#lets have funsies at our month guys
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months ago
Halloween Fanfiction Chain: A chain fic where one fan writes a few hundred words of a spooky Hannibal-themed Halloween story, then passes it along to the next person to continue. This can be done over a few weeks, and the final piece is posted at the end of October.
Fannibal Trick or Treat: A digital version of trick-or-treating where participants sign up to leave treats (such as fan edits, gifs, small drabbles, ficlets, poems, or icons) in each other’s inboxes. The idea is to surprise each other with small, unexpected gifts.
Spooky Fanfic or Fanart Prompt Calendar: A 31-day challenge with prompts related to horror, psychological tension, or supernatural elements in the Hannibal universe. Fans can write one-shots or short stories or drawings each day.
Costume Contest: Create costumes (illustrations, edits, doll dress-ups) of what Will and Hannibal would wear if they were to attend a Halloween party together.
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the-dumpster-fire-of-life · 2 years ago
hellloooooooo!!! i rlly love your parenting stuff for tom, can i reqeust like something about the reader telling him she's pregnant (maybe theyre like 18)? like she's in the band and theyve been together for a while and she got pregnant and yk stuff fdhfhsdfd
if you want to add angst to it for funsies make the reader die of childbirth
(Hello! I'm so glad you like my writing and sure I can! I hope you enjoy it even though I didn't add the angst as I didn't want to make it very long!)
You Got Them At Least
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He thought you were joking
Like you called him to your hotel room and seemed to be panicky?
Sorta in a little state of shock and he's just looking at you and asking what's wrong
And you just fucking drop the bomb of your pregnant
He got so silent it was scary
You were so scared for him to talk when he did
It was surprising to hear that the first thing that came out of his mouth was if you were okay
You were shaking, crying out of the shock and the panic at first but you calmed down a bit with his help
Yeah, his mind was hectic but he kept it down surprisingly well
He thought his life was over for a minute along with his career
Kids were never something he really pictured or thought of
Especially at 18
All he really thought of was tour, being on stage and you
He knew he loved you and he knew he wanted to be with you, just adding a kid to that now shocked him a bit
He cursed at himself for having it happen ig?
Like getting you pregnant and causing you to be in such panic
He's in no form a dick, just may be a bit cold at first out of his own shock
It dwindles down though and he asks what you want to do
He's all for you keeping or not keeping it, he didn't think he got to alter your decision because it's your body, even if he wanted to have a baby or not
If you didn't know, he took the answer
You guys just sit there for a moment with his arm over your shoulder as you both try and think things through when this comes out his mouth
"Our kids gonna be so fucking cute. Y'know I bet Bill on something like this happening? Now I'm out twenty bucks."
He's all for making jokes to make light of the situation
I feel the first people you guys told was the band
And they thought you guys were dipping joking
But when they saw how serious you guys were they finally got it
"Holy shit, (Name)? You're knocked up? You let him knock you up? Are your standards that low?"
That's the first thing Georg decided to say, fucking asshole
"Oh my god, I'm gonna be a hot uncle?"
Of course, Bill was worried about that as he went over to you, making sure you were okay while threatening the fetus to make sure you're a beautiful pregnant woman
Bill gives the best compliment I swear
He also has a hand out for his twenty bucks
"I knew he would be the first."
Gustav has his priorities straight and is the "I told you so" guy
He is excited for you guys though, and found it funny that there was gonna be a kid soon enough
Your guys' career had to stop for a moment while you began to show but everything was okay
When you went out the help you guys hide it from the world until they couldn't
But if paparazzi ever got to close and too personal, you had some friends to push them away and yell at them
Maybe things would be okay with a kid around
You got Bill, the sassy, weird ass uncle who will spoil the child rotten and dress them up
You got Georg, who will treat the kid as good as he can, let them stay up as long as they want, pump em full of candy and take them without you knowing
Gustav, the favorite uncle who lets them steal his hats, helps them play drums, has tea parties with them and would do anything for them
But most of all you got Tom, your boyfriend who doesn't leave your side all nine months, much less miss anything as your kid grows up on stage with you guys
Things will be okay
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igotanidea · 1 year ago
Sous chef : Sam Winchester x reader cook AU (part 1)
sous chef fr): works directly under the head chef 
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Request: Sammy has his own restaurant, he is a Chef, he works in the administration almost always and usually cooks once a week at the place, he falls in love with the reader. Age gap but everything legal, he cooks for her, she falls in love with his food! and the excellent sex with him (played with it a bit, hope you'll like it anon :)
Before we start this story we have to make one thing clear.
Y/N was not a silly teenage rom-com heroine.
Did she watch them? Yes. Did she read them? Yes, absolutely.
But only for the funsies.
It was not like the “To all the boys I’ve ever loved” plotline.
Not like she was only living the fantasy inside her head, too scared to act on her own feelings.
It was not – god forbid – like the After plotline and Y/N was not the good girl focused only on her school stuff not wanting to have anything to do with the bad boys and boys at all.
No way in hell.
She had her own amount of love drama and with the slightly wild character she was more than ready for a new chapter in her life.
Parties, boys, skipping classes and making out in the toilets, sneaking under the professors’ nose.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk reality.
She was a nice girl. A kind spirit. A dreamer.
With a vision, sharp tongue and good priorities.
Not a pushover but also not the most popular. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, but street smart. If you asked Y/N Y/L/N how she classified herself she would probably answer in the middle. She could get lost inside her own head trying way too hard to figure things out instead of just letting it unravel and go with a flow. Dead set on putting some sort of label on herself to find out where she belongs. Which was still  bound to happen.
She has just moved to the new city to college and what was better way to get acquainted with the surroundings and fellow students than –
- having a little trip? (I’m pretty sure you thought party, huh?)
 In her defence – she tried partying, but seeing her college friends drunk dancing and throwing up because they actually wanted to let loose and have a big opening of the year was a bit too much. Therefore, she grabbed her girls, completely ignored their whining about ruining the mood and baptized as Y/N, the destroyer, dragged them out into the city.
That’s how they found this little nice restaurant in the suburbs. Nothing too fancy nor too expensive for a students’ budget but good enough for a group of young adult women who just started living (almost) on their own.
It was nice to have a ladies’ night. At least until the door to the restaurant opened and a representative of the opposite sex entered causing all the females to raise their gazes. A little rascal definitely noticed the sudden commotion in the henhouse cause he shot them a teasing gaze and winked in a flirtatious manner before heading towards the counter smiling widely at the other man standing there.
“Is he gay?” Y/N asked, barely holding back a chuckle, while observing the whole scene
“That guy who just entered!”
“What?” her friends laughed  collectively “Dean Winchester being gay? Damn Y/N. He had more girls in his bed in last two months than any of us will have in our whole life!”
“Are you a lesbian then, f/n?”
“You said he had more girls than any of us-“
“oh shut it! Slip of the tongue, you know what I mean!”
“so not gay?”
“who’s the other one then?” Y/N took a sip of her drink pointing out behind her back.
 “yes he! Do you see any other good looking guys around?”
“That’s Sam.” f/n replied and went quiet teasing Y/N on absolute purpose.
“Care to elaborate or are you too busy foaming at the mouth while checking out that Dean guy?”
“Can you blame me? Damn, have you seen his-?”
“face! Have you seen his face?” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration. “they are brothers. Obviously. Sam’s a chef and Dean ... well, I am not sure what he does for a living but I’m all up for the bad boy style and attitude.”
 “dare I ask?”
“you better not. I see that little blush on your face so enjoy your little teenage rom-com moment.” f/n laughed sipping her drink though the straw purposefully making it loud to get the man’s attention and be the eyecatcher on Y/N’s behalf.
“stop it!” Y/N shushed suddenly feeling eyes on her back, almost burning the hole and – ironically – do making her blush.
“and what if I don’t?”
“you’re crazy!”
“and you’re too shy for your own good. Come one, live a little. Have a hot, steamy romance. Free yourself! Burn the bra!”
“It’s a figure of speech!”
“I know what it means!” Y/N laughed and shook her head at her friend’s stupidity. However, instead of leaving or making  a scene she just raised her own glass in a celebratory gesture “cheers!”
And now – tell me, in your honest opinion, don’t you think that few  young woman in an almost empty restaurant at the very late hour, laughing and acting the way young carefree girls should, would get some looks, even if covert?
Once the academic year got off the ground the time seemed to pass in an accelerated speed. Before anyone noticed the beginning of October turned into November and then everyone started slowly thinking about actual work and getting some work as a source of income.  
Y/N was no exception to this rule. Between mingling, being a  socially engaged person, going out with friends, studying, preparing for exams, finding little time for her hobbies and currently fighting for an internship, her life was simply crazy.
So she wandered around the city alone to get at least a bit of peace of mind. Not having any specific destination in mind, just letting her feet lead her to whatever place she might find herself in. Just being and floating in space, allowing her imagination and creativity run free, unrestrained by a rigid schedule.
The old bookshop looking like it was taken straight from the Harry Potter universe might have been a spot where she’s been spending most of her time, to such extend that the owner learned her name. moreover, she even started helping him in running the business which was quite good practice given the fact she was studying business and economics. And for one more reason too.
“I’m here, sorry for being late! Bus was delayed due to the weather and –“ she walked through the door shaking of the snow not realising that there was a client present and Bobby was nowhere to be found. That meant she was supposed to serve the man standing by the counter, whose face she could not see at the moment. “Morning sir. What can I help you with?” swiftly she hung her damp coat and hat on the hanger and approached him. “Sam?” the name escaped her before she bit her tongue.
“Hi. Do I know you?” the man frowned in confusion, but it was not a confused expression of someone offended by being called by his given name, rather a sympathetic question of someone trying hard to refresh his memory.
“No.” she shook her head with a smile of embarrassment “no you don’t, not really. But my friend got eyes for your brother, you should warn him about a feisty female sharpening her claws.”
“I am pretty sure Dean can handle- wait, you’re that girl from the restaurant.”
“Good memory. Surprisingly good, actually.” She reached her hand towards him “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s only fair to tell you my name since I already know yours.”
“Nice to meet youY/N. You work here?”
“More like volunteer. Full time student, part time bookseller. Doesn’t seem like a match made in heaven, does it?”
“Well, I bet you wouldn’t expect to see a chef searching for a book, will you?”
“I’m not judgmental.” She shrugged taking a look at the pile of volumes in his hands “but choosing modern sci-fi crime and mythology books is a bit surprising. For a guy in general.”
“It’s just side interest. And actually I was hoping Bobby would find something that would be more complex than a manifestation of the author's exuberant and non-realistic imagination”
“Wow, now that’s the wording.”
“for a chef?” Sam smirked.
“For a person. Anyone else would just say the book was fucked up.”
“Thought you weren’t judgmental?”
“I wasn’t.” Y/N shrugged and grinned at him “till you said that you’re pretty much looking for fantasy book with no fantasy in it.”
“Then why do I get the feeling you know perfectly where to find one?”
“Challenge accepted Mr. Winchester.”
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💕BakuDeku First Kiss 💕
FanFic Summary: BKDK first kiss head cannon, Kacchan + Deku have feelings for each other but are dumbasses and don't know how to act on them, the pair gets stuck on a corny Tunnel of Love ride that Class 1B built for the school's annual festival. Easy peasy lemon squeezy content for funsies. Scroll down to enjoy! :)
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Ok but imagine:
Katsuki and Izuku's first kiss is at the school festival in their third year. Izuku convinces Katsuki to go on the "Tunnel of Love" ride that Class 1B has put together for the school, saying he wants to support all of their friends from the class. Katsuki has been looking for an excuse to be alone with Deku for literal months and so he agrees (even though a "tunnel of love" is the dumbest nerd shit he has ever heard of).
Katsuki begrudgingly asks Kirishima to cause a distraction while he and Izuku get on the ride (because he'll be damned if anyone from class 1A sees him getting mushy with the green haired hero <spoiler alert - the entire class knows DK + BK have the hots for each other>).
Eijiro Kirishima of course agrees to help because he's an amazing friend and has a soft spot for romance. He enlists Denki Kaminari's help and obviously they do something ridiculously over the top and stupid. Picture Kirishima giving a speech about how manly romance is and it distracts everyone in line for the Tunnel of Love. Meanwhile Kaminari messes with the electrical system.
Katsuki and Izuku awkwardly hop into one of those cheesy swan boats and sail straight into the tunnel while Class 1B and the rest of the school are too focused on Kirishima + Kaminari to be any the wiser.
The ride breezes the boat through badly painted scenes from classic RomComs - How Harry Met Sally, While You Were Sleeping, You've Got Mail... Making matters worse, the whole thing is set to a cringe playlist of 80s and 90s love songs and it's all so over the top and cheesy and Katsuki WANTS. TO. DIE.
That is, until he looks over and sees Izuku admiring the scenery and taking everything in with a look of amazement. "Our classmates are just so talented, aren't they? They built this entire thing just using their quirks and elbow grease." And Katsuki just can't stop staring at the guy beside him. Deku is so pure and good and so utterly full of light. Once upon a time, that trait had pissed Katsuki the hell off. But now...now it's something he finds deeply endearing.
The ride slows down and comes to an abrupt stop in front of a giant cardboard heart painted sloppily with the words "Will You Be Mine?"
The lights flicker and spark before shutting off, plunging the scene into complete darkness. The music comes to a stop as well, silence resounding through the narrow tunnel. It only takes a second for Kacchan to realize that Kaminari and his overzealous electrification is likely to blame.
Damn Kirishima. I told him not to get Sparky involved. Katsuki thinks bitterly, standing up in the boat to look around for an exit. Everything is pitch black.
The boat rocks uncertainly beneath his feet, and he feels Izuku's hand grasp his own. The green haired hero slowly pulls Katsuki back into his seat. "Be careful Kacchan - you're going to tip us into the water! This boat doesn't seem so sturdy."
Katsuki grudgingly sits down. The damn nerd's probably right. He blushes when he notices that Izuku hasn't let go of his hand.
"You know, Kacchan, I was really surprised when you agreed to go on this ride with me. It really doesn't seem your style." He hears caution in Izuku's voice. The damn nerd isn't going to force him to move faster than he's ready to. They both know there is a mutual attraction between them, but neither have been ready to act on it until now.
Maybe it's the horrifically corny magic of Class 1B's Tunnel of Love. Or maybe it's the comfort of the total darkness surrounding them. Whatever it is - Katsuki suddenly feels brave enough to make a move.
"I knew those nerds from Class 1B wouldn't be able to pull this off. I figured this death trap would kill you - and I can't have you die before I have a chance to surpass you." Bakugo is cringing at his own words. He has zero rizz.
"I appreciate it." Izuku says, giving his hand a squeeze. Bakugo's heart starts beating double time, and his nerves are pissing him off.
"Listen, Deku. Let's drop the bullshit. Can I just kiss you already?" His face is beat red, but luckily Izuku can't see it.
Izuku's hand goes slack in surprise. Oh, shit. Katsuki panicks - has he read this entire situation wrong?!
"Ok this is stupid - forget I said anything dumbass!" Katsuki roughly pulls his hand away from Izuku, moving to stand up. This boat can go straight to hell, and he has no problem walking through a few feet of water to get away from this damn nightmare.
But just as he's getting up to leave - Izuku's hand reaches out and grabs him again in a vice-like grip. He pulls Katsuki roughly back into his seat.
"Kacchan..." Izuku reaches out blindly with both hands until he manages to find Katsuki's chin. His fingers feel more calloused than Katsuki would have imagined, toughened up from years of hero training. Once Izuku manages to find his friend, he slowly brings their faces together, fumbling a little in the dark. Izuku manages to kiss the corner of Katsuki's mouth, but with a little teamwork they adjust and find each other.
It's a slow kiss, and it's sweet. Izuku's mouth is softer than Katsuki could have ever imagined and the feel of it leaves him shaky. When Katsuki doesn't pull away, Izuku gains more confidence, his fingers moving to thread into the explosion hero's thick blond hair. The touch has Katsuki seeing stars - no one has ever caressed him so intimately.
Within minutes, he's trying to pull Izuku into his lap. He grips his friend's waist as he kisses him fiercely. Years of tension and unsaid words spur them on, causing their lips to collide again and again until...the lights snap back on.
Izuku and Katsuki are left blinking numbly as the gooey Spotify playlist starts up again. With a lurch, the swan boat starts moving forward again. The two scramble, trying to regain their composure as the end of the ride nears. Izuku climbs sheepishly out of Katsuki's lap, and Katsuki furiously tries to get his hair back to normal. Both are blushing like mad - they can barely look at each other.
A few moments later, the ride comes to an end. The swan boat moves jerkily back into the sunlight, and TetsuTetsu greets them with a grin at the exit. Katsuki groans internally - he has no doubts that Kirishima filled TetsuTetsu in on their plans.
"Sorry about the technical difficulties, looks like we had a little bit of electrical trouble." He says good-naturedly, swinging a wooden plank around to connect their boat to land. Izuku shakily exits the boat, walking lightly across the board.
"Thanks TetsuTetsu. Appreciate it." Izuku walks quickly through the exit, trying to hide the blush on his freckled face.
"Anytime bro." TetsuTetsu waves Izuku off, then turns to face Katsuki. "Enjoy the ride?" He says with a wink.
"Like hell I did!" Katsuki grunts, crosses the plank and pushing TetsuTetsu roughly to the side. He chases after Izuku but the festival is too crowded - the green haired nerd is nowhere to be found. "Damn."
Immediately, he feels his phone buzz in the pocket of his jeans. He fumbles to pull it out, seeing a text from Deku blinking across the screen. With shaking fingers, he opens the message and drinks in two quick sentences: Meet me in the dorms. Let's finish what we started.
