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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
the late night incoherent ideas have hit me again
lyler sabotage: alenoah(eather)? edition: "he stole your boyfriend? fine let's steal him back" ft. gwen and courtney friendship (only platonic bc i could never get into them as a ship) and lindsay questioning absolutely everything - linds
Linds the phrasing of this made me immediately assume Tynoah instead of Alenoah(eather) and that's. So much funnier to me for some reason?
I guess it's the idea of the remaining cast playing Boyfriend Hot Potato with Tyler. Just imagine with me; Noah: "Oh, Alejandro stole your boyfriend? Well what if we steal him back?" Lindsay: "But Noah, Tyler isn't interested in me anymore!" Noah: "...Who said you were the one stealing him?"
And then Noah and Lindsay stage a re-seduction of Tyler with the intention of having Noah break his heart, so Lindsay can come swooping in as his knight in cowboy boots and they can live happily ever after. Or something like that.
Poor Tyler.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
i drew some art for this (https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/744135000305303552/no-yeah-that-was-me-just-forgot-to-sign-off-i?source=share) au, not sure if sending this through asks is the way to go about this.
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The MILGRAM AU, by none other than the lovely @pahk-in-action (Lindsanon, or just Linds)!
This is super cool!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
you're tempting me to write the lyler sabotage au into lindsay & noah now - lindsanon (that's my name now i guess)
Everything I touch gets Noahfied, I swear. I can't escape this sour little twink no matter how hard I try. (I don't try, he's my main skrunkly. THE blorbo from my shows.) /lh
I think Lindsay should have as many friends as possible, in all contexts but ESPECIALLY in the Lyler sabotage AU. Go wild!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
"gwen, he got you eliminated in china" "no, I got ME eliminated in china" (the votes were 4-3). i checked on the wiki and gwen seems to actually like lindsay fine enough though.
ngl there might be a nonzero number of people that don't like heather too much but think she has a better chance of beating alejandro than lindsay does, and as i am an h-bombs appreciator i will say harold is one of them. (he likes cody better though) also sierra seeing heather as the Total Drama is real and is how i interpret her somewhat especially when i want to write it a little femslashier
other highlights now that i'm actually writing this out:
lindsay criticizes the costumes chris makes them wear (ft. greece tiebreaker, niagara falls since she gets the two-piece dress, and hawaii tiebreaker)
why was rapa nui not a final five challenge. condor. rhymes with final four.
lindsay's deal of largely repeating the same tune a previous person used (mainly in condor) which gets flipped when she does it prince ali reprise style in this is how we will end it
"you left bridgette stuck to a pole / robbed leshawna of her fabulous soul / made even tyler lose control / but you *can't* leave me wedged in a hole."
tyler, to heather from the chopper: "they're gonna make it / you can't stop them now, just you try / our fortune's waiting / and you can kiss it all bye-bye-bye" chris: "tyler, stop singing! no one wants you to! you're not even in the game!"
beth: "linds will put al through the shredder / she'll get tyler back to bed her!" lindsay: "beth?!"
alejandro makes fun of her boobs instead of her butt in versus
chris says this song is probably not able to be aired on daytime tv now
there was lots of legally blonde inspiration (yes i was the one who sent in that elle woods ask)
- lindsanon
These are all great ideas! (I'm here for the Heatherra crumbs too. 👀) (And the H-bombs mention?! Their duo is so underrated, Harold should've stayed longer in World Tour. 😔)
And it's really funny that you mention the Condor song's annoyingly rhymeless ending, because I've had that exact line of thought written in my outline for the (still untitled) Aftermath AU fic for MONTHS:
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Literally. This document hasn't been edited since early December last year. Does this count as posting spoilers? I doubt anyone really cares. 🤷‍♀️
And I like the idea of having Lindsay's rehashing of others' lines turned on it's head as a sort of power play in her musical standoff against Alejandro. She's the captain now.
