#life overview tarot spread
knightofhylia · 1 year
Life Overview
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It's been a while since I've used this deck and the spirit is rather shy so I did the Life Overview spread for myself for those who like to see before they try tarot!
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What potential exits in me now? To be honest, all the potential. Through a mix of good and bad life events (moving, changing jobs) I have a LOT of free time. I definitely am not sitting in the lap of luxury so that is about the only hindrance to the growth. But that being said there is a lot I can do without financial support, my main issue is just choosing a focus (it'sa AuDHD). I'm my own limit and my own roadblock (as usual). Trying to figure out what I want to focus on leads to a lot of reprioritizing and stuff gets thrown out. Currently, I'm still sorting through, creating and aborting projects as they come along.
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What have I learned from my visit to the underworld? Well, I have been in recovery of Borderline Personality Disorder for a few months and I'm only getting better. My therapist is extremely proud of the progress I am making. In her 15 years od doing therapy she has only cleared 3 people of being fully recovered from BPD and I intend to be the 4th! Being in the process of recovery has taught me so much. I know when a lot of people see stuff about people overcoming depression or any number of mental illnesses they think 'that can't be me, I'm unfixable' and for 20+ fucking awful miserable years my husband made me get my act together. Recovery feels BAD people. There is nothing glorious about being in your 20s having to fill out emotion charts and hygiene routines and food menus like a preschooler BUT IT WORKED. Now, I can't even remember the last major mood swing I had? it's been years since I last self harmed? I'm comfortable in my body and my friendships? I get along with my family?
And the part about the ancestors is right in light with ancestor month coming in November. I've been pretty hesitant to do ancestor work because of how little information I have, and my history with my relatives. I have been noticing my abusive dad's spirit's influence around and I am nervous about interacting with him spiritually (to be clear, not as a threat, I've asked my guides many times if he is a threat and no, they are filtering his interactions, but that obviously means that they want us to interact).
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lord knows I have had some pretty tumultuous friendships in the past few years. I've been getting dreams about friends from ELEMENTARY school I used to roleplay sonic with and had messy fall outs with, like cmon that was 2 decades ago!! But they are all pointing to the same thing. I've had to cut so many people out, distance myself, it's taken a lot to be able to finally have a comfortable give and take with my friends :) No one is constantly begging me for money anymore, or getting jealous or competitive, we all build each other up and have vast interests and hobbies! during this quarantine after being trapped with my so-called-bestie and having that messy fallout, then being isolated in a new town, the wound has been slow to heal. But I'm at the point where I just don't give a fuck about any of the shit that happened anymore because it's not relevant now. I am definitely seeing my relationships in difference angles from this view.
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I think I'm more of the guide in this one lol as a poly marriaged person who has been dating for like 3 years with fucking zero zilch nada to show for it :'). Mostly people who get scared off when we set a single boundary or too immature in too many ways. Not that I haven't dated or had fun relationships but I haven't felt anything NEAR a connection like I have had with my husband even back when we were roomies. As an poly autistic person my platonic and romantic boundary is pretty blurry. Usually like first week of talking to a new friend I'm like damn do I have a romantic crush? Then I'm like nope just new person friend energy. Well it's been a few months and now I'm laying on the floor listening to mitski, hillary duff,and fob so you know they've been haunting my dreams and psyche🙄cringe right? my goofy ass downloaded pokemon go to catch some hearts, and now my husband is playing it with me so it's kinda of a win win either way LOL (hashtag poly life). and to think 7 years ago I was playing Pokemon Go with my roomie so we didn't have to go back to the apartment and deal with my cheating boyfriend and bedbugs.... now we are married 3 years with 4 cats and a mortgage <3 I could not be able to love like I do now without being shown what unconditional love truly with from my spouse <3
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Are theyre bonds I still have strong? Oh yes. This card directly correlates to what all my cards across many decks say when I ask them about career. They all talk about community, networks, friends, building things together. At first I interpreted this as 'rely on commissions to live' but now I see it is 'going to events and talking to irl people and bonding with them makes you a good customer to them and therefore they can be a good customer to you when you put yourself out there'. which is why I've been working on more tarot stuff! Another interesting thing about this, with the second question asking if someone can help, I have been considering summoning an ancestor that owes me a LOT and having them to help clear a way for our business. A lot of this is also, a lot of life events happened so the other people who are part of the business are farther away but now we can actually visit each other so working together more is the key.
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Although these cards did not appear next to each other I included the duality interpretation because I believe it is still relevant that they both showed up. I think a lot about my legacy since I am doing my part and ending my bloodline :). for me that means preparing for my future reincarnations. I have some ideas for spells I want to do before my death to ensure that my next incarnations have a best astral foot forward! I'm interested in this 'desire for the taboo'. For the two cards to be in the 'career' and 'friends' spot I assume maybe this has to do with the taboo of starting businesses with your friends (which we are doing). Also 'taboo' forms of career could also mean vending and tarot commissions since they are pretty frankly looked down upon as a legit business.
Life is good! Lots of themes of coming out of darkness, seeing things from different views, and renewal, but not without points to focus on. Friends and Career seem to be my weakest links right now, which both revolve around me interacting socially which like you know how that goes. Lot of things are confirmed here (my crush, my ancestors reaching out, my career path). Looking forward to doing more readings with him!
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cardicoven · 8 months
🥀Book Review: Persephone's Pathway: Wisdom, Magick & Growth by Jennifer Heather
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Full Title: Persephone's Pathway: Wisdom, Magick, Growth Author: Jennifer Heather Published by: Heather Publishing (seemingly self published) 2020 Good Reads: Link My Quick Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5) stars. Persephone’s Pathway which while flawed and at times meandering is perhaps the best resource available for the modern pagan worshipping or working with Persephone and I wholly recommend it. Official Blurb: Persephone's Pathway is one of balance and duality; embrace the dual goddess archetype of Underworld Queen and Spring Maiden in order to achieve harmony. This book shares the wisdom of Persephone, along with spells and rituals to help you in your daily life. Shadow work exercises encourage you to work with the Underworld aspect of the Dark Goddess, whilst flower magick celebrates the joy and gentleness of the Spring Goddess. Blend the dark and light aspects together to experience how they shine a light on each other in this celebration of wholeness and authenticity. Personal Reason for Purchasing: Was looking for a pagan/witchy perspective on Persephone and stubbled across this one. (Bought from Amazon UK)
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Overview of the book's contents. Introduction: A solid introduction, focusing on what the purpose of this book will be, and the author’s goals in writing it, namely ‘an exploration of the mythology and Symbolism surrounding Persephone, along with chapters dedicated to a facet of what she can teach us’, ‘both a collection of information and tribute to her’. Chapter 1: 'Who is Persephone': Introduction to Persephone, her role, dual nature, The Eleusinian mysteries, possible connections to Erishkegal (a mesopotamia goddess originating 4000 BC), and of course the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Chapter 2: 'Historic Origins': An exploration of the genesis of Persephone in Mythology, through to the Evolution of her story in present day literature. (A personal highlight). Chapter 3: 'A Myth Retold': A modern retelling of the hymn to Demeter by the author. Chapter 4: 'Symbolism': An exploration of the artefacts associated with Persephone, both modern and ancient, the creation of a unique glyph/sigil for Persephone and an extensive and detailed discussion of association/correspondences, some ancient, some contemporary and lastly her common epithets. Chapter 5: 'Creating an Altar': A collection of suggestions and guidelines on creating your own altar for Persephone and common offerings to gift the Goddess. Chapter 6: 'Persephone Magick: Begins with a basic beginners to magickal practice, followed by a recipe for a Persephone Anointing oils, a guide to connecting to Persephone, an innovation and an adaption of the Orphic Hymn to Proserpina.
