#let’s say they understand the assignment
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moonstruckme · 3 days ago
hiiii mae if you’re up for it would you pretty please write spencer and intern reader when she gets hurt? holding her hand while she gets patched up or comforting her when she’s concussed or something of the like. i love your writing so much xoxoxo
Thank you for requesting <3
cw: blood, concussion, vague mention of a murder case but it's really just background
Spencer Reid x intern!reader ♡ 946 words
“Look this way, please.” 
When you don’t move, Spencer gives your shoulder a kind squeeze. “Hey. Can you look over there?” 
You turn your face from Spencer’s jacket, and the paramedic gives you a kind smile. She knows you weren’t ignoring her; you only hadn’t been paying attention. “Follow my finger,” she tells you. 
Spencer watches as you do, her pen light gliding over your bloody face. There are tear tracks diluting the red. 
Staying with witnesses is supposed to be a safe part of the job. That’s why Hotch assigned it to you. But when Morgan walked the handcuffed unsub through the station, one victim’s husband lost it completely, and when you got into his warpath he shoved you so hard Spencer heard your head knock against the precinct’s tile floor. Blood puddled around your left temple before anyone could even make it to you. 
You started crying nearly as soon as you woke up. It was more than understandable, given the blood all around you and the confusion you must have been feeling after a head injury like that, but what scared the team was when you wouldn’t stop. JJ tried talking to you, even Morgan softened his teasing and offered you a hug, but to everyone’s surprise all you wanted was Spencer. You calmed some once he sat down in front of you. Tears still dribbled from your chin, but you didn’t seem quite so distraught, and you let the paramedics look at you so long as Spencer stayed. Eventually he wound up in the back of an ambulance, an arm around your shoulders while you sniffled miserably into his windbreaker and a paramedic applied butterfly bandages to the cut on your head. 
Your eyes water as the paramedic clicks off her pen light and begins asking you questions. It takes a few moments for your gaze to settle on her. 
“It’s…it’s Wednesday.” You turn to Spencer. “Is it Wednesday?” 
His heart throbs at the vulnerability in your tone. “Focus on her,” he says, softening the directive with a stroke of his thumb over your shoulder. 
You turn back to the paramedic, answering her questions with varying degrees of uncertainty. Your fingers curl in the material of Spencer’s jacket. He has the urge to tuck your head underneath his chin. 
The paramedic informs you (or informs Spencer, really, you’re not paying much attention) that they’re going to take you to the hospital for a CT scan. They’ll let him ride there with you if he wants to. Spencer says yes without a thought. 
While she goes to pack up her supplies, he takes your fingers and unbunches them, warming your palm between his. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks you. 
You make a soft, stymied sound, bringing the unhurt side of your head to Spencer’s shoulder for a rest. “I don’t like this.” 
Spencer doesn’t need to ask which part you mean. He imagines none of it is pleasant. The light and sound of an ambulance in general has to be torment for your head. 
“Try closing your eyes,” he suggests. 
“I’m worried that will make me dizzier.” 
“Do you feel sick?” 
“Not really.” 
“Just try. It helped last time.” 
You sigh but do. You turn your head so your forehead is pressing into the bump of his shoulder, and Spencer reaches up to stop you before you can get close to rubbing against the bandages keeping your cut closed. 
Your voice is a watery consistency. “I really don’t feel right.” 
Spencer feels a painful tug in his middle. “I know. I’m sure it’s scary, but it won’t be forever. We’re going to the hospital, and the doctors are going to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I just don’t like this.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
“I really feel like I messed things up.” 
He has to remind himself not to move. In his surprise, his instinct is to pull back, to search your face for answers, but you’re pointed where he can’t see you with your voice trailing down his arm. 
“You didn’t. What makes you think that?” 
“It just…it feels like…” 
The words take a while to come. Spencer forces himself to set aside his curiosity. 
“It’s okay,” he says gently. “You don’t have to think about that right now. Just rest. You didn’t mess anything up.” 
“It feels like I’m…” you forge on, determined. “I’m always either not helping or in the way.” 
Again, Spencer’s first thought is to ask what you mean by that. But he doesn’t want to force you to overexercise your injured brain, so he tries to go along without elaboration. He fills in the gaps. 
“You’ve never been in the way,” he assures you, meaning it. “And you help us a lot. We wouldn’t be nearly as efficient without you, especially on this last case.” 
“I’m just an intern.” 
“Exactly. So it’s even more impressive how valuable you’ve been to our team.” 
You’re quiet for a few moments. Spencer starts rubbing slow circles into your shoulder with his thumb. Your forehead warms his arm through the jacket. 
“Thank you for staying with me. You’re always so nice.” 
“It’s no problem. I like hanging out with you.” 
“I don’t feel very well.” 
“Are your eyes still closed?” 
A pause. “Were they supposed to be closed?” 
Spencer smiles at the top of your head. Even confused as you are, there’s a familiar note of inquisitiveness to your tone. Like all you ever really want is to be sure you’re doing the right thing. Spencer is warmed that you trust him to tell you what that is. 
“Try closing them.” 
“Oh. This is better, thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.”
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trashmouth-richie · 3 days ago
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: *✧・゚eddie x female reader | snowed in | 18+ smut [6K]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* sexual tension lingers when you + your bestfriend get snowed in together during the biggest blizzard on record - aka, eddie munson and the blizzard sex in apartment 4D
“So that’s how you would find x,” you say tapping the rubber eraser to your notebook paper, “is this making any sense?” 
When you agreed to come help Eddie study you were glad to do it. Ever since you were kids he had always struggled with school. While he was able to skate through elementary and middle school, high school had been harder for him. And he would be the first to admit that it was you that got him through his final year at Hawkins High. 
Now, many states away, at a college where the only person he knew was you— he was falling behind.
Having a new found freedom of college professors genuinely not caring if you showed up to class or not, he took advantage of that perk and decided to not attend his eight AM class monday, wednesday, and definitely not friday. 
Assignments went undone, tests were skipped and forgotten about. Weekday ragers, mid morning hangovers, and late night shifts as a barback at O’Houllihan’s kept Eddie busy but not enough to excuse his lack of attendance.
The end of the semester was nearing, and Eddie was looking at failing remedial algebra. A class that meant he was already behind everyone else, and if he were to fail— he’d be kicked out left to pack his shit and head back home. 
After an ass chewing over thanksgiving break from a disappointed Wayne, that icy blue stare nearly welling with traitorous tears, Eddie finally decided to pull his head out of his ass and study for his last semester of junior year.
“You’d think after dealin’ for Rick all through high school that math would be a fuckin’ no brainer.” Eddie huffed, sitting back in his desk chair, his long thick fingers folded behind his head, “maybe if they added dime bags and some half ounces, I’d actually understand this shit.”
You snickered, pushing eraser shavings from the page with your fingers, “think Mr. Walter would go for it, he totally ate his fair share of shrooms in the 60’s.” 
