paingoes · 2 days
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this is the most living weapon its gotten in a while
(Content: living weapon whumpee, recovery, conditioning, past abuse, guilt, emotional whump, death mention)
Delta rolled over in the bed. He didn’t startle so much when he woke up anymore; the room had become familiar. Even weeks later, he still slept much more there than he ever had on the Thorn. He was still so tired all the time. They’d said it was okay for him to rest. He was grateful for that.
The only issue was how disoriented it made him. He didn’t know what time it was when he awoke, but the sky outside was bright and airy. He slowly rose up, about to brush his hair out of his face when he remembered it wasn’t there anymore. So weird.
He cracked open the bedroom door, doing his best to keep quiet. It was a force of habit. He slipped out into the hallway.
Levon was standing in the kitchen.
Delta dropped as soon as his eyes fell on him. Before Levon could even get a word out, he’d already gotten onto the floor, bowed down about as low as he could get.
He didn’t hear Kitty approach, but she was at his side soon enough, gently urging him off of the ground. He almost fought her. He didn’t want to. He reluctantly stood up, but he could not bring himself to look up. In his periphery, Levon leaned back against the kitchen counter. 
“Good morning, Delta.” He was unperturbed by the display, not upset with him for standing, as deeply wrong as it felt to do it.
It was the first time he’d said his name. Delta paid careful attention to the way he’d handled it. No contempt. No anger. 
Apollo stood back against the stove, staring daggers at Levon. He dropped the expression just as soon as he was caught doing it, but the discontent was still written across his face. A few bags were laid out on the counter.
Kitty’s hand still hung loosely in his own from where she’d picked him up off the ground. He found himself gripping it a little tighter. She bumped into him, nuzzling a bit like she was trying to mark her scent on him. He was already wearing her jacket.
“Thought I’d drop in to see how things are going. I brought you some clothes and some groceries. I’d have stopped by early, but I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately.” 
Something changed in Levon’s voice on those last few syllables. Nobody else would have noticed, but Delta had become adept at measuring people’s emotions. Finding their tipping points. It’d been a matter of survival.
He resisted the urge to drop to the floor again. He wouldn’t beg for forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it. But he was sorry. He knew what preoccupied meant.
“Things are going fine.” Apollo’s tone didn’t betray any of his enmity. “Maybe you’d like to give him a minute to get his bearings? He just woke up.”
“I’m okay,” Delta said weakly, surprising himself. Surprising them, clearly. 
He clamped his hand over his mouth just as quickly. He hadn’t been given permission to speak, not in front of Levon. He wouldn’t have normally. He didn’t like to object, but he had an override: Levon didn’t need to give him anything.
“It won’t be long.” Levon rested his elbows against the counter. “You’ll have the rest of the day to yourself, I promise. Just a talk.”
“Yes, sir,” Delta confirmed cautiously, since he hadn’t been punished for speaking the first time. 
Kitty leaned closer against him. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught her wink.
They went outside. Levon had obviously wanted to talk alone, but was not so audacious as to kick Apollo out of his own house. Delta pulled on a pair of blue and white tennis shoes he’d recovered from the den before stepping out into the morning light. He hadn’t come out to this side of the house yet, certainly hadn’t ventured as far as the dirt road that led up to it. 
Levon’s ship was parked in the yard, nearly the same size as the house. It was a bright, electric purple, reflecting the sunlight out at harsh angles. His leather boots paced unbothered through the grass of the yard, getting dust on their edges as he walked out into the road. Delta followed after him. It was a bit hard to keep pace when Levon was so much taller. Levon slowed down to accommodate the difference.
It was warm out. Delta studied the trees of the forest around him — mostly Arecaceae. They were further South then he’d realized. Bright birds moved upwards in the canopy.
The wildlife was much easier to focus on than the figure beside him. He couldn’t help himself from tensing as Levon spoke.
“How’s your arm?” He cast a glance at the cast. Delta held it up for him, the way he would’ve under examination. If nothing else, Paris had at least made a clean break. It didn’t hurt much anymore. 