Katsuki grins stupidly despite himself. "That damn nerd."
He makes a beeline for the 1A dorm building.
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daintev · 21 days ago
Finished watching Pride & Prejudice
I've just completed the 1995 series of Pride & Prejudice and OMG I LOVED IT!!! Best show ever, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn’t think I would at first but I loved it! I get why people adore it now, it’s seriously good! I highly recommend it!
I wrote down my reactions in a document for funsies and thought it would be fun to share here! I did write an ungodly amount (1320 words to be exact) so, be prepared.
Start date of first time watch through: 7th Feb 2025
I LOVE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!! I’ve just finished episode 3, LIZZY IS FUMBLING A BADDIE!! Omg, then Darcy started getting defensive again and arguing back at her. I get it now, I understand why people love Pride & Prejudice.
Onto episode 4:
Lizzy is NOT subtle, the way she looks at Darcy with just the wet shirt on, she HELD her gaze on him. SHE AIN’T SLICK!! To be honest me too girl, Colin Firth the man that you are <3
Oh my goddddd they want each other so bad it makes me ill but, like, in a good way.
HE’S SO CUTE. Wow, who said that? That’s crazy. GOD, HE’S SO HOT. WOAHHHH who said that?? It must’ve been the wind.
Darcy is being a little less prideful, he’s taken what Lizzy has said into account. He’s being all friendly and nice! Colin Firth does a great job at portraying this in his facial expressions and general attitude change as well.
Onto episode 5:
DARCY THE MAN THAT YOU ARE OML, his sister, Georgiana, told Lizzy that Darcy talked about how he loves to hear her sing and play the piano; LIKE?? He’s so smitten about her, not a hint of subtlety from him anymore. HOLY SHIT THE WAY HE’S LOOKING AT HER WHILST SHE SINGS OH MY GOD!!! HIS SMILE DUDE, THE SMILE!!
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Guys, when is it my turn for someone to be equally as in love with me as Darcy is with Lizzy? Ooooooh Caroline brought up Wickham, the drama!! But more importantly, the way Lizzy and Darcy look at each other: the longing looks are what really get to me. Also the way they wait a little longer as one or the other is leaving is enough to drive a man crazy, it’s me, I am that man.
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Caroline and Hurst are stirring the pot again, “How ill Eliza Bennet looked this evening” Wild, absolutely wild.
CAROLINE COMING OUT SWINGING WITH “For my part, I must confess, I never saw any beauty in her face. Her features are not at all handsome, her complexion has no brilliancy” WHAT THE HELL?? She’s just shooting left and right, now mentioning the time Darcy had said the same, she’s trynna stir a reaction out of him so badly. Oh, she lives for the drama.
DARCY WITH THE METAL CHAIR “Yes I did. That was only when I first knew her, which has been many months now since I have considered her the most handsome woman of my acquaintance” GAGGED, he got her good.
LYDIA IS RUNNING OFF TO SCOTLAND WITH WITH WICKHAM??? Wait Kitty knows something about it, she wasn’t shocked by the news! NOW WICKMAN DIDN’T PLAN TO MARRY LYDIA?? They’re not getting married at all, well unbeknownst to Lydia.
Darcy our good man came by just in time to help and comfort Lizzy, very sweet <3
Ohhhhh, she told him about Lydia and Wickham. NO! She’s blaming herself for it since she knew of Wickham’s character. Now her family's reputation is in the shitter “I have stayed too long, I shall leave you now” DARCY NO, YOU IDIOT!!!
“I shall never see him again” Yes you will! He’s too in love for that to be the case, LET GO OF YOUR PRIDE! (omg it’s almost like that’s the whole point of the plot)
POINT PROVEN: The reaction he had when Caroline brought it up, he just went “What?!” then got up and left, he wasn’t having any of that.
Aww Jane’s blaming herself for what has happened with Lydia as well :( 
“He was very kind, very gentle-men-like. But he made it very clear he wanted nothing more than to be out of my sight” LIES, I mean yeah he is being a little prideful but he never outright said it, he’ll come back.
Man fuck Collins, bitch walks up in their house, condescending to them “Oh em gee so sorry your family reputation sucks due to your sister, but now Lady whats-her-face don’t really wanna associate with you, yeaaaah” Lizzy was valid in convincing him to leave early.
Wait!! Has Darcy gone looking for Wickham and Lydia? It seems so.
HE IS!!! Lydia spotted him from the window! I knew Darcy wouldn’t just stop seeing Elizabeth, he went out looking for her sister because he didn’t want to stop seeing her. I mean he could of regardless but I do suppose reputation was a big part of the 19th century.
Their uncle has sent a letter; WICKHAM AND LYDIA ARE GETTING MARRIED?? And Wickman is doing so for little money? Something must’ve taken place for such to happen.
“I cannot bear to think he is alive in the world…and thinking ill of me” Oh Lizzy, he could never.
Onto episode 6:
The uncle must’ve paid Wickman to wed Lydia, of course, he wasn’t going to without a great deal of money. 
DARCY IS AT THE WEDDING!? He must’ve been involved in getting Wickham to marry Lydia! 
Lydia is back at her family's house and she lets slip that Mr.Darcy was at the wedding, it was meant to be a secret. WAIT! So Darcy paid Wickham instead of the Uncle! He took the blame and responsibility for not letting Wickham's character be known.
It seems Elizabeth and Wickham have made up. Mr Bingley is back, surely that can only mean Darcy is as well.
I WAS RIGHT, DARCY IS BACK!!! The look on Lizzy’s face when she hears he’s here as well is priceless. They cannot stop looking at each other the moment Darcy steps foot in the room.
Aw, Darcy is apologising to Mr Bingley for not letting him know Jane was in London at the same time as him, character development baby!
Mr Bingley has confessed his love for Jane again and she’s well thrilled about it, good for them.
LADY CATHRINE JUST PULLED UP WTF?? Oh, she knows about Darcy’s confession of love to Lizzy or at least she wants Lizzy to confess it is as truth. OH, She doesn’t want them to get together! FUCK THAT NOISE, GET HITCHED!!!
God damn Lady Cathrine REALLY doesn’t want them to be together, she describes Elizabeth’s family as a disgrace and it would be so if they were to be allianced due to their lack of connections and little fortune.
LIZZY GAGGED HER THOUGH, OH MY LORD, Ladyship wanted her to promise she wouldn’t be engaged to Darcy but she shut her down fast.
Yet Darcy still comes with Mr Bingley to visit, his ass does not care what Lady Cathrine thinks.
“If you will thank me, let it be for yourself alone. Your family owes me nothing. Much as I respect them I believe I thought only of you” HELL YEAH!!! The smile on Lizzy’s face when he says that, she looks so pleased <3
He’s confessing his love again, HOLLLLLLLLY she said she regrets what she said back when he first confessed “My feelings are so different. In fact, they are quite the opposite” WE’RE SO BACK!!!! He’s apologising for his previous behaviour towards her, it’s actually really sweet, he’s reflecting and recognizing his actions in the past and how Lizzy has helped him realise that.
“Dearest, loveliest, Elizabeth” MY HEART! OH MY GOD, HOLY SHIT, OH MY LORD THEY’RE ENGAGED!! FINALLY!!!!!
“I didn’t always love him, but I love him now so ever dearly. He is truly the best man I have ever known” MY HEART IS RACING THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!! <333
Best show ever oh my god, I thoroughly enjoyed that. I didn’t think I would at first but I loved it! I get why people adore it now, it’s seriously good! I highly recommend it!
Finished date: 9th Feb 2025
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flashbic · 11 months ago
So, as someone who does not have any French or Canadian heritage, what exactly is Cartouche? I haven't heard of it before, but it seems like there's a show and books and stuff, is it fairly popular among french-speaking communities? You've made me curious lol
Ngl i went "nyehehehehehe" out loud when i found out i was being given an excuse to ramble about the thing :D
The short answer is it's a french cartoon from the early 2000s! One season-long, with 26 episodes! And yeah in 2010 they eventually made little books that are based on some eps, and they are very cute! They all have unique artwork because instead of using screenshots from the show they hired an artist to illustrate everything.
Most of the show is sort-of lost media, by which i mean that there are only 5 episodes still available in the original french audio… BUT an arabic dub exists, so I've been going through that with a translation app for funsies in my free time! So to answer your question, no, it's not a well-known show, but to me it's a nostalgic one asfdkg
More rambling about the thing under the cut!
What it's about:
Think Robin Hood in the early 1700s, but in Paris! Specifically, it takes place 2-3 years after Louis XIV's death : the future king is a tiny 7yo kid, and since he can't reign yet, the old king's nephew, Philippe II d'Orléans, is regent. In real life, the regency lasted 8 years, and Philippe d'Orléans is generally now considered by historians to have been An Okay Guy Who Did His Best, but every show needs a villain, so here he's the Prince John to Cartouche's Robin Hood! So the bulk of the show is Cartouche and his lil group of buddies helping out poor people and fighting for justice.
I was always fond of the show, but ngl part of the fun in recent months has been reading up on the time period; it's a unique but very short transition era between two very long reigns, and a lot of stuff actually happened during it! The show has a fun amount of references to real people and events here and there. Makes reading all those History books feel like the Pepe Silvia meme, really
Who are these characters:
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Our main character is this dude! Cartouche is your brave hero archetype, but also a bit of a smartass with a penchant for shenanigans. And he's named after a real-life criminal! The actual Cartouche was notably Not Nice, but a lot of people at the time did cheer him on because, well, he stole from and attacked rich people. There are actual books and movies about him that did generally keep the bandit-with-a-heart-of-gold legend alive! Cartoon!Cartouche is even designed after one of the movie versions, where he was played by actor Jean-Paul Belmondo. He's got the same outfit and everything, it's cute :D
Real!Cartouche had his own group of allies called the Cartouchiens, and some of the characters from the show are named after them! The main ones are…
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Louis du Châtelet, aka le Lorrain, he's a noble who decided to join the good guys! He's a fancy dude, and notably he used to be a massive jerk, but he got better!
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Fleur d'Épine and Galichon! Galichon was sentenced to the galleys and escaped! He's the team dad… and is also Fleur d'Épine's actual adoptive dad. Fleur d'Épine is the youngest of the group and has a whole backstory the show takes time to uncover: she was found by Galichon when she was just a baby! She gets a bunch of episodes about her mysterious family situation...
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Freluquet, who is, let's be real, the token kid they added for the show. But he's generally a fun little dude, and very importantly he often relays messages from...
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Isabelle d'Entraigues, Philippe d'Orléans's niece! She's not named after a real person, but after a character in the Belmondo Cartouche movie. She's a fave, she's got a temper! She's a spy from the good guys.
And then we have our main villains!
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Philippe d'Orléans, the Regent. He's cruel and power-hungry and not above trying to get rid of the young king.But of course, he's not going to get his hands dirty. (The real guy is super interesting! I've been reading up on him a lot!) He has two people doing work for him:
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Demachault, the police lieutenant, who is named after a real guy and is doing his best but honestly just sucks at this job, poor guy.
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Nero Falconi, who is the Regent's right-hand man. He's the competent one here, but unlike our other villains he's not a noble!! His sad backstory ties with le Lorrain's, but instead of acting angsty about it, he's just seething with rage at all times. I Just Think He's Neat <3 He's the one main character who isn't named after a real person or a movie character!
There are other characters, but these are the main ones! It's a cute show! The references and links to real events are fun to spot, the setting is neat :D
Also Falconi's sad backstory lives in my brain rent-free, despite the flashback being only 60 seconds long. I can't justify that one, it's not that deep, it's just been occupying space in my brain for almost 20 years for some reason
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imraespace · 6 months ago
‼️ before reading this i just wanna let you know i yapped so hard during this and i never realized how long this was until i started rereading im so sorry. i hope everything i said makes sense </3 ‼️
ohymogsh thank you for suggesting sae w mala by 6ix9ine bc you just gave me the most brilliant idea ever omg
ALSO OMG U ALSO EDIT/EDITED OMG YAYAYAY i wanna learn how to do like yk those complex transitions w them cubes and all that bc they look so cool but im so scared ill mess them up and its gonna look so bummy 💔
I ANIMATE/TWEEN AS WELL but i use the term animate more bc the term tweening reminds me of gacha life tweening tutorial and my gacha phase was something thats for sure..!
im lowkey considering to like stop editing and start writing stories or create smaus because it takes so long to animate and i cant really do anything else except a simple zoom in/out ☹️
ive been trying to tween this one kaiser fanart and i never realized how bad kaisers hair was until i was erasing each layer of hair for 12 hours AND IM STILL SOMEHOW NOT DONE?? I STARTED THIS ABOUT A MONTH AGO TOO. i have beef w ness now cuz he couldve just gave this guy a bob cut and my life would have been so much easier >:(
i apologize that i never stop talking bc once i start talking about something im interested in i just somehow never stop BUT IM GLAD WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON OTHER THAN OUR LOVE OF BLUELOCK !!
- 🐙
LMAO ITS OKAY once i start yapping i cant stop as well
ABT THE COMPLEX TRANSITIONS I REALLY WANNA LEARN THOSE AS WELL i went looking at my old edits and realized i didnt even have a certain style it was all over the place LMAO i mostly edit during my genshin phase and i swear one day it was a cute yoimiya edit then next it was a depressing albedo edit that looks wayy different..
i say you should do what you want to rn like i had fun editing for while until i got bored then randomly i made a book on wattpad and it was fun to do so now im here writing for fun! ive gotten the feeling to edit a few times before but i realized how TIME CONSUMING IT IS LIKE WITH WHAT YOU SAID WITH KAISER IT TOOK ME A WHOLE MONTH TO MAKE A WHOLE EDIT WITH JUST TWEENING.
and DONT GET ME STARTED ON WHEN YOU FINISHED CROPPING THE INDIVIDUAL PARTS AND PLACE IT IN THE EDITING APP you realized you missed something out or theres a noticeable spot you forgot to hide(esp for the hair) it makes me wanna just delete everything
i think ness was feeling a bit goofy when he did kaiser haircut bc his rat tails in the back of his head is kinda funny.. i wouldve just made kaiser bald and do the edit just like that for funsies
ALSO SAMEE i cant stop talking if its something im interested in AND YIPEPE WE GOT TWO(hehehe three if you count our non stop blabbering) IN COMMON
whatever you choose to do with the editing or writing just have fun with it and you can always go back to the other one if you want!
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tsukidrama · 1 year ago
i came across your blog the other day and i wanted to tell you that you have a really incredible writing gift. your cottagecore has me hooked and i can't wait to find out what comes next.
would you be ok sharing any ideas you might have?
- 🪻
oh? interest in TRNT and a new anon? yes please! 🥺 i would be happy to share some ideas
y'know, i actually have almost the entire fic planned out. i haven't intentionally abandoned the story... about once or twice a month the document gets opened and i'll write a few paragraphs, though i know that's not much. i feel like i've been going through something weird for the past year or so. i don't really know how to explain it properly. i haven't written a damn thing in so long.
between low engagement, me being sick all the time, and life being stressful (mostly this), this fic just hasn't come together the way i hoped it would. The Road Not Taken is still massively important to me and somewhat of a personal magnum opus so, i'll finish it... but i do not know when.
ideas below. i wrote more than i thought, and it's gotten me really excited about the fic again! please let me know if there's anything specific you'd like me to go into detail about
alright firstly:
the next big thing is what i've been calling the intervention arc. obviously we have to address some of the heavier emotional issues that both Annie and the reader have. nothing can move forward until our main characters are communicating again! both with each other and with their support system.
vacation arc! i want to write more about what's left of the world post-Rumbling on a global scale. i also need a reason to get them away from the cottage for a decent chunk of time so i thought i'd have them explore a bit.
there will be a subplot about the cats who live around the cottage, just for funsies. i have a chapter title planned for it and everything lmao
there will be a pretty major division amongst the eldians later on about some of them wanting to go back and live on Paradis. to be completely honest, i haven't decided how i want that to resolve and who, if anyone, is going to leave. but we have definitely not heard the last about Paradis. some assorted thoughts elaborating on that, and how the ending could potentially play out either way:
i don't know i should give EVERYONE a happy ending or not. my initial plan was to write what i think the characters would actually do in this post-Rumbling scenario i've imagined (let's call this Ending 1), but over time i've started to change my mind and be like: i'm not the mangaka and that ain't my job, so i should write my story the way i want. aka FUCK isayama, everybody gets a steven universe-esque happy ending (we'll call this one Ending 2) even though it might not be totally consistent with the way characters are written in aot.
i'd love to hear people's opinions about either ending btw
the largest difference that giving everyone a happy ending would have, is whether or not i decide to include Historia. i really adore her and in theory i want to give her a better ending considering how tragic she is, but where she's left in the end of the manga puts her in direct opposition with the narrative and the "not my monkeys, not my circus" attitude that the narrator feels so strongly about 😖 it would make me too sad to include Hisu at all if she's on the wrong side of things.
I want everyone to move away from all the politicking. they really don't have any business doing all o' that in my opinion... they're all early 20s AND child soldiers so like. please rest guys, you can be done with the whole saving the world thing...
after all, the idea of stepping away from the alliance and NOT continuing to involve themselves in global affairs IS the metaphorical road not taken
i do know how i want the fic to end in terms of Annie and reader, and it will be good. i don't wanna oversell it or hype it too much and then have it be underwhelming... but i'm hoping that their love story plays out in a way that people will call beautiful.
if i decide to go with Ending 1 then it will very much be a bittersweet narrative about how people naturally grow apart over time but everywhere you look there will be new sources of happiness and fulfillment etc.
