#caitibugzz situation
raspberryberyl · 7 months
I'm not the best with words, and I think a few people are already saying these things and doing so better than I could, but I wanted to try to add some of my own points in light of everything happening in the mcyt and generally just cc space. First what I've seen other people are saying: - stop with the "all men bad" rhetoric stuff. point blank. Anyone can be an abuser, anyone can be a victim. Men can be victims, women can be abusers, it doesn't work one way. Not all abusers are men. - on the same note, stop with the TERF ideologies. I know it can be hard to notice, but please think over your words before making a big post that will get all these notes and views. Next point, I know "narcissistic abuse" is a thing people talk about, but it is not a real thing. Phycological or emotional abuse are far better terms, equally valid. Please stop throwing the word "narcissist" around. I know a lot of victims want to describe their abusers as narcissist but this is really vilifying people with NPD and Cluster B disorders. If the person doesn't meet the NPD criteria, or isn't diagnosed, don't call them a narcissist. And remember NOT ALL PEOPLE WITH NPD ARE EVIL AND ABUSERS. - people are rightfully trying to give advice to victims and people hoping they can stop them from going through what they went through, but saying things like "Here's how you defeat a narcissist" or even just "narcissists hate x" is contributing to the stigma that all people with NPD, and also people with Cluster B disorders, are evil, bad, and abusers. Please look for alternative terms. Don't let yourself become part of the problem. Don't let yourself become a reason a victim won't or doesn't feel safe coming out. Listen to victims, and remember not all victims are the same, don't expect victims to act one way. If you think I have said anything wrong please feel free to correct me, also please add on if you have any additional points.
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fxingdead · 6 months
Definition of domestic abuse:
Domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature.
Wilbur repeatably bit Shelby hard enough to cause bruises and pain, implanted a safe word to which he always ignored and weaponized. still bit her hard and would even purposely bite down harder if she screamed the safe word. Poke at the bruises for “fun” just to hurt her. Lock her inside his filthy home and make her clean up his filth.
William Patrick spencer gold domestically abused Shelby.
Definition of sexual assault:
The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching. Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body.
George put his hand under caiti’s shirt and touched/fondled her boobs in a room full of people while she was drunk and she didn’t explicitly consent.
George Davidson sexually assaulted caiti.
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boomboompowpow · 2 months
how randos on twitter expect me to react when they tell all george stans to rot in hell for making caiti deactivate (i’ve never sent hate to caiti)
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eliana-system · 7 months
"They were both drunk" who initiated sexual touche on a girl 8 years younger than him? Personnally when I drink I don't start touching young people without their consent. And if anything like that ever were to almost happen? I would stop fucking drinking.
Dont use alcohool to put the blame on the victim or say the agressor is innocent. Don't say the touch wasn't sexual when even George recognise it. Don't say caiti shouldn't have spoke out, because it's not your fucking decision.
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halfpricedpages · 7 months
I need to speak about things and i'm not sure where to start or how to do it but I need to get the words out.
trigger warning. the following contains discussion of SA
i've been thinking so much about the allegations that have been made against male content creators in the past month and it makes me want to vomit. It makes me infuriated that someone would think that they had the right to do something so horrible. i'm going to tell you a story. it is not a happy one.
when people say "not all men" I think back to the night of November 9th 2020. my sibling came into my dads room where I was sitting. I think I was doing math homework.
"we need to leave" they told me. pack some clothes, get your shoes on, etc.
"Why? what's wrong?"
"ill tell you later"
I don't remember the exact thing they said to me in that room after that but it was something about how the man down stairs sitting in the living room watching TV on the couch had done something unforgivable.
ten minutes later I was walking down the street to my godmothers with my sibling and our friends, carrying a Tupperware container filled with hot Mac n cheese. it burned my arms.
on November 9th 2020, I learned that a man who I had been living with since I was five or six, had molested me. a man who I considered family because we were so close. a man who took me to seven eleven and bought me birthday gifts. a man who took my soul.
when people don't believe victims because they think people speak up because of clout I find it so ridiculous because why would you lie about that.
why would you lie about the nightmares. the guilt. the shame. why would you lie about the feeling that your body isn't yours. why would you lie about feeling so fucking dirty all the time and not being able to wash it away. why would you lie.
you wouldn't.
some people do lie and that is truly horrible but having people call bullshit on caitibugzz and shubble and every other person coming out with their stories is bullshit.
it is not for clout it is for awareness. it is so people feel less alone and gain the courage to speak up and share the stories that they have every right to share.
sexual assault Is not funny. it is not a joke. it should not be taken lightly.
if you've never experienced it then I am so happy for you but you will never understand how it feels and if you really think you're allowed to call bullshit on someone else's story then you're a piece of shit.
to anyone who has been taken advantage of I want to say I see you, I hear you, I believe you, and I am you. we did not deserve to have something so valuable taken from us. we did not deserve someone else's hands wrongly on our bodies. we did not deserve to be stripped of our souls.
a very insincere fuck you to gage and any other man that thought it was okay to hurt someone.
(sorry if there's any like punctuation mistakes or spelling or grammar but I couldn't care less to edit this )
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loveanime321 · 5 months
Shelby's response
What the fuck is a 18 year old child supposed to mean?
