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raspberry-sam · 1 year ago
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Bonkle bonkle bonkle.
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pyrorptrs · 10 months ago
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Awhile back I did my own redesign of the Toa Mata from Bionicle. Mostly just trying to find a way to draw them without having to keep the toys permanently on hand for reference and a bit more streamlined to make them easier to draw in general. As far as universal details go, I gave them a segmented body template to lean into the biomechanical aspect of them, I also tried to find a consistent way to draw some of the more common limbs they had. I also tried to play with the gears on the back by giving each of them something unique and tried to give them unique kneeguards. I also tried to incorporate the orbs they had their chest by incorporating their elements matoran symbols into them
Tahu - Tahu served as kind of the template for the others, so he's probably the most standard out of them. I wanted to stick primarily with his original colors so made the bright red and orange the most prominent colors on him, but I also used the dark red he sported later as an accent color for more color blocking. His sword is based more on the Bionicle Heroes interpretation of it, though I may change that if I ever redraw this design. His left arm was never really stated to be anything, so I tried to purpose it as a sort of Aegis; it still matches his more aggressive personality, but also gives it a more utility. I also modeled his back gear after exhaust pipes to relate towards his element. Though it probably won't be seen that much, I did try to define his head too, making it kinda broad; specifically basing the heads off a combination of the originals, the glatorian heads from the end of the original line, and the heads from the reboot.
Kopaka - Since Toa of Ice tend to stick around cold places, I incorporated a bit of a coat into his armor for insulation. His sword also draws some inspiration from the Heroes version, but it also still works like his toy. His left arm was a bit awkward so I limited the armor to mostly just his bicep, I also tried to make the shield look like a snowflake on top of the radar dish look it obviously was piece wise. Kopaka was also one of the few toa consistently depicted is hauling around the McGuffins for whatever saga they're directly involved in, so I gave him a satchel to call back to that. His back gear is directly modeled after a snowflake like his shield, but a bit more obviously. I also tried to make his kneeguards resemble icicles. I tried to give his head a sharper look to call back to his cold and distant personality.
Lewa - Tried to make Lewa look a bit more lanky compared to the others since he's supposed to be the resident tree swinger. His axe leans more towards the original, but I still tried to incorporate aspects of the heroes version for fun. I tried to make his left arm a big grabby arm since most people turn it into a gun or something, but BlazeTBW thought it looked like a machete so I incorporated a fold-our arm blade to help him cut up vines and foliage as he swings around. His kneeguards are supposed to look like palm leaves but I'm not satisfied with how they turned out. I also gave him a few pouches since I figured he's want to keep a few snacks on hand or maybe even swipe a souvenir here and there.
Onua - Tried to make Onua look pretty broad since he's supposed to be strong even without his mask buffing him. Unfortunately his monochromatic color scheme can make things hard to color block, so I threw in some purple from his G2 version in order to help highlight some parts of his body. obviously made his claws his actual hands. I also did something a bit different with his legs sinw his original toy had them flipped around to bulk them, so I tried leaning into that while also making it look like a heavy duty hinge. I also tried to make his head particularly broad too.
Pohatu - Pohatu was pretty different from the original toa in that his torso was flipped around to make him more bottom heavy, so I tried to call back to that with his body shape. I also took inspiration from the toys arms to make them bigger than the others. I did include the two orbs on his shoulders, but recolored them to make them different from the chest one and included the extra pins on the leg. Since Toa of Stone live in the dessert I gave him a scarf to wrap around his head for sandstorms and gave him a decently sized backpack since he's also been happy to regale his own adventures (so it works for holding souvenirs). His kneeguards are based on boulders. I also inlcluded the orange his Phnatoka version sported to highlight parts of his armor
Gali - Obviously Gali's body is mostly just a female version of the standard one I came up with. I did call back to the pins her original toy had in her hips and I incorporated the mata hand into the chest orb I try to include on all of them. Her hooks are intended to slip onto her hands more-so than replace them. Her back-gear and kneeguards are also based on a bunch of bubbles. finally I incorporated her Mistaka colors as a highlight to add more color blocking.
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angryraptor13 · 1 year ago
Do you think the Kanohi Kaukau (underwater breathing) would also allow the user to speak underwater?
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neopianfreshfoods · 2 years ago
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𝙽𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚔 + 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚔𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜
𝙰 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝙺𝚊𝚞 𝙺𝚊𝚞 𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚔𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚕.
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randomwriteronline · 8 months ago
In some of his few restless dreams, Whexie forgives him.
He forgives him for his betrayal.
He forgives him for his weakness.
He forgives him for his cowardice.
