tm3feels · 6 years
this was a vent blog and if you’re judging me from a distance i only hope u come talk to me about it someday
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tm3feels · 6 years
If I’m manupulating anyone, I’m manipulating them to be more positive. But it can’t be a one-way street. It’s always a two-way street and I have to be aware of our mutual impact on each other if I feel like I’m changing something about them
My ex had put so much faith in how I might change him for the better... but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want it like that.
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tm3feels · 6 years
when i cant feel my privilege, hopefully it goes out there to somebody who doesn’t normally have that same privilege
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tm3feels · 6 years
‪Years after the iconic vine and our society still has a hard time recognizing that child rapists are one of the few things worse than rapists‬
‪Why is calling out men for their bullshit considered worse or just as bad as their horrendous crimes against humanity‬
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tm3feels · 6 years
we all out here, tryna be the one that makes a post viral
tryna get that sweet affirmation that ppl know how it be
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tm3feels · 6 years
Shit is happening you guys. Shit is moving. It’s now. I feel it in my bones; it’s in progress. Are you ready? Just like we rehearsed. We got this. We’ll be okay
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tm3feels · 6 years
I’m a goddamn lust demon with occasional moods of I WANT TO FUCK FOR 24 HOURS GAY
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tm3feels · 6 years
Too many people be out here in relationships they don’t even want cuz they too afraid of being alone. I’m so over it. I’m so over fear.
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tm3feels · 6 years
When you break up with someone, it’s hard to know if it was the right choice. You think about the stuff you liked and you’re like, damn, I really chose to give all that good shit up?
But then you remember how badly you wanted to end the relationship. All the evidence that you don’t want to be in the relationship. All the evidence that it’s not really the best thing for both of you. And then you’re like, ah yes, it was a tough choice but I am in fact deciding that it is the right choice, and so it will be more obviously the right choice as the pain and fear subsides.
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tm3feels · 6 years
My dick is nice and soft; you wanna come feel it?
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tm3feels · 6 years
I don’t want love to be my drug. Love is in abundance all over the Universe. There’s no need to be addicted to it when it’s as inherently a part of life as H2O.
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tm3feels · 6 years
I’m not different enough to have autism but I’m not typical enough to understand people
It’s like I’m not even human. I’m just some kind of thing that has a human body so now I have to pretend to be human because everyone expects a soul in a human body to act like a person. No one is going to let me be myself instead of a human.
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tm3feels · 6 years
I wonder how many people with undiagnosed ADHD were told “if you cared you would have remembered/gotten it done/been here on time” enough times that they got tired of trying to prove they cared and then decided to give up.
“ok ur right; i don’t care. trying is too hard so im not gonna bother anymore.”
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tm3feels · 6 years
My human biology needs socialization but my Dark spirit hates human interaction
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tm3feels · 6 years
wow i didn’t know i could miss him
but all i really want is to be in his arms
no words
just touch
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tm3feels · 6 years
Oh phew they aren’t a singlet; that’s why they’re so powerful. They’re probably completely separate from their host’s human ego so they’re able to be as pure of a “physical” demon as it gets. Almost like possession, but with a purpose of helping the host’s human soul survive. It’s probably a mutualistic relationship.
Hooooooooo that feel when you encounter a demon who is stronger than you and you’re fucking floored with how intoxicating their power is
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tm3feels · 6 years
Hooooooooo that feel when you encounter a demon who is stronger than you and you’re fucking floored with how intoxicating their power is
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