#lets give it up for toxic yuri everyone!
medouse · 5 months
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yknow nem most people grow out of pulling on their crushes pigtails to get their attention. they don't upgrade it to oh idk. HITTING THEM WITH YOUR SWORD.
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octuscle · 4 months
The Transformation of Alexander to Sasha
An exchange semester in Moscow was really not a good idea. Everyone told him that. But Alexander was researching Russian constructivism in art history. And he had to go to Moscow to do it. Just one semester. What could happen there? So Alexander, an art student from California, embarked on an uncertain journey. Into an unknown world that was characterized by a new, dark atmosphere. His days were mostly filled with discussions about politics, literature and human rights, far removed from a world of masculinity, muscles and testosterone.
During his stay at Moscow State University, Alexander met Yuri, a burly Russian with a penchant for nationalism and bodybuilding. Yuri's invitation to the gym was met with skepticism by Alexander, but he accepted because he thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know Russian culture outside of the classroom.
When they entered the gym, Alexander felt like a fish out of water. The air was drenched with sweat and the clanging of weights echoed off the walls. Most of the people training there were muscular, tattooed men with serious faces. And most of the people there were not only fitness enthusiasts, but also avid right-wing hooligans. Alexander took a deep breath. There was something else. There was not only the smell of sweat in the air, but also of testosterone, pure aggression and something else. Of pure, hard and honest sex!
"Come on, Alexander, let's pump some iron!" Yuri grinned and patted him on the back. Shit, Alexander was building a tent in his training pants.
Despite his initial discomfort, Alexander enjoyed the training sessions. The adrenaline rush, the feeling of camaraderie, it was all new and exciting. But it wasn't just the physical aspect that attracted him, it was the ideology. The ideology of the superiority of the Russian man. In between training sets, Alexander listened to the conversations around him and soaked up the toxic masculinity, the nationalist rhetoric and the anti-liberal sentiment. It resonated with him in a way he hadn't expected. The more time he spent with Yuri and his friends, the more he agreed with their views.
It started with small changes - a shaved head, a scrotum piercing here, a tattoo there. But soon Alexander was completely immersed in the world of the Patriots. He began to espouse their beliefs, railing against immigrants and extolling the glories of Mother Russia. The further the semester progressed, the more obvious Alexander's change became. His once slender stature grew in muscle mass, and his liberal beliefs began to fade, replaced by a newfound nationalism. He immersed himself in Russian culture, learning the language and embracing the traditions.
By the end of the semester, Alexander was unrecognizable. He had taken the name Sasha and become a Russian citizen. Instead of returning to California, he stayed in Moscow, dealing steroids on the darknet and working as a bouncer in a nightclub frequented by the same right-wing hooligans he had once felt uncomfortable around. Now he fucked them in the back room. And they fucked him.
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Sasha didn't give a shit about liberal thoughts and art. Lifting iron, fucking the comrades and honor for Mother Russia. That's all he needed. That's all he wanted.
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lutewife · 8 months
"Hate so passionate it blooms"
Chapter one - First Extermination
1752 words, fem!reader, reader is in hell for a reason, sinner!reader, reader is oblivious, canon divergence here and there, no NSFW in this chapter, angst, toxic yuri, canon-like humour
Crossposted on AO3: @YuriCameo
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Warnings: blood, murder and all... It's extermination, duh. Nothing too bad though.
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It all started years ago...
It was the time of the first extermination, since you opened your shop.
Noone in the pride ring liked it, obviously. And you just happened to live in it, being a sinner - flesh and blood. Your only source of income, your own sex shop, was there too. Very successful one to boot, since in Hell, let's just say, people really like these kind of things. And as weird as it was, your shop was top notch, being the most successful one in the Pride Ring. You swore you wouldn't leave it to destruction under any circumstances, because, well, you needed that money.
And you kept your word. Now you were standing in front of your shop, scanning the area and waiting for inevitable. Your employees, moved by your dedication, have also agreed to defend it. Ah, the deep connection between a demon and their sex shop. Truly touching.
You gripped your weapon tightly and, for who knows which time, looked around with watchful eyes. Turning to your employees, you managed to make a shaky smile appear. Someone in these difficult times must fake confidence, otherwise the fight is already lost - it was one of your beliefs and you had to fulfill it.
- It's okay, girlies. I don' see anythin' strange happening - you said trying to lift up the mood. -Y'know, maybe they were bluffing afterall! M-Maybe nothin's gonna happen! - you added, when you didn't receive any reaction from your employees, trying to convince yourself. Fearful faces of the other demons didn't went unnoticed by you, but you tried to ignore it for your own good.
Well, they were right to be afraid. Afterall, they were employees of a sex shop, not some angel hunters, for fucks sake! And the only person with some fighting knowledge was you, their boss who was almost shitting her pants under pressure and who probably didn't know shit about killing angels. Absolutely excellent position they were in.
Just as you were to say another one of your reassuring quotes again, it began. Everyone absolutely paralyzed, along with you, but you were the first to actually get yourself together.
- It's a-okay guys, there's no need to pani... - you didn't even finish the sentence. Most of your employees were already running for their own lives, screaming mercilessly, leaving everyone else and your shop behind. So much for teamwork.
You groaned and shot your middle finger at them.
- HOPE YOU KNOW, Y'ALL ARE FUCKING FIRED! - you yelled, needing to release your frustration. Hearing that, the others who were contemplating escaping, shrunk into yourself. Good. At least you'll have someone to sacrifice.
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Many things were happening at the same time. You've seen buildings collapsing, demons panicking and fighting for their lives, even some of them kissing passionately on the verge of death. Geez. Dramatic much.
Deep down you were as terrified as them, though. If it wasn't for your money and kinky goods, you wouldn't give a damn and run away too. Unfortunately you needed to stay.
Just as you were focusing your eyes on the angel who was slowly approaching you, a commotion inside of you shop could be heard. Or maybe... Above it. You raised your head and couldn't believe your eyes.
There were thousands of downright identical exorcists descending from the sky, perfectly above your shop. You nearly had a heart attack (though you didn't actually have one) and shot a panicked glance to your co-workers through the window. Did they really have to send the second wave here?! Maybe you didn't think it over afterall.
Not even thinking about it, you moutched: "Run!". Your people gladly did so, screaming and shierking, causing even more commotion and the blood-thirsty angels to pay attention to them. You fought the urge to facepalm.
Great. Now it was happening.
The exterminators mercilessly murdered your employees one by one, while you were watching. Their sick and twisted faces (or maybe they were masks? you didn't really know) seemed even more happy than before. If you haven't seen that they descended from the sky with your own eyes, you would've thought they were demons.
You would be traumatised if not the fact that you've seen worse things. It's hell, duh. But nevertheless it wasn't a nice thing to witness and you definitely must act.
That's why you began to get your ass out of here. You ran like your afterlife depended on it (because it did).
While you were doing so, you heard something collapsing. Looking back, you saw your shop completely destroyed, with one of your employees in their huge ass demon form.
It was touching to see they were trying to defend the shop. But it was now completely destroyed, so...
- Goddamnit! I'm taking this outta your pay! - you said irritated.
You wanted to swear more, but suddenly a familiar voice could be heard.
- Boss! Here! - your best employee yelled, seemingly inviting you to their hiding spot. You let out a quiet cry of joy. Finally someone who is useful in this shithole. You started walking over there, but then in a blink of an eye...
From your cheerful employee's smile began spilling black blood.
You couldn't believe your eyes. There wasn't an angel here just a minute ago. And now she was standing before your dead co-worker, stained by their blood.
- They were a hellborn, you bitch! - you cried out, letting your frustration spill.
The exorcist looked at her clothing, just now noticing the mistake.
Something just snapped inside of you then. She wasn't even paying attention to people she killed. It wasn't an angel, it was a monster! With furious scream and swing of your weapon you ran towards the enemy.
But just as you hit her with it, the weapon broke against her head. You began to retreat with fear, but you were interrupted by the exorcist:
- There is no point in trying, sinner. You can't harm me - you could almost hear the feeling of superiority in her voice.
Something about the way she said it rubbed you the wrong way. You were now overflowing with the desire to fight.
- Oh yeah?! I won't believe you, until I... - you grabbed a spear, that was left in a dead body behind you - ...tRY!
You swung the weapon and to your surprise, this time, the exorcist dodged, almost getting hit.
Oh, so that's how things are...
Now it was your turn to smile triumphally.
- Hm? What was it 'bout being invincible? - you laughed and put a hand on your hip, swinging the spear on your shoulder.
The exterminator seemed furious, smile disappearing from her mask.
- You little BITCH! - she yelled, now preparing to attack you too.
But to her dismay you dodged skillfully and began a new set of attacks. You were fighting for a while, there was no end to this heated moment in sight. She even managed to injure you slightly, but fortunely you dodged just in time. Eventually, though, you managed to knock her over. The training you went on in your previous life was finally paying off.
You climbed on top of her, holding her wrists up and swinged the spear again, preparing to kill her, but... You aimed past her head.
- Oh, yeah! How could I forget. Let's see what disgusting face lies behind your little mask! - you said, wanting to enjoy the victory.
The exorcist looked even more furious than before, trying to move her head away from you. But she failed and you took it off slowly.