In some of his dreams, Nidhiki kills him. In some, he doesn't.
He doesn't know if Whexie really would forgive him for doing what he did - for almost selling the city to the Dark Hunters to save his own skin first and foremost: he likes to think he would, because he knows Lhikan won't.
Lhikan will never forgive him.
He will take this grudge to his grave, clinging to it as hard as he can.
Because they were brothers before they were Mangai, and Nidhiki abandoned him when Whexie was torn away from them.
Oh, what an actor his brother is.
He is the leader of the Toa Metru, protector of the City of Legends, as they call it with no shortage of mockery in the peninsula; as he surveys the Matoran his Hau shines golden like the twin suns, as splendid as the Great Spirit himself; he is stalwart and stoic, sure of himself, a steady guide like a burning torch through the dark.
But Nidhiki remembers the other him: the bright shadow hiding away behind a white Calix, quiet and fearful. The Toa so shaken by the loss of his brothers that he could not run away from even the worst fights, fixated on trying to save anybody he could.
They were a team, the three of them. They were brothers.
But Whexie left and never returned.
He left, with a worried smile and reassurances of coming back.
They knew they would not see him again after the first decade.
Lhikan mourned him. Each day, after living as though nothing could affect him, he locked himself in his small, squallid home, and grieved where none could find him.
Nidhiki decided he would not die, or go missing, or disappear without a trace or a warning, and betrayed the whole city along with him.
And for that, Lhikan will never forgive him.
Yet in his dreams Whexie forgives him, because Whexie was his brother, and he would have understood.
In some way, he might have understood.
Mahtse would have kept him around, sullying the air with the bitterness between them as he covered the whole thing with a layer of professionalism, like geological eras piled on one another.
Sutau would have refused to have nothing more to do with him: he would have sunk briars in his arm in the hopes he would have to live with a painful reminder of his mistake forevermore.
Naho would have stared him down appalled with her frighteningly bright eyes, and her silence would have stung through his armor.
Tuyet would have killed him. Consumed him without remorse, another worthwhile stepping stone for her design.
Pyea would have simply gazed into him, blankly, a little sadly.
Tumul would have watched the Dark Hunters tear him apart.
Mackari would have encased him in the Archives, for stasis was the closest thing to death he could sentence him to; he would have left him as the highest exhibition of punishment, his only way to get revenge for something none of them were guilty of.
And Eyini...
He preferred not to think of Eyini.
(Nidhiki had met Eliminator a few times - he had been eyed by him, heard his horrible gargling laugh, his insinuations that he could feel himself back on the hunt for him soon.)
(Nidhiki had wondered, each time, what the fear in his eyes would have looked like if he had stolen the air from his lungs, leaving only droplets of humidity to fill them mercilessly until he was left agonizingly drowning on land.)
(Nidhiki had wondered, each time, how it would have felt to lean down on the dying bastard and ask him if he could feel around his many limbs the liquid protodermis of the Ga-Metru canals - where the body of his youngest brother had been thrown to be discovered, lifeless, as he floated face down, in a desecration and insult to the Kaukau he bore.)
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Coconut Kaukau (Vegan Papau New Guinean Baked Sweet Potato)
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medaknight4 · 1 year ago
I know matoran cant use mask powers but it would be funny if the kanohi they wear messes with them a bit. An onu matoran with a kaukau catches the scent of the silver sea deep underground every so often, even though the last time they were there was thousands of years ago. A ta matoran guard with a ruru swears they see things in the night during their rounds when nothing is there. A le matoran with a huna always manages to find the perfect place to hide, whether it was in the treetops or the nooks and crannies of the testing track.
the idea that there’s non-ga-matoran that might wear the kaukau is ridiculous. Imagine seeing your fellow onu-matoran in some weird goggles and you ask what the mask does. Your only natural response is to call them a dumbfuck because the last time you two saw water was like four years ago and there wasn’t even necessarily enough to submerge oneself in.
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tempelbeast · 3 months ago
Pe-transformations\mutation\upgrading Bionicle characters!
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Toa Duma
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Toa Spinner (Greate Mask of Adaptation)
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Toa Savage (Greate Kanohi Ruru)
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Prototype's Toa components (Greate Kanohi Kakama and Ruru)
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Matoran Firedracax (Noble Mask of Adaptation)
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Matoran Garrdus
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Oreginal Gatherer (Hau with Trans Green lenses and with Transparent Green lenses)
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Matoran Phantom (Kanohi Arthron)
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Matoran Subterranean (Noble Kanohi Kaukau)
Any thought?
