#let’s normalize not getting your license at 16
as someone who doesn’t have license as a result of financial and emotional abuse, i really wish people around me would stop saying i need to stop being “lazy” and just be an “adult” about it
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
hot laps * fem!driver
the fact of the matter is that she's got the reputation of being a reckless driver on the road, but they didn't know the extent until they had to join her for a hot lap around the track
pairings: bother figures x fem!driver, 4lyfers x fem!driver, macky
notes: hi i got bored at work and this is what i did instead of my dissertation
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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-> max verstappen, #1
literally cannot stop screaming the entire time
he knew she was a reckless driver by some degree on the road
but not like this
she takes him on an extra lap and goes faster, almost clips the wall and almost loses the car
is kinda impressed that she recovered it somehow
stumbles out the car a sputtering mess at how hard she’d gone in the car
“remind me not to anger you”
-> logan sargeant, #2
unfortunately is used to his life being in grave danger at her hands
lowkey still has a heart attack even though he knew she’s been driving like this since he taught her how to drive a road car at 16
holds onto the handles for dear life
disappointed but not surprised
“i almost got murdered trying to do content with rocky”
-> lando norris, #4
is silent most of the time
wide eyed though
is kinda traumatised at how fast she was going
because she seems to be having a lot of fun
just walks away the minute she parks the car at the grid
"doesn't seem normal to be giggling and humming songs when you're driving at 200km/h"
-> alex albon, #23
a little impressed
not sure what logan’s deal is about her driving
her driving reminds him a lot of george’s recklessness behind a wheel
isn’t as bad as george so that’s a win to him
“she’s a close second to george on the list of people i wouldn’t let drive me around”
-> liam lawson, #30
cussing her entire bloodline the minute she accelerated
apologises for every time he’s angered and pissed her off
his eyes were closed half the time, only ever peeking through an eye every couple seconds
terrified for his life
“have you ever considered operating a rocketship instead of a race car”
-> mick schumacher, #47
kinda enjoys it actually
she’s driven his car on the road before
asks her for a second lap because he literally doesn’t have the time to go to an amusement park
she says no
says she'll do it if he pays her money and the rates are $5/km/h
“it’s like getting on a roller coaster except it’s not nearly as scary”
-> george russell, #63
screams half the time she’s driving
literally tries to be a backseat driver
could feel his stomach left behind at sharp turns and his lifespan decreasing
actually saw his life flash before his eyes
“i need to apologise to alex for my driving behaviour”
-> oscar piastri, #81
would rather be anywhere than in a moving car with her
tries everything in his power not to get in the car with her
is unfortunately dragged in by lando because “if i had to go through it, so do you”
“i’ve lived with her, i’ve BEEN through it”
doesn’t feel much during the lap
feels kinda nice actually
better driver than he remembers her to be
“perhaps my expectations were low, but you weren’t as bad as i remembered so good job”
— bonus
-> sebastian vettel, #5
doesn’t even blink
sits there and takes it
kind of wonders why he allowed himself to be the target of the socmed’s team
from a race car driver perspective: good, but as a human: it’s absolutely foul
jelly legs when he came out of the car
“whoever let you have a license should have a stern talking to”
-> matt cornett (boyfriend!)
is praying for his safety the minute she approached him with bright eyes and a hopeful smile that he’d join her for a hot lap
literally thinks she’s going to kill him
isn’t as bad as he thinks
still thinks the rate she went at was too fast for his personal preference
she shrugs and admits that she went slower than she did with everyone else she's taken
is offended and asks her to give him the same treatment
literally regrets it
“i literally thought i was going to die at your hands”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Can I get clarification on your pro shipping post? The example you gave was a 20 year old with a 40 year old, and that's "problematic" (not really), but not really what I think of when I hear "pro shipping". Usually it's the shipping of minor/adult or incestuous relationships that I see getting defended. Does being against fictional works/ships that depict pedophilic or incestuous relationships as normal/romantic count as puritanism to you? Do you see the ship of Bruce Wayne/Damian Wayne as a personal preference with no moral implications?
I think there's a huge difference between being personally against something, and wanting to shame others or ban others from reading or writing something. The Puritanism comes from wanting to limit and ostracize others who don't share your beliefs. It comes from believing that your perspective is the only morally right one.
I think there will always be people who want to write or read about ships like that, yeah -- incest, pseudo-incest, everything in between. By moral implications, do you mean for the person interested in the ship? Or do you mean for others? Because I see that concern a lot on here -- this idea that somehow, by wanting to read/write about something, people are either 1) harming others by spreading this morally wrong ship or 2) harming themselves by normalizing the ship, and therefore making it more likely that they'll pursue similar relationships in their real lives.
We don't have much evidence for either of those claims. People have been clutching their pearls and wringing their hands over "morally wrong" books for ages -- and yet, Game of Thrones is still available in every bookstore. Am I a bad or woefully misguided person for having read Lolita in high school? Is a 16 year old reading a Bruce/Damian fic likely to turn around, shrug, and say "guess fucking my Dad is okay now"? Did an entire generation of fans shipping Wincest somehow have lasting, moral effects? I really don't think so. Not at the scale anti-shippers online seem to think, at least.
I think we need to separate how we moralize people from the content that they consume. And acknowledge that shaming and excluding people for wanting to read something doesn't exactly do much to prevent "moral implications." There's also a huge difference between reading a book, and endorsing the ideas/events inside of it. Same things with fics.
Anti-shipping is very appealing to people because it purports to protect people from harm. Until you look a little closer, and you realize that that protection comes at the expense of free expression, creative license, and agency to choose what we personally do and do not consume. And that that protection isn't really airtight out of your anti-shipping discord or tumblr community.
I think the best we can do is let people write and read what they want -- whatever they want, with limited warnings/etc like ao3 employs -- and ensure that those pieces of content are tagged, warned, and displayed accurately. We need to understand that the only control we have is over ourselves, and what we choose personally to consume or not consume.
I don't generally read those fics you mentioned, but I'm not saying they should be banned from ao3. Just because I might possibly think they're wrong or gross doesn't mean I think the person who wrote them is wrong or gross, either. The more we go down that moral slip and slide, like I said in my previous post, the worse off we will all become.
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Been working on this for a bit: Ensam Själ. It's a set of tools and procedures for Mörk Själ, my soulslike hack of Mörk Borg.
In it you will find a 2d10-based Yes/No oracle with a chance for random events, a variety of dark fantasy-themed spark tables, and a set of specific procedures for exploration using these tools.
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It takes inspiration from a lot of different solo and GM-less rules, such as Mythic GM Emulator, Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator, Game Master’s Apprentice, Solitary Defilement, FORGE, and my very own Pocket Delver (If you've played Pocket Delver, the last set of random tables should look pretty familiar)
As always, licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0, so feel free to poach and steal any bits and pieces you like from it.
It costs $5 USD, but there are 10 community copies available, and I will be adding a new community copy for each sale made. Also, for the next two months it will be available at a discounted price for everyone who already owns the full version of Mörk Själ.
Plus. If community copies run out and you still want a free copy because you can't or just don't feel like paying for it... you can just message me about it, and I'll be more than happy to give you a download code.
Anyway hope y'all enjoy it :)
As a little demonstration of how it works, I will copy the full example of play I included at the end of the document under the cut.
Example of Play
Here is a demonstration of solo play applying the procedures contained in this document.
After randomizing character creation, our chosen undead is Abigeal of Kingfisher Thicket, a Battlemage with a missing foot and vague memories of being betrayed by an old ally.
Abilities: Strength +2, Agility 0, Toughness -1, Presence +2
HP: 5
Inventory: Shortsword, Fur Armor, Lantern, 3 Flasks of oil.
Inventory slots: 4/13
Stamina: 9
Spells: The Fortress, Merciful Sunlight
Her main goal is to track down and punish the old ally who betrayed her, who is...
Roll on NPC spark table: 64 – Arrogant, 16 – Thief
... an arrogant thief by the name of Ciannán the Grinning.
Rolling on the Area spark table (22, 26) we find out that she begins her quest in a flooded prison. I’ve decided that the enemies for this area are: Nuisance: Sewer Rat – Normal: Ghost – Tough: Wraith – Miniboss: Amphibian Shaman – Boss: Giant Sewer Rat.
Let’s generate a room:
Roll for number of exits: 6 - three exits. Roll for cardinal directions: 2 – NE, 4 – SE, 8 – NW. I chose not to roll for exit type for the time being and assume the three of them are horizontal
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Roll on room content tables: Encounter: 11 – Nothing. Loot: 8 – Weapon (Roll on weapons table to determine weapon: Femur) . Room feature: 9 – Nothing.
Standing on top of a small ledge, Abigeal looks upon the rest of the flooded room, an abandoned guard post in an ancient, now flooded prison.
Is there a light source in the room? (2d6 on Soul Oracle: 6 – Yes) Luckily, the light that filters from the cracks on the ceiling above is enough to see clearly.
Is the water shallow enough to walk across it? (2d10 on Soul Oracle: 4 – “Yes, and...”) The water is shallow enough to reach all of the doors walking, and barely deep enough to get your feet wet. Due to the Yes, and Response, Doom is increased by 1.
Abigeal ignores the femur floating in the water, instead going to check the coffer beside the old guard table.
Is there anything of value in the coffer? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 12 – No, but...)
There is nothing in the coffer, but when she crouched down to check it she managed to spot something in the water under the table.
Is it a key? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 8 - Yes)
Abigeal grabs the key she spotted under the table, and then finally decides to check the door to the Northeast.
Room generation:
Roll for number of exits: 2 – None, the room has no doors other than the one she came in through.
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Roll on room content tables:
Encounter: 16 – 1d3 tough enemies. Loot: 11 – Nothing. Room feature: 12 – Nothing.
Upon entering the flooded guard barracks, Abigeal suddenly finds herself facing a Wraith. As she wasn’t making any particular effort to conceal herself, she’s spotted almost immediately.
Roll for Wraith HP (4d8): 21
Initiative: Test Agility DR12. 19 - Success, Abigeal acts first.
Knowing she can’t defeat the Wraith head-on, Abigeal tries to use her Merciful Sunlight spell to blind it.
Spellcasting: Test Presence DR12. 18 – Success.
Casting Merciful Sunlight and aiming the bright light directly at the wraith’s eyes, Abigeal manages to blind it for 8 combat rounds (There is no set effect for blinding, but I’ve decided the DR to avoid the wraith’s attacks has been reduced to 6)
The wraith tries to hit Abigeal, but she easily avoids its touch and counterattacks with her shortsword, just barely managing to hit its almost incorporeal form. She decides to spend one Stamina to add one damage die to her attack, hitting with 2d4 for 7 damage.
I will omit the full play-by-play narration of the encounter, but Abigeal manages to defeat the wraith after seven rounds of combat, with her HP reduced to 4 and her Stamina Reduced to 3, and earns 250 souls. She rolls her weapon’s Usage Die, but luckily it comes up 3, so her weapon isn’t damaged. However, when rolling her armor’s UD it comes up 1, so her armor receives one level of wear and its UD is reduced from d8 to d6.
After stopping to catch her breath, she recovers 2 Stamina, and decides to examine the room.
Is there any container for guards’ belongings still intact?
(2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 3 – Yes, And...)
There is not only one, but several barrels and coffers containing the former guards’ belongings. Among them, she finds 2 bombs, a net, 20 ft of rope, and a spear. Due to the Yes, and Response, Doom is increased by 1.
Abigeal takes the spear and the two bombs and adds them to her inventory.
She then heads back to the guard post, now taking the door to the southeast.
Roll for number of exits: 3 – One exit. Roll for cardinal directions: 3 – East. Roll for exit type: 3 – Horizontal.
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Roll on room content tables:
Encounter: 11 – Nothing. Loot: 16 – Random scroll. Room feature: 14 – Major obstacle.
Rolling on a spark table to determine what the obstacle is, I decided to roll Verb + Subject
31 – Increase. 16 - Adversity
Towards the center of this room, the water level is much higher respective to the floor, making it impossible to traverse to the other side walking.
Is the scroll on the side of the room Abigeal can reach on foot? (2d10+2 on Soul Oracle: 11 – Random Event)
A random event occurs. Before determining what it is, I resolve the yes/no question by looking at the result of the higher of the two dice. As it’s an even number (8), the answer is yes, the scroll is floating on the side of the room Abigeal can reach on foot.
Roll for event type: 12 – Reveal
Something is revealed to not be what it initially seemed. I decided to roll Adjective + Subject and...
21 – Ancient. 12 – Ally.
Rather serendipitous.
I decided to interpret this as... she suddenly remembers this was an important place for her and Ciannán, back in the old times before the undead curse.
Is this where he betrayed her? (2d10+2 on Soul Oracle: 21 – No, and...)
This doesn’t seem to be the case, quite the opposite, in fact. Due to the No, and Response, Doom is reduced by 1.
Is this where they met? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 10 – Yes, but...)
She recognizes this as the place they met, but she can barely remember anything from that encounter other than the place itself.
I’m going to stop playing here for the time being, closing this example of play on what I think is the most interesting note so far.
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littletealights · 3 months
What makes you think that Arthur is a person of color? :0 just curious.
so, at first, i thought it was me projecting but i think the first clue i got was eddie. yall might think i’m being dramatic but eddie was…suspicious from the get-go. in a normal situation like this, there’s actually 0% chance that it turns out the way it did for arthur.
but that’s beside the point. eddie knocks on the door and receives an unhurried response. he walks away to do.. whatever it is he was doing. arthur comes to the door, opens it, looks around and picks up some trash, muttering to himself. suddenly eddie has urgent business inside the office with a. flimsy excuse at best. strike one.
we, as the audience, know that arthur is being shifty because he’s just killed a man. eddie has been told, quite convincingly, that arthur was moving… boxes or something (im looking at the transcript, arthur just says ‘not furniture’ so…). and that arthur is working with sensitive documents. not sure if you know this but private detectives have to work with proper authorities to be allowed to operate legally. that means they work with the police and the courts. when a PI says a document is sensitive, they mean legally. they mean eyes only. they mean ‘come back later or i could lose my fucking license because you got the wrong look at classified documents.’ a building manager, especially their building manager, should know that. strike two.
he also asks for arthur’s partner, peter yang (who is, i can only assume, an east asian man). i should hope that i dont have to remind you that this is massachusetts in the 30’s we’re talking about, and what that means logically. but i will. america hated asian people the most they ever did until COVID in the 30s through the 60s. the only people they hated more were black and brown people. no matter how shifty and suspicious arthur was acting, eddie would’ve been… let’s just say ‘incredibly unlikely’ to ask for peter instead of the white man. strike three
there’s some little bits about subvocals and tone that i could say, but it’d be a lot and i don’t fully understand it enough to explain well why eddie set off alarms for me. because i dont have to. it takes 5 minutes (from 11:48-16:09 on spotify, so nearly exactly) for eddie to go from inconvenient, to annoying, to suspicious, to violent. and he ends the conversation with a very real threat of violence that essentially boils down to ‘don’t come back to the building again.’ eddie is a maintenance man. he did not have the power to evict anyone. unless, of course, they were a poc. so why was arthur worried about eddie when sneaking back into the building?
but, like i said, i thought i was projecting. projection and being-on-the-lam can easily explain arthur’s hesitance when delivering the baby and asking for a ride. or the gunshop in part 6. but the lighthouse? no, what really solidified it for me was the end of part 8.
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here’s what officer collin knows so far: a visibly disabled man has stumbled, confused and upset, away from a lighthouse and a body that CANNOT have been killed by a human; and it is dark outside. that’s it. using this knowledge, he then proceeds to beat said man. brutally. repeatedly.
in part 9 they learn he is blind and when that timid little fucker (mitchell) expresses doubt, collin says this
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this is something we like to call coerced confession. arthur did not kill that man (the lighthouse keeper). officer collin knows that arthur didn’t kill that man. (dont play, he knows.) but because it is convenient to say that he did, they’ll threaten and torture him until he says that he did.
now, friends, i’m not going to lie to your face and say that white folk are safe from the cops, youre not, i know. but what im also not going to do is pretend like there os any world in which this happens and arthur is visibly white. not in the thirties, not in america. despite being forgotten or unmentioned they are in the midst of the great depression, the exact last thing these small-town cops need is the arrest of a blind white man on their hands. regardless, i have never ever heard of a cop speaking this way to a white person unprovoked. i, on the other hand, have been spoken to this way myself.
this is already quite long and it doesn’t even cover the sheer magnitude of people who feel comfortable calling arthur (at his grown ass age of visibly-an-adult) ‘boy.’ or the wicked and downright racist way that larson says it, (genuinely. it sounds like he’s a middle school boy who discovered the word ‘fagg*t’ for the first time the way he says it. i couldn’t tell you how many times that word (boy) drove an ice pick through my fucking skull this season.) but i hope you can at least get the picture.
original post is here
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agent-calivide · 3 months
I’m pretty sure the IEYTD franchise all takes place over the course of like a year, if not a few months, and frankly, I feel so bad for Agent Phoenix. Imagine going through all of that in such a short window of time!
While it’s hard to get exact, precise dates, we can finagle a rough guesstimate out with information in game (my favorite type!)
So, we know that Seat of Power took place on July 30th due to Solaris sending an email basically asking what the everloving fuck was going down on earth that lead to such erratic targeting (it was Phoenix)
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And we know that the agent gets on the death engine soon after Seat of Power as Handler is really surprised that the team in decryption already got the intel to them. But we also know there’s a window of a few days between Seat of Power and the Death Engine, as there’s an E-Mail from Professor X-Ray that was sent on August 1st
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Now, this would make things messy, as X-Ray is implied to be dead before Seat of Power, but thanks to this being z-mail, we can make an assumption that this was a scheduled email that was written before X-Ray’s death, set up to be sent out when there was a shipment of orange juice to the Death Engine. And, thanks to the juice in the Agent’s shuttle, it’s safe to assume it’s likely August 1st when the Death Engine takes place. It probably isn’t later than that because the orange juice shipment was most likely on the personnel shuttle that was being sent up with Solaris’ assistant. We know she was expecting them because she’s not surprised by their presence, in fact she’s implied to be expecting them in her dialogue.