(And Beth being the ultimate wingman isn't something I expected, but it's so funny. 😭)
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
also i'm laughing internally at how uneven the teams will be this time
alejandro: heavily bandaged blaineley (idk man the aliens attacked her or something), later owen out of pity
heather: courtney (i think she is petty enough to not support lindsay). is there anyone else who would? without like. having to be forced into it by bridgette? would bridgette even force anyone to considering the smaller teams are even this time
lindsay: everyone else (excluding tyler. he is still in drumheller.)
Lindsay is pretty universally liked, so of course her team would be the biggest!
I was going to suggest having Leshawna (and by extension Harold) support Heather, then remembered that their tentative friendship from Action was pretty much forgotten in World Tour.
I think, in a stretch, Sierra might align herself under Heather's banner out of 'Team Amazon Loyalty', or because she had more idol-worship for Heather in terms of her being a Total Drama Fangirl. In a perfect world, all of Team Amazon would band together under Heather's banner, but I really can't see Gwen ever supporting Heather- not after Island, and especially not after she spent her time on the jet outcasting Heather even further.
Though I could see Gwen deciding to support Alejandro instead, if only to be contrarian. She's one of the very few girls he didn't try to seduce, after all, so Gwen doesn't really have any beef against him, and I'm fairly sure she has a canonical dislike of both Heather and Lindsay- since she pretty much can't stand 'sunshine' personalities like Lindsay's (i.e. how she reacts to being handcuffed to Geoff in Island). And where Gwen goes, both Duncan and Cody are likely to follow (maybe not Cody though, he'd probably be literally carried by Sierra to whoever she decides to support).
It's really funny to imagine the whole cast, sans Blaineley and Courtney, banding together to support Lindsay though. It's What She Deserves.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
oh yes!!! yes that is such a wonderful speech and i am fanning myself in the bathroom rn.
i love open endings haha. maybe on the boat there's the vague sound of alejandro's screams of pain but they're both like "nah it's probably nothing" and hug in a friends way.
i haven't said this but duncan has to sing duncanrific the comeback song which he gets around by doing one verse and letting everyone argue until chris cuts it for going over time.
also lindsay and noah friendship: the normal way would be to build it up premerge before he gets eliminated but the au of an au way would be to change the tone of the au somewhat and have him be her merge alliance instead of heather. which also gives her a marginally better excuse for not having noticed the aletyler manipulation. i saw that nowen aftermath fic i think it works.
anyway this time ... well owen obviously wouldn't be the merge elimination this time so the options are cody heather and sierra. last two would probably be easier to get the votes for i think. (it would be funny if noah was still kind of attracted to alejandro. toxic yaoi when.) - lindsanon
Ah, thank you. I tried to heavily reference your draft speech there, so a lot of the work was already done. 🤷‍♀️
Open endings are a lot more fun than definitive ones, because you can use them as diving boards into new stories! Or, have other people inspired by your initial story carry is on, using your open ending as their starting point. OR, just having things end indeterminately for the sake of it is great too- a lot of things IRL end without cut-and-dry resolutions, after all.
Duncan being forced to sing a Fergalicious parody will never NOT be funny, I can just imagine him seething through the one verse he's made to sing. It's a smart move, getting the others to inadvertently take over the song.
I think having Lindsay keep her post-merge alliance with Heather has more impact, thanks to their shared history. Lindsay and Noah's friendship in this AU shouldn't overshadow the greater plotline/story arc; as much as we all love having Noah around he really isn't a major character. If you want to make him one, however, that's up to you.
Having Noah in a constant state of "Oh No He's Hot" whilst trying his best to keep his feelings towards Alejandro strictly negative is my bread and butter. He's the cold, logical one, things like attraction won't override his rationality (spoiler, they totally will). Toxic yaoi stays winning. But that's not the focus of this story.
Anyway, if Lyler are going to remain friend-ish by the end of the story, that means Lindsay and Beth can finally become the wholesome yuri they were always meant to be! (/hj)
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
lyrics aren't perfect but uhhhh. rk monopoisoner? - linds (anon?)
Starting off strong, the video starts with "She belongs completely, entirely to me..." written in bold text at the bottom of the screen. I'm already seeing the parallels.
