#lexis back....back again -sings-
babywriter · 10 months
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When people are very young, they tend to say that they can’t wait to get older. This was not the case for Lexi, she knew what getting older meant. And today was her 22nd birthday. Seemingly, the years were going by faster than she wanted.
“What did I even do last year?” she thought to herself.
Still, today was a good day, a fun day, with friends and family coming over for dinner. And she had a great time! She was happy to see all those people.  Then, her mother brought the cake. The guests singing Happy Birthday was depressing to Lexi, because it just meant another year going by.
“Why are there so many candles?” she thought. Twenty-two candles, one for every year. It was hard for her to look at.
“Make a wish!” said her mother. Lexi half-smiled to be polite, but she did wish something. She wished that she could stay twenty-two forever and when she blew on the candles, time froze. People were stuck mid-clap and mid-cheer.
A man in a suit had appeared. “Hello, Lexi. Happy Birthday.”
“Who are you?” 
“Me? Don’t worry about me. I’m just here to make a deal.” He took a dramatic pause. “I know what you wished for Lexi and I can give it to you.”
“What’s the catch?”
“Smart girl. If you want to fulfill your wish, and I assure you I’ll keep my side of the bargain, you’ll need to empty your bowels right here and now in front of everybody…once they’re back to normal.”
“I-I don’t think I understood.”
“Yes, you understood just right. But that’s really the least of it. Because once the wish is activated, and you can’t take it back, you will need diapers. You will need them because you will have very obvious and public accidents. In fact, you’ll never use the bathroom again. Any time you need to go, you’ll stop what you’re doing, announce it loudly and do it. That’ll be out of your control. But, you will be twenty-two forever, as promised. No, no, stop pinching yourself, this is real. You can tell this is real. So what will be Lexi? You’ll have just a few seconds, so be quick.”
“No, no, wait!” cried Lexi, rising from her seat.
With that, the man snapped his fingers, disappeared and everything else returned to normal. Lexi hesitated for a moment, but felt the pressure in her stomach and decided to push. 
“Are you okay, dear?” asked her mother.
It was surprisingly easy to push. She did have to grunt and turn red, but it certainly was coming out.. 
“I did it.” Lexi mumbled to herself. “Oh god.”
Everyone was coming to the realization of what had happened. Needless to say, they were all stunned. The smell hit them too.
“Thank you all for coming.” Lexi’s mother said. “We’ll just do some clean-up. Come on, Lexi.”
The guests looked at each other as Lexi left the room to change. 
“Uh-oh! I’m making tinkles!” Lexi shouted from her bedroom. And instead of doing anything to stop it, she stared at the puddle forming at her feet. What an odd sensation. She hadn’t been able to stop herself yet felt it thoroughly as it was happening. 
Soon enough, Lexi was back in diapers announcing she was making “oopsie-daisies”, “messies” or “accidents” to anyone within earshot. Like telling her boyfriend “Daddy, I had an accident!” when they were shopping at the mall, or saying “Mommy, I went in my diapie!” to her mother while eating at a restaurant. So much for being twenty-two.
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annwrites · 2 months
exactly what he needs, pt. 3 ♡ ⋆。˚ | pt1 | pt 2 | pt 4
— pairing: nate jacobs x fem!reader
— type: ficlet (multi-chapter)
— summary: nate takes you shopping at the mall, to dinner, then bowling, before dropping you off at home.
— tags: having a great day with nate, even if he has ulterior motives
— tw: dollification, objectification, sexualization, emotional manipulation, pushing boundaries, guilt-tripping, drinking, eating
— word count: approx. 6.4k
— a/n: i have never been inside a nordstrom in my life, so i have 0 idea what their changing rooms actually look like. | baby-doll dresses | tennis skirt | blush | necklace
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GIF by msgorillagripcoochie
Once you and Nate are on the road, he decides to offer you full access to his car's stereo once again—he has an aux cord stored away in the center console, which he'll only offer if you can't figure out how to pair your phone through bluetooth.
There's just something about the idea of his truck being saved in your phone that appeals to him. Hell, maybe he'll get lucky and you'll fuck up, letting it read your calls and texts, too. He wouldn't mind finding out who all you're talking to.
If he's lucky, it'll be people he knows. People he can spin stories to you about to get you to cut them out of your life.
He'd made the mistake with Maddy in letting her have friends. Like Cassie—he didn't need to list the problems she'd caused. Then there was Kat, always her enabling little sidekick. Even Lexi to an extent, who he knows you're also friends with. He supposes as far as female friends to have goes, Lexi is the better one to keep company with, but she's still Cassie's sister.
He knows he'll, in time, need to figure out a way to get rid of her. But that's a problem for future him.
"Would you like to play some music?"
You smooth out the skirt of your dress. "Sure. Do you have a uh-"
"It has bluetooth."
Great, you think, I get to spend the next fifteen minutes looking like an idiot as I fight to get the thing to pair with my cell.
Surprisingly, however, you get it to sync up rather quickly. You scan through your music, now sweating, wondering what song to choose. What if he thinks your taste in music is stupid? Then, you mentally shrug. He can take over at that point if he thinks so.
Eventually, a soft melody begins to drift through the cabin, low enough that it serves simply as pleasant background noise, until Nate reaches over, turning the volume up, making you shrink back in your seat.
You turn the room a shade heaven, and learn my name.
You flush. You shouldn't have chosen a stupid romantic song. You should've chosen anything else.
You look out the window, refusing to sing along like you normally would as the chorus starts.
No one ever will love me better than your everlasting love. I found only one way in and no way out...
You fold your hands in your lap, waiting for the damn song to eventually end.
Finally, once the tempo has faded, Nate turns the radio down.
"Is that one of your favorite songs?"
You glance at him, nodding.
He can tell you're embarrassed, but can't understand why. He thinks it sweet: one of your favorite songs being one about love.
He then wonders if you sing. Perhaps, if so, you'll do so once you're more comfortable being around him like this.
"I liked it."
"Oh, good," you say, still flushed.
He likes how easily he has that effect on you.
"So, where are you wanting to head to?"
You shrug, fumbling with your phone and turning some lofi music on instead now. Nothing with lyrics.
"Wherever you want to go is fine with me."
He likes that: you letting him choose for you. Letting him make a decision for the both of you.
He enjoys how easily agreeable you are today.
He hopes it's due to you feeling comfortable enough with him that you trust him to do so.
"Do you want to eat first, or would you like to go to the mall for a bit?"
You glance at the clock and see that it's only a few minutes past four. "I can wait a couple more hours to eat."
He nods, heading in the direction of the East Highland mall.
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Once Nate has parked, he comes around to your side and you nearly slip on the running board, falling against his chest.
He catches you, helping you down.
You look up at him, your face a shade of red. "Sorry. Thanks."
Stupid klutz—should've worn boots, you think.
He shuts the door behind you, quickly locking the vehicle before placing his hand against the small of your back. "No problem."
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As you enter the mall, a pair of men leave, glancing at you. Admiring you, from Nate's perspective.
His grip tightens imperceptibly, pulling you the least bit closer to him as he gives the men a nasty look.
Meanwhile, you're oblivious, instead overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells, the awful florescent lighting overhead. God, you hate crowds.
You look up to him, just wanting him to pick a store to get you out of the way of everyone milling about. Coming here on a Friday afternoon was a bad idea.
He looks down at you. "Where to first?"
He can see that you're nervous. His brows furrow. "Do crowds make you uneasy?"
You nod, your eyes staring into his, practically screaming for him to get you out of here.
He lets his hand drop to his side, then speaks again. "Do you want to hold my hand?"
You blanch.
Having something—someone—to ground you and lead you through the throngs of people surrounding you sounds nice enough, but what if someone from school is here and sees you? And won't it seem a bit childish? That you're that easily overstimulated that you have to hold another grown-person's hand in a shopping mall?
Just as you're about to tell him no—that you're ok—someone bumps into you, shoving you into his side.
Your hand quickly latches onto his.
Nate twines his fingers between yours.
You don't see the smirk on his face.
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Nate leads you into Nordstrom, a store you've never been in before because you know it's far, far out of your price-range, but you don't object as you step inside, the crowds behind you fading away as quiet pop music plays overhead, only a handful of people browsing the racks of clothing.
You look up to him, suddenly unsure of yourself.
"You can look around, if you want."
You release his hand and he already hates the feeling of his palm being empty.
You step over to a rack of midi dresses and your eyes widen when you see a price tag for $120.
Nate keeps close to your side. "Do you like that one?"
He knows he doesn't—hates midi and maxi dresses—but he wants to buy you something today. Anything. He just wants to give you your first real present from him.
He doesn't count him bringing you breakfast everyday for the last week—despite your objections, even if you did always finish it with a grateful 'thank you'—as as much.
You place the dress back where it was hanging, shaking your head. You look up to him. "That dress it over one-hundred dollars. Nate, I can't afford to shop here."
Not unless they have a clearance section, you think. But even then...
Nate steps away from you for a moment, his attention now stolen away by a white babydoll dress with puffy sleeves. Fucking perfect, he thinks.
He grabs it off the high hook which it hangs from—something you'd never be able to reach—and goes to hand it to you.
"Try this on."
You hesitantly take it from him, a confused expression on your face. "Why?"
He shrugs. "I just think it'd look nice on you."
You hold it up to yourself, not liking that it comes up well-above your knees.
"I don't thi-"
"The changing rooms are this way," he says, nodding his head in the direction of the back of the store. He doesn't care to hear you argue. You're trying the dress on. He needs to see it on you.
He'd been picturing you wearing—essentially—that exact dress for over a week now.
He places his palm against your back, leading you to the desired destination.
Once you've reached the back of the store, Nate opens a wooden door to one of the changing areas and just stares at you, waiting for you to enter.
Finally, you sigh, stepping in.
"I'll be waiting right out here," he says before closing the door behind you.
You stare at yourself in the mirror for a moment, realizing just how different—how little—you look like yourself right now. But you consider it, perhaps, a good thing: forcing yourself out of your comfort zone, even just a little.
You'd been considering finally wearing the sundress that Nate had picked out for you for a few weeks now. It was nice of him to compliment it—you. You aren't entirely sure how you feel about your hair being down, however.
Finally, you hang the dress up that he'd handed you, deciding to get undressed. The sooner you've tried it on, the sooner you can be out of this over-priced boutique.
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Nate sits in a chair directly outside of your changing room, watching your legs shift from one foot to the other, until, finally, your sundress pools at your feet.
His cock hardens, knowing just a few feet away is your half-naked body. He leans back, waiting a minute, then two, then he stands.
He gently knocks on the door and you jolt in surprise.
"Do you have it on?"
"May I come in? I'd like to see."
You balk. He wants to come into the changing room with you? Is that even allowed?
"Isn't that against some sort of policy?"
He likes how much of a good girl you are—no, fuck it, loves it—but in this moment his patience is wearing real fucking thin. "No one else is out here," he replies as gently as he can.
A beat of silence, and then the lock on the door handle clicks.
He quickly enters the changing room, promptly taking in every inch of you.
You look just how he had imagined you would.
You don't meet his eyes. "I look so stu-"
"Perfect," he interrupts.
You look up to him. "What? Really?"
He studies you for a moment, your wide innocent eyes staring up at him, waiting for him to answer.
He runs his fingers through the hair draped over your shoulder. He then runs his hand along that same shoulder down your upper arm, where it comes to rest. "Yes. I just wish you could see what I do."
You blink up at him, then sniffle.
"Are you crying?" He nearly cringes. That question had come out a bit more harsh than he'd meant for it to. He'd wanted you emotionally vulnerable numerous times for the last week so he could finally find a way in, and now here it is. He prays he didn't just fuck it up.
You nod. "I'm sorry. I'm just...no one has ever been this nice to me."
He almost breathes a sigh of relief. He hadn't hurt your feelings.
So that's all it's going to take with you: a few kind gestures, some nice words, a few soft touches, and you'd be like putty in his hands. His to mold as he pleases.
This was what being alone for so long had done to you: made you desperate for affection—of any kind.
You step a bit closer to him, unsure of yourself, unsure what you're doing or even why.
When he doesn't move, you press yourself against his broad chest, taking him completely by surprise.
Fine with being alone his ass. That entire statement had been utter bullshit. Not even you understand just how lonely you are.
Finally, he wraps one arm around you, holding you close, his other hand slipping into your hair, massaging your scalp.
You remain quiet, just focusing on his breathing, the beat of his heart, his warmth. When was the last time someone had held you like this? Hugged you? Shown you any form of affection or attention?
You'd truly thought you were fine without it.
Meanwhile, Nate's head is racing. God, you'd shown him just in this action alone just how easy it was going to be to manipulate you. A couple of compliments had nearly brought you to tears? Just wait until the two of you are in a relationship. No, starting tonight he'll begin pouring it on heavier.
But once you two are together? He'll fucking suffocate you with gifts and attention and love. And above all: sex. That will be his weapon. You're inexperienced. Know nothing about it. A few orgasm denials and Lexi will be long-gone from your life.
Then he'll no longer have to worry about the risk of her relaying stories of he and Cassie, or he and Maddy to you. Won't have to worry about his occasional shitty behavior toward them coming to light, driving—no, taking—you away from him.
If you ever find out about the choking incident...it'll be over before it ever begins.
He feels you snuggle the least bit closer to him and he briefly glances to the mirror to the side of both of you. He sees that your eyes are closed and your cheeks are flushed.
Finally, he pulls away and you look up at him, shame filling your features. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I-"
He gently grips your chin. "I didn't mind."
"Oh." It's the only reply you have. It feels inappropriate—being here with him like this. You're in a changing room together, for God's sake. You'd tutored numerous people before and never had you ever spent any amount of time with any of them outside of school.
But Nate is different. You tutor him in private, whereas all the rest had been at school or in public. There'd never been a chance at friendship with any of them. You'd convinced yourself that it was something you didn't need in the first place anyway. Told yourself you were better off alone.
High school is temporary, along with the friends that come with it. No point in getting attached to someone who won't be sticking around.
You know all too well about abandonment.
Nate will probably be just like all the rest.
You take a step back. "I should probably change."
"I never got to see the whole dress. Can you turn for me?"
You pause. "Like... Twirl?"
He crosses his arms, just staring at you.
Finally, you begin to slowly turn until you're facing him once again. "Ta-da,"you say nervously.
He turns toward the door, placing his hand over the handle. "It looks really cute on you, just so you know."
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While you're busy changing, Nate quickly returns to the rack from earlier, grabbing the same dress you were currently taking off, along with another one, but in light blue. He then spots a pink tennis skirt and grabs it as well, with a matching flowy top. He takes all the items up front, to a register.
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When you exit the changing room, you see Nate straight ahead, standing just outside the store.
You come up to him, glancing down to the shopping bag in his hand, then up to him with a concerned expression. Surely he didn't...
He shrugs. "Just something for my mom."
You smile, feeling relieved. "That's very sweet of you, to get something for her."
He just offers you his hand again, which you take after a moment.
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As the two of you wander around, mostly window-shopping, you try to ignore just how nice it feels to be holding someone else's hand. To be touched at all. You briefly wonder if he thinks you pathetic now, after what happened in the changing room.
You glance up to him. "Nate?"
"You're sure it didn't bother you?"
He doesn't need you to elaborate to know what you're referring to. He likes that you're insecure and emotionally fragile. Broken pieces in the palms of his hands.
That had been another issue with Maddy—she'd been too independent, too confident, too secure and comfortable with herself. Whereas Cassie had known what he wanted and had tried to mold herself into it, all in some attempt to keep him interested.
But you? You're clueless to the ways of men. You're just...you. Intelligent, but only in a book-smart sort of way. Sweet—so fucking sweet it makes his teeth ache. Quiet, and reserved—prim and proper and meek.
