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over-the-time-flow · 2 years ago
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Char: "Why can't you understand? The humans you trust so much will destroy the Earth..."
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...Hmm. That's... that's it? Something's missing. He didn't even say anything relating to his deep-seated mommy issues.
Oh well, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.
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In any case, Bright orders everyone to return to the ship, and he moves in to commence the Axis detonation operation.
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...But something's wrong. Amuro feels something absolutely horrible. It's not malice... but it feels very dangerous. As if on cue, we hear quite possibly the worst thing you can hear over comms after your friends have boarded an unknown space vessel.
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Astonaige: "Captain, what is that!?" Bright: "Wh-What in the world is that!?"
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Amuro: "BRIGHT, RUN!!"
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Terror fills the bridge. No one, not even Amuro, knows what just happened, but everyone felt that explosion just now. Astonaige calls in. It's an enemy, one he's never seen before...
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...And it just killed Bright.
Before any arguments about the chain of command can occur, or Hathaway can process the death of his father, Astonaige too is killed.
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A loud voice booms.
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"This was your error. Your mistake."
Raul immediately recognizes this voice. Regardless, it continues.
"It's impossible to know of a mistake in advance. Thus, it was also impossible to have known me."
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Tired of this, Raul deploys once more.
Raul: "Show yourself! I know what you did! I'll get you back for what you did to us on the Moon!"
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"Raul Gureden, you and your friends' continued existences are my mistake."
"...I see, making mistakes leads to situations like this one."
"I never thought i'd end up in the Creator's position. But there's no way around it. This was my mistake."
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All of this is flying over Raul's head. All he wants to know is who is the owner of this voice.
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"My name is Duminass."
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Just as Raul asked, it showed itself, much to the terror of everybody still alive. And to answer Raul's provocations...
"I must fight those who reject me..."
The frame is a mess, and the engine is leaking. If there was ever a time to put the spare Excellence to use, that time is now.
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Crammed together into the cockpit, Raj and Mizuho set off to rescue Raul. This frame isn't suited for space combat, but they can't afford to be picky right now.
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As they rescue Raul, Duminass readies its second strike.
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The trio can't even consider themselves lucky in a grim sense for not being hit while they were wide open, as the damage to the Ra Cailum was critical; its nuclear pulse engines are going to explode.
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And as if things couldn't get any worse, the first Excellence unit's Timeflow Engine is overloading. Raul can't stop the turbines, they're spinning on their own no matter what he does.
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"...What is happening? I cannot comprehend..."
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This probably isn't good.
The engine's output rises to over 200%. The engine itself should have no way of handling this much energy. And there's no way to stop it.
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foreignemotion · 3 months ago
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blah blah blah colour theory but jayce went from piltover’s pure and golden boy dressed in white to being in mourning black for all that he’s lost (“my partner died in that room”)…
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cheddar-baby · 1 year ago
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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desertowlet · 3 months ago
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Anya would probably play some of her music during the more difficult days on the ship, good thing the Captain Curly has taste at least.
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cringengl · 11 months ago
if we look at the original timeline (aka annabeth and percy being born in 1993) then 2009 was a big year for annabeth bcus not only did the battle of manhattan take place and she finally started dating percy, but also minecraft came out and i think that would be a big deal to her
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ghostfacerseffect · 25 days ago
They did NOT have to bring little Miss Huang to the Jerk Off And Die Woods
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citrispace · 1 month ago
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Let's go together!
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featherfangart · 2 months ago
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'Not now, not in front of--'
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duckysprouts · 3 months ago
if you were at your worst, if you’re a villain or a screwup or whatever, there is a goth man dressed as a giant bat who keeps coming after you, bothering you. he sabotages your journey of self destruction over and over. ur ready to give up but he won’t let you. you think, today he won’t come. today he will give up on me too. he never does.
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artistmarchalius · 9 months ago
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I had this dumb idea going ‘round in my head so I let it out as a quick comic.
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year ago
Super Robot Rollcall: Gai Daigoji
Gai Daigoji
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"A true ally of justice doesn't let himself get dragged down by the past! Muster your courage, and let's carry out justice together!!"
Source Material: Martian Successor Nadesico Age: 18 Height: 185 cm Hobbies: Biking, Karaoke Favorite foods: Curry, Steak Voice Actor: Tomokazu Seki Character Designer: Keiji Gotoh
The TRUE main character of Nadesico, Gai Daigouji is a central character to the show, its plot, its themes, its sex appeal, its comedy, and most of all, its heart.
Characterized by his burning passion for mecha anime, Gai Daigoji is a man of the people. He'll share the tapes for episodes that were long thought to be gone, he'll educate you on the highs and lows of the classic Super Robot Anime, Hot-Blooded Robo Gekiganger (both 3 and V, though he's not as big of a fan of the V's design), the sort of trivia that only hardcore fans could divulge (such as the existence of the Dragon Ganger!)... If the topic is super robots, Gai's got your back.
