151 posts
technically not a terf, not a radfem, kinda just there
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
hate when media is tagged lgbtq bc like, do u mean there's gonna be same-sex romance or are there gonna be annoying characters w gender identities
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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This is a really helpful suggestion if you find yourself taking some time to adjust to someone’s new pronouns/name!
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
I am personally so scared that my girlfriendwife will get dementia when we’re older, since it’s genetic. I will literally cry at the thought of it. I would never dream of leaving her when she’s not herself anymore. Some men are so evil and insensitive
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Something something in sickness and in health.
Men aren't shit.
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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LMAO op turned off reblogs but this interaction is so funny to me
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
Is gender critical ideology separate from feminism? I'm asking because I've noticed a lot of people on gender critical Twitter espousing gender roles, usually talking about how women are naturally soft spoken people pleasers who never yell or swear. It's actually really concerning because it's blatantly untrue and and these are the exact same harmful stereotypes that caused people to have gender issues in the first place. Not trying to start shit, I'm just an ex-libfem trying to learn lol.
tbh I think a lot of anti-trans conservatives call themselves "gender critical" incorrectly because they think it means critical of trans stuff (Matt Walsh, for one). Gender critical basically actually means that you're critical of both the idea that gender is innate and the idea that gender is a good or neutral thing. Being gender critical requires that you criticise gender roles, stereotypes, and bioessentialism. trads who call themselves gendercrit are typically just critical of gender non-conformity and they do view gender as innate, whereas actual gendercrit feminists tend to be critical of the harms of gender rather than the harms of disobeying it.
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
Why do people ignore that Miss Major at the Stonewall riots is a trans woman? She's still alive today
I guess most people have probably never heard of her.
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, often referred to as Miss Major, is a trans woman activist and community leader for transgender rights, with a particular focus on women of color. She served as the original Executive Director for the Transgender Gender Variant Intersex Justice Project, that aims to assist transgender persons, who are disproportionately incarcerated under the prison-industrial complex. Griffin-Gracy has participated in activism for a wide range of causes throughout her lifetime.
I think people get very defensive about Marsha P. Johnson not being the one to start the riots and being a drag queen/transvestite, but there were trans women at Stonewall who are relatively unknown because people only know Marsha. In fact, most people don’t know about the Daughters of Bilitis or STAR other LGBT organizations/movements besides Stonewall.
Fred Sargeant and the Stonewall generation are getting old. I hope people are willing to listen to their stories before they pass.
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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I want this to hang in your work kitchen
Things I’ve noticed so far since staring my job as a female chef with every single member of the staff being male.
I share a commonly male name with one of my cooks, so far all the new hires assume he’s head chef and never me
I think like half of the men I work with have gone out of their way to teach me how to cut stuff “correctly” (every time they’ve shown me, it is much more unsafe)
Whenever my cooks have questions about recipes, they go to each other for help and not me, person who wrote the recipes or instructions for prep stuff
We don’t have a dishwasher as a Very small restaurant, it’s just a sort of “wash what you make dirty” situation since it’s usually not too busy to keep that sort of thing up. Still have to keep reminding these guys to wash their own dishes and not just leave them for the invisible kitchen mommy
Male chefs have always been verbally abusive in my experience, but if you’re a female that’s in a sorta lead position, anything above line cook, these guys Will talk shit about you and have worse standards for how “rude” or “bitchy” you are as a boss
Anyways yeah idk. Gonna make my boss hire the first woman that applies, even if I have to teach her everything from the ground up bc Jesus
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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Find your piece on Redbubble. This one is pretty clever. (via First Pride Was A Riot, Not a Kink Parade Sticker by DontSpeak4Me)
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
where do you recommend putting the stickers? i'm worried about being caught for vandalism
This is a good question! My suggestions, in no particular order:
In general, wear nondescript clothing, sticker outside when it's dark or not too busy, look out for cameras and signs that say areas and under surveillance, and try to sticker on public property over private property
Most people are not scrutinizing your behavior, memorizing your face and clothing, or paying attention to what you're doing. I've placed hundreds of stickers by keeping them in my bag or pocket, looking for where to place them, picking a spot when I'm 50 feet away, casually peeling off the backing and putting it in my pocket (don't litter the sticker backings, please!), doing a quick look around to see who's near, then slapping the sticker on my target. When stickering in public places, make sure you minimize blind spots (opaque doors that can suddenly open, corners someone can walk around, etc.)
Look for where stickers and graffiti already are and where stickers and graffiti persist (remain for long periods of time) and sticker in those spots. Chances are they'll stay up longer.
