#lgbt action stories
gabbodelaparra · 2 years
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asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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@pscentral event 09: comfort → comfort movie: pride (2014) dir. matthew warchus
And why should gay people like me support the miners? Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till 3 o'clock in the morning.
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
I hope someday kids don't have to fear coming out to their Catholic families. I hope someday they're raised being taught the whole truth, that while actions are sinful and the Church cannot condone them, feelings and temptations are not, and that God doesn't love them any less for something they can't control. I hope when they start to feel these things their immediate reaction isn't "oh no, my parents will kill me if they find out" but, "I need to talk about this with my parents". I hope someday it's no longer treated as the worst thing a person could be, or something that needs to be hidden. I hope someday they don't feel unwelcome by their parish, that they know they belong there just as much as anyone else. I hope someday they're taught that a celibate life is not a punishment, but a beautiful way to live a holy life- not just for lgbt people, but for anyone who chooses it, and that it's no longer looked at as a lesser option. I hope someday they can confidently turn to their loved ones for support and guidance, and not have to carry this alone. I hope someday lgbt Catholics are loved in the Church like God loves them.
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April 18, NYC - Defend Drag Story Hour
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You know, even if somebody was "turned queer" because of trauma, that is:
1. Not your business
2. Not something you should be interrogating them about, be you queer or otherwise (see point one)
Trauma is a deeply harrowing experience, and it's oftentimes something people don't want to share if they don't feel safe or comfortable. Creating environments where queer people have to both interrogate their queerness and defend themselves is simply hostile.
If somebody seemingly became queer after a traumatic event, what you do is support them. Likely the last thing that person needs is you barging in and demanding explanations and justifications before they're allowed to be queer and/or exist around you.
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drvece · 1 year
my only wish for season 2 of live action op is for them to cast a drag queen (katya) as bon chan and let her say faggot
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fataviola · 13 days
It's about time we get some explanations. Who is who? And who is on whose side? Where are all the quarrels, battles, and mysteries taking us? Read it all in chapter 11!
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agentmeowmeow133 · 11 months
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Johnny test our trans icon🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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im-not-a-pleeb · 1 year
I just had a dream and I need to share it immediately-
A timelord (not from doctor who a different kind) has a human boyfreind who he is literally so in love with he would sacrifice himself at the slightest inconvenience so that he could live.
They were standing on a grassy feild on a platformed world, basking in the sun and eachothers embrace when a star falls and the place where they are standing on breaks off. The timelord slows time so that his bf will survive as they fall to the platform below the one they were previously on. But when time resumes, the human has these blue shards sticking out of his face.
From the dream of surmised that the blue shards are time fragments, which stick into him whenever time is manipulated because the human body was never supposed to be put under that stress. Humans were never supposed to interact with time in such a raw manner. He ends up drawing power and knowledge from other timelines because of the fragments and turns ✨evil✨
The timelord then has to stop him from destroying this timeline and a bunch of planets and humanity. In the end they live happily and it's just super wholesome and fluffy. In my dream it was a super popular action / fantasy franchise that had a gay main character and a happy ending and honestly I just need that in my life rn
I was going to write it but Im lazy so writers, go wild with this lmao
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Neopronouns in action 021: Alterhuman Advancements: November 2122
Neopronouns: izi/(ito)/av/avi/(ka)/fiself, which will most closely follow the same rules as she/her/her/(hers)/herself pronouns, but with “ito” used to replace any contractions that would be used like “she's” or “she'd” or "she'll".
EX: “She's going to the store.” would normally be “Izi's going to the store”, but with this pronoun set you say, “Ito going to the store.” instead.
Replace she with izi
Replace contractions like she's, she'd, or she'll with ito
Replace her (that's her in line) with av
Replace her (that's her car) with avi
Replace hers (the car is hers) with ka
Replace herself with fiself
"She is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as she gets a fence set up around her yard so the puppy can go outside without her having to walk it. Her uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting her use, since she lost hers. Once the fence is set up, she's going to buy a bunch of toys for the puppy to chase.”
"Izi is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as izi gets a fence set up around avi yard so the puppy can go outside without av having to walk it. Avi uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting av use, since izi lost ka. Once the fence is set up, ito going to buy a bunch of toys for the puppy to chase.”
Izi sat in the waiting lounge, tapping the tip of avi cane on the tiled floor, enjoying the sharp metallic click it made each time, which echoed very nicely echoed in the large, now empty room.
There was no one else in the waiting room at the moment, otherwise izi would have picked a less intrusive way to stimulate avi senses while izi waited. Ito picked for avi operation to be at the last slot of the day, to avoid waiting amongst large crowds. The pandemic wasn't over yet, and through the clinic required that patients be tested before they could enter, and wear quarantine shields, izi still felt much more safe avoiding the crowds altogether whenever possible.
There was some quiet music playing over the speakers, but it was completely orchestral, with no lyrics, and izi didn't know what it was from or what emotions it was supposed to be conveying. It was certainly fast-paced, izi would give it that. But was it supposed to funny? Serious? Thrilling? Scary? Izi had no clue.
