#lets resurrect art nouveau!
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Cat Nouveau: The Mighty Orange On The Tree
#lets resurrect art nouveau!#art nouveau#cats#cat#cute cats#cats of tumblr#art noveau#orange#orange cat#tree
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3) an expensive drink, a ruined dress, grafitty for feral bruce and sunshine clark? :)
Sure thing! :D the pure joy I felt at having an excuse to look through fashion shows for some Feral Bruce Fashion inspiration….
It’s one of those places you’d only find in Gotham, Clark supposes. Art nouveau mansion, delicate arches and playful marble swirls, run down and covered in graffiti and now rediscovered by the avant-garde. Resurrected decay, spoiled decadence.
The dress code on his invitation said “formal black” and the sea of tuxedos and gowns is a harsh contrast to the shattered windows, the bare floors. Cigarettes with Chanel-red kisses litter the floor, now and then he steps into puddles of sticky champagne.
Bruce suspects the Miss Quinn in the crowd. He’s wearing a Dress.
Clark isn’t listening to what the woman wrapped in gleaming black fur is telling him, but that’s fine. He’s technically not supposed to be here anyways. The Planet doesn’t run an article on this event and the invitation was sent from Wayne enterprises, with an additional note in silvery pencil. Wear the tailored one. An afterthought: please.
In his ear, half a room away, Bruce leans towards the art dealer he’s talking to faux-whisper to him. “You don’t think I can get them to drop some raspberries into my next flute? My doctor says I should add fruit to my diet.”
Clark excuses himself from the Lady in furs and turns towards the bar. He walks slowly, reporter’s gaze sharp on the people he passes, until – “Oh, excusez-moi, Sunshine.” The scent of champagne sharp in his nose, cool liquid seeping through his shirt. Bruce drops the empty flute, it shatters next to Clark’s shoe. “Shit, I am sorry. Here, let me – “ Warm hands on his chest. Clark looks down. Bruce is wearing a black dress, deep boat neckline, shimmering black silk. Long sleeves and a slit on the side that goes up to his hipbone. Pinstripe trousers.
“It’s fine, no need to –“ He catches one of Bruce’s hands, the silk warm against his palm. Squeezes gently, once, to hear that little hitch in his breath. “Please. No need to worry.”
“Well, my hands are sticky.” Billionaire voice, playful-spoiled child, jovial pouting. “Allez, allez, to the restroom.”
And here they are. Some rundown hallway, not yet rediscovered and smelling of the wood hammered over the busted windows. Broken glass under their shoes and graffiti covering the peeling wallpaper. Bruce leans in as he speaks and the lush-gleaming silk of his dress spills from his shoulders to his chest. From this angle, the faintest hint of a bruise is visible in the shadows of his neckline, a pink-purple reminder of a kiss by his nipple. Memories of a hand in his hair, Bruce’s waist bruising under his grip.
Clark nods. Shakes his head. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
When he looks up, Bruce catches his eye and he pauses. The light falling through the gaps between the wooden planks sharpens his cheekbones, makes his eyes shine. There’s a brief pause, his pulse loud in Clark’s ear. “I think we can spare fifteen minutes.”
With a sigh of relief, Clark leans in, reaches out, warm silk under his palms, Bruce’s pulse against his lips, a hand in his hair. Bruce sighs, his head falling back against graffiti-coloured walls.
“Darn, Bruce, I’m really sorry,” Clark says with real regret in his voice, thumb brushing the broken zipper, the hint of warm skin underneath. His own hand tan against the dip of Bruce’s spine. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I’ll fix it later. Hold it in place.”
Clark does as directed and Bruce does something that unpins the sash around his waist. Clark thought it was sewed into the dress, but now Bruce winds it around his waist and over the zipper, hiding the flash of bare skin before he pins it in place again. He turns his head, catching Clark’s eye. The flush is still pink and sweet on his cheeks, sweat and Clark’s kisses gleaming on his neck, his chest. “Ready to go?”
Clark runs both hands over his hair, smoothing down unruly curls. “Yeah.” He smiles, dimple-bright.
Bruce nods, eyes flicking down for barely a second. A flash of teeth as he bites his lips, then he turns. “Great. Allez, allez.”
Clark huffs a laugh and follows.