“Mother fucker probably invented them.” Eddie agreed, dragging those big hands down his face with a groan, “godddd I hate school.” 
You close the Algebra book and shove it into Eddie’s backpack zipping it up, “oh you poor thing, must be hard to be musically talented and go to college on a full ride scholarship.” Your bottom lip pops out to show your fake sympathy and Eddie returns it with an eye roll and a middle finger. 
“Shit,” he sighs, blowing air through his lips standing and running his fingers over your jacket on the back of his chair, “didn’t even think I’d get in let alone have all of my tuition paid for, besides.. you’re the one who was going to leave me for dead back home Miss This-Will-Look-Perfect-On-My-College-Applic—ow!” 
Your friendship with Eddie was never a casual thing. 
You were friends, sure, but it was somehow more than that. Eddie had dated around in high school and you had too but they never lasted. Summer of senior year you had even been so close as almost sharing a kiss while drunk on Boonesfarm at Byers’ party— something you both denied ever happening. But something you also both stayed up at night thinking about unbeknownst to one another. 
That June night was burned into your brain, and you could still feel the ghost of his lips on yours. 
“I wasn’t going to leave you for dead!” you teased, giggling as Eddie nursed his ‘injury’ after the pencil you had been holding slammed into his soft hoodie, “I told you we’d find a way for you to come with me.” 
Eddie smiled and bit his lip, he was grateful that you were willing to do whatever it took to get him into college. And he was stunned stupid when his creative writing, and an autobiography that was assigned freshman year had gotten the attention of not one, but two of the bigger colleges you had also applied to. 
He swore he never submitted them, deciding at the last minute that college wasn’t for him and that he didn’t want to leave his uncle behind— so you and Wayne both did it for him. Licking envelopes and sticking stamps, praying on a trailer park dream that Eddie could get in. 
“Always lookin’ out for me aren’t ya?” He mused, his cheeks burning with a blush on his porcelain skin. 
“We look out for each other, Eddie,” you say cheerfully, “Always have.” 
Eddie stares as you read through your notes, eyeing the little piece of hair that falls into your eyes, too short to shove behind your ear. He remembers when you got glasses, how you hated them. Loathed the way they made your face look, and how the wire rims sat on your round cheeks. Now they’re pushed on top of your head, pulling your hair back so the light in his room shone on your silky skin. 
You were beautiful. 
Pushing yourself up from the bed, you stretch with arms over your head, fingers laced together. Eddie snuck a glance at you, noticing that your soft cardigan fit too big on the sleeves and the plain shirt you wore underneath was riding up your stomach, showing a strip of skin that he only got to see during the summer time. 
He wasn’t sure when he started noticing you were more to him than just a friend— that’s a lie, Eddie knew the exact moment, the exact second. 
He skipped out on dates, said no when Rick’s girlfriend offered to “show him the ropes” one night when he was waaay too high and was blabbing away about how he didn’t know why he ended things with every other girl he had been with.  
It was obvious why. Maybe to everyone but him and to you. 
“I’ve had enough studying for tonight,” Eddie says, cracking his back, “wanna go to a movie or somethin? Channel 6 said we are in for some snow… I can drive, we can sneak in some shrooms Pete left, I might have some k laying around here somewhere.” 
You giggle reaching back to the bed and gathering your stuff. “Nothing about being high at the movie theater sounds good to me, Eddie.” 
He rolls his eyes, “yeah because you always freak out, weed is s’posed to be relaxing.” 
For whatever reason, weed was never that for you. It left you paranoid and skittish, but mostly clinging to Eddie with wide horrified eyes, whispering about how you couldn’t feel your legs. 
“Thanks, but not tonight,” you say behind your hand as a yawn escapes, “I gotta work in an hour and Sal said if I’m late one more time he’s gonna fire me.” 
“Ppffft, he’s not gonna fire you, fucker can’t afford to lose anyone at that shithole.” 
You grab your bag and look for your shoes, shrugging.
“Tips are good, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes a few times and they fork the dough over. Plus! Mikey always saves me a burger when he shuts the kitchen down. Win-win.”
He stands with a cross to his brows and when he doesn’t say anything you pull at the sleeve on his hoodie, “come on, walk me out. ” 
Eddie hated your job. Hated that you worked at the sleaziest bar in town. The thought of you flirting with drunk guys to make a little extra money made him sick. 
He’s mumbling under his breath the short walk to the door, unlocking the deadbolt and pulling the door open with dramatic flair, he bows with a hand forward to let you exit. You laugh, and before you can say bye, before you’re crossing the threshold Eddie pipes up in a serious voice.
“Tomorrow. Movies. You, me, a bucket of over buttered popcorn… I’ll even buy you a Cherry Coke.” 
Heat warms your cheeks under his stare, and you can’t help but smile back at him. That nagging feeling you couldn’t pinpoint was hung thick between the two of you again, and you looked anywhere but at him. 
Taking time to examine the veins on his hand as it gripped the door handle, the way his eyelashes seem to have their own permanent curl to them…. “add a pack of twizzlers and you got yourself a deal, Munson.” 
He smiles as you step into the soft lit hallway of the fourth floor. “Don’t leave me hanging, sweetheart.” 
You roll your eyes and laugh, he’s standing in the doorway, the door partly closed behind him, “see you later, better hurry—you’re gonna be late.” 
Eddie watches as you head for the stairs. His heart pumping wildly in his chest, but why? You two were friends. What was he even doing?
Shutting the door he slides the bolt into place pressing his forehead into the wood, a low groan escaping from his lips. What the hell was he doing? He runs the conversation back over in his head mocking himself as he strips off his hoodie and t-shirt, tossing them around his shared apartment. 
“You and me and buttered popcorn’ Christ Munson, get it together.” Flopping on the couch Eddie sighs loudly, saying your name out loud and letting a smile quirk on his lips as he drifts to sleep.
❆ ❆ ❆
Frantic knocks pull him from his catnap and he rolls his eyes as the knocks turn to pounding. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep for but it was now dark, his apartment cast into complete inky blackness. 
Pete probably forgot his keys, again, he thinks. Bounding to the door and flinging it open an annoyed expression on his face. But it’s not Pete at the door, it’s you. 
Snowflakes, and chunks of ice were matted in your wind blown hair, your teeth chattered loudly as you tried to force a small smile, wiping a tear away from your eye.
“Jesus! Are you alright?” 
Eddie pulls you inside rubbing your arms to bring warmth back into them. He listens as you sob about getting stuck in the ditch on the way to work, and how the only landmark you could make out was Eddie’s apartment, so you made the decision to leave your car and trek back the way you had come. 
He huffs in a worried tone, flicking on the lights and watching as they sputter to life. You’re gently trying to pry the gloves from your fingers when he steps in to help and unzips your jacket, assessing you further as he realizes you are covered in snow. 
