#let’s make tumblr resize them
uyallstars · 5 months
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Ran | ch. 246
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kurah · 1 month
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"you drive me NUTS, Touden!!"
referenced from this new girl scene
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scribblemakes · 1 year
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No one would mind if I started posting about Neocities website building right? Anyway here are some pixelated cursors I recreated (feel free to use them, they’re already sized correctly) and some website themes I’m working on! I’m hoping to make them available for people to put on their own sites at some point.
[ID: Three images of pixelated cursors and two images of website pages in mobile view. The first website page is styled to look similar to a Windows XP desktop. The second is custom and shows an art gallery of Psychonauts fanart. /End ID]
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crtastrophe · 1 year
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Hi hello it seems I’ve caught a rare strain of art block that makes me unable to draw in anything other than Kid Pix Deluxe 4™, but I still need to buy groceries and stuff so!! I’m gonna try my hand at some experimental commissions.
If you have some kind of whimsical OC and you want me to let me loose on them, now’s your chance! Give me a character and I will cook up something cool — there's no pose/style/background tiers, though I will try to put an equal amount of effort into every drawing.
Payment in USD through PayPal invoice only.
More info under the cut!
Inquiries through Tumblr DM or via [email protected].
You can give me some brief prompting (e.g. “I’d like a drawing of my wizard OC casting some kind of spell”, “Can you work in some robot/tech motifs?” etc.) – or give me free rein, if you’d prefer.
I will need a minimum of one visual reference of the character’s design, but the more material I have to work from, the better! Tell me about their lore, what they’re like, their associated themes and motifs, all that jazz! Show me their aesthetic moodboards, the funnie tumblr textposts you associate with them, their playlist even.
As the nature of the program makes revisions difficult, I might turn down a request if I do not feel confident that I can compose a satisfactory piece from the provided material.
Once we’ve worked out all the details, I will send you a link to a PayPal invoice. I will not begin working on the piece until payment has been recieved.
Please note that I won't be providing WIPs! I can show you my initial sketch for the composition if you'd like, but after that the end result will be a suprise.
Once completed, I will send you a link to a drive containing the resized drawing in the form of a .png, as well as the original 665 x 477 bitmap.
Once payment has been received and I have begun working on the piece I cannot refund it. However, if I for any reason have to cancel the commission from my side I will refund it fully, regardless of level of completion.
Some limitations of the program (good to keep in mind!):
No layers
One (1) level of undo
Image size: The Kid Pix 4 drawing area is 665 x 477 pixels. I scale up the final image file x4 to make it more compatible with the modern internet, but the drawing itself will still be crunchy. That’s part of the charm! (I can also make the image dimensions 1:1, if requested.)
Colors: It is possible for me to create colors outside of the palette provided by the program, but replicating hues precisely can be tricky. Expect some stylization.
Okay, I think that’s everything! Thank you for reading this far, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions <3
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beautyconsumer · 3 months
(I see you've redone your blog again) but anyway JayGrant is sooooo the friends that make a marriage pact as kids. And Jason thinks it's a joke but Grant is SO serious. 20 years later Grant breaks into Jason's apartment and is like "so I've noticed you're not yet wed-" and Jason is like "I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD WHAT THE FUCK!" And Grant is like "Irrelevant. I need you to update your hand measurements to get the ring resized."
I did! I want it to represent what's going on on this little corner of Tumblr of mine hehe thanks for noticing!
Also!!! ASASGDJFG "I need you to update your hand measurements to get the ring resized." Meaning he already has a ring and has been constantly measuring Jason's hand throughout their childhood/teenage years, lmaoo I imagine Jason sitting there while Grant measures his hand going "lol you still on that?" While Grant very much is.
Jason being pulled the uno reverse card for once and being in the other end of "I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD WHAT THE FUCK!" is so freaking funny.
Jason is still reeling on the fact that Grant came back at all, cause he had given hope he would. Jason sees his own resurrection as a curse so seeing Grant reviving gives him a new perspective and of course Grant goes, "We're soulmates, actually."
And Jason kind of believes him. Wants to believe him too.
Jason is —other than surprised Grant came back at all— is like "You meant it???"
Because he's on board, HEAVILY so, because he gets to marry the first crush he ever had, the very hetero guy who would mess around for shits and giggles, and make him flustered and red faced every time he'd throw hypotheticals at him: "I would treat you better than anyone else", "If you married me we'd never spend our nights sleeping"
All of this is especially funny immediately after Grant's resurrection, because Grant is fully convinced he came back for that one reason (it's actually way deeper than that but his obsessive streak is not gonna wind down for a while.)
Grant goes over the top with everything, the ring, the weeding, the preparations, his rich kid upbringing along his entitlement and hedonistic nature (that only amplified when he came back from dead) makes him a nightmare for anyone who gets on his way of making the Wedding anything less than perfect. This also goes along with me headcanoning him as a perfectionist (having your parents criticizing your shit since ever will do that to ya) bridezilla Grant says who lmao
And if we're going with the family dynamics...
Adeline Kane clutches her chest and almost has a heart attack because she finds out her son is alive Through a freaking Weeding Invitation.
Joey as well and his brain is balancing from wanting to beat the shit out his brother for making them go through this to go hug him and demand to be his best man.
Respawn, Alex, Rose and Wintergreen are invited as well, if only to cement the fact that Slade is very much not invited. He still shows up, though.
Jade is the bridesmaid, or best woman, or however it is. Grant shows up one day and is like "Bitch I'm getting married, you're the bridesmaid," she sighs, looks at his choice of a husband, sighs even more heavily and then they go shopping for the wedding.