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The Seeds of Persephone A collection of chapters surrounding what the Author considers to be the six core aspects/values which Persephone embodies. Seed 1: 'Union': Focuses on Shadow-work, divine alignment for body and Spirit union, and includes a spell for Spiritual union of lovers, guidance surrounding meditation, shadow-work rituals, and a recipe for a love attraction oil. Seed 2: 'Balance': Begins with a discussion of how to, and the importance of maintaining balance in one’s life, including a meandering discussion of grounding, living with the seasons, incorporating nature into your life, meditation, seasonal altars, self-care, massage, and yoga. Lastly it includes recipes for a Persephone Beauty Elixer’ cream/lotion, a medicinal tonic, a spell for resolution, and a spell for making a decision. Seed 3: 'Intuition': Looks at ways to develop one’s intuition, including an outline for a Persephone focused Lithomancy technique (10 planetary stones, 6 Persephone stones (named for each of the author’s ‘Seeds’: Fertility, Justice, Balance, Union, Sovereignty and Intuition), three tarot spreads and the script for a guided meditation. Seed 4: 'Sovereignty': Is a discussion of [personal Sovereignty, and self-esteem, with journal prompts. Guidance on enchanting a power talisman, and a spell for protecting personal boundaries. Seed 5: 'Justice': Focuses heavily on Persephone in her Queen of the Underworld Aspect, touching on several myths in which she acted as a Purveyor of justice, (Orpheus and Psyche, and a discussion on Trust in regards to the Goddess. Followed by Several spells for truth telling, reflection on behaviour and fair resolutions. Seed 6: 'Fertility': Focuses on Persephone's Spring/Maiden Aspect. Followed by a discussion of Maiden goddesses, Flower Magick, creating Floral elixirs, cleansing sprays, a flower bathing ritual, and spell jars/Witch’s bottles. Followed by the Associations/correspondences and finally a script of a guided meditation, to meet Persephone in her Spring Aspect. Appendix: The Orphic hymn to Proserpina, translated by Taylor Thomas 1792.
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Personal Thoughts and Review. I’m conflicted about this book. The first half is an excellent primer on Persephone and including her into one’s personal practice however, the second half the ‘Seeds of Persephone’ are at times Meandering, unfocused and clumsy, but there are jewels among the ramblings.
The book appears to be self published, so I’m inclined to be kinder to the Author than I would otherwise be; however, Persephone’s Pathway could really use reformatting (text justified etc), and would benefit immensely from an informed and passionate editor. Nevertheless this book is an excellent edition to the libraries of those of us who work with Persephone.
Aspects in detail. General content: The first half goes over a lot of content around Persephone, in some detail and is appropriately referenced through allowing the reader to research further. The Second half (the Seeds) is a mixed bag and approaches certain subjects extremely casually, namely Shadow-work and herbal medicine. Persephone’s correspondences: Primarily contained to Chapter 4, the Correspondences are in depth, reference and diverse. However, there are inaccuracies, the most obvious is a mention of Corn/Maize being cut as a part of the Eleusinian Mysteries. As a New World crop Corn was not in ancient Greece at the time and as such has no historical connection to the Mysteries. From my own understanding the crop cut during the Mysteries was likely Barley, a grain though to have great significance to the Eleusinian Mysteries as a part of the hallucinogenic cocktail thought to be drunk by initiates, barley is also part of the offering given by Oddyseus to summon Persephone (“first with milk and honey, then with sweet wine, then with water; and sprinkle white barley-meal above”). Rituals and Spells: It’s Always interesting to see another practitioner's approach, and covering a very broad scope although, I wish they were indexed since they appear throughout the book. Origin Myth retelling: An interesting retelling, possibly my favourite version, however it is not without flaws. Guided Meditations: Enjoyable and Interesting, these scripts approach many aspects of Persephone’s Mythos. Journaling Prompts: These appear seemingly at random in the latter half of the book, but are nevertheless thought provoking. Recommended Reading: While good to see, it is worthy of note that none of these books reference Persephone, Hellenic Polytheism, or Shadow-work. Which are the topics I would like to see additional material given some of my concerns with the book itself. Bibliography: Extensive and good practice.
The Seeds in Detail. Given their significance to the book I’ll review these chapters separately: Union: a clumsy chapter whose advice on Shadow-work is surface level and possibly dangerous for a beginner or someone who is mentally vulnerable. But this chapter does handle the topic of Love workings with the required levity. Balance: Waffling and honestly feels like filler, of the seeds this one is disappointing and feels like lost potential. Intuition: a major highlight of the book, a detailed exploration of Lithomancy, well written and thought provoking. Sovereignty: A good chapter, if a little long winded. Justice: Spectacular, discussion of Queen Persephone and of how to connect to the Underworld Aspect. A personal highlight. Fertility: An excellent close to the book but desperately needs reformatting.
Final Thoughts. I wholly recommend this book especially as a gateway into working with or worshipping Persephone. Despite its flaws, it is the best resource I’ve found on Persephone from a pagan/witch perspective, and my practice is better for reading it.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Tarot Basics
Tarot card reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. The cards are typically divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent major life events or themes, such as The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, The Hanged Man, The Tower, and The World. These cards typically have strong symbolic imagery that is meant to convey deeper meanings and insights.
The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that are divided into four suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different aspect of life: emotions (Cups), intellect (Swords), creativity (Wands), and material possessions (Pentacles). Each suit contains ten numbered cards and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King).
During a tarot reading, the reader shuffles the deck and asks the person receiving the reading (known as the querent) to focus on a question or area of their life they would like insight on. The reader then lays out a specific number of cards in a pattern (known as a spread) and interprets their meanings based on their position in the spread, their symbolism, and their relationship to each other.
