#liam mower
white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
Liam Mower says goodbye to Mistoffelees and his time in the UK/International Tour 2022, which finishes today, 26 February 2023.
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Happy Trails Liam!
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cryptidvoidwritings · 2 years
A cheeky backstage photo dump from Kayleigh Thadani.
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Instagram stories: November 27, 2022
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strechanadi · 2 years
Matthew Bourne Swan Lake, the 2019 DVD edition
So I finally got to watch the 2019 Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake with Will Bozier and Liam Mower and I have thoughts.
First things first - Nicole Kabera is gorgeous queen and Katrina Lyndon is having a blast as the girlfriend.
I quite like good 95 % of Bourne’s changes he made from the original 1995 production - be it in choreography, costume or dramaturgy. I like the slight shift with the girlfriend not being in it from the beginning with the general secretary, which makes her story more tragic and painful, so bring it on! I like there’s no prince as a kid at the beginning with a swan plushie. But I’m not sure I like that the connection between the secretary and the stranger was erased. True, with the 1995 production the end of act III (the ball) looked a bit too cartoon villain-y, with the stranger evil laughter while shaking hands with the secratary, but now - he just goes to the queen and embraces her and it’s just... Bland. I don’t know, I quite like the idea of the secretary plotting with everything and everyone all the time.
Now to the main characters. Liam is pretty good (saying it in the most british way possible), there’s no denying that, his dancing and technique is on top, his acting skills undeniable and he’s a perfect cast choice for this role.
But now to Will. I was truly looking forward to finally seeing him, as he was the only Swans/Strangers I missed back in 2019 when I was in London to watch the production live. And I hate to say it, but I was quite disappointed. His characterisation was OK I guess, nothing special necessarily, but nothing too bland either. But what was putting me off all the time was his technique... It was clear he is not a classically trained dancer (as Adam Cooper was back in 1995 or Matthew Ball and Max Westwell in the 2019 run) and it was painful to watch, especially with the whole company evolving so much in this aspect! Back in 1995, they were not what you would call a ballet company (and New Adventures is not claiming they are a classical ballet company, so it’s cool) and there was basically just Adam Cooper (and possibly Scott Ambler) standing out. But now, looking at the company (both men and women), they are different kind of animals now. True, Bourne is still much more about musical/jazz/modern/ballroom/whatever type of dancing, but it is undeniable his dancers now are much better in the classical ballet technique department. And watching the male corps de ballet as swans doing really well with all their arabesques, pas de chevals, developpes and pointed feet in general, and then Will who you can see is trying, but his feet are just not trained enough for this sort of things... And it’s infurriating, because the man has A JUMP! His elevation is huge, he was seriously flying over the stage.
Is the Swan about pointed feet? Of fucking course it is not. The Swan is all about raw energy, animalistic power, charisma... (to the point where Matthew Ball sometimes looked like too well classically trained ballet dancer, not truly ready for the sheer abandon)  But the technique matters as well. It may not be the most imporant thing (and gods know it is not for me, not by far!), but while its lacking is putting you off, then it is clearly a problem.
Will found his was as the Stranger, he seemed much more in his element, reigning over the stage and all the characters. And he was positively glowing in last act as the beaten up, but still fighting Swan. I love all those moment where he was jumping head first between the other swans, ferociously protecting his prince, fighting for him almost on the verge of absolute hysteria. The ending was as heartbreaking as it should be.
But still...
MB’s SL is still one of my very favourites. It’s still fucking spectacular and I love all the paralels and connections and reflections of the original SL characters and story with Bourne’s new one and all the possibilities his retelling offers. But I just couldn’t shake the treacherous ideas about different casting for this latest dvd edition.
Because I would give anything to once again see Max Westwell as the Swan/Stranger (preferably with James Lovell as his prince - since these two together broke me beyond repair). And Katrina Lyndon as the Queen (because she was heartless, stone cold and freaking amazing in this role) and Carrie Willis as the Girlfriend.
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ratherchaseamouse · 1 year
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I am going to miss him so muuuchhhhh
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Es beginnt hier eine weitere Phase mit corona-verklebten Hirnen (hurrah!), die die Filmauswahl schlichter und die Kommentare wahrscheinlich weniger geistreich ausfällen läßt (sofern das überhaupt möglich ist), welche wir erstmal mit dem Billy-Elliot-Musical verkürzten. Unterschwellig wählten wir es wohl, weil wir uns wider alle Vernunft noch auf ein neues Elton-John-Musical eingelassen haben. Die Musik ist auch nicht unschön, nur seltsam uneingängig, was einen angesichts der sonstigen Eingängigkeit von Eltons Musik halt immer ein wenig wundert. Aber es ist wirklich eine prima Show.
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karinhart · 2 years
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assorted mistos 🐈‍⬛
left to right: timothy scott, jacob brent, wayne sleep, ricky ubeda, liam mower, guy-paul de st germain, joseph poulton, pierpaolo scida ✨
[ID: A series of drawings, from the shoulders up, of eight different people who have played Mistoffelees in the musical Cats, in costume. The spaces between them are decorated with white sparkles against the black background. /end ID]
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kaijudyke · 1 year
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made an alignment chart of what i consider the four key elements of a great misto performance... all of these performances have all of these traits, that's what makes them good imo, but i think different performers emphasize some of them more than others. this chart is limited to performers i've seen recordings of/seen live (liam mower)/feel i have sufficient information about from the album to at least vaguely judge their vibe (timothy scott) so if your fav is missing it's not bc i don't like them, it's bc i don't have enough data. please feel enormously free to reblog with additions or disagreements. i am not accepting feedback on my methodology though <3 i'm right
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yoa-artblog · 1 year
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Beloved disco ball of a cat!!
