#like I'd been wanting it for a while but I didn't even know it did THAT. that's an extra bonus and i'm very happy
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Merlin arrives with a baby in Camelot AU
(co-writing with @roxineedstosleep )
Chapter 2: A Baby's Call (Part 2)
In Gaius' chambers.
Merlin: (sits down, holding the baby to feed her)
Gaius: Here (gives him a baby bottle)
Merlin: Thanks. (takes the bottle and starts feeding her. Then looks around, spots some broken things and laughs) I see the baby got you a bit of trouble too.
Gaius: She was upset when you weren't around indeed. But she calmed down eventually. (serves Merlin his food on the table) Do you want some vegetables with that?
Merlin: (snorts) I know you're still angry with me.
Gaius: Your mother asked me to look after you both. What she didn't tell me is that I'd have to look after two babies instead of one.
Merlin: I got it. I was stupid.
Gaius: (softens his expression as he looks Merlin feeding the baby, murmuring to himself) In a way, you are a baby looking after a baby.
Merlin: Uh?
Gaius: (outloud) What did your mother say to you about your gifts?
Merlin: That I'm special.
Gaius: You are both special. The likes of which I have never seen before. But it seems you are not the same kind of especial.
Merlin: (lifts his head, confused) What do you mean?
Gaius: Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study. What you both do is elemental, instinctive. However, while your eyes glow gold when you do magic, the baby's stays the same.
Merlin: Which means...?
Gaius: I don't know. You both are a question that has never been posed before.
Merlin: Did you ever study magic?
Gaius: (pauses, hesitant) Uther banned all such work twenty years ago.
Merlin: (thinking) That's not what I asked... (says) Why?
Gaius: People used magic for the wrong end at that time. It threw the natural order into chaos. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons.
Merlin: (surprised) What? All of them?
Gaius: There was one dragon he chose not to kill, kept it as an example. He imprisoned it in a cave deep beneath the castle where no one can free it.
Baby: (falls asleep) 😴
Merlin: (stands up and walks to the improvised crib they made for the baby and puts her there carefuly)
Gaius: Now, eat up. You can stay with the baby this time. I'll take Lady Helen the preparation for her voice.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you (sits to eat, thinking) If the king managed to kill almost all the dragons. Then we can't stay here for long. I hope Gaius can contact the druids soon.
Time skip. In the Lower Town. Merlin looking for somewhere to buy milk when he encounters Arthur and his gang.
Merlin: (just passes by, ignoring them, thinking) Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to me.
Arthur: How's your knee-walking coming along?
Merlin: (thinking) Shit... (keeps walking, ignoring them)
Arthur: (mocking) Oh, don't run away!
Merlin: (stops) From you?
Arthur: (sighs) Thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb.
Merlin: (turning) Look, I've told you you're an ass- (cuts himself, not wanting to be send to the dungeons and be taken apart from his baby again) And I apologise for that.
Arthur: (surprised) Really?
Merlin: No, but I can't exactly speak my mind without being sent to the dungeons again, can I? (smiles forcely and bows in mockery) Your Higness. Please, go bother someone else.
Arthur: (amused And curious) And if I allowed you to speak your mind?
Merlin: Will I be sent to the dungeons after that?
Arthur: No.
Merlin: The stocks?
Arthur: You have my word no harm will come to you.
Merlin: Alright. (takes a deep breath) You are a spoiled, selfish royal prat. An ungrateful little shit, blind to the suffering of those who keep you fed, clothed, and alive. Do you even know what it is to work? To bleed? To starve?
Arthur: (his smirk falls) Hold on-
Merlin: And how do you repay the people who serves you? With cruelty and mockery. You think yourself noble because of the blood in your veins, but there is nothing noble about you. You are a leech, feeding off the labor of others while contributing nothing!
People around: (gasp)
Merlin: (bows) My lord.
Arthur: (angry) How dare you. I have fought for my people since a very young age, went to dignitary visits to maintain peace between kingdoms. So yes I do know what is to bleed and to work. But of course an ignorant peasant like you wouldn't know that.
Merlin: And yet you act like an idiot, using people as targets just for fun!
Arthur: Don't pretend you know me.
Merlin: I don't NEED to know you and I don't WANT to know you. Just. Leave me. Alone.
Knights: (wait for Arthur to tell them what do)
Arthur: (furious, his jaw tensed, but shows a serious blank face) I'm a man of my word, so I will let you leave. But if I see you again I'll have you flogged.
Merlin: (with a very fake smile) Thank you so much your highness, you are so kind. (bows in mockery again and leaves)
Time skip. In Gaius' chambers.
Gaius: (enters) How could you be so foolish?!
Merlin: (changing the baby's diapers) I don't know what you're talking about.
Gaius: Don't take me for a fool! Everyone is talking about how you humilliated the prince!
Merlin: (grins) Really?
Gaius: It's not funny. You could have gotten yourself in the dungeons again!
Merlin: He was the one who gave me permission to speak my mind! So I spoke my mind. I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't and he needed someone to tell him his truths. It's not my fault he can't handle them. (finishes to change the diapers) There you are! 🤗 (lifts her)
Baby: (babbles adorably)
Gaius: (sighs) I guess I should be glad you weren't idiotic enough to get into another fight with him or use magic to toss him around.
Merlin: Oh, I was tempted. A lot. (looks at the baby fondly) But, as you said, I can't afford acting like an idiot. I have a lot more to lose if I'm discovered. (his face turns sad) You don't know why we are like this, do you?
Gaius: (shakes his head sadly) No. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't possess that knowledge.
Merlin: (pauses) You know, I used to think I was a monster. For being the way I am. For so long I asked myself, why am I like this? Why would the Gods give me so much magic if I can't use it? What is my purpose in this world that rejects everything I am? Everytime my questions came without answers, I felt like dying.
Gaius: And now?
Merlin: (smiles fondly at the baby again) I'm holding the answers in my arms.
Time skip. In the Dragon's Cave. A deprived sleep Merlin enters.
Kilgharrah: Merlin! Until you finally answered my calls.
Merlin: (looks around for the owner of the voice, exhausted) Where are you?
Kilgharrah: (flies to land in front of Merlin) I'm here! How small you are for such a great-
Merlin: Oh, so you are the one who has been talking in my head in the middle of the night.
Kilgharrah: Indeed. As I was saying-
Merlin: I don't care what you have to say! 😡 You know how many hours I've been able to sleep these past few days?
Kilgharrah: (taken aback) Ehm...
Merlin: 3 HOURS! I can only sleep 3 hours a day, because if the baby is not crying, she is making some stuff fly or break! And if she is not making some stuff fly or break, she needs changing or cleaning! But it's okay because I have my 3 hours of sleep, my precious and sacred 3 hours of sleep. And when I finally, FINALLY find some time for my myself to have my fucking 3 hours of sleep, YOU! (points at Kilgharrah with a savage expression) INTERRUPT MY FUCKING SLEEP! 😤
Kilgharrah: ...
Merlin: So don't ever interrupt my beautiful 3 hours of sleep again or I'll make sure you are with the rest of the dragons very soon. (turns and leaves)
Kilgharrah: (watches as Merlin leaves in shock and then thinks) So there is a magic baby too? Interesting. Though I couldn't sense her (closes his eyes feeling the magic around him) And I still can't sense her. Interesting indeed.
Time skip. Next day. In Merlin's room.
Gaius: (enters Merlin's messy chamber and gathers his clothes) Oi!
Merlin: (wakes up) AH! The baby! (quickly turns to see the crib and relaxes once he sees the baby is fine)
Gaius: Have you seen the state of this room?
Merlin: (rubs his face, tired) It just happens.
Gaius: By magic? Or are you going to tell me it's the baby's fault?
Merlin: Well... (points the baby's crib where everything seems to float or move near it)
Gaius: ... It's the baby's fault.
Merlin: Yes. (yawns) And I haven't had time.
Gaius: Yeah. Well, I'll give you some time to clear it up (warns) without magic. And then I want you to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel. And deliver this to Morgana. (gives him a small bag with a vial) The poor girl's suffering from nightmares, she can't hardly sleep... (gets a better look at Merlin) Although I think at this rate I'll have to make something for you too. You look terrible. (tosses some more clothes at Merlin and leaves)
Merlin: Mmm, can't hardly sleep? I know the feeling.
Time skip. In Morgana’s chambers.
Merlin: (enters the open door, eyes not really focus on anything, very sleep deprived)
Morgana: (as she walks behind her changing screen, looking just as exhausted as Merlin, but entertained by the conversation) You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. (yawns) I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen?
Merlin: (pauses uncertainly before fetching the dress)
Morgana: (begins undressing) I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? (yawns trying to hide it)
Merlin: (yawns too, as quietly as he can, and places the gown on the screen with slow movements, not really paying attention cause he's so SO tired)
Morgana: Well, does it?
Merlin: (manages a high pitched yawn)
Morgana: I mean, If he wants me to go... Oh, Gwen, don't tell me I'm spreading you my yawns?
Merlin: (tries to figure a way out of this situation, but he yawns louder instead)
Morgana: I thought so. Well, as I was saying- (looks over the screen, spots Merlin and covers herself quickly, screaming) AAAAH!
Merlin: (blushes furiously, very embarrased, not knowing what to do or say) Uhm... 😳
Morgana: ... You are not Gwen.
Merlin: No. 😅
Gwen: (enters) I'm here.
Merlin: (turns to her)
Gwen: Are you here to drop off Lady Morgana's medicine?
Merlin: Yes! That's exactly why I'm here. I didn't mean to- (yawns) spy or-
Gwen: (smiles) It's fine. Leave it there. (points to a small table in the entryway) Thank you, although I think you should get some rest.
Merlin: (leaves the vial where Gwen indicated and turns to Morgana, head hung in shame) I'm so sorry. (leaves quickly)
Gwen: (helps Morgana behind the screen)
Morgana: (comes out from behind the screen in a new dress) Who was that?
Gwen: A new servant it seems, my lady. And a really tired one.
Time skip. In the Banquet Hall at night. Court members gather.
Gaius: (stands on one of the walls closest to the servants' door, looking around and grabbing some snacks to put in his pockets for Merlin)
Arthur: (joking around and laughing with his companions)
Morgana: (enters with her breathtaking dress, making every men stare at her)
Arthur: (Cursing internally) Gods have mercy. (goes to her)
Morgana: (smiles at him, inocently) Hi, Arthur.
Arthur: (protective brother mode) What is it that you are wearing?
Morgana: It's called a dress. You should try it some time.
Arthur: You know what I mean. Change it.
Morgana: Why?
Arthur: It's... too revealing!
Morgana: (laughs) Who are you to tell me what to wear?
Arthur: I'm the prince!
Morgana: A prince that got humiliated by a peasant boy yesterday.
Arthur: (Taken aback) Who...who told you that?
Morgana: Everyone is talking about it. And if you keep bothering me, I'll make sure no one forgets it. (passes him)
Arthur: (fumes, but lets her be)
Merlin: (appears through the servants' door, completely in a hurry and looking for Gaius in the crowd)
Gaius: (spots him) Merlin! (approaches) I thought you were with the baby? What happened?
Merlin: (very worried parent mode) She just fell asleep, but she hasn't stopped crying! It's not her diaper or her food or a bump, I checked. Maybe is a cold. Or worst! She could be dying-
Gaius: Calm down! It's probably just colic, it happens frequently to babies that age. I have several vials labeled for that in my cabinet. (checks that the prince hasn't seen Merlin, not wanting Merlin to get into trouble again) Now, leave before-
Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone present falls silent and still as they notice the king passing them. The servants' entrance is blocked by all the maidservants and manservants trying to leave so as not to interrupt the king.
Merlin: (stands still next to Gaius. Unable to leave)
Uther: We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora.
Applause. The music begins and Uther and the court take their seats. Merlin takes the opportunity to move through the servants who move to serve again, trying to remain unnoticed. However as he passes and Helen starts singing, Merlin notices the members of the court begin to fall asleep. Merlin covers his ears with his hands as cobwebs begin to form over the enchanted sleepers.
Merlin: (thinking, confused and scared) What... what is happening?
Lady Helen: (stares at Arthur as she walks forward and then pulls a dagger from her sleeve)
Merlin: (thinking) Wait... She wants to kill the idiot! 😱 I get the feeling, but it's wrong! Oh, what do I do, what do I do... (spots the chandelier) That's it! (magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger)
Court members: (wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering, confused)
Uther and Arthur: (just as confused, stand up to see Lady Helen, now Mary Collins, lying on the floor)
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, shit. Did I kill her?
Mary Collins: (suddenly raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur)
Merlin: (slows down time instinctively to reach Arthur and pull him out of harm's way)
The dagger slices into Arthur's chair as Arthur and Merlin fall to the floor.
Mary Collins: (gives her last breath and dies)
Arthur and Merlin: (stand up)
Arthur: (thinking) What the hell is he doing here?
Uther: You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid.
Merlin: Oh, well. I don't really need-
Uther: Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded.
Merlin: No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Majesty. (tries to leave)
Uther: (stops him by the arm) No, absolutely. This merits something quite special.
