#lgbtq israel
thewoodbine · 3 months
Banning the star of david from appearing at pride events because it "looks like the flag for Israel" IS antisemitic, discriminatory, and an act of oppression and hate against queer jews.
Yes, the magen david appears on the Israeli flag but unless it is in blue and framed by blue stripes, it is not an Israeli flag anymore than the hilal is a symbol for Pakistan.
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scottishcommune · 4 months
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Below the cut is a template email to send to Edinburgh Pride regarding sponsorship from Aegon, who have investments linked to the genocide in Palestine. Please feel free to use this text or edit it and make it your own and send it to [email protected]
Dear Edinburgh Pride,
As a queer person living in Edinburgh, I was deeply saddened to learn that the march partner for Edinburgh Pride 2024 is Aegon.
In December 2023 the ‘Don’t Buy Into Occupation Coalition’ published a report that showed Aegon have US$564million invested via shares and bonds in companies operating in illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories. Source: https://dontbuyintooccupation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023_DBIO-III-Report_11-December-2023.pdf
We are watching a live-streamed genocide every day - over 36,000 people in Palestine have been murdered by Israeli forces, including at least 15,000 children. The brutality of these atrocities are unthinkable, with evidence of torture and targeting of hospitals, ambulances and refugee camps.
We all have a responsibility to do what we can to end this genocide. As queer people, we are part of a rich history of resisting oppression and dehumanisation - of both ourselves and those we stand in solidarity with. Pride started as a protest against homophobia, transphobia and police violence. It is an important moment to come together as a community to celebrate queer joy and resilience.
But how can we celebrate using profits stained with the blood of our siblings in Palestine?
Aegon has $564million invested in companies that have been listed by the UN as “raising human rights concerns” for their operations in illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories, In 1948, 750,000 Palestinian people were displaced from their homes and lands and since then, Israeli settlements have been used to spread this process of colonisation.
In addition to this figure, Aegon also has major investments in Eaton Corp Plc., who supply parts for helicopters and fighter jets to the Israeli military and have recently been the target of major protests at their factory in Dorset. They also invest in Amazon, who support the Israeli military with surveillance technology used against Palestians.
Israel has long used ‘pinkwashing’ as a tactic to justify the brutal repression of Palestinians, using queer people to legitimise this horrific violence. We refuse to allow this to be done in our name.
The tide is turning on companies like Aegon that profit from investments in the companies complicit in genocide. Recently, both Hay and Edinburgh Book Festival have dropped Baillie Gifford as a sponsor after over 800 authors called on them to divest from companies involved in Israel and the fossil fuel industry.
I ask that Edinburgh Pride:
Calls on Aegon to commit to divest from companies involved in supplying technology to Israel and operating in illegal settlements.
Drop Aegon as a sponsor until they are able to show evidence of divestment.
Publicly call for a ceasefire and a free Palestine.
There is no pride in genocide.
I look forward to hearing your response.
Investments in companies operating in illegal settlements https://dontbuyintooccupation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023_DBIO-III-Report_11-December-2023.pdf
Investments in Eaton https://extranet.secure.aegon.co.uk/static/sxhub/pdf/client-pen-distribution.pdf
Investments in Amazon https://www.aegon.co.uk/content/dam/auk/assets/publication/fund-factsheet/standard_bkj9zs0.pdf
Israel’s pinkwashing: https://bdsmovement.net/pinkwashing
War on Gaza statistics: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker
Edinburgh book festival ends Baillie Gifford sponsorship: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cm553zrr3e4o
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liberty1776 · 11 months
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acepumpkinpatrick · 10 months
The North of Gaza is NOT empty.
There's still more than 800 thousand people left there!
Do NOT stop talking about this!!!
The south is not safe either!!
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thevvitchbitch · 6 months
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lpslover6669 · 7 months
"We want to protect children!" okay. What about trans kids? What about palestinian kids? What about lgbtq+ kids? What about poc kids?
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hummussexual · 21 days
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Over the decades, numerous investigations have exposed how Israeli intelligence targets LGBTQ+ people. In 2013, Vice published an investigation detailing how the Palestinian Authority’s preventative security forces, under the direction of the IDF, had isolated gay Palestinians from their communities, kept files on them, and exploited them for intelligence. In 2015, news reports revealed that a surveillance technology company run by a former Unit 8200 official had helped provide Uganda with malware allegedly used against LGBTQ+ activists.