Her golden irises illuminated in the low light and short, white hair was messy from fighting beforehand. She looked furious, her eyes were narrow and on her pale skin there was a droplet of your own, red blood, that was spilling out of your injured hand. Some of the blood even managed to get into her (very kissable) lips. She spat it out at your face in anger.
You didn't even notice her saliva mixed with your own blood, which was flowing down your face, and just stared at her wide-eyed (possibly blushing).
- Happy? - her voice brought you to reality. It seemed even more attractive now that you have seen her face.
In a moment of inattention, you forgot that you weren't holding her wrists now.
Smirking, the woman took advantage of it and punched you in the face. Hard.
- OW! FOR FUCK'S SAKE! - you screamed and staggered, creating exorcist the opportunity to break free. And that's exactly what happened.
She kicked you down and then, as you were laying on the ground, then rose in the air, preparing to escape.
You, completely beaten up, just raised your head at her and yelled:
- Wait! What's your name?!
The angel just stopped in the air and looked back at you, with her pale face.
- Why the hell should I tell you? You disgust me - she deadpanned.
You thought for a moment.
- I-I, um, I know Lucifer! - You bluffed, desperate - I'll tell him you killed a Hellborn! Yeah! You fucked up! - That was a lie made up on spot, completely unbelievable. You even admitted it to yourself, prepared to fail.
The exorcist turned around and just as you thought she'll fly away, she spoke:
- It's Lute. My name is Lute.
What a nice name...
Wait! No! Disgusting! Very disgusting! What a horrible name!
- My name's [name]. Better remember it, you shithead! - you got up, staggering - From now on, you're my worst enemy! - you didn't even realize how silly that sounded then.
- Sure. Whatever you say, sinner. - She snorted, looking at you from above. The slight light reflecting off her halo added even more charm to her face. You couldn't help, but notice her long, beautiful eyelashes.
She was a horrible person. Really, she was. This "Lute", as she was claiming to be called, probably killed thousands of souls, before she killed your employee.
But you just couldn't help to wonder...
Why hadn't you killed her?
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Notes: I'm sorry about any mistakes I've made or if my writing's kinda off, English is not my native language, so spare me please 🙏 The lack of Lute fics on here is a crime, I just HAD to write smth, even if it's not perfect. Also it will be multiple chapters and yes, there will be smut 😳. stay tuned, darlings ! 🫶
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
I love fics that let Aoinene be messy
I know the general attitude towards this ship is “wow cute lesbians, good for them” but it makes me so happy when people actually address the conflict of their dynamic. Aoi wants to open up to Nene but Nene is too consumed by her own problems to notice. She makes Aoi feel invisible, and as a result Aoi keeps her at a distance. They both lie to each other to the point that neither of them really know who the other is. Nene forgives Aoi way too easily for her actions during the Grim Reaper arc because in her eyes, her best friend can do no wrong. Aoi can be very passive-aggressive to Nene sometimes, leading me to believe she harbors a lot of bitterness towards her. These are elements that make the ship more interesting, their conflict gives them more substance than just being the fluffy side ship to Terukane. Speaking of which, it strikes me as odd that the ships involving men are praised for their toxicity whereas the wlw ships either have their problems entirely erased or are hated for not being perfect
This is why most of my Aoinene fics (especially the longer ones) involve miscommunication and arguments. I like seeing them struggle before they get to be happy, putting in a mutual effort to work out their problems. I like fluff twice as much as the next person, but angst with wlw ships just hits different for me. It’s sweet that a lot of fics have Aoi viewing Nene as the solution to all her problems but hear me out…what if she’s not? What if Aoi starts out being more in love with the idea of Nene as her savior, and then has to come to terms with the fact that Nene makes her feel just as lonely as everyone else does? But she still loves her, so she’s stuck on whether to confront Nene about these problems or keep it all inside. And poor Nene knows something is off but she can’t for the life of her figure out what it is and she’s too scared of change to bring it up. It’s not overwhelming amounts of toxicity but they’d have to actually talk shit out before riding off into the sunset together
I personally believe Aoi to be BPD coded in canon and that is how I write her in all my fics, so the concept of Aoinene (and AoiAoi) as an FP dynamic is also interesting to me. Nene is the one person Aoi can stand and those feelings become so strong that they’re almost unbearable. She starts splitting with her when she realizes Nene has been lying, she grows to hate her at times but she still bases so much of her self-worth on what Nene thinks and she’s terrified of losing her. This is another area they need to communicate in but because Aoi is allergic to admitting her true feelings, it’s more-so something Nene has to pick up on herself. She can be a little dense but when she truly loves someone she lets them know it so I like to have her give Aoi the reassurance she needs
This post is a bit self-indulgent and everyone is free to write them however they want but idk, I’d love to see more fics that let them have problems. Especially ones where Aoi finally opens up to Nene and they properly talk out the Grim Reaper arc. And also more fics where they’re both allowed to be flawed!! Let Nene be selfish and let Aoi be bitter!! This kinda goes for every TBHK character because I LOVE fics that explore their flaws without getting ooc. I want to see them be the worst while still being sympathetic
My main point here is that Aoinene is just as deserving of conflict and angsty plots as every tbhk ship and that’s something I’d like to see more of with them. Toxic yuri enjoyers…you know what to do
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
Alright so 23.5 aka Toxic Positivity: The Series aka Everyone Teaches The Loser Queer Girl The World Is Kinder Than She Thinks By Viciously Gaslighting Her About Homophobia: The Series aka Teacher4Teacher Yuri and Everything Else Is Getting Memoryholed: The Series!!! I'm certain that so many words have been written about this already, but I haven't been on tumblr since Monday so I need to just exorcise my own reactions before I read anyone else's. I am really intentional these days about giving space to art to be descriptive rather than prescriptive, that is, to portray people acting in ways I find annoying or aggravating or cruel or despicable and to not jump to "how DARE this narrative betray me by saying it's good, actually, to be annoying or aggravating or cruel or despicable" even if the people who do those things in the text are supported by the other characters or circumstances in the text. I am very against "character acted badly, therefore bad things should happen to them so we can KNOW the narrative understands they were bad". However!!! For this series to have ONGSA'S OWN PARENTS ACT AS SPOKESPEOPLE FOR SUN'S PERSPECTIVE. Like her parents, who Ongsa was visibly afraid were going to reject her for her queerness, not only not care she's queer (because homophobia is fake in this universe except for Ongsa's inexplicable internalized homophobia which is treated as a character flaw), but behave like automatons Sun programmed dialogue into, scolding Ongsa for 1. not coming out to them sooner 2. "thinking for" Sun, as if that's something they'd have any context for (even IF Aylin and Alpha filled them in). That took the sense of "this narrative is taking Sun's side in her forced outing of her partner, doubling down on it and making sure every single character agrees she was right" to the next fucking level. It had the vibes of being a supportive coming out scene too but they weren't embracing their daughter for who she was - they certainly weren't letting her have her own identity and voice and needs! - they were just drumming home how correct Sun was in her every teenaged interpretation of who Ongsa was and should be. So that moved me firmly away from being able to employ a "Sun is a teenager behaving like a teenager" read on a storyline I find noxious. That moved us firmly into the territory of "we are being strongarmed into agreeing Sun is a JUSTIFIED, morally righteous teenager, who fixed her relationship/girlfriend by outing her against her will." It's just truly flabbergasting to me because without the outing plotline (which I understand was in the novel so maybe that's why it was forced on us despite its dissonance with the rest of the story), there are the ingredients of something I really, truly could have loved:
Sun being scared by the intensity of her own attachment and behaving badly because of it. This is literally one of my number one tropes of all time. I am OBSESSED with people becoming their worst selves because they're so terrified of how in love they are, the depth of their need for their partner.
Sun feeling bitter about giving up her future for Ongsa and not believing Ongsa (ONGSA) would do a similar level gesture for her, when Ongsa doesn't want her to give up her future for her and really Sun's bitterness is an internal cue that she doesn't want to give up her future herself, even if she loves Ongsa desperately and passionately.
Ongsa being so focused on what everyone else thinks of her and Sun that she can't hear Sun tell her what Sun thinks, and wants.
Much more importantly to me, Ongsa being so trapped in articulating her own needs as "I was worried about how things would affect you, Sun!" that she cannot voice her own actual feelings about things: "I don't want to come out because I'm afraid my parents will reject me." "I don't want to come out because I'm not ready for the entire school's hyper-scrutiny on me and my relationships." There was a really narratively rich story there where Ongsa tells Sun everything she does is with Sun in mind, and it takes a little bit of untangling to admit that actually, she has her own needs SUN is not hearing and those fucking matter too.
There was a great, great episode 11 conflict in those dynamics. They could have fought about who sits in front on Sunny the motorbike drawing on those dynamics and given me a more compelling episode than what we actually fucking got. You know? And that's not even getting into the, I feel, missteps with Aylin's writing and that relationship the past two episodes, or the way they won't let MawinTon be great and I'm actually afraid Mawin is going to end the series single and we'll be expected to appreciate how pure his supportive onesided love for Tinh is. Honestly probably good there was no teacher4teacher yuri in ep11 because I'm sure they would have found a way to ruin the number one thing I will be describing as this series' strength going forward. Well, that and the acting. MilkLove are acting their ASSES off. but for what.