This is (very) loosely inspired by Liam Mower’s Mistoffelees, who I got the chance to see last November, so he’s a little slicker than usual :3
It was the first time I ever saw Cats live and WOAH I knew Misto was sparkly but nothing could’ve prepared me for The Glow on that cat, I loved it
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lovelyrocker · 1 month
Like Me Part Fifteen
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Bones & All (AU)
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Language, Murder Plot (sorta), Child Tantrum (in a way)
Characters: Lee, Liam (OMC), Reader
Pairings: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 1,857
Un Beta'd
Lee pushed the old mower through the yard, the sun heating his pale skin, sweat covering his body. For the past several months he’d fallen into blissful domestication. He’d never felt like he had a home, even with his mom and sister. Now he felt like he could always lay his head down with Y/N and Liam. The only problem with that is he always had the small feeling in the back of his mind that maybe it will all disappear. 
“Daddy!” Liam ran out the front door with a big, tall glass of sweet tea. “Here!” He handed Lee the glass. “Mommy said take a break.”
“Thank you, buddy.” Lee stops the mower and takes the glass, downing most of the contents in one go.”You being good in there for mommy?” Lee asks, whipping his mouth wih the back of his hand.
“Yeah! Mommy is making a pot roast.”
“Yummy!” Lee kneels next to Liam. “Tell her to make potatoes, too.”
A gust of wind whipped through the air and Liam and Lee both froze. Lee stood, his nose in the air. 
“Yeah, buddy, I smell it, too.”
Liam walked to the end of the yard inhaling deeply. “What is it?” He turns his little head with the breeze. “It smells-”
“I don’t know buddy.” Lee walks up next to Liam. 
“Really yummy.”
“I know.”
The sound of laughing down the street made Lee’s head whip to the side. A young man walked next to a girl, the wind blowing around him and then filling Lee’s nose. He swallowed thickly as Liam tugged his pants.
“I know.” Lee repeated, watching the pair coming closer. 
“Daddy,” Liam pulled harder. 
Lee looked down and knelt back next to Liam. “Listen to me.” He turned his face to look at him. “Hey, Liam!” The boy turned quickly to him. “Take a deep breath and go inside.” Liam looks back at the people across the street and Lee snaps at him again. “Liam!” He stands and pulls the boy roughly by the hand, dragging him into the house.
“No!” Liam tries to pull away. Lee picks him up and carries him in the house, Y/N running to the door from the kitchen at the sound of Liam screaming. “Let me go!”
Lee placed him on his feet, Liam trying to push his way past him. “Hey, what’s going on?!” 
She reached for Liam but Lee stopped her. “Don’t!” But it was too late. Liam bit down on her arm, a scream leaving her lips. “Stop!” Lee grabbed Liam but his teeth were deep into her forearm. 
Lee reached his hand around Liam’s neck and squeezed his jaw at the jawline. He pressed harder and his little jaw released his mother’s arm. Blood dripped from his lips, Y/N’s hand wrapping around the fresh bite mark. 
“Ow!” Liam yelled, stumbling back, falling on his bottom.
He looked up at Lee with mean eyes. “Why’d you do that?!” He yelled standing.
“Liam, listen to me.” Lee held on to the boy’s arms. “Calm down-”
“Let me go!” Liam growled out in a way he never had before. 
“What’s wrong with him!” Y/N shouted, tears from both pain and fear. 
She didn’t know what was happening to her baby. She wanted to hold him and comfort him but at the same time she was scared to touch him. 
“Just stay back.” Lee told her calmly, his eyes staying on Liam. “Buddy, take a deep breath, okay?”
“I want-”
“I know, buddy, I know. You smelled it and you wanted it. But you can’t, okay?”
“My stomach hurts!” Liam pouted angrily, still pushing against Lee.
“I know, mine does, too, but listen to me.” Lee dips his head, making Liam look at him clearly. “You can’t just take people. You can’t just take people off the street and eat.” 
“What the fuck is going on?!” She shouted from the kitchen, wrapping a towel around her arm. 
“Just stay in there!” Lee shouted at her.
At the sound of Liam screaming again, Y/N rushed in the room and saw Liam snarling, saliva dripping from his mouth like a feral animal. Lee grabbed him and pressed his thumb into Liam’s neck. 
“Lee, what are you doing?!” She grabbed Lee’s hand and he fell back.
Liam went for his mother’s flesh again sounding like a wild animal. She fell against the wall banging her head against the door frame. Lee shot up, pulling Liam back from Y/N. She watched in horror as Lee held Liam tightly, pushing his thumb into his neck hard. Liam’s face reddened and his fighting lessened. Little by little she watched as his little body went limp in Lee’s arms. 
“Lee!” She pushed him to the floor, Liam’s limp body falling at her feet. “What the fuck are you doing?!” She scooped the child up and held him close. “Wake up!” Shaking him, the tears began to fall down her face.
“He’s okay!” Lee shouted. 
“What did you do?!”
“I knocked him out.”