Merlin: Well, if you insist. (thinking) I guess some money wouldn't hurt to buy some things for the baby. Just, please hurry, she'll wake up at any moment!
Uther: You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant.
The Court: (applauds)
Arthur: (complains in a whisper) Father!
Uther: (ignores him)
Gaius: (tries to approach, but the number of people standing up and approaching the King and the young men is such that it is impossible for him to even object from his position)
Gwen: (claps with a pitying smile on her face, knowing what awaits Merlin at his new job)
Arthur and Merlin: (look away from each other, completely irritated)
Time skip. In Merlin's room. The baby seems not to have woken up, but everything that is close to her levitates. Merlin, completely exhausted, tries to put everything back in its place, but again some things float or start to roll.
Gaius: (knocks on the door and enters) You seem to be a hero.
Merlin: With a shitty reward. (gives up on putting the things back to place and sighs) Can I resign?
Gaius: No. Once Uther has something in mind it's impossible for anyone to oppose him. His word is law, remember?
Merlin: But... We had not planned for me to stay.
Gaius: And now, it seems you'll be here for an unlimited time. And even if I find a camp right now, it's unlikely I'll be able to get you and the baby accepted. I wouldn't worry too much though. It's a relatively easy job to do. And a short term one too.
Merlin: What do you mean?
Gaius: Servants who are dedicated to the prince's care don't usually last very long. He'll probably sack you soon. All you have to do is avoid getting into trouble with the prince and serve him-
Merlin: (worried) Oh no! I can't do that!
Gaius: Be with the prince? It's just following him around all day… (realises) oh, the baby.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't leave her alone, but I can't have her with me all the time either. Or can I?
Gaius: It's been a long time since anyone had a baby in the castle. And almost all the children are already teenagers of the servants or maids. Don't worry, I'll help you with her. (hands Merlin a book wrapped in a cloth) This book was given to me when I was your age, but I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me.
Merlin: (opens it and looks inside) This is a book of magic! I thought the king had destroyed everything related to magic.
Gaius: He kept a dragon alive, a magic book that pretends to be an herbalist's book won't kill anyone. Not if you are careful that is. Keep it hidden and then take it with you when you go with the baby to the druid camp.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Gaius. I will study every word.
Guard: (knocks from outside, pretending not to notice the baby bottles in the room) Merlin, Prince Arthur needs you immediately.
Gaius: Well, you'd better find out what he wants.
So Arthur and Merlin had an even rockier start this time. How do you think this will affect their relationship?
Tagging @chaosofbelievers , @blackgigglypuff , @stressed-but-chill , @nocheaseforyougoodsir , @thedragonlies , @evedaser , @lolazoel , @sammythetoaster , @caraspud , @g00pygunkyguy , @bertoliosis35-blog , @purpuraffe , @lordemryspendragon , @herstarlight , @justaz , @myalchemicalgnomace , @haunted-glassesgurl , @exmintha , @dumbdemjin , @a-line-drawn , @itsjustmeandmyanxiety , @beebsnas , @rem-the-moth , @tmarauder101
#bbc merlin#merlin bbc#merlin#merthur#merlin prompt#merlin fanfic#merlin fic#merthur prompt#merthur fic#Merlin arrives with a baby in Camelot AU
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Come As You Are (Eric Draven! Bill Skarsgard's Version x Female Reader) (18+) (Slight Au)
Read Chapter 10 here //Series Masterlist
Chapter 11
Summary : Melody's arrival brings a realisation.
Warning: 18+, smut, dirty sexual thoughts,, Description of self harm, dry humping, drug use, Eric is a past drug addict with suicidal tendencies, self harm, use of cuss words, description of claustrophobia, reader is in her early thirties, mention of sexual assault, death and murder, Consumption of alcohol and weed, periods
Eric returned late that night, he didn't have any of the answers that he was looking for. Kronos just left him to his own devices and told him that this was his fight, that he couldn't really change his fate by warning him about every danger out there that awaited him, he chided him that he'd never find his soul if he knew everything that was going to happen to him or the people around him..
Kronos also reminded him that reunion with his soul would be a journey, it will come in pieces when he will be loved truly by another soul.
Bullshit..all of that was bullshit. Besides he had given up on finding his soul again.
Now he had his ex girlfriend living in his current girlfriend’s apartment and he had no idea who the fuck this Roeg lookalike was or where exactly to find him.
He opened the door of your apartment as discreetly as he could as it was late and you must have been asleep. As he entered he saw Melody sleeping on the couch, that couch wasn't comfortable, he needed to do something about that but right now he needed to see you.
Your bedroom was unlocked so he entered quietly.
Melody opened her eyes and watched the bedroom door closing, a sense of irritation creeped into her nerves. He didn't even check on her? Didn't even come to her to ask if she was feeling okay? That bothered her alot.
You were sleeping in your usual attire and that made him smile. God you looked perfect like this. He still couldn't believe how easily you had accepted his reality. No screaming, no overreaction, no calling him crazy, you just owned it and you were still willing to be by his side, not just that but you accommodated Melody even though he knew you didn't like her much. He'd have despised it so greatly if it was one of your exes just lounging in his apartment right now.
He took off his hoodie and the shirt before he climbed into the bed to submerge in your warmth. He didn't want to ruin your sleep but you made it difficult at times, he turned you on your back gently and looked at your face for a moment before he leaned down to kiss your forehead, his lips lingered on your skin longer than he intended to.
And as you felt his touch you opened your eyes,
“You're back or it's a dream?” You asked him in your groggy sleepy voice so he chuckled.
“Told you I'd be back soon”
“Come here” one of your arms curled around his back while the other caressed down his back as you pulled him closer, he couldn't resist anymore so he placed his lips on yours, wanting to have a taste of you, you were safe and in his arms but he was afraid he had put you in such grave danger.
His fingers mindlessly slipped under your tank top making you gasp in his mouth as his thumb brushed over your now erect nipples. It wasn't your fault you found yourself always turned on when he was so close to you, touching you like this, kissing you as if he couldn't live without it.
“Did you meet him? The Kronos guy?” You asked him so he nodded but didn't respond “Mmmm okay ummm-”
“Shhhhh not now” he shushed you.
Okay Daddy. Whatever you say.
“I just need to know..if you're feeling okay” you asked softly so he smiled.
“I'm good baby ..as long as you are safe”
Next morning when you woke up, for once he was still in the bed with you so you admired his sleepy form and gave him a bunch of kisses before getting out of the bed to go to the living room.
You wanted to see what Melody was upto. As you stepped out of the room you saw her pacing back and forth, arguing with someone on the phone.. perhaps that actor who put the ring on her. Bill something..now that you thought about it he kind of resembled Eric with his tall frame and big eyes.
Maybe she had a type or Maybe she was trying to fill a void Eric had left behind.
“Uhhh do you mind?” She said as she looked at you so you scurried into the bedroom again.
Wait a second, this was your apartment. How dare she?
As you closed the door Eric turned around in his sleep, trying to pat with his hands in an attempt to find you next to him, when he didn't he opened his eyes immediately so you crawled into the bed and got on top of him.
“Where did you go?” He asked you so you shook your head.
He could barely keep his eyes open due to the sleep and you found him really adorable like that, especially when the kohl around his eyes were all smudged. That's what he used, a kohl pencil. Made his eyes pop he said, he also said that it made him look really dangerous but you weren't really sold on that reasoning.
“Eric..i have a question about your immortality” you said to him so he chuckled, considering how nosy you were he was surprised you hadn't bombarded him with questions since he had revealed his truth.
“Since you're not technically mortal…would I get pregnant if you cum inside me?” His eyes were wide open now as you asked him so nonchalantly.
“Y/n..baby it's 9 in the morning” he said as he cupped your cheeks and made you lay down on his chest as he chuckled “I don't know we will have to test that theory someday” he said, making your face flush in response.
“Hey?” He said, ”Can you not go to work today?”
“They'll fire me baby..I just took the week off”
“I just don't want you out of my sight..”
“I do need to earn though..I hate my job but I need money” you sighed. You would have loved to stay here with him all day but you had bills to pay.
“I'll get you money..I'll get you all the money..i have plenty of it baby” You smiled as he said that so softly.
“Yeah? Going to be my sugar daddy?”
“Yeah..I'll take care of you sweetheart, just give me some time of yours ..I just need time to make sure it's safe out there for you okay?”
“Mmm so I'll just play house with your ex while you're out all day?”
“I know it's not ideal..I just can't risk your safety. I'm sorry I brought you into my messed up life” he mumbled, his voice tinged with a sense of vulnerability so you pressed your head up to peck his lips.
“I clearly remember forcing my way into your life..besides i don't care as long as I have you..I'm here for you baby”
After you both showered, separately, much to your disappointment, he didn't think he would have kept his hands off you if he saw you soaking wet and completely naked from head to toe and doing something sexual while his ex-girlfriend was in the next room made him feel a certain way.
“I will get breakfast..don't cook” he said to you as he kissed your forehead so you nodded.
He didn't even look at Melody as he stepped out and you couldn't tell if it was indifference or she just reminded him of their past and the realisation that she wasn't his anymore. You deluded yourself into believing that it was indifference.
After making the sick call at the diner, you were in the kitchen making a cup of tea when Melody walked in.
“I need some water” she said to you so you pointed towards the fridge.
She just gave you the snotty rich girl vibe that you didn't like, you had googled her thoroughly, her mother was apparently a famous model or something before she committed suicide so she was always rich.
“Still writing notes huh?” Melody spoke as she looked at one of the notes Eric had left behind on the refrigerator door for you. You often kept them in a box but due to your cousin's wedding you had been pretty distracted for the last two weeks.
“Yeah..” you said to her, not knowing what else to say.
So he used to write notes for her too? Okay so what? That was part of his personality..it's just something he did.
“So how did you two meet?” she asked you as she leaned against the refrigerator.
“Well he moved in front door..”
You answered. She let out a snicker so you looked at her,
“Sorry i just thought you'd tell me a grandeur love story”
At Least you didn't meet him in a rehab, made him escape with you, threw him back into drugs again and then got him killed by a devil worshipper.
“Well that's just how we met..I'm just glad he was in a better place when we did..not doing drugs and all anymore” you said to her and you could see her face falling apart at the comment. That was a cheap shot you took but she was asking for it.
You had yet to hear a small thank you from that you were allowing her to be in your apartment
Half an hour later Eric returned and placed her breakfast on the coffee table.
He brought waffles for Melody.
“You still remember,” Melody said to him as she smiled. “Waffles with no cream”
Ahh so that's why he didn't like it either.
“I just have a good memory,” he said to her before he walked into the kitchen so she rolled her eyes. She hated how dismissive he was to her even though he knew her life was in danger now.
“Hey baby..i got you waffles.. lots of cream and fruits” he said softly as he kissed your cheek so you smiled.
“What did you get for yourself?” You asked him so he shrugged
“I ate at the breakfast place..don't worry” he zoned out for a bit so you stood in front of him and cupped his cheeks to make him look at you.
“What is it?”
“Nothing baby ..I just ..are you sure you don't want to get yourself out of this mess?” he asked you, his voice trembling with fear as if you'd just up and leave.
“Do you want me to go?”
“No.. of course not. Don't even think that I'd ever want that”
“Then you have your answer ..i told you I don't abandon people, especially not those i love..and i have never loved anyone as much as I love you” he placed his hand around your waist and pulled you closer as you said that. A part of you feared he asked that question because he was having second thoughts about you now that Melody was here. You wished your insecurities weren't so deeply rooted in you but you had been abandoned so many times that someone like him choosing you felt too good to be true.
“I love you” he murmured.
And those thoughts did die down for a moment when he said those words so earnestly.
You and Eric spent your day in the bedroom while Melody was in the living room all alone, in the evening your doorbell rang and it startled you because nobody visited you. Like ever. Never. The only person who ever came on your door was usually Eric and he was right next to you right now.
“Stay here okay?” He said to you but you followed him into the living room, you saw Melody looking at the door nervously as well, a part of you felt bad for her in that moment.
As Eric looked through the peephole he turned around to look at you, confusion written on his face.
“It's your friend Dina?” he mumbled almost under his breath so you ran towards the door to see yourself.
“What the hell?” you exclaimed as you didn't know why she was there.
“Ummmm you both should go to the bedroom..hide” you said to him so he nodded before he looked at Melody and she followed after him, a bit too excitedly for your liking.
“Heyyyyyyy” you mumbled an exaggerated greeting as you opened the door.
“Thank God..I need to rant and you didn't come to work.. Laura said you had hepatitis or whatever..you look fine to me..anyways -” she said it all in one breath.
“Nooooo.. I do have hepatitis. Okay? I caught something during the family visit..don't think I can work for like a week now ..it's so bad”
You coughed to sell your act even though you didn't really need to cough. Should have googled hepatitis symptoms. Why did you even pick hepatitis? Does hepatitis even-
“Anyway get well soon girl..is your neighbour home?” She winked at you so you shrugged nervously. He was definitely home.
“No..not home…definitely not my Home .. imagine that..him being here” you chuckled nervously so Dina agreed.
