#like a btw here's what this shit means
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HE WHO SMITES THE SUN : Dori-Tsokhizhemasonen
The light of the bonfire was so bright, that even standing atop of the outside wall of their ancestral city, far removed from the center of their encampment where it blazed, Tsokhizhe could still see it. The flecks of stray warmth and light traced its paws against his dark skin, still drawing him into its orbit. The flames rose higher than they would ever dare at a normal pyre, but tonight was a special night, and so special exceptions were made. Every clan and tribe south of the Gingi’nga Nanmoso would be celebrating tonight; there would be no need to worry about an attack, safe within their wall with guards like Tsokhizhe to keep it. There was a mysticism in the air tonight—one that made the flame’s reds closer to oranges, and oranges closer to white; and the colors danced, interlocked and interwoven against the backdrop of the pitch black sky. Music and laughter fueled the mirthful, heady flame, up to the very heavens above where the Affinities, named and unnamed, lie; surely enjoying the spectacle. It was a celebration worth the ages, and then some, better yet than any they had before.
Yet, unsurprisingly, Tsokhizhe was purposefully left out of the festivities. While other guards may have traded posts with one another to each take their turn at the pyre, the dances, or the feast; he was not permitted; despite being the Khoda’s own eldest child. However, he was used to this. His mother, Khoda’nga Kori-Yadeno, approached him with quiet steps at his lone hut—sequestered away from the rest of the clan’s residential huts, or the nobles grand estates; hidden in the overcast of their city’s walls—just before dawn had risen that morning. Her face was hardened, yet there was no other expression he was used to from his mother. When she spoke, her words burned, with quiet disgust barely hidden on her tongue:
“You are to be stationed at the Eastern Gate tonight.”
Tsokhizhe quickly got out of bed, still in his sleep-dress, and knelt at her feet, his head bowed respectfully to the earth. “Yes, Khoda’nga.” He said, devoid of all inflection. It was hard to be hurt by something he already knew was coming. When he was a child and first took watch-duty during this festivity, he hadn’t understood why he was not allowed to join. But now, he knew, even if no one said. He knew it in the way that his parents avoided him, the way other Kori and Dori avoided him, how even those of the diminutive gender would not meet his eye when he walked past. Every meal he took alone, hunted by his own hand. Every mission he braved alone, only speaking to his father for duty and his mother for instruction; never an affectionate word or hand given to him. These sins he bore, and wore, not with pride but obligation.
“Kori-Tsokhizhemasonen, do not disobey me.” His mother scolded. Even his name: She Who Smites The Sun, spoke of this great transgression of his: his very birth, under the most evil of all nights, and that omen of misfortune would forever follow him, to the rest of his days.
“You are to be alone and you are to stay away from the festivities. Do you understand this?”
“Yes, Khoda’nga.” If Tsokhizhe could bow his head lower, he would. He could feel his mother’s steely gaze lie upon his back for a moment too long, then she finally turned on her bare heel, whisking herself away towards the main grounds. Still, out of a long borne habit, Tsokhizhe stayed that way, waiting until he no longer heard the pad of her feet against the ground before he allowed himself rise.
The Eastern Gate was the furthest away from the festivities of the night. It is why, whenever they were short on guards, he was stationed here. Even the guards did not meet his eyes, and instead kept their gazes turned away towards their mounts, or their sword hands that always rested just so on their scabbards when he passed. They were ready to strike him down at a moment’s notice, he knew. But he did not bow his head in defeat, nor shame. He only bowed to his Khoda, and father, Dori-Darada’ngomakhadzonki—Chief, He Who is Master of Mounts; his mother, Khoda’nga Kori-Yadenomanyozhango—Chieftess, She Who Guards The Store; to his younger sister if their parents bore witness to an interaction; Kori-Chazomakenan’nyopinyi—She Who Breaks the Dying Season’s Song; and most of all to the power of the Affinities named, and unnamed, who lorded above all. He may be cursed, and he was not proud, but Tsokhizhe knew better than to show weakness. If his mother taught him anything, it was to bear your sins for they define you and it is folly to expect another to bear that burden in your stead.
Still, watch duty was Tsokhizhe’s least favorite occupation. He would rather be hunting—out in the far off fields away from the reminders of his misdeed and the ire of his betters. But kenan’nyo had fully set in now—the nights were long, and the frost had begun to pepper the ground with its kisses of chill. The store was full and there was no need to go out—only perhaps, for water runs. But even that had been circumvented by the canal that as of last year had been finally completed. Now, freshwater flowed through their ancestral streets, confining Tsokhizhe more and more to these walls of clay and mortar.
Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t notice the shadowy figure coming to approach him until a friendly hand tapped his shoulder. Tsokhizhe was long practiced in never startling—and he was thankful he hadn’t—the moment he recognized Yanyado, the shorter man was immediately throwing his arms around Tsokhizhe in a hug, a joyous cry of “Sonenko!” leaving his lips. The momentary discomfort at the ko at the end of the fond name, did not stop Tsokhizhe from putting his arms around Yanyado in turn.
Yanyado—or, Yanyanagape’nyodo, Moon Crier— was his closest friend—only friend. And despite their friendship spanning for nearly two decades, Tsokhizhe still had never become accustomed to the affection that his friend handed out in doles. Yanyado was the only one who never besmirched him. Why Tsokhizhe never knew. But even if they were from totally different worlds—with Tsokhizhe being a Kori, and Yanyado being of a lower gender, nevermind the omen that hung about Tsokhizhe like a frightful, impenetrable cloak; he never seemed to mind this. Like the sun, Sonen, and the moon, Yanya, the two of them were inseparable and complementary, and despite his mother’s warning from this dawn, Tsokhizhe still found some part of himself happy to see him.