“Baby, calm down, take a breath!” He tells her trying to keep calm himself. “You have blood pouring from your arm. He is fine. I had to do it. You saw him. He was out of control.” He places his hand on her face. “You trust me. Okay?” She nods, trying to hold back the sobs. “Give him to me.” He gently takes the body from her arms. “God wrap your arm, I’ll be in as soon as I lay him down.”
Running to the kitchen she wrapped another towel around her arm, blood droplets littered the floor. Lee laid his son on the sofa before going to the bathroom and getting a washcloth. Holding pressure on her arm she stood there watching Lee carefully clean Liam up and make sure he was okay before turning to her. 
He took her arm and immediately went to work cleaning and patching up the bite. “What happened, Lee?”
“I put him unconscious.” He sighed. “He smelled someone that triggered a feeding frenzy.”
“I-I don’t-”
“There was a boy, I smelled him, too.” Lee shook his head, whipping her arm, gaining a hiss. “It’s like being absolutely starving and smelling your favorite food. I’m talking, like, you go a week without eating and someone places your favorite dish in front of you.” He pressed the bandage on her arm. “It flips a switch in your brain and all you want is to bite. To fill that need. He is little and still pretty new so he doesn’t know how to control it.” He tossed the bandage papers in the trash. “Knocking him out was the only way to stop it.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “When he wakes up he will be okay. Until he smells that kid again.”
“What can we do?”
“When he gets that way you need to actually listen to me and stay away.”
“Lee, that’s my son!”
“He’s mine, too! But I know how to handle it! You don’t know what it feels like! It physically hurts!” Lee stopped instantly, his head snapping to the screen door. “Fuck!” He muttered in frustration. “That kids needs to get the fuck away from the house.”
She looks at the young boy near the street. “That kid?” She looks at Lee, his face twisted. “It’s doing it to you, too.” She watches his eyes follow the guy. “Isn’t it?”
“I can control it. Liam can’t.” He shuts the door. “Go shut all the doors and windows. Keep the smell out.” She rushes to the windows and pulls them shut. “I’ll take Liam to hunt. It’ll help.” Lee grabs the bag from the closet. 
“Mommy?” The little voice sounds from the living room. “Daddy?” They rush into the room and Liam is holding his stomach curled on the couch. “It hurts. I’m hungry.”
“I know, buddy.” Lee kneels next to him. “I’m going to get some things together and we’ll go hunt, okay?”
Y/N pulls her baby boy into her arms and rocks him as Lee hurries around the house shoving clothes and random items in the duffle bag. “I’m sorry I bit you, mommy.” The little broken voice came from her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay.” She hugs him close. “It’s not your fault.” 
“Alright, come on, buddy.” Lee swings the bag over his shoulder, holding out his arms for Liam. 
“My tummy hurts.” Liam crawls into his dad’s arms.
“I know bud, we are going to fix it.”
“I want that man.”
“I know, but you can’t eat someone where you live. Remember what I told you about that?” Liam nodded, his head tucked into Lee’s neck as he walked out to the car with him. 
“Excuse me?” A voice came from the road. The three of them looked to see the same man that triggered Lee and Liam standing by the mailbox. Liam’s nails dug desperately into Lee’s shoulders. The same sting in the back of his throat rising into Lee’s. “Do either of you know where Missy’s Dinner is?”
Y/N looked at Lee and she had a calmness come across her face. “Take Liam and go upstairs.”
“What?!” Lee muttered into the door of the car. “Are you crazy?!”
“I have an idea.” She walked away from Lee to the young man. “You’re not from around here, are you?” She asks, stopping at the mailbox. 
“No, ma’am. Just passing through.” He walked forward, the sun setting behind him.
“I can tell. Everyone knows where Missy’s is.” She smiles. “Come in and I’ll give you directions.”
She gestured and the man walked past Lee, he held Liam so tight. He felt the boy fighting the urge to lunge forward. His instinct of what he is pulsing through his tiny veins.
“Y/N,” Lee stopped her, a tight hand around her arm, keeping her from following the man into the house. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He grunted out. “He is the one making him sick! Get rid of him!” Lee held Liam close. 
“I know.” She looked Lee dead in the eye.
At that moment Lee understood. No words were spoken, just that one look.
“Are you sure?” He whispered to her. “We said never at home.”
“That is why you are gonna take him into the woods, away from the house.” She told him with a stern voice.
He swallowed thickly, looking at the man standing on the back step. “I was actually about to  head that way now.” Lee spoke up, handing Liam to Y/N. 
“Really?” The man turned back.
“Yeah, come on.” He placed his arm around the young man’s shoulders. He looked back at Y/N. “I’ll be back.”
“He’ll be waiting.” She rubbed Liam’s back.
She walked back and forth through the kitchen holding Liam in her arms. He squirmed and whined. He was in pain from the sudden triggered hunger. After an hour and a half the screen door creaked open. 
“Give him to me.” Lee hurried to her, scooping Liam up. 
He was out the door without another word.
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
A goodbye from Lottie Stephens, Jemima of the UK/International Tour 2022.
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With Maiya Hikasa as Victoria, Erin Gisele Chapman as Cassandra, Milan Cacacie as Tantomile, Ella Kemp as Rumpleteazer, Aaron Hunt as Bill Bailey, Liam Mower as Mistoffelees, and Aimee Hodnett as Jellylorum.
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Happy Trails Lottie!
