#lexie marie situation
raspberryberyl · 7 months
I'm not the best with words, and I think a few people are already saying these things and doing so better than I could, but I wanted to try to add some of my own points in light of everything happening in the mcyt and generally just cc space. First what I've seen other people are saying: - stop with the "all men bad" rhetoric stuff. point blank. Anyone can be an abuser, anyone can be a victim. Men can be victims, women can be abusers, it doesn't work one way. Not all abusers are men. - on the same note, stop with the TERF ideologies. I know it can be hard to notice, but please think over your words before making a big post that will get all these notes and views. Next point, I know "narcissistic abuse" is a thing people talk about, but it is not a real thing. Phycological or emotional abuse are far better terms, equally valid. Please stop throwing the word "narcissist" around. I know a lot of victims want to describe their abusers as narcissist but this is really vilifying people with NPD and Cluster B disorders. If the person doesn't meet the NPD criteria, or isn't diagnosed, don't call them a narcissist. And remember NOT ALL PEOPLE WITH NPD ARE EVIL AND ABUSERS. - people are rightfully trying to give advice to victims and people hoping they can stop them from going through what they went through, but saying things like "Here's how you defeat a narcissist" or even just "narcissists hate x" is contributing to the stigma that all people with NPD, and also people with Cluster B disorders, are evil, bad, and abusers. Please look for alternative terms. Don't let yourself become part of the problem. Don't let yourself become a reason a victim won't or doesn't feel safe coming out. Listen to victims, and remember not all victims are the same, don't expect victims to act one way. If you think I have said anything wrong please feel free to correct me, also please add on if you have any additional points.
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candikin · 1 year
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Too lazy to draw but goddamn there's a new chapter in Lexi's weird love life
Blair by @fluvvie
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hinasho · 1 year
Halfway through Season 2 and I don’t blame Lola for not wanting to tell Francis about their son.
Usually I’d be “both parents deserve a say”, but the power imbalance at play here is just way too massive. Once Francis found out, and then once he claimed the baby, as king he had 100% say in whatever that baby’s life and future looked like. And unless Lola was willing to leave the baby and never return, she’d be chained to that future as well, which she is.
Instances like these are the rare exceptions to the “both parents should know” mindset. Because that mostly applies when both parents are capable of acting as equals. But no one in France could equal Francis once he was crowned. Mary is the closest, but even she isn’t fully there, not while they’re in his country.
The moment Francis learned about their son, Lola was doomed. I 100% understand why she wanted to keep it a secret from him so badly.
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novelconcepts · 7 months
come and find me (dancing all alone)
What's the point of Prom if you can't bring your not-quite-girlfriend as a date? Might as well skip it entirely--and set up a secret party of your own.
(A Tumblr prompt fill [lexi-113]: an AU in which Taissa and Van attend their senior Prom.)
M, 6502 words
Van Palmer is skipping Prom. Proudly so. Gladly so. She’d looked at the posters, at the price of the tickets, and asked herself a vital question: What’s the point in attending a party if you can’t bring your not-exactly-girlfriend along? The answer: no point at all. The answer: go fuck yourselves. She considers saying so when the others ask—when Lottie offers to do her hair, when Nat offers to get her drunk, when Mari looks her up and down and says, “God, Van, it’s not like you’ll be alone. We’re all going together, aren’t we?” She considers looking Mari in the eye, smiling politely (always politely, always so fucking careful to look the part), and saying, Go fuck yourself. It would feel good. It would bring a measure of glee to an otherwise obnoxious situation. But it wouldn’t be right. It’s not Mari’s fault they’re stuck in small-town Jersey. Not Mari’s fault—or Lottie’s, or Nat’s, or anyone’s—that the idea of one girl bringing another to Prom is unimaginable.
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social-muffin · 21 days
can we get to know some more about Aisha's kids? she is truly the car asså mommy we deserve!
Awe hun! Thank you for the ask!
First! Aisha is a mom indeed! But Mari is truly the Carcassa's mommy! Not only is she the Mansion's cook and head maid, she's often the democratically voted Leader of the Carcassa! (They vote for a new Boss every two to three years, whenever convenient!)
But let me elaborate on Aisha's kids anyways!
First things first! Aisha doesn't know for sure who the fathers might be. She gets around and Carcassa doesn't judge at all! All children born within or brought to the Carcassa are raised communally by the people that stay in the mansion.
Occasionally, there is a 'take your child to work'-day and it gets whacky when the children get into all the different departments. Especially when the orphans pick someone to follow around for that day! (Skull is often overwhelmed with tiny fans on such occasions!)
Aisha's 12 tear old daughter is Alexandra! Lexi for short! She's an adventurous type, just loooves to explore Death Mountain whenever she can!
Of course, she gets into trouble. Luckily, the patrols know her antics and will always rescue her without fail! Lexi may have a biiiit of a crush on the men that save her most often! X3
She is also studying to someday become an Archivist!
Aisha's 3 year old son is Nemo! Named after Point Nemo, which is where the Kamikaze Unit was headed when Aisha suddenly went into labor! She didn't even realize she was pregnant at that time, but the onboard medics handled the situation wonderfully! Skull also scolded Aisha severely for working so much that she overlooked an entire pregnancy!
Nemo is only three years old, but he's healthy and curious. Given that Aisha is away from work right now, Nemo's caretakers are happy to play the question game endlessly with him! He's a very eloquent little boy!
Oh! Also! Nemo doesn't quite realize he has one sister, actually. Lexi doesn't think she has just one brother!
They both have 23 siblings of varying ages! That's how many kids are running around the Cracassa mansion right now! They are one big happy family! And always growing!
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keagan-ashleigh · 2 years
Hi! I don't know if I'm onto smg but I took some notes about the box's poem in The Winchesters, bc I felt like there was something weird in the way it seems to be a direct message to us...
Thought I'd share it here - those are unorganized thoughts, I will maybe go further into it later.
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Follow the path of I toward Heaven
Second spot is four less seven
Find the fourth behind Hells door
Six suns set on the Western floor
I will always lead you there
Ending the darkness that we all fear
What is this referring to? (besides the obvious aka the way to open the box)
• ​Heaven is where Dean is currently, and maybe he wants to lead us there bc this is ultimately where is the thing he wants to show us
• "The path of I" - the way it implies "I" is a god-like entity, or God, even, who lives in Heaven. Spn has established God = the narrator so what if "I" here is the narrator?
• ​Imagine if numbers = spn seasons - s4 & s7 - s4 introduced Castiel (ohoh!) and 7 is the whole Leviathan and Godstiel thing, it's when Dean and Cas get sent in Purgatory. So - s4 less s7, means Castiel's arc story without his descent in madness? s7 is known to be the worst season for most - on a meta level: what would've happened if the situation had been different? What spot would they be in if s7 didn't happen ? What if Chuck didn't write it this way? idk
→ it's less like s7 and more like s4 ? will we get the thrill of this 1st meeting? given that TW tells the story of John & Mary's meeting - mirroring Cas/Dean meeting (cf the entrance scene in trailer), it's kind of a retelling of that story - second spot = second show, second story, we're getting back to that s4 moment, w less of s7 nonsense? or w/o s7 Cas & Dean separation?
s7 also first meeting w Charlie who had the other most brutal BYG of the show
Other interesting things abt s7: Dean forgives Cas, Bobby gets hurt, Dean sent back in time, the "facing your fears" episodes, intro of Kevin Tran, Sam haunted by Lucifer, etc...