If she is a child then she should not be drinking and be friends with you , should she ?
Since you miss 30 something are older than george
Silent reminders victims are not perfect angels.
Bloody hell women are you hearing yourself ? Did you even check for the slightest bit of information before you open your mouth ?
There is a good reason why so many sa survivors are against caiti
Nobody wants another case like the inquisitor ever again
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alvie-pines · 7 months
alright, putting out my two cents on georgenotfound.
so i 100% believe that caiti is hurt and that that night has had a lasting impact on her. especially if this was the first time someone made an advance on her; a bad first time can cast a bad light on a whole experience. i believe that her tears were real, and i believe that the feelings she expressed are real, and i sincerely hope she finds peace and healing.
i also understand why george thought he had consent; but the truth is that he didnt, and he should have asked outright if she was okay with his hand on her waist/under her shirt. he needs to take responsibility for this and apologize to caiti for hurting her, instead of dodging responsibility.
i dont think this makes him an abuser or rapist as some people are saying. again, i see why he THOUGHT he had consent, as he claimed in his video. the way i see it, assuming both parties are being truthful, george was not acting maliciously or doing anything that he thought violated her boundaries; regardless, he did, and again he should take responsibility for that. but i think this was a mistake he made, not a malicious crossing of boundaries that he knew were there.
there was a breakdown in communication, which i believe was primarily george's fault, and he should acknowledge that. as the initiating party (for the hand on the waist thing, not necessarily the cuddling) he had a responsibility to check in verbally, and he didnt.
i hope george can admit to his mistake and apologize, and i hope caiti can find happiness and healing.
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the-final-sif · 7 months
About the current situation:
There's a streamer, Caitibugzz, making an allegation that some people believe is directed towards Georgenotfound. She doesn't name him, and the details are somewhat confusing, but people are making that connection. I'm not entirely convinced myself, mostly due to the number of people involved not adding up for dteam.
Her allegation is that while drunk in a hotel room in summer 2023 with several other people, he touched her several times, the first time she only describes it as "sticking his hand under her clothing and asking if she was ticklish" although she does not say where. And then "touching her in certain areas to make her lose the phone game that she was playing". She alleges that he contacted her on instagram, although no specifics are provided. That he left the hotel room at the same time as her, and asked her to get in the elevator with him, she refused and he left. She never describes telling him to stop, although she does describe being very uncomfortable.
I have mixed feelings on her allegations myself. She uses very flowery language when talking about things and colors statements without actually providing details, she doesn't actually discuss where she was touched at all and that context really matters. Like, a drunk guy poking you in the side right under your shirt has an extremely different context than a guy groping at you under your clothing. Or someone tapping your shoulder to make you lose a phone game vs touching elsewhere.
Without that context, it's really hard for me to know how I feel about this. If her allegation is directed towards George, and it's "while we were drunk, he poked me in the side and then tapped me on the shoulder to make me lose a phone game" then that's something I feel extremely differently about than "while we were drunk he groped me in front of other people". One can easily be a misunderstanding and someone not behaving appropriately while drunk and thinking everyone's having fun, the other is assault. I'd want more context there and for George to be able to make a response if this is about him before I'd cast judgement.
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fxingdead · 6 months
It’s important to remember not to idolize celebrities and content creators. We don’t know these people, don’t idolize them, don’t put them on a pedestal. We don’t know who these people are when they are not on camera and it’s so important to remember that. You don’t know who any of these people are truly and so don’t act like you do. Don’t defend their actions especially since these are mostly all grown men and women.
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frienderbee · 7 months
The thing that's really pissing me off about the Caitibugzz situation is how quick people have been to disagree and stand against her.
"She saw the clout shubble got!" The whole point shubble wanted to make was that people should feel comfortable coming out about this stuff and that we should support the victims. And frankly if anything standing up against a creator this babied and beloved with a platform that size would only hurt her follower count.
"Its her own fault for drinking" Maybe drinking at a party with people she did not know well wasn't the safest decision in hindsight but it doesn't mean it was HER fault. She had no reason to believe she was in an unsafe position till she was.
"Well why didn't she leave, why'd she keep coming back?" We only know she kept coming back from George. All the things he said regarding the night has no proof and I'm sick of seeing people say there is??? The things that do line up are him touching her, not asking her age, not asking consent. We can't know for sure what he said is true at all.
"Well she was at a 21+ party! She lied about her age" Okay not only was that not true as it was a 16+ party. But it also doesn't fucking matter how old she was?? Her being freshly 18 adds in the factor of the power dynamic and worsens the situation, yes. But if she is being touched without consent and is uncomfortable then it doesn't matter how old she is, it's still wrong for her to be in that situation.
Even before people made any connection to George people were saying "her tears seemed forced" or "she's not even really crying". I watched the stream live and saw tears going down her face and heard her voice break. I've even seen people say "she's literally reading it!' YES. She wrote down her thoughts to make a statement cause she knew it would upset her.
Finally I don't understand why people are saying Her story had too many holes compared to George when if we focus on the things they have in common its still clear that George assumed everything, didn't ask consent or her age, and did touch her.