Ending 2 would be much more idealistic. probably a bit unrealistic but it will give the characters ending that would make them happy and make us happy. true fix it fic style.
i think either would be cathartic for me to write in different ways so i really don't know where i want this to go yet. probably gonna wing it and see what feels right chapter by chapter.
anyway like i said above the cut, i wrote a lot more than i thought i would. i got really into it pls send me more asks 🥺 it will light a fire under my ass and i'll finally finish chapter 10
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the-owl-tree · 2 years ago
OKAY!!! Our Town ponies let's goooo!!!!
I love the concept, I love the characters. If only we got to see them outside of the two part episodes, these ponies had so much potential, only to be completely abandoned except for Sugar Belle (I don't mind the Big Mac/Sugar Belle ship. But it's not my favorite, either. Besides, Sugar Belle should be in a polyamorous relationship with Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Night Glider) I kinda wish it was an arc, maybe not a season long, but just a couple of more episodes so the Our Town can be fleshed out a bit more.
A couple of months ago, I was thinking about this and wondering who would lead Our Town after Starlight disappeared. And I reached the conclusion of Double Diamond, he just seems the most likely to step up and kinda appeared to be the second-in-command of Starlight. (Again, I haven't watched this in a while so I could be wrong) so I started thinking of an au for funsies. I probably won't really do anything with this but I just wanna ramble.
So you remember Sandbar and Feather Bangs? One of the young 6 and the guy who fought Big Mac for Sugar Belle. I have a headcanon where those three are related in some way (definitely not because of their anime hair) so in this they're brothers, Double Diamond being the oldest, Feather Bangs being the middle child, and Sandbar being the youngest. And Sandbar's little sister is here ig but she's not important bc she's a literal infant. So the au is basically that Our Town was originally run by their parents, which could just be Sandbar's parents idk. But they die somehow and a couple days after Starlight arrives and eventually becomes the leader, some argue that it should be Double Diamond because he was technically next in line to lead Our Town but now he's second-in-command, plus Diamond didn't really know if he was ready to lead. (Surprise surprise he's the first one that fully trusts Starlight since she used the death of his parents as a way to manipulate him) then the main 6 come and the same thing happens and Starlight's secret is revealed.
Then after that Diamond becomes leader but he's sad. He feels extremely guilty for trusting Starlight and causing his friends and brothers so much pain, even though it's not his fault, and vows never to trust again. And then season 8 happens and Sandbar gains interest in the School of Friendship, much to Diamond's dismay. He's very uncomfortable with the idea of his little brother going on his own but he eventually agrees. But only too late does he realise Starlight fucking Glimmer is the counselor. He's not too pleased with the information.
That's basically all there is to the au, I can imagine Sandbar is surprised by how much Starlight changed and Diamond has a long talk with Starlight the next time they meet. (Notice how I hardly mention anyone else especially Feather Bangs, like a true middle child) also if Heartswarming Club was in this-which it's not because I hate the episode-once Diamond learns about how Twilight and RD literally threatened to keep them over winter break to a point where some break down crying and it turns out they knew Gallus was the one who set up the prank so they literally made these teenagers think that they won't see their families (I'm not kidding that's messed up) Diamond's gonna be pissed
Oooh very interesting!
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🐺 Being MSBY's Manager 🐺
Being Atsumu's Crush and Pregnant
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Atsumu Miya with/MSBY x Female Pregnant Manager
Warnings: reader is pregnant, swearing, angst to fluff, toxic behavior from YN (drinking to cope, unsafe sex), description of birth (dramatized for funsies)
AN: This was a suggestion from kitty 😺 anon!!! Its based off my MSBY Group Chat, Team Disappointment!
🦋 please like, comment and share to support my art 🦋
Ok I'm wasting zero time getting into this one
Because it's about to be LONG
We have 9 whole months to cover people 👏🏻
At this point, just consider it a short story in bullet point format 🤣
Enter Miss YN LN, manager of the division 1 team the MSBY Black Jackels 🙌🏻
I love that for you 🥰
You are so loved and adored by all your boys and they support you so much 🥺
However there's one team member that you have an extra special relationship with
One, Atsumu Miya ❤️
I know, shocking right?
But there's always been something about Atsumu
You two just get along really well
He teases you, you throw a volleyball at him 🥰
We love a strong relationship
It wasn't long before you developed a crush on Atsumu
But you learned quickly that Atsumu didn't feel the same way about you 😕
Or at least you thought 🙃
Sakusa was the first to notice your infatuation with Atsumu
He's amazing about observing and noticed how your eyes lingered on our favorite setter
Sorry Oikawa 😶
But you are too nervous to say anything
You go a while thinking you might have a chance with Atsumu
Until you overhear him talking with Bokuto and Hinata
"YN is a real catch right? Any guy would be lucky to date her!"- Bokuto, our hype king
"Yeah I guess. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like YN but she's just not my type"- Atsumu 🤡
It's a hard pill to swallow 😔
Hearing that is a total bruise to your ego
The tears start to well as you turn around to leave, seeing Sakusa standing right behind you
Great now your all embarrashed 😫
"YN are you ok?"- Sakusa, concerned
You smile "Yeah I'm good. I just- I gotta go clean up"- you quickly making your exit past Sakusa and the rest of the team
"What was that about?"- Meian, looking at Sakusa
Sakusa narrows his eyes and turns to leave
It's not his business to share and he doesn't want to say anything
However, what you don't know is that Atsumu is full of CRAP 💩
This man is in such denial that the girl who has become his best friend is also perfect for him
Fucking clown behavior istg 🙄
Atsumu is having such conflicted feelings for you and he has no idea what to do
He's never had turmoil like this before people 👏🏻
Unfortunately for him, things start heading south
You start to pull away from him at practice and he has no idea why
You still talk with him but its not the same
"Hey YN, you wanna hang out this weekend?"- Atsumu
"I'm sorry Sumu, I can't! Im going out with friends but thanks"- You, running back to practice
Atsumu is confused because you always made time for him
However what Atsumu doesn't know is that his "rejection" of you caused a downward spiral
Every weekend you've been going out, dancing with friends and drinking excessively
When you'd drink, the pain of your one-sided attraction to Atsumu went away
You were the center of many guys affections and ended up going home with several of them
Atsumu began to talk with you less and less, noticing you pulling away
Sakusa and the team watched as you two, once good friends became practical strangers
"Anyone feel weird when Atsumu and YN are on the court together?"- Inunaki
"Yeah, it's like being in the room with two divorced parents"- Thomas adds
Sakusa knows exactly what's happening and he wrestles with telling the truth or letting it go
Ultimately he sides with keeping it quiet
Please he still feels like it's nOnE oF hIs BuSiNeSs
A few weeks pass and tournament season kicks into gear
You've been forced to settle down with your wild nights because of your new rigorous schedule
Not to mention how tired you've been
Your body seems more worn down than usual and you figured you were just getting sick from all the extra practices
One morning you woke up, and your breasts were extremely sore
Like tender to the touch sore
"Geez ouch- I can't even wear my normal bra"- you say to yourself as you slowly dress
You honestly didn't pay any mind to the soreness, figuring you pulled a muscle in your chest for the previous practice
So you pop a few Tylenol and head to the gym
You enter the office as Meian and Barnes are sitting and talking
"Hey YN"- they say as a sudden wave of nausea hits you
Your eyes widen as the smell of coffee hits you and you sprint from the office to the bathroom, throwing up
Barnes and Meian take after you quickly
"Jesus YN are you ok?"- Barnes says knocking on the bathroom door
"Yeah YN, what the hell? You sick? Why are you here!?"- Meian
"YN's sick! "- Bokuto 😱
"Stay away from me YN. It's still flu season"- Sakusa
Please they are all so supportive 🤣
"I'm not sick! I don't know what came over me"- you say as you stand up, flushing the toilet and going to the sink
You wash your hands and begin to process what's been going on
Your exhausted, your breasts ache and you got sick off the smell of coffee?
How strange 🙃
Well it's a good thing there is a well placed tampon/pad machine right by the door to the bathroom to remind you of one teeny tiny thing
Your face pales as you look at the machine, mentally trying to calculate when your last cycle was
You feel sick and hot as you splash water on your face and try to figure out what to do
Good thing you have the most supportive team 😍
"HINATA LEAVE YN ALONE!"- Meian screaming
Please you need to be alone and think about this
Probably after you buy a test 😅
You figure your best bet is to attend morning practice and run to the store on your lunch break while the guys head home to rest
"I'm coming"- you say, trying to shove all thoughts of being pregnant out of your mind
The morning drags on as lunch finally hits
The guys leave and you run to the nearest pharmacy, quickly running 🏃‍♀️ back to the bathroom of the gym
You read the instructions, as you mentally thank yourself for consuming extra water during practice
You pee on the stick and wait
Now, having taken multiple pregnancy tests in my life, I can say that 3-5 minite wait is arguably the scariest wait of someone's life 😅
It's a life changing thing YN!
You pace as you await the results, trying not to freak out
"Ok ok YN calm down! You don't even know if you're pregnant or not. This could all just be a giant fever dream. Or maybe your period is just really really late! Yeah that happens all the time"- you trying to talk yourself down from the cliff 😅
The timer on your phone goes off as you slowly approach the test...
You peer over, seeing a giant "Pregnant" on the screen
Your body gives out as you fall to the floor and sit there is shock
Ok but me when I first found out I was pregnant with my son 😆
Luckily or unluckily there seems to be a team member who hasn't yet left for home 🙃
Atsumu is walking by the girls locker room when he hears something fall
He stops, listens and knocks, slowly opening the door to make sure no one is in need to help
By this point, you're full on sobbing
He opens the door, seeing you on the floor, eyes wide and tears streaming down your face
"Yn! Omg are you ok?? What happened?"- Atsumu now running to you, falling besides you as he check you over
"Atsumu-" you say crying
Atsumu looks at your hand, seeing the test there
He picks it up, seeing the "pregnant" that brought you to your knees
"Where did you get this yn? Geez I knew you were an empath but YN this is a bit too far don't you think?"- Atsumu
Like I said 👉🏻 🤡
You 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁 Atsumu it's mine...
It takes him a few seconds to process
Man goes through the 5 stages of grief
"No no- it- it cant"- Atsumu, in full denial
"Atsumu I'm pregnant"- you say, crying
"How YN??"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁 seriously...
"I know how YN but like HOW"- Atsumu
"I- I don't know! I thought I was being careful"- you, embarrassed now
"Jesus YN, is this why you've been pulling away from me?"- Atsumu says sitting next to you
Your head snaps to him
He noticed you'd been pulling away?
As much as you want to tell him, you feel like it will only add more to an already complicated situation
So you decide to keep quiet
"Yeah I- I didn't want to bother you"- you
"YN you're not a bother. Please I want to help" Atsumu says
"I don't want your pity Atsumu"- you say as you wipe your tears
"Shut up YN! It's not pity! You're my best friend and I care alot about you!"- Atsumu
You just stare at him, still crying
"Ok let's just think about this YN. Do you know what you want to do??"- Atsumu, jumping into adulting mode
"I think I should call the doctor"- you, wiping your tears
"Ok let's do it now"- Atsumu standing up
"Now- but Atsumu"- you
"No buts YN let's get going"- Atsumu says pulling out his phone and dialing
Please, assertive men 🥵
You just stand there as Atsumu talks to the receptionist
Atsumu tells the receptionist your birthday and name
"Yn they have an opening tomorrow afternoon is that good?"- Atsumu, putting his hand over the speaker
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 yeah-
Honestly shocked by Atsumu assertiveness and protectiveness
"We will take it! See you tomorrow"- Atsumu, hanging up
"Atsumu what are you doing?"- You
"If you think Im letting you do this alone YN, you're wrong"- Atsumu
Your heart swells as Atsumu smiles at you, hugging you tightly
He hasn't let the full situation sink in yet but don't worry, it will happen soon enough 🙃
You manager to get through afternoon practice and the next morning practice before you head to your appointment
Except you don't head there alone
Oh no no
Atsumu is right by your side
"Atsumu you don't have to-" you say, as Atsumu opens the door for you
"YN- enough! I told you I'm here for you"- Atsumu, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the clinic
In the clinic, Atsumu acts like a nervous father 😅
Honestly we love him for that
"Atsumu chill out, I'm the pregnant one"- You
"I know- I know but like I'm worried"- Atsumu pacing as the doctor comes in the checks you over
You get an ultrasound to check for due dates
And now, for moms educational time 🙌🏻
So sometimes, a person will have an ultrasound done to check on the fetus
And this ultrasound might be a probe ultrasound, which is done vaginally
Yes, it can be uncomfortable but it's sometimes easier to see the fetus this way and get a more accurate gestational age
I'm not doctor or nurse, this is just my own personal experience from having been pregnant 3 times
So let's just say that's what you do
Atsumu is still in the room when the doctor goes to perform this ultrasound
His face goes from 😐 to 😳 to 😱 real quick
"Whoa whoa you have to do that!"- Atsumu says interrupting the doctor, standing right by your wide open legs
"Atsumu, please"- You
"Sir I promise, your wife will be fine"- the doctor says, reassuring Atsumu
"Oh he's not-"
"I'm just worried about her that's all"- Atsumu says walking up to you, grabbing your hand and smiling
The fact that he didn't correct the doctor is both reassuring and confusing 🙁
You are already in a super emotional state and this isn't helping
"Well it's looks like you are 8 weeks YN and if you look here, you'll see what your body is working so hard for"- the doctor says, turning the screen to show you the fetus
It hits you all at once as your situation sets in
You're pregnant, actually pregnant
And you have no idea who the father is
You sit and stare at the screen as Atsumu stares with you
Except Atsumu is so amazed and in complete shock
Please he's so excited 🥰
The doctor prints you a picture as you clean up and get an updated folder of appointments and a book to read
You walk out with Atsumu, not speaking as you head towards your car
"YN, hey are you ok?"- Atsumu
"No- no im not ok"- you say quietly as the tears start to form
"Hey come here"- Atsumu says pulling you into his embrace as you sob loudly
"Atsumu, I- I'm scared to do this on my own"- you confess
"Don't you want to let guy know you're pregnant?"- Atsumu
Atsumu can't help but feel a little jealous
He never expressed his feelings to you
Heck his feelings didn't really make sense until just recently
You dodge the question and huddle closer as Atsumu holds you
"Hey yn- shhh you aren't going to be alone!"- Atsumu says rubbing your back
"What about the team? What about my job? Oh my god Atsumu"- you sobbing
Please those hormones can hit HARD
"Hey hey now! I'm here for you YN! I care about you and you're my best friend"- Atsumu
Please it pains him to say "best friend" but he basically friend zoned himself 💅🏼
"You- you really mean that?"- you 🥺
"Of course! And trust me, Meian and the team would rather go without a manager than see you go YN. I promise, we can tell them together"- Atsumu
You smile as you hug him and kiss his cheek
Please he melts from that act alone 😭
The next day, you walk into practice nervous
Atsumu is waiting for you at the door as he grabs your hand and leads you in
Immediately, when you enter the gym, all eyes land on you
"Ok what's wrong?"- Meian, sighing as he crosses his arm over his broad chest 🥵
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 seriously!!!
"It's just weird that you and Atsumu are acting so close when you've all but ignored each other for months"- Sakusa
"Yeah we are just a bit skeptical"- Inunaki
"Just spit it out already"- Barnes
"I'm Pregnant" "YN's Pregant!" - you and Atsumu say at the same time
The guys 👉🏻😐😳😲
"Atsumu you idiot! You knocked YN up!!"- Barnes yelling
"What the hell dude?? We talked about condoms!"- Meian
"I love how YN isn't getting lectured"- Sakusa 🤔
"She should know better too! Jesus christ!"- Inunaki
Please their overreaction isn't helping
You start to tear up and sniffle as your embarrassment sets in
"Hey! Knock it off you guys"- Thomas coming up to you
Atsumu hugs you as you continue to sniffle
Meian puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath
"We're sorry YN. This is just shocking"- Meian
"It's ok. But please, it's not Atsumu's fault"- You, protecting Atsumu
Bokuto and Hinata 👉🏻🤨🤨
"YN you do realize how a baby is made right?"- Bokuto
"Oh dear god"- Sakusa, walking away
"Yes Ko, remember I'm the one who taught you"- you 🙄
"She's saying I'm not the father guys"- Atsumu says calmly
Everyone stops and stares at you
Please where do they go from here 😅 this is so awkward
So leave it to us to blaze a trail
"I havent contacted the father yet. I- I'm pretty much on my own"- you explaining it gently
"YN say less, we are not here to judge"- Inunaki, his hand up stopping you 🤚🏻
"Yeah YN, we are only here to support you"- Barnes
"Have you decided what you plan to do YN?"- Meian
Atsumu stands next to you holding your hip and squeezing lightly
"I want to keep it. But I also want to stay your manager..."- You, whispering and trying not to cry again
"YN of course you can stay on!! We could never replace you"- Meian
"Really?"- you, now crying happy tears instead of sad ones
"Omg YN you are crying so much and I'm not sure whether it's happy or sad tears"- Hinata, panicking 😰
"It's happy tears Sho"- you say as you hug him tight
Atsumu is so happy and smiling bright as the team and you embrace
A month goes by things are progressing
"Good morning YN, little YN"- Meian says rubbing your belly as he walks by
First off, he asked and you said it was fine 🙂 always ask a pregnant person if you can touch them please!
