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kroyxt · 2 years ago
Sin motiving
Duran 2 wik me bu sentifi motiven fo yusi jengun-ney lingwas. Me bu hev toy problema kun esperanto, bikos me yo yusi it fon mucho yar hampi kada dey e it yo es parta de may jiva, bat kun otre jengun-ney lingwas, kel me koni, bin muy mushkile por me yusi li. Mogbi por falta de partisiping, reakting. Komunitaa de mucho jengun-ney lingwas es syao e kelke la bu es aktive. Wen me yusi toy jengun-ney lingwas me senti ke me shwo a aira, a mur. Bat laste dey me senti snova forsa por yusi li. E por to me laste taim zai tradukti kelke poemas inu jengun-ney lingwas.
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knightofdeer · 11 months ago
Lidepla (Lingua de Planeta) kind of tries to do this. Ot definitely borrows some elements from Mandarin and I think Hindi.
I didn't study it just remembered something from Wikipedia
We should make the world language a conlang that isn't eurocentric. I think combining the vocabulary of Mandarin, Arabic, Hindustani, Malay, Latin/English, Swahili, Nahuatl and Quechua would be the best way to go about it.
Yeah, Esperanto and Interlingua are basically "all (Western) European languages together", why not add some variety? Come on.
I've tried to learn Mandarin and I'm surprised at how economic it is with its words and sounds, the verbs just make sense, it flows very well. The tones are very hard to learn to someone who isn't used to it and it's very fast paced, but I find it interesting to learn because it's very distant from Indoeuropean languages (learning English as a Spanish speaker was "easier" because of that, especially because English is perhaps the most 'latinized' Germanic language because of the Normans)
I don't really thing a conlang will ever be able to impose itself as a world language, but I'm of the theory that "World English" will eventually be shaped by second-language speakers rather than those of the "Anglosphere", eventually diverging from UK or US speaking to become a whole new language. That is, of course, if it continues to be the world language, and given that the US might eventually fall from its spot as world hegemon (IMPERIO EN DECADENCIA) other language might take its place.
Of course, I'm still saying it should be Latin. It's a shame that scientific papers aren't published in Latin anymore. Even by the mid XXth century some plants were STILL being described in Botanical Latin, and I don't mean "scientific names" I mean that the description itself, all the organs and habits of the plant, were published in Latin. They don't do that anymore, but it was so cool.
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linguisticssystem · 4 years ago
Lidepla Lexika - Hearth and Home
Tumblr media
- Alee: path, lane - Avenu: avenue - Dom: home - Dacha: summer or vacation home - Ferma: farm - Flat: flat, apartment - Hata: hut, cabin - Hostel: hostel, lodging house - Hotel: hotel, Inn - Huta: shack, shed - Kamina: road - Loja: lodge - Siti: city, oldest part of a town, downtown - Urba: city, town - Vilaja: village - Yurta: yurt
Building Parts
- Bilda: building - Dwar: door - Etaja: story, upper floors of a building - Frama: frame - Kapak: shutter - Kurtena: curtain - Mur: wall - Parda: curtain, screen - Poda: floor - Sulam: stairs - Tapis: carpet - Winda: window
- Banishamba: bathroom - Garaja: garage - Garden: garden - Gastadom: guest house - Gastashamba: guest room - Habitilok: living place - Jivishamba: living room - Kamashamba: bedroom - Kavaldom: barn, (lit: horse house) - Kella: cellar, basement - Korta: yard, courtyard - Kukilok/Kukishamba: kitchen - Lok: place - Ruf: roof, attic - Sala: large meeting room - Sauna: sauna - Shamba: room - Sulam-plana: stair landing - Tualet/Tuvalet: WC, toilet, restroom - Vestibul: lobby, foyer, entry hall - Woshilok/Woshishamba: washing room/laundry room
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janmisali · 4 years ago
since you declined my last comment can you please at least give an approximation of how often new episodes of Conlang Critic will be made? also i'd like you to release the full list of language requests so we can see what to expect in seasons 4, 5, etc. finally, the fact that your video "what to expect in season 3" is misleading even though it says that there's actually only one "big video" per month, because there are supposedly 12 episodes (= 1/month for a year).
A) I’ve been making them around once every other month* this season. there’s two episodes left in season 3, which I plan on ending this year B) the Big List is available to view for everyone who donates to me on patreon at http://patreon.com/hbmmaster (but that said the small list of what episodes are coming for the rest of the season appears at the end of every episode) C) idk, I explicitly said in that video that it wouldn’t always be an episode of conlang critic, I think I was pretty clear about that. I never said that a season would last a year either, just that it would have twelve episodes. hopefully it’s obvious that season 3 won’t last exactly a year because it started in april 2019 *here’s my full release schedule for conlang critic season 3 so far. I made six episodes (half the season) in 2019: Dothraki: (late) April 2019 Novial: (mid) May 2019 [in June 2019 I made w] IS: (late) July 2019 Drsk: (late) August 2019 [in September 2019 I made two big videos about rhythm heaven] Sambahsa: (late) October 2019 Sindarin: (late) November 2019 [in December 2019 I made what if we kissed in 2019 and Latin Extended-D] I’ve made four of the six remaining episodes in 2020, and plan on ending the season by the end of the year: Poliespo: (late) January 2020 [in February 2020 I made most english spelling reforms are bad] Kelen: (late) March 2020 [in April 2020 I made hangman is a weird game] Lidepla: (late) May 2020 [in June 2020 I started working on there ae 48 regular polyhedra, but it took longer than expected so I made a joke about measurement first, then in July 2020 I released the polyhedra video] Viossa: (late) August 2020 [in September 2020 I made games about learning languages] Iqglic: planned for October 2020 Quenya: planned for sometime before the end of 2020
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jansegers · 5 years ago
Categories of constructed international languages [...] Worldlang Worldlangs use several unrelated source languages from around the world, typically including at least some of the most widely spoken languages today.