Then in IEYTD 2, we get a year.
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I’ll be honest, this detail has always bugged me because just because it was carved in that year doesn’t mean it necessarily confirms that’s when IEYTD 2 takes place, but more on that later-
Regardless the year, we get a day confirmation on the clap-board in Safe and Sound, August 22nd
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And we know it’s almost certainly the same August thanks to what we know about the EOD.
They don’t have the budget for vacations or real plants or bereavement for the Handlers, so they almost certainly wouldn’t give the agent A YEAR of medical leave. And we also know that there aren’t any missions between the Death Engine and IEYTD 2 because Handler says “we can’t let Zoraxis know you survived your last mission”
Phoenix gets AT MOST 16 days to recover if they arrived at the Death Engine the day that z-mail was sent out on August 1st, and only 15 if it was the 2nd.
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Then on to IEYTD 3
Now, the week and day is hard to find, but we do get a license that is implied to be administered at a temporary license in:
1967. The same year as what was written under the desk in Stage Fright in IEYTD 2z
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Now, do I have a whole mold math post that basically says it’s 7-15 days on the generous end? Yes. Do I also know that’s shaky evidence? Yes.
BUT, we also have real locations. Many of the locations have set weather that doesn’t have much shifting, but there’s ONE level where the weather shifts greatly from summer to autumn. And that’s in Operation Blindspot!
Reginald says that Prism was lost on the interstate heading across Bering Strait. For those who don’t know (like I didn’t) Bering Strait is in Alaska, where while they have temperate summers, when it gets cold, it gets cold. And fast. On average, Bering Strait’s snowfall starts in September and really takes off in October, so it’s most likely that IEYTD 3 takes place in early to mid September, as while it’s cloudy, there’s no indicators that it’s freezing, something Schell would have put in if they wanted to like in Cold Shoulder.
So the Agent goes from a normal, maybe even rookie agent, to Agent Phoenix, protector of the world and famous EOD agent in the span of approximately 2 months. I do not envy them, that sounds like hell
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foreverisntenough · 6 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 16 - ‘You’re Mine’
(This chapter feels long and is exaggerated but what isn’t about the whole series.)
It was another match day. It was raining as usual and you sat in your kitchen gathering things before Marcel was set to pick you up from your house. You two had gotten really close, you spent so much time together over the years. You joked that you spent more time with him than you did Trent but the hours you spent in bed with Trent probably tipped the scales in his favor. You were together just about every match and had developed a little routine. You could technically drive in the UK with your US license for now. In the next year though you’d have to take an actual UK driving test if you wanted a real license which you were planning on doing but we’re putting off so your boyfriend's little brother drove you around. You two would go to a particular coffee shop you both liked every home game, it felt comfortable but when you went in today something felt off.
“I know I sound crazy... but do you feel like people are looking at us?” You hushly asked Marcel waiting in the queue.
“I am the best looking brother, it happens, people know…” he goaded, staring ahead debating if he wanted to venture away from his usual order.
“Humble too… but no, seriously.” You quipped back.
“Erm… “ he looked around the place assessing if anything was different, and it did feel different. “Now that you mention it, maybe a little… Don’t worry about it.” He tried to reassure you but put his hand on your shoulder moving you in front of him in the queue just in case. The Alexander-Arnold’s kept a low profile but they were known in Liverpool, when the boys walked in anywhere it was noted. The three brothers, obviously Trent, but all three really felt inclined to make sure you were okay. You weren’t actively trying to keep the relationship under wraps but your presence alone over time caused people to take more and more of an interest in Trent’s personal life and they were doing anything to get some insight. The uptick in curiosity was apparent to his family as it had changed from what they had been used to and it now was involving someone else; you.
When you were next in line the barista’s jaw slacked a little recognizing Marcel. You put your phone on the counter mindlessly before ordering and her eyes glanced down at your screen. Your background was a photo of Trent picking you up after a match, legs wrapped around him, still in his full kit, kissing. Her eyes widened, putting all the pieces together that the ‘mystery girl’ she and the whole city, country had seen, still unidentified in posts about Trent’s relationship, was in front of her and 100% in a serious one with Trent.
Marcel stopped the awkward encounter in its tracks interrupting it to place his order. When you got your drinks he trailed behind you making sure no one was going to bother you. Finally back in the car, relieved and back to normal banter with Marce, you got an abrupt call from Trent.
“Hi baby,” you cooed with a silly smile, answering excitedly to hear his voice.
“Can you do me a favor, beautiful?” His words came fast and he sounded a little stressed. You told him you would and he calmed hearing you and thanked you mushily with a few ‘I love yous’ before he even got to the actual task. Marcel rolled his eyes, able to overhear the excessively affectionate conversation.
“Could you bring me my headphones? I think I left them at home. I don’t know where. They aren’t here. I need them. I need them before the match.” He was panicking at the thought of shaking up his usual routine.
“Course, T. It’ll be fine. I’ll get them and be there soon.” You reassured him.
“Nah, it’s not like I’m the one actually really going to be doing this or anything..” Marcel yelled for Trent to hear. Trent knew you wouldn’t say no to helping him and Marcel wouldn’t say no to helping you so it was a chain of coercion. Trent was at the hotel with the team before the game, his car parked at Anfield already so even if he was allowed to leave, which he wasn’t, he couldn’t go get his headphones himself.
When you arrived at the hotel, security had to let your car through barricades. There were hundreds of fans surrounding the gates of the hotel knowing it was where the squad gathered every match. Trent met you and Marcel down in the lobby. It was rare for you to see him on match days so this favor turned out to be a pleasant one. Marcel kept his hand on your back from the car to the front entrance. His frame blocking yours from the fans. Trent greeted you both getting his headphones and the camera shutters were clattering outside. Trent dapped up Marcel as he wished him good luck. It was sincere but incredibly bro-y. Your interaction couldn’t have been more opposite. The crowd outside’s view was skewed, blocked by trees, a pillar in the hotel, other people in the lobby, but some of the onlookers were adamant to see what was happening, recognizing his brother and spotting Trent appear inside. Trent pulled you into his chest placing a kiss on your forehead whispering in your ear furthest away from the doors so no one could make out what he was saying but it was all being captured. He couldn’t help himself as his hands slid from holding your lower back while you three talked quickly to slip down to palm and squeeze your ass. You left with a kiss to his cheek and a tight hug before Marcel swung his arm around you to walk to the car leaving.
Once Trent had his headphones the team could proceed with preparations and went for their pre-match walk around the city. A little boy stood patiently on a corner holding a number 66 shirt so Trent stopped mid stride talking with Dom to sign a little boy's jersey.
“All good mate?” Trent cooed, taking the shirt from him.
“Do you have a missus?” The little boy bluntly asked.
“Uhh..” Trent was shocked by the question, his brows furrowed and he pulled away before laughing it off. Dom squeezed Trent’s shoulder at the direct and funny question.
“What’dya need to know what I’m up to off the pitch for?” Trent asked teasing, diverting from his lack of answer.
“I think you should date my sister so we could be related, you could be my brother.” The little boy's logic was wild but it was cute and endearing.
“I’m happy at the minute lad but thanks for thinking of me. You’re a big fan, yeah?” The little boy nodded eagerly. “We’re bros then. Reds are family.” Trent bent down and squeezed the little boy's arm, his mum thanked him for stopping before he and Dom walked away. She had captured the sweet encounter on video for her son to remember and posted it to her Twitter tagging him to share how kind Trent had been. The video fell into the abyss before it was spat into the algorithm and started racking up likes. The nice video turned into fuel for a fire that was already brewing on the app.
A Liverpool fan account shared a few videos and photos they’d taken at the hotel as live updates before the match. One particular post read ‘Alexander-Arnold last minute delivery before tonight’s clash’ including a bundle of photos and videos of you, Marcel, and Trent’s interaction. Its original intent was harmless but spiraled quickly when fans became interested in who delivered the item rather than what it was. Tweets and replies were multiplying at a rapid rate in discussion.
‘If we win tonight it’s thanks to another Alexander-Arnold’s assist’
‘What could he really need that badly to hold up the whole team?’
‘If that’s his brothers girl, I’d be throwing hands when Trent gets home’
The tweets were dramatic and exaggerated but the discourse ran wild with the tweet about you being his brother's girl. Simultaneously the heartfelt video with the little boy was generating another discourse about his current relationship status. Accounts were quick to call out Trent’s avoidance in his reply.
‘Wait.. but answer the question. Does he have a missus?’
‘If I was the girl he’s always seen with I’d be screaming’
‘Why didn’t he answer’
There were paralleled conversations about Trent and they both involved you. When the inevitable happened and the discussions merged ‘Alexander-Arnold’ began to trend on Twitter. You were blissfully unaware of it all unfolding going to the stadium. The internet dialogue continued as you entered Anfield with Marcel and Dianne. You were walking down the steps of the open air seats in the box to sit down to watch Liverpool warm-up when someone in an adjacent section took a video when Trent blew a kiss to you. A DM including the video was sent to a Liverpool update account who quickly reshared the message.
‘She’s here tonight btw with his family. Definitely together.’ Definitely not his brother's girl.’ The video featured you leaning on the bar in front of your seats, it panned to Trent’s kiss, then back to you smiling making a heart with your hands down to him. People were desperately just looking for confirmation of the relationship and this video was only feeding the beast.
After another win, you left the stadium with Trent headed back home. Pulling out, the car, as expected, was flooded with camera flashes. The photos quickly uploaded to the continuing Twitter narrative. A storm was brewing and you had no idea. Before, during, after... it was being rubbed in the public’s face you were together but they knew nothing about you.
You weren’t much of a Twitter user but the buzz there had leaked over onto Instagram. You were on your explore page scrolling mindlessly, Trent’s hand holding your other in his lap, when you jolted up seeing a video zooming in on you in the box tonight.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed in the relatively quiet car.
“You okay?” Trent's eyes widened at you before speaking again, “baby...”
“Just… erm. Someone posted videos of me at the stadium.” You muttered out shocked not looking away from your phone, swiping to only see more photos.
“That’s happened before though, no?” Trent tried to downplay it in hopes it would settle you. You had gone almost two years keeping things private but lately…things had started to get a little out of control.
“Yeah, but this is like… my face. It’s about me. I’ve always just been in the background. People are talking about me… specifically.” You mumbled lost in your phone screen.
“When we get home, I’ll look at it, baby. It’ll be okay. Promise.” He kissed the back of your hand continuing to drive. As you had discussed you weren’t hiding the relationship and people were bound to talk. People would eventually want more details but your private information wasn’t up for grabs. This was the first time though there was direct focus on you.
“Did you still want to go out tonight?” Trent was hesitant with his question seeing your obvious discomfort with the online attention but he needed to know. It wasn’t often players, specifically Trent, went out after games. There was a break in the fixtures though and some of the boys wanted to grab a dinner together tonight thanks to the earlier kick off time.
“No, it's fine, T…” you said, leaning your head onto his shoulder looking for some solace. He pulled into your driveway and seeing the warm light emitting from your front door made you feel a little better. It was your little sanctuary tucked away in suburbia, just you and him together. That didn’t last long though when another set of car lights came beaming down the driveway.
“Think Dom came straight here. You gonna be okay, baby?” He spoke, pulling you off him to look into your eyes trying to see an honest answer. You could only nod. When you got into the house, Trent and Dom went straight into the kitchen, you told them you had to go upstairs to change, trying to get a moment alone. The videos of you today had accumulated thousands of comments about you. You scrolled what felt like endlessly until your phone was plucked from your hands.
‘Erm… who the fuck is that?’
‘He could do so much better’
‘TAA scoring on and off the pitch’
‘Ngl not good enough for me’
‘Honestly, gross.’
“Stop…” Trent had come upstairs. He knew you well, he knew you were running away trying to hide being upset from him. He snatched the phone away from you sitting on the edge of the bed to stop the flood of self doubt you were feeling. “Do you know who I’m looking for in the stands every match?” You didn’t respond just looking blankly around the room. “Hmm?” His hand was a little harsh, grabbing your chin to turn it up to him.
“Me..” you quietly said, rolling your eyes at his persistence to make you feel better.
“And who are you looking at..” he cooed, still holding your chin. His thumb caressing under it.
“You… T.. stop.” You pulled away getting actually annoyed with him.
“Baby…me and you. That’s it. Why do you care about people who we aren’t even aware are there? I’m looking at you, that's what I’m paying attention to.”
“T.. I’m not like you, people talking about me doesn’t just roll off my back.” You quipped standing up. He pulled at your shirt to keep you close.
“C’mere” your body pressed into his. He was tired and a little frustrated, not able to understand how you were feeling. His aggression started to seep through as lust. “Gonna be a good girl? Put something pretty on for me to go out? Hmm?” He was teasing you, his lips pressing to your neck now nipping a little at your skin, pulling a soft moan from you. “Hmm, baby? Let me take you out, show everyone how sexy you are for me?” His hands came to stroke down your thighs squeezing at your legs.
“T, please.” You whimpered.
“Answer me… gonna be a good girl?” His words felt like a drug, your brain had gone hazy, the sensation of his hands and lips on you had intensified.
“Y-yeah, okay baby. I can be a good girl for you tonight.” You whined and felt his cock twitch at your words. He let you initiate a passionate make out. It was mean but he pulled away. He slapped your ass, pressing his lips to yours once more before he walked towards the bathroom. “Hey!” You yelled after him flustered.
“Go on, we’ve got to go soon.” He said looking at you through the mirror with a smug smirk gesturing to the wardrobe.
He went downstairs and you got ready to go. You, Trent, Tyler, Dom, Curtis and a few other friends were going into Manchester for dinner. You came into the living room where the boys were, albeit a little shy after all the online commentary on your appearance. You weren’t sure if Trent told them but the boys were actually incredibly sweet telling you how good you looked for a change instead of the usual jeers. Trent got up to come over to give you a big hug.
“You know how much I love you, baby?” He whispered, lips pressed to your ear. His words sent a shiver up your spine. You just nodded, still feeling the remnants of your confidence being knocked down a few pegs. You sat on the edge of the couch starting to put on your shoes. You opted for a pair that brought back a warm familiar feeling. They were the pair of black heels you wore on your first date with Trent. The ones that wrapped and tied around your ankles. Trent offered to help you tie them so he came over and sat on the floor in front of you. His face perfectly aligned with your core. You were in a black mini skirt and he smirked at his view of your legs open a little so you didn’t close them. He just wrapped the leather strings around your ankles slowly, eyes fixed on the little material covering you. When he was done his hands stayed on you gliding up your legs as he stood up. Hands going up your calves, over your knee, gripping your thighs harshly to push himself off the floor. He leaned towards your face, you expected a kiss but he went straight to your ear biting it.
“You're so hot, you're gonna lemme take those panties off you later?” He whispered. Trent was trying to build your confidence back up and to be honest it was working. Having a man at your feet, staring at your panties asking to take them off later had you smug.
With your mini skirt, you wore a long sleeve sheer black top with a black bra underneath showing it intentionally. You actually really liked the look when you caught a glance again in a mirror in the foyer as you were leaving, setting the alarm to the house. While you typed in a code Trent’s hand crept under your skirt to squeeze your ass but he managed to pull the material up completely exposing your butt too.
“T!” You exclaimed, very aware your whole ass was out.
“Relax… everyone’s outside. Just f’me yeah?” He said in a sexy voice and as you scanned the room noting you were actually alone and gave in to his persuasion.
“So needy… gonna be like this all night?” Your eyes feigned innocence. You grabbed his hands and guided them around you to place them over your exposed ass. Once his hands were where you wanted them you took your hands off his and slid them over his chest slowly upward until you got to his neck wrapping your hands around it, digging your nails behind his head. You hummed when he started to massage your ass, your bodies coming to press together. Your faces were so close. Your glossy lips kissed his slow when you gently pushed your hips into him. He groaned a little at the movement only to squeeze you tighter and push a harder kiss back to you. He pinned you up against the entry way console, picking you up to sit atop it, him coming to stand in between your legs. His hands slid under your top up your back pulling your body into his. You moaned in his mouth at the feeling. If people weren’t waiting for you this would’ve ended up differently but instead you pulled away. His hands coming off your back up to your cheeks.
“All night.” He finally answered your question and it had you giddy. You both were incredibly aroused leaving the house so it was bound to be an interesting night. You closed the front door and got into some luxury car service completely lost on you, your focus was on Trent’s hand around your waist squeezing you, his thumb tucked in the waistband of your skirt. The boys had to kind of travel separately and enter stagnantly to avoid complete chaos. So you went in one car with Trent, Dom and Tyler. It was filled with a lot of noise, the boys all yelling about nonsense but it all sounded like static, the whole world blurred around you but Trent. You were lost in a moment gazing at him wondering how he got to be so perfect. He had pulled your legs over his. He wrapped one arm around your back, the other holding onto your thigh, while your hands played with the fingers of his hand on you. His body was so warm. He was so beautiful. You could stay in a trance like this for hours watching his lips move, his eyes light up, dimples appearing in big smiles and then disappearing but it was cut when the car came to a stop in front of the restaurant.
“Let’s go eat, beautiful,” Trent said, nuzzling his head into your neck playfully.
When the driver opened the door the all too familiar white barrage of flashes returned. Trent grabbed your hands and squeezed them. “Me and you.” He whispered before helping you out of the car. He held your hand tightly walking into the restaurant. When the door of the restaurant closed behind you he grabbed your hips swiftly pressing his body to your back behind you. His lips pressing kisses to your neck. “Okay?”