The batfam on the other hand, Bruce and Dick are the ones who are having the hardest time.
Bruce is happy at first that Jason is settling and getting married, but then—
"Married to who?!"
Dick is sweating bullets, "Jason, you're still young, you don't have to settle for this one just yet!"
"No, I gotta."
Babs walks him through acceptance. When he recovers he drops Jason hints (as in, big passive aggressive hints) of him being the best man.
Jason lets him in tension for a while, at least until he decides who's gonna be the best man because he's not the first one to not-ask.
Meanwhile Steph and Tim pipe in, "can we plan your bachelor party?"
Damian is happy he gets to spend time and meet his half brother's family, (Respawn) and Jason will be there too I guess.
Jason is very much shoving in their faces, "I'm getting married before any of you losers."
Talia and Harvey are invited as well much to Bruce's dismay.
Bruce gets surprisingly along and is very supportive with Grant while he's in one of his bridezilla episodes because yes, Grant is right: Jason’s wedding deserves the best of the best.
Grant gets very intense about it too, hence, mark Jason down as scared and horny.
Slade, on the other hand, gets whiplash because Addie was just like that on their wedding.
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blkkizzat · 2 months
Tutorial: Manga Banners
Basic Manga Text Change/Coloring/GIF creation in PS
Hey, so as promised making a very basic tutorial for making banner gifs in photoshop for fics/drabbles/layouts, etc.
I'm going to keep things super simple here for beginners.
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(NOTE: This gif I made will be used for an unreleased story of mine so please don't use this exact gif/images but you are free to follow the tutorial to create your own).
All I ask is if you find this helpful to REBLOG! :) No need to credit me.
For this tutorial you will need ↴ 
At least 2 manga panel images (non-transparent*)
Optional: Manga fonts. I mostly use CC Wild words (speech bubbles) & Manga Temple (narrator boxes)
Basic knowledge of photoshop layout/where tools are.
*this tutorial is essentially the same if working with transparency but if you do work with transparency you will need to have knowledge of clipping masks which i do not cover here.
Tutorial ↴ 
(optional) Prepwork: so i didn't think to include this do this but you are going to need to crop and resize your image. make sure the width is either 540 or 1080px. This is the recommended width for pictures in tumblr. Height can be what you want it to be. This is done image > image size (make sure the link-chain is pressed for aspect ratio)
Step 1
This is what you want your setup to look similar to. Delete locked background layer.
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Steps 2 & 3
Make a new layer. It might be helpful for beginners to re-name all their layers so instead of "Layer 2" you might name this ⇢ "White fill layer or Text cover up". (doubletap layer name to change it).
Use rectangular marquee to select text you want to change. If you are just replacing a word or two you dont need to white out everything. But you could choose to cover up all if you wish. I just wanted to remove "senpai".
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Steps 4 & 5
Use Paint Bucket Tool to fill in selection area with white (make sure the new layer you made is selected when you do this).
Select Text Tool. There is no need to make a new layer as once you are done typing it will become a text layer. I used CC Wild Words bold font for this for emphasis. If you do multiple lines of text use a new text layer for each line.
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Step 6 - Optional Step - Highly recommended if you did multiple lines of text.
Rasterize Type by right clicking the layer. This is an optional step. I tend to do it out of habit and rasterizing lets you use the move tool to give you exact px distances between other rasterized elements but nothing we are doing requires this tbh and if you do decide to do it you can't go back and edit text.
If you did multiple text layers you cause space them out evenly using the move tool (zoom into 200%-400% if necessary to get exact pixel distances). Tip: Manga text is centered in the bubble and leaves a good distance away from the edge.
When you are done ctrl/cmd to select all text layers then right click and merge the layers. This is so incase you have to move the text layer for whatever reason they are all on one layer now, evenly spaced and you won't accidentally mess that up.
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Step 7
Create an exposure layer (half filled in circle in layer bar for menu). This is important as it can lighten/darken image to make the colors we will add later pop by playing with the sliders for each setting.
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Step 8
Apply exposure settings. On the right-hand side there will be 3 slider bars. The screenshot shows my settings but your settings will vary depending on the image. The one that gives the biggest benefit for manga is Gamma Correction which affects the midtones to make them lighter/darker and adds better contrast to the image so it doesn't look as muddy, often in black and white images it is easy for midtones to look muddy. Offset affects mid to dark tones of an image. Exposure affects midtones to highlights to make brighter or darker, overall use this the least. TIP: If you want to make an image brighter or darker you usually want this to apply equally to the overall image so then you would create a brightness/contrast layer instead. most manga images skew muddy and need a midtone and dark adjustment rather than highlights. the better the manga scan images the less adjustments you will need.
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Step 9 - Optional
Apply a gradient map (half filled in circle in layer bar for menu). This is optional. a Gradient map adds gradient but preserves the shading in the image so essentially adds a gradient to the shading. I do this in black and white. But if you are happy with how it came out in the exposure phase you don't need to.
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Step 10 & 11 -
Apply a gradient (half filled in circle in layer bar for menu). So when you add a gradient there are a ton of preset color combos you can use or you can create your own. I think this one is a preset but can't remember. I like a diagonal gradient from light to dark depending on where the light source on the image is but it is completely up to you. I tend to set the gradient angles near these 4 settings: -145, -45, 45, 145 depending on what corner I want the lighter part in.
One thing to note is brighter colors work better with a darker background. Lighter backgrounds can get washed out. One you add this as you can see it will be solid color.