Tarot card readings are often used as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. They can help individuals gain deeper insight into their own thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns. Additionally, tarot readings can provide guidance and support during times of change or uncertainty.
There are many different types of tarot spreads that can be used during a reading. Some spreads are designed to provide insight into specific areas of a person's life, such as relationships, career, or finances. Other spreads are more general and can provide a more comprehensive overview of a person's current situation and potential outcomes.
There are many different approaches to tarot card reading, and different readers may have different interpretations of the cards. Some readers may use intuition and personal experience to guide their interpretations, while others may rely more heavily on traditional meanings and symbolism. Ultimately, the goal of a tarot reading is to provide the querent with insight and guidance that can help them navigate their life's journey.
It is important to note that tarot readings are not necessarily predictive. While they can provide insight into future possibilities, they do not guarantee a specific outcome. The cards are simply a tool for gaining insight and understanding, and it is ultimately up to the querent to use that information to make decisions and take action.
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servantofthefates · 2 years
The Perfect New Year Spread: How to Perform the 12-Step Lenormand Grand Tableau
This spread uses all 36 cards to give you an overview of your life for a full year. It is best done on New Year or on your birthday, but can also be performed anytime. You will need:
2 standard-size Lenormand decks
Reading table that measures at least 75cm x 75cm
Velvet tarot cloth, to make picking up the cards easy
Minimum of 2 hours to interpret and record the spread
STEP 1: Prepare and begin.
Using the first Lenormand deck, lay out the backdrop. All cards should be in order from the first one (Rider) to the last one (Cross). Make 4 rows of 8 cards, and place the remaining 4 cards in the middle of the 5th row.
Shuffle the second Lenormand deck while asking, “What will happen to me in the year ahead?”
Lay out the cards over the first deck, dealing from the top.
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STEP 2: Note the significators.
There are two significators, Gentleman and Lady. If you are male, you are the former; female, the latter. The other is your lover.
If the significators are facing each other, the love is mutual. If you are single, you will meet someone soon.
If the significators are facing away from each other, a breakup is possible, or a relationship is impossible.
If only one significator is facing away, that is the person who is less committed or uninterested in the other.
STEP 3: Read the first 3 cards as the urgent message.
String the cards like a sentence. You will find the instructions here. Keep referring to it for the next steps.
STEP 4: Read the corner cards as the main theme.
In the example above, the corner cards are Sun, Letter, Anchor and Crossroads — the 4 that form a box. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 5: Read the heart cards as the secondary theme.
In the example, the heart cards are Moon, Fish, Bear and Key — the 4 in the middle. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 6: Read the fate cards as the immediate future.
The fate cards are the last four: Lilies, Ship, Cross and Whip. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 7: Read your past, future and present statements.
Look at the significator. If it is Lady…
Whatever is to your left is a statement about your past (Sun, Heart, Gentleman, Ring, Coffin, Snake).
Whatever is to your right is a statement about your future (Letter).
Whatever is on the same column as you is a statement about your present (Stars, Mountain, Bouquet).
Read cards in the past as a sentence, in the order I have listed. Do the same for the future and the present.
STEP 8: Read the mini spreads within the tableau.
Look to these cards for these subjects:
Heart for Love
Gentleman (or Lady) for Lover
Moon for Work
Fish for Finances
Tree for Health
House for Home
Ship for Travel
Every card that is beside a subject card should be read. These are called touching cards. A subject card, along with its touching cards, form a mini spread within the grand tableau.
For the Love spread, the subject card is Heart, and the touching cards are Sun, Gentleman, Clover, Garden and Mice. For the Work spread, the subject card is Moon, and there are more touching cards this time: Gentleman, Ring, Coffin, Mice, Fish, House, Bear and Key.
To interpret every mini spread, read its cards horizontally first, then vertically. As always, read them like a sentence.
Then mirror them. Mirroring means pairing the card with the one that is opposite to it in the mini spread. Read the two cards as a sentence.
In the Love spread, Sun and Gentleman mirror each other. Clover and Mice do too. In the Work spread, here are the mirrors: Gentleman and Coffin, Mice and Fish, House and Key, Gentleman and House, Ring and Bear, Coffin and Key.
STEP 9: Read the cards against the houses.
This is where you will need the backdrop — the first deck underneath your spread.
Read every single card, from Sun to Whip. Read them in pairs (as with mirrors), with the card as the first part, and the one beneath it as the second.
In the example, Sun has Rider (the first Lenormand card according to the proper order) beneath it. And Heart has Clover. 
Take note of cards that fall in their native house and cards that fall in each other’s native house. If you find Anchor beneath Anchor, it means that card’s meaning will manifest strongly in your life. The same is true if you find Fox beneath Snake and Snake beneath Fox. Make sure you remember those two cards.
STEP 10: Count round by 9 to find 5 cards.
Starting from your significator, count 9 cards. Note which card that is. Keep counting and noting the 9th card until you have 5 cards. Always start the next count from the last card selected.
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Read these 5 cards like a sentence. Then read the mirrors: Lady and Gentleman, Stars and Bouquet.
Add the playing card values to get the Lenormand card number.
Ace is equivalent to 1, 6 is of course equal 6, and so on. But Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13.
In this example, the values are : 1 + 6 + 8 + 12 + 1 = 28. The 28th Lenormand card is Gentleman. Read that card as a message you need to remember.
If the sum is greater than 36, simply add the two digits.
STEP 11: Summarize and record the reading.
Repeat to yourself and note down:
The urgent message
The main theme
The secondary theme
The immediate future
The future statement
The cards that fall in their native house, if any
The cards that fall in each other’s native house, if any
The message found by counting round
STEP 12: Note down any date predictions.
Remark any possible date predictions by looking at the house where the subject cards from Step 8 have landed.
In the example, Fish — the subject card for Finances, landed in the house of Child. That is August. Whatever the Finances mini spread revealed could happen in that month.
For the full list of timing values for Lenormand, refer to this.
To see this spread’s simpler equivalent in tarot, here you go.
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lunar-bat · 1 year
- Tarot 101:The Basics -
‣ Tarot is a divination tool consisting of (usually) a deck of 78 cards primarily used for spiritual guidance and tapping into your intuition in order to understand and reflect on what is happening in your life. Tarot has origins dating back to the 15th century, being commonly used as a card game and wasn't introduced as a divination tool until later on around 18th century. Occultists such as Antoine Court de Gébelin and Jean-Baptiste Alliette (known by the pseudonym "Etteilla") authored books that advocated the utilization of Tarot cards as a means of divination and personal exploration. Rider - Waite Tarot ‣ The Rider-Waite deck is one of the most popular and influential decks,usually recommended for beginners. Arthur Edward Waite collaborated with artist Pamela Colman Smith, both of whom were members of the Golden Dawn, to produce the Rider-Waite deck, which was initially released in 1909. The Major and Minor Arcana
‣ A standard deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main categories: Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards representing life lessons, karmic influences and big themes. The Minor Arcana is made up of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Pentacles (or coins),Cups,Swords and Wands. Each suit has 14 cards, including 10 numbered cards and 4 court cards (Page,Knight,Queen and King).