And he'd thought it before and would again—so. fucking. innocent. You have no idea the power you already have over him. And he wants it to stay that way. Wants to be the one in complete control this time around, without being given permission to be, like Cassie had given him.
She'd told him what she had wanted: him to choose her clothes, what she eats, to decide who she could talk to—the list went on and on. Because she had clocked him from day one—the type of guy he was—that he was desperate for control.
With you, it will be gradual, insidious manipulation until he's all you have left in your life to turn to. Until, one day, you look up, and everything is different and you have no goddamn idea how you've gotten to where you are.
He stops walking, still keeping your hand firmly in his, incase you decide to wander. "Not at all."
"I don't..." you shift nervously. "I don't know what happened. I'm not usually like that. I don't get emotional in front of other people, like, ever."
He gives you a kind smile. "It's ok, really. I just don't think you're used to it."
"Kindness. Someone wanting to give you their attention and time. You don't have to worry, I still like hanging out with you."
You look down and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
"Good," you reply.
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The two of you stop in at Sephora, and while you browse their lipglosses, Nate steps away, looking through their selection of blushes, until he finds a soft pink shade that he likes and he takes it up, quickly paying for it, and placing the small bag within the larger Nordstrom one. One more gift for you.
When you leave the cosmetic store, you excuse yourself to the restroom, and he goes into the Tiffany store next door, browsing their necklace collection, until he spots one that he deems perfect for you: silver, with a small diamond pendant hanging from it. He doesn't even bother looking at the price tag when he asks an employee to retrieve the item from a glass case and box it up for him.
He's waiting for you when you exit the restroom.
He takes your hand in his, not bothering to let you make the gesture this time.
You nod.
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Nate, though he doesn't want to, bothers with asking where you'd like to go to eat as he watches you buckle yourself in—wishing you'd let him do that himself, but knows him taking such an extreme measure for your safety this early will do nothing more than freak you out.
You shrug. "I don't go out much, so I'm not sure what all is around here. You can choose, if you'd like?"
He smiles, unsure the last time he felt so happy and in-control as he shuts your door.
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Nate takes you to a rather expensive bistro, perhaps twenty minutes away from the mall, his right hand itching to wedge itself between your bare thighs as he drives, but he doesn't dare touch you. Not yet. The only thing he has to keep himself in-check right now is the surety that, soon enough, you'll be all his to do with as he pleases.
Every inch of you.
When Nate comes around to your side of the truck, after he's opened your door, he takes things a step further this time, gripping both of your hips, helping you down. As he sets you on your feet again, before you can say a word, he speaks. "Didn't want to risk you tripping again."
He adjusts your dress and your hair, then takes your hand firmly in his as he leads the two of you inside.
You immediately feel regret in him bringing you here. You should've told him literally anywhere else, so long as it was cheaper.
The rustic décor alone screams pretentious. And you know the menu will be even worse.
But just as you think to tug on his arm and ask him to take you elsewhere, a hostess greets the two of you, leading you to a table in a corner near a window.
Nate pulls out your seat for you, scooting you in, then seating himself.
You both pick up menus, and you're thankful your face is hidden by yours when you see the outrageous pricing.
You can barely afford a small salad here.
"Have you been here before?" You ask, still hidden by your menu.
"Mhm, their food is pretty good. I thought you might like it."
Unless it's dipped in gold, it can't be worth what they're charging is what you want to say. Instead, you remain silent.
Finally, your server arrives. An older woman, with red curly hair, freckles, and a curvaceous figure greets the two of you with a smile. "Do you two know what you'd like to drink?"
Nate looks at you.
"Water, thank you."
She nods.
"It'll be one check, and a diet coke."
She nods again, leaving the two of you to each other.
You look at him, now panicking...just a bit. "You don't have to pay for me. It's fine, really, I-"
He lifts his menu, glad that it apparently works in getting you to be quiet about his spending money on you. Again.
You'd already freaked out enough over him bringing you breakfast for three days in a row, until the fourth when you finally ate in silence.
"I told you I was taking you to dinner. It was my idea to bring you here, so it's only fair that I pay."
You cross your legs at the ankle, unsure how to feel about that.
You simply lift your menu again, now even more unsure of what to get.
He sets his menu down, seeing that you're now hidden behind your own once again. "I know their choices can seem a bit overwhelming the first time you come here. Would you like me to order for you?"
You lower your menu. "You're sure?"
He gives a slight nod of confirmation.
It's then that your waitress returns with your drinks and you stay silent, sipping on ice water as Nate orders dinner for both of you.
As you wait for your penne alla vodka—all you know is that it's some sort of pasta—Nate stretches out his long legs under the table on either side of your chair.
"I've had a really nice time with you today," he says, a soft look in his eyes.
You wrap your sweaty hands around your cold glass. You smile. "Me too."
He crooks his head slightly to the side. "Would you like to go bowling after this?"
Your brows raise. "You want to?"
He nods. "I do if you do."
You glance out the window for a moment. "I'm not sure the last time I went bowling. I think when I was really little."
He leans forward, foot brushing against one of yours completely on purpose, so as to pull your attention back to him. "So is that a yes?"
You blush. "I guess so."
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Nate glances up to you every few moments from his steak and rice, watching as you take small bites of your pasta.
"Do you like it?"
You quickly grab your napkin, wiping your lips. You nod, swallowing. "It's really good. You chose well for me. Thank you."
He smiles, his foot "accidentally" brushing against your leg again. "You're welcome, sweetheart."
You grow quiet again at the pet name, taking another bite of your meal.
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Once the two of you have finished your dinner, Nate pays the check from his phone before standing, throwing two twenty-dollar bills on the table—you're impressed that he tips so generously—then pulling your chair out for you.
He twines his fingers between yours before leading you back out to the truck.
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Once Nate has paid for a game of bowling for the two of you, you both go to your designated spot. You sit to put on the pair of hideous bowling shoes you've been given, until Nate sits on the small table in front of you, grabbing your foot and resting it atop his knee as he slips the shoe on your foot, tying the laces.
You laugh nervously. "I can do that."
He merely glances up to you, before doing the same with your other foot.
Once you feel well and truly like you have on a pair of clown shoes, you go first...and miss every single pin.
Nate stands behind you laughing. "It was a good try."
He'd not actually bothered watching you play, he'd instead watched as you'd bended over slightly, getting a brief flash of your pink panties before you released the heavy bowling ball.
You go to sit down. "Shut up," you say, clearly embarrassed.
Nate goes next...and of course gets a strike on the first try.
You tell yourself not to pout; that you're not a competitive person by nature.
"I'm just rusty is all."
"Mhm," he replies with a knowing smirk before leaning down, hands planted on either side of you. "I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?"
You glance behind you at the concessions, looking over their menu. Meanwhile, Nate looks you over. Your neck, which he wants to lick and kiss and leave hickies all over to mark you as his. Then down your dress at the swell of your breasts...which he wants to do the same to. Then your thighs that he wants to shove his face between.
When you finally look back at him, you jump, seeing that he's still looking right at you. "Oh, uh, maybe just a water?"
He reaches up, brushing some hair out of your face. "Not hungry?"
You shake your head. "I'm still full from dinner."
Right. Dinner.
"I thought at least some cotton candy," he replies, before walking away.
You're left sitting there, wondering what that was supposed to have meant.
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When Nate returns, it's with two Budweisers and a bottle of water, which he hands to you.
You stare at the extra bottle he sets on the table as he twists the top off of the other one, taking a swig of it.
"Is that smart?"
He looks at you with a raised brow. "Hm?"
"Drinking...since you're driving?"
He smirks. "It takes a lot more than two beers to get me drunk, Y/N. But if it makes you that uncomfortable, you can always drive us back."
He's not sure how he feels about letting you drive his truck, in truth. He'd never let Maddy, and sure as hell not Cassie behind the wheel. He was more-so offering to see if you'd let on whether you know how to drive or not.
And he gets his answer, just like he was wanting.
"I...I don't know how."
He sits on the same table from earlier, your legs between both of his knees.
"Not at all?"
You shake your head, feeling a bit ashamed of the admittance. "No one has ever exactly been around to teach me."
You're no longer looking at him now, so you don't see the frown on his lips.
"I could teach you."
Your head jerks up. "That's probably not a good idea."
He takes another sip of his beer. "Why not?"
"What if...what if I hit something with your truck, or damage it?"
"I have insurance."
You nearly roll your eyes. "Ok, what if I hit a person?"
He notices your lip twitch, trying to fight a smile.
He grins. "It has a big bed."
You laugh and so does he. God, being with you is so easy.
He holds out the bottle to you. "Do you want a drink?"
You consider it for a moment, then of course shake your head. "No, thank you."
"Have you ever even drank before?"
You don't want to give him the answer to that either. "No."
"Really?" He asks, a bit of surprise to his tone—even if he isn't actually surprised at all. If it's 'bad' for you, he's sure you've never done it before.
You nod, feeling like a total fucking square. "How did they even give it to you in the first place?"
He stands, briefly removing his wallet from his back pocket and he hands you his fake ID.
"I can get you one made, if you want?"
You shake your head, handing it back to him. "I'm ok."
He likes you innocent and unknowing, but he isn't used to someone being so...within the lines. He can't tell whether he wants to corrupt you or not. Perhaps he'll just start with doing so in bed and go from there when the time comes.
Once he has you daydreaming about his cock, he'll move onto bigger targets.
He puts his wallet back away, then jerks his head back toward the bowling alley. "Your turn, sweetheart."
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Halfway through the game, you get your first strike and you squeal in delight, causing a smile to breakout across Nate's face.
You jump up and down, then run toward him and he catches you in his arms just in time as you wrap your legs around his waist, only spilling a little of his beer. "I did it!"
He laughs, loving seeing you so fucking happy for just one moment.
"I see that, baby."
You're so pleased with yourself that you barely even catch the new term-of-endearment he's given you.
You look down at him, your hair falling over his face as he looks up at you. "Sorry, that was exciting," you say with a laugh.
One arm firmly holds you up, under you bottom, while the other comes up to cup your cheek. "I like seeing you happy like this. You don't smile nearly enough."
He should really make more of an effort to get you drunk before the two of you leave. He has a feeling you're a happy one, and if he's extra lucky—all the alcohol will go straight between your legs.
You beam at him again, trying to prove him wrong, and all he wants is to kiss you until you can't breathe.
Finally, he lowers you back to your feet and you sit, now excited, as he takes his turn again.
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You skip through the parking lot, your hand in his, completely elated at having won.
And to your knowledge, it was fair and square.
Even if Nate knows otherwise.
He'd offered to buy another game, but you'd told him you were starting to get tired, so he'd agreed to take you home, even if he wanted to stay out with you all night. Preferably in the back seat of his truck with your clothes off and lying underneath him as he explores your soft, sensitive body.
Instead, you sit in the passenger seat, all smiles and giggles as he drives you back home.
He's in enough of a good mood himself that he turns up the radio, some song with thumping bass coming through the speakers, as he rolls the windows down, the warm summer night air blowing your hair.
Nate, now actually nervous—afraid he's about to ruin everything—reaches over, resting his palm over your bare knee.
You don't push it away. Instead, you simply glance at it for a moment, feeling something...something you're not sure how to describe at the sight of him touching you like that, and then lean back, content to leave his hand right where it is.
And so he does. The entire drive back to your place.
It doesn't matter how desperately he wants to, he doesn't move it any higher.
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Once he's pulled into your driveway, he removes his hand, your leg now feeling cold, and kills the engine. You unbuckle yourself and turn toward him. "I know we said it earlier, but I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you, for dinner and bowling and just...today."
He reaches up, running his fingers through your now-tangled hair. "It was my pleasure. Maybe we can do it again sometime?"
You nod, smiling. "I'd like that."
He wants to lean across the console and kiss you, but once again tells himself no. Something he's quickly tiring of having to do.
He glances out the windshield. "I'll walk you to the door."
He retrieves the Nordstrom bag from the backseat before coming around to your side, holding it behind his back as he offers you his hand to help you down.
Nate walks you to your door, watching as you unlock it. He wishes you'd just come back to his house instead, but doesn't dare suggest as much. He'd rather you sleep in his bed with him than stay in this empty house where you're not safe on your own.
Even if he'd made sure you were a couple night this last week when he parked across the street, a couple houses down, pistol in his glovebox. Just incase.
You look up to him with a shy smile. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," he replies, handing you the shopping bag.
Your brows furrow. "I thought this was for your mom?"
He shrugs. "I lied. I wanted to buy you something all day, but knew if I asked, you'd tell me no. This way was easier."
You're not sure how to feel about the fact he'd lied to you so easily. Had made—most likely, if the brand-name on the bag is any indication—a rather expensive purchase for you. You're just not sure why.
Before you can bother asking, he plants a quick kiss to the top of your head. "Hope you like it," he says before heading back to his truck.
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Once you're inside and in your room, you immediately start pulling out the contents from the bag and setting them on your bed. Your heartrate only rises with each item. A small bag from Sephora, another one from Tiffany, and four clothing items from Nordstrom—one being the dress he'd asked you to try on.
You feel lightheaded at the price tags on the clothing. But when you look in the Tiffany bag—pull out the jewelry box and open it, you sit down on the edge of your bed.
A diamond necklace.
"Nate..." you whisper to yourself in a panicked voice, wondering what had gotten into him to think that this is ok.
Surely...surely this item is meant for his mom. He'd just accidently thrown it in with everything else.
You pick up your phone with shaking hands, drop it, then pick it back up once again and call him.
"Hey, everything okay? I'm not too far away. I can turn back arou-"
You shake your head, despite the fact he can't see it. "The...the necklace for your mom, you accidentally put it in with-"
"I didn't get it for my mom. Everything there was purchased for you."
You go quiet suddenly, forcing Nate to check that you're even still on the line. He waits for you to respond.
"Nate, I don't know that I feel comfortable with this."
He slams on the brakes, pulling off to the side of the road, throwing the truck in park. "With what?"
"It...it'd be one thing if you'd bought me some cheap keychain or t-shirt or something. But all of this...do I even want to know how much this necklace costs?"
"Probably not," he replies, nonchalantly. Even if he wants to tell you that it was over a grand.
You hang your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You don't need to buy me stuff to try and repay me for tutoring you. I do it for free because I like helping people."
"I didn't do it for that."
"Then why?"
How to say, without alarming you: it makes my dick hard spoiling and spending obscene amounts of money on you?
"I just wanted to give you a few nice things. That's all."
"Nate, I don't-"
"Listen, do you want to repay me?"
You go quiet again. Meanwhile, he wants to say, if you say yes: then do it in sexual favors, starting with letting me wrap you hair around my fist as I face-fuck you.
"Enjoy it. Wear the white dress and necklace to school on Monday." He wants to throw in the blush, but doesn't, hoping you'll decide to use that all on your own.
You lay back on your bed. "It's all very nice and pretty, and I appreciate it immensely. But-"
"Do you want me to turn around and come get it?" His tone is now the slightest bit annoyed. "If you don't like it, you can tell me. You're not going to hurt my feelings. I'm sorry, I guess I fucked up."
You feel guilty now somehow. Like you're being ungrateful. Even if you hadn't asked for any of it. Maybe...maybe this is what Nate thinks you have to do to make friends: buy their affection?
When you grow up wealthy like he has, you reason, it makes sense.
"No, I'm sorry." Your voice is soft and gentle and feminine now, and he relaxes, his grip on his phone loosening.
You don't even realize it, but his sudden shift in mood had been so imperceptible that it had scared you.
All you do know is that you somehow feel wrong, but you're not sure how, exactly. So, you just brush it off and blame it on being tired. Blame it on anything but him.