The subtitles elaborate that the original title is a homophone that that essentially combines "the desire to monopolise something" with "toxic/poisonous". Yeah. That tracks.
The singer's mindset is fairly similar to rk!Alejandro's characterisation, so the song fits well enough.
Good suggestion! 👍
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
a friend mistook lyler sabotage versus lyrics for hazbin lyrics. i took psychic damage. - lindsanon
How many cuss words and sex jokes did you include in the lyrics to have them mistaken for Hazbin lyrics?
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
remind me when you get to pahkitew's sammy elimination episode so that i can talk about my second au in which alejandro accidentally makes a preppy blonde girl his greatest enemy partially by underestimating her - lindsanon
As soon as I start Pahkitew I'll be sure to post about it! I... still need to finish RotI first, though. 😳
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
no yeah that was me, just forgot to sign off! i think your idea is hecking neat as well (and yes i am a fairly intense vocaloid fan as well! and project sekai but we aren't here for that. milgram started in august 2020 and we're at the tail end of the second trial now). was the project itself named after the experiment? yeah probably, a lot of focus on how es is being made to be the one doing this by jackalope (chris in this au. but also fun fact jackalope does all the cooking. so basically, chef as a marginally larger jackalope in a chef outfit). jackalope also says that es can judge by how much they like the prisoners which come on. tell me chris wouldn't do that.
anyway do you get why i want warden noah now? my other choice was jo, hm.
may as well talk more about why i assigned those two numbers to alejandro and sierra specifically: canon 001 is heavily implied to have a learning disability and to have killed for parental attention and envy of another kid, and canon 006...
This Is How To Be In Love With You Psychogram (MAHIRU cover) Love is mine
...yeah that's sierra. that's toxic love. rules out cody as a prisoner though. i cannot delete that indented quote for some reason so you will just have to suffer it.
some other possible prisoners: anne maria 002 (no abortion though, something worse), mike 009 (who fun fact is also a system!), courtney 004 (little miss playing the victim herself we love you mu kusunoki) shawn (no number yet), scarlett? maybe if she's reimagined as less cartoonishly evil (which i already do usually)
coherence is not my strong suit when rambling haha. - lindsanon
☝️ This is for the person asking for the MILGRAM AU, since I couldn't provide for them. Lindsanon's got you covered!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
chris only swaps lindsay bc he finds her failure entertaining
"yeah i'm gonna find that clue / i'm doing what chris proposed / for this game, i'll strip him down / 'cause if i don't, i'm hosed! totally ho-oh-oh-oh-OH–aargh!"
greece and nevada songs gotta be totally different
sierra in tiny cody top shirt send tweet
"it doesn't have to be a boat / as long as it stays afloat / oh, what the hell did we build?"
"we built some weird lump" "they're all total chumps!"
"we built–" "tyler's face! duh?"
having trouble thinking of a word that scans with "famous" in duncanrific. criminal? notorious?
condor order goes alejandro, tyler, courtney (with sierra's tune), lindsay (also with sierra's tune), heather
hm. i want heather to win immunity in drumheller so now i'm reverse engineering dino ideas: alejandro does as in canon, tyler builds the sportosaur and lindsay is glad it has nothing to do with alejandro, lindsay builds the riverraptor (legally blonde reference), heather i don't think would build the chris dino but what would the others like...
after this is how we will end it she pretends to go along with alejandro's deal for a few seconds before rejecting it, throwing her tiara at him, and running back to the jet
"heather, alejandro's not just a boyfriend stealer!" "...you didn't know?"
tyler is the last one back with a barrel
the final chapter involves beth telling the other contestants "oh look, there's alejandro, go beat him up" to get lyler an alone moment which i think is good enough karma
- lindsanon
Chris doing things because He Finds Them Funny is so in character, that man lives for The Amusement™.
Giving Lindsay an actual singing solo instead of the sing-talking most of the songs use is really funny to be because I'm pretty sure Lindsay's one of the few characters who canonically can't sing well (at least, given her singing in Action and relative lack of singing in WT) so I've always headcanoned her are tone deaf. So the idea of a tone deaf Lindsay trying to belt out Courtney's finisher in London and just totally botching it is so good.