Ask anyone if you can touch them... consent 👏🏻
Secondly, your bump has become a bit of a good luck charm for our boys
Inunaki swears it's the reason they are on a winning streak
Last week they beat EJP and this week they managed to win against the Adlers
Hinata and Bokuto come bounding at you as you brace for impact
But their force is stopped by a brick wall in the form of Atsumu 🧱
"What did I tell you two about jumping on YN?? She's growing a little YN!"- Atsumu 😡
Please he's so protective 😫
Sakusa walks up to you and pulls you into a side hug, whispering in your ear
"Hes got it so bad for you YN"- Sakusa, strolling away leaving you confused
Sure Atsumu has been attentive and very caring the last few weeks
He's taken to driving you places, making sure you have something to eat and taking you to appointments
He's stepped in as a friend and your biggest supporter
Too bad it's become more confusing than it was at first
Atsumu acts super protective of you and so loving
But then why did he say you weren't his type?
Maybe he's just being nice? Maybe he's caring for you as a friend would?
That must be it
You shove Omi's comments about Atsumu down as you proceed with your day
The weeks go by and soon your 20 weeks
Yay for half way through with your pregnancy 🙌🏻
You've been through alot these past few weeks and it's been entails and emotionally exhausting
You hadn't told anyone but you contacted as many of the guys you slept with as you could
None of them showed any interest in being a father, nor did they want anything to do with you 😔
It's was a big hit to your ego and your emotions
You spent the weekend crying and dodging all Atsumu's attempts to hang out
Claiming you were too sick
It honestly worried Atsumu who wanted to make sure you were OK
Mans was willing to drive to your place at 11 pm to take you to the urgent care if needed YN 👏🏻
But you just wanted to be alone and process everything
You never felt so alone and it was honestly so scary
Despite all the love and support you received from the team, it wasn't the same
You managed to hide your sadness from the team and soon it was time for your twenty week ultrasound
Atsumu asked to come with you and of course you said yes 🥰
It felt so nice to have someone with you, supporting you even if it was just as a friend
"Ok YN, would you like to know the babies sex?"- the ultrasound tech says
"Yes please"- you say, watching the screen as the tech moves the probe around your stomach
"Looks like a baby girl to me"- she exclaims as you begin to cry, tears flooding your eyes as Atsumu stands up, kissing your forehead, his tears mixing with yours
Please supportive Atsumu 😭😭😭
Guys I can't 🥺
The next day, you walk into the gym only to be bombarded by the team
"It's a girl right?"- Bokuto says as Meian pushes him back
"Knock it off Bokuto, we all know it's a boy"- Meian says smirking
"What? So you can tell what the baby is just by looking at YN?"- Barnes 🤨
"I told you it's captain intuition! I'm in tune with my team"- Meian say proudly
"Well you need to retune Shugu because the baby is a girl!"- you say as Bokuto and Hinata jump up and down, celebrating with you
Inunaki, Thomas and Barnes all laugh at Meian as he glares back
"Ok ok- fine I was wrong! But everything is good right YN?"- Meian
"Yep! She's perfect!"- you say, smiling as Atsumu puts his hand on your belly and kisses your forehead
Sakusa looks at you both questioningly
"Alright let's get changed for practice! YN do you got everything?"- Meian says
"Yes captain"- you say rolling your eyes as you take your jacket off, revealing your MSBY shirt covering your now growing bump
"Don't lift anything YN"- Barnes says
"Thomas and I will do the nets YN"- Inunaki says
"And I'll get the towels"- Bokuto chimes in
"Guys I'm fine!! You can help with the nets and carrying the water but I'm still capable!"- you throwing your hand in the air as you walk away
The guys all move the the locker rooms, a permanent smile stuck on Atsumu's face
"You look happy dude"- Hinata says
"I am! YN and I have become really close again. It's nice!"- Atsumu
"So you only plan to be her friend?"- Sakusa
Please he's held out as long as he could 😅
"What are you talking about?"- Atsumu
Hinata, Bokuto, Meian, Inunaki, Barnes and Thomas are all like 👀👀👀👀
Nosey bitches
They will purposely change slowly just because 🤚🏻
Sakusa sighs, he really doesn't want to say anything but he also knows your in a fragile state and he doesn't want you to get hurt
"Listen Sumu-"
Oh shit he's broken out the nickname 😱
"A few months ago, YN heard what you said about her not being your type-"
Atsumu's face pales, Sakusa continues
"I think it really got to her man. Listen, I knew she liked you but I didn't want to interfere. Maybe I should have but I didn't know she was going out and doing what she was doing"- Sakusa
Atsumu states at Sakusa in shock, sitting down on the bench, all the color now gone from his face
"What was she doing Kiyoomi?"- Meian interjects
Sakusa sighs and continues
"She was going out with her friends, getting drunk and going home with different guys. Listen I don't want to speculate but hasn't anyone wondered why YN has mentioned the baby's dad?"- Sakusa
"I mean I just figured he didn't want to be involved"- Thomas
"Are you saying that YN doesn't know who the father is?"- Barnes says sitting down
Sakusa nods and looks at Atsumu who is sitting quietly
"Holy shit-" Hinata says
"Sakusa, what the hell man? Why are you bringing this up now?"- Meian says
"YN is really fragile right now and I don't want her or you getting hurt. I know you care alot about her but-"
"I want to be with her Kiyoomi"- Atsumu interjects
The room quiets as Atsumu looks up to see his teammates gaping at him
"Dude are you-" Thomas says
"Atsumu, nobody expects you to take that on. I mean, not even YN would"- Barnes
Atsumu knows its alot but he can't help but recount his feelings the last few months
He remembers how sad he was when you pulled away and began ignoring him
How upset he was when you continued to shrug him off week after week
How the knot in his stomach grew when you told him you were pregnant
The jealousy he felt knowing he wasn't the baby's biological father
It killed him to see how upset you were the day he found you in the bathroom
Then to see you so happy again your ultrasound
It made him want to be apart of everything
"I think you need to talk to YN first Atsumu"- Thomas
"Yeah I mean, she's the one who will need to ultimately decide"- Inunaki
Atsumu sighed as he went about getting changed and then heading to practice
He knew he needed to talk to you and he had just the plan to do it
A few weeks went by as you and your belly continued to grow
Being almost 27 weeks was exhausting and taking an emotional toll on you
Your body was always sore, your feet hurt and all you wanted to do was sleep
You took it as easy as you could at practice
Atsumu made sure to constantly have a chair available for you as he pushed you into it more than necessary during the day
"Sumu really I'm fine"- you, being set carefully in the chair
"YN, sit!"- Atsumu says, grabbing another chair and putting your feet on it
"Here YN, Samu made you some Onigiri"- Atsumu said handing you the package as you grab it from him
You start eating as your eyes fill with tears as you chew
"YN Jesus, there's no need to cry!"- Atsumu
"It's just so good Sumu"- You 😭😭😭
Ok then 😐
That weekend, Atsumu asked over for dinner
Your agreed, enjoying your time with him
During dinner, Atsumu decided to approach the subject he's been avoiding for weeks
"YN, listen I want to talk to you"- Atsumu
"Sure Sumu, what's up?"- you a tad bit nervous
"YN, I want to be involved in the baby and your lives"- Atsumu
"Sumu you already are"- you confused 😕
"No- I mean, I want to be more than just a friend YN"- Atsumu
Your eyes widen as you sit back, your hand going to your belly
"Sumu I-"
"Listen YN, Sakusa told me what you heard and I just want to let you know, I was confused"
"Wait what? Sakusa told you"- you now standing up, mortified
"YN listen, it's ok! There's nothing wrong! I know you dont know who the babies father is and thats ok!"- Atsumu
You're absolutely mortified and feeling sick
If Atsumu knows, does the whole team know?
You feel so cheap and it's breaking you 🥺
"No everything's wrong Atsumu! God I can't believe Sakusa told you! Told you about everything! God I'm so embarrassed!"- you now stumbling around the chair, rushing towards the door
"YN please wait!"- Atsumu chasing you
"Sumu no! I don't need your pity! I got myself into this and I can do this myself. I know I'm 'not your type' or whatever but I'm not just some charity case"- You, crying
"YN Please stop!"- Atsumu, trying to get you to stay
"Leave me alone Sumu! God I can't believe I was so stupid!"- you, completely emotional and irrational
You take off out the door as Atsumu stands there, not sure if he should go after you or not
He calls Sakusa who answers right away
"Hey man-" "YN left! She fucking left! God I fucked up so bad! And now she's out on the streets alone. God what if she gets hurt or something happens to her!! Oh my god! What do I do??"
"Fuck- ok I'm going to call her, you go down and look for her. Follow her if you have to and make sure she gets home safe. I'll call Meian and see if he can go check on her"- Sakusa, our planning king
"Ok"- Atsumu says hanging up as he runs down the stairs to try and find you
Only your gone 😔
Your phone rings and rings as you sit on the train
You look to see you have missed calls from the entire team including Atsumu
You put your phone back in your pocket as you head to your apartment
Once inside you strip your clothes off, shower and put comfy sweats on
At this point, your just going through the motions, your brain on auto pilot
A pounding on your door jolts you from your trance
"YN OPEN UP NOW"- Meian shouts
You walk to the door, opening it to see Meian, Thomas and Inunaki all standing there
"Jesus woman! Could you answer your phone maybe?"- Thomas says
"I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about" you say in a monotone voice
"Well that's not what Atsumu said YN. He said you ran out of his apartment when he tried talking to you"- Meian
"Listen I don't need Atsumu or anyone's sympathy ok? I know I'm a fucking slut! I know I fucked up! I don't need anyones pity!" You now shouting as the tears fall down your cheeks
Seriously the theme of these headcannons is alot of crying 🥲
"YN"- Inunaki says as you look at him, his eyes sad
"I just want to be alone ok? Please let me be alone"- You, begging and tears falling
"Text us later ok?"- Meian says, taking the hint and turning to leave
You nod as you close and lock your door
Your tears falling steady as you turn to head to bed
The next few weeks go by in a daze
There is a odd unsettling in the air at the gym as you go about your job, steering as clear of Atsumu as you can
He watches you as you try and put the towels up
"Let me help" "I'm fine but thank you"- you say as you put the towels up and walk away
He's miserable, you're miserable, everyone's miserable
And you know what we love to do here 👀
Make everyone more miserable before we make them better 🙌🏻
So let's bring on some more pain, shall we 🙃
At 30 weeks, you wake up feeling exhausted
You haven't been able to sleep much and your body is constantly tired and sore
You make it to the gym just as you feel a sharp pain stab your back
You bend over, grabbing a chair as you curse
"Fuck" you squeak out as the pain dissipates
You wonder what's going on as the guys flood the gym and you straighten up
Atsumu looks at you as you smile lightly, turning to walk away
You come out from the office, a stack of papers in your hand as another pain shoots from your back
"Oh fuck"- you scream, as the papers go flying and your legs buckle
The teams heads snap your way as they rush to support you
"YN what's wrong?"- Atsumu
"My back- fuck it hurts Sumu"- you say, crying as the pain continues
"Shit, get her a chair Bokuto"- Meian says as Bokuto runs to grab you a seat
"Here YN"- Bokuto says as Sumu and Sakusa help you sit
The pain continues as you moan and cry through it
"We should take you to the hospital YN"- Thomas says as you nod
You're scared and it's about to get scarier
You stand up, and Barnes gasps
"Fuck YN your bleeding"- Barnes says as your face pales, looking at the seat seeing your blood soaking through
"Ambulance now!"- Meian shouts as Sakusa calls and Atsumu supports you
You start crying frantically as Atsumu holds you
"Sumu, the baby!! It's so early!"- you cry as Atsumu hugs you
"YN shhh- it's ok! Hey it's going to be ok! I'm not leaving you!"- Atsumu says reassuring you
"Atsumu, I'm so sorry- please" "shhh none of that! You have nothing to be sorry for baby!"- Atsumu says holding you close
The ambulance arrives as you are loaded in, Atsumu riding with you to the hospital
When you arrive, the doctors whisk you away to the maternity unit
Atsumu tries to follow up is stopped
"I'm sorry sir but only family from here on out"- the nurses says
"Fuck-" "He's the babies dad! Please let him come"- you shout as Atsumu looks at you, his eyes wide and tears filling the ducts
"Ok come with me sir"- the nurse says, bringing you both to a room
Hours go by as you sit and wait
The doctors were able to locate the babies heartbeat within seconds, reassuring you and Atsumu she was still ok
Atsumu sat next to you, holding your hand as he watched you
"YN, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. Please I never wanted this to happen"- Atsumu says
"Don't apologize Sumu. I should have listened to you. But I didn't. I'm sorry for this whole mess"- you, saddened
"YN, I love you and our baby so much! Please don't apologize for anything. I want to be here with you the entire way. That is, if you'll have me?"- Atsumu
Please now I'm crying 😭
"Atsumu, you mean it?"- You 🥺
"YN, if I didn't think it was inappropriate, I'd propose right now"- he says, smiling at you
"Please don't yet, I've had enough excitement for one day"- you say, laughing at Atsumu smiles
The doctor walks in
"Well good news YN is that your waters haven't broken and baby seems ok. It looks like you had a small subchorionic hematoma. It wasn't noted earlier on your ultrasounds, probably because it was so small. However it could have grown and then burst, causing the bleeding. It looks like everything is fine but just to be safe, I want you on bedrest for the next few weeks. That means laying down 23 hours a day, only getting up to use the bathroom"- the doctor says
Your eyes widen and you nod your head, you look to Sumu
"Sumu, my job. I cant-" the tears are falling again
Seriously so many tears 😢
"Hey- hey, it's fine YN! I'm here to help you. Let me help ok?"- Atsumu says as you nod, placing trust in him
The doors to your room fly open as 7 giant men enter
Please they probably scared everyone on the floor 😅
"Hey hey hey YN! How are you feeling?"- Bokuto
"Much better thank you guys!"- you say smiling as you place your hand on your belly
"Is that the baby's heartbeat?"- Sakusa asks
"Yep that's our baby girl"- Atsumu adds
"And she's staying in for a while??"- Meian 😑
"Yes, unfortunately I'll have to go on bed rest so I won't be able to manage for a while. I hope that's ok?"- you, really hoping it's ok
"YN please you think we could ever replace you?? Plus Atsumu would never allow it"- Barnes
Atsumu nods as you laugh a little
Suddenly your belly moves as the baby shifts
"What in the hell was that??"- Hinata 😳
"Oh she's just moving and kicking. She really hates these straps. Do you want to feel?"- You being freaking cute
Hinata nods as he approaches and feels the baby as she kicks
"Omg thats SO COOL YN!"- Hinata
"Hey me next!"- Bokuto
Like I've said before, literal children Yn
The guys leave soon and you spend your night trying to sleep
Astumu stayed by your side the entire time
The next morning, you were discharged and Atsumu drove you home
Only it wasn't to your home 🤨
"Umm Atsumu... this is your place"- you say, questioning
"Yep! You're staying with me so I can take care of you"- Atsumu says getting out of the car and walking over to your door
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 uhh ok...
Atsumu opens your door, lifting you into his arm as he carries you to his apartment
He sets you down gently on the bed and kisses your forehead
"You know, I can walk right?"- You
"You're growing my baby YN and the doctor said 'only get up when you need to use the bathroom' so no you can't just walk"- Atsumu
You roll your eyes as you hear the doorbell ring
Atsumu leaves and returns with Osamu who has brought food
"Hello my future sister in law"- Osamu, just stating the obvious
"Hey Samu! It's so nice to see you!"- You hugging your future brother in law 🥺
"I brought you food and enough to help feed you for the week. Because I don't trust Atsumu to make sure your feeding my niece enough"- Osamu
Atsumu 👉🏻😐 🧍‍♂️ I'm right here-
"Oh I know you are, that's why I said it"- Osamu 🙃
The weeks go by as you slowly approach your due date
At your 37 week appointment you are cleared to go back to work as long as you take it easy
The next day you waddle your way into the gym
"Whoa YN, you smuggling a couple volleyballs under that shirt"- Inunaki 🤣
You 👉🏻 😐 and I'm leaving
"Jesus christ we just got her back! Don't make her leave!"- Thomas
"YN!"- Our two bubbly boys say running at you
Sakusa steps in their way to stop them from mauling you
"Do you two have any other speed besides full steam?"- Sakusa
Meanwhile, Atsumu is dragging in two chairs, one for you to sit and another to put your feet up
He's also brought a bag full of water, refreshments and snacks for you
"Jesus Atsumu, did you bring the bag for the hospital too?"- Barnes jokes
"Yeah it's in the car! Do you think I'll need it??"- Atsumu ready to run to the car
"Atsumu love, chill out! I'm fine"- You
"YN the doctor said the baby can come anytime now, I'm just preparing ok!"- Atsumu
"Sumu I'm not even dilated yet! I doubt it's going to happen that fast"- You
Famous last words YN 🙃🙃🙃
Ok now before I get to the labor part, I just want to say that every labor is different
Like VERY different and I'm exaggerating this for funsies
Because who doesn't like chaos???
So let's get to it!
