#btw I do agree with what Mary said
hinasho · 1 year
Halfway through Season 2 and I don’t blame Lola for not wanting to tell Francis about their son.
Usually I’d be “both parents deserve a say”, but the power imbalance at play here is just way too massive. Once Francis found out, and then once he claimed the baby, as king he had 100% say in whatever that baby’s life and future looked like. And unless Lola was willing to leave the baby and never return, she’d be chained to that future as well, which she is.
Instances like these are the rare exceptions to the “both parents should know” mindset. Because that mostly applies when both parents are capable of acting as equals. But no one in France could equal Francis once he was crowned. Mary is the closest, but even she isn’t fully there, not while they’re in his country.
The moment Francis learned about their son, Lola was doomed. I 100% understand why she wanted to keep it a secret from him so badly.
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femsolid · 2 months
There's a huge misogynist where I work. Always condescending, never takes responsibility for his mistakes, vulgar, belittling and making crude remarks about women's appearance. I seem to be the only one who doesn't take it. So naturally we had some tense exchanges, through wich I remained professional and he didn't. I reported it to my manager and I was told "that's just how he is, he's kidding" no he's not, I said, he's being cruel and sexist. Then I tell HR during a meeting about harassment, they write what I say and read it back to me, like we do at the police station, and one of them reads : "he makes sarcastic comments" and I'm like "what? I never said "sarcastic"? I said he makes humiliating and cruel remarks, infantalizing and belittling my work" "I think you said sarcastic" "No I said SEXIST, that's the S word I used." Then I talked about it to a close collegue and friend of mine and she responded with "im not taking sides as I've had no issue with him, you both need to work on your relationship or it's gonna end badly for you both". Us both? Then two other female colleagues, one of which presents herself as the great defender against harassment at work, a headstrong woman supposedly.
- oh he's not bad, not really, that's just how he is, he's joking
- no he's not, he's obnoxious and sexist
- there's much worse people here you should be weary of, he's not bad
- so because he's not the worst I'm supposed to let it fly? He is bad. He said women your age were past the expiration date btw. That's okay with you?
- Really? No that's wrong
- He made Mary cry by commenting on her appearance
- Well, you know, Mary, she's not exemplary either, she has...
- Irrelevant! I don't care what Mary has done, that doesn't make his behaviour okay. Emeline from IT made a post on Teams to help us solve a technical issue. He caught her at lunch and said in front of everyone she was playing the beauty queen with her profile picture on Teams and that she only made the post to get men's attention. That's fine with you?
- No but...
Then a coach went to talk to him and came back with "he's not bad, he said you two were fine now" "we're not fine, just because I stay professional doesn't mean we're fine" "you both need to work on your-" "what do I have to change exactly? I've stayed the same. He's vile. You don't have to agree with me. I'm not gonna change my opinion." And I turned back towards my computer.
The same company that forces us to take an E-learning class about harassment and sexism at work. Give me a break. I expect men to defend their class but this doormat mentality in women is awful.
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
Thing I've noticed about the Fairy tail fandom misogyny problem (I'm about to sound like such a nerd)
Not to be the loser of the year but the easiest way to see the bad treatment of women in the ft fandom is by imagining what would happen if you swapped the genders of gray and erza.
As we all know gray has a running gag of taking off his clothes, however while people clown on him for this it's also well known and obvious that he is more than that. He has depth and character beyond just that gag. In the more recent 100 year quest he really hasn't done that much by comparison to natsu Lucy erza or even Wendy. This has been (reasonably) upsetting to some fans arguing that he deserves better. I agree with this but I need you to imagine what the reaction would be if he was a women because it would be a completely different story.
If gray was a character who didn't get a lot of development and was always taking off his clothes as a women people would not be saying he deserves better then would be absolutely dog piling this dude calling him useless and fanservice only completely ignoring all his previous development.
How do I know this? Because that is literally what happened to Lucy. Back in the 2010s people WOULD NOT GET OFF HER ASS. people were constantly calling her useless (completely ignoring the fact that she's a brand new wizard being compared to guys who've been doing this since before puberty and NO SHIT SHES NOT THAT GOOD YET. THATS WHERE THE DEVELOPMENT COMES IN). It made sense for Lucy to be weaker than the others she was brand new to this and that was literally the point of her entire story to watch her grow as a wizard and become more independent and powerful. In some instances Lucy was written to be a damsel in distress character but rather then looking at her as an obvious victim of bad writing it was treated like it was somehow her fault. Gray and Lucy are very similar characters but gray is treated far more favorably right now than Lucy ever was back in the early days.
As for erza, people cannot stop calling her a plot armor character. All I see online is none stop hating, some people even claiming it's worse than natsu. The things is, to a degree they are right erza does have plot armor, the issue is that so does literally everyone else. As much as you don't want to accept it erza fights more so it's more noticeable with her but every single fairy tail fight outside of a few will have an element of plot armor ESPECIALLY for natsu.
The issue I have isn't that people are wrong it's that they completely ignore the fact erza is literally only being treated the same way male anime characters have been since the dawn of time but now suddenly it's a problem. Being overpowered and winning by punching things harder is fine as long as you're a dude ig.
It's even worse when people argue she's a Mary Sue because she objectively isn't. She not only has so many flaws that come to mind easily, she had probably one of the strongest character arcs I've ever seen. She's gone through more character development then 99% of the cast the only problem is that it happened very early and afterward Hiro didn't really know what to do with her.
That being said, even if she had no character arc at all I STILL WOULDN'T SAY SHES A MARY SUE. BECAUSE A MARY SUE IS A CHARACTER WITH NO FLAWS. AND NOBODY IN THIS SHOW IS MORE FLAWED THEN ERZA IS. I've heard people argue that all her flaws are comedic and, ignoring the fact this is just not true she has plenty of flaws that are genuine problems she needs to grow from (ie galuna island, tower of heaven and edolas), who cares if they are comedic? Natsu is also a very flawed person and has not had to change even a fraction of the amount Erza has and does that make him a Mary Sue? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely, he's funny as hell.
This post was not made to complain about gray or natsu btw Its not that I think they're useless or Mary sues I just don't think any of these characters are at all and I think people who do think that should all explode. Anyway this is just what I think feel free to disagree but don't try to argue with me because nobody is changing my mind on this one.
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starlitangels · 10 months
Thanksgiving with the Greers
I hereby dedicate this fic to @frenchiefitzhere and her versions of Marie and Colm and their relationship because I like Frenchie's version better than canon. This takes place years ago, btw 2.0k words
Also. I frickin' started writing this like back in spring or summer. Idk what was up with my brain that it took me until last Saturday to actually finish it
Asher jolted as his phone started ringing. He scooped it up.
Incoming Call… Little Man Syndrome™
“Hey Milo,” Asher greeted, holding the phone up to his ear. “What’s up?”
“What’re ya doin’ for dinner tonight?” Milo asked.
“Leftover pizza and wings. Why?”
Over the connection, a long string of expletives met Asher’s ears. But not from Milo.
“Ma—Ma—don’t blow your top just yet,” Milo said placatingly, voice distant from the mic. Before getting closer. “Ash. You realize what today is right?”
“Uh… Thursday?”
“Which Thursday?” Milo prompted.
“Well, hell, Greer. I don’t know.”
He heard the impact of Milo smacking himself in the forehead. “Oh for the love of—” Milo was cut off by Marie swearing again. “Ma! I got this!”
“You’d better 'got this' young man or Asher is never gonna hear the end of it from me!” Marie snapped.
“Ash,” Milo said, level but clearly irritated. “Today is Thanksgiving.”
“Ohhh! Is that why David invited me to go to his dad’s house with him for dinner?”
“Presumably. Why didn’t you go?”
“I don’t know I just thought it was Thursday!”
“Only you could be so time-blind to forget a holiday like this,” Milo muttered. “Look—”
“Asher Reed Talbot, you get your ass to this house in one hour, ya hear?” Marie interrupted.
