#let’s just skip this weigh in and try again in the morning.
I’ve been weighing myself 3 times a day to try to keep my weight at the front of my mind / keep myself in check and I’m so scared to get on the scale rn for my night time weigh in. I … am gonna hate myself if that number is higher … all bc I had to fucking eat ..
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abiatackerman · 4 months
Food fight and forgiven kisses
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Just imagine you and Levi giving silent treatment to each other after you two argued. It's not like you two actually argued, I mean Levi never argues. But he's too damn good with his words and he said something rude and insulting to you... Which made you sad, angry and leave the place.
Also not to mention skipping meals. This is the thing Levi hated. You would always blackmail him by this. Every time you're upset you would throw your anger on your meals and make your stomach suffer. He noticed you didn't take your dinner last night, and also spent the whole morning sleeping. So technically you skipped your breakfast too. And when you refused Petra's invitation for lunch..... His worries won against his pride and ego.
Because no matter how much he hated it.... He knew how damn stubborn you are and he's not letting you torture on yourself for some shitty words he said to you.
"You haven't eaten last night and also you skipped your breakfast. Even you woke up at 1 fucking pm today and refusing to take lunch."
Levi speaks in his cold voice as he throws you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing and smacks your ass hard, making you yelp as he walks towards the main hall.
"I can walk, also what's with the smack?"
You ask angrily as you smack his back in response which felt nothing more than a little hard press on his strong back.
"That's for making me worry, idiot."
He grumbles, carrying you as he finally arrives at the hall, setting you down on a chair as he sets a tray down onto the table, a small frown forming on his face.
"You didn't have to carry me!"
You groan in annoyance.
"Hush or I'll smack your ass again."
Levi snaps back, pushing the tray of food towards you as he sits.
"And I'll smack you back. Also I won't eat. I'm mad at you and I need space so don't bother me."
You say, crossing your arms and turn your face away from Levi. Which felt so damn adorable and cute to him.
"Oi, you brat!"
Levi snaps as he grabs the back of your head, pulling you towards himself before slamming his lips against yours for a kiss, wrapping his arms around you as he pulls you to sit on his lap.
Levi keeps kissing, making the kiss deeper as he gently bites your lip, trying to make you feel bad for worrying him. Pulling back, he rests his forehead against yours for a moment before gently pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm sorry for the shitty words… but I don't want anything bad to happen to you, idiot."
His words make you finally feel like you've won the battle. And that's when you feel the hunger in your stomach.
"Well, you should've apologised earlier.... I didn't eat for fucking 24 hours... I'm hungry as hell!"
"Then eat, stupid."
He rolls his eyes softly, gently shoving the tray in front of you as he lets you get off his lap. You sit beside him and start eating immediately.
"Well, I'm sorry for acting like a brat too."
You speak with your mouth stuffed with food. It results a gentle flicking to your head from Levi.
"If you keep talking with your mouth full, food will fall out, idiot. Don't speak until you swallow."
You roll your eyes.
"First of all, none of them fell. And secondly, no... Your insults are definitely not hot."
Well it is, at least to you.... But you'll never admit it.....
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
Stray Love
~ Unknowingly Known ~
Chapter #3
〉〉 Previous Chapter
〉〉 Next Chapter
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Warnings ~ Fem Reader, Mentions of food, extra character (Bang Chan), Lots of emotions🙀
This is short, all chapters will be short, and the story will overall be short. I'm trying to get used to writing again.
Proofread by @hereforthedrinkss
The next day, Sam didn't text you in the morning, so you just assumed he was busy with his job, you didn't have any classes today so you decided to take a shift for the whole day in the cafe, given that you had nothing to do.
You arrived at your shift, eagerly anticipating his arrival, hoping he would come to the cafe today. As you waited, you scrolled through Instagram, noticing Hyunjin had dyed his hair blonde and shared the news. You set your phone down to attend to a customer that walked in, but as you looked up, your heart skipped a beat.
There he was, the "mysterious" man, Sam, walking into the cafe with a friend. He was now sporting a newly dyed blonde head and... wait a second…
Your brain went into overdrive as you suddenly realized why his friend looked so familiar. It was Bang Chan himself! Standing right there in front of you and Sam..was Hyunjin.
Your hands trembled as you took their order, trying your hardest to maintain your composure.
When you were done preparing their orders, you brought them to their table, heart beating anxiously. You managed to slide a small note to “Sam”, praying Bang Chan didn’t notice.
As you set down the orders, you pointed to the note, silently signaling you needed to talk.
You waited for a moment as they both picked up their orders and took sips, pretending to be occupied by wiping down the counter as you secretly observed them.
Finally, he picked up the note and read it quietly, his expression betraying his shock. He turned to Bang Chan and whispered something we couldn’t hear.
Bang Chan looked at you curiously, but he seemed to understand what was going on.
The mysterious man got up from the table and walked over to you, his friend watching both of you intently.
Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears as you waited for him to speak, unsure of what he was going to say.
"Can we talk? In private?" He asked you, his voice low and serious.
You nodded, signaling to your manager that you were taking a break. He gave you a nod, understanding the situation.
You led him to the small back office, closing the door gently behind you
The room was cramped and quiet, the only sound was the faint noise of the cafe coming from outside.
He took a deep breath before speaking, his eyes locked on yours.
"I have to explain something to you."
“I know, Hyunjin. I had an idea but i didn’t want to assume or pressure you into telling me anything, I'll let you speak now..” You spoke, letting him know that the secret was out.
He let out a shaky breath, the tension in the room palpable.
"You knew?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I mean, I had my suspicions," you replied, "But I didn't want to jump to conclusions."
He nodded, a mix of relief and nervousness visible on his face.
"I wanted to tell you, I really did. But it's complicated..." he trailed off, the weight of his secret weighing on him.
You looked at him, your expression gentle and understanding. "You can tell me anything," you reassured him, "I promise I won't judge."
He took another deep breath, steadying himself before beginning his story.
"Remember when I said I had a job that kept me busy?.." he started, his voice wavering.
“Yes..and now I know, that that job, was you doing your K-pop idol duties,” you giggled at your wording.
He chuckled softly at your wording, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah, pretty much. But it's not just that."
He ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily.
"It's this life I lead... the constant schedules, the performances, the pressure... it's all consuming."
He paused, searching for the right words. "And then there's..." he trailed off, hesitating for a moment.
You stayed silent, sensing that he was struggling with something. You reached out and gently touched his arm, offering a reassuring gesture.
"And then there's the secrecy, the constant hiding, the lies we have to tell."
He met your gaze, his eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and resolve.
"We have to keep this lifestyle under wraps, especially when interacting with non-idols."
He paused, looking down at his hands. "It's like leading two lives..."
"One here, one in the spotlight. It's exhausting."
He looked up at you, searching your face for any signs of judgment or disgust.
"And then there's you," he continued, his voice softer now. "I met you that day, and it was like a breath of fresh air. You didn't know me as an idol, you just saw me as a regular person."
"It was different... exciting, even. Being able to act like a normal person again."
He chuckled slightly, a hint of bitterness in his tone. "And I wanted to keep that, I really did..."
"But I also knew I couldn't keep hiding it from you forever..."
He looked at you, his expression a mix of guilt and hope.
"I was scared of how you would react... if you would see me differently."
“I don’t see you differently, not at all. It makes sense that you kept this a secret. I don't want what we have to end, I haven't had anyone talk to me like you have for the past few weeks, not even my parents, it feels like they just forgot about me after I moved here. But this isn't about me. I would never see you differently” You confessed.
He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, his shoulders visibly relaxing.
"You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that..."
He took a step closer to you, his gaze locked on yours.
"I was so scared of losing you... of losing this."
He reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you.
"You've become really important to me, more important than you could ever know..."
He looked down at your intertwined hands, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your skin.
"I didn't realize how lonely I was, how much I missed just... being around someone who saw me for me, not for who I am on stage."
He looked back up, his eyes searching yours.
"You have no idea how much you've changed my life, just by being here for me."
You were taken aback by his words, the vulnerability in his eyes making your heart ache with empathy.
"I'm here for you," you replied, squeezing his hand gently. "That hasn't changed, and it won't."
Hyunjin squeezed your hand a little bit before his face broke out in a smile, “You don't realize how many times the guys have argued with me over me leaving them to come here. The sense of normalcy you gave me was just so…addictive. I don't know, I really like being around you..”
You chuckled softly, imagining the playful banter between him and the other members.
"So you're saying I'm your escape from the K-pop life?" you teased jokingly.
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Something like that, yeah."
He paused, his expression softening as he looked at you.
"You're like a breath of fresh air amidst all the chaos."
You blushed slightly at his words, not used to such direct compliments.
"I'm glad I can provide some normalcy for you," you said with a small smile.
"More than some, trust me," he replied, a hint of playful banter sneaking back into his tone.
He took another step closer, his hand still holding yours.
"You're a distraction I didn't know I needed."
“And I'm glad to be that. But now, I won't be paying for your little iced americanos, and you know why.”
You giggled, teasing him.
He feigned a pout, a smirk on his face.
"Oh come on, not fair. I thought I was special," he playfully whined.
You stuck your tongue out at him, unable to resist joining in on the playful banter.
"Special privileges only go so far, mister K-pop star," you teased.
He chuckled, his smirk widening.
"Mister K-pop star, huh? I like that."
He inched closer, his proximity making your heart race.
"And what would it take to keep those special privileges?"
You feigned contemplation, pretending to think.
"Hmm, let's see...go out with me?"
You gave him a smile, knowing full well you had the upper hand now.
He raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face.
"Oh really? You're getting demanding now."
He closed the remaining gap between you, standing mere inches away.
"And if I say no?"
“I’ll keep you locked in here until you say yes.” You say playfully.
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
He tilted his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Take it as you want to take it. I, however, want an answer.” You say.
He chuckled again, enjoying your playful banter.
"Alright, alright. You drive a hard bargain."
He pretended to mull over the decision, his hand still holding onto yours.
"How about... yes. I'll go out with you."
You feigned surprise, pretending like you didn't expect him to agree so quickly.
"Oh, really? Just like that?"
You smiled, unable to hide your satisfaction.
He laughed, seeing through your act.
"Hey, you left me no room to say no, remember?"
He squeezed your hand, his gaze shifting to your intertwined fingers.
You chuckled, enjoying the way his touch made your heart skip a beat.
"That was the plan."
You looked up at him, a playful glint in your eye.
"You should know better than to challenge me."
“Also, I think we left your friend alone, that's not very nice..” You say.
Hyunjin's expression shifted to realization as you reminded him of Chan waiting for him outside.
"Oh shoot, I totally forgot about him," he said with a sheepish grin.
He looked at you apologetically. "I got a little distracted..."
He began to back away, still holding your hand in his.
"I should probably go back out there, before he starts asking questions."
You gave his hand a playful tug, pulling him back towards you.
"And just abandon me here, alone in this cramped office? How cruel."
You pouted dramatically, feigning sadness.
He chuckled, unable to resist your playful act.
"Cruel, huh? I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's just been ambushed."
He took a step closer again, the proximity between you causing your heart to race once more.
“Im joking, I'm joking! Go!”
He sighed dramatically, playing along.
"Fine, fine. You win this time."
He took a step back, reluctantly releasing your hand.
"I'll go back out there, but only because I don't want Chan getting suspicious."
He paused for a moment, looking back at you with a smirk.
"But this isn't over."
He turned and walked back out of the office, leaving you alone with your racing heart and a smile on your face.
You stayed in the office for a moment, leaning against a nearby wall as you tried to calm your racing heart. You couldn't help but feel giddy at the way the conversation had turned out.