“With you… yeah. Always.” You said hands snaking up to hold his face for a quick kiss. Even in moments of distress he made you feel at ease, always sure to check on you. Unfortunately, the restaurant wasn’t that much calmer than the scene outside. This was a pretty popular spot that footballers seemed to frequent, it was expensive, it had good security, you guessed good food but it was just more so known as a domain of theirs hence the photographers outside anticipating the arrival of a few if not more players. It was a big place. Your table was a large one for all of you tucked behind an ornamental tree providing a screen from the front of the restaurant and potential for outside photos. You slid onto a bench Trent coming to sit absurdly and unnecessarily close to you but you liked it that way. Per the restaurant's standards an incredibly attractive girl came over to introduce herself as the server. She was very nice and returned promptly with bottles of liquor ‘on the house.’ It was ludicrous these boys were given so much for free given how much they made but you were just along for the ride and weren’t going to complain having a seat at the table.
After receiving the menus, Trent held up his childishly high to cover your faces to kiss you. His hand slipped around your waist gripping the material of your skirt. You couldn’t not smile but pushed the menu down, pulling away from the kiss to lean your head onto his shoulder, attempting to move your body even closer into his.
It wasn’t long after you had ordered that a group of younger girls came up to the table giggling. You understood the infatuation. They stumbled over words but eventually got some out.
“H-hi..” the first girl giggled, hiding behind her friend. Dom's eyes widened watching the girls lose all common sense when he looked at them. When they pushed closer to the table Trent’s hand possessively came to grip your thigh tight and high pushing your skirt up a little where you had to adjust it not to show your panties.
“Okay?” Curtis asked the group not really caring for their answer but just wanted to see them squirm seeing as this was a little amusing. You looked at Tyler shaking your head at them entertaining the girls falling over them. The girls weren’t all that young though after getting a better look. They probably were close to Curtis and Doms age so you gave them the benefit of the doubt maybe they had drank too much.
“Could we get a quick picture?” One girl finally got to what they came over for. Tyler almost interjected seeing as the boys were just trying to eat dinner with friends but let it play out. When Dom confirmed they could he stood up and walked around the table next to the girls who continued in their fit of giggles. At this point you deduced they were definitely drunk but you thought it was funny and a little sweet, not something you couldn’t see you and your friends doing. Definitely the giddy demeanor around boys who looked like they did. Trent hadn’t really paid mind to the situation, he acknowledged them of course, he’d never be that rude but he didn’t say much.
“I can take it if you want,” you smiled offering. Tyler looked at you with a ‘thank you’ expression because this interaction seemed to be dragging, taking a long time with the intermittent giggles.
“Oh my goodddd! Thank youu sooo much!” The girl was definitely slurring. Dom placed himself between Trent and Curtis still in their seats with the girls nestled in between them. Trent slid over on the bench some for the picture but kept his hand on your leg, just moving it down as he got further away. You took a couple photos for them.
“Can you take one with flash..?” One girl called out. You said sure. The light from the phone's camera though was like an alarm bell for people in the restaurant to register who was at the table.
“Here ya go” you said kindly, holding the phone out for the girls to grab after the photos. Trent pulled himself back over to you. You smiled at him softly. He returned the smile, gaze now locked back on you; his hand coming to brush up your spine to your neck, gripping it gently, stroking his thumb over your skin.
“Thank you! Sorry and you’re…?” one girl questioned who you were as she reached for the phone curiously watching Trent’s hands all over you.
“My girlfriend,” Trent answered for you. It was definitely short but he turned toward them with a smile.
“Oh! Omg she’s actually your girlfriend!” They all kind of murmured together simultaneously. Their tone and look of connecting all the dots in their head was enough for Tyler. He nodded at someone who worked at the restaurant who swiftly came over to the table and asked the girls to go on their way. The table continued on with the conversation you were in before like nothing happened but you definitely didn’t miss one of the girls sitting back at her table taking a photo of what looked to be directly of you.
You sat through the meal happily, probably having a drink too many but you blamed it on the bottles that kept appearing. Trent kept a hand on you at all times. You shared a quick kiss and nuzzled into him as you listened to Curtis tell a chaotic story. You were so comfortable under the influence of Trent and Tequila it was almost lost on you you were out in public for the moment. A table across from you, one behind Curtis, was pointing at Dom so you watched them talk about him, in a literal sense, behind his back. It was after that when you felt like you got a bit paranoid. It felt like there were eyes on you. You could feel the text being sent at the table next to yours ‘omg Liverpool players sitting next to us at the restaurant. Trent Alexander-Arnold is all over that girl… not that pretty in person imo’
Dinner wrapped up and your paranoia was broken in half when you heard Trent’s voice above you.
“Ready?” Trent said, holding out his hand for you to stand up.
“Thank youuu” you cooed while holding onto it, bringing his arm around your waist once you were fully standing up in front of him. Your faces pressed close together your noses brushing against each other saying mushy things till he placed a kiss on your lips. While you two stood there in your own world a man stopped Dom and Curtis for a photo. They graciously took one. The man posted the photo right away to instagram in excitement tagging both boys. The photo picked up more traction than a usual fan photo though when you and Trent were lit by the flash kissing holding onto each other in a way that could only be described as ‘in love.’ It was probably the first picture, a zoomed in, cropped, low res one, but the first proper one people had been able to see you were a couple. It was a quiet answer to all the questions; you weren’t with Marcel, you weren’t a friend of the family; you were most definitely Trent’s girl. The storm began to brew again online.
You left the restaurant hand in hand with Trent, the white flashes filled your eyes again, leading you to the car. He helped you get in but stood close to your body to block the view in case your short skirt slipped too high. You held onto his hand and stepped in dragging him in after you giggling a little as he stumbled in. He sat in the back seat and pulled you onto his lap. You felt like you could hide a little tucked in the back of the car waiting for the others to walk out so you grabbed at his face to give him a kiss but your body so close to his mixed with the drinks from dinner the innocent peck snowballed into a messy makeout. The cameras continued to shutter when Dom exited the restaurant walking to get into your car. The bright lights illuminated the interior of the car, you were unaware that the cameras could see inside while memory cards of media outlet’s press cameras filled with images of you on top of Trent passionately kissing, hands all over each other. The steamy moment only broken up because Dom opened the door to get in.
It was a night off for the boys, drinks were flowing, and you started to really let go of what people might be thinking of seeing when you were with Trent. No camera or headline could outweigh the love in Trent’s eyes when you looked at him. The car pulled away from the restaurant and drove a short distance to a club that had invited them to have a private table. With your newly developed detachment from the attention, Trent’s hands on you didn’t feel like a form of reassurance but a confirmation that it truly was just you and him. The ride to the club felt much more free, you could still feel the warmth from the cameras but it didn’t ignite your anxiety the same. You didn’t care, you were a little drunk on tequila and really drunk on love when you finally arrived.
It was like a familiar replay of entering the restaurant but as you exited the car to enter the club you felt more prepared to ignore the barrage. You were a little braver facing the lights. Trent held your hand and you squeezed his, your other hand gripped his forearm while he kept his head down guiding the two of you inside. You definitely didn’t like it but it’s how it was going to be on nights like this. Once everyone had made it in, security took you to a roped off area. The boys seemed unphased but you watched phones follow the group from the door to the section once they realized who was walking in. When you got to the section Trent pulled his hand away from yours and wrapped you in a tight hug, swirling you around with a kiss. It was a nice area filled with couches, tables of liquor, lights, the music was loud, and it overlooked a large dance floor but he was acting as if it was a closed off private room. If he was going to be okay with it then so were you.
It was a really fun night. You were drinking a lot more than you should’ve. You knew tomorrow it would seem like terrible logic but right now it was helping you cope with the amount of phones that seemed to be videoing your every move. You were straddling Trent’s lap on a je of the couches when he went to grab a bottle of tequila off the table to make a drink.
“Gimme!” You cooed in his ear taking the bottle of Don Julio 42.
“You want this baby?” Trent held the bottle further away from you just to tease so you whined rolling your lips into a pout. He caved immediately at the sad look that was swept off your face in an instant when you got what you wanted. You took a small swig from the bottle directly and Trent's eyes widened, he shook his head laughing. You leaned into him. You kissed his neck working your way up to his ear. His arms wrapped around your waist tightened. His hands gliding under your shirt. You pressed your lips slow and gently against his ear.
“Wanna taste?” You whispered sitting your core harder down on his lap.
“Mmm depends what of..” he cheekily replied. One hand letting go of you coming to grab your face and pull you in for a kiss then rolled into a messy make out.
“Relax!” Curtis called out from another seat. You couldn’t help but pull away from the kiss laughing. You were the definition of PDA and you were pushing the boundaries. Your one hand slid up the back of Trent’s neck and pulled on his hair to tilt his head back then sliding it to grip around his neck gently. He obliged and you couldn’t suppress the smirk. His arm still wrapped around you, your free one holding the bottle of the tequila poured it slowly into his mouth. It was sexy. A little dripped onto the side of his mouth when you pulled the bottle away so you took the liberty to clean it up with your thumb, brushing over his plump lips.
“I love you, baby” he cooed holding your waist tight.
“You’re drunk.” You babbled back earning another kiss from him making you beam.
“If I’m drunk.. then you’re very drunk, beautiful, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less.” He sealed his words one more kiss and you hummed in satisfaction. All you could taste was tequila and desire for him. It was like your body was wired to function solely off his approval.
The night continued as expected, drinks, more drinks, Trent refusing to dance, more drinks, and a lot of laughs. Your section was next to another private one that had later filled with a ton of girls in white all celebrating a hen do. It looked fun and made you miss your girlfriends back at home a little but a squeeze of your ass brought you back to the current moment remembering how happy you were to be here with Trent. You stood in front of him and nuzzled back into him. One of the girls from the hen do gestured over to ask if Dom, Curtis, and Trent wouldn’t mind taking a photo with the bride to be. Of course they didn’t, it wasn’t a big ask.
“I’ll be right back, pretty girl” Trent whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your temple. The girl waiting to show them to her area watched your interaction like she had seen a ghost, shocked that all the swirling rumors over the past year were right, some wrong, it didn’t matter you definitely were with Trent.
They took what felt like a lot of photos. This was normal though, this was your normal now. People were excited to meet Liverpool players and if a photo was going to make a fan happy then that’s what the boys were going to do. It was a little ask but made a big impact.
You stood in your section trying not to watch in an attempt to not look overly protective or jealous. Tyler of course saw right through your facade.
“It’s fine” he confirmed to you, coming to grab both your shoulders from behind you.
“It doesn’t bother me, I just want to know what they say to him.” You told his brother honestly. It did make you wonder often but you never asked Trent because it was so common for him you didn’t want to make a big deal out of a regularity.
“You’re so hot, leave your girlfriend and come home with me’” he poked fun at your worry and impersonated how you were imagining these girls spoke to your boyfriend. “Y/N… you know they don’t say shit. If anything it’s a ‘my brother, dad, boyfriend, uncle, whoever loves you’ they just want a picture to show people they met him.” His actual opinion made you a little less tense but you still tried to glance over at the group.
“I know, it’s a me thing... I don’t know, it still gets to me.” You mumbled not really saying anything, a little embarrassed by your lack of confidence in the interactions.
“It is a ‘you’ thing. You two are end game, trust me… he’s definitely not thinking about anyone else.” Tyler told you, finally releasing your shoulders after one last tight squeeze. He and Trent had had many conversations about the trajectory of your relationship; ultimately what Trent wanted out of it and when he wanted it but you didn’t know he had these finite plans. You two just kept an open dialogue about the future with no real decisions made yet so Tyler bit his drunk tongue from sharing Trent’s plans for you.
“You don’t think there’s like an agenda there?” You asked once more as you watched a girl squeeze Trent’s arm in a photo.
“Yes, Y/N. One of those girls who met him just now, he’ll spend the next week not leaving a hotel, they’ll date, he’ll fly her around the world to see him, become so obsessed with her he makes them move in with our mum to then buy a house together all to just throw it to the wind…” He trailed off with the over exaggerated response mimicking a rendition of your and Trent’s story.
“Okay, okay! I get it. Thank you for the belittlement” you slapped at his chest starting to laugh at the ridiculousness of your worry spelled out for you.
“Believe or not… not all 10 million people that follow him want to have sex with him. In my opinion I’m amazed even one does, you’re insane to me but hey… each their own. If you want to voluntarily put up with his moody ass go ahead.” He said half joking half serious.
“He’s not that moody!” you tried to defend him but got lost when you caught Trent staring at you while he took another photo. He winked and your heart fluttered.
“Yeah… okay.” Tyler quipped, rolling his eyes. Tyler obviously knew Trent well and had a lot longer than you did and he was right, Trent could be dramatic but it was cute to you. You loved him for every quirk. Every little annoying thing to others was alternatively cute to you.
“One more!” The bride to be yelled while posing for another photo with the boys. “My fiancé is going to go mad when he sees this… thank you lot so much! Obviously I’m taken,” pausing to show the boys her ring, “but I have lots of cute friends!!!!” She squealed, pointing back to the girls they had just finished taking photos with. “Are you boys taken?” She quizzed. Dom just smiled, Curtis confirmed he was off the market leaving Trent. The girl looked at him but he wasn’t paying attention he was looking at you.
“Bro! She asked if you’ve got a girl?” Curtis snapped nudging Trent knowing the answer. He didn’t really turn back to the conversation he was itching to get back to you. He wanted to know what you and Tyler were talking about, he was definitely a little drunk and you looked so good.
“Yeah, me girlfriends over there.” He said practically drooling over the sight of you.
“Lucky girl!” The bride to be cooed. She was sweet, the boys said their goodbyes and wished them a good night etc.. you were still in Tyler’s ear yapping about something unrelated when Trent’s hands ran up and down your arms, his lips coming to your neck. It sent shivers down your spine.
“Hi” you cooed struggling to keep your voice steady trying to keep your gaze on Tyler to seem unphased by Trent’s arrival but he wasn’t interested in assisting you and Trent’s games, leaving you.
“I missed you,” Trent whispered, taking another step to press his chest up against your back. His hand snaked around your waist. Your heart began fluttering again. Any semblance of control to look composed was slipping away feeling the warmth of his skin.
“You were only over there, T.” You tried to play it off as if you weren’t eagerly awaiting for his return.
“You didn’t miss me?” His plump lips rolled into a pout. “Not even a little, baby?” His hands laced together tighter as you spin around to turn in his embrace to face him. You gave him a pretend unimpressed look.
“Don’t give me this.” You said pulling his bottom lip a little with your fingers. “So needy.” You teased, letting go of it, before pressing your lips to his. He hummed in contentment but you pulled away too soon for his liking so his hum turned into a whine. “I like when you need me, T.”
“I always need you” his hands sliding down to grip your ass over your skirt. “You should come home with me” he cooed, pretending like you were just meeting, like this would be a hookup.
“I don’t really know you though, do I?” You tried not to giggle as you questioned back like he once said to you on the street in New York.
“C‘mere beautiful.” He said pulling you closer pressing into his body. “I wanna finish what we started earlier.” You nodded your head ready for Trent to take you home. The way his hands felt on your skin made you dizzy. You felt so beautiful and desirable because of all the people here, the options he had, he still wanted you so bad. You had security escort you out when you decided to leave the rest of the group because you simply couldn’t take the teasing anymore and needed to get back home.
What you didn’t realize is that every finger you laid on each other during your time at the club was being videoed or photographed. People who were fans that knew he had a ‘mystery girl’ and people who thought they were just witnessing Trent hook up with a random girl were just glued.
You left the club and the familiar lights were back but you were much more intoxicated than when you walked in. Your shirt was no longer neatly tucked into your skirt; it had been bunched up from Trent pulling at it. Your lipgloss was on his skin, the color smeared a little on yours. You walked out first but Trent was right behind you, his arms wrapped completely around your frame, his face pressed into the back of your neck. Having him so close seemed to lower the pressure of the spotlight but it only heightened the noise around your relationship.
Trent wrapped his arms around you protectively, helping you into the car to be driven home. You slid in after Trent opened the door for you and he quickly followed.
It was a bad decision but you two were pretty drunk and you couldn’t help it. You needed him, he needed you. There was a divider between the driver and the back so there was some discretion but not enough to deem the ride’s actions acceptable. Trent’s hand initially was suggestively but innocently on your thigh but minute by minute it seemed to get closer and closer to your core. Your back was arched at the proximity alone. The intoxicating scent of him filled the car and made your heart race faster.
You looked at him with doe eyes, tugging his hand when he kept swiping his fingers closer to where you wanted only for them to drift back down.
“What do you need, baby?” He laughed at your needy expression. He was teasing you and he loved it. Alone in the back of this car felt like a private oasis from a night where you felt a million eyes on you and you couldn’t wait to take advantage of that million dwindling down to just his two.
Finally, after what felt like tortuous hours, actually mere minutes, he snaked his hand under your skirt stroking his fingers over your covered sensitive clit. Your body jolted finally feeling his touch. He moved your panties to the side and he started to rub your clit casually, he was so nonchalant leaning his face into your neck pressing kisses to your burning skin while you were trying to bite back moans silencing your actions. You were whimpering, squeezing his leg trying to remain calm but he was tracing soft circles over your clit making your pussy clench and gush. He dragged his fingers through your folds, humming content at your warmth before dipping two inside.
“So wet,” pushing his fingers in further, curling them, your slick running down his hands, you were trying not to scream from the pleasure.
“Want more, T” you were begging, pulling him into a filthy kiss. It was messy, his tongue in your mouth had you almost unable to hear the squelching sounds of your sopping pussy getting loud. This wasn’t discreet anymore. You were getting closer to the edge and he knew, the smirk on his face grew. You were overcome with a blinding pleasure fluttering around his fingers, before he slowed down. Trent gently pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. You looked at him with clear desperation. Your legs were glistening coated in a thin layer of your sweat under the motorway lights.
