#like Varric definitely becomes his best friend in the Inquisition
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therookerydatv · 1 month ago
This is a non-Veilguard post but it is a Solas post and a Varric post so buckle in.
Background: I joined a Veilguard Discord server because I'm insane, and we were discussing Cole and the whole choice to make him a Spirit or more Human, and it almost got into an argument but thankfully it figured quickly, but I was still thinking about it because something about it all rubbed me the wrong way. A lot of people lamented their choice in making Cole more Human or cheered that making Cole more Spirit was the correct choice because of Solas' own regrets and pains that came about from him gaining a mortal body.
Subjectively I have always chosen to make him more human, but I guess me choosing as a player is different from within the context of Inquisition. In DA:I every choice you make has consequences, sometimes trying to backpedal out of a choice once you're far enough in will result in you not getting your way because that's what it all is, Choices and Consequences. As much as the result of Cole's change is on you the player, it's really a Consequence of your favoring Varric or Solas' method.
Solas' entire view of Cole's predicament is colored by his own negative experience of having a body and living in the physical world, waking up to a physical world where the Veil was created just amplifies that regret in pain, every instance of him trying to help with his Wisdom becomes something worse to him personally (All that Wisdom and he can't help himself) but with Cole he actually can help! He can fix this, with not only Wisdom but experience! He's become a person, he doesn't like being a person(and then he does because of the Inquisitor, I feel this is true romance or friendship), so Solas knows that Cole can 'return'(made) more Spirit and the confliction will end.
Varrics positions, his view, I feel is colored by the people he couldn't help, the ones he couldn't help get their revenge or solve their problem in time in a way where no one could get hurt (Cole literally reminds him of Anders just in reverse) And this time, Varric knows better, he knows how to fix this, he knows how to not blow up the Chantry, he can fix it this time. (This time the love will be enough!!)
Objectively, both are answers, I don't think either of them are right, because it's one influence over the other, but a choice has to be made otherwise he'd become a demon.
Solas and Varric are having their idealogical battle(custody battle) over which direction Cole needs to go in to avoid binding or demonhood(which college to send him to). The added layer VG adds to this and every banter Solas and Varric have is also fascinating, because outwardly it's an Elf and a funny Dwarf fighting over the tall awkward Human child, but after VG??? After those regrets??? Girl...
But I feel that reducing that scene to Solavellan at times is... disingenuous, when really, it's a Solvarric scene of we're being objective.
This is THE custody battle of all time. (My weed kicked in bear with me)
Solas' version of his world doesn't exist anymore, the world with no Veil and spirits essentially pillaging the bodies of the Titans to gain bodies doesn't exist anymore, the first victims of what the Elvhen did calls him Chuckles, a demonym in true friendly jest to him, it's the first thing Varric calls him when he reaches out to talk to him at the beginning of Veilguard, up until that point he calls him Solas, the Dread Wolf, Fen'Harel.
Varric is a result of years of time happening to the version of the World Solas brought about. Its...it's like God is talking to a creation of his that has every right to hate him, to want to desire to go back before all the bad shit, and instead Varric says, okay, get the anger out, how do you feel now? Empty? That's okay too, take your time.
Solas is a weary traveler ready to end it all and Varric is the equally weary traveler who says, tell me about it, and then talks your ear off so much you start believing in the world again.
Basically, Varric's method is to embrace the history and the scars, embrace the hurt and once it's done, get something to eat. Varric forgives but doesn't forget, his plan has Cole let go of his anger in the end, but Cole will remember the hurt he felt, and inflicted and so will the people he inflicted them on.
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john-marstn · 26 days ago
"Did Varric just become stupid in Veilguard, that he'd walk up to Solas like that?"
No, I just think he knew. He's a 50-something year old rogue; he's lived in a sketchy tavern, fought all sorts of monsters, demons and abominations, witnessed all kinds of betrayal. He's seen it all, from Kirkwall to Ferelden and now Tevinter...you can't convince me he wasn't aware of what would most likely await him at the top of those stairs.
He knew, but he was tired. After losing Bartrand, Kirkwall, possibly Hawke—being away from all his friends, who ended up dispersing all over Thedas—after years of living with his regrets about the Deep Roads, about lyrium, about Bianca—about Anders, whom he couldn't save. A friend whose mind he could not change, a haunting tale now mirrored in his elven companion.
What is there left for Varric Tethras? A broken city to govern, occasional letters from friends. Maybe, but he's so tired. So tired that his well-groomed stubble has now turned into a full bush across his sunken cheeks. His flashy earrings gone, his flamboyant chain and tunic replaced by a more sober outfit, now drained of the fiery, warm colours that used to adorn his wardrobe, his hair, his eyes. Almost in greyscale now, it'd be hard to know it's Varric if it wasn't for his steady sarcastic remarks.
No, Varric was not stupid. Not in 2, not in Inquisition, definitely not in Veilguard. He was just tired, and probably figured if it was time to go, the best way to do so would be to try and redeem himself for all his perceived past failures. A domino of disastrous events started by a lyrium instrument which caused the downfall of a Tethras, ending the same exact way—except this time, it's one last sacrifice to try and break the cycle, to try and save a friend.
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krems-chair · 3 months ago
I would give all my critiques (this is a lie) back if at the end of Veilguard we had found out in an extra extra post-Marvel credits scene that it's just been Sandal playing with figurines on the Skyhold war table's map of Thedas all Civil War Buff Dad style.
I wasn't going to do this because everyone deserves to rationalize Veilguard however works best for them, but in the wake of that hilariously dismal end-of-times IGN interview and AMA, I thought I'd share how my best friend and I decided to view Veilguard. Everything below is taken from probably a fifteen minute text conversation we had working through our disappointment together, but by the end we both felt way better about the game.
Picture this. You reach the climax of the game, Solas has freed himself from the fade and is getting ready to cast a really powerful spell and suddenly, out of nowhere, he just gets squished flat and then it immediately cuts to Bodahn in a little fire-lit room saying "Oh Sandal, you crushed another one of the pieces?"
Varric is sitting there alive, well, and BLONDE, and has been playing the whole game with Sandal and says "the kid's got a great imagination." They're all in the home of the Inquisitor.
So how do we get here, you might ask?
Actually wait no I fear this is going to be long so I'll put a divider thingy in.
So hear me out.
We'll go a year or so after Trespasser. The inquisitor is going through it. Skyhold is still theirs to command because sure everyone and their mother's mother was mad at the Inquisition for taking care of business, but what are you going to do, take their home away? Not if any of the Inquisitor's fiercely loyal friends have anything to say about it (I'm sure Josephine had something worked out to get a title locked down after there being so much uncertainty at Haven, anyway).
So it's become a home base once more, regardless of how intact the inquisition is or isn't under Divine Victoria. Agents are always going in and out, the murals in the rotunda serve as an ever-present reminder of the mission at hand, and Varric visits regularly from Kirkwall to touch base. On one such visit, Bodahn and Sandal accompany him, because they heard there might be a need for enchantments (BOOM).
One night everyone ends up around the map because it's been a rougher week than usual and a game of wicked grace at the tavern just isn't enough, they've gotta treat this like an overdue group project and pull an all-nighter to get SOMEWHERE on tracking down Solas.
Enter Sandal. He's bored, no one is asking him to enchant anything, and Dagna isn't around for them to talk shop (engage in probably illegal/definitely unsafe experiments). And there, amidst the pile of clutter the team has been using when they need to add a new piece to the war table, is a Rook chess piece.
He's seen one before, of course. Varric used to try and teach it to him back in Kirkwall, and Sandal was good in the way that new chess players who go full chaos mode are stellar at driving experienced chess players crazy. His win streak is no joke. So he grabs it, tries to lighten the mood around the war table because no one in a bad mood is going to be requesting enchantments any time soon, and suddenly the tension that's been building up for months starts to ease just a little.
Eventually, everyone gets involved. Much like any great D&D campaign, they fit time in for the adventures of Rook & co in between skrimishes, secret missions, and stressful planning sessions, but that just enables more people to have input.
The Chargers keep making suggestions of all the missions Rook should go on when they pass through, but these all end up becoming Neve's cases.
Bellara was made up by Cassandra who stopped by for a visit from rebuilding the Seekers/wearing her big hat and she was too busy to give anything substantial, but she went with what she knows: a character who loves romance and has a dead brother.
Sera doesn't have the attention span to get too in-depth with it, but she does doodle all over the map of Thedas and add some much needed commentary as the Rook piece moves across it. She also INSISTS that the villains of the story be old and elfy, because they don't get enough representation as villains.
Lucanis loving coffee/it being 75% of his lines comes exclusively from the fact that on the nights they get too invested to stop it's the only thing that keeps them going and he became the character that embodies that particular struggle.
There are so many enchantments Rook can take advantage of because Sandal keeps thinking of new ones he can test with Dagna when she's next around.
Speaking of Sandal again, he tried to kill Varric off in the beginning because he was putting on his author hat and over-narrating. Varric was of course like "wait no why did you kill me I wanted to be part of this" so he keeps interjecting as himself and everyone else is like "shhh you're dead." They only indulge him when they conclude what feels like a major plot point and need someone with an understanding of narrative and pacing to tie all the threads together or give them an idea of where to go next.
