hiphopraisedmetheblog · 11 months
Honeykomb Brazy fresh out of prison delivers another video “Letter To God”
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witchruins · 1 month
Scared ,in blank space I made for myself
Is it my punishment?
I am weak without you. I am nothing without you.
In your mercy, I believe.
Al wali, take me back.
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lauramicha7 · 5 years
I wanted to make an announcement:
8:37am April 1, 2020
I took a pregnancy test last night March 31, 2020 at 9:02 pm.
Then 10 min after a different pregnancy test
I’m expecting a child
Today I’m going to go to the doctor to see how many weeks I’m in.
Truly I have the best sisters in the world for supporting me and already getting “auntie vibes” haha
This is so shocking to me
I can’t believe it, it’s a dream that is happening
Tonight my boyfriend will find out about his becoming a father
I was shocked, upset, happy because I didn’t have this planned
I was crying
Laughing (amongst my sisters)
Because I couldn’t believe it
So many emotions were involved at that moment
I had said until 32 years old
But God had different plans for the both of us.
And I thank him for that
God bless me
God bless him
God bless a happy child soon to be
God bless my soon to be family
God bless my soon to be husband
God bless him to become the best father and husband
God bless me to be the best mom and wife
God bless the soon to be grandparents
And aunties
God bless all parents to be
God bless all of you
This is something I can’t explain
Pounds I weighted myself last night: 112.2 lbs
Age: 28 years old
I’ve been awake since 5am. Waiting on my boyfriend to text me good morning and thinking about the time I will see him and let him know the news.
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animaginativegirl · 6 years
A letter to God
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Dear Heavenly Father,
    A few days ago I told you to be my savior to take away my pain, I yelled bleeding when you turned a deaf ear in me, I write this letter because I need your help to be me again to be able to see the good in every situation in my life. I felt I’m useless, dullish and brainless.
First of all, God thank you for giving me a family to be here in my side always, especially my papa, my super best friend! I know I have sinned a lot of times trying to be the perfect definition of “all”. Every day I asked myself How to be them? How to be like them? How to live like them? I had realized I become selfishly discontented. It all started when I was four years old, when I know the meaning of separation when my eyes sees the cruelty of the world, How I saw my mom walking out on the door with her luggage in her hands, when I saw my dad married another woman that he loves, when I held my dad’s hand to stop him from leaving me and my little brother for his new called family and when I saw how life is so unfair and cruel. I cried all day remembering all the pain from the past that I had been through since I was a kid .The   feeling that you wanted to end your life because it is useless because you have no one who appreciated your existing, you’re like a ghost from the past who remind them how they end up to be like a nobody now. That was the start I asked myself is there really God above? I doubt you ,I doubt my faith that was slowly fading away .In just a snap of a finger I woke up  feeling the emptiness in my mind, body ,and soul the misery that I ‘m feeling becomes a question  now that- What must I do? How to be me again? How to stop this loneliness?   I am furious from all the people out there, Why me? Why do I have an incomplete family? Why God did this to me? I’m just like a kid longing for love; I don’t know how to cope with this?  I asked you too but I didn’t hear a thing , I just see a miracle as I read the bible stories in my book shelves  just like that  I saw a big in printed name Jesus Christ  he is alone is the answer to our problems. As I read the book I felt a light tingling sensation in my heart and my mind I see the answers that I’m longing for all along GOD, God originally created man to live with him forever. But the bible tells us that we are born with a sinful nature and therefore spiritually separated from god. We all ignorantly and deliberately commit sins all the time. We cannot meet God’s standards on our own because we are sinners by nature, practice and choice. We are all sinful and separated from God but he gives his only begotten son Jesus Christ to save us because he loves us, the mankind.I’m now thankful for giving my light back you really are the best. Now I just want to say forgive me for all my sins because I now know you can hear us all as one. You really are a big sun that can turn to confuse me upon that mysterious but glorious face. I’ll wait to your answers of miracles through my dreams or maybe my hopes because you never forgotten me ever, I am really so wrong  in thinking negatively at my unique stories of life  and let me grow closer to you please Lord God because again you now change me. You are wonderful and amazing I love you God.                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                  LOVE,                                                                                                                   JULIE P.S thank you, God I love you so much always and forever.
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charlenesoria20 · 6 years
Letter to God
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March 7, 2019 
Dear Heavenly Father,
      First of all thank you for the life, thank you for the fresh air that I breath and the delicious food that swirling in my mouth and especially for giving me the opportunity to live in this beautiful world but full of mystery. I also thank you for the genuine and wonderful people I have met along my journey because some of them inspire, motivate, and love me as I am and some of them challenge me to become a stronger one in the future, they are the reason my Father why I treasure and love my life because they made me realize how beautiful and meaningful life is.
