dragonpyre · 6 months
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Have some low quality art of the only Jedi ever (for @ironhoshi)
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 1 year
♡Solitaire Quotes♡
We are hand in hand, but definitely not in a romantic way. (p.147)
How am I supposed to decide on a University course? Most of the time at school I can't even decide which pen to use. (p.149)
Fine. Fine, yeah, cats are pretty fabulous. (p.152)
I wanted to be a Jedi so badly when I was a kid. My lightsabor would have been green. (p.159)
I don't know why I can't just say that we're friends and be done with it. (p.162)
I hate parties. I always have. I always will. (p.216)
I love snow. Snow can make anything beautiful. (p.226)
I don't want people to try and understand why I'm the way I am, because I should be the first person to understand that. (p.264)
I disgust myself. I close my eyes and hold my breath for as long as possible. (p.276)
I was always very good at doing things by myself. I gues I sort of enjoyed looking after him. (p.280)
Tea is the elixir of life. (p.289)
... and I think he kissed the top of my head and it might just be a snowflake... (p.294)
Such a scarily relatable book that has a special place in my heart.
I wished I would've known that it existed back when I was in high-school, but even having it read years later, it brought some peace to me and my younger self.
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forcesung · 5 months
Master Unduli had smiled and said, "The dark side is always at hand, Padawan. It is no farther away than a heartbeat, an eye-blink, side by side with the bright side of the Force, separated by no more than a hair. It waits to snare the unwary, wearing a thousand disguises." Barriss had heard that before, many times, and she believed what her teacher said, but she had never really felt or understood exactly what it meant. She had not been tempted by the dark side, as far as she knew. She said as much, as they moved to a quiet spot where the grasses had been engineered to grow short and soft, like a living carpet. "We’ll do the Salutation here," her Master said. Barriss nodded. She moved to one side a bit to give her Master space.
"To answer your question, let me offer this: every conscious move you make, from the smallest to the largest, requires choice. There is always a branch in the path, and you must decide upon which turning you will tread. Do you recall the testings of your ability to sense a remote while wearing blinders?" "Of course." This was among the most basic of Jedi skills. A remote was a small levitating droid about the size of a goldfruit that could be programmed to zip about and fire mild electric bolts at a student. With a blast helmet on and the blinders down, the only way to know the position of the orb was to use the Force. As a student progressed in the use of his or her lightsaber, blocking the remote’s bolts became a standard exercise. Since you couldn’t use your eyes or ears to track the device, the only way to avoid being shocked was to let the Force guide your hands. Her Master continued: "And were there not instances when your use of the Force was less than perfect and the training bolts got past your lightsabor?" "Far too many of those instances," Barriss said ruefully. She shook her head. "At times, I felt like a needle cushion!" "And did you ever feel during those times like destroying the remote? Reaching out with the Force and crushing it like a wad of scrap flimsi?" As she spoke, Master Unduli began the Salutation to the Force, a combination exercise and meditative posture that started with a body arch upward, followed by a deep squat and leg-extended stretch to the rear.
Barriss copied her Master’s pose. "I confess there were occasions when I had little love for the training device, yes." "And did you have sufficient skill in use of the Force to have destroyed it, had you chosen to do so?" Master Unduli stood and repeated the pose, ending on the other leg. Again, Barriss copied her. "Yes. Easily." "Why didn’t you? If the goal was to protect yourself from being shocked, would that not have been justifiable?" Barriss frowned. "But that was not the goal. The goal was to learn how to attune my lightsaber with the Force so that I could stop the bolts from striking me. The shocks were painful, but without any lasting damage. In a real fight, with a full-charge blaster bolt coming at me, if I could not block that, I might not have the power to stop a shooter fifty or a hundred meters away from pulling the trigger." "Precisely. But did you know that one student in eight does eventually reach out to destroy a remote? That they usually justify it by saying it is more efficient to stop the source of the damaging bolts than to endlessly deflect them? Laser Pose, please." Her Master lay upon the soft grass, rolled up onto her neck and shoulders, and extended her body skyward, her hands on the ground at her sides.
Barriss also assumed the Laser Pose. "I can certainly understand how they might feel that way. And it makes a certain logical sense, especially given the premise in our hand-to-hand combat training that says pure defense is inferior to a combination of defense and offense." "Indeed. Arch Pose." Hands and feet on the ground, Master Unduli pushed upward and formed her body into a high, rounded arch. "I hear a ’but,’" Barriss said as she followed suit. "And I see that yours could be higher from the ground." Barriss smiled and pushed herself into a more acute arch. Her Master continued: "Many of the exercises Jedi in training must learn-and Jedi are always in training, be they Padawan, Knight, or Master-involve determining what the true goal of the exercise is. You will recall the levitation drill and the bakery."