The Inquisitor struggles to get into it sometimes because they feel like the weight of the world is on their shoulders yet again. Occasionally, they'll sighs heavily and insert their game piece onto the board (Blackwall carved it, so it's as close s a completely different style can be to their true likeness) to be like "so anyways, THESE are the problems happening in Southern Thedas, in case anyone forgot" only for their message crystal to light up and Dorian's voice to filter through.
"I hear you're working on an astounding number of hypotheticals. Do you think it would be feasible to form an undercover group that works to liberate slaves?"
And then suddenly they spend the rest of the night working through how effective such an organization might be (through Rook's eyes, of course), but because Dorian isn't there to stop them they give him an insane new hairstyle and mention it every time they're giving a description of the Shadow Dragon leader. He is horrified.
Harding gets to be a self-insert because everyone unilaterally agrees that a fictional scout wouldn't hold a candle to her skill level. All the not fleshed out dwarven plot points come from their scrambled theorizing, but it does inspire her to look deeper into the mysterious Kal-Sharok during her real travels.
The reason Morrigan acts so out of character is because they're all like "we have no fucking idea what she gets up to when she isn't saving the world, but we know she'd be there in some capacity."
Leliana is busy busy busy but when she hears about what they're doing and that Morrigan is involved, she finds the time to send a letter saying "let's give her different hair :)"
When Morrigan finds out she brings Kieran for a visit (he missed all of his friends at Skyhold anyway) and is like "seems a most inconvenient waste of time..." and then finds out Leliana is the reason her game piece looks crazy and is like...make a character who is nosy and up in everyone's business all the time but still super reserved and afraid to trust others. (Boom, hi Neve).
Kieran gets really into the story and is critical to designing Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain. "She has sooOOoO many arms!" he explains, miming it out over the sound of a muffled voice crystal shaking as Dorian yells "you could've killed me! You could have made me evil! But you made me UGLY?!"
Even the Inquisitor, exhausted as they are, still finds the time to check in and ask if brown-haired Varric is still dead. The answer is always yes.
They all have a good laugh about the idea of Treviso and Minrathous being full of zip lines, but how else are they going to get to the parts they actually care about?
Minrathous gets destroyed instead of Treviso because while they're deciding the stakes for Rook to be faced with, Fenris stops by to check in with Varric because he heard they might need to go to Tevinter. He takes one look at the board and goes "hanging bodies. Everywhere."
"Fenris, that means the venatori will take over."
"...this game is stupid anyway."
Iron Bull definitely said "this story needs a DRAGON HUNTER" so boom. Enter Taash. A Dorian that romanced him sighs heavily and decides to play along if only to get to spend more time with his amatus another way. He models a character after one of his favorite professors from when he was a child.
Solas looks so yassified because the Inquisitor's love interest (or Sera, if they're pining after the Dread Wolf himself) came by and threw his actual war table piece into the fire during a particularly rough evening after his agents thwarted them yet again. To replace him, they let Kieran draw on a spoon and add a new cursed detail every time he pulls some bullshit to try and cheer each other up.
Fenris goes back to Kirkwall and complains about the stupid game Varric is running instead of spending all of his time on saving the world. Merrill overhears and is like "oh! They're incorporating eluvians? That's nice!" until she hears about how many there are and her eye starts twitching.
Harding only dies because everyone over-celebrates when Rook finally gets a win over on the stuffed squid animal being used to represent Ghilan'ain and her game piece topples over. Varric insisted that it be canon because he's tired of being the only dead one.
Blackwall gets Sera to be a little more invested by promising they can make a character together, maybe an elven Grey Warden! She washes her hands of anything too dalish, even though Blackwall makes it clear that there's more to him than that, but insists he should have a loyal griffon friend in honor of his rocking toys.
It's one of the Inquisitor's fondest memories as they prepare to actually find Solas for real, and one of the only unifying threads keeping everyone sane.
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songofamazon · 2 months ago
the high priestess, justice, the sun :)
The High Priestess: Which does Rook obey more: their head or their heart?
Vel is absolutely a heart-driven lady. It's gotten her in trouble before (Trusting Solas?? Rescuing her team at the loss of an invaluable map and getting kicked out of the Veil Jumpers??), but that has never stopped her from trusting her heart again. And when it comes to a sweet Antivan Crow who keeps telling her that loving him is a bad idea and yet giving her all sorts of presents and sweet treats, she certainly keeps trusting her heart on this one. (More sweet treats, presents, and awkward flirting for him!) She is absolutely not sorry, Lucanis.
Justice: How does Rook feel about the circumstances that led to them leaving their faction? What does returning feel like?
Vel feels pretty hurt for being sent away from the Veil Jumpers for failing to get a map when she instead chose to save her teammates' lives. To her, people are most important. She loves people. Her drive to recover lost histories and artifacts come from a love of the Dalish and broader Elven people, as well as specific people, like her father and her cousin Elanna Lavellan. She hides her hurt and feelings of unfairness behind anger at Strife (who she still loves, despite it all) and pride at being asked by Varric to be his second for the operation to stop Solas. Mostly, she tries not to think about it. Meeting Strife again so soon after messing up stopping Solas and releasing the Gods stings. She hides her pain behind swagger and urgency for their current mission. Throughout the events of Veilguard, she reconnects with individual members of the Veil Jumpers, becomes best friends with Bellara, and slowly earns back respect from Strife and other leaders. She begins to feel like a Veil Jumper again, and going back to their camp always feels like coming home. However, she still holds sour feelings that Strife never apologized for functionally kicking her out for saving lives instead of an object. That said, she loves that Strife and Emmerich are dating at the end. Her two favorite older gentlemen mentors are together, and that is wonderful.
The Sun: What is Rook passionate about? How do they fuel that passion?
Vel is passionate about her people. That originates from loving her family and Clan Aldwir, expands to the Dalish, the Veil Jumpers, the Elves as a whole, and eventually, the people of Thedas. She wants the best for her people, whatever the definition is at the moment, and she follows her heart to determine what "the best" means at that time. Being her clan's Keeper's Second (her dad is the keeper, but there is an older clan member as First), she knew her role to be to learn and preserve knowledge about the Elves, as well as how to lead her people in their home at the outskirts of Arlathan Forest. Between her role as Keeper's Second and the later revelations about the Elvhen from her cousin Elanna, after the events of the Inquisition, she developed a deep and driving need to uncover and clarify more secrets of the Elves' history, especially in places where they seemed to misremembered their past. This, and her drive to prove herself vis a vis her cousin, drove her to join the Veil Jumpers. She loves learning about history and magic of all kinds, but especially where Elves are involved. This led to an immediate and fast friendship with Bellara. They had heard of each other within the Veil Jumpers, but stopping the Evanuris was the first time the two got to work together. She spent a lot of time with Bellara, and sometimes with Davrin added, trying to make sense of their history and religious faith.
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thedinanshiral · 8 months ago
Meet my Inquisitor(s)
While i wait for a release date, editions details, just anything really..i decided to talk about my beloved Lavellan(s).
I did this really fun thing where i just took what Thedas had to offer and played with it, so i made Lavellan twins and made them both the Inquisitor but in different timelines.
First there's Gallia Lavellan, First of her clan, sent to spy on the Conclave who becomes the Inquisitor, romances Solas, becomes best friends with Dorian, and decides to disband the Inquisition after the Exalted Council to save the love of her life.
But in a different timeline the Keeper of their clan decided not to endanger their First and only other mage and sent a hunter instead, and that hunter was the First's twin brother, Adrienn. The events unfold as they were meant to and Adrienn becomes Inquisitor, romances Dorian, becomes friends with almost everyone and also disbands the Inquisition to save his friend from himself.
Now, they both have a life outside of the events of the game when the other is Inquisitor.
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When Gallia is Inquisitor her clan survives the attack in Wycome, but life in the dalish clan always felt too small to her brother Adrienn and soon after, inspired by their close encounter with annhilation, he decided to go out and see the world, to live his life to the fullest. His journey took him many places but he ended up settling in Rivain for a while where he decided to join the Lords of Fortune and try to make a name for himself.
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When Adrienn is Inquisitor a few unfortunate choices at the war table end in the destruction of Clan Lavellan, with very few survivors eventually rescued and taken in by Adrienn. His sister was fortunately away at the time making deals with another clan in the region. With what little remained of their people under Adrienn's protection and having learned what he shared with her of certain revelations about their people she decided to go on a journey of her own, to find more of their true but lost history. This journey takes her north, to Arlathan Forest, where eventually she joins the Veil Jumpers to explore the ancient elvhen ruins and uncover all their secrets.
At some point along the way both twins in their respective timelines changed their names and identity to both protect their sibling and themselves; what the Inquisition's enemies could do with the knwoledge that the Inquisitor had a twin, or how their personal life choices could affect the other's reputation was something neither wanted to find out.
And so time passed until Solas was finally located, and a new group of brave people was formed to stop him, the Veilguard. While the Inquisition was no more, the connections and reputation the Inquisitor amassed throughout the Inquisition years and beyond was considerable, and so when Varric and Scout Harding went on to search for people Solas wouldn't know, the Inquisitor had at least one person to recommend for the task: their twin.