      I know O Lord, that since I was born I already have a sin and as I grew up there are lot of sin that I committed. I’m not perfect, I commit mistakes, I forgot to pray and my faith to you is not that strong and sometimes there are moment when I have let my problem ruin my mood and loose my temper. Forgive O Lord for I am a sinner that blind myself to the multiple blessing I have receive by you. But God I know you know my pain and the things that I’m going through, I’m kneeling in front of you hoping and pleasing you to help me in reaching my goals so that I can help others especially my parents by providing what their needs and wants in your will O God someday. But you know what O God sometimes I have no idea what I’m doing in my life, I just felt like I’m drowning like in drama and I wonder and ask when will this end? But I believe and trust you O Lord, I know that you already give me strength and guide me to survive in this chaotic world. You’re the only person that knows me and know my heart very well so I won’t question your authority especially the path that you make for me. I also know that as I walk towards my journey, I know I’m in the right path because I’m walking with you by my side. Despite of the sin that I committed you never stop loving me, your love is unconditional. Thank you and I love you Jesus Christ. You are Everything, indeed.
The sinner,
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leaelizajose07-blog · 6 years
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Living is difficult and many obstacles and we encountered a lot of problems in our lives. We need to thank our almighty God because he didn’t leave us. He gave us many problems but we can pass it all. God didn’t gave us a problems just to suffered, he gave us problems because he wants us to be strong and he keeps in our minds that we need to ask help for him and giving sorry to him and also not to forget him. Every sunday morning Im preparing myself to go to church. Im a choir Member, Everytime when I praised him using my voice my heart are happy. I know that he will forgive all of my sins. and I’m organist also. Im so happy when Im praising to him using playing instrument . I feel that he’s with me. Im very thankful to God because even though I have a lot of problems , even tho’ I’m alone he’s with me he didnt leave me. I prayed for my needs to him and he answered my prayers. Thank you for all the love.
photo credit by leaelizajose07
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kokcze-blog · 6 years
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I think of times in my life when I am overwhelmed by God’s blessings, when I could hardly believe how good my life is despite on the unacceptable things I have done. There are times when I asked myself “am I worthy enough for this such countless blessings from God?”
Way back on the days I may say that it is an happy regret of mine. Ever since I have started exploring new things; doing uncertain things. Not obeying my parents and living my life at its fullest.
My eyes are going everywhere, my body is moving on its own and I felt dizziness in my mind. Every night I’m enjoying with my friends and getting along in the party.
That was my life before. Since I have started practicing on being a choir member in our church I felt conscience on bad things I have done. It feels like I have been called by God to end what is not good for me and for my family.
I’m very thankful on what God have done with me. Not only me but also my family, especially my mother who’s so mad when I’m not at home because she knew I’m always outside going into parties.
I know I have changed. I have changed for the better. Considering my faith, it got stronger and my relationship between my parents. Now, I am so contented. Instead of every night I am on the city lights now I am inside of the church.
If I we’re given a chance to speak and tell God, I would say thank you first, for accepting me notwithstanding on all the things I have made. I felt I’m not worthy with your blessings but because of gripping with my faith with you, you let me alive in church. You are my hero; giving my sufficient strength by praying and I can help my family because you have answered my prayers.
“Salamat po Ama sa Iyong pagmamahal”  💞
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into-the-madness13 · 2 years
Dear God,
Are you really as all-powerful as they say? Are you really as holy as my mother peaches you are? Are you really all-knowing as my sister believes you to be? Or were you just a man, doing what all men do best, lie? Were you just a man with the power to make people listen, I know other men with that same power, but we didn't deem them gods; no we considered them, devils. The only difference between them and you is people refused to see the holes in your religion, they believe that it and you are perfect. Your religion has caused wars, and people kill in your name, yet somehow you are still all mighty and sinless; unlike your creations. If we were made in your "perfect image" then you dear sweet creator have one fucked up imagination. You died for our sins right, do you regret it? Because in the end, we're all sinners, we're all liars, and you died for nothing. But you already knew that, didn't you? Because you never really died for us, because you were never really a god. You were always just a man who got people to believe he was all mighty. Love, A Faithful Follower
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stretogomniac · 3 years
To dear God,
Everybody appreciates you, so let me be the one to question you for I think you're unfair.
Why are we scared of you?
When you're supposed to be our father.
Why should we trust you?
If you supposedly hide yourself in everything that exists.
Why should we come to you for help?
If you're the one who's supposed to be testing us.
