#lewa icons
footicons · 2 years
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robert lewandowski icons
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beesgav · 26 days
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Matau gets to have wings in his most iconic toa form
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ikram1909 · 2 months
https://twitter.com/luvsfcb/status/1818470615873208388?t=VQxBAClV7-h6EnGzYdnVjg&s=19 i'm crying 😭😭😭
Gavi was so iconic for that 😭😭 it's still crazy to me that the only player who has ever called lewa out on the pitch is our 3 apples tall teenager 😭😭 and he called him by his first name too I really miss him so fucking bad ☹️☹️
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toa-arania · 4 months
I've always been interested by what order people think of the Toa Mata in, because it's so different in consistency. As far as I know I've always seen the first three be Tahu, Gali, and Lewa in that order, but then Pohatu, Onua, and Kopaka end up in all sorts of arrangements. You can see my own bias there because of the order I just named them, which I know I get from the order the Kanohi are listed on BS01. Most of the time, I see Pohatu and Onua listed together because of the similarity of their elements, so the most common arrangements I see are TGLPOK, TGLKOP, TGLKPO, or TGLOPK. I'm sure we all get this from some precedent in how they were listed on lego's website or something, but I didn't have time to go poking around archive.org while writing this so I can't be certain. What I did look up quickly was the iconic 2008 Bionicle Retrospective, which to my surprise rearranged the first three, giving us Tahu, then Lewa and Gali third, followed by Kopaka, Onua, and Pohatu.
The other thing I realised I could check quickly was set numbers, and this is where my descent into hell began. Checking the Toa Mata's set numbers gets us the fascinating arrangement of Pohatu, Onua, Gali, Tahu, Lewa, Kopaka, which is wildly different from what I see anywhere else, especially in that Tahu isn't listed first. I went to go and see if the same element order holds up in other waves and it absolutely does not. The Turaga are Fire, Air, Stone, Water, Ice, Earth as opposed to the Mata's Stone, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ice, and the Nuva don't retain the same order either, now in Earth, Air, Stone, Water, Ice, Fire. The Bohrok (SEWFAI), Bohrok Va (WIASFE), and Bohrok Kal (EFIASW) are also all internally inconsistent, but the initial Bohrok wave are the same order as the Toa Mata. This is the only similarity we'll see for a while because the Rahkshi (SIAWEF) switch it up yet again, but most interestingly it does not remotely reflect the order I see anyone talk about the Bionicle elements in. Aside from that one similarity, we now have a different arrangement of elements every wave, and I had begun to wonder how that would hold up.
Then I checked 2004 and of course the pattern is immediately smashed to pieces. The 2004 Matoran and the Toa Metru both have the order Fire, Water, Earth, Stone, Air, Ice. The Vahki almost have this order, switching Earth and Air to ironically get the order of elements as I typically think of them, FWASEI. 2005 keeps the trend of two waves having the same order (FWESAI for the Toa Hordika and the Visorak) and then the other wave fucking it up completely, this time with the Rahaga's WSIFEA.
So far, 2001-3 had been internally consistent with a different arrangement every time. 2004-5 had been internally consistent with two the same and one different. I had hope that 2006-7 or even 2006-8 might be internally consistent and have the same arrangement each time. This hope was dashed brutally against the rocks.
To begin with, the Toa Inika have the same arrangement as the Toa Metru/Hordika, with FWESAI, but both the Piraka and the Voya Nui Resistance do things completely different, with EFWASI and SIAEFW respectively. Not only are they now completely different arrangements again, they aren't even reflective of any that came before in the way that the Inika are the same as the Metru/Hordika. 2007 only gets worse, as now the Toa aren't in a consistent order either, putting Kongu first for AFSEWI, while the Barraki go for WFSEAI, which feels close to the Rahaga even though it really isn't. I am going insane. They so nearly had a consistent order and it's just getting worse. Save me 2008. 2008. 2008 save me.
2008 did not, in fact, save me. It got worse again.
2008 was interesting for a variety of reasons, one of which being that there were not separate waves for heroes and villains - rather, each wave was half and half, a trend we would see again in Bionicle Stars so I have approximately zero hope for a consistent order then either. Because of this, each wave is rearranged and at least does consistently put the villains in the latter half of each wave. The way it does this is especially infuriating when it comes to the Karda Nui Matoran and the Phantoka wave because they are off by one single swap, giving us AISFWE and IASFWE respectively and god damn it they were so close. The Mistika were rearranged to WFEIAS, which is again an entirely new arrangement.