Ahhhh this was so much fun!! Thank you so much for the prompt! And in case you were wondering, Bruce was wearing Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood, Aurumn 2015 ready to wear -
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Day0: One day at a time
Is that supposed to be a start? Why do I feel like I am sitting between 'Free as F***' and 'Flee into F***'? Maybe I'm afraid to name it a start because whenever I did it was a guarantee to NOT take another step. So it's just an experiment. Just doodle for 14 days, no matter what. And also collect every sheet, every back of recipes, bills and whatever paper I scrawled on. Will help me to see why it never stopped to bother me and what *exactly* it is that I am trying to knock back into the closet?
Azeroth started becoming and since has been a part of my life when I started to shape it - holy crap was it really that long ago? So one of my biggest follies must have occurred shortly before Vanilla. I banned myself from what I loved doing. Shortly after I tried to resurrect it by adding a thin polish of academic interest (art pedagogy and that drawing class I never finished). How stupid and how uncalled-for violent, well and in the end to no avail.
My body aches from neglect, my mind is a swirling torrent that keeps me awake at night. Whatever it is that is still simmering in that head of mine won't go away, even skeletons in the closet seem to have a bloody best-before-date. As armchair-posing is no longer a feasible option let's see how far I will come with doodling and scribbeling.

Lucky me, I was about to drop it due to feeling steamrolled by "How to start?" when youTube saved me with a post about Art Nouveau. From what I can recall it's soft, organic lines and patterns resembling organic stuff. Realistic elements are not the focus. Elegance was never my forte, didn't hurt trying nonetheless.
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Is Teen Wolf Lovecraftian?
Is Teen Wolf Lovecraftian?
Yes, very much so.
To understand if Teen Wolf is a Lovecraftian horror we need to start by defining our terms and providing comparisons. Lovecraft stories directly made into movies as a whole are just bad, and most video games too. However, using Lovecraftian ideas and tropes creates a successful narrative in most cases.
Several things define the Lovecraftian horror experience.
Isolation both mentally and physically
Lack of character information which is replaced by character reaction.
Lack of information about the world in which the protagonist finds themselves with a penalty for discovering that information.
The revelation that that which was formerly known is now revealed to be unknown and the consequences thereof
Fear of the unknown, specifically the previously thought known
Body Horror, specifically bodily transformation, from which there is no reversal
The insignificance of the subject in regards to the whole
These look specifically vague and you can apply them around a lot, and people do, but you might also notice a lack of tentacles there.
So before we turn this on Teen Wolf let’s present an example that you can understand the points in question
John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)
A group of men in an Antarctic station inadvertantly let something other into their base.
Interestingly the least Lovecraftian thing in “The Thing” is the thing itself, and wasn’t that a fun sentence to write.
The Americans [as opposed to the late Norwegians] are already at breaking point, isolation - caused by the weather, their close proximity to each other, boredom and exhaustion have taken their toll, they are a brush fire just waiting for a spark, and that spark is the thing. It is not the spark because it’s hunting them down, because that seems almost incidental in it’s desire to just survive and hide despite it’s otherness, it’s the fact that any of them could BE the thing. I’m going to start calling it the alien - it sounds less like I’ve forgotten the word. This will probably cause problems when I move on to Alien (1979) in a minute.
Combined with that Carpenter uses long empty tracking shots (a technique he used in Halloween [1978] ) which creates a voyeuristic feeling which removes the safety of the base. The way that it works matches “The Strangers” (2008) which removes the feeling of being safe in your own home. The rich white affluent suburb with it’s white clapboard houses and wide green open spaces is invaded by “the shape” as he is called the in the credits, and those shots, in which nothing happen, makes the space unknown and terrifying for it. It removes the illusion of safety.
We know almost nothing about the men in the base, we become invested in them not because of what they are but who, they are charming, funny, tired, and very realistic but it becomes hard to remember their names because those things are ultimately irrelevant. Combined with the discovery of the space ship those men are irrelevant, what they undergo is irrelevant, no one is on the other end of the radio, they will not be saved and their deaths serve no purpose. They and their experience doesn’t matter.
In Ridley Scott’s Alien (1979) does the same thing, a random ship encounters something vast and unknowable and is infected, the Xenomorph then picks off the crew for no other reason than to continue it’s own species, it doesn’t choose them for any other reason than they are there. The robot’s betrayal makes them even more meaningless, any ship that encountered alien life would do, it just happened to be that one.