"As if I could forget that one." "To destroy the remote is, in itself, not necessarily a wrong choice. If you have developed sufficient skill to block the training bolts and you arrive at the decision through logic and with a calm mind, then you can justify using the Force to stop the attack at its source. Some of the more gifted students do just that. But if you do it out of anger, or pain, or fear, or any emotion that you have allowed to control you, then you reach for the dark side. If you offer that the end justifies the means without mindful thought to determine that it indeed does, you have succumbed to the insidious energy. If you remember nothing else from this talk, Barriss, remember this: Power wants to be used. It must be kept under constant vigil, else it will seduce and corrupt you. One moment you’re swatting an annoying training toy; the next you’re paralyzing an offending being’s lungs and choking him to death. You do it because you can. It becomes an end in itself. As a Jedi, you live always on this edge. A single misstep, and you can fall to the dark side. It has happened to many, and it is always a tragedy. As with an addictive drug, it’s too easy to say, ’I’ll do it just this once.’ That’s not how it works. The only thing that stands be-tween you and the dark side is your own will and discipline. Give in to your anger or your fear, your jealousy or your hate, and the dark side claims you for its own. If that happens," Master Unduli said, "you will become an enemy to all that the Jedi stand for-and an enemy of all Jedi who hold to the path of right. Rocker Pose, please." Barriss moved to assume the pose. She said, "And have you ever given in to the dark side, Master?" For a few seconds, there was silence. Then: "Yes. In a moment of weakness and pain, I did. It allowed me to survive when I might have perished otherwise, but that one taste was enough for me to realize I could never do it again. There may come a time when you experience this, Barriss. I hope not, but if ever it happens, you must recognize and resist it." "It will feel evil?" Master Unduli paused in her stretch. She regarded Barriss with what seemed to be great sadness in her eyes. "Oh, no. It will feel better than anything you have ever experienced, better than you would have thought anything could feel. It will feel empowering, fulfilling, satisfying. Worst of all, it will feel right. And therein lies the real danger."
—Medstar I: Battle Surgeons, Michael Reaves
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Up Up & Away, Superman is eager & ready to come your way, to perform at your child’s Special Day. * * * #njentertainment #njevents #superman #amazing #newjersey #fromourfamilytoyours #superhero #auperheroparty #cosplay #happysaturday #newyork #instapic #photooftheday #webstagram #thebeastofbusiness #kidsevents #nycevents #nykids #lightsabor #balloonswords #balloonanimals #camping #dreamsdocometrue #makeway #partyentertainer #premiercharacterparties #cosplay #superhero #birthdayparty #kidsbirthday
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lovelyyeollie · 6 years
Do y’all ever think about how Lightsabor really was THAT era for Junmyeon. He got to nerd out AND he looked THAT GOOD???? wow.
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Hello to the cutest baby in the galaxy! I bring you an offering of macrons in many delicious flavors
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I would like to know if you are having a fun time in Jedi school with Master Luke? Are you learning lots of cool Jedi moves? Have you met any other kids? Do you get to do arts and crafts?
Lots of love to you from your pal,
Wiggles 💕
I am having fun in my lessons, especially now that there are some other kids. And even more fun AFTER lessons when we get to run and play!
Master Luke, well, he's fine. He is a very good teacher, plus also kind. BUT I am still "banned" from riding in his hood. Which is a waste of a perfectly good pouch that is just my size. I do not like this, Wiggles.
Anyways, I am learning more than just sitting and reaching out with my feelings (which is good because I learned to do that when Master Luke was in diapers) and not floating things out of Master Luke's reach. (Which I am told is rude and not respecting)
My master says cuz of the sad and mad I was feeling when I hided for so long and then when I was taked and poked and people hurted my dad, I have to learn to let go of my negative feelings. Not to press them, or pretend they are not there, cuz that is bad, apparently. But what is good, is to know them and then say goodbye to them.
AFTER THAT I get to learn learn lightsabors. We get to find our own Kyber crystals! And I am a very good finder. THEN we make our very own ones, our own selves!! He says soon... very soon.
What is soon anyways??
I have to do a dad sigh for this. It is a sigh of frustrating.
Oh, and WIGGLES!! We DO get to do arts and crafts! We make pictures and we are making our own books with glue and flimsiplast and string and hide. To do our own writing in! AND I am learning to write! Here is my name-
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That is my name in aurebesh, my dad's Mando'a and in your language! I asked Mama- Hazel to help with that one.
I got to use markers! I love those things!! Plus also here is a drawing I made
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Thank you for being my first ask (it took time to post it cuz I wanted to answer your questions just right and I had to find my art work to show you!)
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grogusmum · 3 years
I have walked round until just now not knowing Ewan McGregor made lightsabor noises, that needed editing out, during his fight scenes in the prequels.