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gaylittlewizardcat · 11 months
Liam Mower - Ibn Snell - Tibor Kovats
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Pierpaolo Scida - Sam Bateson - Zachary Downer
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Marvin Engran - Julius Sermonia - Jonathan Mercer
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Revised version of this :]
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afairytalestray · 1 year
So last week I saw the UK/Int tour of Cats in Switzerland and oh. My. GOD. I have thoughts and I am going to share them right now! I have vaguely attempted to keep them organised by timeline/character but I scribbled these down at the intermission and on the bus back to my hotel as quickly as I could before I forgot anything (fully made myself travel sick but it was worth it).
Act 1
First thing I noticed was that Demeter, at the start, was so shy and skittish around the other Cats. I think they were definitely playing into the idea that she had just escaped Macavity and come home. The only one she was ok with right away was Bombalurina. They two were so sweet together – Bomba was always making sure she was ok. Dem got really into her role in the Gumbie trio and was having a great old time.
TumbleBailey got to ride on the flying trapeze during JSFJC and he was living his best life. The boy was not happy unless he was gymnastic-ing.
The lift that Munkustrap and Victoria did in ‘98 was done by Coricopat and Tantomile which I thought was fun! Always happy for my boy to get more screen time 💪
Side note: This is my third time seeing Cats, but because of Covid it was my first time getting to see the Cats all come in down the aisles at the start wearing the green goggles! I was in the front row, so I didn’t get the full effect, but it was still cool.
Tugger’s song was so much fun. Harrison Wilde was so energetic! During the number he came down off the stage into the audience (again the first time I got to see this!), and began twirling the security lady and dancing with her. 11/10. Bomba was SO PUT OUT when he said “no” and booped her away – like, she was raging, it was so funny. Munk was so annoyed the whole time. Peak big brother energy.
I got the impression almost right away that Jennyanydots is Cori and Tanto’s mum, they were interacting quite a lot and she was always looking after them. Ditto with Skimbleshanks and Jemima - he was definitely her dad - he was so protective of her when Grizabella showed up, it was adorable! I hadn’t considered that relationship before (despite my love of Skimbledad), so it was super fun.
This Misto does not like rice pudding, this is not a drill! The face he pulled during that line in Bustopher Jones was hilarious, he looked so disgusted. Misto was definitely more of an adult than he was in ‘98 or the Broadway Revival. Liam Mower is a bloody FANTASTIC dancer; I couldn’t take my eyes off him! He was clearly loving life and I appreciated every moment.
This production said Casslonzo RIGHTS and we love to see it. They kept on snuggling up to each other when they were in the background and you can bet your ass I noticed EVERY TIME. We stan a power couple of protectors. Alonzo’s actor Sebastian Goffin's voice was so deep and I was LIVING. Like I was not expecting this voice to come out of this man. Twas brilliant. Cassandra was so beautiful I nearly cried like ma’am PLEASE HAVE MERCY. She was definitely an obvious protector with how she was always looking out for the other Cats. Also during the first song she was lying right in front of me and I had to try so hard not to explode.
Old Deuteronomy was such a loving dad to everyone, he had such a warm vibe and energy and I just wanted to hug him! Like all of these Cats were his babies and he adored them all. He and Jerrie and Teazer had a wee “oh, you”/slightly nervous giggling moment when they had just come back on stage after getting busted in their number and it was excellent.
Cori and Tanto were definitely portrayed as younger than they were in ‘98. Cori in particular reminded me of Misto from ‘98; like an adult and everything, but a young one who still had a bit of kittenish energy. Their wigs were pleated up the sides which I thought was unique and cool, I don’t think I’ve seen Cats wigs like that before! Cori was so pissed when Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer ran under his and Tanto’s arms during the back-and-forth dialogue-y bit of the Jellicle Ball and interrupted them. He enjoyed hissing a lot which I can respect. Nothing but love for my hissy prince. I actually think Milan was covered by a swing on my night. There wasn’t anything saying so, but I don’t think it was Milan? Idk, it could’ve just been the lights or my position. Either way, loved her. This tour gave the twins so many characteristics unique to it and they will definitely affect my headcanons from now on.
Ok but every time Grizabella showed up, Munk genuinely looked like he wanted to/was about to cry, which I thought was an awesome bit of character work. I really got the impression that she was his mum, and she had abandoned him when she left the tribe. Russell Dickson was trying to make me feel things and he succeeded, I was so invested in his performance.
Also, during the ball, he was sitting just below Old Doots on his tyre who was patting his shoulders. A WHOLE DAD AND HIS BOY.
Jemima’s actress Lottie Stephens was also a fantastic dancer who was leaning just on the edge of cryptid and I loved it.
Plato spent a lot of time trying to look like a very distinguished boy and it was so cute. He definitely still had some kittenish moments though. He wass definitely learning to be a protector; every time there was a protector moment on stage he was there, just to the side or behind the others, looking nervous but wanting to make Munk and co. proud.
Act 2
OK OK OK Moments of Happiness? Not usually my favourite song of the show, but there were two excellent moments of personal happiness for me. First, Shakeel’s Cori slinked right over in front of my seat and I became even more unhinged than before, to the surprise of probably 0 people. But SECOND was omg, so Demeter and Munk were sitting a bit apart at the front of the stage and the atmosphere and chemistry between them was literally off the charts. Dem had become more comfy around most of the other Cats throughout Act 1, but here she was acting really nervous and shy. So the two of them locked eyes for a moment and it was EVERYTHING. Like I cannot describe in a human language what they made me feel at that moment but it was SO MANY. Dem almost immediately looked away all shy like, but Munk kept looking at her until the end of the song in the most softest beautiful way. Like omg the acting was SO GOOD and I’m still not normal about it. Like you could tell both of them really liked each other but were too nervous to do anything about it and inside I was screeching infinitely.