The presence of the Xenomorph makes the ship unknown, it could be anywhere. At first they think it’s something small and don’t learn otherwise until face to face with it. They have to use technology they don’t quite understand and can’t really use to find it in their own safe space. A safe space surrounded on all sides by absence - space itself. All the things on the ship which previously gave them safety, the machines that allow them to exist on the ship, are now dark places for it to hide.
In Dario Argento’s Suspiria (1977) - the only film not to have aliens - Suzy goes to a place that is grotesquely beautiful and just happens to be in the next room to the girl who is investigating it, when that girl goes missing she looks for her and discovers the old witch and kills her to save her own life.
Yet Suspiria, which might be the most Lovecraftian film of them all, has no exposition, most of the characters aren’t introduced, and the movie is mostly experiential, maggots rain from the ceiling, but we don’t know why, the witches are killing the girls in the academy but we don’t know why, instead we have a lurid oversaturated nightmare of a narrative where the dance academy swerves from mundane to brightly lit Roger Corman-esque interior design fantasy. It is a building that if Ludwig II took acid he might design using only primary colours, art nouveau doors, blood red walls and corridors that seem to ooze menace without doing anything, overlaid with Goblin’s infamous soundtrack. Combined with that the actors filmed the dialogue in their own language and English was dubbed over so the characters are not really communicating.
Suspiria is as close to reading Lovecraft (without the racism) as it is possible to get. And it does also feature body horror when Sarah is resurrected by the witches to act as a weapon, despite her slit throat and the pins in her eyes. It is a nightmare on film.
It is also not a film you watch. It’s a film you experience. [The remake is good but very different and not so Lovecraftian, although most of the characters are played by Tilda Swinton, it’s really squinting are you Tilda Swinton too?]
So having given defintions and examples of what it is - does Teen Wolf fit.
Isolation both mentally and physically
It is impossible for the characters in the know to leave the town, and even if they do then they must return.
We see Scott try to leave twice, once in Motel California and again in Ghosted. Both times they enter a phantasmagoric town which is certainly not the outside world. Other characters are taken by the Wild Hunt. Derek Hale manages to leave, but only after “evolution”.
His trips to Mexico are also phantasmagoric in that it is hard to say that they are not dreams, the Calavera stronghold for example uses a lot of dream logic and wonky camera angles giving the idea that it’s not real. La Iglesia does this as well.
Within the town there are those who know and those who do not. Those who know flock together but have to keep their secret from those who don’t. So Scott doesn’t tell his mother until season 2, Stiles doesn’t tell his Father until 3b, Lydia is still trying to tell her mother in s5.
Characters unaware of the knowledge that others know are completely isolated, without anyone to go to, which usually ends in violence, often against themselves - the Chimera.
With as much as the main characters know it is clear that they know very little about the town, as shown by the family of wendigo who were part of the community.
2. Lack of character information which is replaced by character reaction.
We know almost nothing about any of the characters. We know how they react and how they interact, and how they change, but their histories are completely absent. This is as true of the main characters as it is the victims who only appear in one episode.
3. Lack of information about the world in which the protagonist finds themselves with a penalty for discovering that information.
People know nothing, research can present viable answers which are later proven wrong, characters guess in good faith and are wrong, characters lie, but ultimately they know very little about the world in which they’ve found themselves and those who do know often withhold or manipulate that information.
An easy example is Damnatio Memoriae in which Scott discovers what he believes to be the identity of the original Beast, a serial killer in France, who has nothing to do with the Beast at all. It’s a coincidence that the term has been applied. The knowledge is irrelevant and Scott is left with no more information about the Beast than he did at the start, then the person who does tell him, in Maid of Gevaudan, is Gerard and has every reason to lie, and that’s assuming his guess was correct.
The more characters know in Teen Wolf the more likely they are to end up in Eichen House, and Dr Fenris, in 6b, with the information he has, becomes a mass murderer.
4. The revelation that that which was formerly known is now revealed to be unknown and the consequences thereof
The town is a supernatural hotspot and the revelation of that is the entire plot. I think we can agree that that one certainly applies. Combined with that the use of “safe spaces” as battlegrounds, such as the school, the school bus, the sheriff’s station.
5. Fear of the unknown, specifically the previously thought known
Dr Fenris killed the monsters in his care, the Sheriff nearly has a nervous breakdown with the appearance of the chimera, the possession of Stiles and Scott’s reaction thereafter. These all very much apply, even Stiles fear when Scott attacks him in the locker room in pilot. The more people know the more scared they become.