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phightinghottakes · 2 months
I might have ranted about this before but I can't find my old anon tag nor my old posts so. 🐊 anon from now on for whatever else I need to rant abt on here.
this is all mostly me ranting about forced inclusivity and queer stuff (coming from a poly, pan person) so if you need to skip over this, you've been warned
Firstly, I absolutely despise Vinedeeri. It feels like it only exists because "uhh woman and woman haha they're the few woman characters in the game lets ship them because yuri" SHUT UP!! Ships used to have an interesting dynamic, they used to have substance and angst and fluff in every fandom I was in, all the ships I used to see were because they were so interesting and created so many different scenarios.
Instead, what I see most of in the phighting community and similar fandoms is "toxic yuri/yaoi!" "I love my yaoi" "gay ppl" and whatnot. Can people not ship things that aren't queer anymore? Can people not ship things for a dynamic instead of for sexuality?
It genuinely baffles me that Trafficdeeri is considered a rarepair. Don't they literally have interactions in canon?? Isn't Lightblox like an adopted daughter to Traffic?? And yet most of the fandom prefers "haha yuri woman x woman" over good content for a wholesome narrative on found family and adoption and whatnot.
Also I prefer Hyperzuka over Hypertana. I've had several people look at me weird for this one and I genuinely still feel a bit uncomfortable saying I ship the two because of that because it was the kind of reaction being a proshipper gives you, but as far as I'm aware they're fine to ship? Feel free to correct me on if there's anything I'm missing, but I just find the kind of "alcoholic mess x previous alcoholic mess" dynamic more compelling than "alcoholic mess with issues x alcoholic mess with issues" regardless of whether it's being interpreted as platonic or romantic.
Also also, I don't like Scythe being made POC. I find making a character black for inclusivity kind of silly, but even moreso insulting when it's, oh, you know, one of the only characters with a different skintone?? What, is being tan not "inclusive" enough? Did it not appeal to the fandom enough? Was having a character that was tan in a way that'd fit the canon not good enough? I dislike race swapping in general, but it's just. So much more irritating when it's taking away the only tan character the game had. ffs real inclusivity should live up to it's name, it should be inclusive not "appealing to the minority" it should be inclusive for everyone. The minority that needs it, the minority that's harassed, the minority that barely speaks up about it. Not just one group. Please. God. also she's a serial killer that's kind of an issue too liike. out of all the characters you had to pick 1: the serial killer and 2: the only playable character with a different skintone
I would also like to say I absolutely hate she/her subspace. I genuinely do not get why someone would look at an insane scientist that'd probably laugh at torturing people and go "Aww, she's so quirky" or whatever. It genuinely confuses me beyond belief how she/her subspace is such a widely accepted headcanon. What part of probably-capitalist mad scientist that invented hundreds of machines made for war and ruthless killing says "girlypop twink" to you??
And lastly, this game has boring characters when it tries to make them interesting, ironically enough. Some of the most interesting characters to me (outside of subspace) are Vine Staff and Shuriken just because of how many different angles you could take with the core of their character and how... Fundamentally simple they are. They're siblings, they have a clear theme, they're kind of angst-free characters outside of Vine's curse, and they have a strong bond. It's not a lot, but it's all that you need for a lot of interesting content. On the contrary, take Broker and Scythe- two relatively safe picks to hate on. They're part of a cult, Scythe is a serial killer, Broker has some sorts of phone imagery as far as I'm aware, and the cult has something something eyes something I genuinely can't remember. It's kind of more? It's meant to be more, at least. And yet I can't figure out anything interesting about this other than Broker's theme with phones that's kind of neat but the lore does nothing with that. And the eye stuff.. well, yeah, it has potential but it's just so, so underdeveloped. In trying to make the cult so much more it's ended up with so many concepts and so few that are actually solid, in comparison to characters that are simpler. Hell, look at Boombox! He's also a pretty simple character, but he's easy to enjoy too. And there's also the whole thing with him being able to tell something's up with Subspace. Maybe I just read into details a lot, but oh well.
In case you couldn't tell, I like healthy characters who's strength is small fun facts and details.
-Sincerely, 🐊 Anon.
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mister-mickey · 14 days
Descendants two time 😈
Okay so new characters!
Tim Hook, Angela Hook, and Curly Hook! Captain Hook had three annoying brats, hated them so so much, and then eventually was kicked off of his own damn boat by them. Luckily he managed to traumatize them before that so they’re crazy lol. Tim’s lost an eye, Angela lost a HAND and has a hook, and curly is just a bit crazy perhaps
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Also, lady Tremaine’s grandchildren! M&M and Cathy who help run her hair salon. They’re both chill, but M&M is so desperate to live in auradon. He can’t help but dream about it. Cathy has other things in her mind. Namely, a certain lady pirate. Angela is mean as hell but Cathy knows she can control it I guess. There’s someone for everyone.
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So basically, everyone is kind of used to auradon at this point. Darry and Paul are slowly developing their relationship, twobit and Marcia are getting to know each other (not dating yet, they can’t seem to have that conversation yet). Belle and Adam have kind of adopted pony, soda, and Darry atp because Darry is dating Paul. (And because their dad sucks)
Everyone is doing pretty well, Darry is a bit insecure in his relationship with Paul because of who his father is basically. He wonders if he is somehow not good enough for Paul. He wonders if Paul also secretly thinks this and looks down on him. This is made even worse because of the cotillion thing (Darry has never even been to a formal event before so he’s freaked)
Everyone is doing okay despite that, except for Dallas. Dally (unlike mal in the movies) doesn’t care about what auradon thinks of him. What he DOES care about however, is his friends. His friends are all acclimating to Auradon and he doesn’t exactly fit in with them anymore. Dally is a bit insecure in his own way, and wonders if maybe he’s stunting them somehow and preventing them from being fully happy in Auradon. He’s dramatic and sneaks back onto the isle with his spell book.
Ofc, the second the gang realizes Dallas is GONE TO THE ISLE they freak out. He’s their family!!! they’re worried about him!!! So the gang plans to go after him.
Then Cherry joins in. Cherry is worried about Dallas. She barely even likes him, but she is committed to making the isle kids feel welcome in auradon. Cherry is under the impression that Dallas thinks he isn’t good enough for auradon (when really he thinks he isn’t good enough for his friends). She makes them take her
Meanwhile, Dallas is chilling! He stops by Tremaine’s hair salon first to try and cause problems now that he’s back on the isle. This is where he sees M&M and Cathy, Lady Tremaine’s grandchildren.
Somehow, he feels bad about stealing from them so he doesn’t and instead lets them cut his hair for him. He’s MAD about the fact that he has a conscience now.
Then Angela comes in, steals their money, and leaves (cue the gross gun scene because Angela has a hook and Cathy has gum. Toxic yuri!!)
M&M is very sad about this and dally figured he belongs in auradon more than he does.
With the rest of the gang and cherry, they’re struggling. They find Dallas, but none of them can get him to come back to auradon! They’re all very sad, cherry especially because she thinks she’s failed. They don’t keep a very close eye on her and she gets snatched up by Angela and curly lmfao. Dallas is pretty annoyed at his gang because wtf did they lose ALL of their street smarts?
Now Dallas has to deal with gay ass Timothy Hook and his gang of (two) pirate siblings.
Ofc, Tim wants fairy godmothers wand and manages to beat Dallas in an arm wrestling content for it. Dallas feels very stupid.
They all go BACK to auradon, gets Steve to make a 3d printed wand, get caught by Marcia who wants to help save cherry!! They run into Paul on their way out, who is a little suspicious of all their sneaking out. Darry tells him they’re camping and gives him a peck before running off.
Back to the isle.
Cherry is trying to convince Tim that he should let her go. Tim says he will NOT be letting her go because he wants to see Dallas squirm while he threatens his gf.
Cherry is grossed out and says that she is NOT DATING DALLAS. Tim is annoyed. Cherry came to the ISLE for Dallas surely there’s something. Cherry fake gags.
Cherry still tries to tell tim that he and his siblings can come to auradon. Tim is getting mad now. Luckily, the gang comes to take Cherry back.
They do the wand/cherry swap and get the hell out of there after a battle between the different sides. What they don’t know is that they were in too much of a rush to leave the isle, dropped Dally’s spell book, and didn’t check to make sure nobody followed them out. Dallas was so caught up in escaping with everyone else taht he forgot taht he ran away lol. When he realizes he’s back in auradon he’s embarrassed. They’re all so happy to have him back and safe and he almost feels bad for running away.
They’re back in auradon, having a blast. Darry is still incredibly nervous about cotillion, but Dallas might be even more nervous than him because Dallas isn’t even close to ready. They help each other lol
Twobit and Marcia are both feeling confident because of the fight with the pirates and confess to each other. They’re now dating!
At cotillion, Darry waits for Paul to come so that they can dance. Paul comes WITH TIM!!!! Paul introduces Tim to everyone as his new bf. Darry..
Darry doesn’t fall for that for even a second. He suddenly knows how ridiculously unrealistic this is. He KNOWS Paul is crazy for HIM AND HIM ONLY and realizes that Paul has been spelled. He stomps over, elbows Tim out if the way, kisses Paul to break whatever dumbass spell him out on him, then throws tim off of the boat.