39 weeks 🙌🏻 congrats YN you made it to "full term"
And honestly, you are SO done
You can't sleep, your back hurts, your constantly going to the bathroom, your feet hurt and your body is just done
Not to mention, your patience with pretty much everyone
Most days, you sit in your chair in the corner of practice brooding 🤣
Hinata and Bokuto are scared to approach you
Heck all the guys are 😅
But today is the day YN and oh boy is it going to be painful
You wake up that morning feeling off
Atsumu is out on his run while you go about showering and getting ready for practice
At your last appointment your cervix was barely dilated and the doctor said it could be another 2 weeks before they see anything happen
But today just felt strange
The baby is lower and there is alot of pressure in your pelvis
Your back hurts and you are struggling to walk
You lean over the counter trying to relieve some pressure as Atsumu walks in
Immediately our man is on alert
"Whats wrong? Yn are you ok?"- he says running up to you
"Yeah Sumu I'm ok. Just alot of pressure and my back hurts"- you say as Atsumu applies pressure to your back to help
He kisses your neck as he rocks you
"Maybe you should stay home today?"- Atsumu
"Nah I'm ok. Maybe walking will get this little one going"- you say
"Ok baby. I'm going to change and we can head to practice"- Atsumu says, kissing you as he goes to change
As he's changing, you feel a pressure build in your back, stay and then leave
I'm no expect YN but I think that was probably a contraction
Spoiler alert: it was 😏
You sit there after the pain leaves and wonder what exactly is happening
It's one of those "I think I might be in labor but I'm not sure and I don't want to get too excited" moments
You brush off the contractions and move to get ready to leave
At the gym, you are sitting in the office when another contraction hits
It's your 3rd one in a half an hour and you start to think you are actually in labor
But you don't tell Atsumu yet 👀
Because you know exactly what will happen
Alot of panic, very little disco 🤣
You vow to tell him of your contractions start coming closer together
Which happens alot sooner than you plan
"Hey YN! Can you bring the copy of the new roster out?"- Meian yells as you grab the paper
You make it to the gym floor just as a huge contraction hits
You grab onto the door frame and feel a slight pop as your leggings begin to dampen
"Shit!"- you cry as Meian and Barnes heads snap to you
Barnes notices your leggings dampen and looks from your legs to your eyes and back down
"Oh holy SHIT!"- he yells as Thomas, Inunaki and Sakusa come running out
"What??"- Thomas says
"Yn did your..."- Meian
"Yep, my waters broke"- you, still gripping onto the door frame
There's a good 1 minute of silence before sheer panic sets in
Meian and Inunaki run to you and help you to make sure your supported
Meanwhile, Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto come in from the back after filling water bottles
Atsumu sees you being supported, looks down, sees your pants, looks back up and sees your face
That's all she wrote people
Those water bottles are done for because Atsumu is SPRINTING to you just as another contraction hits
"Shit YN!! Are you ok? Tell me what's happening?"- Atsumu
You breath through the pain as Atsumu and the guys watch on
"I think I've been having contractions all morning but just now I'm pretting sure my water broke or I peed myself"- you
"Eww YN really"- Sakusa
You glare at Sakusa who is now your enemy
"We have to get to the hospital"- Atsumu
"Sumu remember the doctors said it could be hours or even days! We have time-" you growl as a contraction hits
"You think you have time YN? Because those contractions are awfully close together"- Barnes
"How do you know about that?"- you, gritting through the pain
"Atsumu sent us all an emergency birth plan with details that we all had to read"- Barnes say shrugging
You 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁
"Now is not the time to deal with this! We have to get YN to the hospital NOW!"- Atsumu in adulting mode
Meian and Inunaki support you as Atsumu runs around
Please he's so excited, nervous and scared he can't function
"Tsum tsum calm down!"- Bokuto
Everyone looks at him like 😲 because Bokuto being the voice of reason 🤨
That's strange, that's weird
Suddenly a huge pressure hits you as your knees buckle and you begin to fall
"YN holy shit-" Hinata says running to you
"It hurts so bad"- you, screaming
For real tho, I screamed so loud they said they were lucky the birthing floor was empty 😅
And imagine the echo of a gym at that 🤯
"What hurts YN?"- Sakusa
You're head snaps to him like bro... seriously
"MY VAGINA SAKUSA!"- you, screaming
"I know that you idiot I mean what are you feeling?"- Sakusa
"Hey don't call the mother of my child an idiot ya idiot!"- Atsumu, ready to fight
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP"- You, gritting your teeth
Any chance you had at a serene birth experience is long gone YN 😅
"Ugh I feel like I have to push"- you shout as everyone freezes
Meian and Inunaki are still supporting you
Thomas and Barnes 👉🏻 👁👄👁 here???
Bokuto and Hinata just stand there 🧍‍♂️ 🧍‍♂️
"Wait- now? You said we had time YN!"- Atsumu, panicking
"Clearly I was wrong Sumu"- you say gritting your teeth as another contraction comes
"I'm calling an ambulance now"- Sakusa says running
You feel pressure as you move your hand to lower your pants
Please everyone is about to lose their minds
"YN I don't think the gyms insurance covers this"- Meian
"Seriously are these floors even stain proof?"- Barnes
"I mean their water proof right?"- Thomas
You glare at them as they all stop talking
"You're right YN not the time"- Meian says, holding you as you move your pants down
"The ambulance is like 5 minutes away"- Sakusa says running back in
"We need towels"- Atsumu says, realizing this is not waiting
Hinata and Bokuto run 🏃‍♂️ as fast as they can and grab towels
"Ok YN, you need to breath. Remember in and out, good job baby!"- Atsumu says praising you
Please he's a rock in a tough situation
He just goes into autopilot
"Sumu, it hurts so bad" you say gritting your teeth
Atsumu checks under your shirt to see
"Oh my god ok this is really happening. Yn the babies head is right there"- he says his eyes as wide as saucers
"WHAT??"- you scream as another contraction hits
"Ok ok YN when the contraction hits, bare down on and put your weight on Meian and Inunaki"- Atsumu
"God YN, I'm so sorry some man did this to you!! I'm scheduling a vasectomy tomorrow"- Inunaki states
You scream as you feel the pressure hit a new high
"The ambulance is a minute away YN just hold on"- Sakusa screams from the doors as he waits
"Sumu I cant- I can't! I was promised drugs! You promised me drugs!"- You scream
Fun fact 👉🏻 actual quote from me
"YN, hey, I believe in you and I love you"- Sumu says as he looks up at you smiling
You nod, bearing down as you feel the pressure build and then slip from your body
"Holy shit"- Barnes shouts as the gym floods with first responders and Atsumu holds your new baby girl
"You did it YN! You did it baby! I fucking love you so much! Omg she's so perfect!"- Atsumu says crying as he holds your now screaming daughter, the ambulance crew handing him towels and checking her vitals
"Hello YN! I'm Mai, let's get you to a gurney ok??"- Mai says as you nod and Meian and Inunaki help you on the gurney, you daughter still attached by her umbilical cord
"Dad would you like to cut the cord? Then we can help YN get the placenta out"- Mai says handing Atsumu the scissors as he holds your baby close.
"Wait I'm not done yet?"- you say panicking
"It will be quick YN. After birth contractions will help"- Mai says as she helps you deliver the placenta
Atsumu hands you the baby as you look at her and start to cry
"Sumu she's perfect"- you say looking at him
"Just like you YN"- atsumu says, kissing you as you head the to hospital
✨️ Bonus ✨️
1 month later...
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ravenstargames · 2 years ago
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #2 | 02.28.23
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It is time for our second devlog! 💜 🎉 We made it!
Sadly and as we anticipated, February has been a hell of a month, and March is promising to be the same. I'm mostly glad we made it through. We have a lot of work to do as the trimester comes to an end and there's a considerable amount of things due to before March ends in regards to our intensive master. The team and I are a bit on the stressed side, but we'll make it.
Let's see what our overworked and exhausted souls have managed to pull off this month, shall we?
Warning: Seyl is lacking sleep. The amount of typos and oopsies in this devlog may be higher than usual. Apologies in advance!
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Raquel started to fix some sprites this month as we had planned, starting with Neela, the second supporting character you'll meet in the demo, who needs a bigger revamp than the rest of LIs. The three characters left without a sprite already have their character sheets and moodboards done, so that's something! We do not want to spoil anything from the character department as we think it's cooler to meet them with their info sheet and with their sprites polished and pretty, so we are hoping we can speed up the process during March!
One of our goals this month was to do some promo art for Valentine's day, and we somehow managed! Special thanks to Raquel who was very excited and invested on this wonderful piece of Xal! 💜
I also worked on the Valentine's cards last minute and just for the funsies, so I really didn't expect them to be as well received as they were! Thank you all so much!
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A bit of lore here: Raquel, Astro and I have a class assignment due in March where we have to fully design and render two backgrounds—one interior and one exterior. It's a ton of work, but luckily both Raquel and I have had the chance to orient at least one of those backgrounds to Lost in Limbo.
Raquel is working on Amon's office (and it's looking so great already!) and I'm doing an isometric view of Ara's room. We are always looking for ways to work on the game while doing our master's assignments, but it's not always possible. Hopefuly we can also work on two exterior backgrounds for the demo with this assignment!
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A very simple man, Amon is. Can't you tell by how minimalist his office looks already? *cue laugh track*
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This is just a sliver of our flowchart's power! You shall tremble!
This month has been more about planning than writing for me. Remember last devlog when I said I wanted to do some tweaks to the demo script? Well, I have at least been able to properly think about it and draft it. The only thing left is writing it down and implement it to the current script to see how it flows. There'll be even more changes (again) because I have some THOUGHTS (again), and I'm really excited about them. It's adding more content of each LI to the demo to balance things a bit.
I have also been doing some cleaning to our lore documents and I have finally sat down to write every little piece of story from Lost in Limbo in 'chronologic order', more or less. It will help me to always have the bigger picture in mind when writing the routes, and I would love to have everything important settled before the demo release. It's a loooooot of information—not only about the characters and their past overall, but about the world, its many systems, its people...It'll be equally fun and stressful!
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In the programming department it has been all about adjusting positions, sprites and definitions to make all the characters fit properly in different scenarios as I code more of the script. Solo, with two characters in screen, with three, with four... It has been a ride (and still is, because I have not finished yet) but it's very rewarding to see everything starting to fall into place. I have also tested more things, like the CGs, the animated backgrounds or some cool transitions! I can't wait to implement the GUI when it's done, uuugh!
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Just three besties going to the forest in the middle of the night. Nothing to see here.
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This month we have an amazing preview of our GUI! It's still cooking, but we hope we can show you the finished version very very soon! We are soooo excited about it, it's looking perfect so far. There's a few changes to make, but we wanted to at least show you a screen so you can have an idea of how the game will look like!
We want to add more options like a dyslexic font, a skip mode that jumps directly to the next choice without having to wait for all the text to be skipped, and more utility / accessibility options!
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Lost in Limbo and Ravenstar's color? Not purple, of course. Why do you ask?
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This month hasn't been as productive as we would have wanted it to be, but we have managed to still get some progress done. We are begging for March to give us a bit of freedom, specially mental because we honestly need it. It has been difficult to deal with the pressure of our studies and the weight we place on our shoulders wanting to dedicate as much time as we want to LiL. It's frustrating! But we'll get there. Baby steps, as they say!
Exciting things are on the horizon, that is for sure. This devlog has been a bit short and I'm honestly exhausted, so I'll free you! Thank you so much for reading and for your unending support. We are incredibly thankful for all of you! 💜
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years ago
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 12 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Funsies) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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After locking Wei Wuxian into some comically large chains, Wen Chao has him thrown into the dungeon, with an unpleasant surprise.
This Fucking Dog
Being a fan of The Untamed involves occasional second-hand embarrassment, like when they fly on their swords, or the zombies all have the same wig, or a fight sequence moves slower than everybody’s granny. It's ok because each of these things is offset by excellence in acting, story, costumes, weapons, sets, etc.
Then there's this fucking dog. 
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The department of questionable practical effects really outdid themselves with this thing. Just seeing this awful creation on screen gives me so much cringe squick I can barely look at it. But for you, dear readers, I FORCED MY EYEBALLS to watch the entire dog sequence OVER AND OVER. Then I applied some brightness adjustments and looked at it EVEN MORE. 
Let's get desensitized! I’m going all in on this monstrosity.
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First, this dog does not ever move its body or its feet. Its legs are totally immobile. It appears to be made of a big sawhorse with a stick for the neck. The head swings up and down and side to side. That’s it.  
“Animatronic” is too generous of a term for this thing. The animatronics at Chucky Cheese learned to play musical instruments and host birthday parties decades ago. This dog cannot play an instrument and it has to wait for Wei Wuxian to walk over to it before it can attack him. 
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When it falls over after Wen Ning K.O’s it, it’s like a chair falling over. It just topples to the side, legs sticking straight out.  
(more after the cut)
Next, It has a mouth full of teeth, which opens and closes. And it has drool the texture of Astroglide Extra-Thick Gel. But...no tongue.
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Seriously you guys, it literally does not have a tongue. They just sculpted a little bump at the at the bottom of its mouth, despite dogs being known for, like, lolling their tongues out of their mouths at every opportunity.
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Moving along, it has dull, lifeless eyes, and its eyelids are visibly disconnected from the rest of its head, like a doll that mechanically shuts its eyes when you lay it down to sleep.
Finally, its fur looks like a fucking muppet, and it has random shiny spots all around its eyes and lips. These are probably supposed to be body fluids of some kind, but they just look like someone was careless with the cra-z-glue.
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Xiao Zhan gamely tries to act opposite this ridiculous fail prop, but there is nothing remotely scary about it.  
Here is Wei Wuxian being scared. I replaced the animatronic dog with a reversed clip of my dog Pepper asking for a piece of cheese, and I think it looks more convincing this way. 
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Ok, let's be done with this stupid fucking dog. Wen Ning knocks it out, Wen Chao criticizes it in the morning, and nobody ever speaks of it again. 
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Wei Wuxian is so mortified to have endured this farce that when Lan Wangji asks him, much later, “why are you afraid of dogs?” he does not say “don’t you remember that time I got chewed on by a giant animatronic dog at Wen Chao’s place?” but instead pretends that this never fucking happened. 
Wen Ning to the Rescue
For contrast, the next dungeon scene is a really touching and important encounter between Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian. 
Wen Ning comes and knocks out the creature, and gives Wei Wuxian medicine. 
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Wen Ning is doing this in defiance of his clan and his sister, simply because Wei Wuxian is his friend. Yes, he feels indebted, but Wen Qing saved WWX’s life once, so the tally is already even. Wen Ning is just super attached to Wei Wuxian, and vice versa; WWX calls him Wen-Xiong in this scene. 
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When Wen Ning explains how to use the medicine, Wei Wuxian changes the subject to ask how WN and his sister are doing. He is bleeding, chained up, high on adrenaline and fear, and what he really wants is to hear how his friends are doing. When Wen Ning talks about Wen Qing’s troubles, Wei Wuxian wishes she would accept help, instead of always going it alone. 
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Wei Wuxian thanks Wen Ning formally, and tells him no words can express his gratitude. Whether this is a literally correct translation, the gratitude both of these young men feel toward each other transcends words. It will become a driving force in both of their lives as they save each other from increasingly awful situations. 
Wen Ning tells Wei Wuxian about the burning of Cloud Recesses....the burning of the half we never visit. It would suck to damage that exquisite set, so I’m ok with that production choice, but creates some cognitive dissonance when characters get upset about the fire. 
Wei Wuxian reacts to the news of Lan Wangji’s injury by punching the concrete floor of the dungeon, which is dumb but also highly relatable. 
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After Wen Ning leaves, Wei Wuxian decides to save the medicine for Lan Wangji, who might not even need it, while WWX is bleeding right now and definitely needs it. No matter how bad things are for him personally, Wei Wuxian is always thinking about ways to help the people he loves, and constantly seeing his own needs as less important than everybody else’s. 
Breakfast Time
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After his night of terror and maiming, Wei Wuxian emerges as chipper as ever. Almost like he is already an expert at hiding his trauma from the people close to him. 
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Lan Wangji gives him a careful look, taking in the sight of his ripped clothes and bloody neck and hands. 
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Jiang Cheng is angry at Wei Wuxian for joking about his injuries, so he shoves him, potentially causing more injuries. 
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Wei Wuxian laughs off the signs of torture and attempted murder and everyone goes along with it. Nobody knows what happened to him other than "dungeon" and what he looks like right now, and they’re all just like, okey dokey, I guess you’re fine.  
He’ll carefully laugh off his months in the burial mounds in the same way, later, and Jiang Cheng will accept it nearly as readily as he accepts this. But by that time Lan Wangji will see right through him.
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Nie Huaisang mentions the Lan Clan in the course of discussing breakfast, and then everyone pauses awkwardly because they know that mentioning this will make Lan Wangji think about the recent attack on his home and the deaths of many of his fellow disciples. Whereas if nobody had mentioned it, he totally wouldn't think about it. That's how grief works, right?
Insult to Injury
Wen Chao decides to spend some time gloating about battles and insulting people's families, which he does with Wen Qing standing behind his eyeline so that she can warn Wei Wuxian not to let his brother go off. 
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Jiang Cheng is not going to let anybody who isn't his mother insult his father like that, but in a reversal of their normal roles, Wei Wuxian restrains him and helps keep him from doing something rash.
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Monster Hunting
Wen Chao makes everyone read out loud until Nie Huaisang wisely faints and gets carried off. Then he gathers everyone for a monster hunt.  It's unclear why he wants to go monster hunting but he sure does, and bringing the hostages along might make them all die, which would be a nice bonus.
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The cultivators wander around en masse in a small section of forest, thoroughly covering every inch of it. This is a great way to hunt for a dead body but not so good for living prey. 
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng stand around like bitchy queens at a dance club, talking smack about Wen Chao and his girlfriend. 
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Wei Wuxian brings out a salty phrase and Jiang Cheng wonders what websites he's been going to. 
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Dude. Lighten up.
Leave that Boy Alone
Wei Wuxian notices Lan Wangji struggling, and now that he knows the backstory, he's determined to help. Jiang Cheng is determined to stop him.
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This is, once again, the fundamental disagreement between the brothers, and it's never going to be solvable. Jiang Cheng's specific dislike of Lan Wangji may be rooted in jealousy, but his belief in not helping outsiders runs a lot deeper than that.