After a few deep breaths, you composed yourself and walked back out into the main area of the cafe.
Your gaze immediately landed on Hyunjin, who was playfully arguing with Chan about something you couldn't quite catch. You chuckled to yourself as you watched them banter back and forth.
As if sensing your gaze, Hyunjin glanced over at you, his expression changing to a sheepish smile.
Chan, noticing Hyunjin's glance, followed his gaze and spotted you.
He looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable, before turning back to Hyunjin and smirking.
You could see Hyunjin's face flush with embarrassment as Chan said something to him, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of curiousity. What was he saying?
Hyunjin muttered something back, his expression defensive, and Chan chuckled.
You continued with your tasks, trying to subtly listen in on their banter while pretending to work.
Their conversation was hushed, so you couldn't catch every word, but you could tell they were talking about you from the way they would occasionally look over in your direction.
Hyunjin seemed to be getting progressively more flustered as Chan continued to tease him, and you wondered what exactly he was saying to make him so red in the face.
Eventually, Chan patted Hyunjin on the shoulder to signal an end to the conversation, and Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief. He looked over at you, his expression a mix of embarrassment and amusement.
You shot him a playful smirk, your eyebrow raised in a silent question.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, his expression conveying the message of "Don't ask" very clearly.
Hyunjin approached you, looking a bit flushed from the conversation with Bang Chan. As Chan headed towards the door, Hyunjin paused in front of you, a playful twinkle in his eye. He looked at you for a moment before gently lifting his mask, revealing his face. Leaning in, he planted a soft kiss on your flushed cheek, his lips lingering for a moment before he pulled back with a flustered grin.
He walked outside where Chan was standing and Chan chuckled at the sight giving Hyunjin a playful nudge, which caused Hyunjin to fluster even more as they walked away from the cafe.
You stood there, your heart racing and a stunned expression on your face. Your hand slowly came up to touch your cheek where Hyunjin had kissed you, the lingering warmth of his lips sending shivers down your spine.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 9 months
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When he's far away at sea, Tom finds himself infinitely grateful that you found work at a photography studio.
Author's Note: This fic, two days late? Noooooo.... Also! I've inadvertently made all the Tommy B smuff fics connected, so this can either be read alone or as a sequel to "After the War"
Pairing: Tom Bennett x Reader (2nd person)
Warnings: masturbation (m), lingerie, references to oral sex (f receiving) and p in v sex
This work is a part of my 12 Days of Smuff event! Read the rest here.
My Masterlist
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Prompt: Letters & Lingerie
Tom lay in his bunk with a cocky smile on his lips. He cast his eyes around the rest of the room, finding only one or two other sailors, both asleep and far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear him.
This ritual was well worth skipping his mid-day meal.
He weighed the envelopes in his hands for a moment. It felt heavier than it usually did – that boded well for him. After taking a moment to inhale the perfume you had lovingly sprayed on the envelope, Tom dug into your letter.
Tom, my strapping husband,
You said in your last letter that your life in His Majesty’s Nave was ‘fucking boring.’ Shall I tell you how exciting my life back home is?
My uncle has changed the studio’s opening to eleven in the morning so he can get some sleep after staying up all night as an air raid warden. Which means I must find a way to fill that time, assuming I am not also sleeping as I often do after spending a night crammed into a shelter with every screaming and crying child in the whole goddamn neighborhood.
But when I am not sleeping, I often find myself doing the chores that Mum no longer has the energy to do. I swear, if I didn’t do the shopping and cooking, we’d all be eating nothing but bread. Since dad left, she just hasn’t been the same. I think him leaving again reminds her of the last war. He went missing for seven months, seven! I can’t imagine how awful it must have been for her.
Don’t you ever put me through that, Tom Bennett. Not even for a week. I swear I’d come to France myself to drag you back here by your ear.
Now that’s out of the way, I do have something somewhat exciting to tell you. My uncle’s been letting me use the camera a lot more than before he signed up to be a warden. I even got to do a family’s christening portrait all on my own! He wants me to be able to handle the studio on my own, should he ever get called up (not that we’re even slightly concerned about that, considering his age). Or – oh no. That’s not really why he’s doing it, is it? He wants me to be able to run it in case one day he doesn’t come back after the sirens go off, doesn’t he? I’m going to try not to think about that.
I brought it up because he’s allowed me to start using the portable camera rather than the big one in the studio. This way, I won’t always have to be nervous that he will walk in on me when I take pictures for you.
Speaking of, I think you’ll like what I enclosed today. I borrowed Mum’s, just as you asked.
Your adoring wife,
Tom stared at those two wonderful words. Husband. Wife.
He wished he’d been able to give you the ceremony you deserved. Not simply standing in the register office with all your parents looking on with half-hearted smiles before being rushed out almost immediately so the next couple could come in. You deserved so much more than that, roses and a band and a grand hall and all that shit. Once he was home, for good, he’d give it to you. All of it. Most of all, a big honeymoon. Not the one night in a shabby local hotel your parents, your uncle, and even his sister Lois had helped pitch in to get you. Only for him to have to leave again the next day.
The fact that he was leaving you as his wife instead of just as his best girl made it somehow so much harder.
But this helped.
He started by writing his reply to the actual content of your letter. If he started with the pictures, he knew he wouldn’t give a shit about whatever you’d written by the end.
My sweet darling wife,
I am so very sorry that you have things to do all day. Whenever I feel bad about sitting at the prow and staring at the endless ocean, I will remind myself that you are enduring such tortures as shopping and taking undoubtedly lovely family portraits. It will remind me that I should be eternally grateful that the king himself has sent me on the world’s most boring cruise.
Joking aside, I am very sorry you’re stressed. Give your mum my love and tell your uncle that I’m counting on him to look after you while I’m gone, and thank him for his good work (with the warden thing, not the photography). Please take care of yourself. I know you’re willing to stretch yourself thin for the people you love, but I love you too, and I’ll be pissed if I come home to a wife too exhausted to even fuck me.
I actually might not be bored for a few days. They’re sending us to do a job, even if I will be stuck in a rowboat for a day, maybe more. Ah well, at least I won’t be the one rowing, at least.
I’m very happy about you getting more responsibility at the studio. Of course, most of that is for selfish reasons, but I’m still proud of you, love. Can’t wait to see what you’ve enclosed. Oh and before I forget, I’d like to request something… red in your next letter.
Your proud husband,
Tom Bennett
He never wrote as much as you did, but he knew you didn’t mind. You didn’t want any details about the horrible, upsetting things he’d seen, it would only worry you too much. Besides, you knew what he really loved about your letters.
After taking another deep breath, Tom set the paper aside and finally allowed himself to look at your pictures.
“Oh, you gorgeous, gorgeous girl…”
The pearl necklace you wore was a little off-center, but Tom hardly noticed it. He was solely focused on what you were wearing—a full corset, in some kind of shiny, light-colored fabric. The top of it only held half of your perfect tits inside, allowing him to admire their smooth curves. What he wouldn’t give to hold them in his hands. Once he got home, he’d do just that for an hour at least.
Over your delightfully cinched waist, you’d worn a sheer petticoat with ruffles at the bottom – exactly like one you might have worn under your wedding dress, if you’d been able to wear one. He’d get you that, too. Even if only to go to your uncle’s studio to take pictures. Tom wouldn’t need to rent a morning coat, as he’d just wear his uniform, so he could spend extra getting you the perfect dress.
Maybe you could even redo the wedding night.
Tom surveyed the room again before lying back and sliding his hand below his waistband. He’d done this so many times that now, he got hard the instant he picked up the envelope, so he was still relatively proud of his restraint, and was sure you would be, too.
He started slowly, imagining slipping the petticoat off you. Imagine how you’d shiver as his finger ever so slightly brushed your skin. The sounds you’d make – sighs and little whimpers. He loved those little whimpers so much.
He let out his own soft sigh as he began to move his hand faster. Once the petticoat was down, he’d kneel in front of you and make quick work of your shoes, then take his sweet time unbuckling and lowering your stocking.
God, how he missed those legs, shapely and soft. He loved touching them, kissing them, laying between them. His hips kicked up as he imagined himself kissing his way up them when he got home, all the way up to that delightful place where your knickers dug into the little dip between your leg and your hips.
It was hard to hold back his moan at the thought.
He’d lower your knickers first, he decided. So he could bury himself in you until he was satisfied. Yours was a taste he craved as badly as he did for decent cigarettes. He sometimes woke from dreams of devouring you, thinking he could still taste you on his tongue.
Only when your legs were shaking would he stand, prowling behind you with his hands on your waist. He’d kiss your neck as he untied your corset. Or unhooked? He didn’t know, but he hoped it was untie – it was sexier.
The pearls would stay on the whole time as he kissed you, touched you, fucked you. He’d put them between your teeth to help you soften your cries and moans, then watch them fall back on your chest when you came. You always came with your mouth wide open as you screamed his name.
That memory of your voice and the way your nails would dig into his skin is what drove him over the edge, spilling himself into his hand.
Tom lay there, reliving his imaginings, until a bell rang, signaling it was time to get in the rowboats. He made sure to wipe his hand on the mattress of one of the rich cunts who mocked him and the other working-class boys before leaving, his own letter in hand.
He stopped by the room where they kept their post on his way to the rowboats, quickly folding his paper to stuff it into an envelope. A smile crept over his features as he addressed it to ‘Mrs. Tom Bennett,’ before filling out the rest. He was glad that you were living in your parent’s house, but he couldn’t wait until he could get a place just for the two of you.
Lastly, he wrote the date in the corner of the envelope, as you always liked to know when he received yours, so you could be sure to include all the relevant gossip he’d missed.
26 May, 1940
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but it's true: Dimitri as whumpee if you think it's in-character for him? Otherwise whoever you think fits best/want to write most :)
Omg actually yeah I think this is in character, at least for younger Dimitri. So let's see younger Dimitri!
but it’s true: [character] has been known to fake being sick, but this time they’re actually sick. TWs: illness, fever, collapse, self-destruction
"I know you're lying to me. Again." Luis' voice sounded even and annoyed over the phone. "You did this last time we were doing this training, and then I got a report of you going to a movie while we were all marching in the hot sun."
"No, Luis, sir, I'm--" Dimitri tried, only to get cut off.
"I don't care if you're hungover. Everyone has to be there, or they'll see me in the training room. Again. I'll see you in two hours."
Luis hung up, and Dimitri was left staring at his phone. Eyes narrowing, rage started to replace the sting of betrayal. "Fine." He whispered to himself. "I'll march in the sun. I'll fucking do it. If he wants to give me the freezer later, I might even thank him."
With heat raging behind his eyelids and the knowledge that, technically, yes, it was his fault for trying to skip out on training the day after his twenty-first birthday a few months ago, Dimitri geared up. Every movement ached, and as he donned his long-sleeved gear he was already plotting his recovery day.
It was hell. Dimitri knew it would be hell. Their packs weighed as much as he did. The sun was unrelenting. The fabric of their clothes was breathable, but it was also black. They even had to keep their masks on. Endurance training was the official term, but Dimitri and Laredo had taken to calling it a Hell Hike.
He wanted to call out to Luis. To beg to lie down in the shade, just for a moment. There was no shade. There would be no sympathy from Luis. He was fueled by spite alone, but even that was waning under the intense heat.
Dimitri just couldn't seem to get quite enough air. His legs weren't as stable as usual. The ground was uneven. The heat beneath his casting mask was beyond stifling as sweat rolled freely down his face. Water didn't give any relief to the scratchiness in his throat. He really should've taken something before leaving their house.
But that would've defeated the purpose.