“Such an asshole that man-” she rolled her eyes as she strutted inside and sat down on the couch.
“Big ass .. big and firm” you retorted.
“But so hottt though..god I had a dream about him last night” she said.
Eric was standing at your bedroom door with his ears pressed up against the frame but he couldn't hear much more than you trying to do something out there that you were exceptionally bad at. Lying.
As he turned around Melody was right behind him so he bumped into her.
“Why are you sneaking up on me like that Jesus” he whispered to not make his voice loud.
“Sorry-” she said as she looked up at him. “You haven't changed at all ..still look the same as the day I saw you last” she said to him so he walked past her to sit down on the bed.
“Perks of immortality” he mumbled, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“Do you still go to that lake we used to visit?” She asked as she sat next to him so he groaned.
“We don't need to do this okay?”
“What?” she feigned the look of confusion.
“This.. catching up like we are long lost friends” he snapped.
“I always wanted to stay in touch with you...it was you that-”
“Stay in touch after you no longer wanted me as your lover? Are you fucking kidding with me?” He grumbled under his breath, it was getting harder to not raise his voice.
He was happy with you, he had moved on, he is happy with you, why did she have to come back like this and fuck with his head?
“So then I told him that obviously you asked me out on a date then you are going to pay, i don't see how I am wrong here..anyways then he went on and on and on about how he didn't like girls who weren't independent and I'm like bitch I'm a waitress..I'm independent but willing to be dependent if the right offer comes along-”
Dina did what she did best..she blabbered.
Somewhere along the line you had zoned out completely and not even listening to her, your mind was distracted by the fact that Eric and Melody were in your bedroom together. You didn't trust her for some reason, the way she had been looking at him since she had come made you feel utterly insecure. She had it all but apparently that wasn't enough for her.
Maybe she indeed loved him and he just became too much for her, however you didn't understand her decision to leave him, you couldn't wrap your head around it, that man lost his soul for her and she just left? You could just imagine his sad little face, the look of dejection when she finally told him that she was done, just thinking about it made you want to hold him.
“You left and never looked back Melody, you could have found me if you wanted to, like you did now, but you moved on, got yourself a shiny husband-to- be so don't you dare give me those looks now okay?” He said to her firmly but he felt like a jerk as her eyes welled up and she placed her head into her palms.
Great. Now what was he supposed to do?
He just stood there and allowed her to cry and luckily ten minutes later Dina was gone so you opened the door and saved him from the awkwardness of it all.
He stepped so fast out of there and into the living room, didn't even look at you, as you looked at Melody and her sullen face you realised that they must have had a serious conversation.
She glared at you before she got up and followed Eric into the living room.
“Give me the keys to your apartment, I don't want to stay here” Eric sighed as she said that to him, he contemplated for a moment before he shoved the key in her palm..she'll be next door, he can keep an eye on her from here. She didn't need to be in the same house. He was capable of protecting her now.
As she left you walked towards him.
“Are you -” you began but before you could finish he interrupted you.
“I'm fine y/n..don't hover over me okay?” He said as he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up, his voice was snappy and it did hurt you but you didn't respond, instead you turned around and went to the bedroom.
If he needed space he just had to ask for it, but not like this, especially not now when you felt so afraid of losing him, it made you feel so pathetic and so unwanted.
He sighed deeply and sat down on the couch to calm his nerves before he got up and walked into his apartment. Melody was sitting on the couch.
“Let's not argue..i don't want that, you still matter to me” he said to her honestly so she nodded.
“Sit down..” she said as she patted the spot next to her so he thought about it for a moment before he sat down. “I know what will make us feel better,” she said as she took out a packet from her bag. He recognised those yellow pills really well..
“I thought you quit,” he said to her as he grabbed the packet from her hands to inspect it.
“I did, it's just the stress because of Roeg or whoever he is-”
He chuckled as she said that, she told him that he hadn't changed but then she hadn't changed much either. Still the same Melody that loved to indulge in her own self destruction. One would think she'd value her life more after dying once.
“I can't do this anymore” he said as he gave it back to her so she looked at him perplexed as if he had said something so absurd.
“You're immortal now, it's not going to matter”
“It does matter.. i have been clean for years, can't fall back to the old ways..and I can't do this to her, she believes so much in me even though I have never deserved it from her” her jaw clenched as he was clearly referring to you. Just listening to him talking about you like this irritated her.
“Ofcourse” she gave him a fake smile. He knew he needed to apologise to you for his behaviour just now so he got up.
“Call if you need anything..lock the door” he said to her before he made his way straight to your bedroom.
As he entered he found you all bundled up on the bed, sniffling, and his heart clenched.
“Baby-” his voice was dripping with tenderness now as he crawled into the bed.
“Are you going to leave?” You asked him between the tears and his heart just about broke.
“Where would I even go?” He asked as he turned you on your back and wiped your tears with the pad of his thumbs.
“I know she's important to you and you perhaps still love her..I don't want to come in between if you do.. I'll go..i just want you to be happy” his eyes welled up as he heard your broken voice.
“Stupid baby..so stupid..so selfless and so stupid” he mumbled as he cupped your cheeks to kiss you as deeply, and as passionately as he could. Words wouldn't be enough so he just wanted his touch to remind you what you meant to him, how special you were to him, he'd never leave you, he'd never put you through the pain he had been through once, not even for the woman he sold his soul for.
Your arms curled around his neck as you pulled him into a tight hug.
“I love you..” he whispered between his gentle kisses so you nodded. “You're so adorable baby..I love you so much, you're stuck with me I promise. I'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you”
He kissed down slowly until he had settled nicely between your legs, his mouth working until he had you crying again but from pleasure this time, he felt it all so deeply for you, love, lust, affection, all in such equal amounts.
How could you possibly think he'd just let you go? Break you so cruelly, he was no longer capable of it.
Next morning he was helping you in the kitchen since he was the one who kept you stuck at home all day, while chopping the vegetables he had cut his fingers with the knife. He wasn't a pro afterall, chopping up bad people was somehow much easier.
As you noticed the blood you grabbed his hand immediately and dragged him to the sink to run the cut under the cold water, all while glaring at him for being so careless.
“It's going to heal baby..your sauce will burn to crisp..go” he chuckled as he leaned down to kiss you so you groaned before you went back to the stove.
He turned off the tap, that's when he noticed that his blood had turned red before his wound closed up slowly.
And then came the epiphany.
His soul was in remission and he knew it was because of you. Only you.
Taglist: @m-riaa @erebus-et-eigengrau @peachychyy @enchantresss97 @fandomxo @mariaenchanted @mariaenchanted
#eric draven x female reader#eric draven x reader smut#eric draven x reader fluff#eric draven x reader angst#the crow 2024#bill skarsgard version#slight au
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A Look At The "Nothing Character" Who Broke Our Hearts: Isha
**Spoilers For Arcane**
I must say, there was a time not so long ago that if someone were to tell me there was a whole tag devoted to the hatred of a cute, tenacious, brave little girl character who died tragically trying to emulate her hero, I would have found the idea completely insane. However, since becoming a part of our little community....
Before we get into this a bit let me say, I am not formally educated in writing/literature/creative story telling or any of that. So what I discuss and list will as usual be the research I could find on my own with sources provided. I know for a fact through some of my interactions on here there are some very educated people in this area, so if any of you see this and care enough, please chime in! I'd love to learn more.
What Is The Complaint?:
"Isha isn't a real character!"
"Isha did nothing except get blown up!"
"Why was this kid even in the show?"
"Isha's only purpose was to give Jinx a reason to be happy then take it away!"
You get the idea. Overall people seem to hate the character because they feel she really wasn't one. They see her as being more of a singular plot device with no real information or depth given and not having any real purpose. While it is true we don't learn a ton about her, I completely disagree as to the worth and impact of her character on the story. In doing some digging, I came across the following term:
Catalyst Character-
Per Reference.com: "A catalyst character, also known as a catalytic character, is the character in a story who causes the protagonist, or main character, to move toward some kind of action or transformation. This character is usually the person that spends the most quality and influential time with the protagonist."
Okay, rather or not you agree or think it matters I'd hope at the least that that explanation is fairly clear. So moving forward, why do I think this applied to Isha? Because she is in all aspects a MASSIVE agent of change in the narrative. I understand not liking her. That is totally individual. But to imply she didn't matter is complete and utter nonsense.
The Ventilation Chamber Battle:
The brawl between Vi and Jinx has come to a head. Vi sits atop Jinx with one gauntlet around Jinx's throat and the other poised to kill her. Jinx is telling her to do it... she's glad that Vi is the one who is going to end her. When out of nowhere Isha leaps between them pointing a gun at Vi. '
Concrete Impact:
Stops the fight cold
Jinx immediately screams no betraying her actual fear for Vi's safety
Snaps Vi out of the fight where it appears she was quite possibly pulling back her hand to finish the fight
Isha's presence is what makes Vi get in front of Caitlyn's rifle leading to their separation and what occurs for them afterward.
Jinx clearly is "seeing" Vi again for the first time when Vi leaps to stop Caitlyn
2. Life With Jinx:
We return to Jinx after the time skip. It turns she has been living quietly in hiding with Isha since the battle. She is staying out of the bloodshed, focusing on her relationship caring for the young girl. She seems more at peace than we have seen her the entire series, even declaring "Jinx is dead" when Sevika comes to demand she get involved.
Concrete Impact:
It's strange to say for something I list under concrete but just the obvious and clear effect she has on Jinx herself. We see it expressed in many ways, such as Jinx saying Isha reminds her of Powder, Jinx saying she doesn't want to screw up what she has with Isha when in Silco's office, and so on. I feel like we could do an entire analysis post on Isha's effect on Jinx mental/emotional state but that is for another time.
The fact that Isha is masquerading as Jinx during the occupation is HUGE. We have to remember, Jinx is not actually getting involved at all before the events of the rally. The people of Zaun have made her their symbol because of what she did, and because Piltover has made Jinx their symbol of why they are doing what they are doing.
It is only because Isha went to the rally and got arrested that Jinx rejoins the fight.
3. Jinx Comes To Stillwater:
Isha has been arrested along with a large group of Zaunites during the rally. Sevika limps back to the hideout and tells Jinx who is immediately extremely upset. We see her seriously glitching in full for the first time since the time skip. She and Sevika mount a rescue mission, and because of Isha. Jinx rejoins the game since the occupation began.
Concrete Impact:
Without Isha being taken Jinx doesn't get involved which quite literally changes the trajectory of the entire story. Meeting Vander again and everything that stems from that would be impacted which quite literally could effect every character in the story. It is too much to list or "what if".
4. Reuniting The Family:
In the wake of meeting Vander and rescuing Isha, Jinx goes and finds Vi in the fighting pits, telling her what she has found and together with Isha they set off on a journey to find him. Leading to the all-too-short reunification of their family, with their newest member of course.
Concrete Impact:
Of course to state the obvious, they wouldn't be here if it were not for any of the things we have already been over.
When Jinx and Vi start to fighting, once again it is Isha's involvement that stops it cold.
Seeing Jinx's care for Isha is what helps Vi start to see her sister in a new light.
It is Isha's bleeding from getting whacked that draws Vander to them. Vi immediately leaps to save her life and Jinx can see the Vi she knows is still there as well. Also being thrown into Vander's path like that leads to his regaining control and the scene we see above.
5. The Commune:
After their family is reunited Vi, Jinx and Isha take Vander to the commune to meet with Viktor. Hoping his healing gifts can save their father. Of course, it all ends in soul rending tragedy with Vander losing control and Isha sacrificing herself to save her new family during a Noxian attack.
Concrete Impact:
Isha brings Jinx's gun. Without the gun the plan to save Vander could have gone a hundred different ways.
Isha pocketed those stones. If she hadn't done so once again it is impossible to list all the ways that incident could have changed in the end.
The impact on the story from Isha's sacrifice is so far beyond "making Jinx sad" it is mind-boggling. It stops the attack in its tracks. Without Vi getting injured saving Jinx from the explosion, Caitlyn and Jinx may have never found even that microscopic bit of common ground between them we see. There is so much more and that is to say nothing of the impact on Jinx mentally/emotionally
So again this is not a true deep dive or anything. And I do understand the complaint that we really don't ever learn a ton about her. But I absolutely do not understand or agree with the complaint that she is meaningless/unimportant/inconsequential to the story. Her actions and presence drive a massive amount of change in the course of season two, and without her it very likely could have all ended quite differently. To close, below is an English translation of Isha's farewell posted to reddit for you to enjoy. (I have no way of knowing if it is accurate so if not forgive me).
Child, don’t fear the thorns; walk barefoot, And you’ll find something precious. Look at this darkened sky; see how beautiful the fireworks are. There’s no need for so much sorrow. People flourish and wither, But even stubborn rocks and debris will bloom.
Part the mountains, Let her see me. Tell the stars, Hurry and shine on me. Blow away the dark clouds, With a stroke of blue. Even if the world is full of desolation, We can look up and see the moon.