“You walked here?!” 
Eddie always yelled when he was worried or scared, a bad habit that he unknowingly picked up from Wayne. 
The tears flow down your face now in a frozen river, the ache of numb limbs and nearly frostbitten skin has you crying out in pain.  
“I should have st-stayed in the car, but it was so cold Eddie, and th-the snow is coming down so hard, nothing in town is open! N-no one on the streets, not even a snow plow.”
Eddie leaves you to throw open the crooked blinds. Not a single street lamp was on, the city looked deserted except for the howling wind and sheets of snow blanketing the ground, swallowing up the roads. If he were to look hard enough he’d see the waist deep path you had made to get here. 
Doubling back to your shivering body, his mind was scrambling on what to do. “Christ! You’re lucky you’re not dead!” 
“I know,” you wail, unable to stop the clacking of your teeth, “b-but I didn’t know what else to do!” 
Wayne had taught Eddie many things in his time of caring for his nephew. How to fish, how to hunt, how to be a respected man (that he was still trying to master) But something that always stuck with Eddie was the fear of the elements and how you could die from a heat stroke or the opposite—freeze to death.
“You gotta warm up before you pass out or something, your clothes are soaked, they need to come off.” He shakes his head like a parent finding their teen sneaking out of the house. “Go to my room, undress and I’ll make some coffee.” 
Your clothes were stiff and heavy as you peeled them from your body. Clumps of snow littering the carpet of Eddie’s room as you stripped with shaky fingers and shivering limbs. If you weren’t freezing you would have thought about how strange it was to be naked in your bestfriends room, but at your current state you could barely register what you were doing. 
His bed was warm as you sat under a blanket, the entire thing webbed around your head down to your toes, only leaving your face exposed. 
A low ring sounds from the kitchen and you hear Eddie move around to answer the phone. You couldn’t remember a single time where you felt this cold. Even doing your traditional New Year’s eve plunge into Lover’s Lake with Eddie every year was warmer than this. 
It could have been ten minutes or an hour before Eddie came into his room. He was balancing two cups of coffee and a plate stacked with two grilled cheese sandwiches. 
“Alright Frosty,” Eddie jokes lightheartedly, eyeing your heap of clothes. Clearing his throat, his cheeks pink as he starts to ramble, “h-hope you’re hungry, because this is all I know how to make and I can’t go to the grocery store to get anything else.” 
“Smells good,” you manage through shivered lungs and rattling teeth, “thank you.” 
He sets down the mugs on his nightstand, adjusting it so you could both reach as he sat beside you, then deciding to grab one and moving closer, taking a big gulp before he sits back. 
“Probably shouldn’t hold a cup yet, you’ll burn yourself.” 
He waits for your hands to wrap around the porcelain and he gently tips the cup towards your lips. The coffee seems to seep through your bones, warming you up ever so slightly as you convince your throat to cooperate and swallow. It was heaven.
“Always looking out for me, Munson,” you say with a little smile, your eyes meeting his.
He holds your gaze for longer than he ever has, not saying a word just staring endlessly into your eyes. A smile creeps to his lips and he hums softly in agreement. 
A beat passes of Eddie carefully helping you sip at the coffee, and you begin to feel your fingers thaw, yet the chill in your body is still prevalent and you shake beneath the heavy blanket. 
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch again as he contemplates how to help. A hot shower would only make it worse, causing your body to go into shock. But you needed to get warmer. His mind is working a mile a second but it comes down to the same thing, there’s only one thing he knows of for sure that will help. 
Kneeling in front of you Eddie reaches forward and touches your cheek. “Hey, I need you to know that all I’m trying to do is help you okay? Cause right now you are shivering and your lips are changing color… so I need— I … shit, I’m going to hold you, so that my body temperature can help get yours back up.” 
“Okay,” you murmur, glassy eyes barely open. 
“Do you trust me?” He asks almost shamefully, “Because its—”
“Yes, Please.” 
“Okay, okay okay,” Eddie moves the end table and positions himself in front of you again, pulling gently at the blanket wrapped around you until you’re only sitting in your bra and panties, but he doesn’t look. Instead he positions himself behind you and wraps the blanket behind the both of you. 
He winces when your cold skin presses into his chest, “goddamn, you’re freezing.” 
You muster a small giggle in response. His skin feels like fire against yours, almost painful as your body temperature fights to calibrate with his own. 
Any other day you’d have been embarrassed to have Eddie see you like this, mismatched undergarments and looking sickly, and you would definitely feel something more than anything but tired with your bodies huddled together under the blanket. 
His warm calloused hands run up the length of your arms and down your knees to your ankles and up again. You can feel the press of his belt buckle into your lower back, the heat from it almost branding your flesh like cattle on a ranch. 
You welcomed his body warmth with open arms, his hands melted you, and fuck— they felt amazing on your frozen skin. Your teeth chatter as your hands huddle around your mouth, blowing any warmth into them you can, trying to stifle a small escaped mmmf.
Given the circumstances, Eddie is relatively calm. He’s not letting himself register that he is touching you, that his bare chest is against your soft back. That your skin, although ice fucking cold, is smooth like silk, he’s not comprehending that you’re both half naked in his bed. 
No— he’s not doing any of that. Because you are his friend, and you were going to get sick if you didn’t warm up soon, and he was helping you. 
Nevermind that your clothes were cluttered on his floor. 
Nevermind that you were wearing a lacy pink bra, a color that he definitely didn’t know the proper name of. 
It didn’t matter that your breathing seemed to hitch a bit when his hands worked up your knees and skimmed along your waist, his thumbs rubbing over the string of stretchy fabric sitting high past your hips. 
You were Eddie’s friend, he was your friend, and that’s all that matt— jesus christ are y— are you enjoying this? 
No, no. He’s mistaken. His voice was almost gravely when he collected his thoughts. “Is this okay? Are you feeling better?”
Answering with a nod you lay your head back against his shoulder, “feels good, your hands… s’ warm.” 
Eddie takes the opportunity to nuzzle his chin into the space between your neck and shoulder, wrapping himself around you in a hug. “For the record, there won’t ever be a day where I won’t look out for you, sweetheart.” 
If your cheeks could heat up they would burn, but right now the frozen butterflies in your belly warm up and flutter around, causing a sheepish little grin to paint your lips. 
“Really?” you whisper, tracing the top of his hand delicately with your finger tips.  
“Yeah,” Eddie scoffs lightheartedly, “can’t imagine not having you.” He goes rigid, stumbling over his words, realizing what he just said, “n—not having you in my life, as a friend.” 
The silence grows loud and Eddie panics, but you haven’t pulled away yet.. in fact you haven’t said anything at all. He was aching to know what was going through your head. 
“Have you… thought of having me another way?” 