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I designed them based on Abelas, i wanted them to be somewhat closer to what ancient elves looked like (as far as we knew back then) and he was the only reference. Both have the Mythal vallaslin mainly because it's my favourite but Adrienn has the full version while Gallia has a partial one. As Inquisitor however she gets it erased by Solas once she learns vallaslin are slave markings. Her commitment to knowledge, truth and their true heritage is one of the things that make her her, no matter what path she ends up taking.
If it's possible to romance Solas as Rook in a worldstate where Solavellan never happened, i intend to make use of the twins' alternate timelines so former Inquisitor Adrienn asks his sister "Rook" join the Veilguard ..where she'll meet Solas, and the inevitability of their fate manifests once again, as this would be another world.
They're both good and just, but Gallia is definitely the scholarly type and certainly more polite, but not so warm after certain events in her life. Meanwhile Adrienn is definitly more chatty, on occassions shameless, one could argue more fun to be around and more inclined toward earthly pleasures. Being twins and looking alike didn't mean they had the same upbringing; once Gallia's magic manifested they were led through very different paths, with Adrienn learning to hunt and track, being told his duty was to provide for the clan and protect it, as he spent most of his time amongst their people, while Gallia had to spend hers in lectures from their Keeper, reading scrolls and books, learning how to control her magic, oftentimes in solitude mastering her powers and discipline, and with the weight of their clan's leadership on her shoulders from too early an age, the voice of their Keeper always echoing in her mind, "you will become Keeper one day, you must be ready".
As is the case for many of us, i'm quite attached to my Inquisitor. Gallia is my canon Inquisitor, she's about 37 or 38 years old by now, and she let her hair grow longer than ever and often wears braided to the side. I hope the new CC in The Veilguard allows for something like that.
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So you mentioned how you leave Hawke in the fade, do you ever bring Varric with on that quest? (Maybe I'm just a sucker for angst ((which I totally am cuz for my canon warden I have her date a soft Alistair who is pissed and dumbs her when she makes him king and then she makes the ultimate sacrifice and Alistair is devastated he never got to talk it out with her)) so I always take Varric and Cassandra with cuz I think it's nuts that the game doesn't have him react in the fade to leaving Hawke. So I picture a dramatic speech like fuck this Hawke let someone else be the hero for once, you deserve to live. And Cassandra is there seeing someone she put on a pedestal and saw as an unstoppable hero met their end.)
I've brought a few different combos into the fade but my favorite combo is definitely Varric/Cassandra/Solas; Varric because of Hawke, Cassandra because of Divine Justinia, and Solas for the fade itself.
I love and hate the fade quest for a number of reasons, but the part of me that revels in angst just adores it, it's such a heartbreaking part of Inquisition's story. I keep Alistair a Grey Warden, so it becomes a final choice of either making him stay behind, or my Hawke, Ed... it's a brutal choice that ends with Ed staying behind.
The meta reason for making this choice is I love Alistair too much. I want him and my warden to remain together until the end so I'd leave nearly anyone in the fade just to save him. And I don't want to make him king just to avoid the hard choice; he never wanted it, and Rose wasn't ever going to force it onto him.
But from a story-telling standpoint, Ed staying behind hurts so much because that's literally his fear; if he had his own fear engraved tombstone in the fade, it'd say something like "Abandonment" or "Being Left Behind." It's one of the reasons he stays by Anders' side after the events of DA2 despite ending their romantic relationship, he can't abandon the man he's loved for years even when everyone tells him he should....until, of course, we get to the fade and he feels he no longer has a choice.
Ed never wanted to be some hero or champion, but it's so engrained in his identity now that he constantly feels the burden of sacrificing pieces of himself for others. He feels the guilt of every loss he's suffered, whether it was actually his fault or not. In his mind, no matter how much it hurts, or who it hurts, it's the "right" choice to leave him behind... he's read enough of Varric's tragedies to know how this goes.
I also headcanon that when Carver's made a warden, he goes back to Fereldan to serve under the Hero of Fereldan and becomes best friends with Alistair. So I imagine that's another reason Ed insists he be the one to cover them. He went to great lengths to keep his brother out of this mess [even though Carver protested every step of the way] and doesn't want Carver to lose his best friend, even though he would also be devastated to lose his brother, but y'know.... Ed's just like, "Tell Carver I'm sorry, and that I always thought the world of him."
Even as Alistair, who never got to know his brother and dreamed about meeting his sister only for her to reject him, argued back... it's no use. Ed made up his mind to face his greatest fear to save them, and Ash begrudgingly agrees with him.
As for Varric, it hurts to watch him ask happened to Hawke... and then to listen to him recount a story about the kind of person Hawke was... and to give him a comforting hug... it all hurts.
But... that being said, I have thought about possibly doing a run where I do leave Alistair behind in a worldstate where Rose made the ultimate sacrifice. Alistair lost her and became disillusioned with the Grey Wardens, only remaining because what else is there for him? When it comes to someone staying in the fade, he insists it be him. He faces the nightmare as Hawke and the Inquisitor escape, and mutters under his breath, "Wait for me a little longer, my love," before attacking.
...because why not break my own heart some more, y'know?
Whether I'll be brave enough to attempt that is yet to be seen.
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mournmage · 15 days ago
For the da worldstate questions:
7, 17 and 26?
Answering each question for all three of my boys because I can ~ 7. If they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be? Emyr: He will blatantly refuse to chose between Zevran and Alistair you cannot make him. Zevran is his actual husband tho while Alistair is his weird qpr situationship so take that as you will. Merrick: It's Anders and everyone knows it. This is literally never up for debate from the moment he meets Anders that man is the most important person to him and admittedly as time goes on he hinges his sanity on the fact he's kept Anders alive and by his side all these years. Genuinely no one wants to know what Merrick would be like without him that's a scary timeline to think about. Sion: Dorian is Definitely high on the list and should never doubt his importance to Sion ever, but the actual most important person in his life is his mother. He never knew his dad (who's very much alive but left before he knew Sion was even going to be a thing) and so he values the one parent he had and how much she raised him to be the person he is. Aside from his responsibilities as the Inquisitor he takes great care to make sure Clan Lavellan is well taken care of whenever he can, at least for her sake if no one else's. 17. What were they like as a child? Emyr: Before being sent to the Circle, actually sorta lively. He had two parents who loved him and even if they lived in poverty in the alienage he was happy just to have people who cared about him. After being sent to the Circle when he was about 7 however, he really withdrew on himself for the most part. He put up a good facade of being the model student to appease people, but he became very bitter very fast. It's only thanks to Jowan becoming his best friend early on that he didn't completely give up on himself tbqh. Merrick: Dear god troubled much. Merrick was, to put it lightly, scared of himself a lot as a child. He was always kinda Angry for no discernible reason (autism, but no one knew that), and when his magic manifested primarily as Fire which y'know, responds extremely violently to strong emotions, it did a lot of damage. Both to him personally (he has permanent nerve damage in his hands from years of burning himself accidentally and a lot of built up scar tissue) and to the people around him, namely his relationship to Malcom. Those experiences follow him everywhere and never quite stop haunting him even years into adulthood. Sion: Fairly calm child in pretty much every regard. Despite not having a father around, his mother loved him dearly and made sure he knew it at every turn, and that was enough for him. Even when his magic manifested young, it was never treated as burdensome or something he should fear, and the clan embraced him and he started training with his keeper fairly early on. Despite what everyone else might try to project onto his Dalish upbringing, he was fairly content with his childhood and wouldn't change it even if he had the opportunity. 26. Do they get a happy ending? Emyr & Merrick: Their "happy" ending is actually tied together :) during the interim time between the end of DA2 and the start of Inquisition, Anders gets to properly introduce Merrick and Emyr to each other and Anders actually stays with Emyr while Merrick heads off to Skyhold to help Sion and Varric. When he finally returns home, Emyr invites Anders to join him and Zevran on their journey to find a cure for the calling after finally being reunited nearly a decade after Vigil's Keep (and from being Circle Friends) and so they all decide to stick together. Anders and Emyr are glad to have their friend back and their partners at their side, and Merrick and Zevran both get to bond over a particular love of violence and somehow managing to get attached to people with a death wish. It's good for all of them tbh.
Sion: I'm still currently playing thru Inqusition so I don't have a clear answer to this tbh. Dorian is involved tho I can tell you that much, they're not gonna separate after all this shit together.
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simplyemm · 1 month ago
💐 What is the relationship Rook has with their faction mentor? What was the moment they sent Rook away like?
So I'm answering these for my Rook from this.
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This got loooong so I'm sticking it under the break 😂
Ches (Francesca de Riva) is Viago's second cousin. After her mom passed away, she was sent to Salle to live with her mother's cousin (Viago's mom), except she had passed away the year before, leaving Viago as her only remaining family member. Ches was five and Viago was twenty. Viago took on the role of protective older brother for the first several years, until her magic manifested when she was ten. No one explicitly told her this, but little Baby Ches had the idea in her head that if she wasn't good and wasn't the best that Viago would send her away (this definitely didn't lead to any self-imposed perfectionism or unrealistic expectations). After her magic manifested, their relationship shifted more to a mentor/protege relationship as he ramped up her Crow training and found tutors to help her gain control of her magic.