While we still have the hearts of children, Even as lone blossoms among millions, we must bloom. Don’t be troubled or sad. Don’t forget: Even if tears fall, we must keep running, Run to where even time can’t find us. Be the birds that soar at the edge of the sky.
Part the mountains, Let her see me. Tell the stars, Hurry and shine on me. Blow away the dark clouds, With a stroke of blue. Even if the world is full of desolation, We can look up and see the moon.
While we still have the hearts of children, Even as lone blossoms among millions, we must bloom. Don’t be troubled or sad. Don’t forget: Even if tears fall, we must keep running, Run to where even time can’t find us. Be the birds that soar at the edge of the sky.
Don’t keep searching; Just give me a hug. Let’s quietly forget, For this is good enough for me.
#arcane#arcane season 2 spoilers#caitlyn kiramman#vi arcane#caitvi#jinx arcane#vi and jinx#isha arcane#vander arcane
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Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 149 (A New Pet - And a New Landgraab Problem?)
Captain Whitaker made himself right at home at the Gordon house on Sable Square. When Lavender returned from daycare on his first day as a reanimated dog, the Captain was thrilled to meet the energetic toddler who loved pets.
He also celebrated discovery of the chicken coop in the backyard, and he loved to chase the cats. It had been a while since Heather and Conrad needed to train bad habits out of a new pet, but they were happy to do it, because Captain Whitaker fit their family like a glove.
Heather's sister, Hazel, dropped by for breakfast one morning, on her way to help Alexander Goth put together his application to run for mayor.
"It's a long process and the town hasn't had an election in close to forty years, but Alex has a lot of really great ideas to make the Bay even better," Hazel said. "I really believe in him, and he needs more help with his campaign now that he's doing midnight feedings with baby Carina."
At the mention of Alex and Lydia Goth's second child, newborn Carina, Heather rubbed her belly as she felt her own baby kick. "I'd love to see this town running smoothly with a real mayor at the helm. The water shut-offs we've had to deal with lately make it so much harder to get the kids bathed, and the dogs, let alone us!"
"I hate to sound like Dad, but get a dew catcher. It rains enough on the coast you could collect enough water to last for weeks!"
"What's a dew catcher?" wondered Lavender.
"It stores water for when there's drought or the pipes freeze in winter. It's kind of like recycling the rain," Hazel explained, and Lavender nodded along thoughtfully.
"What's recyclig?"
"It's when you take something and use it again for something else, rather than getting something new, because it's better for the environment. Like new toys. If you bought a used toy, it would be recycled, as opposed to a new toy from a store."
"Used toys are better for the envi-erment?"
Hazel nodded. "Yeah, because new production uses a carbon footprint, and you want that carbon footprint to be as small as possible to help the planet."
Heather glanced pleadingly at Hazel, launching into one of her public policy talks with a four-year-old. "Why don't you get your Aunt Hazel to read you a story before she goes to work?"
Lavender smiled, dragging Hazel to the living room and picking out a book. "Can you do the voices again, too?"
"Of course, Lava. I can't read you a story without doing the voices!"
"No you can't!"
Lavender wasn't the only one in the household interested in books. Ash had picked up as many books on time travel from the library as he could, and he'd barely put them down since. If he was supposed to invent time travel, he had to understand it first.
Heather and Conrad were wary of what he was learning, but they'd encouraged Felix and Lilith to pursue it before they knew what Marco had said. Ash promised to leave the actual time travel to the adults, so they allowed him to study books like Theoretical Electronics and A History of Time Travel to offer assistance to Felix and Lilith - but only if they needed it.
Conrad accompanied him to the local library to return a few books he'd finished and check out a few more, bringing the dogs to run around. They sat in bright inflatable chairs that seemed out of place in the old wooden building. But the local historian and librarian, Gunther Lynx-Munch, said they'd been dropped off by an anonymous donor and he didn't want them to go to waste.
As he thumbed through the books on the shelves, Conrad turned to his stepson. "Are you really interested in all this time travel stuff?"
Ash shrugged. "Felix and Lilith say Emit's nice. What if changing the future changes him, too? I don't want to change the future too much, but I don't want to be feared. If I do help Felix and Lilith, I don't mind people not knowing I did it."
That night, Heather prepped fruit for Ash's school lunch while Conrad was bent over the sink to repair the plumbing. "Malcolm called again," she groused. "He's so interested in Ash's counseling sessions all of a sudden."
"I think this time travel and seeing ghosts stuff freaks Malcolm out a bit."
"He doesn't even think it's real!" She closed the fridge door with a heavy thud to put away the sliced fruit. "I think he's plotting something. With his mother."
Conrad finished with the plumbing and dried his hands, wrapping his arms around her and cradling her stomach. "Like what?"
"He's acting like I can't take care of our son, as if he wasn't flirting with Miko instead of watching Ash when he was taken. He actually said 'It can't be easy to move around that small house with all those animals.' They have a dog!"
"Don't get upset," he pleaded gently. "Has Malcolm ever been worth it?"
She forced herself to breathe, letting herself fall into his embrace. "I love you. I just worry about Ash all the time lately."
"I love you, too. Let's get some sleep; the baby needs it. We can worry about everything again in the morning."
Despite her fear and worry, the days were busy and long. Pregnant Heather was easily fatigued, and she soon fell asleep in Conrad's arms. ->
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#sims 4#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 legacy#sims in bloom#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 legacy#ts4 screenshots#sims 4 story#ts4 story#legacy challenge#sims legacy#ts4 legacy challenge#gen 2#brindleton bay#blast from the past event
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I have decided that I am going to play a game with the characters from my latest fic which is in progress instead of continuing to write chapter two. This includes canon characters and Ocs. If you wanna know the actual hero/vilian outfits you'll have to wait. Jack is an oc made by @softmeetscreatureplz The game is below the cut bc of how long it is.
Dazai: What game are we playing? Me: Guess the identity of certain people, I give you all a hero or villain and you have to guess their identity, however if you get it wrong you get locked up until I make you play something again! Flame: And why should we play? Me: Because I can kill you off with a click of my fingers. Flame: … Me: Okay so, Nakaharas you gettttttt Void!! Chuuya: Why does it have to be that prick? Miyo: Vod? Ryuunosuke: Mama, let's just play, it doesn't matter if it's Void, it's a game. Gin: Nodding silently Q: Do we get a photo or…? Me: Of course. *Photo of a man who is 5'11 with fluffy brown hair and bandages all over him) Miyo: Dazie! Chuuya: Are you sure you wanna pick Dazai? Ryuunosuke, Q and Gin: *Silently watching* Miyo: Yes! Chuuya: We're going with Dazai Me: Are you sure you wanna go with what a five year old says? Chuuya, Gin, Q and Ryuunosuke: Nodding in time with each other Yes Me: Alright, congratulations one point for the nakaharas Miyo: Yay!! Me: Okay, Dazai and Ty, who is Sorrow? Dazai: Sorrow as in the most wanted villain in the country Sorrow? Me: Yes. Dazai: How are we meant to know? That veil he has has gems in it so it blocks our view of his face and reflects light so no camera can catch even a glimpse of his face. Ty: It's Chuuya. Dazai: No it's not! Ty: It is, his voice and his height and build is the same and Sorrow always smells like the coffee from Chuuyas cafe which is why you complain about fighting him since you can never get over to the stray dogs cafe before it closes due to our shift times. Dazai: … Dazai: Is he right? Me: Yep. Dazai: Screeching like a new born baby Me: Jackkkkkk? Jack: looks up and then looks back at his book Me: If you play I'll set up for you and Ty to have your own slow burn romance novel. Jack: Closes the book What's the game? Me: You guess the identity of the person I give you. Jack: Alright. Me: Your person is Torch. Jack: Ty. Me: … Me: How did you? Jack: You don't need to know. Me: I don't want to know. Me: Kunikida!!! Kunikida: What is it, Echo? Me: It's simple, you're playing this game. Kunikida: Who's my person? Me: Hellhound. Kunikida: Do I get a hint? Me: He already participated in one of the first two rounds. kunikida: Nakahara Ryuunosuke. He is the only teen that fits the physical definition of Hellhound. Me: I thought this was gonna be harder for all of you. Me: Wait if you knew why haven't you arrested them yet!? Heroes: Shrugs Me: Fucking dumbasses.
Flame: What about me? Me: Oh, right you exist. Flame: Hurry up. Me: Beast Flame: is it that kid with white hair that's hugging that kid with black hair? Points at Atsushi who is hugging Akutagawa Me: Yes...
Atsushi: Looks up, confused Huh? Me: Use protection Atsushi: HUH!? Ryuunosuke: Extremely flustered Yosano: Whos my one? Me: Ah, Golden. Yosano: As in my wife? Me: Yep. Me: Kouyou, your turn. Kouyou: If it's my wife I will win. Me: No, it's Mara. Kouyou: There's no villain or hero by that name? Me: Its something one of Sorrows know associates are called however they have never been on scene Chuuya: Coughing and trying not to panic Kouyou: Do I get a hint? Me: Yes. She's adorable and you know her. Kouyou: Adorable and I know her? Kouyou: Miyo...? Chuuya: Nodding silently while trying to hide his panic Dazai: Staring at them in shock Me: Okay everyone! Now that we're done, your memories are gonna be wiped so we don't mess up the plot. Dazai: You never said anything about that! Me: I didn't think I'd have to. Flame: Evil woman Me: Thank you <3 Flame: That wasn't a compliment. Me: I know. ^^
#bungou stray dogs#bsd#mioshitomioka au#bsd au#echo rambles#dazai x chuuya#nakahara miyo#bsd chuuya#bsd akutagawa#bsd gin#bsd kunikida#bsd ocs#bsd dazai#bsd yumeno#hero/villain#au
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Coding woes (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Ukadevlog#Bug testing sure is something lol#These are both problems I've figured out now luckily! And I did them on my own! :D Extra pleased with myself :3#My slightly cocky attitude of ''Well that was frustrating - luckily I'll never run into another problem again'' amuses me lol#'Cause in the moment everything's flying! The code comes together lovely and it's all great! And then I come up to the next thing#Something I haven't done before - something that there's no Direct how-to of how to do a thing#Like setting player-and-character pronouns! I didn't know how to do that! But I figured it out!! :0 What a rush haha#It really did take me an evening of knocking my head against the wall in attempts - I waaaayyy overcomplicated it to start haha#I was like - trying to set up a system that would call on specific pronoun sets individually based on player input#Ridiculous - so much easier to just slap some values into an envelope and have those tied to a specific shell lol#But that took all night! I got sleepy while working on it and even my drowsy brain was like Wait...what am I supposed to check against? Haha#Such a weird experience subconsciously as well :0 'Cause I had normal dreams that night#Maybe some slight code-adjacent dreams of A Screen With Text On It but that could be anything :P#Most of it was just normal dream melodrama - but in the few times I woke up to readjust or roll over or pull my blanket#It was juuuuust enough for my ''conscious'' brain to kick in and think about what to compare against - what structure would work#And so by the time I woke up proper I had to frantically write down a bunch of code in a spare word document so I wouldn't go stir crazy lol#Breakfast must wait! Dailies must wait! I Have to write this down!!#And when I implemented it - it worked exactly as I hoped it would and is much much Muuuuuch simpler to call upon haha#Wow! That was a weird fluke that definitely won't happen again! Haha#I don't actually believe that I just have no way of guessing which aspect will trip me up - This Should Be Easy! And then it isn't lol#Definitely didn't predict the second - Especially because other than a small roadbump of not knowing how to Shell-Switch (ty again Cherry ♥)#Everything up to then was going well and everything after that was going fine! Until The One Thing happened pffbtl#I wanted to assign a value to check if a specific piece of code was being called upon - basically a fork between two outcomes#That went fine! The value Was changing! But only the first fork was being called???#No lol I just didn't put the second = ugh pft - and what's more frustrating is that I'd been using == up to that point!! I'd been warned!!!!#I - for some reason - was convinced that using && would make the value check Only need to check If x = 1... That's not how it works......#It's an If statement! If x = 1 then why do I have to check IF x == 1! Just check!!! Hwagh rules and whatnot lol#Like I said it's all fixed now but sheesh! What a silly mistake! I knew better!! And now I double know better haha
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breakups are so fucking weird. three years and just like that it's gone. huh
#helix.txt#gross i ended up spilling my guts in tags. look at them fucking writhing on the floor all bloody#dont rb please#vent#to quote fall out boy i knew it was over i just didn't know the date#yeah that's it. fall out boy can fix this.#i will feel better if i go listen to bang the doldrums#and infinity on high in general#and folie a deux. folie a fucking deux how i love that album#my chem will make me better. gerard way save me#god what a weird feeling. you used to know me better than any other person but then you moved hundreds of miles away and it worked#for a while. then two years later you said it wasnt working and that this was best for both of us. guess i never got the memo for that one#hope we treat other people better because i wasn't as kind as i should have been towards the end and you were never as thoughtful or con-#-siderate as i needed towards the end. we grew apart because you're bad at keeping contact over messaging#and in some ways the cracks in the foundation that grew from that were my fault too i guess. our conversations always felt one sided#maybe i was smothering you#you could never seem to keep more than a passing recollection of the things i liked or even pay much attention to them#but i wasn't great about that either#we just became different people. you weren't what i wanted or needed and you couldn't do long distance. whatever#i know it was the right thing i just wish it hadn't made me feel so damn awful#will we still talk after this? who knows. we didn't end on bad terms but things are definitely weird#and considering your track record with people you can only talk to online i'm not optimistic#you tried to break things off initially by saying you'd said you would improve in the past with nothing to show for it#something i didn't disagree with but i said it didn't bother me much. and it didn't#but it's complicated now. i did deserve better. but you made it clear i'm not getting it from you#you weren't as present or thoughtful as i needed#i wasn't there in person the way you needed and certainly not as considerate as i should have been. and for that second part i'm truly sorr#anyways. sorry. i'd been thinking about it for a long time anyway. i didn't want to admit it because i didn't like to think#about what it might bring. maybe i should have been braver#right. that's enough
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Bertie nearly nods a little, before stopping himself. Right, he says instead. You know, the Jonny in my world? No idea whether he's a decent cook or not. Every meal I've had with him's been at least half made of military rations, and. . . didn't really want to know what the other half was. Always seemed disgruntled about it, too. For all I know, he's either horrific as a cook, or he was just held back by the ingredients.