“How did you find me here?” Tsokhizhe asked when they pulled apart.
“Your mother always stations you here when she does not wish for anyone to find you.” Yanyado’s voice was coy. “She is not as subtle as she thinks.” He said so conspiratorially, as though it were a lighthearted and playful secret between friends but instead a lump of basalt lodged itself in Tsokhizhe’s throat; he nodded along. “I see.”
“Don’t look so sullen!” Yanyado lightly punched his shoulder. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Tsokhizhe nodded, but he could tell that his expression must still be far away since a frown pulled over his friend’s features. “I know what will cheer you.” From the folds of his brightly colored parka, he pulled out a wrapped cloth. “Take it, take it!” He urged, holding it out to him. Eventually, when Yanyado did not pull his hand back, Tsokhizhe took the proffered parcel. It was warm to the touch, and the sweet smell of freshly cut herbs and flowers, rolled in sweet dough hit his nose. He had not eaten anything since sunrise, after his mother visited him and informed him of his disinvite, he charred one of the rabbits he felled the day before, gnawing on its grisel, then armed himself for the day’s activities—namely, to make himself scarce. His stomach growled, but still he could not bring himself to unwrap the parcel.
Yanyado noticed his hesitation. “I will be upset if you do not eat it. After all the work I put in to make it, I would hope you appreciate it, Sonenko.”
Something that could have been a smile tugged onto Tsokhizhe’s face, and he slowly unwrapped the cloth. “You made this?” Yanyado puffed his chest out, beaming. This made the traces of a smile that tried to bloom fully blossom on Tsokhizhe’s face. “My Yanyado does not know how to cook. Are you sure you aren’t a sopiro?”
Sopiros—fables told by parents to scare their children into behaving. People who denounced the order of things, such as the genders assigned to yokhe’nyo and kenan’nyo, who believed themselves mighty enough to hold even a speck of power that the Affinities wielded. Outsiders, hated by everyone, and shunned from all the Southern Tribes; forced to wander the wilderness unto the end of their days. Even if they warred amongst each other for resources, hunting routes, ancestral cities and land—they all agreed that sopiros were not to be trusted.
Tsokhizhe himself, perhaps in another life, could’ve been a sopiro. He wondered it when he was small; and he heard snatches of stories around the campfire of those treated just as he. But try as he might, no otherworldly confidence came to him. No sparks of affinity flew from his fingertips or burned strong in his chest. And after the first time he was discovered and was beaten for it—he tried no more. It was then that Tsokhizhe learned that sopiros could not be feared; it was those who feared them who posed the real threat.
“Do you really think a sopiro could be so handsome as I?” Yanyado asked indignantly; but the jest was heard in his light tone. “But furthermore, I have the burns on my hands to prove my labor for you.” Yanyado held his hands out in the far off light of the bonfire, and even further light of yanya and the stars that attended it—there, on his forefinger and his thumb, Tsokhizhe saw the telltale angry welts from a few burns from a hot iron pan.
“Yanyado.” He tsked, but it was fond. “You ought to be more careful. For my sake.” He added when he noticed Yanyado’s mouth open to protest. He tucked the parcel of food underneath his arm to take Yanyado’s hand into his own. There wasn’t much he could do to heal the burns, but he did still rub them between his hands, the cooling of his skin hopefully a balm to heal it. Yanyado smiled—he was always smiling around Tsokhizhe. Tsokhizhe still hadn’t learned what fondness to his friend he held, but it did warm something broken in him.
“For my sake, my burns will be for nothing if you don’t eat.” Yanyado reminded him. Tsokhizhe gently let go of his friend’s wrist, and finally took a bite from the doughy treat. It melted in his mouth and the taste of lemongrass and chamomile danced along his tongue. He hummed appreciatively, but before Yanyado could say more off in the distance, the songs began to grow louder, as though every voice in their clan were joining as one to cry out to the heavens their thunderous, joyous celebration. They both turned their heads. After a moment of listening, Yanyado’s eyes lit up, recognizing the melody.
“They must be doing the Sano’nyon Ki Manyenya.” Yanyado held out his hand invitingly, the beads of the colorful bracelet around his wrist jangling just as joyfully as the sound. Tsokhizhe… hesitated.
“I… do not know the steps.” He slowly admitted.
“I know you do!” Yanyado replied. He didn’t wait for an answer and grabbed Tsokhizhe’s hand anyway. The wall was too narrow to do the dance properly, and Tsokhizhe really did mean it when he said he didn’t know it—at least, he didn’t know the ko part; the follow. They bounced together awkwardly trying to find the faint rhythm’s steps, and it was everything Tsokhizhe could do to try and keep with his do’s lead. Their hands were tangled awkwardly together; just as their feet marched arrhythmically in place. Tsokhizhe’s scimitar bounced at his hip and the jangle of the ties and beads of its scabbard just added to the confusion. At last Yanyado gave up and released him with a breathless laugh.
“You have two left feet, Sonenko! I have not danced the steps that badly since my mother showed me how nearly a decade ago!”
If his dark skin would allow him to blush, perhaps Tsokhizhe would’ve; but not of embarrassment but shame. The only part of the Rain Dance that he knew was the lead—the do. That is what he taught himself, observing from a closer wall station as a child; when he was yet too young to be fully left alone but still wholly excluded from the festival’s activities. He’d returned to his little far off hut at the end of the night and while all the tribe slept, whisper sang the words that had entranced him all evening until his voice went hoarse:
Ki yin nana ma’sen
I do not talk much
Ranmi renin ke petono’ni sikhona’nyo
But the rhythm knows my desires
Manyenya naro ke, ki’ngi da zhazhana
Watch me dance and I will show you
Nimon da soson da ki’ngi chon
If you leave I will follow
Nimon da kasachi pon ke, ki’ngi zhino dechi soson da
If you tell me to stay, I will never leave you alone
Nimon da sano’nyo ki’ngi yangipan
If you are water then I will drink it
Sano’nyon-ki’chi. Ki’ngi yangipan. Ki’ngi yangipan.