But the main thing about s7 to me is how it ends w Purgatory AND the fact Cas wasn't planed to be a series regular this season (tvline 20th may 2011 see fr wiki)
• ​"find the fourth behind Hell's door",wow, if number = season, s4 being sent in Hell, like, the whole Castiel arc being sent to hell bc of the ultimate choices made in last season by writers/Chuck - also s4 starts w Dean in Hell, being raised from Hell by Castiel
• ​​Six suns set on Western floor - idk yet
- Sun: positive, light, warmth
Sunset : Dean driving in sunset
Sun setting: ending of day
- 6, 6 like what? dean + sam + cas + mary + john + jack: family?
6 main chars: Mary, John, Carlos, Latika, Ada, Millie
6 writers ? (which)
obv 6= hexagon (box shape)
Random: 6= Dream Theater, 6th song of second disc Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: following 6 chars w diff mental illnesses
Aristotle's 6 elements of tragedy : plot (mythos (which means LIE lmao)), character (ethos), diction (lexis) , thought (dianoia), spectacle (scenic effect) (opsis), song (music) (melos)
In religion: seraphs have 6 wings, 6 points of David star, creation in 6 days, is "perfect number"
Also: virgo 6th astroloical western sign, sixth sense, us army radio call sign (rainbow six),
- western, cowboy hats
western: america? Hollywood ? western canada: Vancouver? idk
• ​I will always lead you there : Dean/Jensen saying "this is where I want this story to go, that's the plan"
• ​Ending the darkness that we all fear - in text the darkness we all fear is death, pain, suffering, and facing our sins, basically. The poem on a litteral level says tge suns/positive stuff will end death and suffering that demons represent. This much is obvious. You can't end death though, it's a natural thing that's meant to happen. Unless you're in a story and your death has been wrongly written UH OH we got something there ! 👀
• The darkness could very well be the Empty / bad writing / homophobia on a meta level. We all fear it, "we" the audiance, the queer audiance that's been here since s4. We all feared queerbaiting and Cas' death and Dean's death and that's what happened in spn. Jensen / Dean tells us, if he's speaking here, "fear not my gays, all will be well because this fear of yours is over, we're going to fix it, to cast the darkness (death & separation of those chars) away.
Note about the runes in the picture:
- ingwaz/ing (associated with Yngvi/Freyr - fertility god, commands rain and sun light, brother of Freyja goddess of love (and according to me goddess of shipping lol) ) / means protection
- not an original futhark - means energy, maybe a combination of the o and r of a latin version of the futhark / also looks like a reverse fehu + raidō (f and r) - I am not knowledgeable enough to trace its origins.
I am no expert I'm guessing by the look of the letters but go see the Wikipedia page.
In internet esoteric culture it's protection and energy.
Given that we know Richard is returning maybe foreshadowing Loki/Gabriel.
I don't know if it's right I just laid my thoughts randomly, it is not a completed work. The whole thing just sounds like Jensen/Dean talking directly to us about his plan in narrating this story, it makes a clear parallel between John and Mary and Dean and Cas, and also he takes Chuck's place here, in a way, and is going to set the record straight on it all, fix some wrongs, give a new frame of reference for reading spn, you know what I mean? Goes along with the whole "I'm chosing the music"/" the main villain is a DJ", etc, implying Dean is becoming the driver of the whole narrative. It's all very symbolic and I'm really liking the level of meta here.
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nickelnackleberries · 2 years
Mark and Lexie Season 7 thoughts
This article? Essay? Rant? Will explore how Lexie and Mark should have gotten back together /stayed together in Season 7-8, given the underlying reasons for their break up, focusing on Mark's responce to the situation. Mark and Lexie are, and should have properly been, endgame.
Why they broke up was kinda stupid- but not stupid writting, stupid of Mark. The problems they faced were overcomable, given the will to do so and sufficient effort being put in to any potential solution.
Because while yes, the reason for a lot of there problems was being at different stages in thier life, wich can't be helped in there age gap, and yes, there are obvious ways round that (wich is fustrating writing given thier popularity in the fandom and obvious love for each other), there is a deeper problem. Lexie actually points this out herself, that Mark isn't properly considering her. He's too focused on his life dreams (marriage and kids, a family, preferably with Lexie) and sees Lexies desires - to not mary or have kids YET - as an obstacle she should overcome for him.
While in reality, what Mark needs to do is find a compromise that accomadates NOT dismisses Lexie. If he dissmisses her wants and dreams, she's going to have to break up with him, and I admire her strength in doing so.
The second time they were in the 'Mark has a kid he wants to raise but Lexie isn't ready to have a family' situation, he should have learnt from his mistakes outlined above. He could do this by making sure that when he told Lexie, he would also say that he fully intends to respect her desires and goals, and is willing to work towards an arrangement that suits her. The second time this situation happens, the ball is really in Marks court as it is he who ignored Lexie's wishes the first time around.
(that first time perhaps Lexie could have also presented a compromise, but ultimately it would be Mark that had to agree and be willing to have a modified version of his ultimate dream, marriage and kids with Lexie, for now)
A few possible solutions that Mark should have presented to Lexie:
Lexie moves out of his house (she only moved back in a short time ago, if she actually did, it's unclear) and they date, she can stay over on days when Sofia is with her mums in thier house.
Mark lives part time with Lexie, and part time with Sofia's mums. Sofia is always at Callie and Arizona's, Mark can pop over whenever.
Lexie and Mark stay together, Lexie takes on a Cool Aunt kinda role where she is not a parent, doesn't have childcare responsibilities and/or doesn't live in the flat with baby.
These kind of arrangements/compromises are possible in Mark and Lexie's relationship, due to how much they love each other, and how sure Mark is that Lexie is the one for him. They would both be willing to inconvenience themselves for the other and put in the effort to maintain a solution that works for both. This is providing that Mark releases that this is what he needs to do to save the relationship and thus does not continue, as he does in the show, to expect Lexie to either conform to his ideas and wishes of to leave him completely.
In conclusion, Lexie and Mark should have stayed together/gotten back together again. Just because your patners a parent doesn't mean you have to be, BUT all this takes Mark actually acknowledging and accomadating Lexie and her situation.
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bearterritory · 2 years
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#12 Cal Downs #14 Long Beach State, #18 Pepperdine
Bears Win Fifth Straight in Three Days
MALIBU - The No. 12 California beach volleyball team ended a three-day stretch of matches with a pair of 3-2 wins over No. 14 Long Beach State and No. 18 Pepperdine Monday afternoon. The Golden Bears have now won five straight matches and three against ranked opponents.
                            No. 12 Cal 3, No. 14 Long Beach State 2
Cal began its morning in Malibu with a battle with The Beach. The team captain pair of senior Ainsley Radell and fifth-year Ashley Delgado got the Bears on the board first with a 21-19, 21-16 win on court two. It was the sixth-straight win for the pair.
Sophomore Alex Young-Gomez and senior Lexi McKeown were the next to strike with a gritty win on court four to give the Bears a 2-0 advantage. The pair took the first set 21-17, but The Beach answered with a spirited 22-20 win in set two to force a third. The tiebreaker would also go to extra points with Bears coming out on top 19-17.
LBSU took the match on court five to stay alive, but Cal found the clincher on court one with junior Maya Gessner and sophomore Ella Dreibholz earning a three-set win of their own. After splitting the first two frames 21-19, 16-21, the duo dominated the third 15-7 to seal Cal's fourth-straight win.
1. Maya Gessner/Ella Dreibholz (Cal) def. Mari Molina/Christine Deroos (LBSU) - 21-19, 16-21, 15-7
2. Ainsley Radell/Ashley Delgado (Cal) def. Sydney Stevens/Julia Westby (LBSU) - 21-19, 21-16
3. Malia Gementera/Taylor Hagenah (LBSU) def. Sierra Caffo/Liz Waters-Leiga (Cal) - 13-21, 21-16, 15-12
4. Alex Young-Gomez/Lexi Mckeown (Cal) def. Haley Carrington/Holly Jackson (LBSU) - 21-17, 20-22, 19-17
5. Maggie Walters/Natalie Glenn (LBSU) def. Brooke Buchner/Natalie Martin (Cal) - 21-16, 21-19
Exh. Ava Mann/Gia Fisher (Cal) def. Kate Stoughtong/Savannah Lyons (LBSU) - 21-16, 21-18
Order of finish: 2, 4, 5, 1*, 3
                                  No. 12 Cal 3, No. 18 Pepperdine 2
The battle with the host Waves came down to the final match, but once again the Bears got on the board first with McKeown and Young-Gomez earning their fourth-straight sweep on court four 25-23, 21-15.
