#she chose to sleep with Francis and neither of them considered protection
hinasho · 1 year
Halfway through Season 2 and I don’t blame Lola for not wanting to tell Francis about their son.
Usually I’d be “both parents deserve a say”, but the power imbalance at play here is just way too massive. Once Francis found out, and then once he claimed the baby, as king he had 100% say in whatever that baby’s life and future looked like. And unless Lola was willing to leave the baby and never return, she’d be chained to that future as well, which she is.
Instances like these are the rare exceptions to the “both parents should know” mindset. Because that mostly applies when both parents are capable of acting as equals. But no one in France could equal Francis once he was crowned. Mary is the closest, but even she isn’t fully there, not while they’re in his country.
The moment Francis learned about their son, Lola was doomed. I 100% understand why she wanted to keep it a secret from him so badly.
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