Everyone is a little silent. They look overboard and they don’t see Tim. The auradon fellas all think Darry just killed Tim, but the isle kids know that there’s no way Tim would die that easily. Because Darry is dating Paul, he doesn’t face consequences but it certainly does make people wary of him.
They’re all waiting for Tim to show up and kill them in their sleep or something
Anyway just wait until the sketches come 😈
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witchlingcirce · 6 months
Oh… MY…. GOD. This is literally all I could have asked for this is one of the best things I’ve seen in so long I’m so HYPED!!
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This shot… I’m literally heart broken this 💔. This is obviously at Lucerys funeral and honestly it’s just…. TO MUCH. The tears in Jaces eyes, them burning Luke’s clothing because there wasn’t a body, baby Joffrey. This scene looks absolutely stunning but also so gut wrenching. I FEEL LIKE ILL DEFINITELY CRY 😭.
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Everyone knows that I manifested this, HARD. Whoever gave them a new, better wig bless you. To the person who actually put them into nice clothing, BLESS YOU TOO.
Baela is literally Laenas twin like… SHE LOOKS SO GOOD.
I’m so happy there finally getting more scenes and lines, I was praying for this. DRAGON TWINSSSS I LOVE YOUUUU
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She looks almost exactly like what I imagine a young Vhagar would look like. VHAGER IS HER MUMMY CONFIRMED!!!
It’s hard to see in this particular shot but I do like that they kept her a paler green colouring!!!! I don’t think you guys understand how much I love moondancer. She like two moments in the book and I decided I would Stan forever.
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BAELA TARGARYENNNNNNNN GETTING her own moment is something I am actually so hyped about, THATS MY WARRIOR PRINCESS.
You know I have a feeling that maybe after Rooks Rest and seeing what happens to a certain someone she mayyyyy cut her hair, like book Baela. Kind of like the thing, hair holds memories yk?
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I understand that the north storyline this season will probably only last three episodes max (damn you eight episodes)! NONETHELESS, I am beyond excited.
Can we talk about how Jacaerys is free from the ugly wig??? THANK THE HEAVENS!! There doing my boy right. Seeing him a decent amount in the trailer made me so hyped, I always thought he deserved to be seen more in the first season since YK, he’s the Heir’s heir (hahah) but I’m so glad there stepping up there game this season!!!
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RHAENYRA RHAENYRA THE WOMAN YOU ARE! Whoever made her costumes and hair this season BLESS YOUR HEART.
I think it’s obvious she’s most likely wearing a Visenya braid and she is STANDING ON BUSINESS!
Before when I was talking about the posters I was discussing how it seemed that they gave her back her cunningness and determination from the books and I am SO HAPPY THEY DID. Because THAT is a queen of he seven kingdoms THATTTTTT is MY WOMANNNNN!!!!
Also this is a side note: but I like how she refers to Aegon as Alicent Hightower’s son, not her brother or half brother but as ALICENTS SON!!!! I feel like it probably has to do with them not being close, but it also it makes it feel like Rhaenyra doesn’t consider him a true son of Viserys. Very interesting, can’t wait for there beef to get more intense.
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Rhaenyra… Rhaenyraaaas EMMA D’ARCY YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS PERSON. I’m in shock, whoever made there outfits this season did they GOOOOOODDDDDD
LOTS of theories on who’s she’s looking 🙉
1. Alicent Hightower
There was a bunch of leaks going around that there would be a final meeting between the two. I think this is an outfit that she wears in the earlier episodes so idkkk buttt If it Rhaenyra why are you looking at her like that… TOXIC YURI CONTINUES.
2. Mysaria
I feel it being Mysaria would be very interesting. Maybe it’s her pleading ‘loyalty’ towards Rhaenyra. And then later on (if there keeping it like how it is in the books) helping Daemon blah B&C.
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This is Corlys definitely telling Rhaenys not to get involved and Rhaenys telling him she has to do what’s right for her house and what’s right for Baela and Rhaena 💔💔💔
Anyways guys I’m so excited, I’m so happy that there finally giving team blacks kids moments to shine and also letting Rhaenyra be book Rhaenyra… JUNE 16th can’t come sooner!
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 51 - High-Temperature Trap (part 3)
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They're insane.
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Took him long enough. Also, love how Kerubim recognizes him by his evil-ass smile. Do you stare at him smiling a lot, whenever he comes to beat the shit out of you, Keke? Is this ingrained in your memory?
This, too, is doomed toxic platonic brotherly yuri.
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"Not my favorite brother" I know that a lot of people interpret this line as him casually dropping the ecaflip demigod lore, because, sure, they have like, 20 brothers, but... 
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But considering what we know about the Crepin family from the comic, — I like to think this is Kerubim trying to hurt Atcham by implying that he likes their dead brothers, — whom they barely remember due to those dying when they were like 7, — more than him.
This might be a reach, but it's a funny reach, okay?
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It's so nice of him to correct Kerubim on the exact wording of the death threat he usually uses. 🥰
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I'm insane. Just so you know. Like I have no comment, other than saying that I am insane. "My dear Kerubim," and "your beloved brother" make me lose my mind.
This is beef between two people who used to be besties. The affection they held for one another is used as a sort of sarcastic ammo. From Atcham's side, with "dear," and "beloved brother," and from Kerubim's side, with "not my favorite brother."
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There's a lot to unpack here, and a lot of it was unpacked in previous posts, — but...
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Atcham viewing Kerubim's situation when they were kids as better is depressing.
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Despite this being a perfect plan to kill Kerubim, even the idea of besting Kerubim in the self-esteem psychic warfare makes him grin. If he can't get rid of him, he will put him in his place.
To Atcham, Kerubim is the egotistical one, obsessed with what other people think of him, — and to Kerubim, Atcham is the psychotic insane menace to society. And neither really stops to think about the fact that they hate the other for the things they do themselves
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You just know Atcham is thinking about how narcissistic and mentally ill Kerubim is to be caught in a saw trap like that. Despite being the "so obsessed with Kerubim that he keeps building him saw traps" guy.
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Yet again, I'd like to reiterate, that I NEED Kerubim to drop the Atcham lore.
This is what I keep saying about Atcham being edited out of Kerubim's life — and about Atcham probably building other saw traps for him.
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Here, Kerubim attempts to reach out and let Indie know that, despite everything, he does like him. Indie's response is that when Kerubim dies, his body will be an awesome to display in his museum.
I already talked at length about how fucked this moment is, in the long Kerubim analysis. God.
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I really do think that Kerubim had a lot of warm feelings towards Indie that may not have been entirely reciprocated, which lead to him playing up his own hatred towards Indie.
...And he had to deal with Indie saying this, while the other person he tries to hate but can't quite manage to, was present.
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I would say this is worse than going to a battle too.
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From Kerubim's point of view, Indie didn't lose because he might have deep, hidden feelings of camaraderie for him. He lost because he was a better person.
While Kerubim proved himself to be exactly who Atcham thinks he is: someone so egotistical that he'd rather die, than be embarrassed.
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Drinking tea from a dainty little cup while his evil twin is dying. Freak.
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He assumes that everyone is as obsessed with their self-esteem issues and hatred as he and Kerubim are.
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Just like it didn't occur to Kerubim to stop giving a damn and prove his brother wrong for once, it didn't occur to Atcham that Indie might not hate Kerubim that much, or care about winning.
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You won the war for Indie's heart, Keke, and all it took is a near-death experience and him learning even a bit about your insane familial drama. We are so back.
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One of the crack theories I used to have, is that Atcham might have killed indie sometime before the movie, — however, considering he doesn't recognize Lilotte, I think he's just saying shit to be scary here, in hopes Indie changes his mind.
Very eloquent. sdfgsdfgdsfg
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Official Miu Iruma Post
[contains debate about the 4th case & trial of v3, post-game irouma, a dating show au with saiouma & kiiruma, talk about her abandonment issues, parental HCs and toxic yuri, just the normal way conversations in the Pit go, I simply cut out some of the screaming, distractions and put displaced replies closer to what they're replying to]
Hina: Kokichi’s Chapter 4 plan right It’s to do two things: Save him from Miu Make himself the villain Right Cause if that’s the plan WHY PUSH MIUS BODY OFF THE ROOF Clown: That was gontas idea!! Hina: No I’m blaming Kokichi for this fuck you Ves: i think he actually meant to kill everyone but that's an unpopular opinion sndhsgfgfh Hina: THEN HE SHOULDVE LET MIU KILL HIM IM SORRY MIU HAD THE BEST MURDER PLOT IN V3 AND SHE DIDNT EVEN GET TO USE IT BECAUSE KOKICHIS A FUCKING MINDREADER Apollo: LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW? WHAT. SHE WAS ACTING WEIRD SO HE CHECKED THE COMPUTER CODE? [yes. I assumed that this was just. canon] Sini: HE COULDN’T LET MIU KILL HIM Ves: NO?????????? THAT WOULD BE FUCKIGN STUPID???????????????????? Hina: No but if his plan was to kill everyone, Miu probably could’ve gotten everyone killed Ves: "i COULD convince the strong one and the detective to help me and carefully manipulate the trial til the end, but why don't i just throw it all to the wind instead-" miu was VERY OBVIOUSLY gonna kill someone dude Clown: MIUS SO BAD AT HIDING HER INTENTIONS BUT ITS OKAY I LOVE HER
Hina: Okay no I’ll give him that But Kokichi makes a lot of assumptions Like the “He’d be frozen in a touch” thing That’s a big assumption to make Ves: NO IT IS NOT THAT IS JUST ASSUMING MIU ISN'T COMICALLY STUPID IF SHE DIDN'T THINK OF THAT SHE WOULDN'T DESERVE TO BE CALLED A GENIUS if miu has control over the virtual world, then of course she'd add some way to stop him from resisting. that's an educated guess Clown: He didn't think he was going to be frozen but I think he assumes Miu was smart enough to make a fail safe!! She needed to do something to make him killable. I don't think he knew what it was but he knew she did something! Especially since she's openly telling everyone that she took away all dangerous objects and diminished their strength?? What are you scheming queen?? Apollo: I get he's smart but can he even read code because I doubt it was just written 'freezes when Miu touches' [with what monokubs pulled up for them. it was kind of written like that] Hina: No code is usually written very fucking simple Me: It wasn't an assumption? He knew. Because he looked into what she was doing.