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For Wei Wuxian, there is no such thing as having helped enough. If someone is his friend, he will never stop helping them, and he has a lot of friends, and makes new ones wherever he goes. He's always going to be giving something of himself, to the detriment of any conflicting obligations. 
Jiang Cheng tells him that Lan Wangji won't accept his help, and Wei Wuxian says that's not the point. 
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What other people think, want, say, or do, is not going to have any effect on whether Wei Wuxian does what he feels is right. This is a bit of a problem where a person's right to self-determination conflicts with Wei Wuxian's need to help them, as Jiang Cheng will eventually discover.
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Jiang Cheng's least effective argument is the one he relies on most often when they disagree: other people's problems are not our responsibility. He's saying this to an orphan who was eating trash and stealing scraps from dogs before Jiang Fengmian came into his life. 
Jiang Cheng doesn’t seem to realize the underlying logic of this argument. If it's wrong for Wei Wuxian to help the people he cares about, it was also wrong for Jiang Fengmian to help Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng loves Wei Wuxian and would willingly die for him, but he, like his mother, rejects the philosophy that brought them together in the first place.  
Wei Wuxian walks away from an upset and shocked Jiang Cheng to offer a piggyback ride to Lan Wangji.
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...who won't accept it, but who will remember the offer forever.
Writing prompt: Thoughts of an animatronic dog
Soundtrack:  Five Nights at Freddy’s by The Living Tombstone
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solarwonux · 4 years ago
In Another Life || Jeonghan
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Jeonghan x !reader
w.c: 3.6k
warning: some cursing, angst, mentions of alcohol 
summary: soulmates come in different ways.
note: it’s laura again, i’m starting over for funsies so here you are enjoy and let me know your thoughts, hehe.xx
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The morning you were taken off your first big case at the firm. You had walked in after another sleepless night, prominent bags underneath your eyes, your body slouching from exhaustion. You had willingly stayed up looking over pages and pages of notes, frustrated because you were close to solving it. Though you had missed an important piece of evidence and you couldn’t figure out what it was. But you weren’t going to give up not on yourself and not on the girls that had been kidnapped and sold. So you stayed up and read everything you had over and over until you finally found what was missing, your alarm clock blaring, scaring you, feeling like you were about to burst into tears knowing you were going to help bring justice to girls that had been wrong for years.
Though when you arrived at that firm that morning, running into Joshua’s office to let him know that you had finally solved the case. Your heart dropped when your eyes landed on Jeonghan casually leaning against the far wall of Joshua’s office.
“What’s going on?” You gripped the strap of your purse, bringing it in front of you and holding it close to your body. “I’m taking you off the case.” Joshua sighed leaning his body against the back of his chair.
“W-What no you can’t do that, I solved it…I found what was missing, there was a man in each of the sites where the girls were dropped off, I can only assume he was undercover cause he always had a camera with him. I just need his name…I’ll find his name and contact him; I can only imagine how much evidence he has that can help us with this.” You spoke, setting down your folders on his desk, opening them up and pointing to the pictures you had had on you for months and always overlooked the man in a black coat with a camera in the corner.
Joshua sighed, gripping the back of his chair. He closed his eyes, throwing his head back before pushing himself away from his chair. “It’s final, you're off the case, Jeonghan will be taking over, I expect you to give him all the evidence you have gathered by the end of the day.” He stated walking past you, his hands stuffed deep into the pocket of his slacks. 
“Joshua you can’t do this…I’ll work with him.” You exclaimed. “But please don’t take me off this case.” You pleaded grabbing onto his wrist making him stop dead in his tracks. “I can’t have you overworking yourself like this…I know this case is important to you but not important enough to kill yourself the way you are. I’ve made my decision, you’re off the case.” He stated firmly He pulled his arm from your grip opening his office door, giving you one saddened look before exiting his office, mumbling underneath his breath.
“You should go home and sleep, I promise I’ll do everything in my power and help put these men in jail.” Jeonghan whispered, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. The anger rising in you as you heard his smooth voice fill your ears. You hated how caring he sounded, hated how comfortable he made you feel. Hated how unapologetic he was for taking this opportunity to finally prove yourself away from you.
“Fuck you Jeonghan.” You spat out shoving his arm away, sending him a glare before angrily exiting Joshua’s office.
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“Boss man wants to see us in his office,” Jeonghan said slamming down a stack of papers and folders on his desk making you jump.
“For what?” You said rolling your eyes, putting your highlighter down and closing the folder that contained the current case you were reading up on.
“No idea…Hoshi just told me, when I walked past.” He shrugged off his coat jacket, draping it on the back of his chair. “I think he just finished giving Soonyoung an earful for almost losing the drug case last week.” He stated, bring a hand up to his hair. “So, I rather not keep him waiting.” He nodded hitting the back of your chair softly signaling for you to get moving. You sighed closing the highlighter and standing up, taking a few deep breaths before following Jeonghan to Joshua’s office.
The atmosphere thick the minute the two of you walked into his office. His back facing both you and Jeonghan as he stared out the window taking in the grey city skyline. His anger surrounding his toned body, engulfing both you and Jeonghan in the process. “The two of you…sit.” He ordered. Your hands starting to shake at your sides as you thought of all the things the two of you could’ve done to make your boss as upset as he was. Assuming Joshua had finally had enough of all the petty arguments that would happen between the two of you daily. 
Jeonghan and you shared a confused look, glaring at each other in the process and you knew he was thinking the same thing as you. “Whatever is happening it’s all her fault,” Jeonghan spoke up, a childish tone laced behind his smooth velvet voice. You rolled your eyes taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of Joshua’s wooden desk. “Grow up, it’s always your fault.” You fought back, crossing your legs and arms. 
“Really...should I remind you who spilled coffee on my computer last week, claiming it was an accident. I was pushed back a week’s worth of work as it got repaired.” He scoffed, taking a seat next to you, crossing his arms in front of his torso like a kid. 
“I wouldn’t have spilled coffee on your computer if you hadn’t come up behind me to scare me.” You retorted sending him a glare before turning to face Joshua’s tense back. You watched as he looked up at the ceiling mumbling underneath his breath shaking his head before turning to face the two of you. His harsh gaze falling between the two of you making you feel smaller than usual. 
“I wish the two of you would shut up for once in your lives, I don’t give a shit about what the issue between the two of you is today...I didn’t call you in here to listen to you guys bicker because frankly, I stopped caring years ago.” Joshua pushed his chair out from under his desk and sat down. He placed his hands on top of it folding them together, milking out the situation, keeping you and Jeonghan on edge as you wondered why the hell you were in his office if it wasn’t to be scolded.
“Then why are we her?.” 
“I’m taking you off the cases the two of you have been assigned to.” 
“You can’t be serious, I’m supposed to be meeting with my client today, I can’t just stop now.” Jeonghan sat up, resting his forearms on his knees, leaning forward. 
“Well then meet with your client and tell them you won’t be representing them anymore Jeonghan, I’m not up to argue with you about this. Not today.” Joshua leaned forward, widening his eyes as a warning.
“Fine, whatever, are you giving us new cases then?” You spoke, sitting up straight, smoothing out your blouse. 
“No, I’m sending the two of you to the New York office to work on the Pledis Inc. embezzlement case. Vernon suspects there’s more to the story than they’re being led on and asked for the two of you.” Joshua nodded, leaning back in his seat, finally letting out the breath he had been unknowingly holding in. 
“What, Joshua no, you can’t do that. I can’t work with him, he’s insufferable, always getting under my skin, or are you forgetting all the times I come to you begging to move my desk away from his so I can finally get some peace.” You stood up, frustration running through your veins at the thought of working with your mortal enemy raced through your head. 
“Please it’s an honor to work with me, I can’t say the same thing for you though.” Jeonghan scoffed standing up, fixing his pale pink slacks. “I’ll work with anyone except her, I can’t stand listening to the sound of her voice for more than eight hours a day.” Jeonghan pleaded, throwing his hands in the air pointing an accusing finger at you making you roll your eyes. 
“I can say the same thing for you, every time you talk, I feel like I’m losing brain cells and it drives me insane.” You exclaimed, digging your nails into the palm of your hands forming small crescent moons in the process. 
“Enough the two of you, my decision is final. You’ll leave on Friday, the plane ticket and hotel have already been paid.” Joshua finalized, opening the manila folder he had in front of him. “Maybe the two of you can finally work on your differences on this trip.” He grinned knowingly, grabbing a pen and turning his attention to the papers in the folder.
You let out a frustrated groan and exited his office as fast as you could. Your anger rising to depths you had never once witnessed in your life. You needed to get away, at least for a little while because you knew if you stayed you would’ve said something you weren’t supposed to. Something that would cost you your job and Jeonghan or Joshua weren’t worth losing the one thing that you knew you could confidently do without hesitation. The only thing that would be there for you in life, the only thing you could truly consider as yours. 
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“Listen to me Jeonghan, stop talking, and listen to me for once.” You yelled out as you paced back and forth in the small office Vernon forced the two of you to share. Claiming it would help with teamwork or some shit like that. Jeonghan sighed, shutting his mouth, taking his glasses off, running a frustrated hand down his face. “We meet with the judge tomorrow afternoon and I still feel like we’re missing something.” He confessed standing up from his chair walking towards the small window. New York’s nightlife below the skyscrapers breathing with life making the two of you wish you could at least enjoy one night out in the city.
“We have everything, we’ve checked out the bases more than once, checked our alibis more than once everything is going to go as planned tomorrow. Trust me or at least trust yourself.” You said putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, feeling his muscles tense underneath your touch. 
For a month and a half the two of you had closely been working together day and night. He was the last person you saw before bed and the first person you saw when you awoke the next day. The bickering between the two of you continued as usual, but you found yourself trusting him more and more as the days went by. He always knew what to say whenever you had started to doubt yourself and your abilities. He was always there to lend a comforting hand whenever you found yourself plagued with overwhelming waves of anxiety. And slowly he had started to grow on you, your personal vendetta against him fading into the background each time he gave you a tender smile. 
“How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?” He whispered, turning his attention to the floor. A tiny smile adorning his flawless face as he let out an airy laugh. “Maybe it’s my hidden talent.” You grinned removing your hand from his arm, itching to touch him again. 
“Let’s go back to the hotel, we deserve a good night's sleep.” You said gathering your things from the desk, making sure everything went into its rightful place. 
“You sure you’re not trying to get into my pants.” He joked as he walked to stand by your side, gathering the papers he had thrown on the desk out of frustration earlier that day. His body heat overwhelmed your senses, and you fought yourself to keep your emotions in check. Knowing that whatever was stirring inside of you was just due to the stress you had been put under for the last few months. You lightly shook your head trying to get your mind out of the gutter, telling yourself that Jeonghan was your enemy, a co-worker at most. And that once things were settled, once the case was over and the two of you were back home you’d go back to hating each other again. 
“In your dreams Hanie.” You said putting your purse over your shoulder. “I’ll wait for you downstairs.” You nodded, exiting the room with your heart in your throat.
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To your surprise, the bar across the street from the court house was empty and the reason why you and Jeonghan had chosen it to go and celebrate after winning your case. You felt giddy, the kind of giddy you would feel whenever you made eye contact with the cute guy from math class back in high school. You also felt unstoppable, the kind of unstoppable you could only assume superheroes felt in movies. And you felt nervous, the kind of nervous you had started to feel whenever Jeonghan sent a sly smile in your direction. A feeling you had been ignoring since the day Jeonghan decided to make your life a living hell. And you felt stupid. 
“We make a pretty good team,” Jeonghan spoke, clinking his beer bottle with yours distracting you from your thoughts. You grinned wrapping your hand over your bottle and clinking yours with him. “Who would’ve thought?” You giggled bringing your bottle up to your lips, gulping down a large amount. Jeonghan watches you closely raising a brow before letting out a soft laugh. 
“I can’t wait to get home and just sleep, I’m planning on ignoring Joshua’s calls for at least a week.” He confessed looking around the room, taking in the musty aesthetic before making an unsatisfied face. “This place is awful no wonder no one comes in here.” He commented. 
“Ahh, you win one case and now you feel like a hotshot, can’t wait for Joshua to set you in your place once we’re home.” You playfully roll your eyes, running your index finger around the rim of your beer bottle. 
“False, I’ve won many cases, though this is the second one I’ve won with your help so...thank you.” He nodded giving you the smile you had grown so accustomed too, one you hoped he only reserved for you. “What other case?” You cocked your head to the side confusion written across your feature. 
“The sex trafficking one I took over years ago.” He reassured, his grip on his beer bottle getting tighter. “If I knew Joshua was going to take you off it when I went and told him how worried I was for you, I would’ve kept my mouth shut, especially knowing how much it meant to you.” He finished, your heart feeling like it was about to burst. You always suspected Jeonghan was the reason why you were taken off the case, but you always assumed it was out of mal intent. Never once taking a step back and thinking that he might’ve done it out of the goodness of his heart. 
“You were worried about me?” You said mentally slapping yourself for focusing on that piece of information instead of his gratitude. He let out a loud laugh, escaping your intense stare, deciding to focus his attention on the dusty bullhead on the wall behind you. 
“Mhm...to be frank I used to have feelings for you, it’s like the world stopped when I saw you walk in through the double doors of the building for the first time.” He assured, his body itching to look down at you again. Your mind running in circles as you tried to process every single word that came out of his lips. “And when you first talked to me it was as if I had known you for years, so, when I saw you neglecting yourself I got worried. I spoke with Joshua that morning and just thought he would let me work on the case with you, to lighten up the load. I never expected him to take you off it completely.” Jeonghan finished, finally getting the courage to look at you again, his smile reaching his eyes when he took in your blushing cheeks and wide eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Do you still...um, do you still have feelings for me?” You choked out, his words resonating deep inside of you closing over your heart tightly. For years you had felt this strange gut feeling the minute your eyes first met his. It was one you could only describe as familiar. When he first came over to welcome you to the office your hands undoubtedly were shaking at your sides. He had greeted you with a large smile, one you were sure you had once seen before. He made you feel at home, comfortable to the point where you forgot about all your worries. And maybe you did harbor those same feelings he had harbored for you once, which is why it hurt like hell when Joshua announced he was the one to take over your case.
“I’m engaged.” He blurted out, his palms feeling sweaty and your knees felt like they were so weak to the point you could fall out of your chair. “I mean...no yeah...I’m engaged, but I think no matter what the feelings I had for you will never die down.” He visibly gulped, bringing his beer bottle up to his lips gulping down the rest of it before setting it down in front of him. 
“W-Why’s that?” You whispered the water droplets off your bottle coating your fingers. Something inside of your stirred subconsciously knowing his answer to your question. “The universe has its way of working, and I can’t shake off this feeling that maybe if things weren’t the way they were we’d be together now, but I love Mei so much, she makes me happy and I abandon her to chase after my own selfish fantasy...What I mean is what if this isn’t the life we’re supposed to end up together. What if I screw it up with the one person I know loves me more than anything in this world because there’s a voice in the back of my mind, pressuring me to follow it, instead of following my heart.” He breathed out, bringing his hand up to his forehead shaking his head lightly. “I care about you so much, but I know I’m not the one for you, and if we are meant to be with one another then we will find our way back to each other again.” 
“Jeonghan.” You smiled, placing a hand on top of his trying to use your warmth as a means to calm him down. His eyes meet yours once again, taking in every single one of your features before letting a small smile take over his face. An unspoken promise lingering in the air between the two of you. Your heart finally settling down as you felt yourself retreating away from him, letting him go. Realizing you had kept him close to you because you had once felt the same thing he had felt. You looked around blinking back tears, leaving your feelings for him etched into the walls of the musty dim-lit bar, and finally, you looked at him one last time. Looked at him with all the love you had for him one last time, knowing very well that if you had been brought together in this life, you would be brought together in another one. 
“It’s not our time, don’t beat yourself up over it, surprisingly I’m not heartbroken Jeonghan...and who knows--.” You shrugged, cutting yourself off. Feeling a laugh bubble up inside of you and escaping your lungs. ”maybe in another life, we’d finally get the chance to be unstoppable together.”
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greyias · 4 years ago
Time to go Full Gravedrog
Hey guys. You know what we haven’t done in a while? That’s right! Put on our tinfoil hats, get tangled up in an entire spool of red string, and do a ridiculous deep dive on lore and make up wild insane theories about the upcoming story drop!
That’s right we’ve got some--
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First up. If you haven’t watched it already, here’s the trailer for the 6.2 story drop, specifically for the storyline we’ll be doing our deep dive on, Echoes of Oblivion.
Are you pumped? I’M PUMPED. Let’s do this!
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Okay, so there’s a lot to unpack here, and I’m going to state outright, that the chances of this being on the money like Gravedrog is... well. I’ve got no lottery numbers for you this time around. I can’t believe no one took me up on that offer.  There’s always the possibility the storyline has absolutely nothing to do with any previously established lore, and they create something wholly new. And hey, if that’s the case, this is just free fanfic fodder for the masses.
But Charles did mention, I believe on the forums(?), that he’s seen one person guess what’s going on. The real question is... WHO GUESSED IT. HMM.
So I’ve been wanting to actually do a post on this a while, at least since Arcann’s voice actor accidentally made the slip up about Thexan being in this story drop. A large part of this theory/discovery goes to the lovely @confettininjabean​​, who found this piece of lore when we were getting tangled up in red string back in the Gravedrog days, pre-Nathema Conspiracy. Let’s just say, there was a... certain interaction on Twitter that had us thinking this had something to do with NC, and when it didn’t pan out we were like “Oh, weird, guess that wasn’t on the right track” and forgot about it.