Sierra would start wearing the shirts she'd stolen from Cody as a sort of memoir, wouldn't she? That's valid.
As for rhyming with "famous"; you could rhyme is with "shameless", "heinous", "brainless", or at a stretch "moral-greyness", and either use that opportunity to have the cast roast Duncan OR the objectively better opinion, have Duncan roast the cast/Chris.
The idea of Beth just sicking everyone he's ever wronged on Alejandro just to give Lyler a moment of privacy is peak, Beth's the ultimate wingman!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
YOU GET IT!!! GENRE SAVVINESS IS WHY I LOVE THE SUPERFANS SO MUCH (in different ways) though gen 2/3's world tour (because that's always fun) will be considerably more light-hearted and focused on interpersonal relationships and friendships so i don't think i'll touch on the editing that much
buuuuut i'll talk about less of that and more about lyler sabotage pre-niagara brawls
jamaica: chris says that lindsay might be able to join a team if she performs well enough. at this point, alejandro is a bit conflicted on if he should keep her around to manipulate as well or get her kicked off to ensure tyler's loyalty and as such doesn't actively sabotage her. due to her weight, she comes first and team chris comes second. cody begs the others to vote him off because if they vote sierra she might sneak back onto the plane for him and he doesn't want her as mad as she was in paris. heather and gwen eventually comply.
in london, lindsay strips down the guard no problem but ends up not being able to figure out the clue. she decides to follow team chris since she knows noah is smart but she ends up only arriving after tyler is captured. noah reluctantly lets lindsay go with them although he does not get a chance to properly communicate his warning to her, and she ends up locked in the bus booth. (a little contrived but i wanted to minimize the amount of pre-merge aletyler contact she gets) chris is about to eliminate her for having "the entire team" captured when duncan jumps off in frustration. chris says he'll count that as the elimination instead.
since lindsay is the only member of victory she has to compete in every challenge. gwen and noah go for the first challenge and gwen still wins. sierra courtney tyler and owen all volunteer for the second one, tyler gets out immediately, and owen still knocks both of the amazons out. as the last two standing chris gives owen and lindsay medals automatically. heather still beats alejandro in hurdles. the tiebreaker is between noah and lindsay to see which team isn't in last (alejandro forbids tyler from going because he's worried being so close to lindsay will undo his work–i mean distract tyler), lindsay loses, and chris goes "i'm very sorry to say that team victory is being dissolved…because lindsay will be joining team amazon!"
in area 51 the pod absorbs a bit of cody's dna from sierra's clothes, makes alien cody, and after so long separated sierra absolutely loses it. she refuses to leave the pod room and the amazons lose the challenge. the others all vote her off. (sorry for robbing you. and making you go insane in all stars as well. at least that time you snap out of it?)
australia is a reward where nothing significant happens, lindsay builds the not-actually-a-boat in sweden (i'd say it's a pony but that would be a terrible boat. beth's face?), amazons win, alejandro and tyler vote for noah, noah votes for alejandro, and i'm not sure if i should have a tiebreaker or have owen talked into voting out someone else. owen is upset and noah gives the "beware of eels" warning. - lindsanon
Please indulge me and my love of genre savvy characters. It's one of my favourite tropes, especially when they break the fourth wall (occasionally. Nothing as heavy-handed as Deadpool). Topher and Sierra both make for pretty good candidates for being Genre Aware because of their Superfan status, and I think we as a fandom need to utilize that more!
As for the Lyler Sabotage AU!
I'm here for all of it! I like the timeline- it's a little more convoluted than canon's, but still pretty followable. My only suggestions would be changing Lindsay's boat to something more plot-relevant (maybe she tries to build Tyler's face, but isn't very good at craftsmanship, so it ends up looking nothing like him?), and make the alien Cody plotline a little more coherent by having the pod extract Cody's DNA from something that was actually his, like for instance one of the many toothbrushes Sierra stole (maybe she took to carrying around Cody's belongings after his elimination as sort of comfort items? It'd be easy for her to accidentally drop a toothbrush and have it land on a pod).