Gai was the original pilot of Akito's Aestivalis, but had to relinquish it to the inexperienced cook due to a grievous injury he suffered during his training. As Gai was being wheeled away to safety, he asked Akito to retrieve his dearest treasure from the cockpit of the machine; just then, the enemies attacked, and being in the cockpit already, Akito had no choice but to deploy. Though no match for Gai's skill, he held his own decently enough to earn Gai's respect, and once his injuries healed some, they would fight side by side on multiple occasions.
Though after the first few episodes Gai seemingly loses relevance in the story, this is only the impression you get from a passing glance. By the time this shift occurs, you have already been trained to ask yourself where Gai is whenever he's not onscreen, and once you start asking yourself that, you start to notice that his presence and influence are directly driving the story forward, and this only becomes more apparent as the narrative unfolds. It's no exaggeration to say that Gai is quite possibly the most important character to both the greater narrative of Nadesico and to Akito himself.
if you've seen nadesico and you think i'm joking you might wanna rewatch it
Also, he's my second favorite character present in this game!
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Gai's stats are all solidly alright. He's better at Melee than Akito and he's the most sturdy of the Nadesico crew, but these are both rather low bars, all things considered. His Defense specially is very strangely low for a Super pilot. But his Spirit Command learnset brings it all together; he gets absolutely EVERYTHING a Super pilot would like to have. Of note is Valor being here from the very start, making him a potent bosskiller.
He does suffer a bit from the Neo Getter Team issue of a lack of survivability Commands, but much like the Gekiganger trio, the Nadesico crew works best together, and with Akito at his side, he'll show the mettle any true Super pilot ought to be able to display. Couple that with the Gekiganger 3's versatility, and you'll find Gai able to both tank hits and dodge them effortlessly.
Fun Fact: Gai has a cameo in episode 23 of Dai-Guard, another banger mecha anime also made by Studio Xebec!
Gekiganger 3
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Source Material: Hot-Blooded Robo Gekiganger 3 Material Constitution: Gekiganium Alloy
Built based on ancient cave inscriptions left by the Super-Ancient-Race, it was designed to protect the freedom and brilliance of humanity from the ambitions of the Kyoakkians. Utilizing the skies, the sea, the land and mankind's power, its three distinct forms allow it to adapt to different situations. The Gekiganger 3 is what gives humanity the strength to heed their dreams which call for tomorrow. Now muster your courage and shout with me:
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You'll have to forgive the strange adaptation of the design. The GBA must have not been able to handle the Gekiganger's more traditional look, so they had to make design changes.
Much like the Neo Getter, the Gekiganger has three forms; one for Air, one for Land, and one for... Space, strangely. the Umiganger IS traditionally meant to be the aquatic one, as the name implies, but perhaps for balancing reasons, it's adapted into a Space-use form here.
Also perhaps for balancing reasons, the Gekiganger can only change forms inbetween stages. It's a baffling decision, but it's likely in order to keep it standard with the other Nadesico pilots' Aestivalis units. This standardization is necessary because the Gekiganger (and the Umiganger, but NOT the Rikuganger) has a secret weapon, the Double Gekigan Flare, which can only be done alongside Akito's Aestivalis, a representation of Gai and Akito's unshakeable bond.
Though it has noticeably low Armor for a Super in all forms but Rikuganger, it makes up for it in all forms thanks to its signature Gekigan Field, which ends up allowing it to display far more hardiness than you'd expect it to, given proper investment. Coupled with Gai's high level of Potential, lategame it's rather common to see it at 25% health, dodging everything and deflecting what does hit it entirely without taking any damage. Do not underestimate the Gekigan spirit.
Fun Fact: In-universe in SRW R, Gekiganger 3 (the TV show) is over 100 years old, implying that the Getter Robo's design was either inspired by it or, strangely, predicted by it. A different SRW game (Impact, i believe?) goes further and outright acknowledges this by having it stated outright that when Gekiganger was made the technology seemed far off and unrealistic, but by the time the game takes place, technology had naturally advanced far enough that such a concept was doable. For a real world comparison, think of all the old cartoons that basically predicted smartphones and tablets.
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fermentedrice · 1 year ago
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[durgestarion] kissing the murder puppy 🐶
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draculings · 10 months ago
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an incredibly sensitive instrument.
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humming-fly · 4 months ago
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The 2D vs 3D contrast of the sonic and shadow generation hubworlds cracks me up the more I think about it
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bkbeemz · 10 months ago
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Let's play Piñata (Caine Piñata)
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