Jellylorum my Queen. Aimee Hodnett was actually mind blowing I was totally enraptured. Her expressions and vocals were outstanding. When Old Doots said to Gus “you could do it again” before Pekes and Polls her face was like ‘exsqueeze me sir what are you doing? Desist immediately!’ But then she got involved and it was great.
I really enjoyed that Gus and Munk shared the narration of Pekes and Polls. Gus’ actor Hal Fowler was so expressive and dramatic and everyone was loving it and laughing along with him, and Munk still got his stressed-theatre-director moment.
TumbleBailey was super put out when Gus had his “youths today” lines, like, he proper turned around, folded his arms, and sulked. He was a whole baby and it was precious. PounceBucketty looked a bit more maturely cowed (he was definitelythe big brother of the two), but Cori was actually DEVO’D. Like my boy was so hurt, he needed a big hug from Tanto before Skimble’s song started. Tbh my reaction to Shakeel’s acting throughout the show was practically feral. On the outside I was calm, but inside it was like Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas, and Hogmanay all rolled into one.
Both Cori and Jerrie seemed to be close pals with Tugger – Cori even got a Tugger hug at one point. Shakeel’s Cori is very cuddly and I love it with all my soul. He doesn’t seem to like Jerrie all that much though, which is hilarious to me as a dedicated Coricojerrie stan. Good thing enemies to lovers is a popular trope amirite 👀
Jerrie has so much respect for Skimble it was so sweet. He was really active all throughout his song, helping him out and pointing out when others weren’t doing what they should be (the irony) during the “hilarity and riot” lines. Top notch stuff. He was also the bottom step of the Skimblestairs at the end of the song.
He definitely has respect for Alonzo as well, he was always on his best behaviour when Lonz was nearby. I loved these little character relationship decisions SO MUCH, like you could tell the actors had put a lot of thought into their characters and that they truly cared about the show.
Bomba was in the background for parts of Skimbleshanks, but she started making flexing motions at the “weak or strong” line and Tugger was next to her ooh-ing and ahh-ing appropriately. It sparked so much joy y’all I love her forever.
SPEAKING OF BOMBA HYPE – Macavity. Omg the song slapped! Dem was super spooked, but Bomba? She was absolutely ripping the piss out of Macavity and I loved every second. Not a single facial expression missed, every one clearly read: oh, you think you’re hot stuff? You’ve got NOTHING YOU LOSER. She was so smirky and sassy, almost like she was challenging him to come and have a go.
Macavity Fight was A++ 5 gold stars stuff. Demeter has a moment when “Old Doots” comes back, and it was great how at first everyone was like, “girl wtf get a grip,” only to be like OMG MACAVITY when my Queen rips into him. Mac starts to drag Dem away and then Munk starts to batter him. The fight was super dramatic and gripping, and when Munk went down he went down HARD. But then we got this magical moment when the whole tribe was like “NOT TODAY SATAN” and started fighting back together, and I feel like this production made more out of this moment than others do. Of course it wrecked me, because I am weak. (Also the Cat standing over Munk and protecting him was my angel Cori so I was delighted by that.) After that, Dem and Munk said Demestrap supremacy and the image was so magical of them nuzzling in the light of the single lamp when everything else was dark, it was *chef's kiss*.
So like, I was never sure why I wasn’t the biggest fan of the new Quaxo look for this tour, but now I think it’s because it’s just a bit too different from the Mistoffelees costume? Like I know Jenny also has a really dramatic costume change, but that change happens on stage and we see her transform. But for Misto, this change happens off-stage and we don’t get to see it, so it just seems a bit less smooth of a transition. I know Mistoffelees is kinda like the stage persona of Quaxo, but I guess I prefer it when they’re clearly the same Cat. I presume this was intentional but, and you’re supposed to be like, omg is that really him? But idk, just not my personal fave.
Having said that, IT WAS STILL LITERALLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW FOR ME. Because I’m Misto trash so I guess it doesn’t matter. I really liked that they made it a Tugger solo again, I like that a bit better than the duet. Everyone was appropriately surprised and awed at the magic, but it obviously was not new information to Tugger, who was standing there like, “oh, haven’t you heard?”. And the only word for his expression when the dance solo started was adoration, it was so lovely how enamoured he was. And the slow lines when Tugger addresses Old D were so soft and loving and I die. So my hc for this production is that they were close friends up till this point (and Tugger is the only one who knew about the magic), and this is when Tugger realises, oh, I LIKE like him. May write a thing around this later because I am predictable and basic and easily pleased. Also Cass was so nervous about being Misto’s chosen assistant – she wasn’t even volunteering when he picked her! It was such a cute moment.
Then there was more Casslonzo lounging in the background when Grizzy showed up again. Ok so all throughout the show I was worried about Memory, because Jacinta White started really strong in Act 1, and she did again with her big solo and I was like, oh no this is going to fizzle where can it go from here? I have never been happier to be a fool and a jester. That woman has some set of pipes I was blown away. Think my jaw might have literally dropped.