But those are just ideas from the top of my head. Again, it's your AU, your rules!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
oh i'm not talking about the classic milgram experiment i am talking about milgram the multimedia project created by deco*27 famed vocaloid producer in which a certain amnesiac guard "es" wakes up in a prison facility where they are told to judge innocent or guilty ten ordinary people who despite looking innocent are all considered murderers. (some only by technicality, like a guy whose doxxing accidentally went too far or a girl who accidentally drove her bf to you know what through relationship toxicity) through looking at their Brain Music Videos and it is awesome. i want to talk so much more about this but it will not at all be coherent so i am asking you to read this instead
Es, the prison guard and Audience Surrogate, is the protagonist of the story. Memory hazy, they awake in a prison facility called MILGRAM, where they are greeted by Jackalope. Jackalope explains that MILGRAM houses 10 prisoners, who, despite appearing fairly average at first glance, are all murderers. It is Es's job to determine whether the prisoners should be ruled guilty (not forgiven) or innocent (forgiven) for their crimes.
There is a catch, though—Es, as well as the audience, are initially clueless as to what each of the prisoners' crimes are. Jackalope explains that those sins aren't revealed through interrogation or anything conventional, but rather through extracting the prisoner's mental images and displaying them as a song accompanied by a symbolic music video. These music videos are uploaded to MILGRAM's official YouTube page for viewers to examine and make theories and conclusions regarding what the prisoners' sins are.
After these music videos are released, viewers are encouraged to visit the MILGRAM official site and vote for whether or not they forgive the prisoner for their sins. The first music videos do not reveal all there is to know about the prisoner and their crimes, so this process of releasing videos and voting repeats three times, the audience growing more and more informed with the release of new videos. This is referred to as the three trial system.
anyway sierra 006 and. maybe alejandro 001? - lindsanon
Oh, dang. Oops! I saw 'Milgram' and immediately associated it with the Milgram Experiment because I'll always be a psych student at heart.
I'm super interested in the whole MILGRAM concept though! I'm... not exactly familiar with it. Like, at all. So I can't really offer my thoughts on an AU until I actually engage with the content itself (I'll be sure to check it out... at some point. 😅)
I'm surprised I've never heard of this before though; I'm a fairly casual Vocaloid fan, so you'd think I'd at least be aware that DECO*27 was making a whole series. 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for clearing that up for me though! I'm a little embarrassed that I went on such a tangent over something entirely unrelated to what the anon was asking for. 😳
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
i am indeed a big fan of topher. a) superfans rock (yes i love sierra too, sorry for cutting you so early in lyler sabotage but at least you get an important role in courtney's all stars) b) he's so funny c) i think i like him bc i wrote for him so much. i just wanted to humanize amy tbh i have no strong opinion on her. they don't interact very much in canon but then most of the pahkitews don't interact with each other very much, so i've been writing them as amy being more noticeably mean (i swear to god her trying to play the good sister only worked because max and rodney were so stupid and topher was too chris-absorbed) but with no idea how to do things long-term and topher as more superficially charming and the better planner.
jo is indeed a more minor revenge villain and then is third all stars boot in canon. (unfortunately she still goes there in my rewrite though, sorry but everyone else except the guy eliminated right after you had more plot) i wasn't necessarily planning on redeeming her especially with what i have planned for dave but i think i can give her the same kind of "if you want to be a better person despite everything you're welcome to try" ending i give amy.
@ as anon: i'm sure you will have wonderful ideas esp for gen 4 crossovers! don't feel like i am the Authority on this stuff
I'm still watching through RotI, so I can't really make any comments on whether or not I like Topher, Amy, ect. But I can empathise with trying to humanise characters that don't really have a lot going for them in canon- if you guys had access to my mind palace, you'd see a metaphysical library of Angsty Backstories and Development Arcs for the silliest characters.