Izi /had/ been happily reading on avi phone up until a few minutes ago, but ito stopped when one of the staff had called avi name to let av know they'd be ready for av in just a few minutes.
They'd said that at least five long, boring minutes ago, but now izi didn't want to start reading again if izi was just going to be interrupted immediately, which izi figured izi would be, at this point, since they probably wouldn't make av wait that much longer...but what if they did? What if izi was wasting time being bored for no reason?
It was a familiar conundrum, and it was annoying, but mostly, izi was impatient not with boredom, but with excitement.
Today was the day izi finally got avi alterations, and got to donate avi own unwanted organs to those who could use them. The waitlist hadn't been that long, only a few months since ito signed up, much shorter than many people who'd come before av, since the technology was advancing every day, making things faster, but it had felt like a lifetime.
This was the day ito been dreaming of. Izi had spent the last few months scrolling through the update videos of other people who'd gotten the alterations, reading articles and blog posts, and had even ordered avi first magazine subscription, ever!
It was called Alterhuman Advancements Monthly, and each monthly issue included interviews and pre- and post-alteration photos of each person who'd undergone the procedure, and their reasons for making the alterations. Some of them were transgender, some were transspecies, and some just really wanted to have wings or a tail or fur. New editions were published every month, and ito signed up for the retroactive purchase, so ito gotten all the past issues, too! It had taken two weeks to read all of them and catch up to the present. It was worth every penny.
Ito joined several online communities of other people on the waitlist, and of those who were planning to join, and had already gotten their alterations. It was so exciting.
Ito spent more than fifty hours looking at fiself in the VR dressing rooms, and now the day was finally here. Izi didn't have to wait any longer. It was a dream come true.
Izi had decided what alterations izi would get long before izi got up the courage to join the waitlist.
Izi of course was going to get a tail. Because who wouldn't want a tail? (Well, besides the conservatives who thought alterations were the worst thing to happen since...well, they couldn't seem to decide. A lot of them said the internet, some said Queer people, some said 'PC SJW Cringiness'). There were lots of tails to choose from, and izi could even get multiple if izi wanted to! But to start with, izi was just going to get one, and if izi decided izi wanted more down the line, ito get them then, but not sooner.
That was one of the most often repeated tips from all the groups ito joined –if you needed to be able to walk, don't get multiple tails to start with, or the time you'd need to recover and adjust would be triple what it would be with just one. It was better to get one to start with, learn how to use it, then get more once you were ready.
That was one mistake Altera, one of the first and most famous people to get the full alterations, was very happy to admit to making, so other people wouldn't make the same mistake. Altera had gotten their three spade-ended tails all at once, and it had taken them almost a year of physical therapy to get their usual ability to balance themselves back. The anti-alterationist crowd had had a field day with that, and had spent its time making up all sorts of absurd claims about Altera, their health, the doctors who had treated them, their therapists, and anyone and everyone they could think of to sling mud at.
Even now that Altera was fully recovered and back to their normal level of mobility and balance, the anti-alterationists still lied about what had happened. Every time izi went to the grocery store, izi had to see their stupid magazines sitting on the shelf, and it seemed that every time izi saw one, the claims were even more outrageous than before.
But all of that was beside the point, which was that izi was going to follow the advice of everyone ito talked to, and start out with just one tail.
There were so many options, izi almost hadn't known how to choose, but eventually ito settled on a simple, furry, prehensile tail that would start at the base of avi spine. At the end of the tail would be six collapsible tendrils almost like human fingers, but symmetrical and smoother looking. They could also be overlapped and layered to blend in with the rest of the fur, for aesthetic purposes. Some people went with a normal tail, some got another human hand at the end, but izi thought this would look cooler, and be more useful than the plain prehensile tail.
The tail would, of course, have its own set of vertebra, separate from avi spine, and would be even more flexible and strong than either of avi arms. If anything ever happened to avi tail, it wouldn't cause any damage to avi spine, and if anything ever happened and avi tail got caught with enough force, it would come off by itself, with no harm done to av.
Izi hadn't understood the point of this feature at all, until someone online explained that it was in case of emergencies, like if someone was attacking you and grabbed you by the tail to stop you from escaping. Or other things, like if you got stuck in a burning building or something with something heavy fallen across your tail that you couldn't lift, among other things.
Izi would also be able to manually uncouple avi tail if izi needed to, by flexing the muscles in a specific way. You could only learn how to do this once you'd actually gotten it attached, though, so that was something ito have to learn. It hadn't stopped av from watching tons of videos about it, though. Everyone made it look so easy, izi was sure izi would master it in no time.
Along with the tail, izi was also getting the alteration that would cause the rest of avi skin to grow fur, whose length izi would be able to customize at any time with avi personal encoder. Ito chosen the baseline length to be an inch long to start with, and it would be smooth and soft, like a shorthair domestic cat's. The default pattern ito chosen would be black with large white spots, to match avi favorite animal, the spotted skunk. They'd been making a major comeback in recent years due to conservation efforts, and izi could only hope the trend would continue.