Pepperdine responded with an impressive win on two where all three sets went to extras. A straight-set win on five gave the Waves a 2-1 lead, putting the Bears in a must-win situation on courts one and three.
After losing its first match of the season earlier in the day, the court three team of junior Liz Waters-Leiga and sophomore Sierra Caffo bounced back with a clutch 21-13, 21-19 victory to keep its team alive. The fans in attendance would get what every beach fan hopes for – a decider on court one.
Gessner and Dreibholz traded punches with the Waves' McKenna Thomas and Lexi McLeod early in the first set but went on a late run to take it 21-15. The second set was a similar story as the Bears led 20-16, but the Pepperdine pair refused to quit and staved off three-straight match points to make it a one-point contest at 20-19. The fourth match-point would go the Bears' way as Gessner and Dreibholz sealed the team's fifth-straight win.
1. Maya Gessner/Ella Dreibholz (Cal) def. McKenna Thomas/Lexi Mcleod (PEPP) - 21-15, 21-19
2. Savannah Standage/Kate Clermont (PEPP) def. Ainsley Radell/Ashley Delgado (Cal) - 23-25, 24-22, 16-14
3. Sierra Caffo/Liz Waters-Leiga (Cal) def. Jasmin Suarez/Gracie Pedersen (PEPP) - 21-13, 21-19
4. Lexi McKeown/Alex Young-Gomez (Cal) def. Gracey Campbell/Gabbie Perez (PEPP) - 25-23, 21-15
5. Jordan Benoit/Juju Quintero (PEPP) def. Natalie Martin/Brooke Buchner (Cal) - 21-16, 21-18
6 (Exh.) Ava Mann/Portia Sherman (Cal) def. Chase Curry/Emi Erickson (PEPP) - 21-18, 21-14
Order of finish: 4, 2, 5, 3, 1*      
Up Next:  Cal is back on the road this weekend at Hawai'i's Heineken Kings Cup, a three-day event that begins on Friday. There the team will face Nebraska, Washington, Texas, Oregon, and the host Rainbow Wahine.
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multiphandommess · 1 year
Heart-Shaped Batarangs Chapter 3
Kate walked downstairs to get her and Lexi’s snacks. She was still pissed that Jacob still had that reaction after years of her being out to him, but she was even more pissed that her fiancé’s family was a bunch of assholes. They hadn’t informed either of their families about their engagement yet because the day after the proposal, they got the notice that they had to move all of their non-furniture items out of their apartment for the renovation. They weren’t keeping it a secret necessarily, they wore their rings openly other than their moving days so that they didn’t lose the important jewelry, so if Jacob wasn’t too busy scowling at his daughter’s partner and if Catherine wasn’t too busy working, both of them would have noticed the diamonds that adorn the couple’s fingers. Mary, being the great person she is, had noticed the second day of their stay at the Kane’s penthouse and practically squealed when she noticed, though neither of their parents was home to hear the conversation. 
Kate walked into her family’s kitchen and began to pick up snacks for them when she heard something that made her more angry than she had been in a long time. Sitting on their couch sat Jacob, Catherine, Mary, and Mary’s boyfriend, Jack, watching a movie together. This made her see red because Mary’s boyfriend was able to just sit on the couch with them but her partner couldn’t even sit in a room without being glared at. Before she could stop herself, she stormed into the living room. “You fucking bigots. I can’t believe you,” Kate said irate, “My partner is sitting upstairs alone instead of in here with you as a family because of her gender. I’m fucking sorry I don’t like dick, but if you can’t get over that and are this fucking blatantly rude about it, then don’t worry, we’ll be taking our gayness with us as we leave.” As she finished, she stormed back up to their bedroom. She walked into the room and slammed the door, shocking Lexi. 
“Woah! What happened?! Are you ok, love?” Lexi said, stunned. 
“We’re leaving. They are sittin- They- I-,” Kate was so angry, that she couldn’t get the words to describe the situation.
After about 20 minutes of calming down and explanations, they began to pack their clothes and other items into their bags. Soon after, someone knocked on their door. They froze, worried it would be Jacob.
“It’s Mary. Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Kate replied.
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We are excited to celebrate that THE LONG & WINDING ROAD by Marie Force is LIVE!
Kindle US: https://amzn.to/3txLLHB Kindle CA: https://amzn.to/3JFTI3e Kindle UK: https://amzn.to/3Ld0IEX Kindle AU: https://amzn.to/3wrDOFY Apple: https://apple.co/3umPh6X Nook: https://geni.us/7p1ZfwN Kobo: https://geni.us/DeIYq7 Google: https://geni.us/bvt9ggl Paperback Marie’s Store: https://geni.us/yUYMZd6 Amazon: https://amzn.to/3D3kEYs Narrated by Avery Caris Audible: https://geni.us/eiDF Audio: https://amzn.to/3DhClUC
This is the one you’ve been waiting for…
Max Abbott takes center stage in the Butler, Vermont Series finale when the timeline jumps forward five years and finds Max staring down his ten-year high school reunion, with no desire whatsoever to attend. Under pressure from his family to go, he ends up glad to be there when he connects with the only person from high school he wanted to see—his ex-girlfriend, Lexi, who’s been “missing” the last ten years.
When Max finds out where Lexi has been—and why—and realizes all the old familiar feelings are still there, he’ll have to decide if he can risk taking a chance on an uncertain situation with her or if he’d rather continue to be alone with his son, Caden.
Find out where all the Abbotts and Colemans are and what Fred and Dexter are up to five years later as this beloved series comes to an exciting and heartfelt conclusion.
Reading Order
Green Mountain Series
Book 1: All You Need Is Love (Will & Cameron)
Book 2: I Want to Hold Your Hand (Hannah & Nolan)
Book 3: I Saw Her Standing There (Colton & Lucy)
Book 4: And I Love Her (Hunter & Megan)
Novella: You’ll Be Mine (Will & Cameron’s Wedding)
Book 5: It's Only Love (Ella & Gavin)
Book 6: Ain’t She Sweet (Charley & Tyler)
Butler, Vermont Series, a continuation of Green Mountain
Book 1: Every Little Thing (Grayson & Emma)
Book 2: Can't Buy Me Love (Patrick & Mary)
Book 3: Here Comes the Sun (Wade & Mia)
Book 4: Till There Was You (Lucas & Dani)
Book 5: All My Loving (Landon & Amanda)
Book 6: Let It Be (Linc & Molly)
Book 7: Come Together (Noah and Brianna)
Book 8: Here Comes the Sun (Cabot and Izzy)
Book 9: The Long and Winding Road (Max and Lexi)
#newrelease #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #wildfiremarketingsolutions
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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strangerquinns · 3 years
I love all your writing so much,,,, and Omg I just NEED fezco letting the love and praise he deserves, like…. Him asking if he’s handsome and needing validation… I need the reader praising fez and showing how much fez turns them on and how good they want to make fez feel and how much they care for him
Thank you so much, this means a lot to me! The way he got when Faye said he was handsome was so fucking precious. Fezco need someone to praise him all the time .