Milo sighed. “Ma, I was gonna do it the polite way. Like a gentleman. Like you taught me.”
Marie’s voice softened immediately. “I know, baby,” she said. Asher heard her kiss Milo’s hair. “But sometimes a boy needs a mother to kick him in the pants in the right direction.”
Milo chuckled. “Yes ma’am,” he said. “Anyway, Ash. I’d ask if you’d care to join us for Thanksgiving dinner but I think that ship has sailed.”
Asher laughed. “I think you’re right. I’ll be over in an hour,” he said. “What’s the dress code?”
“I don’t care if you show up in your underwear so long as you’re here,” Marie said, still sharp with exasperation. “No son of mine—of my friends’—is eatin’ leftover pizza and wings alone on Thanksgivin’ if I have anything to say about it!”
“And clearly you do,” Colm’s quieter voice added even more distant from Milo’s phone.
“Hush, you,” Marie said, a smile in her voice. “One hour, Asher!”
“Yes ma’am!” Asher agreed. “Do I need to bring anything?”
“Just yourself,” Colm supplied.
“Okay. Will do.”
“Bye,” Milo said.
“See ya soon.” He hung up and put the pizza box back in the fridge. Setting his phone down on the counter in the apartment, he rushed to his room.
Thanksgiving dinner had always been a business casual dinner at his house. Probably because Madelyn and her mate flew home for it every other year and his parents wanted to make an event of it. This was the first Thanksgiving they weren’t going to be home for, traveling somewhere in… Korea or somewhere.
And knowing Marie…
“Khakis and a polo should be fine,” Asher decided.
“HA!” Milo barked the second Asher slipped through the front door—not bothering to knock. The Shaw and Greer houses were second homes to him. He never knocked if the door was unlocked. Which it usually was. “Someone’s overdressed!”
Asher turned to see Milo in jeans and a T-shirt with a cartoon turkey on it.
Marie thwacked Milo upside the head gently with the back of the mixing spoon in her hand. “Well how ‘boutchu go dress to match him, huh?”
Milo rubbed the back of his head. “Wait—you serious?”
Marie fixed him with a look only a mother could give. “Very,” she said.
Milo sighed. “Fine. I will.” He cast a sidelong glance at Ash. “And I’ll look even better’n you in it.”
Asher snorted. “You can try.”
Milo stomped toward the hallway, flipping the bird over his shoulder.
“Milo Anthony Greer!” Marie warned.
Milo’s hand dropped immediately. “Sorry, Ma!” He scampered off for his room.
Asher sheepishly approached Marie. “Sorry I’m late,” he said. “I know you said an hour and it’s been an hour and fifteen—”
“And I knew you’d be late which is why I said an hour when dinner was an hour and a half away from bein’ finished.”
Asher chuckled. “Do you know everything?”
Marie smiled and cupped Asher’s cheek in one hand—the one not holding the mixing spoon. “Just my boys,” she said with a wink. “Now get those rolls in the oven for me then get the hell out of my kitchen.”
“Yes ma’am.” Asher ducked around her to assist immediately, knowing better than to hesitate.
Colm was in the living room. A replay of the big parade in New York was going on the TV, but Colm wasn’t watching it. He was reading from a sheaf of papers on the coffee table.
Asher cleared his throat. “Look, uh, Marie,” he started quietly, heat burning at his neck and ears. “I just. I wanted to thank you. For thinking of me tonight. And for… y’know. Inviting me.” He closed the oven door and took the mitt off. But didn’t straighten to his full height. His shoulders were slouched forward and his eyes were cast down to the hardwood floor.
Marie gave him a warm smile. “Asher,” she said fondly. “You are always welcome here, you got that? Now, I don’t care if it’s Thanksgiving or a random Monday in the middle of May. You are family. And there will always be a place for you at our table.”
Asher blinked away a sudden salty sting in his eyes. “Thanks Marie,” he said, trying to swallow the thickness of his voice from the emotion in his chest. “I appreciate that.”
Marie turned back to the gravy she’d been making. From scratch. Of course. Marie Greer would never dream of any other kind of gravy disgracing her kitchen. “I’m happy for your parents. Gettin’ the chance to travel like they always talked and dreamed about. And I respect their decision to do it while they’re still young enough to withstand how exhaustin’ it is.” Her mouth narrowed into a frown. “But that doesn’t mean I approve of all-a it.” Her warm grey eyes—the same as Milo’s—flicked over to him. “They didn’t need t’ leave you here alone.”
Asher shrugged. "They thought I was old enough to live without them."
"Livin' without your parents doesn't mean ya don't still need their influence or advice." Her voice had gone hard with disapproval.
"Hey, that's what I have you for!" Asher joked brightly.
Marie leveled a Look™ at him. "You're damn right," she said seriously.
Colm covered a scoff by clearing his throat in the other room. Marie turned her Look™ briefly toward her mate before going back to her gravy.
Asher slunk carefully out of the kitchen, managing to only knock a mixing spoon onto the ground—that he quickly put back—and not mess up anything else.
Milo was stalking back into the living room, sour look on his face, having changed into a polo shirt and khakis himself.
It was, of course, Asher's job in life to give Milo a hard time. They were brothers in all but blood. But Asher admitted—silently, to himself, never out loud—that Milo definitely pulled off a polo and khakis better than he did. Milo was one of those lucky suckers who looked good in everything. Asher was tall and leanly muscled, but being tall sometimes made things look too short on him.
Milo didn't have that problem.
"Hey. Hey Milo," Asher started.
"What?" Milo retorted.
"You've got somethin' on your face."
Milo raised a single, sarcastic eyebrow. Waiting.
"Yeah. Y'know, I think it's called sour grapes."
"Oh you—" Milo moved as though to take a swing at Asher. Who ducked with a laugh and dodged out of the way.
Marie looked through the archway between the living room and the kitchen, watching her boys goof off and chase each other around like they had since they were little. She smiled to herself as she took the gravy off the heat and turned off the stove. A quick check through the oven window revealed the rolls were coming along.
As they kept baking, she started moving everything she'd made from the cookware she'd finished them in, to a pretty crystal serving dish. Then took them, two at a time, to the dining room table.
The clearing of a throat announced that Colm had gotten up from looking at his case files to help her. She smiled at him. He kissed the side of her head and took the two dishes from her hands, letting her grab two more.
After taking the two dishes, Colm set the table. After letting his mate choose the most festive tablecloth.
She got the rolls out of the oven right as the timer went off and quickly got them out of the pan and into a little basket with a white cloth lining it.
"A'right boys!" Marie announced, whipping her apron off after wiping her hands on it one last time. "Wash your hands and sit your asses down at the table."
Milo and Asher both froze from where Milo had managed to yank Asher down to his eye level and get him in a headlock. Marie met both of their eyes in turn, a stern look on her face. Milo cleared his throat and let go of Asher's neck. Both of them straightened their shirts and bustled—still poking and prodding at one another—into the kitchen to wash their hands. "Yes, Ma," Milo said automatically.
They knew better than to protest.
Marie and Colm sat on one side of the table. The boys sat on the other.
Milo leaned over to Asher. "We do the stuff we're thankful for before we eat," he whispered. Asher nodded.
"I'll start," Colm said. "I'm grateful, this year, for patience. The patience that my family has shown me." He reached under the table and gave Marie's leg a squeeze. She did her best not to react as his hand slipped a little higher up her leg before sliding off back to Colm's side.
She cleared her throat. "I'm grateful for my family," she said. "I'm grateful for a mate who loves me and works hard for us. I'm grateful for a pack that welcomed us as family all those years ago and never once acted otherwise. I'm grateful for an amazing, strong, brave son who has every right to be as confident as he is. And I'm grateful for all his friends who have become his family. Because they're my family. And I'm grateful that Ash could join us tonight, so he could be with family on Thanksgivin'."
She pretended not to notice Asher wiping a tear off on his sleeve.
"A'ight. My turn," Milo said. "Welp. This year... I guess I'm grateful for... everythin' I've been able to do. I learned a lot of lessons this year, and all-a 'em were important and valuable." He turned to Asher.