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Face Beyond the Mask
Part Three!!!
Pairings: Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 780
Warnings: fighting
Here is the Part three in the series! 
*Gif is not mine. Saved from Pinterest*
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Letting out a shaky breath, you came face to face with one of the worst people in the galaxy. Or so you told. Your opinion of him was a lot different. It was actually way on the other side of the spectrum.
As you raised your purple lightsaber into a striking position, you couldn’t help but worry. Were you really going to fight him? You hadn’t actually fought anyone. You haven’t even trained to fight someone. You weren’t a Jedi, nor did you train to be a Jedi. But, that didn’t stop Finn and Poe from training you in their free time. They wanted to make sure that their friend would be able to defend herself, if they couldn’t be there. How could an inexperienced pilot and trained medic, even think about fighting the Supreme Leader of the Empire? 
The man standing before you had years of experience on you. Some would say, that you were being naive to think you could even stand a chance against him. Others, would say you were brave to defend your friend. But one thing is for sure, whatever you were, you were going to be a good one.
In that moment, standing face to face, you decided that you were going to give him a hell of a fight. His black ‘Supreme Leader’ mask, had been long gone due to the previous fight he had been in with Finn. Regardless, of the connection you two shared, you weren’t just going to leave Finn to fend for himself. 
Raising your gaze, from your unconscious friend on the ground, you were met with a pair of softened eyes. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ ‘Does he not see my that I’m ready to fight him?’ you had thought. A violent shiver, brought you out of your thoughts. You hadn’t realized that, it had begun to snow a lot more, since you left the rebel base.
The cracking sound of shattered glass filled the air, bringing your eyes to meet a hazel pair. As far as you could see, there was a smooth scar on his face, that spread from the top of his right eyebrow dragging to the bottom of his jaw. He had seemingly, let his guard down. His red lightsaber, was lowered down, dragging on the right side, behind his body with each step he took. 
Raising your lightsaber, you swung with all the strength you could muster up.
Vrummmummmmm FVISH!
Sparks were flying everywhere from the lightsaber impact.
Your chest was tight, and your breathing had become short. 
The impact hadn’t even made him flinch. His reflexes, were fast upon seeing you swing at him. He blocked the strike almost as soon as you had raised your weapon.
You made a mental note, to thank Poe and Finn later, for the practice fights you had done.
Panting, you glanced to see check on your friend. 
‘How am I going to get over to him?’ You were willing your friend, to wake up.
The sound of the connected lightsabors brought you back to the fight you were currently in. Red light of Kylo’s lightsaber illuminated his face, purple light had illuminated yours. He made no move to disconnect them. Remembering, that you were connected with the force, you quickly closed your eyes. You had never attempted to use for the force before --- aside from the force connecting you to Kylo Ren. 
“Y/N! Finn!”
Your eyes flew open, as you recognized whose voice called for you. ‘Oh no’ you thought. The frantic sound of crunching glass, filled the air. 
The sound of another lightsaber, could be heard. Suddenly, orange and yellow could be seen from your peripheral vision. You didn’t need, to turn to see who had came in aid. ‘What is he doing here?’ you thought for a split second. Shaking the thought from your head, you didn’t really care why he was there. 
Pushing your connected lightsabers forward with all your strength, you twirled out of the way, lightsaber still in the air. 
FVISH!  Kwishuuuuuuuuuu!
Filled the air. Your sudden movement, had caught Kylo Ren off guard, causing him to take a step back.
Poe took over your previous position, flinching slightly not expecting the sudden loudness. 
Deactivating your lightsaber, you ran over to Finn, you crouched down by where he lay. You let out a content sigh, as you checked his pulse. 
“Don’t worry Finn. I’m here now.” you untangled, your medical bag, throwing it down next to, before opening it and searching for gauze and rubbing alcohol. A feather light groan could be heard. ‘Save your strength, you’re going to need it.’ you thought guiltily. 
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dragonpyre · 9 months
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Jason Todd would rock a red lightsabor
Commission info ko-fi
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Star Wars Kai Parker Bio
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Name:  Malachai Parker
Alias/Nickname: Keres-Ma
Titles: Sith Lord, Inquisitor
Age: 20s
Date of Birth: May 9th
Zodiac:  Taurus
Bloodtype: B-
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Unknown
Species/Race: Unknown
Occupation: Assassin
Alignment: Lawful/Chaotic Evil/Neutral
Languages Spoken: English/Unknown
Current Relationship Status: Unknown
Height: 6′0″
Weight:  [Redacted]
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Hazel-Blue
Hair Color and Style: Dark Brown, messy
Distinguishing Marks (tattoos, scars, etc): Scars over his body from his Sith Training.