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Fezco x Reader
Fezco like it when you show him how he makes you feel
Fez being soft
Warning: 18+ sexual situations and usual Euphoria themes
When you first met Fezco it was when you went to the store with Rue. He was sitting behind the counter and smiled up towards the two of you when you walked through the door. At the time Rue was only smoking weed to deal with her father's death - or so you thought. But at the time all you were focused on at the moment was how the moment you saw him you thought he was beautiful.
You loved how blue his eyes were, seemed to shine in whatever light he was in. It made butterflies erupt in your belly and cause your heart rate to spike. But then you actually got to know the guy. You saw beyond what the world labeled him as. Fezco was smart, caring, and deep to you. It seemed every conversation you had together made you connect with him deeper.
It was Rue that called out that you had a crush on him.
"You so like him," Rue smiled with a slightly teasing look in her eyes. You were hanging out with her and Lexi at the Howard household.
"What, no...no I don't." You tried to lie. But both of your best friends could see the lie the moment it left your lips.
"Oh, you so do," Lexi spoke up.
Soon the three of you were giggling and laughing.
It was a couple weeks later that you were back at the store hanging out with Fezco when he asked you out.
"So like...there is a new superhero movie comin' out this weekend...was wonderin' if maybe..." He bashfully looked down, his cheeks turning red as he spoke "...you wanted to go together or somehtin'?"
"Like...a date?" You whispered softly, nervous about what he might say.
Fezco looked up towards you and nodded his head, "Y-yea...if ya want."
"I would love to," You smile so wide that your cheeks began to ache.
And from that moment it was like an unspoken thing between the two of you. You were his and he was yours. That bond between you both became stronger and stronger with each second that you spent with one another. You fell into place with the family that he had, Ashtray becoming someone that you felt protective of. Like the big sister, he needed in his life ever since Marie fell ill.
But being with Fezco meant that you got to see the other side of him. The softer side.
"So pretty," You whisper one night, looking up towards him as you lay down with your chin against his chest. Your fingertips slowly move along his cheek. "Can't get over it."
You almost instantly saw his cheeks turn pink.
"You think I'm pretty?" Fezco spoke, his voice deep and slow.
"Of course." You sat up slightly.
"Never been told that befo," He spoke with a bashful smile on his lips.
"Well, I'm here to tell you,"
You moved to straddle over him before bending down and kissing his lips softly. You felt his hands along your thighs and teasing slightly beneath the dress you were wearing. Your hands moved down his chest slowly before pulling back so you could remove his shirt.
As you tossed the shirt to the side you kept your eyes locked in his. Gently you reached down and grabbed his hand and moved it between your legs. You watched his lips part and moan softly when he felt how wet you were.
"Fuck mamma," Fezo moaned as his fingers moved past your panties so he could fully feel you.
"This is how you make me feel all the time," You whimpered as he teased along your slit. Your nails dragged along his chest slightly and began to move your hips against his hand. "Always turn me on,"
Fezco sat up slightly and used his other hand to reach up and grab the back of your neck lightly and pull you into a kiss. He loved to hear you moan and whimper for him. Knowing he was making you feel good. There was a part of Fezco that liked it when you praised him and told him how good he made you feel.
Correction. He loved it.
"I wanna make you feel good," You whispered against his lips.
You moved down his body, away from his touch for a moment. your hands lopped to pull down both his sweats and his briefs. Standing at the end of the bed, you removed your dress and tossed it to the side, along with slowly pulling down your underwear.
No matter how many times the two of you were together. Nothing made you feel more beautiful than the look that came across Fez's face whenever he fully saw you.
Slowly you moved back up the bed to settle between his legs, bending down and leaving kisses along his thighs, making your way up. Every time your lips pressed against his skin you could hear his breath hitch for a moment.
"You're perfect to me, Fez." You whispered as you hovered over him more, your hand reaching down and stroking him slowly.
Fezco slowly fell back against the pillows and closed his eyes as he felt you. Fully feel how good your touch felt. It was like he believed every word that fell from your lips needed that validation.
Because to Fezco, you were his world. He would do anything for you. And knowing that everything he did you appreciated meant the world to him.
He just wanted to love you and be loved by you.
"Baby," He whimpered the moment your lips wrapped around the head of his cock.
You started off slow, making sure to use your tongue as you bobbed your head up and down at a teasing pace. It sent a shock through Fezco's body that had him reaching down to grip the sheets beneath him. But slowly, you sucked harder, moved faster.
"H-Holy...fuck," Fezco moaned and opened his eyes to look down to watch you.
He felt his chest tighten for a moment as he watched you. You slowly pulled back, his cock leaving your lips with a pop. The small smirk that spread across your swollen lips made his cock twitch slightly.
Your body moved to straddle over him again, rising up slightly and reaching behind you, rubbing him against your slit for a moment. Fezco was the first person you'd ever been with. But to you, there was no one else that felt as good as Fezco felt inside of you.
Your head fell back against your shoulders as you slowly sank down, biting down on your lip as you felt him stretch you. You fell forward slightly as you took him deep inside of you - just needing to feel him for a moment.
Your hand caressed along his face and kept your eyes locked with his as you moved your hips. Fezco moved his hands along your thighs before grabbing at your hips as you moved. Though he liked it when the two of you got passionate and a little rough there was something about the moment when the two of you were like this.
"I love you," You whispered against his lips, pecking them softly, "Love the way you make me feel."
"I love you too," Fezco groaned feeling you tighten around him more. You watched as his face twisted in pleasure and let the feeling take over his body.
Your hips rotated against his more, moans growing louder in his ear the closer you got. Something about the way his pubes rubbed against your clit was making your toes girl. The room is filled with the sounds of both your moans, the sounds of your bodies moving together.
"F-Feel so good..." You let out breathy moans. "Always making me feel so full. Love how you fuck me..."
When you moved to rest back on your knees, Fezco couldn't take his eyes off the two of you. Watching as you moved and sank down around him over and over. A curse left his lips when he saw how wet you were, his cock covered in you. He couldn't stop but lift his hips to meet your thrusts.
"Want you to cum, Fez." You looked down towards him, "Come on baby...w-want you to feel good. N-need you to fill me."
He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out but his moans and groans. Fezco couldn't take another more, you felt too good. Feeling you pulse around him and begging for him to cum. Something inside of his snapped and he let go. Your name changed from his lips like a prayer.
Watching him sent you over.
You fell against him as the two of you fell over the edge, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in close.
For a while, neither of you said a word.
Just laid there as your hearts beat wildly against each other as sweat cooled against your skin.
Fezco moved the two of you so you were lying side by side.
"Fuckin' hell...the way you be makin' me feel..." Fezco whispered, feeling your hand moving along his back as the two of you held each other close.
"Want you to always know what you mean to me and how you make me feel Fez." You spoke softly. "Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
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supercap2319 · 2 years
First Love Vs Epic Love
Stefan Salvatore x Male Reader
A/N: Current episode I'm on in the Vampire Diaries.
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Y/N paced around Stefan’s room, worriedly. He was worried about Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric,and Matt. He was trapped in the Salvatore estate with the Heretics and Lillian Salavatore. One was dead thanks to him, Damon and Bonnie, so Lillian had Enzo kidnap him in retaliation and even took Elena’s coffin, and now he was incapable of leaving. He had to get out of here, he just had too.
Nora came strolling into the room, a haughty attitude in her step as looked at Y/N. “Don’t get cocky. You’re still spelled into the room. But I figured you could use some space to stretch your legs.”
“Oh, well, how thoughtful of you,” Y/N sarcastically said. “But considering this is my room, it's the least you and your larceny family could do.”
“Your room?” Nora asked.
“Yeah, my room. The one that I’ve shared with my boyfriend for the last three and a half years. We’ve shared many magic nights here and I even have my name written on the headboard.”