“Almost home.” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your temple. You relaxed into his body, spent, making him giggle so he pressed another kiss to the top of your head.
Before you could make it through the front door Trent had grabbed your waist pulling you away. He proceeded to throw you over his shoulder and carried you directly into the house, up the stairs, and straight to your bed before dropping your body onto it.
“Raise your arms in the air, baby” he said, pulling at your top as you sat up. “Gonna be a good girl for me?”
“Mmhm” you couldn’t get out any words you were desperate for him.
“Fuck, you have the prettiest tits, baby.” He groaned now pushing his face against them, licking, sucking, biting on your sensitive skin. You couldn’t compose yourself. You were giggling at the sensation. You were so focused on him. When he pulled away, his plump, pink, beautiful lips were just begging for a kiss so you pulled him down on top of you. Your kiss spiraled into breathy moans, the rest of your clothes peeling off, your bodies pressing into each other, your hands grabbing anything. You were absolutely soaked, he was impossibly hard. The kiss was a mess, you pushed your body further into his. He tasted like heaven, tequila and black cherry. The memory of your warm wet pussy was seared to the front of Trent’s brain, the thought of being inside made his cock twitch.
“Oh my god” you moaned, feeling him twitch as he pulled away to bite the sensitive skin on your neck, sucking harshly. His teeth grazed against your skin. A whimper fell from your lips as you rolled your hips into him. The things coming out your mouths varied form insanely lude to the most romantic things you’d ever heard. You were so in love with him, all of him. The alcohol blurred your vision, it felt so good, you couldn’t really process what was going on other than the sensation of his skin on yours, you were saying things you probably shouldn’t, things you needed to have proper discussions about, but you couldn’t stop them and neither could he.
Trent thought he was going to black out from how hard he was. He needed to fuck you now, he couldn’t even manage foreplay. This kiss, your body, it was going to break him. He flipped you over harshly. He grabbed your waist pulling you back to him.
“Please,T” You whined, arching your back begging for him to fuck you. His brain was short circuiting. You had drunk sex plenty of times but something about this was different. It was a familiar feeling, the one like he needed to take care of you, that you were his. He couldn’t work out what triggered him to be so possessive when you were with him the whole night but he felt compelled to fuck you so roughly as if you had done something wrong.
“You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my life” Trent cooed his hand coming to pull your hip the other stroking his cock. He dragged the tip of it down your ass, tracing it over your skin, smearing pre-cum all over you before he aggressively spread your ass to rub his cock up and down your pussy. “Oh my- Fuck.” You were soaked, you couldn’t take the waiting anymore. Trent wanted to fuck you so hard you were seeing stars but his brain did a 180 seeing your face turn a little. He could see a blush hue over your cheeks, a little pout and he just fell apart. You pulled your body up to his pressing your back to his chest because he was taking so long. He wasn’t going to do that now, he wanted to make love to you. you’re his baby, his best friend, the love of his life, he needed to be gentle with you. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder, your hand coming to grab his throbbing cock to tell him he needed to hurry up. He groaned when the other hand grabbed onto his hair and pulled.
It felt like absolute heaven when he slowly eased his cock inside you. You were so wet, warm, your walls squeezed his huge cock encasing him in warm velvet. He presses his lips into your hair quieting his moans as he pulled in and out of you. He kept his face buried there, eyes shut, relishing in the feeling of you.
“I love you” his words were muffled as your ass recoiled against his cock. You could feel your orgasm building.
“T...” you whined. “I-I love you” you could barely breathe. His gentle warm and comforting hands guiding you through the movements. It was so languid it felt like it was in slow motion. You had never felt so good in your life. You couldn’t stop yours eyes from trying to flutter closed.
“You’re so close aren’t you, baby? I can feel it.” He moaned as you squeezed him tight making it harder for him to pull his cock in and out. He hit a spot he never had before so deep that the invisible rubber band snapped inside you. Your walls pulsated around his cock as you came. Your legs felt like jelly, pleasure radiating through you as Trent continued to bounce you up and down. Your slick ran down your thighs covering his cock and your ass, it was a mess. Everything was a sticky mess and he loved it, he loved you. You thought you blacked out momentarily from the feeling. Tears started streaming down your face. You collapsed onto the bed, feeling so needy and overwhelmed as he continued to fuck you. Trent couldn’t process how you looked as you unraveled, prolonging your orgasm and he continued to hit so deep inside. Even his dirtiest, hottest wet dreams about you could never measure up to the real thing. You were so fucking beautiful to him, your pussy perfect, made just for him, squeezing his cock he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer when he heard you start to speak again.
“Gonna make you a daddy” you moaned being compelled to grind your ass back into his cock.
You both heard it. You couldn’t process what you just heard yourself say, you had no idea where that came from. You felt weird, like you actually meant it. Trent's brain shut off. That was it for him. Something broke. His strokes got harder and faster rapidly. You were so shocked but you knew that telling him to slow down would be pointless. The change in his behavior didn’t go unnoticed so now you were interested in what he thought but your interest was overtaken quickly by your pleasure.
Trent controlled your body and you let him. You liked it this way, he knew you liked it this way. You both felt so fucking good, nothing could ever compare to this feeling. He was so deep inside you that all he could think about was filling you up. He pulled your hair to press your body further into his aggressively. He bit his teeth down into your shoulder, unable to handle the feeling that was approaching. His mind had completely gone when your drunk self decided to push this further.
“Gonna cum inside me, get me pregnant?” You mindlessly whined begging for it.
“Fuck Fu-fuck Y/N, oh my god baby.” He couldn’t breathe. He wanted so badly to keep eyes open but he couldn’t handle the sensation. “Make me a daddy, be a good girl and take all of it f’me” he mumbled when you could feel his load pumping into you filling you past full. Some of his cum leaking out as he continued to thrust into deliriously. “Is this pussy gonna get pregnant for me?" You were on another planet, so you nodded, unable to hear the words he was babbling. The smile that appeared on his face was so genuine he was in utter bliss. He slowed completely, holding you so tight to his chest you couldn’t breathe. You turned your head back to try to see his face. His pupils were completely blown out, getting you pregnant still on the forefront of his brain. His heavy body laid on top of yours and you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Coherent thoughts finally were coming back to Trent and he was in the same boat. Were either of you supposed to acknowledge that you said you wanted to get pregnant? He rolled himself off you laying leading up to the ceiling, his chest heaving. Neither of you said anything but he pulled you to him. He didn’t know what to say but he didn’t want you to feel like he wasn’t with you. Your sweaty bodies stuck together when you nuzzled into his neck, kissing his skin softly. He sighed tilting his head to the side for you to trail more kisses up his neck, your hand coming to scratch gently at the nape of his neck. He broke the silence first.
“I want to wake up with you like this. You look so beautiful just like this,” his hand stroked slowly over your glistening cheek as you finally made eye contact for the first time. He kissed the top of your head.
“Never gonna let you go,” you muffled into his skin, cuddling closer to him. What had just unfolded wasn’t exactly anything you hadn’t heard before but the manner at which you were having sex and the way it was acted on felt like it was a genuine thought. Not some kink, you, he, actually might’ve wanted this and that thought was way too scary to bring up right now. You both could feel the pressure. Trent was trying to figure out the same thing. If either of you had any energy left you would’ve mustered up some courage to talk about this but instead he whispered into your hair a long ramble of words that answered if he wanted this or not. You couldn’t remember how much he drank tonight so you couldn’t tell if he maybe was just drunk. He was promising you the world, telling you all about the perfect life that laid in store for you in the future, gushing over the perfect life you two were living now. The life he depicted for you now was the one that he had already confided in Tyler. Sure, he was buzzed, high on adrenaline, fucked out of his mind, but this wasn’t something he was making up on the spot. You didn’t know any of that but it was true nonetheless.
“My T…” you cooed playing with a little piece of his hair till you fell asleep. Trent practically melted at the way you clung to him, curled up… filled with his cum.
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next Part - Chapter 17 xx
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weemstar · 14 days
Here's my gun control solution
Make it like getting a driver's license but like on a national scale
-Can't get one before a certain age (let's say 16-18)
-Learners permit first preferably
-Big test + study period on how it works and the laws
-Different licenses for different levels (like how a normal DL can't let you drive a semi-truck)
-Automatic registry
-Certain conditions eliminate you from being eligible immediately like being blind, too old, having PTSD, etc
-You abuse it, you lose it
-No license + caught with one is immediate arrest
-No possession of one while high/intoxicated even with a license on your person, gotta be sober while carrying it (looking at you drunken country boys)
-Update tags/registry and license as required (let's say... every 2 years)
-Create Department of Ballistic Weapons to act as gun DMV
-No weapons licenses for stuff that a civilian has 0 business owning (explosives, belt-fed machine guns, submachine guns) because the everyday joe doesn't need a tank, much like they don't need an RPG
-Ammo price goes up like gas prices do (this is silly but it'd be pretty effective if done genuinely)
-Tax on imported guns/ammo to help pay for the DBW also (department of ballistic weapons)
Thats all I got rn
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campbyler · 6 months
just read chap 9.1 for the third time already, I AM VERY MUCH NOT NORMAL ABOUT THIS
so lets go, time for thoughts
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sure keep being in denial guys…
yeppp you def made will autistic again thea and so true
THE MUSTANG!! okay honestly this hit very close to home cuz i have a very similar situation with my dad (a lawyer ofc) and his “EvErYtHiNg i PaYeD fOr iS miNe” sooo i fully get it and it felt nice having it explained so well.
ALSO IF IT HAPPENS THAT WILL ENDS UP DRIVING BACK (i rlly dont know what the US laws are for driving manual if u have an automatic license, but considering u guys let 16 year olds behind a wheel without at least a few months of driving school with a qualified instructor, im guessing not strict lmao) AND THE GANG SEES HIM IN THAT MUSTANG THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS
also rip his dignity, but it’s already kinda gone so i wouldnt be surprised kskdkskd
the hand down the stairs moment makes me 🥺 i would personally pass away if that happened to me so the fact that will is still standing is insane. he is so brave. princess treatment fr <3
will is so clueless to not clock the fact that this was a date until the end of 9.2 like girl. be so fucking fr. that said he Is autistic (me coded) so i think we can allow him to live!! just this one time tho!!
i am glad that you ended up #living and #surviving for 9.2 considering your reaction to 9.1....so sorry that i took so long to respond to this that your predictions/speculations are no longer relevant BUT ty for the monster comment and for the love!! i am glad you enjoyed ch09 as a whole!!
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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(A/N: So the way this episode is gonna be written is gonna be different. I forgot about this episode and when I watched it the other night I was like 'well, crap! How am I gonna do this?' So it's gonna be a mix of how my book is normally written but when the characters are 'speaking to the camera' it's gonna be written like how a play is written. But when Harry and Ed speak to the camera or voice over, Ed is in italics and Harry's in bold. Hopefully that makes sense.)
Hello. I am Harry Spangler
And I am Ed Zeddmore. Now if you have received this tape, you must be some sort of bigwig network executive. Well, today is your lucky day, mister.
Because the unsolicited pilot you are about to watch is the bold new future of "reality TV."
Mmmm. We know you've had it hard during the crippling writer's strike.
Lazy fat cats.
Who needs writers when you've got guys like us? Our team faced horrible horrors to bring you the footage that will change your world forever. So strap in for the scariest hour in the history of television.
In the history of your life...
Strap in for...
Harry and Ed exit an AMC Gremlin with Wisconsin license plate, each carrying a metal briefcase with a "Ghostfacers" sticker.
You know, it can get kind of hard balancing our daytime careers with our nighttime missions.
Yeah, but Ed and I pretty much call the shots at the Kinko's where we work, so we can usually pretty much get off by six every night?
Yeah, six o'clock. It used to be just, you know, you and I taking on the cases -- just Harry and me.
Two lone wolves.
And two lone wolves need, uh...other wolves.
"Morning, 'facers." Ed greets the gang as he and Harry enter the Ghostfacers office. "Good morning, Ghostfacers." Harry greets. "It's seven p.m., dude." Spruce, one of their teammates, informs. "It's morning to a Ghostfacer. Corbett, what do we got, buddy?" Harry asked the younger man.
"Oh, I'm just putting up some of the --" Corbett stammers before Ed speaks up. "Yeah, this has got to go up here. That's got to go here...got to see the whole field. Markers, eraser -- good job." He said as he looks over the board.
Corbett: I first saw Ed putting up flyers down at the -- the outlet mall in Scogan, so I-I read one, and I thought to myself, "huh. Where do ghosts come from?" And now here I am.
"Ed, your sister's abusing staff." Harry groaned as Maggie rolls her eyes at him while she sat in front of the computer. "That's adopted sister, thank you very much." Ed corrected him.
Maggie: Ed has been obsessed with the supernatural since we were kids, you know, and then he meets Harry at computer camp...and love at first geek.
Spruce: Spruce here. What up, playaaa? I am 15/16 Jew, 1/16 Cherokee. My grandfather is a mohel, my great-grandfather was a tallis maker, and my great-great-grandfather was a degenerate gambler and had a peyote addiction.
"Okay, people. Let's cut the chatter and get on a mission. Okay? Morton house...one of our big fish. All right, we all know the legend. Every four years, supposedly, this becomes the most haunted place in America." Ed explained to the team. "The leap year ghost, some call it. The ghost returns at midnight just as February 29th begins." Harry adds.
"And no one has ever stayed the night, right?" Maggie asked. "Yeah, well, every testimony that we dug up, every eyewitness has cut and run well before midnight." Harry tells her. "Well, that's all about to change, baby." Ed said, cockily. "Absolutely true, Ed. Absolutely true." Harry said as Ed drinks his cup of coffee then hums approvingly.
"Mmm. That's good." he compliments as he looks over F Corbett. "It's French vanilla, 'cause the other day, you said how much you liked it, so..." Corbett said, bashful, and Ed nods. "Thank you." He said. "You are welcome." Corbett said, awkwardly.
I like Corbett. I do. Shows up early, does his job, lot of good hustle out -- I think he's got the hots for Ed, and that could spell trouble for the whole team.
Corbett: Ed's kind of the more rugged, with that really golden...beautiful sort of beard. Definitely nice. Uh, and Harry's nice.
"29th is this Friday, facers. We want this mission, we got to move on it now, or guess what -- He's gone for another four years." Ed tells the team when there was a sudden loud noise. Ed's whiteboard crashes to the ground, caused by the garage door it was attached to opening up.
"Oh, watch out!"
"Who is that?"
"Dad! Come on!" Ed yells as his dad tries to pull in the garage and looks around in confusion. "Just cut the cameras. We don't need that. We don't need this part. We don't --" Harry tells Spruce before he turns the camera off.
"Stay low. Follow formation." Ed tells the team as they walk up to the chain linked fence at the Morton house. "Okay, as suspected. A lot of people have tried to break into the Morton house. The local authorities have just gotten fed up." Ed explained to them. "Looks like the cops have got this place pretty well fenced off." Harry said as he begins to pull out the wire cutters.
"Wait. Didn't you guys get, like, a permit or something?" Maggie asked them, making Ed and Harry look at her. "A permit?" Harry said, confused, then he and Ed share a look. "That's a good idea for next time." said Harry and Ed nods. "Yeah." He said and they start to cut the chain when Spruce shouts. "Car!"
"Car. shh, shh! Flashlights off." Harry tells the others and the team turns their flashlights off. "Keep totally still." Maggie whispers as the loud rumble of a car engine approaching, along with a radio playing "We're an American Band."
The car pulls up and they could see three people inside of it. The passenger and backseat driver stick their head out and pull out their flashlights. They shined them towards the Morton House for a few moments before they drive away.
"It's okay. Not cops -- just hicks." Spruce informed him friend as Ed opens the gate with the wire cutters. "Ed's got it." Harry said and everyone gets up. "Guys, let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Go! go!" Harry said and they start to make their way to the house.
"Hear that, people? Let's keep it quiet." Ed tells the team as they make their way deeper into house after they make it inside of the buildings. "There's the kitchen sink." Harry tells Ed. "Copy that. Copy that." Ed said as they make it to the living room area. "All right, everybody. Ghostfacers, let's line up. Everybody. We'll set up camp right here. This is command center one." Ed said and everyone sets down the equipment on the floor. "We're gonna call this the Eagle's Nest." Harry said and everyone starts setting up equipment.  
"Hallway cam one up and running." Corbett said after he sets up the camera in one of the hallways. "Looking good, Corbett." Ed compliments from the main base, through the walkie. "Copy that, Ed." Corbett said, smiling, while Ed seemed baffled. "Uh...uh, you're welcome." He stammers.
'All right, Spruce, how are we doing there, buddy?" Ed asked Spruce through his walkie. "Checking basement camera two, mein fuhrer." Spruce replied. "Maggie, I got no visual on you, Maggie." Ed said. "This is Maggie. Do you copy?" Maggie's voice asked through the walkie. "There you are. Hello. Harry, are you alive?" Ed said. "Upstairs, Ed. Camera one." Harry replied.
"Looking good. I can smell syndication. All right, fellas. Let's regroup at the Eagle's Nest." Ed said to the others.
Morton House
Base Camp
"All right, Spangler. Battery check, battery check. Check. Okay." Harry said as they check their equipment. "Check. Check. Yo, Corbett, dude." Spruce said as he looks through the camera and at Corbett, who has a flashlight strapped to his head. "Lookin' good, Corbett." Harry said.
"You're Robocop." Spruce said to Corbett. "R-robocop? You think I -- you think I look like Robocop?" Corbett asked but before Spruce could reply, Ed speaks up. "Everybody, bring it in. Bring it in." Ed said and everyone gather up in a circle..