“It’s better. Thank you.” Delta blushed for some reason. It was hard to accept concern from Kitty or Apollo. It felt stranger coming from Levon. More taboo. He didn’t know why.
“You cut your hair,” Levon observed.
Delta flinched. 
“They…said I could,” he defended weakly. He shouldn’t have. He should’ve just left it alone, he didn’t know why he had even said anything in the first place. He started to apologize.
“No, it looks nice,” Levon said, “Lot less heavy, I’m sure.”
It was.
The road eventually led up to a tributary, which led up to a large lake. It was cooler by the edge of it; the wind carried off of the water.
“I wanted to check in to see if you were adjusting okay. I wanted to make sure that you were ready to come back,” Levon admitted, toeing at a stone with his boot. He cast Delta a sidelong glance. “Are you ready to come back?”
Delta stared at him blankly. Levon nodded; of course he didn’t know. Nobody had bothered to explain it to him. 
He passed him a smooth shaped stone. He didn’t know why. Gesture of moral support? Delta took it anyway.
“There’s going to be a trial. Nothing big. We just need to catch some of the council up to speed on your situation and establish a plan going forward.” He paused.
Delta had returned to staring at the ground. The thumb of his good hand turned anxiously over on the stone; he gave no other indication he was upset. Everything else remained perfectly neutral.
“This is only in the interest of security,” Levon tried to reassure him, “It won’t be punitive — though that may come up in conversation, nobody will go for it. I’d veto it before they could. I gave you my word that you wouldn’t be harmed and I mean that. Still…it may be a difficult experience for you. And your friends are concerned it may be too early.”
Delta blinked. They’d said that?
They’d been concerned about him. That strange, dull ache started up in his chest again. They’d defended him.
Not punitive, he’d said. Why not? He’d have deserved it. Amnesty was a promise they had made to him; it was never anything he had asked for. All he had wanted was to get out. Whatever they decided to do with him afterwards was beyond him. He’d have accepted it gladly. It was the least he deserved.
What plan, then?
The answer came to mind nearly before the question did. How best to utilize him. What targets to hit. How he’d need to be disciplined — not punished, disciplined — and how he’d need to be re-trained.
He’d do it. If Levon asked him to, he’d do it.
He thought of Lemuria. He thought, funnily enough, of the seagulls he’d once vaporized midair when they’d been in proximity of the target ship. What had the gull ever done wrong?
“I’ll go, sir,” he said, though he didn’t feel ready. By the end of the month, he’d be closer to it. He didn’t want to delay it. He didn’t want to be difficult.
“We’re still preparing,” Levon nodded, “You should be, too. It’d be nice to have a clearer view of what your desires are for the future. It’d give us something to work around. I don’t know if you’ve given it any thought, but I’d be remiss not to ask.”
A large waterfowl descended from the sky, landing noisily just at the edge of the water. His attention was drawn away for a second. He was still looking at it when he answered.
“I’m not sure I understand, sir.” He found himself gripping the rock tighter.
He could only read the question as a probe, something to get caught on. But he didn’t get the sense of Levon trying to trick him. He couldn’t untangle it.
“Would you want to stay onboard Galatea after all this? Or do you want to be done with it? I can’t make any promises, but we’d take it into consideration during the ruling.”
Oh. Oh.
They don’t need you.
The realization hit with both relief and devastation. The devastation won out. He couldn’t stop himself.
“I can still operate,” he said. He had never once had to fear obsolescence. It was a brand new terror. “I’m not at full capacity anymore, but it’s still viable. If you wanted me to. Sir.”
His hands traced the collar unconsciously. 
Levon had been standing with his hand on his hip, his head cocked to the side in a post that made him look younger than he was. Rebel heartthrob — he’d never forgotten how to act like it. As the offer, his posture dropped, his expression turning much more serious. 
Delta flinched from the way his face fell, the minute shift of his shoulder. But the hit didn’t come, again. 
“Delta,” he spoke calmly, but there was a sternness beneath it, “Do me a favor.”