Who cleared his throat. "I, uh... I'm grateful for a lot of stuff. I'm really grateful for the pack that I got to be raised in. I'm grateful that David somehow has the patience to be my roommate. I'm grateful that I haven't burnt the apartment building down yet. And... I'm grateful for the Greer family. For being willing to accept me into your home on a holiday that's stressful enough as it is. Whether I wanted to come over or not." He smiled around a chuckle. "Thank you, for always making me feel welcome and at home." He swallowed. "Now can we please eat? I'm hungry!"
Colm and Milo both started laughing along with Asher. Marie just met his eyes with a loving look on her face. Sure, Ash was Frank and his mate's kid. But Ash was Marie's kid too. He certainly was now that the Talbots were traveling, but she'd loved him like a son since he and Milo had been close friends.
He gave her a grateful smile. She returned it.
"Go ahead an' dish up before it gets cold, boys," she said.
"Thank you," Milo said, reaching for the mashed potatoes.
General Shaw Pack and Characters Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @pinksparkl @darlin-collins @icedunderwaterroom
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zalrb · 3 months
I’m going through your fanfics and master lists again and it’s immeasurably entertaining and accurate
One thing I noticed is that a few days ago, there were some asks you answered about Elena’s appearance being overhyped and I SO AGREE. Elena is pretty sure, but the show made it seem like she was this head turning knockout, which was really unrealistic and odd because Elena was pretty/beautiful in a simple girl next door way. It wasn’t like when I looked at some shots of Bonnie and would think wow she’s so striking and gorgeous, and a big part of Elena’s looks was that she had the best makeup and clothes.
It’s seriously unreal how Elena herself seemed to have no insecurities about herself, when having people like Rebekah or Bonnie around who were more striking/obviously beautiful, and how people always seemed to be insecure about her only and not the other way around.
Have you hinted at this in your fanfics ? I’ve recently binged a lot of them, and in the bonkai regency series (so perfect BTW) and Elena is called the beautiful sister and when king Kai comes to a ball, Bonnie herself says “ This will not be easy, Elena. Alas, everyone notices you.”
Thank you! So, for that Bonkai series, I was definitely playing with the way the show treated Elena and framed Elena and treated Bonnie and framed Bonnie because Bonkai is modelled after Anne and Henry (the more fictionalized Anne and Henry as opposed to the historical) and a part of that was making Elena kind of Mary Boleyn-esque in that she was first sort of presented as the one to make Henry fall in love wit herh because she was seen as the pretty sister and I thought that idea of Alaric and Damon presenting Elena to Kai worked well because in the TVD-verse everyone just loves Elena
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and all Elena really has to do is show up
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and Bonnie sort of being behind the scenes to make sure that Elena gets noticed by Kai is like how in the show Bonnie is the one who actually does all of the work and the way Alaric and Damon treat her was supposed to mirror how the other characters feel entitled to her labour so a scene like this
“For the king to notice Elena as you very well know. His appetite for beautiful women is no secret and Elena captivates men with ease, it’s frankly almost frightening. With the right circumstances, she would be able to have the King’s ear, which would aid in the elevation of this family.”
            “You and father seem to have this all figured out, I don’t understand why I must return to court as well.”
            “Elena is the beautiful sister, you are the cunning one. It is not enough for her to win the King’s attention, she needs to retain it. We would have you help her in this respect.”  
 “Is my duty to be a madam then. To aid in the whoring of my sister’s dignity.”
Damon took a hold of Bonnie’s wrist and forcefully brought her to him. “Your duty is to elevate this family, Bonnie.”
is kind of like a mirror to this
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so Bonnie saying that line: “ This will not be easy, Elena. Alas, everyone notices you.” is basically her role, it's what Alaric and Damon and society effectively made her role, it was kind of partnered with this sentiment
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but because it's a Bonkai fic and a Bonnie-centric fic, I also wanted to call attention to how there is an inflated sense of beauty and/or interest in Elena and Kai being the one to indicate that when they have their dance because Bonnie keeps pushing Elena on him because that's her role and he's basically like, who gives a fuck about Elena?
“Yes. Elena,” said Bonnie. “I’m sure you’ve noticed her, she’s like the sun.”
“I’ve seen no sun in this court, only the lustrous beauty of the moon.”
Bonnie grinned, trying to find humble words. “I’m sure the sun will rise soon enough in court. I’ve been told it’s only natural that the sun outshines the moon.”
She and Malachai glided toward one another, the noses of their masks nearly touching, his blue eyes piercing into her green ones as they twirled in a tight circle. Bonnie held her breath; she would surely lose herself in his gaze, shivers erupted all along her body, along her arms and back, along her legs and breasts, his stare touched every part of her body. “But is it not true, Lady Bonnie, that the moon eclipses the sun?”
and he in fact calls her more beautiful and more intriguing hence the eclipse line.
And because I am anti-Bamon but do find the Somergraham chemistry palpable and intriguing by itself, the way that Damon acts with Bonnie in the fic is this idea of possessiveness and jealousy and wanting her all to himself,
 “Yes,” said Damon quietly. “The King is in love with you.”
           Bonnie looked up at him and seeing the subtle rage in his eyes, glanced away.
She opened it slightly but Damon blocked her before she could leave. “What is this about?” he whispered. “You’re not … you’re not falling in love with him are you?”
Damon glared down at her and Bonnie narrowed her eyes in regard; the expression on his face was the same one Lorenzo had whenever she told him of a man who came courting except there wasn’t sorrow beneath Damon’s jealousy like with Lorenzo, there was only venom. He’d chosen both, to hate her and to love her and his indecision irritated Bonnie as it made her life more difficult.
which I took from the way that the Somergraham chemistry and Bamon narrative kind of confused a lot of readings of scenes in season 7 especially.
And then there's Enzo who is just lost in love with her and wants her to experience the maddening way he loves her so she can understand just how consuming his love for her is
Lorenzo clenched his hair, his mouth opening and closing. “Is it so easy for you to cut ties with me?”
            “Is that a question you would like me to answer?”
            He stared at her for a few moments, his eyes wild and anguished, and then rushed forward and kissed her hard on the mouth. After a beat Bonnie raised her hands to put them on the sides of his head.
            “One day, Bonnie Bennett,” said Lorenzo between kisses. “One day I hope you will fall madly in love. I hope a man will consume your every thought, your every waking breath so you can suffer this torture.”
            Bonnie guided Lorenzo’s head to her neck. “Unlikely,” she said.
and then you have Kai who will rip an entire kingdom apart for her
         “Are you saying that binding your name to mine will sully yours?”
                “I am saying that people will talk!”
                “Then l will cut out their tongues!” he roared.
                Bonnie’s lips parted as Malachai strode over to her. He placed his hands on either side of her face, piercing his eyes into hers. “I will strike down anyone who dares to speak out against you!”
                She trembled slightly at the earnest fury in Malachai’s voice. He meant it. Every word.
meanwhile there's Elena who really has only captured Stefan's eye so despite the dialogue of how beautiful Elena is and how everyone wants her, in reality with this fic, it's Bonnie who everyone wants.
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luvxiem · 11 months
I don't wanna be too presumptuous but if rqs for the tiny drabbles........ can I ask for a tiny luca fluff drabble? 🥺 his roomba stream is giving me brainrot bc he said he's scared of balloons popping like the big scared golden retriever he is.......... but don't push yourself if you can't!!! ik how busy it is this time of yr (I'm a stem student do I'm getting fuckin eviscerated over here........) thank you so much!!
I love the blog theme btw......... so cute........
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"shouldn't you tell him to come back now?"
you lift up your sunglasses to glance over at elira. your friend is laying down beside you on her stomach, her face in her hands as she munches on chips.
"what?" you mumble, partially out of it as you were napping under the shade of your beach umbrella. elira takes a moment to swallow before speaking up again.