He remembers the "casserole" for a second, and stops himself from shuddering.
But he did sew, he offers. The Toy Soldier-- it was Jonny's friend, enlisted with him-- it got uniform bits from all over. Buttons and bobs and fabrics and lace. The strangest uniform I'd seen, by the end of it. Jonny sewed it together every time, complaining all the while, but he never said no. Seemed like a ritual between the two of them.
He pauses for a second, and then snorts a little. After all that, shouldn't have been quite so surprised he was in a musical group after all his complaining every time we sang in the evenings, but. . . guess he's just set on being contrary.
Jonny entered the living room with a tray carrying two steaks, a grilled cheese and a bowl of tomato soup for Bertie, a salad and a sandwich for Ashes and a salad and sandwich for Lyf, along with a snack tray of chips, fruit and cheese.
"Lunch is served. Grilled cheese and soup for Bertie, Tim you've got your steak, there's one for me too. Then there's sandwiches and salads for Ashes and Lyf. Snack tray is for everyone."
Bertie sets aside his knitting, and then gives Jonny a careful look. He seems slightly more tense, he thinks. Maybe. Or maybe he just is reading into things.
Are you all right?
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so was anyone going to tell me that the fulgurite ridgeback jackal skin comes with all sorts of unique electrical sound and visual effects when it's summoned and teleports or was I just supposed to find that out myself
#my posts#gw2#guild wars 2#OK BUT FR#that's actually really freaking cool#like instead of the sand swirl and default sound#it leaves a crackle of lightning matching its effects dye#and makes all sorts of lightning crack noises#like I'd been wanting it for a while but I didn't even know it did THAT. that's an extra bonus and i'm very happy#Ruju now has Thunderclap and I love it to bits. perfect#now i need the lithosol skimmer to come back... and also for Anet to make a feathered raptor that looks more lore-friendly#still debating what i want for springer and warclaw tho#jackrabbit might be neat for springer but idk for sure#i'm also waiting for the Northern Featherwing... i think that'll be back tomorrow? that one i know will be the one#pretty but intimidating bird that carries this man away. rip#(i'm gonna give it some gray dyes to be kinda like a peregrine falcon color scheme. feels good for him)
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There is a nonzero chance that I have COVID.
Let's hope it's just a cold...
#but we know that at least one person in my cast has covid#and i hugged him last night and talked to him a lot post-show with my mask off#i mask during the show but since we were eating and drinking i didn't at that time#sooooooo we shall see we shall see. thank god backstage i'm not as much around the cast as they are with each other.#other people in the cast have colds though. but most have not tested for covid. and honestly more might have covid.#is it bad i'm putting off testing too...#i almost don't want to know if i do... or at least... i don't want to know for the next 12 hours...#if i DO have it then it'll be an easier time than last time when i started developing symptoms on my way home from hawaii#and that was like 18 hours straight of traveling and due to the time difference i arrived home almost exactly a day later.#and over the course of those 18 hours (because literally my throat started feeling itchy at the start of the first of 3 plane rides)#i felt sicker and sicker and sicker. and in the uber home i was like i wanna die. but didn't sleep#because when i got home it was like 10am so i didn't want to totally mess up my sleep schedule so i stayed up most of the day#(i think i did nap at one point) and by midnight when i went to bed i was like oh i'm definitely sick with something#and at 4am when i was woken by a stupid tornado warning i realized i had been sweating in my sleep and likely had a fever#and woke up the next day at 11-ish finding out someone from the hawaii wedding had covid so i should test too#and my brother said the moment my swab hit the activator/indicator/whatever it was a solid positive line. yayyyy.#that was about 48-ish total hours between first symptoms and testing positive.#so. IF i have covid. i might not even test positive right now since i've only felt this sickness in my chest for like 5 hours.#at this point i'd be landing from the first plane and having a layover. and convincing myself it was just the dry airplane air.#i'd still have 2 red eye flights ahead of me to be miserable on while the symptoms progressed.#so i can definitely handle sleeping tonight and running a show tomorrow morning and then see how i feel.#also this might be psychological since i didn't really start feeling sick until AFTER i found out about the sick cast member.#that's a very very real possibility since i got so paranoid when i first heard he was sick and missing the show.
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max verstappen being the perfect boyfriend: a compilation
summary: max verstappen can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
folkie radio: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXIEEE, it's been a minute since the last time i did a compilation blurb and this felt like the perfect occasion to bring them back, i hope you like this!
Max Verstappen, three time world champion and the best driver of his generation is known for his incredible driving skills and relentless pursuit of victory on the track.
However, behind the wheel, Max has another passion that rivals his love for racing: his girlfriend.
In every interview, press conference, and social media post, Max can't help but gush about her, seamlessly sharing stories of their life together into conversations about lap times and race strategies.
Fans quickly began doing compilation videos about all the times he mentioned his girlfriend publicly, and those gathered millions of views across social media platforms.
The most popular one was called "Max Verstappen being the perfect boyfriend: a compilation," and it began with a video of Max arriving to the paddock for media day, Red Bull's social media team filming him while he answered some rapid fire questions.
"Waffles or Pancakes? You know I used to love pancakes but I think I've had too many because my girlfriend is obsessed with making them," he said as he signed some stuff, "So I would go for Waffles at the moment, but if my girlfriend is watching this I'd say I take her pancakes every day."
The next clip was from a post qualifying interview, and of course, Max earned the pole position, the interviewer had asked him what was expecting for the race the following day.
"To win of course, that's what I'm here for," he said with so hesitation, "But I'm also looking forward to it because my girlfriend will be here, it's the first race she attends this season and I can't wait to see her in the crowd while I take on the podium."
The video moved to show Max with his teammate Sergio Perez, they were playing a game of Green Flag or Red Flag, they were asked about people who film themselves at the gym and Max immediately waved the red flag.
"I actually don't go to the gym anymore," Max added, "I get annoyed by everyone else so I just exercise at home."
"So no topless selfies, not even at home," the interviewer said.
"I don't need to impress anyone, I've got my girlfriend, so," Max shrugged.
The next clip was taken from Max's own Youtube channel, he was showing some of his preparation routine for a race, that included some neck training, checking statistics, quick meetings with his team and engineers among other things.
And of course, his girlfriend made an appearance, standing in a corner watching everything unfold. He approached her, race suit on and helmet in hand, kissed her lips gently as she caressed his arm.
"Be safe out there okay?" her voice could be faintly heard.
"Always schatje, I love you."
In the next segment, Max had just earned his second world championship and was doing a casual interview for a sports channel.
"Do you have your girlfriend now call you 'Two time world champion Max Verstappen' or just Max,"
"Definitely not the first one," Max laughed, "She'd never do that, she says she likes to keep me humble."
"Your girlfriend has a pet name for you?" the guy asked again.
"We call each other a bit different but I prefer not to say that on camera," Max laughed again, "I don't want the internet to make fun of me for being cheesy."
The next clip was from Max's streamings, he was too immersed in a game that he didn't hear his girlfriend come into the room, noticing her presence when she leaned into him.
Out of habit of keeping their privacy, he covered the camera but forgot to turn his mic off.
"Schatje I'm streaming," he said, unaware that everyone could hear him.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was going to ask if you could feed the cats but I'll do it myself," his girlfriend spoke.
"No I'll do it, just let me get off the stream,"
"Baby, there's no need," she insisted.
"I was missing you anyways, just give me a minute."
His audience couldn't see anything but they clearly heard how Max kissed his girlfriend's lips, turning his attention back to the screen, he realized that he was broadcasting their conversation to everyone.
His viewers went wild in the chat, spamming heart emojis and comments about how sweet the couple was. Max ended the stream with a laugh, addressing his fans. "Alright, you heard the boss. I gotta go feed the cats. See you all next time."
On the same note, another clip from a video for RedBull with Checo was included, they had been asked to show the most recent picture in their phones.
"Oh it's from this morning, my girlfriend with the kids," Max said, showing the picture to the camera.
"The kids?" Checo asked with a laugh.
"The cats are our kids," Max shrugged, "Jimmy and Sassy Verstappen."
A particularly touching moment was from a press conference after a difficult race. Max had finished fifth, a rare position for him given his usual dominance. When asked how he dealt with setbacks, he gave a candid response.
"It can be tough, but my girlfriend always knows how to lift my spirits. She's my biggest supporter and always finds the right words to say. Just being with her makes everything better, no matter how bad the race went."
During a clip of Max giving a tour of the Red Bull factory, he stopped at a wall covered in race-winning memorabilia. Among the trophies and champagne bottles, there was a small, framed photograph.
"This is special to me," Max pointed it out, "It's from my first win with Red Bull. But look closer..."
The camera zoomed in to show a young woman in the background of the photo, cheering in the pit lane.
"That's my girlfriend," Max said softly. "She was there for my first win, and she's been there for every one since - even if she can't always be at the track. The team knew how much that meant to me, so they made sure she was in this photo when they framed it."
In the next segment, Max was asked about his favorite off-track activity.
"I love cooking," Max grinned, "Well, more like watching my girlfriend cook. She's amazing in the kitchen, and I'm just there to taste-test everything."
The compilation included a moment during a press conference, Max addressed a question about his girlfriend facing criticism online. The question arose after she received negative comments following a public appearance with him.
"Look, it's tough sometimes," Max began, his expression turning serious. "She didn't choose this life, but she supports me through everything. It's not fair for her to get hate just because of who she's dating. If you have a problem with me that's fine but don't go after my family or my girlfriend because that is just unacceptable."
The final clip that wrapped the video us was from the FIA Prize Giving ceremony, Max received his trophy for winning the 2023 championship.
In his acceptance speech, he thanked his team, his family, and, of course, his girlfriend.
"Winning races and championships is amazing, but having someone by your side who believes in you and supports you unconditionally is truly special. To my girlfriend, thank you for being my rock and my biggest cheerleader. I love you."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Max Verstappen, three time world champion and the perfect boyfriend.
#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen fanfiction#formula 1#max verstappen#max verstappen smau#max verstappen fic#f1 x reader#f1 fanfiction#formula 1 fanfiction#formula 1 x reader#max verstappen fluff#mv1 x reader#mv1 fanfiction#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen smut#f1 grid x reader#harrysfolklore#max verstappen fake instagram#max vertsappen fic#f1 smau
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You know what I was thinking of all day? Comforting our sad baby Bucky who just wants a hug. He's tired from a bad mission. His body aches. He saw things he didn't want to. He could really just use something.
Even just a smile?
He doesn't have a lot of friends and most people around the compound outside of the team avoid him. Even those who'd worked with him for ages were still wary, scared he'd snap if they just asked how he's doing. He would have liked it, even just a hello in passing. When he walks by with a scowl on his face, no one meets his eye. If they did, they would have seen the storm that was brewing inside was not an angry one.
He just needed to be held.
When he continues to make his way towards his room, he's given a few nods from a couple of teammates but he knows they're doing it while holding their breath. He reaches his room and the damn is about to break, he hasn't been held in years, he feels so cold and empty, was he really so terrifying, no one would-
"Sergeant Barnes?"
A gentle voice calls for him, forcing him to swallow the lump in his throat. He knows that voice, mustering his best smile as he turns around to find Tony's lab assistant with a cup of chamomile tea in his mug and a file with the mission report he was supposed to fill out.
"Everyone's filling their reports in the conference room, I figured you'd rather have some privacy so I thought I'd bring it to you" You give him the same warm smile you grace everyone with, handing him the steaming cup, "and of course, your favourite"
It's too much. Normally it wouldn't be but he's never given such kindness but he always gets it from you. You're so unbelievably affectionate to everyone and he really doesn't feel worthy but today he needs it so he graciously accepts the tea and file with a soft thank you.
"and call me Bucky, doll"
You stiffen at the slight crack in his voice, frowning when he keeps his eyes trained to the floor. It wasn't unusual for Bucky to keep to himself but you catch his reddened nose and glassy baby blues and it breaks your heart.