It’s raining. I will drink. I will drink.
“I’m sorry.” Tsokhizhe could hardly find it in himself to make his voice louder than a whisper. Even in his mirth, Yanyado was still attendant to his friend; a frown pulled down over his round, heart-shaped face, and he stepped into Tsokhizhe’s space, pushing his friend’s twisting blue locs away from his eyes.
“Old friend, you have nothing to apologize for!”
“You believed in me, and I failed.” It was childish, how much the thought of failing Yanyado hurt to admit—but Tsokhizhe admitted it anyway because he was not proud. He was honest. But Yanyado wouldn’t have it. He quickly reached for Tsokhizhe’s cheeks, squishing them together until Tsokhizhe tore his golden hazel eyes from the space between their shoes.
“To not know is to partake in the joy of learning.” Yanyado was always wiser than his youthful face would suggest. He squished Tsokhizhe’s cheeks harder. “And anyway. If you wanted to dance the do part, why did you not tell me?”
Tsokhizhe felt as naked as the day he was born. “Wh… Why would you assume that?”
“You didn’t deny it, no?” Yanyado smiled cheekily. “And anyway, we kept messing up because you stepped the same ways that I was. I hop right, and you hop right with me. You must know enough of the dance to know do hops right, unless you knew not at all, where perhaps you would only stare at me.”
“I would not stare.” Tsokhizhe sputtered.
“You stare during every other festival that I have seen!”
“And when have you seen me during other festivals?” Tsokhizhe countered—a fair question. Now it was Yanyado’s turn to look bashful, but it too seemed borne out of shame rather than embarrassment.
“I have sought you out, on occasion.”
“Perhaps?” Tsokhizhe asked, and Yanyado nodded, confirming it. “Why have you not approached me until now?”
“Our Khoda—”
“I understand.” Tsokhizhe didn’t want to hear anymore. Tomorrow would still come, and he would face it as he had faced any other day.
“Would you like to try leading me?”
“I would not want you to disgrace yourself.” Tsokhizhe grunted. The music from the pyre had finally died down, and with it, the flames, as their stokers departed, perhaps to the awaiting feast. The warm glow that touched and glimmered on every far off rock and blade of grass outside of their ancestral walls, was now bathed in the serene light of yanya. It was too dark for Tsokhizhe to see Yanyado’s expression.
“You are above me, Kori-Tsokhizhemasonen.” Tsokhizhe winced when Yanyado used his full name—even if it were true. “That I should lead you at all is not fair to you. Ki’ngi chon da.” I follow you.
Tsokhizhe pulled away from his friend, turning his back to both him, and their city. He looked out into the night; willed it to swallow him. “The feast has begun, and I would not wish you to miss your meal.”
“Just one verse.” Yanyado held out his hands again, palms flat and inviting. But Tsokhizhe did not turn back to his friend; he was not weak. He crossed his arms over his chest until Yanyado finally sighed and began his descent down the wall—back to the rest of the clan, where he belonged. Tsokhizhe belonged here. Guarding him. Them. From those like him, who would expect others to bear their burden.
#ren writing#s: ph#writeblr#this is my first time writing with a conlang soooooo uh#that's part of why i want a vibe check#the thing about this wip is i desperately want it to feel immersive#like i want you to feel totally in tsokhizhe's world and understand what he's going through#and part of that is hitting y'all over the head with the language#cuz bitch i ain't work on it for nothing#idk lemme know if it reads ok this is obvs v much a first draft still#ALSO THIS IS ABOUT TRANSGENDERISM#IT IS NOT ME MALICIOUSLY MISGENDERING KHIZZY TO CALL HIM SHE ITS LITERALLY HIS NAME AND THAT'S LITERALLY THE POINT#THANKS#oh yeah#when i feel like it later i'll also add a lexicon to this post#like a btw here's what this shit means#i just don't feel like it right now so#eodjnc
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Columbo and the Knight (1984)
put me in the universe where Columbo ran through the 1980s and had a crossover episode with Knight Rider. I think they deserved it, and I am not just saying that because they're my two favorite Old Shows. @telebeast wrote a little fanfic blurb about it and I HAD to visualize it into a comic (which is also the longest comic I have finished thus far at five pages...), so writing credit goes to them.
Autism W!
#columbo#knight rider#art#michael knight#kitt#comic#highlight reel#crossover#telebeast#there are two small easter eggs here. can you find them. they were somehow not Entirely lost when i resized these for the public#this is what i mean when i say I Draw And It's Everyone Else's Problem. look at my INCREDIBLY niche crossover comic boy#if the knight rider fandom has like 12 people in it. how many of y'all have seen columbo#this comic is for like 4 people and me and phoenix are already two of them#niche is my specialty lets be real. weird niche obscure shit and ships nobody's paid attention to yet#not to suggest this is ship art. columbo has his wife and michael has his car lmfao#stylizing real people is EXTREMELY hard btw sorry for when they get off model. its partly a 'better imperfect than never finished' situatio#cant tell you how much i redrew some of these panels. weeps#this took me 2 weeks but i think i thumbnailed it all in may and the ideas been rollin around in my head since march#is anybody good at editing. please edit michael and columbo into an image together like its a screenshot. NOT generated. edited.#it would be so cool#ive drawn columbo a lot but i haven't drawn a lot of michaels. i was learning things about his outfit AS I WAS DOING THE DAMN#COLORS ON THIS. all the lines done. it was too late to change anything. i did all the lines and colored page by page#i realized my mistakes on like page 3. 1 and 2 were already done. it was Too Late.#imagine it though. them working a case together. switching between the more serious tone of columbo vs the goofier#action antics of michael and kitt. columbo being so impressed by Modern Technology. there's more i could say but phoenix may write#more of this crossover and i don't want to spoil it :'3#there's opportunity here though i swear. there's gold to be dug.#i like how kitt gets shading but columbo's junker peugeot doesn't. kitt looked wrong without any. columbo's car is matte and dirty#i also applied effects to this to make it look a little film-grainy and VHS like. some CRT TV vibes#the only question left is. did they put knight rider into columbo; or columbo into knight rider 🤔
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horrortale waterfall game broke me sorry (hey just like horror!)