He knew that she had a lot of potential and pushed her very hard (he sort of slid the sibling relationship over to Teia, knowing that Ches would still need that sort of presence in her life). This led to their relationship becoming somewhat strained, especially when she was in her late teens/early twenties (she's thirty at the time of the events of The Veilguard). She had a bit of a rebellious phase, nothing too crazy, and did sort of realize why Viago was pushing her as hard as he was. She accepts his reasoning but also kind of resents him for it? She gives him everything she's got, but he still pushes harder which makes her believe that she's disappointing him, it's a whole thing. They have a complicated relationship to say the least lol.
The moment she gets sent away happens in a couple different phases. Firstly she was keeping an eye on Varric as a favor to everyone's favorite Antivan Inquisition Ambassador (Josie knew Varric was likely to find trouble and wanted to attempt to keep him out of it) which is why she attacked the Antaam and freed the prisoners in the first place. This leads to her being brought in front of the Talons to answer for her actions, which leads to her public sending away. As Fifth Talon and her Head of House, Viago was the one to deliver the Talons' verdict. She accepts it (she considers herself lucky to be alive at all considering she's also still taking heat from another job that went wrong that she's getting blamed for it wasn't her fault, Illario's just an asshole) and goes to her room to pack. Teia comes by to make sure she's okay and to help pack and this next bit happens: (this is pulled straight from one of the WIP chapter drafts, so it's kinda rough still).
There was a soft knock on the door. "Ches? Can I come in?" "It's your house," Ches replied when she opened the door to Teia. Andarateia Cantori was the Seventh Talon, Viago's on-again-off-again partner, and the closest thing she had to an older sister. "How are you?" she asked, glancing at the bag that the younger woman had been furiously packing. "I mean, lucky to be alive, all things considered," she tried to mask her feelings with her usual wit, but Teia saw right through it. She pulled her into a tight hug. "Do you have a plan? I know you've never really been outside Antiva." Ches nodded. "A friend of Lady Montilyet's was among the prisoners I saved, he's offered me a job. It'll get me out of Antiva at least." She tossed a couple more things into her pack, choosing to leave behind the majority of her clothes and armor that marked her as a Crow, and tied it shut. "Be careful, sorellina," Teia said. "Things will calm down in a little while and then you can come back home." "I don't believe that is your decision, Andarateia," Viago stood in the doorway, looking especially menacing. "Vi-" "Leave us."
From there they have a very tense sort of back and forth that leaves Ches feeling not great (former gifted kid being told they are disappointing an authority figure much?) At which point she leaves, meets up with Varric and heads off to save the world.
Holy shit this got long, but if you're still here THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for asking (also you're wonderful). ❤️❤️
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wildxtreasures · 3 months ago
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Play Session #23 (the last one)
this one if all about the last part of the game after the point of no return!!! there are many emotions under the cut
tldr; i am very emotional - definitely one of the best ends to a game i've ever played?? just an incredible time the whole way through, perhaps i will write up a post on my feelings tomorrow but we end the first playthrough delighted
of course this fucking guy MOVES THE MOON
also reiterating that i need to know how thedas views the moon and their customs
also?????? i thought i heard the beginning of the inquisition theme *cries*
the scene with davrin? how he admits he sees a future now with you???? i am going to cry
can everyone stop trying to take assan? like me and davrin will literally hunt you down if you take him ghilan'nain
ghilan'nain you took my boyfriend and my best friend???? wtf
this fight is baller omg, i feel it in my bones
HARDING, god i knew something like this was coming, my girl had a heroic death but omg i actually cried
the statues of neve in this prison, i am seriously going to cry again, i feel it behind my eyes
i was right, he actually died at the ritual but i don't like being right
i love varric so much omg
i honestly don't think a video game has made me cry this much
can't believe fucking elgar'nan took my varric's storytime what a dick
davrin and rook are so soft, i love them, they just want to be together, they just want a chance at a future
i am so very stressed at assigning people to jobs so stressed !!!!!!!
i must have davrin with me but everything else is up in the air and i did decide lucanis would be my other guy
hi i love seeing all my friends together !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this sequence is so perfect
evka just climbing into this construct is so iconic omg
emmrich throwing a rock at a venatori is so good !!!
and taash gets to become an honourary crow !!!
Solas you are on thin ice my man but thank you for listening to me
eat your humble pie
neve i love you, please let me be able to heal you
my heart
Isabela saying "For Varric." I CRY
guys can we please just say "thom rainier" just for me?????
davrin just told me he loves me?????? AH
an excellent end fight
so happy neve got rid of the blight lmao
i wish there was longer epilogue scenes like there usually is for dragon age games
what you doin here loghain
"the veilguard remains vigilant" does that mean rook comes back???????
0 notes
snowpetrichor · 9 months ago
Oooh this looks fun! Thanks for the prompt, and sorry in advance for the infodump :)
My Inquisitor: Ellana Lavellan (she/her)
Age: 42 at the start of Veilguard, early 30s in Inquisition and Trespasser
Appearance in Inquisition:
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Appearance in Veilguard: She grew her hair out even longer, and started to wear it in a braid; she's gained a few more scars over the years, and her hair has a few streaks of grey. She wears a pretty steampunk-looking prosthetic... despite being a knight-enchanter and theoretically being able to summon an arm like she could with her blade, she prefers to have something more solid.
Race/class: Dalish mage, knight-enchanter! She heard legends of the Emerald Knights and modeled a lot of her fighting style off of them.
Romance: Solas
Best friends among the Inquisition members:
Dorian: During the main game, they first bonded in scholarly discussions about magic and a shared sense of humor, and with time they became thick as thieves! They were always found together in Skyhold, debating literature or chatting about politics or philosophy. After Trespasser, they stayed in contact with each other, and Ellana visits Dorian in Tevinter when she can. He introduced her to Maevaris on one of these visits, so Ellana and Mae are good friends too. :D
Cassandra: Ellana and Cassandra may have had a bit of a rocky start, but the two of them grew extremely close during Inquisition. Despite their ideological differences, they understand each other. Cassandra is working on rebuilding the Seekers, so Ellana occasionally helped her with that after Trespasser. They write letters often and regularly fangirl over the "smutty literature" that they both read. >_<
Josephine: Josie has been close with Ellana since the very start of the Inquisition; when Ellana was feeling stranded and alone in her early days of being the Herald of Andraste, Josie was kind and willing to listen to her... later on, the two of them were able to open up to each other about their struggles, and their friendship formed based on a deep trust. After Trespasser, Ellana would go to visit Josephine in Antiva on a regular basis. :D
Honorable mentions: Cole and Varric
Who they got along with the least: Vivienne and Ellana most definitely started off on the wrong foot... upon meeting her, Vivienne thought that Ellana was naive and overly idealistic, while Ellana thought that Viv was too judgmental. However, after Bastien's death, Ellana was supportive of Viv and their relationship took a turn for the better. Vivienne is actually warm towards her now, but it basically took all of Inquisition to get there.
Save or sacrifice the Chargers: Saved the Chargers!
What to do about Blackwall: Ellana mandated that Blackwall become a Grey Warden. She was pretty close with Blackwall and his reveal shocked her, but she was convinced that he was an honorable and good man at heart, so she told him to become a Grey Warden to atone for his past instead of immediately paying for his past with his life.
Spirit vs. Human: Cole is more of a spirit. Though she saw the merits of both sides, Ellana didn't want to force Cole to change from his nature as a spirit.
Mages or Templars: Allied with the mages.
Winter Palace: Celene in power with Briala at her side. Ellana is a romantic and upon seeing the opportunity to reconcile them, she took it.
Who was left in the Fade: Stroud.
Clan Lavellan: Clan Lavellan survived! Ellana returns to her father and her surviving siblings after Trespasser is over (for a time).
Vallaslin: Ellana decided to remove her vallaslin. Though she knew all of the lore about the elven gods by heart, she was more interested in the stories from a scholarly perspective and had a complicated relationship with religion... she leaned on her belief in the gods to stave off/deny the title of "The Herald of Andraste", but she was always more agnostic than anything. The events of Inquisition put her in an odd place with faith in general. When Solas came to her, she was already conflicted enough about religion that she made a snap decision and had him remove them. Ellana trusted him quite a lot (probably a bit too much) and his conviction was just enough to push her over the edge. However, she came to regret it almost immediately after, and felt like she had cut herself off from her clan and heritage. Removing the vallaslin inadvertently made her realize just how much her culture (and their religious beliefs) meant to her. That decision haunted her for the two years between Inquisition and Trespasser; learning the truth about the elven gods helped calm her storm of regret, but even now she feels like she should have thought about it way more than she did in the moment. In an ideal situation, she would have asked Solas for time to make her decision.
Vir'Abelasan: Morrigan drank from the well. Ellana's gut reaction was to drink from it, but after Solas brushing off the whole situation and Cole saying that she "didn't want those voices in her head", she thought twice about it and offered the well to Morrigan instead. As the Inquisitor, she didn't think it made sense to put herself in possible danger when someone else was willing to take that risk... it ate her up that she didn't take that chance to learn more about the past, but after learning what the well could do to those who drank from it, she didn't regret it.