He opens the door to enter his room ready to drown in a lonely storm when that voice calls again. Surely he was dreaming. He sets down his things, turning to find you still at his door.
"Bucky?" You enter his room, standing before him when he doesn't ask you to leave, "Are you okay?"
He doesn't trust himself, nodding and desperately blinking back tears. He wished you'd leave, he wished you'd stay, he wished he could just tell you what he needed, his hands fisted into balls by his side, he should just suck it up, what was he expecting-
"Come here" You whisper, your hand coming to cradle the back of his head, bringing it to rest into your neck where he can let go, your arms wrapping around his body.
Bucky doesn't get a chance to realize what's happening because as soon as he feels your touch the first sob escapes. He's hidden himself away in your hold, his tears wetting your skin with no remorse. He clings onto you like a lifeline while you coo and comfort him, playing with his hair and rubbing his back.
You don't let go, allowing him to cry for as long as he needs. Even after his cries turn into sniffles, you comfort him, pressing a kiss to his temple while he holds you extra tight.
When he's finally ready to let go, albeit reluctantly, he's instantly shused from trying to apologize. You don't ask questions asking what happened or why he was upset. It really didn't matter. You just knew. Bucky whispers a thank you, making a mental note to get you some flowers to properly showed you how much he appreciated it.
Of course you'd always just know when he needed it so he'd thank you again with coffee.
Dinner again.
Eventually, a ring.
You always knew what he needed.
A hug.
That was all.
#bucky barnes#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x f!reader#bucky x y/n#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes angst#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes fan fiction#james bucky barnes#sergeant james buchanan barnes#james bucky buchanan barnes#james buchanan barnes#bucky barnes x fanfic#bucky barnes x fluff#bucky fan fic#bucky fan fiction#bucky fanfic#bucky angst#marvel angst#avengers angst#marvel fluff#bucky barnes sad#bucky barnes comfort fic#bucky barnes comfort fic#bucky barnes comfort
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My Boss Won't Be Happy About This - A.H
a/n: back to bimbo brain rot!!!! inspired by the first season that one episode (you know the one) where hotch is all macho man with elle in jamaica
₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you’re wrongfully arrested and hotch is not happy about it
warnings: creepy officer, inaccuracies of how law enforcement works, hotch being sexy
wc: 1.3k
"Listen I'm not the type of girl to tell someone how to do their job, but I just don't think you're doing it right."
You were speaking to an empty room, or at least, you were speaking to the mirror in front of you. It's the kind of mirror you had seen in countless interrogation scenes, the kind you usually image Hotch standing behind. You let your gaze linger, wondering if eyes are studying you from the other side, listening to your monologue.
"Well, that, and I also just don't think it's very nice." Your brand spanking new heels were tapping against the dirty floor.
You weren't happy about that. You weren't happy about any of this. Your feet ache, but the fear of the germs lurking on the floor paralyzes any thoughts of relief by removing your shoes.
"And hey, shouldn't I get a phone call? That's a rule, I think," you mumble, lips turning downward in an unusual frown. It seems like the right time for it. "My boss is not going to take this well. I mean, he's got this look, you know? The kind that makes you want to apologize for things you didn't even do."
You conjured up his daunting expression and released a jittery laugh, all while striving to disregard the biting cold blasting from the AC vent, which seemed determine to freeze you into place.
You were seriously out of your element, not just in surroundings but in dress--so form-fitting it left very little to the imagination. It seemed to be a good idea for a date. That was before you realized said date would be a complete disaster. Now, it felt like a trap. It had been a spectacle for a man unworthy of the effort, and as you sat in this rigid chair, you found yourself tugging at the hem every other moment, a futile attempt to preserve some semblance of modesty.
"So, when he hears about this little error... Well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be in your shoes." Six hours had passed in this dreary space, and you could feel your sanity fraying at the edges. You muttered, half to yourself, "Not that they're as cute as mine, but you get the point."
The door hinge's creak made you sit bolt upright, a silent supplication for Hotch's rescue echoing through your mind. But today, it seemed, the gods were indifferent. The officer who had arrested you stepped in.
"Having fun talking to yourself?"
You flashed your sweetest smile. "Oh, tons! But I'd have much more fun if you'd uncuff me."
He said nothing, folding his arms over his chest as he dragged his gaze up and down your body in a way that made your skin prickle in discomfort. You attempted to dispel the creeping dread, but it stubbornly lingered.
You did what you could to cover up, despite the awkward angle of your arms. "Listen, this is all just a big mistake. I work for the FBI," you insisted, though it was clear the officer's attention was fixated on your tits rather than your words. "Well, I mean, I'm an assistant for the unit chief of the BAU unit. You've heard of Aaron Hotchner, haven't you?"
The officer's mouth closed without a word, as the door was thrust open yet again, and this time, your heart leapt in recognition. Your knight in shining armor with a lethal expression.
His eyes instantly zeroed in on the officer with a look that could curdle blood, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that you weren't the object of his anger. He approached you wordlessly, his every motion precise and determined.
He carefully shed his jacket, a gesture he seldom made, and draped it across your shoulders. The fleeting caress of his hand against your skin was enough to make you lean into his touch. You let out a breath that you had been unconsciously holding back.
You watched as Hotch turned, his voice a low, steady force, his words carefully chosen and tinged with an unsettling peace. "Officer," he began, the title spoken almost as warning. "I believe there has been a grave misunderstanding. This woman is not only an esteemed member of the FBI, but she is also under my direct supervision."
He stepped closer, encroaching on the officer's personal space. You watched, almost in slow motion, as the officer's expression morphed into one of sheer terror, his earlier confidence dissolving like sugar in hot tea.
"Six hours," he continued, his voice never rising yet somehow it took up all the space in the confined room. "Six hours of unwarranted detention, without due process. I expect her immediate release. And make no mistake, this lapse in judgment will have its ramifications."
The officer was mute, his fingers clumsily unlocking the handcuffs, his movements hurried, his hands trembling. A twinge of pity flickered within you, but it was quickly overshadowed by the memory of considering the table as a makeshift blanket.
The moment the metal clicked open; you wasted no time. You flung your arms around Hotch, the pent relief and biting chill of the past few hours pouring out of you. You were desperate for warmth, specifically his warmth.
He stiffened, caught off guard by your actions. You feel the anger radiating through him, practically pulsing through his skin. As you clung to him, you felt the draft on your legs as your dress slid up, and without missing a beat Hotch's hand discreetly adjusted the fabric, all while keeping his eyes locked on the officer, a silent warning in his gaze.
Once he was certain you were decently covered, he allowed himself to draw him into his arms. One arm secured around your waist, the other weaving through your hair. You were cold. It renewed another tide of rage through his bloodstream.
With the officer's departure, the room's oppressive atmosphere lightened a touch, leaving you still latched onto your boss.
"Oh, sir, you wouldn't believe it," you started, his hands tracing up your spine and sparking a trail of goosebumps that had nothing to do with the chill. "They kept asking me about a heist, as if I'd know anything about that! And then they show me this picture, and I mean, sure, she had my hair, but that's about it."
You rambled on, and he let you, the absurdity of the situation pouring out in a stream of consciousness. Hotch's hold on you tightened. You could sense the coiled tension in him, a tempest of anger held a bay.
"And the room, it was so cold! I mean, I'm sure you can tell. My teeth were chattering, and all I could think of was how I'd rather be filing your paperwork or listening to Reid's factoids about the quantum mechanics of coffee beans."
You felt Hotch's breath on your hair as he let out a sigh.
"I'm just glad you're here now," you whispered, finally allowing yourself to relax in his embrace.
Hotch gave a curt nod, his jaw set. He was itching to confront the officer, to unleash a tirade not meant for your ears. But he was well aware of how much you needed him right now, and that trumped everything in his book.
Hotch took a moment to compose himself before speaking. "This isn't just incompetence; it's negligence. I will have this place reevaluated for its standards, or lack thereof."
You took a step back, hands still resting on his arms, and he maintained his grip on your waist. "I bet this is the last time you'll let me go on a date without a full background check on the guy, huh, sir?"
Hotch's hold on your waist firmed just a fraction. "Maybe it's the last time I let you go on a date, period."
He was only half-joking.
"Not even with you?" You tilted your head to meet his gaze, drawing his jacket closer around you.
Hotch just simply gives you that look, the one that says a thousand words without a sound. He's telling you to tread lightly.
"Alright, I'll be good," you giggle, the tension easing from your shoulders. "Can you take me home now, please?"
He nods, "Yeah, let's get you home."
And then he leads you out, thinking to himself that the next person to take you out will be him, but that's for him to know and you to find out later.
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner x fem reader#aaron hotchner x bimbo reader#aaron hotchner x bimbo!reader#hotch#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner fic#hotchner#criminal minds#criminal minds fluff#Spotify
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PHAINON ࣪ ִֶָ ⋆ . call my name
as overly formal and unnecessary as it sounds, the amphoreus' hero has always been lord phainon to you. while it comes with great honour and respect, much like how it applies to your master; lady aglaea, it feels like there's a barrier between you and him, and he doesn't really like that, considering that he'd like to know you better, closer.
so naturally, he revels in making you drop the honourary title, and the best way to make you do so (based on his countless personal experiments of trial-and-error, which he very much enjoyed) is to catch you off guard. shock you enough to make you forget all about the formality, enough to make you see him not as just amphoreus' hero, but as phainon himself.
one of the times that happened was when you found a lost little girl in the wood. so you asked around the village nearby if she's familiar. you were starting to get some leads when you stumbled upon an elderly man who commented, "my, what lovely family you three look".
"no, we're not-".
"well, thank you so much, good sir. unfortunately, they're not family members. we're actually looking for this child's parents. although i'd like to note that i do look forward to starting a family with this woman".
of course, that's just one method of making you fall into his plan. there's trill in guessing how you'll react. the blush that never fail to paint your face rosy red always manage to make him fall deeper for you. but nothing made him completely weak than you calling his name consciously out of your own choice.
not even mydei's hardest punch to his gut could do as much damage as you do in this situation.
he was looking at the moon one night all alone when you appeared beside him. "someone seems busy with his thought. would he be so generous to share?", a teasing tone laced your words, making him chuckled. you always seem to know how to calm his nerve when it's going wild.
"just.. thinking about the battle to come. do you think we'll make it this time?". from the hill you're standing on, the ruins around the perimeter glowed under the moonlight. the destruction they faced was unmistakable. from the way he sympathetically shifted his gaze upon them, you guessed that perhaps it's from his previous battle, one that you didn't embark together with, one that he failed.
without warning, you took his hand in yours, caressing circles on the scars on it, a gentle smile gracing your lips. "of course we will, because you have me by your side", you announced pridefully, so full of confidence that it felt contagious on him. "and you by mine, phainon".
you voice was so low, as if a whisper of a mother soothing her crying child, or a girl confessing to her lover of her affection. but he heard you loud and clear.
although, he felt like he needed you to repeat that again because his system was in a mess from you saying his name that he didn't get to savour it to its fullest.
"no, that only come once".
safe to say that he spent the rest of the night begging that you call his name like you just did. but where's the fun in a challenge if you just give him what he wants?
⊹₊ author's note ₊⊹
this is kinda silly, but someone implied that phainon isn't as innocent as what we originally thought he would be did something to my brain chemistry. and you know what? good for him. this man needs some fun before he d***
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Beach Adventures
Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
Summary: Pedro takes the opportunity to fuck you at the beach.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ mdni!, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), fingering, multiple orgasms (two), filthy talk, implied age gap (because, let's face it, we're all much younger than him), established relationship, porn without a plot
Word Count: 5.289
Authors Note: What. Did. I. Do. I don't know. But this video of Pedro? It sent me down a spiral I wasn't ready to be pushed down. This was living in my head rent-free since then, and i think it's time it does something for its stay! I hope you'll enjoy this. Never did anything for Pedro before, so this is kinda new. Also, it's been a while since I did smut, so, please, cut me some slack.

You should have known he'd take that challenge - and succeed it.
Making you horny at the beach on your vacation? Yes.
Making you come on his fingers at the beach? Yes.
Fucking you at the public beach? Triple that yes.
Pedro sat in the reclined chair under the parasol at the beach, busy reading the book he had brought along for the Christmas holidays. You were sitting in a chair right beside his, bathing in the sun. He'd be lying if he said you weren't distracting him in your tiny swim suit.
You stretched a bit, the sun making you sleepy. "How's your book?" you asked, eyes still closed.
He chuckled softly at your comment, seeing as your eyes were still closed. Clearly you hadn't been paying attention to the world around you for a short moment. "It's alright. Very well written, but a little boring for my taste." he admitted, closing it for a brief moment just to admire the view of you in your swim suit. "How's... sun bathing going?"
You hummed. "Good." you said. "Though I'm sorry for the book. I know how excited you were about it."
He shook his head, waving it off almost immediately. He set the book to the side, turning his chair just a tiny bit to see you even better. "It's alright, babe. Can't like everything right?"