#say it with me: average triglycercule art if i locked in#THERES NO FUCKING ART OF THIS CHAPTER YET IS EVERYONE JUST SLEEPING OR SOMETHING!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!#all the blue's supposed to be the light from the core after horror's eye was used to reactivate it btw#and (this was unintentional but anyways) the purpleish tone horror's clothes have is because he said that to aliza in the game#ohhhh my goddddddd....... how much is your life worth......... its worth so much but treated like its nothing#ACTUALLY not EVEN horror's life. just his body. screw the personhood in the first place#hey horror looks awfully similar to another black eyed and mouthed sans out there..... huh...... i wonder who.........#current horror saying that type of shit to past horror AS IF HES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE NICER IN THE FUTURE#this was originally an excuse to draw horror with the new gray eye but then i decided against it smh.......#and also an excuse to draw blood. the ONLY thing i'm good at rendering#my inability to render is really prevalent here. only covered up by the composition and harsh lighting and lineart and whatever the fuck#anyways TRIGLYCERCULE ART???? IN THIS DAY AND AGE?????? when was the last one........... probably my birthday rain of dust art LMAO WHAAAAA#well that completes my shitty trio focused art. killer's bday dust's bday (although it was so ass) and now this! now they all have 1 piece#tricule art#horror sans#horrortale#murder time trio#utmv#sans au#my horror bias has really been showing these past few daus#but i mean........ I MEAN LIKE WHEN HES THE ONLY ONE THAT STILL GETS UPDATES OUT OF THE TRIO IM ALLOWED TO BE OVERJOYED#as the sole horror representative of mtt nation i gotta fucking carry all the other 3 supposed horror enjoyers on my back 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gan#eeaaughhhhh hes not part of the gang hes part of the trio...... get horror away from nightmares fugly ass.......euaaghhhhh#but whatever. im so excited for this art to be locked in the Five Note Banger Jail!#IF YOU READ THESE TAGS THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO PLAY THE WATERFALL GAME OR REREAD THE HORRORTALE COMIC 🫵🫵🫵‼️‼️‼️‼️👿👿👿👿👿
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pov: you're having your comphet removed 🌈🤯😤 (doctor's orders) 🙏🏼💫🩻


this is why bones only gets to play dress-up as a treat 😔 if they'd put him in a little blue tunic in plato's stepchildren it would've been deadly

@very-bad-poetry-captain was watching the cloud minders and generously brought these skimpy little guard outfits to my attention. and then i blacked out for two hours and...
#star trek#star trek fanart#mckirk#mckirk fanart#star trek meme#leonard mccoy#bones mccoy#jim kirk#star trek tos#the cloud minders#mcspirk#leonard bones mccoy#deforest kelley#honestly i had de AND bones in my head painting this because this just feels like a very de expression#have we all seen that blooper where bill shat and de nearly kiss btw that is VERY important to me#ive got nothing to say for myself really. i shit you not ive done nothing but write and draw for two days#a lot of which... cannot be posted in full here if you know what i mean lmfao. but ive got a lot to show yall!#star trek the original series#dust medibang paints#I FORGOT I MADE THAT TAG arghhhhhhh now im going to have to go back and tag.....#adhd woes. short term memory whomst
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Quick re-do of a 4 year old piece
#to test my abilities... no jk#I mean kind of lol#I WANTED To test my abilities but then I couldnt think of anything#so then I just redid an older piece#I remembered the old one started black and white and then I did effects over it so I did that again#cause I just wanted to play around with lighting#and I think its pretty obvious how much I've improved#I also only spent like an hour on the second one#wasnt trying to make anything amazing here#just trying t make something that reminds myself how growth can look and feel#important stuff to do as an artist#I'm still sick btw lol#I love how when youre losing your voice everyone goes 'wow you sound terrible'#I get why. I sound terrible. but its so fucking funny like. culturally#like holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you !#but its polite and empathetic#I havent been getting work done on account of is sick#actually not entirely true#I did a good bit of work for we were legion and some for TTA too#but it was just no drawing work#all writing work#which theres just a lot more of to for wwl than for tta#anyways#we were legion#zagan#art redo#art improvement#spent easily twice as long on the original thats a skill upgrade roight there
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I understand being upset by the moonpaw dog post but i dont think talking about some random teen publicly (on a pretty big fandom blog) as opposed to like, dming them about it, is a very nice thing to do? Would recommend keeping that kinda gossip in dms going forward personally.
??????? "That kinda gossip???"
Saying that it's fucked up that a publicly posted incest joke about how deformed she should look went to the top of the Warrior Cats and Moonpaw tags, is gossip???
I'm not talking about "some random teen," I have not even dropped a username and been VERY clear I don't want harassment of anyone. During this discussion about wider ableism against Moonpaw, I've directly answered two anons about the contents of a post that was/IS extremely popular to the tune of nearly a thousand notes.