Well, sort of. Because we were like, “that really seemed significant considering”, but hey, sometimes you hit upon a Gravedrog, sometimes you think Indo Zal is an evil mastermind playing 4D chess. In other words, when it comes to red string theories, you win some. You lose some.
Anyway. I forget why, but I went perusing on Wookieepedia a few months ago, looking back up this sort of obscure piece of lore for some reason. And something about it was.... FAMILIAR.
The article in question: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thought_bomb
May I direct your attention, to this part:
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Hey. Where have I heard that before?
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Aw. Aw shit. Well I mean, that can’t be right though, right? Because it’s Satele and a bunch of Jedi/like-minded Force users that are being possessed right? And besides this is an an ancient Sith ritual thought to be created by... 
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Oh wait.
But that’s a plague right? Not the same thing as a thought bomb. I mean it’s not like anyone in SWTOR has dealt with a Force plague--
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Oh. huh. But you might say, “But Grey, that plague was invented by Terrak Morrhage, not Vitiate.” And you would be right! What I can’t seem to find confirmation of, thus far, is exactly when Terrak Morrhage lived, but by me and Jayde’s current reckoning, it seems like he may have been around possibly during the Great Hyperspace War, the end of which Vitiate used in his mad grab for immortality and power, manipulating what was probably a majority of the remaining Sith Lords into his brand spanking new ritual that he just needed a little help with.
Okay, and this is where we leave lore land, and enter into speculation land. I, um, just got sidetracked on Jedipedia (I’ll get to that), trying to find a codex entry regarding Vitiate I know I’ve read but I lost at some point. So, we’re going off memory here, but I’m fairly certain it’s stated in canon somewhere that prior to his ascension, Vitiate was obsessed with Sith alchemy and ancient Sith rituals. So if Morrhage pre-dated him, or was a peer, it’s possible Vitiate was able to learn about his plague, and adapt it to some of his other experiments.
Okay, back to the thought bomb for a moment. Full disclosure, I haven’t read the Darth Bane novels, so I’m going off of Wookiepeedia here instead of the source material (which is always a dicey affair), it says Bane adapted the thought bomb from notes on the ritual Vitiate performed. So, it’s possible the thought bomb is not a 100% Vitiate original, just a bastardization of it. But it’s interesting that the ritual itself gathers up and shreds the Force essence/soul of everyone in its path. Well, I mean, horrifying. But in this theory’s perspective, interesting in that when Vitiate used Zildrog as part of his ritual--where did all of the Force go exactly?
Because as you wander around Nathema, you hear the tortured whispers of every soul obliterated during that ritual.
This is talked about a little in the Revan novel, and it’s been a few years since I read it so I’m kind of going off memory again, but he basically created a void in the Force there. And remember... in the KOTET chapter we went to Nathema, he was actually visibly afraid a few times. Hmm... now why would that be? Was it Vaylin he was afraid of? Was it something else?
If memory serves, there wasn’t an actual explosion like as described with the thought bomb--because he wasn’t using the ritual as a weapon. He was using it to gather power, to shuffle off this mortal coil and live eternal as an annoying spirit who you just can’t quite squash out no matter how many mind mazes you build to keep him locked up. So, and again, this is speculation land, but all of that swirling Force and dead energy had to go somewhere right? I mean, Zildrog had his snack and went omnomnom, but where did the Force power go? And why was there a Void that constantly pulled at him and sapped away his power on Nathema?
Is it because the Force didn’t explode? Is it because he bound it up in his old disgusting decaying old man flesh? And the only reason he was alive because he basically made himself a little flesh horcrux that was destroyed at the exact moment we sent him off to the Void that he feared so much?
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Hmm. Interesting.
Wait. Wait a second... I think there was something else he mentioned. Now, what was it?
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You know, I had always assumed he was talking about Gravedrog being unleashed, since the whole reason he went to Zakuul was likely to find the Gravestone so he could pair it with Zildrog back on Nathema, and enact his galaxy-wide extinction event.
And maybe he was.
Or was he talking about his failsafe.
The one he knew would happen if someone destroyed his old, withered, icky body?
So... if the ritual/plague is some take on the thought bomb, and it infects any Force user like some prescient, who could have realized this is what 2020 held in store for us pandemic that spread rapidly and consumed everyone who touched it, until it made manifest what was once just thought...
Is the whole entire point of this to bring Valky back from the dead? Or is it just his last revenge? And what on earth would that last revenge be? Well... and just hear me out. Say there was this guy. Kind of an asshole. And he had this whole schtick about killing every single living thing in the galaxy and liked to consume whole planets in a single gulp just for funsies. Wouldn’t it be so funny if he, say, in the unlikely event he possessed some Outlander who happened to go “get out and get a job loser!” and booted him off to the beyond, and at the same time his old indentured servant and that chick he once possessed found his horcrux and destroyed that, wouldn’t it be a kick if that somehow kicked off a plague that consumed every single Force user in the entire galaxy until it had enough power and then exploded and completely wiped out all life in the galaxy, so that if the asshole who’s name totally isn’t Valkorion couldn’t live forever then neither could any. single. thing. in. the. galaxy.
I mean, that or it’s just a ploy to get him into one final boss fight.
But i dunno... I kind of just found the entire cast list of who’s in the Echoes of Oblivion storyline (warning, major spoilers and datamining on that link, and yes, that’s what distracted me on Jedipedia) and I’m kind of thinking. Having to keep the entire galaxy from being consumed by a sociopath’s final revenge kind of sounds like a pretty epic finale, don’t you?
And hey, if not. Free fanfic idea for anyone who wants it.
Oh yeah, also predicting the following:
We’re going on another mindscape adventure like in KOTET Chapter 9, but it’s Satele’s mind we’re in
It’s not actually Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae, but a remnant/essence of him that’s made manifest by the ritual. Also he needs a combo nickname because I’m tired of having to pick one of three names. I shall call you Valkiatebrae. It’s a beautiful name. I know he’ll love it.
Vaylin and Thexan who we see in the trailer are probably also manifestations conjured by the quasi- Valkiatebrae
We’re going to Ossus? Or Ossus in Satele’s mind?
The Knight and crew missed a few of the death cult back in the storyline, and that’s who was either watching Tenebrae’s body, or who hijacked Satele’s ship OR they have some part in the ritual (perhaps the part to physically manifest  Valkiatebrae). We see them in the trailer above.
Regardless if any single one of these predictions is right I’m going to die of feels
Because I think Satele and Theron may have a scene together????? OMG
I’m screaming again
I’ll stop now
I’m sorry Charles I hope I didn’t do it to you again I couldn’t help myself, but hey at least I kept it in this long
EDITED TO ADD: Okay guys, I’ve been looking more at Jedipedia. I think I can safely hazard a guess that a LOT of fans of different characters are going to be super happy with this update. Just saying.
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Master Post
My Master Post for Sanders Sides fanfiction! These are arranged chronologically from newest to oldest, measured by the date they were completed and uploaded in full, so that will reflect the quality here. (there’s a ton more under the cut btw).
Fast Friends - ao3... (15k Remus-centric intruality, lopsided enemies to friends to lovers, humor and a bit of angst with a happy ending. tw; emetophobes beware!) Patton doesn't like Remus, until one day, he does! Well, Remus isn't buying it. So Remus is not about to be friends with him just because he wants to (no matter how much it maybe, kind of wouldn't mind that).
I’m Not Sorry - ao3... (6k remus-centric intrulogical. continuation of Did You Miss Me. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.)  Remus just wanted to get home safe to his wonderful, loving boyfriend. If some greaseball guy thinks he can screw that up, then Remus is perfectly willing to let the night take a turn for the vengeful.
Redamancy - ao3... (5k romantic prinxiety, fluffy friends to lovers with a smidgen of misunderstanding.) Virgil is undoubtedly excited about Nico. The thing is, that’s not the only person he’s excited about. 
Did You Miss Me? - ao3... (13k romantic intrulogical, unhealthy relationship and mutual stalking treated light-heartedly. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat). Logan and Remus haven’t spoken in years. But that doesn’t stop them from keeping up with each other, through... various means. 
The Down (and up)-side of Individual Expression - ao3... (8k romantic logince, angst w/ a happy ending, prosey and dealing w/ some kinda touchy subject matter vis a vis body image). As the sides have taken on vastly differing appearances over the years, Roman and Logan find themselves incredibly attracted in body and mind to each other. The issue is, Logan still has some trouble believing it.
Tree Bark and Fresh Fruit - ao3... (Fusion AU part six! romantic royality fusion returns for some prose and a lil bit of h/c). Patron doesn't come around often, getting lost in the excitement of Patton and Roman's new romantic relationship- so when she gets a shot to exist again, he's determined to make the most of it by figuring out just what the heck he's supposed to be. 
Bitter Licorice and Bright-Blue Bubblegum - ao3... (Fusion AU part five! analogical fusion is back!)  Logan and Virgil end up fusing much more regularly, much to Livril's satisfaction at getting to exist, and virtually every other side's chagrin at having to put up with them. Everyone, it seems, but Patton.
Scary Monsters and Family Bonds - ao3... (Fusion AU part four! Platonic anxceitmus with romantic dukeceit, short and mostly meaningless.) Rennet, freshly born like five seconds ago, is desperate to find some people to bother and/or amaze. But instead, Rennet finds an attachment that nobody quite expected to be so intense, but hey, it's not complaining, and neither is Virgil. 
Acceptable Behavior - ao3... Remus is surprisingly concerned about his boyfriend's boundaries. (short & sweet intruality drabble. p/ much just cuddling)
On Truth and Untruth - ao3... Janus is allowed to participate in the group, and that is more than enough for them. Not too bad of a change up, really, and they aren't going to complain about it any time soon. Patton, however, insists on throwing a wrench into their system- their perfectly functioning, if maybe hypothetically a bit lonely, system. (28k word janus-centric romantic moceit and platonic dlampr, lots of angst and lots of yearning, with a happy ending. something of a character study.)
I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chap.1, Chap.2, Chap.3, Chap.4, Chap.5, Chap.6, Chap.7, Chap.8, Chap.9 - ao3... (Finished!) Patton doesn't think of himself as misunderstood. More accurately, he's not very good at explaining himself. Remus explains himself perfectly well, succinct, confident. People are just bad at listening. Patton is lonely. He'd never say it out loud. No one knows. Remus is lonely. He says it in everything he does. No one knows. They're similar. They're different as can be. Contradictory, maybe; complimentary, definitely. They could be good for each other- they just need to explain it right. (hurt/comfort, eventual queer-platonic intruality, a healthy amount of angst).
Sharp Spikes and Glamour - ao3... (part three of my Fusion AU! a little angstier and racier than the others, but that’s thanks to the dukeceit dynamic, and its nothing too bad). Now, just a month ago, Remus could very confidently say that his and Janus’ relationship was perfect. And it still was, really, but that was before Roman and Patton had pulled some cartoon fusion bullshit that exactly no one had known was possible. There was no question. Remus was going to learn to do that.
Squishy, Precious Lil’ Baby! - ao3...  Very short, platonic intruality fluff. Remus turns into a rat for a scare, but Patton is very unafraid of him in the new form.
Black Cloth and Star Systems - ao3...   (Almost 4k fluff, part two of my Fusion AU! Very heavy on the descriptions, and also the Love that these two Have.) After Patton and Roman fuse, Logan can't help but feel desperately curious about this new discovery, and the possibilities of fusion between sides. But, his interest is a little more personal than he could stand to admit... Because what if- what if he could try it, too?
more under the cut
Flare Up - ao3... Human au drabble. Romantic sleepxiety. They are soft and in the rain.
Soft Walls and Roses - ao3... (Part one of my Fusion AU! Fluffy, sweet, and prose-y. Abt 3k.) On a nice, cheery day, Roman and Patton get a little lost in a dance <3.
Communication Issues (Alternative Title: Three Touch-Starved, Insecure, Metaphysical Beings Constantly Misinterpreting Each Other and Yet Somehow Falling in Love)- Chap.1, Chap.2, Chap.3, Chap.4 + Epilogue - ao3... (Finished!)  What do you do when you find someone crying, and it’s all your fault? What do you say when you hear the muffled sobs and frantic words behind the blood-red door? When you know that, no matter how much you never wanted to hurt him- never wanted to hurt anyone- you still did. Is there anything you can do to fix it, when you’ve spent so long pretending that nothing was broken? When you’ve spent so long pretending that you didn’t care if things were broken or not? (Second Person, Present Tense. H/C slowburn. romantic analogince. Note: this is not an ‘x reader’ fic, it’s just 2nd person pov.)
A Study in the Pains of Romance as a Genre - ao3... Logan wasn’t 'insecure', by most measures. Sure, he wasn't exactly in love with himself, but he knew the harm that came of self-deprecation, and was careful to avoid it. At the worst of times, he could solidly be called 'self-neutral'. Therefore, it followed that Logan was being entirely objective when he said that he would not be a good enough romantic partner for Roman. (Friends to Lovers, abt 4k, romantic logince).
I Like You, Say It Back. - ao3... Short, sweet, slightly angsty first ‘I Love You’ between Virgil and Remus. romantic dukexiety.
A Misplaced Imbalance of Fear - ao3... almost 7k friends to lovers fastburn, in that this happens in a day. Set during/right after Putting Others First, a little peak into what Virgil and Remus were doing. Hint; being a little sad and very gay. romantic dukexiety.
The Ballroom - ao3... Every side has a room, but they also come with a special domain, completely individualized to each one. Of these Extensions, the only room that no side (other than its owner) has ever seen is Janus’. At least, until he falls head-over-heels for Roman and finally lets him in. (romantic roceit).
Hypothetically, - ao3... Nearly 7k friends to lovers, with a hearty helping of platonic logince. Logan likes to use the Imagination for experiments, but he can’t manage to use it on his own. The solution is obvious. (romantic intrulogical).
No Other Version of Me - ao3... Patton isn’t very happy about his new froggy features, but Janus finds him gorgeous all the same. Hurt/comfort! romantic moceit.
Complexities Unknowable- Chap.1, chap.2, chap.3, chap.4, chap.5, chap.6, chap.7 - ao3... (Finished!) Slowburn with pre-established Dukeceit, rivals to friends to lovers, with Background Analogince (plus some platonic anxceit and Creativitwins thrown in for funsies). romantic deintruality.
I’d Like To Stand By Him - ao3... Roman and Virgil listen to each other’s playlists. romantic prinxiety.
An Open and Honest Conversation About Our Feelings - ao3... hurt/comfort, shamelessly self-indulgent. Patton doesn’t come out of his room all day, so Virgil goes to check up on him. romantic moxiety.
Something to Uplift Us - ao3... Roman-centric (and Remus-centric) DLAMPR (platonic Creativitwins!). Quarantine shenanigans; the boys put on a show for their boyfriends!
Thursday Nights - ao3... Short fluff where Remus and Patton watch a horror flick together and cuddle. romantic intruality.
5 Times Logan Helped His Partners Get Their Shit Together +1 Time They Returned The Favor - ao3... Summary’s in the title on this one, Bud. Logan-centric romantic DLAMPR (platonic p & r), very hurt/comfort.
231 notes · View notes
airis-paris14 · 5 years ago
Dress Up 5
Summary: She’s not his fiancee, but no one else needs to know.
Warnings: None
A/N: Hey guys, so... ummm. It’s about to get real ugly in these next few chapters. There’s some cuteness to break it up, but, yeah don’t say I didn’t warn you. Love you guys... don’t hate me.
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||
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“My lady,” Sirobie moans as Eshe shakes her awake. “Her Majesty Queen Mother requests your presence in the great hall urgently.” The student sighs and sits up noticing that Kasigo is emerging from her closet with an outfit. “Time is of the essence, your ladyship.” Sirobie hops out of bed, her mind replaying the last twenty-four hours. She grabs the hangers from Kasigo and rushes into the bathroom. What could she have done wrong? T’Challa hadn’t said anything, she’d assumed the day had gone well. He’d even joined in playing with the children. 
The children. 
 Kamyra abhorred children. She groaned and tied her coils into a puff. Five minutes later she emerged from the bathroom awake, frustrated, and nervous. Both of the maids curtsied and led her to the great hall. It’d been a little over a month, yet the palace layout still confused her at times. “Where are Lesedi and Leena?” Sirobie cracked the silence that had enveloped the trio.  “Lesedi had a passing in the family and Leena took the day off,” Kasigo answered. “Oh. Please send Lesedi my condolences and let her know that she is in my prayers.” 
The group stopped in front of the great hall doors. “As you wish, your ladyship,” Kasigo responded. The women pushed open the great doors, curtsied, and hurried out shutting the doors softly behind them. Sirobie glided, executing the now perfected walk, over to the couches where Shuri and the queen mother sat. “Good morning,” she greeted settling into the couch across from Ramonda. “I only wish it was, Shuri murmured. Sirobie frowned and Ramonda pinched her daughter. “Did I do something wrong?” Sirobie looked in between the women. She thought that at least they had truly enjoyed her company. “ You have done nothing wrong my dear, but I am afraid this problem is out of any of our controls.” 
“Yeah the media and people who make a living ruining other people’s lives are at fault for this one,” Shuri sighed. T’Challa hurriedly entered the room. “What has happened? They said you needed me urgently.” 