You hummed once more. "That's true."
His hand moved up onto your leg, running up and down your thigh absentmindedly. It was a very subtle move, but clearly, he was in need of some entertainment.
"Are you getting sun burnt yet? You've been laying there for a while - I'd hate for you to turn red later.” he mused.
You snorted under your breath. "I have some very good sunscreen." you told him. "Don't worry. I can still turn onto my front if you're scared, though."
He chuckled. Despite the fact he was enjoying the view of you lying there, he'd much rather see you on your stomach anyway. Less... distracting. "Oh yes, that would be much better. Don't wanna miss any spot while applying more sunscreen you know, gotta make sure everything is covered in SPF."
You hummed, turning onto your stomach. "You're absolutely right." you mumbled.
The sun felt so nice. It was a nice distraction from everything. Holidays meant no work, no events or galas to attend to. No dressing up, no socializing. Just Pedro, a couple friends, and you.
His eyes scanned you up and down, admiring your naked back and how the thin straps of your swim suit kept you from being completely exposed. Pedro didn't mind, he could easily pull those tiny strings...
He leaned forward, a small smirk forming on his face. His hand moved up and down your naked back, touching the smooth skin.
You sighed, relaxing into the chair.
He chuckled softly at your reaction, enjoying the fact he could get a reaction out of you just by touching your skin. He moved his fingers to the straps of your swim suit, pulling it a little.
"Would you mind if I took the straps off? So I could apply the sunscreen everywhere?" he wanted to know.
You repressed a snort. Right, for the sunscreen. "No, go ahead."
He smirked as you agreed. He was going to have a lot of fun here. His fingers moved around your body, pulling the straps off of it, exposing you almost completely. His eyes traveled up and down your body, taking in every inch of it in the process.
He grabbed the lotion, squirting a bunch of it into his hand, before slowly spreading it across your soft skin, covering you in sunscreen from the top of your neck all the way down your back.
"Pedro?" you mumbled his name. "Are we gonna go to that little bar we saw yesterday, later? It looked really nice."
He raised an eyebrow absentmindedly, his hands continuing to move across your body. He was just getting to your lower back now, massaging the sunscreen into your skin, not realizing you were talking at first until he heard you say his name once more.
"Hm?" He hummed, snapping out of the trance he had been in for the past few minutes. "Bar? Yeah, we can do that. I could use a few drinks and some music."
"Everything okay?" you asked, though you already knew what was going through his head. Being an actor meant for him being very busy and on the run most of the time, which left little time for... other activities.
Chuckling, Pedro leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lower back, not caring about the sunscreen he’d just applied there. He couldn't help it, you just looked so good, completely exposed for him to see and touch...
"I'm perfect, baby. Just got a little... distracted. That's all." He moved up onto his knees a bit, his hands slipping a bit further down your body. "We should go somewhere a little more... private, though."
You snorted softly. "Why?" you asked. "The sun's feeling so nice."
He chuckled, continuing to spread the sunscreen across your body, until he was on your legs. Once on the tops of your legs, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to one thigh and then the other.
"You know exactly why, baby.” he mumbled into your skin. “You don't need your thighs exposed to the world, not when I can take my time with you in private..."
"Didn't you do that this morning already?" you mused. The morning had indeed been... busy, causing you and Pedro to miss breakfast.
He hummed. Yes, they did do some... things earlier that day, but that felt like ages ago, and not nearly enough to satisfy him completely.
"I don't need a reason to enjoy your body again.” he gave back. “Or an excuse, for that matter. You should know that by now, mi amor."
"Oh, I do." you sighed. "Why do you think I brought this swimsuit?"
Snickering, he ran his hands up and down every soft curve of your body. “You mean this little thing?" He tugged on the fabric of your top, enjoying how little it covered. "I do love it. Almost too much, darling...”
You chuckled quietly at his words. "Yeah?"
He nodded, his eyes traveling the length of your body once more. "It looks so... good.” he mumbled dreamily. “Really reveals your curves. I love it." His hands ran up and down your legs now, taking his time to caress your smooth skin. His touch on your thighs almost lingered just a bit longer than necessary.
"I'm glad." you mumbled. "Picked it just for you, mi amor."
He hummed happily as you called him that, his hands now moving to the inside of your thighs and then up to the tiny fabric strip of your swimsuit in the middle. He tugged on it a little as if testing your limits.
"You're trying to kill me here, aren't you?" he asked.
You grinned softly. "Only a bit."
He chuckled, continuing to tease you with his touch. His hand reached over, picking up the lotion again, before squeezing some onto your thighs, spreading it across your soft skin.
"You're gonna end up going to that bar with a little... problem, if you keep this up.“ Pedro murmured.
You huffed. "What problem?"
Chuckling again, he continued to spread the lotion, moving further and further up your legs, until his knuckles were brushing against your bikini bottoms.
"Oh, I think you're smart enough to figure that one out, mi vida. Unless, of course, you want me to explain myself?"
"Please do." you breathed out, though knowing exactly what he meant. "Wouldn't wanna risk a misunderstanding."
He smirked, his hand moving just a little higher up and around your body. Then, very subtly, he moved his finger against the front of your bikini bottoms, pressing it right against the sensitive area there, not doing much, just touching.
"I think you know exactly what's about to happen if you push me a little further, darling."
You swallowed, heat rising up your spine. "You sure?" you asked, keeping your voice steady. "‘Cause I'm not."
He chuckled. You were testing him, challenging him. It excited him, though, knowing you wanted to see how far he'd go. He didn't mind showing you one bit.
"You're a naughty little tease." he breathed out, slowly applying pressure to your sweet clit with his finger, rubbing it gently and teasingly through the fabric, just to see your reaction.
You gritted your teeth, trying to keep your hips from moving. "Am I?" you asked. "And here I thought that part was yours, old man."
He smirked at you calling him old, knowing fully well by now that was only for the purpose of riling him up. He loved it.
"Old man? That ain't very nice, darling." He mused, rubbing over your clit a little rougher. He was trying to find your limits, testing your patience.
"Ain't it?" you breathed out, the slightest bit of strain to your voice. "Just stating facts. You're older than me, I was told to show respect to my elders."
He snickered. "Elders aren't the same as old men, mi amor.“ he said. „I don't think you're showing much respect here. Not with the way you're teasing me, at least.“
"Not doing it on purpose." you tried to defend yourself, though it was a clear lie. "Maybe a little."
He smirked, continuing to rub your clit. Slowly, but surely, rubbing a little faster every time he moved his finger. He loved teasing you too, just to see when you'd give in.
"A little? You're doing it on purpose entirely, mi vida. You love to tease me, and you enjoy every second doing it." he gave back, brows furrowing slightly.
You bit your cheek, a strangled breath leaving your lips. "Just tryna test your durability." you said. "Fifteen years aren't nothing, baby."
Pedro chuckled, continuing is ministrations on your clit before moving his fingers across the edge of your bikini bottoms, teasing you with the idea of slipping them underneath them. He knew you couldn't last much longer, but you knew he was just as weak as you were.
"Hmm, you mean you doubt my durability, darling? Is that what you're trying to say here?" His voice was low, his words barely above a whisper.
You bit your lip. "I'm just tryna look out for you, Josè." you said. "Can't have you getting bored with me."
He chuckled and bit his lip, leaning down and whispering in your ear. "Oh, I could never get bored with you. Not after seeing you like this, mi amor. So beautiful, so... desirable." Moving his fingers back to your clit, he added a little more pressure, just enough to send a jolt through your body. "And that's why you won't ever have me get bored in the first place.“ he added.
"Hngh- that's good to know." you pressed out, inhaling shakily. "You're being mean, Pedro."
He chuckled, his touch getting more intense the longer he continued. He loved to tease you like this, loved the way you reacted to his touch. He knew he was close to breaking you. All he had to do was push you just a little bit further.
"Oh, I'm being mean, am I?“ he mused. „Well, maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to tease an old man like me, darling."
You scoffed. "That's not fair."
He smiled, leaning closer to your neck, his lips brushing against your skin. "Not fair?“ he echoed, his hot breath fanning against your skin. „It's not fair that you tease me, knowing what it does to me. And it's not fair that you keep testing me, just to see where I break, when we both know damn well that you aren't lasting much longer either.“
You bit your cheek. "We're at the beach." you breathed out.
He smiled, whispering against your skin, his hand running the risk of pushing your bikini bottoms to the side once more, but not quite getting there yet. He loved the reactions he was getting out of you so far, he loved the way you breathed faster, the way you squirmed. He loved it.
"No one's nearby.“ he mumbled. „They're all more towards the entrance of the beach, mi vida. We've got the corner all to ourselves..."
You huffed quietly. "Still wanna go to that private place?"
Pedro pressed a kiss to your shoulder, his hand moving across the crotch of your bikini bottoms. He was testing your limits.
"A private place would be nice, yes." he whispered to you. "Or we could stay right here, see how far you'll let me go...“
You swallowed, heat rising farther up your body. "That was the purpose of the question, Pedro.“ you gave back, doing your best not to squeeze your thighs together.
Pedro’s fingers found your clit again, slowly beginning to move them in circles once more. He whispered into your ear, his voice low, rough.
„I just want you to admit it, mi vida... Are you desperate for me, darling? Do you need me as much as I need you right now?"
"Always, Pedro." you breathed out. "You know that."
He chuckled, gently kissing your neck again. That admission from you was more than enough for him. He knew you needed him just as bad as he needed you. Without warning, his fingers moved the fabric of your bottoms to the side, his fingertips brushing against your bare, sensitive folds.
"How much do you want me, mi vida?” he whispered. “You need my touch? Need it so bad you're letting me do this right here in public?"
You swallowed thickly, the wetness pooling between your legs intensifying. "Yes, Pedro." you breathed out. "So much."
He hummed happily at your words, pleased with your response. He pushed a single finger inside of you, though not moving it yet.
"You'll need to stay quiet for me, mi amor.“ he murmured. „We wouldn't want anyone to see us, after all. Could you do that, darling?"
You bit your lip, leaning your forehead against the backrest as you let out a strangled breath. "Sure."
Pedro chuckled, moving his finger slowly in and out of you, eliciting a broken moan to spill from your lips. His movement was steady, but he didn't want to rush things just yet. You had time.
"Are you sure you can stay quiet?“ he wondered out loud. „Because you're not being all too quiet right now, mi amor. Just imagine what the others would think if they saw you right now... You're not as good at holding in your sweet little noises as you think you are."
You breathed shakily. "Yes, Pedro." you mumbled as your spine seemed to liquefy to lava. "I can.”
He smiled, chuckling softly in your ear. He knew you couldn't, he knew you would break eventually. But damn if it wasn't fun to tease you like this. He pressed a kiss to your neck.
"We shall see, mi amor. We shall see..."
His finger kept moving, steadily getting faster and rougher as he went along. Continuing to listen to you for now, he paid attention to any noise, any whimpers, or even the smallest of moans you let out.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on your breathing. White hot pleasure nipped at your nerve endings, want and desire swirling through you.
Pedro knew what he had to do. He moved his finger faster, pressing his lips to your neck, moving up and down the sensitive skin there.
„That’s it, mi vida. Just focus on your breathing.“ he whispered to you, his movements not stopping anytime soon. „Good, good. Just breathe…“
You squirmed, feeling lightheaded already. „Pedro.“ you breathed out. „You’re not helping.“
„I know.“ he whispered, his lips pressed against the sensitive spot behind your ear. He was enjoying getting this reaction out of you, enjoying this game of his.
„But I want to see how bad you need Me. How bad you’re craving my touch.” He pressed a kiss to your neck again. „You’re holding out longer than I expected you to, mi amor. Maybe you deserve a little more?“
„Please, Pedro.“ you breathed out. For someone so innocent looking he clearly wasn’t.
He chuckled softly to your begging, amused by your submission to him. He hadn’t expected you to break that quickly. But now that he had you so desperate, begging him… Who was he to deny you, mi amor?
„You’re doing so good, mi vida. So good for me.“ he whispered to you, moving his finger inside of you faster for a second, before pulling it out and moving it up. He found your sweet nub again, rubbing against it before he started moving his fingertips in figure eights, adding pressure as he went.
You drew in a sharp breath, hips bucking almost automatically into his hand as more heat crept up your spine. You whimpered, desperately trying to keep quiet. Maybe it hadn’t been your best idea to do this out here.
He grinned against your neck, enjoying the reaction he got out of you. You were so perfect, so responsive to his touch. To him. He loved it, loved the way you bucked your hips into his hand, trying to get more, the way you whimpered so quietly, trying to keep it in.
„Shhh, mi amor. Remember you need to stay quiet. You don’t want the people nearby knowing what we’re doing.” he reminded you. As if he had to. “Do you?“
You huffed. Or the press. That’d be a headliner, though. Pedro Pascal fucking his younger girlfriend at the public beach. „I know...“ you groaned. Your hips already ached, the coil inside of you winding tighter and tighter.
„Don’t let out too much more noise, mi amor.” Pedro said, his tone almost a whine as his strong facade crumbled. “I don’t think I can hold out much longer if you keep whining and whimpering like that."