One of those two asks was an anon who only stumbled in to say that the post was funny in a display of SHOCKING tonedeafness, while I was talking about how shitty it is to compare people who are the products of incest to unethical dog breeds, especially in the context of WC. The other was an actual XX/XY chimera who expressed that the extremely popular post hurt their feelings, and when they tried to express discomfort to someone, got told they "probably killed their twin in the womb."
It's not just one rando weenie little blog the minute half of the Tumblr space is openly laughing at a joke about deformed incest kids and hoping Moonpaw dies because she's so "gross." Not nice?? Your feelings are hurt? OTHER people's feelings were ALREADY hurt.
NOTHING about this was "nice" to begin with!
Difference is, when YOU cry me a river, you can build me a bridge, and get right the fuck over it. A person who's the product of incest cries and has to go right back to every shitty banjo-hunchback-hapsburg joke they've heard before, just feeling more unsafe about a space that PRETENDS to care about the abuse they experienced. If you feel guilty about that, maybe you should!
If you were under the impression I was ever "nice" about bigotry, you were mistaken. I don't appreciate calls for ME to be more polite when I'm at a trend of fandom ableism and calling it fucked up. I've named NO names. Sounds like what you ACTUALLY want is for people like me who have a platform to shut up.
#btw that person WAS contacted privately by someone and I did see the 'apology' they posted as a result.#Which was not an apology. They called people being upset 'virtue signalling'#I'm SO fucking sick of the parade of idiots coming into my inbox trying to tell me that none of this is a big deal#REAL fucking question actually; why are you people insisting that victims of incest be ENDLESSLY charitable towards open fucking mockery?#''What if they didn't mean it like that'' and ''oh maybe they just didn't know it was ableist to joke about inbreeding deformities''#I'm gonna be BRUTALLY honest with you because I'm this close to just gutting you all like fish instead; It feels like being gaslit#Half of these idiots come in here to say ''well maybe you interpreted it wrong maybe these other unrelated things are what you mean''#And then when I AM specific and AM targeted in a very particular thing I'm talking about#I get shit like THIS telling me it's mean to be so direct. Even if I was NOT very direct at all#I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Like I'm crazy for reacting with anger.#So forgive me for not being as sweet and as patient as molasses pie#mooncourse
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Sam talks about Jacob being 'an exceptional person' and answers what would have happened if Dale interviewed Lestat and whether or not Dale and Louis would be "friends" in The Emsolation Podcast Extras!
Note: Unf this is not the complete video where he answears that question(s). I had to edit it with a few excerpts i found so it might not make much sense. if someone put the whole segment of this question(s) i will edit this with that video
Source: The Emsolation Podcast - Sam Reid talks the FINAL season of The Newsreader, urvampiregirls, loustatsoup, comeappraiseme and pixielayer
Him saying that he can't imagine Louis giving two f*cks about Dale 😞 Well the fanfics says otherwise 🙃 i am really surprised they didn't told im about the Louis x Dale fanfics on AO3 🤣
i cant find the tweet now but i swear that i saw someone one twitter saying that Michael Lucas and the lady in the video talked about it a few weeks ago in one of The Emsolation podcast eps.
Anyway, it's funny that Lestat possessed him both times: one (where Sam clearly was able to control him) where he was totally down to the idea of f*cking Dale and in the other where he cant stand the idea of Louis f*cking Dale (Lestat you fake poly. A cheater is what you are) I didn't believed 100% in the Lestat possession allegations until i watch this 🤯
#jam reiderson#sam reid#jacob anderson#quoting tweets#sam saying Louis wouldn’t give two fucks about dale… he clearly hasn’t spent enough time on ao3#this means sam is on the “louis would get bored in two minutes with a nice guy” train btw#The Lestat JUMPED out over the idea that Louis would be attracted to Dale 😂#lestat possessed him for a second here girl calm down that newsreader is not stealing your man😭#He rlly said no ones getting that man but me…even if its me in a wig 😭#if Lestat saw what Louis & Dale have been doing in the AO3 he would quickly become Anne Rice & ban the fanfics from the face of the earth 🤣#Louis totally will f and eat Dale in the 80's. Nervous wreck reporter is his favourite type of snack back then.#he wouldve been atleast a one of the guys in san francisco cmon dont break his heart like that#Lestat will f Dale just to f with him😩#Lestat would f*ck himself if he could so ofc he would f*ck his doppelganger#i’m crying he was down w it until he remembered they were both him 😭#Pausing to picture Lestat fucking Dale (himself fucking himself)#I cant get over him getting weirded out by his own thoughts alsksk#I’m convinced Lestat was bringing up p0rnographic visions of dalestat into his head 🤭#THE PAUSE?? he was imagining that shit in 4K LMAO#he was thinking abt selfcest#“who’s that man who plays l-” “JACOB” oh he got in there so fast 😌#sam’s immediate “JACOBBBB”. he could not WAITTT to gush about him#Jacob Anderson hype contest and Sam gets first place every time 🙂↔️#“he’s exceptional. exceptional person. yeah” oh i am sure#“your energy together is delicious” well yes!#the way his face softens my goddddddd. you can tell he gets so excited talking about him like his whole face lights up. he can't hide it 🤭#Michael nearly beating him to the punch#does sam talk about him or is he also a jacob lover or both…thoughts
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If there are a million Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, I am one of them. If there are only two Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, I am one of them (Eva Noblezada is the other). If there are no Reeve Carney as Orpheus fans in the world, Eva Noblezada and I are dead 😔