The four suits ‣ Pentacles - representing the element of earth and are associated with material possessions and the financial aspects of life, but can also signify emotional and spiritual prosperity as well. ‣ Cups - represent the element of water and are associated with the emotional aspects of ourselves. Cups cards often deal with matters of the heart, including love, relationships, emotions, and personal connections. ‣ Swords - representing the element of air and are associated with communication,intellect,conflicts,decision-making etc. They can indicate intellectual clarity or inner turmoil. ‣ Wands - representing the element of fire and are associated with creativity, passion,action and determination. Wands cards are strongly associated with creative endeavors, the pursuit of goals and projects and seizing opportunities.
Numerical association ‣ The numbered cards represent different stages or aspects of the suit's energy. Here's a brief overview: Ace - The Ace represents potential, new beginnings and opportunities Two - The Two cards represent balance, duality and choice making Three - The Threes are associated with growth, expansion and creative expression Four - foundation, structure, stability, manifestations Five - challenges, change, instability, conflict Six - harmony, cooperation, nurturing, balance Seven - introspection, spirituality, assessment, wisdom Eight - accomplishment, abundance, action, power Nine - attainment, fruition, fulfillment Ten - completion, end of a cycle, renewal
Spreads ‣ The specific layout of the cards is called a spread,where each placement provides an answer to a specific aspect of a question. Some most commonly used and spreads include the three card spread, five card spread and the Celtic Cross.
I'll dive into the individual meanings of the cards in another post but this is pretty much a summary of the basics. Hope it helps :)
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saganssorcery · 3 months
It's Sunday and time for another weekly Thoth reading for the followers of Sagans Sorcery:
Adjustment and Princess of Swords
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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗹
This week's focus revolves around balancing how we have been wronged with its opposite to remain in a state of harmony. While it is likely that we have been harmed, we need to remember that what has been done to us isn't always our fault. We could very well be completely innocent and still have people who wish to persecute us for things beyond our control. This is a warning to not lose yourself in what seems like rightful revenge and hatred for the acts of defilement against our character, instead we need to bring these experiences back into balance with what our true character is. If you were never cruel before, don't lose yourself by becoming cruel. It's important we understand who we are so we can balance these feelings healthily and not allow ourselves to fall into their traps.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥 🖋️
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Please check out my Thoth Tarot services below:
All readings will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account.
I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
All readings are completely private and confidential.
Please DM me for any information you need to get your reading underway.
𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁
• 33 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £77.70 GBP
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores every sphere, the connected paths between them, and how they correspond to each other, to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
I will likely fulfil the Mirror of the Soul spreads within a week after payment is received. These take longer than any other spread due to the larger workload and the more complicated nature of the reading.
• 11 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £25
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores the 10 Sephiroth and Da’ath to give the seeker an in-depth overview of where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
• 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11
- Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 2 Card readings for £5
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please check out the featured posts pinned on the Sagans Sorcery page.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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Since an anon asked, here is my custom tarot spread for kin timelines!
This spread is free to use (with credit!)
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First card -> Overview
Overall, what was your life like? Was it difficult? Or was it a cakewalk? Maybe it was a bit of both.
Second card -> Where you were
What was your outlook on your life at the beginning of your story? How did you view your obstacles (or, lack thereof)?
Third card -> Where you are
Who did you become? What kind of person did your experiences shape you into?
Fourth card -> What changed
What happened from “were” to “are”? What was the catalyst for your change?
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thatsexcpisces · 9 months
❤️‍🔥 Tarot + astrology readings (info + prices) ❤️‍🔥
• if you want me to do a reading for you, dm me here on tumblr
• you can ask me your question and send the payment through CashApp. As soon as you contact me, I will send you that info
*** • you can even pay me after I send you the reading, don’t feel rushed, I’m completely okay with accepting the money later on as long as you get your reading first 💕 ***
• once im done doing the reading for you, I will send you or email you a google doc or some kind of a word doc with the full explanation of your answer and further details. Or If you want I can just send you an entire message of the answer on Tumblr lol
• I will most likely need your full name in order for me to be more specific in the reading and for it to be easier for me to access your energy. For example, if I am doing a reading for you and a love interest, I need your and their first and last name and the zodiac signs and your & their birthdays. (I could also do initials if you want but preferably full names cause it’s more detailed)
• I promise that these details and your info will be absolutely confidential and I will not share them anywhere or to anyone. I just need them for the reading. So make sure you’re okay with & you agree to that before asking for a reading💗
Scroll down for prices and explanations of the types of readings you can ask for! 💫🤍🪐
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• Yes or no (elaborate) $5 : you can ask me any question (has to preferably be a question that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” tho lol) and I will give you that kind of answer but explained in a detailed way with further info on how to have that outcome
• Concise advice (on a certain situation)$8 : you can ask me for advice on anything happening in your life at the moment or any question about a specific topic or situation and I’ll tell you how to approach and handle it
• Past, present, future $10 : I will do a layout about your past and present and what to expect in the future
• Full Relationship spread (you and other person) $25 : I will do a full card spread of you and your person of interest (can be romantic or platonic) and talk about the Overall Details, feelings, and energy of the relationship.
• Love life $15 : a full spread on aspects of your love life and what can happen in the future regarding your love life, things to focus on, new people, etc.
• career spread $15 : An Overall Look on your career and where it stands, advice, what you can do to improve, best career areas for you to focus on, etc
• full overview of your life/current situation + guidance & more $30 : this means I will do a deep explanation of everything that is currently happening in your life and ask questions to better understand what obstacles are in the way and what you need to focus on. I will tell you what you should start planning and looking forward to in the future and provide guidance on personal situations you’re curious about. It’s a very general and open reading to all aspects of your life.
• outcome $7 : I will tell you the expected or possible future outcome of any situation or event of your choice in your life
• I will need your birthday, exact birth time, and birth place.