But I can comment on Jo! Who, (as far as I've seen, at least) doesn't really strike me as antagonistic at all, really. She's just controlling and competitive; her desire to win outweighs any semblance of being a Good Person, but that doesn't make her a Bad Person. That's why a 'redemption arc' for her seems more feasible to me- she doesn't need to be 'redeemed', she just needs to learn Basic Empathy and maybe chill out a little. You could have her do so in the span of one scene if you're shrewd with it.
As for loving superfan characters? They're cool! I like Sierra well enough, she's an interesting character and her scenes are always fun (and sometimes my poor tolerance for second-hand embarrassment is really tested, but that's irrelevant), and her character motivations are pretty solid. Do I wish she was less "Stan by Eminem" inspired? Not really.
Again, I can't really give an opinion on Topher, but I'm sure he's pretty cool too.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
oh i so rarely do gen 1 interactions...mostly because my first fic was (is? still planning) a gen2/3 crossover sequel (interquel? happens after pahkitew and before reboot because chris never said there weren't more seasons). i won't spoil too much but there's one main-ish villain on each team: jo as the "we are going to be the best team and any hint of weakness is bad" type (with a vengeful but also very sad dave as her right hand man), topher and amy as a roughly equal subtler manipulative partnership that falls apart when amy develops actual human emotions, and scott as the opposition to sky in a cheating vs playing fair way. other fun dynamics include an anne maria and sammy friendship, jo and dave get jealous of brick and sky: the episode, Amy Makes An Actual Friend and topher hates that friend, staci and rodney love at first sight which makes them both much less useless, jasmine's power struggles, and a somewhat unmutated dakota seeing too much of her old self in topher. - lindsanon
I'm getting the feeling that you're a big fan of Topher (and Amy).
Jo is a good choice for a villain, because she's just disconnected enough from other people to not realise/care how harmful her behaviour can be. She's some prime 'redeemable bag guy' material, if you're planning on giving her a Zuko-esque character arc. If not, she's just enough of an asshole to fully commit to antagonism- which is pretty much what she does in canon (probably. I still haven't watched RotI, but I'm fairly certain she's at least a minor antagonist).
I haven't seen anything from Pahkitew, so I don't know if they ever interact in canon, but Topher and Amy seem like a fun duo. Amy's all about that fake 'nicer sister' persona and social manipulation, and as a wannabe TV host Topher would also know a lot about faking personas and subtle sabotage/'incentive'. If the two of them were to enable each other they could be a pretty big threat.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
hello ass stars! glad to hear you're doing well
i'm almost disappointed there was no gag with duncan in the confessional not singing and chef coming in to towel slap him anyway.
they were supposed to be just background decoration for the main plot but it's so fun thinking about them! i made it after seeing the lords in black au but also that some of the details made me uncomfortable /lh and therefore it's. vaguely inspired?
uhhhh very vague premise: high school au in which new girl heather is found dead and her corpse disappears shortly after. noah ends up running into fellow student lindsay who confesses to her murder and disappears shortly after as well. he proceeds to get pulled into supernatural intrigue and lots of manipulation. alenoather?
the twist is that lindsay is in fact a normal human she just owes the supernatural beings a lot and she doesn't know all the details but she's been teaching herself the rules as best she can and she wants to keep noah safe. do i have any of the details beyond that and some of the club roles? no - lindsanon
The mental image of Chef standing menacingly in the doorway of the confessional, holding a towel, as Duncan's making a confession and fearing for his life is too good to ignore. It's giving FNaF vibes!
It's always fun when an AU inspires another AU- the Lords of Black AU (or The Royal Court AU) is a really interesting concept, and super macabre, and I'm a sucker for dark toned supernatural stories! Of course, if some details make you uncomfortable, it's always better to just steer clear of the content itself though. Making an inspired AU instead means you can enjoy the concept without weathering the uncomfortable stuff! (I'd suggest blacklisting the tags/terms for whatever parts made you feel uneasy!)
But I'm a little lost in what your synopsis is trying to convey? Is Heather still dead and just a ghost or something, or is she not really dead? I'm confused.
And Lindsay admits to the murder, but is she actually the culprit? Is she killing people under the influence of the supernatural? Or is she just shouldering the guilt for the supernatural forces that killed Heather, whilst being comparatively innocent?
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