“Well, then, that changes everything then,” Nora said. She held up a journal. Stefan’s journal. He burned most of them when his memories had been wiped by Qetsiyah. “Since you know everything, maybe you’d like to give this a read?” She threw the book onto a nearby table.
“Stefan’s journal? I’ve read it already,” Y/N said.
“Really? Well, then, you probably know all about Valerie and Stefan.” Nora smirked at Y/N’s shocked face. He knew about Katherine and Lexi from his journals, but they never said anything about Valerie.
“What are you talking about? What the hell is Valerie doing with Stefan’s journal?”
“She never goes anywhere without it, and it was the first thing she looked for when we realized we were trapped in 1903. The entry for July 15, 1863, should tell you why.” She smiled and turned on her heels, as Y/N frowned down at the journal. 1863? A year before Stefan and Damon met Katherine. A year before they became vampires. His curiosity was peaked as he opened the journal to the date recommended as he began to read it.
JULY 15, 1863-- I just had the strangest encounter outside the county fair. I met someone, a girl. We only spoke for a moment, but her name is Valerie, and she may be the most wonderful girl I have ever met.
Y/N, is confused and a little upset, and frowns after he finishes the entry. Valerie and Stefan had a past? Great, just what he needed to make an already awful situation worse. Y/N couldn't sleep that night, so he spent all night and morning reading Stefan’s journal entries. It was almost like having him next to Y/N as he read them. He was sitting on Stefan's bed.
Valerie was like a breath of fresh air. I'd been suffocating, and hadn't even realized it…
Y/N’s reading is interrupted by the sound of a music box, which appears on the desk next to him, playing a quiet song as the ballerina inside spins around. The music box then disappears, causing Y/N to frown in confusion until the music box reappears in front of Y/N on the bed. Y/N immediately puts an instinctive hand in front of himself as he calls out, “Music box!” The box disappears from sight, and the sound of an explosion and screaming can be heard from the next room. It's Nora and Mary Louise. They tried to send him an exploding music box. Nice try.
Y/N smiles smugly as he calls out loud, “Thanks girls for the gift. It's an explosion of fun.”
Before he can continue reading, Y/N hears the sound of a phone vibrating on the floor underneath the table. Y/N, both confused and excited, scampers over to answer it.
“Stefan!?” Y/N cries out.
“How are you on my phone right now?” Stefan asks from the other side of the line.
“You must have dropped it when you got threshold-vacuumed out of here yesterday,” Y/N said.
“How are you? Are you okay?”
“Well, I’m spelled in our room by a psychotic family of Heterics, but other than that…” Y/N said.
“I know. I’m still trying to figure a way to get into the house,” Stefan said.
“I’ll be fine, Fangs. Just keep Damon from killing any more Heretics. Which is ironic, since I did help him.”
“I will. Lily's only keeping you there to turn me against Damon. I'll convince her that I hate his guts, and she'll have made her point.”
Y/N nodded his head in understandment as his eyes traveled back towards the journal. He had to ask Stefan. He had to know the truth. No matter how uncomfortable the answer would be. “Who's Valerie Tulle, Fangs? You wrote about her in your journal from 1863. She must have found a copy in the prison world.” Even though he can’t see his face, Stefan is shocked at Y/N saying that name. It brings up old memories. Ones he thought he’d long since buried.
“Are you talking about one of the Heretics?”
“Yeah. Dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes? She's one of my new psycho housemates… and not that pretty.” Stefan chuckles on the other side of the phone and that makes Y/N smile a bit, but their moment is short lived as Valerie appears behind him and squeezes the hand Y/N is using to hold the phone. Y/N grunts out. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” The phone breaks under the forced pressure as the remains fall to the floor in pieces.
“Dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes, psycho. Not pretty. Summarized me to a tee!” Valerie says as she kicks Y/N hard in the head as he groans and falls on his back. “Bitch.”
“I’ve been called worse,” Valerie says.
“Y/N?” Stefan asked. When his phone beeps to indicate the call has ended, he groans in frustration and hangs up. Just then, Stefan hears the sound of glass shattering behind the Grill and rushes outside to see what is going on. When he gets outside, he sees Lily, who is in the driver's seat of an older car and is in the middle of parking between Stefan's Porsche and another car. She hits the latter's front bumper, knocking it off, and he sighs in annoyance before slowly inching forward. When Stefan sees her heading for his car, he vamp-speeds until he's standing in between the Porsche and Lily's car.
“You can take my town, you can destroy my house, but you will not touch my car,” Stefan said, pointing to his Porsche.
“Good morning, Stefan,” Lillian says, as she gets out of the car.
“What are you doing?”
“I was out practicing my driving and saw an opportunity to work on my parallel parking.”
“Hmm.” Suddenly, the sound of hissing air is heard as Lily's car slumps slightly on one side. Stefan and Lily walk around the car to check out one of the driver's-side tires, and Lily looks mildly embarrassed. “I must have run over a nail or something. The streets around here are a disgrace.”
“Listen. You need to tell those spoiled brats living in my house to stop torturing my boyfriend.”
“Of course. As soon as you tell your brother to stop killing said spoiled brats,” Lillian calmly says. Lillian opens up the trunk of her car to search for the tool box so she can start repairing her flat tire.
“Damon and I aren't really speaking right now,” Stefan lies.
“I have no idea where he is. Apparently, you did both of us a favor when you told him to leave town.”
“Then I will give a lecture to the girls on their manners,” Lillian said.
“Is one of those girls named Valerie Tulle?” Stefan asks her.
Lillian smiles. “I was wondering when you might put those pieces together. I knew Valerie years before you did. She worked in my TB ward. After I turned, I took her under my wing. If memory serves me, you didn't meet her until 1863.”
“How would you know that I met her?” Stefan asked, suspiciously.
“Because, Stefan... I sent her to you.”
Insert Flashback—MYSTIC FALLS COUNTY FAIR, 1863:
The county fair is underway near Mystic Falls, and the fairgrounds are full of people and there is music all around. Valerie scans the area, until her eyes fall upon Stefan, dressed in a fine day suit, is sitting on a bench and writing in his journal. Valerie, wearing the traditional day gown of the time period, approaches him.
“Care to share?” A nearby woman asks off to the side.
Valerie stands in front of Stefan, hands on her hips as his eyes are glued to writting in his journal. “You have to move.” Stefan looks up at the sudden voice, and sees a beautiful young woman standing before him. “Excuse me?”
“Your sad mood is spoiling the fun for everyone!” Valerie indicates to the whole fair. Both Valerie and Stefan laugh in amusement.
“I'm Valerie Tulle.”
“Stefan Salvatore. Are you new to town?”
“Just passing through.”
“I hope not too fast.”
Valerie smiles at Stefan’s kindness.
Valerie is standing in front of Y/N, holding up Stefan's journal. “How do you have this?”
“Nora gave it to me. The better question is, why do you have my boyfriend’s journal? What was the deal with you and Stefan?” Y/N asked her.
Valerie smiled at Y/N, like what he just asked was amusing. “Your boyfriend?” She asks him.
“Yeah, my boyfriend.” Y/N wasn’t the jealous type, but something about Valerie rubbed him the wrong way. Almost like Katherine, but not as strong as her.
“Wouldn't you like to know?”
“You know what? You're right I don’t want to know. The last thing I need to think about is some girl who batted her eyelashes at Stefan, like, a million years ago,” Y/N sarcastically says.
“‘Some girl?’” Valerie asks, amused. “I wasn't just some girl to him, Y/N. I was the first love of Stefan's life.”
Back outside the Mystic Grill Stefan and Lillian continue to talk outside while Stefan helps her change her flat tire. “Why did you send Valerie to me?”