#hadestown#hadestown obc#reeve carney#eva noblezada#seriously im sick and fucking tired of the reeve carney hate on tiktok#'jordan fisher is the only orpheus that matters' 'jordan fisher shouldve originated orpheus on bway'#'they should replace the obc recording with jordan fisher' 'jordan fisher was the best thing to ever happen to hadestown'#shut up!!!!!!!#i adore jordan fisher but you are missing the point of theatre and hating on reeve in the process!!!!!#you can have a favorite but that doesnt mean the actors who are not your favorite shouldnt exist in that role!!!!!#but also your favorite is wrong!!!!#reeve carney brought more autistic swag to orpheus than anyone could possibly recreate!!!#he was naive he was soft spoken he was unaware of social expectations!!!!!#jordan fisher has such a raw powerful voice and thats not what orpheus needs!!!!! hes just a lil guy!!!!#hes just a lil guy who accidentally had a battle of the bands with the devil and won#because he has nothing in his brain except sing and love his girlfriend!!!!!#i love jordan fisher in everything ive ever seen him in and i adore his voice but please stop putting other actors down#im not a huge fan of the way jonjon briones plays hermes but im not out here talking shit about him!!@#or saying he should never have had the part in the first place#(btw i was joking about the 'your favorite is wrong' thing because - again - literally defeats the point of theatre)#please find ways to say that jordan fisher is your favorite without putting reeve carney down#and also please give reeve carney a chance and dont dismiss him just because he is less conventionally attractive#and hip in popular media and on social media#please give the role a chance for what it is and not just which actor you already like#i was pissed when i first found out they were taking damon daunno out for the obc and adding reeve#the only thing id ever seen or heard him in at that point was the live action rocky horror with laverne cox#and he was fucking riffraff#i was mad!!! i didnt think he could do it!!! but i love the show and i gave him a chance and now hes my all time favorite#between both touring casts ive seen and the pre bway cast recording and jordan fisher#just please stop being mean and give him a chance
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Rewatching act 2.... yeah ISHA WATCH OUT FOR THE CYCLE ISHA!!!!! NOOOOO
#ambessa setting up the logs on a fireplace while literally adding fuel to the fire with cailtyn... subtelty#silco spent his whole life trying to rile the undercity together STUPID JOKE THAT IT IS you have the chance to pull it off#isha is the true revolutionary after all... jinx get up to her level#was jinx scared of having hallucinations when the girl she released was gonna touch her shoulder??? and then she didn't#what i find really funny is that warwick knows how to use elevators and that funicular to the prison#also there is a lot of blood when he appears in the prison.... it was surprising#vander recognizing jinx with the name of powder after she complained about it eariler its just crazy crazy crazy#people commenting that its unrealistic how caitlyn bests vi when they meet in episode 6 as if there wasn't a montage about how she lost her#edge because of alcohol and living like shit.... she's not like jinx lmao....#rewatching so recently is so weird i imagine it is as close as being dr manhattan as i can get it is literally happening all at once#also the people of piltover are so dumb... lets let the government implement martial law and put this 20 something with 0 political#experience on charge with the army of this outsider agent. alright. i can tell you guys dont vote in this oligarchy you know fuck all#well i guess in that case it isnt the people of piltovers fault... just the important families that contribute in this oligarchy...#putting count fagula in charge.... salo is speciallt dumb but we all knew that#katie leung needs awards btw.... and interviews#“do not test this or you will yearn for caitlyn's dungeons” be careful singed my friend vi fell for that and look at her... her dungeons...#vander reaching for isha not jinx.... OR VI.... she just stopped him#“hes gonna kill you” and vi fighting vander to protect jinx.... yeah#and then she trusts jinx and the beast turns into vander... he serves as a recognizing tool for their true selves...#their mom being so worried about how to name vi and then names the second one POWDER kahdksjsk never not funny... also the barber of zaun#when vi joins with jayce she unlocks this loser flop aspect of her mother's inheritance.... two losers joining to maximize their joint flop#also vander kinda giving up this promise to protect the girls instead of bettering zaun... how it puts him in a standstill bc it's either or#like damn there is nothing as undoing as a daughter for reals. she didnt experience that bc she died so now vander has to and here we are#episide 6 starts with the end of the episode when viktor drops that metal piece..... hello..... is this anything#“do you think this place could work” underground utopia.... DYNASTIES AND DYSTOPIA FEAR IS NEVER AN OPTION SO DYING'S NOT A REAL PROBLEM#didnt ambessa suspect anything when they spent loke a full minite staring at each other 😭😭 she's lost her edge...#just like when she clocked sevika but not jinx... when there's a strong butch in the area her radar gets jammed up#and caitlyn leaving her weapon behind... ambessa thought she was gonna fistfight warwick or something#the metal thing falling when viktor dies repeats THREE TIMES WHAT DOES THAT MEAN#watching arcane season 2
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Hello Tumblr,
this is the Official Tumblr account for the Department of Uniform Magical Novices. We have been made aware by a few concerned Empowered humans that there are other Empowered humans and Informed Unempowered humans on this platform that are posting information that could potentially breach covert. So the Department has assigned members of our staff to keep tabs on these individuals as well as answering a few small questions that some people might have. But just so we are clear, this is not a replacement for getting a proper education on magic or anything like that. This blog is simply hear to remind others on their possible effects on our secrecy and if you seek deeper information on a topic we aren't able to provide in this blog, please go to your nearest Department sanctioned facility. Thank you for your time and always remember to Keep it Covert!