Izi was also getting avi ears adjusted, changing the shape of the outer ear to make them larger and pointier. This didn't match avi spotted skunk aesthetic, but izi liked the look of pointed ears better than rounded ones. Plus, it just looked more noticeably nonhuman, and if izi was going to do this, izi might as well go all the way, right? Also, it was practically tradition at this point.
But one popular change izi did draw the line at was wings. Izi was afraid of heights, which izi thought was a completely reasonable fear to have, and no way was izi ever going to willingly fly, not even under avi own power.
Izi had had more than a few friends with wings offer to take av flying before over the past few years since the full alterations began to gain popularity, but ito turned them down every single time. Izi wanted to keep avi feet firmly planted on the ground, thank you very much.
Along with the new fur, izi was also getting avi eyes recolored. Avi left eye would become magenta, the right would become violet. They were avi favorite colors, and it would make av look even more awesome.
And while all this was going on, izi would also be getting the structure of avi left leg (the one that was most likely to dislocate) reinforced to make walking less painful. Izi would still need avi cane, but this would make avi life a million times less stressful. Izi would come back again in a few months for them to reinforce the other leg once they saw how the first alteration worked with 'in the field' testing.
The doctors would also be changing the internal shape of avi eyes, so izi wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore. That was going to be weird as heck, but izi was looking forward to it immensely.
No more having to constantly clean dust off the lenses, no more breaking them and being unable to leave the house until izi could get new ones, no more just having to deal with the tiny scratches that built up over time, no more having them fog up when izi went outside and it was humid, or fogging up when it got too cold...it was going to be awesome. Izi would actually be able to see all the time, even when izi was in the shower, or swimming! Izi would be able to go to the beach and actually swim and still be able to see!
Avi friend would be picking av up to bring av home once avi surgery was over, since izi would have to keep the bandages on avi eyes for the first twelve hours, since they'd be more sensitive to light until they adjusted. Izi planned to spend most of that time sleeping, so that was just fine with av.
There were so many changes izi was looking forward to, izi still found it hard to believe the day had finally come. Izi was half expecting the doctor to come into the lounge to tell av there'd been a mix-up and it wasn't actually avi turn yet, izi would have to come back another day.
But when the doctor did finally come out to get av a few minutes later, it wasn't to tell av there'd been a mix up. It was, indeed, avi turn, if izi still wanted the alterations. Izi would have been dismayed at the question, but izi knew they were required to ask, so izi listened to the clearly memorized spiel patently.
Izi could still change avi mind if izi wanted to, and there would be no consequences or retaliation. Izi would not have to pay any cancellation fees or pay the clinic any money for the inconvenience. If izi decided izi didn't want the alterations now, and changed avi mind again within the next to weeks, izi would be given the next position in the waiting list, once they were done with whoever they'd taken in the meantime. Izi nodded along at the right moments and answered “yes” to every “do you understand what I've told you?”
There was one more paper izi needed to sign right before they began, certifying that izi was giving the clinic permission, once and for all, to apply the alterations. The alterations could be removed again at any time, and izi could have them removed at any capable facility, it didn't have to be this clinic, or another clinic run by the same organization. Izi could even buy the alteration-removal drugs over the counter as long as izi had the proper ID certifying izi was of age.
Izi signed the last document happily, without a shred of hesitation, and willingly followed the doctor – a green-skinned, dragon-like woman with streaks of gold in his purple hair, and a long tail with a spade on the end – down the hall, and into avi new life.
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altelchagla · 1 year
Yay! Just updated "Queer Detectives" story and character introduction on my official site.
genre: comedy, detective, action-adventure, lgbt+ romance
If you wanna read it, go on, it's free! >>> altelchagla.wixsite.com/official/screenplays
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dubiousdisco · 2 years
novelas are bad because they change and rewrite their plotlines and characters based on public reception but that's also the reason they are so good I hope that makes sense
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mattdobbins · 3 months
‘We Are What We Are’
Today is a special day. I’ve traveled to Washington, DC, because, simply put, I was seen. I was seen by the most dynamic person I have ever met. The person who saw who I was, even when I didn’t, was Mr. Moises (Moe) Vela. He took an interest in me because of his compassion, ideals, beliefs, and values. Moe lives life to the fullest and has taught me that it’s okay to see things from a different…
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jiyura · 4 months
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Venturing Graces main character!
Venturing Graces can be found on Webtoon.
Ren is a young mage who travels with their found family.
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April 29, Honor Oak, London
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memingursa · 3 months
Hi There! I am a fully cis man. However I am disgusted by the treatment of transfem users on this website. So, I emailed some press about just my recent issues I’ve personally noticed and support emails documented, and Guess what, you can too!
Yeah, you can do that! If you are a trans person you can say “Hey, this shit is going on.” And if you have enough documentation, they will notice and say Hey, that’s weird? Here’s some now
Media Matters: A left leaning publication
email [email protected] or call 202.756.4100.
Glaad: A LGBT advocacy organization that you can contact using this page for more suggestions
Vox, a general left leaning site they ain’t perfect but hey:
Fuck it, CNN!
If you are a trans user on this website with documented support emails with Tumblr’s behavior or can personally attest to how staff treated you? send out information let them know what is going on, and please find other websites that you get your news from to let them know! If i’m nuked? Lmao.
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