Maybe George genuinely believes he is innocent but I think it's telling that he doesn't even deny most the events, just says they were exaggerated and that He thought it was okay. She didn't.
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monigeko · 7 months
Alright guys, back through the ringer. I’ve not been a GeorgeNotFound fan in a long while, so this is easier for me then Wilbur Soot but again, making a statement.
Caitibugzz went on stream to tell her story about a sexual assault she experienced from an older CC when she was 18, like Shubble she did not name names, but there is a case building against GeorgeNotFound (ex. him matching the age she described, and her best friend Rue on twitter liking a post that said it was likely gnf)
While there is no explicit proof that it is him she’s talking about, this mirrors the Wilbur situation closely so I am more inclined than ever to believe the signs until official confirmation is made otherwise. Support victims, a lot of people are trying to discredit her, and spread hate against people saying it’s George. Well people said it wasn’t Wilbur, and it ended up being him.
Again, I don’t have much of an emotional stake in this, since i’m not a fan currently, and I certainly have STRONG feelings about some of the things he’s said and done in the past, but I still want to take a very strong stand in support for Caiti because sexual abuse is a crime beyond just making some shitty comments on the internet and having bad takes i disagree with and if it is George it should be handled seriously.
I will be waiting for an official statement, and I do not think sending direct hate to George, like any death threats, is going to be productive. We should all still make sure not to support him or his content right now too. It’s better to be safe, than sorry. If you are a fan, take the time to mentally prepare yourself for that disconnect, because if it does end up being him it’ll save you some heartache in the future. You can always reignite your support of him if it turns out to be someone different, but it’s better to stop support sooner rather than later if he does truly get outed as a super shitty person.
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
hiii idk i thought u might be interest in this. brittanny made a new video with commentary youtuber lerix discussing the whole george & caiti thing. i haven't been able to watch it but lerix wat the guy who posted that GeorgeNotFound: The Real Victim of Caitibugzz video (his most recent and most viewed video btw) brittany reacted to which is pretty interesting. skimming over the comments he was being a debate lord and talking over her, meanwhile she was philososhying as she does so 😭
Oh yes I did know that stream was going to happen! I follow Brittany on Twitter and she retweeted something about it the other day :)
Honestly I’m getting to a point where it’s almost mentally exhausting for me to keep listening to 3+ hour vids about the situation considering I already have my formed opinions that I am not interested in changing. Maybe I will skim through it to see if there was anything especially interesting but for the most part I probably won’t watch it
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loveanime321 · 5 months
Ok then
As someone who has experience SA , i find it real hard to support caiti
I was 11 and it was done while i was asleep and could not consent
What happened with george was not assault, it was a bad s3xual experience and the accusations against the guy are too much . I am saying this even though i do not like him as a cc.
Allegations -
Rape- misintepreted action is not rape. They were both consensually cuddly and he immediately stopped when she showed discomfort.
It being a bad experience ( for which he apologised profusely ) does not make it rape
P3dophilia - she lied about her age by falsely entering a 21 plus party and underage drinking. For all the people getting mad at the guy for misusing a 'kid' . Bloody hell he did not know that . I mean you would assume that a person at a 21 + party would be that age right ?
Aroace - I am sorry are people meant to be mind readers ? How the fuck is he supposed to know you are on the ace spectrum. I am on the ace spectrum and you knke what i do ? TELL THE DUDE THAT IS MAKING A MOVE ON ME , it is not that hard mate.
Shitty apology - did you want him to lie about his persepective for your vindiction? Lie about his side of the story ? He thought he was with a pretty girl his age who seemed comfortabke with him and slowly tried his chance . Hell , her best friend could not tell she was uncomfortable and a stranger is supposed to do so ?
She could have left anytime. No one was stopping her and ahe even could have texted a friend to come get her while she was in the washroom
This type of shit is terrible for the people who actually experience sa
I am not yet 18 and a 'freshly eighteen ' peraon ahould have the brain to know what impact there words would have on a public personality's job.
She can feel bad abput it without trying to ruin another persons life
SA and r3pe are not words to be used lightly
Jesus fuck i feel bad for shelby whose on experience is being discredited because of this mess
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desithesevie · 2 years
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I remember this beautiful screenshot of Caitibugzz and my cousin just happened to text the most perfect message for the situation
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masondragonqueenking · 6 months
During a drinking party last year, he had been cuddling with a woman for a few hours, and at one point puts his hand on her bare waist(under her shirt) to make her screw up on a game. Around a week ago the woman(Caitibugzz) came out and said that his hand had made her uncomfortable and called it as sexual assault on a drunk 18y/o. George did not know she was only 18, and believed that - since she was drinking - she was over the drinking age(21). George was ALSO DRUNK BTW. He had no idea she was made uncomfortable and apologized profusely on twitter and on his youtube explanation videos. Some people seem to think that this makes George a pedo/rapist(?), which is absolutly INSANE. This situation was a misunderstanding, and people are trying to inflate it to seem much worse than it was
I am deeply passionate about this <3 <3 <3
Ah okay thank you I found out and I was confused about it thank you for telling me
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