“Yes, sir.” His fingers twitched. Anything.
“Don’t ever suggest that again.”
He shut down.
They didn’t want it. All his life he’d been indispensable and now they didn’t even want it. In that instant, the thousand discreet instances of indiscriminate killing came secondary to his desire to be needed.
Levon’s expression softened, his lips parting slightly as his eyes searched.
“Is that what you want?” he asked quietly. “To keep being a weapon?”
There was no good answer, no right one. To his horror, he realized his eyes had started watering again. What the fuck was wrong with him?
“Oh, oh, no,” Levon’s eyes widened in surprise, all his harshness leaving. “Okay. Easy.”
“Sorry.” He wiped at his eyes frantically. “I didn’t…mean to.”
“You’re alright. So, more time then?” 
He hated to ask for it. He didn’t answer.
“Okay. More time,” Levon confirmed.
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”
It was his thousandth time hearing that. It never sank in. He’d never be sorry enough.
It was a somewhat awkward walk back to the house. Kitty hopped off the porch as they approached, making grabby hands. Delta took the one of them, letting her slide into place beside him. He appreciated the proximity. She glanced at his eyes, still a bit inflamed from crying, and leveraged herself in between him and Levon.
“Whaddya talk about?” she purred.
“The future,” Levon answered.
“Oh no.”
Delta pressed his forehead against her shoulder. He’d just woken up, but he was tired again. It was the kind of exhaustion sleep wouldn’t fix.
“I can extend the grace period if you really need it. Not by much, I’m afraid.” he cast a cautious look at Delta, “But you’d have more time to think it over.”
She moved up onto the porch. Delta hovered between her and the front door, unsure if he was being dismissed. Levon leaned against the railing at the bottom of the stairs, his hand returning to his hip.
“Really?” Her voice was bright, pleasantly surprised. “You’re gonna be able to hold up without me?”
“I know you’re still working,” he leveled. 
She giggled in response, the edge of her tail flicking back and forth, “I thought you needed the help.”
“There is no overstating how much help we need.”
Delta still hovered by the door, overcome with the strangest feeling of loss. He felt like he was witnessing something alien, the way people spoke when they did not have daggers drawn.
Levon pulled off of the lawn. The engine’s cacophony broke up the quiet morning, then was gone just as quickly as it appeared.
“It was nice of him to drop off clothes,” Apollo managed, the picture of civility. Delta slid into the chair by the pass-through, leaning his arms against the counter. He flinched as Kitty passed behind him, interpreting any movement he could not see as a threat. She just hopped up on the counter, swinging her legs a little.
“What’d he say to you?” She asked, a bit of the levity gone but none of the gentleness.
Delta bit his nails; it was a worse habit than the hair-twirling, but his hair was too short to do that now. He shrugged.
“…Asked what I wanted to do.”
“Oh,” she paused, “What do you want?”
He shrugged again. It was disrespectful. He should’ve stopped. It was just hard to speak.
“Hadn’t thought about it,” he mumbled. 
Because he hadn’t. He didn’t think it would matter, that anyone would even bother to ask.
He wanted to be useful, if he had to pick one. And he didn’t really want to kill again. Those two seemed at odds with one another. 
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icouldtasteyourhair · 9 months
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September 2024 is the 65th anniversary of Levon Helm having pizza for the first time.
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unspokenmantra · 10 months
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cptnbeefheart · 5 days
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dailyjustified · 2 months
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rastronomicals · 1 year
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9:04 PM EDT March 22, 2023:
Elton John - "Levon" From the album Greatest Hits 1970 - 2002 (November 11, 2002)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Originally from Madman Across the Water, released November 5, 1971
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myimaginaryradio · 1 year
Levon - Miles Kennedy - 2018
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gwrnck · 2 years
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rhapsodie by @quasimaddi S2
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lil-doodles · 2 years
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My mind works in mysterious ways. I was listening to Elton John while driving around today and was inspired to draw Levon from the song of the same name. What do we know about Levon from the song that could be used in a drawing? 
