denka-kamihara · 10 days
Vampire boyfriend feeds on you
Feel free to use it, just make sure to credit me. Feel free to change the gender and/or streaming service mentioned. Same for the nicknames used.
Summary: Reader's vampire boyfriend is acting off when they get home from work. Their boyfriend insists nothing is wrong and that he's just still thinking about work. After he's unusually clumsy and dizzy while cooking they figure out he hasn't been feeding enough because there's less blood donors for vampires lately. So reader offers he feeds on them.
[ ] Sound effect ( ) voice sound ... pause, mostly for listener to respond * * emphasis on a word ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ time skip
Hmm, oh, Sweetheart you're home. How was your day?
Ah, that's good to hear.
Hmm? No, no, everything is just fine. Nothing is wrong.
Sweetheart, nothing is wrong, really.
I'm not acting off.
I'm not.
I've just been busy with work, so my mind is still thinking about all the paperwork I've been doing.
I'm not lying, Sweetheart. Work has been hectic and I can't get my mind to stop thinking about all the things I still have to do. Anyway, what do you want for dinner?
Sweetheart, just let it rest. What do you want for dinner?
[Clothes rustling] If you don't know I could just make some pasta. [Footsteps] We can put any leftovers in the freezer easily or you can take it to work with you for lunch tomorrow.
(sigh) Sweetheart. I'm fine, really. It's sweet you're worried and it warms my heart, truly, but I'm fine.
Yes, I'm really fine.
Yeah, you can help me make dinner. However, how about you get changed into some comfier clothes first before joining me in the kitchen. I'll just get everything out and ready for us to start cooking.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Be careful, Sweetheart, I'm going to pass behind you to drain the pasta.
[Pot falling] Shit!
I'm fine, I'm fine. I just dropped the pot.
I must've not been holding it correctly, causing it to slip and fall.
I'm not hurt, Sweetheart. I'm a vampire remember, some drops of warm water on my clothes won't harm me. Are you hurt?
That's good. Well, let me get some towels to clean up the water. Can you put the pot on the counter?
Thank you, Sweetheart. How about you go to order some takeout to eat instead? I don't think it's the best idea if we eat the pasta.
I don't really care what you order, as long as it's something you like and that doesn't have shrimp it's fine with me.
[Someone crashing to the floor]
Mm? Ah, I must have lost my balance. Let me just-
Sweetheart, I can get up just fine.
I know I just fell after dropping a pot of pasta, but I'm not hurt.
You know it's not work? What do you mean?
Of course I've been feeding. We both know I get weak and sickly when I don't.
Have I been feeding enough? Well, there are less people willing to donate blood lately so I've not been feeding as much as usual, but I'm fine.
Yes, Sweetheart. I'm fine, I'm still feeding.
How long this has been going on? Uhm. For about a month now, maybe two.
I know feeding too little can cause the same symptoms as not feeding.
Well, you've been quite busy with work lately, I didn't want to cause you any stress. Plus, I didn't think any of the symptoms would kick in this soon.
I know it was stupid, but I can't change the past.
No. No way. I'm not feeding on you. I'm fine using the blood bags from the blood bank.
I know I told you there have been less donors, but I'm still getting blood from them, so I won't feed on you.
No, not even if you give me permission.
Why? Because I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself.
Remember how I told you our connection to the person can alter how much we like the blood? It will still taste the same to other vampires, but if I drink the blood of someone I'm close to, I will like it way more than another vampire. Seeing how attached I am to you, I don't want to risk getting hooked on you like you're some type of drug.
It's sweet that you trust me, Sweetheart, but it's risky. So as long as it's not necessary, I won't do it.
I've been functioning fine today. I just have to get some sleep. It should give me some more strength.
Sweetheart. It's really no-
Well, yeah. The symptoms are kicking in earlier than I expected, you're right about that. I just... It's too big of a risk. I don't want to get addicted to your blood. I could drain you.
Are... Are you sure?
I know you're offering and insisting, but... It just... It doesn't feel right. I don't want to harm you.
You really trust me to stop when you tell me to?
Okay, but... If I don't, just. Feel free to smack me or pull me hair. Promise me you'll do that.
Okay. Okay, fine. Let's move to the couch tho, I don't want to do it on the kitchen floor. (chuckle)
Okay, just, sit on my lap facing me.
Let me just [hair moving], there. Now your hair is out of the way. Are you really sure?
Just checking and it won't hurt. You will feel a small sting, but my saliva should make it so it doesn't hurt. Just to be sure I'll only feed a little at first and then check in with you. Okay?
Okay, then I'll start. First I'll lick the spot. [licking]. Let's wait for a little bit, so the saliva can do its job. [blowing air]. Okay, here I go.
[drinking blood]
Was-was that okay? Any discomfort?
It was good? Okay, okay that's good. Am I good to continue?
Okay, then I'll continue. Stop me if you're starting to feel faint.
[drinking blood]
(relieved/satisfied sigh) That was great. You taste delicious.
No, I've had enough for now. I don't want to take too much at once.
Yeah, I guess you were right. I was able to control myself.
Thank you for doing this baby.
Still, even if it isn't a problem for you, it still means a lot to me you'd do this for me.
I love you too. Now, how about I order us some food. Well, you some food I suppose, I'm full right now. And then we can cuddle up together.
Oh no, I'm going to pamper you all night now. It's the least I can do for you and your body needs to recover from all the blood I took.
You did this to yourself. So no complaining.