*note* once this layer is applied any edits such as moving text, etc. around you want to do to the lower layers beneath it click the "eye" button to hide the gradient (same for the map) or there's a good chance it will move the gradient layers around and not the layer you want.
Change layer blending mode. By default it's set to "normal". You can play around with these. Depending on the effect you want and whether the image has darker or lighter colors will decide the blending mode. My typical blending modes are screen, overlay, hard light, vivid light or pin light. You can duplicate this gradient layer and play around with multiple settings and opacities to create something you like.
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Step 12 - Optional
Add a Brightness/Contrast layer (half filled in circle in layer bar for menu). Brightness/Contrast on this step will look wildly different than if you added it right after the exposure step. It's not necessary but if you want more overall contrast or brightness then you can add it.
You can see my settings below on the sliders on the right-hand side.
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Step 13
Create new layer for highlights. (also good check point to see how your layers are organized).
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Step 14
Select the brush tool and ensure brush settings are a soft round brush with a hardness of 0% for the highlight effect. (if you click the brush image you can see my settings better)
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Step 15
Select the dropper tool and pick a color from the gradient image. I usually pick the darkest colors available as it will have the best dodge effect for highlights. Since this is pink/redish I only have one highlight color but if you were doing a green/blue gradient you would pick the darkest from both. (ignore the purple here its not being used)
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Step 16
Create highlights with brush tool. Do a few tests placements randomly around the image for positioning and then swap the blend mode to either color dodge or linear dodge. I usually do color dodge. You will get awesome highlights like below. You can play with the sizing of the brushes and opacity to decrease the effect.
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Step 17 & 18
Export as PNG. Do this even if you want to make a gif as I always recommend a clean canvas for gif making. If you want to be done here and don't want a gif thats fine too. File > Export > Quick Export as PNG (do not save as jpeg/gif you will lose image quality).
Repeat for second image. You don't need to open a new file unless it helps you to not get confused. You can just make a new layer and paste your new image into that layer (if you just right click copy the file in the window/finder folder you can directly paste it into a layer in PS) and use the transform tool to resize. However you can totally just open the image in PS. The benefit of same canvas is you save yourself some time as you can just duplicate gradient layers/adjustment layers and move them. But this is kinda more advanced so if you aren't comfortable with photoshop just make a new image.
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Step 18-19
Create new file/open one of the PNG in PS (more advanced can just create new layer, select image, then copy > copy merged and paste on new file for each. Otherwise open one file, create a new layer then copy the other file. The bottom later will be the first image in the gif.
Create Frame Animation on the timeline window. (if the timeline window does not appear then window > timeline) *note* if this is your first time working with the window it may be set to "create video timeline", if that's the case create it then from the frame menu (in step 23 theres an example of where this is) select "convert to frame animation".
If done correctly your setup should look like the below with two images. One for each layer and one for each frame.
lmao, not to be dramatic but this ensures most effects you would add to frame 1 (which corresponds to layer 1) is applied to all frames. I'm not too sure its super vital for this super basic gif I'm showing you but its better to get in the habit of always having it checked. otherwise it will fuck you over later down the line in my next tutorial where I show how to add frames to gifs.
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Step 20
Select both layers, then select both frames (ctrl/cmd) and finally select tween from the timeline window. It is the multi-faded dot option on the bar below.
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Step 21
Add Frames to Tween. Tween is the fading effect adding more frames is the longer the fading effect is. I added 20 for this step, you can play around and add more or less.
Once you do that you can see 20 new frames being added onto the timeline. This will not automatically add new layers, this is fine. Frames and layers don't need to be a 1-to-1. (Another reason why propagate frame 1 needs to be checked as you can still adjust those layerless frames by adjusting frame 1's layer)
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Step 22
Adding delays. Automatically the delay on every frame is at zero. But especially if you have text you want people to be able to read that so you need to add in a delay. Your delays can be in increments of 1/10th of a second. I add a 1 second delay to the first frame only.
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Step 23
Select and Copy the first frame and then select the last frame and Paste. A paste window will appear in this case we want to paste after selection. I circled where the menu for frames are. (sorry used a different gif as an example so ignore everything but the circled menu)
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Step 24
Adding additional delays. I add a 1 second delay to the last two frames.
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Step 25
Add more Tween I added 5 frames this time as we want the transition to be much quicker to reset the image. You can see frame 23 in the previous step are now frame 28.
You can add more images in than 2 and follow these steps to add tweening.
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DONE! Now to save.
Step 26
Export your gif. File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) and the screen below should pop up. Here are the settings I use for gifs. You can play around with it but I really wouldn't lol. (again ignore image size, this is from a different gif) it will also tell you how big in file weight your gif is. This isn't something you have to worry about for something simple but the bigger the image size and the more transitions/images you use the more frames you will have. Reducing image size (make sure chain link is on like in the below) will take off more sizing then removing frames will and I would recommend that. But tumblr allows 10MB MAX per gif so just something to keep in mind.
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Let me know how this was! If you have questions just drop me an ask. ❤
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whoify · 11 months
photopea gif tutorial!
i recently started learning the craft of gifmaking with the free software photopea. when i first started, i had to piece together several different tutorials as well as extrapolate from some photoshop tutorials because-- no one uses photopea.
but they should! it's free! it can run in your browser! it can do most everything photoshop can do and you don't have to deal with adobe or torrenting. so i'm making a tutorial of my photopea gifmaking process because that's what i needed a couple months ago, and i hope it can be of use to some others. let's go!
source the scene you want to gif. it's best to download your video when you can, but screen recording can work in a pinch. this is the video downloader software i use.
once the source video is downloaded, i like to pick out the specific moments i'm going to gif and save them as their own files-- this makes future steps easier. an individual gif shouldn't be more than 4ish seconds, so limit your selections to about that. name your files in a way that makes sense to you:
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i like to convert my video clips to .jpg format. it is possible to load video clips directly into photopea, but unless it is a very short <30fps clip, it is likely to freeze or crash in my experience. i use this website as it downloads a higher framerate (~25fps) than others i've used.