“Yet you still took your sweet time joining us brother,” Shuri sassed. T’Challa glared before settling next to Sirobie.Shuri raised an eyebrow at the two as her mother spoke. “This is the headline not only here, but across the world,” the queen slid a newspaper on the coffee table. “King T’Challa and his fiancée bond over children in hospital,” T’Challa read allowed. A large photo of him and Sirobie, who was holding the infant, while speaking to the three-year-old, was plastered under the headline. They were both gazing lovingly at the children and each other. They looked like a family, Sirobie shook the thought away as T’Challa’s voice yanked her back to reality. “I do not understand. Is this not what we want?” 
“Read under the headline genius.” Sirobie takes the paper from T’Challa as he fuses with his sister. “Just months ago Lady Kamyra, soon to be Queen of Wakanda, declined to hold any children and all but publicly declared her disdain for children. Could her change in heart be fueled by the expectancy of her own bundle of joy? Rumors of pregnancy started flying after her fall at a state ball, hosted in her honor, that was attributed to dizziness and fatigue. Coupled with multiple inside sources reporting her to have a more cheerful, honest, and open disposition around the palace and in person, many begin to wonder if we should be expecting a new royal family member,” Sirobie trailed off looking up at the bickering siblings who’d gone quiet.
 “It goes on from there to explain her background and your engagement. Their point is valid. If I did not know you were not Kamyra, I would suspect a pregnancy as well. We must do damage control. If a pregnancy is suspected the elders will begin to push for an immediate marriage, so that the child is born within the boundaries of wedlock,” The queen sighed, “we must buy ourselves time to locate the real Kamyra before our hand is forced.”
“What should we do?” T’Challa sighed and reached for Sirobie’s hand. She allowed him to take it, surprising herself and Shuri, who’s eyebrow lifted once more. Sirobie turned back to the queen, “do everything you can out in public. Drink wine, coffee, eat fish. Anything a pregnant woman shouldn’t do, you two should be seen doing. Within reason of course.” 
“So when we go out to dinner tonight, I will order fish and red wine,” Sirobie somewhat asked, partly telling T’Challa. He nodded in consent. “Sounds like a good idea for starters,” Ramonda co-signed. Shuri looked at all three of them in bewilderment, “You two are going out...tonight….together… uncoerced, and unforced….” she looked between Sirobie and her brother, “just for funsies?” 
“That is what people do when they enjoy each other’s company little sister,” T’Challa smirked. The king kissed his mother’s forehead before exiting the room. “Yesterday, you two weren’t even speaking for fun as far as I knew, now you’re going on a date with him?” 
“It’s not a date. We’re just getting to know each other as friends. He’s already engaged, remember,” Sirobie smiled. “ I’ll see you both at breakfast? I’m going to lay down until a more decent hour when breakfast is served.” The queen’s mother smiled and nodded giving Sirobie permission to leave. Shuri turned to her mother, “I am not losing my mind, am I? You see it as well?” 
“I’ve seen it since he met her. The boy was infatuated. Is infatuated. He is just too afraid to end his engagement with the eldest of the Habredies. For what reason? Only Bast knows.” The queen sighed and headed back to her own chambers. Leaving a bewildered princess in her wake. 
“Where are we going?”Sirobie asked as she walked down the hall with T’Challa. The sun beamed through the large glass windows lining the front of the palace. “I thought I could show you the city.” T’Challa pushed open the front doors of the palace and held it as Sirobire glided through.
“You do know I’ve been here for four months before we met right,” Sirobie smiled as they descended the palace front steps. “Oh,” T’Challa frowned. “You really were not listening when your mother introduced us were you?,” Sirobie teased. 
“What are you studying?” T’Challa finally looked up at her. “Film with a minor in Studio Art. Painting specifically. I’ve been to a couple of museums and worked with some local artists and craftsmen. Especially the weavers. I enjoy their work the most,” Sirobie explained, her grin splitting her face from ear to ear. 
“I am glad you have enjoyed what Wakanda has to offer,” the king nodded turning back to face the road as they continued their walk into town. Silence sank in as Sirboie took in the sights of the city center. She’d only been here a couple of times with the Zulas when they insisted on taking her out for dinner. T’Challa watched her smile grow silently admiring the way her eyes drank in the city like it was her first time visiting. “Sirobie,” T’Challa broke their silence, both of them hopping out of the way to avoid the monorail train as it let its passengers off. The king found an empty breezeway and pulled Sirobie up the stairway to an open terrace overlooking the square. “I owe you an apology.”
Sirobie froze as the king turned to her, reaching for her hands. “I was not the nicest person to you when we first met. I know I explained why but I never apologized for, or acknowledged, the hurt it caused you. You probably felt alone and anxious about everything. The exact moment when I should have reached out to support you I chose not to. I treated you like a nuisance instead. I sincerely apologize for that.”
“T’Challa you do not have to apologize. I am not your fiancée-”
“What if I want you to be...”
Sirobie felt her mouth fall open. Suddenly the market felt miles away and so did the terrace under her feet. The sun was too hot, too bright, and it was suffocating. She glanced up at the king to find that he looked equally as surprised and mortified by his own admission. Sirobie knew that he’d never intended to let that slip. “What I mean is,” he fumbled through the beginnings of an explanation. “I know that you are not my fiancée and I wish we had met under different circumstances. Regardless of that, you were here doing not only myself and my family a favor, but the country of Wakanda one as well. You uprooted your life for your last two months to dive into this situation you knew nothing about. The least I could have done was support you and try to get to know you as a person,” the king rambled. 
“I think that you attempting to get to know me now is a start, and I appreciate your apology. I really do. I would like to get to know you as well, but for the first month I was here we were not on the best of terms. That is not something that just goes away. I also apologize for being a little hot and cold with you as well, especially after the hospital. I think we should focus on just getting through today together, disproving the baby rumors, and enjoy each other’s company,” Sirobie offered a small smile and gently removed her hands from his hold. T’Challa face fell slightly and for a second Sirobie felt bad. Sure, she knew how he claimed to feel, but part of her just couldn’t trust him fully. This wasn’t middle school, grown men don’t pick on and ignore the girls they like for their attention. She hoped to see more of the T’Challa she saw yesterday in the future but only time will tell. She wasn’t going to rush into something only for him to close himself back off. 
She couldn’t say that she wasn't attracted to the king, especially after seeing him with the children yesterday, and in his admiration of her work. It helped that he was unbelievably handsome too. But he wasn’t hers to have. In a month’s time, she'll be back on campus for graduation and he’d be back with his fiancée planning a wedding. Unfortunately, they just weren’t meant to be in this lifetime, but maybe they could become friends at the end of it all. 
“Sirobie? Are you alright?” T’Challa’s frown pulled her out of her own musings. “Huh?” Sirobie took a step back, their closeness quickly becoming disorienting. “I asked if you were ready to eat lunch,” T’Challa frowned. “Um sure. I’m sorry for zoning out,” Sirobie allowed the king to guide her back down the stairs. “Do you do that often?” The couple emerged back into the street.
“Sometimes when I have a lot on my mind.  Luckily it’s not that big of a deal in my line of work,” the student jokes. The king cracked a smile. They walked up to a small glass front cafe and were escorted to a table in the center of the large window. “Are you sure this place is good? There is no one else here,” Sirobie commented and the king chuckled. “I called ahead so that we could have the privacy to speak freely and not worry about pretending to be engaged. So you could speak as yourself and not Kamyra.” 
A man emerged from the back and placed identical fish meals in front of the couple. “Thank you,” Sirobie and T’Challa smiled as he placed a bottle of wine on the table before exiting. “The owner is a friend from grade school. None of the staff will repeat anything they happen to hear,” T’Challa explained as they began to eat. Sirobie raised an eyebrow “And the window is for paparazzi?” 
“Yes, unfortunately. T’Challa sighed. “They are not like American paparazzi. They will not ambush us and will mostly take photos from a distance so as not to disturb us. It does help them if we don’t know they are there. You cannot act for a camera you that you do not  know exists.” 
Sirobie nodded enjoying her meal. “So tell me something about you. Anything. Where’d you go to college? Highschool? First love? Weird habits? Hobbies? Favorite joke?” Sirobie grinned and T’Challa laughed. “Come on. I’m an open book. You can ask me something first if you would like,” Sirobie goaded while taking another bite of her fish. 
“Well, you have met my family, what is your family like?” T’Challa questioned taking another bite of his fish.
Sirobie pauses and clears her throat, “Well. We aren’t very well to do. My parents do the best they can. They always took us to museums and spent time with us when they didn’t have to work. We’re all very close and I miss them terribly,” Sirobie admitted. “Have you not spoken to them since you’ve been here?”
“I write them letters weekly. I’ve had Kasigo take them to the post office on her way home once a week for me since I’ve been in the palace. We can’t afford international calling and I don’t understand the post system well enough here for them to be able to write me back. I’m sure there are dozens of letters waiting for me back at the campus post office when I get back.” Sirobie jokes half-heartedly. T’Challa frowned. “I am sorry. I did not know.”
“It is alright. You couldn’t have known. I can’t wait until I can see them again and tell them about Wakanda. My father would love the integration of nature and architecture. He wanted to be an architect before he had to drop out of college to support my mom when she became pregnant with me.”
“How many siblings do you have? Just two: a younger brother and little sister. Ahj and Soliel. Ahj is 17, he’s about to graduate high school in May. Soleil is just five. She’s my little mini-me,” Sirobie chuckled.
“What does your brother want to study? Film I believe. I missed decision day and since I haven’t talked to them, I’m not sure what school he’s gonna be attending,” Sirobie’s face fell, her heart aching at the milestones she’d missed. She’ll just barely make it home in time to call Soleil for her birthday. Her parents didn’t think they’d be able to swing plane tickets to graduation. T’Challa noticed her change in demeanor and made a mental note to arrange for her to be able to call her family. “Enough about me though. Tell me something.”
“What would you like to know?” The king placed his fork down and sat back from the table. “You have a choice. Either tell me about the first woman you loved or, how you ended up in this situation with Kamyra?”
T’Challa frowned and Sirobie broke into laughter. “Your question was easy. Why would you give me a hard one like this?”
“Hey! You let me choose. Bad decision on your part,” Sirobie shrugged and took another bite of her fish to finish it off. “Why do you want to know anyway?” 
“I mean, we are pretending to be engaged, I might as well learn who at least one of the other women is,” Sirobie took a sip of her wine. When T’challa didn’t respond she raised an eyebrow, “Unless they are one and the same?”
The king laughed placing his own wine glass back on the table, “No they are each their own equally sad story. I will tell you the condensed version of both,” The king sighed, “My first love was my best friend in grade school. Nakia. We dated for a while, then she decided to become a war dog. She loved the adventure and felt tied down at home. She took more and more missions until we barely saw each other any more. She knew the life that came with staying with me and she did not want to be tied down, and I would not ask her to stay here and be unhappy with me. Then my father passed and I had to ask for Kamyra’s hand in marriage. We met a few times as children and she was a sweet person. She was spoiled though. Kamyra is not a fan of this arrangement either, but I will not sacrifice Shuri like that, and she and her father know her marrying me is more favorable than our younger siblings marrying. So she seems to have decided that she will take out her disdain, for her predetermined fate, on me and Wakanda.”
“Hence the running away?” Sirobie hummed. T’Challa nodded and reached for his glass.
 “Thank you for sharing with me.”
“Thank you for listening,” T’Challa sipped his wine, “I feel it is only fair I ask the same question of you.” 
Sirobie sighed, “There is not much to say.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have never been in love. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a relationship long enough to be in love with anyone. My longest relationship was two months in high school long distance. I hadn’t even kiss a guy until college,” Sirobie admitted. 
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing. You waited until the time was right for you.” The king took a bite of his own meal. “That’s easy for you to say,” Sirobie snorted, “I’m sure you were Mr. Popular Ladies man in high school.”
T’Challa shrugged, “Sure, but it wasn’t because of who I was as a person. It was because of my position, which is why the only person I was ever involved with was Nakia.” 
Sirobie nodded, “That makes sense,” The two ate in silence for a few minutes, “Do you miss her?”
“Unless you miss Kamayra?”
The couple both started laughing. “I do miss Nakia from time to time, but she is much happier out there than she could have ever been with me. When you love something, you let it go.” Sirobie offered the king a small smile and nod as he explained. “That is really sweet,” She smiled, daring to reach over and squeeze his hand. The king squeezed her hand back and they both left them settled on the table. The worry that she was trusting T’Challa too easily nagged in the back of Sirobie’s mind, but there was nothing she could do at this point. Their time together was short and she wanted to leave without regrets.
“I like this side of you,” the college student sat back in her chair and looked over at the king. He looked up from where he had been signing the receipt. “I hope I can see it more often.”
“I would like that too Sirobie,” T’Challa placed the check back in its cover. He stood from his seat and extended a hand. “And, I think that can be arranged if you are up for another adventure with me right now?” 
“There’s no time like the present,” Sirobie grinned and they headed back into the streets. A few blocks later, she found herself in a market in the center of town. “Have you been here before?” The king called into her ear.
“No, I’ve been saving up to get some presents for my family before I leave.” She replied. “There is no time like the present,” He chuckled. They wove their way through stands Sirobie picking up a few trinkets along the way. Eventually they stop at a jewelry store and from across the store, the king notices Sirobie admiring an emerald cut diamond and vibranium ring. “You like that one?” The king pointed. Sirobie looks up startled. “Umm, yeah. It’s beautiful.” 
“You should get it then,” He gestured for the clerk to grab the ring from the case. The man looked up from his phone and his eyes widened once he realized who he was in the store with. He bowed and stumbled over himself to grab the ring and hand it to the monarch. “T’Challa I couldn’t aff-” Sirobie started. “May my fiancee and I have a moment in private,” T’Challa cut her off and the student widened her eyes. “Of course,” The man saluted his leader and went to the back of the store. “T’Challa I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking about being out in public.”
The king reached for her hand and chuckled, “It is alright, I should have thought about that earlier. I want to get to know the real you. That includes everything you have to say to me.” Sirobie nodded as he pulled their fake engagement ring from her finger. The filmmaker's breath hitched as his long fingers caressed her hand. “What are you doing?” She breathed. “You said you liked it, did you not?”
“I do like it.”
“Then you’re going to try it on-”
“But T’Challa what do I need an engagement ring for,” Sirobie interrupted. The king raised his eyes from her hands as a smirk blossomed on his lips, “We are engaged are we not?”
His brown eyes bore into hers as the cool metal slipped over her skin. Sirobie’s heart leapt into her throat and she felt as though she would faint. As much as she didn’t want it to, this felt right. She’d always imagined this moment, albeit a very different scenario. The man she loved would be down on one knee, grinning up at her, she’d be dying of anticipation. Her nerves would be fried, her mouth hanging open in surprise, but the one thing she was sure of was her answer. It was always yes in her dream. 
She didn’t love T’Challa, at least as far as she knew, and this could never be. He would never be down on one knee in front of her. He was to be married and she’d be halfway across the world when it happened. Though, perhaps inexplicably, this felt so right and she never wanted the moment to end. She was brought back to her senses by his warm voice and fingers. It’s a little big, but that is easily fixed,” the king grinned and pressed a kiss to the large diamond. Sirobie chuckled lightly, drawing back her hand to admire the ring, “You are an absolutely insatiable flirt.”
“Sometimes and only for pretty girls,” the king bantered back. Sirobie reached to take it off. “Allow me,” the king insisted, “I’ll have them resize it so that you can wear it.”
“You’re seriously going to buy it?”
“Yes,” T’Challa frowned.
 “I already have an engagement ring though.”
“That is one of my mother’s old rings. You deserve to have one that you actually like. Especially since you can’t have a man that deserves to place this ring on your finger,” The king trailed off. “I’ll go get this sized-”
“HELP! Please!” T'Challa and Sirobie turned towards the voice yelling from outside. “Stay here,” the king ordered running out of the door. Sirobie caught the ring box and followed him to the window. Seconds before she could make it to him the store window shattered and gunshots rang in her ears. 
“T’Challa!” She stumbled her way through the front door of the shop where she saw him face down on the ground. A scream clawed its way out of her throat. “Somebody do something please!” She turned the king up to face her and pulled him into her lap. She searched frantically for a bullet hole but couldn’t find one. There was a notable lack of blood as well, and the king had changed clothes. He was covered in a suit of some kind. “T’Challa? Are you there? Can you hear me?”
“Lady Kamyra! What happened?” Okoye asked as she ran up to the couple. “I don’t know,” Sirobie frowned at the un-responsive king, tears running off her face. “I don’t know. We were in the shop just looking around and someone started screaming for help. He ran outside and I heard a gun go off. And then the glass shattered and when I made it out here he was on the ground. But I can’t find a bullet hole and he’s not waking up.” Sirobie sniffled and panicked through the explanation. “Breathe,” Okoye pulled the student away from the king’s body. Ayo and other Doras surrounded him. “General,” it’s inside his suit,” Ayo called. “Demethi. Damn it,” Okoye groaned, “Call the princess. And get him back to the palace now. The herb can only do so much. Go!” Okoye ordered and helped Sirobie to her feet. 
“We will be back later to help with the damage,” she informed the shop owners who were looking on. The crowd nodded solemnly as she helped Sirobie walk back to a jet. Sirobie was silent as she stared out of the window. “I shouldn’t have agreed to go shopping with him.”
“This was not your fault,” Okoye rebutted, “there was no way you could have prevented this. I should have been there with you all but he insisted on going alone. We could easily blame ourselves, but that would do neither of us any good.” 
“He was right. Trying to get to know each other is just a bad idea. We went on one date and now he has been shot in the chest.”
“This was not your fault. We will get to the bottom of this. But you need to be strong for T’Challa and for this country. People just witnessed their king shot, for what we hope is not, dead. I know that you are not Kamyra. But T’Challa, and this country, need their Queen and she is you.”
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