"I'm just...I'm not used to people buying me gifts. It's very sweet of you. Thank you," you say as you lightly run your fingers over the soft material of the white dress he wants you to wear in a couple of days.
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
You're not sure how to feel about the pet names, either, but don't want to hurt his feelings again, so you ignore your discomfort.
"I'm going to go take a shower and throw my new clothes in the washer. Be safe driving home. Goodnight...again," you say it with a small laugh.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
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suzar · 9 months
maddy perez x fem!reader
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Maddy x fem!reader who wants to do everything she can to make her girlfriend's day special.
Y/n loved her girlfriend, it wasn't a surprise to anyone around them. She loved how Maddy carried herself with confidence and a smile that could make anyone fall in love with her. She was like a drug to anyone near her.
In return, Maddy loved y/n. At first y/n was shy, a little closer in. That's what she loved about her girlfriend. They balanced each other. Maddy could be crazy, but at the end of the day it would be y/n who'd calm her down and laugh with her. Y/n teached how to properly love after someone like Nate, she never raised her voice at Maddy or hurt her. Maddy loved how sweet y/n was.
When Maddy was done fighting with Cassie in the bathroom after the play, they talked things out. Of course, Maddy still didn't trust Cassie fully, but their friendship continued. Both girls knew that Cassie loved being loved, and when someone like Nate sees an entrance to a miserable girl's life, he'll take it in a heart beat. Maddy forgave her, and Cassie was forever grateful.
Y/n's pov
I watched as Cassie and Lexi were putting candles to Maddy's cake, making sure every single candle were put to the right place. I started to feel nervous as i looked at the time, i knew Maddy would be here soon. The thought of Maddy gave me butterflies, this day needed to be special.
While deep in thought, i got scared by someone hugging me from behind.
"Hey y/n! this party looks sick" said familiar voice of Kat, that made me feel more at ease.
"You scared the hell of me, never do that again" I giggled, but continued: "Thank you. I need everything to be perfect."
As i looked at Kat, i saw Rue and her girlfriend Jules together, hand in hand. They we're a cute pair, but me and Maddy definetly take the win as our friend group's best couple. Everyone knew that... right?
"Guys, seriously don't ruin this night for Y/n, it definetly needs to be perfect!" said a voice from kitchen that i recognized to be Lexi.
Lexi was my best friend, of course she was. She was an observer like me, a shy observer. Something that im grateful for is how our friend group brings me and Lexi out of our shell.
Soon, Maddy came. She had on the most beautiful outfit of a pink shiny dress and her eyes were jeweled with blue and pink tones. Every color suited on her, she looked amazing on everything.
"Hey babe, i missed you!" She says behind her adorable, yet sexy smiles. She comes over to me, carrying herself like she's the owner of the world, and oh how beautiful she looks. She grabs my waist, brings me closer to her and presses our lips together.
Our moment was definetly too short, since our friends were already feeling tired of the pda.
"Come on! didn't you miss us??" was a sentence i heard by Rue, while everyone else were laughing.
We had the best time, all seven of us.
Soon, everyone went home and i had two more presents to give.
As she was kissing my lips, grabbing my hips and waist, making sure i was close enough to her i finally said between kisses:
"Love, i have something for you". I said.
She stopped, but with a small cute pout. She smiled soon though. Maddy knew i always gave her special gifts. I got up from my bed, walked over to my dresser where i grabbed a small jewelry box.
"Here, babe". I said as i was walking back to the bed, already wearing comfy pyjamas like she was. She looked up at me in awe.
"You really didn't have to, you know? I got everything i can imagine." Her voice sounds like angels singing. I would never get enough of it.
"I know, but i love you so much." I told her, giving her the gift box.
"I love you too babe," was something she answered while she opened the jewelry box while smiling like a kid.
As she opened the gift, There was a small necklace with a heart shaped locker, our initials craved in it.
"I love this so much, thank you." She looked so happy. I was happy, everything went perfectly.
I helped her to put the necklace on, as i was behind her i gave her neck few pecks, moving towards her shoulder. I made sure to kiss every single inch of her. She hummed in pleasure, I had one last to gift to give her. She turned around as i whispered,
"Take me, im your last gift my love."
English definetly isn't my first language, and i wrote this in one sitting. I'm sorry, if i made silly mistakes. <3
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bumblesimagines · 10 months
“it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“just one kiss and i’ll never ask again.”
- Cassie Howard
“just one kiss and i’ll never ask again.”
“it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Pronouns: He/Him, Male
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The car ride home from the party had been filled with the smell of beer and the sound of Kat and Maddy's quiet snores mixing together. Cassie sat in the passenger seat, nodding off every few seconds only to jerk her head back upright when she went to doze off. The exhaustion was heavy in the air from the hours spent dancing and drinking.
Glancing in the rearview mirror, you spotted the smudged makeup on Maddy and Kat's faces and the way strands of their hair stuck out in different directions. Cassie looked similar with her wavy blonde locks all frizzy and her mascara mixing in with her eyeshadow from tired eye rubs. But she'd been less intoxicated than Maddy and Kat. With Kat slowly falling out of love with Ethan and Maddy trying to get over Nate, the two girls had cups in their hands for most of the night. Cassie, on the other hand, had promptly sworn off love during the winter dance and she stuck to it by avoiding drinking and ignoring her exes.
"We're here!" You called as you pulled into the driveway, drawing the girls out from their slumber. Shutting off the engine and stepping out of the car, you slung open the back door and scooped your twin out from her seat. Maddy whined and her head lolled back, the moonlight shining down on her cherry-colored cheeks. Cassie and Kat leaned against each other, fingers tiredly typing away on their phones to inform their parents where they'd be spending the night.
"Come on, Mads." You murmured softly, helping her plant her heels on the ground and walking up to the porch with the girls trailing behind. You opened the door and helped Maddy inside, pausing to let her kick off her shoes and leading her toward the couch. The brunette flopped down on the cushions, purse slipping from her shoulder and landing on the floor with a soft thud. Kat collapsed on the loveseat beside the couch, similarly tossing aside her shoes and purse before curling up and dozing off.
"You'd think they ran a marathon." Cassie giggled softly, gingerly setting aside her small purse on the coffee table.
"Dramatic is Maddy's middle name." You grinned back at the blonde and turned on your heel, entering the kitchen and fetching a bottle of water. Discarding her heels and releasing a yawn, Cassie followed after you and took the bottle offered to her.
Taking a swing of the water and wiping her bottom lip, Cassie rubbed her thumb against the label of the water with slightly knitted brows. "Have..." She began and stopped abruptly, her already slightly flushed cheeks darkening. "Have you ever thought about... getting with one of Maddy's friends?"
You blinked at her, eyes flickering over to the sleeping brunette. "Maddy wouldn't like that."
"But have you thought about it?" She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, a meek smile spreading across her face. Her free hand toyed with the bracelet on her wrist, hair bobbing as she tilted her head.
"You promised yourself you wouldn't have anything to do with guys again, Cass." You reminded her. The night of the winter dance had been a sobering night for the girls. Kat entered her relationship with Ethan, Maddy accepted her relationship with Nate and saw it as it was, Lexi realized her own feelings, and Cassie made a vow after her complicated relationship with McKay.
"But you're different, and- and it doesn't have to be serious. It doesn’t have to mean anything.” She blabbered, an all too familiar song you heard her foolishly sing to others.
"We can give it a shot! Just one kiss and I’ll never ask again. One kiss and if you don't like it, I'll drop it.”
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thenewausten · 4 months
Quackity Imagine: I hate you. [Enemies to Lovers] Part 2
part 1: here
TW: smut 🔞
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You whisper as you read your name besides Alex's name to the internship today. Fuck. The last time you saw each other was in that damn party."I guess it's you and me, amor." He whispers in your ear."Fuck you, Alex." You whisper back and he laughs."I'd rather do my internship with Satan." You say to him."Yeah? Mine I'll do with Lilith, apparently."
"God, I hate you so 'fuckin much, Alex." You whisper and he smiles to you."That's cute, Y/N. Thank you so much for your words." You roll your eyes and he keeps his smile. God, why is he so 'fuckin hot?! You thought."'Lexie, c'mon!" You roll your eyes as you listen to that stupid pick me girl."Are you jealousy, mi vida?" He whispers in your ear."Only in your dreams, 'Lexie." You answer, ironic."Relax, princesa. You don't need to be, uh?" He says with a convinced smile on his face."See you on the office." He lefts and you show your middle finger to his back. You. Hated. Him.
"You're terrible in this suit, Y/N." Alex's says as he gets in, closing the door behind him."You're late." He can hear the anger in your voice."Mr. Howard said a lot of 'fuckin shit to me because of that." You finish and he sighs."I'm sorry, I didn't want to, the traffic was a shit." He says, seriously, and you nod."Fine."
"Don't be mad at me, corazón." He asks as he approaches you."I'm sorry." You nod again, a little less upset with the black haired boy."Alright, let's start working, then." The boy nods.
"What a 'fuckin idiot, man." You hear Alex whispers almost one hour later. You spent all this time in silence, doing your job."What happened?!" You ask him, curious."Guess what?!" He says, upset."Mr. Howard said I lost 1,5 for my delay." Oh. You smile to him, a victorious smile."Oh, really? That's so bad, 'Lexie. I'm so sorry for you!" The boy can hear the poison in your voice."Fuck you, Y/N."
"I'm the best student of our class!" You sing and Alex rolls his eyes."I'm the best, I'm the best! You're not longer the best!" You sing again, and he approaches you with his rolling chair, you smile to him."I'm the best!"
"I thought that we both agreed at the party that we were losing time." He says and you laugh for a few seconds before answering him."We were drunk, Alex! I 'fuckin hate you, dude." He feels his heart ache deep in his chest with your words. You just made fun of him?! "Yeah?! You didn't seem to be drunk when I made you moan, Y/N." He whispers in your ear."Already forgot, uh? How wet I made you?" The boy puts a hand on your thigh, his lips on your lobe as you shiver from his touches."First, I was drunk. Second, you didn't even made wet. You're not even that good with..." He grabs the hair at the back of your neck and makes you look at him."Alex, what the..." He doesn't let you finish by connecting yours lips in an angry kiss, you moan into his mouth when his tongue touches yours, deepening the kiss as Alex hands roams through your body like a starved man, making you want him even more than at that stupid party. Before you break the kiss to reach some air for your lungs, you bite hard his bottom lip, feeling the taste of blood in your own lips."Fuck, Y/N. You just bit me?" He asks and you smile to him."It's for grabbing my 'fuckin hair, your idiot." You say."Stop pretending you didn't like it, amor." He whispers, his hands on your social shirt, opening it as he looks into your eyes. "Alex, we're at Mr. Howard's office." You whisper to him, but you not stop him, hypnotized by his beautiful brown eyes locked on yours."I'd love to fuck you on his table." He whispers as his lips kissed your neck and collarbone."Bend your beautiful body and fuck you from behind." The boy whispers on your ear as he sucks your skin."Gonna make you scream my name, mi vida."
"Oh, I doubt you can do it." You say and he laughs, a ironic laugh, his hands exposing your chest as he starts to take your social shirt with your blazer, letting you on your lace bra."Fuck." He whispers as he sees it."What? Is it the first time you see boobs in real life, dude?" You provoke and Alex ignores you as he grabs your boobs, a whimper from the both of you as his hands squeezes it."It's so perfect." He whispers and you laugh a little."Thanks." He smiles to you as he opens your bra."You should lock the door, Alex." You say and he nods."Sure, sit on the table for me, princesa." The boy gets up and you do what he says, taking your bra off as he comes back, Alex pulls you into a kiss as his hand touches your nipple, squeezing it between his fingers, making you moan in his mouth, with his other hand, he puts you closer."You're so hot." He whispers, his lips on your cleavage now, letting purple marks as he sucks it. You grab his hair and whimper with the feeling of his tongue on your nipple. "Fuck." The pleasure of his lips makes you throw your head back, almost lying on the table, but Alex holds your back with one of his hands and pulls you closer again, making you feel his hardened cock on your inner thigh. The boy whines when you grind on him, starting to open your pants."Let me fuck you, Y/N, please."
"Ask one more time for it." You say with a smile on your face."You're such a whore." He whispers, you open his pants and touch his dick over his underwear."Am I?" You ask him. "Ye- Fuck, I hate you." He moans against your lips, kissing you."Please, Y/N." He begs against your mouth, his hands starts to open your pants."Let me take it off." He asks and you get up, Alex helps you with your pants and holds your chin."You have no idea how much I want to fuck you, Y/N." He whispers and kisses your lips."Do it, I doubt it'll be good, but..." The boy doesn't even let you finish, he grabs your hair and turns you around, bending you over on the table. "Gonna shut your 'fuckin mouth, mi vida." He whispers and starts to take his tie, placing your hands together behind your back."What are you doing?!" You ask when he starts to tie your hands."Alex!" You try to pull your hands away from each other, but you can't."It's what you deserve for being such a 'fuckin bitch with me, Y/N." You sigh and look at him. "I 'fuckin hate you so much!" You say to him and he nods, not believing in your words."I see how much you hate me, amor. I hate you too, you know?" One of his hands slaps your ass, so strong it burns your ass flesh, making you moan from the pleasure of the pain."Oh, so you like it, uh?" He asks, another slap on your ass and you can't help but clench your thighs together."Fuck me, Alex, please!" You whine and Alex doesn't even wait for you to ask again, putting your panties down."Jesus, Y/N. You're almost dripping." The boy says with a smirk on his face, taking his throbbing cock from his underwear and feeling a bit of relief."Tell me, princesa. Who made you wet like this, uh?" He provokes you by positioning his dick on your entrance, you whimper with the feeling, wanting to push your hips so you can feel more of him."I hate you, Alex!" You say."Wrong answer, mi vida." He provokes you again, but now, with the head of his cock on your clit, the feeling's so good you whine his name."It was you!" You say, wanting him so badly you'd do whatever he says."That's how much you hate me, right, hermosa?!" He asks at the same time his dick slides your entrance, making you both moan with the pleasure, Alex doesn't even wait for you to adjust, moving his hips against yours so strongly you might cry from how good he's making you feel."Fuck, you feel so good around my cock, Y/N." He groans as he grabs your hips with one hand and the other one he holds your hair."I just... I hate you so much!" You moan loudly when the boy slaps your ass."I hate you too, princess." He groans, squeezing your hips so harshly that tears scape from your eyes."So much! Fuck... I hate you, Y/N!" His thrusts somehow more rough than before, shaking the table and making you almost scream his name."Louder so that Mr. Howard's secretary can hear you getting fucked by my cock, Y/N." He's sarcastic."I can't, it's too much!" You whimper as more tears wet your cheeks, Alex smiles."Oh, yeah?!" One of his hands reach your clit and the boy watches your legs start to shake."You're so beautiful like this, Y/N." He whispers and grabs your hair with more force."Shit, Alex, I'm-" You moan as you cum, the feeling of your walls clenching his dick is too much for him, so Alex pulls out and stroke his cock, cumming in your ass as he whimpers. He untie your wrists and clean your ass with Mr. Howard's tissues, fixing his clothes."Well, I made you scream my name." He says with a victorious smile on his face as you turn around to look at him. He approaches you and holds your face with his both hands, kissing your lips, a tender kiss."You're so beautiful, Y/N. You have no idea of how you make me feel." He puts a strand of hair behind your ear, looking into your eyes."Are you confessing your hate for me right now, Alex?" You provoke him and he laughs, kissing your lips one more time."No, I'm confessing my attraction for you, and, maybe, uh... A crush." He whispers and you smile, your arms on his neck."Do you want to go on a date with me?"
"Sure!" You whisper and he smiles."I should get dressed, we need to finish the work." You say and start to fix your clothes, but Alex stops you with one hand as the other hand roams through your body."Or... I could go down on you." He whispers in your ear and you laugh."Stop! We need to work, Alex."