1. He wears his war wound like a crown
2. He sells cartoon balloons in town (which is very profitable according to the song)
3. He calls his son Jesus because he likes the name (not helpful except that it helps to picture what he might look like being a guy who calls his son Jesus just because he likes the name)
4. His father's name is Alvin Tostig (again, not particularly helpful except to help picture what a Levon Tostig might look like)
5. He was born on Christmas Day
Add to that the fact that the song is from the 70's. It makes me picture the guy as the kind of men I used to see as a kid.
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claireelsewhere · 9 months
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microlyric · 11 months
Levon Song Lyrics In English- Elton John
Hello friends if you are Looking Levon song lyrics then you landed right place so don’t worry relaxed and enjoyed the Elton John album all songs lyrics peacefully at one place. You can find and read this lyrics easily in any smartphone and Tablet such as Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, LG, Huawei, Asus, Lava, Micromax, iTel, Nokia, Oneplus, iphone, HTC and other devices. The Micro…
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rockinmusing · 1 year
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REO Speedwagon & Levon – The Capitol Theatre – Wheeling, WV – June 20, 2023
REO Speedwagon brought their legendary music and live show to the Capitol Theater in Wheeling, WV on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. The sold-out theater was treated to a 90-minute set that covered many of the band’s hits and albums spanning most of the 50-plus years the band has been in existence.
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REO started the night with the classic “Don’t Let Him Go,” followed by “Music Man” and “Take It On The Run.” The multicolored back drop gave the stage an ever-changing look while the band took the crowd on a musical journey with “Live Every Moment,” “Keep The Fire Burnin” and “Can’t Fight This Feeling.”
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While a lot of bands of this era sport only one or two original members, REO Speedwagon brought only one new member with them to Wheeling. Co-founder Neal Doughty retired from the road last year. What’s more remarkable is that lead Singer Kevin Cronin’s vocals are every bit as golden as they were when the songs were originally recorded. You could shut your eyes, and the music sounded like you remembered it sounding when they were on the radio.
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The crowd was treated to “Time For Me To Fly,” “Back On the Road Again” and “Ridin’ The Storm Out” with each song building on the last, headed for the inevitable stage exit for everyone but Cronin. Seated at the piano, Cronin reminisced that “this is the song that changed my life” before starting “Keep On Loving You” solo, with the band joining him on stage as the song progressed. Cronin thanked the crowd for endearing the band to their hearts all these years before going into the finale “Roll With The Changes.”
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Even with the changes over all of these years, REO Speedwagon is still one of the best live bands on tour, delivering the same high quality music night after night.
Nashville, Tennessee based trio, Levon, opened the show for REO with a ten-song set, covering songs by acts such as the Eagles, Dobie Gray and Journey. However, the highlight of their set was John Denver’s “Country Roads,” turned into a sing along in the legendary theater with long country music roots, on the very day West Virginia celebrated its 160th birthday.
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REO Speedwagon Setlist
Don’t Let Him Go / Music Man / Take It on the Run / Keep Pushin’ / Live Every Moment / Keep the Fire Burnin’ / That Ain’t Love / Tough Guys / Can’t Fight This Feeling / Son of a Poor Man / Building the Bridge / Time for Me to Fly / Back on the Road Again / Ridin’ the Storm Out / Encore: Keep On Loving You / Roll With the Changes
Levon Setlist
Seven Bridges Road / Sparks Fly / Drift Away / ‘Til the Wheels Fall Off / Lights / Wired / Drinking Today / Give Up Your Heart / Take Me Home Country Roads / Feels Like Home
Dave Parsons
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: June 22, 2023.
Photos by Dave Parsons © 2023. All rights reserved.
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rastronomicals · 13 days
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11:45 AM EDT September 7, 2024:
Elton John - "Levon" From the Compilation album   Greatest Hits 1970 - 2002 (November 11, 2002)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Originally from Madman Across the Water, released November 5, 1971
0 notes
emmaklee · 2 years
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Phasmid eggs | Levon Biss
these are actual eggs of the stick insect family
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