Traditionally in horror the less people know the more they have to be scared of, but in Lovecraftian horror they know enough to fear it, but not much more, often the creature, by its very existence can induce fear (like the Anuk-Ite) because it is so outside the realms of what the human mind can comprehend.
6. Body Horror, specifically bodily transformation, from which there is no reversal
Werewolves. It is worth mentioning here however that there are anomalies in the transformations, almost all of the werewolves speak of pain during transformation, and Derek uses pain to help control it by overwhelming them with pain, but Scott does not. Just as the protagonist in “The Dunwich Horror” finds himself turned into a fishman there is an inevitability to the transformations in certain cases. Derek is on a path to his inevitable evolution. Scott’s natural evolution is subverted, this might be because he never transforms after his black eyed beast form in season 4. His fear of his transformation holds him back from his inevitable end form, yet there is no way he can be human again, no matter how much he wants it.
7. The insignificance of the subject in regards to the whole
Scott is not important because of who he is. He’s important because he happened to be the person in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is incidental to most of the story despite him being the focus character, the world doesn’t care about Scott McCall, it is interested in the True Alpha, but that could as easily be Chuck Norris. Scott isn’t even the true alpha by virtue but for reasons we do not know, Deucalion had no interest in it, Peter thought it was hilarious, Morell manipulated it to save her own life and Deaton worshipped it. Others use it as a target. When Scott says, “I’m a true alpha you don’t know what I’m capable of” it defines the character. Kincaid tells him he’s not as strong as a normal alpha. There are questions around his biting of Liam. Scott is not the Chosen One, he’s the one that was there and that’s ignoring his questionable behaviour and the very strong argument that he is a villain, and that his narrative was one of fallen messiah and not the hero’s journey.
Frodo was not the Chosen One, he was the guy who had the ring, and many of his successes are because of his party of companions, but Frodo’s quest, which he fails, is of world ending importance.
In Scott’s case, he again succeeds mostly because of his companions, though, unlike Frodo, he is unaware of this, he is not throwing the ring into Mount Doom to defeat Sauron, returning the ring to the jeweller because it needs resized, and might pick up some milk as well while he’s in the area.
So in conclusion is Teen Wolf Lovecraftian = yes
Does it fit the criteria laid out by works accepted to be Lovecraftian = yes
Does it follow the conventions of similar Lovecraftian works = yes
Is it the Lovecraftian conventions spread over such a large scope that cause so much dissatisfaction in the audience = yes
Almost every point in the list is something I’ve seen people complain about, we don’t know about this, we know nothing about that, that makes no sense, I think this episode would make more sense on hallucinogens etc
It is a well written Lovecraftian nightmare, it uses variant realities and isolation, suspicion and distrust well = but it tells us nothing, resolves very little and has a main character who could deliberately be replaced with a well meaning bag of sand.
But at least there were no tentacles.
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Single episode Whumps
I will collect here single episodes with good whumps, even if the serie is not listed because lacks of whumps. This page will be continuously updated.
Nancy Drew: 2.14 episode “The Siege of the Unseen Specter”. Character: Detective Abe Tamura, performed by Ryan-James Hatanaka. Type of whumps: held hostage, touched an electrified door and fallen to the floor hitting his head, dressed hand and ice pack at his head, progressivily feeling worse, collapsed on the floor, rescued, bags under his eyes. °°°NEWEST°°°
Aftermath: Character: Joshua Copeland, performed by James Tupper
1.07 episode “What the Thunder Said”. Type of whumps: shot in the abdomen, treated on the field and bullet extracted “magically”, blood and pain, passed out, healed (too) fast.
1.10-1.11 episodes. Type of whumps: got brain fever in the previous episode, coughing blood, fever and hallucinations, heavely sedated and visions, delusional, collapsed and unconscious on the ground.
Blindspot: Character: Roman, performed by Luke Mitchell
2.09 episode “ Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform”. Type of whumps: intense headache and hissing ears, collapsed, unconscious on hospital bed, weak and couldn’t stand, painful memoris, emotional pain and crying.
3.16 episode “Artful Dodge”. Type of whumps: fought and shot, bloody and weak and sweating, treated on the field, injected with ZIP and upset, collapsed.