"We've all been here before. Standard walk-through. Team one, west. Team two, east. Spin the tires, light the fires. Ghostfacers on three. 1, 2, 3..." Ed said then all of them shout. "Ghostfacers!"
Morton House
10:51 PM
1st Floor
"Hello! I'm speaking to the restless spirits of the Morton house!" Ed calls out as he and Corbett walk around the first floor. "Okay." Corbett mutters as they continue on. "Hello! My name's Ed." Ed shouts then he turns to Corbett. "Careful. Watch my back." He said to him. "Okay. Okay." Corbett said.
"What's your name?" Ed calls out as he looks at his EMF meter. ".3, .29." he reads out. "Is there an entity or entities here with us now? Can you give us a sign of your presence?" Corbett asked, quickly, without taking a breath. "You got to breathe, buddy." Ed tries to calm him.
"I can't breathe." Corbett said, slightly panicked. "Corbett, night vision." Ed tells him and Corbett nods. "Okay. Okay. Yeah." He whispers as he flips the night vision on the camera. "Calm down, buddy. Breathe, all right? Calm the whirlwinds of your mind." Ed tells him, calmly.
2nd Floor
"We're doing a basic EMF, EVP, temp-flux sweep. Looks like we've got all of our ducks in a row here." Harry said as he, Spruce and Maggie walk down the hall. But then there was camera interference on Spruce's camera just as the EMF makes a noise.
"What?" Harry said, shocked. "I don't know. It's weird." Spruce said but then it quit. "It's gone." He said then they come up to a door. 'All right. Get this. Get this." Harry said and he tries unsuccessfully to kick in the door.
"Turn the knob." Spruce tells him. "All right...that's a good idea." Harry said and he opens door then jumps back and runs away. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" He exclaims, fearfully. "It's just a rat, dude." Spruce said, unfazed.
I don't really like rats. They're gross. Rats are like the... rats of the world.
"What -- was that an apparition? Was that a spectral -- was that a .4? What do we got, 'cause the EMP was just off the --" Harry asked as he comes back but then Spruce throws a dead rat at him. "Oh, God! Oh, that is so not funny, Spruce!" Harry screams as Spruce chuckles.
1st Floor 
"Oh, God. Okay, it was just...I think it was just this branch...Okay...in the window." Corbett said, shakily.. "This is spooky, man. This place..." Ed started to say when they were confronted by three figures, approaching them with flashlights. "Freeze! police officers! don't move!" A male voice shouts. "Oh no!" Corbett exclaims. "All right. All right. All right. Take it easy, take it easy." A different male voice assures them as Ed and Corbett start to freak out.
"Let's see some identification. Come on. Let's see some i.d." a female voice demanded as Corbet hands in his ID. "What -- are we under -- under arrest?" He asked, fearfully, as Ed said. "We are unarmed."
"Want to explain that weirdo outfit, Mr., uh, Corbett?" the man asked as he looks at the ID but Ed stops and realized that these three people looked familiar. "I know you." Ed said and the first man, Dean, looks up at him. "Yeah, sure you do. Give me some identification." Dean demands but Ed shakes his head. "Yeah, ho-- whoa, hold on a second." He said as he looks between the three people, shining his flashlight at them.
"I know all three of you. Yeah." said Ed as he looks between Dean, Sam and (y/n). "What?" Corbett said, confused, as Ed nodded while (y/n)'s eyes widen in recognition. "Holy sh--!" She said and Dean looks over at her. "What?" Dean asked as Sam's eyes widen in recognition too. "Sh--!" Sam mutters as (y/n) turns to Dean.
"Uh, West Texas...the...the tulpa we had to take out. Those two goofballs that almost got us killed...The hellhounds or something?" She said and Dean looks over at Ed. "F--- me." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, we're not hellhounds anymore, okay? It didn't test that well." Ed snapped at them.
"Ed, what's going on?" Corbett asked Ed. "They're not cops, buddy -- no, not at all." Ed tells him. "Ed, you had a partner, too, didn't you -- A different guy?" Dean asked him. "Oh, yeah, yeah." Ed replied. "Is he around here somewhere?" Dean asked him. "He's running around, chasing ghosts." Ed replied. "Okay, well, listen, you and Rambo need to get your girlfriends and get out of here." Dean tells them and Ed gets annoyed.
"All right. Listen here, chisel chest, okay? We were here first. We've already set up base camp. We beat you." he said then Dean turns to Sam and (y/n). "They were here first." He said to them as Ed nods. But then Dean grabs Ed and pushes him up against the wall. "Oh, God." Ed exclaimed.
"Ed..." Dean said in a low voice. "Yeah?" Ed said, unsure. "...where's your partner?" Dean asked again.
​​​2nd Floor
"10.6. 10.7, guys. The EMF is really spiking here." Harry said as he and his team walk down the hall. "Temperature's down, like, 11 degrees." Maggie informs as she holds the thermometer. "All right, all right, keep your eyes peeled. This could be it." Harry said then he turns to Maggie. "Maggie, can I get a reading in here, please?" He asked when Spruce noticed the camera interference. "Something keeps messing with the chip. I don't know what's going on here." Spruce said as there was more interference, then suddenly a man in 50s-style suit and hat appears.
"Guys. Guys. Guys." he shouts and Maggie and Harry turn and see an apparition of the man. "Look buddy, I'm sorry. That's it. I'm telling you, that's all the money I --" the apparition said until gunshots ring out and the apparition of the man falls and disappears, making the three Ghostfacers jump.
​​​1st Floor
"What are you doing in the Morton House, Ed - on leap year -- what are you thinking?" Dean asked Ed, angrily. "We're here to spend the night, okay? It's for our TV show." Ed replied. "What? Great. Perfect." Sam grumbles. "Yeah, nobody's ever spent the night before." Corbett said and the three hunters turn to them. "Uh, actually, yeah, they have." (Y/n) said. "Uh, we've never heard of them." Ed said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah, you know why? 'Cause the ones that have haven't lived to talk about it!" (y/n) said to them, loudly. "Oh, come on, I don't believe you." Ed said, exasperated. "Look -- missing-persons reports going back almost a half century. John Graham stayed on a dare -- gone. Julie Wilkerson -- gone. There are tons more. All of them came to just stay the night through, always on a leap year. The only body they ever found was the last owner, Freeman Daggett." Sam explained to them as he shows the reports to Ed and Corbett.
"These look legit." Ed said, shocked. "They are legit." (y/n) said, annoyed. "Look, Ed, we ain't got much time here, buddy. Starting at midnight, your friends are going to die." Sam said when Harry, Maggie, and Spruce run down the stairs and into the living room.
"Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Guys! Guys! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! We got one! Corbett! Corbett, we saw one! We saw one!" Harry shouts to Ed and Corbett, frantically. "Get outta here!" Ed said, amazed. "It was a full apparition! It was like a class four. It was a spectral illumination! It..." Harry said before Maggie speaks up. "It was amazing!" she said then Harry noticed Dean, Sam and (y/n).
"Hey, aren't those the a------s from Texas?" Harry asked. "Yes." replied Ed. "All right, let's have this reunion across the street, guys." Dean tells them.
"Crap. What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked as Sam, Dean and (y/n) try to usher them out of the building. "Come on, come on. We'll get you ice cream -- our treat. What do you say? Let's go." (Y/n) said but Harry stands his ground. "Yeah, I say no." He said and Maggie goes over to Ed.
'Look at this. Look, look. Ed, Ed. No. No. Look at this. Okay, honest-to-god proof, all right?" Maggie said as she shows the group their footage on the laptop. "Are you kidding me?" Ed said, shocked. "Yeah. No, not kidding." Harry said, smiling.
"What kind of reading did we get?" Spruce asked. "Uh, it was a 10.9." Harry replied. "10.9?" Ed said, shocked. "Yeah, it was 10.9. It was almost 11. I came out, and I was like, 'what's going on?' And I was like -- wait, watch this. Oh! He got blasted. It was crazy." Harry exclaimed while Sam, Dean and (y/n) walk away from the group and talk amongst themselves.
Spruce follows them, still recording them on his camera.
"Think we were off on this? I mean, that was just a death echo." Sam said. "Yeah, but what's it doing here? Did anybody get shot here?" Dean asked his brother and girlfriend. "No, not that Sam and I could find." she replied as Sam shakes his head.
"What's a death echo?" Spruce asked and the trio look over at him. "Look, we got a problem here. That ghost ain't it." Sam said. "Yeah, that's real. Like, that happened." Harry said, pointing at the laptop. "What's a death echo?" Spruce asked again. "Echoes are trapped in a loop, okay? They keep replaying how they died over and over and over again, usually in the place where they were ganked. It's about as dangerous as a scary movie." Dean replied.
"So maybe the echo's not dangerous, but maybe something else is." (y/n) said and Dean turns back to her and Sam. "You're right." he mutters then he turns to the Ghostfacers. 
"All right, we need to get out of here, guys. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Pack it up." Dean shouts. "Guys, time is running out!" Sam said as the trio go to try and move them out. "We're moving!" (Y/n) shouts.
"What about all of our equipment? What are we gonna..." Maggie asked but the trio usher them out of the room. "Lots of fun. Let's go." Dean orders while Harry talks over him. "We got more material. We got all kinds of stuff. We'll make you guys recurring guest stars." He said but Ed looks around and shouts. "Wait! Wait! Where's Corbett?"
2nd Floor
"I wish to communicate with the restless spirits here." Corbett said as he stands in a room by himself. Then there was camera interference. "Uh, lights out? Oh, I think I got night vision here." Corbett mutters and he switches to night vision. "That's better." He said as he points the camera to himself, not realizing a tall figure standing behind him.
Living Room
"No man left behind." Ed said when they hear an anguished scream in the distance. "That was Corbett." Harry and Ed said then they run up the stairs while Dean, Sam and (y/n) protest. "We'll get him! Go back!" Dean shouts. "Guys!" Sam shouts. "Damn it!" (Y/n) growls in anger.
2nd Floor
"No! where are you, dude? Tell us where you are! Corbett!" Ed shouts as they run. "Let me go! Guys!" Corbett shouts but they couldn't find him at all, just hear him. "Corbett, you need to come back, Corbett." Ed shouts then they hear Corbett screaming. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Come on." Dean said to Ed, stopping him from going anywhere as they hear Corbett's screams continue, fading away.
"Corbett's...He's not here. Let's go. Let's go." Sam encourages the Ghostfacers but Harry shakes his head. "No. No. No. No, that was Corbett. Didn't you hear that?" Harry asked while Dean, Sam and (y/n) usher the others back to the living room. But the clock had already midnight.
"Oh, god, what's happened? Oh, god. He's gone. He just disappeared." Ed mutters, devastated. "Okay, let's just go through all the angles. Let's go through all the cameras we have." Harry said while Sam, Dean and (y/n) walk off to the side.
"Well, it's 12:04, boys." (Y/n) said and Sam sighs then turns to Dean. "You good? You happy?" he asked him. "Yeah, I am happy." Dean said, sarcastically. "Let's go hunt the Morton house, you said, it's our Grand Canyon." Sam mocks. "Sam, I don't want to hear this." Dean growls.
"You got two months left, Dean. Instead, we're gonna die tonight." (Y/n) said, annoyed, as Sam picks up a chair and smashes it against the sealed front door. "Whoa! what the hell is going on, guys?" Spruce asked and the trio turn to him. 
"I'll tell you what's going on. Every door, every window, I'm guessing every exit out of this house -- they're all sealed." Sam replied. "But w-why are they sealed?" Maggie asked, scared. "It's a supernatural lockdown, okay? Whatever took Corbett doesn't want us to leave, and it's no death echo. This is a bad mother, and it wants us scared." (Y/n) explained. "Or it just wants us." Maggie said when the sound of the EMF detector goes off.
"Uh, guys, the camera's fritzing again." Spruce said as there was interference on his camera. "Whoa. Whoa. Guys, the EMF's starting to spike. This is a big one!" Ed said as Harry and Maggie walked to the middle of the room, both of them secretly holding hands
"Everybody, stay close. There's something coming." Sam said when another apparition appears. "Woah!" the Ghostfacers shout. "Is this the same echo you guys saw earlier?" Dean asked Harry. "No, it's a different guy." Harry replied and Dean looks over at Sam and (y/n).
"Multiple echoes? What the hell's going on?" he asked them. 'Beats me." Sam said as (y/n) shrugs. "Okay. All right. All right. All right." Dean said then he goes up to the apparition and starts to yell at it. "Uh, hey, buddy! Hey. Hey. Wake up. You're dead! Hello!"
"What's he doing? What's he doing?" Harry asked Sam and (y/n) as Dean continues to shout at the apparition. "It's rare, but sometimes you can shock an echo out of its loop if you can talk to the part of the ghost that's still human, but usually you have to have some kind of connection to the deceased." (Y/n) explains while Dean shouts.  Come on! Wake up! Be dead!"
The apparition flickers and turns around as everyone hears a noise. 'You guys hear that?" Harry asked. "What's that sound?" Ed asked as Dean shouts.  Snap out of it, buddy, huh? Come on, what are you waiting for? You're gonzo! You're dead!" 
A bright light shines on the apparition and the sound of a car horn approaching. The apparition flies backwards, as if hit by an invisible vehicle. "Where the hell did it go?" Harry asked as everyone looks around, confused.
The group follow Sam, Dean and (y/n) down the hallway of the 2nd floor. "Dude, there's no records of any of this here. No one got shot here. Obviously, no one got run over by a freaking train." Dean grumbles to Sam and (y/n). "Stay close." Sam said to the others as they walk on.
"Did the echoes take Corbett?" Maggie asked them. "Yes. No. I don't know. We don't know what's doing what here; that's what we're trying to figure out, okay?" Dean said, annoyed. "All right, stay close." (Y/n) tells them before Sam turns to the others.
"Okay, look, um, death echoes are ghosts, okay? Now, ghosts -- they usually haunt places where they lived or where they died." he explains. 'Except these mooks didn't live or die here." Dean added. "Right." (y/n) agreed.
"So, what are they doing here?" Maggie asked. "Hey, give the lady a cigar." Dean exclaims and (y/n) turns to her and see Maggie still holding a camera. 'All right, seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something? I mean..." she said and Maggie stammers. "Um...I, uh... Well, yeah. Uh, yeah. I think so." She said and (y/n) huffs at this as they continue to walk through house. 
They enter a room full of stuffed animal heads on the walls, as well as file cabinets. Sam goes over and holds up a broken framed certificate. "Freeman Daggett, house's last owner, officially commended for 20 years of fine service at the Gamble General Hospital." he said. "He was a Doctor?" Dean asked. "Janitor." Sam corrected as (y/n) looks around the room.
"This looks like his den. When'd you say he died -- '64?" she asked him. "Yeah, heart attack." Sam replied. "What are these, c-rations?" Maggie asked as she points out something that looked like food trays. "Yeah, army-issued, three squares -- like a lifetime supply." Dean said.
"God, is that all he ate?" Maggie asked. "One-stop shopping." (Y/n) said as they continued to look around the room.
"Oh, come on, guys. This is ridiculous. I mean, how the hell is this supposed to find Corbett, huh? We should be digging up the friggin' floorboards right now." Ed said as Sam holds up a dusty pamphlet. "Huh. Survival Under Atomic Attack. An optimist." He said then there's a loud BANG as Dean pries the safe open then he and (y/n) leaf through the file box.
"Crap. Crap. Taxidermy. Okay. You said Daggett was a hospital janitor?" Dean asked Sam. "Yeah." Sam Reid when (y/n) found something. "Ewww. Got three toe tags here -- one, death by gunshots, train accident, and suicide." she said and Sam and Dean's face scrunch up in disgust. "Ewwwwww!" they said, disgusted. 
"What?" Harry asked. "Well, that explains why all the death echoes are here. They're here because their bodies are here...somewhere in the house." Sam said. "Daggett brought the remains home from the morgue. To play." Dean simplified then Harry and Ed made the same face. 
"Ewwwww! Ugh!" they exclaimed, disgusted. "That's nasty, dude." Spruce said. "Right." Sam said and Dean looks around. "Wait a minute." He said, realizing Maggie was missing. 
"Corbett." Maggie said as she walks around another room. Then she startles herself by coming across her own reflection in a mirror. "Okay, Maggie." She mutters and she swings the camera around, frightened, to reveal Dean. "Closer to the herd, okay?" Dean said as Harry runs in. "Maggie? Maggie?" He calls out. "She's fine." Dean assures him.
"Harry. Harry, I got an 8.6 and climbing fast. Something huge is coming. Look. Something big is coming." Ed exclaims. "It's past 11, you guys." Harry said as Spruce's camera got interference. 'What? Nobody move! Hold on. Hold on. Stay quiet." Dean said, quickly, as there was more camera interference.
Then suddenly (y/n), standing between Sam and Dean, disappears into thin air. "It's really cold in here." Ed said. "Harry?" Maggie said, worried, while Dean and Sam look between them to see (y/n) was gone.
"(Y/n)?" Sam said, confused, while Dean was taken aback by this. "Some kind of surge." Ed said. "(Y/n)?" Dean calls out but no answer. "Where'd she go?" Spruce asked. "Oh, no." Maggie whispers as Dean finds (y/n)'s dropped flashlight and picks it up.
"(Y/n)!" Dean shouts, panicked and worried.
"(Y/n)!" Sam calls out as they walk down the hallway. "Corbett!" Ed shouts. "(Y/n)!" Dean yells, his heart beating against his throat. "Corbett! Talk to us!" Harry shouts as they look around as well. "(Y/n)!" Sam and Dean shout just as Maggie and Harry stopped in a spot in the middle of the room, Spruce turns his camera to them.
"God, I am so scared. I'm so scared." Maggie said, fearfully. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay, Maggie." Harry assures her. They share a look before Maggie and Harry start to kiss.