I was completely certain now that 2009 would just be in a total clusterfuck order every single wave, and was pleasantly surprised to see that all three waves, the Agori, the Glatorian, and the Glatorian Legends, were all in the order of Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Ice Stone. Hm? What's that? It's actually Rock, Fire, Jungle, Water, Ice, Sand? No it isn't, shut up. If that's how we're doing this then 2010 is Fire, Jungle, Light, Rock, Water, Heat Vision, and we're not doing it like this. FAIEWS is an entirely new arrangement, unfortunately, so my descent into hell continues.
I decided to brave Bionicle G2, the years 2015 and 2016. Would they finally give me a consistent order of elements? Well, in a word: "No." To begin with, the waves are split up weirdly. There are the Protectors, the Masters, and the Skull guys in 2015. The Protectors and Masters are clearly labelled with elements, and for the sake of my own sanity Jungle is now legally Air. Both waves start the same, with Air, Stone, and Water, but then the second halves are reversed order - Earth, Ice, Fire for the Protectors and Fire, Ice, Earth for the Masters. Then there are the Skull guys, who are significantly harder to place because there are only five of them. Not only that, but they don't have clear elements. The best we can manage is assigning elements based on which drained mask they come with and assuming that The Red One is fire. Therefore, we get Ice, Air, Earth, Stone, and Fire. No Water at all unless you really want to stretch to "Ekimu is Blue" (which I don't), so I'm just not going to count them. 2016 then proceeds to do this worse (sort of). There is the small wave, which only contains five guys, but that's because the sixth small guy actually comes with Kopaka. This results in the Creatures and Uniters actually matchin up, in the order of Air, Stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Ice. I'm not even going to attempt working out what the hell I'm supposed to do with the summer wave that year.
So now what the hell am I supposed to conclude from this? According to set numbers, what order should the elements be in? Well, there are a couple of ways to work this out. Firstly, the order that appears most frequently is that of the Toa Metru: Fire, Water, Earth, Stone, Air, Ice. But of course, we can work out the optimum order. Which appears most frequently in each space? Well there are some interesting things, including that Earth and Stone are spread way more evenly than every other element, and that Ice is almost always at the end. The numbers suggest that the order should be:
Earth, Fire, Water, Stone, Air, Ice
Which means that, of all the waves it could be, the Piraka get the closest to being in the optimum order. Weird.
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systemsearcher · 2 years
Random Bionicle Headcanon
The Kanohi masks that the Toa Mata wear always seemed a bit eclectic to me. Most of them seemed to be rather weird and seemingly incredibly situational, which gets even weirder when you consider that the Toa Mata were designed as the spec ops team
And now, suddenly, in the throes of post Factorio sleepiness, I wonder. What if the masks were originally picked by the Toa Mata not out of any practical concerns, but entirely due to their personality quirks?
Let's take a look at some potential rationales for those choices, purely from my view.
Toa Tahu, the Hau, the mask of protection. On one hand, it is the mask in Bionicle lore, the symbol of Mata Nui himself. Perhaps Toa Tahu was particularly religious back before the amnesia, and chose the mask as a sort of icon?
Alternatively, he was always a bit afraid of getting hurt, and by the time he got over that fear, the mask already became part of his fighting style.
Toa Kopaka, the Akaku, the mask of X-Ray vision. Part of me wants to say that he picked it entirely in order to always know whether there was someone in another room so that he may be able to avoid unnecessary social interactions. Another part of me wonders if he may have been interested in machinery, which would explain why his mask of choice also came with several additional lenses for better zoom. He must have been annoyed when he lost some of them after going Nuva.
Toa Gali, the Kaukau, the mask of water breathing. The potential reason for that one is rather obvious. Gali simply always loved to swim, and so picked out an incredibly situational mask just to be able to do that more and better.
Toa Pohatu, the Kakama, the mask of speed. I'd assume that the reason for that one is equally as simple. He just likes to go fast, but sucks at piloting.
Toa Onua, the Pakari, the mask of strength. That one is equally as straightforward, but from the opposite direction. He got trapped in one too many cave ins and so chose a mask that would let h get out 9f them easily.