Apollo: I still think he should have just 'decided to piss her off' and not show up to the meeting on the rooftop. Either that or he acts real sus so someone follows him up and sees her about to murder him Clown: I think he did act kinda suspicious! Like actively making a show of needing someone to watch him or clearly getting pulled off to the side so Miu could talk to him. Chee: He was being more sus than usual and that made V3 think “someone needs to watch him” Idk why they sent Gonta over when its Kokichi actually Clown: I like to think he gave her a chance to back out. If Miu had seen him act this way and still proceed with her plan. Well that that was that. Again. Probably not what they were intending BUT LET ME BELIEVE THEY WERE FRIENDS AT ONE POINT SOBS Chee: DUDE NO I ALSO LOVE THINKING THEYRE FRIENDS THEY FUCKING WORKED TOGETHER FOR FUCKS SAKE Tehyre friends to me fuck whatever canon goes against that!! Ves: she picks him because he's one of the only people who would conceivably go to a secluded place with her and that Hurts me Me: With his views on killers he most likely thought that Miu will go for a kill no matter what and will do something else if she's not forcefully stopped. Plus, he was pissed off first, she betrayed him and he was especially cruel when talking about her after that, some elements of the plan were going out of the way to say "fuck you" to Miu (and using that to draw more suspicion to himself, but that was not necessary to do that), I think he wanted Gonta to be the winner, as somebody who stayed on his team, making it his victory, but then Gonta wasn't following the plan, meaning that he must have betrayed him too, and then Kokichi lost it
Sini: OOOOH! You mean the interpretation of him killing everyone… Let’s be real, if that’s the case, then yeah, he was dumb. Cause even with what Ves said, HE STILL FUCKED UP! FUCK REVERSE PSYCHOLOG! WHY TF WOULD YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH SM YOU DUMB BITCH!? YOU’RE GIVING OUT MORE EVIDENCE He was so dumb for it, idc. Bro, stfu….Saying Gonta is the culprit!? WHY!?!? SHUT UUUPPPP I get the logic but fuck man! It’s so risky and stupid! Why would you do that!? Ves: OH I DON'T THINK THAT WAS PART OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN CAN YOU IMAGINE LMAO that's BEYOND "risky and stupid" sini did you think i thought this the whole time HE'S BETRAYING GONTA AT THAT POINT I- Chee: YEAH I THINK THAT WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN Me: It definitely wasn't part of the original plan, that was the moment he snapped Sini: Oh. I knew that too but I forgot how you interpreted it. But he does similar shit even in the beginning of the trial. I just….I think it’s dumb. This is part of why I don’t think he planned to kill everyone Oh yeah, I know that. I just wasn’t sure what they meant, there are many ways you can interpret this theory. But yeah, I agree that he thought there would be no reasoning with her and she would kill him regardless. While he could’ve let Miu kill him, keeping Miu alive is good in case the plan were to ever fail. Her plan was really good, even Shuichi noted that without finding out about the secret of the virtual world that they would’ve been fucked. She could’ve very well won had he just let her kill him, but still, it’s better he have control over the situation than potentially die for no reason while the game continues. I get that. But like….What did Gonta do to not follow with the plan? From what I remember, by the time Kokichi outed Gonta….He didn’t do anything?? No one suspected him until he brought it up. Gonta became suspect because of him. Why would he do that? Are you saying he got so pissed that Gonta was good at not being sus that he changed his mind? Cause I honestly find that ridiculous. It is literally essential that Gonta not be suspicious so that they win…. Was it a method to make Gonta not suspicious by making him suspicious? But again, why? No one was ever suspecting him and he should know that most of everyone would never suspect him as the culprit at that point because it’s Gonta. Yes, they’ve suspected Gonta plenty times before and you could say they only reacted that way cause Kokichi was the one saying it, but…I feel at that point everyone grew closer to Gonta and would have that genuine bias. Kokichi outing Gonta just led to him spewing more evidence that got them fucked even before he snapped at him. He was basically giving hints since the beginning of the trial. I always read it like he was doing what he usually did until Shuichi and the others pissed him off. Then Gonta pissed him off by denying everything and everyone believing him despite the evidence. Ves: it's not that gonta didn't follow the plan, it's that he followed it too well. you have to remember that kokichi had no way of knowing about the cord mixup; from his perspective, gonta was just lying his ass off. and he was lying so well kokichi wouldn't've been able to tell if he hadn't seen him kill her. even in an interpretation where he planned to betray gonta from the beginning, i think that would've freaked him the hell out
Sini: But he wasn’t really lying before…. He wasn’t doing anything. He was barely present in the trial until that point. Ig that’s a form of lying, maybe Kokichi expected him to be all nervous and shit?? But….Is that good enough reason to out him and abandon your plan??? I see some people say how he could’ve suspected Gonta as the mastermind, but I can only see him suspecting that after he outed him. And even then…If he was the mastermind…Why would he follow his plan in the virtual world in the first place? Surely Kokichi must’ve thought of that. To think he’s the mastermind based off of good lying alone, while understandable, is also a bit of a stretch. Kokichi knows there is more to Gonta than what people see, he’s seen him lie before. It’s just at that moment where it’s taken to a whole other level that even rivals his own (at least that’s what he thinks). But still…I just….He said that unprompted and I can’t think of a good reason as to why he’d do that after planning all this out There is Gonta debating Shuichi before I think but that’s still not enough to do something like call him the culprit I feel…. I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m giving Kokichi too much credit, but it’s weird. Ves: gonta has repeated that he doesn't understand over and over in a very convincing (because it's true) way by that point tho idk ch4 doesn't make a lot of sense to me without the idea that kokichi was originally planning to follow through TBF though it's the clearest example of kokichi being a microcosm of v3; it's meant to be up to the player to decide what they believe, and that means there's evidence both ways. it's definitely a weird way to write a character Sini: But again, Kokichi knows he isn’t stupid. He must know he can probably pull off just saying “I don’t understand”. Not to mention, I don’t think he’d do something like this at all. Chapter 1 he acknowledges how if they die, they can just bring in new people and the games will continue. While everyone dying is a unsatisfying ending, it’s not enough to end the game. It has enough entertainment value and not enough scandal where it could do that much damage. Kokichi must still think this is all a show even if at that moment where he believed what he saw in the vault was real. Is it really winning the game and bringing justice to those who died if he follows the rules practically to a T and kills everyone? It’s not that much of a satisfying ending for him either. Ig he could’ve not known what else to do and was overwhelmed with despair, but I personally don’t think he’d want things to go that way. But that’s just me. I agree that it’s written in a way where you don’t really know what’s the truth. I understand the theory and I think the idea is cool, with enough evidence to support it. To me though, it just doesn’t jive
[I just got hit in the face with a crack theory: What if he made it so it looks like he gave in to the motive and wants to kill everyone so the mastermind doesn't intervene before he gets to flip the switch on them?] Ves: that's a totally fair interpretation!! i haven't asked - do you think he believed what he saw at the end of the tunnel :o? oh and also. i think believing what he saw would undo his ch1 belief about them just bringing more people in..? where would they get them from Clown: I guess that's assuming he'd believe the world really did end. But thats vauge too, how much did he believe it? How long? Did he even believe it in the first place? WHO KNOWS Ves: i think he did believe it. i mean, he was THERE. he saw the broken world stretch out to the horizon, he felt the air leave his lungs that's very different than a flashback light Sini: Well, that’s the thing. I feel like he believed what he saw but soon afterward started to doubt it given everything else he witnessed. Why things are the way they are…It only makes sense if it’s a show. Kokichi himself acknowledges that in Chapter 5. The flashback lights….There’s so many things to not be trusted here. If they can pull off crazy rooms, executions, and robots, could they fabricate what he saw and experienced? Maybe it is real but there are survivors out there. I think Kokichi was in constant conflict about it Ves: it could be a show for just one person. i think that'd haunt him and yeah i agree about him being in constant conflict Clown: I do think he believed it for a good while!! It's hard not to. It probably effected him more than he realized. But at the same time the world around his is changing in completely unnatural ways, he acknowledges that it feels as though they're following a script sometimes. So that gave him room for doubts. But he couldn't really be sure Kodaka was a coward for not giving us a bonus unlockable scene where ouma sees the world end, BY HIMSELF, ALL ALONE, and just implodes in on himself for a little while I wanna see how he reacted!!! I wanna see why he even managed to get up again!! Ves: MAYBE I'M ALSO A COWARD JESUS Sini: I’m fine with not getting anything. The whole point is that he’s a mysterious character. The way we see him is supposed to be somewhat similar to how Shuichi sees him, constantly questioning wtf he is up to and how he feels But that would be cool tho Clown: I can agree with that! I do love that there's so much room to theorize about him This is entirely self indulgent askshjdh WHERES THE POV SWITCH KODAKA?? WHERE?? Sini:Yeah, same. I indulgently want a Kokichi Ouma novel but writing wise that’s a shitty idea Clown: Yeahhh, unless their willing to break away from the embodiment of a lie thing, at least a little, than i wouldn't have high hopes Or they could evilify him more thats also something that could happen