"Corbett!" Ed's voice called while Maggie and Harry were still making out. "Bom-chicka-bow-wow...woah." Spruce whispers behind his camera until Ed finds Maggie and Harry. "My best friend... And my best sister." Ed shouts and Harry and Maggie break their kiss and embrace.
"Ed. listen, Ed." Harry said, trying to sound calm. "Are you banging my sister?" Ed asked Harry, angrily. "No! No!" Harry said then Ed takes off his glasses and turns to Spruce. "Hold my glasses." Ed tells him. "You got it." Spruce said as he takes Ed's glasses. "Ed." Harry said but then Ed attacks Harry. "Ed! Ed! Ed! Ed! Ed!" Harry shouts. "Guys!" Spruce shouts as Maggie screams. "Get off Harry!"
Then Dean and Sam show up and break up the fight. "What the f--- are you doing?! Cut it out!" Dean yells at them. "We're down by two people." Sam tells them then he and Dean turn away. "(Y/n)!" Sam shouts as he walks out. "(Y/n)!" Dean shouts.
"Great." Maggie grumbles as Harry and Ed look at each other. "Sorry." Harry said to Ed. "I'm sorry." Ed said then he turns to Spruce. "Give me my glasses. Did he knock my -- my tooth there?" Ed asked Spruce as he hands the glasses back to Ed. "Uh, no." Spruce said.
"I won that, right?" Ed asked him. "Yep. You're good." Spruce said, which annoyed Harry. "Thanks, Spruce." Harry said, sarcastically. "Yeah, it's my fault." Spruce grumbles. "That's real great. That's nice. Thanks." Maggie said as she walks off.
Meanwhile, in the basement, the song, It's My Party was playing in the background. In the middle was a table with cake and confetti and what looked like people gathered around. Corbett, who was at one end of the table, starts to come to consciousness when he heard a voice call out to him. 
"Corbett. Corbett. Hey. Corbett, hey." the voice said and he raises his head to see (y/n) across the table, she was tied to a chair just like he is. "(Y/n)?" Corbett said, confused. "Corbett, hey, you got to keep listening to my voice, okay? I'm right here. Stay awake." (y/n) said but then another voice comes in.
"Don't listen." a deep voice said and Corbett and (y/n) look up to see Daggett as he picks up a knife. "It stops hurting, so don't worry." Daggett said as he goes around Corbett and stands behind him, which started to make (y/n) panic but she does her best to stay cool. 
"Corbett, stay with me. Stay with me, you got it? I'm right here." she said to Corbett, who looks straight at her, and she could tell that he was beyond terrified. "Hey. Stay with me. Don't. Don't." (y/n) shouts at Daggett but it was too late as Daggett stabs Corbett through the throat. "No. Corbett! No! Corbett!" (y/n) screams as blood pours out of Corbett's wound and she watches him die in front of her.
"Corbett! Where'd you guys go?" Harry calls out as Dean and Sam look around. "Where are you guys?" Maggie calls out when Harry looks over at Dean. "Dean, what are you doing?" He asked. "Okay, so Daggett was a cold war nut, okay? He was -- he was an amateur taxidermist. He liked to slow dance with cadavers, and all he ate were c-rations, so what the hell are we looking for?!" Dean growls.
"Horrible little life." Maggie suggests. "Yeah, a lonely life...A cold war life. He was scared." Sam said but then he stops as he realized something. "He was scared...he was scared." Sam said as he and his brother share a look and both of them came to the same conclusion. 
"Scared of what? What?" Harry asked but Sam and Dean run off. "Guys, where are you going?" Harry asked as he follows them. "Wait, don't leave me in here, you guys." Maggie said as she catches up to them.
"Get away from me." (Y/n) growls at the man as he walks up to her. "This won't hurt. It's okay. It's okay. Relax. Relax." Daggett assures her and he straps a party hat onto her head while Corbett slumps dead at the other end of the table.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?" Maggie asked Dean and Sam as they start to walk towards the door of the basement. "Guys like Daggett back then, the ones who were really scared of the Russkies -- they built bomb shelters. We're guessing he's got one. I'll bet you it's in the basement." Dean said and Spruce follows him when the door slams behind Dean, cutting him and Spruce off from Harry, Ed, Sam and Maggie.
"Woah!" Harry shouts. "Woah! That is not funny!" Ed said, shocked, while Sam goes to the doorknob and tries to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"Um, who closed the door?" Spruce asked Dean, nervously. "It did. It wants to separate us." Dean replied and goes up to the door. "Sam!" He yells. "Dean! You okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah, listen to me! There's some salt in my duffle. Make a circle and get inside." Dean said. "Okay." Sam said and he walks away from the door while Ed, Harry and Maggie look at him, confused.
"Inside? Inside his duffle bag?" Ed asked Sam. "In the salt!" Sam shouts at him. "Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah." Ed said and they make their way back to base. Dean continues down the basement stairs.
"Okay. Get in the circle. Get in the circle." Sam tells the others after making a salt circle. "Come on. Come on. Quick, quick." Ed said as Harry and Maggie get into the circle with Sam and Ed. "Guys, guys, I don't want to die, okay, and I don't want you to die." Harry cried. "Harry, listen -- listen to me, okay? listen. If we don't die...it's totally okay if you, uh, do my sister." Ed said and Maggie pushes Ed. 
"Hey, hey, stopped." Sam yells when Maggie realized there was another interference on her camera. "Hey guys, hey guys, it's coming again." she tells them. "Oh, god. Oh, OK. Oh god, oh god." Ed stammers when the lights continue to flicker.
Then the group sees Corbett standing in front of them, bloody and unable to speak. "Oh. Oh, C-Corbett." Ed said, sadly, as they all look at him.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Spruce asked Dean as they make their way around the basement. "What?" Dean asked. "Earlier, you, (y/n) and Sam -- she said you had two months left?" Spruce asked. "Yeah, it's complicated. A while ago, (y/n)..." Dean started to say but stops himself and shakes his head.
"No. No. No. I'm not gonna whine about my b------- problems to some b------- reality show. I'm gonna do my f------ job." he tells Spruce and he looks around some more. "Is it cancer?" Spruce asked. "Shut up." Dean growls then he stops as he hears music.
"You hear that?" he asked Spruce.
"I've been waiting for some more friends." Daggett said to (y/n) as he leans down to her. "I get lonely. But you're coming to my party, aren't you?" He asked her as she tries to pull back as much as she could in her chair.
"Is that music?" Spruce asked as Dean goes up to a cabinet. "Yeah, it's coming from behind this wall." Dean said and he singlehandedly pushes a cabinet away from the wall. "Wow, you're strong." Spruce said with sarcasm and Dean flips a middle finger to Spruce's camera.
"You'll stay a good, long time." Daggett said to (y/n) and he raises his knife until Dean breaks the door open to the bomb shelter. "(Y/n)!" Dean shouts and he shoots Daggett, who disappears, then unties (y/n). "Oh god." Spruce mutters, horrified, as he sees the whole birthday table, with the party guests of old corpses and one new corpse: Corbett. "Oh, no, Corbett." He whispers.
Ed, Harry, Sam and Maggie were still in the salt ring as Corbett's death echo happens again. "Oh god, what have we done? Oh god." Ed mutters. "Keep calm." Sam said to them. "Ed. Ed. Corbett's a -- he's a death echo. He's reliving his own murder." Harry tells him. "Over and over forever." Maggie said, sadly.
"What's this Daggett guy's problem anyway?" Spruce asked Dean and (y/n) as they walk out of the room.
"Loneliness." (y/n) replied.
"What, he's never heard of a Realdoll?" Dean asked. "No, no, no, Daggett was the Norman Bates, stuff-your-mother kind of lonely. I mean, that's why he lifted these bodies from the morgue, threw himself a birthday party, except they were the only ones who would come. Anyway, so, at midnight, he sealed them in the bomb shelter and went upstairs and o.d.'d on horse tranqs." (Y/n) informed and Dean looks at her, confused.
"How do you know this?" he asked her. "'Cause he told me." She replied. "Oh. yeah. Okay, so now that he's dead, what? Same song, different verse, trying to get people to come to his party?" Dean said. "Pretty much, yeah. Stay forever." (Y/n) said and Dean starts to load his gun
"Are those real bullets?" Spruce asked him. "It's rock salt." Dean replied.
Harry sings the Ghostfacers theme song that they made up as they stand there until Corbett's apparition appears again. "Guys, it's -- it's Corbett. He's -- he's -- he's trapped. He's in a lot of pain, you know? We got to try and...we got to try and pull him out of his loop. We have to." Ed said as he stands up and faces Corbett. "Ed." Sam and Harry said. "Corbett. Corbett, it's -- Oh, god." Ed said as he looks down at the salt line.
"Don't cross the line of salt." Harry said. Ed hesitates, then steps over the salt line, confronting the ghost of Corbett. "I gotta do it, Harry." Ed said. Harry looks over at Sam, who nods, and Ed turns to Corbett. "Corbett, listen to me. Okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. Listen. Listen. Oh, god. Corbett. Oh." Ed said but then the ghost starts to flicker.
"Get back!" Harry shouts and Ed quickly retreats. "oh, god. Whoa. Oh, I can't, okay? He's not hearing me, okay? He won't stop dying." Ed said, fearfully.
Meanwhile, Dean is attempting to break down the basement door that's still separating Dean, (y/n) and Spruce from the others. (y/n) turns and sees that Spruce was still holding his camera and he had it aimed at her ass. "Hey!" She growls and he moves the camera back to her face. "Eyes up here, buddy. And are you seriously still shooting?" She asked. "It makes him feel better. Don't ask." Dean said when there was camera interference and flickering in Spruce's camera.
"Ah, hell, guys. Get in your ghost-role thing. Something's coming." Spruce said as he spins around and sees Daggett. Daggett then knocks Spruce and his camera to the ground, causing him to roll and scream. Spruce screamed as Daggett approaches Spruce, but is shot and dissipated by (y/n).
"I...I know how we can get through to him." Harry said. "How?" Sam asked him and Harry looks over at Ed. "Ed...He had feelings for you." He said and Ed gives him a bewildered and shocked look. "He wanted you." Harry said. "Wa-- wanted me to what?" Ed said, confused. "You know..." Harry said then he demonstrates with a slight grunt and pelvic thrust
"And you know what you've got to do. You can do it, Ed. You've always been the brave one. Yes, you can. You make us brave -- Maggie, right?" Harry said to her. "Yeah. Yeah you do. You totally do." Maggie said as Ed looks between them. "Ed...You got to go be gay for that poor, dead intern. You got to send him into the light." Harry said then Ed looks over at Sam.
"It should work." Sam said and then Ed approaches the ghost of Corbett again. "Corbett." Ed said as he steps over the salt line. "Corbett, look. Hey, it's just Ed, buddy. It's just me. Hey, hey, Corbett, listen to me. Listen to me." Ed said as he approaches Corbett..
"I -- we...Okay. You meant...Corbett, you meant a lot to the team. You meant...You meant a lot to me. You know, never back down...Never say a bad word, okay? I remember that, Corbett. I-I remember that. I remember because I love you, Corbett. I really, truly love you. Do you remember that? do you?" Ed asked, a tear running down his face, and then Corbett looks over at Ed.
"Hey. Ed?" he asked. "Yeah. Yeah, Corbett, it's...Corbett, yeah, it's me. It's me. look at me. You got to help us, man. you have to help us, Corbett. Please. please. Please help us right now." Ed begs as Corbett stares at Ed.
"Take it easy. You all right?" (y/n) asked Spruce when there was camera interference and flickering in Spruce's camera. The ghost of Daggett appears behind Dean. "Uh, guys..." Spruce said then Daggett throws Dean, then (y/n) against the wall and was about to attack Spruce.
"This is bad -- very bad." Spruce stammers, fearfully, when Corbett appears behind Daggett. "Corbett?" Spruce said, confused, then Corbett's ghost attacks Daggett and they both disappear in a blinding flash of light.
"You all right, guys?" Spruce asked as (y/n) and Dean pick themselves up off the floor. "You all right?" Spruce asked he comes up to the couple. "God." (Y/n) groans while Dean looks back at the camera, covering the lens with his hand.
Morning came as the door to the Morton House opens, and Ed, Sam, Dean, (y/n), Harry and Maggie exit. Harry and Maggie pause to hug, while Sam gives Ed his phone number on a scrap of paper and Dean checks on (y/n). Then they start to load up and leave
Leap year, February 29th, the Morton House. A tragic day. A day of souls bound in torment, of lives held in cruel balance. But the Ghostfacers, they did the best that they could.
We lost a beloved friend, but we gained new allies.
We know this much: that every day, including today, is a new beginning. We learned more than we can say in the brutal feat of the Morton House.
The Ghostfacers were forced to face something far more scary than ghosts. They were forced to face themselves.
War changes Man.
 And Maggie and (y/n).
War changes man. And two women...You know Corbett, we just...ah gosh, we just like to think that you're out there, watching over us.
As far as we're concerned, you're not an intern anymore. You have more than earned full Ghostfacer status. Plus, it would be cool to have a ghost on the team.
Yeah. Heh heh. And here we were thinking that, you know, we were teaching you and all this time you were teaching us, about heart, about dedication, and about how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Thank you, Alan J. Corbett.
Go well into that starry night, young Turk. Go well.
"Come on, Spruce, I gotta get all this stuff packed up!" Corbett said as he and Spruce load up the van, getting ready to head to the Morton house. "So, pack and talk!" Spruce said as he aims the camera at him. "I don't know what to say." Corbett said. "Say what comes to mind. This is one of our confessional moments, Corbett, so confess. What did you think was going to happen tonight? What do you think is going to happen on this trip?" Spruce asked him.
Corbett sighs then thinks before he speaks up. "I think tonight, I really do, I think all of our dreams are going to come true." He replies then looks over at Spruce. "Does that sound stupid?" He asked. "Kind of does, yeah." Spruce said and the two chuckle a bit.
In Memory of Alan J. Corbett,
King of the Impossible 
*(y/n)'s POV*
"So, guys, what do you think? Are you alright?" Ed asked us as the boys and I say there and finished watching Ed and Harry's show. "You know, I kind of think it was half-awesome." Dean replies. "Half-awesome? That - that's full-on good, right?" Maggie said, excited.
"Yeah, um, I mean it's bizarre how you all are able to honor Corbett's memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Well done." Sam said as Dean secretly slips the device into a backpack under the table. "Yeah. It's a real tight rope you guys are walking there." I said. "Yeah, all right guys." Sam mutters.
"Nah, that's reality, man. Yeah, Corbett gave his life searching for the truth, and it's our job over here to share it with the world." Ed said. "Right. Well, um, our experience, you know what you get when you show the world the truth?" Sam asked him. "A straightjacket." I said. "Or a punch in the face. Sometimes both." Dean adds. "Right." Sam said.
"Oh come on, guys, don't be 'facer haters just because we happen to have gotten the footage of the century." Harry exclaims. "Oh yeah." Ed said. "You got us there." I said, shrugging. "Yeah." Sam said. "Yeah, well we'll see you guys around." Sam said as we start to head towards the door.
"Peace out." Spruce said as Sam, Dean and I leave and Ed shuts the door behind us.
"We clean?" Sam asked as we get to the Impala. Suddenly, we hear Ed shout. "No! are you kidding me?"
"Electromagnet wiped out every tape and hard drive that they have." Dean said, smiling. "The world just isn't ready for the Ghostfacers." I said as we get into the car. "It's too bad. I kinda liked the show." Dean said. "It had its moments." Sam said and I nod. "Yeah, it was pretty entertaining." I added then Dean starts the Impala and we drive off.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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dearabby1990 · 4 months
Chapter 16: Let’s get you a dress
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It’s not long after Robin finds out that you’re going to prom with Eddie. Talking a mile a minute because now her new best friend is going to the same senior prom as her dreading dress shopping alone or with dingus she now has you to go out & find the perfect outfit with. She smiles at you with a mischievous grin “What Robin?? I know you’re thinking of something over there you look like you’re ready to stir up some trouble” I said giggling “Nothing… but since I know we’re both now going to the same hell of Hawkins senior prom I know have someone to go get a prom outfit with so let’s go get you a dress so you can call Eddie & let him know what color you went with” the sound of it all surprisingly gets you excited knowing that this time around you’re going with someone who actually wants to be with you & looks at you like you hung the moon & stars for him. “Okay Buckley let’s go before I change my mind” in an instant she’s snatching your car keys from the bowl and darting towards your car you run after her. “Rob wait hahaha you don’t have a license!” Laughing you both now know she’s just overly excited & wanting to get you to the car. “Let’s go girly you have dresses to try on!” You both have a ball on the way over to the shopping plaza just outside of Hawkins blasting music singing giggling you can’t remember the last time you had this much fun. You park & both find a small boutique that catches both your eyes with dresses k& tuxedos in the windows. You both enter & the bell rings alerting the two older women at the counter in the middle of the shop. “Hello good afternoon ladies looking for something for prom im guessing?” You both smile shyly both not liking talking to strangers but knowing you have to. Robin takes over speaking seeing how nervous you truly look “Uh yes mam both of us but we’re not too sure what it is we’re looking for quite yet” the women nod “that’s completely normal hun most young ladies aren’t too sure until they try it on & feel it in their bones like with a wedding dress you just know makes you feel magical” you both giggle at her explanation the other woman chiming in “okay dears we’ll prom & brides maid gowns are in the back left & if you need any help with anything at all let us know & fitting rooms are just behind the men’s dress coats” you both smile robin takes your hand to dart off in said direction “thank you ladies!” She yells at she drags you along to the back of the boutique. Two hours of skimming and trying different styles and colors you began to feel defeated when you seen something sparkle in the corner of your eye you scurry to grab it to get a better look. A maroon gown with a sweetheart neckline the top made of beautiful lace with the most incredible rhinestone work you’ve ever seen & a tulle bottom layered flowing to the floor you turn to robin to show it to her eyes brimming with tears smiling “Robs look at this!” She nods excitedly “You’re definitely trying that on right now!” She snatched your wrist taking you back to the dressing room. As soon as you put it on you start to feel a buzz of electricity through you skin in goosebumps it’s not even zipped and it looks amazing you step out to show robin. “Wow Jame that looks…. so beautiful… you look so… absolutely stunning Jamie i mean it” she looks like she’s about to cry too. “Yup this is it I’m getting it” you carefully put it back on its hanger by the time you come out you can’t find Robin you turn around to see her exit the dressing room next to you she has on an emerald green dress with sheer sleeves lace trimmed around her wrists and a silk skirt “robin you look so pretty turn around lemme see!” She smiles and twirls & giggles a beautiful bow at the back you both pay for your dresses and you turn to see the tux area wanting to do something nice yet special for Eddie you walk over to the ties seeing they have one that matches your dress but has sliver skulls on it telling you it was meant for him so Eddie you add it to your total robin smirking at you “ I saw that you gonna gift it to Munson?” You blush “maybe…”
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igotsnothing · 9 months
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Beginning/Previous/Next 🐯🥭🐠🌅🪷
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Uncle Leo, 40- Software Engineer- Married to Auntie Mei: Ok! I left the last boxes in the kitchen. Do you think you’ll still need the dolly? If not, I’ll take it back to the truck.