Who became the Divine: Softened Leliana.
Relationship status/save or kill Solas: Despite the two years that had passed between Inquisition and Trespasser, Ellana was still deeply in love with Solas. She swore that she would save him no matter what. Var lath vir suledin. In the decade afterwards, age and time made her realize that she might have to fight him as a last resort - she's reconciled herself to that fact. 10 years is a long time to pine after someone, and most of her passion has turned to pained thoughts of what could have been (not exactly helped by the fact that he haunts her dreams), but she's determined to turn Solas from his path. I imagine if they saw each other again in Veilguard, a lot of old emotions would come flowing back; assuming that they have to work together at any point, she'd be experiencing a lot of internal turmoil (as would Solas).
Keep or disband the Inquisition: Ellana disbanded the Inquisition, but its remnants live on in the shadows. She still works with many of the old contacts of the Inquisition, dedicating her resources to finding Solas.
InQUIZitor: A questionnaire to hype us up for Veilguard
So I read this article stating that in The Veilguard, we'll be able to make our Inquisitors in the CC and pick some of their crucial decisions. I immediately FREAKED OUT and made a lil questionnaire for my fwens to tell me about their Inquisitors and their crucial decisions, and I thought I would share!
FRIENDS, PALS, BUDDIES: Feel free to fill out this questionnaire, send it to anyone who wants to scream about their Inky, and reblog as you see fit!
Feel free to add any other information or decisions that felt crucial to you (e.g. if you were Dalish, did the Lavellan clan survive?), and expand on your answers as much as you want!
Inquisitor name, age, race, class:
Romance (if applicable):
Best friends among the Inquisition members (pick 3):
Least favourite Inquisition member/who they got along with the least:
Did they save the Chargers or sacrifice them?
What did they do about Blackwall?
Did Cole become spirit vs. human?
Did they side with the mages or the Templars?
Who did they put in power at the Winter Palace?
Who did they leave in the Fade?
Did they drink from the Vir'Abelasan, or did Morrigan?
Who became the Divine?
Are they friendly with Solas? Did they want to "save" Solas or kill him at the end of Trespasser?
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lios-archive · 4 years ago
I finally finished all the DA Inquisition DLCs and holy shit I'm still crying. Trespasser was definitely the most emotional one...your meeting with Solas, the inquisition's dissolution (if you want it to split up) and the whole epilogue of its consequences. Varric becomes Kirkwall's Viscount and reunites with his good old friend Hawke (i love you sir), but imo the ones that REALLY GOT ME RIGHT HERE ->❤️ are related to Dorian, Blackwall and Cullen.
It doesn't matter if Dorian is miles away from the Inquisitor. The crystal he gave her keeps them in contact and whenever he feels like he wants to give up on his new role following his father's death, he can count on Trevelyan, his best friend.
Blackwall Thom leaves his friends to redeem himself after all that happened by serving the Grey Wardens. He helps people who need to be protected and often gives homeless children a few toys.
Cullen and Trevelyan decided to live their private life somewhere, with a Mabari. They both went through so much and seeing them finally enjoying themselves is heartwarming.
When I first stepped into the Dragon Age franchise I didn't expect it to become so important to me, funny how Inquisition slowly became my favourite videogame (along with Origins, which I played four times).
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saintlethanavir · 4 years ago
Inquisitor as a Companion: Updated
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Inquisitor’s Name: Calliope Tarenan Lavellan
Alternate Name?: Calliope Tarenan Himanaris 
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dalish Elf, two handed warrior, Reaver ; mage, necromancer (loyalty and/or romance dependant)
Varric’s Nickname for them: Shortstack
Default Tarot Card: Death (Upright: Endings, change, transformation, transition)
Loyalty Tarot Card: Judgement (Upright: absolution, rebirth, inner calling)
Romance Tarot Card: The Star (Upright: Hope, faith, purpose)
Hostile/Unloyal Tarot Card: Death ( Reversed: Resistance to change, personal transformation) 
How they are recruited:
The Inquisitor will come upon a dalish elf loitering in front of the Chantry after completely the prologue. They’ve been trying to get the attention of any guard that walks by though most completely ignore them or say they’ll send word to the proper people. Upon the Inquisitor leaving the Chantry they call out in an annoyed tone to them, a definitive mix of an Irish and French accent. 
If they’re an elf: “Will you not help a fellow elf, falon? Lot of people coming and going, ignoring my requests. Could you spare some time? 
If they’re not an elf: “Would you kindly tell your people to stop pulling my leg? I need someone to actually help me and not completely ignore my requests. Think you can do that?”
At that point the Inquisitor can: 
1. Apologize for the people before them not taking them seriously and ask what’s going on
2. Sigh heavily and commiserate, make a sarcastic comment about shemlen if Dalish, and ask what’s wrong
3. Tell them their tone is probably what put them off but if it helps them feel better they’ll do their best to help. 
With any of these options, Calliope will say that a friend of theirs is being held in the Chantry on an assault charge. Their brother, Elessar, accidentally nabbed a templar in the shoulder while out in the woods surrounding Haven. The Templar is fine and they’d rather not let their friend rot down there. If you answered with Option 3. Calliope will be short with you, and you will start with a lower approval score. 
The Inquisitor can then tell Calliope to move on or that they will release Elessar personally, and they either owe them and would like to speak to them, or that they just want to speak to them. 
If the Inquisitor tells them to move on: Calliope will break into the Chantry and get their friend out. Later on in Skyhold there will be a chance to recruit them if you go down to visit a prisoner, both Elessar and Calliope were arrested for spying on the group as they settled into Skyhold. If you recruit both of them during this scene you will start out with the lowest approval you can obtain with them.
If the Inquisitor breaks Elessar out: Calliope will express their interest in repaying the Inquisitor or say that they want to repay their debt as quickly as possible so they can get back to their clan. You can either dismiss them at this point or take them on as a companion.
Where they are in Skyhold: In the reading nook Dorian stands in, usually sitting at a table and idly reading a book about dragons. You can also find them hacking apart training dummies near the tavern. 
Things they Generally Approve of:
Sarcastic dialogue options
Supporting magic/mages
Supporting Elves
Criticism of the Chantry/Circle/Templars
Fighting Dragons
Being friendly towards spirits
Things they Generally Disapprove of:
Cruel/harsh criticisms of magic
Supporting the Chantry
Supporting the Circle/Templars
Criticism of Elves
Major decisions:
Greatly Approves Allying with the Mages
If in the party: “They have spent enough time in cages. Let them spread their wings, let them be free.”
If Inquisitor is an elf/mage: “Falon/Lethallen, you know just as I that magic can only be stunted under oppressive influence. Let them be free of their cages, it’s up to them what they do with their freedom.”
Back at Haven: “You did the right thing, never doubt that. They’ll be singing your praises tonight.”
Disapproves Conscripting the Mages
If in the party/Back at Haven: “You would have them trade one cage for another? Lovely.”
If the Inquisitor is an elf/mage: “I hope you release them eventually. A caged dog will bite the hand that feeds it.”
Greatly Disapproves of Allying with Templars:
If in party/Back at Haven: “You would trust a bunch of fools who believe they have a right to cage other people? That’s rich.
If the Inquisitor is an elf: “Fen’harel ma ghilana, garas quenathra. They will be the end of us all, da’len. May you learn from your mistakes.”
Slightly Approves of Conscripting the Templars: 
If in party/Back at Haven: “At the very least they have to do what you say, no? I hope you know what you’re doing. “
Approves of letting the Wardens Stay
If in the party/Back at Skyhold: “The wardens have a chance to make up for what happened, thank you for giving them that chance. “
Slightly Disapproves of Exiling them 
If in the party/Back at Skyhold: You didn’t exile the Fereldan Wardens did you? I wonder what will happen when the next Blight comes. I hope I’m not here to see it.
Greatly Disapproves Briala/Celene getting back together and/or Celene being on the throne/saved. Slightly Disapproves Gaspard ruling alone, and Approves of Briala puppeting Gaspard
If asked their opinion at the Winter Palace: “You should put Briala at the center and let the Empress die. She burned down the alienage, elves lost their families and lives. It was bad enough Halamshiral was taken from them once.”
If the Inquisitor is an elf: “I will help you end Empress Celene myself if it comes down to it. Briala is who I would choose. I hope you would as well.” 
Greatly Approves Allying with the Ancient Elves and doing the Rituals
Disapproves Killing the Ancient Elves
Slightly Disapproves if a non elven Inquisitor or Morrigan drinks from the Well of Sorrows
Approves if an elven Inquisitor drinks from the Well of Sorrows
Any decision made to make a mage Tranquil will result in Calliope becoming hostile towards the Inquisitor and romance/loyalty is cut off
Friends in the Inquisition: Iron Bull, Dorian, Varric, Sera, Cole, Leliana, brief friendship/romance with Solas. 
Romanceable?: Calliope is romanceable by male inquisitors of any race or class! Flirting is available the moment you get to Haven, though they are a lot more receptive to kind/non rival Inquisitors. A full romance is available after Here Lies the Abyss and if you continue to flirt with them, express interest in them. They will slowly reveal to you that they suffer from hallucinations (both auditory and visual) and have since they were a child, they have gotten worse since their magic appeared at the age of seven. Pressing on this matter the first time will result in them saying they don’t wish to speak more about it, but maybe in time they can tell the Inquisitor why they don’t just use their magic to alleviate some of their stress. 