Hina: Me writing a whole Kokichi Miu fight scene be like Chee: no dude I actually enjoy that BC THERES NO WAY AFTER ALL THAT HAPPENED IN GAME THEY WOULDNT FIGHT Im just still praying theyll be friends after the fighting or something [sob emoji]
[conversation went into detail about how fucked up Kokichi novel could turn out to be if we got it (and so it's best it doesn't happen)] Clown: Miu and kokichi get an explosive divorce Ves: okay no i want this actually that sounds HILARIOUS Sini: That already happened in V3 tho Me: they are SO divorcecore <3 /pos Ves: they are the OPPOSITE of the "i don't argue with beautiful women, my wife hits me with a hammer and i walk it off" tweet Me: and I love that for them! frenemies irouma is nice, but they could take that to a higher level Ves: IT IS romantic iruma is just so inherently hilarious that "higher level" is divorce court Sini: “My wife tried to hit me with a hammer, that bitch got strangled” Clown: It's like the ending of one of those shows where they try and pair everyone off into couples but they explode as a result Maybe literally Miu puts a bomb in oumas cereal Sini: It’s their love language, dw Clown: They only got married because the people of their affections also got hit with the straight people ray and they're mourning together/hj Shuichi should marry maki to make it worse Ves: they're all cheating on each other Worst Suburb Of All Time Me: this gave me a VIOLENT flashback to that one hamilton songfic (Say No To This? I think) where Miu wrote Saihara a threathening letter bc Ouma was her husband and saiou was having an affair
Sini: Salmon Mode: Love is Blind edition Ves: hold on i've got a better one the ultimatum …actually hold on maybe i'm NOT joking an ultimatum au would kinda slap… are saiou in preexisting relationships or did they come together shuuichi issuing the ultimatum to kokichi would be TASTY but so would them falling in love and leaving their unhappy relationships for each other,,,, one person in a couple wants to get married, the other isn't so sure. they go on the show where they pick another person to be in a 'trial marriage' for a couple weeks, then go back to their original partners, then decide 'the ultimatum' is 'marry or our relationship is over' Clown: Oohh man I dunno. Them as a preexisting couple is ANGST AND PAIN and ✨️ drama ✨️ But them coming together is [teary eyed cat emoji] Hina: Okay but that's so good if they're preexisting in a relationship Me: the "getting back together" energy (despite there being no break-up and only a threat of it) is definitely up your alley and it could be neat, but them getting paired up for a few weeks fake relationship that's not intended to last should be injected in my bloodstream immediately or I'll die Ves: they're meant not to last, to be a test before they go back to their Real partners, but they find themselves happier than they ever were AUUUUUGH Hina: If we're being realistic though wouldn't Kokichi bail the moment Shuichi offers an ultimatum like that? Ves: IF WE'RE BEING REALISTIC NEITHER OF THEM WOULD GO ON REALITY TV IN THE FIRST PLACE THIS EXISTS SO I CAN HAVE FUNNY SAIOUMA COUCH ASIDES AND ENDGAME SMOOCHES Clown: Can't remove brain from shuichi giving the ultimatum because ouma is a flighty nerd- NEED THERE TO BE A SWEET SCENE WHERE GONTA AND KOKICHI BOND BECAUSE OF THEIR SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES BUT ON OPPOSITE ENDS. Gontas straightforward point of view seems illogical, it doesnt even take into account how much could go wrong, but its suprisingly comforting. Maybe ouma shouldn't focus on the fail safes… AND HE GAINS PLUS 1 BUDDY OLE PAL [I skipped a big part of the conversation suggesting other couples, but one of them was Gonta and Kirumi] Ves: gonta and kokichi come out Best Friends he's the best man at the saiou wedding unsure if kokichi gets this privilege also because. kirumi. but STILL Clown: She doesn't want his greasy face in the wedding party thats understandable If you wanna add some ✨️ drama ✨️ maybe shuichi is just a tad jealous over seeing ouma so genuinely connect with someone. After such a short time too?? Shuichi goes "this is fine" as if he isn't iron gripping the table Ves: he thinks kokichi's left him for bigger tits greener pastures meanwhile gonta is patting his back while he wails drunkenly about shuuichi inevitably leaving him he's NOT jealous he is a responsible partner he does not feel Bad Emotions he does NOT- he's not coping and seething that gonta is better at protecting kokichi from spiders
Ves: who is shuuichi's partner. rantarou is Not Allowed it hurts my brain Hina: Wow smh Miu/j Ves: he'd never pick her but GOD it'd be funny Clown: MAYBE KIIBO, FOR THE EXTRA LACK OF BRAIN CELLS Did Miu drag kiibo there?? Ves: love hotel abandonment issues flashbacks Clown: She would vent this in a completely public scandalous way I love that for her Miu iruma the walking disaster beloved Ves: why doesn't kiibo want to get married? is it just bc miu's being Like That about it or does he have his own issues Hina: What if their relationship is still fairly new Like less than a year Clown: "We aren't financially stable and the average expectancy of dating years before marriage is 4-6 years, we haven't yet to agree upon how many kids we would have because 8 is illogical. I think we should wai-" and Miu is throwing a tantrum Ves: i don't think i've ever seen kiiruma as anything but a fluffy side ship this is spinning in my brain oughhh miu iruma you are the worst gf of all time i love you messy bitch she's gonna key his car they are neurodiverging in opposite directions kiibo's autistic robot ass is planning things out according to nothing but logic meanwhile miu is traumatized and brain damaged and putting beans in all his shoes he doesn't Get why she's so sensitive about this he's said he's not going to leave her, and he's never proved himself a liar, so why doesn't she believe him??? actually on that topic. why do u guys think miu is Like That?? she apparently has very severe abandonment issues but they're brought up ONCE and NEVER EXPLAINED it bothers me i need to fill that gap with hc
Sini: Miu [handshake emoji] Kokichi Crippling trust/abandonment issues. Your love? They do not see Ves: and that's why they make such inch resting friends :) Sini: I hc her mother left her and her dad. Perhaps she also had a childhood friend who abandoned her since in the Love Hotel she sees you as one Ves: i'm inclined to say someone (a parent?) just BOOKED it while she was in the coma Clown: Oohhh!!! Similar hc!!! I also think she was raised by a single dad. Mom was too focused on her career Ves: i gave her a single mom LMAO does she just radiate Divorced Kid Energy??? Sini: SHE DOES HONESTLY What if they left after her coma? I can imagine it going like that…. Ves: i mean her personality was probably different by then maybe they just…didn't like her anymore…… Clown: Ahsgshwhs, I just think part of her sense of humor comes from the fact that her father was like…one of those drunk uncles who gives you shittiest dating advice and has been divorced 3 times and is not at all a bad person but has clearly made far too many mistakes. And he's her MAIN caretaker. And so he talked to her more like a friend than a daughter and so she really was craving some sort of bond she considered unbreakable, someone to take care of her. AND WHATS THAT?? ON TV?? YOUR ROMANTIC ENDEAVOR WOULD DIE FOR YOU?? YES PLEASE??? Ves: SHE JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR FOR HER, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK Sini: Men these days, smh Hina: Easy, don't date men Ves: WOMEN WILL NOT FIX HER ISSUES HINA Clown: WOMEN COULD MAKE HER WORSE, TOXIC DOOMED YURI WHEN Ves: her and ouma, if you're not a COWARD Sini: Toxic doomed yuri fem!Kokichi/Miu. 100k words- Me: where [and I still don't see a fucking link] Hina: Ever female Kokichi I've seen scares me So yes I am a coward Me: multigendered Kokichi then, it can still be yuri and that's my preferred hc anyway Ves: kokichi's already a girl to ME. multigender queen Hina: I mean Big boobs Heterosexual Female Kokichi Sini: The big boobs are a red flag Me: I can excuse heterosexuality, but I draw the line at Kokichi with boobs /ref Sini: YOU EXCUSE HETEROSEXUALITY!?
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Thanks for the response on this one regarding the vicious cycle Chloe & the class are stuck in. Its a very well thought out response!
Cos yeah this is explicitly learned behavior either from Andre's or demonstrated by Audrey & she also sees it work for them & its encouraged to one degree or another.
So when it doesn't work and people lash out at her as her mother often does & her father does when her actions impact him. She is not learning a lesson save to fight harder.