Toa Lewa, the Miru, the mask of levitation. My first thought was that he mostly picked it out as a joke to be able to literally float away during conversations, but then discovered that it actually works.
Any other thoughts? It's always possible that the masks have also just been assigned to them, but honestly, the idea that they picked them themselves, not for combat utility but due to their personal interests, seems rather intriguing to me.
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kaiyves-backup · 6 months
Once roaming freely across vast savannas, Africa's iconic rhino populations have faced a steep decline since the 1970s due to poaching and habitat loss. But there is hope as Kenya’s conservation efforts have made significant strides in protecting this endangered species. In total today, Kenya has 1,977 rhinos, including 1,004 eastern black rhinos, 971 southern white rhinos, and two critically endangered northern white rhinos.
The country's black rhino population has surpassed its national recovery target of 1,000 black rhinos, marking a remarkable 150% increase from around 400 in the 1980s according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). This achievement positions Kenya as a leader in black rhino conservation, behind South Africa and Namibia.
Recently, Kenya made international news with the successful translocation of 21 black rhinos to Loisaba Conservancy as part of a strategy to redistribute the rhino population. The translocated group, consisting of 10 bulls and 11 cows, originated from Nairobi National Park, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, and Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. Their arrival at Loisaba marks the species' return to the area for the first time since 1976. This relocation was prompted by the limited space available in Kenya's 16 black rhino sanctuaries. Overcrowding in these sanctuaries poses various risks, including territorial conflicts, aggression among male rhinos, and a decline in birth rates.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 years
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Got bored, decided to make the Toa Mata with more variance in their body-shapes.
The changes:
Tahu's proportions are completely unchanged, because he's the most iconic.
Gali's taller and has thinner shoulders.
Onua's shorter and has different feet, as well as a thinner lower-half.
Pohatu's slightly taller and his upper body is wider.
Lewa has thinner shoulders and longer arms.
Kopaka is a lot taller and his shield is bigger and doesn't have holes.
(A live-updating list of stuff I use can be found here, feel free to suggest anything not on that list via my askbox.)
Bonus infected!Lewa below (scopophobia warning, not worth tagging in this case because it's just the bonus).
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whiteheartlight · 1 year
Why do I imagine that the Skakdi who's been calling Kopaka "natai" is actually one of the Piraka? That, once we catch up to Voya Nui, Kopaka will defuse the situation by simply insulting them in an incredibly precise and devastating way, causing them to recognize him and open dialogues?
heyyyy now that would actually be really cool. I have considered if I should put the Piraka in here - and I think I'll introduce Nektann at least distantly next installment - but for them to be in there subtly and then come up later could be *chef's kiss.* like NOT THIS TOA AGAIN. by the end of this Kopaka's going to be so accustomed to Skakdi that they won't be able to say a thing that will get under his armor, and he'll know everyone's emotional weaknesses lol. maybe I should have him break into a Skakdi prison and then I'll just mention Avak watching him break right back out in complete irritation.
although getting Lewa to Zakaz and recreating the iconic "defeater of doors" scene where he runs circles around Reidak might be the most worthwhile introduction we could do
thanks for reading!!
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overlanderafrica999 · 11 months
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alexarken · 2 years
Might be a dumb question but who's the character in your icon?
Supposed to be the masked face of a Bionicle toy from roughly 20 years ago, specifically the 'Lewa Nuva' toy. I drew it and an old friend coloured it in. Its not dumb to ask, the franchise has been dead for abit ^_^
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footicons · 2 years
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robert lewandowski icons
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cpopstuff · 5 years
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bayernicons-blog · 6 years
robert lewandowski wearing a mask in 2015
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heartbreakgoretzka · 5 years
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➡ FC Bayern players as MCU Characters
| Robert Lewandowski as Loki
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tiredspacedragon · 2 years
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So Happy 810NICLE Day, lads
I planned to post this earlier in the day so typing it out wouldn't be a race against the clock to finish in the last few hours of the day, but it turns out taking pictures and photo editing can take a long time! Who knew?
Anyway, my contribution to this 810 is something I've been working on for a while, and am in fact still working on because they are not done. May I present the still in-progress Default Adaptive Toa Nuva, now as MOCs!
For anyone unfamiliar with the lore of the Adaptive Armour, these six protosteel suits were made by Artakha to be used by the Toa Nuva. They have the power to shapeshift to suit the environment around their wearers, providing them with the equipment necessary to master any terrain. The armour was featured prominently in 2008, where it adapted to the skies and swamps of Karda Nui, allowing the Toa Nuva to fly.