Why should we donate to you?
If you're the one who works in mysterious ways.
Why are specifically choreographed phrases the only way to pray to you?
If you supposedly hear every person's troubles.
Why is a well to do person who's keeping a fast, blessed by you?
And not the person who hasn't eaten for days.
Why does class, religion, race, caste or sex matter to enter your home?
If you're supposed to be equal to all.
Why did you supposedly create us?
If we're just destined to perish.
Why is survival of the fittest a thing?
If we're all supposedly equal to you.
Why do you have so many forms and names?
When you're supposed to be the one helping us finding our identity
Why in a place like India, the average rapes occurring per day is 77?
When girls are supposed to be the reincarnation of "Goddess Laxmi".
Well, you've got nothing to worry about as I'll not be waiting for your response to this letter for i know that you sir dear god, do not exist. Because if you did the world would've been a much better place to live in.
A world where I wouldn't be hurting any religious sentiments by the colour of the cloth I choose to wear or the type of thread I choose to wear around my neck or the type of head cover i choose to wear on my head or how i choose to wear these things or by choosing which of your supposed house to bow my head in.
A world where girls are safe all the time or are treated equally as men or where they are not shamed on for getting periods every month or where they are not blamed for giving birth to a girl or where they are not judged on how much skin she chose to show or A world where a guy can be "girly" without being judged by society or where they are not married off at a young age or given away as a "gift" because she is a burden.
A world where live-in isnt a sin or where public affection is approved and not public rape or where the court of justice mattered more than the court of media or public or where criminals were punished rather than innocents or where it didn't take decades to clear of a single case or a world where our rights aren't just nominal but real or in a world where the court isn't blind.
A world where rich helps the poor and not exploits them or a world where the poor isn't poor anymore or a world where showing emotions isn't a weakness and having wealth isn't true power or in a world where helping other selflessly is the norm.
A world where smiling is the new normal and depression is a thing of the past or even if it does exist it is taken seriously.
A world where someone sweeping the road is treated with the same respect as the one throwing the trash or a world where scientists and army men are idolised more than movie and cricket stars or a world where citizen welfare takes more priority than politics.
Let me just appreciate you a bit before I conclude this as I've ranted too much negatively lol,
I appreciate you for you give hope to those who don't have anyone else in their life. You give people someone to blame on other than themself which can otherwise be mentally exhausting. You give room for people to believe in miracles which I appreciate you for as pondering a question they can't find the answer to is disappointing as a result.
At last I'd like to say, I believe there's definitely something that exist superior to us but I refuse to believe it's you the way we perceive you.
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justmetalking · 4 years
I told God
I told God that I want a man who would be able to make me feel safe. All my whole life, I have always been the one doing everything, seeking help only when I am too lazy to search for the answer or when I really don’t know where to go. All my whole life, I have been the adult, rebuilding my own life from scratch, patching things up in the family whenever there is a crack. I have to admit, there are some cracks that I dare not face and that is why I told God that I want a man who could protect me from all these emotions and weight that I felt on my shoulders. 
If I am an animated character who shows her sorrows at all time, I kinda feel that I would be dragging a huge bag filled with them, locking them up somewhere where only I can have the key to access these feelings. 
I told God I want a man who can accept me for who I am for I know I am lacking in many things. I lack patience, especially when it comes to little things. I lack in the basic skills of cleaning and making sure that things work. Yes I can put food on the table and a roof over our head but I cannot guarantee that the house will be clean every single day not there would be home cooked meal every single day. I lack the sense of following routine so if you expect a lady who follows a close routine each day, I... can’t. 
I told God I want a man who is able to be sensitive to my needs as I have always been sensitive to others. I want him to be able to say, “No babe, we are not doing it just because it makes them happy. We are going to say no. I am going to be here and help you say no.” I want a man that will be able to have open communication with me and guide me along as I am slow to responding. I keep things in my head and my favorite answer when I do not want to respond? “I don’t know.” Sometimes no words are so much easier than having to make the other party understand us. 
I told God I want a man who is able to understand when I need my space and allow me to grow in my own space. A man who would say “Take the car. Leave the kids. Leave the dishes. Go out. You need it. Go meet your girls. Have fun without me. Be you.” I want to come home to a man who goes “How was your day? Tell me all about it.” Actually listen and tell me about his day. I want a relationship that allowed us both to do our own things and yet at the end of the day, run back to each other to tell each other our stories. 
I told God I want a man who would love Him more than he loved me for I know a man who put God first will be able to provide me with the love and respect as God wishes. I have my own issues to deal with but I know, one day, these issues will see an end to it. Although it’s gonna be tough, I know it’s doable. 