“To check on you. Like any mother longing for her children, I was in a black hole of depression,” Lillian said. Stefan has a skeptical look on his face. “Yes, Stefan, I'm more than the cold-hearted snake you and your brother wish me to be. It took me a long time to get over losing you.” Lillian sighed as she continued telling her story to Stefan. “Anyway, I had been invited to travel to Europe with a... a vampire gentleman-friend of mine, but I refused to leave until I knew that my boys were okay.”
Stefan chuckled. “Heh. A gentleman-friend? You had a boyfriend?” Stefan rose to his feet.
“His name was Julian. What? You're acting as if that's absurd.”
“Well, your first husband shot and killed his own sons, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't trust your type,” Stefan said.
Lillian frowns at that. “Julian was nothing like your father.”
“No? What was he? A nebbishy banker? Town butcher, perhaps?”
“Julian was the man you are not supposed to fall for. So, of course, I did…”
The county fair is still in full swing, and a well-dressed blonde man, Julian, is running a kissing booth where women can pay two pennies, which will be donated to the Confederate Army, to kiss him. He dips one of his customers as he kisses her, and when he breaks away and helps the woman upright, she gasps and fans herself. Julian then turns to the crowd to address them with a charming smile. “For the soldiers!” There is a lot of clapping and whistling going as a woman mutters a ‘yes,’ underneath her breath.
“Have your tickets ready, ladies! The men on the battlefield need us!” Julian says. He smiles at the crowd once again , and looks at a nearby woman who has come up to kiss him. “Hi.”
“Hello,” she says.
Julian's smile fades when he sees Valerie and Stefan sitting together on a nearby bench. Valerie tosses a piece of popcorn at Stefan, who tries to catch it in his mouth, but it misses and lands on the ground next to him. Valerie giggles at Stefan’s failed attempts. “You have to hold still! It will be delicious, I promise.” She tosses another piece of popcorn at him, but he just barely misses it, and the two laugh. Just then, Julian approaches them, looking displeased. “Aren’t we ladylike?” Stefan and Valerie turn to him, as Valerie has a slight frown on her face.
“Stefan... Meet Julian.”
Stefan gets up, trying to make a good first impression. “Your daughter and I were just appreciating the scientific wonder of gravitational force.” Stefan shakes Julian’s hand, as he chuckles nervously. Julian forces a fake smile as he looks at Valerie. “Hmm. How wise you must sound to less intelligent men.”
Valerie frowns as she steps forward. “Julian is not my father.”
“Oh, uh, my apologies! I just assumed—”
“Incorrectly, as it turns out.” Julian gives Valerie a look as he grabs hold of her, roughly. “Valerie, darling—a word?” He pulls her to the side as Stefan looks on. “Ugh, you're wrinkling my dress, Julian.”
“What are you doing?” Julian demands.
“Lily sent us here to get a sense of his mood…”
“Exactly. His mood, not his manhood. Remember, his mother gave very strict instructions for us to keep our distance. Do not displease her.”
“I have everything under control.” Valerie smiles at Stefan, who smiles at her back.
Back in the present day of the Salvatore Boarding House, Y/N and Valerie are sitting in Stefan’s room as she flashes him a smile. A hint of cockyness in its form. “I was lying. I wasn't prepared for how taken I was with him. He was gorgeous and sweet…”
Y/N rolled his eyes. “And let me guess. That’s when you compelled him to write all those nice things about you in his journal. Spoiler! I've heard this story before, when a sweet, little orphan girl named Katherine Pierce waltzed into his life.”
“I suppose that would have been easier had I actually had the ability to compel people,” Valerie said. “I wasn't a vampire back then. I was just a witch, rejected from her coven for being an abomination of nature because I had no power of my own. The only magic I had was contained in an amulet, to be siphoned in times of need.”
“Aww, it must suck not having magic of your own,” Y/N said with false sympathy. Valerie glared at Y/N as he said that. “What makes you think you’re any better than me? Than the others?”
“Well let’s see. Only three reasons: Magic, magic, and oh, look, more magic. I don’t need to siphon the magic in my body to cast spells or use active magic. I just am.”
“Yes, well, not all of us were born into magic that we didn’t deserve.”
Y/N glared. “Just finish your stupid story.”
Stefan and Valerie are walking through the fair together as they get to know one another. “I have a brother who's away at war, a father who judges me for not joining him, and a mother who was strong and kind. She died when I was ten.”
“I'm so sorry.”
“Ah, it was a long time ago.” Stefan shrugs.
“There's no shame in missing her. A man on the outside with the heart of a boy? There are worse things,” Valerie says as they pause for a moment, as they see Julian heading towards them, obviously displeased. “Your chaperon is... quite persistent.” Stefan looks at Valerie, who turns and smiles at him. “Then we shall elude him. Come.” She grabs Stefan’s arm and leads them closer to Julian. “What are you doing?” Stefan asks as Valerie grabs her necklace and siphons the magic inside as she casts a cloaking spell over them.
“Invisique.” She chants underneath her breath, causing them both to vanish from Julian's view, forcing him to continue walking, thinking that he simply lost sight of them. Stefan looks at her in amazement as they continue to walk away. “How did he not see us?”
Valerie smiles. “Would you believe me if I said magic?” She leads him toward the woods, and Stefan laughs happily.
Y/N looks at Valerie, expectantly. “And then…?”
“None of your business” Valerie smiles at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes again. “You come barging in here demanding why I have Stefan’s journal, and then tell me about your past with my boyfriend and say it’s not my business? It is my business.”
“Are you really that threatened by me, Y/N?” Valerie asked. “Scared Stefan’s going to leave you for someone better?”
“Please, you’re not even in the same league with Katherine Pierce, so don’t you even think for a moment that I’m sweating you,” Y/N told her as he looked her straight in the eyes. “I know why you put that burning spell on me. Which I totally reversed by the way. It's not so Mary Louise and Nora couldn't touch me. It's so Stefan wouldn't. Be more obvious.” She wanted to get inside Y/N’s head. Put a rift between him and Stefan, but it wasn’t going to work.
“Well, since you're so curious... Please, allow me to continue.”
Night has fallen, and Valerie is leading a nervous-looking Stefan into the woods. “Julian is going to kill me.”
Valerie smiles. “Just compliment the whiteness of his teeth. He'll forget all about it.”
They find an abandoned cart with a lit lantern on it, and Valerie sits on it, smiling at Stefan flirtatiously. Stefan smiles back at her before kissing her gently, and the two make out for a long moment until Stefan breaks away, looking mildly embarrassed. Valerie looks at him with concern. “Is something wrong?”
Stefan looks at her, bashfully. “No, no. It's just that I've never…” He trails off, and Valerie realizes that he's a virgin. She smiles sweetly at him, and Stefan hesitates for a moment before gesturing to the front of her dress. “Do you mind if I...?” Valerie nods as Stefan nervously fiddles starts to unbutton the bodice of her dress before the two begin to make out more passionately this time. Valerie shrugs off her jacket before turning away from him so Stefan can unlace her corset. Once he's finished, he moves closer behind her and kisses her neck, and Valerie holds tightly to the cart to support herself as they slowly make love.
Y/N looks stunned and a little upset after learning the details of their affair, but Valerie's expression is smug as she turns to look at him. “It was his first time. I'm sure you've been someone's first, so you know what it's like to have a completely unforgettable place in someone else's mind.”
“I completely agree. First times are very special.” Y/N leans forward with a smug look of his own. “You may have been Stefan’s first, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. Stefan was my first time, right here in this very room and I’m sure on that chair you’re sitting on as well. Valerie frowns at that, obviously not expecting that reaction from Y/N.
Lillian is driving down one of the country roads of Mystic Falls in her car while Stefan sits in the passenger seat. Lillian looks over at Stefan curiously, but he quickly admonishes her. “No, no, no! Keep the car on this side of the road.” Stefan sighed with relief as she straightened back to her side of the road.