"Sure..." He says, a little disappointed."Don't make this face, dude." You laugh."Don't call me "dude", please." He says and you smile."What should I call you, then?" You start to get dressed and Alex helps you."Amor, maybe?" He says and you laugh."Amor?" You repeat and he smiles."You're so cute." He buttons your social shirt and you put on your blazer, someone tries to open the door."Shit, shit, shit." You whisper."Relax, mi vida." He cleans your makeup smeared with the Mr. Howard's tissues.
"Alex?! Y/N?!" Mr. Howard asks and tries to open the door again, Alex walks fast and opens the door to him."Why the hell the door was locked?!" Your professor asks, a little angry."Sorry, we... Uh, the door is defective, we only managed to close it by locking it, so..." He says to Mr. Howard and the man gets in and closes the door."It works perfectly." He says and Alex smiles."Well, that's crazy."
"Whatever, I need the both of you to finish the work in fifteen minutes." He says and you both nod, he closes the door and Alex turn around to look at you.""Well, that's crazy"?" You laugh and he shrugs."He knows we hate each other, so..."
"We do?" You ask as he approaches you."Yeah, we do." He pulls you close by the waist and kiss your neck."I hate you so much, Y/N." He whispers."I hate you too, Alex." You grab his chin and kiss his lips.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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ofstoriesandstardust · 9 months
grease is the word (b.r.b)
note: this is for @gretagerwigsmuse and @cottagecori who heard me say "bradley bradshaw as danny zuko" and then let me run wild with it. technically part of like father, like daughter but does not have to be read in the context of same mistakes at all
summary: Bradley gets the role of Danny Zuko in the school play. That's it, that's the thought.
warnings: swearing, a dash of angst, kissing
word count: 4.3k
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“So I’m going to be in the school musical.” Bradley says, lifting himself up to sit on the kitchen counter. “We’re doing Grease, and they needed someone to play Danny Zuko-“
You choke on your fried rice. 
Slider pats you on the back as you croak out a “What?”
“You’ve never shown interest in theater before now.” Carole says with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah, well I’m friends with one of the assistant directors-“
“He means he has a crush on her.” Your Dad clarifies with a wink. A goofy grin appears on his face, his cheeks turning a dusty pink as he shrugs. 
“Maybe a little. Anyways, Janie is in my AP Euro class and asked if I could come play the piano for rehearsals. They didn’t have anyone audition for Danny and asked if I could read some of the lines and- well, I guess now I’m gonna be playing Danny.” 
The thought of Bradley in a leather jacket, his curls greased back, singing Greased Lightning- you could swoon. 
“Well, that’s exciting.” Carole says. “I’m excited to come see you. The show is early November, right?”
He nods as his Mom walks over to the calendar on the wall. “The 4th through the 6th.”
“We’ll be there.”
“So I heard your boyfriend is gonna be in the school musical.”
You sigh as you cringe, not even turning around to face the person you know is behind you. 
Arguably, Sienna was the person closest to you. You’d say she was your best friend, someone you spent the most time with.
“Whose boyfriend?”
And then there’s that. Sienna had a whole separate friend group from you, people she’d probably say were her best friends. 
Sienna slides into the desk next to you, turning to face the twins, Madison and Matt.
“Heard Bradshaw’s in the play.” Lexi says, sitting down at the desk opposite to you. 
“Her boyfriend.” Sienna says, throwing you a smirk. 
“He’s not- Shut up Sienna, you’re gonna get me in trouble.” You mumble, watching Bradley and Janie enter the classroom of your home room. 
“Ohhh, I see.” Sienna says, flipping her long hair over her shoulder as she turns back in her seat.
“Do you want to come to the mall with us after school?” Madison asks, leaning behind you as Ben waves, sitting down behind Lexi.
“She can’t. She’s not supposed to be driving with people who don’t have their license.” Bradley says, sliding into the seat in front of you as he tugs off his backpack. 
“I have my permit.” Madison argues as her brother shoots a “No one asked you, Bradshaw.”
“Hey, your Dad’s deploying soon, right?” Ben whispers, scooting his desk closer to you. “How long?”
“Six weeks, supposedly.”
“You always gotta multiply it by two.” Sienna jokes.
“Or divide by half, if he gets himself injured again.” Bradley says, though he doesn’t turn to face the group. 
“I’m disregarding the fact that you even said anything.” 
“So… the mall?”
“She has to run lines with me, I need the extra practice.” Bradley says with a wink, finally facing the group.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough of the chatter. I know it’s Monday and you all want to gossip about your weekends but let’s save that for after morning announcements.” Mr. Parker, your home room teacher interrupts, dropping his bag on the desk.
A note appears in your peripheral vision, and you take it discreetly from Sienna before Bradley can notice. 
Mall with Madison and me?
You sigh, scrawling back Better not, Bradley’ll tattle. 
“Fucking Bradshaw.” Matt whispers. 
“Here comes your boyfriend.” 
Sienna flinches as you slam your locker shut. “Cut that shit out, would you Sienna? He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Hey ladies.” Bradley says, coming up behind you, leaning on the lockers. “You ready to go?” 
“Hey Bradley.” A senior girl you’ve only ever seen in the hallway, appears in your vision as Bradley straightens. 
“Hey Clara.” He says, nodding to the two girls behind her who are giggling. “Ava, Tracy.”
“So, I hear you’re gonna be playing Danny Zuko in the school musical.” 
He nods, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I am.” 
“Well, you must be so nervous.” Clara says, shouldering her way in between you and Bradley. Your jaw drops as Sienna steadies you, April appearing over her shoulder. 
“What the fuck dude.” Sienna mutters as you roll your shoulders, turning to face the pair.
“Well, kinda. I’ve never been in a play before so..” Bradley trails off, eyebrows threading together as the three of you give him unimpressed looks. 
“Well, if you ever want anyone to read lines with, I can play Sandy…” Clara says, hand landing on his bicep. 
“Well, I appreciate the sentiment but I, uh, already have someone to run lines with.” Bradley says, pointing to you. Clara turns as if this is the first time she’s seen you. 
“Oh.” She wrinkles her nose. “Well, if you change your mind, just let me know.” 
Clara isn’t even out of earshot before Sienna starts fake gagging. 
“Vomit, Bradshaw.” April says, shaking her head. “That was gross.” 
“Whatever, April.” Bradley says, setting his hands on your shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
“So why do you even need help running lines in the first place? You’ve been in the play for like, five minutes.” You ask as you sit down at the Bradshaw kitchen table. 
“I’m already two rehearsals behind, I’ve got to catch up.” Bradley says, opening the fridge door. 
“Who’s playing Sandy?” 
“Do you know Lacy Thomas?” 
“The freshman?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, cause that’s not gonna start any drama.”
Bradley shuts the door of the fridge, revealing two Cokes. “See, you’re already preparing me. I don’t even know any of the drama gossip.” 
You roll your eyes. “I think you’ll do just fine.” 
He sighs, sitting down across from you. “Yeah, Janie said the same thing, but I don’t know, I’m kinda nervous about some of the scenes. What if I slip on the bleachers during Summer Nights?”
Bradley slides the scene he wants to rehearse across the table to you as he talks. “Bradley, this one of the most memorable scenes from the movie, are you sure you need my help?” You ask. 
The look he gives you is pleading. “Please humor me here, Danny is a bit of a sleaze and that is so not how I was raised and I’m just-” 
“Fine, Bradshaw. God.” You exclaim, rolling your eyes, even though deep down you’re flattered Bradley is entrusting you with this. “I’ll help you alright?” 
“Okay, here goes nothing.” He says, clearing his throat. 
“W-what are you doing here? I- I thought you were going back to Australia!”
“We had a change of plans.” You mimic, doing your best to channel Olivia Newton-John. 
“I can’t- I mean, that’s cool baby, you know how it is. Rocking and rolling and whatnot- I can not do this.” He says with a groan. “Why is he so gross?”
“I think that’s the point, B.” 
He groans again, collapsing into the table. “I give up.” 
You feel giddy almost, walking up the steps of the school. You should be just right on time, if rehearsal got out when it was supposed to. 
You were so excited to show Bradley that you had driven here, excitement almost making you skip towards the double doors of the auditorium where they’d been holding a majority of the rehearsals. 
Bradley didn’t even know you were coming, which only made your excitement grow even more. 
“Ron, can you pick Bradley up after rehearsal today?” Carole asked as she grabbed her purse from the counter. You both look up at her from where you’re discussing your English homework with your Uncle. “The Bronco is still in the shop and I’m going in for a last minute cover from Sally.” 
“Can I pick him up?” You ask, fiddling with your pencil. “I can take Slider’s truck, if that’s okay with you?” 
Slider shrugs. “I don’t have a problem with it, now that you’ve got your learner’s permit.” Slider says with a nudge to your shoulder. 
Carole sighs, digging around in her bag for her keys. “Sounds good. There’s leftover lasagna in the fridge for dinner.” Carole presses a kiss to your head and then calls out, “Be on good behavior.” as she leaves the house.
You’re hoping you and Bradley can go out to dinner instead of eating the leftover lasagna, or maybe go get milkshakes to celebrate his progress in the play. 
You turn the corner into the courtyard when you spot them. 
You freeze. 
Bradley’s got one of his arms leaned up on the metal poles that outline the corridors of the campus, other hand in his pocket as he talks to Janie. She’s looking up at him, beaming as she straightens out the collar of his shirt. 
You swallow, breath hitching as you do. 
You turn, reaching for the car keys in your pocket but the shakiness of your hands causes you to drop them, the clang echoing through the empty court yard. You cringe as you kneel down to pick them up, avoiding the looks you know Janie and Bradley are probably giving you. 
You pray that they’ll just let you leave as you turn back towards the entrance of the school but the sound of someone jogging after you ruins that dream. 
Someone tugs on your arm, turning you to face them and you catch Bradley’s hazel eyes swimming with concern before you look away from him again. 
“Hey, is everything okay? What are you doing here? Did you hear something from your Dad?” 
You shrug. “I drove here. Everything’s fine, I- I just- just- thought maybe you could use a ride and we could go get food or something.”
Bradley’s shoulders fall. “Oh shit, I - I wish I could but Janie and I are gonna go to her house and study for that AP Euro test tomorrow. She’s gonna give me a ride back.” 
You swallow. “Oh, okay. No, that’s okay. I just thought-” You wave a hand, trying to swallow down the tears. “Doesn’t matter what I thought. Um, have fun, okay?” 
He nods uncertainly, eyes searching yours. 
Don’t fuck this up for him. 
You suck in a breath, taking a step back, causing Bradley’s arm to fall from your shoulder. 
“See you in home room tomorrow.” 
You turn, walking back to Slider’s truck, sliding in the front seat as you take a deep breath, trying not to cry as you drive out of the parking lot. 
Why did you expect Bradley to be impressed? Why did you expect him to think it was cool you’d driven your Uncle’s truck here? After all, he’d had his license for months, so had all his friends. 
You’d always been the younger girl, the one who had always been around, the little sister figure who was always going to be there. He’d never see you as anything more than his favorite uncle’s daughter. 
Hell, he probably didn't even see you as his friend, just someone who was there. 
Your eyes itch with the familiar sting of tears as you open the front door, dropping the keys on the entryway table. 
“Hey, I thought you and Bradley were going to go out after rehearsal?” Slider asks, wiping his hands on a dish towel. 
“He’s studying with Janie.” 
Slider says something you don’t hear as you turn, trudging up the stairs. 
You slip inside your bedroom, laying on the top of the duvet, feeling silly as the tears begin to slide down your cheeks. 
Why would Bradley ever like someone like you?
Janie was the perfect girl. 
Her parents were still married, she had an older brother who was a doctor and an older sister who worked as engineer. She was smart and intelligent, kind and pure, full of happiness and light. 
She’d be so good for someone like Bradley, who was all those things and more. 
You could see it now, the children they’d have, the family they’d build together. Their kids would probably have Janie’s freckles, Bradley’s curls. 
They’d be happy together. 
You wipe your hand at your cheek, fruitlessly trying to rid yourself of your tears, as you wished you were anybody else. 
There was a soft knock on your door, the door creaking open. Sienna peaks her head in, before sighing and shutting the door quietly behind her. 
“What’re you doing here?” You croak. 
“I needed help with my math homework, but Ron mentioned you were pretty upset, so-” 
You sigh, rolling over to face her as she sits on the bed next to you. 
“I dunno, it’s stupid.” You mutter, hands fiddling with the small bear plushie your Dad had won you at the fair this summer. 
“I cry over stupid things all the time.” She says, nudging your shoulder. “C’mon, you can tell me about it.” 
“I went to go pick Bradley up from rehearsal since his car is in the shop, and I don’t know- it was the first time I’ve actually driven somewhere without my parents since getting my learner’s permit. And I was gonna go ask him to get ice cream or something like we always do- and I- I walked in on him sort of having a moment with Janie and I don’t know Sienna- I guess I’m just realizing that I’ll always be second best.” 
The girl who was always younger, hitting milestones later than everyone else, the girl who was always around, the one everyone took for granted. 
Sienna sighs. “I wish- I wish you didn’t feel like that. You deserve so much more than that.” 
You shrug, setting the bear on the bed next to you as you roll back away from her. She stays next to you on the bed, the slowly setting sun reflecting in the glass. 
“I mean for what it’s worth, I know Ben has a crush on you.” 
“What?” You ask, voice raw and watery from crying. 
“Not that you have to do anything with that information, he just- he does. If Bradley isn’t willing to get his shit together enough to see what’s right in front of him, well, there are other guys who will.” 
“Sienna…” You mumble. “I can’t even process this information right now.” You say, a headache beginning to form. 
“Okay.” She says softly. “Want to go get ice cream with me instead?”
“Not really.” 
“Okay.” She says. “I’ll just sit with you then.” She lays down on the bed next to you. 
There she stays, for the rest of the evening. 
“Hey, uh-” Janie says, sliding into the seat next to you in your homeroom. 
“Well, our other assistant director quit recently, and while I’m pretty confident I can handle the show on my own, we really need someone to take notes during rehearsals, and Bradley suggested you since you’re already familiar with the show since you’ve been running lines with him and stuff.” 
Bradley thought of you? And suggested you to Janie?
“Well, I- yeah, okay.” You say, blinking at the girl. A smile lights up her face as she stands up from the desk. 
“Perfect! See you this afternoon!” 
Sienna frowns, appearing to your left as she sits down next to Bradley at the front of the classroom. 
“What’d she want?” 
“I guess I’m helping out with the play now?” you ask, watching as Bradley looks back at you. 
“What?” Sienna hisses. “Literally two nights ago, you were crying your eyes out over him-” 
“Hey Sienna.” You say, turning to her. “Don’t question it, okay? Let me have this.” 
She narrows her eyes, slowly sinking into the desk next to you. 
“If you say so.”  
“What are you doing?” 
Bradley turns from where he’s dancing through the kitchen, the spoon being used as a microphone. 
Frankie Avalon’s voice floats through the speaker in the corner, the tune of Beauty School Dropout accompanying him. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, trying not to let your grin take over as the boy begins to sing again, swaying his hips as he follows through the steps they’ve been learning in rehearsal. There’s pancake batter dripping off the spoon and to his arm and pajama pants, even as he holds out his other arm for you. 
You bite your lip, barely hiding your amusement at this moment. 
Beauty school dropout, hanging around the corner store
You can’t resist, taking the brunette's arm as he gracefully turns, setting the spoon on the kitchen counter, taking your other hand to move in time with you. 
Now your bangs are curled, your lashes whirled, but still the world is cruel, wipe off that angel face and go back to high school
Bradley croons through the rest of the song and as Frankie Avalon’s voice tapers off, you hear someone sigh. 