Colony: Character: Will Bowman, performed by Josh Holloway
1.06 episode “Yoknapatawpha”. Type of whumps: deep cut at his arm, treated and dressed on the field, fought and tired.
2.01 episode (and 2.02) “Eleven.Thirteen”. Type of whumps: beaten and stabbed into his shoulder, treated and dressed on the field, fought and hit at his wound, fought again.
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: 2.13 episode “The Ripper of Riga”
Character: Jack Garrett, performed by Gary Sinise. Type of whumps: intense emotional distress, shot by his own son and collapsed on the floor, blood on his hand, under gunpoint, passed out.
Character: Ryan Garrett, performed by Matt Cohen. Type of whumps: kidnapped, under gunpoint, beaten face and handcuffed hands, bloody and swollen eye, intense emotional distress.
Character: Matt Simmons, performed by Daniel Henney. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast, bloody and cut face, treated on the field and many patches.
Deputy: Character: Sheriff Bill Hollister, performed by Stephen Dorff
1.01 episode “Graduation Day”. Type of whumps: shot in the arm and rough fight, bloody wound at his head, treated in hospital.
1.07 episode “10-8 Search and Rescue”. Type of whumps: into a car accident, treated in hospital, bruised face and ribs and sprained wrist, sore and grimacing, shot in the vest and fallen to the ground, many grunting, rough fight.
Forever: [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
1.05 episode “The Pugilist Break”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, laying in hospital bed, bruises sore and limping.
1.07 episode “New York Kids”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: shot twice in two different situations.
1.08 episode “The Ecstasy of Agony”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: chained to a cross and badly tortured, electrocuted.
1.13 episode “Diamonds Are Forever”. Character: Det. Mike Hanson, performed by Donnie Keshawarz. Type of whumps: shot in the arm, hospital, arm in a sling for the rest of the episode.
1.22 episode “The Last Death of Henry Morgan”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: fought and stabbed to death, shot to death and gasping in pain.
1.01 episode “Pilot”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, recovering in hospital.
1.06 episode “Deviation”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, bruises and sore.
1.10 episode “The Edison Effect”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: car accident, bloody cut on his forehead, sore [consequences in 1.11 episode]. Character: Det. Kyle Moseby, performed by Rob Mayes. Type of whumps: laying in hospital bed with concussion, bruised ribs and broken foream.
1.13 episode “Signal Loss”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: shot. Character: Captain Stan Moreno, performed by Anthony Ruivivar. Type of whumps: shot twice.
Godless: Character: Roy Goode, performed by Jack O'Connell
1.01 episode “An Incident at Creede”. Type of whumps: shot once but already shot twice, treated on the field, unconscious, collapsed, without voice, sore, arrested and handcuffed.
1.03 episode “Wisdom of the Horse”. Type of whumps: memory of previous shooting, horse-drawn.
1.07 episode “Homecoming”. Type of whumps: under heavy gunfire, duel with the gun, shot, collapsed.
1.06 episode. Character: Detective Inspector Geordie Keating, performed by Robson Green. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, hospital. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: very worried and angst, fought and noise bleeding.
2.03 episode. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: attacked and slashed an arm with a knife, hit on his neck and knocked out.
2.05/06 episode. Character: Detective Inspector Geordie Keating, performed by Robson Green and Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton.Type of whumps: fought together, bad argument and broken friendship (for a while).
3.02 episode. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: poisoned and felt sick, collapsed.
4.01 episode. Character: Sidney Chambers, portrayed by James Norton. Type of whumps: punched in the face, fought and elbowed, slammed against a wall and glass then collapsed, repeatedly punched, rescued, bleeding lip and bruised eyebrown, refused treatment and grumpy, treated on the field by his friend.
Lucifer: Character: Lucifer Morningstar, performed by Tom Ellis [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
1.13 episode “Take Me Back to Hell”. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding and gasping, dead than resurrected.
2.13 episode “A Good Day to Die”. Type of whumps: stopped his heart and revived, sweating.
3.17 episode “Let Pinhead Sing”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, weak legs and sitting, arm in a sling.
4.01 episode “Everything's Okay”. Type of whumps: shot in the had and hole in it, screaming in effort and hand profusely bleeding, dresed hand.
4.04 episode “All About Eve”. Type of whumps: fought, hit and stabbed in the shoulder, frustrated.
4.04 episode “All About Eve”. Type of whumps: fought, hit and stabbed in the shoulder, frustrated.