Mhm, the rare acknowledgement of her actual strides makes it even harder to change too, not just from a lack of positive reinforcement but a sense of like... She has no idea where that path will lead. At least with the familiar she knows what to expect.
As an addition, this was actually inspired by a fic idea I tinkered with:
Basically alt 4, Kagami realized Mari is Ladybug, things go down hill with Adrien faster & she needs a break from her friendship with Marinette (Who does feel bad) because of 'all that' But it gets a bit misinterpreted by outsiders unaware leading to tension.
In struts Chloe who is publicly disintegrating with no one noticing or seemingly giving a shit. Suddenly seeing a person she'd been seething with jealousy over now apparently on the outs with people who hate her.
A mood takes her & Kagami's just lonely enough to go along with what ends up being a kind of scream karaoke, break stuff, maybe fight a little vent session which... Actually helps? She wasn't totally honest but having her negative emotional validated was nice.
Anyway, being who they are, they kind of rush into a relationship.
Kagami finds fairly quickly hat Chloe's actually quite straight forward to engage with so long as she doesn't feel like she's being attacked. IE, be firm but not aggressive & she generally listens. So she's quite good at getting Chloe to reign herself in. While Chloe is helping her let out emotions over bottling them up till she explodes.
Chloe's got a less healthy attitude on it as 'nothing good stays'. She's also aware she's basically a rebound girlfriend & even embraces it if she's feeling antagonistic. Compounded with a subconscious:
"Want to engage in self destructive toxic yuri that alters the directions of our lives & your perspective on love as I crash & burn?"
Can you hear the self loathing?
Anyway it led me to imagining a scene where Kagami's trying to explain to the class/a classmate that fighting Chloe hasn't led to any progress & obviously yes being a doormat doesn't work but:
"This is easier than you are making it."
They say madness is repeating the same action & expecting different results. Thus its not just Chloe but the entire class that's mad.
yeah everyone's stuck in a cycle and I do think that someone like Kagami, who is ultimately 'good' but exists in a similar world filled with shades of gray, is a lot healthier for getting Chloé to be 'good' than the Miracuclass that are very..... the Power of Friendship.
Not that it should be her responisibility, mind. Not that it should be any of their responsibility. But in terms of who's on hand and will get involved...
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i love to read people yap about this show lol so here's another ask: do u maybe wanna expand on why you like the other dynamics u mentioned? People on here talk a lot about Deon n toxic yuri queens Natascha + Vanessa (rightfully so!) but I haven't heard or read much about jojonessa or marlkong (the latter always kind of floats around but isn't discussed that much i feel)
Gladly !!
With Jojonessa, I just think their friendship is very sweet. Like Jojo being the one who immediately accepted and wanted Vanessa to be part of the team and clearly thought that she was so cool and was never afraid to defend her. On the other hand there’s Vanessa being always ready to break the law or go “fuck this dude” for Jojo’s sake. Gotta love how protective they can get over one another. And ofc there’s that scene of Vanessa referring to herself as Jojo’s sister, which I will never be normal about. Jojo has quite a traumatizing backstory with his father being dead and mother being treated at a clinic so Vanessa going “yea you have now something like a sister” really solidifies that he doesn’t have to deal with all of that alone and that his friends are like a family to him. But yeah all though I like them way more as friends or even with a big sister and little brother type of dynamic but I’m not opposed to romantic Jojonessa either. They do have a certain “me and my cool wife” charm to them. Jojo watching Vanessa with heart shaped eyes as she bites an energy drink open with her teeth
With Marlkong, I like the whole Kong’s redemption arc episode and how those two kinda became friends. That whole plot point kinda subverted my expectations, I know the whole “befriending the enemy” is a trope that exists but I still wasn’t expecting it on my first watch and I thought it was done in a nice way. It makes sense when thinking of the teams characteristics for Marlon to be the one to reach his hand out for Kong and give him a chance. Since he’s more calm and less of a hater when compared to his brother for example. I wouldn’t still necessarily say I ship them too much but they do have a lot of potential together, personally I like the idea of Marlon whose used to being the backbone of everything and always helping everyone being the one to actually receive help this time and it’s from Kong going “hey dude thanks for believing in me but you gotta stand up for yourself more sometimes, let me help you with that”. It would also offer some more development for Kong’s character if he’s now willing to help someone out just for the sake of it. But yeah if anyone in the fandom has a proper Marlkong essay please drop it, would love to read it, I know they’re constantly rotating in some peoples brains🙏
I’ll also yap a bit about Leonessa since I also mentioned them in the post you were referring to. I think the whole “characters who are always bitching at each others but also care about each other a lot” trope is really great. I like how their friendship kinda developed through the series all though I’m convinced they were like seconds away from starting to bite the other multiple times. In my heart they’re wlw/mlm hostility icons but I don’t mind romantic Leonessa either
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Ik that a lot of people said this but
Starting with the MLM ships, ALMOST EVERYONE IS INVOLVED IN A LOVE TRIANGLE, the only one who isn't involved was Jaiden, even I don't know if it counts since Aiden is also in a love triangle.
The jakextomxaiden thing was completely unnecessary, we already have a miscommunication problem with Jake and Tom, the love triangle wasn't necessary (Also, that unfinished and hasty closure they gave to jakextom... ugh)
THE wlw ship, yeah, SHIP WITHOUT A S, is gabellie. I LOVE that they didn't ruin them as Jakextom and actually managed to solve their problems, but GOD, they time of screen time is SO low. Specifically in Piggyback that it was supposed to be their song, but NO, let's give that screen time to Tomden.
I remember people saying theorizing a love triangle between Tess, Gabby and Ellie. THANK GOD IT DIDN'T HAPPEN (NO HATE TO THE TESSGABBY, TESSELLIE OR TESSGABBYELLIE! Your ships are valid!)
Oh! Speaking of love triangles and yuri, why don't we talk about Huntessally. After S2, it was implied that the three of them were going to end up in a polyamorous relationship, but no, onc seems to be afraid of that and we only have HunterAlly. But ok, maybe they were preparing polyamory for S3
So far, 07/21/2024, nothing has happened.
The thing that bothered me the most was that after Hunter left there were Tessally scenes, which came to nothing.
Speaking of the straight ships. only ONE of them isn't toxic and it's the one with less screen time in the series, exactly, AshleyWill. All the other ones are toxic or just part of a love triangle.
The DerekKristal thing is not that bad, they don't have the fault that Trevor falled in love with Derek... THE PROBLEM IS THE LOVE TRIANGLE
Now on to our last love triangle, Connor and Alec with Riya... The most unnecessary thing in the world. (Again, not hate to the Riya x Alec shippers. This hate goes to the writing)
Oh! And Grett x Yul... I will be honest, I still don't understand how Yul passed from loving Grett to treat her like shit. But meh, Yul is an asshole, the probabilities of that ship going well were really low
My writing take? Not using love triangles, with jakextomxaiden was enough (and not even that because it was annoying). Huntessally canon, more Gabellie screen time and probably a non toxic straight ship on AS
(Everything I said only applies to All stars, anything I haven't mentioned is because I forgot or they simply aren't in AS)
(Off topic, but I never understood if Dan was just asexual or also aroace)
Sorry for my bad English
also dan is just asexual 🙂‍↕️👍🏼
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gontagokuhara · 3 months
What if I also asked some pointy objects hypotheticals once again 👉👈👉👈 I want to like ask me silly little questions without asking anything that may reveal The Lore™ so as for my 3am hypothetical questions (i could only think of 3):
-are meetings mandatory/can anyone call them?🤔
-generally how do the demis fare in school (since they all have different schooling and kokichi allegedly cheats off of kaede 😭)
-[in regards to all the characters/pairings,] on a scale of most toxic to least toxic which pointy objects pairings do you think are at the ends of the scale 😭
(Ngl last question was a self-indulgent way to share my opinions LOL for most toxic I vote junko+mikan BOOOO let my girl mikan go (although idk if she's all that good from that whole betrayal thing and attempted child murder thing but still booooo THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE U MIKAN) , for most healthy I vote hmmm uhm I actually vote Maki and Kaede!!! I LOVE their communication and lore in this story this fic singlehandedly made me ship them 10× more than shuichi+kaede actually) Okay BYEEE goodnight heart emojis *LOUD SNORE* mememmemeeme
HELLOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always i adore your questions and comments and you have brought me some FUN ones so here we go off beneath the cut to indulge the terminal pointy objects brainworms
(spoilers? no. but i Do do some dancing around some interesting topics. teehee)
so: godly meetings! we've heard quite a bit about them, but don't actually know that much other than: they happen when important events take place, they're meant to be kept hush-hush from mortals, and even at the best of times they're kind of a veritable shitshow with even Career Politician Kiyotaka losing his patience with how they pan out. a big group of silly characters from this series all in a group yelling at each other following big things happening.....where have i heard that before?
to answer your more specific question: theoretically anyone could call a meeting, and they definitely have in the past, but generally one of the big five gods are at the helm. in which case they are mandatory, but whether or not all of the gods (of which there are a few dozen) show up is......another issue entirely. lmfao. most of the big five rarely ever go Lmfao it's usually hajime/makoto, celeste skipped the last several for uh. Rantarou Reasons. usually only hajime Or nagito go so one of them can stay at camp. most times absences are more of an annoyance than anything but since the spear went missing (and junko started calling meetings) said absences end up with a way worse impact.