Your own heart is pumping so fast all the cold has left your extremities. It was either now or never knowing, and missing this opportunity so perfectly laid out like you had in June years ago wasn’t something you are willing to do again. 
“Have you thought about us.. being more than what we are now, more than this.” 
Eddie, ever the brave, takes a deep breath steadying his hands on your knees in a slight grip, “yeah, yeah I have.” 
“Oh,” you choke out.
Oh? A word of multitude meanings. It’s silent again, only the roaring wind outside to accompany the wild beating hearts in Apartment 4D. 
Before either of you could say anything more, the lights flickered once, twice, and finally went out for good. 
“Shit,” Eddie breathes behind you, and he tries to move but you hold him where he is: with you, holding you, touching you. 
“Do you remember the summer after Senior Year? When Jonathan threw that party at Hopper’s abandoned cabin?” 
Of course he remembered, the smell of your vanilla perfume still stung his nose from time to time, even though you had switched to a different one, Eddie never forgot how your skin glistened, how your hair smelled of sticky honey and vanilla. He found himself drowning in that memory of you often. 
“Yeah,” he swallows, “I do.” 
It's easier in the dark to ask these kinds of questions, easier to answer them also. Like the dark casted a veil of trust and zero judgment. As if whatever you were admitting would stay here forever, in the inky dark, beneath the heat of Eddie’s warm arms and a hand me down blanket.  
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” your voice was small and meek, but beneath your skin your heart thundered. 
He lets out a shuddering breath past your shoulder, one that raises goosebumps against your bare skin. “I didn’t know you wanted that from me.” 
Before you can object Eddie continues, “you made me nervous back then… I couldn't think, and I don’t— didn’t— want to ruin it.” 
“And now?” You ask, moving Eddie’s hands like a puppet master so they skim up your hips and around your middle, cupping just below your foreign shaded pink bra. “Do I still make you nervous?” 
He swallowed audibly, but he took back control of his hands and rested them below your ribs, circling your skin in lazy patterns, his thumb nail catching on the underwire. 
“Well,” he whispers against your shoulder, his lips hovering idly over your pebbled skin, “I’ve had years to fantasize about it.” 
“Mhmm,” he confirms, lowering his mouth impossibly lower to your skin, “can’t get you outta my head.” 
Your breath catches in your throat and your body is pulsating with want, warming from the inside out, no longer shivering from the freezing temperatures but from him.
You needed your hands on him. Now. 
Lifting your arms to escape the warmth of the blanket,  you reach backward to cradle them behind his neck. Weaving them through his soft curls as you arch your back and pull him toward you. 
A groan escapes his lips and you shudder in response, unable to take one more minute without his lips on you, you turn around and balance on your knees between his legs.  
He’s too pretty like this, nothing but the shadows of the storm on his face and bare chest. A haze in his eyes as they roam over your body. A strangled fuck slips from his lips and he’s all but drooling like a puppy at the sight of you like this in front of him. 
“C’mere,” he nearly whispers, gesturing with his fingers and patting his lap with his other hand. 
You straddle his hips and lay your hands on his chest, flicking your thumb nail across his silver chain he never took off, a shy smile on your lips. 
Eddie rests his hands on your lower back, following your spine and finally feeling that the little stretchy fabric he felt earlier on your hips, v’d off into a tiny thong. He was positive he’d have a stroke before this blizzard was over. 
“I wanna kiss you like I should have at Byer’s party. ‘m not gonna stop unless you tell me to, and goddamn baby I really hope you don’t.”  
His lips find yours in the dark and fireworks light behind your eyelids. It’s soft and slow and impossibly sweet. Eddie tasted like coffee and cream and slow Sunday mornings. 
You open your mouth and his tongue greets yours, tangling together into a sleep massage filled with soft moans and rolling hips. Your fingers weave through the hair at the back of his neck and after all this time of knowing Eddie, you can’t believe how soft his hair feels. 
Like silk sheets in a fancy hotel. 
He’s swallowing your little gasps as he grows hard beneath you. Peppering kisses down your neck, across your collarbone and landing back to nip at your earlobe. He’s taking his time, carving his hands along your curves, kissing every surface he can find, growing impossibly stiff beneath your sweeping hips. 
Eddie moans when you call out his name once he has you on your back, his mouth hot against your peaked nipple, your fingers wrapped in his curls. You’re practically writhing beneath him, aching for him to keep going. 
His boxers come off and you can only feel, and judging by the way your hand can’t wrap fully around him— you knew taking him would be every bit of heaven and the best parts of hell. 
He whines with pleasure when he’s pressed into the mattress as you tease him. Kissing the tattoos on his hips, you make sure to take extra care of the warped and mottled patch of skin on his ribs. You knew, despite his protests, that they still itched and weren't as pliable as it had been before the skin was ripped from his body. 
Your hands work his shaft in tandem with your mouth, wrapping as much of him as you could manage, he’s a panting mess when he practically pleads that he can’t take anymore, he needs to be inside of you.
He leaned towards the night stand reaching for a lone condom. But you want him just the way he is. Want to feel everything he has to offer. Want to feel him stretch you open, want him to feel the way you adjust and gasp with each inch of him stuffing into you. 
When he lines up, he looks up just as you intake a sharp breath, watching as your bodies connect, and he practically cums on that sight alone. 
He’s moaning low and practically rumbling out fuck every other word. Your breath is gone, suffocated by being so full you can barely contain yourself. Eddie works you through it, and when he’s fully seated to the hilt, he leans forward and collects your lips whispering how he’s got you, how he’ll take of you, always. And he would forever if you’d let him. 
When he moves it’s slow and steady, his hips moving fluidly like the rhythm to a song. Your hands are clutching onto him, gripping his biceps, leaving moon shaped indents in his skin that only add to his pleasure. 
Eddie picks up speed when your body moves back against him, knowing that you need more, want more and he’s happy to oblige. Pressing a thumb on your clit he rubs slow, then fast. Circular, then up and down. He’s working her like a rotary phone and you come undone, whimpering his name and moaning as tears leak from the corners of your eyes. 
He follows not far behind you, and it’s a shaky, earth shattering high that has him throwing his head back holding onto your hips as if you were keeping him Earth bound. 
You both collapse into a tangled mess of sheets and sweat and discarded clothing. Eddie tries to get up but you pull him back to you, kissing his jaw and reveling in the high of euphoric bliss. 
❆ ❆ ❆
Four days the power flickered on and off as the city worked hard to restore things back to normal. It was the most snowfall the city had ever seen, but you missed it all. Hard to keep track of what day or time it was when you were constantly being fucked into oblivion by a man who absolutely adored you and worshipped your body like a sacred temple. 
You were raw, and stained with presses and laps from his lips and tongue, a deep set of teeth marked the back half of your shoulder that you were extremely privy to. 