The bows were fab, but especially TumbleBailey. He came out last as usual and did his flippy flips across the stage, but then he decided to do an extra backwards one, and I don't think it was planned as he nearly kicked Jacinta and Martin (Doots) in the face and they looked surprised. Either that or they're really good actors! Everyone was fine though, and they were laughing about it.
But yeah. So glad I splurged on my Swiss weekend and saw this show. Worth it.
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jelliclekit · 2 years
Audio Gift
Cats International tour - October 29th, 2022 (matinee) - Tampere, Finland.
Master: bestwillgowrong. Do not share the link outside of tumblr (privately sharing/gifting through e.g. discord is okay I just don't want this being publicly posted). Do not send this link to the performers.
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CAST: Sebastian Goffin (Alonzo), Aaron Hunt (Bill Bailey), Lizzie Nance (Bombalurina), Hal Fowler (Bustopher Jones/Asparagus/Rumpus Cat), Joel Cooper (Carbucketty), Erin Gisele Chapman (Cassandra), Shakeel Kimotho (Coricopat), Frances Dee (Demeter), Jacinta Whyte (Grizabella), Aimee Hodnett (Jellylorum), Lottie Stephens (Jemima), Sarah-Marie Maxwell (Jennyanydots/Gumbie Cat), Aaron Elijah (Macavity/Admetus), Harry Robinson (Mungojerrie), Russell Dickson (Munkustrap), Martin Callaghan (Old Deuteronomy), Liam Mower (Quaxo/Mistoffelees), Harrison Wilde (Rum Tum Tugger), Ella Kemp (Rumpleteazer), Philip Bertioli (Skimbleshanks), Milan Cacacie (Tantomile), Maiya Hikasa (Victoria/White Cat), Carrie Willis (Swing/"Baby Griz")
NOTES: Clear audio. A few cheers can be heard between the songs. Carrie Willis (swing) played "Baby Griz" in both Acts. Untracked. Does not include the playout. Master: bestwillgowrong
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
So far this arc has come at me with a baseball bat (Milah), a shovel (Peter Pan), a metal pipe (Daniel), a cudgel (Regina's dad), a cast iron pan (Hercules), and now it's coming at me again with a whole lawn mower (LIAM???)
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Cats, Stuttgart 04.02.2023 14:30 and 19:30
It’s the remix!
So, first things first: I woke up at four o’clock in the morning to see this wonderful show two times on the same the and one time on the next day. So disclaimer: I was tired and kind of exhausted and stressed out because the actors were going into the audience, so it could be that I saw things differently or my memory broke after being awake for too long. None the less I loved every second I spent there. I wouldn’t see two shows on the same day ever again but I’m glad I did it. Also sorry for the contant time tense switches but I can’t be bothered to descide in which tense I want to write this.
Following text is a mix of both shows. I once sat second row and once first row, so I was able to see the show from both sides, once from left and once from right.
I couldn’t find a cast list, but I think I saw the following actors on this day. ! means I’m certain, ? means I’m not certain and ??? means ???
Alonzo: Sebastian Goffin (!), Bill Bailey: Aaron Hunt (!), Bombalurina: Kayleigh Thadani (!), Gus: Hal Fowler (!), Carbucketty: ????, Cassandra: Erin Gisele Chapman (!), Coricopat: Shakeel Kimotho (!), Demeter: Francis Dee (!), Grizabella: Aimee Hodnett (!), Jellylorum: Anna Campkin (?), Jemima: Lottie Stephen (!), Jennyanydots: Sarah-Marie Maxwell (!), Admetus/Macavity: Aaron Elijah (!), Mungojerrie: Harry Robinson (!), Munkustrap: Russel Dickson (!), Old Deuteronomy: Connor McAllister (???), Mistoffelees: Liam Mower (!!!), Rum Tum Tugger: Daniel Timoney (?), Rumpleteazer: Ella Kemp (!), Skimbleshanks: Freddie Clements (???), Tantomile: Milan Cacacie (!), Victoria: Maiya Hikasa (!).
So, as you see, lot of swings and covers. Additional to this cast Carrie Willis was on stage too. She wore the “BabyGrizz” costume. I will refer to her as Grey Cat when writing this “review”. Different from Vienna I looked a lot at the Cats who were singing at the moment.
Act 1
First cat I saw was Mistoffelees with his green eyes. He was running infront of the stage looking at the audience. This and him getting Old Deut later on are the only two occasions he goes into the audience (aka lava). I was very exhausted but as soon as Demeter stepped on stage I was smiling and happy to be here. During the first number I was mostly looking at who was playing who and I was so happy when Grey Cat stepped out because I was hoping on seeing a female swing.
Bill is best trapez boy.
During the Naming on the Cats Tugger stared directly in my direction. It really seemed like he was directly looking into my eyes. I liked him, very catlike in his staring and movements. The second time I was the man over there (again) and was stared at by Munkustrap and Gus (Munkustrap was so creepy in a good way). 
When everybody was greating each other you could see that Demeter was very stressed out, but she joined the Gumbie Cat song with a bright smile.
I love Jenny in this production. Sarah’s facial expressions are amazing. She portrays Jenny as show cat through and through. The tap dancing seems a little bit more “military” than in Vienna, I think she calls the cockroaches company (like in regement) and tells them to salute.