Click the link for all the details.
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barbiebutgayer · 6 months
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credit: theslowfactory
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miratamer · 1 month
⚠️🚨🚨 Help us survive the starvation in Gaza 🚨🚨⚠️
I know you've seen countless campaigns and may feel overwhelmed or even fed up with sharing them, and I completely understand. I realize that I'm launching this campaign late, but despite everything, I still hold onto the hope that you might be able to support my family. I'm also new to Tumblr and still learning how to reach the people who could help me share my story. 🙏🇵🇸❤️
My name is Tamer Foad, and I’m a 34-year-old father of three beautiful children—Mira (6 years old), Aya (4 years old), and Tameem, who is just one month old. I used to be a GIS engineer, and like any father, I dreamed of providing a warm and secure life for my family. I was also a bodybuilder, once weighing 100 kg. But on October 7, 2023, our lives were forever changed as the war in Gaza erupted, shattering the peace we once knew.
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We were forced to flee our home in Gaza City, leaving behind everything we had ever known as the city turned into a battlefield. With nowhere else to go, we ended up in a tent within a crowded refugee camp. Day by day, our situation grew more desperate. As the conflict dragged on, the only crossing border in Gaza was closed, cutting off vital supplies and making life unbearable.
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Food prices have skyrocketed, increasing by 600% to 1000%, making basic necessities feel as unattainable as luxury items in New York City. Over the past nine months, I’ve used up every bit of savings I had to keep my family alive. But now, I’m at a breaking point. I can no longer afford to buy food or milk for my newborn son, Tameem. My weight has dropped drastically, from 100 kg to just 71 kg, as we struggle to find enough to eat.
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Even water has become a precious commodity. The price of unfiltered water is now $2 for every 10 liters, further adding to our daily challenges.
It is with a heart full of pain and humility that I am launching this campaign. I never imagined I would be in a position where I would need to ask for help in this way, but the reality is that my children’s lives are at stake. The starvation that is gripping our city has already claimed too many lives, and I am terrified that my family could be next.
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In the name of humanity and fatherhood, I am imploring you to support my family during this unimaginable crisis. I will be withdrawing any donations every two weeks to immediately buy food and necessities, as we cannot wait for the campaign to reach its goal.
Thank you from the depths of my heart.
@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just-browsing1222 @mothblossoms @aleciosun @serica @fluoresensitive @katherineonline @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @orbleglorb @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragons @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamamita @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi
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octisticsopinions · 8 months
"If you're queer why don't you support the war (genocide) on Gaza? Palestine is homophobic!!!" I don't know, maybe because people shouldn't be murdered on mass for living in a homophobic country? Maybe because a government being homophobic doesn't justify ethnic cleansing? Maybe because queers in Palestine aren't going to feel "liberated" by the IDF murdering their children? Maybe because I'm not a fucking racist???
Be serious, there are so many homophobic countries. Would you condone murdering polish civilians for living in a homophobic country? Would you cheer at people in Florida having to carry their children in plastic bags? Would that be for the greater cause of queer liberation? Or is it only justified when it's brown people and Muslims?
How dare you expect queers to be "grateful" to the Israeli government for committing literal fucking genocide.
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cosmicanger · 11 months
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Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (Q.U.I.T.), San Francisco, [early 2000’s].
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agentx8d · 6 months
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Moatasem (5) and Obida (2), brothers living in the cold tents of Rafah with the rest of their family, and area under threat of invasion.
THE ALQUTATI FAMILY NEEDS HELP NOW TO EVACUATE. With the ground invasion of Rafah, this could be their only chance to escape death in the ongoing GENOCIDE! With our help, they can evacuate to safety and live a safe life like EVERYONE deserves.
Every single person in this family has dreams and passions. Every single person is someone’s everything. Please, do what you can to protect them.
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wanderingmadscientist · 8 months
Regarding the Israeli court's decision to grant lgbtq+ Palestinians asylum, I really can't wait to see JVP's response that will be queerphobic.
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politijohn · 21 days
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baroque-hashem · 4 months
Leftists: We want more rights for Queer people in the Middle East!
Israel: *gives rights to Queer people in the Middle East*
Leftists: No, not like that, you Zionist pinkwashers!
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