Eddie also had his fair share of love bites and claw marks from you. Unlocking a kink you didn’t know even existed a/n: (Does it? Marked men? is that a kink? listen bitch idk but it’s hot)
Neither one of you worrying about anything, barely making time to make a meal before you were back at it again, on the table, the counter, the bathroom floor, Pete’s bed, up against Eddie’s closet— everywhere, not a single surface was left untainted. 
The questions of what comes next, what does this mean for him and for you would be answered another time. 
For now, in the blissful naivety of the shelter from the blizzard in his bedroom of apartment 4D —that would later smell of coffee, and cigarettes and a record set of orgasms: you were tickled pink to be snowed in with him.
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likes, comments, reblogs are loved and adored ** if you want to see more dm’s are always open and welcome, thanks for having me back here after being gone from this space for a few months 🖤💋
All time taglist that i’m dogshit at remembering: @dashingdeb16 @bastardstevie @what-the-jams @lexr86 @pretendthisnameisclever
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monolotus · 1 day ago
to be loved is . . .
⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒
includes: reader gets referred to as a girlfriend, seventeen adores you so much
When seventeen adores you so much that they can’t help but make you feel so loved even with the smallest gestures
Scoups ⨾ ﹙ to be able to take care ﹚
Scoups, the good leader. He’s always taking care of everybody around him- the staff, his family, his members. He will neglect himself in order to help somebody else, no matter how big or small the help may be.
So, when is late at night, and he allows himself to ask you to help him, you can’t help but smile softly, pulling him closer to your body as you comfort him trough his crying.
He allows you to help him.
When he comes late after practice, he knows you will prepare a tasty dinner for him, with a warm bath afterwards. You will help him with his clothing, as he is ever so tired to change into his pajamas. And you’ll cuddle, and he will be the one being hugged, you all over him。
Jeonghan ⨾ ﹙ to be childish ﹚
You can’t help but to be yourself around him. How could you not? If he is so unapologetically himself. Your love for the silly games and pranks can’t help itself when you are around your lover. He created a space where your childish jokes can be heard, a space where no matter how dumb the hobby may seem, your lover is always ready to support you。
Joshua ⨾ ﹙ to be soft ﹚
Ever the gentleman, Joshua can’t help but see you as the most sweet thing in the entire world. He encourages your aftercare routine, doesn’t matter the time nor the problem- you had a fight? a bad day? you stressed yourself out? He’s already in his pajamas, ready to help you with your aftercare routine.
Whenever you feel the world’s expectations on your shoulders, too heavy to let your walls fall, he’s already there: ready with a warm smile, and sweet words towards you.
When the worlds feels like too much, he’s ready to help。
Jun ⨾ ﹙ to be seen ﹚
You said once you hated the world’s view on you- how people could perceive you wrongly. Since then, Jun has taken it as a full time job to learn you; your hobbies, your freckles, your expressions lines and even the colors that you think makes your eyes pop.
He’s ready to show you that, even if the world has a wrong perception of you, he’s had taken his time to see you for who you are. Not your money, connections, friends or anything alike. He will take his time to know why you frown when you listen to good music, or why you are so scared of cockroaches。
Hoshi ⨾ ﹙ to be too much ﹚
Too loud, too emotional, too soft, too impulsive. There’s nothing wrong with being too much, that’s something that Hoshi made sure you’d understand early on your relationship.
You are being too emotional? fine! he’ll cry with you while watching the final episode of your latest favorita k-drama. You can’t take Jeonghan’s teasing today? Fine, he’ll shield you from the eldest jokes! There’s nothing wrong with feeling too much. You two take pride in creating a space where both of you could be too hyper, and nobody would have the right to say anything about it。
Wonwoo ⨾ ﹙ to take space ﹚
Always making yourself feel small. You would physically make yourself smaller when two members would sandwich you, you would lower your voice whenever someone else spoke while you talked. That’s something Wonwoo couldn’t take lightly.
He would encourage you to speak louder when someone would interrupt you, he would make himself look even bigger just so you wouldn’t feel bad about taking even the smallest space between members.
He doesn’t allow his partner to feel small, not when she is full of good things to showcase to the world。
Woozi ⨾ ﹙ to take time ﹚
“Good things take time” That’s what he said when you couldn’t stop complaining about your assignment taking too long to be finished by your group.
He explained, slowly and surely, how the other groups had their own times to work on their assignment- Everybody had their own schedule, yours been as busy as ever.
He made sure, after this, to encourage you to take time to do your things- your homework, your hair, your night routine.
Without realizing it, he started to take time to plan his own schedule. Sure to say, you made sure he also took time to eat and cuddle with you。
Minghao ⨾ ﹙ to being taken cared of ﹚
To being able to love, you have to love yourself first. How can you take care of Minghao, if you neglect yourself so much? How could you learn about which herbs can help the stress you both go under, if by the smallest mistake you are trowing hard words at yourself?
He didn’t complain when his tea (made by you) was slightly sour. He didn’t complain when he got sick after taking care of you and your fever. And he would never complain about helping you through your meltdowns.
Why? Because he loves you.
Why would he complain about taking care of his partner? He knew you would drop everything for him if he called you sick, so why wouldn’t he do the same for you?
He did。
He poured his favorite tea, his most fluffy blanket and pulled his best recipes from Mingyu. He took care of you, even when you wouldn’t stop complaining about it.
Easily, and without thinking too much about it. Because he loves you。
Mingyu ⨾ ﹙ to be spoiled ﹚
You can’t look at something twice, say “it’s pretty” or even send him a new caffe than opened downtown, or he would be taking action into buying everything that you could lay your eyes on.
Oh, you liked a new foundation at Olive young? Good thing he’s ambassador of the brand! Craving something sweet? Snickers are right there!
There is no need to worry about your plate being nothing short of delicious: he cooks just the way you like it- the meat, the veggies, even the side dishes. He doesn’t mind eating a little bit less meat if that means you get to enjoy your food for a little longer。
You complained, once, that you didn’t really like your work’s lunch. You bet he took matter into his own hands to learn how to make cute lunch boxes, always sending it with a cute note (“Missing your smile”; “hope you miss me as much as i miss you”; “listen to this song, it made me think of you”)
Seokmin ⨾ ﹙ to be a part of ﹚
Game night? Late after-work-drinks? Behind the scenes of a photo shoot? He makes sure you are included. Let it be through pictures, messages, video calls or even inviting you to the place.
He loves getting a picture of your lunch, a short OOTD video or even a complaint of the weather- it makes him feel part of your daily routine, even when you are in different continents. So, he does the same.
He sends a selca when is late at night and he has just gotten out of the shower, or when the boys decided to orden some chicken, or even when he saw a CD of your favorite band while taking a walk with his friends: he makes sure to send a picture, to make sure you know you’re always on his mind。
Seungkwan ⨾ ﹙ to be emotional ﹚
Growing up you didn’t let many things affect you, you couldn’t cry easily.