Yeah, I am feeling better already. Now, what do you want to eat?
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denka-kamihara · 3 months
Coming Home After a Hard Day At Work
My first attempt at an ASMR script. Feel free to use it, just make sure to credit me. Feel free to change the gender and/or streaming service mentioned. Same for the nicknames used.
Summary: Reader has had a horrible day at work. They're frustrated and are in a bad mood. Their boyfriend (speaker) is there to comfort them and help them calm down. The boyfriend himself is kinda goofy, but really sweet and caring.
[ ] Sound effect ( ) voice sound ... pause, mostly for listener to respond * * emphasis on a word ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ time skip
[Door closing]
Welcome home, Baby.
Baby? What happened? Why the sour face?
Come on, Baby, I know it's not nothing. If it was, you wouldn't look ready to murder anyone who manages to do anything wrong. So just spit it out while I get us both something to drink. What do you want?
They did what? And your boss did nothing?
Did you get anything done that you wanted to or did everyone just keep bothering you all day with stupid questions?
Oh, my poor baby. They really didn't leave you alone even for a second, huh?
Well, now you're at home. No one to ask you stupid questions about work or interrupt you as you try getting things done. Do you want me to think of a solution for tomorrow, or was venting enough and do you just want to relax?
Leave the distracting to me baby. So how about you go take a shower and put on some comfy clothes. I'll get some snacks and drinks and start up Netflix. I'll even get extra pillows and blankets so we can get super comfy. Do you want to relax on the couch or in bed?
Okay, then I'll make sure everything is ready when you're done. Meet me in the bedroom in like twenty minutes, okay?
Okay. [kiss]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ah, Baby, are you all ready for some relaxation?
Good, good. Well, come join me in the bed. You can arrange the extra pillows and blankets as you please. Anyway, what do you want to watch?
Yeah, we can also just talk. What do you want to talk about?
How was my day? It was fine I suppose. There was like this whole thing with Jerry and the boss. Jerry had to copy some papers and print them for everyone, double sided and with a staple to keep it together. However, he (laughs) he printed it in A3, instead of A4, one sided and without the staple. (laughs). The boss was not happy with that and asked him to go to his office. You won't believe what happened next.
Well let me tell you. Jerry and the boss went inside the bosses office and soon after we could hear yelling. First it was just the boss right, but soon they were screaming back and forth. Out of *nowhere* we suddenly hear this really loud bang before it goes completely silent. We were all listening while holding our breaths, because tea. After a few minutes we could hear voices again before Jerry scrambled out of the office. Turned out the boss *flipped* and I mean *flipped* his desk in frustration. Like, I knew that guy was strong, but holly. That desk probably weighs like 200 or 250 lbs, and it was just like, flipped. We were all shitting our pants at the sight. The boss looked outside the office angrily, 'cause it's never that silent in the office and we all quickly got back to work.
Nah, nothing else really happened. That was at like ten in the morning, so we didn't dare piss off our boss the rest of the day.
We didn't see Jerry until like... two in the afternoon. He had the stacks correctly printed this time and handed them out silently before going home.
When I got home? Well, I took a shower and made some dinner. While eating dinner I watched some YouTube and after I did the dishes before waiting for you.
I mostly watched whatever caught my attention, but there was this one awesome video about police chases in the Netherlands by car. The police was following this one guy down a highway and a chopper was watching from above with a camera. All of a sudden the guy they're chasing loses control of the car and the car just rolls and rolls over the grass onto another road before coming to a stop. The car is totally wrecked, but the guy miraculously gets out of the car and runs into the treeline beside the forest. Luckily the chopper had this special filter on his camera thing which allowed him to see where the guy was and he told the police on the ground at the scene. After some negotiation they manage to arrest the guy, but like. The car was totally wrecked and smocking and everything.
I know right. It was like this compilation of some awesome chases over there and one even involved guns and shooting. And I know that's like common over here you know, guns and all. But over there it's rare to see them actually shoot. I do get it though. The guy was driving hella recklessly and just being a danger onto everyone. It was a miracle no one got hurt with that chase. Anyway, I got sucked into this loophole of police chases and it got me like all stocked and excited about car chases and the police.
Anyway, tomorrow is your day off right?
Goog, good. How about we do something fun together?
Like what? Well, I'm definitely going to show you some of those chasing videos. And I'm not taking no for an answer. You are watching at least one of those videos, no if's or but's. For the rest of the day we can do whatever you want, though. So what do you want to do?
What I want? Hmm. Well. I was thinking maybe a nice day in. We can just watch a movie or start on some show. A new season of that series we watched a few weeks ago just aired and it's supposed to be really good from what I hear, so we could definitely watch that. We could also play some games together or bake something. Oh I saw this recipe last week for cupcakes with caramel and chocolate. We could bake that or a cake. I mean, we can just Google some other recipe that sounds interesting. Or we can do some work in the garden. You've mentioned a few times you want to plant some new flowers. We could go shopping for some and then plant them if you want. And for dinner I can cook you something if you want. We can also take a bath together or just cuddle up in bed all day. God, there's just so much fun stuff we could do together. What do you say?
Did you fall asleep?
You must have been if you fell asleep that quickly. [kiss]. Sleep well baby. We'll have a relaxing day at home tomorrow and I'll make sure you relax from all the stress work has been putting into you lately. Just leave it all to me, Baby, I've got you. [kiss]. Good night Baby. I love you. [kiss].
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