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convert your video files and download the .zip folder containing your frames. make sure to unzip them and name them something helpful if you need to.
photopea looks like this when you open it:
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select "open from computer" and select only the first frame of your first gif:
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your environment should look like this (ignore the other projects i have open, you should just have 0001.psd or similar):
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go to file> open and place, and select ALL of the rest of the frames from your first clip:
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they'll load in one by one, and your environment should look like this:
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notice how all the frames have a little square in the corner? that means they are smart objects, and we need them to not be for our purposes. select all of your frames, right click, and choose rasterize:
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in order to make the series of jpgs move as a gif upon download, select all of your frames and go to layer> animation> make frames:
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all your layer names should now start with _a_. you can really do this at any point in the process so it's not a big deal if you forget at the beginning.
finally, you want to limit the frames in individual gifs to around 50 or less. if you find you have more, delete some frames off of the beginning or end by right clicking and selecting delete.
select the crop tool on the left hand panel:
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at the top bar, select fixed size:
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gifs on tumblr are limited to 540px wide for single column gifs, 268px for two columns, and 178px for three columns. the height is up to you; i like to use 350px height with the 540px width.
enter your values into the W and H fields and do not press enter yet. drag the cropped area to where you want it to be-- try to line up the top and bottom edges so as not to lose too much of your image. once you're satisfied with the selection, press enter. your gif is now cropped and resized to tumblr standards.
(if you are working with low-qual video, check out this tutorial by @hellboys before sharpening. basically filter> filter gallery > grain, select soft and play with the settings. then proceed!)
still making sure all of your layers are selected, navigate to filter> sharpen > smart sharpen:
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you should see this dialog box:
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these are the settings i like to use, but you can play around to see what you like. here's the before and after of my sharpening settings:
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the difference will be more noticeable once we complete the next step-- brightening and coloring.
navigate to layer > new adjustment layer:
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at any time, you can edit your adjustment layers by clicking this button in the right hand panel:
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for each edit you make to your gif, you will add a new adjustment layer. always make sure they're at the top of your layer stack. i like to start with adjusting the brightness and exposure, which are both pretty straightforward.
additionally ,you can select a curves adjustment layer, choose the RGB channel, and drag the curve just slightly upwards to further brighten your gif, like so:
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here's a before and after:
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now for coloring-- i mostly use the saturation/vibrance, curves, color balance, and selective color adjustment layers. just play around with all of these until you find a style you like. i like my gifs to look really bright and colorful, so i push the saturation and try to draw out warmer tones in the color balance:
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the font i like to use for captions is arial bold italic. you can download it (or any font of your choosing) from pretty much any free font website. if you choose to download a font not in photopea, go to file> open and select your font; it will now show up in the list of fonts.
navigate to the text button in the left hand panel:
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and type in the captions for your gif. i make the font size 20 for 540px gifs.
next, while only your text layer is selected, navigate to layer> layer style > blending options:
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click on drop shadow, and play around with the settings until you get something you like. here's mine:
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next, click on stroke and do the same thing:
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when you're done, make sure your text is your top-most layer.
you're done! head to file> export as> GIF. you'll be prompted with a dialog that looks like this, with your gif playing (you can also do these steps without saving if you want a preview of your gif during editing):
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the only thing you should need to adjust is speed. this is the main difference between photopea and photoshop. the only way to specifically adjust the delay in photopea is to manually enter "_05" (or whatever amount of delay) at the end of every layer name. if you're like me you'll agree that is simply too much and settle for the speed slider.
i don't really know what logic governs the speed slider. it doesn't seem to be consistent across gifs, so play with it until it looks right. i've had it on 200% lately which seems insane but looks visually normal.
once the speed is adjusted, hit save and you're done! here's a final before and after of all the work:
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did you think manually creating and editing all those adjustment layers was a lot of work? here's how to streamline it for next time.
at the very bottom of your screen, below your layers, select the icon that looks like a folder (third from the right).
it will create another layer called folder 1. drag your adjustment layers into this folder, making sure they stay in the same order. your layers should look like this when you're done:
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ONLY ONCE YOU HAVE SAVED YOUR GIF, delete all other layers that are not in the folder. then select file> save as PSD. save it somewhere convenient.
next time you're making gifs, after you've cropped and sharpened your frames, select file > open and choose your .psd file. it will open as another project. select the layer that says folder 1, and drag it to whatever project you're working on at the top bar. voila! your adjustment layers are applied to your new gif!
i still like to play with the settings, as coloring and brightness needs will differ from gif to gif.
thanks for reading! here's the gifset i made while making this tutorial :-)
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meruz · 6 months
i hope this hasn't been asked before. what size do you make your canvas? and do you crop it to fit other socials (like Instagram for example)? i hear that 300 dpi is standard. i never know if it's good to make my canvas big or not.