Up ahead, Laredo was swaying too. The ground was too uneven, more uneven than he remembered. Dimitri’s bag was heavier, somehow. It felt like his boots were too loose, too big. Why hadn't he let Luis check his temperature for himself? He couldn't have faked this sort of fever.
And then he was on the ground. The dirt pressed up against the conductive surface of his mask. He couldn't breathe.
"Shit--" Was that Valentina? That sounded like her. "Luis, sir! Man down!"
Boots sprinted over, and hands worked Dimitri's mask from his face. The rush of fresh air didn't help, even as his pack was unbuckled and lifted from his back. He still wheezed, face red and vision swimming.
"Joaquín, help me." Valentina's voice was above him, and her shadow blocked out the blinding light as he was carefully turned onto his back. Her bare, scar-smeared palm pressed to Dimitri's forehead and she jerked back. "Fuck--Luis, he's bad."
"Oh--Oh no." Luis? When did he get there? "He tried to tell me he wasn't feeling well this morning. I...I thought he was faking."
Another hand, larger this time, cupped Dimitri's face. "Can't fake that. If it's not fever, it's heatstroke. How far are we from base? He needs medical." Adriana. this time.
"I can carry him, we're an hour away, I think." Joaquin said. "Laredo, can you drive?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll get us back in time."
"We'll be right behind..."
Dimitri didn't remember much after that. He was too hot, and then too cold, and then even colder, somehow. He couldn't get warm again. He wasn't allowed to be warm. Someone who sounded like Luis said he couldn't have a blanket, even as he shivered.
Someone who sounded like Luis apologized.
In the depths of his confusion, within his gut, Dimitri felt triumphant.
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Going back to telling Hasan you want a baby or another dog, he’s like well we just got Kaya. And you’re like 👁️🫦👁️ so does that mean….?? Baby?? And you two start trying to have a baby 😭😭
When you get pregnant he’s such a teddy bear😭😭😭he starts crying when you find out before you even get a chance to. He seems like such a physical touch person as a love language and that goes to the extreme with the belly. And maybe you come on the pod a lot while pregnant, giving little updates and sharing the silly stories that happen. Maybe your a lot smaller than Hasan so you’re really scared to give birth because that man is huge😭 lord knows what his kids would be like.
Kaya would become soooooo your doggy while you’re pregnant. Like how she comes over to Hasan while he’s streaming, maybe you two are doing some JCS/true crime reacts or some long videos or something and Kaya just puts her little head on your leg🥹🥹😭😭 her little head on the baby bump and he would start kicking. Baby boy knows that’s his puppy!!!!!
Maybe having a virtual baby shower where Hasan let you choose a charity of your choice and that’s where people can donate to and you two also give a chunk of money too😭😭
And once the baby is there, Hasan is priv but while the baby is quite new and doesn’t really look like how he will when he gets bigger he doesn’t mind showing or feeding the baby while on stream. You’re recovering and sleeping or just nursing the baby and sitting with Hasan while streaming, maybe sharing your labor story and talking about the sleepless nights and how you just are all obsessed with the baby. His mom seems so cute she would love to watch the baby if you two needed to focus, she’d make sure you’re eating good and taken care of while pregnant and postpartum. You’re family comes and stays too and everybody wants the baby 😭he looks like his daddy🩵🩵🩵🩵 ok sorry this is so long
Have talked about baby dad Hasan before? Yes.
Will I ever skip the opportunity to talk about him again? Never.
We love baby daddy Hasan.
He's so soft, both about you and the baby. He'd be making you breakfast in the mornings; eggs, toast, bacon, the whole shabang. And as your pregnancy develops he has to tone down what he makes until it's just toast. You feel bad about it, but he just happy you're eating.
And yes constant touching, I stand strong in the opinion that if he's not doing anything, then he's behind you, holding your bump. It matters not who he's talking to or where you at, y'all could be in the grocery line waiting to check out and he's just holding you.
And yes, Hasan was a big ass baby, I forgot how much he weighed but he wasn't light, and to add on that I was 10 pound 9 ounces. Like that's bound to be a toddler.
Kaya!! She's Hasan baby no doubt, however when your pregnant she all yours. A literal shadow, shes napping with you, if you want attention and can't get it from Hasan you just need to say her name and bam she's there.
He's very attentive during the post partum, like it's crazy. Like he loved and respected you before birth, but after it's off the charts. He's also trying to find the balance of making sure your alright and not overworking yourself, while also not smothering you and making you feel incompetent.
Not to mention his mom!! She so be there for you, feels a bit bad about Hasan being your baby daddy, but she'd be so helpful. Like, if your bottle feeding, stepping with night feeds, helping calm the baby, and even watching the baby when you're needing to shower or nap or just some alone time and Hasan is streaming. Also there Turkish and the whole 40 day rule. Both her and Hasan would make sure that your taken care of.
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
Pairing: Victor Vale x reader
Summary: Eli finds an EO that can travel into people's dreams and decides to pay you, the one person Victor Vale cares about, a visit.
Word Count: 5.3k+ words (I'm on a roll with long fics that no one is reading lol)
Warnings: spoilers for Vicious by V.E. Schwab, canon-typical violence, description of fights and injuries, Eli touches the reader w/o consent (not sexually), angst, fluff, time skips, Victor calls reader 'sweetheart.' There are two points that I left open-ended if anyone is interested in another part. I think that's all!
A/N: Here is my first Victor Vale x reader fic! He is likely OOC, but I would like to keep writing for him and try to capture his character better if anyone has any requests! Please let me know what you think!!
Masterlist Directory | Victor Vale Masterlist | Request Info (OPEN)
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Yesterday Morning - Merit
“No, no, no! Stop. Please. Don’t shoot me; I’ll do whatever you want,” the EO begged, a gun pointed at his forehead. “I can do something. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
Eli inhales deeply, dropping the gun to point to his chest. “Fine. What can you do? Twenty seconds or less.”
“I can travel to dreams,” he rushes out. “Like, if you fall asleep and have a dream I can come into your dream and do stuff.”
“How would that help me?” Eli growls, raising the gun to his neck. 
“What I do in the dream affects the dreamer.”
“Meaning if I say something, hurt someone… kill someone, it really happens. They remember, they have the wound, they don’t wake up.”
Eli weighs his options as the gun stays steady on the shaking EO. 
“And I think I could take someone into the dreams with me.”
Eli smiles and drops the gun to his side. “Now that is promising. You’ll do anything, you said? Excellent.”
10 Years Ago - Lockland
Victor Vale doesn’t have friends. He does have you, though. Every Tuesday, you meet in the library and spend the afternoon together, when you can, you get lunch together, and despite his determination not to, he cares about you. 
“You’re leaving again?” Eli asks as Victor heads toward the door. 
“Yep, that’s the joy of a standing date, Eli,” Victor explains sarcastically, “it’s always standing.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get dinner. Why?”
“I’m hungry.”
Victor stops with his hand on the doorknob, sighing as he invites Eli to come with him. He knows he’ll regret it, but it’s too late. 
“Hey, Vic!” you greet, standing from your seat to hug him before he sits down. 
Victor hugs you a little tighter than usual but pulls back quickly. “This is my roommate, Eli,” he introduced you.
Victor clearly doesn’t want to share one of you, and you assume he’s likely closer to his roommate than you. Eli extends his hand to shake yours, and when he raises your hand to kiss your knuckles, you have an overwhelming urge to run as far as you can from Eli. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say, awkwardly smiling as you pull your hand back. 
“So, how do you two know each other?” Eli asks, sitting beside you in Victor’s usual spot. 
Victor sighs and sits across from you, ignorant of Eli’s hand resting too comfortably on your thigh. You squirm in your seat, trying to make room between you, but Eli stays too close. 
“We just crossed paths one day,” you answer with a shrug. 
You glance toward Eli and suppress a shiver at the look in his eyes. It’s like there’s nothing behind them, like his attitude and humanity are part of a mask covering a monster underneath. His hand moves on your thigh, and you can no longer resist the original urge to never see Eli Cardale again. 
“I just remembered that I have a test tomorrow and I need to go study. I’m gonna go,” you say, standing from your seat. 
“Good luck. See you around,” Eli responds, his practiced smile nearly blinding you. 
“Maybe,” you whisper as you walk behind Victor, heading quickly toward the door. 
“I’ll walk you out,” Victor says as he stands and walks to your side. Once Eli is out of earshot, he asks, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to convince yourself as well as Victor. 
“Sorry about him. We still on for Tuesday?”
“Always. Don’t bring Eli, though?”
“Didn’t want to today. See you then.”
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
The hotel room has been quiet since Victor and Mitch left. Staring at the ceiling, you embrace the silence and avoid falling asleep.
“What did you do while Victor was in prison?” Sydney asks quietly from the neighboring bed. 
“I just lived a normal life,” you answer. “Finished my degree, got a job. I stayed in touch with him though; we wrote letters after he got out of solitary.”
“When did you join him and Mitch, then?”
“I knew he was going to break out. Happened to be in the neighborhood at the time and fought my way back into his life. It was easier than I thought it would be.”
Sydney took a few quiet breaths before asking, “Do you love him?”
You smile at the ceiling as you confess, “Yeah, I do, Sydney. I know we’ll never be more, but I love him regardless.”
“I think he loves you too,” Sydney whispers before falling asleep. 
You hope she’s right, although you’re content to have Victor anyway you can, as long as you have him. When Sydney’s breaths even out and grow quiet, you slip out of the bed and walk to the couch in the living area. 
You haven’t told anyone that you’re not sleeping. When the nightmares started, sleep seemed like a privilege rather than a necessity. No one knows about the repetitive dreams where Eli kills you. The nightmare has been the same for weeks, but every night you have it, it gets harder to wake up. Looking out the window, you wonder where Victor is and if he’s okay. 
“You okay?” Mitch asks as he walks inside, followed by a silent Victor. 
“Yeah. Everything go well?” You ask, turning toward them on the couch. 
“As well as it could. Goodnight.” Mitch walks down the hall, and your eyes meet Victor’s. 
“What’s going on?” Victor asks as he sits beside you, his arm resting across your shoulders as you lean into his side. 
“Nothing,” you lie. “Just couldn’t sleep not knowing if you’re safe.”
“Thanks for staying with Sydney.”
“It’s not a problem. She’s great.”
Victor grumbles like he doesn’t quite agree with you, and smiles as you elbow him. 
“Go get some sleep,” he whispers before standing. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight, Vic,” you respond, your heart racing at the pet name, no matter how many times he has used it. 
As Victor disappears down the hallway, it begins to rain, and the fight against sleep becomes impossible to win. 
Last Night - Merit
“Distance doesn’t matter?” Eli confirms. “Perfect. Because I don’t know where she is.”
“But you know who she is, right? Her name?”
“Of course I know her name. I have a feeling I know who she’s with, too.”
“Okay. Then let’s try this. What’s her name? And, any chance you have an idea what she’d be dreaming about?”
Eli smirks as he says your name. “And if I had to bet, she’s dreaming of Victor Vale.”
One Week Ago - Outside Merit
You haven’t slept in three days. The nightmares have become more violent, and waking up gets more difficult every time you close your eyes. Eli not only kills you, but now he hurts you first and threatens the people closest to you. Victor is always the first to be mentioned. You know it’s just a nightmare and more than that, you know you should tell someone. But Victor is too focused, Sydney would get far too upset, and Mitch would tell Victor, so you’re keeping it to yourself. Someone will die before you tell Victor: Eli or you.
Last Night - Merit
“It depends,” the EO answers slowly. “If she has a very good memory of what he looks like, yeah. But if not…”
“She knows what he looks like. We’ll be lucky if she’s not dreaming about him now,” Eli assures.