#redacted rp#wow#I can't believe they actually had the balls to make a whole ass tumblr acc for this shit#this is the staff incharge of the blog btw#this is so wierd#like#what the actual fuck dude#they probably won't even check on this#wait#does that mean I can just fuck around on here and do whatever I want?#aw hell yeah
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Why does Vassago already have merch, we haven't even met him yet
#Celtrist#cel rambles#I don't particularly care how abundant the merch is on shark robot#It literally feels like they'll take a scrap of anything and make it a pin#Like the Moxie Antartica pin Really sir and a bunch others where they're just a random frame from the show#I mean they're FUN frames at least but I swear I've seen some real random ones that don't even make sense to be a pin#AND I'M SORRY WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH MERCH OF CHARACTERS THAT I CAN'T IMAGINE BEING THOUGHT TWICE ABOUT#Sallie Mae fine I can see why people like her and want merch#Chaz is pushing it especially seeing as he's pretty dead but fine I suppose he has his fans#Glitz and Glam? Okay you already fucked up not going with their beta designs but who really was looking at them and thinking “I want merch”#But fine. I'm sure they have their fans#BUT FREAKING MUFFY?? THE VET RECEPTIONIST? WHO TF WAS ASKING FOR A PIN OF HER? DID YOU EVEN KNOW HER NAME?#They do that shit all the time and it aggravates me. They seem to go by a “quantity over quality” thing.#Which their quality is great btw but the quantity of things they have for characters that don't even matter and are seen once is rediculous#Also when I was gonna look up when we were gonna meet Vassago I saw he was an overlord in the pilot#Curious if that's gonna stay. What's to say overlords can't be hellborns or goetia#Is he a goetia? Not sure.#P-point is I like their merch and the new batch seems to mostly be uniquely made to be merch and I like that#But the amount of “garbage” (that's mean but best way I can put it) merch that has a character little to no one would care about#Or is essentially JUST a screen grab from the show is annoying and just pointlessly fills the shop pages#And while I see from a business perspective why they'd put Vassago out especially since some already like him#I also just think it's silly for him to already have merch when we haven't seen his character other than in the trailer#Surprised they don't have merch of satan out yet lol#Okay but I would've approved only so they could make a krampus joke with him#Granted I don't care about Helluva as much as Hazbin#But can't help to be more critical of it when it has a lot of problems Hazbin has aside from pacing#But absolutely NO excuse or leeway for the reason of the sloppy writing that's present#Lemme reiterate my good ol' phrase here:#You're not in the Sonic fandom for like 22 yrs and don't learn to be critical of the media you enjoy lol#rant
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More notes for Roach conlanging. Roach has grammatical gender, in which only Male, Female, and Object are grammatical genders, whereas Worker uses feminine grammar, Queen and King use a slight variant on feminine grammar, and Drone, and Queen-Alate use masculine grammar. This is because King is derived from Queen, due to their similar positions in a colony, and Queen-Alate is derived from Drone, as both are forms of alate.
Queen is an alteration of feminine grammar that functionally just adds a handful of extra syllables to it, and King is an offsprout of Queen that uses the same grammar with different pronouns. Queen-Alate, despite the name, is derived from Drone, as they are both for referring to different types of alate ant.
Most Roach dialects are intelligible to speakers of Snakemouth Den Cordyceps Roach, but Snakemouth Den Cordyceps Roach is not entirely intelligable to speakers of Roach dialects due to a mix of the excessively specialized vocabulary caused by the specific needs of its speakers, the fact that its speakers do not necessarily have Roach mouthparts and thus may not pronounce syllables in a similar way, and due to the fact that Inanimate Object is a full grammatical gender that does not exist in any other dialect of roach and replaces a decent chunk of terminology for things that previously had Other Words For Them.
#we speak#conlang#bug fables#please excuse us if we're mangling the terminology here btw. we cannot for the life of us remember the proper terms for half of this#and every time we try to google things it winds up turning up nothing#probably because we're googling shit like “the term for the thing where self reference is different if youre a guy or a girl”#and like. “part of speech that you use to refer to other people that isnt pronouns or a name that has title associations”#if we reread some textbooks we will probably remember but unfortunately these are not our textbook reference posts#they are our “what if we told you about the cool ways that we did grammar in here” post#god we love grammatical grammar (<guy who doesn't have a strong enough sense of gender to remember der and die properly)#(because we are the specific type of speaker where we're half operating based on what Feels Right with the word and we are)#(so fucking bad at remembering how gendering words is meant to go)#(the secret reason we hate phonetics is because we have to contend with both figuring out how mouthparts would work and like)#(Working Out A Reasonable Collection Of Sounds To Have In Our Language. which means we have to actually like. name things)#(cruel and unusual that we have to make actual words rather than loosely tossing building blocks on the floor. honestly.)#anyways snakemouth den roach is one of those dialects where it's on the verge of becoming a language on its own#where it's very debatable on if it's Actually A New Language or just a very specific dialect of an old one because. well. boxes#picture it as like. trying to speak to someone who you Think is speaking french but they have an extremely thick regional accent#and they keep using like ten-syllable words that you probably don't know but that seem to refer to things that could be referred to#way more concisely?#and also rather than just le and la they have added an entire new lu to the mix and you are unclear if its the accent or a new word entirel#(note: we are not a specialist on french as we primarily know it in the “we've been around it long enough to vaguely know what's being said#way and are not currently caught up enough on whatever they have going on to know about any major grammar stuff going on over there)#(but we are terrible enough with remembering the grammar of the german that we do speak that we do not trust ourself to not be Worse there)
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yu yu hakonstruct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men.mp4
crossposted to youtube
#pls excuse the lameass editing </3#ugh this is NOT a conclusive compilation btw#the way kuwa's like oh shit chu's like 5x stronger than rinku we're screwed i don't wanna fight him#and then the knife edge death match happens and he's like oughhhhhhh unga bunga fighting hot#yusuke has a lotta nerve being like damn you're kind of a masochist kuwabara and then turning around and going#(licks lips) ohhh if i fuck this up im dead hahaha#like you can't make this shit up im sorry it's just. THERE.#[clutching at my hair] DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE. I JUST NEED YOU GUYS TO ACKNOWLEDGE THIS BC ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY#yyh#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi#kazuma kuwabara#yusuke urameshi#keiko yukimura#yyh chu#so when i put chu as a potential gay awakening point for them this is why i mean look at this#they have to know what theyre doing here right they have to know. head in my hands#nyarla dni#because ive been in kuwa's shoes here so it feels Very clear to me and i can't stop thinking about it. hes me#and it's so weird to know Exactly whats going on with him and yusuke and having it go *almost* completely unacknowledged in the show
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i am a huge believer in direct action, i dont like when people scoff at it and only recommend organizations for multiple reasons, direct action is generally the best way to help your community & people in need. especially in brutal situations, your change will impact directly the hope & future of someone in need, especially when you're western and your currency goes way further in the global south.