These designs represent the Adaptive Armour in its inactive or default state, where it is not adapting to any particular environment, or is in whatever environment it considers "normal." These default forms are described as looking similar to the Toa's original Nuva armour, but in the Adaptive Armour colours. I decided to interpret that "similar" loosely, for the sake of making post-canon versions of the Nuva that are in-scale with the sets of later years. So here's them, overexplained in exhaustive detail, as is my custom. Enjoy!
This whole project started with a mental image of a Metru Red Tahu Nuva leaning against a tree on Spherus Magna, talking to Jaller in some peaceful time long after the story was over, so it only seems proper to start with him. Whether this is Tahu restored to his Nuva form, or Tahu Mata having gained the Shapeshifting Rahkshi power from the Golden Armour and using it to look like his Nuva self is up to you.
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I've opted to go with Metru builds for all the Nuva. I know a fair amount of people are sick of them by now, but I'm not! And I think they're a great way to translate the look of the Toa Nuva into Inika scale.
I also attempted to stick as close to the designs of the Phantoka and Mistika Toa as possible; on Tahu you can see that he retains the limb pieces, feet, thigh armour, and colour layout of his 2008 self. My reason for this is because we saw Lewa and Pohatu's armour take different forms when they piloted the Rockoh and Axalara vahicles, and those pilot forms looked mostly similar to their Phantoka designs. I also personally value recognizability in Bionicle, I just like it when caharacters' designs are consistent and an observer can pick out common elements across a character's various incarnations. The Kanohi, Nuva armour, and silhouette already make them recognizable as the Nuva, so it's up to the rest of the design to hearken back to 2008.
When it came to choosing Toa Tools, I mainly looked to the Toa Mata. This equipment was made by Artakha, who made the Toa Mata in the first place, and gave them tools he thought suited them. It makes sense to me that when he designed the Adaptive Armour, he would base its default Toa Tools, the ones the Nuva would wield most often, mostly on the original tools of the Mata. Maybe he felt slightly annoyed about how different many of the Nuva tools were from his original designs. In Tahu's case, that means he once again carries the legendary Fire Sword, a symbol of hope and courage to Matoran everywhere. I did think about giving him two blades for some good, old-fashioned lavaboard action, but you can't beat a good symbol for people to rally around.
In addition to their tools, each Toa also has something I call a Deployable Feature. The idea behind these is that they are a feature of the Adaptive Armour that can be deployed in any form it takes, a trick the Toa can consistently rely on. These features also help distinguish the Toa from one another by giving them all something unique. Tahu's was the hardest to come up with, because he's often defined by how plain he is. He's iconic, yes, but he's often just the baseline upon which the other five innovate. My initial idea was a pair of flame pieces peeking out from under his armour, which are still present on the MOC, on his shoulders, but they had a number of issues. They're a little too small, and I couldn't figure out a practical purpose for them (signal flares maybe, to communicate with the team over distance?) and a key feature of all the deployables was that they are easily removable, so if these MOCs were official sets, the deployables could be taken off if someone preferred to display the sets without them, and the flame pieces are kind of a hassle to take off and put on. So instead I slapped on his Mistika leg-claws, though to be honest I don't really know what they would be for either. Perhaps they help him balance while he's lava surfing.
Like I said before, none of these guys are done yet, so I still intend to make some changes, mostly painting some pieces. For Tahu, that involves painting his torso silver, and his chestplate and mask Metru Red.
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Gali was one of the more challenging Toa to build. I don't have Metru Blue Nuva pauldrons for her, or the right upper arms, so she wound up with a custom arm build, which works out well because it makes her arms slightly longer than those of her brothers, just like her original Nuva form. She also winds up with unique shoulder armour like her Mistika self, the Metru pauldron in this case. I also opted to swap her thigh armour from Inika thighguards to Inika shoulders, as a callback to her Mata self, where her thighs were accentuated compared to the others.