“So, you want to go in first. Then you want me to come in, disguised as her memories of…”
“Victor Vale, yes.”
“Say someone will stop you when you’re ready for me,” the EO says before gripping Eli’s shoulder and causing everything to grow dark.
“You got it,” Eli answers.
Eli blinks and suddenly finds himself in a dark room, a body strapped to an exam table as the person fights against the restraints. He gets close enough to see who it is and smiles, glad he decided not to kill this EO.
“If it isn’t Victor’s little friend,” he taunts as he walks further into the room.
You try to move away from him, but the straps hold your ankles and wrists firmly. Eli steps to the table, looming over you.
“I never understood why you went for Victor. I mean, I was right there.” You flinch as he rips a piece of tape from your mouth and demands, “Let’s hear it, what made Victor better than me?”
“For one he’s not a psychopathic serial killer with a god-complex,” you snap at him.
“Shh.” He brushes your hair out of your face as he shushes you and says, “Those rumors are so hurtful.”
“Rumors?! You tried to kill-”
His grip falls to your neck as you try to move again. “Silly,” he breathes lowly, “you can’t leave me this time.”
His hand leaves your neck as he runs his fingertips across your face, then down your shoulders and arms. He stops at your wrists and traces the straps holding you.
“I always thought you’d be able to come to your senses and see that I’m better. See that you should be with me. Victor is incapable of love; you’ll never get back what you’re giving him.”
“And you are capable of love? You’re crazy, Eli,” you counter.
“I am capable of more than you know,” he answers darkly. He looks at the wall and smiles as he looks back into your eyes to ask, “What do you think your friends would think if they saw us together?”
“I hope they’d kill us both,” you mumble.
“That can be arranged. Care to take us somewhere new?” Eli asks, smiling as the setting changes.
“You didn’t kill him,” you say. “You’re using him.”
“Oh, I planned to kill him,” Eli promises, faux sadness on his face. “But he made a counter-offer I couldn’t refuse.”
“What’s his power?”
“I’ll take this as confirmation Victor figured out my deal with the Merit Police Department.”
He looks to the side, and you turn your head to follow, gasping as you see Sydney asleep in the bed beside you. You don’t feel awake, but if he’s actually in your dream, he may be in hers too. To protect Sydney and Victor, you may have to play along with Eli’s delusions.
“Hey, I’m right here,” Eli says, framing your face with his hands as he directs your eyes back to his. “Your friends deserve to meet the guy worthy of your time, right? Then let’s give them a show,” he says as he traces his thumb over your lips.
He pushes you down against the bed and sits atop your thighs so you can’t get up. His hands hold your shoulders down as he smiles at you.
“I’ve dreamed of being with you since we met,” he admits.
“And killing me?”
He cocks his head and nods as he says, “That too. Anyone who can get close to Victor Vale has got to be a monster. I’m helping you, baby.”
“And who made it your job to kill monsters?”
Eli pulls a knife from his pocket, twirling it before pushing your shoulder down again, the blade flat between your skin and his.
“I’m going to make sure everyone knows that you are mine,” he growls, moving the knife off your shoulder. “Where should we start carving?”
You see Sydney move in your peripheral vision and hope she doesn’t wake up or join this dream. The knife is in the palm of your hand as you look back at Eli.
“Let everything you touch know whose you are,” Eli calls as he carves something into your palm. 
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from yelling. Eli’s knife drags up your arm, tiny dots of blood rising to the surface as he goes. As he moves it across your collarbones, he applies more pressure, leaving a long streak of blood.
“Maybe one above your heart?” he asks, balancing the tip of his knife against your shirt, directly over your heart. “Actually, we’ll save that for last.”
He moves the knife over the length of your torso, watching the blade rather than you.
“Eli,” you say through the pain.
“Yes, baby?” he responds, giving you his full attention. He drops the knife onto the bed beside you as he looks at your face.
“Can you take me someplace else? Where there’s no evidence of Victor?” you ask, trying to play into his delusion to get him away from Sydney and Victor.
“Where?” he asks, tilting his head.
“What about Lockland, where we met?”
“Where you met Victor?” he asks, his eyes darkening.
“No, no, I want to go back to where I met you.”
“Victor was there that day.”
“Then let’s find a place to make our own,” you say.
Eli leans forward, kissing you roughly as you cross your fingers that no one walks in. You kiss him back, trying to distract him as you move one leg out from underneath him. As he pulls back, he bites your lip harshly, adding to the amount of blood on your body.
“We’re not going to Lockland. We can find another place to be ours,” he says, swiping his thumb across your bloody lip.
He looks up suddenly, seemingly noticing that you are not alone in the room. “Clever girl,” he says, smirking down at you. “We’re not leaving now.”
Eli raises the knife and plunges it into your side. You yelp as it punctures your skin, then bite your tongue. Tears leak from your eyes, but you remain silent as you watch Sydney roll over. 
“Go back to sleep, Syd,” you beg, whispering under your breath.
“You’re much prettier when you’re bloody,” Eli praises as he traces your face with his finger.
“You won’t get away with this, Eli.”
“You mean I won’t get away with killing you either?” Eli asks, playing dumb. “Who will stop me?”
“You know who.”
“Me?” Victor asks as he pushes the door open and walks in.
“Vic,” you sigh, relieved that this nightmare is finally ending.
Victor approaches the bed and looks at you over Eli’s shoulder. “What did you do?” he asks.
“Made her prettier,” Eli answers with a shrug.
Eli holds your shoulders down as he stands. When you remain still, watching Victor, Eli releases his grip on you and steps back. Victor leans over and looks into your eyes.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“No problem. You are missing a few things, though. Eli was never as thorough as he should have been.”
“Victor? What are you doing?”
He picks up the knife and holds your shoulder, just as Eli had, before saying, “Finishing the art.”
“Victor, please,” you beg, tears streaming down your face.
“You’re pretty when you cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
Victor doesn’t respond before the knife presses into your thigh, and you scream.
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
“Please wake up!” Sydney yells, shaking you, her current roommate and best friend.
She takes a few steps back, breathing heavily, and turns on the lamp. As the light turns on, Sydney notices blood on the sheets and starts to panic. The only time she’s woken Victor up, she was met with pain, but that doesn’t matter now. She runs to Victor’s room, crying as she enters.
“Victor,” she calls as she steps inside.
He sits up quickly, his pale brows furrowing as he sees Sydney breathing shallowly and crying. He jumps out of the bed and rushes to stand in front of her, holding her shoulders as he bends over to look into her eyes.
“What happened?” he asks.
“She- she-” Sydney stutters, unsure what to say. She’s covered in blood and not waking up? She looks… gone?
Victor immediately knows who Sydney is referring to: you. 
“Wake up Mitch,” Victor demands as he walks into the hallway. “And stay with him!”
Victor rushes into the bedroom you are sharing with Sydney, the blood immediately catching his attention. He gently pulls the blanket and the sheets down, noticing the number of wounds littering your body: your side, your leg, across your collarbones, and down one arm. As he checks the wounds, more begin to appear.
“Sweetheart, you have to wake up for me,” he says gently, raising a hand to your neck to check your pulse. Your heart rate is elevated but steady. When he feels you move under his hand, he whispers, “C’mon, wake up. Come back to me.”
Footsteps sound as someone walks down the hall, and Victor turns to see Mitch standing in the doorway, with Sydney peeking out from behind him. No new wounds were appearing, which could be good or bad, but Victor was more concerned with waking you up and stopping the bleeding.
“Get her out of here, Mitch,” Victor says as he looks back to you.
Mitch ushers Sydney back into the hallway, holding her as she cries.
“Sweetheart, don’t do this to me,” Victor whispers, fighting his own tears.
You move, and Victor’s head jerks to look at your face.
Last Night - Merit
“That was… exhilarating!” Eli cheers before collapsing on the couch, not even looking at the EO’s still body.
“Are you going to do something about him?” Serena asks, gesturing to the unconscious man in the chair across from her.
“As soon as he comes back,” Eli answers, pulling his gun from his pocket and laying it on the table.
“How’d it go?”
“Excellent. Should’ve seen her face when ‘Vic’ walked in.”
“Is he going to kill her?”
“Absolutely not. She needs to be there to watch Victor’s reckoning,” Eli answers.
The EO gasps as his eyes open, raising a hand to his racing heart as he says, “She fought me. She kicked me out of her mind because she knew I wasn’t him.” He looks at Eli and asks, “What didn’t you tell me?”
Serena flinches as the gun discharges the bullet, effectively silencing the rambling EO. Eli stares at the bloody wall behind him.
“I don’t know. Maybe our dear Victor Vale did his own experiments on her,” Eli finally answers.
“Or there’s more to her relationship with him and this guy messed up, so she knew it wasn’t real,” Serena offers. Eli rolls his eyes, and Serena demands, “Think about it.”
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
“It’s okay,” Victor soothes, pushing your hair out of your face, “we’re done for now.”
“Why are you doing this?” you ask through your tears.
“Because we have to, baby.”
Victor would never call you baby, and as you look at him, you realize you’re still asleep. You begin fighting to wake up, forcing yourself to open your eyes. The room around you grows darker and then disappears.
You blink, and you’re back in the room at the Esquire Hotel. Victor is kneeling beside the bed, staring at you, and Sydney’s bed is empty. You hear sobbing echoing in the hallway but don’t take your eyes off Victor as you move backward, away from Victor, tensing in pain.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Please,” you beg, allowing your eyes to close.
“Sweetheart,” Victor whispers.
You open your eyes and find his, noticing the tears on his waterline as he lays his hand on your bed, palm up.
“Vic?” you ask, unsure and uneasy.
“Yeah, I’m right here, sweetheart.”
You lunge forward, off the bed, and wrap your arms around his neck. You don’t care that you’re getting blood all over him, and he doesn’t seem to either as he wraps his arms around you and leans back.
“We need to stop the bleeding,” he says quietly in your ear as he brushes your hair back.
“Just one more minute?” you ask into his shoulder.
He nods against you and looks toward the door before dropping his forehead to your shoulder. It doesn’t seem like much time passes before he sits up and gently pushes you back.
“Can you sit back so I can look at you?” he asks gently, keeping a hand on the uninjured side of your waist as you lean back against the bed.
“Where’s Sydney?” you ask as he lifts your shirt to see the knife wound.
“In the other room with Mitch.”
“Is she upset?”
“Yeah. She came and got me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Other than the obvious pain you’re in, are you okay?” Victor asks.
“You’re numbing the pain,” you tell him with a small smile. “I’m as okay as I can be.”
You tell him about the dreams as he cleans and bandages your wounds. When you explain that this one was different and that a version of him was there, he clenches his jaw and stops touching you. 
“You’re the reason I woke up, Vic. Thanks for always calling me sweetheart,” you say, running your fingertips along his forearms, showing him you’re not scared of him.
As Victor helps you stand after finishing the last bandage, Sydney rushes into the room and hugs you, mindful of your injuries. While you assure her that you are okay, your hand begins to throb despite Victor’s numbing. You shake the hand and try to ignore the sensation, but you keep thinking about the feeling of Eli’s blade. When Mitch and Sydney go back to sleep, and Victor is busy improving one of his parents’ books, you peel the bandage back and see that there isn’t a mark on your hand.
Midnight - Falcon Price Project
Detective Stell takes Eli into custody while Victor hides in the shadows, watching. Mitch, Sydney, Dol, and Dominic left to find a safe place to wait before meeting everyone else. Somehow, all of the planning, all of the deaths, and all of the crazy plans worked out, and everyone made it out alive.