When Tugger comes in she, Misto and Deme are not happy, but Bomba was really excited and happy, as well as the younger Cats. Admetus couldn’t wait to present the ball to him. Daniel is a very good looking Tugger and I really liked his make up and expressions. He was so much fun. After Bomba’s line she did a follow me gesture with her finger and he did follow her. When he said no, she didn’t seem too sad about it and shrugged it off, joining the dance again with a smile, but Bill none the less laughed at her for being rejected.
(Also, I had one first row ticket and I was so stressed when Tugger went down to pick somebody to dance but I crossed my arms and legs to signal: HELL NO! Also, Daniel seemed very polite when choosing both times and he picked a woman who was there with her partner. He said something to the partner but he talked so fast I couldn’t understand anything even though they were sitting next to me.)
Grizabella enters the stage. Tugger and Bomba are not happy, Munkustrap seems kind of sad, Demeter confused and sad. I love how Victoria and Jemima just walk up to her like it’s the most normal thing to greet her like they greeted every other cat before but the adults react so much, it confuses them.
It also seems like Munkustrap is protecting Grizabella from Bucky, Billy and Admetus. Skimble sits on the left side of the stage, protecting Jemima while Jenny sits with Victoria, Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie on the right side of the stage. She seemed very concerned and checked especially on Teazer and Jerrie, but Munkustrap also walked up to them, took Teazers face in his hands and seemed to check if they were alright with the situation. Rumpleteazer und Mungojerrie were mostly looking down. They didn’t seem to know what to do with the situation.
When Demeter is not allowed to touch Grizabella, Grizabella looks after her but before she starts singing, she turns around to sing at Munkustrap. She seemed angry and sad, not really weak but very powerful.
Bustopher Jones is so much fun. I started with looking at the girls. Jenny and Bomba were acting some of the lyrics out with dancing and gestures. F.ex. Bomba “showed” her leg while singing about the trousers and Jenny was clawing Jelly’s back while singing about his coat. The boys were so much chaos in the meantime. The older ones kind of had to sort the younger ones in a row. Bustopher Jones seemed to be in a hurry and showed Misto is pocket watch, like he was saying I need to go on, but Misto insisted on him staying so he sat down on the top hat.
At this moment the boys and girls are all sorted in two groups. Cori seemed to want to sit with the girls but Jenny gestured him to sit with Bustopher, so he sat before him, Skimble was sitting on his other side, and listened to him. At one time during the song Bustopher Jones “knights” Skimbleshanks with his spoon, and Cori was like, me too, me too, so Bustpher knights him too. Cori was very proud, turned around to Billy and looked at him, like: Look, I was knighted by Bustopher and you weren’t! He was very proud and cocky.
I find the first Macavity scare (pre M&R scare) very interesting. The last four Cats on the stage are Alonzo, the twins and Munkustrap. Alonzo leaves first, Munkustrap seems disapointed. The twins show him which way to go. He takes a deep breath and walks out on the right side of the stage, it seemed like he was getting ready to chase Macavity away while Cori and Tanto leave on the other side.
Mungojerrie and Rumpletezer entrence. The number is fun as always.
Old Deut enters. Tugger and Munkustrap really seemed to like each other during this number. Also, when everybody was rejoicing Demeter had a cute interaction with Bill and she was smiling but then the next Macavity scare happens and suddenly she was stressed again. The cats leave the stage.
Munkustrap is in full on protector mode now. He stands on the right side of the stage, monitoring the audience. There was a cute moment, when Jemima walked up to him and nuzzeled his side as to say, come, nothing to worry, dance with us. For a moment he was still tense but then he walked back to dance and sing with Victoria, Jemima and old Deut. I love the Ball so much. It is so much fun to watch. On one moment Old Deut goes down and walks before the audience which confused me and broke my focus. He kind of blocked the view to the stage which I didn’t like at all, because I love the dance so much. But it is what it is.
This time I looked who was center in the end (in Vienna it was Electra), here it is Jemima! There was so much joy on her face, she smiled a lot.
Also funny, when Griz comes back at the end of the ball, Victoria doesn’t want to leave. Cassandra even passes her when leaving the stage. Victoria really feels for the old lady, she really wants to touch her. Cassandra is not having it.
Grizabella sings her first Memory and then the first Act ends.
Act 2
I personally really didn’t like that they went into the audience because I was always concious of where my legs were so nobody would fall over them, but at the end of the intermission I could hear people laughing from behind. So if you sit further back I think it’s really cool that you get the chance to see them up close too. One time Cassandra passed me on her way to the stage and she was the proudest most beautiful, the other time it was Skimble. Sadly I didn’t see what he did but people laughed. His facial expressions were gold.
We also had the Demeter an Munkustrap flirting with each other at the beginning of the second act. Demeter was very flirty and smiled and him, but at the same time she seemed kind of not yet. Munkustrap was VERY interested in her, but when she showed him her shoulder he proceeded to stare into the audience again. Demeter also looked very sad during the moments of happiness.
To the theatre cat: Deme is now cuddeling with Alonzo, I support. Back in June I already liked Hal Flower a lot. I would categorize his Gus as an entertainer. He is very fun and engaging. I also love looking at the kittens when he sings about the cats these days jumping through the hoop. Cassandra crossed her arms infront of her body and looked so offended. Cori covered over Bucky and put his hands over his years so poor bebe wouldn’t hear the mean old man. Tanto looked at Bombalurina and Bomba looked back at her like: Yeah, he’s talking about you. It is just so much fun.