that being said: do not feel pressured into sharing random bot messages. it does not matter what tumblr users say about morality or activism - spreading scams around because "what if it's real? id rather a scammer get money than a real person in need not get help" gets in the way of real people getting real help. high level bot scams are professional scam operations that are actual real life human trafficking & slavery operations. it's not some random person in texas trying to scam a couple hundred for a new computer - it's actual organized crime that has real life victims. most of the money they con comes from europe & the usa.
ask yourself: where did the pets crowdfund posts go? donations for ukraine? all the porn bots & sugar daddy scams? please think critically before aiding international crime rings because you got emotionally manipulated by people online saying you are the devil for like, using your brain and seeing the pattern of behavior on this website, which is very fertile ground for conning and has been for years due to the progressive/liberal/leftist nature of its user base.
#im this close to closing my askbox unfortunately#i know some people will give me shit for this but idc im tired#professional scams aren't a silly haha what if they steal your money thing it's a huge fucking issue that harms people in real life#and has a huge impact#and im fucking tired of being told knowing & realizing that means you want people in warzones to die. which is A REAL ARGUMENT IVE READ BTW#if you're a mutual & friend & would like to talk about anything here - my dms are open#otherwise#im closing my inbox and blocking and reporting spam bots 👍🏻
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This isn’t what my blog is about and I usually try to avoid making post about things not related to the tv show fandom I’m in but someone needed to call this people out because going to this tag and seeing war everywhere is so tiring and exhausting so imma make this post and HOPEFULLY PEOPLE WILL READ AND LISTEN!!!!!!!!
Buddie shippers needs to seriously CALM DOWN:) and back off!!!! (This also applies to BUCKTOMMY shippers)
Going to the others tag just to HARASS and bully people over FICTIONAL characters is so ridiculous and stupid and people need to stop. It’s a TV SHOW!!!! YOU aren’t the ones writing this, the writes are and they’ll know how they want to finish THEIR story because that’s THEIR characters!!!! Not yours!!!!! People (both sides) need to stop harassing one another and just stay in your tag and enjoy the ship and the characters. There’s no need for hatred or war, especially since in the tv show all 3 are FRIENDS (so fighting about it is so???!!!) just stop. Y’all acting like babies, get some manners and learn how to respect each other preferences and continue enjoying yall ships in PEACE!
And please leave the actors alone as well, they’re just actors they cannot decide what they’ll do next seasons. There’s literally no reason to harass and bully people over people that doesn’t exist. Just enjoy the SHOW and enjoy the SHIP and LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!! And stop using the incorrect tag please, I know some yall are doing it on purpose but please stop that is so annoying. (And I know yall KNOW how that feels like so stop!)
#buddie#bucktommy#this is coming from a BUDDIE shipper btw#I prefer Eddie and buck together but like#that doesn’t mean imma go harass other people that don’t like them#this little war is stupid and childish :) just enjoy yall ship without attacking other people#what are y’all? 12? I know some of yall are adults do act like one#sorry if I sounded harsh I’m just so tired of seeing this in the ship tag#I just WANT TO ENJOY BUDDIE IN PEACE#STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!#this is so fucking annoying just leave people alone#let people enjoy their ship we all know that buddie is endgame#shhhh stop using THE WRONG TAG#buck and eddie#buck and tommy#tevan#eddie and buck#tommy and buck#also again sorry if I sounded rude not my intention#I come here in peace#this isn’t even what my blog is supposed to be about#so you know this shit got WORSE#if someone from another fandom is intervening
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Maslenitsa sound so cool
I googled it after your picrew post and wooowww
yeah it is cool ! look what they did in smolensk a couple of years ago looll
i never burned the scarecrow myself, i usually participate in 'eating pancakes' part and 'cursing the fucking winter' part
real maslenitsa even has day themes like thematic weeks loll and they all are about wedding and extended family and stuff .. we dont do that we just make a shitton of pancakes of different types and eat em all week haha
also it's pagan !!! i love pagan traditions these were the only people who knew how to make religion fun /silly /but also i wish my genuine beliefs were like this
#i only know dia de muertos (IDK IT'S PROPER ENGLISH NAME SO HERES A POORLY WRITTEN VERSION OF WHAT YOU SAID) Only from Coco#and damn do i love coco#holy crap its one of my fav cartoons#i think it is Mainly because of the aestetics#because. wow.#it sure does give so much... idk hope??#like when we remember those who passed away it's always so dark. like. shit im not looking forward to it. it's scary.#its so cool that you guys take time to make it a nice experience#because it is fucking important#it's death#we should be more ready for it#btw is the way it's shown in coco accurate? i mean the real world part ofc#because#it's heartwarmning i sure want it to be
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