After Here Lies the Abyss the Inquisitor can approach Calliope about what the Nightmare said to them, as it called them Lethanavir. A non elven Inquisitor may be confused as to what that means or at least curious, but an elven Inquisitor knows that’s the title of Falon’Din. Calliope will of course explain if the Inquisitor is in need of it, but they’re just as confused as them about what that could mean for them specifically. They will joke about past lives and memory loss to lighten the mood, but will confide in the Inquisitor that what they hear in their hallucinations are the sounds of the dying. Last words and breaths. Their visual hallucinations come at times of high stress and will sometimes involve watching someone they know or don’t know die. Sometimes they become paranoid that the person is truly dead and has been replaced if it’s someone they know. They believed for some time that practicing their magic would alleviate some of these instances but it never has. 
Though they don’t believe it’ll help much, an Inquisitor can either support them in building their magical talents or telling them it may not be worth it. If they support Calliope they will seek out the help of the Inner Circle Mages, and if Dorian is within the Inner Circle they will latch onto his teachings. It is also possible in the course of this romance to begin a polyamorous relationship with Calliope, Dorian, and the Iron Bull if the Inquisitor expresses interest in all three of them. It is also entirely possible for Calliope and the Inquisitor to engage in a polyam relationship with Solas, but eventually Calliope will break off the relationship with Solas for ‘personal differences’. This is also true if Calliope is not romanced and Solas isn’t pursued at first or not at all by the Inquisitor. Then if Dorian and Iron Bull are not Romanced, or if one or the other isn’t romanced, they will enter into a relationship with both or one of them. 
You will get a dance scene in Halamshiral if you take Callie along with you, though the scene will go a little differently depending on what you’ve done so far in the game. If Here Lies the Abyss is done after Halamshiral you will not get a dance scene with Calliope but you will be able to flirt with them as per usual. 
Upon finding them in the palace gardens sitting on the pool where you toss the coins: 
Inquisitor: How are you finding the party? It must be nice to know what everyone is talking about.
Calliope: Ah yes, I love hearing about the various affairs of nobles and how they’ve been abusing their staff. At least the food is good, but I wouldn’t touch the ham no matter what Dorian says. 
Inquisitor, flirting: Do you think you’ll have time for a dance later?
Calliope (if in a relationship already): Vhenan, I will be whisking you away to the dance floor no less than three times if I have my way.
(If not in a relationship yet): I think I can pencil you in for at least one. Though I will be leading, I hope that’s alright (laughs). 
A romance will be locked in after Halamshiral or the completion of Here Lies the Abyss if Halamshiral was done first. They will meet the Inquisitor in their quarters and begin to show off what they’ve learned, commenting that their twin helped them perfect a barrier spell which they use on the Inquisitor. They will then share a tender moment and kiss, pushing the Inquisitor down on the bed. However, the Inquisitor can either choose to tell them they want to spend time with them but wish to not be physical, or they can continue that particular scene. Either way they’ll wake up the next morning with Calliope smiling at them and telling them they love them in Elven. 
There is a repeatable kiss scene with Calliope in the Inquisitor's quarters as well as a tarot card change! They will go from a two handed warrior to a necromancer as well, though will still use a sword along with their magic. At the end of the game there will be a cut scene where Calliope follows the Inquisitor into their rooms, then sweeps them into a near crushing embrace. 
Calliope: We survived, I cannot believe we survived. 
Inquisitor: You sound so thrilled! 
Calliope: (laughs) Asshole. You know what I mean. I am...just happy that we’re here together at the end of it all. 
Fear: The Dark 
What the Nightmare says to them: “Ah, Lethanavir. The Darkness will only consume you again, why do you struggle so? Wouldn’t it be better if you laid down and gave up?
Small side mission: 
Whose Faithful Sing: Calliope has tasked you to help them give final rites to the Dalish elves who have helped the Inquisition but died in the process. Take their remains to the Emerald Graves, the Dales, and the Hinterlands to lay them to rest. (Grants Approval all three times). 
This quest is given to you after unlocking the Emerald Graves on the War Table. 
Companion quest:
In the Dark, All is Revealed: This quest is given to you when Calliope asks to see the Inquisitor post Halamshiral and romance scene (if you romanced them). There will be a cut scene where Calliope lets the Inquisitor know that their twin brother recently joined the Grey Wardens after the events of Here Lies the Abyss, citing that he wanted to actually do something for the world for once. While Calliope had their reservations about this, especially because of the false Calling, Elessar did this anyway though has not had his Joining yet. He was recruited into the Grey Wardens of Ferelden and went with them on an excursion to the Deep Roads to block off some darkspawn hordes only to get trapped in a cave in. Calliope wants your help to get Elessar out of this situation. 
If Calliope hasn’t been romanced, and you are at low approval, and you tell them you can’t do this for them they will permanently leave the Inquisition. Refer to end card section for what happens post DAI and Trespasser. If you take this quest however keep reading! 
Calliope and the Inquisitor will go to the Storm Coast where the cave in happened and search for Elessar. They encounter the main group made up of grey wardens and Legion of the Dead soldiers, who mention the Elessar was cut off from the main group with Carver Hawke (Bethany Hawke if Carver did not survive DA2, or an unnamed senior warden if either are unavailable). After fighting through a horde, Calliope mentions that they’re having trouble with seeing things and that there are voices in their head. A romanced Inquisitor can ask if they’re alright and they’ll just say that they’re fine, it’s nothing. 
After another horde, there will be a cut scene where Calliope faints after they fell all the darkspawn. There’s a moment where the party freaks out only for Calliope to open their eyes wide and sharply inhale, with a two toned voice saying that there’s something big coming. And an ogre will show up! Their abilities will be slightly more erratic,either as a necromancer or a Reaver and halfway through the fight Carver (or whoever it was) will show up with Elessar. The twins begin to fight in sync and act much in the same manner until the ogre is felled and the Inquisitor can ask questions. The twins will reveal that they are Falon’Din and Dirthamen, a revelation to both of them, as the gods needed time to reveal and dedicate themselves to the cause. They explain that they are inhabiting the bodies of the twins not unlike how the Old God soul is inhabiting Keiran (if he was the result of the Dark Ritual. If he was not born they will liken it to being reincarnation. All references to being an abomination are met with scorn. They will then ascend to the surface after the gods release their holds, and the Inquisitor can interrogate the twins. Both mention they had no idea what was going on and will need some time to process, but they promise they’ll keep the Inquisitor posted. If they’re not elven they will also explain who the gods are. 
Once back at Skyhold a cutscene will trigger with Calliope asking to talk to the Inquisitor in their quarters. They’ll reveal that they’ve talked to Falon’Din, or what they believe is Falon’Din, and that while things are still murky they’re grateful for the Inquisitor helping them and their twin brother. If the Inquisitor is romanced, Calliope will mention that they understand if the Inquisitor is no longer interested, but the Inquisitor can reassure them that they still are and this doesn’t change who Calliope is as a person. 
End Cards/Trespasser: 
If loyal to the Inquisitor: ‘Calliope promised to stay at the Inquisitors side, as a bodyguard and friend. The Tarenan Clan are steadfast allies to the Inquisition, who hopes this will finally be a step towards peace for the Dalish.’ 
If romanced: ‘The Inquisitor and their paramour, the Lethanavir made quite the ripple amongst Chantry officials when they announced their partnership. Maker help anyone who should stand against them. Though some still grumble about and supposed elven god being in love with the Herald of Andraste.’
If they left the Inquistion: ‘Not much is known about what happened to Lavellan/Himanaris, though some say they’ve spotted the elf in the Emerald Graves. Though it was only ever for a moment. They left behind whispers of death and revenge, so the soldiers say.’
Trespasser: ‘They found traces of Lavellan/Himanaris between a section of Crossroads where it seems they have amassed quite the following. Dalish elves flock towards rumors of the reincarnation of Falon’Din and Dirthamen, but whether or not those rumors can be trusted is yet to be seen.’
If romanced: ‘What transpired at the Council leaves many questions for Calliope, but they know they will always have their Inquisitor close at hand. Come what may they will not let the growing threat of Fen’Harel and his plans overshadow theirs. There are fewer grumbles from the Chantry about their relationship with the Inquisitor, but the fires have been stoked once more after Calliope proposed. What will come for them next, its anyone’s guess.’
If loyal to the Inquisitor: ‘Promises to the Inquisition were made and they will be kept. Plans have come to fruition between Dorian and the Lethanavir, scouring the lands for any trace of Fen’harel and his spies (if Dorian is not romanced). Rumors have spread that the Magister may have even taken on Calliope as his paramour. The Magisterium has certain words for the pair, but they always fall on deaf ears. 
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brekkie-e · 3 months ago
I suppose some people might interpret it that way if they're more in the "Solas is an outright villian" camp, but I think the fact that Solas clearly views these decisions as regrets (one of which even spawns a regret demon/revanent) makes them sacrifices.
