nebulabasket · 14 days
I mapped out my alterhuman identities.
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(The sliders are in arbitrary positions as it's meant to show how my kintypes fluctuate; which I imagine kind of like a soundboard. The grey box next to "doll trapped" is a checkbox.)
I learned a lot of new terms and concepts at Othercon and have done a lot of reflecting and introspecting. I've finally officially decided to be a catlinker and I've reconsider my stance that the term "therian" doesn't apply to me. I've decided that it does.I've also come to the realization that it feels kind of like my light kintype has its own kintypes due to a panelist mentioning a nesting doll kintype situation. I don't believe my alterhumanity has anything to do with past lives personally (the octoling kardiatype is due to basically what I would describe as a parallel life that's been manifested into CyanTide (previself party member)), but I'm sure there could be other causes. Maybe more parallel lives. I'm pretty sure that's the case with my aliedragon (MoonLighter) kintype, as manifested in Glow Bright (previme party member).
Also, I don't have a good term for when I'm trapped in a doll. It's not a kintype or a paratype or a hearttype or a hearthome or anything. My anymic glitchy kintype is kind of like a spirit and a specter, but it's not a ghost. Even still, it's like sometimes it's bound to this old doll and gets trapped inside against its will. Not always, though. Sometimes I fel like this feeling bleeds through to my altereldritch form.
Shout out to u/GhostOrchidGynoid on Reddit for coining the term alterfae (https://www.reddit.com/r/alterhuman/s/uRxk7tnKpE) and the alie- prefix; I am expanding their definitions past just fae for my altereldritch, alterkitsune, and aliedragon kintypes.
Feel free to ask me about any unfamiliar terms.
~ 🍭 Cyannide Lolypop 🍭
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sleepyc0smic · 2 months
Yes, I'm a Polytherian/Polykin :] I'm writing down current types! I will remove or add to the list if I awakened something.
I'm an Otherhearted
Awakened: 06/28/24
I experience phantom limbs of wings, tails, fangs, teeth, claws, and ears. Especially Phantom ears and wings.
Slight mental shifts and emotional shifts.
Confirmed Therian types types:
Marble fox
Red Fox
Sliver fox
Bat eared fox
Alaskan Malamute dog
Anatolian Shepherd dog
Estrela mountain dog
German Shepherd
Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat
Calico cat
Canada Lynx
Eurasian Lynx
Siberian Tiger
Barbary Lion
Great eared nightjar
Harpy Eagle
Barn Owl
Brown Bear
(Doing research)
Unconfirmed/questioning types:
Heart types:
Red Fox
Grey wolf
Eurasian Lynx
Canada Lynx
Alaskan Malamute
It feels nice to make this list!
Main connections: Grey Wolf, Sea Coastal Wolf, Red Fox Angel, Werewolf, Crocodile, and Canda Lynx.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
Light Yagami here to tell you I think Ryuk is funny and silly and I want to hold hands with him. - Light, Death Note
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How I've been occupying my time today...
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a-dragons-journal · 11 months
hiya! i was wondering if you know of any sort of name or person who identifies with like, light? specifically personified light travelling millions of years to other galaxies and planets? i felt extremely nostalgic today when i was reading about light travel, like id travelled all around the nighty sky when i was not human and i dont know what that would be called.
I... don't really have anything better than lightkin, no, honestly.
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godsworstangel · 4 months
I made a lot of symbols with my hands. It must have some divine meaning, but I don't remember. I still love making these symbols, on shift or not. But I'm afraid of invoking some spirit from another religion that I don't know.
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redactedterms · 1 year
Kin flags part 1: Light
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ID: two images of a nine striped kin flag with pastel colors in this order: grey, red, orange, yellow, white, green, blue, purple, grey. The seven pointed kin star in the center is also grey. The second image has text displaying stripe meanings. End ID.
Stripe meanings below the cut
the grey stripes represent the non-visible areas of the light spectrum
the red represents the low frequency wavelengths of light
The orange represents the particle qualities of light
the yellow represents the culture based associations people have with light, and how concepts seen as light-adjacent play into one’s kinship with light
The white represents photons, those funky little guys.
The green represents the scientific properties of light and how those characteristics play into one’s kinship with light
The blue represents the wave qualities of light
The purple represents high wavelengths of light
The colors are from the lightgender flag with further inspiration from the rainbowgender flag.
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grimmwolf · 2 years
A Breath of Chill and a Heart of Warmth. What am I?
For I spit spiky frost, harming with my bark, as I too feel the fire of passion, and deep emotion. Why though, must I bare this Duality? It eats at my Soul, my Mind, my Being.
This red, this blue. The black and white. The Shade, and the Sun. Dark, and Light. The Night and the Day. This Summer and this Winter. Chaos, and Order. Yin and Yang.
My Mind in itself is Everything as it is to its Nothing. I am every same to my opposite. Both Wolves I feed, yet they never seem full. For they are me, a very hungry being.
Hungry for Peace, as well for Discord. I am All. Balance.
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So Velliks struggles adjusting to being Eliksni once he's transformed. Not only does he have 4 arms now, but his entire structure is different. He has to learn how to use mandibles, how to speak all over again, how to do... everything.
And I just know that the Eliksni Quarter has a school for all the hatchlings to learn just this sort of thing.