Lee: I think we’re good now. Let me help you.
Auntie Mei, 40-Real Estate Agent-Lee’s mother’s youngest sister: (Speaking loudly in Tomarani) Neni! We are leaving soon! Where is your purse?
Neni, ??- Retiree-Lee's grandaunt: (In Tomarani)...It’s somewhere.
Anya, 52- Accountant- Lee's mother: (Whispering, in Tomarani) Do you think they’re going to be ok? The air conditioner and ceiling fan are still broken and they don’t even have a box fan. Henry’s not used to this heat. Maybe they should stay with us one more night.
Hiran, 54- Microbiologist- Lee's father: (In Tomarani) They’re going to be fine, Annie. Henry will get used to it. All they have to do is open a window; there’s a nice breeze.
Henry: (Heavily accented Tomarani)
Mali, 16- Student- Lee's sister: No! You are putting the stress on the wrong syllable. If you say it like that, you are telling someone to have a short night, instead of a good night.
Vihn, 10- Student- Lee's little cousin- Mei and Leo's son: HAHA!! A short night! *Snort*
[Laughing and conversations]
Vihn: Have a short night, Mali!
Mali: Ha! YOU have a short night! You’re the little one!
Anya: I’m just saying- it‘s no trouble at all. You can stay with us until your AC units are repaired. Henry, you’d like that better, right?
Lee: Mom...
Henry: AC would be nice, but we have so much unpacking to do still before Lee starts his classes next week.
Hiran: Speaking of which: your suitcase is still in the car!
Henry: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! Let’s go get it!
Lee: [Heavy sigh]
Henry: Lee? Where did you go?
Henry: What’s going on?
Henry: For what? Talk to me.
Lee: What was I thinking? What the HELL was I thinking? We had the perfect life back in San Sequoia. And now? I ruined it all. I dragged you across the world to live in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, where the weather is hot year-round, and we bought an old house with no F*CKING AC!
Henry: Listen-
Lee: What if you decide you hate it? What if it’s too much and you want to return to San Sequoia?
Henry: Lee...
Lee: What if you end up hating me and leaving?...
Henry: Look, it’s perfectly normal to be nervous. This is a HUGE life change for us both! But...We talked about this so much! Ever since you started applying to medical school. Lee: this is the opportunity of a lifetime! You got a scholarship to one of the most respected and prestigious programs in the world! And thanks to its reciprocity agreements with all these different medical schools, transferring your license will be easy IF we decide to move. I knew what I was agreeing to when we decided to move.
Lee: But you are so far away from home...
Henry: What are you talking about? YOU are my home. Please don’t think like that. This is an adventure, and I love that I get to experience it with you.
Lee: Are you sure you are ok with all this?
Henry: You would know right away if I wasn’t.
Lee: True. You’ve always been upfront.
Henry: I’m so proud of you! My honey is going to be a kickass doctor!
Lee: It’s going to be rough for a while. I’m going to be studying all the time.
Henry: You better. I expect to be a well-kept man when you are through!
Lee: [Chuckles]
Lee: Are you ok with my family? They are pretty intense...And very loud and nosy.
Henry: I love your family! They are so warm and welcoming. They even gave up their Sunday to help us move in...That’s awesome!
Lee: I’m a lucky guy.
Henry: I will admit to being a little suspicious of Neni.
Lee: Whaaaat? Why Neni?
Henry: She keeps trying to feed me all the time. I think she’s plotting to fatten me up so she can cook me for Christmas...
Lee: Can you blame her? You’re such a snacc...
Henry: Hey... Are we ok? Are you feeling better?
Lee: Yeah...I am.
Henry: Good. If anything like this comes up again, promise me you will tell me right away. I don‘t like seeing you so upset.
Lee: Promise. And you, too, will tell me right away if anything comes up?
Henry: Something has DEFINITELY come up, baby! No AC can handle this heat!
Lee: You ridiculously adorable perv. C’mere.
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pencil-inc · 1 month
You might be wondering what kind of name "Reference" is. Well, it's not on my driver's license.
Codes, acronyms, synonyms and referents were passed around like it were child's play, some official, some not. Part of this was enforced, like the repetition of the project's values, known as LEAD (as in pencil lead):
Loyalty, Extension, Attention, Determination. You're going to hear that a lot from now on.
Well, not just from me. From every other corner of this place, too. The entire project was underpinned by LEAD.
I'll try and paint a picture for you.
"You know, it's like where most toons come from! [Our values come] from the end of a pencil," Nikolai Ravensdale said in a press interview at the company's opening. He was the head-turning, exceptional COO for the entirety of Beale and PENCIL's ventures.
(I'm not siding with him, by the way. He was just extraordinarily intelligent.)
"We take this seriously like no one else; I- I actually came up with these, one night. It was like 3AM, I don't know how I did it (...)
"Loyalty might sound like it's a- like we treat our companies like dogs, and we don't! (laugh) It's for our work, for that devotion to science and wellbeing."
Every start of a shift, take your ID in your hands and repeat those values. With your colleagues. Fall into line, keep them at the forefront. Face the day with ferocious, unrelenting energy. Don't think twice.
"Extension helps our employees really push themselves in their drive to treat our patients and their research with care! Especially in the case of the interns we take on..."
You can stay another hour or two. Come on, the time will fly! Imagine the work you can get done this late, at 4am. Won't they be impressed, you think as you sip your fifth cup of coffee.
"Attention makes sure they don't miss the little things and details, for our quality work..."
If you’re not aiming for perfection, you’re doing it wrong. Check your numbers. Use the finer sandpaper. Watch your chemical quantities. Check your numbers. Push out the presentation by another fifteen so you can be sure you won’t be scrutinised. Start the whole test over, we missed a few millimetres worth of accuracy. Check your numbers.
"And Determination... well, what wouldn't we be without Determination? We'd give up!"
And you can't give up. You physically can't. Clause 16 keeps you, your colleagues, everyone from the night guards to the department heads trapped. Any breach of the contract is a confidentiality breach, and you risk a criminal record if you disappear without notice. They paid a lot of money for that watertight seal, I know that much.
WIth that, burnout came second nature to us like how a duckling takes to a pond of magma. It’s only normal when it’s everywhere.
I think, in hindsight, it was remarkable how much we adapted to that hell. No, really. Nikolai, or One was we called him, knew what he was doing. It was no Stockholm syndrome stimulant, but that acronym was the epitome of the idealised worker.
Soon enough, we all tired and fell in line. The monotone uncertainty became monotone. Our pay was given without scrutiny, we took it without question (and it was good pay). The ease of compliance was just that. Easy.
Nikolai was the company’s poster ‘child’. He had a lot to say and a whole deal of enthusiasm to say it with. He had some of the finest communication skills in the sector, right until the company’s end.
We had a whole set of referents for people like Nikolai. Company leaders? The Men Upstairs. Department leads? The Round Table, sometimes. Investors? The Coins, but definitely while they were a thousand miles away or more.
Might as well anonymise myself with one. Feels fitting. Like I can’t let everything go after all this time, as much as I try.
— Reference
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford REWIND- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 3 Ep 14 & Season 4 Ep 1
Hello, beautiful humans (and the random cat or dog who might be looking over someone's shoulder).
I had a request for 4x01, but it didn't feel complete without the context of 3x14, since they flow into one another. So, I hope you'll bear with me as we dive into both.
SPOILER WARNING: This is a spoiler zone. I will spoiler all of these two episodes, and reference past material. I do try to write these as though I'm watching them for the first time, but please bear in mind that I am up to date to 5x12.
Ready? Let's dive in!
"You can never let down your guard. Never relax. Because if it comes, when it comes, you will have to do everything right. Because one wrong word, one wrong move, one wrong look, and you're dead."
Holy cold open, Batman! You may think, "Why is she starting a Chenford meta with Nyla's speech?" Because... these are the stakes.
This is what's at risk on this op, and everyone knows it... including Tim. His ex-wife did UC, so he's intimately familiar with the pang and anxiety of not knowing what's going down with someone you love when they're on assignment like this.
But I think it's important for the audience to be reminded of the stakes. Lucy Chen didn't chose a safe job to begin with, going into law enforcement as an officer. But UC is a totally different beast. Instead of heading into the lion's den armed with all your tools, you're going in often blind and alone.
Lucy Tips Off The Cops
Let's be real, Lucy spotted the car and decided to send a message. She has no phone, no way to contact anyone, and she needs to make sure that this goes clean.
Best way to do that? Tip off someone on the other side. She saw her opportunity, and she took it. Smart gal.
"It's Lucy." "What do we do?" "Treat it like any other stop, but we do not run anyone in that car."
Tim spots her face in the mirror before he even gets out of the car. Jackson is obviously worried, but Tim keeps his concern in check while they're in the Shop together. He knows from his years of experience that the only thing they can do is stay calm and not blow her cover.
"There's no way these cops are gonna let us go."
I love Lucy's glance back at the mirror and Tim's back at her. It's likely a trick of editing, but it gives us the feeling that they're in sync—they're looking for one another, in this moment, but for different reasons.
Tim wants to be sure she's safe. She wants to be sure he makes it out of this alive.
"Look, before we start shooting cops in broad daylight, just let me try something, okay?" "What?" "Flirting. I haven't gotten a ticket since I was 16. I know how to get out of them, okay? Just trust me."
She's looking in the mirror, again, at him. He's looking back. She's hoping and praying he'll play along.
And, honestly, he's the perfect person for this. There are so many other officers that this wouldn't have worked with. But Tim and Lucy have a very deep running trust and respect for one another.
Plus, Tim knows how UC goes better that most. He's already prepped Jackson on how to proceed, and he's going to take point.
"I'm sorry, officer, was I going too fast?"
Tim's clenching his jaw so often I'm afraid it's going to seize. While he's doing a good job of keeping his emotions in check, they're there. He can read from the situation that it's not a good one.
"Yes, ma'am. You almost caused an accident." "We're in a hurry. It's my brother's birthday and I haven't gotten any party supplies."
Clever Girl. (yes, that's a Jurassic Park reference. I AM nearing 40, so it's totally my childhood). Lucy's sneaking in information and hoping Tim's going to grab onto it.
"License and registration, please." "C'mon, you don't really need that, do you?"
Tim has leaned towards her, placing a hand on the car door. It's not a move he'd normally make, but it's Lucy. Lucy seizes the opportunity to place her hand atop his.
Tim glances down at her hand, putting the pieces together of what she's doing. Because, come on, Season 3 Lucy would not randomly place her hand on his.
He knows this is a message... I don't know if he understands the situation is fraught with mortal danger, but he knows he needs to stop what he's doing and pay attention to what she's doing.
"You should come to the party after work. We'd have fun." "Yeah, I bet we would."
Tim chuckles a little before his line, and the "yeah" to me is in answer to her. Because what she's just told him is that this party isn't happening, yet. She doesn't need him, yet.
And much as Tim hates this, he's going to follow protocol and he's going to walk away. Lucy holds his gaze, and while we don't see the reverse, I'm sure he's feeling her message.
"Alright, I'm gonna let you go with a warning this time. But slow down, okay?" "Yeah, I promise."
She puts some smile into her voice, but it drops from her face as soon as she meets his eyes, again.
"Thank you so much."
That was for Tim. Thank you for hearing me. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for not blowing my cover. Thank you for trusting me.
"Yeah. Have fun at that party."
The "Yeah" is for Lucy. Yeah, I hate this but I'm doing it. Yeah, I know you can handle this. Yeah, I've got your back and always will.
The second line is for the car to show that her ploy to flirt with him worked. And Tim holds her gaze a last second before he walks away.
"See? Cops are easy. You just gotta know how to play them."
But she's watching him in the mirror the whole walk back to make sure he's safe. He has no idea she just saved his life.
"She is clear that if she is in over her head, she can pull herself out." "She won't, and you know it. There's no quit in Chen."
Remember their conversation after DOD? It was the first time Tim pointed out Lucy's lack of "Quit", and I'm glad it comes back, here. Tim knows Lucy well enough to know that she will see it through to the end. Like him, Lucy Chen finishes what she starts.
Gosh, these two are such a match made in heaven. But, they're not there, yet.
"Look, she's due for a check-in at Midnight. I will take her temperature then. If I feel like she's in too deep, then we can go get her."
Why does this feel like a friend trying to calm a worried spouse? It does, right? Lucy is no longer his Rookie, but he's very concerned about her well being.
"Call me right after." "Alright."
We're still in the phase of other people telling Tim how Lucy's doing—but Tim needing to know. And I don't think he even knows why he needs to know. But some part of him needs to know that she is okay.
Because much as their relationship shifts over the years, I think this whole ordeal pulls a lot to the surface that was lingering beneath. Yes, I know as someone who is up-to-date with 5x12 that there are many new obstacles, issues, and arguments coming their way. But this episode is important.
Tim is worrying more than he should about a fellow officer. Yes, we have seen how fiercely loyal he can be to those who cares about. But Tim is taking the worried husband position, here. And it's so bloody inappropriate, but Nyla doesn't call him on it.
But the woman's not oblivious. She's known Tim a long time, and she knows well enough that it's not the time to argue with him. She's going to placate him and get him out of her hair.
"Lucy missed her check-in." "She's cooking."
Excuse me. Timothy Bradford, did you come all the way back to the station just to check on your not-Boot? Like, you didn't even trust Nyla to call you? Instead you're showing up at the station to check on your girl.
Tim, we see you!
"You don't know that for sure." "She's either cooking or she's dead." "She's not dead." "Then she's making product. From the chemicals she stole, we know it's meth. Alright. That takes four to eight hours. Look, you and I both know it's against the law for her to allow product she cooked to hit the streets. If we don't find her, she's gonna stop it by herself... or die trying."
And now Nyla's listening to him. Watch the wheels turn as she processes what he's saying (which is mostly for the audience because, as he pointed out, Nyla already knows all this).
Again, they're telling us the stakes. We have to understand what Lucy is willing to do. And why it's stressing Tim the eff out.
"You're not a nobody, are you?" "No, I'm a cop and you're under arrest." "You stole my line." "I thought you said she needed rescuing."
Tim. Look at you braggin' on your girl. We know he was worried about her. He wouldn't have driven all the way to the station in the middle of the night if he wasn't. But in front of her, he's bragging on her and her badass self.
We stan a man who doesn't fear a strong woman.
"How'd you guys get here so fast? Not that I'm complaining." "When you didn't report in last night, Sergeant Grey called the chief who called every law enforcement agency in Southern California." "400 cops just spent the night looking for you."
Including your husband, who hasn't slept all night knowing you were out here and needed help. Tim is already going above and beyond for Lucy. For all of his "not my job" talk, he's the one who's really there for her. He's the one checking in on her. He's the one worrying about her.
And, let's be real, Lucy's never had anyone like that in her life. Her parents haven't supported her, and non of the guys she's dated have stuck. But her former TO, hard-ass Tim Bradford is the guy who steps up to play husband when she's in danger.
"I need superglue, hair pins, and your badge."
First off, how on-brand is it for Tim Bradford to show up to a wedding and still have his badge on him? And how awesome is it that his future step-daughter already knows it?
"Thank you both for believing in me."
This line hits hard based on Lucy's background. Her parents have been un-supportive in her ambition. She hasn't really had people in her life who believed in her, but the more she's at Mid-Wilshire, the more she's finding a whole new family.
Found family tropes are my jam because I live in one. 20 years ago, one night at University orientation, I met the people who would be the best friends of my life. We are raising our children together. We vacation together. We party together. We mourn together.
Because, for whatever reason, sometimes we need more than our blood family. Found family is a gift, and I'm so thrilled for mine. And that Lucy Chen found hers.
"To tell the truth, I kind of missed it."
Lucy's eyes trail past Nyla and Grey... to where Tim talks with Officer Jan. Tell me she didn't miss Tim! While she was alone in that hotel room playing chess with herself? Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
"Um, will you excuse me?"
Nyla takes a sip of her drink, going with the flow. Unsurprising that the woman who was missing is going to talk to the man who was obsessed with her being missing. But, Grey's, "Where the heck is she going?" cracks me up. He full on turns around to see why Lucy would cut off a conversation with her Sergeant. Of course, it's Tim.
Officer Jan seems to know when to get out of the way of true love and excuses himself.
And Tim. Can't. Help. Himself.
Lucy is stunning in that green dress with the red lips, her hair pulled back, but still flowing, and that slit. Girlfriend understood the assignment and showed up to the wedding in style.