On your way to meet at the predetermined point, you pretend to be a distressed passerby and tell the police things about Eli that no random citizen should know. No one seems inclined to question how you learned this information. Serena is gone, and they’re willing to listen. As you answer a question, Eli is escorted past you and smiles when he locks eyes with you.
“You will be mine,” he growls.
Your hand suddenly begins bleeding at the sound of his voice, and you shove it into your pocket, escaping the construction lot and finding Mitch and Sydney. While you wait for Victor, you grip the inner lining of your jacket in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding.
“Everyone alright?” Victor asks as he approaches, the keys to a stolen SUV hanging from his fingers.
“Yeah,” you answer, along with Sydney, Mitch, and Dominic.
“Let’s go, then.”
As you step toward the sidewalk, Victor wraps his hand around your exposed wrist and pulls you into his chest. His arm wraps around your back as he looks down at you and asks, “Are you really okay?”
“I am. Are you?”
“I’m fine. Eli will get what’s coming to him.”
He moves his hand down your arm, freezing when he feels warm liquid pooling in your pocket. Looking into your eyes, he pulls your hand from your pocket.
“When did this happen?” he asks, ripping part of your jacket and wrapping it around your palm.
“It just started bleeding a few minutes ago, when Eli said something to me. But he cut it in the nightmare last night,” you answer.
“Vic, we need to go,” Mitch calls from the driver’s seat.
“Syd, get in the backseat,” Victor says as he helps you into the middle row and sits beside you.
The ride is silent as Mitch drives to a safe house Victor remembers from his time at Lockland. He checked the property records, and it was still abandoned, the perfect place to lay low. When Mitch parks in front of the old house, Victor pulls you out of the car before Mitch turns the ignition off. He finds a bedroom with an en suite and places your hand under the cold water as he digs around in the cabinets for a first aid kit.
“It’s an E, isn’t it?” you ask, looking at Victor. 
He doesn’t answer, wrapping your hand before pulling you into his chest and hugging you again. You cry in his arms before he leads you to the bed and pulls you to sit with him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he says, rubbing your back. “I won’t let him hurt you again. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you sniffle, looking down at your lap. “He- in the dream he said everything I touch will know I’m his. Then tonight he said I’d be his.”
Victor raises your chin with his finger, looking into your eyes as he says, “You’re not his. You’re not anyone’s. That’s your choice.”
“Thank you. For everything.”
“Vic,” Mitch says, standing in the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt. We’re short a bed.”
“You guys take what we have; we’ll figure something out,” Victor responds.
Mitch nods, and you send him a small smile as he walks out.
“I’ll go sleep on the couch,” you offer, standing up.
Victor doesn’t let you get up, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him as he says, “Stay here.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Sweetheart, stay here.”
After - Somewhere Safe
The following morning, you wake up in Victor’s arms, the scent of waffles filling the room.
“Morning,” Victor says behind you.
“Good morning.”
As you exit the room to help Mitch with breakfast, Sydney waits in the hallway.
“Can I talk to you?” she asks quietly.
You nod and follow her down the hall, sitting on the bed in her temporary room as she closes the door.
“What do you want to talk about, Syd?” you ask as she joins you on the bed.
“My nightmares stopped,” she tells you.
“That’s good.”
“Have you- are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You smile and take one of her hands as you answer. “I was having nightmares too and something really weird happened with that one; Eli was actually in the dream, somehow. But my nightmares are gone now, too.”
“That night when you were dreaming, I tried to wake you up and you weren’t responding. Then I saw the blood and I was so scared,” she rambles, tears building in her eyes.
She hugs you, crying into your shoulder as you hold her, rubbing comforting circles on her back.
“I’m not going anywhere, Syd, I promise.”
You look up and see Victor standing in the hallway. You nod, telling him she’s okay, and he walks away.
“Can you do something with me today? Something normal,” Sydney asks as she pulls back.
“Name it.”
“Make cookies?”
You smile as you say, “Of course.”
Victor and Mitch leave to tie up loose ends, so you spend the afternoon with Sydney. You bake cookies, make hot chocolate, and watch cheesy movies. She seems like a new person at the end of the day, hugging you goodnight and walking down the hall as you finish the dishes.
After you put the last dish away, you walk back to the living room to sleep on the couch. 
You don’t notice Victor standing in the doorway until he asks, “What are you doing?”
You jump, ignoring his smile. You answer, “Sleeping on the couch.”
“No. Let’s go,” Victor says before turning and walking away.
You follow him into the bathroom, sitting on the counter and watching his face as he peels the bandage off your hand. He tells you it looks better before replacing the dressing with a new one. Your eyes stray to your palm while he works, the clear ‘E’ a permanent reminder. You sniff as you suppress a sob, tired of crying and feeling weak.
“Sweetheart?” Victor asks, halting his movements as he looks into your eyes.
“It’s always going to be there, Vic. I can’t get away from him. Since the day I met Eli, he’s been…” you trail off as you remember everything you kept from Vic: Eli’s unwelcome touches, his constant advances, and how scarred you are (inside and out) from the nightmares.
“What did he do?” Victor asks quietly. You shake your head, so Victor raises your hand, half-bandaged, to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles as he says, “You’re not tied to him. You’re better than him, and you’re strong enough to overcome this; all of it.”
“Do you remember that day I met him in the cafeteria?”
“Yeah. You had the good sense to get out of there.”
“He touched me. Sat way too close and put his hand on my leg.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Victor asks, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
“I thought he was your friend and didn’t want to ruin that. Every time I saw him after that he asked me out or made an advance of some kind. I didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
“You couldn’t have known, Vic. It’s fine. I dealt with it the best I could. At least now I know why he did it.”
“Why?” Victor asks, stepping closer as he moves his hand to your waist.
“He thought I was yours. He couldn’t stand the thought of you having something to care about, to care for you. He can’t care about or love anyone, so he didn’t want to either.”
“He thought I cared about you, so he tried to take you for himself to get you away from me? I didn’t know he had that kind of… anything,” Victor repeats before saying something under his breath and squeezing your waist gently.
You look at him with furrowed brows, silently asking what he said.
He sighs before whispering, “He was right.”
“You did care about me?”
“Do care. More than care. You’re the only thing I’ve ever loved.”
You smile at him before leaning forward and kissing him, your hands raising to his jaw as his arms wrap further around your waist, pulling you closer. You pull back to catch your breath, and Victor returns his attention to your hand.
“I can take the physical pain, no problem. But all I can do for the other pain is be here for you.”
You flinch away from him as your hand begins throbbing again. Victor turns the dial in his head, but your face stays pinched in pain. Pulling your hand back, you remove the bandage and look at your hand before looking up at Victor. You slip your wrist and show him the clear skin across your palm.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” you say.
“I can’t. Something else must have happened.”
“The EO?”
“Eli wouldn’t have kept him alive this long.”
You nod as you look back at your hand, curling and uncurling your fingers with no pain. Victor smiles before lifting you from the counter, setting you on your feet, and directing you to the bed. He kisses you once more before you go to sleep.
When you wake up before Victor, you walk out onto the balcony and enjoy the quiet morning, hopefully, the first of many. A warm chest presses against your back, and you lean against him, Victor’s arms circling your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he greets, kissing your neck.
“Good morning,” you respond, turning in his arms to properly kiss him.
You pull back when the door opens, and someone gasps, your eyes meeting Sydney's as she asks, “When did this happen?!”
“Last night,” Victor grumbles. “Do you mind?”
You lightly slap his arm, and his eyes stay on yours as he apologizes. 
“About time!” Sydney cheers as she walks back inside, Dol following.
Mitch walks by the door and smiles as he agrees with Sydney, looking at you to say, “I told you.”
“Told you what?” Victor asks.
“He said you care about me,” you answer.
“I said you were in love with each other!” Mitch yells from inside.
You smile at Victor as you confirm, “I’ve been in love with you since Lockland.”
“I’ve been in love with you since I laid eyes on you,” Victor responds.
He kisses you again, and you feel complete, even if your situation is viciously weird.
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persephonesportal · 2 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Taglist: @khaylin27- @renajimaa
Previous part
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Characters: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, Bradshaw!reader, Mama Seresin (mentioned), Carole Bradshaw (mentioned), Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw (mentioned), Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, Javy 'Coyote' Machado
rigger warning: Miscarriage, Depression, Eating disorder
Since finding out you and Jake were expecting, you both had been excited and nervous about the arrival of baby Seresin. Jake could tell your nerves were weighing on you and causing a lack of sleep so he decided he would take you out for a date night to get it off your mind. Little did you know Jake had a certain surprise in mind to end the date, with him down on one knee and a beautiful engagement ring in hand. Well of course you said yes, he was your soulmate.
A few days after saying yes to the love of your life, you had been feeling quite nauseous and run down but chalked it up to pregnancy sickness. In the middle of the night you had woken up to go to the toilet.
Lifting up the sheets, you notice a red patch coming from between your legs, you let out a cry realising what has happened.
Shaking Jake awake beside you, “Baby! Wake up!”
Groggily he stirs only to notice you are in hysterics and sees the blood. “Oh sweetheart”, he jumps up to get dressed and lifts you up in his arms. “I’m taking you to the hospital”
Numbly agreeing, he loads you into the passenger seat of his truck and races to you to the hospital. The car trip seemed to pass by in a blur with the tears running down your face.
Getting you into the emergency room, a nurse manages to get you seen straight away.
It seemed like hours ago that the doctor confirmed that your baby didn’t make it, saying something about the placenta rupturing too early. He offered his condolences as Jake held you tight to his chest, shedding a tear of his own but trying to be strong for you.
You finally get discharged 2 hours later and head straight on home. Acting as if on auto pilot, you drag yourself into the shower clothes still on as the shower runs. Trying to conceal your sobs, Jake comes in and joins you causing you to break out in wails over the loss of your angel baby.
The first few days, you just stayed in bed the whole time, not being able to cope with no appetite and running out of tears to cry. Jake took some personal leave and stayed by your side to be your comfort every single time.And at the times Jake couldn't be there with you, Javy was by your side, he even took you to see Uncle Ice and Aunt Sarah when you eventually felt comfortable to crawl out of bed. You couldn’t get ahold of Uncle Mav but you figured he was deployed somewhere after messing up again.
It took a few months but you manage to stabilise yourself and got back to work, knowing you could never forget your baby but knew they would be in good hands with Carole and Nick. You received many flowers and condolences from work colleagues of both you and Jake as well as family. The wedding planning got pushed back a bit due to the emotional state you and Jake were both in. You both took a trip up to Texas after deciding the wedding would be at his family ranch, and you needed Mama Seresin to both help with planning and be a comfort to Jake. Javy decided to come with you as Jake’s best friend and best man.
It killed you inside to have to go through wedding planning and your actual wedding without your brother but you knew your mom and dad were watching over both you and Jake on that. You had a break down the morning before you left for the altar but Jake came prepared and gave his mom 2 letters in advance to pass on to you. One from him telling how lucky he was and couldn’t wait to call you wife, the other.. From your mom, let’s just say you had to redo your makeup twice.
Despite you not having your father, you were so grateful to have Uncle Ice to walk you down the aisle in his stead. He teared up as soon as you walked down to meet him.
"Just say the word, I have a getaway car ready" He whispers into your ear.
You giggled, "He's the man I want Uncle Ice"
He sighed but proceeded to walk you down the aisle. Seeing Jake at the end of the aisle shedding a few tears with Javy standing right behind him, hand placed on his shoulder to support him.
Vows and rings were exchanged, and when it came time for the first kiss as Mr and Mrs. Seresin. Jake dipped you low like a gentleman before laying a sweet kiss on you before you made your way back down the aisle and sharing another kiss.