Gali is the only one of the Toa Nuva to not receive an Adaptive Toa Tool from Artakha, receiving only an Adaptive Launcher weapon. I opted to forgo the launchers on the others since they adapt to the Toa's opponents, not their terrain, and it doesn't make much sense to me for the Nuva to be armed with blasters during peacetime, which is when these default forms would see the most use. But because Gali has no other option, she is a special case, and thus she carries the Hook Launcher, a unique form of the Adaptive Launcher that only Gali's weapon can take. It fires hooked, harpoon-like projectiles and grappling lines that help Gali scale seaside cliffs, just like her original Hooks. I also slapped her Mistika laser sight on there because why not?
Gali's deployable feature is the set of rotors that unfold from her wrists. They are of course a callback to the Mizuni Rotors of her Nuva set, which were notably attached to her wrists in the Mask of Light movie, rather than the bottoms of her axes.
Gali is still waiting on having her torso painted silver, and her mask and chestplate painted Metru Blue. Unless I find a Metru Blue Nuva chestplate first, because I know those exist.
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I actually like both Pohatu designs from 2008 quite a bit. I think it's a byproduct of really being introduced to the Nuva through Mask of Light, but Pohatu always did strike me as suited to the broad-shouldered, handsome hunk look. That said, I know the character much better now, and I knew I'd be doing it wrong if I didn't give him the classic upside down torso. I did puff out his shoulders a bit though, just so he didn't look too scrawny.
I initially had Pohatu's arm and leg pieces matching, but I recently decided to swap out his arms for Rahkshi legs. This both matches his arms in the Rockoh set, and serves to further accentuate his muscular legs.
While Gali is the only one of the six with no Adaptive Toa Tool, Pohatu is the only one with two (maybe Gali gave him hers?) which means I was free to give Pohatu a pair of Cliff Claws. Pohatu had no handheld Toa Tools as a Toa Mata, and since I already locked in the Feet Additions as Pohatu's deployable (because obviously) I decided to sick with the trend set by the Climbing Claws. These claws are actually smaller than the Climbing Claws, which I think helps better shift the focus to Pohatu's feet.
Pohatu still needs a fair amount of work. His mask and chestplate should be orange, his torso grey, and I want to get him silver Feet Additions. Either by finding them or by painting one of the many, many tan pairs I have, I don't really care which.
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I opted to abandon Lewa Phantoka's bulky arms for a lighter, springier look that I think suits Lewa much better. Adding on to that, I know his feet should be grey or silver, but the lime green Hero Factory feet, with molded-in foot rockets, were just too good to pass up for the wind-flying Toa of Air.
Lewa's Adaptive Toa Tool is the Air Cleaver. They're actually a single, double-bladed weapon that Lewa can wield in one hand, but Lewa often carries it split into dual machetes reminiscent of his Air Katana. I know Lewa Mata's weapon was an axe, but I've always felt that blades suited him better, so I went for a compromise. These tools are blades, but they've specifically chopping blades, meant to combine elements of swords and axes into one.
Lewa's deployable feature is the pair of hook-blades that extend over his shoulders like a protective collar. They're taken from his Phantoka form, of course, but they're also intended to call to mind the over-the-shoulder blades of 2015's Lewa Master as well.
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The way I've attached the blades might just be the bit of engineering I'm most proud of on these guys. I initially had them attached to Lewa's arms like on the Phantoka set, but they constantly bonked into his head and were just an all-around pain, so I attached them to his back loosely. They don't hit Lewa's head anymore, and they move freely to accommodate the movement of his arms. Also there's a look at how I attached the Toa's heads, if you're interested.
Lewa is still waiting on a grey torso and a lime-coloured mask.
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I played a little fast and loose with Kopaka. I matched his set by giving him a gunmetal chestplate, making him the only one of the six whose Nuva armour isn't in his primary colour, but decided to stray from the 08 set with his limbs. I used Metru legs for his arms to make him appear slimmer like his Mata form, and then used Inika legs instead of Piraka legs because I felt like the Piraka limbs clashed with the Metru limbs. I'm happy with the result though, he looks...cool, this way.
Kopaka has only one Adaptive Toa Tool, his shield is actually his deployable. Kopaka's shield is actually what gave me the idea for deployables in the first place. By having them be something the Nuva can call on in any form, Kopaka would never be without his shield. Which means yes, he could use the shield in his Phantoka form too.
Kopaka's actual tool then is the Frost Blade, a long-handled sword that combines the single-bladed sword of his Mata form with the javelin/double blade of his Nuva form. The little red flag tied around it is not part of the Adaptive Armour. It's something Kopaka added himself, as a tribute to a fallen friend.