Until you met Seungkwan, who would always talk sweet nothings to you “i love doing nothing with you” “i appreciate you doing this for me” “it means a lot that you took time to help me”. His tongue would held so many sweet words towards you, that it was only a matter of time until you started to imitate him.
When he would stay awake to wait for you on a friday night, you would drop a “it meas a lot that you decided to wait for me, that’s why i love you” and he would be shocked, not used to you saying things like that.
He didn’t push it, not at all.
He was his emotional self, and with that, you learnt that being outspoken and letting people around you know how you felt for them, meant a lot.
How could you not? If it was so easy for him to cry out of pure love for his fans, for his friends, for his family。
How could you not have your eyes filled with tears, as you mumbled about your love towards him?
Vernon ⨾ ﹙ to be shared ﹚
“Yeah, my girlfriend really likes that band” “Have you seen this movie? My partner is the biggest fan” “You know, my girlfriend told me how they did this scene…” Are some common phrases when it comes to Vernon.
He is a little nerd when it comes to his favorite niches, and so are you.
It slipped from your tongue before you could stop yourself “You know, they were actually drunk when filming this scene…” And, later, when a carat would ask about a TMI, he would answer with a fun fact you told him about a movie, a record, an artist
More often than not, he would make a new playlist inspired by you. He has multiple by now
In letterbox, he has a watchlist named “to watch with her” And another, called “Her watch” As you don’t really use the app. He rates the movies for you- mamma mia having a 5/5 star。
Dino ⨾ ﹙ to be heard ﹚
Always the youngest, the overlooked. He can’t bare the thought of not hearing what his partner has to say. Let it be the most dumb opinion in the entire world, he would look at you with big eyes, waiting for you to finish your train of thought.
When you pause the episode of the latest drama you two are watching, he looks down, ready to hear your opinion on how the plot could be resolved.
When you send an album to his chat, with the text “Wait a sec”, he knows he is in for a rant opinion about each track, talking about how you would change it, or why you loved it so much
You’re first person he sends every draft to: A cover, a coreography, even the instagram pictures. He values your opinion, and he hears it.
He doesn’t just listen, he hears it. He takes his time to process your words, even if it cuts the flow of the conversation, as he really wants to make sure he understands you。
–sorry for any errors, first time writing long paragraphs for a fic! lol. let me know what you think. Xoxo, gi
– requests and asks are open!
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self-winding · 15 hours ago
I'm also not sure how the Barbies were "in danger" after the Kens took over. They're not sex slaves. The Kens don't even understand what sex is. The most demanding thing the Barbies are ever asked to do is fetch beers, and there's no sign that they were forced or threatened into any of it. They are apparently just very easy to persuade in either direction. Ken shows up and says "hey let's do a patriarchy" and they're like, "sure, sounds fun," and then once Barbie and Co. return and start feeding them some basic feminist soundbites they switch right back to their prior views and easily reclaim their position of power.
Ken does kick Barbie out of her house, which could be regarded as theft, but keep in mind that none of the Kens have their own houses and the Barbies only have houses because of the intrinsic position of power assigned to them by Mattel. Like, there's no money in Barbieland, their jobs are pretend, they didn't actually work for these houses. They just have them, until the Kens flipped the script. Regardless of who occupies the houses, their ownership is completely unearned and arbitrary.
In any case they're dolls living in a world where there is no food, no illness, no sex, and no mortality, so trying to apply real world morality to Barbieland is inherently flawed.
in barbieland, where everything was perfect for women, men were safe. they didn't suffer, they took full part in society, they just weren't the "main characters". but when Barbieland was captured by men, women were instantly in danger. they began to be held for service and objectified.
the authors conveyed the essence very well and clearly, which not everyone understood
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meep-meep-richie · 6 days ago
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they already approved with Benthan endgame
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cosmichearter · 1 year ago
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"Monsters must be people too, so oh geez!"
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spiderman2-99 · 3 months ago
Where should you be kissed?
Knuckles. it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
[stolen from templeofvengeance; tagging you]
#ooc#dash game#[putting my haterism aside for one (1) minute to say this: I understand where Miguel's actions and vitriol come from. He's right in mental#rock bottom‚ to him‚ Miles is anomaly 001‚ a stressor that refuses to follow his assigned worldview-- if not all of 1610 somehow still#existing after Miles *supposedly* fucked it up‚ at his wit's end running the Society‚ endlessly reliving his grief/never letting it heal‚#and once he actually MEETS him‚ he probably reminds him too much of himself: stubborn‚ over his head but refusing to back down‚#an endless desire to DO GOOD but not knowing how or what to do. And that scares him. Because if he‚ the anomaly‚ the first cosmic flaw‚#WINS‚ is right‚ it'll upend his entire worldview. Everything he's fought for‚ ruthlessly enforced‚ staked the Society as a whole in.#This isn't me being an apologist btw; I'd love nothing more than to throttle his ass. But... but but but.#Somewhere in that endless lattice of biting‚ ready temper and dourness and utter dogmatism to the point he refuses to CONSIDER other views#is an extremely grief-stricken‚ lonely‚ stressed to hell and back man with enough emotional baggage to fill a cargo hull. Who THINKS he's#doing good‚ WANTS to do good on a large scale‚ no matter the cost‚ the burden‚ the filth he has to endlessly wash his hands of.#And that's what makes him the topic of some weird fucked up obsession of mine in spite of my simultaneous HATRED of him]#[hey here's a drink if u read this far🍻]
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destinedarrow · 6 months ago
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Right on, dude.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 months ago
if ur "hear me out"s include human characters i'm assuming u have absolutely no idea what ur doing and have misunderstood the assignment completely
#personally i do not have any which is why i havent taken part#u put a human in front of me & im like. this is just Some Guy. this is not a Statement let alone a risky one#people into mlp in that way are making a bigger statement than u. & theyre barely making one either#its just some guy u can just say u think theyre hot its okay ur the only one judging urself#i just saw someone use a bug a literal pixel insect as their hear me out & im like FINALLY someone who understands the assignment#unfortunately im a normie so i dont get to participate :/#that angels a human shes literally just some guy thats not a statement#the closest to a nonhuman chara i can even think of is like. teacher from totsukuni#but 1) i have zero interest in fucking him and 2) he's basically human save for his head. i wouldnt count him#an eo monster maybe but im not really a monster fucker. i'll sit this out myself but i will judge others for saying humans#its a hear me out bc its something u wouldnt want to say to most people#u pulling up a character that u could feasibly pass by in a convenience store & not think twice about is not it#im not really pressed about this this is so nothing to me but its like. some of u dont Understand#like the people who make the 'im not calling u good girl that [thing] was shit" memes without realizing the og was praise kink#apparently that wasnt clear to everyone. but it does make those a bit funnier to me when they clearly didnt know#u can play hear me out with me in my ask box if u want but know im terminally demisexual#so my response will be based more so on if i think u understood the assignment than actually agreeing with u
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year ago