"your boyfriend," she clarifies. "he's like... what is he doing?" she laughs. you look past her to see what she was talking about and the sight brings a smile to your face.
farther down the coastline is said boyfriend, along with shu, millie and maria. they're running back and forth along the sand, shrieking as the waves come and lap at their feet. you watch them for a moment, a pleasant warmth in your chest as you listen to luca's joyful laughter. he's gently pushing mari closer to the waves, clearly taking great joy in her screech as she's submerged up to her waist.
as he's running back to dry sand, luca catches your eye and waves excitedly. when you motion with your hand for him to come closer, he jogs over with a confused grin.
"what's up, babe?" he asks, sweat dripping from his brow as he fans himself with one hand under the warm sun. you sit up on your beach towel and reach for your bag, rummaging around before taking out your bottle of sunscreen. luca sees it and sits down in front of you, already knowing what you're going to say.
"it's been two hours already?" he asks as he shrugs off his beach shirt, looking at you over his shoulder. you pour a good amount of sunscreen into your hand before placing the bottle off to the side, rubbing your palms together before reaching up to rub it into his skin.
you hum as you spread the sunscreen evenly across his back and shoulders. "no, but the suns pretty strong and it's better to be safe than sorry. i don't want you to burn," you say. luca nods.
"right," he agrees. while you're finishing getting his lower back, he leans over to the side to grab the container of chips elira had abandoned in favor of running away from a soaked millie.
"ahhhh," he says, gently feeding you the chips as you nudge him to turn around. you pour out more sunscreen into your hands and begin rubbing his chest.
"uhhh... babe?" luca laughs, albeit this time a little nervously.
"ya know i can get my front, right?"
"i know."
"don't worry about it. feed me more chips."
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
Tangerines and deers- Part 1
Series masterlist
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Tangerine x reader
Mentions of: getting laid but no actual getting laid (ik ik sad) murder (obviously)
You’re ladybugs partner, And you just happen to run into some cute British guy.
If you want to be added to the tag list, message me
Ladybug and you made your way through the train, he just happened to run into the same conductor. You had your ticket, but he didn’t have his.
He told him to leave, and then you quickly moved to the side of the train and Ladybug did the same as he saw the gun in the man’s hand.
“I’ve seen him before.. fuck.” Ladybug whispered to you, as you two ran back. He ran into a person who was dressed up. They both fell to the ground, and the person dressed up grabbed the briefcase and would not let go of it.
“Give it!”
You sighed and kicked it in the back, making the person in the suit fall again and the briefcase went the other way.
“Thanks.” Ladybug said, grabbing it as they ran to the exit. But the door closed as soon as they got there.
“Ah shitballs! That wasn’t a minute.”
“Ehh.. I really think they should give people more than a minute.“ you said.
“Agreed.” He sighed.
“Shit! Fuck! No.” He said, while on the phone with Marie.
“Shit fuck. what?”
“Oh deer.”
You were behind the man with the mustache, not even paying attention to who he was. You had split up with ladybug to see if anything was suspicious but really he was annoyed by you sometimes.
While you scrolled on your phone you accidentally ran into him.
“Oh uh- 申し訳ありませんでした。私は注意を払っていませんでした.”
“Uh- sorry. I don’t speak Japanese.”
“Oh, shit, I’m really sorry, sir. I wasn’t paying attention and-“
“No, no, you’re fine.” He said, with a small smile.
(Aaron Taylor Johnson is 5’11 btw…)
You would admit, he was very attractive. And very British.
You continued talking with him and told him you were trying to find your friend.
Then, you entered and got quickly pulled aside by someone. His phone buzzed and he looked behind to see if the woman was still behind him.
Nope. Weird, she just disappeared. He thought.
Ladybug covered your mouth, you quickly swatted his hands away from your face as he watched the man carefully.
“Hello?” He said.
“The white death wanted to know why you stepped off train.” The man on the other end had said.
“Wanted some fresh air.” He replied.
“Your orders were to stay on the train.”
“I didn’t realize I was gettin’ a babysitter to come cut my bollocks. I’m a professional. We’re making sure the case and his son are perfectly safe. Can I please go do my job now?”
“If something is go wrong…” the man said but he hung up.
“Oh, very kind of you. Thank you very much. See a pretty girl and then she disappears. Of course.” He said, looking around again. He put his phone in his pocket and looked in the mirror before he saw something.
Wait, pretty?
“Fuck me! Jesus Christ.” He jumped.
“It’s very rude, talking on the phone, on the train in Japan.” Ladybug said. And the man came up to him and noticed you from earlier.
“This your friend?” He said looking at you, in disbelief.
“Nope. Don’t know this guy at all.”
“Unbelievable.” The Brit scoffed and closed the curtain.
“Shove that fuckin’ hat up your fuckin’ asshole, you hear me?”
Ladybug struggled to restrain himself.
“Fuck this job.”
“What the hell was that for? You ruined my chances at getting laid. Again. For a fifth time.”
“Because, that’s one of the twins. And he was looking for the case.”
“Yeah. Not really though. They look nothing alike.”
“I knew we should have got an upgrade. Fuck all.” Tangerine said as he walked past a girl.
“I beg your pardon, sorry. I- I wasn’t aware there was a young lady present. Apologize.” He stopped before asking another question “You didn’t happen to see someone come by with a silver briefcase, did ya? There’s a little train sticker by the handle.”
“Actually, yeah, a man with black framed glasses had it. He said something about a deer. He went that way.” She pointed to the way he came from.
The man sighed heavily.
“Thank you, love.” He went over there.
“That fucking bastard.” He talked to himself.
Lemon got a text.
A man suddenly sat across from him, and a girl stood beside the table.
“Hi. There’s a gun under this table—“
“Shhh. This is the quiet car. Gotta use your small inside voice in here, son.”
Ladybug spoke quietly now “There’s a gun underneath this table pointed right at you, so I would-“
“I can’t really hear what you’re saying.”
“There’s a gun-“ he spoke louder now.
A lady shushed him. And lemon laughed.
“You shhh.” You mocked her.
“I’m just fuckin’ with you, mate.”
“It’s been a long time since Johannesburg.”
“Yeah. Who the fuck are you two?”
“I’m deer, He’s-“ you started before getting cut off by ladybug.
“Really. You don’t remember me?”
“You look like every white homeless man I’ve ever seen.”
“I do not- do I?” He looked at you.
“You kinda do. But you also look like a less attractive version of Ethan Hawke.”
“Okay. Well, I have something I believe your- Really? You don’t remember me?” He took off his glasses.
“I remember Johannesburg but I don’t remember you.”
“You shot me.”
“I shoot a lot of people.”
“You shot me twice.”
“Well you also have a shootable face.”
You snickered silently and he just gave you a look.
“It’s funny, what? Looks like you’re not the only comedian on this train.”
“I know your black framed glasses and you’re h/c hair. The cheeky fuckers who took our briefcase.”
“Yes. Yes, we are.”
“You know, I’ve done a lot of personal work since Joburg. I’ve forgiven, I’ve moved on. I’ve learned that with any potential conflict there’s an opportunity for growth, a path to a peaceful outcome. That’s what I’m trying to teach this little fucker.” He pointed to you, and you just rolled your eyes.
“We’re both contract killers. There’s nothing nice about murder.” you said.
“Yeah but you’re more of an asshole than me.”
And so ladybug went on and on about how he tried to change the way he worked and blah blah blah.
“Uh, real quick, Every day is a fucking headache with you, innit?”
“Yup.” You sighed, sitting down next to the sleeping man on the other side.
“Right. You and your partner-“
“I’m Lemon, hes tangerine.”
“Oh yeah, do you by any chance have his number?” You asked his partner.
“I do.. why?”
“No reason.” You smirked.
“Ignore her. Wait, lemon like.. the fruit?”
“What’s your plan here?” Lemon asked.
“Here’s the plan, me and my partner give you back your cases, you don’t kill us. You give your case to your employer, he doesn’t kill you. You’re alive, we’re alive, everyone’s happy. Win- win don’t you think?”