You both turn, Bradley not letting go of your hands. Carole stands there with her hands on her hips, a soft smile on her face. 
“This damn musical is taking over our lives.” 
The song starts over and Bradley reaches out for her hands, inviting her to come dance with you as he begins singing again. 
“Andrew, where’s Bradley?” You ask with a sigh, pulling yourself from the car. 
The boy, playing Kenickie, looks over at you from where he’s walking to his car. 
“Still inside, I think. Ms. Scott wanted to run a few of the Sandy and Danny scenes one more time after rehearsal today.” 
“Thanks Andrew.” You call, heading towards the theater. 
“Good to see you mini Mitchell.” He calls as you slide through the doors. 
True to his word, Bradley is just exiting the stage door and he grins when he sees you. 
Unfortunately, you’re at a loss for words, blinking dumbly at the sight of your best friend. 
Today had been the first day of full dress rehearsal, the show quickly approaching. Which meant Bradley was fully Danny Zuko, down to the slicked back hair and fake cigarette hanging from his mouth. 
“Hey kid! Pretty cool costume, right?” He flicks out the switchblade hair comb the props team had gotten for him, striking a pose and slicking back his slightly mussed hair. 
You’re pretty sure you go weak in the knees. 
“Uh-” Your voice comes out all scratchy and you have to clear your throat a few times, trying to formulate words. “It looks great, B.” 
He sends a cheeky grin. “I know.”
Frankie Vialli’s Grease floats through the auditorium as the lights go down, your Dad nudging you as you settle in your seats for the show to start. 
The song tapers off as the curtain rises, lights illuminating the stage as Lacy and Nicole, the girl playing Frenchy, walk out on stage. 
You wait with bated breath for Summer Nights, knowing how worried Bradley had been about slipping on those damn bleachers. 
And of course, his performance is impeccable. 
Watching Bradley on stage is mesmerizing, magical almost. 
You don’t even realize intermission is upon you until the curtain rises and you blink, finally letting in a breath as you relax your shoulders. 
“Are you gonna have to come again tomorrow night when Ice and Sarah come to see Bradley?” Slider says with a nudge as he shares a knowing look with Carole.
“Hi Mr. Mitchell.” Sienna says from behind you, your Dad turning and offering her a smile
“Nice flowers.” Madison snickers, nodding to the flowers at your feet. 
“We went to three stores to get those.” Your Dad responds. 
“Three? You’re really trying hard here-”
The glare you send Matt is enough to silence him as he shrinks back in his seat. 
“Mav!” Bradley shouts across the patio, racing for your Dad, barreling into him before your Dad has barely turned. Your Dad returns the tight hug as your hands become sweaty, turning the crinkling paper in your hand. “Didn’t think you’d make it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Baby Goose.” Mav says, giving him a bright smile. “You looked so good up there.” 
“Thanks Mav.” Bradley is practically beaming as he turns to face the rest of you. “Thanks for coming.” His eyes catch on the flowers in your hand, growing wider. “Did you get me flowers?” 
You glance down at them.
“You know tulips means pure and deep love, right?” Sienna whispers in your ear over the back of the seats. Your cheeks grow hot as you gingerly set them down on the floor. 
“And red means lust-“ 
“Sienna, I’ll hit you.” 
“Yeah, I- uh, I know it’s tradition to get flowers for opening night and I uh-“ If Bradley was beaming before, he’s glowing now, taking the flowers from your hands. 
“Thank you so much.” He says warmly.
Before you can process what happens next, he ducks down and presses a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without you.” 
You can feel the burning warmth take over as you shrug. “Oh, it was- no- no big deal.” 
“Bradley!” April calls, pulling him away with a. smile as you turn back to your Dad. He grins at you.
He shakes his head. “Nothing. Is Carole still in the bathroom? I should go find her.”
“Hey.” Someone’s hand lands on your shoulder as you look up. “Do you want to get out of here and go get ice cream?” Ben asks. “I can drive you home. Got my Dad’s truck for the night.”
“Um-“ Your eyes slide over his shoulder to see your Dad talking to Slider and Carole, Bradley having disappeared back into the crowd. Part of you wants to stay, to see if Bradley will join the four of you for dinner. The other part of you remembers what Sienna said, about him having a crush on you.
 “Let me go ask my Dad, okay?”
“I’ll come with. I know he won’t let you climb into a car with just anyone. He just got back, right?” 
You nod as you squeeze through the crowd. “This morning. Dad.” You call, catching his attention. He turns his head. “This is Ben.” 
Ben holds out his hand. “Benjamin Waters sir. It’s really good to meet you.” Your Dad shakes his hand with a raised eyebrow. 
“Can we- well, can I go get ice cream? With Ben?” 
“I’ll drive her home.” Ben offers, with a smile. 
Slider does a terrible job of hiding his surprise, coughing into his fist and he shoots your Dad a look. 
“Um, as long as you go find Bradley and let him know you’re leaving, yeah, I guess I don’t really have a problem with it.” 
If you thought Bradley was happy, Ben is elated. 
You heave a sigh, eyes scanning the crowd for April. She catches your eye, squeezing her way through the people, her brother Alex in tow. 
“Where’d Bradley go?” 
“Around the building. I think he went to go get changed.” 
You nod, following where she pointed you as Ben follows you like a lost puppy dog. 
Finally, you spot him, still in costume sans leather jacket, leaned up against the building next to the stage door. 
And then-
and then there’s Janie, who is pressing her hands into his shirt as she kisses Bradley. Bradley cups Janie’s cheek, deepening the kiss. 
You turn away, swallowing around the lump in your throat. 
If Bradley isn’t willing to get his shit together enough to see what’s right in front of him, well, there are other guys who will.
You look over at Ben, who’s already watching you. 
Is this- is this what it would always be with Bradley? Always one step behind, always too slow? 
Never enough, never enough, never enough-
“Do you just wanna go?” Ben whispers as you glance back at Bradley. 
Maybe Ben really was the best you’d ever get. You certainly were never gonna get anything from Bradley. 
Bradley breaks away, smiling at Janie as he moves some of her hair back. 
And then his eyes latch on to you, growing wide. Janie turns her head, catching sight of you and Ben. Janie turns as well, stepping back from him and giving you a little finger wave. You’re just far enough away that you can’t hear what she says to him before grabbing the front of his shirt, pulling him down to place a kiss on his cheek. You can see the imprint of her red lipstick on his cheek as she gives you and Ben one last look before slipping back inside the side door. 
Ben clears his throat, taking a few steps back as Bradley walks over to you. 
“Hey, I- uh, didn’t mean to interrupt- that.” You say, glancing back over at where Janie and Bradley had been standing. 
“No-, you- no, it’s okay. Hey, we’re all gonna go out to eat, the whole cast and crew, all of us. You should come with, ‘specially cause you helped out so much-”
“-Or does Mav want to go out to eat? I can-” 
“Bradley, Ben and I are gonna go get ice cream. I just- uh, though you should know.” 
Bradley deflates a little. “Oh. Well, uh-” He shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I- uh, tell Ben that if he tries anything, he’s got me to worry about it. You hear that Ben?” he calls. “You take good care of her.” Ben salutes, as Bradley sets his hand on your shoulder, nudging you towards him. “Go. Have fun.” 
You swallow, nodding as you walk back to Ben. Ben takes your hand as you give Bradley one last look. He gives a soft smile, holding his hand up before you turn back around, listening to Ben chatter. 
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meraki-yao · 4 months
TN Candies Part 2
HI! I’m back with more candies to share :D
Part 1
Again, preface for precaution, but it’s the exact same stuff as last time, so if you know it and you’re okay with it, feel free to cut the chase and go straight to the main event under the cut.  
1, This post contains content regarding real-person shipping. If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships compared to the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
Ok with that being say, main event under the cut:
Lexi Galitzine
Preface for this one, and I cannot emphasise this enough: I did not fact check this one, I don’t follow Lexi on any social media. These are discoveries of the original posters. Please do not disturb Lexi and respect her privacy, especially since she is not a public figure. This is observation and speculation all done in casual, good fun, please respect her and leave her alone.
Starting from 20th December, Lexi Galitzine, Nick’s older and only sister, starting following Taylor on Instagram, which is quite odd since it was past rwrb’s promo period. Even during the promo period, Lexi only liked the rwrb official account’s post on twitter. And it’s her personal account, not her work account, so this is a personal thing.
She then proceeded to like Taylor’s post from the 20th, 23rd , and 29th. All of which are pictures from his China trip, and therefore has nothing to do with Nick.
Lexi is a graphic designer, so she mostly follows artist and designers. For Nick’s co-workers, Lexi only follows two female co-star who are very close to Nick. Taylor’s the first male friend of Nick’s that Lexi followers.
Your Man
As we all know, on Taylor’s birthday, Aneesh posted her (so far) last rwrb photo dump, and among those ones was Taylor and Nick singing together (which was adorable)
They sang “Your Man” together, which is quite a romantic and sweet song if you look at the lyrics
Taylor then commented under the post, and I quote “You recorded Ahahaahhaa”, implying he didn’t know that this was recorded at the time of the video. But… from the video, Aneesh isn’t that far away from the boys, and Taylor’s facing Aneesh, unlike Nick, who was facing Taylor.
(This is fully up to interpretation) There’s such a… vibe between them in that video.  
(To me this is a stretch but) Taylor’s at Nick’s trailer. And if we recall the “OHHH THERE’S THE MOVIE STAR” little video where Nick got all adorably flustered since Taylor filmed Nick getting out of the lift, it means that Taylor was waiting for Nick, and Nick wasn’t surprised to see Taylor, so this has been going on for a while. If there is more than one lift, then Taylor also somehow knows which one Nick’s coming out from. They know each other’s route/place and meet up a lot.
Aneesh posted a video of both of them singing on Taylor’s birthday, and when wishing Taylor happy birthday, she posted that video on her story. It’s Taylor’s birthday, it would have made more sense to post either photos of just Taylor, or Taylor with her, which is what she did for his last birthday.
Nick’s Tiktok
Mentioned this yesterday but I’ll translate it here too: Nick originally followed 83 accounts on Tik Tok. On 11th January 2024, Nick cleared out his following, and only 7 remained: Camila Cabello (Cinderella 2021, Cinderella), Ayo Oedebiri (Bottoms, Josie), Rachel Sennott (Bottoms, PJ), Sio Torley (M&G, Crew), Inez Ella Clark (M&G, Makeup), Cameron Valetina (Model), and Taylor. Taylor is somehow, the only guy remaining.
Among these seven people, Nick mostly likely only introduced Taylor and Camila to Lexi, because Lexi only follows those two on social media
Later Nick followed a 4 generally accounts, but then three days he unfollowed two of those. So he has 9 followings now: 2 content accounts, 6 girl, and Taylor.
Please note that I did not fact check this, and I literally cannot fact check it because Tik Tok is completely unavailable here. Everything I translated is from OP and the screenshots she provided.
I think I’ll leave it there for part 2! Again there is still more, so lemme know if you want a part 3!
Again, this is all in good fun. But after the shit storm yesterday, I kind of wanted to use this to remind people in the rwrb who love them both and are understandably bothered and upset by the haters that the boys are proven to have a good relationship, and this is evidence. Whether these acts are platonic or romantic is none of our business and up to interpretation, but these show that they have a good relationship regardless. Don't let the assholes get to you, and have fun with these :D
Tagging a couple of folks:
@lfg1986-2 @tal-vez-o-quizas @na-18dia @mylucayathoughts @androgynoustriumphclown @hopefulblizzardsublime
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Her First & Her Future
Maddy Perez x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, slight substance abuse (weed), Nate Jacobs, physical assault
Summary: Y/n Jacobs and Maddy Perez had something special. It wasn't long before Nate noticed and decided he wanted what Y/n had. Though Maddy ends up with Nate it seems like she can't get Y/n off her mind.
An: Someone said a Maddy series and I am a lady of the people so buckle up. I will say I intentionally changed some of the timeline of the series to fit better, hope yall still enjoy it.
Pt. 2 Pt.3 Pt.4
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Y/n knew Maddy more than she was supposed to. They had been friends before Maddy started dating her brother. The beginning of her relationship with Nate was the end of the friendship between the two.
It wasn't the obvious betrayal it seemed to be. There was probably something in the code of friendship about dating each other's siblings. However this was deeper.
Y/n had held Maddy through cold nights. She had consoled her whenever she was going through it with her parents. Y/n loved Maddy.
Maddy loved Y/n too. She would make sure the girl ate because she always forgot. She made Y/n smile through the tears Nate had caused her. Maddy even held Y/n through the hot summer days.
They were young lovers. They had been each other's first. Y/n was familiar with every inch of Maddy's body. She knew things about it that even the other girl didn't. Y/n knew how to get Maddy's body to sing three part harmonies with a single touch.
Nate couldn't do that, Y/n was certain. There were only two things Nate had that Y/n didn't; a penis and an ego.
His ego wasn't even real. It came from a place of insecurity. Yet he was the one that Maddy had chosen to be with. He was the one holding her now. He got to be her future whereas Y/n was stuck being her first.
It wasn't fair. Nate already had everything. He was the favorite child, the popular boy, the star quarterback. He could've had any girl, but he chose the one he'd known would hurt Y/n.
Maddy never told Y/n that she and Nate were dating. The girl found out with every other person at the school. As soon as she saw the pair walking down the hallway, she left the premises. She skipped the rest of that school day.
She began to softly spiral. Y/n didn't like hard drugs. She didn't like pills or coke or anything too dangerous. The girl did like to get high on occasion.
Seeing Nate with Maddy was unbearable unless Y/n was high. She became a regular pothead. She smoked every day, working overtime to make sure the smell didn't stick around her too much.
Her friends began taking notice. They were worried for the girl. The only one who knew about why the girl had suddenly become so dependent on cannabis was Lexi.
" Have you guys seen Y/n?"
" Not since earlier when we were all together, why?"
Lexi shook her head and continued searching for her friend. She ended up accidentally bumping into Nate on her way outside.
" Have you seen your sister?"
He shook his head," She's been ditching a lot lately. No idea where."
" Since when does Y/n ditch?" Maddy asked from beside her boyfriend.
Lexi rolled her eyes," I think you can piece it together."
She continued walking past the couple. Maddy's posture dropped for a second before Nate squeezed her hand. She held her head high and continued walking the halls.
Lexi found Y/n under the bleachers by the football field. The girl was laying flat on her back with her arms and legs stretched out.
" Jesus Christ, Y/n."
Slowly the girl's head turned to Lexi, her eyes an unnatural hue of red. " I think my heart is going to explode."
" You're missing class again."
" Who cares?"
Lexi sat on the grass next to Y/n. " I care because now I'm missing class too."
" I'm sorry." Y/n did her best to sit up, her breathing was extremely shallow.
" I hate seeing you like this." She places her hand on top of Y/n's.
Y/n looks straight ahead," I just don't want to feel anything anymore."
" Don't say that," Lexi squeezes Y/n's hand.
Y/n head hangs," It's the truth. Nothing feels good, Lexi. I'm not safe at school, I'm not safe at home, she's going to be there, with him, wherever I go."
Lexi looks at her friend, thinking of her next move very carefully. The hand that rests on Y/n's moves. It trails up the girl's arm to her face, lightly cupping her cheek.
This catches Y/n's attention. She leans into Lexi's touch, her intoxication leading her.
" You don't need her to feel good," Lexi pauses, her thumbs swiping over Y/n's bottom lip," Anyone can make you feel good."
" Lexi-"
The brunette kisses Y/n. Her lips move experimentally against her friend's. The young Howard straddles Y/n as they continue to kiss.
