS #France #BalanceTonPorc #MeToo #JohnnyHallyday #IME2017 #Maelys #MaddyTalk Huit femmes brisent la loi du silence et accusent Thierry Marchal Beck, un ancien président des Jeunes Socialistes d’agressions sexuelles.
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skepsos · 8 years ago
#MaddyTalk : Comment l’intelligence artificielle aide les humains à mieux se divertir
#MaddyTalk : Comment l’intelligence artificielle aide les humains à mieux se divertir
Mardi 25 avril se tenait le premier MaddyTalk de l’année, organisé par Maddyness au sein de l’espace de coworking WeWork fraîchement inauguré. Dédié à l’intelligence artificielle dans le divertissement, il a permis à Anthony Audebert (responsable de la stratégie digitale chez Sony Music Entertainment), Louisa Mesnard (fondatrice du chatbot Citron) et Olivier Ou Ramdane (directeur général adjoint…
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
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Reblogging this from my art account with some cute pictures of her.
The first year I had Gizmo, I brought her to my fifth grade class with special permission from my teacher. I am now a Junior in college.
I am astounded that I was able to have so much time with her, considering how I bought her on sale for $25 at PetSmart (after careful planning and consideration, of course), but that only makes it all the harder to say goodbye.
Gizmo’s life was well-spent eating crickets, watching movies and TV, exploring the outdoors, and being the best chilling buddy anyone could ask for (while also being spoiled to high heaven).
Thanks for being my fun fact during icebreakers all these years, and I’ll see ya later, space cowboy.
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This is my favorite gouache painting I have ever done, back last year.
Unfortunately, I must announce that the subject, my childhood pet of 10 years, Gizmo, has passed this morning. I sketched her often because her complicated forms were great practice at drawing from life, and know she will continue to be my muse even now that she is gone.
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perrybirds · 7 years ago
7/25/18 [4:09 A.M.]
First post first post.
I want this blog to be kind of a dump of thoughts and ideas and songs and an organizational tool to help with my book.
I also want to post art and snippets and other things. Try and get it out there.
Let’s see if I can keep it up.
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
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Me rn
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 6 months ago
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been as active lately. I've found that my engagement on tumblr has been pretty low, and that a lot of people don't reblog anymore. A post I can spend hours on will get maybe 40 notes altogether, so I've lost a bit of motivation.
I have been focusing more on my art account on Tiktok (maddyc_drawings) since engagement is pretty high on there. I definitely will try answering more asks to keep active, but I'm wondering if any other people have been noticing the same thing.
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Hey guys! So I know it's been a while since I was super active on here, but that's because I just graduated college haha!
And to think I started this blog in 2016, my freshman year of high school. Time sure does fly.
My sage advice for any anxious students following me: life is a hike, not a race! Make sure to enjoy the scenery while you work to make it to the end goal, even if some parts may be rocky and difficult to navigate.
I'm planning on answering some of the asks that have been piling up, but I've mostly been working on job applications and studying for the GRE. I'm planning on taking a gap year to work and save, and then start applying to grad schools.
Thank you all so much for your continued love and support!
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Ok don’t kill me…but I found that watching the OG first Percy Jackson movie more enjoyable than watching these first two episodes of the show.
Even though the first movie is a worse adaptation, it’s a more enjoyable piece of media (and sometimes I think that’s more important). The second movie sucked ass because it was a bad adaptation AND a bad movie.
I just don’t understand why Rick and Disney would choose to make the show for kids when a majority of their audience is now late teens/twenties. Maybe making pjo more digestible to gen alpha that can’t read?
More in-depth rant under the cut:
90% of the show’s pitfalls are as a result of it being kid-ified.
1. It is SO tell and not show. We’re being spoon-fed all of the information. IMPORTANT information that should have buildup and drama.
2. Gabe. This man is supposed to be human swine whose stench hid Percy for years. And now he’s just kind of a loser who’s snarky. I get that dv is a sensitive subject to kids but at least make him a villain and not just a bum!
3. The whole thing about the master bolt being stolen and Percy being the thief happened in .25 milliseconds??? I’ve read the books and even I was confused!!!
4. The Mrs. Dodds fight. No context. No buildup. No payoff. Stupid.
5. There are no varied personalities. Everyone besides Percy is just an Exposition Machine, including Grover! Justice for my man (and his crutches!)
This was my fav book series as a kid so sorry that I’m ranting it’s just irritating and I hate the Disney corporation.
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
himbo somewhat implies a degree of beefiness. Has anyone come up with a word for a handsome, scrawny, pathetically stupid man?
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 11 months ago
16 y/o me would wake up at 6:30am 5 days a week, go to school 7-3pm (sometimes extracurriculars till 10pm), and also do homework, study, and make time for a social life…
She may have been cringe but she’s def stronger than me
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My FBI agent listening to Unknown/Nth with me for the 1927635353th time in a row while I wait to see Hozier in NYC with my friend next Saturday
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Being Catholic* is actually such a goated advantage when taking Medieval and Early Renaissance art history classes because 75% of these lectures are just expanations of Biblical stories that I learned at Sunday school when I was eight lmao
* and by catholic i mean that weird “its my heritage and i have faith but the church/organized religion in general really sucks” kinda in-between
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
Just finished the first draft of my Anthropology thesis on Artist Opinions of Image-Generating AI. It is seventy pages😀
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