Birth Defects: Unknown
Clean Shaven, Stubble, Rugged: Clean Shaven
Usual Clothing Style: Prim
Wearing Currently: Sith Robes/Assassin Gear/Tactical Gear
Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Games, Martial Arts,
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Silly, Playful,
Negative Traits: Deceptive, Lazy, Ill-Tempered,
Quirks/Habits: -
Religion/Philosophy: [Redacted]
Political Affiliation: The Sith
Outlook: -
Likes: -
Dislikes: -
Usual Demeanor: Sporadic, observing, Unpredictable
Quick to Anger or Difficult to Anger: Not very quick.
Easily Approachable or Not So Much: Easy to approach
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Describe your characters History/Background: (Work In Progress)
Hometown:  Unknown
Childhood trauma: [Redacted]
Parents/Siblings: -
How events shaped their outlook on life: Unknown
Where are they now? Unknown
What are their fears? Unknown
What are their goals? Unknown
What purpose do they feel their reason for existing is? Killing
What drives them? Anger, Confusion, Authority
What are their current beliefs? [Redacted]
Do they know their heritage well? If so, does it resonate with their personality? (Ex. A viking having a brash and impulsive, violent personality): No he does not.
Powers: The Force/Esoteric Energy Manipulation, Inquisitor, Sith Assassin, Sith Sorcerer,
Weapons: Laser Rifle, Double sided fiberlinked lightsabers/staff(Blue inner light, Purple Outer Light), two hidden wrist lightsabors (Red inner light, black outer light)
Enneagram: Type 8, 7w8/8w7
Element: Air
Temperament: Choleric/Sanguine
Aptitude: Above Average (120)
District: District 13 ( Nuclear weapon (primary), Graphite mining (minor) )
Divergent: Dauntless
Game of Thrones House: House Frey
Harry Potter House: Slytherin/Wampus
Talents:  Unknown
Social Standing: Soldier
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kyshiwarrior · 5 years
guys shes not living her life solo on a desert planet lmao she was burying the lightsabors there as homeage to luke, anakin, and leia. Why the fuck would she stay there when you see she made a wholeass new lightsabor to show she was onto something new? She was resting those in peace and then saying a new name to say where she’s from and who pushes her forward... not letting the skywalker name die. Not accepting the name given. Not being a nobody either. Is it perfect? No. But what does she know? Thats my thoughts.
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eclissecreazioni · 6 years
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We are declaring today a Star Wars movie marathon day and we are watching our favorite episodes while snacking on some #poppedwiththeforce Popchips Star Wars Galaxy Puffs (4oz Aged White Cheddar). My kids and I snack quite a lot during the day, especially on the go or while watching tv, and @popchips Star Wars Galaxy Puffs are the perfect fit for us, never fried, non-GMO and gluten-free, and made with real aged white cheddar. My kids love the fun shapes and we have a contest on who’s going to find all the shapes first. Available at @Albertsons, @Krogerco, and @Safeway. Who said that snack time can’t be fun and healthy at the same time? #collectivebias #starwars #rey #minirey #lightsabor #bb8 #momlife #mommyandme #momblogger #momblog #newblog #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #healthylifestyle #healthysnackideas #stlblogger #maythe4thbewithyou
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styleuniq · 6 years
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Happy #starwars Day!!! #maythefourthbewithyou#starwarsday #Starwars #Force #Lightsabor#May #4th #Action #Movies #Luke#Vader #hansolo #leia #chewbacca #HanShotFirst #ChewieDidntGetAMedal #hjivraj (at Alderaan)
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#starwarschallenge #mayrheforcebewithyou #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #cosplay #cosplayers #comiccon #geek #challenge #rogueone #solo #thelastjedi #darthvader #lightsabor
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daphniepearl · 6 years
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#ad New on the blog! Check out our review of @popchips Star Wars Galaxy Puffs, as well as Daphnie’s Jedi Training in the Park! She had so much fun running around pretending to be her favorite character Rey and snacking on her new favorite better-for-you snack! I know other moms out there can relate when trying to find healthy snack options. 🙌🏻 . . #poppedwiththeforce #collectivebias #starwars #rey #minirey #lightsabor #bb8
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Moana will teach you little girl and friends how to do the hula dance. How 😎 is that. * * * #njentertainment #njevents #amazing #awesome #moanaparty#moana#huladance#adorable#newjersey #fromourfamilytoyours #superhero #superhero party#cosplay #happysaturday #newyork #instapic #photooftheday #webstagram #thebeastofbusiness #kidsevents #nycevents #nykids #lightsabor #balloonswords #balloonanimals #camping #dreamsdocometrue #makeway #partyentertainer #premiercharacterparties #cosplay #superhero #birthdayparty #kidsbirthday@kidspartycharactersco
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