hi i think this ask is like at least 4 months old but i was scanning my sketchbooks from last year and i abruptly remembered i had gotten this ask because i had made a little chart in my sketchbook trying to figure out how to answer it
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anyways theres pros and cons. and the size of your canvas is really going to depend on personal needs + preference. how good ur computer is, how complicated ur art style, how comfortable drawing feels, how much disk space you have to spare, what youre gonna end up using the art for in the end...300dpi is standard for PRINTING specifically, if you only plan to ever post things online then 72dpi works great and will save you space (fun fact a lot of professional animation files i deal with are 72dpi. and those eventually go on your tv screen). but personally i make everything i draw 300dpi because i am always printing stuff for cons, zines, etc and its nice to have the option even if i dont end up printing.
when I was a teen I used to draw on a rly shitty laptop and i made everything 800x800px 300dpi because big canvases would cause a lot of lag and also the resolution on this laptop was pretty small so 800px was a lot of the screen already. now i have a slightly better laptop with a bigger resolution and i sketch on giant 10000px-40000px canvases with the hard round brush and no shape dynamics or transfer whatsoever to minimize lag. when it comes to making a final illustration when i know ill be using a bunch of layer effects/blending modes/colors/mixing brushes etc etc ill generally crop the canvas down to the 6000px range. most illustrations i try to make sure are comfortably printable on tabloid size paper so thats pretty much anything hovering around or above 3000x5000px w 300dpi (so 11x17in). HOPE THIS HELPS?
EDIT: OH ALSO re: socials. i always ALWAYS size down my art to post on the internet. i think its crazy when other artists dont. because why would i ever let the internet have my hi-res file for free. also in general i think it looks better if you do the resizing yourself because if you don't then many social media sites will compress your file for you! a lot of people will post a hi-res file to twitter and then go "Wow twitter killed the quality of this img!!!" UH YEAH because they have an automatic image compressor. because they need to save space too lol and they dont want your image to take 248263895 years to load. same with instagram and to a lesser extent tumblr. when i post anything on social media i resize it down to 1200px-1600px on the longest side... its a little arbitrary but im kind of basing it on the smallest resolution of widely available screens. mostly because i think it looks stupid when u open up an image file fullsize and u have to scroll to see the whole thing... also iirc instagram only takes images up to 1080px before it resizes them? granted if you upload something smaller than that itll also resize it up which will look worse so I think bumping the numbers just over 1080px is pretty safe.
I should really be bringing the dpi down to 72 too when i post online but often im too lazy to do that. but it will technically help ur image load faster and stuff. and make it less likely for people to yoink it off the web and print it themselves.
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changingplumbob · 14 days
A Party To Die For Templates: SFS
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So I may have got a tad overexcited about the Halloween CAS Challenge created by @la-llama-sims, and I made templates for every prompt. I wanted to share them on the off chance someone wanted to also do the challenge but maybe didn't have time to do much other than screenshots.
Tutorial below on how to make your own cards using the templates if you are unfamiliar with photo software, all you need is the template and a screenshot of your sim! Very little technical skill required to so feel free to jump in for Simblreen (the month of October on simblr). Remember to go to the original creator post to check out the prompts and the hashtag given for creations is #LLPTDF. Hope to see some of your creations next month, keep them for the spooky season 🎃👻🦇
Strap in and follow along as I make Glenn here (he won't do the spellcaster prompt for Simblreen, it's dress up after all, but it makes sense for a demo)
Step one: Grab the zipped folder of templates on SFS HERE. Unzip the folder and put it somewhere easy to find in your documents, I have a tumblr specific folder my templates are normally sorted in.
Step two: Open your photo editing program of choice. I use paint.net which is old but for this demonstration I will use Photopea, the online free alternative to adobe. You will see the screen below
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Step three: Click "Open From Computer" right in the middle under the main title. Find the screenshot you have taken that you would like to use and open it. Now the hole in my template is 744x991 but you can make it slightly bigger if you don't want to fuss as much with lining things up exactly. To resize image from the top bar (Image -> Image Size) We're going to use the crop tool when we have our picture.
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Step four: Pull on the squares at the edges to change the size. If you need click View in the top bar and you can zoom in to allow finer selecting. When you have the right size click the tick and copy the image. Keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl+A to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy.
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Step five: Open the template you want to use (File -> Open, from the top bar). Add a new layer using either the top bar (Layer -> New -> Layer) or the icons on the bottom right.
Step six: With the new layer selected paste the image, Ctrl+V.
Step seven: On the right of the screen you'll be able to see layer order. Drag the layer with your sim underneath the background layer. This is what will let you slot in your picture.
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Step eight: Finishing touches! Unless you are super duper lucky your sim won't appear in the exact right place, you'll have to move them around using the move tool. For precision you'll need to zoom in and move your field of vision using the hand tool.
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You'll know it's in the right place when you can no longer see any of the negative space behind it. I like to check both corners to make sure I've got it. This is where having a sim image slightly larger will make it easier.
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If you like you can finish now. From the top bar File -> Export as -> PNG or JPG. The picture will save to your downloads folder. If you want to add your own text, keep reading, as I've left space at the bottom for your username, the sim name, and a profile pic or other logo. Or go ahead and crop it out, who needs extra hassle when there are cute CAS looks to be made?
Step nine: From the bar on the right select the large T to add some text, it will automatically spawn in a new layer. Scroll through text options and find one you like (the text style I used isn't in photopea so we will find another). Depending on the type of text you will likely need to play around with the size as well.
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Step ten: Start typing. When you're done you can highlight what you have written and use that size box to adjust how big the text is. Select the move tool from the right to move your text where you want it. Repeat step nine if you want text on the other side. I've chosen to put my username on one side, and my sim's name on the other.
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Step eleven: Logo time. Open a pre shrunk logo (I scaled my pride plumbobs down to 125x125) and copy. Back on the template add a new layer then paste your image (for some reason I had to copy twice before it would do the right thing, I don't have an explanation sorry). Then using the move tool and the hand tool get your image where you want it.