Some further insight on the Felassan scene- he went to meet Solas willingly. He considered doing things to prevent himself from entering the Fade, but he decided not to. The whole scene has this duality to it. He seems both fond of Solas, in a sad sort of way, but also scared of him. He acts like he's catching up with an old friend and playfully getting into a one-sided debate with him. He's not holding it against him that he can't change his mind. He doesn't try to. He dies with a smile on his face while teasing Solas over the fact Briala reminds Felassan of him. But despite the fondness- there is also a sadness and an undercurrent of fear. The reality is that he knows his friend well enough to know that the moment he shows his cards and Solas realizes he's chosen Briala over The Cause™️- he will die for it. There isn't room for discussion. And Felassan is meeting that fate as bravely as he can.
There is a part of me that thinks Solas holds this kill against himself more than Felassan does. It's nuanced. He obviously wasn't happy to die. But it's almost like with real wolves. Felassan understood Solas was dangerous. He loved him. They had a bond. But he never forgot what he was capable of, and because of that didn't hold his nature against him, I think?
Rambling aside- on the subject of Solas getting rid of people who could change his mind! He does this often! It's why Felassan has to go. If he starts giving him counter arguments, he is a distraction at best a liability at worst. He does this with Cole at the end of Inquisition. He forces him to forget him because Cole wanted to help and helping meant choosing a different path. He does it with a romanced Inquisitor in two ways. He refuses to let her come with him because he "doesn't want her to see what he must become." And also because he outright tells her it's too easy to talk to her and it would be too easy to start heeding her advise. (I cant remember exactly what the quote is but that's the jist of it.)
So yeah. I think in ways Varric and Felassan are collateral. But it definitely goes beyond that. Solas cannot allow anyone who tries to change his mind the opportunity to succeed at it.
I have a question to those who've read The Masqued Empire. I understand I will never read it myself, cause there is just one question I am interested in, and here it is:
Does Solas killing Felassan seem out if character in the context of the Veilguard? Is there a valid
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roguelioness · 3 years ago
OC questionnaire
Tagged by @noire-pandora and @cleverblackcat - thank you! ♥
Tagging @kagetsukai, @ma-sulevin, @rosella-writes, @shannaraisles, @thevikingwoman, @redinkofshame, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @hoochieblues, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @ejunkiet, @hoochieblues, @iarollane, @funkypoacher
Character’s name: Neria Lavellan
Role in story: Reluctant Inquisitor, even more reluctant Herald.
Physical description: Neria is short (5′4) with a slender, willowy build that only marginally improves once she has access to regular meals. She has platinum-blond hair and forest-green eyes, both of which were part of the reason she chose Ghilan’nain’s vallaslin. There’s a sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks that deepens in color with increased sun exposure. She bears an assortment of scars of all shapes and sizes covering the length of her body.
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
ISFJ [the Defender] -  The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.
Type 6 [The Loyalist] - The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.
What is their greatest fear?
Loneliness. Neria had a typical childhood, with friends she played often with, and she never felt alone. Once she she developed magic, however, she had to train to control her power and could not spend as much time with her playmates and so grew apart from them. Being appointed First made that gap wider. Even though she was well-liked by everyone in her clan, she often felt quite alone. In the Inquisition she made good friends who gave her a place where she felt like she belonged, and a lover who offered her the security she so desperately desired. Losing either would be painful; losing both would send her  spiraling into misery.
Inner motivation:
She strives to do what’s right. She went to the Conclave because the hunter who was to go was in love and wanted to get married, and it did not seem fair to her. She joined the Inquisition because the Breach needed to be closed, and Corypheus needed to be defeated. It is also why she strive to redeem Solas, even though several of her friends would rather see him killed.
Indecision. She worries often if the decisions she makes are the right ones, especially around the war table where a wrong choice can have disastrous consequences.
What is their misbelief about the world?
That humans are inherently selfish and are only concerned with their own gain.
Lesson they need to learn:
That despite doing her best she cannot control the outcome of situations.
What is the best thing in their life?
Her friends. All of them come from varied backgrounds and they have helped broaden her mind and her experiences. More importantly, they’ve given her a place where she feels truly welcome.
What is the worst thing in their life?
The shattering of her beliefs. Learning what she did at the Temple of Mythal shook her greatly. Everything that happened after - learning she was bound to a mostly-dead goddess, the truth of the vallaslin, the truth of the previous Inquisitor, the truth of the elven gods - it stripped away all of the things she had once been secure in, and leaves her incredibly uncertain and out-of-control.
What do they most often look down on people for?
Intolerance, and judging people based on what they look like. She also dislikes people who are inflexible and rigid.
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
The small moments. Sunrise over the Frostbacks. Wildflowers near the road. Laughter over mugs of ale. Quiet conversation around a campfire. Holding hands with a lover, fingers twined. 
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
Compassion and understanding. Though she misses Solas terribly she won’t say he’s the last person who offered her love because she knows there are different types of love. Her friends make her feel loved in their own ways, and she appreciates that.
Top three things they value most in life?
Knowledge, compassion, patience.
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with?
A necklace that belonged to her great-great grandmother. It’s a circular disc of halla horn onto which is carved a rune of protection, hanging from a leather cord. Her great-great-grandfather, who was the clan’s keeper at the time, made it for his wife, and it was passed down to the eldest. She offered it to Solas, but he knew how much it meant to her and instead suggested she make one like it for him - which she did.
Describe a typical outfit from top to bottom.
She tends to favor simple cuts, but develops a fondness for fabric. Highever weave, royale sea silk, imperial vestment cotton and dales loden wool are some of her favorites. She prefers tunics and pants, with some amount of embroidery, and her boots are well-crafted and sturdy.
What names or nicknames have they been called through their life?
What is their method of manipulation?
- Da’len (her parents, adults in the clan, the Keeper)
- Silver (Varric)
- Ner-bear (Dorian, though Bull uses it to annoy her)
- Fenor (Solas)
Neria doesn’t actively manipulate; most of the time she uses the way other people view her against them. She knows a great many people see her as only a knife-ear, as uneducated and unintelligent and “savage”, so she’ll play into that, all the while gaining information from them that she passes on to Leliana and Josephine.
In battle, her small size and build means she can remain hidden as she attacks. If someone does attempt to fight her they soon discover she’s not as weak as she appears to be.
Describe their daily routine.
With clan Lavellan it was more relaxed; there would always be some time spent learning, mending, aiding other people, but there was no routine set in stone.
With the Inquisition, her routine varies wildly depending on whether she’s out on the field, or at Skyhold. Even at Skyhold no two days are the same. The only things she sticks to for herself is an hour or reading in the morning (usually with tea) and dinner with Solas.
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
Hot, fragrant tea, lots of finger foods, a trashy novel.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
Post-Inquisition she’s lost, and steadily gets more so. Everything she thought she knew turned out to be wrong, and she struggles with regaining some of that sense of self.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Security. A sense of steadiness. A place that she can call her own, where she doesn’t have to be alone. 
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
Neria wishes she knew. She could go and create a home for herself, but she would be alone. Or she could go after Solas to demonstrate to both of them that they don’t have to be alone, but it means she can’t have a home. She doesn’t know how she can get both.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
She tries her best, but between the loss of her arm and the knowledge that Solas is so much more powerful than her, she fears she won’t be able to succeed.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
She very deliberately does not think about it. When she does, she thinks about what Varric once said: heroes don’t get happy endings. (She hopes, desperately, that he’s wrong).
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aricazorel · 3 years ago
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @enasallavellan Thank You! This was really fun!
Answering for my Dragon Age: Inquisition OC from my ongoing fanfic series on AO3.
(This got a little long so more below the cut)
Character’s name:
Anyssa McBride
Role in story:
Inquisition Historian from Earth (MGIT story; Anchor series on AO3)
Physical description:
5ft 6in, wavy honey blonde hair that currently reaches midway down her back (on Earth it was roughly shoulder length, ice blue eyes
She is 26 when she arrives in Thedas and currently is 29 in my story. (She will be 30 shortly after the events set in Trespasser)
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
I took two different tests when I created Anyssa and both labeled her as ‘ENFJ’—the giver or mentor. (I would argue that while she tested as an extrovert she does appreciate introvertedness and the current situation dictates which she chooses to be)
What is their greatest fear?
Being used and taken for granted
Inner motivation:
To help others and support them, hoping to see them happy
Having her self-doubts realized
What is their misbelief about the world?
Anyssa believes that everyone wants help and they just do not know how to ask for it. Unfortunately she has found out that some people just don’t want help no matter how sincere you are.
Lesson they need to learn:
She needs to learn to trust herself. Those around her know of her past on Earth and have made efforts to help her learn that. But no matter what, she still struggles with it, sometimes to the point of questioning whether she deserves the life she now has.
What is the best thing in their life?
A group of people who love and care for her. In other words, Friends
What is the worst thing in their life?
A history on Earth of those that were supposed to care for her, using her instead…and abuse. After her parents died in a car crash during her junior in high school, she went to live with her aunt and uncle who proceeded to steal the money her parents had left her for college. Later she entered into a relationship with a seemingly charming man named Bryan who turned out to be emotionally and physically abusive towards her. After two years she worked up the courage to attempt to leave. After multiple tries, she finally succeeded only to end up in Thedas.
What do they most often look down on people for?