Also this Gus seems less older and frail (?) than Vienna Gus. I really do like the Pekes and the Pollicles here too. Bill and Rumpleteazer are too early in their part as lead Peke and Pollicle and Gus is just like nonononono and shoos them away again. I love how Munk plays the police dog similiar like he does it in the original choreo. They do not sing the dogs out of every nation part and the part with the scottish dogs. The dogs are very scared of the Rumpus Cat but all in all compared to the older version of the number I think that it lacks dynamic, if that makes sense. They get the costumes and then most of the time they just sit around in them. But what was really funny was Cori throwing a shoe at Mungojerrie in the beginning of the number and Mungojerrie didn’t catch it. Munkustrap was next to him and he looked so done with his chaotic children.
Skimbleshanks was gold. I really liked the actor a lot (I think it was Clements). It’s really hard to put into words but he seemed like somebody who knows that he’s really cool but at the same time doesn’t take himself too serious.
Rumpleteazer tells Billy to misbehave and Cass is quick to tell on him. In the second row Mungojerrie tells a joke to Jemi and Jemi to Victoria and when both girls laugh Mungojerrie tells on them. Very naughty.
When they build the train, Misto is holding the light and Tantomile and Rumpleteazer were sitting next to him. Misto and Tanto waved in my direction and I was so confused for a moment I nearly waved back at them lol.
When Macavity appears at the end Cassandra hides behind Skimble.
I loved the Macavity number today. Dee was absolutly amazing. Acting and dancing wise she seems very torn between yeah I had good times with him and no that cat is disgusting. She smiled and then the smile waniched and the disgust/fear came back. Absolutly amazing. I also love that she frees herself from Macavity. Afterward she covers at the side of the stage and Bomba put an arm over her shoulder. I also loved Bomba, she had more of a deeper more rhaspy voice compared to the principle Bomba.
I love love love the fight so much. Munkustrap is so dramatic. Here Munkustrap and Macavity are the same hight which looks very good when they are dancing next to each other. When Munk was hurt Cori, Jenny and Tanto are by his side but when Demeter comes, they move back so Deme and Munk can have their moment. Bomba is the first one to look after Alonzo but then she gets up to fight Macavity off together with the others.
 During the light scene they were so close to each other it seemed like they would nearly kiss. During Misto they sat next to each other and were holding hands.
I really loved the Misto number again. Liam Mower is amazing. More on him on my other review. Cassandra hides her face behind her hand, she really doesn’t want to be chosen and when she is chosen, she seems kind of defiant (trotzig?) but when Tugger tells her to go back she does.
I was really so confused with them going into the audience but I had two “interactions” with Bomba. First time she “hit” me on the arm and when I was sitting first row she came down and sang to me and the people around me. She really wanted us to know that Mistoffelees is absolutly amazing.
At the end Grizabella comes again. Hodnett doesn’t play her old and broken and more proud. I don’t know if it was the lighting but her eyes were shining as if she had tears in them. She is a really beautiful Griz and I liked her singing a lot but from the acting I prefer Grizabellas who seem really hurt and weak, she seemed to strong and well in my opinion.
The second cat taking her hands after Victoria is Skimble (?). Munkustrap played so well but hard to describe, unsure at first but when Grizabella nearly falls afterwards he supports her with his hands so she doesn’t fall.
Some other things I noticed in no order: 
Admetus is very popular: Vicky, Tanto, Misto, Billy ... they all seemed to really like him.
Towards the end of the play, Cori was sitting on Tugger and Tugger was holding him.
Deme had some cute interactions with Bill and Cass.
All in all, Cori and Tanto are played very young here as well as Mungo and Rumple so the whole group seems more chaotic and youthful, which is really fun. The “kittens” are basically: Jemima, Victoria, Bill and Bucky, Cori, Tanto, Mungo and Rumple as well as Cass and Admetus during some scenes and Tugger at times, so like half of the cast. I don’t know if Liam also tries to play Misto younger but he interacts a lot with the adults (especially Skimble, Munk, Jelly, Gus, ...) and because he is some sort of second in command after Munkustrap he didn’t seem like a kitten to me (though he does have is chaos moments). Munkustrap, Skimble, Jenny, Deme and Bomba all interact a lot with the “kittens”, same for Mistoffelees. Jelly and Gus more stick to each other. Jenny seems to look after Mungo and Rumple a a lot, same for Munkustrap, while Skimble and Misto had a lot of interactions with Jemima (but more to that in my other review). Munkustrap also listens to Tanto and Cori.
While Vienna seemed more like the usual “horny cats” meet stereotype this tour seems more like a family meeting. The “orgy” does not exist here, It’s not even a cuddle pile if you ask me. They more lie next to each other. Tugger, Bomba and Alonzo “toned down the sexyness” a lot compared to Vienna. But I really enjoyed it!  There were some interesting dynamics here, different from Vienna but really fun and positive.
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insideusnet · 2 years
6-year-old recovering after losing both feet in mower accident : Inside US
6-year-old recovering after losing both feet in mower accident : Inside US
Six-year-old Liam Lavelle is now home with his parents after spending three months in the hospital.This follows a horrific accident July 30, as he rode with his father on the family’s zero-turn mower. Liam lost both feet after the blades were activated accidentally, as he attempted to get off the machine; both were amputated.He required 19 surgeries during his three-month stay in the hospital, to…
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