It's easy for Y/n to get caught up in her high state. The sensation of Lexi's warm lips on hers enough to silence the alarms going off in the back of her mind. It's not until Lexi's hips roll on Y/n, that the alarms start ringing loudly.
Y/n pulls back," What're we doing?"
Lexi's face is flushed, her chest heaves up and down," I don't know."
Her thumbs swipes at Y/n's lip again, trying to remove the trace of lipstick that she left there.
" So this is why you were looking for her."
Lexi tries to remove herself from Y/n, but the pothead locks her arms around Lexi's waist. In this state she could care less about her brother and Maddy's reaction.
" It's not really any of your business is it?" Y/n responds to the girl.
Maddy looks furious while Nate seems indifferent. The look the Latina has on her face is enough to scare Lexi, but Y/n stays unphased.
Y/n unhooks her arms from around Lexi, to get to her feet. Her vision is a little blurry and her footing isn't the best, but all that matters to her is that she is standing.
" You can barely stand," Nate points out.
" I'm fine," Y/n shoots back at him.
Nate glances at Lexi and then back at Y/n," It's fine that you're spaced out, but she's not."
Y/n scoffed," Lexi isn't like that. She wouldn't take advantage of me just because I'm not sober."
Before anyone could say anything else, Y/n is walking away from the bleachers." Let's go, Lex."
Lexi doesn't look at the couple, instead follows after Y/n.
" I'm going to take you home, there's no way you can go to class like this." Lexi takes Y/n's hand and drags her to the parking lot.
She struggles, but eventually gets Y/n into the car. The drive to Y/n's is quick and quiet. Lexi went to get out of the car but Y/n grabbed her wrist.
" Why'd you kiss me?"
" Because," she let out a sigh, " words are never enough for you."
Y/n nodded, she slowly leaned over to the driver's side of the car," It felt pretty good Lex."
Lexi took that as her sign to hop out of the car. Y/n's passenger door opened soon after. The Jacobs girl walked around the car to meet Lexi face to face.
" Y/n, you're my best friend and I love you, but I can't."
Y/n brought her chin down to rest on Lexi's shoulder," I'm sorry, I'm all fucked up."
Lexi wraps her arms around the girl," It's ok, let's just get you inside."
Lexi helped Y/n get inside and took her to her room. Y/n face planted on the bed, her body still tingling from the weed.
" You can go back to school, Lex. I'll be fine," she mumbled against her bedsheets.
" Are you sure?"
" Ya I'll be fine."
Lex looked at her friend, face down on the bed. She was hesitant to leave her in this state. This reminded her of her other friend. For a moment she was scared of addiction taking over another person she cared about.
" Y/n, be careful ok?"
The girl on the bed nodded. She felt herself drifting into a deep sleep.
Lexi looked at her one more time, before returning to school.
It had only been an hour since Lexi left when Y/n awoke to a pounding on her front door. The doorbell was ringing obsessively to accompany the banging. She was still groggy from her nap as she went to get the door.
When she opened it, she found Maddy standing on her porch.
" Nate is at school, " she tried to shut the door in Maddy's face, but the Latina wasn't having it. She pushed past Y/n and made her way into the house.
" What, trying to kick me out because your bitch is here?"
" What are you talking about? "
Maddy glares at the girl, " Lexi. Lexi Howard, my best friend's sister. You think you're funny, don't you?"
Y/n's mind begins to clear, " There's nothing going on between me and Lexi."
Maddy's hand lays on her hip," Oh really? Then what was that under the bleachers"
Y/n glared back at the girl, " Are you really doing this right now? Maddy it's none of your business. You're my brother's girlfriend. That's it. I don't care if you saw me fucking her in my room, it doesn't have shit to do with you."
" You know that's a fucking lie. I'm more than just your brother's girlfriend."
" No, you're not. You made your choice Maddy, and it wasn't me, " Y/n told her making her way back to her room.
Maddy was hot on her trail." Y/n, you know I care about you."
Y/n began to laugh," Yes, of course because everyone who cares about me fucks my brother behind my back. "
" It wasn't like that. "
" Then what was it like Madeleine," she cringed when Y/n used her full name," All I know is that we had something. Then all of a sudden we didn't because you wanted Nate."
" Y/n-"
Y/n chuckled as she sat on her bed, " I loved you. So much and... my fucking brother. Out of all the people."
Maddy doesn't know how to respond. There's nothing really she can say to fix this. " It just happened Y/n, please. I would never hurt you like this. You know me."
" I thought I did, but I was wrong. You don't get how fucked up this is Maddy. After you're done fucking my brother, you call me. You blow up my phone because you feel guilty. You want me to sit here and take all of this disrespect, but I just can't."
Maddy has tears pricking at her eyes, but Y/n won't look at her.
" Y/n, I love you."
Y/n shut her eyes tight. " You can't possibly love me. Not after all you put me through, Maddy."
Maddy makes her way over to Y/n. She gently cups the other girl's face. Y/n keeps her eyes closed.
" Baby, please."
Y/n began to shake her head," I just can't Maddy."
Y/n placed her hand over Maddy's and removed it from her face.
It was over then. Maddy walked out of the room. Y/n's back hit the mattress and tears slid down her face.
Months pass and Y/n has a front row seat to just how toxic Nate and Maddy are for each other. Most of the time she's too high to see all of the details.
What she does notice is the obnoxious gifts that Nate is always buying for Maddy. The way the girl always wears his gifts out to school the next day. Y/n thinks of her as his barbie doll in that sense. He gets to dress her up like he wants and she gets a new wardrobe.
She keeps her distance from them, as much as she can. However, they live in a small town and she can't avoid them forever.
" No weed tonight, you promised," Lexi is quick to rip the joint out of Y/n's hand.
Y/n didn't fret, just sighed as they walked through the carnival.
" Fine, but you owe me the time of my life tonight ."
Lexi nudges Y/n's shoulder, "When have I ever let you down?"
Y/n smiles at the brunette, "Never, you're a ride or die."
The night is fun for the most part, but it takes a turn when Y/n and Lexi meet up with Cassie and the other's. The weird energy had made Y/n want to take a smoke break.
Lexi might've taken a joint, but Y/n had more than one on her. With the excuse of a bathroom break, she breaks away from the strange group.
She looks for a secluded place to smoke. That's when she sees them. Nate stalks towards Maddy, who was cowering in fear. It wasn't her business, but when Nate's hands wrapped around Maddy's throat it became her business.
With adrenaline running through her veins Y/n quickly approached the pair. Her hands quickly closed around Nate's waist and she threw the boy to the ground. He was quickly on his feet.
" What the fuck is wrong with you, Nathaniel?"
Y/n saw her brother's fists clenching by his sides. His eyes shifted over to Maddy's as he expected her to defend him.
" I don't care what she says, I know what I saw. I know the type of person you are. So go cool off Nate," Y/n's eyes never left his as she spoke.
He took one more glance at Maddy, but then stalked off. As soon as he was out of sight Y/n was quick to turn her attention to Maddy.
Y/n's eyes shot straight for the bruises forming around Maddy's neck. She wanted to be in disbelief, but she knew her brother. He'd always been violent.
" He'll keep hurting you if you let him," it was a whisper.
" I know," she says back softly.
Y/n offers her hand," Let me take you home."
Maddy shakes her head," I'm good."
Y/n takes Maddy's hand in her's, " Maddy, you're not good."
At those words, Maddy collapses in the other girl's arms. Her body shakes with sobs. Y/n holds her tightly, only now fully grasping what happened.
She keeps Maddy's hand in hers and guides her out of the secluded area. Against Maddy's previous wishes, Y/n ends up taking her home.
Maddy's house is empty when they arrive. They went straight up to her room. Maddy tries to pull herself together, wiping the tears from her eyes. Y/n fidgets as she waits for the girl to say something. The need to smoke quickly returned to her system.
" You're scratching like an addict," Maddy breaks the silence.
" I'm nervous."
" And you want to smoke."
Y/n meets the girl's eyes," Maddy is now really the time? He choked you, what would have happened if I wasn't there?"
" It doesn't matter, I'm fine."
Y/n raised her voice," That's bullshit! He put his hands on you, Maddy. That's something he could go to jail for. It's assault."
" I'm not pressing charges."
Y/n's mouth drops open," I don't know how to help you. I just don't understand what you see in him. He's just toxic."
" And you aren't? "
Y/n voice dangerously falters," What did you just say to me?"
" There's that famous Jacob's temper, I know so well."
Y/n blinks at the girl a few times. " Nate is my brother by blood, not by choice. Maybe we're more similar than I'd like to admit, but I'd never put my hands on you. I'd never gaslight you into thinking you owe me something after buying you luxury coats. I would never break your heart like he has."
" He loves me."
Y/n snorts after Maddy says that. " No, he loves having control over you. He loves that you are his possession."
" That's not true."
" I know him better than you do. It's funny I actually know both of you better than you know each other. When he breaks your heart for the last time, I want an apology."
Y/n exits with those being her last words to Maddy. What happened between Maddy and Nate was no longer her business. She tried to get through to the girl, but it was no use.
Nate had her under his spell and there was nothing Y/n could do about it. 
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 10 - The Finale!
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9
It's the end doo doo doo doo! The final match of the season, the ending. I really hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. I've had the best time and I'm really proud of this one! 💜
Chapter 10
You hadn’t considered that footballers or their coaches would get nervous. But the tension in the run up to the Man City game was palpable. The whole town seemed on edge, Roy included. He’d spent each one of your Lexie nights at your house, it felt a little odd that he was there observing your boring mum routine of washing, cooking and carrying the mental load of knowing where Lexie needed to be, when and everything else in between. He didn’t ask to stay, even though you’d wanted him to, he’d said goodnight each evening and gone back to his place. By the time Lexie was back to her dads, you’d worked out that he’d been there every evening not just because he’d wanted to be, but because he’d needed to be. The build up to the game had him restless and distractible and the time with you and Lexie managed to relax him far more than sitting in an empty house, or going over and over the match with Jamie, or Nate or whoever else was free for a pint. When you’d gone to him just a day before the match, the only solace he’d found from the plays, the tactics and the team, was in you. He took his time, undressing you slowly and kissing every inch of skin as it became exposed to him.
"Let me take care of you," you whispered. You felt his head shake as he kissed down your neck. 
"I've never needed anyone like I need you." He muttered, swiping a calloused thumb over your hardening nipple, "you look so fucking beautiful like this." You rolled your hips against him, 
"Please, Roy. I need you-" you all but begged. All night he'd taken the lead and given you everything, losing himself in the feel of your body against his. When they won the next day, you were euphoric. Lexie and Phoebe had been in bits when the camera had focused in on Roy and Nate discussing something over an iPad and they could see that Roy was wearing his Richmond colours friendship bracelet. The late journey back from Manchester and the subsequent celebrations meant that it was Tuesday morning before you saw him again. You’d joined the slip road to the school, queuing for the carpark with the windows down and blasting 90s dance music when his car had pulled alongside yours. You and Lexie had been so engrossed in singing/shouting Robin S ‘Show Me Love’ - complete with 'big box, little box' hand dancing - that you hadn’t even seen him until Phoebe had called through the open windows. 
“Morning. Congratulations on the win!” You’d called out.
“Morning. Nice dancing.”
“Especially for you.” You winked. You’d ended up parked at different ends of the carpark so he and Phoebe had waited for you by the gate as you walked down to them. You’d pulled out your phone to take a call from a recruitment agency so he’d walked alongside you while you talked and the girls ran ahead. “And that’s in Richmond? Wow, ok that sounds really interesting. Absolutely yes, send my CV over if you think I’m in with a shot. Actually, just send it over anyway - I’d be mad not to at least try,” at the front of the queue at the gates, you handed Lexie her bag and gave her a kiss whilst still on the phone, “Ok, could you just hang on one second please?” You moved the phone away from your mouth and stepped up on tiptoes to give Roy a lingering kiss. The other playground parents looked on, wide eyed. “I have to go, I love you. See you later.” You whispered, taking up the phone again and going back to the car, your hand holding onto his until you couldn’t reach any further. Lexie was with her dad during the beginning of that week so that she could go with you to the final Richmond match at the weekend, so after work you’d gone straight to Roy’s. You hopped up to sit on the counter while he cooked.
“Ted’s staying.” He told you, hands on your thighs.
“Really? That’s great!”
“He got to work this morning and Rebecca was in his office. She only fucking told him she was in love with him, that she’d help his ex get a job here if she wanted to move, she’d help them find a school for Henry… pretty much told him she’d do fucking anything if he’d say.” You leaned forward, eager to hear more,
“And did he tell her?”
“Yeah, told her he was in love with her. We walked in to find them nearly going at it in the office.” You shrieked,
“Oh god that’s so cute! At least you all know before the weekend as well.”
“Settles the lads down a bit, bunch of fucking kids sometimes.” You slid forward to wrap your legs around his hips. “Any news on that job from this morning?” His hands move up your thighs and around your waist so he can kiss your neck,
“Not yet, the agency is putting me forward. It’s in Richmond though, which would be amazing. I should hear more tomorrow.”
“And how you feeling going into your last week?”
“Happy. Scared. Nervous.”
“We’ll figure it out, you know. I won’t let you fucking drown. Season finishes at the weekend, so this time next week I’ll have loads more free time for a few weeks. I can help with Lex while you do what you need to do.” He’s turned the pan off and pulled you off the counter, taking you over to the sofa, dinner forgotten for now.
You took a further call from the recruitment agency the following day. Their client was interested in meeting you but needed an informal off-site meeting. You arranged with the recruiter to meet with them towards the end of the week just outside of town. To say you were surprised to see Keeley Jones and Rebecca Welton being led to your table was an understatement. You shook hands and sat back down before your legs could give out. The mums might have been all good, the kids, but maybe you were about to be ousted by two of the most influential women in Roy’s life? You clearly looked terrified because Keeley, to her credit, took your hand and held it,
“Oh fuck, you look so scared! I’m so sorry we ambushed you, are you ok?” You think of the night before when Roy had cooked your favourite meal while you’d taken Lexie to swimming lessons and then onto her dads. When you’d sat in his lap and pushed your fingers into the knot in his shoulder to try and relieve some of the stress of the final week of the season. When he’d lost all patience and decided on a different way to unwind, which had mostly revolved around keeping his head between your thighs for as long as you let him. You think about your 4am wake up call that morning, and the 6am follow up, where he’d interlocked your fingers above your head and pressed you into the mattress as he whispered “I could do this forever”. Whatever had changed their mind in the time since the gala, you couldn’t let it derail your future.
“Look, if you’ve suddenly come to the realisation that I’m not good enough for Roy then that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. But I’m not going to be scared off. He loves me and I’ll take that for as long as I possibly can because I am so, so in love with him and I will spend forever making him happy in any way I can. I’m really sorry, I’m sure you’re both lovely women and I know he values your opinions, but if he’s ever going to change how he feels about me then he’ll do it himself and he’ll tell me himself. And congratulations by the way,” you turn to Rebecca, “I heard that Ted is staying and that he finally told you he loves you. I’m so happy for you.” Keeley smiled at you while Rebecca looked curiously. 
“Are you sure about this?” She asked Keeley,
“I’ve been doing some digging. Trust me, Rebecca.”
“We’re not here to try and break you and Roy up.” Rebecca said finally,
“Oh. Well then I don’t understand?”
“I’d like to interview you for a job.”
“Sorry, what? Shit, have I just fucked it up completely?”
“Nahh!” Keeley said quickly.
“Well-” Rebecca interrupted.
“No, she hasn’t. We probably scared her half to death, Rebecca! Give the poor woman a minute to recover.” You finish your water and take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, really I am. I got completely carried away and I shouldn't have gone off like that.”