It wasn’t til you got back home after your honeymoon that you came across a memento box that belonged to Carole that you found more letters that she wrote before she passed. 
Jake walked in on you crying reading through the one that meant to be for your first pregnancy.
Everything will hurt but this too shall pass, always remembered and never forgotten.
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m-r-nicely · 1 year
Love In The Dark
Cassandra x reader
Word Count: 1347
Summary: A song fic interpreting Love In The Dark by Adele cause I'm in a writers block. Set in a Modern AU.
As before, the colored texts are lyrics from the song, though some of them may seem a bit forced or out of place. I also skipped quite a few lyrics cause I couldn't find a way to fit them in.
The bold texts are thoughts.
The italics are just emphasized.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, grief, mentions of death, bit of angst
You stood from the bed to get ready for another day. Going out the door, you didn't spare a glance over your shoulder at the other side of the bed. She hadn't stayed long enough for you to wake up for the past month. It was small but it was progress. She would constantly deny it, though.
Just five months ago you'd been caught watching her, again, as she got dressed. From the moment the bathroom door opened across the hall to the way she pulled on her clothes. Your eyes scanned her body, taking in all the details that made her perfect in your eyes. Her stretch marks, moles, a few scars and even a plethora of tattoos. Each of which she had explained the meaning to on your several dates.
In a playful tone she said, "Take your eyes off of me," causing you to look at her face, which was now aimed in your direction with her signature smirk plastered across it. You had completely missed that she was done getting dressed. The bed dipped as she knelt on it in order to crawl up toward you.
"Why?" the question quietly fell from your lips as she came to hover over you.
"So I can leave," she whispered as she kissed your forehead, followed by your temple and cheek. Finally her lips met your own with a mumbled, "I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me."
"What if I never looked away?" you asked as a single strand of brown hair fell out of place for you to fix, "If I asked you to stay with me?"
Cassandra weighed her options before responding, "I can't stay this time," she stated, "because I have to be to work, but maybe the next time we both have the day off."
She chuckled at your pout, gifting you quick pecks until you smiled up at her. Once your beloved brunette was gone you got to have about another hour before you had to get up for work. On your way out the door you got a call from your soon to be younger sister in-law.
"Hey sis!" she shouted from her end.
You sighed, "Hello Dani. I'm on my way to work right now. What do you need?"
As you started up your car she asked, "What would you say if I told you I found a box of old home videos in mom's attic?"
"That depends," you said as you buckled your seatbelt, "do these videos have any embarrassing moments from Cassandra's childhood and were you planning on letting me see them?"
There's silence for a moment, "Yes," she drawls the word as she answers the first question, "and what if I don't let you watch them?"
You smiled, stopping at the red light, "Then I would say I don't love you anymore."
Daniela gasped and giggle over the phone, "Well we can't have that, now can we. How does this weekend look on your schedule?"
If you'd known that would be the last good day, perhaps you would have asked your fiancé to cherish it more. As much as you wish you could say that was the day you felt a switch flip, it just didn't happen that way. After that morning everything started blending together. Not in the long way either. The next couple days blinked by in a few minutes. The week seemed to end in a few hours. Everything after the call became an echo.
White noise.
Soon enough you'd started leaving in the middle of the night. Something in you just urged you to go get fresh air, and you listened to it. Every time you would leave and end up in the same spot.
You had to leave at night, otherwise she would lose her footing. How many times had she begged you, "Please stay where you are," when she sees you trying to go.
You still remember the first time you pleaded, "Don't come any closer," only for her to crawl into your arms.
The last time you held her through the night, she sobbed as she begged you to stay, but all you could whisper into her hair was, "Please understand, my love, I'm being cruel to be kind," just for her to tighten her hold on you.
The first month was bad, though it would all get worse. Her sobs got deeper as you stopped giving in to her desire to be with you. Her sisters and mother would come to check on her every few days. As much as you wanted to help them around the house and with the cooking, you couldn't.
Yet you couldn't leave either.
One night you heard Cassandra talking in the bedroom. You sat down in the hallway, knowing she was speaking to you, and listened. She was pouring her heart out. It was just like the day she proposed. Both then and now you found yourselves in situations you simply thought would never happen.
Then, just like when she was kneeling with the ring in her hand, she tearfully stated, "You have given me something that I can't live without," and she paused to compose herself before continuing with, "It hurts just how much that phrase has changed in meaning now."
I couldn't agree more.
She looked up when you stood, hearing the movement, and gasped. Her tears began to fall.
Please don't fall apart.
The aching on her face as she processed what she could do, knowing you wouldn't be here for long. Especially if she made a move to hold you.
I can't face your breaking heart.
"You can do this."
She sobs at the sound of your voice. Something you have withheld for at least a month.
"I'm trying to be brave, but I need your help."
"You need to move on."
"I don't know how," her sobs nearly break you entirely. You've never been able to hold it together when she was in any form of distress, and it was worse knowing you were the cause.
"Stop asking me to stay."
You said a single sentence, a quite vague one at that, but she knew exactly what you meant. You were here because she was unable to let you go. Her days were spent mourning you and putting on a facade for the world so she can get through work, but her nights were spent yearning for you to be by her side.
"I need you," she cried, "I can't do this with you gone."
You moved to be on the bed with her. Grabbing her face as gently as you could, you made her look at you as you said, "Cassandra, I need you to know that I don't regret a thing. Every word I've said to you, know I'll always mean. It is the world to me that you were in my life, but I want you to live and not just survive," you tried to hold back your own tears as long as possible whilst you spoke, "That's why I can't love you in the dark anymore. Even at night you have to mourn. So let me go and live life again."
"One step at a time."
At this point you were crying together. You kept her eyes looking into yours as she was trying to bury herself in you, her hands turning white with the grip they had in your shirt. The same one you were wearing the day of the collision.
"You're right here but it feels like we're oceans apart," she whispers to you.
You nodded your head, "Like there is so much space between us."
What a mess, and to think one accident is the reason everything changed. In a moments notice at that.
You held her as she cried herself to sleep. Then the next morning came, and Cassandra woke up with a new feeling. She wasn't going to be able to fully move past your death for quite some time. For the first time, however, she felt like she was healing.
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sykilik101 · 1 year
Syk’s Snippets #9
So @suki90​ drew an absolutely LOVELY Pokeshipping piece that you can find here, and it got me wanting to do a really small snippet of what I kind of imagined when I saw this pic, so here we are.
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She was looking at him again, he could feel it.
Ash’s chin rested in his palm, trying his best to appear calm, collected, patient. He’d watched dozens of people enter this ice cream shop from his seat, overheard at least seven discussions about what flavors people were interested in, and avoided the singular ice cream scoop that had fallen from a little boy’s cone. He rapped his finger against the table, his eyes glazed over as they stared at the clock before quickly flicking to the girl behind the counter.
She was looking at him again.
Please don’t ask again who I’m waiting for, he fervently telepathed to her as he turned to the doorway. "My date’s just a little late.” That was the excuse he’d given, and technically he wasn’t lying. Sort of, in that she wasn’t just a little late. Even Misty, as punctual as she’d grown up to be, had her bouts of tardiness, but she always showed up. Any minute now she’d come practically skipping through the entrance, offering an apology and glossing over how long she’d kept him waiting.
Any minute now.
Ash stood from his chair, feeling his cheeks redden as he beelined for the door. He got stood up. He imagined the thought flittering in the girl’s mind, pity weighing her voice from calling out to him; affirming that thought would only deepen the wound.
The doorway bell clinked as he stepped outside, greeted by a warm breeze and gentle rays from the sun. Summer was late to visit Cerulean City this year, and Ash had thought, you know who likes ice cream? Misty. You know who’d like to go on an ice cream date while the weather was this perfect? Misty.
You know who didn’t show up to the ice cream date? Misty.
He pulled his cap from his head, allowing the wind to weave its way through his hair. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled his Rotom phone out, thumbing his way to Misty’s contact information. Realistically, he could just call her to see where she was at, but his stomach churned at the thought. He was no expert in romance, but something seemed tacky about ringing up your girlfriend and going “Hey, I’ve been waiting forever for our date, why haven’t you shown up?”
He returned his hat and phone to their resting places, almost wishing he’d brought Pikachu along, but his little friend had insisted he go alone. It was a date, he’d been able to translate, and Pikachu knew to leave the two of them to their privacy. The sentiment was appreciated, though the company could have alleviated some of his boredom.
He decided that looking for her would probably be a better use of his time, but as he turned to the side he caught sight of a head of red hair bounding towards him.
In seconds Misty slowed to a halt, resting her palms on her knees as she fought to catch her breath. A beaded hairband held her usual side ponytail in place, which had grown long enough to fall to her shoulders. She donned a familiar pair of shorts -- and really, when was the last time he’d seen her in pants -- along with a sleeveless top over a v-neck.
As always, she was gorgeous.
“Where have you been? Did something happen?”
“I’m sorry, Ash, but this morning...Gyarados, it...”
Underneath the lingering exhaustion, worry colored her voice, and Ash’s heart skipped a beat. “Did something happen to Gyarados?”
“When I let it out for a swim this morning, it seemed really sick. It didn’t want to move or eat at all.” She finally regained her composure, and the look in her eyes immediately made him feel guilty for his frustrations at her delayed arrival. “I took it to the Pokémon Center, and then I remembered that we had our date today, so I hurried home to change and get ready and that took me a while and-”
Had he not pressed his finger to her mouth, she would’ve gone on and on forever with her explanation. He grinned at the slight furrowing of her eyebrows and the way her lips pursed. It was a gesture that would’ve gotten him slugged in their youth, but in their newly-achieved adulthood, she’d learned the level of care behind the way he silenced her.
“As long as Gyarados is okay, it’s fine.” He pulled his finger away, only to lean down and replace it with his own lips. She smiled against his mouth, spurring on his own, and his palms found her shoulders, where they remained until Ash decided he’d kissed her long enough.
“So? Ice cream time?”
She beamed up at him before wrapping her arms around his. “Yeah, let’s get going. I’m sure you were so bored waiting for me, though.”
“Me?” Ash waved a hand dismissively as he directed them to the ice cream shop door. “No way, I was the most patient guy in there!”
“You sure you weren’t the only guy in there?”
“Actually, I think I was.”
She giggled, eliciting a small leap from his heart. His hand found hers, interlacing their fingers together as he opened the door. The bell clinked once more, and the girl from before greeted them, a knowing and relieved look on her face. In an instant, he felt the same.
Ash Ketchum did not, in fact, get stood up.
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abshsuxhbab · 8 months
I have lost a part of myself, and I don’t know if I will ever get it back.
I hated being a teenager. I found school infinitely draining, with all of its social expectations. The pressure to look totally put together and made up at 8 o’clock in the morning. The pressure of maintaining academic perfection tied to my back, weighing me down wherever I went and whatever I did. The judgmental eyes of my peers if I were ever to let my mask of teenage normality slip just for a moment.
I hated school. I left sixth form a whole 6 months ago, yet I am still exhausted and recovering from the pressure. When you look at my grades, a clean AAA at A-level, it appears that I did well in school. But I don’t know who I am anymore. I lost a part of myself.
When I was 12, I began rolling my skirt up to fit in with the other girls in my year, when I used to prefer trousers. I realize now that this is a rite of passage for teenage girls, albeit a devastating one. I wore my hair down even though I hated the way it felt against the back of my neck, especially in summer. I wore mascara, which smudged throughout the day, and I never slept early enough, because I wanted to put off waking up for school the next morning and having to do it all again.