“How do you know whoever hired you won’t kill you for failing your job? Lose- lose. No happy.”
“Man, I just wanna get off this train. Go see a Zen garden and some shit, you know?”
“After this can we can go see a zen garden? I quite like those.” You thought of last weekend when he took you to one.
“I’d like to accept your offer.” Lemon said
“But then you went and killed someone. Didn’t you?”
“How did you know…?”
“Wasn’t exactly subtle.”
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Bpp my love what do you think about people who bias hoseok (knowing hes one of your faves)
It’s a bit weird for me to answer this because then I’d also be talking about myself. But you asked, with an odd but sweet endearment attached, so I’ll try.
Deep down, we're all Type A bitches with a specific kind of kink. No point sugarcoating it. And Hoseok scratches that itch.
Whatever he is, we see it and we're mad for it. We’re all gaga for him and shameless about it.
I mean,
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Holy Mary Mother of Christ that is a man who is serving cunt sweet and hot.
Not to be vulgar, it's just hard to talk about Hoseok, to think about the choices he’s made as an artist - the way he quietly supports the team with practical advise, the way he chooses when to use music or dance to communicate his point, the way he balances how severe he is in his beliefs and principles, with the emotional and physical needs and limitations of the team, his very palpable ambition as an artist and the skill he exhibits every time he gets in the booth or steps on a stage… It’s hard to talk about this man without wanting to bite my fist.
But one thing I do want to say before I lose the plot is I’m glad to see how healthy he looked at Yoongi's concert. He looked happy and content, alert and savvy, basically himself. And that made me happy. But with Hoseok, it's not like I really worried for him in the first place. You know? I think other Hoseok biases would agree or at least, know what I mean. Military service comes with specific challenges that I don't doubt he's capable of handling. Though it’s also possible he's not exposed to the most extreme risks, so that could be working in his favour as well.
When I think of Hoseok as a person, his conscientiousness is the first thing that grips my heart. It’s something Hoseok biases recognize instinctively I think. That man cares about the work he does. He cares so much about everything in his life, that sometimes I worry that he could burn out fast. But that care is also one reason he’s become one of the best in the field, at just 10 years into his career.
That care he puts into his work translates so beautifully into his music btw. As a quick experiment, I'd like you to listen to Dionysus.
(This is the extended version from Mama 2019)
What do you think? Have you heard anything that sounds exactly like that, anywhere? Have you ever heard a song that combines punk rock, synth-pop, and acid trap, to express the joy, anguish and momentary insanity an artist experiences when making the effort to create something worthwhile… a song that uses Dionysus - the God of fertility and wine, the patron of the arts, as the central lyrical motif. Do you notice the production choices in the pre-chorus and bridge?
Dionysus is easily one of the best made songs in all of k-pop. In my opinion. And it was made primarily by Jung Hoseok.
Hobi biases see that he’s the kind of person to care a lot. He takes constructive criticism seriously, he wants his craft to be assessed with no bias or favouritism. Just honest, raw, expressions and feedback, that’s one of his primary goals and you can see that in the lyrical and stylistic choices in Jack in the Box.
Hoseok biases see all that in him, and we cream our panties.
That’s the truth don’t lie.
This is going to sound so pretentious but it has be said because it’s true: Hoseok’s cerebral intensity, the way he loses himself inside his work, is such a turn on. I’ve said before that I can see why a lot of people in the fandom underestimate him or don’t really bother to look past the giggly, goofy, sweet and social media savvy Hobi cheerleading the members, but Hobi is the only member who could show up wielding a riding crop and I won’t laugh in his face.
Because we all know, he’d know exactly what to do with it, he’d enjoy pushing you to your limits because that is what he does himself, and that you’d enjoy it.
Another reason his conscientiousness matters to me, is because I recognize that for Hobi, the 'work' he loves includes his team. His love for his work boosts my confidence in BTS as a lasting unit. Because Hoseok cares too much about his work to risk losing them, simply because they are so connected to it.
It's so simple with him.
Taking it back to Hoseok biases, we like to act superior, like we're not also sluts for his visuals. We act like we appreciate him in a more holistic sense. But the fact is that we see him, and bark.
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I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm proof. I barked. On reflex. I don't know how it happened exactly, but I saw this pic one Friday afternoon and the sound that left my mouth certainly wasn't human.
Generally and maybe hypothetically speaking here, toys are nice and all, but completely unnecessary when Hoseok exists and you’ve allowed yourself to be chosen by him. His music, his person, seeing him in his element is all it takes.
I mean…
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The details… Sheesh.
Everything about Hoseok and his sense of style is a gag.
He’s just always, so Effortlessly himself.
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….two fingers would be enough. Just saying. Two fingers would do the job.
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He's too smooth for his own good.
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Some people somehow forget this happened and well, now I'm reminding them. Look at him, really look at him... isn't he perfect?
This isn’t a hot pic but it’s one of my favourites of him. This is the only pic in this post from my top 30 Hobi pics. Enjoy.
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When he does cute it's a very particular type of cute.
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I miss Hobi.
This doesn't happen often, but sometimes I wish time didn't exist for a while and we could be in 2026 now. We'd get to see Hoseok 3.0 and my god will that be a sight. Their performances are already god-tier even in hiatus (thank God for those three encore concerts that showcased the active members in their element), so imagine how unrestrained they will be, how epic their performances will be then.
If there’s one thing I’m nearly certain about with BTS, it’s that the wait will always be worth it. And a big reason I can say that is because the team has Jung Hoseok.
I just hope Hobi biases can keep our shit together till then because heaven knows we’re…
You know.
Stream Jack in the Box, put an order in for your box set version if you haven’t gotten around to doing that yet, get yourself your caffeinated drug of choice (mine today is a flat white with whole milk. I’m not really an Americano gal), and enjoy Chapter 2.
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starrylayle · 8 months
"Don't get me started on jegulus" actually please get started I'd like to hear your thoughts on it because your take on wolfstar and the oc-ification of some characters is so refreshing to see (tbh my first reaction to jegulus was just confusion on how it started and how quickly it got popular lmao)
ahh this makes so happy to hear that my post resonated with some people!! Was worried i was in the minority lol.
Anyways, abt jegulus -- i acc had a reaaally long post about how much i hated the dynamic (in canon compliant ish works -- Jegulus in aus is fine ig) but i deleted it lol.
I think the core reason why i dislike the pairing so much is that I feel like it the ship goes against everything James stands for. We don't know a lot about James' character in canon, but what we do know is that he had a strong sense of justice, and fierce loyalty to his friends and his cause, which ultimately led to his doom. I just can't imagine that James would associate with someone even a little bit bigoted. This is not to say i think James is a saint, i think he could be an ass sometimes (snapes worst memory lol) but i think he'd draw the line at someone who was associated with 'evil'. James had a very black and white view of good and bad and i just don't think it would make sense for James to date reg, esp as he is becoming a death eater. James may be a dick but he is also the biggest ally to ever ally !!
The only jegulus fics I have read are 'Just Lovers' and 'Choices'. Just lovers is a non-voldy au so i don't really have a problem with their dynamic there but choices on the other hand,, oh boy.
Spoilers for 'Choices' by MesserMoon btw (TW for talk of SA):
Regulus' friends rape Mary. And instead of feeling disgusted on the victim’s behalf, (who has been his friend for 5 years) James instead feels upset because it tarnishes the ‘good’ image he has of reg in his head. Thing is when a similar situation happened (The Prank ™), James was upset that Sirius would do such a thing but he also felt disgusted on behalf of Remus. Where was that energy here, huh?? I’ve even seen comments villianising Mary (the rape victim).
The thing I also hate about their dynamic is that it is basically an ally of the oppressor and ally of the oppressed. The problem with that is that when you are allied with the oppressor, you become an oppressor yourself (and reg does; he does terrible things) and that subsequently makes the so-called ally of the oppressed in cahoots with the oppressor as well. This brings so many parallels to real life where people say that they are an “ally” but become friends with/date a racist/rapist. “Oh but they’re nice to me”. its just a little ew.