Kopaka is the only one of the six that I consider to be pretty much done. I may fiddle with him a little, but he's got all the right colours, and I don't think I want to change any pieces either. He's all good.
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Finally, we have Onua. It was difficult to balance to slim vibe of Onua Mistika with buff Onua Nuva, but I think I pulled it off well. I stuck with the silver Rahkshi limbs for his legs, albeit beefed up a little, and opted to use Metru arms for his forearms, to make him better match Onua Nuva's stubby little Bohrok arms. His thigh armour is a little too big for him, but I kept it to both match his Mistika form, and because, like Gali, Onua is known for his prodigious thighs.
Sometimes I feel like Onua looks a little too scrawny, but overall I think he sends the right message. All Onua's strength comes from his core, and that's where he's beefiest. Also, as a sidenote, I'm pleasantly surprised by how well the bright red works as an accent colour for him. Makes him pop.
Onua had no Toa Tool of any kind as a Toa Mata, instead relying only on his natural claws, which he lost as a Toa Nuva. Here the claws make a return as Onua's deployable, which also makes him the only one of the Nuva to have thumbs, while I look to his Nuva form for weapon inspiration. Maybe it's a bit lazy to just reuse the Quake Breaker pieces, but I really like how they look combined into the underslung Quake Saw. As a bonus, they can also be wielded to the side as a set of chainsaw claws, which I think is just stupid cool.
I've already painted Onua's chestplate black, though it needs some touching up. Apart from that, all he needs is a grey torso and silver forearms.
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And that's a wrap! I'm really proud of these guys, works in progress that they are, so I hope y'all like 'em. I took inspiration from a lot of MOCs and art I've seen around the community, including but not limited to @afanofmanyhats's Nuva revamps, Takhamavahu's Nuva recolours, SomeBionicleFan23's MOCs on the TTV Boards, and @ashilean's work, just to name a few. So this is my thanks to the online Bionicle community. Thank you for being such a welcoming and inviting community of people that continually inspire each other and that makes me feel like I belong every single day.
You may yet see more of these guys, I might post updates if and when they're properly finished, and I might make a follow-up post with these MOCs edited to show what they will look like when they're done. But for now, here's a pic of them with the team's little brother to close things off. Thanks for reading and farewell for now.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
My thought on every canon toa of Air as someone whose favorite element is air
Lewa: Baby boy baby . An absolute joy and angel, would def be great friend material with his energy and friendliness. Please stop getting yourself possessed tho honey, it's not worth it especially not three times.
Matau: I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! He's such a charming boy with energy and smugness. He honestly was the highlight of LOMN when I watched that movie a few days back. Such a good boy with so much high energy and smugness yet he is still a decent person despite his arrogance. And the way I love him so much.
Kongu: I need to reread the Inika/Mahri arcs but ...he's ok I think. Nowhere my top faves or anything but I do appreciate how he's a bit more serious compared to the two previous. From what I can recall he had some rather interesting struggles with self worth and stuff, but don't recall that well.
Iruini: Ok so I originally had a silly grudge against Iruini due to who his set was supposed to be. But removing behind the scenes details and looking Iruini as Iruini...I do like the guy quite a bit. Guy has that classic toa of air vibe while being...much snarkier. He is a fun character with just that..snark that makes him fun.
Nidhiki: *points at username* *points at icon I had at the time of writing this* I think that explains it. OK JOKES ASIDE, I L O V E HIM SO FREAKING MUCH!!!! He has that chaotic gremlin vibe but also it's turned onto its head with how he is actually quite selfish and nasty. In a sense based on what we see of him in BOADH/MDOTT I imagine his pre-mutation self being quite similar to Matau but slightly less selfabsorbed and with more edge. Like he's this energetic chaos boy but snarkier and way more opportunistic due to his upbringing. Despite his nastyness I do like to think that he was somewhat decent deep down, until that decency was eroded from him due to everything that happened. He's such a beautiful, fascinating self sabotaging tragedy that I love to think about. I wish he had gotten a happier ending and chance at redemption but also he did get what he deserved.
Lesovikk: As a kid I really liked him thought his story was super interesting and tragic. Now...he's ok. He feels like a supporting character with a really interesting story but he doesn't really contribute to the main plot (over even any of the major subplots) in any meaningful or complex way. He is interesting sure but I wish he was implemented better than he was.
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