4.05 episode “Expire Erect”. Type of whumps: held hostage, shot, badly bleeding and grunting, weak and pale, almost hit by explosion blast, on a gurney.
3.03 episode “Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith”. Character: BenRivers, performed by Chris L. McKenna. Type of whumps: handcuffed twice, fought, under heavy gunfire, shot and bleeding, “treated”on the field, punched and knocked out, stitched wound with... a button (?), captured tied up and gun at his head, fought, bruise on his face and sore.
Lucifer: Character: Marcus Pierce / Cain, performed by Tom Welling [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
3.04 episode “What Would Lucifer Do”. Type of whumps: shot, on a gurney, in hospital.
3.10 episode “The Sin bin” (and a brief aftermath in 3.12). Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, collapsed and dead, resuscitated and gasping in pain, bleeding and treating himself.
3.13 episode “Til Death Do Us Part ”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, groaning in pain.
3.14 episode “My Brother's Keeper”. Type of whumps: rough fight, shot, fallen dead and resuscitated, stabbed with broken bottle and screaming in pain, impaled and bleeding, heavily panting.
3.16 episode “Infernal Guinea Pig”. Type of whumps: shot, fallen dead and resuscitated.
3.24 episode “Quintessential Deckerstar”. Type of whumps: shot, into a gunfight, rough fight, stabbed and groaning in pain, dead.
Off the Map:
1.05 episode “I’m Here”. Character: Mateo, performed by Nicholas Gonzalez. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, recovering in hospital.
1.06 episode “It’s Good”. Character: Julio, performed by José Zúñiga. Type of whumps: appendicitis, surgery without painkillers, chopper crash.
1.13 episode “There’s A Lot to Miss About the Jungle”. Character: Mateo, performed by Nicholas Gonzalez. Type of whumps: multiple shots, bleeding.
Profilage: Character: Inspector Thomas Rocher, performed by Philippe Bas
3.08 episode “Le prix de la liberté”. Type of whumps: rough fight, various bruises.
3.11-12 episode “Insoupçonnable”. Type of whumps: car accident and aftermath with headache and various bruises.
4.10 episode “La poudre aux yeux”. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding and passing out, brief aftermath.
5.08 episode “Entre deux”. Type of whumps: drugged and passed out, threated with a knife.
5.12 episode “À jamais”. Type of whumps: involved into a prison riot, fought and beaten, various bruises, later stabbed with scissors, shocked and collapsed.
8.02 episode “Le Prisonnier: 1ère partie”. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast, uncoscious into an hospital bed with orthopedic collar and cuts on his face, dizzy and sore.
9.02 episode “Nouveau départ: 2ème partie”. Type of whumps: hit at his head and bullet grazed, kidnapped, tied, fought, treated in hospital.
9.08 episode “Les yeux fermés”. Type of whumps: head surgery, into a coma and nightmares, bandaged head.
SEAL Team: 3.01 episode “Welcome to the Refuge”. Character: Jason Hayes, performed by David Boreanaz. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast and roughly pushed to the ground, unconscious, wobbly scratches and bruises, blood from his nose.
Shades of Blue:
2.02 episode “Eye of the Hurricane”. Character: Robert Stahl, performed by Warren Kole. Type of whumps: punched and almost chocked to death, with black eye in the following episode.
2.12 episode “Behind the Mask”. Character: James Nava, performed by Gino Anthony Pesi. Type of whumps: slashed on his forearm with a piece of glass, bleeding, hospital care.
2.13 episode “Broken Dolls”. Character: Matt Wozniak, performed by Ray Liotta. Type of whumps: shot point-blank in the abdomen.
3.07 episode “Straight Through The Heart”. Character: Anthony Cole, portrayed by Nick Wechsler. Type of whumps: tortured, manhandled, slapped, hands tied, searing flesh with blowtorch, screaming.
3.08 episode “Cry Havoc”. Character: Anthony Cole, portrayed by Nick Wechsler. Type of whumps: tortured and restrained, searing flesh wih a blowtorch, screaming in pain, sweating and panting, hit on the forehead and bloody, manhandled.
Tandem: Character: Paul Marchal, performed by Stéphane Blancafort
1.11 episode “Un anneau d'or: 1ère partie”. Type of whumps: into a shooting fight, bloody wound at his arm, hit in the head.