And in other jegulus canon-compliant-ish fics, sometimes instead of James' character being watered down its Regulus' character. Like, he's not as morally grey, not as complex etc so it makes sense that James would agree to date him. I feel like jegulus as a ship ruins the core of what made their characters so interesting in the first place.
That being said,,, i do love me some canon-compliant unrequited jegulus. Regulus goes to hogwarts, gets so mad at Sirius for ditching him or whatever, but falls in love with the very guy that stole sirius away. He also has internalised homophobia because he's a Black brother so imagine the angst. James potter goes against everything he stands for,, sirius betrayed him,, but perhaps they're right abt smth?? Perhaps he needs to do smth. alone.
sorry for rambling but these are my thoughts on jegulus !! Anyways I feel like I should reiterate that this is a personal preference!! I think it ruins core of these characters, i prefer jily and i love me some unrequited gay pining for the boy who you're brother replaced u with. But this is just a personal preference !
oh and just a side note if it ever led to a decision where james had to choose between sirius and regulus -- no matter how much he 'allegedly' loved regulus, he would choose sirius, no questions asked.
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itsmepage · 8 months
The universe can not take us apart
Ekko x Akemi TM (cannon x oc) || yes this another cannon x oc fic, but don’t worry my other Ekko lovers, your own is on it’s way!! Btw my oc is a cringey overpowered mary sue character but it’s my happiness I do what I want.
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Summary: Ekko reassures Akemi that the universe won’t take him away
Hurt w/ Comfort
Warnings: descriptions of brutal murder, slight implications of smut, hint of a panic attack/mentions of a meltdown multiverse theories, lots of kissing, reality shifting, may or may touch yandere territory, mentions of kidnapping, & swearing
“Stay still, this will tickle,” Akemi said taking hold of Ekko’s arm, reversing the damage that was done during his mission. Ekko watched as her red hex magic completely healed his wound leaving no scars, no nothing. He slightly gripped the fabric on his pants to remain still as told as he felt the magic very gently tickling his nerves on the wound, making it feel a little numb until it was completely gone. “Thanks.” was all he said as he took a look at his arm still astonished at the stuff she could do.
Of course, he’s been more comfortable with her the more he got to know her, obviously since they’re dating now. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize the brutal woman that was his first impression of Akemi TM. Brutal killings of three enforcers with no lead behind them except a symbol of a bloody heart: drawn on the nearby wall or the victim's face, using their blood spilled on the floor/wall. Just so happens, that the three enforcers were very close to finding the firelight’s base: searching for the lead to arrest by request from a counselor. It was Akemi herself who stopped them and warned others not to do the same. When Ekko eventually took her to the firelights, by force, she was quite the merk with the mouth and was as harsh as her killings but surprisingly, he let her officially join due to the fact she helped them and asked for a place to stay “for a while” she said. She ended up being so sweet, but it took a little bit of time to see that part in her; it was is why he let had her stay and the for the fact she saved their asses several times now.
Akemi sat right next to him, not looking at his own eyes and tracing the scar on her arm, located where doctors usually draw out blood from a vein. It looked like something or someone had been bothering her. Which was now very obvious when she started bouncing her right leg. “Akemi?” Ekko pulled her out of it. “Are you okay?” He asked, concerned. “Um..” was all she was able to start with. She kept her eyes on the floor, covering her scar and pulling her right leg up to her chest: trying to find her words. “It’s just..” she continued. “I’m worried about you.” She said finally looking at him. “You’re always worried about me.” Ekko said sternly and calmly with no harsh intention behind it. It was very true. Akemi was constantly worried about him simply because she loves him so much, and he was one the few who showed love back. Mercy and kindness to her, even though he had every right not to. As bad as it sounds, it wasn’t Ekko’s physical health/mental health that she was worrying about in that moment. Even though she did. If only Ekko would just agree to take a break at least once a week for his sake; that boy, never knew when to stop, which is a little ironic. The worry she thought about was herself. It’s not easy being a reality shifter with chaos-like arcane. Akemi first possessed these abilities when she was only ten, thinking her powers were limited to only healing, after two years of being in the same living hell, she learned that wasn’t the case. Bending space and time to get or do whatever you want isn’t as “free-willed” as you think; twice now she had almost destroyed realities trying to fix an event or fates. But one event has stucks to her like glue.
She was mocking the villain, just straight up making fun of him: telling him no matter how much he tried, he would never win. True in most cases from she’ve experience. But every good villain never goes down without a fight. He was a demon who possessed a beloved of hers at that time, to prove that nothing would get through to him. Of course, Akemi made sure he ate those words in her style, the most brutal way possible. Despite being able to handle it at her young age, it still frightened her and it that fear came back when Ekko got kidnapped, Growing an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach, it grew bigger when she learned that’s was how he met the Jayce Tails. They weren't supposed to meet in that circumstance, at least that is what she 99% believes. Akemi’s anxiety couldn't help but connect the “dots”, making up what-ifs in her head all circling around with one: “What if Ekko dies?” Akemi knew it was not set in stone for something to happen to Ekko, he was a Legend after all, a main character in his world. She was skeptical about the firelight's survival but with him as the leader, it was safe to assume they’d be around for a good while.. but, what if? The question ate up in her mind since the kidnapping and what happened during the mission today was not helping her at all. The ache was in her stomach and chest, feeling some kind of uncomfortable weight on her.
“Ekko..” Akemi said, holding back the burst of tears, tears that were threatening to come out as she tried her best to not shut down, have a meltdown or a panic attack, and her heart was not good with any of those. “I worry about you because I love you so fucking much.” She said turning her body to face him more, grabbing his hand to help her. “I love you so much Ekko, and I-I..I can’t stand the thought of losing you because of me..!” Akemi confessed, tears forming in her white eyes, her favorite color slowly shading her nose and undereyes as her heart began to pound. She squeezed Ekko hands, “Th-this is the second time they’ve targeted you!” She said. “It’s Jayce fire, you know it’s Jayce.“ Ekko said taking a grip of her hands and bringing them close to him. “Who lead you to him? Hm?” Akemi said, a small silence followed “Me. They only took you, because they wanted me, and you know that!” Akemi said with anger hiding behind her voice, anger not directed at Ekko but at Piltover, no. Herself. “Those damn cowards..” Akemi cried, leaning her forehead on his, not caring if the white paint got on her. Red paint and makeup on right side of her face followed along with the liquid. Ekko moved one hand to her cheek: trying to whip it away as the other held her hand, in hopes of helping to relax her a little. “I’m going to get you killed..” Akemi said in her broken voice. “I’m here, aren’t I?” Ekko said, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. “What if.. it’s not them who takes you again? W-What if it’s someone worse? What if it’s someone who-“
“Akemi, Baby, listen to me.” Ekko interrupted gently leaning off her forehead for more comfortable eye contact, and held both hands to her face, to make sure she was listening. “I’m here aren’t I?” He repeated himself, hoping she’d understand what he was trying to say. “Yes.. for now..But-“ she try to responded but Ekko shook his head “Maybe not everything is set in stone, it’s mostly likely why you can’t really see or understand the someone or something’s future.” He said calmly to her, her eyes facing him again. “That can includes the events that could happen,” he highlighted the keyword. “no matter what world, universe, reality, or whatever, there’s is never a certain path, a guarantee, and that’s because it’s life.” Akemi softly opened her mouth to argue, but Ekko was right; she remembered she’d experienced a world that was nothing but endless timelines. They always had a system, a way and something would always happen, whether it was meant to happen or not. “You’ve been here long enough to consider you one of us. To consider you a part of our reality. My reality. So don’t you fucking dare ask me to sacrifice you.” Ekko said in loud tone, signifying he was serious in a playful manner; which made Akemi giggle he smiled brightly when she did. Ekko then placed kiss on her nose, her blush blending in with her puffy face and red appearance. “You are right about one thing though, the lanes have been getting more dangerous to head out, I’ll have us lay low for a bit.” Ekko said, moving his hands back into her own, holding a firm on one another “Thank you.” Akemi smiled softly as Ekko placed a meant-to-be a quick “you’re welcome“ on her lips until Akemi chased after them for a longer and deeper kiss. They got lost within each for a couple of minutes, Akemi hovered over him as she almost stayed connected to his lips. “I’ll get to make up all my lost time with you..” Ekko couldn’t help but say between kisses, flirting. “Ekko!” Akemi giggled, hiding her surprise at the sudden comment “You prev!” she laughed. “Whoa- Hey! What did ya think I meant?” He teased as he began tickling her sides “H-hey! You- haha! Knew exactly what- you meant!” She said while laughing. She tried to defend herself as he flipped her over to be on top. Pushing, kicking and hitting to him away but he was more stronger then her. Ekko eventually stopped his tickle attack by giving her another loving kiss. “You’re such a child.” She said lovingly when he pulled away. “You’re one to talk.” he snapped back, as the both of them couldn't help but laugh.