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• big 3 reading explanation $5
• big 6 reading explanation: $7
• general natal reading overview $12 (here I will do a reading based off the more important planets and aspects in your birth chart and those with the strongest influence that affect you the most along with other placements and asteroids that are key in your life)
• ‘everything’ reading $22 (I will do a full and deep reading of your whole birth chart and explain in detail what your birth chart means and provide info on your past and future based off important placements and other aspects of the chart)
• general/concise persona chart readings $7
• partner/love life/future spouse interpretations in the natal chart $8
• full synastry chart reading $20 (you & other person)
• composite chart reading (you & other person) $15
• brief progressed synastry reading $7
• solar return chart reading $13
• astrocartography reading $10
**** please note that these might take some time as I am trying to be as organized as possible with your readings and want to make sure the info is detailed and fully gathered but I will send them to you as soon as I can so please be patient 💘💘
Thank you so much & let me know if you have any questions 🤍❣️🤍❣️
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khaire-traveler · 2 years
Tarot Divination When You Think You've Been Cursed
Being cursed does not happen very often. Curses require a lot of energy, time, and materials, and generally speaking, magic practitioners don't usually care enough to curse every single person they believe has done them wrong. So, your chances of actually being cursed are slim to none. Sometimes, you're just going through a down period in your life. Other times, you're unknowingly contributing to your own misfortune. And even still, other times, it's just sheer luck that something didn't work out the way you had thought it would.
However, if you fear someone has cursed you (or sent generally negative energy towards you), there are three tarot readings you can try to figure it out. These readings are meant to be done in order as they are presented and can shed some much-needed light on your situation. I recommend making sure you have a lot of time set aside to do these readings.
The readings will be listed below as the questions you are meant to ask, as I don't personally work with spreads. You can create your own spread based on the questions, if you would like to.
1. A general overview of your life, as it is, currently
What you're looking for are any outliers - people, archetypes, and situations that shouldn't be present in your life currently. This can be a card representing your witchy ex, major arcana with magical implications despite a lack of recent magical workings, or even cards describing past situations with people you've cut ties with. Ask yourself these questions:
Are any names/faces coming to mind as I interpret the cards, specifically ones I haven't thought about in a while? These can serve as clues to whom put a potential curse on you, especially if you've been having nightmares and dream-warnings of this person as of late.
Do the cards keep bringing up a specific situation from the past that I was involved in? This can serve as a clue - whom put the potential curse on you and why.
What major arcana archetypes (The Empress, The Fool, The Hermit, etc.) are present in this reading? This can be yet another clue as to whom put the potential curse on you. Remember that seeing an archetype card does not guarantee that it's about a person separate from yourself. The card may present itself because it simply has a message for you.
2. Negative Influences That Are Currently in Your Life
What you're looking for here are any cards that feel out of place, such as mentions of a specific past person or situation repeatedly. Note here that this reading may also cause you to face some difficult truths with yourself, as sometimes, we get in our own way. If that's the case, then it's likely you aren't cursed. Ask yourself these questions:
Could this be related to a current mindset I have or action I keep repeating? ALWAYS assume mundane over magical; like I said, curses do not happen often.
Does the same archetype keep being mentioned (The Empress and Queen of Pentacles, Death and Eight of Cups, Judgement and Justice, etc.)? Archetypes can serve as clues for whom put a potential curse on you and why.
Is there a person from my life that keeps being brought up in a magical context? Cards I would consider "magical" include The Magician, The High Priestess, The Moon, and Nine of Cups. If you keep seeing the same person, reflect on the relationship you have with them, as it could just be that this person is unhealthy for you in a non-magical way (The Devil and The Tower would be strong indications of this).
3. What is Currently Causing Your Misfortunes
This is obviously the most direct of the three readings, but interestingly, you may not get very direct answers. The cards may focus more on giving you advice which, while helpful, doesn't really answer the question at hand. My advice is to talk to your cards before doing this reading and tell them you're not looking for advice but are seeking direct answers.
An important note here is that your cards may tell you that your current actions or mindsets are causing the problem you're facing. They may also tell you that you're honestly just going through a low period in life. Be aware that curses are not always the answer. I have to keep repeating this because sometimes people get paranoid that they are cursed when the cause is really something mundane. I don't want to encourage fear or paranoia over curses.
When interpreting this reading, ask yourself these questions:
Is there a specific person being brought to my attention? Keep in mind that people can cause problems in non-magical ways, so be sure to pay close attention to the surrounding cards and whether or not they imply magical workings.
Are the cards evading an answer/not making any sense? This can happen sometimes as a signal of a curse - something that is being kept hidden from you. It can also be a sign to cleanse your cards, so I'd cleanse your cards and try the reading again before jumping to conclusions.
Is this a mundane answer or a magical answer? Think this through very carefully. I'd even recommend taking a few days to think about, if you're able to. Usually, the answer is more mundane than we initially think it to be.
If you feel you're cursed, I recommend cleansing your space spiritually as well as yourself. There are spells you can do to counter curses, such as this spell (curse removal and reversal), this spell (curse-removing bath), and this spell (this last spell is actually a short list of return-to-sender spells). After cleansing, I recommend putting up spiritual protections. This (everyday protection), this (curse decoy), and this (simple spell) are good protections to try, if you're not sure where to start.
Best of luck to you all! I hope this post helps someone! ☺️🧡
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celestiall0tus · 7 months
Alright, so, I had announced that February would be a hard month for me after pulling the Tower in my yearly overview reading. Well, I felt the call to do another tarot reading and the results were... concerning.
Question for the deck: "What do I do moving forward?"
Spread: Standard 3 card spread
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No Celtic spread this time. However, the results are just impactful. I'm deciphering this as the classic past/present/future way as I feel it fits the best for what I'm being warned about.
So, in my past there was hard work and routine with knight of pentacles. Me working towards my goals and dreams. This all the more relevant when I started my Vanguard project back up and made significant headway on it. However, things are changing.
This is the present with 10 of swords. So, yeah, I really hate this card. It is a card that symbolizes betrayal, painful endings, loss, crisis, etc. This being where everything lines up with the Tower, that of upheaval and sudden disaster, another crisis card. Something is right around the corner and I cannot avoid. It's going to hit, it's going to be devastating, and I need to face it.
There is light in the future with ace of swords with renewed creativity and emergence of new ideas. Plain and simple.
So, what's this all mean? Well, as of now, that flame of creation has gone out. I feel it. The flow of ideas and everything is gone with traces lingering but isn't enough to actually create. I had been running on the assumption it was because depression was kicking in not having a job and trying to find remote work, but failing. I thought it was my resurfacing trauma, fears, and insecurities that were draining my muse. However.
I see this is more me preparing for something. As I mentioned at the beginning of the month, disaster awaits me this month. I've been cautious with my eye ever looking for it. However, it appears it'll be happening soon, very soon. To say I have no idea what it'd be is a lie. I see it every day and I fear the worst for him, that being the death of my pet rabbit, Finn.
I don't talk about it here, but I'm going to be up front. He's reaching the end of his life and I know it. I have for a while. And no matter how many times I tell myself and remind myself of this fact, I know it's going to cut extremely deep. To see the precious boy that helped me through the worst years of my life so far pass on is going to destroy me. And, like I've stated, I know it's coming. I'll never be ready, but it's gonna happen.