Private, women's only spaces like general public bathrooms, bathrooms in restaurants or bars, and changing rooms are great for stickering! It's just you in there and no cameras so you don't have to worry about being caught as much. Bathrooms where there's lots of graffiti/stickers are the best because you don't have to worry about inconveniencing anyone who might have to clean up your sticker (if there are hundreds of stickers on this dive bar bathroom wall nobody will care if you put another). You can sticker on the door handle above the lock, on the mirror, on the soap or paper towel dispenser, on the toilet seat dispenser, next to any signage... wherever you think people will see the sticker!
Try to place your stickers at eye level or next to something people stop to look at or interact with. That could be on a lamp post at eye level, a crosswalk button, a parking meter, a bus stop sign, road signs, bike racks... any public infrastructure that's eye level or people stop to look at or interact with! Bonus points if there's already graffiti or stickers: nobody will care if you add more.
If you place your stickers way above eye level (ex: a STOP sign), they'll be a bit harder to read but also harder to tear down or get rid of. Whereever you place them, make sure the stickers can be read by a woman (or person) of average height. Unless it's next to something they'll interact with or are inclined to look at (a sign, a door handle, a button), stickers that are too low or high might not get seen.
Think of the weather conditions, the texture of the surface you're stickering, and how much foot traffic that area gets. These all factor into how long your sticker stays up and how many people will see it.
Sometimes stickers get torn down. Don't get discouraged! It means someone read that sticker :) Some of my stickers get peeled off but the majority of them stay! And a faded sticker from being left in the sun and rain for months just means you can sticker a new one.
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
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JK Rowling is back at it again 💞
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
you can resort to namecalling or whatever but the bottom line is that nobody has managed to produce an argument as to why biological sex isn’t a social construct that’s remotely coherent, nevermind convincing. your attitudes towards people who don’t fit your criteria for being male or female – whether they’re intersex, trans, or just people who’s sex characteristics in any way deviate from your anatomy textbooks – make it extremely clear to me that your ideology is more important to you than actual human beings. maybe get out of your echo chamber for a change and stop picking apart people’s bodies to determine whether or not you’re allowed to want to fuck them, which is really the only reason most of you care about this discussion to begin with. ugh. 
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rockstickman · 2 years ago
for real once you realize that you can actually wear whatever you want and call yourself whatever name and pronouns you want and have whatever interests you want and be whatever gender you want your life gets so much better and more fun
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rockstickman · 3 years ago
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Because Abortion Should Not Be Your Only Option
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rockstickman · 3 years ago
this “energy” is the energy that will allow even more men to walk away from the responsibility of fatherhood because “welp it’s not my fetus, not my baby, not my problem”
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rockstickman · 3 years ago
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protip:  ‘i hate lesbians’ has fewer syllables
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rockstickman · 3 years ago
aight y’know what FINE. I’m gonna make the damn post.
since roe got overturned y’all motherfuckers have done nothing but screech about “WELL WHAT IF YOU WERE RAPED WHAT THEN” & other equally shitty scenarios.
I was raped, and I got an abortion. I am part of that 1% of cases y’all love to use to prop up your bullshit arguments.
I did it without anesthesia. I drove myself home. I was numb for probably another two years after. when it finally did hit me, I was the most suicidal I had ever been and I stayed that way until probably last year. all total it’s been eight years since it happened.
the clinic I went to didn’t offer me help. they didn’t give me options. they didn’t have a post-op checkup. no one gave a shit. no one stopped my trafficker, no one found out, even my closest family didn’t even know until I finally escaped. it was just me, alone, throwing up in a trash can and sitting in post op until the dizziness went away enough for me to drive.
the fact that it was so easy for me to get an abortion by myself (even in a red state, no questions asked) made it easier for my trafficker to slide under the radar. because no one asked questions about why I wanted to end my pregnancy, he got away with what he had done. because no one cared enough to step in and stop me, he went on to abuse me for almost another two years. if someone had just given a shit, maybe I would have escaped that much earlier. maybe he would have faced more severe consequences. maybe I wouldn’t be so fucked up.
don’t you fuckers ever pretend you give a shit about people like me. if you did, you would have been supporting crisis centers, pro-life pregnancy centers, and places that actually care about the situations that women are in when they deal with unexpected or traumatic pregnancies. you would be encouraging pregnant women and telling them that they ARE strong enough, they ARE brave enough, that they are loved and they will be okay and supported and that having a kid will not kill their career or end their school life. you would be telling them that a disabled child, an adopted child, an unexpected child is not unworthy of life itself just because that life will be difficult.
on that note, fuck you, life will ALWAYS be difficult. but you can make it an enjoyable fight, or a miserable truce. you can spit the blood out of your mouth and stick a roll of dimes in your hand and hit back harder or you can lay down and let shit curbstomp you and swallow your own broken teeth. the difference is in how you step outside of yourself and into the lives of the people around you. the difference is in how you love, and if you actually love people, you will never advocate for their death.
stop using situations like mine to excuse your own cognitive dissonance. I’m sick of y’all’s shit.
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