List of Worldlangs Publication year Language name(s) Author(s) Current status Link to more information 2012 Pandunia Pandunia Academy Active Pandunia site 2011 Angos Ben Wood, United States Active Angos website 2010 Paqatyl Jorge de Oliveira a.k.a. Kjor Olfaa, Brazil Active Paqatyl website and forum 2010 Vollanjo Niyameddin Kebirov, Azerbaijan Active - 2008 Ardano Zeinelabidin Elhassi, Libya Active Ardano site 2007 Sanua Risto Kupsala, Finland Discontinued Language description 2007 Sambahsa-mundialect Olivier Simon, France Active Sambahsa-mundialect wiki 2006 Lingwa de Planeta (LdP, Lidepla) Dmitri Ivanov, Russia Active Lingwa de Planeta site 2005 Neo Patwa Jens Wilkinson, Japan Discontinued Neo Patwa site 2003 Sasxsek Dana Nutter, USA Discontinued Sasxsek site 2002 Unish Institute for Universal Language, South Korea Re-activated Journal of Universal Language issues 2-1, 3-2 & 4-1 2001 Toki Pona Sonja Elen Kisa, Canada Active Toki Pona site 2000 Big Six Danny Wier, USA Discontinued A message in Conlang mailing list archive 1999 Acadon Leo Moser, USA Active Acadon site and blog 1997 Noxilo Mizuta Sentaro, Japan Active Noxilo site 1996 Ceqli (Tceqli, Txeqli) Rex May, USA Active Ceqli site 1996 Dunia Ed Robertson, Scotland Discontinued Description in LangMaker.com 1995 Vorlin Rick Harrison, USA Discontinued Vorlin site 1993 Jigwa Jigwadx Jungdwei (Jigwa Central Team) Discontinued A draft of Jigwa 1974 Lusane Luis Sainz Lopez-Negrete, Mexico Discontinued A message in Auxlang list Written and compiled by: Risto Kupsala Last update: 2014-09-25
#TokiPona #Worldlang #anno2014
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Akwa, dabe pi. - Agua de beber. A song in Lidepla
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lidepla-lexika · 9 years ago
bu doh non ob ya
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kroyxt · 2 years ago
Hu haishi stan? - Andrée Chedid
Udali ba yur nam
Dezwo ba yur yash
Destrukti ba yur cirkuma
Mah-wek ba to ke yu sembli.
Hu haishi stan?
Riskribi ba yur nam
Rizwo ba yur yash
Ribildi ba yur dom
Sekwi ba yur dao
E dam,
Snova, ribegin ba.
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kroyxt · 2 years ago
Kavafis - Preisa
Maryuan dronen in abisma de mar.
Ignori-yen, suy mata mah-on
gran kandela avan ikona de Virga Maria,
Ela gro-pregi, ke lu lai bak sun, ke hao meteo akompani ba lu...
Ela sempre zai audi feng.
Duran ela prei e go-pregi,
Ikona audi, solemnem, tristem,
jan-yen, ke son, kel ela weiti, neva lai bak.
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kroyxt · 2 years ago
Kavafis - Mures
Sin eni kaulusa, sin rahimtaa ni shama,
li mah-gao mures sirkum me, grose e gao.
E nau me senti, hir, tanto nonadi.
Me bu pensi om otre koysa: sey kisma glodi may menta...
Also, me hev-te tanto kosas fo zwo ausen.
Wen li zai mah-gao mures, Komo me bu mog-te merki to?
Bat me neva audi bilders, ni un suon.
Nomerkibilem li klosi me fon ausen munda.
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kroyxt · 2 years ago
Sole Lidepla-ney shwoer hir.
Me marki, ke hir nulwan shwo sey lingwa. Mogbi me es sole jen e un-nem jen, kel yusi Lidepla hir. Si yu koni sey lingwa saluti me kare.
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linguisticssystem · 4 years ago
Me jan ke yu he zwo mucho, bat me bu pri se ke yu he zwo.
From the Lidepla language course. I know you have done much, but I don’t like what you have done.
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linguisticssystem · 4 years ago
Finally getting into Lidepla. I’m really enjoying the way they’ve structured the lessons for it in their logs, but I can also see why it would be really frustrating to those who maybe don’t have as much experience with language learning.
Which, now that I think on it, might be a point of revision. This is supposed to be an interlang. Monolingual speakers are supposed to be able to pick it up easily.
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lidepla-lexika · 9 years ago
negiert einen Satz
Se bu hev sensu. Das hat keinen Sinn. Me sim bu jan. Ich weiß es einfach nicht.
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lidepla-lexika · 9 years ago
gibt eine positive Antwort auf eine negativ gestellte Frage
Ob yu bu shwo inglish? – Doh, me shwo inglish. Sprichst du kein englisch? – Doch, ich spreche englisch. Ob yu bu pro may idea? – Doh, yur idea es hao. Bist du nicht für meine Idee? – Doch, deine Idee ist gut.
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lidepla-lexika · 9 years ago
gibt eine negative Antwort
Ob yu pri sey kitaba? – Non, es enoisaful. Magst du dieses Buch? – Nein, es ist langweilig. Ob yu es tayar fo go? – Non, may beybao es haishi in tenta. Bist du bereit zu gehen? – Nein, mein Rucksack ist noch im Zelt.
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