“Valerie never told me about your romance…”
“Well, Valerie never told me that you were alive.”
“Would it have mattered?” Lillian asks him. Stefan looks at her, offended. “Is that a real question?”
“She told me that you'd forgotten all about me. She said you had moved on. That... That was the only way I was able to move on, as well.”
“My mother was practically ripped out of my arms and sent to a TB ward. You don't move on from that. You find distractions.”
Stefan and Valerie kiss each other and smile after their tryst in the cart. Once they're redressed, Stefan leads her farther into the woods. “Come with me. I want to show you something.” He takes her hand, and they continue walking until they reach a grave in the cemetery. Valerie chuckled nervously. “Heh, this is romantic.” Stefan smiles at her.
“This is my mother's grave,” he says, as Valerie freezes when she realizes what Stefan is doing, and a flash of guilt crosses her face as Stefan kneels in front of the grave.
“I come here every day to replace the flowers. She's been dead for six years, but I'm still trying to make up for my failure.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Stefan looked at Valerie. “She had consumption. One day, her coughing would not stop. My father sent me to go buy some flowers to make an herbal tonic. I ran to town as fast as I could, but by the time I got home with the flowers, she had been taken to the sanatorium.”
“You never got to say goodbye…” Valerie says.
Stefan looks down guilty as he sighs. “She died in the TB ward shortly after.” Valerie knees next to Stefan as he continues in a shaky voice. “I always wonder what would have happened if I had just been able to run a little faster. The tonic would have helped her. She could have lived.”
Valerie glances at the flowers on Lillian's grave. “Were these the kind of flowers you were sent for?”
“Yes. Cream…”
“Cream violets. That tonic would not have saved her.”
Stefan looks stunned. “That's... That's very kind of you, but you cannot be certain.”
“But I am. I worked in a sanatorium, caring for patients who were just like your mother. Cream violets have no medicinal properties. It's an old wives' tale,” Valerie said. She gently brushes a lock of hair off of his forehead. “Your father sent you on a fool's errand. You were only ten. He... probably wanted you out of the house to make it easier on himself.”
Stefan seems overwhelmed by this revelation. “No matter what, you couldn't have saved your mother. Her death is not your fault.” She caresses his cheek with her hand, and he reaches up to squeeze it gently. It looks as though he's about to kiss her again when a male voice calls out from behind them. It's Julian, who looks extremely unhappy.
“Time to say goodbye,” Julian says, as Valerie and Stefan quickly stand to their feet and turn toward him. “I expected you would visit here sooner or later.”
“Sir, if you would just let me explain…”
“We are leaving for New York now.”
“I didn't mean to disobey you—”
“It was not me who you disobeyed. Come with me now, and we will speak no more of it. The carriage awaits.” Julian turns and leaves to head for the carriage, and Stefan, looking sad, turns to Valerie. “When will I see you again?”
“I will find my way back to you. I promise.” She leaves with Julian.
“So, it was kind of like The Notebook, except you two never reconnect, and he totally forgot about you. I like this story,” Y/N snidely says.
Valerie glares at Y/N. “Julian was in a hurry to get back to Europe. He convinced me to lie to Lily, to tell her that Stefan was happy. Believe me, Julian had a way of convincing anyone to do anything.”
On the Back roads of Mystic Falls, Stefan is still giving Lily a driving lesson on the outskirts of town as they continue to talk. Lily looks over at him, but when he catches her, he points at the windshield. “No, no. Keep your eyes on the road. Make a left here. It'll take us back into town.”
“Is there anything else you'd like to know?”
“No. I mean, it doesn't matter— obviously, it was all a lie, right?”
“What do you mean?” Lillian asks him.
“Well, Valerie was using me,” Stefan said.
“No. No, Valerie wouldn't have hurt you, because that would have inadvertently hurt me as well.”
“Hmm. did it ever occur to you that maybe Valerie doesn't give a crap about you, or anyone else?”
“I don't believe that,” Lillian protests.
“No? How about the part where she sent me a telegram saying she was coming back?” Stefan said.
“She what?” Lillian looks shocked.
Stefan looks out the window as he remembers what happened so long ago. “She'd been gone a few months…” In a flashback , Stefan sits in a room at the Salvatore Estate and reads a telegram he received from Valerie with a smile. She narrates the letter in voiceover. “I promised I would find my way back to you. I long to be in your arms again.” The scene cuts to the present day with Y/N and Valerie as she talks.
“She said she wanted to run away with me. Her telegram said to meet her Friday at noon. Heh, I showed up two hours early,” Stefan said.
Stefan, had been dressed in a nice suit, yellow sunflowers in his hands, waiting for Valerie.
“He waited and waited for me. With every passing footstep, he would turn, expecting to see me,” Valerie said. Stefan,hearing someone approaching, turns and sighs when he realizes it's just an older couple walking through town. They nod at him politely, but he still looks disappointed.
“I sat around all day like an idiot—past sundown, after nightfall—but she never showed up. So, yeah, I guess you could say I'm wondering what the hell the whole point was.” Stefan says.
“Surely, you’re not still angry with her?” Lillian asks as Stefan looks at her for a moment before turning and looking out the window. “It was a 150 years ago.”
Back at the Boarding House Valerie continues her side of the story. “Eventually, he accepted that he'd been abandoned all over again, and then he walked home under the cold and distant stars.” Valerie slams the journal on the table.
Y/N touches the journal gently. “How could you do that to him,” Y/N asked her. “How could you break his heart like that?” Valerie glares at Y/N, close to tears as she coldly says. “There was a change of plan. I'm done talking to you about this.” She turns to leave him. She stops in the doorway. Stefan never knew the truth. How she had been pregnant with his child. How Julian had beat her and made her lose the baby, and how she became a Heretic. The world’s first Heretic.
“Valerie?” Y/N asks. The blonde Heretic turns to him, an annoyed look on her delicate features. “What do you want?”
“I don’t really know what you hoped to gain by telling me that story of you and Stefan. And truth be told, I don’t really care.” Y/N stands up. “But if you take one step backward, one slip up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Stefan, and I will vanquish you. Understand?”
Valerie said nothing as she looked at Y/N with such intense hate. She hated him and he hated her. That much was evident. She turned and walked out of the room.
Later on, Lillian returns to the house and visits Y/N upstairs. “Is Valerie here?”
“I heard her leave the house. I guess spilling her guts makes her hungry.”
“She told you about that? I understand it must be awkward to hear something like that.”
“Yeah, I just spent the day reliving Stefan's first time. I really don't feel like talking about this with his mother, who is also my hostage taker, but thanks,” Y/N tells her.
“I was simply curious about one's ability to stay calm in a situation like this,” Lillian said.
“Well, you must have had a special someone as well, so you know what it's like to love them with your whole heart.”
“Of course I did.”
“Then you know that that love is different from any other kind of love,” Y/N tells her. “Did you know Stefan wrote about you all the time? You can read for yourself. Here.” He hands her the journal, as she hesitantly takes it from him. “He loved you. He missed you.” Lillian smiled happily at what Stefan wrote about her.
She turns away from Y/N and calls out loud to the next room. “Nora, remove the barrier spell, please. As of this moment, Mr. Gilbert is no longer a prisoner.”
“Actually, I broke the barrier spell hours ago,” Y/N tells her.
“Then, why didn’t you leave?”
“Because I wanted you to come to your senses. See that you were making a mistake, Y/N said.
“Thank you. You’re free to go,” Lillian said.
“You’re just letting me go?”
“It’s a reward for Stefan’s honesty. Go, before I change my mind.”
Y/N walks to the doorway, stops, and turns to look at Lillian. “I don’t know what made your heart grow four sizes today, but thanks.” Y/N speeds out of the room.