When I was 13 I was sent to the doctors for anxiety. They prescribed me a pill and told me to sleep more, take a bath and wear fluffy socks. When this didn’t work, they prescribed me another pill. This sort of thing continued throughout the entirety of my teenage years, until now, when I go to the doctor to try another pill, to see if the next pill will solve my problems, and they tell me I have no more pills left to try.
When I was 14 my makeup got heavier. I cut my hair. I skipped lunch at school because I didn’t want to be seen eating, even though everyone else was. I just didn’t see that at the time, through the lens of my disorder. I wanted to shrink. I wanted to become invisible. Because I didn’t want to be there; I hated school.
When I was 15 I started smoking cigarettes consistently. I thought it was cool because my friends did it, so if I did too it would make me normal. And it numbed things for me a bit. I discovered that, funnily enough, smoking just so happened to be addictive. When lockdown happened in 2020, I became perhaps the sickest version of myself. I was lost. Maybe this is the moment where I lost myself, or I lost a part of myself. I don’t remember. I started dying my hair around then.
I am far better now, really. I work at a coffee shop at a new town I moved to, and I am happier there than I ever was in school. I did well in school but I don’t know who I am or what I want to do anymore. I lost a part of myself and I want to find it again.
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justicefanged · 1 year
"Hello dear, I just wanted to check on some of those who are staying behind. I know your brother went along with some of the others, but the both of you seem tense... Would you like to talk about it?"
Everything was a mess.
Books and papers were scattered on the floor, desks upturned and even some broken into several pieces. For such an open space, it now felt small and cramped. There was ink spilled somewhere on the floor, drying into the spaces in between the stones.
He really hadn't meant for it to happen. It was early. There were still students who hadn't left to help with the-- whatever the fuck was going on back home and elsewhere. He was a teacher. He'd been...getting ready for something. Something stupid. Written test or something. He didn't like them, hated it -- he had to sit still, and it was irritating and things got too quiet, and--
Linus let out a heated sigh, fingers messing through his hair with just a bit too much roughness.
Shouldn't get worked up again after...Shit, what a mess. He didn't even know what time it was. He could see light through the windows, and hear people moving around outside the classroom, but that didn't really tell him too much other than it was slightly later morning than when he'd first gotten in.
Maybe they'd heard the chaos and just decided it was better to skip that day.
He let his head fall back against the cool stone of the wall, exhaustion weighing him down in the most uncomfortable way. Always did after. If he wasn't in the middle of a fight for his life, the anger fizzled out and all he was left with was ash and burnt out bones. He'd slept for a full day once.
Didn't feel like sleeping now. Too much-- Too much going on in his head.
So when there was a soft but concise knock on the door, followed by the creaking sound of it opening and then closing again, Linus wasn't thrilled.
Brown eyes shifted up from the point on the floor they'd been burning a hole into for the better part of the morning, lingered on the approaching woman for a moment before finally being able to place her. Long lavender hair, misleading figure, soft eyes and firm hands.
She gave him juice after that big battle between the houses. Didn't think he knew her name. If he did, he was forgetting it in the moment.
Linus tried to level a glare at her encroaching on his disaster zone, but the fight was out of him now and it didn't have the intimidating effect he was hoping for.
Oh. Oh, so that's why she was here. Guess they had to send someone in, someone that was fool enough to try and calm him down or strong enough to beat him into submission. She didn't strike him as a fool, so she must be strong -- but then, why was she trying this tactic? Trying to talk to an agitated animal was how you ended up bit.
And he was about to spit something in that vein right back at her gentle words, tried to muster up all that fire and shrapnel inside him and throw it in her face.
"I know your brother went along--"
It rekindled some of that blaze, some of that rage -- but he was so. fucking. tired.
It wasn't supposed to happen.
Angry, exhausted tears are in his eyes now. Teeth bared and face screwed up into a snarl. But he's been sitting on the floor, the bulk of his body pressed in against a corner of the room. It's not a very threatening look.
"He fuckin--" Saints, his voice was shredded, guess he'd been yelling for a bit when he went ballistic in here. "He left. Again. To-- Told me I couldn't come with him, that I should fuckin' stay here. For what?!" Linus bit out, slamming a curled fist into the floor. "Last time we split up, he almost died! We don't split up! We. Never. Should. Split. Up! He always-- always fuckin' p-pulls this shit! Jus' 'cause he's older, he gets to tell me what to do! Fuck that! He was wrong then, what if he's wrong now?!"
My brother never makes mistakes.
Yeah, he'd thought that. Believed it fully, completely. Lloyd was smart, Lloyd was older, Lloyd never lost to him in a fight. He had all these plans, and all these things that Linus would never be able to keep all in his head to get them out of problems.
But Linus had also found his brother in the dirt, bloody and pale and hardly breathing. Had seen that thing standing over him, gold eyes glinting through the mists, and knew that if he didn't step in right then, his brother was going to die. Almost died anyways, just trying to get him to help.
He'd carried Lloyd on his back, became far too intimate with the unnatural cold that had seeped into him, like he was hauling a corpse around.
His brother made mistakes, and Linus knew that now.
And it scared him that it felt like that mistake was being repeated again.
"We're the brothers Reed. We don't split up..."
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wind-corner · 5 months
Chapter eleven
Imani sighed deeply. She was annoyed. And despite it being the next day she had been tempted to skip class. But had ended up going in the end. After all she could imagen what those damn nobles would say if they found out she skipped class. A punch to the gut. No. She wouldn't bring shame to her dad nor the memories of her mother.
Sighing she twirl her pen, her mind on other things rather than class. Her mind trying to turn over what could be the lack of the truth from the man she loved so dearly. They promised no big secret between the both of them, and she was true to her words and told the male things she hasnt told anyone, things that she had kept close to he chest. And she had assumed he had been the same.
But the fact that Rama made some sort of deal with the housewarden of Octavinelle, and she was none the wiser?! And when did he do such a thing? She spent the first few months of his housewarden hood doing everything as per their bet, and once they ended up together she's been by his side as his lover, so when? Sighing imani ran a hand though her hair again.
And maybe she wasn't as angry as she was trying to let on, more so hurt that she hadn't known. Sighing again she found herself going though her classes in a bit of a hazy, coping notes and doing paperwork with practice ease. After all what is a little mind numbing work to a girl who spent most of her childhood trying to prove to a bunch of stuck up nobles that despite not being noble by birth, she and her family were worth the title bestowed upon them with her mother's marriage to her dad.
It would be after morning classes and lunch time when her beloved idoit of a fence would find her. And given how well she knew him she could tell that he was hurting. That something was weighing deeply on his thought, he did get like this from time to time and she would comfort him, but she could tell this was much wrose than the other times.
Sighing for what felt like the uptin time imani reached up and gently cup his face. He leaned into her touch his eyes drifting closed as he seek comfort from her. She couldn't help the soft smile on her face. "Let's go to our room, we can talk or just relaxed."
Rama gave a weak nod. It seemed he would allow her to lead him where ever. Luckly he really was going to take them to their room, because despite the hurt at the secret being kept from him, she still longed to be beside him. This man who help lighten her own load and made her feel safe and warm when she could no longer stand tall from all the eyes on her proseved perfection.
"I.... got us lunch." Chuckling she patted his cheek and pulled away to grab his free hand.
"I noticed. Now come on, if we wait to long our food will get cold." Hearing him mumble what it was, had her rolling her eyes as she tug him to the mirror that would take them to their dorms.
"Than before the drinks grow warm." Imani pulled them both though the halls, no would should think to much about it since its not like its the first time she's pulled him though it sometimes he'll even carry her as they would skip eating with everyone just to spend the time alone. They've done it so much no one so much as blinks at it anymore.
They would walk and walk with him tugging Rama behind her till the reached their room opening the door and closing it behind them she pulled out her pen and put a spell on the door in order to sound proof it. Than tug Rama to the bed and plopping herself onto the bed.
Sitting on the edge she had expected him to sit beside her, but was surprised when he dropped to his knees before her and moved so he could rest his head on one of her thighs. His head between her legs. His arms wrapping around her waist holding her close.
This postion was a bit embersing, but for some reason Rama found it the most comforting so she would deal with it as she gently pet his head giving him a few scratches here and there as he seemed to be breathing in deeply.
Time would trial off as she would spend the time petting his head. Rama's warm breath seeping though the fabric of her skirt and brushing her skin. It honestly sent chills though her spine.
"...... imani....do you love me?" The question caught her by surprise, to the point she had stopped stroking his head.
After a moment she rolled her eyes she flicked one of his ears. "Just because I'm hurt doesn't mean I've stop loving you silly." And as if to prove her point she pulled out the necklace that held the promise ring Rama gave her. "I did say yes to marrying you after all."
Rama moved from his postion and reached for the necklace. Imani watched as he lift3e the necklace from around her neck to than removing the ring off the leather string. He than reached out for her left hand m, before sliping the ring onto her finger. He than pulled her hand to his lips. Giving her hand a gentle kiss.
The simple action had imani's heart skip in her chest. Her cheeks becoming a bit warm and she watched as he gave a look that made her shiver. "Rama~" her voice was soft nudged her should which she knew what it meant as she lay her upper half on the bed.
Imani felt her body warm up as she soon found herself under her lover. his lips on hers and her arms wrapping around his neck cling to him. And while one of his hand was holding her cheek the other decided to explore else where, which caused her to gasped into the kiss.
For the exploring hand, seemed to have slip under her skirt and begin rubbing her inner thigh with his thumb. Sending chills though her. And pulling away from the kiss her breath in pants. "Tease."
The male said nothing as he moved to.her neck and begin kissing and biting her. And for a moment she wonder if he was still bothered about what he wanted to speak about. And why she did like the thought of having her brains screwed out of her. She sighed softly and reached to give his ears a little scratch.
"Won't you talk to me?" Imani waited wondering if he would just avoided the whole thing. But she could feel he had stopped. His breath running over her neck but nothing for a while. Though when he did pull away, Rama cupped her cheek again softly running his thumb over her lips.
"Can you still love me after what im going to tell you?" His voice broke as he spoke. And honestly, if imani was honest it looked like he was about to brake. And it hurts to see the strong brave man looking so hurt.
"How about we eat, and skip the rest of our classes? We can just cuddle under the sheets, talk about it and..." imani reached for rama's hand and pressed it to her chest above her heart. "And i promise no mater what happened in the past the love I have for you will not change, after all no mater what you think my feelings are my own, and these feelings are not something that can change be it from a mistake of the past, what maters is what we do now and in the future."
Imani soon found Rama lips on hers again. And she returned the kiss, holding a bit tighter to his hand that she still had it on her chest. And personally she didn't mind it being there. And only after the need to breath became apparent did they both pull away.
"If were going to be in bed we should take off our shoes."
The words while true, made her chuckle and she let go of his hand and lightly pushed him to get him to move. "Fine, just get off since I can't do it when you're sitting between my legs, unless you plain on taking them off me." The look that crossed her fiancée face showed that he would very much like that.
Rolling her eyes and trying not to show her smirk. She "Horn dog."
"For you."
That remark had her choking on her own spit, since it was a rather cheesey line but it did make her feel giddy. Sometimes Rama really was a handful, but than again he was her handful, and she wouldn't have it any other way. And she knew that no mater what she'll be able to handle what ever it is that weighs heavily on his heart, because they have each other and always will.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 7: The Lion Has New Claws
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Did Zarkon's voice change? I feel like it changed
Who the fuck is rowing across the castle's moat when the damn bridge is down They are the ✨drama✨
A look into the teams rooms Only Lance and Keith wake up to the alarm while Pidge is sleeping through it Even cuter, he fell asleep with his glasses on
Hunk decides it's a false alarm that he would fix later in the morning, I think this is our first indication that Hunk knows what he's doing with wires
"Well I thought she was the witch" SHE IS ONE YOURE STILL RIGHT PIDGE
It's probably my bias against her, but man is Nanny just annoying sdionv
Allura being a girl boss already, sneaking into blue lion to train herself how to pilot it
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"Now Pidge, I don't want you flying off the handle-" Keith there's a spear being pointed at the three of you because that decrepit woman doesn't know how to get things done without violence, that is more than enough reason to fly off the handle
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Off to save the princess from herself because her babysitter threatened them!