1.12 episode “Un anneau d'or: 2ème partie”. Type of whumps: injured in the previous episode, blindfolded and hands tied, kidnapped, escaped and hunted, in pain and heavily panting, manhandled, treated on the field, manhandled and repeatedly under gunpoint, rescued.
2.01 episode “Dans les mailles du filet”. Type of whumps: still recovering from gunshot wound, in pain under distress, a bit manhandled.
The Librarians: Character: Flynn Carsen, performed by Noah Wyle
1.01 episode “And the Crown of King Arthur”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a magical sword and collapsed to the ground.
1.02 episode “And the Sword in the Stone”. Type of whumps: mortally-wounded, treated on the field, bleeding and fainting this and there, fought, collapsed and dead, magically resuscitated.
3.10 episode “And the Wrath of Chaos”. Type of whumps: willing to sacrifice his life, hit by an energy ball and fallen to the ground, screaming in pain and on his knees, exhausted.
4.12 episode “And the Echoes of Memory”. Type of whumps: locked into an asylum, manhandled and electrocuted, grabbed again and almost lobotomized.
The Night Shift: Character: Dr. TC Callahan, performed by Eoin Macken
3.13 episode “Burned”. Type of whumps: beaten up, arrested and tied up, hit by explosion blast and bloody unconscious.
4.01 episode “Recoil”. Type of whumps: bloody face and tied up, hit by explosion blast, submerged by debris, nail in his hand, beaten.
4.02 episode “Off the Rails”. Type of whumps: manhandled and tied up, shot in the shoulder, arm sling.
4.09 episode “Land of the Free”. Type of whumps: rough fight, badly fallen to the ground, medical treatment, bruises on his face.
The Vampire Diaries: Character: Damon Salvatore, performed by Ian Somerhalder
2.22 episode “As I Lay Dying”. Type of whumps: poisoned, exposed to sun and burning, locked into a cell, spitting blood, weak for poison spreading, hallucinations and needing help to walk, on his knees, weak and sweating, moaning in bed, care.
4.23 episode “Graduation”. Type of whumps: shot with poisoned bullet and self-treatment, sore and bloody wound, weak for poison spreading, shot two times, on his knees weak and sweating.
Transporter The Series: 2.03 episode “Beacon of Hope”
Character: Frank Martin, performed by Chris Vance. Type of whumps: surrounded and hit in the face with rifle’s butt, captured and slapped, captured again and tortured, beaten and fought, many bruises on his face, under gunpoint.
Character: Zac Preston, performed by Tyler Hynes. Type of whumps: cut on his forearm and somehow dressed, sweating and weak, collapsed, discovered infected cut on his flank and fever, on a stretch and coughing, weak sore and in need of help to walk, injected with antibiotics, sore and in need of help to walk, under gunpoint.
X Company:
1.08–2.01 episode “Creon Via London”. Character: Tom Cummings, performed by Dustin Milligan. Type of whumps: aftermath of the shot in episode 1.08, bleeding, sweeting, fever for infection, very pale and weak.
2.01 episode “Creon Via London”. Character: Alfred Graves, performed by Jack Laskey. Type of whumps: captured and hanged by hands into a cell, badly beaten, many bloody bruises [torture continues in following episode].
3.05 episode “Frontiers”. Character: Franz Faber, performed by Torben Liebrecht. Type of whumps: captured, tied up, scarred with a knife and beaten, taunted, still shocked after escaped.
Agent Carter: 2.07 episode “Monsters”. Character: Det. Daniel Sousa, performed by Enver Gjokaj. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, bruises and sore
Big Sky: 1.16 episode “Love is a Strange and Dangerous Thing”. Character: Mark Lindor, performed by Omar Metwally. Type of whumps: T-boned and car accident, bloody head and unconscious, under gunpoint, on a gurney unconscious.
Cardinal: 1.06 episode. Character: Det. John Cardinal, performed by Billy Campbell. Type of whumps: shot twice, bleeding and gasping, hit on his wounds, in hospital bed.
Extant: last frames of 2.12 and 2.13 episode “The Greater Good”. Character: JD Richter, performed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding out, treated on the field, recovering, fever and dizziness.
Hostages: 1.08 episode “The Good Reason”. Character: Duncan Carlisle, performed by Dylan McDermott. Type of whumps: attacked, stabbed with a syringe full of paralytic, treated on the field, cut with a knife without anesthetic, into a tub with ice to contrast poisoning.