Tim's eyes trace over her with an abandon we've rarely seen from him. He's not over-thinking this moment. He's not in work-mode. It's very rare, at this point, that we see him and Lucy outside the structure of their status as Officers.
But here, in the ambiance of romance, Tim Bradford checks Lucy Chen out.
"Nice suit. Nova would be impressed." "Nova was a little thirsty." "I like to think of her as assertive." "Mm."
Flirty Banter Alert. Folks, we have flirty banter. And Tim smiling at her!? This scene took me out the first time I watched it. Because Tim's not a smiley person by default. He's a bit broody, grumpy, gruff, and non-plussed. And that's fine.
But there are situations that make him smile, and I love that Lucy Chen flirting with him is now on the list.
"First solo op and you take down two major drug traffickers. Not bad." "Thank you."
That's a huge compliment from Tim. And that's what Lucy wanted. Her little Praise Kink wanted to hear what Tim had to say, and she hoped it would be good. Lucy turns to walk away, but even as she's moving away from him, his mind is stuck on her.
You can see the wheels turning in his mind. He just spent the entire night looking for this woman, worried out of his mind for her. He hasn't felt that kind of attachment in a really long time, and something in him is seizing this moment.
And you know the circumstances are just right. Lucy made it through the night, proved her badass self, and now she's wearing that stunning dress and she's a few feet away from him. He doesn't want her that far away.
"Hey Chen." "Yeah?"
Lucy looks back, with zero expectations.
"Save me a dance."
He says it as he walks away to join another conversation. Because he's not ready to fully face what he feels, yet, but he also wants to make sure he doesn't miss this moment.
Saying it on the move means he doesn't have to watch her face to see how it registers... He's not ready to see her response, but he somehow knows it will be "yes".
And look at Lucy Chen. He's still framed in the shot, which I find fascinating. Like, what was the mentality behind it? To show he's not really that far away? Not really that unattainable? Just out of reach?
Lucy nearly twirls with the impact of those words. They stir something in her akin to her Praise Kink, which I really think also ties into her Tim Kink.
Because, come on, there's been something between them for ages. Like, they could have had angry sex and it been fiery and explosive but that flame never matured to a stable fire—one to be fed by love and dedication to one another.
They're not there, yet. But in the beauty of the wedding setting, Tim Bradford asked Lucy Chen to dance. And that can never be taken back. It's a part of their story forever, now. The veils over Tim's heart started to come down just enough to let a little light in.
Life and Death
"I almost got us all killed." "That trip wire was nearly invisible. I only saw it because I had the right angle." "That's not the point. I should have known to look." "Well that sounds like a failure in training. Perhaps you should bring it up with Tim." "Can you imagine?"
Let's be real... Lucy's best friend was killed. They were just at Lopez's wedding waiting for her to walk down the aisle, and now she's missing. Lucy's beating herself up for not being perfect, and the way Nolan tries to cheer her up is by ragging on Tim.
And, come on, we know they've done enough of that over the years. To Nolan's credit, he's trying to get her to chuckle, at the very least, and stop being so hard on herself.
And, no, I'm not addressing N*cy. Not ever. But they make good friends.
"I can't go back to the apartment. his empty room." "You don't have to. You can stay with me." "I don't want to impose." "No. Lucy, you shouldn't be alone right now." "Thanks." "Yeah."
"Lucy". Not "Chen". Lucy. At this stage, he doesn't address her as Lucy, often. But right now, they're all vulnerable and exposed.
Just a few days ago he was worried sick about Lucy. They got her back and had the emotional high of that combined with the euphoria of a wedding... only to be tossed back into uncertainty and heartache with the loss of Jackson and Angela's abduction.
Emotions are running high for all of them. And sometimes that necessitates stripping away formalities for the sake of survival.
Tim of a few years ago wouldn't have extended this to Lucy. But he knows her, now. She's a friend. She's someone who he cares about who is hurting. And he won't let her go through it alone.
That says so much about Tim Bradford. About how he can be so rough around the edges and yet so soft for those who he cares about.
"I'll take the couch." "Wait, I thought you were setting that up for me."
Lucy. In. Tim's. Clothes. I mean, we've seen her sleeping before and her shirt sleeves are nowhere NEAR that roomy. This implies she rode with him to his place, and that they didn't bother stopping by hers.
I know there's nothing sexual about it, at this point, but it's still so incredibly metaphorical. He's letting her into his world. Because, damnit, this former Rookie is already under his skin... even if he's not ready to face it, yet.
And she's wearing the moonstone ring. It was hers and now it's strangely theirs. She wore it. He found it. He carried it. And now she wears it, again. It's traveled with both of them, and its history is all the more complex for it.
"I'm not gonna have a guest sleep on the couch." "And I'm not gonna kick you out of your own bed. Come on. Get up."
First off, I love that Tim admits to thinking of Lucy as a "guest". This isn't a work-thing in any way. This is a friend thing. He's being here for her emotionally as a friend. Not so long ago, Tim would have denied the moniker, but there's no denying it, now. "We're friends".
Tim doesn't fight her any further. After all, he's doing all this to try to be there for her, to support her. They're friends. We saw how far he'd go for Lopez to make sure she had a dream wedding. And with this act of love, we can see he's done pretending Lucy is nothing more than his former-Boot.
"Um... do you need anything?"
Have you ever seen Sense & Sensibility with Emma Thompson? The late, great Alan Rickman's character, Colonel Brandon, is aching when the girl of his dreams, Kate Winslet's character, is ill. He asks for an occupation... for something he can do. And I feel like Tim is a kindred spirit.
When Lucy was taken in DOD, he couldn't sit still. He needed to do something. He's helping her now because he needs to give her more than words. He's more of a "show" guy, remember? He's showing Lucy that he cares, and he wants to make sure he gives her what she needs.
"The last 24 hours back?"
Ah. Another post-DOD parallel. Because Lucy's still looking for her time machine. This time, Tim feels less responsible for her pain... but he still would do anything to stop it.
"I'm afraid I don't have that power." "A hug?"
It's a long shot, asking Tim Bradford for a hug. At least, that's what Lucy thinks. But Tim Bradford would do anything to ease her pain. "Give me an occupation", his heart cries.
"Yeah, come here."
He crosses to her and pulls her close. Lucy sniffles as she leans against him, and his hand briefly goes to her hair, as it did in DOD when he first held her on the ground as she sobbed.
It's the first time since then that they've been this close. It's a terrible, sad reason, again, that brings them together. But proximity makes it harder to ignore the growing gravitational pull.
"It's okay." "Thanks."
He pulls away from her, not letting it linger. His eyes go back to the couch, where he was ready to sleep for the night. But it's his hands that have my attention.
His right hand gives her left forearm a gentle squeeze of encouragement. And his left rubs up and down her right. The short embrace is lingering. He doesn't want to stop touching her.
And this isn't the passion of two people looking at one another and thinking, "The one." There's a raw need here to feel something other than the heartache and pain.
Holding her in his arms, he feels it. That all he has to do is not break away to feel something completely different, and for her to feel it, too.
He looks down to her and sees this beautiful, vulnerable woman in his arms. There's a charge that passes between them as her eyes flick up to meet his. There's an openness there, on her part, looking for some comfort.
That's why she asked for the hug, right? Physical comfort. But there's something else now that's pulling him toward her as much as he's tearing himself away. Because he would never take advantage.
Lucy is hurting. Her best friend is dead. And no matter what Tim is feeling in this moment, he's not going to make a move. The last thing he wants to do is take advantage of someone who is hurting.
With a quick glance at her lips, he removes himself from the situation. And that's when Lucy realizes why.
Besides asking her to dance a few days ago, Lucy has no reason to think that Tim would have any interest in her. She hasn't seen the way he worries when she isn't there. She hasn't seen how his face softens when he asks others how she's doing. She hasn't seen him wrestling with what he feels for his former Rookie.
This is the first time she's seen it. He was right there holding her one moment, and with the briefest charge, he retreated. Yes, he did the right thing. But he left Lucy Chen standing there, speechless.
Did she imagine it?
Tim goes to his room and closes the door. He lays down on the bed he turned down for Lucy. I mean, come on, that's such amazing care! It looks like this is his side of the bed (closest to the door in case of emergency, furthest from the window), and he was giving it to her.
He lies down and tries to clear his head of the woman on the other side of the door.
Lucy heads for the couch, but her eyes trail back to his door. She didn't imagine it. Look, Lucy is confident in herself, sexually, and Comfort Coitus is not out-of-the-question for her. It would feel good to feel good.
And the bonus is that maybe it would allow her to explore whatever there is between her and Tim. Because even though neither of them would put a name to it, at this point, there's something there.
Tim closes his eyes, but opens them, again. Because when his eyes close, he sees her. His gaze trails back to the door. Because he's second-guessing himself. Maybe she would want it, too. Maybe he should have asked. Maybe he shouldn't have been so hasty.
And Lucy's on the couch looking back at that door. Because the more she lies there, the more she thinks about what it would be like to be with Tim Bradford. And if he's willing to be with her, too, why the hell not?
Tim looks away from the door and pumps his pillow up behind him, as if that minor adjustment will adjust his thoughts away from the gorgeous woman on his couch. He looks almost disappointed in himself. "What are you thinking?" Because Tim Bradford isn't ready for this, yet.
Would it be awesome sex? Hell, yeah. Would it be the best foundation for a relationship? No. There's still so much for these characters to unpack on their own and together. For Chenford to really work, it has to happen at a time when they're both emotionally healthy enough for it to work. We're not there, yet.
But, damn, Lucy wants to be. She finally can't take it anymore and throws off the blanket. She stands, taking her first steps towards Tim's bedroom. It's a risk, sure, but in this moment, she's willing to take it.
And, remember, I said all of this is a combination of the perfect circumstances to bring them here. Separated from the moment, she'll second-guess it as much as he'll try to deny it to himself. But in this moment, Lucy Chen makes a bold move.
Just in time for Tim to walk out the door on the phone with answers. Lucy tries to hide that she was on his way to him because the moment has passed. For him to see her on her feet now would be embarrassing and awkward, right?
"We'll be right there."
This implies others know that Lucy came home with him tonight. And because they all know Tim so well, they wouldn't even suspect that something might've happened between them. Tim's wounds from Isabelle haven't yet healed, and he'd be a fool to fall for another UC, right? Right!?
Yeah, boy's already falling... but he's not ready to face it, yet. And now there's no room to discuss what might have been because they're both focused on the task at hand—saving Angela.
"What about Max?" "Who the hell's Max?"
Look, this isn't Chenford, but this is one of those general appreciations of Eric Winter because Tim always reacts. Even when he's in a group of people, Tim reacts.
You might say, "Well, duh, people react". But some actors almost pull back on their characters when they're not the center of attention. When the camera is capturing him, Eric Winter is Tim Bradford. The man acts with his entire body, all the way through his fingers.
So, if you happen to watch this scene, watch Tim's face after that last line there. It sends me rolling, and it's nice to have a smile in the middle of a heavy episode.
"Did you get her?" "No."
There is something poetic about Tim calling her right at the moment she was ready to fall apart. Now she has a task... an occupation... something to busy her mind.
"We're going to Plan B." "I don't like Plan B." "Join the club. It's what we've got."
Lucy gets set up while the others get ready on their end.
Look, I don't know if this was a mistake or if Lucy goes back and forth on what she has on her phone for him, but right now, it says "TIM" when he calls. And that makes me feel all sorts of things in the context of this episode for Chenford.
"Tim? Please be careful."
"Because I can't lose anyone else." A wall has come down between them that they can never erect (heh), again. No, they didn't sleep together. But Tim let her into his world. He let her into his home. His clothes. His arms.
And that brings them that much closer to one another.
"I always am."
Nyla, my apologies that you're the one to have to witness all this Chenford goodness the past two episodes. Like, this seriously sounds like a sign-off between a worried wife and a man confident in his abilities.
Tim and Lucy at the Party
Look, I know it's little, but I love the touch that three months later, when we see them outside of work, he's still standing by her side.
This episode is a real catalyst, I think, for so much of what happens in S4 between these two.
FAST FORWARD: Tim dates a short-haired blonde girl who is nothing like Lucy all season and is awkward and embarrassed when Lucy finds out about her (via him arguing with his sister). Come on. Tell me that man wasn't running from his feelings for Lucy! And that hug later in the season wouldn't have been possible without this one. It all starts here.
As always, thank you for reading! If you have a request, please leave it in the comments and I'll take it under consideration! I really love writing these.
On a day like today when I've been in constant pain, it's been a grand distraction when I wasn't helping with Pinewood Derby cars, jumping on the trampoline, playing "telephone" with the kids, patty-cake, movie night, getting poster supplies for Student Council, and paying bills. Typical Saturday around here! May yours be a joy.
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sheocheese · 11 months
I think more teens / young adults should have adult friends, and more adults should be open to being that friend.
Let me explain:
I know the internet has thought us that everyone over 29 who as much as TALKS to someone under 25 is a groomer and a creep and what have you, but the reality is just. Not like that? (obligatory "Yes bad people who will take advantage of younger folks do exist and yes still be careful who you trust and all that" disclaimer)
We are 4 trainees at my job, the youngest of us is 19. I'm the second oldest at 31. At first I felt kinda weird hanging out with and talking to the 19yo because of what the internet taught me, but I learned very quick that not only is she genuinely interested in my experiences and opinions and often actively asks me for my input, but that there is really nothing weird about it. Heck, it's normal!!* and the best part: We both benefit from it! Today I took her along to go grocery shopping after work. She has no car/driving license and thus no way to do a bigger shopping trip, and I had to buy a few things before the weekend as well so I offered to help out. She asked SO MANY questions, like how do I find out which option is the cheapest? What do I have to look out for when buying fresh fruit and veggies? Where do I find what and why do they keep changing it? Stuff that she could never ask her abusive mother. And I was happy to tell her! It helped A LOT with my anxiety I usually battle with in public spaces, and I felt SO useful, like heck yes! Let me teach you! Let me help you understand the stupid world that we live in so you can navigate it better! Let be be a positive influence! And after not even 3 months of working with this girl, I can already see that I really am having a positive influence on her. That I (and our other coworkers) have changed her somewhat conservative views on things, because before taking on this job, the only adults in her life were shitty. She had no idea how diverse and colorful and different other people can be, and that that's a good thing and nothing to be afraid of. She wants to quit smoking now, not because I or someone else told her she should, but because she has heard our coworkers who smoke openly regretting that they ever started.
So yeah I really, really think that older teens and young adults can greatly benefit from just. Hanging out with someone who is 10, 20, or even more years older than them and not their parent. Getting some new input/perspective on the world. And while an adult hanging out with a teen may not learn a lot other than some new words and the newest tiktok trends or whatever, I think they can benefit from the experience of being a positive influence. Of teaching others, even if it's about mundane things like grocery store queing etiquette. Especially if you struggle with things like depression, seeing how much you can help someone just by sharing your own experience can be great.
*A bit of context here because I feel it's important, especially for US americans: I live in Germany. If you want to get into a job, especially an artisinal one but this really applies to most fields, you have to work as a Trainee for 3 entire years and pass some tests before you can officially call yourself a "baker" or "gardener" or whatever your field is. So seeing a 16 yo fresh out of shool working and hanging out with the adult workers of the company is normal, especially if they learn their craft at a smaller business where they are the only trainee.
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elskanellis · 1 year
musical tag game! thank you to @boxboxlewis for the tag 🖤 (go look at her songs here)
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and list the first ten songs, then tag some people.
The rules do not specify that I need to write fucking liner notes about it but oh well! Here we are!
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want – the Smiths. this is, how you say, one of the songs of all time. I literally sing this one out loud at LEAST once a day and usually thrice.
The Whole of the Moon – the Waterboys. Reminds me of the summer I was 13 and would listen to this over and over on my two-cassette tape deck while sitting in my window seat, leaning my head against the glass and staring at the maple tree that grew like a living screen to cover my windows.
Plainsong – the Cure. Reminds me of the summer I was 16 and would listen to this over and over on my Discman in the middle of the night while sitting on my roof under the same maple tree.
A Case of You (a piano and a microphone) – Prince. This is the demo version and I listen to it a totally normal amount of times.
Since Yesterday - Strawberry Switchblade. I played this a lot while writing a story about mid-1980s goth kids.
Girlfriend in a Coma – the Smiths. Oh my goodness, however did so many Smiths songs get in my On Repeat. Surely I'm not this predictable and/or set in my ways. (I am. But I never would have guessed this song in particular would be a heavy hitter for me?)
Regret – New Order. You've got those Belle + Sebastian vibes (school is awful and no one likes me although I am pure of heart) crossed with "Wouldn't it be loverly?" and I am here for that. i was a short fuse / burning all the time / you were a come-plete stranger / now you are mine.
A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours – the Smiths. I got my driver's license when I was 27 and inherited a very large medium-old Buick from my grandfather and the very first day I drove it, I slow-motion head-on crashed into another car while/because I was singing along to this song.
Sometimes Always – the Jesus and Mary Chain. You know that post going around about having a t-shirt that says "I survived a teenage homoerotic friendship"? Yeah that's the friend who would send me JAMC songs on mixtapes. We are still friends.
Dear Prudence – Siouxsie and the Banshees. Did you know Siouxsie Sioux is touring this year? Siouxsie Sioux is touring this year. two bonus songs because the Smiths got on here three times and I need to balance that out:
Dream Operator – Talking Heads. This is from True Stories (1987), a true Underrated Gem that is maybe just a squinch too precious but I don't care.
Only You – Yazoo. I would follow Alison Moyet's voice anyfuckingwhere. The scene in The Americans where Phillip buys Paige the Yaz[sic] record is one of the scenes of my heart. tagging @ladderofyears @onemadeofglass @thetimebeforeeternity @thehoneybeet if you are interested!
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