Good for Allura, she learned to land the lion safely She fainted on the dash though
I had to skip through that spanking scene that Nanny put Allura through, especially because the boys were laughing it her while they watched That definitely didn't age well, and I'm sure there's people who didn't like seeing that even when it was first airing
There's a scene with Hunk stretching and his pants falling down?? Like ok I guess it's connected to Nanny telling Pidge he needs to be neater but,,, weird
Kova or Koba? I know later we get another character with the same name which is a big fucking mistake to do in story telling so I gotta be sure on the spelling
Oh so we're watching literal mass murder ok A robeast got to Arus again and is LITERALLY STOMPING ON EVERY BUILDING IT SEES
Not Coran literally tying Allura up I can't say I don't understand where he's coming from, especially because she's the last known living royal but c'mon you could've locked her in her room instead of tying her to a CHAIR
Animation error again, green lion had a red colored torso lol
"Piggy-back attack" what a cute name for an attack, it's just one of the lions using another as a boost to hit the robeast
I forgot to describe the robeast last episode so i'll do both now! The one that totally did not kill Sven was called the Exospike robeast and weighed at 3750 short tons! His weapons were twin forward stab spears, bone blades, fan blasters, and had an organic carbon steel exoskeleton This episode's robeast is called the Blue Fiend, not as creative, and weight 4150 short tons. The weapons are shoulder-harness XEnergy beams, king's crown spikes and horns, robust battle fists, and has dual-layer organic armor
We get a superfast cut of the mice trying to chew Allura free of the ropes and then not even a second later we're back to Keith almost getting torn apart LMAO oh nvm it just keeps going like that, really quick back and forth between Allura's escape and Keith getting manhandled
She's loose and ready to rumble! Not even 5 seconds on site, and she's already forming Voltron, good for her
Looks like we're getting closer to the final preamble before formation
Nanny why would you try to guilt-trip Allura into not flying by mentioning her dead dad, not like it worked but still that's a low blow and the only reason you're alive right now is because of her >:/
The guys are tossing her up while cheering a sweet moment only made weird by the fact that she looks so lifeless while she's being tossed LMAO
Episode end! I'm not looking forward to seeing more of nanny, she's a gross addition But we've got Allura in blue now with a pink uniform! I wonder why they gave her pink in this show, I mean other than her being a Girl™️
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denka-kamihara · 3 months
Coming Home After a Hard Day At Work
My first attempt at an ASMR script. Feel free to use it, just make sure to credit me. Feel free to change the gender and/or streaming service mentioned. Same for the nicknames used.
Summary: Reader has had a horrible day at work. They're frustrated and are in a bad mood. Their boyfriend (speaker) is there to comfort them and help them calm down. The boyfriend himself is kinda goofy, but really sweet and caring.
[ ] Sound effect ( ) voice sound ... pause, mostly for listener to respond * * emphasis on a word ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ time skip
[Door closing]
Welcome home, Baby.
Baby? What happened? Why the sour face?
Come on, Baby, I know it's not nothing. If it was, you wouldn't look ready to murder anyone who manages to do anything wrong. So just spit it out while I get us both something to drink. What do you want?
They did what? And your boss did nothing?
Did you get anything done that you wanted to or did everyone just keep bothering you all day with stupid questions?
Oh, my poor baby. They really didn't leave you alone even for a second, huh?
Well, now you're at home. No one to ask you stupid questions about work or interrupt you as you try getting things done. Do you want me to think of a solution for tomorrow, or was venting enough and do you just want to relax?
Leave the distracting to me baby. So how about you go take a shower and put on some comfy clothes. I'll get some snacks and drinks and start up Netflix. I'll even get extra pillows and blankets so we can get super comfy. Do you want to relax on the couch or in bed?
Okay, then I'll make sure everything is ready when you're done. Meet me in the bedroom in like twenty minutes, okay?
Okay. [kiss]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ah, Baby, are you all ready for some relaxation?
Good, good. Well, come join me in the bed. You can arrange the extra pillows and blankets as you please. Anyway, what do you want to watch?
Yeah, we can also just talk. What do you want to talk about?
How was my day? It was fine I suppose. There was like this whole thing with Jerry and the boss. Jerry had to copy some papers and print them for everyone, double sided and with a staple to keep it together. However, he (laughs) he printed it in A3, instead of A4, one sided and without the staple. (laughs). The boss was not happy with that and asked him to go to his office. You won't believe what happened next.
Well let me tell you. Jerry and the boss went inside the bosses office and soon after we could hear yelling. First it was just the boss right, but soon they were screaming back and forth. Out of *nowhere* we suddenly hear this really loud bang before it goes completely silent. We were all listening while holding our breaths, because tea. After a few minutes we could hear voices again before Jerry scrambled out of the office. Turned out the boss *flipped* and I mean *flipped* his desk in frustration. Like, I knew that guy was strong, but holly. That desk probably weighs like 200 or 250 lbs, and it was just like, flipped. We were all shitting our pants at the sight. The boss looked outside the office angrily, 'cause it's never that silent in the office and we all quickly got back to work.
Nah, nothing else really happened. That was at like ten in the morning, so we didn't dare piss off our boss the rest of the day.
We didn't see Jerry until like... two in the afternoon. He had the stacks correctly printed this time and handed them out silently before going home.
When I got home? Well, I took a shower and made some dinner. While eating dinner I watched some YouTube and after I did the dishes before waiting for you.
I mostly watched whatever caught my attention, but there was this one awesome video about police chases in the Netherlands by car. The police was following this one guy down a highway and a chopper was watching from above with a camera. All of a sudden the guy they're chasing loses control of the car and the car just rolls and rolls over the grass onto another road before coming to a stop. The car is totally wrecked, but the guy miraculously gets out of the car and runs into the treeline beside the forest. Luckily the chopper had this special filter on his camera thing which allowed him to see where the guy was and he told the police on the ground at the scene. After some negotiation they manage to arrest the guy, but like. The car was totally wrecked and smocking and everything.
I know right. It was like this compilation of some awesome chases over there and one even involved guns and shooting. And I know that's like common over here you know, guns and all. But over there it's rare to see them actually shoot. I do get it though. The guy was driving hella recklessly and just being a danger onto everyone. It was a miracle no one got hurt with that chase. Anyway, I got sucked into this loophole of police chases and it got me like all stocked and excited about car chases and the police.
Anyway, tomorrow is your day off right?
Goog, good. How about we do something fun together?
Like what? Well, I'm definitely going to show you some of those chasing videos. And I'm not taking no for an answer. You are watching at least one of those videos, no if's or but's. For the rest of the day we can do whatever you want, though. So what do you want to do?
What I want? Hmm. Well. I was thinking maybe a nice day in. We can just watch a movie or start on some show. A new season of that series we watched a few weeks ago just aired and it's supposed to be really good from what I hear, so we could definitely watch that. We could also play some games together or bake something. Oh I saw this recipe last week for cupcakes with caramel and chocolate. We could bake that or a cake. I mean, we can just Google some other recipe that sounds interesting. Or we can do some work in the garden. You've mentioned a few times you want to plant some new flowers. We could go shopping for some and then plant them if you want. And for dinner I can cook you something if you want. We can also take a bath together or just cuddle up in bed all day. God, there's just so much fun stuff we could do together. What do you say?
Did you fall asleep?
You must have been if you fell asleep that quickly. [kiss]. Sleep well baby. We'll have a relaxing day at home tomorrow and I'll make sure you relax from all the stress work has been putting into you lately. Just leave it all to me, Baby, I've got you. [kiss]. Good night Baby. I love you. [kiss].
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sophierequests · 2 years
do you write poly! ships x reader? totes fine if not, but maybe some poly!matthias x reader x nina dating hcs? 🧡
poly!helnik dating headcanons
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Requests
Pairing: Nina Zenik x gn!Reader x Matthias Helvar
A/N: Hi! I do write poly!ships, but I still have to work a bit on the dynamics. I used to write quite a few poly!Anidala x Reader fics on my old Star Wars blogs. I hope you like this and thank you for requesting!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mention of food, if that icks you, but otherwise none
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As much as Matthias loves you, he is just so done with the both of you. He never expected to fall in love with two people at once, but now he had to deal with two reckless idiots at once. This was definitely not what he signed up for. (He still loved it though.)
"Most people just have to deal with one idiot. You both will someday be the death of me."
"Boohoo, you giant drama queen!"
Your wardrobe suddenly expanded by a lot once you started dating the two. You managed to simultaneously steal clothes from both their wardrobes, building whole outfits just out of their clothes.
“Good Morning Matthias! Good Morning Nina!”
“Good Morning, lov- Wait, is that one of my shirts?? Again??”
“Are these the pants and boots I’ve been looking for?”
Nina and you love braiding Matthias’s hair, once it has gotten long enough. Sometimes you even braid flowers into it, giving his nickname of “the big brooding sunflower” a completely different meaning.
You love being sandwiched between them whilst you are sleeping. However, all three of you like to sleep in different temperatures, making it harder to find the best position to sleep in, which is comfortable for everyone.
You normally use different nicknames for them, but there are just some go-to ones that you like to use for both of them. So when you’d accidentally use one of these whilst calling for one of them, you’d always hear both of their voices call back.
Matthias and Nina both tried to teach you Fjerdan - simultaneously and without talking about it though. Let’s just say, it didn’t really work out. Begrudgingly, Nina let Matthias be the sole teacher, and it worked out pretty nicely. Not great, but still.
Matthias fainted on a mission once, so you and Nina had to awkwardly shuffle-carry him back to the Slat.
“How is this man so heavy?”
“He only consists of bone and muscle, what do you expect him to weigh, YN?”
The other Crows were slightly caught off guard by your dynamic, not being used to three people being in a relationship with each other. But they get around pretty quickly, skipping the steps of loving acceptance and moving on to platonic mockery.
Kaz especially likes to take light-hearted jabs at your relationship.
“There are three people in this relationship and none of you seems to have taken one intact brain cell with them.”
Matthias can’t dance, so you tried to teach him. Turns out that teaching somebody as brutishly big as Matthias to dance is quite the challenge, especially when he has to learn to dance with two people at the same time.
Eating together is a chore and a blessing. You all have different tastes, so cooking is much more work than it would normally be, but you get everything paid back when you can steal food from your partners’ plate.
Waffle dates are a must-have!!!
All of you worry that someone feels like a third wheel, so you try your best to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
Matthias likes to talk in his sleep. Loudly. Causing you and Nina to wake up every single time. Sometimes you just tough it out, but often, Nina hits him with a pillow, either causing him to wake up or to shut up.
"Matthias, if you don't quiet down immediately, I swear, I'm gonna smother you with this pillow!"
"Nina, put that bloody pillow down!"
You all love PDA. Periodt. No complaints. Forehead kisses, hand-holding or just complimenting each other is a habit.
You’re very competitive (playfully of course), making everything a challenge. Who is the fastest to clean the dishes? Who was on the most missions? You never take it seriously, but it’s still fun.
Nina and you manage to give Matthias heart attacks constantly. He never thought he would be in a situation where he would have to take care of two of you.
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