So Misraaks, he sees Velliks's struggle and knows what to do. He takes this captain to the school, and tells the hatchlings, "Children, you know Captain Velliks of our House, who has spent time helping all of you grow and learn. And what has he always told you to do?"
"Help every friend!" the children reply. "And friends are people who help you!"
Misraaks nods. "That is right. So now it's your turn to be friends to him. Just as we go through metamorphosis, growing and changing, Velliks has done this, too. He needs your help to learn, to grow, to speak and play and walk as we do. He is a friend to you. Be a friend to him, ok?"
The children grow excited, laughing and cheering.
In transmats a nervous Velliks, chirping anxiously, himself tense.
But the children crowd him joyously and beg him to come along, see their favorite toys and games! Join them on the playground! Wrestle and sing ABCs in Eliksni!
Velliks lightens a bit, and comes along.
And it's ultimately through the returned love of the children that he, too, learns to be Eliksni. He's given them so much. It's only right they return the love to their hatchling Eliksni Captain, even though he appears fully grown. He is new, he is learning, and this is freedom to learn.
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kroganloveinterest · 4 months
if calamity wore this getup during his early solar titan days, ukno that collar and shoulder floof would be consistently caught on fire by accident all the time until they learn to not do that lmao
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dragunheart · 1 year
other night fury/light fury/night light kins, reblog with an image of your kinself and i might draw it as a warm up
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sleepyc0smic · 2 months
I’ve never heard of lightkin before but it sounds amazing :]
-@autumn-b0nes 🍂
AA 💕 Thank you :]!
My lightkin is mainly spiritual and emotional based. They also closely knitted to my angelkin and godkin/ divinekin.
To be an orb of light. Body goals 💪.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i'm at a crossroads. on one hand, being in a light shift has been helping me lessen my procrastination as well as making me slightly more confident in myself & my work... on the other hand though, my friends won't stop making "L + ratio" jokes so is it really that worth it? :/
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telestoapologist · 8 months
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wait ok did another armor color-over for fun but made this more simple and blocky bc i just like. wanted to color something with this palette i saved bc i like so much aaa
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planet4546b · 2 years
someone remind me to go to xur tomorrow
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #99
Jazz went to Gotham to finish her degree away from her parents, as their obsession with Ghosts started becoming dangerous to everyone. So, of course, she brought Danny with her, so he's also far away from them and the GIW.
Danny held out a whole year without going out on patrol, just establishing his haunt in the new city. Lady Gotham was very happy to be able to show them to their new place, almost giddy that the little King and his Queen Mother have come to live in her beloved city.
Of course, the first time Phantom floats out of his window and into the night, he has a new suit, made of padded black leather, and a fluffy white cape with a hood (imagine the Lightkin Cloak from Destiny2, but snow white, rather than black and grey), along with a facemask engraved with a fanged design. New haunt, new look, and the new look fit right in with the viciousness of Gotham City.
And, as luck would have it, his first Gotham Rogue was Poison Ivy. Thinking back to his fight against Undergrowth, Pantom opened with his ice, forming a double-sided axe to better cleave her vines apart, and locking Ivy herself down with ice.
To further distance himself from his identity as Phantom, in case the GIW somehow became smart at some point, instead of blasting ice like most ghosts fire ectoblasts, Danny asked Pandora for lessons on fighting with weapons, and Frosbite taught his how to channel his element as an aura, or a freezing breath. He even sat down to listen to Nocturne speak as they wove spells and ectoplasm, and the Personification of Dreams softly taught him how to use his powers through objects acting as catalysts, or as manifestations of his will, rather than throwing his affinities around by brute force.
With his new abilities and look, rather than fight like a feral raccoon, Danny took to fighting more like a spellblade, slinging around ice shard and spells to enhance his physical strikes, controlling the pace of a fight to get the upper hand on his enemies.
Suffice to say, Poison Ivy hadn't expected the Avatar of Icy Vengeance to lock her in a pillar of ice up to her neck while her vines withered into frosty sculptures.
Gotham's newest hero got awarded a new name by the news the next day: Ymir, Frozen Progenitor.
Danny thinks it's too pretentious for a random ghost, or random halfa, like him. Joke's on him, the perception of Gotham's people slowly starts empowering him, slowly enough that the only reason he notices his oncoming Ascension to myth as a Protector Spirit is when a terrified kid begs for his help, and he hears them loud and clear out of nowhere.
The Bats are confused by this Entity. Constantine stepped one foot in Gotham, felt it's cleaner air, the sharp bite of ice in his nose and lungs, and the overwhelming pressure of the new Godling training under Gotham herself to control his new powers, and ran out screaming about not getting paid enough to deal with divine beings. Zatanna is trying to contact Ymir to ask them to join the Justice League Dark.
Jason is vibing with the tall redhead Amazon he's met at Babs' library, and her feral little brother who cured his Pit Rage by biting his arm when they first met. One time Jason is in a pinch after a stakeout gone wrong, Bellona (Ancient Roman Goddess of War) takes the fight to his captors to free him, dressed in golden armor and wielding a spear Pandora and Firght Knight made for her. Nocturne and her brother worked together to imbue a spell into her back to give her wings she can use to fly or fight with. The fact it left a badass tattoo on her back, is just another way Jazz rebels against her parents. It also has Jason weak in the knees when he first sees it.
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