I told God so many things but these are the few that I would like to pen it down here. I don’t know if this is a selfish act but I do know what I want with time so I am not going to back down from this list. 
Never settle for anything less. 
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bungamulia · 7 years
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Sometimes we act like a kid. Good night! *Finally I find this book #mychildbook #alettertogod #lettertogod #deargod #childrenletters #kidletters #kidsdiary #alettertoheaven #lettertoheaven #childrenbook
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paraphraze615 · 6 years
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I don't know what else to say... #DearGod #DearGodHelpMe #LetterToGod #LettersToGod #HeavenlyFather #HeavenlyFatherWhyYouSoFarAway #HearMyCall #Broken #BrokenMan #BrokenManBlues #Stressed #StressedOut #Depressed #DepressionMemes #Depression #LateNightThoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/BtFf9julNFQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xosuqq39gjth
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Kids are hilarious. #kids #god #letters #lettertogod #children #kidssaythedarnedestthings #religious https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQdqKqBLXm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wak5dghmfi3t
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eunizemaui-blog · 6 years
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Letter to God
“Through faith in the Lord Jesus alone can we obtain forgiveness of our sins, and be at peace with God; but, believing in Jesus, we become, through this very faith, the children of God; have God as our Father, and may come to Him for all the temporal and spiritual blessings which we need.” - George Muller.  We all believed that there is one God that gave his only begotten son to crucify by our own sins. That He will do his best for all of us because we are his children. But sometimes in our life we have can’t prevent on supposed to happen, different kind of problems in life, like finances, vices, sickness, being individual and problems in our community as well. As we go along in this life we usually ask God why this things needed to happen, why do we need to experience being down, problematic and to the point of losing hope to go on in our life. 
They saying that our life is putting in a test, through all what we encounters in life, good or bad there’s always a lesson to learn. Testing our faith and how strong are we to cope up on these challenges, by making decisions with God as part of it. As we go on with our life different stages we are getting into, sometimes not just one, but bulk of problems at the same time, that comes to a point blaming the God of why it’s happening us or why me? It’s always been hard for us to accept that if God is really there, did he like seeing us suffer?
Thinking about God helps us to resolve many problems of life, provided we take it with faith. We are too much engrossed in our material life, which may benefit in living a life of comfort. However, this alone is not sufficient to remain in peace and achieve true happiness. Much of the troubles in the present time are due to losing our connection with God that has resulted in dilution of moral values.
When people think of God and develop own spiritual beliefs, they will find life is easier. As we bring God in realm of life and depending on how long we search, we may find answers to the purpose of life. It will bring purpose and sense to many things that are happening in life. We will be less impacted from both pleasures and sufferings. When we feel alone in this life and when the going is rough, it makes us feel depressed and unhappy, unless we feel that someone is there within us to protect and make us sail through not this life but subsequent lives also. Such feelings of loneliness affect our courage, and no amount of positive attitude, behavior changes and strategies could be fully effective to keep life going. It is our spiritual interconnectedness with God that makes us to think God as our companion within us.
And to this, God we are thankful for your amazing power and work in our lives, for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you for your great love and care, for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day.
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biggathreat · 5 years
@worldstar #NoDeal #Repost @tony_splash_ ・・・ NO DEAL @TeamBiggaThreat_ #GrandFinallyVerse📝 💯🔥🤦🏾‍♂️😩☄️💣 #LetterToGod Dear God why do the Biggest Niggas Always Have The Best Verses on a Song✍🏾🤔🧐🤨 “Flow Outta This World 8 Planets Away” 🗺 🌎👉👨🏾‍🚀👽🛸😳🤯 🙅‍♂️💼 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz36yCkFIuD/?igshid=7zzffmxvs6h1
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Dear God
Please take it away from me.
Please take away the images of him that pops out of my head. Please take away the way I love the slope of his nose, the way that it was so pointed that in some of the pictures he takes, it’s the most distinct feature on it. The way he knew I liked it better when he took photos with real sunlight filtering it. The way he smiles that lets me know that smile was for me. 
Please take away the dreams that infiltrate my sweet sleep. Take away the voice I have in my head telling him I miss him so much that it makes my chest squeeze the air out of my lungs. Take away the promises we made, the ones that we wanted to fulfill.
Please take away I miss telling him I love him so many times in one day I can’t even count it anymore and I get anxious about how much those words’ meaning would fade away some day. Please take away the regret I have over not saying it enough.
Please take away the pain that I feel, deep in my heart, about how much I wish I didn’t have to give him up.
Please. Please take it all away.
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