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From the top bar File -> Export as -> PNG or JPG. Again it will have saved to your downloads folder.
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Voila, we have a Glenn card! Hopefully you have a your sim card. I spent hours doing up all the templates so feel free to fill them with your sims for the challenge. All I ask is that you don't claim templates as your own work or shove them behind a paywall because rude and the whole premise of Simblreen is free treats! Obviously you do NOT need the templates to participate in the challenge, the cards are just how I'll be presenting mine. Like CAS challenges the possibilities are most often only limited by your imagination.
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sdmsims · 3 months
DIY Main Menu -- How to customize it!
Hi howdy! This is the Tumblr mirror of a tutorial posted to my Patreon. The contents are the same, so choose whichever you prefer for reading!
What you'll need for this tutorial:
The DIY main menu .package, found in the main posting
FFDEC / JPEXS decompiler
Photopea (or an offline image editor that can do the same)
Sims 4 Studio
Let's get started!
Preparation 1: Create your images using the size templates provided!
Here they are! They can also be found on Patreon (for free, of course)
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Preparation 2: Resize your images using photopea, and save as .png
Open each of your images in photopea (or editor of choice), and squish the canvas into a square!
The main menu background should be 1600x1600 pixels! The sidebar should be 1000x1000 pixels!
Do not try to make them larger for 'more detail', they will break!
Step 1: Open [sdm] DIY mainmenu in Sims 4 Studio
Self explanatory, open it by double-clicking, or by clicking the 'my projects' button and navigating to the file.
Step 2: Export the first item in the warehouse
It should be a Scale Form GFX type! Right click, and select 'export'. Name this something you'll remember, and save it in a folder you'll come back to!
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Step 3: Rename the exported file so it has the extension 'swf'
Self explanatory! Windows will may warn you that it may make the file unusable, but you can ignore this!
Step 4: Open FFDEC/JPEXS, and open the now .swf file
Step 5: Expand the 'images' hierarchy, and scroll all the way down until you find the images labeled 354 and 356!
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These images are the main background and the sidebar background respectively. 
Step 6: Right click and replace ONLY images 354 and 356 with the images you prepared earlier
Remember, the main background (354) MUST BE 1600x1600 pixels, and the sidebar (356) MUST BE 1000x1000 pixels!
Step 7: 'Save as' a new .gfx or .swf file
The filetype here doesn't matter! You can also just save over, but I like keeping backups.
Step 8: Re-import over the original in Sims 4 Studio
Right-click the same item in the .package's warehouse that you exported earlier, but this time, click 'import'.
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Select the .gfx/.swf you saved earlier!
Step 9: Save the .package file, and rename it if you intend on distributing
You can rename the .package file just how you would any other file! Try and include your creator's handle in it, so it the edit can be traced back to you.
Step 10: Test and enjoy!
While I'd like to think this tutorial is pretty straightforwards, please let me know if you have any questions :D
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
hi! i love your gifs and your tutorials, you explain things very well and i was wondering if you could explain how you make a template of gifs that are different sizes but in the same canvas? and then how you make the gifs and put them in each spot to make them all work properly? thank you so much in advance if you're able to do this :)
hey, thank you so much, i appreciate it!!
there are multiple ways to do it, but here's how i make layouts like this from scratch:
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a basic knowledge on how to make gifs and layer masks is required, i'll link more resources and tutorials at the end too.
i'm sure there are simpler ways to do it, but it's how i do it lol, unless i'm using someone else's layout. i'm sorry if it's too in-depth! on and i use photoshop cs5 :)
first things first, i need to figure out what kind of layout i wanna do. to do so i usually map it out i on paper because i'm super visual and it helps be figure things out. yes, we have to do (simple) match here, but it's nothing bad!
let's take this layout for example:
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there are 3 different gif sizes to figure out here:
gifs 1, 2, 5, and 7
gifs 3 and 6
gif 4
to do that, you need to figure out which size you want your finished layout gif to have (540 x 540px, 540 x 450px, etc). in this case i chose a size i use all the time: 540px wide by 400px tall.
a very important thing to remember is that tumblr's transparent gutter between gifs is 4px wide, so we need to take that into consideration when we do our little math.
since we know that the gif will be 400px tall, we can right away easily figure out the height of all gifs except gif 4. since there are two 4px lines, let's remove 8 from 400 and we get 392. from there, we just need to divide it by 3: 130.67. we need numbers without decimals, so let's just say gif 1 and 2 will be 130 px tall, and gifs 3, 5, 6, 7 will be 131px tall.
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then we can figure out how wide gifs 1, 2, 5, and 7 are because they're square gifs, easy!
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to figure how wide gifs 3 is, we can simply do 130 + 130 + 4 = 264px
for gif 6, let's do: 540 - (131 + 131 + 8) = 270px
then we only have gif 4's size to figure out. just more basic math:
height: 400 - (131 + 4) = 265
width: 540 - (130 + 130 + 8) = 272
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the only issue here is that i want gifs 1, and 5 to line up, so i'm just gonna adjust the sizes so they're the same:
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once you have all of your gif's size figured out, you're ready to create the actual layout in photoshop, yay!
create a new canvas and give it its size (540px width and 400px height), then create one group for each gif you're gonna have (in this case it's 7).