If it's not Finn's passing, then I truly have no idea what it could be. No matter what it may be, I won't be creating anything until this disaster/crisis has come and passed
I'm sorry.
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inverted-flowers · 11 months
Ok ok so! I just did a tarot spread for Joel for secret life! I posted before about this but I didn't wanna reblog it again so... I'm gonna do some of the others too but I got excited and needed to post this.
I made a 5 card spread for this which just means I drew 5 cards and put them in a line. If you don't know anything about this stuff don't worry you don't need to. If you do and are curious about the spread I made for this go see my last post. I don't wanna repeat it and make this post even longer lmao.
First Card - The Start
I drew the Knight Of Wands in reverse. In the start of the season, Joel could be making plans that aren't very well thought out. He might make some hasty descions... Or already has since we're kinda coming out of the beginning. Maybe this could point to his joining of the Mounders. Maybe this is because of his raw bacon tower thing I can't spell- he mentioned disliking it at some point towards the end of his second ep.
Second Card - Individual
This card is supposed to represent how Joel will do on an individual kind of level. How he plays it. The card I drew for this was the Knight Of Swords. Throughout the season he might move forward too fast and, as a result, not be able to see the consequences. He could do some things (take "shortcuts" as my deck's manual put it) that keep him from seeing the problems that mount up.
Third Card - Social
This card is supposed to tell us how things are gonna go in the social aspect for Joel. The card I drew was Strength in reverse. He might have some misdirected strength and/or lash out at those he doesn't need to. He might also end up depending too much on others due to self doubt. THIS is interesting huh? There's a lot of things that come to mind for how this could display. He could end up betraying the mounders for a start. I can see that happening very easily. Something else here could be some sort of deal he makes with someone going sour.
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is meant to describe what ends up being the most impactful thing for Joel. It could be what makes or breaks his game or just what makes the most dramatic turn. I drew the Eight Of Wands in reverse. This was kinda difficult for me to interpret just because it's so straightforward. It's just saying he's gonna take on too much at once.
Fifth Card - End
How's it end? Does he win? Is Jimmy right? If only Tarot was so simple as a blatant yes or no... Alas we must interpret them instead. (/overdramatic). Well the card I drew was the Page Of Pentacles in reverse... This card is saying he might get lost in the details and miss the whole purpose of whats going on. It actually kinda ties back into our 4th card! There's also a lack of progress that occurs.
So overview? Yeah it's not looking like he's gonna win. If the cards are correct, Joel's got a season full of poor planning and rushing into too many things. If you want my guess on what it means in terms of events... I think he'll probably die from failing his tasks. He'll fall out with the other mounders if not completely betray them or switch sides. Perhaps he does something without realizing they're gonna be upset with him for it. Maybe he betrays them on a whim or over something super small. Or I'm wrong and the cards mean it in some other way. Or the cards themselves are wrong and he has a great time and wins the whole thing. Who knows! I'm even more excited to find out now though :D
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windvexer · 2 years
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Among other things, I am a diviner.
I am currently offering energy readings and card readings. All readings are scheduled and will be delivered within 24h of that date. This is not an appointment. You do not need to be free to talk during those times.
All readings include: A discussion about your question, a downloadable document, and a Q&A session afterwords to help resolve any additional questions.
Go to my pinned post to see if readings are open or closed.
If readings are closed, you can still message me to get on the waitlist.
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Tarot | $10 USD per card
Categories I will read on include: Predictions, love, relationships, wealth and prosperity, home life, possible outcomes (including for spellwork), advice and guidance, and otherworld messages.
Spread Menu
'This, But Not That' | 3 cards, $30 | Used to clearly define what something is and what it is not.
Crown and Branches | 5 cards, $50 | A spread for advice and guidance
9 Card Tableau | 9 cards, $90 | A very in-depth look at any situation.
Celtic Cross | 10 cards, $100 | A classic spread that shows past, present, future, obstacles, perspectives, and outcomes of a person or situation.
Custom spread | ? | Send me a message about your question and the general # of cards you're interested in. I will work with you to create a spread of the size and scope you want.
Document includes: Card photos, spread overview, individual card interpretations, meditation/journaling/affirmation prompts (when available and depending on context), a summary, and a list of any actionable steps.
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Energy Readings | $20 USD per page
Categories I will read on include: Aura readings, cord connections, spirit presences, energy center readings, energetic blockages, vessel checks (for spirits, enchantments, and energy work), and energy body health.
Send me a question about what you'd like looked at and your maximum page count. Depending on the kind of reading you want, I may require a taglock (usually in the form of a photo). We may need to be online at the same time.
Document includes: Reading overview, description of visionary details, interpretations to answer your question, meditation/journaling/affirmation prompts (depending on context), a summary, and a list of any actionable steps. No photos or pictures included.
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How it Works:
Send me a message. We hash out the details. Avoid sending me tons of background info - this severely limits my accuracy! I will ask if I need to know.
I accept payment through Cashapp, Venmo, or Paypal. I require payment before the reading is delivered. Card readings are OK to pay upfront, but I prefer to do energy readings first, in case there are fewer pages than you wanted.
I deliver the reading within 24h of your scheduled day.
I am open to reducing costs (but can't guarantee it) if there is a reading you can't afford. Just message me :)
Tips are accepted and appreciated. Reviews are incredibly beloved, and very helpful and important to me.
I do not offer refunds except in rare cases.
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All readings are for entertainment purposes only
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mysticinsightstarot · 30 days
Alright, let's dive into your detailed tarot spread for the rest of August, September, and that potential travel next week! 🎴✨
Rest of August
1. Current Energy: 7 of Swords You're playing a game of strategy right now. 🕵️‍♂️ Maybe you’re holding back, not revealing all your cards (pun intended) because you sense some trickiness in your surroundings. It’s like you’re a chess master, anticipating the moves of others before they even think of them.
2. Challenges: 4 of Pentacles Oof, you’re clinging tight, aren’t you? 🪙 Whether it’s money, emotions, or even your thoughts, you’re holding on for dear life. But darling, sometimes letting go allows more to flow in. Fear of loss might be clouding your judgment right now.
3. Opportunities: Ace of Cups & The Sun HELLOOO, new beginnings and happiness! 🌞💧 The universe is like, “Here’s a fresh start, hun.” Whether it’s love, creativity, or something that just fills your heart, this is a BIG YES from the cosmos. And The Sun? Oh, you’re about to shine so brightly, everyone’s gonna need sunglasses to look at you.
4. Outcome by the End of August: Judgment Time for reflection and awakening. 🌅 You’ll be hearing a call, loud and clear—maybe it’s time to forgive, move on, or step into your true purpose. It’s like the universe is blowing a trumpet in your face, asking, “Are you ready to level up?”