#im just gonna complain abt it here bc i just have to accept that i can't irl bc no one else gets it#its hard to b a dyslexic grad student. u have to read so much. and its good. lots of reading is good. u just have to contend with a soul#crushing amout of discouragement at the fact u just kinda cant read while ur peers r like sure i can read this in class and have things to#say abt it. if u make me read in my head in class i literally cannot fucking tell u what i just read. not a god damn thing and if i try to#let my computer read to me i cant fucking pay attention for long enough so i just have to accept that from here on out ill have to#physically read papers aloud which i hate so much. its the only way i can fucking understand things and it still makes me feel dumb bc ill#somehow still space out while reading and have to reread like 4 times before i understand wtf is being said. it takes forever and it takes#energy and i dont like talking very much and it also restricts me to only being able to read at home which is frustrating#and im like i need to stop my brain from distracting myself with things that dont matter and my counselor is like: ur ocd is trying to make#work ur whole life and im like yeah thats how i got it. its the only way i can keep swimming with the non dyslexics#so its like wtf do i do? i kinda have to take the hit and make work my whole life rn. morn the loss of other things for a while#i dunno im still a bummer rn. like im probably coming off as more an asocial freak than normal bc its hard to talk ans maintain conversation#rn. but whatever. sometimes things just suck and theres nothing u can do abt it but accept it and move on. ill learn lots of things with all#the reading i have to do and that's never a bad thing ...no matter how much i dont give a fuck abt animals#like jesus. i could not even begin to give a fuck about like 95% of mammals. fish r cool tho. plants too#but microbes is where its at. i dont understand y ppl dont understand how cool they r. oh well ill just have to tell them#if i can find my fucking enthusiasm. ugh i have to make one of my classes read a paper and i have to work with someone abt find it. she#works with like rabbits. i refuse to assign a mammal paper. i fucking refuse. we will do plants or microbes or fucking paleontology#i will fight her on this. ugh. light filtering or orchid speciation would b perfect. annoying#at least i get to work with some culturs this week#unrelated
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zenathezee · 2 years ago
Me responding to an email at work: "Blah blah blah, yes, no, here's a line for filler that probably doesn't need to be mentioned at all but it's weird if the email is too short."
Response I get back: "Thank you for saying [line I threw in as filler], I didn't know that and it was very helpful!!"
#I work in insurance so this was from a company letting us know a retiree who had our benefits passed away#and I did my best to professionally pass on condolences and say I've processed it and got the ball rolling on the life insurance payout etc#and threw in a line about how we would send his spouse the paperwork to elect those same benefits if she wants to stay on our plan#and they were very thankful I mentioned we would do that because they didn't know how that process worked at all#my approach to emails at work is#how much info would I as the reciever want so I can understand wtf is going on and why#while not overwhelming them with info that's confusing and would make it seem like I'm contradicting myself when I'm not#and apparently that's why I got a Christmas bonus this year#because I've done such a good job explaining things to our member companies in my emails#we have to CC our field team person for every email we send to a company and with my assigned states I only work with 2 of them#and the field team person for my biggest states apparently frequently sings my praises at their weekly meeting with my boss/her bosses#I've been informed on good authority everyone in Wisconsin loves me#sometimes I get thanked for my transparency and I have to re-read my email to make sure I'm not going to get in trouble for it lmao#my autism makes me want to be tooooo honest at work#why did the website try to prevent you from signing up for that specific medical plan?#idfk but I fixed it for you and here's what you need to do in case someone tries to give you trouble for it down the road#[enter gif of Mr. Incredible typing while looking dead inside]#yes I said something
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treddnevers · 1 month ago
if i had a nickel for every time someone i grew up with and secretly crushed on despite my vocal insistence that i did NOT like boys later came out as a transbian, unintentionally validating my self-imposed militant lesbianism, i would have 2 nickels etc
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girlivealwaysbean · 3 months ago
okay okay i guess i do kinda want kids
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forehead451 · 5 months ago
stream of consciousness type deal.
#people's experiences of you will be so drastically different from what you're like when relaxing/unmasking at home and they'll be shocked#when you live together and you thought you let them see what you were like normally except most of the time theyve seen you at home its an#Occassion™ so ofc im gonna be alert and jumping around and talkative bc theres a lot happening and im really happy theyre there#and i can be still. but once they see me day after day exhausted and overstimulated its different bc i am different#i dont feel like i am but i am#and if they dont believe when you explain whats happening then shit hits the fan#for a while i did not understand why they were getting so mad at me at dinner#the other people there understand how i can be foggy or overstimulated and just need to eat and im happy to be there i just need to not look#at anyone or say much and im dizzy from working all day. i need to mash for a bit all ill be good. theyve been generous to take me as honest#when i tell them what im doing.#but a person who is not used to seeing me that way will start thinking im rolling my eyes at whats being said when im actually staring into#space or trying to refocus or trying to get my body to stay in itself instead of drifting off and they think im quietly judging and ik like#im so sorry but fr im not even listening to the group conversation and im not thinking anything negative about you im just gathering my body#i SWEAR. also its agreed that i take part in a group meal instead of isolating with my food bc i need to eat right now too#now that ive stopped working and im going to go back to working after this meal so. this is what i have to do. it is understood and you're#somewhat new to being here on a daily basis but I'm serious i just have to do this and im not being shady im just Something™#(aka exhausted/overstimulated/neurodivergent.) but when i get up with the gathered dishes without making eye contact im automatically angry#and im judgemental and manipulative and trying to control everyone's mood by making my problems everyone's problems with my sighing and eye#rolling. im like. again im not rolling my eyes im trying to focus my eyes. and im not sighing at whats being said im letting out the breath#i realized ive been holding bc im holding myself back from an anxiety rollercoaster drop bc im very overstimulated rn and i was asked to be#here to share meals and deal with it in front of everyone and you arent understanding that id be doing the same thing in private#nothing's WRONG im just OVERSTIMULATED RN and im pulling my body back and im not thinking anything about ANYONE in this room but im starting#to NOW bc you keep assigning meaning where ive told you repeatedly theres none and i get why you're interpreting it this way but i promise#thats not what im doing and your reasons for why im doing it are not accurate.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years ago