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now time to make the shapes. with the marquee tool, change the style to: fixed size and enter gif 1's proportions (130 x 130px)
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then click the top corner of the canvas and position the box in the top corner
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once the box is in the right spot, create a layer mask by selecting the first group and clicking on the layer mask button
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then you can do the same for all the shapes: change the marquee tool's size, position the box, and create a layer mask for each group. you just need to make sure they are all 4px apart.
to do that you can select the group itself and just nudge it a bit with your keyboard's arrow key. to make things easier to see, i like to add a color fill layer in each group. once you've done it all, it should look like that:
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for the actual giffing part, what i like to do is to make my gifs as usual and sharpen them (i usually color later at this point).
resize this gif to the desired height to fit the layout (for example 130px for gif 1). make sure your gif is a smart object and then right click the layer > duplicate layer... > and choose your layout canvas.
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obviously the gif should be in the group, so just slide it in the right group and delete the color fill.
if you don't like the gif's position, you can select this gif layer and move it around inside of the box by either sliding it around, using your keyboard's keys, or using ctrl + T to open the transform tool. if the gif is too big after duplicating it to the layout canvas, you can also resize it here with ctrl + T. it's usually what I do.
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then you can do the exact same for all 6 other gifs
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the last part, when everything is set, is to color! i prefer doing it at the end because it helps to make everything look cohesive. just make sure coloring layers are contained in each according group and voila!
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this technique with drawing the layout on paper first and then doing basic maths always work for me. you just gotta remember that the gutter size between gifs is always 4px, and choose a final gif dimension first. i hope i was clear enough, i know it's a lot of numbers 😅
here are more great layout tutorials:
fawad-khan's layout tutorial
payidaresque's layout tutorial
yenvergerberg's clipping mask layout tutorial
usergif's clipping and layer mask tutorial
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syanji · 2 months
How do you add the gifs for the layouts? What program do you use? I want to make a editblr blog but my skills are only the basics
hello! first, i'd like to wish you good luck with your blog ♡
now, we can start! i'll divide this into 02 sections:
programs, and gifs
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01 : programs
starting off with programs:
any website or app that lets you add pictures work. i've seen people use picsart, photopea, ibispaint, and basically any app that allows you to add images. i use a mix of the three, but barely use picsart. personally, if im on my tablet i use ibispaint, then use photopea to add PSDs. when im on my computer, i only use photopea.
02 : gifs
for gifs, i use photopea. however, you can only add 01 gif to each project. i believe there are ways to add more, but i found them too complicated and therefore cant explain them, as i myself havent used them. to find gifs, you can use any social media, but i recommend Tumblr and Pinterest.
you can also use ezgif, but not for gif overlays. only to put images on gifs.
here is a tutorial on how to add a gif on photopea: (plus me playing with showing the options sped up)
i was supposed to edit the video to add text n all that but i ran out of storage. so....
basically, just save your gif, click "file" at the top of your screen, click "open". now your gif should be a new project, and it should be a folder.
drag that folder inside your project ( in this case, your graphic / layout / edit / whatever. ). after that, click "edit", also at the top of your screen, and "free transform". now you can move and / or resize your gif.
afterwards, click "file" again, and "export as" then export it as a gif. there you have it! you finished your project! congratulations!
anyways. i feel like i forgot something but thats about it i believe. so..... once again, good luck with your blog! if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
if anyone has anything they'd like to add, feel free to reblog!!
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Mini-comic :3
ft. Jasper (my Hazbin OC) | Non-sepia version, Original sketches, and the speedpaint under the cut :3
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This comic takes place when Jazz still works at Val's club and before Val and Angel's relationship 'got bad' AKA this one is in the weird space right before shit hits the fan and Angel is made aware of what kind of man Val really is. That Angel isn't even an 'exception' :(
(Which is why Angel can still talk to Val like Vox could. They're still 'normally dating' besides the contract and the boss/employee thing - "but hey! it's hell!" (<-Angie's inner thoughts lmao I genuinely wanna CRY over that little spider boy))
Tumblr made me resize this twice before it was a small enough png file to post oops XD
ANYWAYS I love my OC. I originally made them just bc I had a lot of cool ideas and I'd seen some other really fab Hazbin OCs, and oops now I'm obsessed with them and they have an entire milanote folder with their backstory in it lmao
Jasper (they/she for this OC btw :3) doesn't really let ppl in hell see what they're feeling bc it doesn't feel safe, and over the years has always gotten around using/drinking despite working for Val (exceptions for Val's pheromones which you really just can't avoid) and this is the part of their story when they finally get publicly drunk and just fucking cry bro. For hours. SOBBING.
Pookie is DEPRESSED y'all they do not wanna be in hell anymore XD
On that chipper fuckin' note (XD) here's the de-saturated version of the final comic, the original sketches, and the speedpaint :D
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I think I've had these sketches since May? Early June? A fucking while and I even tried making this comic a while back but it looked CURSED and idk why so that's staying in the cobwebbed corners of my CSP files lmao
Okie! That's all for rn, I've got a shit ton of art WIPs atm as well as fanfics and personal writing stuff I've been chipping away at so it's been taking a bit to actually finish anything haha
Hope you're all well! <3
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aashiqeddiediaz · 6 months
hello! im a newby gimaker and i want to follow your tutorial on sharpening but i dont know how you got to the photoshop page you started from where it looks like a video timeline. can you tell me how you got there? <3
Welcome to the wonderful world of gifmaking <3 yes i can lead you through to that point. I have a mac so this might look different for you, but all the steps stay the same - I just shifted from windows to mac so i know this xD
I'm going to show you how to do this on this gif:
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I prefer to use screenshots for my gifs (I also don't know how else to make them), so I use Mplayer for that. I used to use MPV player but that stopped working with my new computer system.