Jessica Jones: 1.09 episode “AKA Sin Bin”. Character: Will Simpson, performed by Wil Traval. Type of whumps: involved into an explosion blast, injured and bloody, into hospital bed.
Halt and Catch Fire: 1.04 episode “Close to the Metal” (with some aftermath into 1.05). Character: Joe Macmillan, performed by Lee Pace. Type of whumps: beadly beaten up, arrested and handcuffed in pain, hurt and sore.
Mary Kills People: 1.02 episode “The River Styx”. Character: Des, performed by Richard Short. Type of whumps: shot, blood and sweating, treated on the field, flesh wound dressed.
Nancy Drew: 2.14 episode “The Siege of the Unseen Specter”. Character: Detective Abe Tamura, performed by Ryan-James Hatanaka. Type of whumps: held hostage, touched an electrified door and fallen to the floor hitting his head, dressed hand and ice pack at his head, progressivily feeling worse, collapsed on the floor, rescued, bags under his eyes.
Powers: 2.08 episode “Chasing Ghosts”. Character: Det. Kutter, performed by Justice Leak. Type of whumps: stabbed ripetutely, lot of blood.
Salvation: 1.04 episode “The Human Strain”. Character: Darius Tanz, performed by Santiago Cabrera. Type of whumps: incarcerated and interrogated, slapped and fallen from the chair, tied up to a table and tortured with water, shaking and coughing, almost injected with truth serium, weak and wet, in need of help to walk.
[link to the post]
#whump#whumpslist#whumps#whumpslover#Extant#Halt and Catch Fire#Chicago Med#Colony#Mary Kills People#Frequency#Bosch#The Night Shift#Shades of Blue#Profiling#Hostages#X Company#Transporter The Series#The Vampire Diaries#cardinal#Jessica Jones#Powers#Marvel’s Agent Carter#Off the Map#Grantchester#Lucifer#Godless#Forever#Aftermath#Blindspot
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Cat Nouveau: Round and golden
#lets resurrect art nouveau!#art nouveau#cats#cat#cats of tumblr#artists on tumblr#lightaesthetic#light#cute cats
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Art Comissions OPEN, info under the cut:
I accept other currency, paypal converts them anyway
Sketch- 5$, Fine drawing- 10$, Full rendered art- 20$
You can chose the medium: digital, pencil sketch, watercolor (+3$) or ink (+3$), but you will get the digital version only, because posting it would be expensive and troublesome.
tips are highly appreciated :) after i sent the finished piece
Important, read before contacting me:
I uphold the right to deny request, before payment.
Full upfront payment
PROCEDURE: After I accept your request, I will start the comission after you sent the payment and i verified it. As soon as I have a rough sketch, I will send it back to you, to get feedback on changes or to continue the proccess. When I finished I will send you the full resulotion image file. I will not make changes after the finalisation proccess, but I will update you before that.
Send me reference photoes/ descripsion/silly sketches! The more the better. It greatly improves my proccess, and will be more satisfying for you.
My strongsuits: art nouveau style, pets, header images, profile pics, decorating designs. If it needs, please send the ratio details so the image fit for you. But will accept other topics, but be considerate, that those are not in my confortzone, but will improve on my skillset.
You can post the finished piece, but give me credit, and make a link to my blog. Do not sell it. If you agree, i will post it under my blog as comission and with watermark.
After accepting the request i will expect the payment in 3 days MAX, after that i will move on to other requests.
I work quickly, when i accept your request i will say a rough estimation how much time it will take me to finish it. I will communicate with you, so to see and be part of the proccess.
The drawing itself may not be a long time, but the email excanges, or eather of our time schedules may differ, so both of us has to be patient to some degree.
If you contact me, it means you read the information above.
[email protected] or here at tumblr
Sketch with colours and shading:

Fine drawing:
Full rendered art: (the dragon one, is a phone backround for phone, if you request similiar thing send the ratio details)
#art comissions#comission#artists on tumblr#almaart#art comms open#art commissions open#art noveau#lets resurrect art nouveau!#art nouveau#cats#pets
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Let's resurrect Art Nouveau!
#art nouveau#narcissus#daffodils#art style#flowers#flower#flowerart#glassdesign#art nouveau inspired#art nouveau style#lightaesthetic#light#flower painting#artist on tumblr#lets resurrect art nouveau!
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