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boxturret · 3 months ago
Some Old Bionicle Renders
Was going through some old files and remembered these. A few years ago, when fighting against inevitability, I made some renders to help illustrate the Toa and their powers and masks. I'm quite fond of them, so here they are.
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They were quite quick and dirty, just illustrations for a document, but they were fun to make. The Huna one was especially difficult.
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I also had this idea for a big mass of rusted parts that would burst out of the ground as an obstacle and puzzle mechanic. I quite liked it. They'ed be at the centre of some dark mist, maybe even belching it from their many mouths.
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Basically the way I thought they would work is every rahi within the area of effect would be heavily buffed, and there would be special super infected rahi, one for each face.
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Defeating the Rahi would drop their mask, and it could then be placed on the totem.
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I debated on whether they'd actually drop their mask, or drop a generic infected Hau, partly as a reference to LOMN, mostly to make it easier to code/not having to worry about physics as their mask popped off. Also there's the whole thing with Rahi that don't have masks, or have more than one.
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Once all the masks were placed on the totem it could be purified and defeated, clearing the area of the mist.
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They could also be made in to walls to block areas.
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You could also have areas just blocked with the growths, all linked to a central totem.
I thought it would have been pretty cool, they'd allow for things to be quite dynamic, as they could just burst from the ground anywhere at any time, you could turn normal rahi in to boss fights, be able to gate off areas and force a certain path that opens up after you've completed it, and they could be made as large or as small as needed, with more heads added to make it more involved.
Oh well.
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Spider noises
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pixelfoodie · 1 month ago
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Kaukau is a Papuan term that generally refers to a variety of sweet potatoes. The most popular dish made with these sweet potatoes is prepared by baking them, removing the skin, then mashing the sweet potatoes with ingredients such as coconut milk, coconut oil, garlic, ginger, cheese, eggs, or cinnamon. The mashed combination is then typically placed back into the potato skins as a filling and baked again for a short while until the dish is ready for consumption. src.: https://www.tasteatlas.com/kaukau photo ref.: https://www.196flavors.com/papua-new-guinea-coconut-kau-kau/
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vaderslittlefinger · 22 days ago
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I forgot to post this when it happened, but I got to meet Brian Drummond and Alessandro Juliani last weekend and had them sign my Kaukau!
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mask-of-prime · 8 months ago
Absolutely maddening to wake up from a Bionicle Dream™️ where the Lego Store was selling huge bins of newly-made Kanohi masks, including yellow Kaukaus in acknowledgement of their popularity
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rahiwatching · 5 months ago
I had the BIONICLE dream last night, but with a new twist on it than what I’ve had previously.
I’ve been slowly collecting the Toa Mata masks and displaying them on their Suva (I’ve got Gali’s and Kopaka’s full collection now and working on the others) and this evidently bled into the dream.
I dreamt that I actually had Pohatu’s orange Kaukau already just hidden in my parts bin, which was a huge relief as I meant I didn’t have to spend £60 on the thing on bricklink.
Then I woke up, Kaukau-less.
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mysquirrelfriends · 4 months ago
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Oh we're going to a hukilau
A huki huki huki huki hukilau
Everybody loves the hukilau
Where the laulau is the kaukau at the luau
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carnelianfoxx · 4 months ago
fun bonkle question: does the kaukau work in space?
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starryknight-dragonarts · 5 months ago
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In honor of where it all began, I decided to draw my own version of all of the original Toa Canister art for each of the 6 original Toa
Gali is wise, patient, and compassionate. She is considered the most peaceful of the Toa looking to solve most conflicts with diplomacy and reason whenever viable but there are limits to her kindness and patience. Among her teammates she often tries to mediate and defuse infighting which usually means standing between Tahu and Kopaka whenever they clash, though at times she has grown frustrated, had to lash out, and hold grudges against them for being too stubborn to work together.
While not as often outwardly expressed as Tahu or Kopaka she does have a temper and at times is willing to use all her power, be merciless, and express purley righteous fury as seen when she completely obliterated the entire Island of Karzahni, clean off the map with a massive Nova Blast! This is unrivaled as the biggest feat of power done by any Toa ever! Don't fuck with Gali, you will regret it!
Also Gali has some inexplicable psionic capabilities despite not being a Psionic Toa. She had a mental link with Takua the Chronicler being able to send him visions of her journey through his dreams, and can seemingly read what people are thinking.
Primary Mask: Kaukau (Mask of Waterbreathing) Despite being the master of the element, she can no more breath water than Onua can breath while buried alive in earth, her mask however allows her to stay submerged and resist the pressure of the deep, however while the mask is active she can not transition directly from breathing water to breathing air, air would suffocate her if she didn't turn it off. 
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