Taking advantage of others, being cruel/mean to others, judging other without taking into consideration what they have been through
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
Writing stories based on those around her, sharing her knowledge with people who appreciate it, learning about the cultures and people around her, horseback riding, rock climbing, exploring the tunnels under Skyhold
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
The people she had come to know as friends in Thedas. They have become her ‘found’ family—something she thought to never have again. The last person to make her feel that way is Cullen. He always knows the right thing to say or the right thing to do to let her know she is loved.
Top three things they value most in life?
Acceptance by others, support of others, friendship
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why?
No personal items from Earth made it through the rift to Thedas with Anyssa. What she has come to cherish most is the small items her friends have given her in an effort to make she feel at home. Most notably is the Cullen’s coin she wears around her neck and a stuffed dragon named Puff he gave her before they ever began their relationship.
Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.
For her normal duties as historian, she wears simple dresses common to Ferelden fashion as well as blouses and skirts. For more formal affaires she wears one the many dresses Vivienne had made for her that incorporates Orlesian, Fereldan, and Free Marcher styles. For when she explores the caverns below Skyhold or travels away from the keep, she prefers typical traveling clothes and pants over skirts.
Most of her clothes are shades of light blue which Cullen said matches her eyes. She also wears purple in various shades being as it is her favorite color.
What names or nicknames have they been called throughout their life?
Nyssa and Nys. Most of her friends have called her Nyssa at some point in her life. Nys is only used by Cullen. He has also been known to use the endearment “sweetling” after they began their relationship.
What is their method of manipulation?
Anyssa isn’t known for manipulating anyone out right. Most of the time, she will rephrase an argument point to make the other party believe they are making a choice freely. This is not something she employs with people she is friends with or allied with. It a trick she holds in reserve when dealing with unreasonable nobles, especially when she has been called on to aid Josephine.
However, she is not above manipulating Cullen to either ensure he does not take on too much or because she would like some private time with him. A bright smile and repeatedly saying ‘please’ usually works. The first time Cullen realized he could not say no to her was when she asked to see a real dragon. In the end, he gifted her a stuffed dragon she named Puff and then took her to Crestwood to see the dragon there (from a safe distance of course.)
Describe their daily routine.
Anyssa’s routine various from day to day depending on the work load and what other duties she’s been tasked with. Normally, she holds any meetings in the morning and she makes time to watch the sparring ring from the battlements (especially if Cullen is participating). After that she may conduct any research she can on historical items the Inquisition has acquired and writes any correspondence to allies that might have knowledge she does not. She frequently checks in with Dagna in the Undercroft and reports the archanist’s progress to those interested. (Most people tend to shy away from Dagna but Anyssa finds her fascinating and funny.) She often finds Cullen for lunch and reminds him to eat. Her afternoons might involve cataloging artfifacts and tomes recovered in the hopes of returning them to their proper owners. If time allows, she can be found exploring and mapping the caverns and tunnels below Skyhold much to Cullen’s dismay. Throughout her day though, Anyssa has learned to work in time for her friends as well as for herself (though it has been a struggle in learning to do so)
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
There a several different answers to this. One is Sera. Both Anyssa and the Red Jenny enjoy pranks. Frequently Anyssa may provide the idea or inspiration while Sera carries out the actual pranks itself.
Horseback riding alone or with Cullen.
Playing Wicked Grace with Varric and/or Bull, Blackwall, and the Chargers. (Drinking and storytelling maybe involved.)
Reading a book with Cullen.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
Overall, Anyssa is exceedingly happy with her life in Thedas. It is something she never thought to have again after her parents death and the abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend. She had friends, a family, a career, someone to love her (whom she loves with all her heart), and a new purpose in life. If there was one thing that she would be dissatisfied with, it would be the knowledge that despite all the good the Inquisition did there will still be people who still cling to the old ways. In other words, she wishes that everyone could find the acceptance and support she has found but knows that the old ways are easier for some to hold onto instead of embracing change.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Finally realizing that she did nothing wrong and it was not her fault that anyone left her or treated her poorly. Those were decisions made by others and she is not responsible for that. Cullen has aided her greatly in making progress with this but it is a struggle she will always have. But then again she has found a support network and love, so in the end she is already happy/content.
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
This is something Anyssa initially struggled with. Cullen was the first to admit he loved her and it took seven months before she could say it back. After that, they talked circles around making concrete plans about their future. Finally, they decided to just make the plans as they went (making a list of things they wanted.) When Cullen decided to start a Templar sanctuary after retirement, that solidified things. Now all that remains to be done is see the Inquisition through to the end and then begin their future.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
Her past relationship colored how she reacted to Cullen’s affections and made her question whether she could trust his words. (she learned to trust his actions first and then his words)
Haven and Skyhold were the places she first felt welcomed in Thedas, like she had a real home again.
She questioned whether she could be lead historian in a world she knew nothing of, questioning even the skills she had learned on Earth.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
Anyssa has decided to focus on what she can do in the present and prepare for the future she wants. She has begun making plans for how to transfer her skills to a slightly different career path aft her the conclusion of the Inquisition and has told Cullen she will support his dream of a Templar sanctuary while pursuing her own path. To ensure that happens, she will more than likely rely on Cullen for reminders to believe in herself and trust that she knows what she is doing. In the end, it all comes down to trust for Anyssa and her Commander is the one she trusts the most.
Tagging @commanderadorkable, @shadoedseptmber, @raflesia65, @noire-pandora and anyone else who would like to play! No pressure, just fun!
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mrs-theirin · 4 years ago
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hi! so in attempts to read more fanfic, i’ve decided to share some that i’ve enjoyed these past few weeks! hopefully i can continue to do this every friday :)
(a * means it’s a WIP!)
Still | TheIcyQueen / @queenofbaws - Dragon Age & FemHawke/Varric
There are plenty of things Varric and Hawke are good at: snide remarks, drinking the swill served at the Hanged Man, getting into trouble, nearly dying but still managing not to, witty one-liners…but sitting down and talking about their feelings? Eh, not so much. That goes double when the feelings in question are of a, uh, complicated nature. Or romantic. Or both. And Maker help them, but things have absolutely entered ‘both’ territory. Surely they’ll figure it out, right? Right. …right?
Hawke and Varric try to figure some stuff out. (18,796 words)
i cannot recommend this one enough. it is SO good and queenie is just so good at writing anyway......the characterization is beautiful and spot-on, the prose is fantastic, and it’s everything i could ever want in a hawke/varric fic. the ending was BEAUTIFUL and honestly the best thing i’ve read in a long time, so i’m BEGGING you to check it out
A Kirkwall Flight | Her_Madjesty - Dragon Age & FemHawke/Varric
Samplings from the Hanged Man's cocktail menu during the Era of the Champion, 9:30-9:34 Dragon. (7,584 words)
absolutely AMAZING read. i was completely astonished at the emotions this fic made me feel. each section is labeled as a drink offered at the hanged man, and each drink’s taste relates to the mood of the section. it’s BRILLIANT. i cannot praise this enough. million kudos fic right here
*half sick of shadows | @hawkeish + @veorlian - Dragon Age & Carver/Merrill
For the first time, she looked up at his face. His eyes were clear and blue as the Waking Sea, and as they locked onto hers, something warm kindled inside her chest.
“Carver?” she murmured.
Relief flooded his expression, dancing in those eyes, and he held onto her just a little too tight.
“Oh, thank the Maker,” he breathed.
Carver Hawke, once the captain of the Kirkwall Guard, has left his old life behind to return to Ferelden and become Commander of the Inquisition. But when another Hawke chooses to make the ultimate sacrifice, he’s reunited with some old friends to get her back—including a certain elf he thought he might never see again, whose arcane expertise might just save his sister. (13,797 words)
this is VERY good. can’t believe i have two mutuals who are the biggest brained people ever.....the au idea here is so cool and the writing? UGH it’s wonderful. i am enjoying it thoroughly!! the portrayal of everyone’s relationship with each other is done so well and i absolutely love it. give it a look!!!
ever I roam | gazing - The End of the F***ing World & James/Alyssa
After Alyssa’s confession, they drive. They talk. They love. (2,107 words)
BRUH if you watched teotfw you NEED to read this fic. it is SO in-character, it was a delightful read, and i enjoyed literally every second of it. i was nervous to look up teotfw fic because i thought that james’s voice would be hard to capture, but gazing did it incredibly well and i loved it
*ad coelum per amare | @elusetta - Genshin Impact & Jean/Lisa
Mondstadt Law respects Jean Gunnhildr: as both the president of the law review and a descendant of a long line of prestigious alumni, she has high standing and a higher standard to hold herself to. She's supposed to pass the bar with flying colors, become a world-class prosecutor, and spend her life carrying on the family name... but in her third year, with graduation just on the horizon, Jean runs into someone who changes everything. Someone named Lisa Minci. (24,241 words)
listen. i feel like i should preface this with I AM NOT IN THE GENSHIN IMPACT FANDOM. and yet. lucien has managed to write such a beautiful story that i literally do not care. this fic is AMAZING. the prose, the yearning, the slow burn, the EVERYTHING. i love this shit. definitely recommend this one
thanks for tuning in! hopefully i’ll see you next friday <3
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