but in Normal times like i said usually hajime or nagito stay behind, and unless there's an absolute emergency one of them is always at camp to keep an eye on the kids. which includes schooling for a lot of them! and as for our year-round kids (gonta, miu, kaede, kokichi, maki, ryoma, kiibo, kaito): it's about what you'd expect. gonta does all of his work by hand while everyone else has an online schooling that hajime and chihiro set up, they take it a varyingly amount of seriously no matter what hajime and nagito tell them about university, kokichi says he just cheats off kaede but secretly they both cheat off each other. tbh most of the summer-only kids go to fancy expensive private schools because they've got (generally) the better parents; angie's the only one that doesn't because she lives on her island with sakura most of the year.
and finally: toxic yuri/yaoi rating <3 you're so real actually for this one to give your hot takes (correct) and i will always take the opportunity to go on about my characters no matter how minimal to the story they are. SO for the purposes of this ranking instead of ranking them one-by-one (i tried tbh and it was really hard :sob:) i'm gonna put them in categories, descending in order of bad -> good
messy messy this is the stuff soap operas are made of:
junko/mikan (toxic yuri of a whole different breed THUMBS DOWN)
celeste/[REDACTED] (toxic yuri: classic edition)
gundham/fuyuhiko (relatively new relationship, both incredibly dramatic, they flirt by arguing)
messy but relatively functional:
makoto/byakuya (common problem-causers amongs the gods, definite flair for the dramatic but operate usually as a unit)
hajime/nagito (married longer than practically anyone else, large amount of people rely on them and places a large amount of trust in them as a team, this drives them kind of insane however. also izuru)
touko[+syo]/komaru (very solid in their relationship however have a tendency to be terrors about their children. in syo's case a terror in general)
flourishing. unbothered. except for the obvious:
kiyotaka/mondo (intense in contrasting enough ways that they balance each other pretty well. as long as maki isn't involved)
sonia/chiaki (new relationship, they hype each other up well, still figuring out how to break the step-sibling news to kiibo and himiko)
aoi/sakura (also an ancient relationship. eternal honeymoon phase. the most Straight Chillin pair among the gods due to loophole of hina living In The Ocean while sakura lives on the island with her non-bio child)
the demigods:
tenko/himiko (middle school sweethearts. very puppy love and sweet. have never had eyes for anyone else)
kiibo/gonta (newest relationship out of the whole bunch. less than 1 day together but hardcore mutual pining for AGES. especially protective of each other)
kaede/maki (untoxic yuri for the win. also very very fresh with even LOOONGER pining oh my god. intimate deeply impactful world-altering girl best friends -> girlfriends arc FOREVER!!! still have some stuff to figure out but their bond runs down to their bones)
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
oh yes!!! yes that is such a wonderful speech and i am fanning myself in the bathroom rn.
i love open endings haha. maybe on the boat there's the vague sound of alejandro's screams of pain but they're both like "nah it's probably nothing" and hug in a friends way.
i haven't said this but duncan has to sing duncanrific the comeback song which he gets around by doing one verse and letting everyone argue until chris cuts it for going over time.
also lindsay and noah friendship: the normal way would be to build it up premerge before he gets eliminated but the au of an au way would be to change the tone of the au somewhat and have him be her merge alliance instead of heather. which also gives her a marginally better excuse for not having noticed the aletyler manipulation. i saw that nowen aftermath fic i think it works.
anyway this time ... well owen obviously wouldn't be the merge elimination this time so the options are cody heather and sierra. last two would probably be easier to get the votes for i think. (it would be funny if noah was still kind of attracted to alejandro. toxic yaoi when.) - lindsanon
Ah, thank you. I tried to heavily reference your draft speech there, so a lot of the work was already done. 🤷‍♀️
Open endings are a lot more fun than definitive ones, because you can use them as diving boards into new stories! Or, have other people inspired by your initial story carry is on, using your open ending as their starting point. OR, just having things end indeterminately for the sake of it is great too- a lot of things IRL end without cut-and-dry resolutions, after all.
Duncan being forced to sing a Fergalicious parody will never NOT be funny, I can just imagine him seething through the one verse he's made to sing. It's a smart move, getting the others to inadvertently take over the song.
I think having Lindsay keep her post-merge alliance with Heather has more impact, thanks to their shared history. Lindsay and Noah's friendship in this AU shouldn't overshadow the greater plotline/story arc; as much as we all love having Noah around he really isn't a major character. If you want to make him one, however, that's up to you.
Having Noah in a constant state of "Oh No He's Hot" whilst trying his best to keep his feelings towards Alejandro strictly negative is my bread and butter. He's the cold, logical one, things like attraction won't override his rationality (spoiler, they totally will). Toxic yaoi stays winning. But that's not the focus of this story.
Anyway, if Lyler are going to remain friend-ish by the end of the story, that means Lindsay and Beth can finally become the wholesome yuri they were always meant to be! (/hj)
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rappaccini · 2 months
1, 6, 7, 8, 9 for chose violence ask
(from this)
alright i'm assuming you're talking about spiderverse because that's what half the people following me found me through. however, because you didn't specify... i'm gonna do the spider-gwen comics.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
harry osborn. he is Great and it is criminal that the entire fandom ignores him and his relationship with gwen. he's an incredible character in his own right as a harry osborn variant who gets a full redemption arc and gets to grow up into a settled, well-adjusted kind man... which is in many ways as rare as a gwen stacy getting to live and be her own person and it's so. fucking. interesting. that the only world where that's happened is the world they share. ghostgoblin is the healthiest, most compelling canon romance she's ever had and the friendship dynamic is just as strong. this is the only straight boy who can be trusted with spider-gwen (not peter. not peter 65. not miles. harry). and it's absolutely aggravating that he got put in a coma right as he and gwen started flirting, has been just Missing since 2018 and was written out of spiderverse-gwen's origin story.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
you knew i was gonna say gwiles / ghostflower.
well. i am. it's them, baby. even the 'ghostflower-specific' shippers piss me off. like, it's a very pretty ship name, but the ship is rancid and the shippers aren't much better, and the whole 'us ghostflower shippers aren't like the others' rebrand keeps falling flat. "we ship it in the movies!" okay. then stop trying to get rid of miles's poc girlfriends everywhere else as you swear you're not racist. stop insisting every gwen that ever exists should only exist to date miles as you swear you're not sexist. stop downplaying or ignoring gwen's queerness in favor of the Straightest Relationship Gwen Could Ever Be In as you pat yourselves on the back for supporting it. we see you. you're not any better than the overtly shitty gwiles bros.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
miles. i like his character a lot, but because of the gwilesification of it all if this guy's in the same appearance or on the same world as gwen i immediately mentally factory reset to that squidward stay-away-from-her meme and it stays that way until he's gone.
.... and em jay. i just strongly dislike the way everyone's buffing all the flaws and shitty behavior in the gwen-em jay power dynamic away and insisting she's gwen's soulmate. i cannot have a single conversation with em jay 65 about anyone because it's either 'who's that' or 'oh you mean gwen's perfect toxic yuri wife! what abuse? who's glory?' it's diet harlivy to the 11th degree.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
... alright. i'll give you two because there are two wings to how this character is perceived.
wing one: the gwiles shippers who don't give a shit about her as her own person, who think she and miles have ~a connection like no other~ and ~a wonderful love story~. girl. they barely know each other, have no chemistry and few common interests, he's sixteen and she's twenty-one, he's straight and she's queer, they live on separate worlds and the only way they could ever be together is if she gives up everything to be his little spider-wife, the Best Possible Outcome of them being together is the world where she represses her sexuality and he babytraps her. if they get together i hope she kills herself in front of him.
wing two: the spider-gwen fans who DO care about her, and range from openly biphobic to just extremely naive about How Shit Works. no, gwen is not a lesbian and she never will be a lesbian. i support your right to headcanon her as one. is there evidence to support this idea? yes. will it ever happen? no. marvel will never let any major variant of gwen stacy be unavailable to be shipped with men, and the spiderverse movies shot the slight possibility dead by teaching an entire generation of kids that gwen is desperately in love with a boy. she will never, ever be a lesbian. you have to be more pragmatic than that with your expectations if you ever want a canonically sapphic gwen. constantly insisting that she's a lesbian won't yield results because marvel would never let that happen. asking for her to be bi could, because it's an actionable request. get with the program.
9. worst part of canon
sitting in a tree. wild how one shitty little forced romance event eight years ago was the first domino in gwen having everything she loves and cares about, everything she is and stands for, her coming-out arc and her world taken from her for god knows how long. i know my gwiles hate is a Lot. but this ship truly is the worst thing that's ever happened to her and it just keeps coming back to hurt her again. extremely funny that miles is a vampire in the comics right now as we’re probably in for another round of gwiles because he's been sapping her life force since 2016.
(... i have a suspicion that the runner-up's about to be 'gwen's world is mysteriously destroyed and instead of fighting her way back to it she just Gives Up, settles into 616, starts pretending to be a teenager and starts pining after a high schooler she barely knows who's in a longterm relationship with a girl his age, and maybe even breaks that relationship up' but we'll just See Where That Goes.)
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