“Thank you,” Rebecca said, smiling at last. “And thank you for letting me know just how much you care about Roy.” You nod, making peace. Keeley whipped out some paperwork from her bag.
“So! Like Rebecca said, this is I guess, a final stage interview without all the previous stages? We already know about you, we'd love to know more. Our previous Director of Comms was Leslie Higgins, he moved into the Football Ops role quite a while ago now and there’s never really been the need to replace him. He and Rebecca have sort of taken on the various tasks and it’s worked fine.” She pauses for Rebecca to step in and continue,
“Now though, we’re one game away from maybe winning the Premier League just one season after coming back from relegation. That’s practically unheard of. The huge, growing success of the club, the opportunities with the Champions League next season and our plans for the future mean that we need to strengthen the internal team. KBPR can only do so much - they have other clients and I can’t ask Keeley to devote all of her time to the club.”
“We think,” Keeley started, “that with us, and Leslie and you… we could be a real Fab Four. The core AFC Richmond decision makers - with the coaches input of course.” You are stunned, to say the least.
“When you say you’ve done some digging, what exactly do you mean by that?”
“Well, when you told me who you worked for and what you’d worked on, I realised that we’d met before. I’ve been asking around people who have worked with you or who have come across you in a professional capacity to learn more. When I liked what I saw, I took it to Rebecca.”
“With Ted confirmed as staying now, I have some big plans ahead for Roy. We have some very big plans ahead as a club.”
“And you don’t think it would be weird? Me working with you, for one,” you gesture to Keeley, “or with Roy?”
“I’ve been at the club probably at least two or three times a week since the day you blocked him in on the school car park. He came in ranting and raving about some idiot driver and every day, I’ve heard him fall more in love with you. If he found out there was a way to have you in the same building every day, I think he’d be beating Rebecca’s door down himself. And working in the same building doesn’t necessarily mean you spend every waking hour together. You still have crucial jobs to do. And as for me, I'd love to work with you.” Rebecca nodded in agreement.
“The job is nothing you don’t already know, the only difference is the industry.”
“Exactly, my football knowledge is… limited at best!”
“We’re a family, we wouldn’t let you drown.” Hearing Rebecca use the same phrase as Roy struck a chord with you.
“I take it you have a job spec, contract, everything I need to read through and make a decision?”
“An interview is as much about you deciding if we’re the right fit for you, as it is for us to decide. I think you’ll find that the club's current standing means we can afford to give you a generous package, and the locality means we can support a better work-life balance.”
“Take this, read it and see what you think.” You take the folder.
“As his friends, do you think I should tell Roy now, or decide based on him not knowing? I assume we’ve met here because he doesn’t know, and inviting me to Nelson Road would be a dead giveaway?”
“Perhaps tell him about the role first and then bring in where it came from. Let him help offer an opinion based on the job alone.” Rebecca suggested. “And I do so hope you’ll agree to join us, I think you could be a truly great asset to the club.”
You’d kept the folder at your house, not daring to leave it in a bag or your car in danger of accidentally taking it to Roy’s. Being at yours also meant you could be ‘busy’ and have Lexie as a buffer and it also being your last week at your current workplace, this also gave you an excuse for being more distracted than usual. The last game of the season was doing the same for him so his being distracted also helped you. The intimacy of spending time alone at Roy’s exposed all of your vulnerabilities. You’d spent so many nights laying in the dark in his arms listening to him talk about his family and career, and have him ask about yours, it was impossible to hide anything from him. You’d mentioned the role to him, you’d had to since he knew about the original recruiter call, and he’d reacted to it exactly as you hoped he would - excited for you to have such a great opportunity, close to home, with a package befitting your knowledge and experience. You wanted to wait until after the West Ham game to tell him exactly who the role was for. Lexie was spending the night before the match at Phoebe’s for a sleepover. The night before the Man City game meant you knew exactly how he'd want to forget the West Ham match and this time, you'd planned accordingly. You'd finished your final day at work early and had blown the cash from your leaving card on the most beautiful lingerie set you'd ever seen. You'd come back via Nelson Road to borrow his keys, and gone back to his to cook. When he got back late that afternoon, you'd set up outside under the secluded canopy in his garden with soft lights, blankets and cushions. You handed him a beer and led him outside, brought food out - including dessert, and then when you'd eaten and cleared up, you stepped in front of him and slipped your summer dress down your body. He reached out and took your hand, you'd sat in his lap with your legs either side of his. He ran his finger over the cup of the bra, 
"Holy fucking shit, you're perfect," 
"Distracting enough?"
"Yeah I'd say so." He said gruffly. “It’s a good fucking job I just need to stand on the side of the pitch now.” He laughed. 
The match was intense, unexpected drama on the sidelines and Isaac’s incredible goal had everyone holding their breath for another goal or for news from the Liverpool game. When the win came, no one seemed to care what the final table result was. The fans flooded the pitch to be with their team. You, Sara and the girls had stayed back a little, you could see better as Coach Lasso danced with his team surrounding him. When you let the girls onto the pitch, they run straight to Roy and he ends up with Phoebe on his front and giving a piggyback to Lexie at the same time.
“Don’t come crying to me later when you can’t walk.” You tease, finding a route past Phoebe to give him a kiss.”
“You’re not gonna fucking take care of me?” He asks, faux outraged.
“Every. Single. Day.”
“Dad!” Lexie calls, she taps Roy’s shoulder and he lets her down. Andy is coming across the pitch from the away fans side.
“Alright love.” He scoops her up and hugs her. “Congratulations,” he says to Roy who nods without greeting. “Dunno what old Mannion was doing. Made us look like fools. Do you ehh, do you know if our gaffer is ok?”
“Yeah, that old twat is fine. Just a bruised ego and a picture of his balls on the front of every paper tomorrow.” Andy shrugs.
“I uhh, I wanted to apologise to you both. I was a real dickhead-” Roy snorts a laugh, “worse than that, then. I’m sorry. I’ve been watching since the game finished. You look happy.” He turns to you,
“I am.” You say shortly, unsure whether to trust the apology.
“Good. I mean it, you look happy together. And Lexie tells me so all the time. I’m… happy for you.” You thank him and he heads off with his mates to the pub. You’re left with the feeling that you might never be friendly, but you can at least be cordial. Relieved of carrying the kids, Roy pulls you into his arms.
“He’s jealous.”
“Of me?” he laughs,
“Of me, you muppet.” He leans down to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, “because you're the one. You're it. You're the only one I want for the rest of my life. And he knows he fucked it up.”
“Hmm, you're pretty irresistible yourself.” The kiss you leave him with leaves you both breathless,
“Think we can find somewhere-”
“No way, there are hundreds of people here. I need to tell you something later.” He looks curiously at you, but you both get caught up in another ‘Richmond til we Die’ chant when Jamie, Keeley and a raft of players come over to find Roy. A little further through the crowd, you see Ted sweep Rebecca into his arms and kiss her. Even an hour after the game had ended, the club was still heaving with people. The fans had gone on to celebrate elsewhere but the families and friends of the players and staff remained. Rebecca had instructed the bar to stay open, insisting that she’d cover the bill. Phoebe and Lexie were still running around on the now empty pitch with Leslie’s younger children and other player’s and staff kids. You’ve told Sara about the job and you can’t wait to tell Roy. He’s sitting with Nate, both of them animatedly discussing Jamie’s Oscar winning performance with Coach Beard. 
“Have you got an answer for me yet?” Rebecca asks, sitting next to you in the dugout.
“Yes, I think I do. I’d like to run it by someone in particular first though.” You catch Roy’s eye, he looks surprised but happy to see you talking to Rebecca. She waves her hand to call him over.
“Coach Kent, congratulations.”
“You too.”
“I meant your excellent girlfriend, not the match.” He cocks an eyebrow at her,
“Thanks then. She’s fucking brilliant.”
“I know. Thought I might poach her from you?” The furrow in his brow deepens with his confusion. You stand up and kiss the frown away.
“The amazing job I’ve been offered? It would be here. Working for Rebecca.” You tell him, trying to keep your voice light but nervous for his response.
“Here? Every day?” 
“Yeah,” you start to mistake his hesitation for annoyance, “but if you think that’s really fucking weird, then I can tell Rebecca to stuff it - no offense, Rebecca - and I can carry on looking and something else will turn up-”
“I don’t think it’s really fucking weird. I think you should say yes. You should definitely fucking do it.”
“Fuck yeah.” 
“You’d better come over tomorrow then, sign your contract.” Rebecca says with a smile. “Welcome.” You and Sara party on the pitch with the team until the girls start to flag and it’s time to go. You insist Roy stay,
“I’ll see you tomorrow, go - have an amazing night, you’ve earned it. I’m so fucking proud of you.” You kiss him and he waves you off. 
You’re reading in bed when the door knocks so quietly you think you might have imagined it. Lexie is practically comatose in her bed, the combination of exhilaration and fresh air has completely wiped her out. You creep down the stairs in one of Roy’s t-shirts and open the door. Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep with an arm slung around Roy.
“Tried to get him to come to a club with us, but he made us bring ‘im ‘ere instead.” You stifle a giggle, you can see that Roy’s nowhere near as drunk as Jamie but he’s still looking at you with total adoration.
“Thanks Jamie, I’ll take it from here. You have a good night,” you look around him to the taxi down the path. Isaac and Colin are both waving madly at you. “Be safe, boys.” You wave to them and blow a kiss before slipping your arm around Roy’s waist and guiding him inside.
“Night Coach,” Jamie grins.
“Night Tartt, fuckin’ love you man. Fuckin’ love all of you.”
“We know. And we wouldn’t have been on that fuckin’ pitch without you.” Jamie gave you both a little salute and ran off back to the taxi.
“Come on, coach. Time for bed.” You lead him upstairs and sit him on the bed so you can take off his t-shirt, then you drop to your knees and unlace his trainers. You pull his hands to get him to stand up, running your hands around the waistband of his dark jeans and pulling them down. Once they’re free of his hips, he sits back down. “Come here,” you whisper, climbing into bed and pulling him with you, his body between your legs and his head on your heart. 
“Feels like I won the whole fucking thing.” He whispers against your skin as he falls asleep.
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yourtouchismidas · 8 months
How is Taylor with the other girls (Shay valentine and the twins)
so gigi and taylor are already friends, as gigi likes to think. obviously they dont see each other often as taylor is a busy woman, and so is your family, but gigi likes to watch her music videos and award shows and then matty will text taylor telling her gigi loved the new video, or saying congratulations, and taylor will reply. aw thank you sweet girl or ugh what an angel. but it is a while before taylor and gigi meet again, properly, when all the girls are born and old enough to come along to things. the band are nominated for a brit and taylor is performing, and for the first time, all five healy girls will be in the audience.
it might be a stupid fucking idea. the twins are three years old, which is younger than when gigi first attended awards, and there is two of them, but the whole band are there, and their partners, and when matty first floated the idea of bringing all the girls, and you scoffed in his face, the boys convinced you that they would be there to help, that they wouldnt drink until the girls were tucked up in bed, that they could play man to man with the twins, who were always better behaved for george, ross and adam than they were for their own parents. so you all end up round a few tables, each girl with glitter in their hair, nails painted, sparkling dresses. gigi wears dark purple, almost black, shay is in yellow with her hair in an updo curling around her face, valley wears dusty pink, silk, and the twins are dressed in the cutest pale blue dresses covered in daisies. you haul them all down the red carpet, hands holding hands holding hands, matty being stopped by interviewers who coo at whatever twin he is holding (you don't know, you just know they are both still with one of you) and you glance back and around at your girls and the crowds thinking how the hell is this my life.
the girls are spectacularly well behaved. the older three entranced by the stage and the outfits and the music, each with headphones that match their dresses. lexie plays quietly on george's lap, him wiggling her arms to dance to the songs. stevie, who were most worried about, is passed out on matty's shoulder almost the whole time.
when taylor comes out to perform, the older girls scream. taylor catches sight of gigi and waves to her, and then her eyes dance through all the girls who she has only seen on instagram before, singing the lyrics as if just to them. so cute she mouthes at you and matty before jumping right back into the next verse.
the band don't win, which you're secretly thankful for, because you dont know what you'd have done with all the girls had the boys had to go up on stage. matty has won many awards and you know he doesn't mind, especially because the winner is a newcomer who he's helped mentor.
after the awards have finished, taylor comes out into the audience, in something less swishy and dramatic than what she was wearing for her performance. she comes over to the band's table, scanning the girls again and grinning, before pulling matty into a hug.
"you've got a little army of them. i love it. i love it!" she says, as gigi sidles up to her, still shy of "princess taylor", even though in the comfort of her own house she calls her "my best friend."
"hello gorgeous girl," taylor says, and scoops gigi into her arms where she wraps her legs around her waist and rests her head on her shoulder. matty strokes gigi's curls from behind.
"why you acting shy, gi?" he says to her and she mumbles, "stop it matty," into taylor's shoulder.
shay barrels into taylor's legs as soon as she puts gigi down and squeezes her, making taylor laugh.
"oh why are you so precious, come here, let me look at you," she says, and scoops shay up too.
"this is my dreamer," matty says, "and this is my genius," he says, pulling valley out of the crowd and setting her in front of taylor. valley waves to her casually, unaffected by celebrity.
"this is valentine, right?" taylor asks. matty nods. "that's a beautiful name," she says to the girl. "maybe i should write a song about you?"
"no me! me!" shay says.
"about both of you. all of you!"
"how do you do that thing where you disappear in the smoke?" valley asks.
"magic!" shay says, looking to taylor expectantly to confirm her theory.
"obviously magic," taylor says, laughing, and then winking at valley. later, when no one else can hear them, she explains to valley the mechanics of it, but before that, she twirls shay round a few times, dancing with her, and then with all three of the big girls. when she talks to the other boys, stevie, awake now, reaches out her arms to her to be held, and then so does lexie, so she ends up with both in her arms, twirling their fingers around in her hair.
a few days later, the doorbell rings. it's a delivery. five packages. five princess dresses. all different. all specially chosen. shay's has fairy wings. valley's has green vines creeping up the sleeves. gigi's has stars and moons in sparkles. the twins have poufy lace skirts. she has signed them all. love aunty taylor x
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thedarkestgreys · 7 months
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your violent overnight rush
hbo euphoria // chapter 29/42 // rated e
lexi XIII
There’s a horribly cheesy early 2000’s love ballad blasting from the DJ’s speakers as Lexi and Jules sway a couple feet behind their friends, holding each other at arm's length as they dramatically scream-sing about every third word because they are laughing too hard for much more. It’s a freeing feeling, acting like a goofy kid on one of the last nights of her high school career. It’s the youngest Lexi has let herself feel in a long time, everything has been so serious for years now, and in the back of her mind she knows it's the youngest she’ll ever get a chance to be ever again. “Can you fucking believe this?” Jules shouts as she links their hands and pulls Lexi closer as the slow dance ends and some pop song starts blasting in its place. “Did you think at the start of the school year we’d be at prom together?” Lexi lets out a laugh, because no, absolutely not. She and Jules had never been particularly close - friendly for Rue’s sake but not besties, mostly due to insecurity on Lexi’s part. Now she got to consider the blonde one of her closest friends, something that seemed impossible at the start of the school year.
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argentisbeloved · 7 months
hello monday my favourite monday can u. write akito x fem reader where akito is at a like. music venue and is watching his gf perform and is just blown away by her and maybe after the performance there is a kiss. Monday this is so awkward ily pls u got thisim
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pairing(s): akito shinonome x female reader
cws: none applicable!!
tags: established relationship between akito & the reader, basically just cute fluff!!!
notes: hi lexie my favourite lexie. also adding tags to my works from now on!! also also apparently im supposed to ask for reblogs, so make sure to do that too!!
word count: 349
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Akito was blown away.