God how she loved moments like this with him, just being alone and being like stupid kids. Playing childish games, calling each other cringey names, making out, going out on dates; just teenagers in love who are completely convinced that they’re soulmates. Akemi loved the fact that their confession was straightforward, a little awkward but very romantic in her eyes. She liked him since the start: she was fascinated by his intelligence, bravery, and kindness but when she got to know him more, she was completely head over heels. She wasn’t very good at hiding it though, so when she told him how she felt: he saw it coming and waited for her to say something, because thankfully, he had something similar to say as well. Akemi to this day has no idea how and why he returned the feelings but if you ask him: he’ll say her sweetness, her compassion, her love and sympathy for all things and how she demanded justice for the suffering as much as he did. The two ended up holding each other hands on the balcony of the tree as the firelight creatures swam around them, hearing the laughter of the firelight people down below. The green glow and the sunlight echoing around them. It was like heaven.
“Hey, Ekko?” Akemi said, catching her boyfriend’s attention, a title she never thought he’d let her call him. “Hm?” he responded to his girlfriend. “If we’re going to actually make love, we probably shouldn’t do it on the clinic bed.” She joked, mainly because he was on top of her, Ekko laughed “Yeah..” he signed, still snickering at her remark. “…that would be a very interesting first time.”
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural “why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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n3hmof1sh · 4 months
I think you misinterpreted some of the aspects of the game. I totally agree with you on most points because, holy shit, hanging Mari was the thing that got me mostly. Like why did Basil think that was okay??? Why did he even know how tie a noose?
The only thing is that they didn't confess when things got dire. Their gift was the final "hurdle" to get the truth out. Also, Hero raised those two since they were little so its also coming from a "I lost my girlfriend and then found out my other really close friends that raised caused her death the almost died".
It's tough with all the emotions attached to it. It's just that saying they only did that because the situation works and will be downplaying the whole theme of grieving and its struggle with the mental health aspect. Did that make sense..? This wasn't a dig at your choose just more insight of the game
Ahhhh okayyy!! ^^ thank you for the infoo!! I'm going to be able to actually play the game in around 1 or 2 weeks so I'll definitely be able to grab a better aspect of the game and it's messages soon!! Tbh when I was typing that, I did think I was being a bit uhhh idk the word but you get it!! I still stick with my point of not forgiving them but yeah!! I did kinda understand that they didn't just confess bc of the bad situation (I hope I'm understanding your point pls dumbas brain don't fail me-) as I said at the bottom of little rant, I haven't played OMORI. I haven't seen gameplay either bc I don't wanna spoil the actual storyline for myself but I do know what happens in the game mostly. Yeah, it mostly made sense!! Kinda got a bit lost at the last few sentences but I think that's just the wording?? But yeah!! Thanks for the clear up, anon!! ^^
Btw as for the Hero thing, I was just referencing the memes people make of Hero and Sunny post Good Ending. I do believe Hero would be upset or angry or maybe just depressed after the good ending, but that is just my opinion!! ^^
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confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Daily avatrice analysis (day 2)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
Hello and welcome to day 2!
I love to see you guys adding on to my analysis! please keep doing that, agree with me, fight with me, whatever you wanna say, let's talk about avatrice together :))))
Season 1 Ep 3 (yes im doing this in chronological order cause why not)
ah yes the first breakthrough of avatrice 
where we got some actual interaction between the two
(surprise is still not the canteen scene lol)
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But here Bea said “and if she dies?” does indicate there is some level of empathy from Bea
Since she no longer view Ava as just the mission, then a actual person after seeing her 
here we can see that Bea took the more soft and suggestive approach(compared to lilith which is more demanding) to calm Ava down
Further suggesting there has been a change in Bea’s attitude towards Ava(as shown in the gif below)
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which leads to the first time they interacted one on one(yesss is the canteen scene)
Bear in mind that this scene happened after she sparred with(pissed off)Lilith and mother superion
She is starting to pick up that the members of the OCS didn't exactly give her the warm welcome, making this interaction more heartwarming in a way
It just makes so much sense that Beatrice is the one who welcomed Ava into the OCS
If I have to guess why
must be because this is how Beatrice feel when she first arrive to the boarding school her parents shipped her to
an outcast, the odd one out of the bunch, someone who stands out
and she doesn't want Ava to experience what she hand been through 
so she decided to be the one who welcome her and try to help her fit in 
Which Ava gladly accepted(I mean who wouldn’t is Bea we are talking about here)
now back to the scene
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(this is kinda out of topic but NO ONE sits with Bea??? How??? Where is camila??)
reasons why I think Ava does this assessment thing and why is it important:
a. from being quadriplegic she quite literally had to intact with people by observing them since she can’t initiate the interaction with physical contact 
b. confirming the avatrice endgame agenda (Bea was saving the sit for ava, and giving of friendly vibes because she wanna help/get to know ava more)
Father Simon did say that they planned Avatrice from this start so
c.she took inspiration from shows she watched and she recognize the trope(potential love interest trying to subtly interact with main protagonist) 
(you can't tell me this is not what happeded lol)
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Starting of a conversation with a joking manner, classic Ava silva
which were met with Bea trying to ground her to reality/truth that is Ava needs to start seeing the bigger picture here
Bea your logical is showing 
Bea countering Ava’s attempts to underestimate the situation with logical explanations we love to see it
To be fair Ava is just trying to lighten the mood which is understandable but is not what Bea and rest of the OCS sees
OCS saw Ava as someone who was unfit to bear the Halo, which yeah I kinda have to agree with the OCS
but Ava’s weakness(? is also her strength
her out of the box mindset is literally what saved the world in s2
the OCS needed someone with a fresh pair of eyes
normally that would be Mary
but with Ava being the new kid in town, the collective dislike towards people/ideas that are solar opposites to the religious traditional cathlic values that OCS follows went to her instead
(okay i'm getting off topic again back to avatrice
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This is where Ava realized that shit is real
People have died(Rip Shannon 
Now is not the time to take things lightly 
So being the kind hearted kid that she is
She asks Bea what’s Shannon like 
As a way to try to comfort Bea
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Really love the way Ava is looking at Bea while she is reminiscing her first encounter with Shannon 
Moments like these reminds me how kid like Ava is
Yeah sure she’s an adult(19 years old is still young as hell btw, as a fellow 19 year old)
But because of what happened to her 
The child like behavior never fades into adult responsibilities
The way Ava looks at Bea like a kid listening to their parents telling them stories is just ughhhhh
(Plus Alba had no reason looking this good
Avatrice really said:
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Anyway the conversation ends with Bea and Ava bonding over being the odd one and Bea encouraging her to give OCS a shot 
okay thats a lot of words what the hell
so i think i'm going to continue the first avatrice hug and that hallway scene tmr
stay tuned for ep 3 part 2 :)
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san-fics · 2 years
have you seen the latest spoiler? seems like the show staffs are gearing towards feligami. whats your opinion abt them as a couple?