You whined on purpose, biting your lip, hard. Fuck! you thought. He was driving you right towards the edge of sweet bliss.
Pedro heard the whine, knowing that meant he was pushing you closer to the edge. He couldn’t hold back anymore, he was too excited and needed you just as bad as you needed him. He gently bit down on your exposed neck, hard enough to leave a mark, causing you to hiss.
„Hush, mi amor.” he whispered, tongue brushing over the mark. “We’re still in public. Hold back the cute little noises you’re making and I promise, I give you whatever you want later.”
„Please, Pedro.“ you whimpered, squirming underneath him. „Need you now.“
He chuckled in your ear, enjoying your begging. He was getting close to losing control, losing any sense of decency. But he wanted to get you off before he took care of himself, wanting to see you finish first. Hearing you whimper had him losing his composure, so desperate to do it right then and there.
You whimpered as he picked up the pace, leaving you trembling as you teetered on the edge, gasping for air. „Pedro,“ you breathed out. „I- I’m-”
He smiled as he heard the desperate way you were begging for him, knowing you were close, and he didn’t dare stop now.
„Shhh, mi vida. I know… I know you’re close, mi amor.“ he whispered soothingly, wanting to send you over the edge. „Don’t hold it back, mi amor. I‘ve got you. Let go.“
You squirmed, drawing in a shaky breath before you squeezed your eyes shut, covering your mouth with your hand as you came, violently clenching around nothing. Your body trembled, hips bucking wildly.
He could still hear the sweet little whimpers leaving your throat as you came for him. Just hearing you like that almost sent him over the edge on its own, his own breathing heavy in your ear as he helped bring you back down from the high.
„That’s it, mi amor. Good, good. You did so good for me, mi amor.”
You gasped for air, trying to steady yourself. Fuck.
He pulled his hand away, letting you catch your breath for a bit., moving his hands back up to your thighs. He wasn’t done with you yet. „You did such a good job holding back your sweet litle moans, mi amor.“ he whispered to you, leaning down and pressing small kisses to your neck. „Now I think you deserve a little more.”
You swallowed, wanting nothing more than for him to just fuck you into oblivion already. „Please...“
He pressed more kisses to your neck, his hands moving back to the edge of your bikini bottoms, tugging at them. „Please what, mi amor?“ he teased. “You need to tell me, darling. Use your words.”
„Please fuck me, Pedro.“ you breathed out, not caring how desperate you sounded. You’d go crazy if he wouldn’t be inside of you soon.
„There you go, mi amor.“ he mumbled, his lips brushing against your sensitive skin, fingers slowly pulling your bikini bottoms to the side once more, exposing you further to him. He loved the sight. He’d never get tired of it.
„That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.“ he mumbled, leaning down a bit, pressing a kiss to the top of your spine before moving his hands and cupping your ass, squeezing slightly.
Another sight he’d never grow tired of. He groaned quietly as you wiggled underneath him impatiently, your ass swaying with every movement. Yet he was just as impatient. Pulling his swimming trunks down enough to free his throbbing cock, he gave it a few pumps. He would have been lying if he said he hadn’t already been leaking into his trunks as he’d taken care of you. “You gotta be quiet, baby.” he mumbled, using his precum to lubricate himself.
„I’ll be quiet.“ you gave back. „I promise.”
„Good girl.“ he mumbled, positioning himself, before slowly and gently beginning to rub his aching length against your glistening folds, letting the friction build up for a few moments.
You suppressed a moan, inhaling shakily. He was riling you up and you loved and hated it.
He smiled, moving his hips just a bit faster.
„You’re being very quiet, mi amor.” he mused. “Are you actually serious about keeping your promise?“
„Yes.“ you breathed out, eyes fluttering. „Yes, mi amor.“
Humming happily, he moved his hips again, a subtle hint that he was going to push in, if you were ready. You pushed your ass further up, as good as it was possible in your position.
„I’m going to hold you to that promise, darling.“ he whispered, his hand gripping onto your hip a bit tighter.
With one final movement, he finally pushed inside, stretching you oh so deliciously. He moved his fingers back onto your hip to steady you, whilst he sank further and further into your warmth, hissing as your velvety walls clenched and fluttered around him in response.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head with a gasp as he split you open. Fuck, so big. You would never get used to his girth, no matter how often he’d fuck you.
He listened to your reaction, enjoying the way you gasped with a small grin. He always loved to hear you like this, cherishing the moment he’d sink into you. He rarely did it fast, too greedy for the way you reacted, nearly sucking him in.
„Pussy’s so good to me.” he mumbled, his breath hot against your neck. He wanted this to last for a while, but he didn’t know how long he could hold out.
You shivered at his words, clenching around him. He hissed in return, huffing a breathy chuckle. He knew you did it on purpose, and damn if he didn’t love it.
Slowly, he started moving his hips, trying to be gentle and not rock the chair – or worse, topple it over. It wouldn’t have been the first time, yet he didn’t need it to happen right here where everyone could see.
He moved slow, wanting to enjoy this, every gasp, every whimper that left your lips. „You're so good for me, mi vida.” he breathed out, hips rutting into you a bit faster. “Pussy’s been made for my cock, huh?”
You clenched around him, sighing his name. “Only for you, baby.”
A soft moan left his mouth as he felt you clench around him once more. „So sweet and eager for me.”
He thrust a little harder, faster, effectively fucking the thoughts of other people possibly seeing you out of your head. Leaning closer, his chest brushed your back as he angled his hips to push deeper.
You moaned quietly, his name leaving your parted lips. „More, please, Pedro.” you whimpered.
He pressed a kiss to your neck, grinning against your skin as he heard you moan his name again. As you asked for more, he moved a little faster, his hand slipping farther down your body.
„That’s it, mi amor… Moan my name for me.“ he whispered, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear. He could tell he was getting close already, but he wanted to be absolutely certain you were getting what you needed first. Not that he had any doubts that you were enjoying every second of this, considering your whimpers and sounds, but he wanted to make sure.
„Let me know when you’re close, mi amor. Want you to finish before me.“ he breathed into your ear, teeth tugging on it lightly.
You clenched around him once more at his words. Always so considerate. „I will“ you breathed out in a whimper. „Want you to come inside of me. Want your cum dripping outta me, Pedro.”
He moaned hearing your words. Hearing you telling him exactly what you wanted was just so damn exciting, so hot… it pushed him right towards the edge.
„Anything you want, mi amor.” he promised. “Will give you anything you want, mi vida. Anything you need.“
His movements were getting rougher now, not bothering to hold back from you anymore. He didn’t need to. He could trust you, he knew you wouldn’t give them away to anyone. He just knew. And that allowed him to forget about everything else, just focus on you and this moment right there.
„Do you need more, mi amor? Are you getting close, mi vida?“ he wanted to know.
You whimpered in return. „More, please?“ you asked. „Your fingers, please, Pedro. Can feel you twitching already.”
He growled against your skin, wrapping his arm around your chest, holding you firmly, so he could use his other hand for you. „That’s it. That’s my good, sweet girl. Asking for what you want, being so desperate for me. I like that, mi amor. I’Il give you what you need.“ he mumbled directly Into your ear, the words sending chills through your body as you listened to them.
„Move your lower half up for me a little, so I can take care of you, mi amor.“
You did as you were told, lifting your hips a little.
Pedro hummed happily feeling you move, giving him a better angle. He was pretty certain that nobody from the beach would be able to see anything from here, and he didn’t care either. All he cared about right now was you and that you needed him. His hand slid down your body, feeling down your stomach for a moment, until it was able to move the fabric of your bottoms aside once more. His fingertips found your sweet clit, rubbing over it in small, quick movements, wanting to please you. Sure, he could have taken his time, could have made you come on his cock alone, but he didn’t know how much time you had until someone would question what was going on under your parasol. He wanted to make sure you felt good, and make sure you’d reach your peek.
You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you gasped, hoping no one would hear you.
„Shhh, mi amor, you’re being so good.” he praised you. “Being so quiet. Such a good girl for me. But I know you’re close.“ He moved his hips a little rougher, moving them in a steady, quick pace now, matching his fingers. He was getting close, and he was starting to get desperate, but he never forgot about your needs.
Moving his fingertips in quick, small circles, he knew it would almost certainly send you over the edge. He didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to last, but he didn’t care. It was all about you, about making you feel good.
The pleasure was mind numbing, the way he fucked you always so good. It didn't take long for you to teeter on the edge.
You stiffened slightly in his hold, hiding your face in the backrest of the chair as the coil tightened, and you fell apart, desperately trying to muffle any sounds.
A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he heard you finally let go, falling apart for him. It was an amazing sight when he was able to make you finish, and he loved it. Just then though, he was unable to hold back. You clenching around him, your noises you tried to keep quiet… He finally gave in, coming inside of you, gasping into your ear as he breathed your name over and over again.
You whimpered, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Perfect, just perfect.
He pressed kisses to your neck, trying to catch his breath, still holding you against his chest. He needed you close, he just needed to feel you against him, needed to be close to you right in that moment. You grounded him like no one else did.
„I love the way you sound when you come for me, darling.” he mumbled, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “It’s so sweet and perfect. The sounds you make... I love them. I love every part of you…”
You smiled, still trying to calm your breathing „I love you, Pedro.“ you breathed out, exhausted.
He chuckled softly into your neck, holding you close against his chest and kissing your neck a couple times. „I love you too, mi vida. So much. You’re perfect.“
He slowly pulled out, pulling your bottoms back into place. As much as he would have loved to just stay there with you, he knew they eventually had to move. He had no intention of leaving you anytime soon though. He was happy here on the beach.
You whimpered involuntarily when he pulled out, sighing deeply as you sank further into the chair. „You’re too good to me, Pedro.“ you mumbled. „Leaving me full of your cum.“
He chuckled into your neck, loving how you spoke to him. He was already addicted enough to you, but hearing you using such filthy words... He pressed another kiss to your neck, his own breathing still a little heavy. „I’II always take care of you, mi amor. And I love taking care of you, especially in this way… I can’t deny you what you need, especially when I’m getting something out of it too.“
You huffed a chuckle. „Sounds just fair.“
He smiled, holding you in his arms, just enjoying the moment before anything else. „It does sound fair, doesn’t it?“ he mumbled. „There is one disadvantage to this, though.“
You frowned, turning your head so your cheek rested against the backrest. „What is it?“
He moved his head a little bit, leaning it against yours, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. „I'm not going to be able to let you wander around this beach again wearing just this without thinking of what I’m going to do to you in this seat again.“
1K notes
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I might get a lot of hate for this, but I want Helluva Boss to explore the myriad of reasons cis women get abortions. I want it to be explored in a healthy way

Because I feel in the current climate (especially politically) people don't want to ever think of the possibility that a woman won't want children. Millie isn't happy about this news.

And I'd absolutely love for Millie to not tell Moxxie she had an abortion, I want her to feel guilty about it and talk to Blitzø about it, worrying that if Moxxie knew he'd hate her.
And I want Blitzø to convince her that because he loves her he would support her no matter what. And when she tells Moxxie he just says "it's your body so it's your choice, but next time let me know so I can help you through this."

Not all cis women want nor can physically have children. We need to talk about abortion in a much healthier way than the current climate allows.



Edit to add this:
Okay so while replying to someone it made me think, what if they tied this in to Stella's backstory? Very early on we see that Stella seems kind of distant towards Octavia.

If Stella is a woman who was forced to have a child when she didn't want one, her personality towards Stolas and Octavia becomes more apparent.
She spends more time with her brother than with Octavia.
she even calls her "an egg"

and "his daughter" instead of ever calling her Octavia or even her own daughter.

This could be a good way to explore how a person who was forced into a mothering role could act, and explains her distaste for Stolas' strength of actually doing something against the Ars Goetias authority.

Stella in this moment sees Octavia crying, but if we look at her eyes closely she isn't watching the television, she's looking at Octavia and smiling at the fact she's in pain.
Stella thinks she's proven here that it's impossible/was impossible to ever go against the status quo, that her wishes of ever disobeying the Goetia is futile and she's proven to Stolas and Octavia that it was always impossible.
I think a plot like this could really help the audience understand childfree people from a different perspective, and what could happen if you force a person who wishes to be childfree to have a child.
She could even have been mentally unwell/unstable after/before giving birth, which effects how she reacts towards people.
We as a society need to stop pressuring people into doing things our grandparents did just because it's what is expected of you.
This whole show is about generational trauma and breaking free from it, so I can see the show going this direction if it chooses to.
What do you think of this idea, and of it tying into a possible Stella backstory?
#helluva boss blitz#helluvaboss#hellaverse#helluva boss moxxie#helluva boss millie#abortion#tw abortion#not all cis women want kids#we need to explore why in a healthy manner#moxxie#moxxie millie#helluva millie#millie x moxxie#sinsmas#sinsmas spoilers#helluva boss spoilers#helluva boss stella#stella#stolas helluva boss#helluva boss octavia#ars goetia#generational trauma#generational healing#societal pressure#societal expectations#societal norms
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