You had came to Vivid Street later than him, meaning he’d been singing for longer than you had.
But you were so skilled despite being so inexperienced, it completely blew him away.
As he stood in the crowd of the music venue you were performing at, he couldn’t help but feel prideful, especially since he’s able to be the one dating such a talented person as you.
Once your performance had ended and the crowd erupted in cheers, he watched you walk off stage, and he followed quickly behind so he could meet up with you.
Akito waited patiently outside of the backstage for you, leaning against the wall and scrolling through his phone mindlessly.
When you came out through the door, you spotted him almost immediately. Your face lit up with excitement as you rushed over to him.
“Akito! Hi!” You smiled widely.
“What did you think of my performance?? Was it good??” You pressed him with various questions, all while excitedly bouncing on the spot.
Akito smiled at your energetic mood, placing his phone into his pocket to give his full attention to you. “It was great. You have a real talent for this, y’know?”
If it were possible, your face lit up with more happiness than it already had.
“You think so?? You’re not just saying that because you’re my boyfriend, are you?”
“Of course not.” Akito responded, slinging his arm over your shoulders as you both began to walk out of the music venue.
When you both were outside and completely alone, you turn to face Akito and you cup his cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss.
“Thank you.” You say softly, a complete contrast from how loud and energised you were just before.
Akito smiled at you, kissing you briefly once again as a response.
After the kiss, he slings his arm back over your shoulders and presses you against his side, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you both walked through the streets to eventually go your seperate ways and go home for the night.
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iseos · 1 year
: dream girl
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wc. 1110 archive. pairing. huh yunjin x fm!r synopsis. it was all in her head genre. fluff, angst now playing: bad dream by lexie liu
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YUNJIN OPENS HER EYES TO WATCH as the clouds slowly glide across the sky while her head rests on your shoulder. you're both comfortably sat on a bench together in your backyard as you read a book with one hand holding yunjin's, occasionally letting go to turn the page.
you gasp, physically perking up suddenly. yunjin lifts her head to look at you, your hair covering the side of your face but she can tell you're facing out into the expansive field and trees ahead instead of down at the words.
“i just remembered the most perfect place where we can relax, should we go there instead?”
“but your shoulder is so comfortable,” yunjin pouts.
“c’mon,” you almost beg, “i know you’ll love it!”
yunjin still was hesitant, not wanting to ruin the tranquil air they had found themselves in, but she could feel the excitement radiating off of you and ultimately agrees with a nod.
without saying anything else, yunjin allows herself to be pulled as the two girls start running barefoot away from the house and towards the trees with their hands intertwined. the grass brushed against their ankles and the long blades left remnants of the morning dew on their skin.
they passed through the trees and other foliage low to the ground until yunjin was led into a clearing in the forest.
the trees lessened, leaving an open area for the bright sky to shine down onto the lush grass that was littered with dainty wildflowers growing all throughout.
it felt like a hidden oasis untouched by the outside world just for the two of you.
the two girls drop onto the ground in the middle of the clearing in a fit of giggles, their limbs thrown across the grass as they lay side by side. you discarded your book somewhere nearby as you laid down, no longer interested in it.
you shift to instead sit on your knees and look out into the distance. the sounds of running water in a nearby creek blended with birds singing and chirping crickets in the distance as your ambient background music.
a light breeze blew through the field, ruffling the leaves on the trees a few feet away, making the grass dance around them, it even blew your hair gently, almost teasing yunjin as she tries to catch a peak of your visage.
"can we stay like this for a little while? it's nice," the brunette sighs dreamily, making you turn your focus onto the peaceful girl.
"we can stay for as long as you'd like."
yunjin brings her hand up to shield her eyes from the bright sun hanging in the sky above the two of you, but you instead guide her hand to your lips as you leave a gentle kiss on the palm of her hand. a rosy blush begins to color yunjin's skin at the contact and she quickly turns her head away.
your quiet laughter floats through the surrounding air followed by the sound of you shuffling in the grass.
feeling your presence hovering over her, yunjin turns back to see you kneeling closer beside her, the sun behind your head like an eclipse.
you admired the girl for a moment and the small flowers that grew above her like a crown. yunjin couldn't even adjust her eyes in time to fully make out your features before you were leaning in to leave small pecks all across her face.
when you eventually pulled back from your crusade of love against her skin, yunjin had her eyes squeezed closed and a large smile adorning her lips.
playfully, you poke her arm. "jennifer," you singsong, but she just shakes her head no.
you try again, "jen." still nothing.
"yunjinie," you laugh at the girl laying comfortably in the lush grass ignoring your calls with her eyes still pinched tightly shut.
a gentle hand is felt on the brunette's leg just above her knee as it shakes her gently.
yunjin still refuses to open her eyes as her name continues to be called.
the voice gets quieter as if it starts to whisper while continuing to call out to her until it ultimately becomes silent. the sound of the leaves blowing in the light wind, the melodic voice calling yunjin's name, even the birds in the distance come to an end. 
the silence continues for only a moment before the voice returns, "yunjin c'mon," only this time it's different and less gentle than before.
the hand returns to her knee again too. like the voice, it's less gentle, shaking her now with more annoyance rather than amusement.
yunjin decides to finally open her eyes, only to be met with the harsh fluorescent light that quickly created an ache behind her eyes.
instead of you kneeling beside her in the grass with a halo of sunlight around your head, a less than amused chaewon was stood to yunjin's right watching her wake up and rejoin their reality.
a reality that severely lacked you.
looking around with a pain in the side of her neck from resting her head awkwardly on the arm of the chair was in, yunjin noticed the other girls spread through the open room stretching.
chaewon sighs at the seemingly not fully awake girl, "practice is starting again soon, get up." yunjin rubbed out the knot in her neck and joined her other members for the rest of the practice, though with a distant mind and a heavy heart.
later that night after they had all returned to their rooms, yunjin hurried to get to sleep once more, eagerly wanting to be swept away back to that field; back to you. but it never worked.
as the days went on, the brunette girl took every chance she got—every time she went to sleep—hoping to return to something she barely knew.
yunjin even went as far as recreating how she first fell asleep, sitting in the same chair in their practice room with her head bent to the side, though that always left her with nothing but a repeated pain in the side of her neck and a longing in her heart.
her mind could only replay the memories of your short time together on a loop, but the longer yunjin fought her unconscious mind to take her back to you, the more it became harder to even remember what she was looking for. and much like how you slipped out of her grasp and out of her dreams, eventually that peaceful breeze she once felt against her skin instead swept away the memory of you and your false promises.
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“i recognize when our time is over, you’d be gone”
© iseos
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lexosaurus · 11 months
Hey, Lexx! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Okay I couldn't narrow it down so I'm adding a 6th fic akjnsdfksjnd. So here's my top 6 fics with some commentary because I'm extra af:
1: Everything Was White: After being accidentally revealed to the public and taken away by the government, Danny deals with the aftermath of his time with the GIW.
Yeah, this won't come as a surprise to many. This VERY angsty longfic sorta marked a turning point for me where I started taking writing more seriously, really looking at plot structures, doing research, interacting with other writers. I went into this with "I'll just do a twoshot cuz I suck and I'm not capable of writing much more," and seeing how far I've come in skill and confidence has honestly kept me totally enamored with this fic. I love that I can see my improvement as the fic's gone on. I've gone back and cleaned up the early chapters, and I can still see a distinct difference. Makes me very happy!
2: Morge: It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming...a corpse was found in the woods.
This was my first Invisobang fic and also my first (and only? so far?) Outsider POV fic. I loved exploring the perspectives of Amity Park and Phantom from somewhat regular people who don't know much about ghosts. And, of course, writing Danny slowly losing it as the fic went on was a great bonus!
3: Transformation Troubles: A hit from one of Skulker's weapons leaves Danny temporarily unable to transform out of his ghost form. Unfortunately for him, he still has classes to attend.
This fic is just a vibe, honestly. It's a "guilty pleasure" category of DP fics that are few and far between (glitching powers, still has to go to class) but I absolutely inhale any chance I get to read one. College AU, post-reveal MY BELOVED real tea y'all. This basically came from me wanting a niche thing and going, "Fine, I'll write it myself!!"
4: and then he woke up: In his dreams, he woke up in his cell again.
This oneshot is similar to EWW where it's my take on what a realistic GIW recovery might look like. Aka, Danny Has A Bad Time. It's a very sad hurt/comfort fic, but I think it also represents a "level up" in my descriptions and pacing that I've been trying to employ more in recent fics.
5: Black and White Roses: When he died, he didn't get a memorial service. He didn't get the vigil, the flowers, the headstone. In fact, no one even found his body.
Dude idk man I just really love Valerie and Phantom's dynamic. Also, thought it'd be really interesting to write a full ghost AU fic, which it was, because as I was writing it I realized like hey, he'd have a corpse, and corpses are kinda freaky aren't they? Like how would you react if ur ghost friend was like "Hey yeah my corpse is over there." That'd be fucking nuts.
6: Birthmark: “No, it’s…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyebrows were pinched and he looked almost sick. When he finally spoke, his voice was small. “They’re not tattoos.”
Lichtenberg HC my beloveddddd seriously I love it so much I am SO normal about it. That and Phantom and Valerie becoming friends fics. Literally so fucking normal guys. Just trust me bro.
Yeah 5 and 6 are so similar so I couldn't pick between them hahaha. But this is my current top fave fics!
I'm also REALLY excited to release all the stuff that I've been working on the past year this fall. Not tryna gas myself up here but I've been sitting on so much stuff since last NaNo and I'm just ahhhhh!
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amethystunarmed · 13 days
These Changes Within Me
Word Count: 850 Ao3 Written for Hatchetfield @femslashfortnight Day 3: Gay Awakening Hannah Foster contemplates her feelings surrounding Spitfire.
Nice things don't happen to Hannah Foster. This is the law of the universe. Of many universes. 
Hannah's counselor had called her “depressed” and “a nihilist” when she'd said it, but Hannah knows it is true. She's seen it. 
She has seen the Hannah with blue blood dripping down her face, singing at the top of her lungs. She watched the Hannah clinging to Lexi as an glowing golden streak vaporized Hatchetfield. She witnessed the Hannah killed in the crossfire while Grace Chasity read from a black book with a white symbol on the front. 
Hannah Fosters don’t get nice things. That is to say... Not until now. 
Hannah comes into the locker room after her fight, still buzzing with adrenaline and high off the cheers of the crowd. She is swarmed by kids her own age and they're... Cheering. They seem... Excited, to meet her. Hannah hadn't known it was possible for other kids to not just tolerate her, but to actually want her around.
She can't help her blush as they praise her and that blush only grows as Spitfire weaves through the crowd to face Hannah directly. Spitfire’s harsh gaze hits her harder than she expects. Hannah had thought that maybe she would feel less nervous around Spitfire after besting her in the ring, but it seems like her hopes had no weight. Looking at her now, Hannah still just sees that amazing girl standing on the bar, arms raised in victory. Hannah wanted that. She still wants that, but now, with Spitfire in front of her, Hannah wonders if there may be more to it. Just having Spitfire near her makes her hands sweat.
“Sorry,” she murmurs, hoping it will be enough.
And Spitfire... Spitfire smiles at her. She looks at Hannah like Hannah was the one standing on the bar this time, someone to be admired. It makes Hannah’s heartbeat fast in her chest.
She asks Hannah’s name, and Hannah gives it, freely. When she introduces herself, holds out her hand in introduction, lets Hannah know Sophia, Hannah jumps at the opportunity, eagerly. She shakes Sophia's hand, taking it a little too quickly to be casual. The contact lasts just a moment, and Hannah finds herself missing it when Sophia pulls away. 
“You're one of us now,” Sophia reassures her, “Got it?”
And tomorrow, Lexie's smile will make everything worth it. Sitting in that penthouse apartment with two people she loves will feel like a dream. But in this moment, with Sophia's smile warm like a sunbeam across her face, Hannah is pretty sure she's never wanted anything more.
She agrees handily when Sophia invites her to skate, but Hannah will admit, she struggles. She clings to the wall, gingerly sliding her skates back and forward, not going anywhere. The other kids fly by her, and once again Hannah is on the outside looking in, lightyears from her peers. Is that really all she got? One evening, a few compliments, and-
Sophia rolls up next to her. Hannah is so prepared for the biting comments and teasing words, she nearly trips over her skates when Sophia holds a hand out to her. 
“Here, let me help you balance,” she says. Hannah only hesitates a moment before reaching her own hand back. Sophia doesn't snatch her hand away or start to laugh. She just clutches Hannah's hand and gives her a firm base as a support. 
Sophia's hand is warm in her grip, even through the leather fingerless gloves. Her fingers are softer than Hannah thought they would be, no sign of damage from the fire she throws in the ring. Sophia squeezes it, like a reassurance. A promise, as though she is saying, I'm here and I'm not letting go.
Sophia gives her another one of those trademark smirks, so incredibly confident, Hannah finds herself immediately reassured. She grabs Hannah's other hand, guiding them both away from the wall. “I am going to pull you,” Sophia asks, “Help you get a feel for it, okay?”
Hannah nods. “Okay. I trust you.”
Sophia glides backwards, tugging Hannah along as easy as breathing. “Right foot, left foot,” she instructs and Hannah dutifully follows her rhythm, each step getting smoother and smoother. 
And Sophia grins at her, face lighting up at her success. “Now you're getting it!” She commends and Hannah feels a blush dust her cheeks that has nothing to do with exertion. A warm fuzzy feeling wells in her chest and Hannah thinks she would do about anything to keep that smile focused on her and-
The feelings that plagued her throughout the evening all suddenly click into place and Hannah suddenly knows exactly what that smile is doing to her. Exactly what kind of crush has been blooming inside her.
And before, Hannah would have felt despair at the revelation. Another thing to set her apart, to make her a freak.
But standing in a room full of freaks, holding the hands of a girl who had been impressed by all the things that made Hannah Foster weird... 
Maybe it isn't a bad thing.
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manifold-updates · 2 years
Jack replied to Lexie!
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Warning: Unnerving Behaviour & Shaky Camera
A video of Jack Manifold and Orr PinelyBox in a club, singing along to ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen in strange voices, they are being filmed by Lexie Marie and are presumably very drunk.
The video starts with a close up shot of Jack’s face as he bobs his head along to the music.
Jack: I see a little silhouetteo of a-
The camera moves left to show Orr stood there staring off in the distance whilst singing.
Orr: A man, skatamoosh, skatamoosh-
The camera moves back to Jack’s face and zooms in close to his nose.
Jack: Will you do the fandango?
Back to Orr, who looks very confused.
Orr: (indecipherable) lightning, very very frightening.
The camera switches between them, each time they sing.
Jack: Galileo.
Orr: Galileo.
Jack: Galileo.
Orr: Galileo.
Jack: Galileo Fígaro.
The camera moves to Orr and then zooms in on his nose as he sings.
Orr: Magnificoooo.
Back to switching between them both as they sing.
Jack: -Poor boy, nobody loves me.
Orr: I’m just a poor boy, from a poor family.
The camera zooms out to show Orr and Jack stood side by side in the exact same position with their hands clasped in front of them, Jack begins walking forward as they both sing.
Orr & Jack: Spare him his life from this monstrosity.
The camera shakes from side to side as it zooms in on Jack’s face.
Jack: Easy come, where’s he go? Will you let me go? Be-
The camera moves back to Orr as it starts witching between them again.
Orr: Besmillah! No, you will not let me go!
Jack: Let him go!
Orr: Besmillah! No (indecipherable)
Jack: Let him go!
Orr: Besmillah! We-
Jack: Let him go!
Orr: Not let you go!
Jack: Let him g-
Orr: No let you go!
Jack: Gooooo.
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