Hey! Thanks for the question!
I preaty much expressed my opinion here, albeit it a weird form))
But in general, purely psychologically, in my opinion, Feligami don't fit together.
If you analyze Felix's Canon character, - the boy who went through the traumatic stress of losing his father and hid all his true emotions deep inside himself, - then another cold person who doesn't know how to express their feelings clearly don't suit him. Even Adrien seems like a much better match for Kagami in this terms, although they don't usually seem like a particularly good match to me, BUT Adrigami do have a lot in common in the form of an authoritarian parent and a lot of imposed responsibilities. And while Adrien can soften Kagami, she can give him the confidence to stand up for himself (that both Mari and Adrien don't have to be able ti fit one another as well, btw).
While Felix needs someone more emotional, like his mother, who can melt his heart and for whom he would dare to release his feelings from the lock again. Just like Marinette needs someone strong and self-confident like Felix, who isn't afraid to go against external forces in order to protect both himself and her. Which cannot be said about Adrien, whose form of protection is only to sacrifice himself (whether it's as Chat Noir throwing himself under Akuma hit, or like Adrien agreeing to put up with Lila so she'll leave Marinette alone).
I find gigantic potential in this union - Felinette - which is why I write about them so much. This couple can complement each other on so many levels and, most importantly, help each other grow in those aspects that each of them lacks. In its developed form, this is a Power Couple, while Adrinette, even dating, would be easily subjected to any blow and will be unviable (see Chat Blanc), simply because Adrian doesn't have a sense of possession (even by himself), and a woman will unconsciously expect it from him (Kagami is the one who could teach him this), and Marinette will have too many doubts without feeling an inner core in him, and as soon as the romantic fog clears, it will be difficult for him to keep her.
Therefore, my answer, in short, is this: if desired, you can make any couple work, but if you choose the best, Felinette remains my choice.
@raeuberprinzessin, what do you think?
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libraryfag · 1 year
feel free to pick & choose if this is too many, but merrily (as well), trc, and hamlet for the ask game!!
holy trinity of media that makes me insane about tragedy!
Favorite character: a tie between Charly and Mary.... i literally cannot chose between them Second favorite character: Frank, to complete the trio, he's such an asshole but i do love him
Least favorite character: Not a proper answer because I really don't have a least favorite character but gussie was honestly done a little bit dirty by the show.i understand that it's a very easy way of showing how the friendship collapsed overtime but the show makes it seem like it was all gussies fault and i feel so bad for her because it wasn't as if she was deliberately doing it it just sorta happened but whatever.
The character I’m most like: hm. i think maybe Act Two Frank specifically just bc im so so in love with theatre. merrily is so so special to me bc it really captures that magic. not a character but i really really relate to Opening Doors bc thats just what writing a show is like or making any art reallly.
Favorite pairing: Frank/Charly/Mary not just platonic not romantic not sexual but a secret fourth thing (including all the above) they loved each other so much!
Least favorite pairing: theo I totally agree with everything you said about frank and meg. i cant think of anyone else i could say so i might as welll copy your answer
Favorite moment: Opening Doors which has grown on me since i heard that Sondheim said it was his only autobiographic song. as well as the previously discussed reliability of it, it's such an earworm, like ive had it stuck in my head basically alll year its crazy. Also it shows how close they were together which makes it incredibly heartbreaking also
Rating out of 10: 9/10. its one of my favourite musicals ever! obligatory point reduction for whatever was wrong with the original production (Hal Prince wtf were you doing casting children??)
The Raven Cycle
Favorite character: Ronan Lynch <3 Second favorite character: oh god. im just going to say chainsaw bc i love her so much and i don't want to single out any of the other protagonists bc then i feel bad.
Least favorite character: Maggie Steifvater is such a great author I cannot name a single character I'm not 100% invested in, even ones that would be so easy to get bored by, like Mr Gray or Greenmantle I need to learn everything about them ever.
The character I’m most like: gansey tbh. to the point where i try not to think about it
Favorite pairing: all of the guys (aka blue, gansey, adam, ronan, noah and maybe henry, i don't know him so well yet). basically the same as my merrily answer, labels don't really matter: what matters is they all love each other so so much its insaneeeeeee. im also a big sucker for whatever ronan and adam have going on
Least favorite pairing: tbh i wasn't so invested in maura and the gray man at first.
Favorite moment: i love it when ronan is protective of chainsaw.. he loves that bird so much
Rating out of 10: 11/10 aka so good its literally having a detrimental impact on my school results and mental health/sleep :)
Favorite character: Hamlet Thee Dane. truly the character of all time
Second favorite character: i think about ophelia every single day
Least favorite character: depends on the production tbh. like i used to not care about laertes and polonius, but i became obsessed with the former either last year or the year before, and the version i read this year (Nicki Greenberg's graphic novel which i would recommend) had a really engaging interpretation of the latter which was so good i got sad when he died.
The character I’m most like: hamlet is literally me btw.
Favorite pairing: tragic danish boyfriends is a classic and brilliant but hamlet and laertes also upsets me so so much. like they are literally perfect foils
Least favorite pairing: ugh. gertrude and hamlet sexually. freud suck my dick
Favorite moment: yes ive seen/read it 5 times now. no, i've never not been emotionally destroyed by the ending
Rating out of 10: 10/10. one of the best pieces of fiction ever. which is a totally subjective statement but also im right.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Dearest Mary,
may I please request something where Riven and the reader study together with the others while being adorable?
a/n: completely ignored the "with the others while being adorable" part btw. also I got sidetracked halfway
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"No, Hemlock's flowers bloom white", you corrected, pointing at the line in your book where it said exactly that. "Belladonna is purple."
Riven leaned back with crossed arms.
"I don't get why we even need to learn this", he complained, not for the first time today. You rolled your eyes at him.
"At least for you everything that's not failing is fine."
While you needed to do better than just pass.
He breathed out and leaned forward again to pour over the book once more. You waited for him to say something else, but he didn't.
"Why does Aconite need to have so many other names?", he groaned after a minute. A little grin tugged at your lips. This, finally, was something you were good at.
"Monkshood, wolfsbane, women's bane, devil's helmet, queen of poisons, blue rocket", you rattled off. Riven raised his eyebrows.
"You forgot leopards bane and mousebane", he chuckled.
"Shh", you laughed, putting your finger to his lips. "Those names suck, we're ignoring them."
He kept silent as you grinned at him, waiting until you had pulled back your finger.
"So you're the name police?", he asked. You just rolled your eyes at him once again. Why did studying with him always have to be such a damn experience?
"What about my name then?"
"No, I mean, I-", you interrupted yourself mid sentence. "Wait, what?"
He smirked. God, how you hated it, the way he always felt so superior when he got you confused or flushed. Not that he didn't look attractive as fuck when he grinned, but-
"What about my name then?", he repeated.
For a second, you stayed silent. What about his name, what the fuck? What did he want from you?
"Well...", you started, then trailed off again. What were you even going to say? "Your name. It suits you, to be honest. It does. Don't know what it means though."
He grabbed your hand as you talked, bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. You swallowed hard. First that smirk, now this? He really wanted to get you distracted from studying today.
"And what do you think of it?", he muttered, softly, against the skin of your hand, now gently kissing your palm.
"Me?", you whispered, watching him, your mouth falling open all on its own. "I..."
He'd now reached your wrist, right where your pulse was. You swallowed again.
"You?", he chuckled.
"Just kiss me and I swear I won't make you study any more today", you breathed, begging, almost. You didn't feel like studying anyway. For the exams you had done enough, this revision was only for Riven, and he was never one for revising.
But he didn't kiss you. Not right then, at least. He just raised his head and his eyebrows and looked at you.
You sighed.
"I love your name, Riven. You know that. I love saying it and I love hearing it and I love" - you were leaning closer to him with every word you said - "I love, love, love being able to shorten it. Happy?"
He grinned.
"Very", he agreed, finally closing the distance between the two of you and kissing you deeply.
Yeah, studying was done for the day.
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