At the Mystic Grill, Stefan is drinking a glass of bourbon in front of the fire when Y/N walks into the room, looking exhausted ,but relieved to be free. Stefan stands to his feet. “Y/N!” He reaches for his boyfriend’s hand, and to his amazement, it doesn’t burn him like it had yesterday. Stefan looks at Y/N. “How…?”
“I broke the spell.”
“How did you escape?”
“I didn't. Lillian let me go,” Y/N said.
Stefan frowns in shock. “She did?”
“Yeah... I guess today is just full of Valerie-sized surprises, huh?” Y/N walked past Stefan and sat down on a nearby step, and looked at him, a teasing smirk on his face. Stefan looks at him sheepishly and chuckles. “Heh... Look, I was just a kid when I met her. Just a troubled boy mourning his dead mom. I was young and human.”
“I was young and human when you and I met, and I remember the exact moment when I first saw you. I saw your hot back,” Y/N chuckled.
Stefan smiled as well. “We met outside the men’s bathroom. You and Elena were going off on Jeremy for using drugs that he didn’t have on him.”
“Yeah, things were simpler back then.” Y/N looked down, then back at Stefan, who took a seat next to Y/N. “As crazy as it sounds. I’m glad you met Valerie, Fangs.”
“You are?” Stefan had a shocked look on his face.
“Well, I’m not exactly happy about hearing how you screwed her against a wagon of hay.” Y/N smirked at Stefan’s blushing face. It was adorable. “And I’m not happy that she’s still in love with you and she might try to take you away from me, but I’m glad that she let you feel something other than sadness. Because it’s what you did for me.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Before I met you, I was this ocean of sadness pretending to be strong, even though on the inside I was broken. Then you came into my life, Stefan, and you put me back together again. You taught me how to love and hope again, and I will always be grateful to you for that. So, I guess I can say thank you to Valerie for putting you back together again too.”
“Well, I’m glad to have you in my life as well. The love I have for you is unlike anything that I’ve ever expressed before. You bring out an epic kind of love in me, Y/N,” Stefan said.
“Valerie's out of the prison world. Does that change things for you?”
“Of course not.”
“You don't wonder what would have happened if Valerie would have shown up to meet you?” Y/N asked him. “Would you even be here right now, next to me?”
“I don't wonder anymore. I don't care about the past. All I care about is that you're here, and you're safe. You're with me.” Stefan leans close to Y/N as the young hybrid does the same and the two share a passionate kiss close to the fire. The kiss starts to get more intense as Stefan gently pushes Y/N onto the hardwood floor, straddling the hips of his younger lover.
Stefan pulls back as Y/N smiles up at him. “Wow, not bad for a guy who’s first time was in the woods.”
Stefan smiled back, mischievously as he began to take off his shirt. His muscled tone body on full display for Y/N to ogle. “Well, I've gotten a lot better since then, care to find out?”
Y/N smiled as Stefan leaned down and kissed him once again, the older vampire began to remove his pants. That night, Y/N and Stefan stroked the fires of their love for each other.
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nothing-goldstays · 3 years
i am dying for sick lexi being looked after by protective fez 😭😭 i know he would be so sweet and gentle
No he would because he had Grandma Marie and her wisdom, and he would be feeding her chicken noodle soup and Vernors and rubbing Vic’s on her chest/feet. He’d get Lexi all situated on the couch and just dote on her until she was feeling better.
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truefaithmp3 · 3 years
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i’m a fool to do your dirty work by myztify
There’s a knock at the door only seconds after he receives his grandma’s message: Your savior has arrived.
He unlocks it, removes the latch and swings the door open, brow furrowing as he comes face to face with a petite brunette around his age.
“Hi!” She smiles, all shiny white teeth and bright brown eyes. “Marie called me, said you had a problem?”
It takes about 0.5 seconds for Fezco to realize he knows this girl — Rue’s best friend in high school, Lexi Howard.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, leaning back against the door to make room. “Come on in.”
or: fezco needs help with a sticky situation. thankfully, lexi howard and her “clean-up” crew are there to save the day
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clarabellewrites · 3 years
chapter 2 teaser: dang!
Before Fez officially asked Lexi to be his girl, she came by the store with hands stuffed deep in her jacket pockets. Nervous but determined—a common look on her face these days.
Fez was busy restocking the shelves. Lexi snuck up from behind, tapping him on the shoulder.
"Fez," she said, smiling wide.
He pretended to be surprised. "Lexi Howard!"
(Of course Fez knew when she came in. There were security mirrors all throughout the place. No cameras, though. That shit was bad for business.)
"Hi." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, leaning against an array of toothbrushes and floss. "I, um...have something for you?"
"For real?" Now he was surprised. "Shit, it ain't my birthday."
"No, you're right. Wait, do I know when your birthday is?" Lexi asked, her cheeks quickly turning red. "Nevermind, forget I said that."
"You good." He chuckled, adding another row of ibuprofen to the rack—next to the pregnancy tests, tampons and a bunch of other lady shit. "It's in January, after New Year's."
"Oh, nice." There was a small pause, then she reached in her pocket. "Well, here ya go!"
Lexi shoved a rectangular box at him. He fumbled with the gift, barely recovering.
"What's this?" Fezco asked.
"Open it and you'll find out," Lexi said, getting some of that fire back.
So he did, unlatching the black case to reveal a singular chain. So similar to the necklace he always wore around his neck, given to him by his grandma almost ten years ago—only this one was silver, not gold.
"Damn, Lexi, this is—"
"—a lot, I know, but I found it in my dad's stuff the other day and I always see you wearing yours, so I thought you might like another." She shrugged, wringing her hands together. "I don't know much about jewelry, though. You could probably make some good money. Better you than him, anyway. He's always taking stuff from our—"
"Hey, hey," he interrupted, voice going soft against his will. "Lexi. I ain't sellin' your dad's stuff, c'mon now."
"Okay... So you like it?"
"'Course I do," Fez answered, slowly closing the latch and holding it back out to her. "But I can't take this."
He did know much about Mr. Howard, but clearly there was a story there. It felt wrong to take something so personal from a man Fez had never met.
"Why not?" Lexi protested, continuing to convince him otherwise. She pushed the box away. "So you don't wanna pawn it—he will! Won't even miss the fucking thing. Trust me."'
"Alright, alright," he said, making sure to catch her eyes. How could Fez properly explain what this meant? "Thanks, Lex. Best gift I ever had, for real."
Fezco wasn't used to people coming to him for purely selfless reasons. Everyone was playing an angle. Addicts needed their fix for the cheapest amount of money possible. For those who couldn't pay up, they offered anything they could. Food, clothes—and yes, sometimes jewelry. Even sex. If he were a shittier person, Fez could take full advantage of the situation. Other dealers definitely did.
Rue was an addict, through and through. She didn't come to him for drugs anymore. Not since that day—screaming from one side of the door, silence from the other. After they made up, his sister just wanted someone to listen.
Ash needed a brother to look out for him. Ever since he showed up at Fez and Marie's doorstep, Ashtray required the bare necessities—formula, pacifiers, you name it—but there was clearly so much more to raising a baby than just diapers. Still a kid himself, Fezco made sure the boy was taken care of. It wouldn't win him any awards, but hey, that was life.
With his suppliers, they wanted money too. In addition to that: Power, greed and a way to move up on the food chain. It usually meant stepping on guys like Fez to do that.
But Lexi? He couldn't figure her out. She didn't seem all that interested in drugs or booze. (Close relationships with addicts tended to have an affect on people.) Money never came up either. Despite the fact that Lexi was way out of his league, she texted him all day long and just gave him an incredibly personal gift. Clearly the signs were pointing towards interest.
He quickly put on the chain and watched as Lexi's face lit up. In that moment, Fez vowed to ask her out. (When the time was right, of course.)
It was the easiest decision he ever made.
read the rest here!
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