September Overview
5. General Energy of the Month: 3 of Wands You’re looking ahead, my love, planning for the future. 🌄 September is all about expansion, vision, and waiting for those ships to come in. You’re ready to explore new horizons, and you’ve got the patience to see things through.
6. Key Focus: 8 of Wands WOOOSH! Things are about to speed up. 🚀 Communication, travel, decisions—you name it, it’s happening fast. So, buckle up because September isn’t waiting for anyone.
7. Biggest Challenge: King of Swords, Death, Hierophant & 6 of Pentacles Whoa, a power-packed combo here. ⚔️🔮 The challenge? Making decisions with clarity and authority (King of Swords), embracing transformation (Death), sticking to your values (Hierophant), and balancing giving with receiving (6 of Pentacles). You might feel like you’re going through a bit of a rebirth—don’t resist it. Let go of the old to make room for the new.
8. Advice for September: Temperance, 2 of Cups & Queen of Cups Balance is key, darling. 🌈 Keep your cool, blend your energies, and stay emotionally grounded (Temperance). There’s a sweet partnership or relationship energy here (2 of Cups), so nurture those connections. And with the Queen of Cups, let your intuition guide you, honey. Be loving, compassionate, and a little bit psychic.
9. End of Month Outcome: Empress & 10 of Pentacles You’re the queen of abundance! 👑 September ends with you feeling like the Empress, surrounded by comfort, creativity, and maybe even some family vibes. And with the 10 of Pentacles? Long-term success, legacy, and stability are on the horizon. You’re building something that lasts.
Travel Next Week
10. Is There a Travel Opportunity? 7 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords & The Fool Looks like travel’s been on your mind, but you’re overthinking it, love. 🧳 With the 7 of Pentacles, you’ve been patiently waiting, but the 9 of Swords says there’s some anxiety. However, The Fool is here to say, “Take the leap!” Whether it’s a planned trip or a spontaneous adventure, the universe is nudging you to go for it.
11. When Could This Travel Happen? The Chariot Sooner than you think! 🏎️ The Chariot is all about movement, so pack your bags because this trip could happen quickly, maybe even early next week. It’s all about taking control and charging ahead.
12. Where Might You Travel? The Devil & Page of Pentacles Hmm, this could be somewhere that tempts you or pulls you into a new opportunity. 🌆 The Devil suggests there might be some strings attached or it’s a place that’s hard to resist. The Page of Pentacles? It’s likely somewhere practical, maybe related to work or study. A mix of indulgence and responsibility.
13. How Will the Travel Unfold? 3 of Swords & The Hermit This journey might bring some introspection, and not all of it will be easy. 🛤️ The 3 of Swords hints at a possible emotional challenge, maybe even a moment of heartbreak or realization. But The Hermit? This trip could be deeply spiritual or enlightening, helping you see things from a new perspective.
14. Advice for This Trip: Ace of Pentacles Look for the new opportunity, darling. 🌱 This travel could open doors, so keep your eyes peeled for that golden chance. Whether it’s a new job, project, or even just a fresh start, the Ace of Pentacles is telling you to grab it!
Bottom of the Deck: The Tower Okay, the Tower as the underlying energy means there’s some BIG change coming, probably unexpected. ⚡ This could be the universe’s way of clearing out the old to make way for the new. Whatever it is, just know that it’s all part of the process—stay flexible and ready to adapt.
And there you have it! 🌟 Seems like the rest of August and September are gonna be a wild ride with some significant shifts and potential travels. The universe is shaking things up, but in a good way—just remember to keep your cool and go with the flow. And hey, while you’re at it, why not blast "Dangerously" by Charlie Puth on repeat? It’s definitely giving those intense, passionate vibes. 🎶
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acetarotreadings · 3 months
Hello! I'm Ace! A tarot reader with 5 years of experience!
Please feel free to Dm me if youd like a reading ir have any questions! My timezone is CST, i may not always respond immediately since i sleep sometimes, be mindful of time difference. I only take cashapp! I will give my cashtag to you when we agree upon a reading and price
I do not read about dead people, medical advice, or suíçìďè❤️❤️
My boundaries, prices, and method are subject to change as im a person just like you, we are all trying to become better in every way of our lives
Base prices
Custom question/card amount - $3+
The base rate is $3 for any question (Within my boundaries) and any additional cards adds 2$
!!Please know your questions before you get a reading!!
Yes/no (1 card) - $3
Any yes/no question can be asked with this spread, please think of your question before the reading and make sure it alligns with my boundaries!
Strength/weakness (2 cards) - $5
Identify your biggest strength and weakness in any feild of your life (work, love, ect)
Situation/advice (2 cards) - $5
A card that gives a brief overview of the situation and some advice on what you should do (in your own best interest)
Truth spread (3 cards) - $7
Wanna know who is lying and why? This is the perfect reading for you
Potential Romance spread (6 cards) - $13
Look at both sides of the relationship, whats preventing it from blossoming into romance
Dream interpretation spread (6 cards) - $13
If you had a strange dream recently and you wanna find out what did that dream mean? What parts were your subconscious? How can you apply this lesson to your real life?
Bad feeling (5 cards) - $11
Do you have a bad feeling about someone and wanna know what their intentions are? This reading will go over that and more
Shadow work reading (6 cards) - $13
Look over what you need to release, forgive, learn, and more in this spread
True transformation spread (18 cards) - $37
Look over where you are in love, carrer, health, spirituality and more, what's challenging you there, and how to fix it
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targentis · 9 months
This is for the free tarot readings until Jan. 1st!!
Can I have an overall reading for 2024? What to expect?
And a song currently would be … The Better Place by Johnny Goth
hello there! i'm assuming you were looking for the yearly overview spread i mentioned, so this is the spread i went with:
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it looks like a bit of a mess, but let me try to elucidate a little 😅 in the center, we have your state at the beginning of the year on the left, and at the end of the year on the right. surrounding these two cards are your forecast for each of the months (up to November; the "end of the year" card can also be your forecast for November), and as always we have our underlying message at the bottom of the deck, with the Nine of Wands showing here.
now, a little reminder that the future is not set in stone, and what we see here now are merely touchstones for reflecting throughout the year. :-) i'm going to go pretty in-depth with this reading, so i'm putting the rest of it under the cut!
so! it looks like you're starting off 2024 in a pretty good mood. you're entering with optimism, you've got your ducks all in a row, and it looks like you'll be sharing that good mood with those closest to you throughout January. it's a good idea to cherish that joyful energy, and remember to hold on to it as the year progresses, because there may be some transformative challenges coming and you'll need the support.