#let me express to u perhaps The frustration of my life#i like to learn. it is perhaps my favorite thing. new information. more more more constantly#but. my fucking brain is the fucking worst. because im not fucking stupid if i can focus and process the words being said i can understand#many things. i like to learn about math and physics and chemistry and biology and anatomy... ect concepts#but the focus and the processing of words is where we have problems. because i cannot focus for more than like 5min#i blink and suddenly ive been spaced out for a sec and need to reorient. i cant prioritize what to do 1st and im constantly bouncing betwee#tasks so nothing ever gets done and im too intimidated to start learning things. and when im trying to learn we habe the processing words#problem. like my reading comprehension is so fucking bad. like i will read a book on paper and maybe retain 25% of the info if im not#hardcore trying. for a class where i had to do a ton of paper reading. i had to read everything out loud to myself. highlight important#info. write myself a summary based on the highlights and then read the paper again before i could even begin to feel comfortable in#discussions. it was so fucking frustrating and miserable. ppl will give me physical books and im like thanks i cant fucking read sorry#too fucking dyslexic. read and listen they say. u have to read and listen at the same time bc i cant pay attention and i cant read#so if i do both then maybe the info gets in. thats y i have to read aloud but i hate it and still get distracted#i mean. i probably just have an attention problem. its also really annoying that my short term working memory is so awful#bc in order to make things make sense i have to draw or write them out. i cant judt go off the top of my head or i get stuck saying thr sam#thing over and over and over. its like my ability to think is extremely shallow. but thrn i read papers and recognize concepts from classes#i took years ago and im like. fucking y cant i know what i know? my head feels so empty but info is in there somewhere#its just so fucking frustrating that i love understanding systems so much. complex annoying little systems that fit together like a puzzle#and my fucking brain refuses to accept the information im trying to get in there. so i return to a remark left on my dyslexia assignment:#intelligent when not constrained by language or time. thanks. unfortunately language is how ppl communicate#also i freak out under time pressure lol. anyway ive just been reading papers for fun this weekend and remembering y i dont: bc its agony#but also i fucking love the concepts so much and i need a good understanding of photosynthesis before August when i join a photosynthesis#lab lmao. ugh. i love learning but my brain was not buildmt#built for it. if only if only someone could podcast about the obscure things im interested in while reading directly from the source#unrelated#also its like 105 degrees plus. its too fucking hot out#thats like 40 degrees C. the sun is like a death ray
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cursingtoji · 4 months ago
cw: office au, nanami x loser!reader, semi public, oral, praising, slight emotional dependency? geto version gojo version toji version
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nanami is so in love with the little office loser. he doesn’t give you much attention when you first arrive, just another presence in the office. then he starts to, unwillingly, listen to the conversation of others about giving the new clumsy girl a little rough time.
nanami watches from the corner of his eye as you quietly accepts your boss’ request to work overtime, he frowns as your boss implies under many corporate jargons that it’ll be unpaid and you should do it for the team.
“so naive” he murmurs watching you smile.
he can’t help but become infatuated with you when watching your skirt raising when you try to reach a tall shelf in the communal kitchen.
“here” he catches the coffee beans bag for you, without even needing to extend his arm much. nanami arrives so quietly that his voice scares you and you take a step back bumping into his strong body behind you and leaving a tiny squeal out, “sorry, are you okay?” he puts his hand on your shoulder.
“y-yes, thank you” he gives you space and you turn around looking at him over the thick frame of your glasses. it reminds nanami of those ads where a gorgeous woman has a pair of glasses down her nose and the caption says something like ‘single hotties in your area’. he then understands the appeal.
he keeps himself busy most days, so one day as soon as he sends an email he relaxes on his desk rolling his shoulders and looking around just in time to watch you knock a box of staples off your table. he raises from his seat to go help you but he gets a call at the same time so he sits back down to answer it while keeping his eyes on you.
you kneel picking the small items one by one. he likes seeing you on your knees. then you push your chair and crawl under the desk, trying to reach a few staples that went under the cabinet, at this point you’re with your head down on the carpeted floor and your ass up, nanami watches it with lusty eyes, just agreeing and humming to whatever the person on the phone is saying while wondering if you remember you are wearing a skirt. he watches in awe the black semi transparent pantyhose you have on stretch at the back of your thighs and the panties peeking out from underneath it.
when you get up your hair is messy and your face is flushed, you don’t think most of it, just glad to have caught every little staple. meanwhile nanami pulls his chair closer to his desk so you don’t see the volume in his pants when you pass by after basically flashing him.
nanami knows he wouldn’t last long with you around. one night he also stays overtime and you, being the extreme people pleaser you are, bring him some coffee and different sugar packets since you don’t know how he takes his coffee, but even with this simple self-assigned task you still manage to screw up and spill some on his pants immediately apologizing and getting on your knees to clean it with your sleeve. the friction on his upper thigh is making him grow hard but your teary eyes is what pushes him over the edge.
“nanami-san, don’t go home too late” the last person in the office says stepping on the elevator and waving goodbye.
“have a good night” the blond manages to say over the desk divider that hides your figure. finally knowing you two are alone kento throws his head back and allow his muscles to relax and enjoy the warmth of your mouth as you suck him.
“that’s right, sweetheart, good girl” he praises with a guiding hand on the back of your neck. it’s so good to have someone praising you in this place that your eyes water with joy. kento never meant to nut in the office but here he is, watching his cum run down your chin.
you take the small bin under his desk to spit the incriminating evidence of his pleasure so you don’t have to swallow it, “here, let’s make the clean crew think that’s matsuda’s” kento switches the bin with the one under his coworkers desk.
he hates to admit but over time he starts to look forward the times you feel overwhelmed and come to him for affection.
which leads him to the tiny copy room way too many times, making you hold the edge of your skirt and pulling your underwear and tights down to eat you out on top of the copy maker.
“keep quiet, darling” he warns knowing fully well how thin the walls are.
although you have done many unspoken things to him in this office, nanami still flusters you. every time he’s near, your thighs start to shake and your clit throbs untouched.
“come here, i’ll show you” he motions you over his desk when you ask for help with a task. you watch him perform it on the computer screen, “now you try it” he moves his chair a bit to give you space to use his keyboard and as you bend over slightly to replicate his steps he uses the opportunity to feel the skin of the back of your legs since today you don’t have any tights.
“go back, click here” he corrects still touching you, his hand comes higher, laying just under your ass cheeks, “why are you shaking? type the code there” he says like he doesn’t have a hand under your skirt.
“s-sorry” you say when making a mistake.
“it’s okay, start over” he commands, now playing with the hem of your underwear, it’s hard to do what he showed you when you can’t even guide the cursor right.
nanami pushes the material of your underwear into your folds making out the shape of your pussy through it.
“do it again with this file” he points sounding so collected it makes you even more nervous, he rubs your core so lightly, it’s almost like he’s doing it for his own pleasure, like he’s trying to make out the shape of your clit with the tips of his finger only.
“save it, and send to yourself” as you finish the task he starts to pull down your underwear looking around to make sure no one is watching when he helps you step out of the white lacy material, “well done” he bends to pick your panties, giving your leg a quick kiss — since that’s the most he can do in the office during the day—, and putting the soaked fabric in his pocket.
“thank you” you smile and slowly make your way back to your desk, though your boss calls you middle way about a mistake you made on a file and to come to his office, now you wonder how you’re supposed to make it through the day not only without underwear but also dripping wet.
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