First, you want to make sure that you're using a high-quality file. If 1080p is available to you, use 1080p at the very least. This will make sure your gifs are crisp and sharp.
Open your file with Mplayer. Then find the bit that you want to gif. I sometimes search forward by frame by using the ">" key. Once you're at the start point of your desired gif, pause the video. Then, Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S to start screenshotting. The video will start to play slowly as the screenshots are captured. (They go to the desktop automatically but you can change that in interface settings).
The rest of the tutorial is under a cut:
Once you get your screenshots, you're going to go Photoshop. File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack.
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You're going to get a dialogue box. Click Browse and load the screenshots that you want. This is what that looks like when you finish:
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Next, you're going to crop your gif, using the crop tool. You can press C on your keyboard for this or use the tool with this icon in the sidebar.
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For this, I'm using an aspect ratio of 540 x 400:
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Click that checkmark to crop. Once you do, we're going to resize the image. Use the Cmd/Ctrl + I function to bring up this box. For tumblr gifs, you want to change the width. The height doesn't really matter but if the width doesn't match up, Tumblr is going to fix it for you and it'll look funky. Per row:
1 gif , we use 540px
2 gifs, 268px each
3 gifs, 177, 178, 177 px
We're just doing one, so I'm using 540px.
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Now, you want to make sure you can add the timeline. In the top bar, go to Window > Timeline
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This will bring up the timeline.
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From there, click "Create Frame Animation" (you might have to press the arrow in the timeline bar first.)
It's going to look like this:
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We're going to use those three lines in the corner of the picture above. The first option we'll select is "Make Frames From Layers"
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That looks like this:
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Now, when these load in, you may notice that they're all in reverse. To make them go back in order, we're going to go back to that menu and click "Reverse Frames."
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Then, in that same menu, click "Select all Frames." We're going to change the animation speed. You want to make sure you have the first frame selected. We're going to click the arrow next to the "0 sec"
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When you click that, it will give you a menu. Click, "other..." You should get a dialogue box that says "Set Frame Delay", just like the one below.
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You want to use anywhere between 0.05-0.1 seconds. I find that anymore more is just too slow, so I prefer 0.06. This is fully changeable at the end of my sharpening tutorial, and you can use what you want, but that's what I prefer.
When you do that, it'll change the frame speed of all the gifs.
Now, go back into that little menu, and click, "Convert to Video Timeline."
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This is what it'll look like:
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Now we're going to select all the layers in the right-hand pane. Once we do that, right-click and select, "Convert to Smart Object."
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And you're there! Now you can use the sharpening tutorial to your liking.
Pro tip: Make an action with all these steps so you don't have to do them by hand with every single gif you make.
Hope this helps and it wasn't super long winded. Let me know if you have any questions <3 Happy giffing!
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beif0ngs · 11 months
someone has kindly informed me that tumblr user @jim-bei (now @soranatus) might've been reposting some of my gifs, and wow i'm actually speechless...
original post:
original post:
original post:
and they have the absolute f*cking NERVE to include tags like these on reposted gifsets containing MY gifs: #I know this episode came out a while ago but I wanted to try and make my own edit of it / #I know I’m very late to gif this but I wanted to give it a try like listen, i can recognize my gifs from a single damn glance because i take the time & effort to make them. what tumblr user @jim-bei/@soranatus is doing here is simply f*cking 'cropping' and stealing my gifs and passing it off as their own.
found ANOTHER one of my gifsets that they reposted
original post:
they conveniently cropped out my watermark and then proceeded to oversaturate the gifs in a pathetic attempt to pass it off as their own gifs... like wow, i am actually f*cking pissed.
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ALRIGHT... this is making me more mad by the minute. so, not only are they LYING, they're trying to spin it in such a way that their reposted gifs containing my gifs is simply 'editing it similarly'. dude no, there is NO f*cking way. when i make gifs, i not only crop AND resize the scenes the way i want it, i also recolor and sharpen them using my own settings. yes, gifmakers can make similar sets but never the EXACT same. their so-called 'editing it similarly' is literally cropping MY gifs, and reposting it as their own.
someone else just messaged me to let me know that they've apparently changed their url to @soranatus
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Hiii, I'm a trans lesbian femme who came out when the lipstick lesbian flag was popular, it was the first meaningful symbol I had and it honestly still means a lot to me. I don't like how it and it's colors (pink red and white) are now basically synonymous with bigots and I seriously think our community shouldn't let them have symbols which were meaningful to so many of us and which I still many (including me) lamenting the loss of. So here are my redesigns and MY lipstick lesbian symbol! The first design totally reworks the order of the colors and makes it really distinct from it's original version. I'm also just a huge fan of red pink and white gradients (valentines day vibes) but I did make a version with a white middle stripe for people like me who wanna use it next to the trans flag! the symbol is optional and you can move it around or resize it wherever you want! I really hope this can comfort other trans people. I know I was hurt by finding out the original creator was both transphobic, butchphobic, and racist (I'm mixed asian so it was a real "oof" moment) but I'm also honestly kinda hurt by how I've never seen anyone try to reclaim it or remix it in spite of the creator and the bigots who are now given free-reign with it. Anyways I waive my rights to this design and I would love if other lesbians, trans people, and femmes who aren't bigoted would adopt it or at least consider boosting it! Going anon b/c I'm sure this will piss off bigots who think they somehow own the term and the colors. https://imgur.com/a/uVtqWV8 (hi mods, i'm sorry i had to send these in an imgur link but tumblr won't let me send you everything in one post. could you pretty please put them into the post for me? I'm so sorry >>)
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