February is the beginning of these challenges, though it will ease you into it. you may feel a bit off this month, and if so, you need to ask yourself why, where this feeling is coming from, and how you can keep embracing that joy you felt at the beginning of the year. this is not to say you need to overthink and obsess over all your problems, but simply be aware of your feelings and don't be afraid to explore them as they come up.
in March, you may want to Do something about these feelings you've explored. in February, you are merely asking the questions, but in March, you will find the answers. this will involve stepping up and taking a more active role in your life; you will make the decision to change it, for better or for worse--but hopefully for the better!
April is the continuation and culmination of this change you're choosing to make, and it looks like something pretty big is going to come to an end. maybe you're breaking a bad habit, or completing a project that's meaningful to you, or if you're in college, maybe you're graduating--either way, a chapter of your life is coming to a close, and you're becoming aware of how the choices you made have led you here.
in May, you may be feeling the aftereffects of this ending. even though something new is on the horizon, don't forget to let yourself mourn this closing. it's normal to feel sadness and even grief after something significant in your life changes, and if you've been pushing yourself to keep moving forward throughout the first half of the year, this summer is the space you need to give yourself to breathe and feel those residual emotions.
however, be sure to also recognize that in your life which is remaining stable. in June you may feel the urge to turn away from your support systems, or the things you set up at the beginning of the year that have brought you joy. just because one ending has come to pass doesn't mean that everything around you is collapsing on itself, so remember that you have a safe place to retreat to, rest there, and know that the storm will pass.
by July, things will start looking up, though you may not be aware of it, or you may not let yourself see it. you may still be clinging to the safety of your stability, which is fine, but if you see a ray of sunshine breaking through--let it come in. this is the fruit of your efforts from the spring, and this will remind you why you made the decision to end such a big part of your life. this is the beginning of the new opportunity, the new chapter, and you deserve to enjoy it. this is what you worked so hard for!
the good things aren't just going to start rolling in without a little resistance, though. be prepared for some conflict in August; it may be interpersonal, or it may be you fighting yourself. you might make the wrong decision here or there, and it might cause you to rethink everything you've decided to do thus far. know that the resistance you face here is actually quite minimal in the grand scheme of things, and that it too shall pass.
it is worth reflecting to make sure you are still on the path you want to be on, after all this. i can't say right now whether you will or won't be, obviously, but September is a good opportunity to assess your goals moving forward. you don't have to make any more grand decisions just yet--in fact, it's probably best not to plan another upheaval after what you've gone through earlier in the year--but take another moment to reflect as you've done in February. and if a particular course of action calls to you as a result of this, don't be afraid to make plans and ideas and follow your dreams!
October is kind of an echo of September, in this respect, though you may find yourself particularly tuned in to your own intuition. be sure not to silence the voice in your head that speaks to what you really want to be doing; now is not the time for thinking through logistics and shutting down your aspirations. as the year comes to a close, you'll find yourself realizing that you have the power to make your goals happen. you've been through so much, and came out stronger. by October you'll realize that you can do anything.
and in November and December, you'll be putting those goals through the wringer. THIS is the time to think about the logistics of your wildest dreams. yes, it is going to take a while--this is how you're going to close out the year, after all--but the more you think it through, the more you lay out your plans and form a tangible process, the more victorious you'll feel. compared to the impact you made in early 2024, where the decisions you made were a little sudden, maybe a little impulsive, surprising yourself, by the end of the year you'll have learned how to funnel your energy into laying out preparations to ensure you stay on track. you'll feel more like you know what you're doing. you'll see how far you've come, and you'll be able to tell whether you're living the life you want to live--and if not, you'll be empowered to change it.
the theme of this year is perseverance. this is a lot to go through, and it will feel difficult at times. but you're strong-willed, and i get the feeling that you're ready to take on whatever comes next. let that strength guide you into the new year, and know that you will remain standing, no matter what happens.
i hope this resonated with you, and i hope you have a wonderful rest of the year! you got this!!
if you would like, you can tip me on my ko-fi. and if you have any feedback for me, i would love to hear it!
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Open [✓] Closed []
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Hello dear Hearts 💖 , Flowers 🌸 , and Stars 🌟!
Welcome to the tumblr page for info on my paid readings so you can get some insight before you go to request a reading from me! Before requesting a reading, only two things are required from your end:
As long as that's possible, then feel free to book a reading with me! I am currently offering both Astrology and Tarot based readings, and more info on them can be found below! If there is a deck you'd like to request, you can check one out over here.
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Astrology Readings
Big Three (Sun, Moon, Rising): $5
Personal Placements (Rising through Mars): $15
Full Natal Reading: $35
Love Chart Reading (looking at you as a lover and what is possibly compatible with you): $15
Career Chart Reading (what paths are compatible with you?): $20
Healing (How to use your chart to overcome wounds, grow, strengthen, and heal): $15
Solar Return Readings Coming Soon. . .
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Tarot Readings
Overview Spreads
Yearly Forecast, 12 Card Spread: $35
Next Six Months, 6 Card Spread: $15
Unmasking (a personality reading): $10
Zeus & Hades (we'll go through your vices and virtues): $15
Hot Chocolate (can focus on a specific area of your life and keep it short and simple, not much depth): $10
Warm Blanket (will let them deliver whatever messages they want to focus on, will pull more advice and oracle): $15
Tucked In (will pull your current situation and where you are now, as opposed to where they'd like you to be/what to focus on): $20
Aphrodite (we discover what type of lover you are): $5
Eros & Psyche (what type of friend/partner would be good for you): $10
Around the Corner...?
Peel Back (taking a look at the general energy within you and around, seeing if you should go within or go out and flirt!): $5
Guess Who! (a look at the next person coming into your life, romantically or platonically): $15
Thelma & Louise (let's look at the dynamic within this relationship! Can be done for established or platonic relationships): $25
Cupid's Arrow
Stolen Heart (general look at who your divine love will be): $25
Tale as old as time (we'll see what the journey to meeting each other will look like!): $35
Honeymoon Suite (select three options): $40
Their personality Possible career Their love language Their hobbies First impressions The pursuit The confession The first date The first kiss The honeymoon The relationship dynamic What you both love about each other What you're both like as parents Your children
Business Casual (just need a vibe check for what's going on professionally? I got you): $5
Odin's Thunder (if you need some help figuring out what to do next, you should get this one right here): $15
99 Problems (love your job but struggling with it? We'll get some healing for you): $20
Dollar Signs (not sure what type of occupation is compatible with you? Let's find out!): $20
1 Question: $5
2 Questions: $10
3 Questions: $15
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Things To Remember / Form Access
If requesting an astrology reading, remember that I will need your birth information.
You may request multiple tarot readings, but the more you request the longer the ETA will be
If you have a question, feel free to reach out to me here or via email, but everything regarding your reading once submitted / requested will be done through email
If you're unsure of what readings I don't do and what my boundaries are, you can check my disclaimer page!
Always have a good day :)
You can access the form right here to request a reading from me!
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